HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-24, Page 3efi Rope/ring Tais ounozi NEW ERA. r --- Totat4 on ittatriste" Wo;. Grip -Quinine Tablets curious ,Sifte or Haw& Timt andked" Paradise* mon. * • (ammo* convol print *A intervel *writ tot ffeetlend %as Life univer4Ky tvike 2)1"U. 111111.114e U. 000 ban* ro Count Tolitoy revert4 to ere devoid Of any Unplesseent effect gents,. eletglawd, with eia tiltnee the ! katarata Calcutta autt Rauircolo INleatibciy . the subject of hie muebedise prompt and certain in actiern, planet to DePelation, he. la ; Wheat the finakee din they go to t134! Page Woven Wire Fence owin to yeriatidoss of the selowarre• ra t bew=13,0117114'ters wire fenoesneervi loose ow to peeve Attie e r than other Quinine pre.. It is stow eoll. yearn 143100 rielleed wen glee. thor toit leo earl:awe. mem *he ocatinnous coilesgo'ffloet this metres it elastic and sen-regulstin Wire Penes is medeof Pe re w is Cu Grip Colds the flret,Derhy, Whetle we eonle 44 teueeed "Itreetzer Sonata," Joel tele chespe Iserengel. That their paradtse; it boomed: fro ampitt beole On "The EleXttee. QUeretleek" ti S. Cgtla lo thisiseasor $011;130. ralsTict ellrent le "447 wire' Pri's arc roe lame eitlOng them, •,nd know Of , ela'boretely expound') hie theery Of Mil- IsullUth97 rUhraigia" ' C9ng1414 to I let the rt ate hue we Mid that t e rime W.)! dia'' .dewITTO The tettaleo ltaraielher We -1a - elefr6 youelitandreoltr" getllas• Th* Page 4113000114elrisTee. alligteCrin $11.' a • hook hail 'been trarale,red erom the Meg- Vteather complaints. B.ellef in a doee, missed in two or three lieees* area am'. there, ell the Ophltlitine„ Even the Olt flillee 0! 'parr SOIM 0 • these things. Prom the lent ythers r yr now use. ere Never ' thought of rialto and purity. A h oealeter from tb s ore oat, c , end all cold. eglik• 14" ‘; they, tot,stiare ttaletrelit. reTw'4o Pli7u7on:ettail-'iss I , an an occasional 4915, Will Me a - Well, itIS e, 00d ,o • = feuded in this. voluine. "Marriage, ' Tete ' g Sign }Or hign for medne die rifti !oz' **La `Revue" (Perin), en4 cure in 4 day. They are neeful, at all further' drills tliad to 1DS Ipathel'04 eeee0e. 0 ek an I in the eith 44 t The blithest' telegielPh tolei in the. bed preceded me on the Borengoe, best they eoull. onflielently indicates the position de- um 4 ' stoy decleree, le a len, not a duty'," , ta /lc Iles White Y6 - U haTe 'United etetes bay• just been erected there Wee Considerable natUral history SCOW'S Einulsior, Th. b d and the ideal of religious and moral been looking fot-." • , .... e bod" All drugglot• nit it, In 13e:turnout Tex, leo far ae known 04 tap When 1 arrtVed, and we rapidly .• .f men ehould be Its abolition -et the coat at as cense per box. they ars the highest In the vrorld, theiracqUired more. One caret live eXaong has to 1)e r e . . or the grading dleaPpearance oe the I. -,.. „ human race. The book -appears to be , 1 They carry a Western lenten Cable Inelst upon' it. . . . tope being 10 Pet from the groune. eniukess without studying them; they exceptionally frank and outepoken, 4.44 e . .e. ee, ..., .. '. acmes the Neelle0 RIVer-a seen 144 Each.eveteing I killed an hour or $0 the author does not shrink from thee liVen Sel 01 SoeletY Life en New illurv• feet in length, of the monotony by walldng up and h th i t f tit b n a- airect e er thin u Scott's Emulsion is the medicine. that does it. conclueton of Ms promisee, but These poor bodies wear out that • the so-called '"great"..leussien • et all the social requtremente and slirations find tt very expeeetve to rel,13,7etuAlereteigueelb,eiraeel ntheeareeetie°nrueitrarrnee8ee°?; 1Peawn.tont hitlieeamt ewtheosemoYf nit:tura:due:Iran; I himself to my notice was generally a.le- • , nothing could prove more completely I Mothers et daughters havIng soolete Here, for example, le eine of his mete- hatehed lairds of the age of thirty Simply' a madman. prIcal statements: deulau" made uPau than'', hours swim easily, ihow apt leg inove- rtnet. He would lie In wait, and, as I The pheasant. everYbody kneere, es UOWfl a from 'worry, from over -work, from disease, They get thin 7,..szd weak. Some of the new ones are not well made -and • all oftheOld'ones are ra.cld from long usage. iScott's Emulsion , fixes all. H does the work both Inside and out. It makes soft bonds hard, -thin blood red, • Weak lungs strong; hollow plaCes full. Only the besima. For putio blood, Athright eve and clew. 4K.inplexion, A $1,41en Aa pm,. digestion Ana refreshing sleep.. ri".431.3ECOS II • • tionship Is solved in one Word -the 'Cate Shippen RoosErvelt. to have the swimming .hebit a throw beck or re- re a e ar "The 'whole question of Sexual rola-- Court of New York brought by Mile ments ancr/ trees is of singultir intererst is this Ing against one ot MY legs. At other exhibit few -sign') of des- came along; springput Upon me, alight- , 'Mown In proceedings In the Supreme path and claw at my feet as I passed. 3 God-fearing man; married or celihate, yearly allowance of her daughter, 1)o- rothy Quincy Rot:estivate increased from version to an antecedent state irt the. stances he as °baste as possible. • 4$1#600 to 53,000. Even the larger sum . 1 Watery of this land living Beadles, ot One evening, Just after turning into wou1 ile on his bac n the Is it to be regarded as an example ef • the path from, the bungalow, I felt . . . must always and under' all circuna- bitten'. Chrlae did not marry, nor did a direct' and sudden aclaptation to a something soft and Width against keep Able yelper lady :in pod society Thinking it was "Billy,e I l , 7 g "Merriage is not a ,Chrietian Watt- will not by any means be sufficient to and meet all the venous expenses in new envirenment? Doubtleee Professor , teignYvefotoi!.e mass a gentle ,pneit. m I °Mental thereto: lent Mile. Roosevelt eeloyd Morgan will debate this (ow any one of Hte disciples-, and He never auttihrized it. Addressing men &Meng' shifted the something 1 saw a twisting . whom there were married people, Ile ear" she Is willing to pay afeueddit100- which will amount to tion at length. .4t certainly has fel gleam of white, not at all like tile soft 1 al expenses, imPortant bearing on certain obvious biological erobleres. ' grey of Billy' fur. Of course 1 knew told them not -to put away their wives several thousand dollars out. -that le, not diVorce. them, as '-had • A dis What that meant, Jumping back covery ot great intereet to an- qu r s a Y Y to rou ht •Ilei ti to some He distinctly said that it were better they did not murex, and, He told herited $100,000 from a eeceased uncle, which is being b.eld in trust for her - gaged in excavating one of the _ twisti,ng thing° and yelled for a light. The servante earne ru.nning' front the th Sixty seven years Via' nOVe proved It to be beyond q uzsitioi A; all 'that the, greateet sin was to regard , Inasmuch as her Income amounts to ter until she becomes of a,ge next year. -tv:° erenservoirs no beine constructed e n e East Lb down WitCrWorks Com -- that I Teta laid Mit a most villainous 1. . cookhouse with a, lantern, and I saw the most relit °le e --01.1D purifier 1010WO. - 4 a woman as atteabiedt of desire.' But this da.not •all. Marriage is de- $4,00Q and,elelre, Roosevelt proved y Pany the satisfaction of William J.- A. Mo. along the. eourse of the Lea. On daboia, One touch trent the catlike- ( All the leading Orquist •b'. BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA cidedle anti-Christian, Teletex asserts,. ' e. betldo one stray_ silt? ju thy? "Lotck- woo ese voir a 'dug-ou boa or in fangs on my cotton -hosed, inste1e. arouses the Liver., Quickens the Brightens the spirits and Generally, makes life worth living. I of her own --------------------- s Roosevelt b g my wa ng -s e own on e been allowable under the Mosaic lawl ti a le w mad •recentl b work- • • th , with au hour I • would have been . Kim, the referee, that $3,000 is only -a for it turns Mee and women aeray tronr eanoe was brought to ht. n e e on bl ount for o eve n tieenVeiretel. eeeereitteelleVeleeeelee========rerefie *wee the only purpose of life,.from their only of geed social position; the increased north-eastern corner of tee reservoir, . -One of our party had occasion to , eltztY-the realizatien of God's will. The. also, were found, five feet below the • • terials are used in the patching allow.ance was granted. In giving her visit a Mr, Savage, a half-caste land - love of man for woman or of woman surface and betiveen twenty and thertY. ' • ce and ther.tches don't show l•for man conflicts with brotherly love.- eix tutors for her daughter, •wto, . feet to the wet of the original bed of e e ent in a boat,' and while tne. coca- Cameras I ' Oameras .1 testimony, Mrs, ItooseVelt seed She had Boerne? on the other side of the Wand, the on•ly love that is pure, unselfish, amo • the river, the remains or a supposed , ies were, bringing up his traps, went' up ng other thinge wee being 'edit - through tlie.new glow -of health. esse'ntial te tru2 heppiness. F,or these cated in German, •Freech, and Italian, ,viking ship, clinker -built of oale about to tee bungalotee He was sietine e was a so e ng ns rue ilfty feet in length. The planks are big chair- on the veranda, tallting to, • Buy. Mi _Camera hellappy • who earnestly esire to follow Christ's • e Oh I bi t ted i N t tht . teaching T 1 t f 11 * • Cameras • . Savage, when' he felt somethiee drop. • s, o s oy draws e o ow n cution, belongs to several. social dance.. . , Mg -classes, is Ei Inember'of golf, Merlin • It has been found that cede- in . There is probably no pastime morepleasant end instructive to both older and younger You can do it yourself -you moral and practical conelusions, after from the leaf roof on toehis shoulder. minds than photography.. It is a pleasure bet:Eu.1E14lb helps to while away those long stating that Christianity in its ethical Leisurely: he started' to rise to "see and the bottle. • . part holds up an ideal to be slowlyeep- and . and bathing dubs, Is. fond of riding, Prawns, common along the coas s 0 Aas an English gevernesi. MrsEneland, change their celor at least what had fallen, when the other man winter evenings+, and tis it is instructive because it tettohes care and peer:Won and teeohes • . . • proach,ed, not a rigid Set of rules to be Roosevelt th added that e needs of her twice every 24 hours' in order to har- tic in theeveryday surroundings of borne. cried out: "For God's make don't move . to The generil ilook for the armpreseion is that it is hard vu take photos, bat meth is not the oase. Amy This *tuns represents obeyed once .for nil or disobeyed • at daughter, were increitaing year by yea,r, the Trade Meek of Scotes one's . •that she found entertaining and trevet. m on ana • • 1. ."Those- who are firni. and strong ing abroad addei. greatle to the one monize with the stronger or weaker eget prev the 'deeper writer. 'As , evening ape --keep perfectly still!" Dunlop knew one with a-kodak and instruction book can take photos. We carry a full line •e ailing near the aurface or in • enough to overcome temptationand of living, that one .of her deughter's preaches these fish lose their distinc:. wrapper of every baps. -. weakness should not marry at all but greatest incidental expenses was for • live' day colors, and all assume a . 2. "Those Who cannot live net to this 'functions, and that a great deal of fransearent azure hue..., The change, Send lee free sampit;. remain absolutely chaste." • hire -of cabs 'going to and from foetal SCOTT cc BOWNFI Ideal of Christian conduct should mar- the social' life which young ladies in beeins with a reddisla.glow, followed by a, peen tinge which gradually melte TORONTO CANADA ry and lee as celeste ss possible -'have . Newe York see is where gentlemen glee late blue. Tee dayeand eight change soc.,and $11. all drugglits. • not inyited, suoh eteei receetions has beeorne so habitual thr..L.Picimentt - • fevve children,. live with titbit wives not as lovers, but •as brothers With slaters; ato.. • • kept in perpetual eight or perpetual . and they should educate their children bleakness nevertheless uhclergo tin • • • trainitig them for celibacy...• - G b -,Wh t I your objection te . • • e • ..' The Strawberry Bed. - , See to.it that You have a StraWberrA. - 3. regard them, etivorce .. . .. Tee', British and Forelen Tract So ? • "The. married should bed of liberal dimensions on Paul"- selves tte 'sinners, but as sinners whose • BeVeck--It• eneoUrages matrineortype. ,elety have tramilated• Bunyan's "Pil . . properly, discouraging' mai•riage sue . • - periodic alteration of coin*. .. . . farm. You ought to. have this dee fall is not irremediable, and who are • , licious, wholesome- fruit' in abundance, still able to promote the Christian ideal ancl;, in ease you have not yet growill• within their marriage relation.' It, begin this year. to grow it. .. The important thing, Tolstoy .con. • . , If you have no bed, start one. a tinueb, es the pointo v , and thi . , . • • . you have an. old bed, plan to replatetite chief trouble Is that marriage has beet .. Moist painteand aohes..ceme from excess If you find tlie old berries Yielding regarded as a'blessing, if not as se ac. of urio acid poisons he the blood, due to, tual. sacrament. • • .. ., . • e • , . thinly and the old varieties • of plante. deranged. kidneys, eheumatisna, babkacheie enerietters. Here are some that. are t .The prevailing .eoneeptien, •aocording •Iumbago -Pains in the sides and limbs o Tolstoy; Is absurd as .well as wrong ' • -running out, try some of the , newer adoompanted . by bladder and urinary He illustratee this -by citing the novel- . ' troubtes; are wartungse' too 'serious and action is reasonable: "Hujalidlexpegut -.North of neeleein baspeyott 'wish to tr_et lets. "At present; •ite seers, "novels end .-* with the merriege Of the hero and the • Painful tube neglected'. Dr. Chas" Kid:' ovanetsungnarlaureptael eleauvetigite e cene new berrielh ' Tho Seaford, Same eple, Atlantic, 'Rough 'Rider, Clyde, .hereine. Th ' ht t begin'' They ought . o w t, , ith. i . ney-tiyer Pilleact'direetly and speoifioally .parmaritsain'arnngn.angigalloaruptalon• the ' Ridne a Makes them active t. Kulalljutiksaksakateatnerallear 'de • ,grim Progress" into' no less than nine ty-five diefereet languape.. and Ma .• !leas. Some of these; as -Might epee. , • been anticipated; are of a' Jewebeealte WHAT •CACTSES lrgch°:racter` ace . ludeeu! hi:Nee the eoraeositers et ehe Or Ileiversity Press fmina the it squinutZ langnage , to: be . that they :have de •manded a higher rate; or payment le regited to it 'The following seinples this beautiful tongue 'thiew that :thee Bunn, •Gladstone, Nic,k Ohnier, Priclo• nod en& with the separation of ehehere hese ai " what that meant Steelthily•• the old, •In ()AMEBAS -Film, Plate, Magazine, Box and Feeling. ' • ''''. man took a Burmese dee, (sword) from , PLATES -Stanley, Eastman, Paget Prize. , • the wall, and, 'catlike, crept toward the PRINTING PAPER--Solio and Dekko. . White man with the thing on his shoul- Films, Developers, Mounts and Outfits. . 0E41 and see. der. Within striking distance he . : For thoie who prefer to have their developing and finishing done we quote the follow. Paused, and raised the dah high in the ing prices. We guarantee work if exposure Is good. • • e ' air to cut the thing in tent with one • . . 4x5 • • 4-114 ; 30.3.e • Brownie swift downward stroke. Then his Deieloping . . . .... . ..... 4o . o• .6 exposures nerve, rattled'and, tugged at for sixty • . . : deem 350 • 800 me • years until it was week, tailed hire, Printing and Mounting. 1• • 4 4, • visa*. ?o. ' ' fio 5o 40. and the sword clattered from his " . dozen. 75o . 65o 55o 45o numbed Angers to the floor. ''My God! Developing, printing, mounting, each 10o 90 So . 7o . I can't do •it," he whined in a broken .• . . . dozen, el, 90d • - 75o voice, and reeled back against the wall, • . wheie he stood gtaring with weak eyes- H at the 'sahib and his bueden. .13 OIVI Ei Chemist tt Druggist Dunlop neither moved nor spoke his , eete 'safety lay in keeping perfectly- stille-encitionless. It might be thintitete ' or a thousand yeses; they 'would have to wait till the boatirien Came. What' Wbuld happen then -be could not set. He -could feel" the , pulling - thing on WO right shoulder., There was an „undulating Prassuie that told him the head of the snake was swaying baek and torte, Jest 'above his neck. Then the song of ethe Madrassi poat- men are they came swinging along w higgege broke upon his, ear. abase • vigorous and thmenghly cure t guellee.• C 13 ' of Cumberland, Aroma ane•Glen Mary. ' and heroine -that Is, with their libera• mono. One 25 cent -ox 'of Maio great • • ' ' gin -thickened voices, , carolling the There are other neweverieties that of- then. To Write of the Ilife of men an'. Kidney. medioiteewill do you a v.orld of 4. traveller for a tit:Inlaid house, coarse refrain to the time of the mea- - all the desirable features of fine - Womeh .and stop at the point of mat god. • e . • • Watt talking shop the other' eveninp. eured trot, were angel. voices. What I.seeepe, high coeor, Nice' flavor Old pro:, 'lege Is like 'telling' 6; iroyage ate' • roend, speaking of gems, Said: ."The Most • neetle; the muddle -brained coolies tilleitees. • • ee eVe'renellhg the recital when 'the tre• • P--------------* • • his • • • . • e ower PUslinehFlamboro' town he wonde-ed, If Emir Ally, trusted oVerWorked expression used by the un - 4. . soph eticated and deeply.. impressed :r• Dotet let e-Our-chickene 'astala yea . • • . eeler falls among brigands." •,.. • : • • diemond'purchaiterls, 'It actuallY looks In cultiv4t4ng . your • atraWberry beds, 1 eten, Totstoy admits, have tyrannIzee., shiles• . '• over wornen."- and held them In .leg't, • lifiller'etidney and 'Bladder Pills' are ' as If it glow.s.of Itself.' Now, It is not - sebJection; but the effect has beea die. sold at 25o per here Soldby,H.;E. Combe . genera, ly known that such is actually netious to the teen. The women bay. ' . and IL P. Reeltie, Clintop. . 1 • • the .ca e, although net .of• course, in exereisee the subtle and effective 1041, 7. • Air' "William Brown, ' aesetetiOr'. tot tbe wa the pleblic Intends, The beauty • el emirs& In its , •er • of passive peststance. and hove se ' Owen Soundeor 25 year0! the gem in light hi s,died suddenly •-•: remareable refractive power, but under • eured the . real. control. of ectclety„ et, 1,, ell flee' s• Iii. Inev siol • conditions! the 'dialnOn'cl. has the women. Who rule, who ci.tererti•i... • .BlaC1(1.cr ?Plc' are eertein e the directron ofber at, literatueepole expressly for weak keineyee -tiadder, pant More, for , It 'maer 'Etleem even in the . tIce 7- d geyetnnietit. They mold Ird R p "it 1 . °or ' ' • . irifile back, eta. • Sold' by.• H. B, Combs nighe with a pale but eitrentely beau - plant So, if. you have let your heno • - ,• tiful light. In sheet, etebeconies phos. range in Your. strawberry 'beds, yon..... tic cpinicin, wiiloh is stronger than lay- . .. , .. ... . ,. .. . .. an • . •• ee toe. 1nton. . must not expect a gon4 crOp Of ,trizit,....i. ,'.1.4r1 eovernment. Their . infitteeee e .- ' • . . , ... . , ,,., . . ,phorescerite 'Heateel to a, certain tem-. D mo,Eb„ . : mature ,the Interpol ON: shows itself. • f RANCiP,C.ANT • 2'. 0; Leland. ' ' • . • ' • barce oil their attraotten,•end le eve,:el• . . e -eel; tielly ' Inuetoral and irreligiousee ',n•sy' • ' ,. , ----- -. , . . :. and under.pregsvto the same is true. .: meet be resisted and conVertefl tee • . , . • • c tie ' Seine Years ago I Went to Amsterdam E01110. 611111110 it oilt.s By Al Welt Anyone a, , .. . ' California -millionaire who. had ordered •• • • eWhen the. strawberry :plant ,begine- td • 'grow th the speingethere is it compact little green ball in• the centre of the • plant, which is the mature plant in -embryo. That little ball :is pleasant -.eating to the.hen; and eb,e will And L and pluok et from each .• and ' every 111011772A.NoLoRitiirir. RAIMENT& erentadee •and •coworkers for Cele ;‘', • to plirehef,d some special stones for a . • ' 'Munn Sisteepa. ' • t NIT-- 13ROADFOOT, 130 The ateidy, bummer, in our trade is goad praof of the fact that' our goods, are right and . • our prices lower than those 0! other dealers in the trade. •• • • We rassrafacture furniture on a large scale and mu .afford to Sell cheap. If you buy from us we save for you. the profit, which, in other oases, has to added in te - the retail dealer. ' • • • . This week we have passed into stook some a our new damns. Space will not . permi .•• no to quote prima, but come and am for•yourself what snaps webers to offer. Remember -we are determined that our prices ahall be the .owest in the'trade. UNDFATAIKING sereent new tee might be • . •Leent even e- e well; be had nerve .and-Juag ; I ee Ibis department our stook ia gomplete, and we Were :undoubtedly the,inist• ftnierst, Close to that of a sahib. Milli , 5";00 09,county. Our prices etO ell' ow as lowefOt • was in the iead. When he came to the „ that called his attention. to the tableau. BROADFOOT BOx 00 w ,steles ;Savage Jerked out an expression Gathering his teensy' tight, about his loins, he slipped along the veranda like ' P. 5. --Night and StmdaY dolls attended te byoallitik st J. W., Olsidley's,. (Patient.' a shadow, grasped the fallen deli,. and, ' • Director) residence, . poising his blade:lithe body for a swift, --;" • - Ailing stroke, brought the • eveird through- the . air With a swishing cut . that laid a full-grown Cobra in ilia twat pieces almost at the feet of the man who hadwaited.-W. A. Flew • 1. I • • . • - ,)Lager • Eisoligh. canna he said In favor of . Aileen through our New York house,andI Predict that in .tivs *WOO 11910 Oa • • .• . . Idle 'Mete I was disown . the inside • • Tale .of The' Press- tensor. . . mulching trees • as. soon as they are. , ••*, , ki . • • • A orkings a the famous diamond cot- Ity' of cattle will have so improved a Ito be beyond the exliectations of a • planted. It is all insportent to pro. . , ting establishments Of that city, Of e.,,, . ., from the effect 'of evap- • the *end° Mit sanguine. In • fact, , • pendent, tells a fenny story about yin..A. a gALts, the war corres- oration for se least de PiOne s a er teat tlie rocts Is ft . frame of .the , stones under pressure eel ehat I sa,w, however, the 'self - most . stieprlied mee The manage tut reformation is already shown ' a press centorin the second num- • 'planting: The email fibres must ' bo . ber of elle "Week -End." - We bad some allowed. to form and get a good hold : 'placed a large ,rose cut -gem between 'the young stock on the ranges, and wrevelatien to those who have haled thie.• he says, with egome of those of the 80111 and large "feeding roots ' the. jaws .of a Vise' andearefully ap... tiled that dabs of %outdo.... By. their -haughty gentiernerege.the press gag. ,I must biteable to reach . out, so as ' to plied a matain amount of pressure. IL" fruits Ye shall know thein, and one was working .part. of thetime with 4. 'Make ellrO• of . a supply of food and then extinguished Etli the lightin the has only to wateh the shipment :of cat - correspondent who. hadetwo• faultse. - -drink lor the growth that takeheplaco shop, aie& as soon as mY eyes had be, tle from the great breeding grounds ofc ' firstly,- he wrotea hand that no one in the limbs. It is 'not enough, to pour come accuatomed, to the - darkness 1 'Texan, New Mexico and ArieOna _ for • • M., above .. Th, is ; • a - . saw the diamond emitting a. soft real- . mice er.its own like a eeery pale glow- • 'but a teleeraph clerk .or, a eompositor on week fro . could decipber; secondly, he stuttered • • 1 course,. must be ' doee in . very • dry when he -talked so that no one but an. . . I I . u I ' of wca.m. As I rentember it he said thee ,/ the next tin" .‘ years to .get an idea as • . to whittk Jhorthorn, has done for. -1 the breed and fOr htimanity. Sotto excited. We struels a most Imperious this seri does not meet the &Mande the Yellowele diaellonds vveee slIghtle b more. phoephorescent than the bra-- one has said that the literature of a archangel could understand him when , ' g censor, who•was so wen informed that pf the rOotseCover the, soli sfar-as ' "d _ doubt it hacould read cold print wtth- attenilrY kit has been dieturbed by theepade With be re eater stones. Be the way, you emery VeoPle was ao index to its character. ally astonished to know the num- .• whe literatttre and Mese of a eountie • I' a out assistanee. My friend took p his', • layer of three or four inches of coal bee of Jewels which also posseis 'sea' ,letay mould the charaeter of iteTieople, "eopy." It was U an awful hand. If he uSlos, or sawdust; Or, loese, straivy inee . flame' be a niere or 1es8;etnt.andT but he,Who provides the beef. supplies . elLttN reAT. Direct importers'. .Workmanshin " . and Material guaranteed. , LE & BICE sages In oypberao• he eme, eT ,e,e ain't ri. his opplicatiou Will retain the melee- ehogescence and its oddities. ceP-e-p-p-pher, it's Plii-aeatain Eng- tire in: •the soil, wide What is eqUaliet• . , • , . . .• ,eiVithi. pure, high -bred,. Wholesome beet Iv 11 moduce the brains, the- - eUlttire • e , Just you read it out for me, 'for I'm I "Well, ,then, if `that le main Englibh, equalised temperature. Withont a C)riginal "Fake" Advertiser Dead. . the braVery, the mitnhoode the endure . 1 I th . .. . had writtee it with the butt -end of a nen. , Avoid using rich and raw tea-. have -often wondered if the •alchemistree. the brain and culture of the o Blucher 'boot I don't think it could nitre. " Tan bark is in some •Oases avoll-. who, performed such apparently welt • editor. Give me the pimer to soled have been worse. The eensor..looked at uble and,Where nothing else can be ".„2„; authenticated *ceders in, the. lefiddle. the beef of a people, and others, May It and handed baek. ‘ictuvt tend noes- telned use Weeds or. fresh . Cut • Am did nee know something of •phole .choose its literature, or its armies,. for . . Mu e niore yott pOttr \Val tsr. • , ante and the patriotism of the other.. . RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS. I the more liable the geound is to ',teeing. John Napoleciir Bonalearte Little, Oho- Good, wholesome, pure food id an c • .• lish," retorted. the oorrespondent important, will keep the roofs at an . • . • ' ' -nod' the .development -of the Oise find •xed if X can read it," said the cen- • the correSpondent commenced IR and- beeoraing inepervious to a uatural of 'Wheeling's best:gcnown characters.*: sential foe the deVelOPment, of • thi-, - 01xt* Yeers ago:, life went. to Wheeling, • ag.h half of • then the censor avoid spritiklitg the Orel with a palette our meat preduots deVelop, in the sa .1 3 Pond's Extract ' !is d d Ile as b ea • w err! in Pennsylvania . .IIe stuttered and staminered circulation of encesture. Abeve all, ton. As breeditig and the Puelte Va., when, a Small bc•y, hoe been a rilyVlla Reversible From 16x32 inches 490 . to .6 ft 6 ins :by -10 ft at $8 Floor 011 :Qloth! in 30, 45, 6 , °to*. 72 161.1- - , 011 Cloth N.uares.1,i/eycli yards and.2 yards Square .R., *Coats Air Son. ana ei for Bur is, Spreine, Wound, Bruiees .". - Coughs, "olds and elletodicleets lia - ---'writes. -Give -It. to met I'll_ Sign 1.1. _o-streee had_ thet starts out of place. 4 hot you talk ten times worse OAS' after eCttlug cOneists in pinching. oet _ _ e ratio will WO increase in intelligencl, . - 1 t th I h OVe fty years a hotiseholcl sensed Y • - a as if you were an Oldie -rubies, 'The care of trees for the firet Year bie to occur in every home. 1-4i merator on 'Mirth tan read it." But 13),.,„eee keeping one thee Stipellttoua id got oft the stnartest bit of news-• o',. ils one-third to ofte-half: , Some greet fakes Nyas a corn lotton. " tle Of "beef eaters." The land a tuu • had left the front .for many a day, ' - . - t he had 'been ineiticed to sign he; . wile during eunamer, in order to re -% on a oertatn Sttlitlay afternoon, he eitterti, the birthplace of the Short-' r 'ever, 'when the censor found out , ao advocate . pinching id- tb.6 , 'Twenty Yeare ago he advertise& that beef °Intent after his."eabie" as far all "mutation of fruit biog., -TWA Can be Vto the OhloeItiver, eighty feet below. horn, produced her Gladetoete mid her (SeaconsfreM;ber Bacon and her 13.yron. ed matters up by sending the cor- the floW Of sap •and haeten the would leap from the suspension bridge he 'whole tewn tented out, and ex. England is practically the wily I. a- * % Town where h Is t this d it done hut in the production Of hetlethye t I f repeat. country to-dayrthat frc •••• c....7.. ' . eobd fun to get hiM tO talk abOitt long lived ;trees it is unwise, . By fele fifty tallea.• Little's cream nop and Mita' our beef. tirratio Fro I veil hint. • "aatt," he oriels "rars supply of water.' 9 ' . " • operator cetild and did, and my riter.,1.% OctOber Out back -the Yealle CAUTION4here is only -114 Par one Pond's Extract. Be , Aura you get the genuine, A ittid only in sealed bottles In WI wrappers. Irte -)1111i)1 111k. 1-014rAW CUTTERS • • • The Cuter we sell are own niake We. guarantee them bedanse " know the Stock and Workmaii.Obitt , firstzclais, /Vent in the Vision. -army &tele& the culture, ceflgement, prosperity alut bate.a ieW oliod Second Hand Cutters for sale late war, . commereial importance. • * Ong10,1, Ile was knoWn the and evide as the. Whielr hOlde the proud title Of tni.st-; Repairing proMptly attended to by experienced men, . . pro-prietor--of-Ve-Little's teiebrated- . of the seas,..the foreisSoat conimercial . . tehliadelphla, cream pop, One a his nhtiOn of the world, Also holda the '11-; HU illeMATIL- • - Huron Streeto - , .1 that censor; he gets so 'Wild and eta- lowing thee° SIMple 'rules anyone can confectionery store was at the bridge or clods her door, accorcli • • g t. THATATTICHES The SPOT , end dumb language on Very Wedeln that Ode comb from an ittelraanuctiehaatnddah;. kevutherinevethnecIheorukrs 1,ergorparittylheldparetfy tihnataer ultr a i 'a' Vitt , Ors co netelt that he hats to nett* , Make a sticeess Of tree planting, It 19 • nursery in elith a condition that thee' tiered, "Pa" appeared wrapped' lit a ;My to her deer, referent; Yt h 0 0_ ' RAD rnannzeniont4 fing, and announced that be had de.' the. ftimsy pretext' of disease. Coon. • • a Baiter to Pit Any Hor$e. bided to postpone' the Jump till the tries of lesser importance fellow the kt.:1 , . r"12f2 veil" class Cutters Ad Buggies .411.!.:11nT;:fitehfuttbrVetia*:;111i71: :tattoatetiVtiinzeTuditgililreptntigt!' ' Aleei ntik a, to13 of all the latest and modern etylea. Repeirieg of all kinds petatiptly attended to: . . . t 11...b.C.13, and mak!? a smalI lobp , 'Togs! rapt Otcon'r'enientiertgth and tlitees_feet_edf the toad or the two Urger. The flimsy SLI44.1.054aUr-On-StriSetr.---011144--.. SHIP "HARD ACPCUOD" bettoM oe the bridge. no exe;kr-e-d-tiarr• oretext of diElettigla tchw rafitstrwir iy $1,000 on the deal. sysiEl trioyAiot 1 octrirotiotf Ltsurenbltse,haensdawasamytirrromonsiatl,1 I2?p .. The • , . I e the front Of his store. „This. drew ' as Ito inerit the' condeasnation of , , rope through the second loop. .infellf bilKh vine s...,:titsel Otis flood Weak and Impure Elood, It. will fit it head Of eltie:siZe. RA speed illew°01 Orhitmont carnal to 'kilo Dlt.o. remetio and gm wooly Fad ...id ktu anad halal ncedt lifiinself in thei alit Isnot more than half a oenttiry age ial diSadvantage is that it requires to- sea other etwou d no r so. Re used othnerht rhysioitusis opnksidered a gurgled. n e siul sin ' fl flu Kidney Oise aeon ,. be kept tonstantly tight in order for re °Ve •-, - II. Iloward, n, prominent tee:unbolt mare e . ,e. . e ene trestmeet, It its cruel and eXtrava. Mite by mahtug a hot at each 01 et itangeley, Maine %veto ee" lenriesed find ee'Peeg a'eag bultie". rated' a Year All Droggene, or write d eel! to • • • , " .4.nother time he adson'tised that he how, American peoro, ould .tratke bale:tort ancension fienn halter to eumpieted. by Passing the. end , A distressing akin discaab bud w ---- Of the , utters ! Sleighs ! 0 P I 'As thie halter rim through both loop* ship ettitb:0 but bkr. .Ag. lie appeared with it huge paper balloon INIBDICAT. SCIENCE ADVANCES. • a crowd, and when the time came tt to retain itti phantom. This obi and business, ane ail were succeadful. a e onbsente for -Piles. To.day t is nutty odgeo to advertise hiroselt co • brOught hirn sato to lurid. I egm.be obviated fo: any partiCulaff 1 c •'''•• Ms wife, Why WAS equally adept in onIK the out °taste &totem that think Of Pelletatt e0111Plettnt• MC, MotE0D, reepedi u7. vit length of the headlgata an t to operate for disease *bleb is far ' the small loopis after deter/Anti:1g tha thircHive.cecus for st-u.Ic ef Aereees ant. NW. Ire leaVAI 110 relatives and the) " Gedetioh, On* 21.1191,s4"4 Lataineinaimaaassastiatesioats toesc. 1 bout,la 8.ii. it oulan strum y for • • • . a distresiingeze of sten disease, anti it did me %law York Vournal.° .• te =eh good that lewd to try another box. ., -......4. ....4. ". it 0 It is the only remedy tbtt MS esretgiven Mean, , relief and I believe it will cure me" ascii. az . tt d t bbs 00.44 snore certainly cured bv the application of Dr Oheaes Ointment, You may be , -faileoe„ skeptical, but for proof you are referred 16 tens of thousands of Ohrhe thht have been our6d by this famous preparation. 3 Do you want graft. Cutter or Sleigh We have the finest stock to select fib est colors. Our prices are as loW an 0 and workroansh,in. Eefore your buy e Geo. twirls,. Isaaq NEXT DOOR TO 11/