HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-24, Page 2.77,47.1ir."..i, 7, 4' •”8-' r
libers lit Arrearsd
Crisp County ClIpinugs.
• Foxe! c9unt toere,tee over hoo VlYth moothle fare be held on
mills Feb, 1dth, March 14the and
=trent year. and es Considerable The opining of tilit illete Methodist
hnent llot ielneeente a, 10Oge alunl "la" 1 til. habyles eatly tife teq,uirmi; lelhater le" oeinor, seeing that it was her
a en Our lit in erreare tett' 1 pri t ,
thirrtiell Of thetti for terra yeate. This , t, tibt'e at liltingletemyiiil take place on teoete le ,,oreetv. oi y real d i ., tnerriage she ea!, , v.owed s, a it
0 11 fret 4,e a . would, net, er woo upon her
' 1 11 le
Tectiiiitg tables. Curious Bits ot klewP.
II *1W Time ft*, Mother* A• Young NenttutY 011 Rue eels
When Greet k'..'cre woteb. beautto who• bad been. o
riage with ap, aye aorcee Into max-
fUlneaa is Necessary. lobo heartily (lisle "Peculattcklr t
tht you, think t tera bad, io view (31•• Arnom bee Made artrangerneuts watenfulnees on be pat t. the .4 Oharras which had brought about
the large and'to.1eve Repeah and move te puttee) mother thee when boy. le teething, eta loathed union. 'For rile Years she
• .4n ere0 eg Paher we ivIth his fainliy• Alniest invariably tint little tete ethhet faithfully observed the vow, until the '
tee gieleg, that we Shetilil he worried Another old reeicient a Morris neleh pain, is creels, reetiees a. 't Veceut death or her 'husband cancelled
Our hhierleing durli3g eble weether the perrion of Thos. 13rialges, ageld'77 so tench e.4 tTee the extraordinary' mete.
it. Hat tlaere areallo°thilet'elQr1)ekoradge,4Tixe, ilirTehe conunon notion that Germans
Orettile t,lioniebtleesneee, Keel) Yeaeselaasseel away on jan. 15.
iteOlherreefer It, le largely, thoughtless\ :led 0 the beaviest beer -drinkers is re -
Tem former liVingha,mites were Wee- fre 11.
e a et cs- pu lie ie by the
quen y eccompanyieg thie reread f ted t b d
artiel 'With 'this rtioneYin band the were Angles McIteed end MisO Annie thew Ina diarehoea, PoOlneetion, 0011% ere German, on aVerage. "dranio ,
n ew ears in Windsor. They that threa,tete baby's life ihself. Abating I Beare. ot.Trade. I.ast Veer ev-
petialieher Would be able to undertake
enetty proee4te he has in mind fee the ;
farther itni4ovement of the pelmet).
btd that the majority lef
litaahWeelienid be puniehedhy the min,
ono' inithis way:" for with. SO
.10100eY outetanding it is impossible for
•nd ti oust; atom and ocoOstuleicene The' twenty-seven gallons, while the aver-
ord was reeelved` of the 'ideetti in
Chicago of h1rs D Knechtel, daughter
of. Mrs Hargan, and. Oster of Mrs
Coulter, Seaforth.
Mrs R. Somers died at be home in
East Wawanosh on Thursday !Peening
week, She had had been ill tor manta
With gangrene and heart tremble,
the lenblidier to increase theeeepen •
tare Ma elle paper.
• 'Dear reader, if you are onceof these
delinquents, look at flee labe1 on your
Wee, note •the date to vehichyour
-Vehlietiption is paid, and if in arreetitti;
•itdown and write us, •enelosing the
anmunt. It will be' the most welcome
fetter we eFLp receive. If eyery sub
iber were to do this, thetbrirdeiffl
e te the publisher would be greatly
•• Andreae the Mew En*, Clinton, Ont.,
eleadtuie registered letter, postal note,
0, order, or Expeess order.
FRIDAY, JAN.. 24, 1902,
rhe Star and Mabee.
• The Goderich Stargrowsvery Wrathy
' because the Nuw Dna publi.hed an ex-
tract from the affidavit of O. R. Mabee,
voncerning a statement alleged to be
Oiade by Mr Beck. The Star says the
atatement le untrue. So far so good.
oronseryatiye party to write its
tor li
r Mabee swears he was engaged by
campaign literature; to interview can-
' ,didatea; and to find out the lay of the
• _steed generally. He makes a sworn
LikAphtia,tiori to this effect, wherein he
a edeo makes certain charges against Mr
Whitney and Mr Wiight.
' . He challenges • these gentlemen to
-refine his charges or take :Criminal ac-
tinn against him. He may be a "dis-
credited political gamester" as the Star
e charges, for all we know, The Star
oilitor knows him better than we do.
• At:any rate he is amendable to law,bat
se, far the men he makesius accusations
'against have not taken any action
'er agaitist him, and we will tell the Star
olittle bit oflinformation-they won't
't, 'tido ite either.
• 1.heitlaer Mr Wright, Mr Whitney, or
The Conservative papet s will yet
• find
ny,other manalluded to in Mabee's
rn declaration will take himi into
: i .
, COW t. .
-Oboe Mr Mabee has something to say
imaleich will make ibteresting• reading..
re hasn't told all be knows yet, and
he abuse of his own party friends is
prudent mother will anticiphte and.
prevent these troubles by keeping I 1
baby's stomach and bowels in a natural
and laealthy conelitioo hy the use of
BeebYle Own le blete, a medicine
readily taken by all child, en and
which, dissolved ha water, may be
given with peiftet eafety to even ai
age Englishman -drone thirty-two gal -
ons. The deteuroptiore in the Voited
States was lese thanbalf as much, per
capita, as In Germany. With the ex-
ception of the Beleelens, the Braise are
the largest beer-dritelrers •in the WOrld,
and the consumption has grown rapid -
y during the last fifteen years. .
A eerd-shutriing• machine bag been
new-born mfant. In ever home
On New Yeara day Miss Mary 0, where these Tablets are used aby is
McColl, ef West Lorne, was wedded to bright and healthy and the mother
F. B. HureleY,Brusselso Rot. Mr Mann has real cotofert with it, and, does not
of Rodney, officiated. • hesitate to telhher oeighbore. Mrs 0.
We are very 'sorry to hear that ,A.rto
e.Moud son of Pr and Mrs G. L,
.of Toronto, foemerly of 13russels, died
on Wednesday last week.
T, W. Nolate•of Grey township, was
married to Miss Kate, daughter at Mrs
•Reran, qf McKhlopoin-thelt, C. eleetch
at Brussels recently, *rev. Fr. dormers);
officiated. .
MIss'Jean McLennanolaughterof Mrs
D. hicLennan,was wedded;on Dec,15th,
to Dr. W. Parks,of the depautinent
of mineralogy. and geology, Toronto
University. • • , '
N.Catitine has taken several carloads
of hotel fixtures from the Balmoral of
Montreal to the big hotel at St. Joseph,
and workneen are busy putting -them
in position.
Mies • Lizzie M. Dorrance,• Who has
severed her -connection Evii teacheawith
No 10 school, McKillop, was presented
with a handsome flower stand amain-
panied'by a, very affectionately worded
address. - • •
• ie. 'quiet but pleasing vette occurred
on New Year's day in Chicago' :when
Miss Agnes Day: formerly of' W ing-
hat% was united in marriage to J, B.
Ferguson, electeician, orChicago.
.11,. J. McMath, Wingham, was united
in marriage to Miss .09assie,_ youngest
daughter of the late Mr Wilson, of - •
e nay, roc e, says.- aye
been giving my fifte.ensmouthe' old
baby Baby's Own Tablete, Whenever
necessary, for some mouths past
She was teething and was cress and
restless, Her gains,. were hard and
Inflamed. •.Aftere using the Tablets
ehe greaR quiet, - the inflammation of
the gums was reduced, and be r teeth
did not seem to bother her any more,
An improvement in baby's condition
was noticeable almost at once 'and I
think there is Jae better medicine for
teething babies." Baby's Own Tab-
lets can be procuredirom druggists or
will be sent post peed at 25 cents a
box, by addressing the Dr Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
. A GUARANTEE' -"I hereby citify
that I have made a careful •chemical
moires of Baby's Own Tablets, whieh
I personally purchased in a drug store
• ontreal. My analysis has proved
that the Tablets contain absolutedy no
'opiate or narcotic that they can be
given with perfect safety to the
youngeet infant; that they are a safe
and efficient medicine for the troubles
they are indicated to relieve and cure."
• Provincial Analyst for • Quebec,
Montreal Dec 23,1901. .
Dominion Census.
Heron township. The ceremony was • a,. a
;Lae uensue Department leaned a
performed on the 8th inst, by the Rev statement ot the populatign ot Canada
, Mr .McLeod,' of Riley. as completed and finally revised. 'From
The residence of IVIr and Mrs G• this it, appears tbet the Dominion has
Holtzman, Zurish, wan the scene. of a a population of 5,3(19,666, as against 4, -
very. pretty wedding, OE " Wednesday 833,2,39, showing a gain in the last de-
eyentng the 15th inst, When their only cade of 536,427. The population. bY
daughter,. Miss Meggie, was united • in Provinces•is as follows: -
marriage to. Mr J. 13. Delude, of Ontario, •• 9,128,942
ot. oi to -keep him quiet.
eta.:Jamee Sutherland hes been op-
ineted Ministeraof Marine arid Fish-
• • a e
hter Wilfrid Laurier has receivedeh•cla
T'oars, of age. lie was a nestive of. 1V1c-
e .
vitation to the coronation.
Wooelhana. • • Quebec ... . .. .........L648,898
Itecentle. Isabelle Buchanan, wife Of
Johla.McOallurn, died at tits residence
of her son-in-law,councillorilenderson,
Brutieele, aged 82 years, They lived at
Fall River; Mass,, but came- back to
Canada,residing ab Gorderich for a year,
then in Morris township, but 31 years
ago moved tteBeussels. family are
• ,
Metiers ffohn and Gavin 'Witte:in, of
oho cotes a 459574
New Bruuswiek . • • • 14P:1.0,0.604 3816120
1V1aniteibe .... • .. ...; • 254,917
British Columbia ; , ...• 177t672
Northwest Tet ritorie e. • . 158,941'
Prince Edward Island ...a.... 103,259
Yukon . ... 27.167
UnOrgitnized, territories 25,546
Total . . .. ... 5 369 066 _
inventedbe R. P. leenows of Cleveland.
1t should enelte business poor for.
crooked. es,rd-players. The device . is
complicated; Wt simple In int action, '
,"Card' -players who want v. fair -and
benest -game are enthusiastic in their •
ale . f my machine " says 13eriowS.
'It seutilee cards More thorolighlY.than
cox possibly be done by hand, and it is
Impossible for the dealer to put Up a
.hantl,,to._sult himielf,'!„„ , ' .v. .._„.. ..
A funny story comers from New Jer-
emy steoutan attetioe !nee of fare weigh
lead been preserved in red pepper.
About a hundred ladies and other eager
bargain -bunters with a keen scent for
their quarry were impatiently waiting,
but as soon as the • eura were openee,
they were.4.1 seized with a Violent fle of
Sneezing, which was so irrehrearrible
that, in spite of heroic struggles to oon-
tinue, tee piddiog,,,,too.vao Asts perforce'
to- be. etopped, and vet:mid-be .pereh'ea-
ere were sent eneeeing away.'
• A.-Watehmaker at Zurich is iitishibiting
• lir he shop !window a wonderful piece:
• of Swiss work,manship; in the shape of
the ennallest. watch. that hal ever been
rnantifactined, writes a Geneva corr.-
epondent. .The witch, which Is in the
. shape . of cr, rose, is so • Minute, that a
pstrong magnifying glass Is neeessare to
. read' the hands and when winding up
• the tiny .artecie"li le neceffisary ie. use a.
- pedally prepared contrivarice -for thin
_ ?Purpose. The manufacturer refiniee tO.
sell. the watch,. 'Which keeps exeellene
time. one rich mit= r offered' two,
hundred pounds for the Curiosity, but •
this sum wee refused. • • .. .
. • There . tire hroomireeehot manye men.'
- living who had it beoteer that died one
hundred and. forty years ago, TWO:
' however, .04mearst ' to be the , case With
: an, old Man Who tean called AO a wit -
nese. in it small town of Styria. •His
father was • Married the drat tine in
1760. at .the age. Of nineteen. The foie
lowing year WO .ha2: a :son, who . died
• • after a few months. Hie father married.
. • again in 18/1, •alt the age of eeventY, and
' witneie vies born the next year; which
'Made 'him eiglatY-nine.. "Mark Twain
'dropped:1i testi upon . the ttramo ,cif
A‘dtizia;.. 867:pale-taps this. :old nem still
' gieeveis mr 'hie brother," cotomeets the
. Londepn*"Chroniele." . '
• (47=111)
'and GRIPPE in one day.
• Mori t4nailtext
wandered awey from her emOioyera house
Wingliam, were stiecken vrith grief The 'figures for 1891 are: -
on receint otthe sad news of the death I Ontario . • .' .: . ' 2,114321
of their brother James, formerly ot : Queb ec 1,488.535
Wingham,. at the age Of 41.yeats, De. Neva seotea a „ ..... .....,„.._ 450,896
ceased. eveurfeetdingzihiSteJeeeseph. Mita New BeeesesieO ..... e....... ; . 321,263
souri, where he oraetidett his profession • Manitoba. . . . . .... 152,506
aa veterinaty surgeon. Tl-Wremato Prince Edward Island '... a 1094078
were taken to Wingham. . Northwest Territories, 'Yukon " :
Last Sunday evening week the Stern ancl unorganized territories'- 32,168
Messenger called.for the spirit of Pre- '
deuce Maxwell, relict of' the late John -• Tete!. ...................... 403,289
Mooney, 'Brussels. Mrs Mobriey was .Parliatieentary Representation.
born tie Ireland 1830, and came te • , • . • a
Canada locatieg at Smith's Fans. : Applying the 'mit of Representation
et -sister Sarah Watt Mr Mooney's iobtamed by dividing tile number of
first wife. The family resided in
Amaranth townettip, Grey Coe: ,for
tome tigio„ moving to Bruspels in .1870.
after a year's stay at Blyth.- '- .
We regret to recor ethe demeetefrof
Geo Dune, of con. 5, McKillop, which
took place on the 5thinste after an ill-
ness of brit one week. He Was a- man
in the prime of life' being not quite. 49
• • a kilter% being the only son of the late
The foreign trade of Canada huireased Jos Durier,and a brother of Mrs Andrew
bee18,605,066 in the last six months -the Swan, Brucefleld. He leave te a WitiOW
imports over 118,000,000 and the exports and family of five sorts and two diugh-
over $5,500,000.
• • Recently:the/teachers a the Sabbath
Kroger is said to be a broken and disheart- school of the Seaforth 'Presbyterian
than. There is nolear that he chtittb, •accompanied by the pastor.
. drove to the reeidence of Mr . Dor-
e er -more than he-deem/es. Toe rance; OW conoof McKillop, to spend a
• ood of znany thousands oriee out from the social evening with.their fellow teach-
er, Miss Mite Coven, previous to her
onnd egainst him. . .
- 'departure for Toronto, and her eeyer-
, • • • , ence from the sbhool. The presented
Rhe Dominion Parliament will meet on •Miss Gown with a complimentary ad-
eiete. lOth, and it is underetood that there dress. accompanied by a handsome
- diamond ring, • e
ofir trualoneeting of the members
-that will reettire prolonged dismission, The
• mill be no tariff changes, nor any legislati
y evening
Iwtherigry Reie held redietetbutin of the constituencies can be Tuesday
er's statement shoorine balance on-
leedtatined without injuri until theapproaoh hand of $8021. The folliating gentle.,
°Mae getkerai election, and the finandes of
men. were elected directors for tbe
mutate are all right. It is forshadow-
a 'Oen. William Mulook, Ron. Wil-
, lanaPasterfeirand Hon. William 8. Fielding , _ „
G, McQuillin, A, W. Sloan, -A, 'Elder,
' ' May go tieLoridon with Sir Wilfred da'ulea Smeh+ A. E. Bradwin, James
llecliforchi% (1. Et:Laing and Dr Lind.
lertierier, to atteed the Coronation bay Mr Sloan was elected chairman,
; terenieny, and there -title a consulta- D. B. McKinnon -treasurer and J. A.
Hon with representatives 4 the . other Jackson secretary. - •
•Colonies on trade matte.rs.
Mean* yeare-Rev A. McLean, Rev
The annual meeting of the Mortis.
• ., Bra,nch Agricultural society was held
...EVerybody wonders how the Fainhly at the ' Queen's hotel on Wednesday
Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal' week. Tbe treasurer presented the
secured the right to publish that 're- 'fieuttchil statement for the hear which
nehtkable story, "The Man From Glen- showed the total receipts to be $1290,86
dery," written by Rev. 0 W• Gordon, and total expencliture $1104,76, leaving
Winnipeg, under the nom de phone a bedttece on hand of 0180,10. The fol.
Ralph Ceriner. It le molly the best lowing vilicere were elected :-Pres., J.
ryof the day, and it is said thousands el Tierney ; lst yice, Robb Ferris; 2nd
of new subscribers are floekitig to the vice, Wm Jackson ; directors,G Taylor,
Jamily lierald and Weekly Star so as Win Pollock, Wm Tityloortich aortae",
to' Win time for the first chapters. on M Loethart T W Sloan, Wm Emigh
Family Herald subscribers auditors, J M Hamilton and It Tore
are certainly in -for a big treat. Their htance,
three pictures- Inc. ging, the Carmen •
and the beautiful "Duchess Of Dalton- setiforth
eltere -eare lone considered by Many NOTES., -The trustees of the new
to be Worth a ftre•dollar bill, yet one separate freho01, in this town, have
dollar pays for the whole outfit,
engeted eel plineipal Of the school,
• 1.3ullolz beet pure toed from Mee
Miss essehamitzt OftGanancqu% WM
Gto sney the old Wrn Sproat term on
mewed on to ; it contains IGO acres
Distriend Dyea tbei peOples' Obeid°. . Pahl eleas $5,500... eGeoree Ttirri bull
....Dlimend Dyes make I1 rejoice! ; has purchtteed • the remainder ..of the.
Disreend Dyes for Mothers, wives, , Coleman heireeetead .farrn, adjoining
' Dianiend Dyeareake gime their lives' ; * the toWn, embracing abnut forty acres
DiaMotid•Dyee ere -feet saa true, andhaeluding the barns but, not tne
Diem:km(1 leyeet coat bttt Morale, whetehatte.... aeo oteastner of
leeahlierrieted-Dyetelievearceertreetittair're**** dire , ()lurch, °McKillop, for I hes
'Dittinotid Dreg a 'WM1011014 name, lengthetheriod•of eighteen yearn, hie
Iiiftinteed Dyee have Werld-wide hone ; reeigried h poeitioti on accoatit of
,•Diereered Dyea stand evoiy test eXpecting nom to Bever his cennetetiori
Distriond Dyes; eartha on"d wt. h the congt egetion arid going to
Haws you tried to nadir; a hooked mit or Senforth • to reticle.
• reig 7.• With each helpoto Do Manton& 1.1yeft • ,
elsh ins1.0 tip a pretty floor ornamout, 1 •
Earth's First an nest. the leippen road. and has already'
With poifd buildings .and 'the firgue
DiattiOna »YeB Make old thing tieW ; • residence aria i,roor;(15, , breorgo
•so eau Vour bmkg 0101 any intalligant wa* Eltope ehe clestri
esti Works oft tho Oold
Sond youz addreas to The & MOH.
. • -
: .
oft ate a Ilst te.ibut A fritdbgeenew, 4;avotteo. °was:0 frhounodspftroceetieb:
The Great Brigtrati Remedy.
Bold and recenunendea by all
druggist': in Canada. Only reli. ttroPIP1P'vv'vvirv"'"vvv'vvvvvvv."""".
able medicine discovered. Ms
ham guaranteed to pure •
ether Sammy Oth fee; e thorough
cornea under indivienal instruction in
all Oommerotel Subjeots
Accounting Welegrarev
lihOrtinuitt TYPoWr Het. Etc.
In the ‘.
Ventral ltustitess College
Thire Splendiescheolewitt) 12. teachers
ea.tehoWeitine tritiehiliele and thorough
returns. of stude tee beeteitthe"kirld
n Canada,
Circulars Free,
v Heal ommetaintInserauee Agenely
iMono} W WAIL
• Lowal
Solieltort foe
Oriecre-hiliett Block, Isaac Streit,
Ws ilitRiroriNge
' Collten—Begier ,„1310eles
Up -stairs, OPeollite Voster's Rinftel Gellexy"
0 B VALE .76111N 111hOthr
W. It. show, Prineipat ' '
Yonne &Carrara kta.,Toronto CHARLES szAtaeiv,
Hartieter, N ckary end flonveyaneeir
011100^OPpesite.Colhorne Hetet
forms o SexuarWeakness, all effects of.ebnee
or excess, Mental Worry, Recipe:sive nee of TO-
baceo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one paokage $1. Mx, 45, Orke tent Igeaten,
&milt cure. Pamphletil free te an address,
Tho Wood Company, W dser• n
W ood's Pbosphodrte is sex 111 Clinton by •
.R P Iteekie, Hovey, J 11 Corabe. and F W
Water, Druggists,
Prop.erties,tor_Sale Or to Let
To ,Rent.
Lot 08, Maitland Conceselon,Goderich Town-
ship.Apply to JAS. scow, Barrister; ,
Oe .11-t Mon.. A
' For Sale or to Rent.
The residence property of D. R. Rienzi°. on
Princess St, Clinton. Apply to.jAS. SCOTT.
:Deo, 27-41. Barrister, Clinton.
In thie• age Of worry, hustle ..setti busi.
nese competition; strict- eere ono 'ipttenbion
in the filling of your " ..for'e • preserip-
,tions is absolutely re:a...sere for the safety
and (welfare of your felony, We .guar-
antee accuritey and perfect satisfaction to
al)• oar ofietorners. Our toilet depart:
vent 'is tilersys replete with the latest
preparetiOne and: novelties. •
Rattiest °NIMBI' COMFO#NO.
To Rent. .
iPirst class brick store, suitable for any busi-
ness. Apply to W. C. SEARLI6, Clinton.
. Nov 15-tf.
To Rent or For Sale:
That desirable brick and. frame dwelling on
south side Wellingten Street, Clinton, corn-
. prising Lots 85, 86, 90. and 91, containing one
apre of orchard and garden. Apply to
Oct. 17. • • W. W. PARRAN
To Let. '
-- • '
Tbatheautiful store in the Jackson Block,
• IluronStreet, lately oecupiedbye.Witts. • Ap-
' Sept. 6-tf - . Clinten
Cottage, to,• Rent. •
A comfottable ittid manly cottage ow Isaac
street, lately occupied by Mr «e�. Orion, is
offered to rent. The quarter acre,vacant lot
adjoining„ will be sold on easy times. Apply
to MRS 11.T.IDD, Mary St
Oot. 4-tf
. Farm For Sale.
The West half of lot 24, Baylield Con God.
°rich township, containing 100 sores c good
land, is offered for,nale on easy terms. Good
barn, log house, plenty of water and small
orchard. Partioulars on application to °
tf- . J. P. TISDALL,Clinturi
House ' and Lot for Sale
--- •
A smallIot, 60 ft frontege, and comfortable
frame house with woodshed attached, on
• '7Villiam street, Neer Show Ground, Win be
sold cheap, Apo,,, t•o7V. BRYDONE, barrister.
or T. 11. FOSTER,'•Tara. •
Chatham, „Ont., ,
bas given youdn the threairreceding home Of
this papery teetimoniale from three of four
•Subierieer 'offers,. for sale his • farm of 156
acres, situated on the llictitland concession,
Colborne. A.bout 140 acres , cleared, frarne
house, bank barn,plenty. Of water and in good
state of cultivation,* of a• mile from school and
• 2. miles from Holmesville, Terme reasonable
Quebec representatives into the empula- • Deo 14-tf -, RICHARD BAKER. Clinton P.0
tion of that, ProYinee,.ann Meowing one hae lat:ed.
Hari mired thousands when tiverything elee
member for the Yukon, tlie represent- neeer failed •teagive For Sale or to Rent. . • •
of its. former pupils, whip° eombinedettrninge
ale Moot per annum -an average of 1127fe.
WONOW dwe yea the fourth. Did yon, see 'the
.D.metachuak.s.!1).0.,trOltillioh., June 24, 1899.
Chathare_. n
My. Dear Sir f----Youre of the lith' inst., 46 Bentmersits, Sotto:MOBS, Ntrrintre Ponr,20
band, and because of huffiness:40n evillpardon • goiPsuncoecrr:soonrtshinst7 iiselixetridirtootirztorotritair, it4:11.0ce
my delay in making reply. am the
note the wonderfel suoeoss Of the Canada
Business College, and as my mind wise back to PriVate,Funiki to lend at lowest rates.
some 18 year's ago, andI was then permitted ' Of interest.
to be one of. your -students, I wish to assure
you with& igreteful heart, that I hive never
regrett ed the 'many pleasant and banni de70
I spent in your sob.00l. I say pleasant, because
I &Maya laurel. you, meet courteous IMO kind to
all;and happy, because I first learned from
you the true prinelptale Of a business career
and *Mon I Was called upon to adopt: • • •
Wishingyott every sue esti, I am. Sir, • .Phisietan, Surgeon, Aceoucher, Eta '
Formerly Of Morpeth; Out, A. A: Wilier". • Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night. eivelo':
- Mr1A OSON is now with a, layge 'paper •con- at front door of (Pee or at hosoliaL-Vici toria"
cern biBoston, Mass. ;Yen win pee that be St.
attributes his sueoese to the faot that
he Woks bourse with us.
• Iflon moan t possibly oorreatoChathana, We
can giveyortinstenotion I1Y Mail, etyma home;
In Bookkeeping t Shorthand or Penmanshiri
through our road course department, •
Duringthe petit year 804 of our pupits secured
good positions, their eorabined earnings ate
close to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars (8200,
000)'. rite for catalogue pr Mail Course air.
*War.. Licentiate of the Beier College of Phiektiea
. Scheel re -opens Thursday, •Jan. 2. Enroll •
{London) England.•••
Yourself with IM apil rest &sensed that success
wilicome it you do your part.honeetly ad per-
e•Yeringly, ••
formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron.
Ofilee-aaninton @t opposite omborue Boas*
Gommou, ONT
Oiliee-Corner milton $U and the Square:
I,Clode.rieb, Ont.:
3, T.:Gamow.% 0, ones. Gamow, ILYA, D
ation of the Deennion by population Sick people /nippy resulttq It• has never ____ • ,
foil owe:- 1! It strengthen% -4
-ay-iterates ,givee new ton•and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate
of the late Richard Heywood. le offered either
toile to the system, tnakes th'e blood pure
for sale to t I tain di
in leet.liamerit Would stand aboot
Ontetno ...... . . . . 86
Quebec. . . . .. . 65 -
, N'ova Scotia ; .. . ; .18 •
New Brunswick . . . . 13
Manitoba 10 •
British Columbia . 7
Northwest., • 6
Prince Edward Island.. 4
Yukon.. , . • .. . ..• .. . .. • 1 '
. ,
failed to give mak people happy. remits. The Choice brick house on tbe boraer of Fut.
• Total.... . .... e.210
• tinder this arrangement Ontario
would seemingly• lose six members,
• Nova Scotia two, and New Brunswick -
and Prince EdwardIslo.nd one each.
Manitoba would gain three naembers,
theNorthweet two - British , Columbia
one, and, the Yukon would also get a
representatiye. •
, must replace the feeling 'Of lassitirde
itid- Mantel tiredness by .rolearnede And
fittength of mind. Not •that it gees di.
reotly to the brain, that were foolish. The
trio brain pod Inuit be carried by rioh',
red bleed, 'If mental fatigue wotriee mid
.alerma you, look not to the brain; but , the
Stomitela and actsimilitWe -organs. No
remedy yet dieoovered, possesses the •
marvellous brain steenthening powet that
Fetrozone he demoustrated thalIBELOdS
of Catlett, Ferrozone .dcses not •stimulate
the brain into a Otfel glow, brit by improv-
ing digeetum, etrengthening the nervous
system, stiinulating aseimilatima giving
new strength • to the heart, it sande a
stream of red vitaiimixig blooO to the brairi,
Thus it is a true brain fciod, Fereozone is
cold by H. IS, Combo, Clinton,, Erica 50o.
"-ePut sic ItfillOp
NOTES, -On- Friday evehitig the
members of the choir and a large
number of the congregation . bf the
Cathelic church, Bruseels, eeseriebled
ab the home of Miss Evan. Wal'
..tolleAttilepreeentedberewet .. a. hand- ..
eeme gold watch and Chain, accome : frhifi`Will net -deo :-Cilleks, etrati ftiOret
.13adied be an address. .. tlian hens, require dry quarters. tAerti:
even duckling and g9SlingS In h
Dreeez,-Many will tegret to learn
of the death of Mrs Robert Dodde, of first tencler days are pectiliarly suscep,
Ateltillop, which took place on Mon- iiibla 6 daalrillea.
day Inet., after an illness of about a saWe as poultry eteepers, Must keep
week, from inflatternatien, the reseit rinallees at bay; oee Wet 1311_01 _fail ot
Of a cold. Mr e Dodder maiden name ellocess in poultry ctilture.-Od. 5111111228
was Margaret Grieve, and was the Verkins, In National Itural.
eldeet daughter of the late Mr Hugh „e . . _ eia.—.
Geleveaof the 2nd concession of Mc- •
Xillop, and a sister of Mr Jahn GI., s, ,• ,
thieve and llara ft, Common, and of
Aire James Sleeth, ,of Seaforth, She A HEAL1111 POLICY
Waft in her fifteosecond year' and had
r rent. t con s room for or ••
is food for the . nerves -it mekes elok nary family, is practically now house, with
Perla- Well- - We 'elm .s Pi IY- 'Yen -With" -alleclevemenCes, and tbreettenthe of an acre
the pure and . getioirie Pairees Celery of lad. if the property is not sold or rented,
Compound. . • •• ' • part Of it will be rooted. Apply to • •
. W. COA.TS Executor Clinton.
t -
hl 13 COM13E, Druggist, Clinton, Ont.
T :KEN 4-10 u
To &Mooed in litoultre culture nainn110111.
. • ' Must 'Ilie.Herft at nay.. ,
If you Must 49:v6 a told- hen hotel°,
'have it, but never have a damp me. Ia
. Other weeds, a damp house- is a hull.
• dred timea Worse lean a cold home,.
ht. is -the' damp •house • that always has
aIllng inmates. •Colds and roue make.
eted havoc there. • On sheet,' there ne*..•
•et! heal been.. fuel there never -will ...be
-dtinap henliettee' in .which :the bird
Mill be at all satisfactoty."• •---
1 Sick, moping.Powls never- are able td
):10• anything tbe way of. Oiling the
egg' basket. So my -friend; 'if e your,
.11en, coop is not, situated upon a drO
,eite, at your "earliest eripoetunity pro -
teed .to rectify the error.' Dig ottt. the
• dirt from the bottont, say, a foot On
Wo in depth, then fill On 'With. Macs,
large mos Met, then smallor and
mealier! ones, . cover . top witil .teNt
tenchei of gravel. and then' you will
tave .111*y house, providing. any out-
side water has a gooci. Chance to drain
away.. -
, Freqhent use of dry. boat althea Willi
terve to gaged+ any moiature ttocruing
from the deoppinge of the Veda the
' eoal, ashes also smiting to fix ammonia
,and therefore keep the 'air, of the
• bowie .pure and wholesome.
' cifteo We • Sod the „Moe ete reel
(Where the little chicks are penned,
from pungens° or another, ;sadly damp.
no Welly, hut she leaves re devoted ' Kr, liabin itteltrell hitttegf against. tee raV..
hoshand., .. We 'recerd the• death. of ' ages of Indigetitien and DYSPOPSig. Dr.
IfinA AntlOS Wingle, • &tighter ot el r i Von. Steeta Witionpple Tableta fmlt. laid
joini Wingle, of hIcItillop, 'which took, t
plue on Monday week, Oti t he pt e ,. i . "MO° to OatrY. neYPretent mut 000,
%loos rriday she" underwentAn opera- , eettettlekly and e convenient "vela pocket"
lion for appendicit le ;• the operet toe, hroceription,
however, . idtlicaigh euceeteful at t ho. "After trying, rAtev evorything the Muerte
i. te. Iget, ion, int ' r,
a bright wi mottle y on tr g went ai r, 20. Von Statealenet tette:rat& ts to he the Only absoe
yeara or ago, 1 lute specific for thr3 1- :.t diuressing ailment. It
• i eertainly has pewee re in my case, 1 give you
I iv e a eata .0:le a e e ee y,. , authority to quote net if a wilt lighten some other
terdeorteeseirnited, 200 Mountain arca, !Lenative Hromo.Quinin0 • Tablete Mit ' ' - ., 1 ' °II- ---. "" floor :Jeerers:1 burden,"-laince T. Sabin. &ere.
tittle, failed to owe her life. hhe 'Mao. recommend -X1,1'1 tr
(Reheat it I eater. it cures quickly and
. gland you will be mat eheete oold One 11354 Nt; Otte 110 PaY •t% ary of Vermont, Mutual Vire IiIrance Coin,
of pretty &stone. COWS J t Ce certoinlY. 25e 01 all &More, Made pally Moutpeli r Vt Co tablets Ots. 2
IKO ulotoro of Port Pavia, R Nill 2
by J.11. Hovey and IL P. UMW!.
The harneeettarre on orange street, °em-
oted by the undersigned, is offered for sale on
reasonable term. The lot Ss* of an acre, with
•hard and soft water, stable, good fruit and
vegetable garden, The house contains ball,
parlor, two bedrooms, clothes closet, dining
room, summer kitchen, cellar and woodshed,
is centrally )ocated, Dossession_given any {ONO
LO suit porch:seer. ELIZABETH aRATIARI tf
Real Estate lor.,Sale.
The paiciel of ground adjoining St. Paul's
Rectorv, consieting of lot 218, Bettenburr Ste
and. lot 202A Princess St., is offered for sale,
Each lot is about sobe 192feet. Together they
make an exceptionallyfine site for a iirst-oltiee
residence. Apply to win. Q.Phillips or 0,0.
Ranee, Church Wardens, Clinton.
Aufrest 16-tf.' • •
Farm in Tnekersmith
For Sale Southhali of if.g 89, 2n0, cove 0 -
siert of Titekersmith, This farm containe 50
acres all of which is cleared and in goOd
state of cultivation except 8 aoree of good
• bath.. 11 84 well fenced and under drained.
There is on the premises a good triune bern
with stible attaehed frame house With
wood shed also good orchard with lots of
entallfrult plenty "Of bard endosoft aater
-There is 6 aores of wheat sown it is. enliven
Jenny situated for church and 'milord within
5 miles:of Clinton end 7 of Seaforth
Sept, 20-1 Apply to; IDDO ORME, Clinton,
Aline storv;and tt, half frarne house On Om
tali° street, eontaining 0 reems 'Weth entire
cellar tuiderneath, also hard and mon Water,
quarter Of nil mere of land:and a good nein.
bar of beautlfill shade trees, Situated. ON one
of the prettiest and principal streete in
tombeing on the corner of Olitatio and Limey
streets,. Will Itatolateagoriable. Por further
partiaulatre apply to • MRS .1. MoMURRAY,
Abu) for sale -stove, **tinder:J. fable, side
board, Cutter and several smaller artielet.
Oct. 11-11. Clinton, Out
Wan ted
W. petooDe00T.. feel. Hex&
• Medical.
regagttneppli oeitr gni°02 Avvih,rgrittei944:
copied 13v Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont.
a ed
.Y01:fly men and woniert to prepare foe'
goon sitnatiens. Apply to
• DOMIllliOn
• Business
The best equipped Busineds and. Shorthand
Oollege in Canada, Reduced tuition rates,
Write us regarding onr corirses of study,
and proepects of securing situations for
graduates. , Gatalogue sent free. Addrese
• _ 11.1 MCKAY,
Dept eCo Confed'eration Life Bldg.
. TorontO..011t.
Winter Term begins San 2 1902 ' Oar
rates are reasonable -roar courses of study
thoroueh praotioal. Seed for our
Journal to see what we teach. Students
may enter at any tune, Two courses of
study. Corinnerone and Short -hand.
President, '• Secretary
Owen Sound. Listowei
In busirtess“.
,flaeans .everything. tlure ..6;134
safe. position.; better salary.
But only. good Work- comes of
thorough training such si you
receive in this college by, ex- •
Oftficocie.ain•Ed. axtuvIte.eivirtl,esn.cme-zoch' titn.irsoo
•§? THIOMPS igi •
. Physician Surgeon, bite. ' •
• Spegial attention' giyerito diseases et hen ,
• • Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose.
• Office and Residence- •
,AflifergStreet,2(Blecits NorthocKettenbiler •
;DENTIST , . .
. .(Suctieseor to:Dr. T. C. Bruce '
• •Speelalist in Crown and 'Bridge•Woille"
LE D. S,g-.17dolfittiiteRrig,alT°41ointigt Pao:tai Sure
.p. D. S. -First -chum Honor graduate of Deis.
, • taiDepartment Of Toronto University.
Special' attention _paid: to preservatien of
ishildren's teesh. Will visit Bayileld every
Monday. •
_ canoe oior eve Taylor Sona sloe store., •
,riOTIsTs,9LIN.T0,... •
• office adjein—ieg photn. piodio. •
. Office Hours -9 to 6 every day and •
Sator dah Until 10 le Toe. 13tanch offices -
10 Mencleester, Dungannon, Blyth and
Bayfield. • •
Veterinary. .
0.1 • HonoraryGradnate of theOntetioVeterins ry •
College: Treats all diseasee.e::, .omestiested i
male on the moat:m-101h and ecientifie prince t`
riles. • Office- immediately south Ofthe NewEra
Office, Residence Albert St., Clinton. Ca.1
MOO ateendeato promptly
perienCed. teacheis.
P041101*-keePing, Stenography
• Typewriting, Penmanship andl
13usmess Practice.
Resolve to enter -for the new
terra of 1902 and -make suc-
cess -in business yours.
Forest City-Busi-
neSs College, Y.M.C.A. build-
ing, LOIld011, orit.
W. j. OVestervelt, Principal.
Good girle for general hare° Work hetWeeti •
• ages of 20 and 85. Respectable home's and
good wages, (from 6610 00 Per weak). Refer^
endue given and required, Address Scree
Soience Burean Boma 814-115 Dearborn St.
Chicago, No*. 1543tri
Notice to Creditors •
Notice is herelnY raven that all persOns
having claims or dereeteis against tire cattail
of Thanes Beet, late of the tow nehlii of
TinliettArleltrnaker, deceased, Who died on or
about the 28 of Noyemberes01, are rrentred to
*Amid& deliver to Ann Past 1, xeetitrig, Ilitil
oft, coineen, one On Or Wore the SW day or
J anuary, 1068,1011 nartiett,nrS (>11110 17 Omura
amt taken otice th•it after the loot 2/tenth:mod
t date the It, xrettOre w 11 'mince to diatribe, e
1 be no Oth 1-1 the 1e1,1 .lieceaffel ano tie rim.
parties' entitled thereto, hewing repave only to
rbe SIMMS of which thoy Wain thi•11 11,1ve tee.
1100, 011 Hatred tete entorn will itet be HAM
, for paid (elate° to ally eereoe 'if emcee eht za
notice shan not liniekrami lad .
• e. , .
I • oe Miter for Henry Ilast atiti An
' Dat*e4dOthDeccinter,10d!,, .B"eu
I tat.
For tire:lean-
; • HORSES 1
OnrettHeaves, Chronic 'Cough, end ail ChnieleAffet
dont of the Throat and Lungs, The onle t"
the world that will mire the above disease, making
mien:amend In wind and useful to his °truer. Pries, sit
Dr:11100410W% ey de tough Powderti
reran Acute Alfectlem 9t the throtend lenge, stub Se
Distemper; ole. • For swellIng_and stocking of the legs,
the result of hard driving, Kidney Trouble, ere., one
*newel relieve, and one box will curet Price, 50o.
tvliff DR. mccitiftlf, MEDICINE
Itortintyple. Ont.
For sale by, n Combe,druigiSt OlinCOO,
DR: J. FREE MAN; • .
• mehiber of the 'Veteiinary mediegeeesooll'a
tions of London end: Edinliurghcandt Grade. .
ate' of the Ontario •Veterinery College, • .
Office open Eight and day, • opposite fit.
'Penns church,. Ontario Street. Clinton, Ont.
imeARRIAGE LICENSES ientedhr • the us-
IVII &aligned at his_Residenee, Mar' strati
J.A311 ES St OTT, SR
4.,/ ISSUER 0014
-M4o wRBitnleAsaGef rielfgreNeSEBI
• P. L. -S., Provincial Land Surveyor and
civil- Engineer, London, Ont.=01lioe• at Gee.
Stewart's Oteeery Store. °Union,. .
Organist and linefeed Director of _North
. Street Church, Goderich, and teacher; on
pared to take a limited atinber of Papils in
the above, For•terms apply this office or to
DIRCARIPBELL,mey be seen from 11 a. in. to
2 p.m.; at the Clarendon Etttel, Clinton, .
Friday of each week.
Fire, a Life, te,cielenit.• Plate °leen
Dims• • MAceAr Prove. (Annex
leSubsetiber is prepared to promptly fi -an '
del% for Wood or Coal. which err be sold at
loweet rates. Office salaam Street, at LAWS
- •
Agent for the RiAnOnsetan AsetlitAlitel
ft39egrfitIVryaarehreastt:d;aStnealira,5001:1d,800V.1613Aelsietinthde, 4120d
Kitten MUTuAt, beinnaktore CO. All °legate* it
farm tisks and town property taken itt
owed .rates. First-olass Loan, companies
also repreaortad. Hotter to be had from 44 per
centavo ItecarLIng to nature of riectilitY.e-
Daily Mail to Honnewrille - postal card wil
fetch him
M bl 8ta e
isolimm TOWN PeOPEItTe
WO:RP:KS °14111r
- • e • .
-Tire purchaser eh es mouttmeet
• Mendel have complete cOnfideree
in the reliability of the Arm,
which lie bop, for the material
.nty: workmanship in. Something •
141,.;q RIN2 -
;. If et p hut ne, pletere an.
. .• -- •
• wan! :,:;1 4,0 le itehillty trent ,
tree • ere, enew ue littet. Wo ,are
te-dy peac1ic3i ince hero our
R. hoover, Proi)rletor •
. lct to Commercial nottl
.7. fl, Pretdd,Onf,0.
Hoye, tiecy-Tress., ficeforth P. 0.1
groadfoot,Inseeeter of ea:gee Poeforte P.C.
outeemes •
0...oroedient, SeatertnlJohn G. Orbit°
WintItron P. fte t4eetert Da; e• Seaforth: John
jitteseteefe, pul.121; Jae. !Ivan% liceeliened
104Jelin Walk Ilarlork P. 0.1 fritOalas Vrarer
,ionitel,11cleata leireen •jelmea
eon way, Clinton.
Robert Smith, iforlomn 11,oht. Aleillani On.
forth; Samos :outlining, 1 cmionthille i
Yee, Home:491e .; (kerne Mina() Mid .itihn
AforfLoti, auditora.
rarticia deArona in thf ee terniee er trance
etet ether bootee+ vine promptly dome tr
on application to alma the above ofilleem
addressir 'to thoirreak:0a?vo offices