HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-17, Page 9THE CLT01 NEVir ERA prea s Fast Wide are. Telling of gain Sale •." HOUSE FAIRS. The tint of tits eeason'e Monthly Horse Fatrs wi�� roe held in Qlinton, on ° Wednesday, Jan. u r 22. There will be two others--- one on Parobaee ye other on March 19. It aeye deleets iy at station. office and ie 9 sects ash thatpresent, a ens ran r,nof erasers and others who lie e seed a oak sale , ,Id .Miter should makeit a point to attend. The R. $'o(lgens, Town Agent merchan tt of town will offer a ectal inducements to cash purchaRers on Clinto>a► Vat, these.. days. Thos. Bell, president;. R.I Gralham, secretary; D. Dickinson. and. 1 qa. le coming every day, more goods sold, more firm friends for this t %tw Amontistmenio not, it's because contest -AJ Grigg - pe$ de sirs . di y realize the fine opportunities that are yours? If Old filen flood new�a Midwint Regular m - Newoombp studio art buyers are enjoying, Ask your neighbor if she Was among the 1,r Ie--wb,Coo sr ,•. in U ord Gun club -,l E Iaokall. .r 1,k, she ca. tell you better than' we of the Great Bargains on sale :n� web cardia•;-;... oat week's list, Two dozen Astrachan and Seal Caperines were just 110 a of Restr.aban Por.arile-Mtn, Thos -1 at Men and women• -B e& 00 fine line of Dress Goods and Flannelette` which we place on sale T na r t4 Jluoeirlsun• „ •..„ - . 0 1 Farm for s le- 3. Steven.. . .■r Rook Elm re.nred Jas,Campbell ...,. Srd week• --Hodgen. Bros.... wind rep -Jackson Bros ....... BEAUTIFUL PICTURE WiTI-1 EVERY PURCHASE OF ONE DOLLAR. 's Prices Will be •the same' nae of the month 16 Flannelette for 1%i1, ts,in and 500 yards of the very best English Flannelette, 32,ipches wide and. price extra heavy quality. •Conte in the -best colors of pink, blue, red . t per 2,t and white, regular ' lue ie ea,. sale 'price... •12r: kets and Furs -Largest on Record... $4 Coats for 51, $5.50 Coats for- $2; or 53, 512 Coats fru' $5 ake them lo w—low enough to create _a sensation and . draw;big+ duced regar dless of value: $4.50 to V, 50 Coats • at $2.00. Your choice ofabout a dozen Coats,. made of frieze, beaver cloth, x:00 only, 1.00 etc, that were $4.50 to >85;60,ao clear at 9.00 to 1.$.00' Coats kW 5.00 ' s,all 12 Coats, some with semi fitting back,, �Bother with 'tight .back,. in ana black, navy and fawn, Lined and;unlined, but every one made .to 11 atgive good wear and comfort, former prices were, from $9 to. $12 5'�. o►,00 each, all at one price to clear. • • litre RIDGY' ENJOYS READING- IT.., -Our es• teemed friend, Frank Irving, who' e 1 the, wholesale bowie of the Bo .1 i Dry Goode Store (J, W. Robinson a i Los Angelos, • Oa ., rn renewing hies 6 subscription wider date of Jan. 2nd, K , wishes us abundant success and 5 speaks verykindly of, the newsy, ap- pearance of the Nnw ERA: -"Kindly 6 extend my subscription. f r,ne year 5 to your paper,I congrate.:►e you on 5 the fine showng it makes -from week 5 • to week,. and 1. look, forwird to its 5 i arrival, and enjoyreading the• newts • ie in Ston ale 5 from my old home.. g.. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Clinton branch of the Upper Canada Religious Tract and Book Society will beheld on Monday 1 evening, Jan, 2Oth,in Willie church, at JAN. 17, 1902, 8 o'clock. Itev Dr Moffatt, of Toronto, Secretary of'tbe. Society, will adtlreee The Toronto Telegram ea s :- decision 'the audience on"Helping the roan who g y ie down," and Rev Mr. Stewart'will oc- decision of Mr . Whitney toput a coppy the chair. A special collection candidate in the Held against Hon Mr will ta c ork in Othe mib, Muskoka, Alr.• ded col- (,Iarrow,in West Huron did ' 'not meet Pgomagand Ventral, China. There are with the approbation of a lot .of Tory now ten colpp,rteurs at work In On- ba*io Muskoka Alirgmi►, etc.. Be sure. 'S politicians. . A few days ago one . of and come and bring soma one 'with, them was not backward in sayingg you. that the Opposition leader lecke d .1-68.00 Y ur choice of any long coat in the stoiie,at one-third off. ' . ,.Ca•:e • �'`Coa Continued. EveryFur. p :... Contlin Been Reduced 30 to -40 -per cent. 1,e igb • 2.25 ...$55 , • $6 75 .$17.50 ▪ $19'96 $22.00 •$29.00 CLINTON. $2 75 Grey Lamb Caps at.: . .. :. $2,50 to $3 Olney Storm Collars for .........., .. . ▪ ... L} ....:$11.5 Sable Ruffa, worth.$7.50, for,.. $8.50 Sable Ruffs, worth $12.50; for Ladies' Blaclz Astrachan and Seal.Gaentlets, worth $450 :$3:00 ' Grey Lamb Ruffs, $350 value; for • .$2.25 Black Opposure, huffs, regular value $4.50, for :..... .::� .. f5.7 GreyPersian Ruffs, regular *5.50 value for $3.50 $2.50 $4 Goat. Muffs tor 1 �: , , • .. • . $5 50 Sable Muffs for 3;.50 $11 Sable Muff for • •`• • •'• • .$7,50* Children's Grey•Yersian Lamb Caps, fine large curl,• quilted'lining, t 3 75 quality, - sale rice .a • , . . Rouse the very hes $ q 7► P dipplomacy. "Why. • it was. utterly SPORE WELL OF CLINTON.-.41 ridiculous for us to contestwhen ,at riding"• visitor nsherb teron ms of the Tear's window dist. he said, "especially When . we wereflattering totally unorganized and without funds plays by our merchants and special to'concluct the campaign. The victory. mens was • made of some of those gave the Rose people a lot to talk ' which wereing icularl .attract attractive. to go whole if weed haduallowed the would much thought, more than the average to have uncontested our position citizen imagines and we; ehoula . rye at been much be:ter. We•' could gg easily have. argued that it was useless 'credit to those who spend tk*eir to contest the riling so near the close energies in making extra displays. of Parliament. and the petty through ;Itn not nlyb servese pas na advertisement of in emotent out the province Would liaye been satisfied. Then the defeat of Major place papers ext the mercto hants should t Beck spoiled his chances of victory in make: it a point to see that their win- ,the general election, arid now we will dow dit a point peat and attractive. Win - have to look aboutforanothercandidate and there are notalways strongmen SPORTING NOTES. --Toe, draw in a railable: ' • • the curlers' competition in 'rink • and double matches wilt be shortly arrange Coming Coming and Going. ..• ed and interest at the- rink will then - be keen.....0linton hockey team was, Mies Nellie, McDonald, Brumfield, ie. vis• booked to play in Goderich Wednes- iting in town.: day evening, and the score was 13 to Mies Brigham wee visiting at 0 Moore's, 8 in favor of Gederich; and the return Bluth, last week. match .between Seafoitb and Clinton D. B, Kennedy was in London last Fri- teamewill be playedat the rink herelast "day on bueinese.; (Thursday) '• :evening. ....Goderich:and Miss L. Carr, of Westfield„is the guest Stratford intermediates played an ex - ,of Mrs W. }plough*. Ontario street. • hibition game• of ..hockey. at Stratford are E. J. Cantelon'lias returned home on Thursday night of Iast week, the from her visit with relatives in Toronto. home team winning by 6 to 3,' and in Miss Clara Watson; of Teeswater, was the return match at Seaforth'on- Men- the :guest of Mies Mable Kerr recently. 'day evening,the Seafor th•were winners, Mrs Hall and Miss Luella. Hall, ' Orange. by 8 to 4.. :Seaforth: was defeated at villas were recent visitors: atetra Shannon's.•• Woodstock. Last Friday,night by 10 2. • .. Mina Kate . MoTayish; of Kincardine, NOT IN LINE.--Sorite people do hap - visited at the'home `of Mrs F. • McEwen pen to get a queeraseortment of Uhrist- this week. : mas presents. It only _;acme to show Mr and Mrs' Geo• Cassels, o! Rochester ' •that, the minds of the donorsdo not. Mich , formerly of Clinton, were visiting al runin the said channel as regards the their uncle's, Mr Allen, of town. RiPing of *sifts. One poling man of T D, Cirahym and ao�p of Inglewood ' :town bad. this bundle cf preeents hurl-. were here this week, the',. former ; hevinE edat him ;=Brier root pipe, can of come rep to attend •''60elect.#o light baa* tobacco; box of cigar) ash. tray, bottle 1 0-: N Mr H Thiel; of A,pBnrn,'elle heti been, cards i.another got a pipe; a can of t •A b e and. a hyrnn book and still an- neps, (full of something red and a pack of • visiting in Hamburg end ytoinity, Two Waist Bargains ,- arc called on the 1' s' ERA'while. on, his way *other found in his s1 ock•hg a 'pack of was evidently looking after the spirit-- ' Mr and MrsJ n Johnston aooampanred q • home.on Baan v Your choice;of about.theee-dozen Waists, made of American Flan- nel in assor i rd i:otors,, some lined, regular prices % e i a as high as $175,. for..... • .. ...,... ... • . .. ..: •••*. Y• Shirt Waists made of hard finish Wrapperette, in •colors of.- red,'; navy and black, with white stripes and spots, regular price. was $1, on•sale at each,'ti r : r � • • • . • ••. • . • . • • • „. • • • Men`s60e I ,(tea tar at -08t all Wool and union Shirts and Drawers, 'in animated sizes, - re"•^'•,rprices were ale and .00c, each on sale at. ... cards and hymn boo Some one i by their gnest,Mr aP. Chewings, of Cypress. ,nal Welfare of the latter two 'for one :7 River, N. W. T., have been visiting friends hymn book wase Presbyterian and -the latter Methodist. t The f .mer Duns? in We.t W'�awenosh4 a o is o yy is church ler and . Inspector N. 0. Ho Birk, of London, .. raps a swregular c e per- , P P haps this is why his friends did.rot ACP was here Thursday last.. week :.looking thfnk such was necessary: - after' gem(. matters connected ; with,; one of • the country post • offices, - • LITERATURE ieoFOR SALE.--Owing to an accumulation' at the Public Lib-. Irving Hagie and his sister). Mies Edith, rary, the Board has decided to dispose of Waterloo. are visiting; at d. 6nider's ;: of a number of'maa^azinee and illustra- 3�c!' last week they were guests of their cousin, ted papers, including the, following : Mrs•John Tebbutt e, :Maitland eon., God- Seribner'e,. Harper e, Century, Me- e nHvgpH,•There was aspec• . y r erfoh township. Clare's New Illustrated Self Culture Rays Ceossley and Bunter closed `BAY New Coune l s I V I good Mr and Mrs J. Emmerton sen returnee y - et weekt f successfulu ion sally g d attendance at the anniver- 1 luau urs, ,e a series( o n - no' last. Rev. - p., , Boas' Own ' Girls'Own iCwnter stings t Wailaceburg They have nary services held on Su list week from a visit with ' relatives in Review; Century vAmerican e to .coke n and •from thecae' W N Scott of Toront officiated both Mayor' Presiding - G'eonimlttees Kincardine and Huron township , while Agricultural, Canadian,-Biackwond's,, I g.,. Wheeling. Va. there they attended a weddme cf the form Good Words, Sunday at Hame,Lei Re A. H. Drumm, formed of h' h thoughtful and much - ere nephew, Rioh Bremerton to; a; Mrs Me Hour. Harper's . Weekly, Graphic, Clinton for some time editor and ,Bradley, - Black and White; Illustrated . London 1 ro rietor of the Thamesville Herald,feature was a solo with guitar accom- town council met on Monday mbrninrt Our' friend J. T. Currie, of Wingham, News, •Scientific American,, and others. , has sold out is interestin ' the paper eScott.; h is a preacher t f t h was a call' r on the .New Ede Saturday. whey will be Bold in parcels at from 15c. i to Mr W. D. Magee of the Alvinston Mr (Jerrie is -a imminent oitizen of our to 50c each, and will include those of Free Pres& northern' town and when eleaiions come all years, up• to the end of 1911. The ST PAUL'S CHunoH.-The pulpit on week evangelistic. services are being the aldermen were .in plrce with their around he is always found fighting in the, , first come -will have the choice. This Sunday evening was supplied byFrank and the pastor ie y beet bibs and tucliere on and settled Liberal ranks. _- , is a chance to secure cheap and good Hovey who gave an interesting die Mr Scott the meetings aro well ate ,down to start the year with a .sella- Thee -Callander, of Hartney, Man„ is. the, reading, and the illustrated papers it st *e being take t' Ehi are the beat to be had. course and one of much thought on , guest. o! J Cnnningbem and other friends. "Ooree unto me all ye of heavy laden en Rey. Scott a sub pct next Surday of. the ratepayers. Mr Callander is. an old Clinton boy,' who ' . WINNERS_: AT GRIGG'S. - Last and I will stive you rest.” morning. „ went west 20 years ago and this:was his.Saturday was the day on•which were R. 0. Greenman, of Nova Scotia, Spirit' and in the rhe blas- porting that the result of` the voting on first visit:' Hie numerous friends were de- counted the seeds. in the pumpkin on preached in, the Brethren's hall, Searle t t th Holy Ghost. J k B ' M f' B 1 lighted to see him and haven chat about the exhibition in A. J. Grigg's ewelry win block, last Sunday evening to agoodly T Io .�lTRnET CavaOH: The was a mayority of aka tit. west. • dow. One guess was allowed with number ; he is a ver fluent and eae. ON in Win ham on Sunday g present- preaching ress t . An old friend of the New Esta in -the per- ever .purchase of a dollar's worth .of y y pastor was g speaker and his discourse was one ar sermons and his ed and ordered to. he aid. Rumbail & eon o! A. Constance, g 30o s, and ever 500 3 e morningand evening-. reaching ser Stoltck.a�pd G�'hafrmanlSeleeted. mons which were appreciated ; in the evening a pleasingThe newly elected members of the: ponied by Mrle ewho can ren- according.•�o low, or its in ugural with a clear v meetingg. The Mayor presided, with der some very -fine solos This Clerk Coats in his usual place, and all heldassist• edb Rev. tended and muchinterest ion to do everything for the interests will be, "T a fruit of ,the The first business was they clerk re- evening( phemy age n1, ethe -Ja1, k son . roe; an g Co . y+aye 19ins The following accounts were n - reachin missionary P g Memath repairs,ffi6 � • R l7 Gree a in the morning ,and Rev J. ploreie , $3.75; Wm. Sterneenow low= Greene n e eve :. , . r ; ► , Lawson, of 'ave us a u. sees were re• which gave much food for reflection supply here was taken by Rev J. , , ; e1,, snow call on Monday. Be is indeed an old ad -craved, although se'veral'hundred failed and interesting to all. He also preach- g p mirer.of the NEW Ezra for he' has been a:.'to send in. their guesses. The'comnrit� ed at Glew s corner, Hullett,in the after- tltewart i the Will commence on Sthwday,, January 25th See next week's papers Ior prises. W,.Coofter: (jar Clinton, Out. Agents for 0 P R Telegraph and'Dominica Express Money Orden Concerning ; Waterworks. To'ileltdilor of the New Ere: ' As we have elmoat:a new Council for. the present:yeer, and ihey no donbt will be- anxious e anxious to show to•.the, citizens of Clinton that. they are filled up • with progressive • ideas and are willing to enforce them. One of the first sots I would suggest to them , would . be to•submit a° by-law to the rate payers for the establishment •of a water • works %yetem in the town, not only for fire -protection, but for general use, It hire long been .known..that our' supply is very ba;.; besides in recent years the supply has been greatly. diminished,, so nuoh so that Many of our. residents have found it necessary la pink erle-ise wells at' a large personal ex. ' pense, and -many others are contemplatin • the same.. ,The •town ie at present agiita, ting • for the establishment of factories.. Now the first necessity is ample water sip-'. ply; particularly so is it for Pork and Sugar Factories, where tone. o! water :are • daily. ' Then should we enema in Bemiring. these factories, additional fire protection ' must be supplied. Even at the present the .:..: excellent firemen we • have are el re dol enc nr• o 'aged: as •they should be.' 'They have not the' needful appliances to Smit fire euocessfnlly, • all of which must be increased if we expect to retain our present rank with the Under• writers, not td think of being lowered. Having : given the subject some though!; 7 ;and investigated. the systems of recent in- troduction in towns .of about the same size end situation as Clinton, I would venture a few figares as an estimation of the cost of such, -:an undertaking. 7t is out of the gneetion• to .consider any other source of - supply, •bel artesian wells as any other would be too expensive; and doubtful of:sw- eeter In the town of 81.:'Marys, where I. there were three sources very convenient and all , equally good; the artesian was seleoted; �tbe Same in the pity of Chatham and mafiy. other; towns.in the proyineo., Besides, the artesian well eyatem•-would be no experiment in Clinton, as those already sunk hive. shown an inexhaustible supply; water can be secured at a maximum of 180 feet, and what ' is 'still ;more valuable to • mannfeotnrere who' require water to run engines, is that our sample. is comparative- ly soft, rendering a. saving to the runnning, • of engines at the rate of, • $750 a year in the operation of 'a railway: engine., , In•oonaalting .with -exports I;em informed. tbet three 6 inch ' wells could be sunk and. completed at $1000 and each will • enpply ' 600 gallons per minute; with .direct -puree- ing, amounting to 720,000 gallons mash 'per. day, quite.ample for all purposes., • A pumping station would be -necessary, end can be .constructed• for from one to -- three thousand dollars. An- engine with a. capacity of, 000 gallons per minute, with all the requisite fittings,••oonneotions sad pipes, costs $8,000. The mains' oan be sunk' at.a less Dost than in most towns, owing to iso blasting or hard' digging' being necessary. This toot aim only be estimated upon the amount pet in.. It would be'neceasary as in snoh towns. es.Goderioh, and: Seaforth, to use 10,: 8, 6% and 4 inch pipes; these Can be bought et ' • $30 per ton for straight pipes, and'$5u for special .casting&. ' The next thing is a Water Tower; Some u are made' of steel throdghont, as •Goderioli, Baden and Einoardine; others. are built upon a foundation of atone up to 60 feet or so, then 40 or 50 feet of steel on top, The. one in Goderioh; which is 18x100 feet, was built for $4,000. Expenses for operation would be about 0800 per year. So in round'. numbers the oast would be iiia At the mg $3 Uharless Darter work $872 subscriber ever since' it started pirblioation.. tee in charge was composed of Dr. Mr Lawson is now advancing Well on in Agnew of town, 3. Carbert of Huliett, ` and C. L. Fisher of Holmesville, who Harold Steep has returned home from•: counted exactly 466 seeds. -.No one Indian Head, Man„ where he goes every guessed the be number, the nearest r#n to look after his father'- --senate . being J. Noble -of Hallett and Miss M g noon. .,a, l ' League on Monday evening it was a O Cooper &Go.,rent for grader,$4:Eiar- Rey. Edmond, agent of the Bible Soe . ar meeting at which a splendid land Bros, pipe &c, $28.2; 0.:Orich,otie_ life, being in his 841h year piety, will praaehlin Willis church next program was given ; address by J. le. month's salary, $18; T Beacom & Son, Sunday morning, and Rattenbury St Shaw. solo by Miss Edna. Shaw, quay salt, $1 10; Electric Light Co., light, Methodist church in the evening. A tette, by Misses Carol Newcombe and $78.75; 0 Cooper, broome.etc, 02.60; A meeting for the reorganization of the gate Murch, Norman Murch and L. • R McBrien, straps, 25c; Harland Bros, u there. Re well remainliome all winter,. Dowzer of town.with 467, and Henry Clinton branch will be •held at 4 o'clock • it . recitation by Miss Clegg and coal, $11.16 W D Farr Go,, sundries, foruwhich the hooks ciao are glad to hear Bakez of town with 485. The prize in Ontario street Methodist church. It se r' I musical selections: by the 55.55;'riitw F3>ttA,lrrintipa, .$2240; News Harold is one of the b at aliok handlers offered was a $15 gentlewan'e•or lady's seye a for Ha ld e „ h is to be hoped there will be a good at- orchestra.. ,,,,The Ladies of the Ontario' Record, printing, $15.50 ; Municipal in the team, gold Billed watch. Thewtinners • will tendance. t t hureh intend giving' a .musical World, blanks, etc, $610;; W Coate, to h t e the division among s res, c The Presbytery of Owen Sound has , evening' sometime. next week in the, Pay DR. O.aand 'poiling places, $18; 0 sustained the call from Knox church, lecture room of the church; light re Cooper., groceries for charitV, Owen Sound, to Rev R. W. Dickieof freebments will be nerved. Further $1.63;Jas Scott, law costs, $8; R Welsh, Orangeville. The stipend promised is announcements will be made later. sundries, $1.25, 01,4C1 and a month's vacation. Mr R J W atkine and Jae Howson were Dickie's decision is anxiously awaited I refunded dog tax on account of •wrong- by the congregation. Rea Dickie is I rTp t site ly assessed. s ounil thenwentin ar eiN . >� . . to 00ns:rnittee:.: we1L known in Clinton and Seaforth , �i' ,Huron..' , 9 of the•wholn and the 'following conn- Th'e following are the sub7recte And mittens were slated,the flret named lebe- akers i n connection with the West ing subsequently appointed chairman;. uron Farmer's lartitute meetings to Ft11ANOE .-- Stevenson, Combe and in Ontario. be held in Clinton and Dungannon this Overbury. STRUM -A McKenzie, Ford,Oombe. Dr Warden moderator of the Gen- month :--- E -.. File erre WA an. x >a J E o r a rd ed p' U 1,r Thu bur hall,'9► 1,Assemblyo t eraf he Prer an , Sri town v ► CLINT ,014, t wy t� U church, points out that the great eon- 28rd-Atternoon session -G.0. parson. A. McKenzie. cern of the church is not bar missi ons Craighur'si,eubject 'Gloldstorage,trans-. CrearttTT-T 1141, enzie,Steveneon. nor her finances, nor. the lapsed pp ortation and marking of perishable, PAo1'nnT ' AND ELIIOTiIIO LtailT-.• masses but the gradual toeing of the roducts" E. 3, Sleightholita.Strath. Combo, T Mc1S.enzie, Stevenson. • classes in cities and town'. It is too roy Dairy School, subject, "Skim milk BYLbwS--Oyerbur'y,ThosMcKenzie, true that, in the groat centres :of as stock toed"; Rod "Young, vice -tires, Ootnbe. , population, Much of the. wealth and Merit Carlow to pct, ''General Ur -01 111101018, ETO-Jackeon.Pord,A Me. p t, b bi he is a clergyman who is bound to rise and we are pleased to see that his abilities is being recognized by one B of the most prominent congregation ;o education ,.vol social refinement of the oss Cow" fonien'. Inrtitute .A ter• Kenzie, Overbury, Oonnbe. . last our being 225 tear ai the floure of without hermetres than the al Era." p t3 Oamp- •� eovax op' RnvleYd�N'•••-.1`aokson rd lief h *hell driilin b beta N w Expostmaster J. L: 'Oourtioe,of Holmes- ave o arrang P themselves. vine was a visitor in town on•Monday for • the first time time last October. Be has BOOMING IN DAKOTA. -Chas. n. been Minima to the house nearly all. this Hanley, of 11 essenden, N. D. in renew time but weak being his first. 'appserails Ing hie : subscription, , ives us a few outside his own door. He is not atogether notes . of interest to his old friends: -- yet well .bat nevertheless eo much that be .Hurrah for. (*arrow and West Huron!. was able to Dome to town. We are glad We are ' having, lovely weather, no he ie improving Iron:Ohl Tate illness and snow, dustrie blowing, - so warm that hope hie. oompleie�reooyery ,will .be speedy. meat won t keep fresh. Everything is Hie numerous friends were pleased 'to, ate booming in North.Dakota this year; him around again, 'settlers are coming in very fast; the The MeerirsBevans have ono to Petrolea • Mint Land Office, ,one of the firma in t filled, since Oct, 1, rThey" have been e state has le1901, Visit a wt for a v and. v 8,000 homesteads. Therewas a very very steady workers around bete drilling pair crop thin yearand. prices good. having par•, down eight • artesian Wella. There have been a number of wgedain .e They never ioat'a day from start to finish and the real old time charivari, it's and a note worthy of mention ie deet not Which .the victim, are made to walk a eral i was lost al,hoagd at the start ins. plank, and sin "God bless our Home" eral Mishaps happened to their e,aver- to the music of horns, Rr pane, drums, In every orae water was secured the aver- . And if they . object,.lock there is the agr depth relining at about 200 feet, the barn, lira tiHanley would :sooner do upper cusses are being lost, to the esefi tilel eaketS Mrs faAon s . n p ► me enzte rate - ► ►' - . age when ei . g rig WHICH WAS TUR GENTLEMAN? enut oh. flow this drift from the lira bell, Ooderteh', Mier Green, Caarlow,and ice_ nK , venoonl bombe. left fox the prevent. and aclvlty of the Church can$be 11ira M Elford- of )rlolmetviuer Penh -Jackson, Overbusy, Stp'yen-• g ih a Ili!! '""The other day In one of shit •tovrn -ex�teated ..la.thti.., ... -• ` there will, be n joint don, Combe, A Mcgenssie. - Mr Rob1 olmes spent res ays . rs! boaee.. eat three ladies and Ove men. e tete ort q lel rhem..e eakm at several s.+e:f,the...men It l3.0'...call5 ...• • . '':,.,b. .. -' r inw . , Www... . in' 'whebn tie 5 °Ye will On-ntotiotr.r•it wail- cidectlhat-•tir ` B &'I'T IItBVRT . CIIU1ICs;. «»x�ixe ser• >Dteet g esti ole conncll attend a meetin at Tien #ller lioinis in ntor,iti � l 81 ,u1,"� ek'd growth of beard was on • IS ant besfdes, local epeakere m eral oandidale in the by.eleotion 1 •whiner wet the town 'the peat y ear $4,60 ` MOttt to yours t'taeft by the 'Astor onin music grill lar pro an Wednesday, the Itith,Inet, to take face, his eyes did mot look like those of p .. rest this qentiematt„bythe•way, is i► reltitive a sober andis n ra a whish will be put on.tliy. venae ride as Sunday s�rsnin was particularly in. and ir►tb t b elan, h g1, o 1 appear. Bll y *tided by one of he Clinton Quarto fes.. 'Steps towards the building .of a bridge of Mre MoTa gait, sr. West Dar•• tereetiino and much war given which an: 24th G. U. Carson, across the Maitland. river at the head g twee weer ;a1, tae entered the bas #has -A wbyl� been a de ellroet.wate • 11t1rtuAintort J ham z1, a hiatorio .#three, re resented with the ' should be food for thin ytettat man to a ec eprobleme of the of the 16thoeon. `. P he este eriiokin>x . braigbnrst, s �j , B l . _ formerly by lion Edward Blithe, moved it n1, torso as 'eo'iasirXer. The Lea{tneon hlrindt► , i tholm Strathroy, �' aw No 1, X902. appo#ntin Jahn q iv, �' Sle $' Artesian wells:; ...;51 000 Pumping house: ...::..2 000 Engines, boihr, . eto....8 000 Water tower , 4 000 Min in streets 7 000 Labor in oonetruoting5 ,000. Operating' yearly 1000' Expert's soryioe.......,1 000 Hattie! • ' 1 000 Making, in all $26,000, which, with extra economy, coald be made the maximum Mak' Now for the revenue from the system I Will quote the prevailing prices` in other. towns of about the size of Clinton Dwellings (7 rooms) .... • ..:.... $5.000 • E x om. Each extra Mem ... ..:.. .•... 25' Shores .. ..... •r5.00' efotels,firet 5. roomsinoludirtgbar 10.00, Each extra' room to 80..; ..., r.... 75 '•Oflioesof all kinds.. :.,r,..... sol- • Beth. tabs priyete . • . • . ,rel .. 8.00 Bath cubs hotel ,.. ., ,.,.�.. 5,00' . • Water olosotksitprivatee:. .....;:. 4.00 Lawn eprin 1 ng, 000 q i p yr 3.50 . IS is impossible to give a total of revenue from thee, sources, but the above. willi'give, an idea of where thi,,revenne oonaea. froth. In oaee of factories "Where millions of gal- lons are need a large revenue would be re. Weed.Y `e �R a • e pays `'tlie"""Firi;�'"Pr'o`ieoiiol '° - *1 ' pl,e0, UAV YYF re, --^ ---`- ^--- - -�_, system he saw the oeetle. it should coat not more than $200 (only for eveninrl WAS conducted byA. Tyndall ' sow ' "SummerrR in of milk Wideman and Peter Canteiont uditors• • and hae always returned a Liberal td the ants of the bus. 'l tprr o!„ the men the labotj that wined' be a saving of $400 -.,• Noblest,sOfeed „ D c a r' rr . • ,Dominion lianas a#woe Confederation, ex. Were "swell" their clothers were the more the town. and the topier "Our Eternal Detains nn+tee" r A'Ibnek Olinton, bu ject,. TheM T gga t, 0.1C.trbtete�t , n M . opting at the last moral election, *hen l •rot a expenditure a! 025000' Well ale I hand Mrs 1 .r .� McLean, member of 1'p g 4. latest�ttgle, the Earl. ,been up rystin P by a by tyd>Ir v1r1 taken s . ► M . Bre t• . Draugiat .Iiorte , E1+ining aeselon , nolle Library,1 Mr Thornton, who bad been a I,ibetal, but yl g /fro 11. Eliot d, of noltneevillo, will brat Tue lend we Board and `W' S fferiand, member oft tore. beat gait, Hari: Ees stood accnr - it aw rxt fn over 45 ;ears the interest' ,etdddreee elle Itattettbrtr` 'street. IV. ! (�r �' 0„arsotr, tiaa + the Board of health Was introduced ran a1, as Iniiependent 4 ourervativr, de' itcgl, ; Ilnwh were etnoising cigars,. ane pearl rinklnp� of 61000 arould ofilj+ be'- 1 ., - . �' � 1! litre ltt ,, F. J'r , oleo, subject, �!satin 14tr 17eltb lsy a mall iuelority, and whicltiithr. took end' c' re to ken. 185lllgene ily°,which lsnnly 0� III Ilia the reorrtlt a i ritir Mohrla evetling ttiext; •orrehirug'b0 t itnt butltipsi§ . "'C omen s and pasted according fpr law°.. foal afterwards Ba ranetated for bribery. Ou y It p char. x ter 'deducting the yearly itetr datb rent er4pp��•'r .Tette Iroeltlt , .. f1,.Holli serolon••SPeattera, ening„ t?nrc prwrrnGr r>l" tkto lather not- We hrspe a full totters will tyelc+; Iridtittiae A e • ... • • .,, Monday elr Hotme.; spoke at Sydtr lunare whauu trriel Xt did hot take the .heli t1,' Grt•en iii• bel 1CIod i "� � dtYl'o ,r . B , t nhrests cif . . • • Mrs C7r 1 o Adds an In the i t loan f h, � , f r y rMt t,r, llirs l±,tfort ....1lev. r ioa!rX,. oP , t • e Carlow sort II, Elford, of Hpinnerville. V. t1, Irma ' twirl of the Ns* Esti Mr Hartman Libeeal; and et Tam, . tfr rid4- cu mints of the sae long to r! �e Bible Soclel ► wtll t each befit Staid: ' rid +vh o the I? � Itl teen tl nen.g a jelnt tnreetip • vrrlll rtwrfi, bet now. .i �,�„„ .:� ',Rates . tri on Tates . th exro;rtfom, s al( a rttls ••, L ; 'Outing in e ” itereets �f the andel ! Z held at bob a ttultable ..;,y Om Mr flo ta(td 'v t, bjcet for fie1ft t in ,audition tog.` r as, the extra taxer would be a mere - bags r>t Celle, bees - ,,, theo�,'noees of being lowered ha hum _ rates, -inti.. ;motivation potion a i net ... _ w.r � ;,o �.. Wen, • beautiful ,