HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-17, Page 811
is all right, if you are too fait;
and all wrong, if too thin'already.
Fat, enough for your habit, is
healthy; a little more, or less, is
no great harm. dr Too fat, consult
a doctor; too thin, persistently
thin, no matter what cause, take
' Scott's Emulsion of Cod' Liver
There are many causes of get.
ting too thin; they all • dome
,under these , two heads: over-
work and• under -digestion.
Stop over -work, if you can;
but, whether you can or not,
take Scott's Emulsion of Cod
iter Oil, to balance yourself
i your work. You can't live
it—true--but, by it, you
There's a limit, however;
i moi'll pay for it.
Scott's -Emulsion of Cod Liver
n• ,ll is . the readiest cure for
n.dv r. 't eat," unless it comes of
ber.(our doing no work --you can't
'' long be well and strong, without
somesort of activity.
The genuine has
this picture on It,
,„take no other.
co, If you have not
hl, tried It, send for
Safree sample, its a-
. greeable taste will
surprise you.
t• Chemists,
500. and $1.001 ail druggists.
Progressive stock breeders, dairy-
men, poultrymen, grain, root and
fruit growers, beekeepers, agricul-
tural students, and home makers
find the articles and answers to
questions in every issue of the
simply unequalled and indispensable.
If you are not already a subscriber
to the most'helpfhl, best printed and Lk
beautifully illustrated farmer's paper
published, we invite ' scrutiny of a
sample copy. A post card will bring it
it free. Address : •
P.S.—The subscription price, $i
per year, includes also the superb ,.
Xmas Number
The TO t LET
Avoid dangerous, irritating Witch Hazel
preparations represented to be tho samo ass' 41'
Pond's Extract, which cash' sours and often
cpritain "wood alcohol," a deadly poison.
a .Olf
° weak and impure 814d,
LIverlll; KI Eley flallisllsen,
l Penults eompla fltt. Etter
All Druggitfte, or Writedirect Le '
ej . Gcderioh,
TleADt Menne
ColsYltl4 frret &0.
Anrbne mooting s;trlYefeh and d .artriatfan ntiy
pUcai aero tahr otr spial n ttt;e 'nett ir,
- nvon on t prohatnypontanptable, comment
tionotstrien teonadentis lit tabookon
out free,.tihtest fIhAIMY. to snarl i
Aunts .opsit' throe h Mann
Crisp County Chippings.
•Jos. •S. Laidlaw, of West Wawanosh,
hale disposed of •hiefar-rep W. H. GIb-
'sen, formerly of the prow's Nest foes,
N. W. T. •
Word was received of. the .•death of
Henry 1 eyrock, a former resident of
Hay township,and who forson eyears
residedxn Michigan,
Gleo.E,Spetain disposed of his 50ac•'e
farm, cor,15,Grey, to D. Qunnint>ihanl,.
who sold bis 109 acres on con. 10. The
price paid was $2,802. -
U 1(i0 sore farm; lot n
aide s f r 1. o.
13, Grey,.was sold to E« Orich, who re-
cently Bold bis farm. He paid' it4,C30
and will take possession shortly.
Herman Evans, ofGorrie, has weer -
edit school. iii 1 owat:k and Mies Mary
Aylesworth,• of the same- place, is :en-.
gaged in S. Salo 18, Hewiok,forl� 2.
Mrs Lawrie has eold her house arid
lots in Gerrie, and she and her daugh-
ter Bertha are moving to Chicago,
where Mr Lawrie and hie son Ralph
have been for some time. •
Robt. Drown: and• Miss Eva W. San-
ders were married at the manse of Rev:
Turnbull,Toronto on Dec;3 t
��rrs .
Mr and Mrs 13,t' wn will ilt re i
s dein Tor-
H. N. Anderson, who, has been en
'gaged for a:pumber of years as teacher
in Usborne, was the successful applic-
ant for the principalship:of the Exeter'•
Poicions In Ca Woos
Bring PART and Q8
Ledo Acta the t nuae of seriontr
sante s, I
tY I e"
eanris, ear,
Foul poisons, left In the blood: by
Native ld:idneys form what is know•
-uric acid. Ite presence may be de
ed by suck ailments as dyspepsia,
Slated with irregular bowels.
geanty,. „highly -colored urine. -'1
are pains of a no^ralgia nature in
back and in the Joints, eleepless'nig
dizziness. headac.ao;
e , , depressed e
an impaired memory.
Fatty hearrt, dropsy, •
heart disease are the initial termina
if Brio acid ifsleft in the blood. It °
eeriQue -matter; to neglect these ey
toms. The home treatment preserl
by Dr. A. W. Chose has proven
oessful in many thousands of cas
Mr. A. W. Parson, Martinville,
writes: --ml was a sufferer from Id
disease and bladder trouble for 18. y
and had a constant desire to ur
with its accompanying weakness. A
cine prescribed by a skilful phys
only gave me temporary relief.
trouble would recur at very awkq,
timer. T was persuaded . to try
Chase'e Kidney Liver Pills. I obta
relief a! one .dose, 1 after d e, and before I
finished the first box felt better tit
had -for many •years." Dr, Chase's -
ney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25
a box. at all •dealers r Edhrav
Bates ,ils' Co.., Toronto..
Public School, , '
On Wednesday evening at the •resi
dence of D. Bradley, nth con., 13uroa
township, Mies Came Wilson war .mar-
ried to Robt.. McMath, Winghan, by
Rev.J H. McLeod, Ripley.
A fashionable wedding rook place in
Maryboro, near Paimerston;on Dec._ 25.
Miss Sarah- Adams, niece of Mr and;
Mrs Jos. Adams,town,' .was married
to A..Aitetnson, Palmerston, •by, the.
Rev. H. A. ' Graham.
On the evening of Dec 31st' Miss Ada
K. Duke and Mr J Kellner,were united
in matrimony. by Rev D B McRae, at
the ]home of the bride's, father, "Grey.
They will make their home in. Colorado,
Alex. Lowery has cold his residence
on' the boundary to Mr David Brown,
of East dM awanosti. The price paid
was'$600. About the first of March next
Mr and . Mrs Lowerywill remove to
Michigan. • ,
On New Year's Day,MissJeanss,. only,
daughter of Thos. McFadzean, Walton,
was married to W. J. Shortreed, a well
known young man of the 9th line,
Morris. Rev. Mr Jerrow performed
the ceremony.
On Thursday week Walter :Broad-
foot, eon of John Rroadfoot, 5th. con;,
Moris, got his right hand caught in the
cog wheels of the straw -cutter and the m
two middle fingers were .so "crushed'
that they had to be removed close up'
to. the knuckle.
On ThursdayBrown
disposed of his fl and pro.
perty inGorrie t.+'; sr.,who
will take possessiony t. Mr
You sleep badly,. appetite vat eiable. You
eat but gain no steepgth. , Morning • tired-
ness makes yon wish it: were night; When
night comes it is hard to obtain refreshing
Weep.. You're run down, your blood is thin.
and watery, your neryes have grown 'weak,
the thought of effort worries yon, ,you
need Ferrozone;'it makes blood—rad strong
blo�td. An appetite ? • , . You'll eat.•every
thing and digest it, too.. Strength ? '¶hatts
what !plenty of food gives. Ferrozone gives
hope. vigor, vim,.enduranoe, `Use Ferro•
zone and getstrong,' Sold by. H, B. Coinb3,
George P Sills, formerly of: Ottawe,
was accidentally shot and 'killed by
his son in British. Columbia, ' •.
Miller's Kidney and Bladder Pills oleanee
the system and purify the blood.. ''Sold, by.
H. B. Kluane and R. P. Reale, Clinton,
The War Office. has . di voted that the
five nurses recommended fpr South Africa
go by way of Enµland. •
AG•13E. .-
Not only for toothache but any nerve pain
cared almost instantly by Nerviline. One
drop egnale in pain -subduing 'power five.
drops. of eny .other remedy. "Ehoneande.
say so. Powerful, penetrrting, rain -sub.
cluing Nerviline, 11'arvelloro'n a-tinn for
nt 'nal and external nee. The 'world ohal-
lenged for its equal.. Drrrgtata seii „ Your
Money bank if:it is not so.
A. riotous anti-British "demonstration
stopped theplay, "The bilge of. the Orme"
at, Sal, in Hungary. •
For all Kidneys and Bladder' troubles,
try Miller's : Kidney- and Bladder :Pills.
Sold by H. B. Combe and B. P. Reekie,
a. little daughter of Mr. Charles Spry,
of- Ottawa, was .choked to death by: a
.The bodies of three women vete stolen
from a ;vault in' St Mary'etoetnetery at
That tired feeling will .disappear; your
appetite will improve ;your digesti,n' :will
be perfect, if you will take Miller's 'Com.
pound Iron Pills, Sold byH. B. Combe:
and le. P. Reekie; Clinton.
King Edward has conferred the•or-
ler of the Knight Grand Cross of: the.
Bath :upon Marquis .Ito, the Japanese
statesman, : •
011E18TE/18 SIVIN14a ( aroma the outer eage ant .aeroes t5
1'rgtta =tinge =tat May Be 1fliade.,wlt9
ones tiaaue.
Ohristmas is intended for the pleas
ere of the rich as well as of the poor.
It is not°everylbody who bas money, tq
buy gifts, hut it Is . happily a fact that
the simple and inexpensive made hi.
orle'e own hands la& often valued more
that} the choicest piece of purohased
brio-a•.brae. This is especially the cast '
amtong friends, relatives and young
,people, to whom a. pretty borne -made.
article, win' painstaking s ! t k
R s n effortand
good t n'
Vie, o the part of the donor
is. evidently. more a gift of love than du
prettiest trinket from the shops could
All • the following useful and pretti
thing's coWd be neatly made by girl.
'under 14, with a little help and a fen
suggestions here and there from '"ianothi
or.' •• ,
A convenient and. appropriate bag fol
shoe buttons, thread, • etc., can, be made
of a tiny kid shoe, designed really
for baby's wear, 'but for this punpoeq
finished_ at the top with a little white
silk bag fitted to the inside about an
inch above
i v the heel. Ribbons -to draw
up the ,bag meta the shoe, which >a
�(1),Button Bag, with Euieryan,d Needle
1 Case. . (2). Pin Oushion.• (4).
• Grandmother's Pocket.
'prettier i .so
m ligbtalthough
n e color, ougti.
black, with 'a bright silk, bag, is at-
tractive. The shoe is •left unbuttoned,,
and to One of the buttons ie tied an,
emory. Inside the toes _are sifpped shoe'
buttons, patent fasteners, ete., and 1111
Ing ' ep the ..ankle Is : a large .spool of
b'l'ack linen shoe thread. IR' desired a.
needle case. may he'fittld 'to the under.
part of the shoe; and some large .nee-
dies quilted in, but this somewhat de-
tracts from the -effect, 'so one put in:
the bag or tied to•the button, like: the
. emery, Is better. •A very good one may
be. made' by overcasting together three,
pieces of silk . or worsted braid albout
three-quarters o2 : an inch wide,.. and
one-eighth ,of'•a yard long, in three
different shades or colors, .covering the
seams with feather "stitching. ' Pill the
hollow Juba thus formgd with any -
cushion, stuffing preferred (snipped
Week' Mr Geo
fine residence '
Wm Andiron,
on May .1s
Brown purposes going td the Canadian
Soo and 'will move his family 'there, in
the spring,
On Wednesday, Dec.:25th,at •I p,
a pretty residence;' of . Wm ,Johnston,
when, bis sister, Miss, Sarah:; Johnston,
was united in marriage•with Jas Dodds '•
teacher in S. S. No 2 'McKillop, and
formerly of Grey.
Recently Staples, of Mc-
Killop, met with a : pelinful accident.
With two or. three other children, .she
was paying in Mr,Jelin Wyatt's barn,
when in some wayor• other 'a scaffold'
wee fell, striking the little girl on the
Lace, cutting her. cheek' and nose
' Wm.Vale,ExeterNorth,has Perches -
ed the frame. house on Mr Thos Her -
ton's farm and, Will movdi it down.on
the fiveacres
ot` la .d
t he..recentl ' ur-
•chased eritat of S. Bradt's property . on
the Lake Road,and is having brick and
mater Tai hauled tc have a foundation
put under same. '
The R. O, church at Brussels was fill,'
ed on New Year's day to witness the.
m'trri a of '
p ,, Timothy Nolan, t0 Mks
Kate, d�auahter of the late Jar Ryan,of
McKillop. The ceremony was, perforin -
ed by Rev Father Corcoran. Miss. Mag.
fie Nolan attended the•bride, and Pat
Ryan acterdas groomsman. •
Last Saturday week` fire was' dis•
covered in the frame :di:welling of C.
Stanlake, second concession .of Step.:
hen, about two miles- from Exeter,
The house Wa4 totally , destroyed.
Most of toe coutetits were saved ' by '
the timely assistance of neighbor®,-.:
Loss partly covered by ineurance.
I ire John 11ZcCallum, Brussels, died
cn Satur.lay mooning at the residence -
of. her eon.rn-law, Robt Henderson.
Decased was horn in Lachine, Quebec,
Over 82 years age, and has lived in On
tario for over C3,years. 'She was m tv-
ried 48 years ago to her now bereaved
partner, and together they. saw a larg•
er share of the Lards s
hip which' fall to.
the lot of the early'" settler' than, Most
people her hiliiren are still
On Monday evening last week the.
ladies of St aid's church, Dungannon,
madea,udden raid upon the rector
and his consort, to their complete sur-.
prise. After happy greetings and.
mutual congratulations, six fine high.
backed;;dinin ,room__ chairs«:.. and.. an_
elegant armchair for Rev M. M. Gold-
berberg, were brought into-, the house,
and presented to the host and hostess= •
as a Christmas gift from the ladles of:
the St Paul's on
c greRation with an
ad r ss.
A+very' pretty estent.was solemnized
in New Year's dew at the home of the
bride's Parent's, Dungan O. Me0oll,.of:
Aldborougb, when hie daughter, Mies
Mary O., was united in the bonds of
matrimony to Frank .B, frorseley,Brue•
cele. The marrie a ceremonywas per-
formed by Rey Mr Mann, of Rodney;
Mr'Hursley is well known here,havin
been manager of Harvey,'k Jatlnieson a
dro - store and le now of the firma k',
1 'dc# r Bru'esig.
We take the followingfigures ,from
the annual etatement of the Fordovlch
Cheese and Butter' 0o. and shows tilt,
very large amount of business done by
thin popular factory: Total milk for
ridsason, '1,P52,t;10 lbs; total cheese for
se,tsOrd, 141.' ' lbs; value of cheese' for
se.1sott 1112,8,51,00 I total amount Paid
for milk for season, $10,2110.74• tot ,1
coat for hauling milk forseaaon,$1,216,-
2ii; to -' post for manufacturing for the
sea., ,31,0E ;l.CZ,aversge milk to pound
of cheese for neason,10.7i2101be;average
price pair Dewed of Cheese for aeaeon,
SAX )3 eenta' number of d n $ factory ...
ra►n,,1 , TO receipt $i8 72).18
total expenditture„ *18,531 Dec. £.7th,
1:: )1, easbbbalance on handl 58.70.
!loft oohra. of a'
TLie War Office contradicts an Asso-
ciated Press, despatch'_ from Pretoria
etatingatbat . two intelligence offce e
were treacher l
the Boers.
Carl. T. W. Van Tuyl was warmly
w l orned.home to Peteulea from Soma
The Materiels used in the"D'ds L"Emu1=
sion are the lined the market affords re,
aa dless of expense. .Ta e
n in oases •of
wasting diseases
or ,lose of appetite,, with
great benefit. Davis (le Lawrence Co. Ltd
mintifaottirere. •
A•Vienneee electrician has invented
a 'method to preventcollision on rail..
ways, either from trains _Meeting or
overtaking each other.
Mr Jiietlee' Gwynne, . of the Supreme'
Court, died in Ottawa..
Vl~TtV} � Iy GIt!i
.■,■a■r fir■, roars■■ r ■■r[■■■
.In the days 'of the RovOlution •
he Was on the ,side of victory,
inlater yearn Surrendered to
disease, but South Arierlears'
Kidney >Cure. gave him hl+i
liberty. • ,
Mr. A. Williamson, of Iilncardine,.Ont., a.
veteran ritom
In the Ame an and nowcustoms
C war.
!neer,' town clerk and .n prominent citizen, says
or South American kidney Cure:—"1 have
found It a wonder al specific in my case. I
suffrted a great deal front l3larjtder and Kidner:
troubles, and .olio br H.. entirely cured me. 1
chick it a boon to rm.:. .:1" aures iri all stages
and gives relief in at.six 1. ,tea. tut
Premier Roblin announces .that an:
other vote most be taken in Manitoba
before he will 'enforce the prohibition
law. _ _
There has been -much . talk about Pyay.
Balsam; the greatest modern remedy for
sought, and colds, It cures qufokly and cer-
tainly. 25e, t} Of • 11 dealers. Made byhe
ro store of Perry Dayis' Pain -Killer,
pr pi ya y n Tiler,,
The steam collier, Bristol. owned by
Premier Dansmuir of Britr'h Oolum.
bia, sunk with seven outer crew,
The Hanalilton Herald's action egainet
The Spectator for $5t30 damages for
libel was non suited. •
If your every=day duties are a herded., it
o beoause yen are not well, Miller'e nom.
onnd Irom pills will (Attest this eonditioir.
old by 11..13, Combo and R. P. Reekie,
scraps of .:old worsted -are` -excellent),
tie -each end,' with baby ribbon bows
about an inch from •the edge. After
having sewed' the 'braid together- tight
underneath, 'fringe out the braid at the.
ends, and a 'very, pretty cushion •for. •
long needles Is the result. -• • '
Another bag, quite • different in • de-
•sign and purpose, will make a charm-
ing gift .for "grandma'' in these days
When pockets aro' so often. left outof
gowns, .or: ; are. •inconveniently • placecF• ..
when they. are inoluded in the generali:
Snake -up. • • ' ' . •.
One' yard and., a quarter of median
sash: ribbon in black'or some auibdued' -
•color. is -about all that is. required for.
this side. pocket, We -Might call it., Fold
the ribbon nearly in the middle. Don-
•blethebottom of one _end: o to
e s
form gaits a deep pocket, overhauling
the'selvageg'closoly together, and hem
;ring the top. of ,the Jflap. This. will.
• hold 'spectacle • case .and •, severarl.,oda
trifles very nicely. For the top .flap
fold. the ribbon up double;-' so- that the `
out edge, .which should be fringed for
about one and one-half inch, falls over
the opening of •"the . under bag: Thea
sew as in the former wee. This upper
pocket, which is shallows: will. hold a
handkerchief'or any small objects, The
ribbon should be elightly gathered at
the top, turVirVilal'd; pin ,ee*ed in to
hold it in plaice at-€he•=belt, or a more
1 elaborate way is to; crochet a silkcol •
ering to a large brass• ring and sew the
ribbon to this, through. Which a belt,
can be slipped. • Keys and. small•
brushes, shoe hooks, eta, are always
being mislaid,' so rine kind of a rade.
Is sure to be use .•• •
rye •,.q.n.n,m ,
i,l�i��/!'t ily
tai VilfrAW: ,
aw r�fl
m 'J
1-'A!+YF,ne'i•Kutniwgl'kix' • ,)., ru+Ai•
,,,���'''��� .w
two nape a shell of one of the colon•
or of both . on the tlifterent shades; ru .
a ribbon about one inch. wide around
the edge in the openings of • the pat.
tern, t. in boiv knot at the corriare and:
inside, slip a. little sachet, sills covered,
t-o.illetah the wool, or one of the pretty
•dowered ' envelope eaaeltets made bl
most of the •ma ifiteWrers of tperfum,
14 A
• ��1
It will be seen that all of thea@ gii.Uti
are very easily contrived, are inexpert ►3i 1ri.
sive, `yet combine. both beauty and tail'_ •J
ity and are .almost cure \to be appre
elated by' those for whom the -art
trade, partloalarly when they diplal
careful and neat execution +by inegj.
Weeienoed fingers. t 1
Serving the public with 'care, attention,
honest goods and low prices, has given us
a high position amongst the drnggiste� of
Canada.. We look for . your trade,.. and
will un every Endeavor to make you a
regular customer. '
Our supplies of•pure Drags, Medicines,
Toilet Preparations, Perfumes, Brushes,
Clombs,•Spongee, >!:to., will interest you
Loves CELERR Comm, •
We are fully prepared to fill your orders
for this popular disease -banishing med.
ioines. Knowing its• powers and virtues,
we.. strongly recommend it ' as a blood
perifiar, nerve bracer And flesh builder.
Paine-s•:Oetery -Compound is . no new • re -
g1 has been tested and suocessfully.
used in all parts of Oanada by tens , of
thensande, and has never failed.
R. P. REEKIE, Druggist, . Olitidpn Ont
Well Cared'Irood. •
Once'and again we have called ta-
tention to 'the importance of well.
cured 'food, and once and again we Will
call . attention to this question until.
our people give more attention.. to this
matter. ,'We are so.accustomed.".to
shovel grain into our stock, that *e do.
not realize' the importance of having
good fodder to feed- at: the same time.
Now good• fodder is just as. essential
as • good. grain to• economical, feeding.
•Without• the one the'other will not-iio
beet -work; ''and '.without both' in .suit-.
able ••proportion the most .• ecbnomicai
feeding cannot be 'practical. There is
so much food spoiled,, or at least par- •
tially spblled, in our state,•:and for, this
condition of affairs there is not the
elightest•:necessity in an average sea-
son. The' weather is usually good at
(harvest time, hence it is generally, .
easily possible to cure 'foods: in good
form.' Why should we, not do Ii? The
'difference in the value of goody • well-.
cured fodder,. as compared with fairly)•
pored, cannot easily. be- overegtlje
i •'An experienced 'horse breeder ilk
Mark• s: - •"'"Horsy" breeding is now the
best paying investment for the'aver-
age, farmer. The .breeding of •`draft
Iliorsee will pay best. ' `The demand
for gooddraft horses far: exceeds the•
supply. : 'A great many farmers are'
well aware of these points' and are act-
ing accordingly.
Na. 4
t). Key ,Radii, (11). Handkerchief • ,Can 1
A simple:.and quite a otive ke
rack can be made of a tihia'rt piece el
manilla rope of about three-quarters of
a yard long. About, three Inches from
'each end wind tightly about it, ravel
out the ends, and in the Intervening
Space sciew brass hooks about an incl
apart. Tie .a Colored satin ribbon.' in
al bow at earn end,' leaving sufficient 'I
length to Siang it to a hook In 'the walls
An extra touch le given by enatnelinl
TfirearSitifdirtt 'btzt-tht
plain rope Is morararttiistic.
7 'rose
shell stitch can mndka s: Wry pretty,
moneholr case with almost no trouble
and in very little title. •
Use ttwo Draper contrasting or hate
monising ehedee of wool, crochet poe.
eight rows of one color (the net
her will be determined by the size of
the needle and worsted used) about ,
t'welvde or fifteen incites long, then eighl
of the next entitle, than the first, and
again the 'second, leaking thi ty-t'wo
Q'Owti a the two'alternating 'hides.
Fold back the two ends as far as the
*Apr liner Ovid > tbreni and orocbii
A little' girl named Benard Watt fat.T
ally scalded ab Montreal•• by a pot of
boiling water falling upoher.
The emigration from the United
Itingdom last year was 302,284, an in-
creaee of 4,287 over the preceding' year.
Parliament le not expected to molt
rntil Feb, 18,
ba Vat 1taa'A Pineapple' Tablon +mid Vet
l estigesticia -tads her atone rob strong
ttlld wIU. Tb -day $b* sial an +Thula irl*s
*We, 40 011 i3 109ttr t t$ ll0 pilin,
• Much of the unsatisfactory fruiting
bf orchards all over the country is due
to self -sterility': A tree is self -sterile
if it cannot set fruit unless planted
near Other varieties
lilt is eaeler to make a fool of a good
'horse; than train him to be a useful
N . TS 3T •
The: Heart -that groat motor
of rho' human anatomy
never falters in.ths performs
mance of its' lawful flint.•.;
tion,, till through overwork,
disease layshold on 9t then.
_'ritightl"gyoesso.on - stake;'—and
Agnew's Cure for the Heart Is the greatest'
of agents that medical science has discovered as •
a heart -helper. . No phase of Heart Disease it
will not "spy out" and relieve and -Cure almost
like magic.' What are your symptoms ? Suffoca-
ting, fluttering, palpitation, acute pains, thump-
ing, nervousness, restlessness.. Try this great
treatment—it never fails. bI
Sold by ,1. E. Hovey and R. e,Reekie
' Serious ,charges of cowardice . are
made against a few of the Walla
Walla's crew in connection with the
recent loss of the vessel.
From'' thirteen •to seventeen • men
were buried at the Negaunee .mine, • in
Michigan, by a cave-in. One man hae
been r butlir
e eecuecl, little hope's felt that
the'others'are still alive, '
• Ther populationof the United States
by the censne•returns of 1000 is given •
There i
minds the
winter eve
to look for
The gen
one with
• In
For tho
ing priests
The ere
We ma
.. f
This w
In this
P, Se—Night an
Director) rest
Frnm:1.6x832 in
- ... o . 6 ft 6' ins b.
Floor Oil
8nr72 in
Oil Cloth
and. 2 .y xi
_ Of Cod Liver 8IBr'
(Trade Mark,) '
br.13gtgetr Med,'supt,ot the $rot. 3Caepitat
ter Insane, afentreal," prosorlbos it eonataner
and awesus nermuelen to uee hianalnn.
aces Otar , Supt. Grace Hoepitdl, Toronto,
writesthetb voile) titled itwith thebeitreeelt.. •
' OO .. and $1.0
DAVIS pt AWRItN' Limited.
CO. i
, ,
M1 I Emi)iimilmosedwomitiiiimimoRANrre,
We- P
,ay ., a iew good Secon
Eepeiringprotnptly kit
=,n I atn handling tho oelebrated bol
' ( of first -clam Ontario flan', Also, of 1
glen', nllkadces, etc. of all the latestal
promptly attended to.
WRAP If! L• F'1+; TO YOU ?
If you are a
la a'w'ry four
lee, stone pinion
�1 , ' r n t{� n - in
,� ., r�`k' �""� �ati.u. " .,.� °v,. �'�''`�"? .anti'`" `"lL�^ 1 n l..n .t�..ev� .. 'It�lt faun sus , 1 t dale
Si Moir,
D'o' you wants high
We have tb$ 4 ist