HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-17, Page 7Regular Meetings
West bat Farnnrs' zlstitatet
TIftWNOpening 11141,14L On our way to Cologne, the. Cat d- sal lluatritiion of.e khe O iha 1 fou Atter last Friday eyening, Mies Eva Shaw W. N. Manning, acting Grand Treasurer,
3D 1°1.45 16 -OpeningFair"-
Business- Preeldent toWn,we valley eeed upg through ails ,world re tlet o me the a number ct friends Wedaeu-- when the following officers were installed
145 to 2 15—"The Fa.l Fair' ngwned of jot lot .re with its charm. prophets ,who prophesied granted of 'hitt coming, day evening, and Mrs W, Brydone, into their respeotiye offiaea:•.-•I', t3. All
Zzernighaa, ]i,pmtller
216 too 00—Disan�eion • rug sce nary ann. dietrfote interest,
with both maoino t far the graneest pion nett expo. on Thursday night those who have nook, J. P. Q. S. Seymour, N. G. ; J. W.
230 to 3 00 - Cold Storage and the tramper- historioaland nelaralintereat+ `"The day, sitiaaof_ths onrietlife to be seen any hOnorofaninvltationto the At Horne Woon, V. G 11, B. CbanY Treatgrer
deed tu, kh initis where Undero T+
cob Taylor D. D. M.G..ot the I. O. 0.F.•
THE SOCIAL SET.-i-1r'rening par- inetailed the ofidoere of Clinton trudge, No.
ties are still all the goo, and many en. 88, T'needay evening, January 14th, espisted
jayable hours are being spent; in tens, by H. B. Chant, acting Grand Marshall,
gga,rttes, and little private dances, Mrs W. E. Rand, acting Grand Warden,
else. Fair, jt , .tai ai w f
•ep t 'nod a fe viand«, 1)r Thompson, acting Grand Secretary
, i,
tabun and marketing of our varier being bright and fine,e a •or• . • ' . i mn ato be given by Mr and Mrs G D. Mc. Fred T T. Jaokeon, ecretary ; J. Wiseman,
able products"- 1 tot a ezgaieit° beauties of thiefamnne tour. appro t t texts in middlinglarge letters y ; raptor, Cha111ain
G, O. Casten, Graighnxet int report, High, wood Drowned hills ap• e. poem under° Lambof Cld"%under"the evep,n ,i area okingalf'orwArTd to tthe W.'k3. Rand, R,13. N. G:; R. A. more,
300 to 315-Dbieue'1on " pear at intervals on each aide of the liver, Baptism, n «er ilio birth o! Chrtsk Was the e9e[it with much expectancy and L. 8. Nr a• J; J. Ma,tnire, R'. S. V. G.
316 to 9 45='Skim milk as stock food plead aye skirt both banks, erne ger' and Ansel "sonk l'eaoe on earth, goodwill to pleasure. The fourth "assembly by the A.- Castle, L. V. G. ; W. Mailmen,
P. J, Sieiihtktolm, Strathro�,,°
345 to THE
pleasure boate,with bands on board,enliven men. The massive gardens and majostie New Century club will be teen in the Warden ; 9 J, Grigg, Cgndnotor ; J4 $,
THE WOMEN'S INSTI rUTE the reicelineage of the etrestageverything,evere- etatelenese°of this vaet Cathedral inspire town hall on Friday night. February 7, Kerr, R. re Supporter ; H. G onid, L. S.
will meet in the ]afternoon in the Oourgil where teems with gaunt and beauty. •'Be- one with awe and• present a remarkable Supporter ;; Thos $amp, Igeide Guard;
Chamber, ooaim•no[as at 2 p.m. it willbeYled sides I was pr+arty way �aok #o LoAdon,and revelation se to architectural possibilities HURON OLD BOYS, -Froth Tciron- J.C.Steyen�iOn outside Gaud;
by Mn H. Elford, Pr eelde'it, Holmesville. The mnoh nearer llama. a loot which rendered and aohfevements.', to Globe, Saturday, don 401: -"One of
!qualms and their alibied* Will be: me more keenly euaoeptiblethen ever fo the Our representative in the Cathedral the most progresoive of. Old Boys' Ae-
lire C. Campb•ii,
"Breed and Bread making" unspeakable grandner of my surroundings. Town is a first. ideal man. Speaks • kroken eociations is that cow d of ex -
The loyely climate is infinenoed by the , Englieh;he oared) a.large. stook of Doherty residents of Huron count annual
]Liss Weighing and
, „• on ,,;,,4,„,ifw of the North Sod, which renders organs and German pianos, but complained meeting of the association was held last
farm' rkabl equable This of competition being quite severe Just two night in the Temple building, and was
New 1'duerItoement
Servant, Wanted. --
a reemperatnre rams J largely attended. Mr 3 the
Mrs H. E geniality of °Innate is very favorable to the or three days bbfore illy .arrival; be had R y
o! whfoh ie very extensive and may Hamlin Co, Huston,°and Mr Geo. P. Hent, ant,,. r Hugh ac a ,w o is confined a
be teen in the greatest possible variety and of Chicago, It was a.gratifying ago, how- to his residence through illness. The
All ladies re cordial] invited,-
Mrs O. OAMPBELt, - • . • Presided. in the5abs th ofh ta site- Servant wanted. eppiy ter Mre Greta, at T
President. Seor,tary ripening of grapes, the on may
been l visited by to . Mateo, r G o. 1'. Be $ pJackson's realdenoe, High Str'er. Jan 17 -ti.
perfection. The.. groped" of this district Ie
large, thio-akinned'ttnd Well flavored,
planet the banke aro terraced, stone' walls
oarrying up the front. In these re -earthed
terraces, as well as onihe side. of many of
the hills, vine," may'-lbe "seen growing in
In the evsolaq there will be a joint meeting ever, 0 9 Victorian organs on 7. y A presented by h
of the Farmers Institute and Women's Insti-
tute when the Speakers sad subjects will be as
Mre C. Campbell- "Home Influence"
Mise Green- "The Improvement of Time".
(i C. Caston- 'Tbeland wanvein"
F• J•Slelglithelm-"Treinin( bole for business"
1 3o to 1 45- Opening Business-- President
145 to 2 14 -"The Draught Horse" -
A. Innis, Clinton
2 15 to 2 30-Diseassion
230 to 800-"sumorer feedings of Mfloh-Cewr
F. J. Sledghtholm, Strathroy
S O0 t o 315-flleeussion
815 tp 345 -'•Problems et ,the sell" --G. O.Oast-n
345 fag OO-Dieenulon
will meat in the vi loge hall at 2 o'olook and
beaddressed by Mrs Campbell on "Household
Economies" and Mise Green who will speak on
"The Oars of Milk and Farm Butter making."
abgr lanae, til 'hie, land of grapes it is but
molest theft wine should be the donunon
beverage. Alt one of the hotels I wag served
with Wine tree brit was Lazed, for tea and
coffee. Nocountry.in the world oan com-
pete with the Rhenish provinoeriii the vast
variety and excellence of its white wines.
t see ne of our i' earl report was the '
view in his front window,ind I didn't have secretary, Mr E Floody, and was very to cut price, to secure hie order for new gratifying,ehowing that there are now, A blank dog -skin fur mit lost In town en Yed-
stock. T spent part of the day in this re- 225 members, The Treasurer, "Me G A imolai,A.
nth lost. Finder please lea a at
presentative', company aooerbining his Smith, B. A.. reported tbat there is a NEW iERA oiroetor owner. • Jan k7-.-1
views and requirements in the organ trade Satisfactory balance in the treasury.
From Oologne we made a abort trip fq the- The following Ofilcere Were elected for
For Sale or to Rent. :"�.
towns o! Fllberfeld and Bariaen, 'ioh 1902;--Bon.1 iesidente, Col: W.D.Otter, -
bear a reli tlon to each other,. somewhat J+ S. Willison, Hugh MacMatb ; Pres., ' Lboate aeras et land en Dinrl. y Thrace,
similar to that of Waterloo and Berlin in E. Floody; vice -prey., Dr.' W. Sloan; just outeid'theoor oration, with good frame'
Ontario. Together they form a single,,Soe., R•A.Walker; Treas., G.A. Smith; intuit aaruas 1%1e. Boot' Rptte boroybst
large msi}nteekuring town,. which fills the ' executive, committee, J. A. McLaren, Wes , Clinwn. Jan 17-4:
bottom and extends up the sides' of the yet-
In Euro a of co(trse, wine to'oe saleable y inters y y, e
wise it fa drug on the market. per. Their u zn wn ai. Yupulatietu is about' 'Ride t1 cY31'Yieudtiy, id U. LO ---- C.Mc ---
At the junotton of !be Moselle and the 300,000, • and they now rank among the Donald, C. B. Cooper, Thos Soole and' Lim c d Aui meeting
of tyhe0llnn Boa u neo on
Rhine stands Coblenz. Few town, on the 'richest industrial towns on the continent.- T. W. Gibson. It was decided tc bold Tuesday Jan. 28th. at 8 at the
'Rhine oan vie. with it in beauty of eitnation The chief ptodnote of their very numerous an at-home on banquet in Februar'r and J. E C,NTELON, J. E. BLACHALL,
standing ae it does at the janobion of bwo and extensive factories are cotton, oalioo, the matter was left in the hands (Attie ,,t.,. ani, JaPresident.
i7 dant•
. Secretary
Of the moat piobnreegne rivers in' Europe milk, ribbons, turkey red dyed goods, soap, committee to make arrangements. h
and commanding charming views in every candles and ohemioale. The old parte of resolution was .gassed expressing the
direction. Upon the point of land between the town are irregular and &confined, but hope tbat the retiring President, who
out; th an accident recent 1. would
1e and it 'n erastab ea railwa ih
Leona, W. Pendergast, W. Scott, J. S.
mast have age to recommend it. Other- ,highroad with ittramwaylme,andtha Won. McSmtinn, S. T: Church, C. l7. Roes,
• •• Gun Club.
A joint mooting will be held la the avenin the two rivers rises the imposingmonumenb the modern- portions contain many fine m • y,
oommeroinsat! e'dcek when addresses will'• ofN,mperorWilliamL° The copper., aquae ,privatebaildinge.' have a speedy recovery..' • The estate of the late D,IC. Straohan1consist-
be delivered by Messrs Caston and 81e1g tholm Irian figure of the Emperor 45 feet in heisht p fol. Iat01 the well known machine and blacksmithMrs Elford
For - Sale.
To the citizens of there airier. towns the The London Advertiser pays the mho containing "valuable
others who Campbell,Mimi Green,
eeme tent°. ell the ie accompanied by a Chemins 80 feet high,. "Elektrieohe Soliwekebabn" or overhead lowing compliment -to -a ',former Huroni i,inoh used machines andimvlimont.e, and also
evening previor', at Clinton. bearing,bhe laurel wreathed imperial Drown.
trolley system it a thing to. be :referred to ii< the • hereon a of Mayor Ramirll, of the 2etory storeanddwelliug�� and a story and T
A musical entertainment will be presided at The whole is eupported by an arohfteotnral ' and pointed out with pride. The first pee- London: -"When a man has occupied the' a half frame dwelling. M tS.D. E. STRACHAN,
the evening meetings. basis' of great merit. Thiel is one of 'the denger railroad built on this 'principle wee position of mayor of the 'only for • two Jen l7-tt.•
. God•rich, Ont: 'L7
President. aeerutary menta in the world and dominator the land- Ellierfeld earlyrin'the present veer. The of everyone, and is stepping out, •i1 is fit 'M 11 and Women to represent n'
JAS. SWHLL, 1. C HLFORD, most impressive pnrely personal mono• opened for traffio between Barman and saooessive years, to the entire ostiefaolion
Church Property for
soaps in all direotione. preponderating impression' on ih jbserver 'Ping that we should reoognize hie ,servioee. Q some to travel
Sale. Cologne, the largest n p p •$12.09 a week' others for local .
Tbaproperty at present known w the Batten -
bury t.Methodist Chnreh, and consisting ors
choice, will situated tuarter-acre lot with
large brisk building, and large hams addition
thereon is offered for sale; possession as soon
as the new church is ready for occupation. The
building could easily be converted into two or
three eomfor*altle dwelling homiest, er might
be adapted to a variety of pnrposes, and is a
snap to any one desiring to make a• good pro-
fitable investment.
Offers are solicited for the buibling and its
contents entire, each as furnaces,seats, etc;
of<ere are also solicited for the bulding alone,
and for its oentsnts,--ehelvinr, railing, stoves,
double windows, furnaces. oto. -
Inside furnishings of the church, snob as
pews, altar, ehanesl railings, and pulpit might
be used in oilier churches, schools, hallo, or
other buildings. The pews are well preserved
some of then having been in tuts only a few
years. The railings aro make of cherry and
Any information desired may be obtained
from the undermentioned persons. Offers
received, h the ehairman, up to 0 p. m., on
Jan: 18, 1902.'W. DOHERTY W. R. LOUGH'
R. HOLMES, Chairman.
Logs and Heading of all
kinds wanted.
Highest prices given.
Soft elms to be cut 11 feet,
12 feet, and 13 feet long.
Stapleton Salt Works
insurance Agent',
Canada Life Assurance Co.,
Fire.: Marine, lAceident, Plate Glass.
OMee 1 J. P. Tiednli'e Book, Clinton.
Saw Los
Top Prices Paid.
Cash on Delivery, at
Blyth Hardie Factory
, ar et town i the Rhenish - is that of the massive V-shaped character Mr Rnmball haa,-in manyres eobe, been
Province of Prussia, is one of the most ine. of the girder design, .In some pieces the an Ideal mayor and man. He is ethos -
portent commercial' places in Germany. 1 at top V girders have been abandoned in Intel without- airs or affectation, He
has a populationofover 350, 000,fiye.sixths favor of an inverted U-ekaped strngtnre so leaver: the office the Berne' rineere, miry
Bona Fide SalaryWark,-rapid Pre- wit,
motion and i.n
oreatfe of salary, ideal 'emp oyment, new bril- gee
of which are Roman Catholics. From a as to give a clearer space for eines ' traffic. affected, • approachable, manly man as, E
dietetic," the. town with its numerous tower° For'the greater part of its length,. the rail --'when he entered it. _Stich men as he do .Ont. Jan 17. NT
presents a very imposing appearance, ' but way rune immediately above 'the river much to make public life tolerable,, and is •
most of the old streets are narrow, gloomy. Wrapper. There are sharp threes on the doing.'so. help on the general prosperity. Huron County Council. boo
and badly drained,.' line but there its no osoillation of the oars Take,. for. instance, hie constant efforts to
To the Cologne- citizen . their - great when running around these. The carriage,' seoure more.. faotories for London while The Januar senaion of the Coaaolj: of the OU:
Cathedral is everybhing,and. our agent took need on the line are built eomewhat. after enlarging his own. . Take Ilia genuine'. Corporation a •thee;County of •Huron .will .b f be
seat ride and pleasure in spending. half a the Amerioan pattern, . a: corridor running and effective" interest in London's' rail-._ held }r (1. Connoll Chamber in the Town o
day with us explaining fully ire many. down the centre. In length they run to near-- ways. Take'the dignity and fairness with ' hoe 28th inst menoingWvayt3beNE,' Clerk.
eB�y Gl
points of interest. I have a large photo of ly 40 ft and in width to elighbly over 6 ft, which he presided: at 'meeting of the Dated at Go this lath day of Jan 1902.�
it which cost me six' marks, and I wouldp't Fifty "persons can be accommodated in each coupon ; _ in fact, his whole conduct •se Jan 17-2;
liant lines • beatpplans old sstablishedhouse.
00.,Ltd. Brantfor
be without it for twice the amount otmoney compartment, and theeeach train, which mayor refieots--oredit on :.himself and on
-nth an admiration` of ha arohiteotaral is ordinarily composed of two oars is cap, the citizens." We also learn that. Mayor
beauty did it excite in me. It is probably able of oarrying aboutia hundred paesengere.' Rnmball was married to Mre Amelia Per
the moat magnificent Gothic edifice in the The electrical power ie supplied from the due, of .Walkerton, on. the 8th inst.; the
world and stands on a slight. eminence. electrical works atElberfeld. newly • wed then Y• len' n .a month's trip - awry telt 02 ors will be reuoi a ,pima ebrn
about 60 feet above the Rhine,a worthy situ Controlling our organs . in these two' .to Florida. The. Mayor is president of . Bnilding.Comm ttee,for'the ere otic of a Br pec
for such a majestic structure and the finest towns and vicinity we have an excellent the London Curling Club, and the annual •Presbetei'ian Ch rah at Bayfield. Tuna and
for the purpose that 1 eawanywhere during man, who has thefurther gnaiifloation of :match between his' team and the vice prem, speaihostionscanbe.seen and other inform -
my tour. At early as the ninth oenturyan being a find ohm musioian. He had spent ident's was held.monday night, theformer ationobtainSdA Eap DONALDSON,.Baydeld,
Episcopal church occupied .this beautiful • about three - years in England• 'in oonoert team'winning,. This, . together with his Chairman of BuildingCommittee
site, bat in course of time the inhabitants ,work, and,�claime. to' be one :of the beet .matrimonial event, was the .occasion of a • or..the Arehiteet, J. A. FOWLR,Godorich. _
regarded it as unworthy, of the rapidly in.' violinists in Germany,' and to hold a' 'pori- pleasant time being.' spent at the' LondonNo tender n.1-td*
creasing size and prosperity of the city, bion as leader, almost similar to ,that of Hones, whey the members of the club took .
The foundation etone of the present 'ebrao• Theodore Thomas of the great Thomas or- advantage of the opportunity to show the - - -
lure was laid with greattolemniby on Aug.` theatre in the 'United States,,;. He is an esteem in which they hold the retiring Choice Farm for Sale.
14, 1248. Thechoir was the first part of agreeable good fellow, capab;e of doing- an ;president by presenting him with a mag.. .
the building proceeded with. In 1447 the extensive business brit almost crazy on nificent mass of pearl handled knives and W will buy'a choice farm of about i70acres,
enthusiasm subsided and by the end of the mesio. He likes en organ to talk, as `he !orae, accompanied by a very flattering '. �O,leituatedahalfmile from Clinton, Good brick
15th century all hope of seeing the church calla it, before you touch it. • Be stooks' all addrese, and wiabing him and his ' bride 'honse,20228•ind20x2O,b1rns 40aeoand40x50,.tone ,• -`-
• completed according. to the original plan our 5 octave styles, and has a bright Foe midi joyand longcontinued ha Inas. stables underneath,, silo, windmill , etc. A
g verychoioelooation-and eitoellent farm for.
was abandoned. The unfinished building ..pent for business before him, •Daring our The Mayor was .completely to by ear- anyone wantinga real 'good plaoe. will be
was provided with a temporary roof and stay in this town hedevoted himself almost ;Prise, but 119 usual made most fitting .sold on sissy terms. Forfarther particulars
nothing more was done exoept the decors- - entirely to'orintercate . and succeeded in reply:. Mr • Ramb,.11's numerous friends ap ly at - J.-TEVF.NS, Clinton P. 0.
tion of the interior. In' 179.b the building' giving.;ns a splendid good time. We came here join in -extending their beat wishes. Minton ,jan.9th-3m,
wee -converted by the French into a hay away with many kindly 'recolleotione and •
magazine, its ruin being rendered' more •with ordure for a great' • variety of "organs ' i it `�tofk Elm Flank Wanted.
completefor his by the abatraotiao� of• the lead sfall.trade.:. RA. LA In •Oli
Tenders Wanted.
esterase, .Tan'11
_' 'stun on to y, , ' � __. . ;
from the roof. The work of roetoratidn.• Returning:to Cologne we took train for the wife be Win. Harlan$; jno., of a dau¢hter. Tenders will be received at the office of the
was not began till1823. The last stone of liruasela Belgium and soon left the WASHINGTON -In West'vvawanoiti, on the Townehip.Clerkof Hnllett, up to 0 p; m.; on
the hags South towerwasplacedinposition Fatherland behind nee Three' words ,will 14inet.,.the wife of Joseph Washin;ton,'of.a Wednesday, January 22nd, for the supplying et
in August, 1880,and on the 15th. of October - son. 7000 it onindcrf Rock Elm, WOO ft to be 14 Si long, and
of the :same year, the completion of the
express th• e -national at dice ere. of Ger- :DELCOi7.-InBa• ot Wawaneeh Jen a„ „a re the remainder ninrt be 18 fI long, ai,d all of it
many: order. eye tem, disoiplfne. It radiates 8, Deacon, a daughter. " 21-2 in thick, deiiveredas'follows:-MOO Yt, 14 ft
Cathedral was celebrated in the presence of long and 1.000 ft 16:ft long at onnCitIor Moon's,
from the soldierly railroad guard who. ELLIOTT.-InTaraberry,Jnn.4th Mrs.Jno. '1000ft'of the remainder at.each of tbe•other
Emperor William I and of almost all the •elands sharply at attention at the Cross- Elliott a danshter. 1 tour Councillors. JAMES CAMPBELL,
Cathedral in its dimensions should be typroperly'Currie,`
sovereign princes of the
erman mpire.• . in as the train,rushea past. one feels ib in Jan 17-1.. - Clerk.
It was the original intention that Wife the furoate all lanced P in rows CURtIE In East Wawanwh Jan, 7th Mrs
P wm a son
ical• of heaven,
should s nob + business and how long he is • going, to only, STARE.�In Seaforth, on Dec ,11th, to Yr
this was not realized -owing bent of
ffer oof so-th' he may be properly -tagged-.and -end-Mre Loftus-Stark,-Mrs,Ther�esidenceproperty-of D. R. ldenzie, on 1
the first plan, the employment o! different
arohitects,ani she numerous hindranoee to ndlt3ss system of. military and' civil
coiistruotion. 1'he Cathedraric.a cruciform '.uniforms. The Germans are an anest'and
etrnotnre, the nave being flanked with straightforward people, and, being invari-
double, and Ina transept . with single ably thirsty, 0511 spend longer time over
aisles. Total length 444 ft.,' breadth- 201 d take more unadulterated social
en o went oat of a ng
P one feels it in the poliaemaq. who demands SHAW. -In Grey, on Jim. 4th, toIiir-.andMra .
"the length .thereof the stranger's address, hie nationality,; hie yea. Shaw; a son. ' •Full' Sale or to Rent.. e breadth thereof oto but -- •
onholed• aud'above all ne feels i1- in the pICHET2 -In Morris on Deo Slsb the princess St Clinton Apply to JA. aCUTT
27 tf Barrister
• feet, height of walls 150 feet, height of roof an
-' 201 feet, height of the: central tower 357 ) ym. of beer than
feet. The west towere are 512 feet in any people that I have ever seen or known
height. The eiiormone muse of masonry, of. Ae:a'nation they are fully alive to their
(stone) is enlivened by a profusion of flying erredragglingn hard to, advance& interests and ceaea, and
buttresses, turrets, gargoyles, galleries,00r- lines of human development. The English.
micas, foliage, etc. I should imagine thou man has gone to sleep 'content -• with his
there were al;oat 300 spiral columns, ridge, own commercial supremacy and greatness,
ranged in teen from the eaves to the ridge, bbs American is not yet fully awake to his
which peat of a lovely effect for a roof. own power, the Frenchman freta himself
The largest of the belle in the SouthTower with t feione of a greatness ; .the't, is gone,
is the H.aiserdlooke, which was oast in 1874 but the German is folly alive to every
b tl fF h d wa hs
for all kinds of
merchantable lona.
200 M ft Roller Maple, 18 inch and op in
100 M ft , any size from 12
inoh in diameter up, for oantbook hand-
200 M ft Rook Elm, any size, for handles.
100 M ft Soft Elm, Basswood and White
Cedar Shingles and Lath for sale.
Shingles and Lath in exchange for logs,
Custom Sewing attended to at all time,
Jan10-8 E. Livingston.
The NoveltyBakery
and au
Oranges and Lemons.
We have row In stook some very
nine fresh oranges ab loWest.,,priee8:
Valenciati at 15o per dost.`
Maxioane at 15 and 20o tier dos
110 and tt0o per don.
Asst frost. 1.., a..., iii..
r ......... iOZOue M,.d leer non, •
Modormiok's celebrated Mara•
oaiho Ch000labee , and Pabereon's
ohocoleten ereams, always on hand.
'aura also carry a nine line of fine
bon -bons, French fruit, and oh000.
lates add oreatne put up .in dainty
boxes. Yon oan always depend on
themegood; fresh - when you gat them
being ere,
Oysters • "
tour oJ'8terb aro alW
of the hest gustily
liooth'ar•Oval 'Brand
Ilalti a
dour sad
ye fresh and
We handle
and alio the
with the Mite a o repo goner ,g ,wild condition, •: He now a eare
25 tone. Twenty-eight ringers are required. pp
great .man'of affairs, of world polutias,
as a
is 93 feet in height end al feel; in width, or great industries•. And yet no other
nat'an in the cite ft er lased wfth
to see it in motion. The principal portal
The interior,wbioh itt borne by 56 pillage is
• 890 ft in length, The pillar, are arranged in in to bosh. external and internal affairs as
groups with:one large, pillar about three g
feet in diameter, in the centre, surrounded harmony. No other great nation is born
by other smaller ones about nine inches in by saoh divereities'ot opinions regarding
diameter. Their capitals. are elaborately soeral910 nand oftenlie lrevolutianar A spirit
d beautifully Carved The nave is 48 ,%
:reel? 1 w P P
to weight3l and diffionit problems, relat-
fe exists in the cities and•oppoaed to this, is
feet wide from the centre of one pillar to
that of,tho one opposite, and 143 feet in the obstinat000nservatiew of the arietoorat-
ight. The area o! /he interior is 7400 d
mare yards, manding rotation fou , Agruonlbnre with
hf her duties on im cited• thud stns and
lisio agrarians or land owners • the latter e-
five stained glass windows in the g P
north aisle are among the finest examples the former, the wage workers, demanding
of the kind now extant, The subjects
1, Passion and Beenrreotion of Christ; 2,Life
Of St Peter and Tree of Jesse ; 8, Sainte
George, Reinold, Gereon'and Maurice, with
Agrippa and Marsilius, the traditionary
founders of Cologne; 4, Visit of the Queen
of Snobs to Solomon, the Throe Magi, St
Peter in the Papal chair, the archbishop
of Cologne and patron saints of geese ; 5,
Coronation of, the Virg#n,St,John the Eyan.
geiird, St Peter in the Papal ohair, Sainte
and the donor with his two wives. Conry
soled, projecting from the 14 pillars of the
central art bear etabaea of Christ Mary
and the Apatiileiii, The nine /woes in the depreasitln iasis updn • bhtl tyonnbrj', owing
I b
is the eoolesieetioel mbolis Nuri., 'differ. bbmpeiutien anti hasbenea materially by I iAtt -•1ss thensoune, Jan . A oat
geiPi h iii r ,� r oy� ,°kion in elebbrtoliy. Banka Aye in,r, avian years.
wife Dec.- ., Clinton:
of. Mr. John Pickett, ,_daughter. ,
NESBIT,-in Morris. on Jan. 8th, the wife or Boer for SerViee.
Mr. Robert Nesbit, a daughter. i -
RIaLLY,-In $ullett, on Jan. 5th, the wife of Avery fine Yorkshire white bear fez service.
Geo. Rielly, a daughter Terme el e.t time of esti c,,. `i!iEti pp__ 1 rise of .
ROBINSON-On'the 6th eon. of-Turaberry, returning'. If necessary. • HENDRY FREEMAN, I
on Dee. 27th, the wife et Janteer Robinson; a Jans--4. grid 0012 of Hallett.
son, •
Z-APFE-Ali the 'Nowa line, S tanley, on the •
11th Dae. the wife of Mr Henry Zapf*, a eon, - Stray Sheep
CAMPBELL--TnBrussnle on. Sunday,Jan.5th.
MoC00L,--Iii' Hallett on Vie 10th,lusts, the' _ subscribers premises, lot $b,' con. ha
Hallett, 10, Hullett, early in November, .aft .aged de: re
wife o1 Mr Samuel Mo(.00l, a dangnter. The owner is hereby notified to proveproperty
pay charges and take it away • An
0.•4.8,-YEE-AURNt3-•At t .0 . Reetor.7, on Deo' 27-4. GEORGE BED'F'ORD.
• the wite.,ot Angus Campbell, a eon. Cane into
Tuesday,. Dee 3let, b9y the Rev. O, H. P. Owen,
r to ]iiia° Catherine Burns both
Mr J. G Carte ,
of Lnaknaw. Annual - Meeting.
MoCONELL--CALDWELL-At the zasidenoe The twenty sixth annual meetiiiet of the bra
of the bride%father, .on Wednesday evening ]jso8illepIfutile [Fire Inenranco Company Will e
Jan 1st Mr Leonard McConell, to Mist) Mabe be held in the Tows Hall, Seaforth; on Friday, m
Caldweil, daughter of Mr"John Caldwell," of the 17th 'day of January, (1902, at one o'clock, ba
Tuokersmith.. p me Buieneea_Recoiving the Directors and p5
ROTH-OESCU-At the residend of Mr and Auditors' reports, the 'annual statement,
Mrs af,nno Opooh, Bronson lino, on Monday, electing three directors -the r -tiring ' direct- .
Jan 8, Mr Samuel • Roth, of Tavistook,. to Miss or. being James Connolly. Porter's Hill, John
i:' entre Oeaoh, of Hay township. Watt, Harlock, George bale, Seaforth, whd'
BURSLEY�-••Mor0LL - At the residence of, are
otili eligible
buigne r for thenwelf re of discussion
he sum
the bride's father, on Jan 1, by Rev. Mr Mann, i n7� J: B. MoLEAN{ President; T. E'
Frank B. of ale? of ]3rnaselci, to Miss Mary C:, WAYS, Secretary, area 3-3
daughter of Dunean.O. McColl of Aldborough
tn..lilgin county. •
NOLA'N-RYAN-At the 11. 0. Ohnroh, Brno -
rola on Jan s'by Rev Fr Corcoran, of Seaforth, �olmesvil.e'Cheese Factory
Mr 'I'. W. Nolan of Grey, to Mise Sete Ryan, of
>iSoYii1 W.
free trade and ohmsper food; Here is a CALLENDER-CRIMI-Culiewatio. on Jan.
vast and bloated militarism, standing in
contrast•to x profeesod derive and a real
need for ]peace, a huge army and navy post-
ing millions in 'taxes and taking half a
million of men from agricultural and the
induebries, when there ere not enough lab.
orate 10 till` the fields. Here also is thi old
German tendency to free thought and high
onllj t.- b over againeb a government that
will •nob permit .free epeeoh, or free
assemblage for the disonesion.01 certain
questions of adminiebrail; n. and politica ' At
preeonb Ic.uloud Of f oauolal and industrial
let, at the home of Mr Harry Cornish brother-. The an l meeting of the,took-holdsre:and
}n aw of"the groom, by Rev. MrLittle, Mr J.A. pattune of the $olmeeville Cheese and Butter'
Callender,• of Hartne* Manitoba, to Miss lianufaoturtag0o.,willbe held'In. Wilson's
'Bertha L. Cribb, of Seaforth Ont. Hall. Holmosrille, on atnrday, Jen. 25, 1902,at
LATTL--GREY-At the Main etraet Methn • o'siook p• m.; for the purpose oh -winding up
dirt parsonage, on Friday, Jan B,by the Bev'. B. he past year's businese•deobion ofiofticerefor
Millt'ard, Mr Agnates Latta, to Mies Grey he ourrent year and the tran.aotion of an +
Adair, both of the township of Stephan. eaorat bnilpeab, The helomas of dividentliri Celli
OWtt gpWCLIFp--Af the residence of �edletribnted on that day. It is citrons!, urged
R , that all shareholder, be miesenb as matieree f brl
the bride'', parent', on Jan 8,' Mr •Seth ,Brown, imp•onines will etude p for diseuselon,
of Steghen, to lrliaseLilly M., daughttie of Mr The drawins of milk en the different routes fbl
Wmt. Bowoliff, Lot 18, ben 4, Uelrerne. (eaters a, before) wiIIba let on thA same da,: .
LAt7N11Y n 8 oft«tb n J ye', the will of W. B.EORTTER Prue.. l0
Mr' E. O. Laa r, ugh W. S. LAWB,IDNCE, 1450,. .
MILL'af--Ya Mullett, on griller Jen 10, Robi, olme'illlei, Dse nd, 1B(5.
)l finer, aged 7a year',. - 011.4N TO 4 MARKETS ` ' _ CO
0 rrarsoted *Very T'hhrirada, icfieentiox,
•1 ed ini Thursday, Jinuery 16th 1902,
b e ity that i8 it a year or eo ago. . Employ..
Old Mine f the 1 f amine 1
Old Mined aloes wfndowe, representing the urs are making xotronolimen/s And' many (nee eke tt #ardi'Menthil iormerly of Olinton),
h t f' lo'
h f the1•f of Christ f from hug inby an intensely patriotic, stri , which Gearga H °elven. aft y
arohe° of ihw thtt l°efii'Mlen1 sage: l�4iKq Maruti+ tootle llrl,1 Kie46 os0.ed y� foreign Noe,
alit ybulor 'moor en ei a �- - ,k
o les ii �'= �'°'�
• n n
m stages ee of de Bio lneni. Above the tailed a
ion M g ohol* fs aserieA o
T ^� flanda>f m b; _� Qilheyii r r" ; 'yd SIF°'"Ei Ali ,-
� of Walter fCear
loved w �e ,
iifiige of Judah, o.P Around she outside of lebbrors hive been t Town ono employ. Az7 At tioidiialilatn, Jseinibola, N.'ttD.
the bellding 1; could aotuelly reed the - ment, The ll aiser, personally, is adulated ,r(),(47 pes iteth, Hattie Warner, bolo Doi wifo a
history 0 life r m - t 1' i h ren- .ed 42 sarin sad 7 month..
si ry
Iamb to the ornoffixion: • Above bhe mafn, dexo hiipAvery popttiar wit the great -alar ' Ro'J»•1ii1151trawt�bn Jr,n. Incl, E4 Jliay, aged....
ieiiird ce wce.11fesizs stateary,illjirirabivoof )or'ity of t'he people. He ,ponds money 62 yearn and 5 min
the With of Obeid. In this theyy appear to - vary freely especially in Berlin, hie capital BUTLEDga,.gm Toronto, on lam, Atlt. Heavy
imitate• somewhat ttaphae'a £iisbine Ma. duty, which he soyas and ' wishes t0 nee seta i# iced (ieerrd brother to tis J L Rerro.
donna, than I ea* a'- r' ween, Then beautiful, and in the government of which g�
follow the Magi rritn th.i preeenis, the he playe a ooneiderable part, The German MMIITe nIff i .. 4g nberry, Jan. nth, James
eirottn1d!eion,(i il'iet d lock emple,Joeiph navy and the advance of German ehippin
and Ma are without dbabt the Raiser's rtron Set in W1LSQN-Xe fit. Joseph ifs• .Tan, 4th. Jas.
ormatly o > met *awanoeh, aged
bhe crow for l3iirirt, , wu on, f9,
i d of btly h the tarok at prevent Conweobsd wit this
th the arca C rixt Int ! 1 is he 8 exit 1175Ar1.
shop bs o '' ljolrtt ^ h and tools ' b r ,
, ei'ha,1,�
put o b t l30 l , lleetl Wa b, on .pan. ?thy
plow the fait t -ng y , •
Spring 41 ••111.4114411
NO •.• 11 4..
07'4 a 074
040 a 041 tat
Bye 11.14y1.14. 040 a 0 46'
Barley 11 r.4<...••f.. 0 48 a 0 SO .
6 66 a 0.46 Ills
•F• lour per cwt .00.0... 2 16 a 2 15 �.4�
nay 4 .... '1414rr.1,11 11 00 it • 900 - wt
Sheepsllins rr,.. 0 25 a' '0 60 nail
No,1 Green trim, bides 5 00 a 6 00'
Wood short .... r.1riM 2'25 a 250
Chlokens, per pair ..10 20 a 0 40
0.00001 0 40 a 050 -
Geede, per lb • 0 06 06 a 0 ` 8
heti► .
Pork. ire ..... c,..