HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-17, Page 5• • a
Wwas the night befere Christmas, and all
through the house
Not a ereature wes stinting, not even a
the stochinge were lung by the chitimei
with care,
In tho hope that et. liieltolas scion would
bo there;
the children were nestled all liue In
their bode,
`• While visions of sugar -plume deuced, M
their heade.
Mid mamma. tat bar 'kerchief and I in
zny cap, .
re winter'a nee:
Juat settled our brains for a laltg
When out on the lawn there Mem molt a
_ gloater,
Oln Oran* from the bed to *ell what wee'
the matter.
mon tWet- to the window I new like • ae.eb,
pee open the *butters! and threw Up the
moon 01, the *Melt of the new Celle*
. Owes Malted:* of midday to objects bee
• Jew;
!When west. to my weedeting eyes Ovule
But a miniatmei s1.gh Ante *Wit their
'1 reindeer.
With a little old delver, le lively au.
Su. ..T.e
4, ,tt•
tAneW In Moment it mile8tNioa.
morerapid than eagles. Ina courser* the?
Ana he ',blotted and shouted and eon*
them by name;
New-Dasheri now, Dancer! now, Prancer.
and Vitent
On.Comet! on. Oupidl on. Dunder 'tea
o l'itIt7lelg the Porch! To the top of
Vow dael-e.wayt bash 'await PIA
away Atilt
'As dry leaven that before the wild hunt-
(When they n;eet with an obstacle, moues:
to the sky,
. Pe up to the housetop the °careers their
kip._ flew,
• ; •
mot a, sleigh full of toys, and St it*,
oleo, n
'And then, intoo. a twinkling I heard 131.Th5
4, nal ?eve a square meal for once Pt
your kW." A hungry look came into
els eYte.
"Mean it?" be toted, doubtfully.
"Mean it? Of course I mean it,"
mid, heartily, "if you would Proud**
one thing."
Re raised his silo to mine.
"It you'll take a bath and put on
• renis 01 my old clothes, you on eat
supper with me and sleep in the house,
!latent' of the cold barn."
For a long time ha sat /faxing at. me,
but 1 whistled a **liege tune and pre.
tended, not to esie. Presently .1 said:
"Well, do you give in?"
s.anewer he buried his face in hie
"Oh, come now," I ionghort, "I'm not
the fellow to seam' that kind of thing.
lotto* ois:
has got 40 belga and whistle
arirltind al% or they -don't see me Teri
i Ifemething 'warbling dropped from
between his tarty Angers and flashed
flovnt on the, •boards.Then be opoke,
illomwir. and Witie, an 'Wert.
• "You are the first man On God's
earth that hail treated rue Into a Mall
"Tee. ru So home with you,"...114 con.
tinned, atter e4 pause, "If you are not
too good to put up with a dog."
, "Go on, Billy!" X shouted to the
,horsh. "Guess you forgethe oat.
.Welting for you at home.'
• "4 tell you,•' he went on, savagely,
lail-bird and everybody turns
. "
"Oh* Come! I biLVAlet timed von
la*, have X? Don't you croak! X
' ;haven't even took you in yet," and I
lasighod.and .struck In, "my gal's 11
;high -horn lady. She'—" ^
grabbed my arm in 4 vice -like
dutch and growled between his teeth,
ffNone o tlutt,,or X'11 choke you so yoit
;tan% squeak any more o' that infernal
was surprised, to any the least, but
atIMIY remarked, "You don't like
pwsic theilt"
Such a hard, eton3% look settled on
a& reap' tionfiteetince thdet.tor a mo -
Plea X thoUght he was reallysdesiorre
Ione. • • ' '
Well, we gat borne and 1 escorted
ear guest into the kitchen after we
guid put up the horse. Mother Wei not
,On the least alarmed..as this. wail not,
.the liret occurrence of the kind, but
Ituis one was somewhat out of the or,
dinary and she looked a little surprised
when I told her to turn on &abet wee
:ter in the bath -roe= But she quietly
• want about, caring tor our guest's coin
Cort as ..only a mother. can.
Tho poor fellow looked bewilderee
:when I itehered him into the hath-roon1
aud he saw the neat pileof clothes laid
'ready for his use.
rather laughed when 1 returned tc
AIM kitchen, 'and pokel fun at my'
queer looking protege,, but he did a
.be airtaY0 had, let die have my own
• . - •
• When my mare returned front the.
ibath-room, fresh and orderly, I 'was -
'silent with admiration, Such A trans.
alhe.,riroatncing and, pawing of each t1i11..•
retNiv in my head and was. hurting
- • • around, A • • •
Downthe chimney St, Nicholas same
with a bound.
Ile was dressed all in fur from hie head
to 'his foot, • - •
'And MS clothes were, all tarnished' with
• ashes and sooti-
•, • !A bundle of • toyi. ite• had swung on' his
mei; Solitiroy will outwear
tt,ver pairs of
common raters. For tb re e
years we have proved .that with
• long's mild you can stub -
SIWIL your foo
but you cannot stub the rubbers:
are St.11.111124141-401o!! •
Upon tb4 POW Of OttekSboei.”
with our copy. 'Woo/
sighted name
do not allow yourself to be de-
ceived by imitations.
P Stall*011-
- shorsLEAThER TO
the best on the market, 6 -inch,
tanch and 12.inch, tops with
Rolled Edge and Hada. Theyars CIr1ed.Jfl .
:*nd yOur
.4saleir caw order thins ft* you.
Ths J. D ICING .
kayo smalualvir 90804
tosatral et .
‘ N... ,..,..„,
• , • , .,q
,V,•\ bil • 0%.• ••v
NVs.$':•1, • • iii ‘
sVr . ,ed
.+1.7..17, i •r• :
"A\ W 0
00y Lt. t
bNAI:\k1 ' TrIP:Atiii
wq r D'eti"! .11
0\i\‘'‘\, tooTov
\ . .
;\ l'CA pits
'1 They eivO' a light
that's rieh and bee
nape Seg odor.'
Many styles. sow
everywhere. • „ ,
' • - e dee-
'Andhe looked like a•peddler Just Opining
his•pAck. •
Efts eyes -how they twinkled, his dimples
how Merry! •
cheeks Were iike•roses,.his hp. like',
111. daclillittli
ro:Mouth was drawn up -like
a bow,
And the beard of 'his chin wail as white
as, the snow ; _
The stump /Aa pipe hi' held tIghtin his
teeth, • • . •
/And the smoke it encircled hie head like '
a wreath;
Re hte'doya broad face_ and a little round.
Thatt our jweihi ye! he !wished like a h:owi-
Ue was chubby And plump, a right jolly
Old elt • ' • •
'And I laughed when I saw him in !pits,
AfiloownhI.31diretta°vote!mgef4troe knanoawa 1 ,had nothing to
twist of hie bead
Ele spbkesnot a word, but went straight
to his work,
alio filled -0J the stockings, then' turned
'And. Vegatglitng r ide f his nose,•
. And giving a node, the° chimney he
- •rose;
He .sprang t� the sleigh, to.his team gave
• h tl
AMY away they ell flew like the down of "•
a thistle. . ,
But I heard' him exelaiii ere he drove out
of eight, , . .
maternevbrietmee to an and to.ali A good
-night". •Mooe. •
Re had come into Birehville One dis-
real fall day, a little pack over hit
• ahoulder and a hard, hopeless loolc on:
• his face. Be looked so. daugeroue that.
.everybody• lockett-their doors, and re
tueed to succor' the miserable, wretch;.
Before night he was iodgea ta the town
1cooler, but was liberated the following
dnorning. ' He set mit down the south
'road and trudged. wearily on foe sev.
• . eral miles. Then he dropped on the
grass the road and burled bis fact;
in h,is hande,,
"Ah, there!" cried.--n•Want'teo ride?"
He looked un Vacantly and &tared.
Then, as my meaning slowly dawned
on him, he 'gathered himself Up, and •
came around to the backof the wagon
• . :BUt there Were eat/oral valuable peek»
eges in the bottom of the • vehicle and I.
didn't care about putting hint 'itti the
- °way, Or rather the seat, of temptation,
so I ordered him up beside Me. He
looked rather uncertain about it, •but
•finally ended by clambering in. • And_
thus we rode along for three miles, the
wretched tramp beside a wealthy far
leer's son. • But X had all a boy's nal-
-• oral love of daring and adventure; and
it wasn't the first time I had ridden.
beside the rougher species of - human- •
' - lty. • College life had not made mo•tas-
- Wiens, there was too Much of the far-
mer about me. • •
"Where are you bound for?" i asked,
or way of Arawitig on a conversation.
"Eh?" be efaid, looking up stupidly.
1010oMe, wake up," 1 laughed. "You
ere Meat asleep, X guess. Want .a good
ehaking?" and I took Vila of his dirty
$(:rTilliare.faintest..ilicke'r. of a smite Bullet;
iternis itislipte then 9.11„ was blank
male. But in that instant, / saw, spite
As all the dirt and Ontaelatiott, a hands
Mum face. •
If only that tangled pam wag
'straight and clean; if only that hag.,
cud strength; aria If vigor and
fiance of ouch Mine es X had but
perfect:Maul -•
. Maybe once Wooled have been just
suet. ,11 this might haws been the
carte, what terrible oirountlitances must
felt an un table Interest In this
Ica,. led, 01430tpinsent condition! I
Attains* uti mate and X rssolved '
do all that lay in my boyish ability to
restore him to an ideal gate tit Mental
bealth and bodily vigor.
1/4.2.13!‘7., Old man, come 110110 With inc
" ought to be glit-eetVi
deuce of %exit, &thine, ad' '
it does, direct from a
druggist who haS for years
T.-- A
*a wan a 4:
G it P- P. r4;1
Capsule ;104
otie. of the "highly re.
commeuded -atifen.and
here 'are his 'words:.
• 4. rearit winter freiti 4 fel ib Nate
• sif Uremia Capella deify. tied the
bidet natally luereateitig, °Whig leriiet
little think, to the fait that those who
Mice use theta recommend theta to
A., Ittlitettovi,
Yceift.dttlest &lobes, sd• cents,
et etrectw mon,
utvA.Nivo. mktr,c, Co. i.tot.
• " °SCOW/4 One.
, •
miry .
a 1
awerl nice end limp botv 1,7,7rea' with
eleanlieess were croWned with the ra4
Plight,* fethlei ttiostout gaga—what
Cormelionl j made no comment, but,
. • . •
. .
seeing he was faint with hunger and`
the exercisef the b
the table,- •
I -"You waited ler me?" he mild grate,
.fullthink!, Did you 'thi
"Surenk. I Pat
going to eat_elone when "X could just
as well have company?' TOoitige.-Pitcli
in" •• ' "
And ' pitch in ^he did. 1 never saw
• any one 130 hungry. When .at last, his .
etaving„ was appeased, 1 took hint tG
his room, which' was next to„nilne. The
poor fellow broke down completely
When. he saw the clean sheets 'and soff•
•• 01110we: • ' .
• •.he cried out," let 'me' sleep. in..
the WO: Anywhere but hetet; •It is
• to strieffge; and oh, so good!" '
MAI paid no heed. Soon /left him
f with a hearty good -night, As I :passed
down the hall, the bath -room door was
• :Oar and as I -stepped td dose. 'it, an
object on the floor , caught my atten-
tion and I pleked„it up. It was a WI?
cd, worn •portralt- of a woman;
I carried it to the -gas. • Great Scott!,
It was wae nifdwn °eosin Margaret! •
' How .came it there? 1 had never
Ewen it before, yet it was she,' without
. the shadow • of a doubt, .The picture
tad -evklently been 'taken long years
Pao, for this was • a 'fair-haired girlish
Ogure and Margaret was "au old maid,
now," as • I had playfully teld her
, ogee. Yes, this was eugely Meggie, for
there at .her throat was the old-fashion-
ed brooch that she has alwilys kept,
though locked from sight now. And
'here was the samebeautiful face that
eorrow. and tragedy had •lined, and
bail the einall, dimpled hand thatreen
yet sought in vain to win. For Meggy
With her beauty shad - been loved, by
twiny, but herself had loved but one,
end • he*. • •
t Great Heavens! • '
,COuld this be possible?
A stealthy footstep came along the
hall, passed my bed -room, and Mi..
tiouslY approach the door. When
Ile saw me he bounded fiercely to my
ode „. and angtood the picture from
"You shan't have WI" he neesion.,
ately cried. "She's miner
stumbled confusedly down • the
%Ithih..1prildallotatli4edruka°11thtehrit had happen
It was late 'that night when we re.
tired and there were tears in her ate
Le rhs put her arnis around my neck.
"Please Mid,' we will eathim yet!
it Wee PrOTI441100 who pent 32ftt. tire,
(la bleut YOu, aear boy, ter. your chttr4
..ru• next *tinning he Slept We anti
f wont up to;,. Wak. bud, Ho INS
brehthing iteavily and hi. faee was
flushed. 1 laid', isgi. hand on his head,
but drew it away quiekly And rushed
down Stant
"Mother, ha is very sick," 1sam
"I'nt going or Dr. tt...:4,75
L it took but a Moment 'so Waddle
• -
1 Plash, and off I went. The doctor look.
14 grave when be maw hint.
"Brain fever," he Said. "It will be a
I bard fight."
And it was. I shall never forget
those days and weeks. Father and i
took turns. watching nights with him,
and mother nursed' him daYthnes
with alenderriese almost aublime. But
. even a faithful physician and three
auntie combined were at °dila with
the terrible Shadow that hovered over
the oufferer.
0, tboee awful nights" of wild deity-
. tunt! As he grew wpm, it became nee -
emery for both father end I to wateh
together, for thoere were thaw) in, his
frenzy when he could ecareely be held
in bed. Atter thee° violent epella he
would sink into such deep stupor that
it was very difficult to rouse ilic.1
enough to take MS Medicine. Them
tanking opens were more dangerone
then hie violent delirium for he be -
Mime weaker with each repetition and
At times the pule, was scarcely diner-
. liable and the breath 'BO faint that I
`Zeught him dead Mere than OM
.00M0t1M04 ho fancied he was beck
In the old Immo and he prattled on
. •about the governor's stinginess and.
• hies ' own extravagance, Then his
uthght,s, turned to the -love of • his
"Peggy, don't you know how Much
• gout are to me?" he mould. whieper.
"YOU are myy better. selt, my comma,
my north star, ray ballast Wheel.N1 .1,
flnow that i .yon
marry. me, I shall go to the bad, 1 wftl,
1 will! Down, down, down!
"They are hard, 'cruel --Peggy! ' They
won't let .me have you, dear! What
Cali we do? Oh, I .am going to the
' IMO Sinking!
"I am here under your window, Mare
Levet love, but you are asleep.. You do
not see. 1 am here by the .rostt Vint
where L told you firsts' loved you.
;Wiell / had my gaiter, I'd sing the 'Red
, - rose' song. I'll •conie to -morrow night
and serenade you, , . • - " ,
"Peggy, I tee a figure creeping along
*the- IMPEL Don't he . frightened; dear.
• f its.ft litirglart -Pre got.• a revolver.
'UV Ate- eogaink nearer.' • iod God, it is
i.milrorriAkoitnitetiner:r...40.1Xerootent:grieuajt toikk441.4%liiir„ratiyoreii
dore. I will step out like- a man, ' and.
.bit him 1 cameto serenade you, . tit
-forgot my guitar. . Hat 1a,1 Hat
,, '?Why, what's happened? . My head
lerhirle. There are people holding me.
Why is ft? . What are these things in
the grass? Burglars' tools,- and it 1$ en!,
• • - •
platel What! 11aHas o se ben
• robbed? . Ohl . There's a pain In ..my
'head and•I can -hardly see. Did some-
one hit Me? ' - -' -. • • •
"What? Me, a burglar? • My head
'Curbs ao.. Pardon me, gentlemen, 1
do not understand. - How sweet the
Mel Smell!. Peggy, are you stin sleep.
1 •
•'. • "What ' are these thirigie-rOPeel
'Mold! 1 ani no felon!. I swear. I know
'nothing about those tools and the ati,
- tver! Let me go, r say! Peggy, Where
are you?, SaVe :me, darling! . But you
'are sleeping,-. don't waken for. dreams
/fire meets*. .than grief. *Dream on,
'dear love! - ' • : . • . • . .
"What .1s.thist A prison,. you say?
• rsafit abode for 'a felon. - Nine • years?:
y she is nuovied? And happy?.
And. she does riot believe in me? You
"Father is deed? Of heart Meows -el• '
e! What heel -Obeid he to die of? ' I
roke it! Mine Is broken, too; Blit
her -heart is not broken, no! . finals
happy! • . • •.
' • • . •
"Free,. am. .1?. . Free! - For What?
hat' Is In lift before me? . Nothing!
Despair! Death! But t can't die. with. •
loUt one 'more look at my love! One
• Smore . look! • . • . • -- ' • -
"How weal -the world is! Too cruel
- ter me! - I Will. leave. it, but notyet.• Ii
only someone would give' me food•.:1
would ,be strongerto reach, Yon, . dear!
I Must see you! / will; go now, and
to Walk, and walk,' and walk so fast! 1
will -find yon! I 'am eciiningl" and TA'.
• would hold him with -iron grip till hl
frenzy &tinged to stupor.
. - Poor Robert!
At last the crisis came,- and the
itor iiid Iwatched rogetter,-.,_ ,......, . .
• "We must save him," l• demanded, "it
Pis very necessary." • Sp we two eat in
• the stillness of the night.ant, watched .
the -faint and fainter breathing of the'
sufferer. Dr. • Esrey had done .his best
and • all his best, • No one. but - God
w6c)auel le pheenli nbgi nit hen!:'nWi ill. ti ikon pe wr a mote ohne 43
. not sleep, and I prayed that her Palo
41.,.:h1 . . .
How fast he was einithig! ' Could
• i
• Pena might be heard and answered.
. •
i'*fe i
.` •• 0 , . •
1 •
II T 1/4101
1 g
aleimeleir " • ' rev.
"kik* bete of is, when fa- aro leaving 1
home in hay the &L Methol Mester.
is geedianteed to mire the wont et.gb bt
beeltiohe, hesiache, etitchee, A.vold
.4 wry -
ng sell0 be Jae g ,eltt the gen.
tine Made by Devi. .1Awtohom
The ir •upshlit tanhattan. with the
Mounted nififtt on b era, will sell from
Halitex fir rcouth Attic 6 on ' uoriar,
st?„ehei:h67,,rn. Pr'cnanto in the United
precented a • eaten to the
,, • Curt, temple nirig Against
eleltiolon att and the indirnities
tri which immigrants artnziected.
Stops thy Oomph
and Worksaff the Gold
Bromo.Quinins Tablets ours
• bold in orbs day. NoOare,No Pay Odor
V5 °tote
• ;ailing sae* •him7 Tb.e d•oetor tool !
at his watch and felt the pulse. Sud
Only, Robert's eyes elf °Den nnf
ere was a sickening. lur `ork them.
illargartitl" came the faint whisper -
clothing of a number of worshippers •
Mares face and ordelly attire. he
- -
and gaining strength 'With We clean.
looked quite young and hendeorne
again. And as the days flew by, he
gained in vigor both of mind awl body
No that we were very proud of him,
It was day or two before ehriet.
Inas sten be braced himself up and
proposed leaving us.
"I must be Jogging en towers
home," he said. "If the weather holds
out good, I'll be in Burlington by
the first of January."
"Burlington!" I exclaimed. "Why,
I'm going there myself the day After
Christmas, and declare! won't tar,
to go down alone, will I? How jollyl"
1 He looked serioue and doubtful.
"Ditt—"-Anio obJected.
• "Oh, very well, if you object to My
seoletY, there le no more to be eaidl"
and tried to look offended.
"Viten, ru go down with you," US
laughed, "But that isn't It, "
"Oh, how relieved Wet I MAUI
along/it you didn't care for my com-
PallY," end r left 'the roOm, to is:void
father discussion. •
Christmas Day was hue. The sun-
ehine poured through the windows and I
Its radiant Influence made the house as ,
cheerful as a lune bower. We hadil
deeerated the mews with belly emir'
flowers till it seemed like's Veritable
Amodio. For we ,expected- OQMPanY.
and Hebert. Crane was very, useful in
the. PreparatiOlie, Ile had emerged
from his tactiturn mood and X bad be'
to. think the fever bad lingroved
him. watched him put the finishing, • •
. touches to bank of palms and thought
how very handsome he was. Once he
"By, Jove, meal" cried, In litter
smiled at wane trifling reniark of mine, The Bankru t
:Wat'2 the row' aisked, Iowan
',At this Moraent a carriage .drove up.
We -41 tiMe been (15
Stock and we have
• ed for the_ Fall trad
Wei do not Into
and a wOldall alighted,' a pretty little
'woman with an old-fashioned brat,* to what we nav
at her throat, and red roes in Ater soon as possibl; as
cheeks, and band% • looked at Robert
., •
31041.11 ON
our Vitra fetes,
=front i'cliZiebt
la tguaraiso• w
rhe cause may be. w
emits are the •
1?"4.4 odor. ears
vitaliad itiozit
*hen roe
eu Wend
• srlooma• end. Mrieture w
Oslo. Nervous, Priv
I tel avoribleo Cowen. re
reetreent. Periectsy of
AU fletlicisee et Ctteit
bergs* Pre id.
gab eCrane.t;1lblloMo a:gmelotilynkne:as.y sie-7nleafirt°0'..nes,tIhatkiheet gihbileYtaralita.uhradet . . prices
. a le sete:doec, ki eanasi kusto' allwandisposenrshaiet i,
th,, .,e xvorn. This. supreme Moment was
' eit*14:4".0-v4P!'22oth all closed 1: ,' shall•"'Ne....se ev
• A long, tinie alte -$.01:1.3.E., iiniis-. .
door a crack and .s
"Peggy, the mini cl): :•.' VVIiilriAjnelitio
I didn't waft to s Flannels, }liale
I'an not going to tell y
werds. ,
lonadOs, Tw.e0s.:
aabowuedt dminYgtrtahmatp,a- exceptfenioothat aitnthoerure psi. , we have j,ust:e..
.1;:rilti pgr:iyi:eig,nii, not 1,
lie it inv:ennr: Children.16` Is Jacketst a
day.„...03xwx:rxtos13:.u...rolciine,gtu!?n,__w.4,,,I,1,74:,h_4:r1;._,Ii+.;..0,t:,„,-:,,,, . mIlleso . Booyyss, an
, Epilepsy. Cateable, ' : We have a lot 0
71 Dieease That Han Long Bar. . , -- '
fled Medical Skill. ... • . , Bo
, . ----- . .
Arr m• 'A,' Ascii/10g a Buckingham; ' :Men's, Ladies' a
' .:.-2Collrableearnir. see atf
; I
• Give.* His Experience for 'the Benefit of
Other Sufferers from This Terrible
• • ,,
Front the Poet, Thiskingliam; Que. '
We venture to say that in our town of
3,000 inhabitants fewbusiness Men ars
better known than Mr M. „ A. Ganthier„,
the young and hustling butoher. of Main
street, He. wasn't however, as energetic
or se beetling a couple of years ago as he
is to -day, and for a good reason -he. •
•wasn't well:, Haying gone into business
ere reselling his majority bie desire to
.6.a. was such that no heed Was paid
to keeping? the body in the state of health EA UT IF
nebeseary to stand a strain; and in conse-
quence of theextra &monde upon the
system it beearaerun down to such an ex-
tend that epilepsy or 'falling • sickness re-
Milted,- and these lapses into unaonsciouti•
nese becoming - alarmingly frequent he
oonaulted physicians and took some re-
medies, but without beneficial result".
- Finally seeing Dr Williams' Pink Pills
adVertised as a cure for failing titaness he
decided to glye them, a trial. As to the
result the Post cannot do better than give
'Mr Gauthier's story .in hie own words:
"Yes," old Mr Gauthier, for nearly four
years I.ouffered from emlepij? or falling •
fits„which took me without warning and
usually in most inconvenient phew. I am'
just twenty-four years of age, and I think
I started business too youngand the fear
of failing sparred me to greater effords
perhaps than was good for my constitution,
and the conoequence was that. I became
Subject to those attaoke whichcame with•
out any warning whatsoever, baying me,
terribly sick and weak. after they had
passed. l•got in dread their recurrence
verretuoh. ' I conerihed dootors and took
their „remedies to no purpose, tlfe fits still •
troubled me. I sew Dr Williams' Pink
Pills advertised and deteerained to try
them. X did so, and, the medicine helped
me ea numb tbei X got more and kept on
taking them them, MAU today Lam as well, '
yes better, then I ever was; and am not
troubled at alt by epilepsy or the fear of
the Ate seizing me again. •••''''.1.'hilitingeehere--_,
may be others similarly afflicted, X give
my story to the Poet: it they perhaps lead
them to give this great medicine a trial."
Dr Williams' Pink Pine are a positive .
onre ter all diseases arising from irnpoyere
holed. blood, ora weak or shattered 0011 -
dition of the nervous system. Every.
dooemekee new, rich, redtjood and gill*
tone to the nerves, thus oaring such die.
easel; es epilepsy, Si. Vito dance, paraly-
sis, rheumatism, fanatics, heart, troubles,
anaemia, eto. Thee° pills'are also a mire
for the ailments that midis the lives of so
many women a constant misery. They
are sold in bone, the wrapper around
which bears the full name -Dr Williams'
Pink Pith' for Pale People, Can be pro-
'onred from druggists or will be sent by
mail, poet pm, a 50 &Atte a box, or az
boxes tor $2,50, by eddrealuit the Dr •
Williams' Medicine Co,. Brocktilie, tel'ato
, .......,—..,_ .
A tamp upsetting in the Free Metho.
d iet Church toe Verona set fire to the Alltfertmlivim,
' • • '
• , Do you want earn
Only a few monients of
offeg a 13BAUTIFIFE.
Miracle 'Pills.' ,Boys
• , moments of their tune
.• dress and we will 'send
bayeadvertised as 'elicit
tared mail and we will s
Everybody who.. has gee
• (mile and fully en:arm:de
• known for Dyspepsia,
gestion, Blood DiSeases,
send your name at once
deso•ription Of the beautif
• Wrire today so as ,t0•1
inffora, To those viii
money order foe 05 00 bid
and the watch.' Weite pis
o Special Offir-RS"beogeldryo;
send a full 50o box to. every
Some Instinct Moved trie to repfy.
itouhVis cell:, " 1 •
#plactng my hp.
"YOU WY. he yet?" he asked. wirol
Aro true to me, Margaret?"
"glit't ifttar 14*"
/trio, dear, Alwys," s
• thin1011 trt .san o lesand a wit e
hought the flutterin,
piton Altogether. to, tot
breath would
the. d°4°1
Ow and Put on.,4But ocgt.
11ke.,10Nee tare of h puree m
7will live." And after
•Lire ;store directions, he left the
d4111re did live, and improved so stead.
r„ although
bestow time he wu On and about
Nine time out of ten Poin-ICIller will be
found to fill your needs as a heusehold
remedy. titled as A liniment for stiffness
end token interna4 for ell bowel iota.
plaints. Avoid atibetitutee, 25a end ON
It 1. reported that the Boers raided
the cattle of Linehwe'e tribe, north of
Pretoths, carrying 'Way 60,000 Cattle
and killing a rounbei of herdere. The
chief has asked permission to defend
his realm.
'd"' j. P.K.;
••••1'-' VI,
•ceti )4,
There Wile quite a panic, and tly„e per itzturigge-t. :,..41.0r,ohs,
sons were seriously burned. .
A.rgeetina and llvidi't bilivo &gred to . . Viddtecomigis, op
submit lr' Night --- ,er otspote to the arbitration
ur ktritleih Commissioners.
ON THE POriltoStgit: Al
oPrLAtins that t.
The four-square pion omestomere, ragaraess of aran 0t6ion ,
receive the Mile careful attention and
lw. Lw"
t nt et -our store 'We are ae per. n . tip' Lead Am
taar with the Willa Who is sent to pne, In w
obese some smell artiele al :wei are with
, rest Bargains
the experietioed alba.' We never sub-
stitute ' inferior aongs
if *t"1.38141Plgt 4 rilknew selooted Basins for 25
doetor's premien) on.
mend the ,,eotnethi g just oil good," ' 7Ibegooa. Cooking Pie fete 10
abitX A D tliimaraira It Ihe Tiiplook for 4 0411400,0
lInder ell oir,tumttanoes of sickness
eorrecte digestion, and builds up thole Apnondo, %duds, pond.. All n
;Li::: Teblve oiler tisoinher,ilittmoy:10 etel:teemrsb,riBni:l
- Sugar t
*nd Masse reiliele Celery Compound to
wife, Imre end unfeiling. It cleansers And go ihs Bright coffetanor for 1.0
purifies the blood, brewer. the
rnweehornovioattieres.wowcsikooripeldrionerintitridoeuow.neti.onbOtrittitioce 4kthoet Ltotbintipi.whAhnizogtrooaer abtuoisteirntartj
ran6a17astre71:etHCOdZYT:Dflaragalill 1:1174:11rtionft"rh Pic ettaft%
here Are
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