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THE CLINTON NEW ERA I 47 J 1"-) Iq01,d
44*I**, NV* V*
'RlDralle JAN. 17th I1902.
271bcCoffee ,Mz rfor $1 and good Sirup tor'
4'tc per gallon at d aV x1iVvIN'd,
Harland Oros are making a reduction of So
pArgallon m4041011 far cant beat Vanediau
coir iGc nor gallop, American 0013,2 00 per sal-
. vont ttpatd toy.
SCHOOL BOARD -••- The annual
Meeting of the Public School Board
wile held on Wednesday evening. Mr
Isaac Jackson was elected Ohatrmeni
Mr Ouniugbam, Secretary; and the
different corpmtttees appointed. The
estimate* submitted for the year"are
said to be the lowest prepared for 25
years, which is highly commendable
GOMMISSIONERS.e--The following
., are the License Oonamiesioners apt
Acro ltd for the Odinits_ of Huron for
• Zimut 100010. the ensuing year est Huron 81
le. day 1y .day.
• i'
e' are' selling -winter
the biggest Janu-
are pre
eats you will find
u. The price cuts
t inflate prices or
look bigger ' than
specials for this
the store that
uriug Jany f
They are not
want to sell every
would rather a
n'we strike our bat-
season with every
nt half a dozen garment, left
ort $11 50 to 515.00; they t
h Coate we have ..;;""stook
this s rot,"''lfiti can take
nary Sale $7.75. ,
be perfectly frank with you.
e that we carried over. If
t for rough wear or to make
a girl going to echaol, yon
r than see these; just about
em left, your choice,
unary Sale. $1.00
ng January
o start next season
we are going to do
at in stook when
e and we can at—
s such a success
order not to dis-
to secure one, we
nd_trimmed up the
of at . sale, your
, and were it not
ooald not sell these
Saturday, at 25o
• \ :d in our Albert
an takeyour choice
night comes there
n Caps 10c
len Hats bad Bonnets, odd,
', tome gushily soiled, olear-
nr. ohofae - 10C
SOC' during Jan'y I
t1, 1,2AD9-Yesterdayq Meagre. Qeo• Slant. Godericb, H. McQuarrie.
rawt'ard and Mat.tbew e;7raitr, of the. �'ae, Stevens, Hullet#;
South Huron-.
very lar e p e.0 to tGwi'U, "
(ac'awfard�s load weighed p09t` itis, .anti MurdiQ ata A. Littlejjohn. The' lrt•
was hauled by a pair of Andrew Lam• spectore are w. J. l?aieloh . clition,
x$thcortosseion of Ht_ we dtow two 1.. D' la'or. Peter Dongias and Hy.
mie colts; While Craig's load a etghed Jemthe
test riding:
rtgtlle �eastR andl Wan#
9070 lbs, and was drawn by a Mair of Baltantyna for the mouth,
Rakertleld colts.
has added a great improvement to his " Stuart, well known to .town, being t<
battery whichwill enable him to hays cousin of Miss O'Neil, Was the victim
lees work and also have the dough of. an accident at Toronto medical cep,
mixed g -nicker and better than. here on Monday that might have re.
before. lie now has what is called at sued in , the loss sof his eyesight. He
dough mixer and to properly run litres was leeturrn to his class in practical
engine which willhere in h coursendoing a preparation of caustio_potersh, p Patterson,
of a few .. days, Mr •King believes in the doctor standing close hpp: The ° ot• war en for 1 02. will be selected as
pleasinghis many. customers with the ash suddenly exploded, Mowing np Warden for 1902....At Interesting lets
iiest he can procure and with dispatch, into the doctor's eyes 1?r y9tuert t from citizen co t'
t "4x3 Doyle• Eaet Huron--Gl Fortune
boyhood will be found en page 2 of
this 'iesue....Wsrtgree with many of U
our closets who think it would be*
touch writer if the 'now plough could AMP
be around early in the morning; it is
much more needed by the publc at an lit
early hour, say 7 a. M. andepartic-
ulnry so by the school children a few
hours later.... Those who poet Mrs 11
Bunting. of kat. (ia.tharines, who visit-
ed her cousin, Mrs Robt. Holmes, Aur-
ing the past year, will be sorry to learn
that site is in the hospital there, suffer.
Mg from softening of the brain, and
hercondition is regarded as serious.....
(. Joy, who has been a clerk rn Mot-
son's'Bank has been transferred to thri
Simcae branch and left for that place
Wednesday ; ire has many friends who
regret hie removal.... We understand
that H. Wiltse. has been notified by the
leoverntnent, through Jae.: Scott, that
they require posseeeton of the proper,
tit by April llth ; this will' necessitate
Mr Wiltse to seek a new grocery stand
...Mrs Reid of near Londesboro, has:
moved into town. end rented Jas.
Smith's harks, corner of °uteric and
William street....The county council
will not meet until -Jan. 26Th; owing to
the month coming in on a Virednesday;
ordered a three'horsepower gasoline chenoietry, and one of the students. was it is expected according to a rule agreed
is be'the' upon in 1000 that Dona Patt eon of
r m a cr n ncernmg wa er-
' works for Ulin on and of. interest is
THIS IS WURTHY OF NOTE. with .extraordinary preeence�of mind .
Lasa week lady whose husband is a seized aiiiluted anpostbetier ltd.oil and i M GT,u to Overn in this is.
subscriber. the New EEA walked sent it after the • ottash, c necking the ' . f Buffalo,
the miles in .order to renew the sub, -action of the latter; he watt taken home . , g photography at
ecription thereto. She was afraid he"` and hie eyes treated at intervals, and
Henryer photo studio, .Saturday Was
would not get the paper unless it was later oh' leas very much better. His
a very stormy day brat still there were
promptly paid for. We would like to friends here hone that his eyesight will a number of farwern in town towards
print her name in big type' across our nott be impaired, and that be will speed- evening ; the merchants report heel. '
front page, but we know she would not ily recover from the accident. tees quieter than usual The U U U
scribers of this kind hardly does jus- THE FIRST LECTURE, -The first
ce to our feelings:. � Extension Lecture under the aue_ptas
AMONG THE ILL. -We learn -from of the Collegiate was iven in, Town A large nt this Friday evenig, there is
g a large number intend 'gotng....J. W.
the Morden Chronicle .that Jean, the Hail en Thursday nignt of. last week, Elliott had one ,..f hie livery horses
youngest daughter of Rev. M. C. Eum- 'by Rev (anon McNab; of St Alban's somewhat Intinreit,l pang frigiatbut4 ivy
ball, well known here, is the yictiw of. church, Toronto. There , was a good lidos a. er at Bayfield_ last week....
scarletfever ; she re, however, able to attendance preeent who 'were all de- Ar,br,two t r. three w uses, eek. in
be up and running about her"prison lighted with his description ofetrs'tour Mise Maud Goodwin has resumed her
rpom"and feeling all right.... -We' rn in North Italy a 1,terevicterllattd, which music classes,; Blyth,-',Cucedayy, Ned-
that W. J. Biggins has rescuers;. re ,wee-ma`t,.;,,:i;, •t a more interesting with: aesday and Thursday, and Clinton on
flciently to be ,un and, •;eee'sgon F e� .the•nccompaniment of some fifty lime-
ime- Friday and Saturday of each week.,..
s on --1 • riends are grieved light y+ewe of the mountains and seen- In ail probability the (1linton Riga As-
umsteel keeps about ery on bis trayele there, but we .may i ti 11 nt the room abode New•
F. Clinton council, No. 116, will hold
like it. o say that we appreciate sub- their annual supper at the residence of,
ti '`'r t of Roland Jenkins. con.. 16' t>lvderlch
firm cloth, will wear well.
lir January Sale 25e
Raitiings 39c
i;.ds, 50 inch Cloth scitin e,
ality and weight, will nice •
Mite er skirte,will wear well,
1;r• .#angary Sale 39e.
Miring d ai ttary
re Englisl Flannelette Blink- •
fy Weight; large size, sdit fin-
;Misr $1.85
)r January Sale 98c
'e •.
tt for
ktg advanta g e14 of our
Ih 'e rime them in
eke, 1f. the material 1s
enc a aper re
11 confined to .the say the views were dim at times an combo's dry goods . store • for practice
hall itmproym not what they should be, The next lec- and other matters in connection there-
,t:Weare ... ture.will bel•.y Prof. Bake, of Toronto, •with.,,:Inlast .Saturda .'e Globe cen-
J P Tertian is con. Uniyersi�y on "Astrology." These tatted a picture ot226horsee out of a
s lecteres arean intellectual treat, which
,'house as the result "*of a consignment of 988 which were Aur•.
alight accident: :should be taken advantage of byevery-. chased in• the month of December by•
CURLIN(I NOTES, -At a meetingone. Many thanks are dile to these W. garland Smith, o'f Toronto, for
of the executive committee of the"Clitwho were the means of getting them South Africa ; we notice that 32 of
ton Curling Club at the Rattenbury here them were from Huron county.,.. We
" "'' " ' understand that Wednesd+a , Jan, lei
House on Monday night a merlon was _ g ,
passed thanking•A. J. Taylor, Torcula, 'we lean that the telephone line iPostx ,late milliner at Hcdg n e B s., and a
seatedfor handsomer trophy a:he haspre- tended • to the Balt works there so lady well known and highly respected
seated the draw has ah Contest
and 'that the Messrs Raneford whose -here, a favorite especially with the
doubthe contest will• commence on Monday. office
theiris rbusinesswill ethereloser On Sat the announcedunto take ; hert marriageerwatt
night. Norman Fair, the president of nada : was a real' blizzard ; on ..this •ac' to take place at her home
tumblethe b, for a Cs ontest a points gtgiese .with
the congtegatione in all the m n.Man n (formerly merly of Winghamof ) to
the orc n piece during churches were rather emall:...J. Taay bah' of whom we ;wish., every joy....
the onh competitionof to as take plebe
isu ing lor D. D. G. M. of the I. O. F. acorn- In ket quotatione produce keeps up
a trophy to be for in rink cornpe- panteil,by 8. Townsend, a P. Gl.,was up to Chi} usual prices butter going.at 16c.
tition. to
ho paidnd annualciuntvalis~•Co Goderich Monday: night 'installing and. ,eggs .Ile. ,..Levi:Wiltse,oftown,
their new ..cera of • the local lndge i sold a 8 ear:old. gelding to J. Black
to be held about the end of the.month,. they officiated in the(eaune capaai'yhere ' well, of London, for the handsome sum
when the chief attraction will be the -6n Tugrday 'night, at l9eafuieh. or .•f $200; • it was'a beauty... Las'.
annual honkey match: between they....
members of the club. iVedneodav aught and will go to i•:Arty there were .several pox •care
Hensel' for: Fridayy,�vening... The. somewhat damaged when at shunting
THE HOLY. CITY. -Lovers of Millie 1ponda school
eve ing foritsMeets
regular month- on the Doherty railway. : sidles.; the
and drama should notfai to be present y R cowcatcher.. the engine also bad
at the town hall this (Friday)ievening•, ly l it ectal. a f ie Northamstret. th a weekgd r}re n eec rloade: gf bog e b
Jan. 17. The•entertainment to. be given me. thodiet church, . Goderich has • re -
is something new, and'will also appeax covered' from' ae :six we ks' fele a of R Fit ile to_Oollingwood and one
in Seaforth. Goderich,Wingham,Luck- g of cattle b th to Toronto.: as of
now, and other laces. The
plan of anneal and hasB. heap d tie hisa` h h have received node the-marfitige tzf
haI l ie
vine speaks . her heel.... Christian MrsWigginton) A
people have at last got a successfu. to prise wanner, from this neigh -
open at Jackson Brae', The" tp. tntuu, yt an q erre e- Mtes, Malxregor; da ghter of J. .1N,
g passe notice from Bowman- ,prepares pulpii, for Toronto Conger. McGregor. of Vancouver. ((brolhet of
., vatory examtnatioas 'eta be ..be; d in J i inton to Mr ` W Fraser a
Godertch .next J uly,,,. A list of the rising young businessman of Roesland•
rival.of the ordinary theatre in the
sublime historical mu -kat story of the
Three Questi.ons
1, A buys a Fountain Pea cost hitt $1. B *Ito boys mazes*.
ing him 62.50, A 'gent along' with his fairly well, ;ant: R few
irregularities and at the end of a 'ear is aerobia about $1*.
and generally specking doer not probe Fountain n I'en
his without a trouble for, say ten yearn, it never ham to be coax-
ed to write. It is now servinghise se well air ever. Ile would.
not be without it.. Which is the cheaper pen 2
2. Bow. rattail should Above paid for his Pen if 'both buyers got
equal value ?
3. How mush should B have paid for his pen fit he heti~ received
the same returne for hie expenditure ore A ?
We beee the 51 pen, and we haveheerd, ft well spoken of, We alio b
the $2.50, $3,$3,50 and St pen, and we known where they have been io
ten years and their owners would not exabange;them for new pens.
are the cheapest kind to„bny, If interested let us farther talk Faun
to you: `
The W.D.F,
"Often the Cheaper
1TY'►Pe'1nT1 %
Our Great
11R'111. Commence '.
next weei
The: Old '.Reliable,.
.The °Store That Never Disappoints
Cash and One Price.
Rutter- and Segs taken
cross under the name of "The viola: '
City, or the 'Way of the Cross." The,. ` r m
company entries its .own beautifuliii��t�'rMtnVmttmtt�
scenery and art, sciende, and exquisite
vocal and instrumental music, accom
panied by good costumes and stege -
rt r Tr1tT'1t.r`emir
setting, and all combine to 'fascinate
the eye and render attractive the; eah-
red-gem. Tbe singing was simprp•en:- .
magistrate's case aired in 1 he town hall
on Tuesday afternoon before:Bus Wor. O v .�i
ship Mayor Jackson, was the outcome •
of a disturbance which occurred ata •
meeting of the Farmers' Institute re twit" `: .-ter
centl'y held in Dixon's hall at BraceWee ; Id . `ase
field. The plaintiff was B Waldron;
of the London read, who accused Mal.
McKay. Tuckersmit h, of. assault.. The
former in his evidence stated that at
the said meeting he and a friend had,
been whispering, which seemed to an-
noy McKay, who struck him, and af-
tervards warted for him on the street; ter
Fred Waldron, a brother, J Mustard
and A. Gibbons also gape evidence on •
his behalf. The defendant while at.
the meeting could not hear theseppeech-
es owing to the annoyance that Wald-
ron and others were, making, and on
asking for quietness was sworn at by
the plalptijL whoalealt,lnim a blow in
:rotern. McKay had evidently, waited
after the meeting to give young Watd-
ron some advice, to, which he a par"
surly was not favorable and a brief
scuffle•ensued; U. Fotheringham and.J..
Chapman, who were at the meeting.
were called as witnesses on behalf of
the defence. After summing op'
Wirahip said that en assault had been
committed, though perhaps justifiable, ' /..r
and imposed a small fine. Jas. Scott .some
was counsel for. plaintiff,' and J. M. =
Best, of Seaforth, for defendant." 'The
two cases entered by plaintiff spinet
the two witnesses for .the defendant
were withdrawn, • plaintiff standing .
costa. .
The Horticultural Sobiety, which hula -
ire annual meeting on Jan. 8th, shows
a good balance on hand,which speak.
well for its managetinent. There was a
_gg(194ll,yy� uwber.•,of,,,the,..lovere.-of -the•
beautiful present, A. •McKenzie preeid-
ing. Secretary, W. Coats r'ead thane.
And it will finish the most 'successful sale we have ever --had. People have been.
here from all • parts' of the county and they have been. astonished • at our low'3
prices, Saturday next will be a great day and 'hundreds of .buyers will be here • .
to participate in our wonderfully low pi ices. A :great manyy special bargains •
Will be "offered on this .•day, :. All our odds and ends will have a still further a •
cut n price. It will - pay, and pay well' .to anticipate ' your wants for some
onths as this • is a chance not offered every' month. b
. _, F
.Saturday's Special Prices ' .�.... ;
ombat -Coats *1138 Brown DogCoa $14.78 131ack�
' Coat,114.78, Dog Cof�tts, $18.78; Australian: Coon Coats,
*19.38 Siberian Buf'lala Coats, $24.98
ten's Vestee Suits
. Porhitp ih `btggest-etl 'tlr1 'e'lla r' lade in our great 'tock of Cltilhl�ng applies $o.ci' lldren's buoy
suits' and this is an oppportunity that mothers should not miws. • We are offering $3,25 Suits for
- $2.28; $4 Suitt 'for $2.98; $5 and $6 Suits.for $3.78. - - . • .
44, 444 4414
atrial condition of the society for the se --
past year :--
Balance on hand. 1002,. 4216.53,
Government Grant.... 411.
County Grant:.........20
Members' subscriptions,101
Total $878.53
horticultural papers....1! '02
Seeder plants, eta ......, 110
Working expenses...:.. 5.10
Sunday...... r ,... 8,00
'Total ,, ## 0,76 you can buy them at 8.48 you get a wonderful sit for the price. A
Waned on hand, 1001, 187.77
The following officers were elected
fortheptesent tetrat.�-President. A, ; ,,,,,,,,,,. s l
, All es spot cash.' No goodli on Approval. No good exchanged. '
McItt.nzie ' let vice, W. Q. Phillips ; W
20d, �''�+icei Jo�sf, Watloy; directors, t
ltaatledge, . Davis,LJ0. Cooper, A. 3 _. •u.r.r: ,u: „�,. -r wiser -a ,i..w ... .. 440k, ,r. -.....
'Wilken, D. B. d Kennedy, , Cottle, Br.
Agnew, J. :T::':
tTs. e , ;W. ACE:130111
lI; R�1 ell rety evil hooeCLIN'TON
nips in •Boys' 'O•dd Coats
We are selling' Boys' Odd Coats for school wear at $1.38. Thepare worth2 and 2.25. A splen
dd bargain.
Men's act+ eds' Suits at 3.48
This line of $bits wail goldregularlyat $5 and at this figure was this bust value in the trade. When
airandXt, ededthate ,so-
•ritt►nier and ti` ublic Meeting Meeting
s �l< at ttl+b +bud of I�1t�ch tt►i1t bat hold at
'�c�v,, Isicil trilllnentepitler a11111g to
° rN s Ctdrette tl connection With horticull
re.. `