The Clinton New Era, 1902-01-17, Page 3•
' ' ! ► .N'i'ON MW Er.
1 401401.0100.011WOMMW01 1 i 1
'.,twine the slight before Christniets, ,and all
through the house
Hot as creature. WO stirring, not even, a
the stocking* were bung by the chiapuey
with sere,
in the hope that St. Nicholas noon weel t
be there;
11io children wore nestled all snug in
their beds,
While visioead� Buser -plums dangle! in
heiAndrot. mma I uvea iia tier 'kerchief and I to
Hsd Ju*t nettled our brain* fora longs
wiuter'r nip:
#((flew out on the lawn there **rose *oche
111 t spti ng fro fthe
he'bad to ze. what wee
whe Pray to She*Indira1 Sew 'lilts a flash.
ere mien t ei Shutter's eat tbnw I t 1410.-
the ohs, o>4 the *remit at the new ftea►
Qaveltth .Mitre of to obieote b
uld westering ar
1fPtifn, what to• my w s eye' se
!Out * minieta ze rletgh ant eight by
s reindeer,
NOM a little old driver, se lively and
Sotimely in *a morneit it Must he 19t. Nies.
re rapid than eagles his courser* they
Won he lsstlet , ens flouted, and olailed,
y nam
Now D&ahert now. ,lancer! now, realms
end Vixeni
Oa, Cornet on, Cupid! on.. Dundee Ind
To the top• of theporch; To the MP at!
tiow - d°ashlawayl Doh away! Duh
Awe/ all' •
,Aa dry leaves that before the Wild hurri•
cane 8y.
IYhen theymeet with;an obstacle, mount
to the gky;
Jim upnotor the.boueetop the courser* more
Kfh9 fS a Will outwear
two pairs as
common rubber's. For th r e
'years we have proved tthat with
' .ybu cats stub
King 5
your fpot,
but you cannot -stub therubbers
King's genuine., (tpiip
are sterni w$ J+' :-
upon tbe' e e. of each rubber'
with our copy.'
righted name i
do not allow . yourself to be de -
(*lived by imitations..
Ilag i LEAT hER TOP Stillgiog
the best on the market, 6 -inch,
&inch end I2 -inch: tops, -'with
Rolled Edge rand Heels. caThey.
Are,rried In . :..
drder au order them for you. '
The? D.ffiN
CO.,C� , Limited'...
.*'Maui eitehteirti
j,'AP1t1I a sleigh full of toys, and St
olaa, too, •
'And then, in a twinkling I heard or rill.'
' roof
prancing and. pawing et each tiny
hoof•; ,'
41, I drew to aiy head •ane; was turning
around, •
D wn the chimney St, Nicholas. came
a bound.
•yie was dressed • all• in. fur "from* hie head
'And his :clothes were, all tarnished with
saheb and soot;
'A bnndle of toy., he .lead •swung on 'hi*'
,`And he looked like a peddler. Just opening.
bis pack.
�e eyes -how .they twinkled, bis , dimples
•ho'w worry!
His •cheeks '.were, like roses, bis
a cherry! .:
His droll little mouth was 'drawn up' like
And the' bea•
rd of his chin eras as white
ne the snow;
Aad th th e i like
a wreath;:
He ;tad a broad face and a little • round
The stump of a p pe he ?field 'tight In his
e'.emolc t. encircled his head
• belly
That shook when he is shed i bo a w -
• fel of jelly.
- kite was chubby 'and piump, a right Jolly
Taal : -t,, a !'rmre meal for once in
I. your lii',t3," A hungry look came hit*
lis esti*
"hiean it'!" be *,sited, doubtfully.
"Mean it? Of Ogling X Mean.
a'a1as/ I
said, 'heartily, "if you
one thing."
He mixed hit *Yee to mine.
"If you'll take a bath and put ora,
some of my old clothes, you can eat
beeper 1%stee d of the d horn." me aud in thehome,
For a long time he sat gazing At lite,
but X whistled a oallege tune and pre-
tended not to nee. Presently X said:
"Nell, do you give in?"
Por anew*? he burled -hie Noe : in his.
"oh, COM DOW." 1 1hghed, "I'M not
the fellow to 'stand that kind of thing.
M clasp has riot to laugh and whistle
mound me, or they don't *see Me • ver#
gomethine sparrltling droppsd from
betty en bisdirty finaglers and flashed
down on the boarde.` Then be 'poke.
*lowly, "and with 'ars effort
"You are the flret man oh "God's
earth that has treated me like a man
11111011• -since--»"
""les, I'Ii go home with gall,",,Ise cos*
tinted, after a, pause, "if You ars rept
toe good to, put up with a dog."
"Go on, Billy!" .I shouted' to the
,Qortb. "Guoso you' forget the data
craning tor you at home."'
• "I tell you," be went on, savagely,
"I'tna 11r jail -bird and everybody turn
m11 outl"
"Oh, come! i haven'tturned yolk•
,alit, have IT Don't you croak! 1.
;Haven't even took you in' yet " arad 1
llaxghed . and strucks. in, '"my • g'al's.
bigh-born lady. Shea---"
Hs grabbed my arm in a'vice-like
Clutch and growled . between his' teeth,
P None o' that, or 1.11 choke you eo you
• ean't squeak any more 0' that inferno!
I wee eurpriseed, to eay the leant, but
'I calmly remarked, "You don't like
Stele& hen?"
Such a ward; 'deny, look settled"on
dila !visa' odunterfance tita•S for a m0-
:anent 1 thought be :;w'as really ''Uane
15.'011, We. got home and I. •:escorted
ppiiy gueet into the . kitchen after• -•we'
diad put up the horse. Mother was not
len the least alarmed,.:; as this weA not
.the Bret oocurrenee of the kind.. but
•thie one; Was. somewhat out of the or•
dinary and; she looked a little surprised
'when•1, told her to turn on the hot wa.
;ter in the. bath -room. But' she quietly'
went about, caring for our guest's. cone
"(ort as . only a mother: Ants.
Tho poor ' fellow looked bewildered
"lwhen.I ushered him into the path-rooni
end he, saw the neat pile of,olothes laid
'ready for hie use,
Father laughed when I'returned tc
•the kitchen, and poker fun- at my
queerlooking protege, but he did ea
the always bad, let me have my awn
ZVhen my charge returned from; the
• {bath -room, fresh and orderly, .I was
'silent with admiration. Such a trans-
dormationl • I made no commentbut,
Flash. and off I went. The doctor look.• ,
Ica grave when 'iia ftaaw hull•,
"Brain fever." hat said. "It will be at
bard 11ittht."
And it was. I shall never forget ;
those ;lays and *Woe. bather and i
took turns watching nights with hire,, •
and mother cursed him daytimes
with a'tenderneas almost sublime. But
even a faithful plryslciali and three .
nurses combined were et odda with
the terrible Shadow that hovered over
the enterer.
•i0, those awful nights of wild delir•
Sumi As he grew worse, it became nee.
emery for both father and I to watph •
together, fur there were time In hie
frenzy when he o ould Scarcely be held
In 'bed, After these violent spells he
-!would :sink into. ,such deep stupor that'
It was very diartmult to rouse Mina
enough to take Ms medicine. These
sinking 'events were more dangerous
he be-
kin violesat •deliriuza' for weaker with .ends `repetition and .
at times the pare wa. scarcely' discer- j
garble and the breath so faint that X
uught. him deed mote than ouee.
Sometimee be tasseled he was back ,
In .the old home and he prattled on
about the governor** etingineau end -
hie . own 'extravagance. Then hie '
thoughta� turned to the' love of lite
"P'eggi5 • don't you know how nxucit
prow are to brei," he would- whisper..
""You are niy better• self; my compo le,
any north *tar, my ballast wheel, I.:
know that :if they will not let you ,
marry me, .1 shall go to the bad, I will,.
I will! Down, down, • down! .
"They are herd,'cruel-*•Peggy! They
won't let me hare you, dear! What
eau we, do?; Oh, T am going to the
4ad Slniking! ' .
"I, atn here under your.window %far -
tarot love, but ou.•are asleep. You do
not see.. I eta -here by the rose vin!
' where I. told. you first I loved- you.
,Wish I had my'guitar, I'd sing the 'Red:
• rose' song. I'll come bo -morrow night
•and serenade. rot.
""Peggy,,• --I zee is figure creeping along
' the•grace.. Don't be frightened, dear.
If ite ,a 'burglaii'a:-I're t•_a .revroiver. •
11 15 Ootnxlig nearer. 1' God, at 'is
our. fathaa4t '. a ,hun't :seen nate yet
ttuse the x'bd roeee fl i a. pe,;b t Sri►.
Onlooking for ine,..he must know 4 'trdf
there. I wi91l step oast' like -.a man, and
tell him I came to " 'Serenade you, but
(ergot my guitar. Ha! Hat Ha!
• "Why, what's happened? -My .head
•Iphirle. There are, people holding me,
•Viii is it? What -are these things in
*he. gratis? Burglar*•', tools, and a heap
of plate! What! = Has the' house been
robbed? Ohl . T'here's a:pain in .my.
Bead. and 1 can haardly see. bid some'
one hit nae? • ' ••
"What? Me, a burglar? My head
'Aunts so. Pardon me, . gentlemen, I
'do not.': understand. • How sweet the
x�e1se a smelll Peggy, are yo. u still eleep.
"What ',are these •.things, ropes!
aBold! I am no felon! I swear I know
!eiothing:about ;those tools and the. silt*
ver! Let me go, I say!, Peggy, where
.rfre you T. , -Saye me, darling! .B t
:are sleeping, don't waken for dreams
Are sweeter than grief...• Dream' on,
dear love!, .. •
."What is this? A, prison, you" say? •
9l 'fit abode for a felon. Nine yearsl
tAnd el'ee doss not believe in me? You
say she ie married?- And happy.? •
"Father -is 'deed? ` Of heart •diseasel.
e! W'hat', heartthad he to die of? 1
;broke it! . • Mine, is 'broken, tone But
!ker •'heart' is not broken, no! • alai is
sFree,' am I? Free! For what/
hat is in life. 'before me? ,Nothing!
Despair! .Death! Bat I can't die With.
out one more look, at my love! One
ii ,
inose lobkl- ;•
"How 'eruel the world • is!. • Too cruel
Tor mei,. I will leave It, but not, yet, II
only someone.'woul�' • give' me food; 1
would. be stronger to reach you, dear!
I must See you! I wills go" now, and
walk, and.: walk, : Mid walk so last! 1
• Will find yen! X am coming!". and We -
. would::hold-:him With:.iron, grip till hit•
frenzy' Changed to stupor..' ,
. <, ,Poor Robert!
At 'last the eriele. came, and the doc+.
icor td I watched together.
"We' mast save him," 1 demanded, "it
as very • leceesary." Be we two- bat in
the stillness. of :'the. -night and 'Watched
the faint and fainter breathing of'•the
sufferer, • 'Dr. Grey had :'done his, best
and Ali all his best, No one but • God
could• help him now. • 1 knew 'mother
WAS.spending the night in. prayer an$
not :eleep, and I prayed`that her pets.
• tions Might be heard and answered. •
' HOW ;fast he :was sinking! Could
od ef•
tAnd T laughed when°I saw him in: spite
A wink
of myself;
of his eye anda twist of his head "
Soon gave . me to know f had nothing•. to
to his work,w•
axe spoke, not a word, but went straight
' *And filled' all thstockings, then •'turned
with a jerk- - �
And laying his flngger.,aside of his nose,. ' ✓
And giving a nod, pp the chimney lie %; . .. ...
2311 sprang to the sleigh; to his teen% gave steeng•was. faint withhunger and-- leinawayziliey..alt fiew:Iikethe ctowu of file table.•a thistle.. " "Bu I heard h1m exclaim .ere he drove ons } it On waited' Tprane? $A i3eIQ gist Yt.
h x rciaa,whiatie, .. Ree,e a of the. bath, made haste to
of sight i :fu11y. : •
r'd4erry Ghristnm's to all ansto all a good. ` • "Sure thing! Did you think I
night;•• '• —� : L. Mogre.• : geing�r . to' eat alone when 'I: could • just •
' as • well have •company? Comepitch
+ :And pitch in 'hedid. • I.,never saw
any one•on rilitgry. When at'last, hie • Ira' . ome into $lrchvllle ones rink craving. appeased, X took him t i
�1.'e d ctial "fall day, a Tittle Fadi over hit hie room, which was next to mine..The
• shoulder and a hard, hopeless look on ' poor fellow brroke down completely
his face. ,Ile, looked so'dangerous that ;when he sawthe .clean sheets and soli•everybody looked: their doors.• And re• aplows• f ed to succor the Yitiserable wretch, ''ah'•"hecriedons,"let' me' alae in
' the barn! ' Anywhere but here!Before night he:was lodged.ln; the -town t ig
I cooler : but was liberated' the fallowing " so strange, and ok,, so good!"1 • But I - ai n heedet o • down fns squill p d o Saon I Ioft him
\ tmorning. He § uti�road and trudged wearily, onefor several' sillies. ;Then' ate dropped on the
grass by *tire road :aand buriedhie face
11 I1 �1�1
a� �a11��It11�t11' .,.
�� t t CSC by
they gave ,s light
lit Il IN\ll' "'7 that's rich and brie
a Blast. No oder
Many 'stylet. 8Ole
IMI'klii"AL f��If
So xe s
M .bis hands. d•
"Ah, there!" I cried, #'Want to ride?"
• Me looked lip vacantly and stared.
Then, as my meaning slowly dawned
an him he 'gathered himself up,' and
'with a hearty goodnight. ; As I passed
down the hall, the bath -room door was
ajar and as I stepped td close it, an
object •on the floor -caught my atten-
tion end I picked° it• up. It was a"soil*
ed,. worn portrait of a woman,
' I carried it to the,gas. Great Scott!
It was my'own cousin Margaret! -- .'':
camearound to: the back of the wagon. How • came' it there? I had never
But there were severalvifluable park, seen it before,' yetit was she, without
ages to the bottom of the ••vehicle and I ' the.shadow of .a doubt The picture
didn't care about• -putting him in the' had ,evidently been taken,. long years, _,
way, or rather,' the seat, of temptation,, •ago,. for this was a fair haired girlish •
• so 1 ordered him .up beside me. IN figure and Margaret was "an old maid,
looked ratIft waneertain about ° it, but
- finally ended 11' clanibering in. " And
'LIMB 'We .rode along for three miles, the
'wretched tramp beside a wealthy rat-
iner's soli. But l had all a boy'*• net -
oral love of daring :and adventure, and
now,". as I' had playfully told her
once. .Yes, this wag surely Meggie, . for
thereat her throat -was the old-fashion-
ed brootih that she has always Rept,
though locked from sight now. - And
here was the same; beautiful face that
It Wasn't the first time I had ridden. sorrow and tragedy had -lined, and
'• beside 'the ;rougher species of Amine.: herd the small, dimpled hand that pen,
• sty. College life had. >icst•st'lade tee ras•• yet sought in vain to win. For Meggy
idious, there Was too much of the fat gwi<th her beauty had been loved by
about me•'man'y, .but herself had loved but one,
Where : are you bound fox?".I asked, - arid ho tr
,� creat Heavona!
',Could this be possible?
• A.stealthy 'fooitop
flail,. passed .my bed -room, and cau-.
tiously approach the_ : door,' When
he saw me he bounded fiercely to my
tidal , and snatched - the picture . from
"You shan't have fara't" be Passion.
Dy way 01.draWing on a conversation.
"Eh?" he 'said, • looking up stupidly.
/ Cafrie, .wake up,,: 1 laughed. "You
are moat: asleep, I .guess. Want a good
thakitrg?'" anti' 1 took iigld of hies dirty
Lollar. r
mite faintest fucker of a smile thele?;
ficro&si his lire, thenall was blank
ought to be gilt-etiged dui- ;again,• nut •in that instant, I caw, tient*
4 e. _ s�.. ,n. ��_ �-� .; _,��- :. -- -•-- ` tutinbled confusedly down th
some face. 'r
f nes noun masher°,
era d
•r m f4' sa
direct is a
itaiaaea dig
f • ons that #an led
I y' g pa#e was
ens, atelliflg bate* fsics end litnp both. "' ;rteu With to I that
tired and there wee* team in her eyed
ars - rte
..lel htt�t
f a t thel 1 t aand r t at�itiand
I >�at,>oltt a►.-
� �r
straight and cleats; if only -t fat iit3 And I told het all that had hippen+
druggist who.. ii, for year's
��• a vigor and
t wan late a night .whetl we ralr
Path nd trent
`b; and if w
eleanllnees were crafted with the sane
Bance of lath av *mile u 1 had but
taught 'a feeble, tt' t4elent flaoh-,Whet
i' man, a .perfect'zsian i r
Maybe once ht Willi last heed pitsiicba. if this !night have been the
WIC, *bat terrible oirouniastancee meet
have Ted t ' present condition; I
telt sal un table intereat 'in tine
r n tin a and resolved alta �`nat I r red t
do 'all lay in my boyish ability to
restore him to at ideel irtate of anent"),
iL i!'Say,lthsold Millnd i, come.itbllxe *with to
Y 7 -- UWA1MTA
J Vr ayntdtti.:,..fg�,
Capsule 'V
is tele tit the "highly highly re-
cotuittetrded -cureg'•a11d
;tete are Anis 'words i
"„,/i6twhiterIOptif 014toed bexee<.
• of ilwafifa Capsules daily: l And the
Wet Meidly lncreaeiste, owing large•
' jyi t tlalnk; to the toot that diose who •
;tate use them, recetemetid them to
otl[ettf.'+« .j. Js, l4foalgticvAl, itsr'ie:Mk t:
tltta+Wa, -
Aeic your,dtitsgtet for a box, a5 cents,
quent dire t_by;mail,
vtv..A,NT'4 .wi tt; !C`.+Ct.Y 1.440
• iJ" tttswal ' Oat t.
iseeetemorostio :HI I 1 1 1 tta+e,••eii .
Mike sa bete of it, when jroa' are leaving
home to buy 'the`I) & L Metbol Plaaeter, It
le giterenteea to ante the worn 0,44 of
backache, headache, stitches, Avt+ Q every.
thing said to be jest as good. :lei the gen.
eine made by Davis & t a+w ;en 00.11-Tita.
1. he tr en__vppeehlil 1!�isnba+tan. with the
Mounted R1HPo..nn b d,. will+til from
' H,tlif++x t it mouth Attic a on'Tuerdayr„
as she put her artne mixed gray neck,'
"Please God, we will ,stare high yet!:
. fit wad I'ror;dtg3b who root uerew
fria5tsai you, -near boy, for your :heir.
"'Me next. morning he slept 'late ana�a
1 went up. to *eke > hini. He war
his fats
ea ti and f e wale •
wbreathing 'meetly y tl
flushed. p laid• my hand on his head,
but drew it away quickly+ and rushed
dowrs etellri.
"Mother, he iii very' sick,," I ,est'"
it it000k but a going far
c0 7itaddis'
;thin ey ma+•
States flaw �, prevented a n etit on toithe
C18fiu edt5 ;bust-; complaining egainet
;tial exc1t tIon aeta and the rndtsruities
tis which immigrants are subjected.
mops thy Soailh
mod Works oft tato (Rat1d o
ttlazative l3rentoQuinine 'Pablets owe a
j oral* day. bio:Dare, loo fray', dram -' chiefh msteked permission to defend and piure RHC
lotbing save bite?. The doctor too!
out 'his watch and -fait the pulse, Sita
eider, Robert's eyes . • flew open aril
oro was, p.- aickeil�ing bliui ;.4ti, _tt iep
"'Margaret!" came the• taint whine*#
Some instincttnoved into to reply.
"res. Robert," I said, Placing attars
do hie ear,' •
"You love ice lett" he asked. 'Moi
*sire true' to me, idergeret?" -
• A s a d Yar always," i slit ,
ton the' forehe*d.
Me *telt to sleetp . and tar a while Iii
hougtht the fifzttetti'n�' breath would
otos altogether..P.dt at haat the docfot
yrose rani[ put oil ;pit Odat. , t
'"flit T 111... arsard of Mm, nurse hien
raiful �,
He wilt' live. And after
r'r"ri mare :direotiont, 'he loft the
lie did live, *ea unproved 00 ietead&
y, that uta
r, nit M bine lie waw up st
gh rl0wrl niton
;;trite► ..�.•
Nine times out of ten Pain -Ether will be
found to fill your needs as a household.
remedy. Used ate liniment for etltneee
Ants taken internally for gall' bowel rot,,.
plaints. Avoid substitutes: 25o and Mx,
It is rtpnrted that the Jlnere raided
the cattle of i,inchwe'e'tribe, north of
Pretoria, tarrying away. 00,000 cattle
and tailing sa,nureant •of herder*. The
•• i+• a �.t,>wafe task*I'+ kisaae.8
and gaining etrengril, With ills clean-
*havun face and ordeily attire, lie
looked quite youi►g and handsome
sgaln. And as the days dew by, he
gained in lager both of mind and body
No that we were very proud of him.
It wads a day' or two before ehriet-
mas when be braced himself up and
propoI ed leaving us.
"I must be jogging on toward.
borne," he said. "If the weather holds
out good, I'Il be in l3urliugtou by
the first of January."
"Burlington!"r I exclaimed. "Why,
I'm going there etyself the day after
Cihrietmaas, and I declare!'I won't have
to go down alone, will I? How jolly!"
Ile looked 'Serious' and doubtful.
�"li>rt--'► she objected. '
"Oh, eery well, if You abject to my
aaoclety, there is no more to be esid!"
*Old I tried to look offended.
""Well. I'll go down with Yoh;" he
toughed. "But that lea't it. t ----r"
"012, -haw relieved I ant!_ . I really
thought you didn't care far my coria.
pany," and I left 'the room, to ° avoid
further dipcueeion.
Chrietma s Day Iirae • fine. The sun-
shine poured through the windows end
Its. radiant influence reside the house as
cheerful as a June bower. We bad I
decorated the rooms, with holly end
'Cowen till it seemed like a veritable
!paradise, For we expected company,
end Robert Crane was vera useful in
the preparations. He had emerged,
from his tactiturn mood and "I had be:-'
gun to think the• fever had lmproved
atm. I.watched him put the°tlnishing
toughen to a, bank of palms damn thought
flow very ab:deome bee was. Once ate
emiled at conte trifling remark. Of mine.
"By Jove,. man!" I cried, in utter
"What's the tow?" she asked, looking
1"Nothing." ' •_ r' . '
"'At this moment a carr'lege drove ups
and 'a woman 'alighted, a pretty little
woman with an .old-fashioned broocl>t
at her throat, and red:roses in ,her
cheeks and hands„ I looked at Robert
Grana. He, was White as a ghost and.:
trembling like a. leaf Ihastily left
the ,room. Thle supreme moment was
• alit;, '14ot mine. ,
- •So x can only tell you that I heard a
+AAshuaaiuid`.;'�^'►.aram both as I closed the
.doors ...,•a .-.
'A, long time Atte
door a creek anal s
"Peggy, the mini
I didn't wait to.
" Fm not going to tell you
about my tramp, except that. there
;a wedding that afternoon in our par --
dor, a grand, solemn, sweet ceremony,'
'!n front' of the bank of palms.,
And it was' Peggy, not I, who went
down to Burlington with him neat day.
B.. Odell.
Epile'cy - :Cureabl` .- °.
R •Dieease 'fiat Has Long Safe
fled Medical Skill-
Mr M. �, ;.Gauthier, of Buckingham,
'Gives His Experience for the Benefit :of
Giber Sufferers firom This Terrible
From the Post, Bnekingham, Que.
Ws Venture to: say that in our town of
' h b'tants few business' men , are
`bettor..known then.Mr. M. A. ganglier,
:the young and beetling bnteher, of Main,
street. He waaen't' however, aa `energetic
or as hustling a couple of years ago as he
is to -day, and for a good reason he
wasn't well, Haying gone into badness
ere reaching his majority his desire to'
succeed. was such' that .no heed was paid
to keeping the body in the state of health
necessary to stand a strain, and in- copse,
gnence of ,the extra. donands upon.. the;
system it became run down to each en ex-
tend that ,epilepsy or falling sickness' re-'
Milted, and there lapses into unconscious,
mese •.. becoming ; alarmingly frequent he•
consulted physicians and., took eotne' re-
medies, but' ' without' beneficial result
Finally seeing Dr . Williams'' Pink Pills
advertised as a cure' for, falling sickness he;
decided to give them' • a trial. . As to the
result the' Post cannot do better than give
'P,lr. Gauthier's 'story in: -his 'own .word,;
Yes, said Mr Gauthier,.. for nearly four
years I suffered from epilepsy or falling
fits,. which took me without. warning and
uenaliy in most inconvenient places. I am"
jest twentiefonr years of. age, and I think
I'eatartedbusiness toe young .and the fear
of failing spurred me to •. greater. effords
perhaps than was' good for; my constitution,
and the consequence was ' that I' became,
`subject to those attache which came :with.
• out any warning whatsoever,: leaving me
terribly ;dolt. and weak, after they had
passed. 1 got to •dread' their 'recurrence'
'veru• muob I consulted doctors and took
their remedies to no purpose. the fite 'still.
troubled me. I saw 1)r Williams' Pink
Pills advertised and determined to try
them. raid eo, aiad the medicine helped
' me so ranch that I .got more and kept 'on
taking thein, until to -day Lam as well, -
yes better, than I' ever was, and am not
troubled at ar of
the fits seizin t me again. .eliinktngiliipse• or the •
may be others similrly afflicted, gt give
my story tb the Post; it may perhaps lead
them to give this great medicine a trial. " '
'Dr Williams' Pink Pills' are • a positive
cure tor. all diseases arising ,from improper.,
laded blood, or e weak. or shattered oon-
dition of the nervous system, Every'
dose makes new, deb, redbjood and give*
tone to:.the neryee, thus curing such dis.
eases ss epilepsy, St, Vitae dance, , paraly
sie, rheumatism, sdiatice, heart.: troubles,
anaemia. eto, . These pills are also a pure
for the ailmepts that make the lives of so
many women a constant pillory. They
are sold in boxes, the wrapper' . around
1 name-eatwi
which b®ars the nal
Pink.Piille for Pale People, Oen be pro.
cured from drugglate or Quill be sent by
mail, post paid, at 50 dents a box, or 'six
boxes for 52.50, by addrsg Ona thea Dr
Williams' Medicine Oo Brockville, out.
- A. am -u esti n `in` he r'ee et
P Ta R
dist church at Verona set 'fire to the
clothing of a , number of worshippers.
There Was quite a . panic, and flyeper
sons were seriously burned.
Argedtiina and ;;ill" ASB t# reayd to
eubmit tri tett,ie ae.b-itration.
� R at
iourr Vital ,
rering emain i from Lost aaoewa
the cause nay be. wl
resale; are qshae ea�prn•
startavkrs it erftae pot�ra�lsore
no tats teeny
�1 es*
than sive
o return
buabaori and sw
wari000dle and kdtrictnre wi
(thetal�Troubles, CO AAU�L'j"A
treatment. Perfects stein of
An fledicless ler GTasostae
cilia Pig()
The Bankrupt
We have been add;
Stock, and we have
ed forWto set what we;,hayseen ad possible, as
sent. stock is dispose
• We ask all part;
prices, to calland seeequalled1ntown,.ha"We,shall sell ev
r .0p20• iouades, ' :ds.
�:e Have 'ust op7 P•Children's JJaekets,:a
Price.•'Men's,, Bs'a•
ltDen's,Boys' and
We have a. lot. brice. Odd Pants
Men's,° Ladies'' a
R.nkibers, Oversh
Rubber Boots at•
• Codne and -see
• Do ;you want to earn
Onlya few moments of
offer .a. BEAT) 4Fi1E..
- Miracle -4411s. -Boys:..
moments of their time
Ireteand .we will send
have advertised as swell.
tered mail and '' we will s
Everybody who, has reo
case and fully :guariaute
known for Dyspepsia, H
geation, Blood Diseases;,
send your•name at•onoe
d'eseription Of .the beautif
Write today soasto�
ing for tie, To those was
money order for ed 00 bel
- . - and the .ate
-watch.' Write pl
'• • R. •O`aDl4
e ial' Offer—
Spa Should yo
sand. a full 50c bee tQ every
.,ata' (lielltl
Albert $t., opens
DtswwEENOt ;'-Snro�n At
Biddlecombe, opt
'Night to
or,tiritie Oomm1Seioners. Y .•
- THE. p'OIIR+$QtJABB PrIA.11'. Otis ' !
The' tonr.sgfare, . plen means, that.alt •
oedemas, regardless Of tank, or Minoan, ler, e- Are
receive the maim eartiCel' attention and
trestgsent at our store. We are as partio-
uiar with the child who is sent to pus.
phase some small 'artiole as we are with
the experienced 'adult. We iaever aub-
stitute interior drugs when filling year,
doctor's prescription., We never recon.
metra the "something just Ise good,"
BUSS /ND tittrAxtra0
Under all eireteseetaneest of- lickinme
*told Aimee. Pidne's Celery Compound is
in the Lead a
° Great Bargahls:It
2 the (looking Pigs for Ma
*eats 001130
' who are vole end rune:Iowa. If you ere Por et Ohriebrour remembrenee
tiervons or steeples's, try, one battle ; the Limp, out we Offer ihit intim oil
Parnell Cekry Compound' le alWeis fresh ,
to buy. Wented good butter, fres& es
matte will ourpriee yett. Our stook. of