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The Clinton New Era, 1902-01-10, Page 8
r, a 0`roadfui Kidney Pains. Immediate Prohibhlon. Literary NOW". Could Not Rost or Sloeps disked for by Reprusentativss of The Outlook hi a weekly newspap and 'Monthly magezine in one and the ltisthodist Church. • i£ C. P. R. Conductor's Buffering.-. under one subscription price, Its Ma 13• is now Well and awes pr. Toronto, Ont.,J»n, 8,—"I have heard azine Number or January has ei (haw's Kidney -Liver Pillet Credit with a great deal of pleasure therepre illustrated articles, two efull stories, (one for the Cure. sentations you have made on behalf of Sarah Orne Jewett.)' &carefully wrist prohibition. Iappreciate the earnest history of the weeks doings, and ma Mr. W. 181, Berryman', Conductor on book reviews. There are full -pa ••1 have St. Stephen, N.B., writes:— nese with which you have put Y4111 ortraits of new olitical figurea o case n h p P I hav beenrailroading a d t ire which o e r lroadibe a wh c ford6 u ave ng 23 years, 3' y e e y. r ro ins e i m articles of ars nc t anecdotal bio and for ten years suffered from a rlevr• evinced for the improvement tyou.iof wpreety, grap hy, a meet entertaining instalm case of e y Disease and Backache, I also notice that you are itepreeaed of Edward Everett Hales Memos a trouble common to railroad men: It with the gravity of the situation, and of a Hundred Years," and much else used me all up to walk, and after I can only say now that all you have walking np hill I would have to lie said will deservemoet careful attention permauest value. down to, ret relief, my back wax no as well as the consideration of my col - bad. I could not sleep more than hal! , league to the txoyernment, The house An article which will prove of anthy night and. then didn't sorts ieem of to. get di will meet at an. early date,that is as far widest interest to all those engaged cl es and: was pretty badly discouraged as we are prepared to' go tci•day.", In teaching; or who may be interested when 1' heard or Dr. Chase's Kidney- these words Hon George w, Rose, in education, is one -id the January 0 mo ol'a it n byI's Benjamin Liv' ha er pillsA After using -the a of all themembers s PE n two boxes Presence m m er i the tel. treatment I found.it was helping government and' some lift ladies and Brews, ex•President of $rgwn Univ ine and ,leve boxes have made a con- gentlemen, representing the Methodist sity, who for the Hest time, in a. lea Kate ;cure. I now rest and sleep well,church and Dominion Alliance, replied ing magazine,, bee had the courage my back ‘is 'Sarong •and the old trouble to a request for immediate prohibition, show the great evils resulting from t Ass entirely .disappeared. Many peso- private contract school -book system pis to whom I ha e•recommended theme TBE ..e.a.,, v.w •, • : educational officials corrupted, echo pills have been cured, Anyone wish- The. interview was held at the parlia- books often the poorest selected, a 1#;R l'i'the' particulars write me." ... • sal•'of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver ment buildirlg;e, and Rev Dr Carmen• the prices paid by the 'children the PI is -tar taceede that of any sired ar opened the roceedinRe by saying- the selves of -the- highest --an annual to M going up into the"millions which con be very easily avoided if the prop ,organization ,were brought into th effort. trui u 101',,, , E 4; 41 The Use of Siron 'SOap W1111 " hhort' chapter the b'au,ouR stir Not Wash Out Diamond er Dye Colors. Pi Diamond Dye oolorsareebaoletelyfastand Ir i `unlading. Washing with uirong soap or ex by posure in sunlikht cannot start or fade these en imperishable Colors. No other dyes. in the ny ' world have snob a reputation for strength, ge. brillianoy, purity and beauty of colors. f. Dia::,tond Dyeserethe meet economical " dye. ; one package will color as mnob m,+' ent wine as three paoaagee of any other dye. real If yon hare not et seen the new and at - of, tractive Diamond ye Mat and Rug Pat tern, send your address to The Welles . Richardson Co. Limited 200 Mountain Si. the' Mentreal,P. Q„and yoaelwill be immediate iin n y supplied. ' °A "Iirlkfn. a Time there wets -r we. Men, each of whom decided t• eir- buil forh� d himself a Fine, New to House he One Man, being of an Arm, gant and Conceited Nature, took coun — eel of Nobody, but declared that he oI- would build” his• House to suit himself. no "For," said he, "since it ie My House and I am to Live in It, why .should 1 ask the Advice of my Neighbors, as t tietoe. The mistletoe belongs to the Pard eltic plants. It is rather an unworth vegetable, but it has been reverenced by heathen nations tune out of mind It wast Used by the Romans in templd decoration, and the Druids, the priestl Of ancient Britain, held the mietletot 1 of the oak in the utmost veneration They gathered it at Yuletide witclimbed h • clothed in a white great solemnity. • The chief Druid + _. It 41 oak, and with a golden sickle cut loose the olinging twit of the plant, It wsa reverently received on a white cloth by another white -robed 'Druid, standing , on the ground, and afterward distritb• uteri among the people who careful], preserved it. The Druids supposed the mistletoe LI be endued b wet great curative wars but modern science has Proved it to have no therapeutic value. The cur tom of kissing under the mistletoe hat descended from feudal times, but it4 , origin is unknown, although it prob. ably descended from religious or my* tical ceremony. As the ndetletoe is s thief among plants, drawing its . juices from the barks of other treeee,- it -may - be considered naturally syeabollical of stolen kisses. According to English traditiod, the maid who was not kissed tinder the mistletoe at Ghriittmae would not be married during the followin�• year, Efforts have been made at timet to exclude the ,mistletoe from among Christman decorations; but It has al- ways 'found favor among the youns people c every period. According to the ancient custom, a maid caughl standing under the mistletoe. wail ere titled to'have as many' kisses bestow- ed upon her as there were berries on the mistletoe branoh, but the ceremony was not defy performed unless a berm wadpicked of[ with each kiss, the maid- en preserving the berries for good luck. • The name mistletoe is derived from. the Anglo-Saxon "mist]," different and "tan," twigs It means a twig different from the tree on which it growls. There are some 400 species of mistletoe, moat of them datives of the• tropics:: One epodes grows in' the''titited States, and le abundant south o, he Ofiio river. The native plant bears. a profusion of thin yellowish -green leaves and white heirless.. 1'he English plant ham only a sew pairs of grayish -green leaves, and is thiokly studded with semi-tranepar- ent. whitish fruit. These are. filled with an exceedingly. sticky jelly,. and this vegetable' glue causes it to stick to the tree to .which It. has become. at- taed. When the berry begins• to •proof; the tiny root always turn; til'. re edr.•. ,One trial 'is -enough to con, ethodiet deputation wse- present,in Wince :anyone that this le the greatest Pursuance of the instractrons of the family medicine that money will buy. General ,Conference, He introduced One pill a don, 25 cents a box. at all Mr Atwell and Rev J. Bi ethour, ; the dealers or Mdmanaon, Hates Co., To. latter .of whom read the:. resolution ��' passed by ;the Ontario: section. of . the - stn nding committee on temperance re- _TFIE NEW YEAR'S WELCpME, form, which recited the circumstances in Sir Oliyer Mgwet's pledge fit Feb. : Pale winter walla FTI, 189,, to introduce such a prohibitory b►11 as the decision of the Privy Coun til would warrant, unless.the partial prohibitory power was so limited as to be ineffective . from a temperance' standpoint, and'Mr Rose' .statement on the same date,•'thec.a government tale, _ ing such•a position.was the only kind of government he would .be•a member tiet8nttng.wlll bare smiles for the of. Mr Rose also was quoted as having YeD,. rout6id stated on Feb 13, 1902, that the govern - And summer, love, in his prime: ment was always prepared to go as far Span will lavish wealth and cheer, as the law would allow,and had not re- the Year, In hes later .time.• ceded from that position. Thecommit- too winter will weave him his shroud et tee therefore trequeeted a fulfillment of e snow, the governments promises 'by the in- whea the old Year di.�• at l�a.r approaching session Tillwill lastthourr isdp , am ane ebbs low, of a bill. to prohibit the liquor traffic to the extent'of its ascertained powers. TM welcome the new sates,. Yeah with a robe of snow. That twnn a butlhe may, hear. • aright spring L ooy and bidet her time; Pair Autumn' step le slow; Sweet downer delays to a southern slime; . . Whiles N•w.Yea}rwakes below, Ob t the glad New T, .r ed. It is first-clasework in every respect a them all u dart. REV MR KETTLEwgen. Dat'Water hint h'm .bat: and the sketches of the.Classic Ci are. aha ix rept in bre pearl, . Rey Ma Kettlewell,followin this tip, .interesting and instructive;, on the And tom• fast to Dart, eaid the committee was satisfied with whore. it is a credit .to Stratford and I r bedies o., her faithful breast. • the position of the government so far the editor of the Beacon, lane W. M. -0.&t. Maus as that position Ind been expressed, • and it had been expressed witch some Should p Every person of the city TH1t•WORL iEEDS NERVE. definiteness.. They paid no "Beed "to gift to poaeeseea one and it is a •worthy Needs it in basn ,ig•,the study, in. the . egmmibs in the newspapers. They as- tt;give an old friend of t9tratford. household. Irritability; weakness, lack of sumed—as they had a right to assume, Prof. Goldwin Smith discusses "'T.he So eehat you lack nerve. You'll ease' Ferro- if they did not assume—dont they were Public School Question" •in thejenuarp zone ? My 1 What an appetite yon'•11 where they had ever been on this gees= .Canadian Magazine, characterizing our get. How quickly the color will return to tiers, and• they merely ask that thegov-• .presetitevetem aemechanicalandinilex- yptttr cheeks, how boayaut yon .will feel:! ernment implement its promise at the ible. grafHe ted nkavoluntary.echste might Work! of oouree you'll work,' for you, will , leomingsession. • . . be grafted bn our resent system with enjoy it. That is,if you will nee Ferrozone. ' DR; CABMAN, some advantage. The on.• IIesG Power, I5 gives nerve etrength,maeoalarendaranoe 'Speaker of the Sen ate.�discusse en iii-- atnd`invigoratee the brain splendidly. ' Bold I Dr' Carman eaid the situaltion was tary System, and advocates the enrol !plain and that' there wail no pee• adding ment of all citizens in rtbe• rydlunteer swords: • .. . • force,with a shorterunpaid drill 'sea .The ehipmeptcofflanediau cattle and; Rao DR MA w. son. He bases him engg;estione on theek- sheepp from Portland 'last year • were.: perience of Nova tScotie. befone'Confed- nbarly three times the number ,eft the; • . Rev' Dr Mackey,of Woodstock,arpoke eration. Arthur -H,11;1'. tOolquhouti•dis- •previoue year, for the alliance, briefly, and said they cusses the Reciprocity situation, and •came with much encouragement and intimates thatVanadalbas nothing to t •confidence, toning for prohibition; .as expect from the Enited`States. ' Arnold the only iuet ard:effectual• means 01 Haultain gives a beautiful'wordpicture •dealing with the liquourevil. of.the•Sea. W. W. BBeaton-describes a new Canadian t+Tlacier, his article being well illustrated. W. (G. !Roes gives a Dr J. J. MacLaren said .that they History of Street lRailwaye•in (Canada, Por • ' briefly there to make.epeecbes. • Re and Jean : llewett contributes a story. ,Cuts briefly referred to the result of the two; The number 4e exceedingly'velluable. , Iplebiscites,•and said he 'came sow to • Blame Cramtps . i congratulate the government on the' - Bruise• , Diarrhoea. ; result of the privy council judgment. In addition to its iipeoiatl -articles by All Bowel damous men and women•and:its stories The premier then made the reply) b the et at ICoutplaintdi above.gaoted. y 9cth! ar 9iviti +welters of .. fiction,the Yonth's(Comtpanrotepreeente- Mdaamare,ufteandqutok,remedy. from week to Week many regular feat• 'There's only One;PAINf-ICILI.`F.lit i ••CORN =13QWING I wree•of.great value. •.The editorial page Pate DAVIS'. 1 discusses the public •questions ••of the Two sizes, 250.• and 80o Ie a process excited by vanity,•baokedlnp l day in a epirituf impartiality, the aim by $ood .fight' boots—yon, may •Iaok 'the , being to the the reader thelmaterial Mayor `Silver, 'of +Cdlli vanity but you have the good tight.•boots-- ;.x or $ gown gpinione. The •etrieken with heart failure f or s� cans-lyou may uvea' any size _ boota.:yon please article r ont the care of the health which up to three: ;sines' too emell,.•if you 'nee • ipaign (meeting, &udthis•medicaiLadviser Pntnamlu Painless : Corn and Wart Mx M s •been published ,every, week for wants him to retire from the contest. trsator, mrnpaiste sell it, • many years, le of.ahe,greatest valuer .The depastmenta,o£ :.current events er its Construction?" - is While the House wee. Building, the Neighbors came .often and Looked at . It and went away, Whispering. and e Wa ing their Heade in Derleion. • But a Mn&apaid no Heed, and cop- se tinned bund House as he Would. n The R ,hl�a of ]tom was that, when com- platted, his House was. lacking in Bym- n n'tetry and Utility, and in a Hundred . • Wile' It was Unsatisfactory, , and for g each Defect there was a Neighbor who e• eaid, "Had you asked Me, I would have d Warned you against that Error." of h e, 0 37 The January numbLadie ez: of the - Lad e Home Journal is a • regular btore how of interesting facts and good fictio audits point of illustration is one the most beautiful issues ever give the public. The editorial page is give up to extracts from 68 lettere relatir to the "cramming"' system in.tichool It is pathetically powerful. The pi torial features are beaded by the recon part of the •Journal's picture story " What a Girl Does at College," whic shows the athletic side of College lif and there are , two !ages devoted t pretty rural Scenes "Alone Countr Roane." $1 a year; lOc ©: , We received'a beautiful book "Strat• ford Illustrated" published at the Bea- con office which gives& sketch of the townfrd•m its inception in 1t to the present time: It is an excellent piece of typography and profusely illustrat- strength-the` bine feeling why they just tell and they would insult the government by H. B. Pomba. Price$53. You fa.y Need' Iactitrittley lett, MattilLA1REN. WOMAN IS AS OLD AS SHE LOOKS: and nature • and :science :give the Un- lit is not age but disease,weaknese end, ill -MAI RJED IN WINNIPEG.—„A ,few 'p t stint news of tbeaworld incotidensed healthrthat makes • women 'look ,old,,care. i weeks aigo me mentioned tnat Geo, fo m. The. children's .page : provides worn and wrinkled. You cannot look your Haxby, who formerly conducted beet unless you feel well, strong and vigor-• i Bering business here, had decid d to 'version for the little ones, and Lbs one, with pure, rink blood and steady .. enter the•ranke of matrimony and•this anecdotes. and miscellany •have 'their nerves. Dr Chase's Nerve Fnod makes. event occurred in that city on'IDee• ;19, ,ti share rI godt'm hed ng. aAnmii complete good looks because it makes good •health, the lady of his choice being a resident: trated Prospectus of the new volume restores .the healthful glow to the .com- of, that city. On the evening •previous for. 1902 sent to tiny address• free. plexion,rounds out the form and gives•elas• to•his wedding day a number • of his Every new subscri#jer •who sends 51.75 ttoity to every motion of the body. .- friends took occasion to give him a Ifouthe 1902 volume 'now will receive. /astands-for Christ our Savior, deur. send se and from the following •ac-. the Companion Calendar fot•:1002, lith C for our Hearts he guards without ct ?, , . counts of it, -taken hem he ' Vinnkpeg• "ographed' in 12 colors and -gold. to for Right which an tryto do. Telegram, it seems a • je ly time was , Companion, The Y. • a , I is for :Israel King of the.Jesrs, spent;his friends consul ,g ivit him i195 -Columbus Ave. Boston Mass. >B-is=-f•r8anta, the narno-of„a,•.man : on the eve of hie..mitrriago day,; - "We! Tis ter Toys he has always at hand. , • •are,notsure,.Mr;Editor, whether : this This issue ofsthe Canadian .Almanac M to for Merry which alt should be . . goes on the sporting; page or near the' la is for Another Christn3as to .nee. .. obituarycolumn, Last= night we; which forms the 55th of the serf's, is unusually •va r Savior,:never4 valuable,and >a ler. ,tailor nd is indispensable .forye bee •n would ave had- P !t , d no hesitation ” lin: he whole the Zoe on which He weld:' putting it tinder hockey, . but this; to every office and library in:the Do. aerrs. • -.1• W. Robbie. morning—wen minion. It contains a full ccount•of g—ween it feels different. An the.ceneus.of 'Canada eo far as issued, Way, we had an interesting time at 185' for tflugar-plums, •dal6;ty :ane James street some time between yes•: ge.ptng the figures of the population es terd and the da after. CYou1 4: 1 the districts in the various provinces for theTimer.:made of tin or of wood. y ; drf the Dominion, andalso bheprincipal ter the Oranges, yellow and sweet. .see, Mr Hanby had .been with. ,us. site the cakes, most deliolous .kat eat since we setup in the boardin •ihousel citteri, as compared with df191, The. ws • lCn1fa that his sit trades -la .H4 1 business, and we.got to like him :; rat : ed. The Great Britain is also tpublish- 1 s liana-rtibbrr luiwawie into a ball, ; •t'he table.eepecially he did not ko on ;ed. Militias information ,is iii be songs fed,. Naini that are. shiny •trim• talking long after he• had anything to 'full•and complete. ,Besideetltie cvill,be • say, andrhe was always eatisiied eeitlh found abort articles on , the icn'tieh o 'for the- 'weeds' that 'nor• tbas thesmallleet:ppiece of pie. We knew;be 4.rany and Navy,' both' 'Of which are th. whole would be,iKathetsexl in;atoon,-and tushes brought npfea dated The list of titled th• whale is tee Stocking In arbiek -_not surprised when his stall, ao- Canadians +which wae first jet ed ';,•jtltar'rs.ali.fou> ladt'ncett the other�ay that'George had = in the Almanac was revised. The ot�h- • ,Ilffirl'1 ftz.fi•'itt' decided to break away'fromcour ,.ceiese !trdepartmerste. are; also'•seised asci tial peacefulness owl get.. married. daffy,lohrup tto.date, ' •d ni* h d The BSOL.�•� Earlier 1n the game we might have ana�dian ipdanae contaige 418 s takeaa irirYs tht# tvopddied alrtd retwoned g , With himm.e ii`Ctt we could see now that and the • price in �ppaper covers re 2Sc. `;s" B. `� be bad tetrren the bit io lois tedth; and Publi,ilied by the vopp, Clark Co., Ltd ' had hie eve on the winning post, or Toronto. ' something to that eff'oet,and weeirply . • ' deitided'to take the baht -headed row iii iOME*HISTB.4HQUUT FAITH RUBES .tbeg nde torose and ten of r.a ^, .. ar, a e, ue—and°yell' till we were Week in the What a graptrver iity of •fetfh opfre!', t here face.- :Thiite_4400 kdckiede;ands'iglu+''.:mnrt_be, . Som. hay. -fail:: in io,balfec minded reeolyry And .acconn,te for the digin >bealerieethers In certain dobini." and fact that down at the foot of James . still others in the remedies they use. Every etieet there were two or three sounds person who, hen toned If . Cpeep'r Sidney, a of revelry by night, re wellsaconsider. Lver Pills tae faith'in sin bat faith or able "on with the dance, let int un- he faith they cure plat, sae fey she ; C confirmed. Therewas eh 's) y as nsd - .wco i er , . .,. ,.. _ 4 t r rn fab s d "Ides e... >� oIkidneys, aw rte r able eating, as there alwaye.�is around ler onthe boardin house's, a eech-makin etc. hesit healthy, c ti ele,� rind' fugors theta organ' g' p • / healthy, aotire and vigorous, Judging ti , and we,uptjce ibis ,rporpleg ^ttnat , r frog the ytgormour'demend for them Pill. Htixby has tloni3 is fellow, .ids erefor s1r'er'e'rbgrt be°'hoate of peopb oat have LittleLiver� d1► some rather, nitoe, furniture, and Mrs *gain in them. ' Sorenl.on:X . a;real yblarl4751 Alva', .d , Must hear •1 stun K ref, alto! which we have t► taint recoi•. Scotlitnd ' ie' euf>~ering from Meavy ,5=,a a t^, <, ,`. _`''', SWIM) did riot have, 'pm* intrinsic r241tieuLepheretebeiyeloet iteety value but showed ho'weloved him, 0 • and also prose to prove that he ought to p • Least Opinion is strong in favor it Pyuy have hle board raised for thenext few lialram. It emu coughs and oolds with ,seeks. However. he promised not to absolute certainty, Pleaiitnt to take and let it occur again." sure tonere. Manufactured by the pro- prietor' of Perry Davis Patin -Killer. t30R� THROAT ,1 . Mctagit% proprietor of the nus. liIgton House, Burlington, died bud - end hoarness with their attendant dangers denly. • may be speedily averted and remedied by Miller's Oripp Powders Oare. Sold by iii the use of Nerviiine, Ezoellent to gargle g Oombe and Il.P.Reekte, Clinton. with-t•n times better than a mutat(' AlAtyatChni planer and more convenient for the ottt• gbt party given by Jesse (tri et unison, Robbins, liar, and tpssdllr allays infi►tnlnatioo. b , N . f a and took Nerviiine curer WOW* it is live times glace`, three men being killed and le o stronger thin other remedies r.pene1ratee wounded. the tissuee instantly, soothes the pain, And •....•;..... enre. •limply because that's what it i. TO (turd+ a Cola- ' In lino bay made for, ke Laxative Brotno Quinine ,Tablet.. !n is refund the, money if it fails W. Grove's signature • of on • itis Pw•SItdlS Weever Wow. tr. .. Wes edea t e ei' arUwtsr . to take ar tsa • Foo Nutans CARTERS FON DImw stk FOR RILUOU$ME$$. FOR'TORPiNLiM',ilt; FOR CON$TIPAftell, FOI $ALLO ,$Mesh FOR T1IEOOM LEt1IOli ott+°et r,I ",1:7orttittamure:vt MAws7. its t trrt►ty rieitetaMe CURS alClt; HRADACNC. 1 !rhe Other Man, who was of a Hum. dile and Docile Mind, went to Each of itis Neighbors Int Turn, and asked .Ad- vice about the Building of hie House. His Friends willingly and at Great Length gave him the Benefit o1 their Experiences. and Opinions. and the Grateful Man undertook to -Follow Out ali their Directions. • - The Result. was that his House, when flnlehed, was a Hodge-Podge of Vary - Ing Styles and Contradictory Effects, •and Exceedingly Uncomfortable and inconvenient to Live ,In. • • •MORALS: This. Fable teachee.that In a Multi- tude o1 Counsellors there is Safety, and that Too Many' Cooks Spoil the Broth. • .. THE. TWO SUITORS,' t Once on a Time there 'was a Charm= ing Young Malden 'who had Two S.uit- One of Thede, who was of a • Persis- tent and Persevering Nature, managed. to be Contin nal 1 n 1 th e Young y Lad 'e Company. y. 1Qe would pay her a Vielt in the •Idorning, Drop In to Tea in the :After- noon, `end Cali on her Again in the Evening. Re took ter Driving, and he Escorted her to the Theater.` He would take her - to a Party, and then he would. Dance, _ . or Sit on the ..Steers, or Fit into the Conservatory with her. . • 'The' Young Lady admired thle man, but she Wearied of his never, -ceasing Presence, and she Said to Herself, "If - he were not• Always at • my • Elbow I should Better , Appreciate 'his Good Qnalltles." . . The Other Suitor, who considered himself a Man of Deep and Penetrating Cleverness, said 'to himself, "I will Go Away for a Time, and then 'my . Fair 'One will Realize my Worth. and Call Me Back to Her." -With a Sad Visage he imide. his Adieus, and he Exacted - her Pledge to Write • to .him Oocaalonally.' But after he had Gone she Forgot her promise, ' and 'Soon she Forgot his• Very Exist- LISTO,sj� ence.� �• . // to-c.k The Bankrupt stock of 0. B. Koenig is yet well assorted, We have been adding new goods as we sold out the Stock, and we have. nearly everything in S l Bankrupt! ed for the. Fall trade. YP a Goode rdjqulir_ We do not intend to replenish our stock/bill' s`all proceed! to. sell what we have at big reductions, in order to clear out as soon as possible, as we shall • positively close. up as soon as pre- sent .stock is disposed of. We ask all parties desirous of gettinggood oods prices to call and see us as weg• at low can give prices that - cannot be equalled in town, having -bought the -goods at 5Sc:on the .. -.�"` We shall sell everything cheap, but have special bargain* In some lines. We will w sullen a few specials—Drees Goods . Printtiq Flannels, Flannelettes, Cottons, Shirtings, Denims, Cots torsades, Tweeds. Underwear, Small Wares, etc. We have just opened up a largo ' Stock of Ladies':an . Children's Jaekets, all new, that we shall sell Price. at about Half" • Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits at Big Reductions. Men's, Boys' and Children's Overcoats at Wholesale. 1111 We have a lot of Men's Odd Coats (50 or E price. Odd Pants andVests, Overalls, tc. 60) at about Boots and Shoes Men's, Ladies' and Children's' Boots and Shoes at,cost. Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Goods, Sox and Rubbers. Rubber Boots at Cost and under. • (one and see for yourselves the bargains we have. Plu !steel Gibb i g ss • i7 �r Clint on card the braaeh with a kind of in. '* &tinct. It the Beed sprouts on the low Braid• of the limbeithe root reaches upl EA�JTIFE L WA�'C • �j rminates h• n H F tif n on side ill r i t 'FREE Doe • extends down; The root pierces the bark, and then the mistletoe begin. to dravrthe nourishment from the tree. Cold Damp. Weather kings in ita'train Grippe, Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, etc., .which are often the Toro. manor' of the dread diseeas consumption. Grip -quinine Tablets tand stirs all fonts of threat • ani lung affections, and teract the effect of exposure o[, all kin Tablets will prevent you "taking cold" if used. after ezp0•tlr! —They "break'- and cure a cold in a day. . A tablet to -night will wake eight. ox. 1 druggists sell them. ABSOLUTELY—TREE.` Do you want to earn. a' beautiful watoh ((tor men and women). • by using only a few moments of your spare time ? Everyone wants a •watch and we offer a BEAUTIFUL ONE ABSOLUTELY FREE for introducing our Miracle Pills. - Boys and girls can earn these watches by sparing a few momenta of their time efte ..Boh�m�o] Bend ire at once your name and ad- dress and we will 'send' you oue"dozen boxes of our Miracle Pills which we have advertised as snob, •Sell these at 50o a bol and send ne $6 by regis. tered mail and we will send you FREE the watch we kno•v-will ..please you. Everybody who has reoeived one has been delighted. The watoh is filled Case and fully 1 guaranteed y g tee'd for one•year, • Our pills are-' the beet remedy • known for .Dyspepsia, Heart Trouble, Constipation, .Nervosa Diseases,. Indi- geetion, Blood Diseases, eto. "They are easily Bold." • Do not delay, but send. your name at onoe anti we. will send you the Miracle' Pills, and full �desoription of the beautiful watch. �Prite today eo as to be the first one in your neighborhood to begin work. ing for oe. To thoee wishing to get thewatoh pills,. if they send nes a money order for 5500 being a redaction of 51.00 we will send both the pill& and the watch. Write plainly. S sial Offer—Should id 113 cr Rilmonslsi Co., Qasbec• on you desire to see a sample box of our pills we will 1902 �c send a full boo box to everybody Bending us 10o in stamps. : ` ` Mention Mb paper. ' pP `'Jan8m *AA, , Origin oU the Chrietws woo. 'The pleasant tnit`poetiell idea of '1 tChrfetmas tree comei from Germany •and not from England. Coleridge writing from Ratzeburg, in 1799, spoke -of the custom as something novel .f .him, and -thus describes it: "On the evening before Christmas 'Day one of the' parlors is lighted ug by the children; into which•the present' must go. A great yew bough is fast- ened : on the ; table at a little dlitanct from the wall, .a • multitude • of little _ tapers are fastened in the bough, but ',so as not, to catch it till they are nearly burnt out,'and colored paper .hangs and Suttera from the twigs. Under .this bough : the - children lay out in great order the presents they mean to., tliefr .parents, still concealing .in their . pockets what they intend for each •other. Then the parents are intro- duced and each presents his.little gift, and then bring aut'the rest one by one from .their pockets and present •them -with .kisses- and embraces. Where I •witnessed this scene there were eight ,or nine children, and_the eldest daugh- ter and the mother wept aloud for Joy -and tenderness, and the tears ran down :the face of the father, „and he. clasped :all •his children so tight to his heart it seemed aa though he did it to stifle .the , sob that .;was arising within him. I 'woo very ,much .affected. ; aloCerw.tate;s IM,n th►wrw .. e plum cage is s fiarortt,e Chrlwrt. *Om :dish. Here,j:a reee1pt, floc; a sake esrsrxantled to plr+osnote . a14 th• bet{iges- f�1n. on' tint art the gour'mande **MVO; isle' fetjutlly: , Gratia ono pound ,ot but- ter And ,ons pound of suggaarr together;, *Ulla.' beaten .yolks of eightew" eggs, AIN gin of.malasees. one vaunt. of sift- 1•r,poor,,,,rl�„tableN ni 1, tear.(! go. wi+ •'hind • ono vrhieegmie °o! $randy; best elf 'together ISS' flvif Add �d I4riedi t,awts each of ti3monaa' and ;diced oltroa, wolf tdttti'red • two "ounoru :orf- , gsatted nut, one tablespoonful each of g� allspice, Mao* and sots., and two grated nutmegs; lastly, add the beaten orhiitea of the etga.. It6P-;well, poor in sf>Ier hers• :OF ;tRo.gqtri�latr cake luopidti sad bake lit aGrata oven fess nail hour•; immanent whoa amid with tans, angar-glume and a nth of eoHy, ON TEE FOUR -Jt ITABE`'PLAN. t'; • Winter Term begins ,Tan. 2. 1902. Oar , rates are reasonable—our courses of study , thorough and praotioal, Send • for our ,Journal to see what we 'teach, Students. a may enter at any time, Two coursesof study, Commercial and Short -band. t.AA, FLEMING, A. L MoINTYRE, President. ` Secretary Owen Sound. - Listowel • ouetomere r r asardles iaof r*nkor Station, reecptve,.ehe;, regio otoetal attention and treatmenirat our store, We are se partic- ular with the child who is rent to pur- chase some small •article as we are with the experienced adult, We never sub- stitute inferior drugs when filling your doctor's prescription. We never reeom- mend the "something just as good," SUR AND UNFAILING Under all oironmetenoas of sickness, and disease 'Paine's 'Celery (Compound is safe, sure and unfailing. It eleanres and pnrife.'the blood, braises the nerves, torrents digestion, and builds up ' times who are weak and ran -down. If you are nervone or• sleepless, 'try ons bottle ; the result* will surprise YOU. Oar stook of Paine's Celery Oomott nu Ie alwsye fresh and puke. J E ll1)V'EY, Druggist, Uinlon, J. P. TISDALL. BANKEE; CLINTON, ONT. Prieate funds to loan on mortgagee al besipurrent rates . - A General Banking - neaten transrettd interest allowed on deposits. Sale notes bought HE111OLSONSI�A K I Incorporated by Aot Parliament 1855. CAP1T,A,L $0,500,009. REST FUND $2,150,000" HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL • Wu. Blame MsopnssSON, Preeiden ' 'JAMES ELt;rov,' -Gen. Manager.' Notes discounted,00lleotionr made, drafts boned, sterling and American exchange bought and sold. ' Interest allowed on deposits' Same Boa—Interest allowed on sums of $1 ind'up. Money advanced to +.. No,mortgage required. In the Lead' Again armors on tk' more en omen.. notes, 'with one or 11.0. Brewer, Manager„, 011intont, G. D. IdeTa ggart. ALBERT o ST., CLINTOA A. General' Banking Bushman" transacted. NOTES' DIBCOVNTED tis issaed. Interest allowed on depot*N,. { twits• y1 ,,y •..^�. w II1, '•:) t�. Ye A 6•. �, CC tevenson Furniture's• & Undertaking • • Albert S1:, opposite Town Hall, Clinton. RESIDENCE :--Huron St.,:in house lately occupied i ped by Mrs • Biddlecombe, opposite.Commercial Hotel. . Night • els. •at;tliie place; . here Are ' We Now: LID!. t at Edi ,';,1 --- New Blacksmith Shop w nMr rhy i3 sets u r,en a e ted the rhos adioln in L 0 its g � �r pare dto do all t►Orkminhhhle`linr x11 bas had a good many yours' experience in the bust* time, end will ggive personal attention to a11• work meetutted to hint. Special attention given to . HHorseshoeing and the Care of .ilorses' feet. • Retail lug 'f billktnna; d,agrees 'Setae bee , FRED -1•, IAli1"f, 0111 ten Great Bargains for Xmas and New Years 4 We new selected' Raisins for 25o ( 8i i1 a new cleaned CurraIrate for 26e 7 lbsood .000lting ,Q'ige for . 25o • 1 ' 6 Ibe Riot for 26o • 8 lbs Tapiooa'Qs rLoans . L o- ans:02n, Peels 0s61 batoagfor9 Sugar 2 x. ti art : , :Sugar i 2 be Bright 8 i g t Coffee $agar for 1,00, 28/ha extraf3�nd.rtl. ai'annlatpd, Sugarfor•Ol Rabat', Table Rai, Royel.olneters, Illeek Baskets Lemon Onange'and'bitroii Peels, Frlbeet', Almonds, Walnut*, Peanut.. All new fruit at, the lowest iodb►s " • For a Chrietmae remembrancet1 a Dinne ,'1 ewt,ii oiler sip ,P'anoy,0hini, or a Lamp, which ere's: far at is ananp. 1hp and nv.mInb;t tiaiit,�`t nd Bribe ttnd.odare lure to WIZ. Wanted good batter, fi4lwth <, r, r !1 dri edsip'Mlelutallfofdlpmetowwiit CUL. u Philos JIM • •a ri. •R:-,,r.!4s r4, 'W : ,, ,\j `V' -i - ✓d k.:�i, Abu'°in !r.7 Christmas 'resen .. » You will need some, so we have good va rietyh,..Prettt Dolls, Looking Glasses, Books,' (Yards, < Wats and ket Cutlery, Purses, Handkerchiefs, Stick Pine and many! tter useful articles besides Cups, Sauces, Salad dishes, then if you want to make a Christmas . cake, ow Raisins, Currants, Peel, Esasenceil, Baking Powder, ete.,eanniott be excelled; do not fail to givens a trial. Do you runt061'A-ill Tea Cheese• 'Coffee P P > Biscuit or an endless Candi 11" whyjust come here, variety of Terms cash or produce. Bring your Butter, .,: Al A Lane, Tallow, Poultry, eta, we cern hander aIL ' " , a erry MUSS. Yours for &shun i. L0lideaboro bar, Srd, 100i. R. ADA