HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-10, Page 4011611..e - • i el atu Babies and children need. - proper food,, rarely ever medi. cine. • If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong. ' They need a little. help to get their digestive machinery working properly. CCOneS' -- S O!' ....coo .1,31./ER aim . . iyl i!M PO.PNQSP/IITT,s'ofLIMIEaS0, 1 will generally .correct this , difficulty. - ' ' If you will from one- fourth fourth to half 'a teaspoonful In'baby's bottle three or four times a day you will soon see a marked improvement. For larger children,' from half• to a teaspoonful,` according to - "_ -4* issolved in their milk, a 1 very l desire will soon Incrifibsigrifat nourish- ing power: elf the mother's milli does' not . nourish the. baby. she needs the emus sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child. dl dra te: .'i`Ig SCOTT tk BOWNs, Totowa •'nasalis TBE CLINTON NEW ERA Dooley on Lying. Anecdotal: II' question efure th' house 'Whit- preachingfrom the text: "lie w ""'is whin is a leo not a lie?" giveth hie be:oves sleep," a minister satd 'air. Dooley. stopped in the middle of his sermon, „andauditors, s • vn and to , Mr. ..eupon s doze "How's that? • asl�ed M g . d, his g Hennessy. said: ",Brethren, it 1s hart's to realize "Well," said Mr. Dooley, "here's Pro- the wondrous unbounded love the Lord, assort Il. Benjamin Something or Other appears to have for good portion of insthruotin' th' youth at th' Chicago this congregation." UnivarsitY that a lie, it it's VI'a gooo „ „ lawyer purpose, Mnot a lie at all. There's th' The Green Bag tells of ala y gr'retkt schools down there on th` Mid- who was about to furnish a' bill of way. We can lain amnythillg ye have ;Va. I hope, said his silent, who halter, that you will make trig • mind to in that there seminary, an . light as possible." "Alt," said the law - Y y miglt P ' h 1 i' indivtdjally t ]1 N lyt i th'y now they'll have ,e coorse in lying r Sr ,. Oil t ethane say that to '"Th' earnest yovhh in sareh iv a car; X "A. pathetic' incident in connection 'with a biograph see.,e occurred in De- ttrolt, Mich„ March 17 last,:' says ., " „ l r c l:'o u a Science." view p mado at the occupation of Peking was being flashed across the screen. It repre- sented a detachment of the Fourteenth United States Infanl:`fy entering the gates of the Chinese capital. As the last' file of soldiers seemed literally stepping out of the frame on to the ' stage, there rose a scream from al tiro - man who sat in front. 'My God!' ate cried hystertoaIly, 'there 15 my dead ibrother Allen marching with the sol- diers,' The 'figure had been recognized ear in life 11 be rates. t Y n t11e foreman of your establishment, but -b an' In classes, 4ylie be ear an' be note, that is not the way'I snake my bread!'. n' n home an' 1 1n' to th' public, While James McNeill Whistler, the others in the audience as' that of Allen 'McCaskill, who had mysteriously disappeared some years before. Subse- quently Mrs, Eootlt, the sister, wrote to the War Department and learned that it really was her brother Whose pro- sentment she so strangely bad been confronted with." ' January loth, IE Most people, if they wore asked' to - state the color of the sin, would fray that It was orange, and they wauld as confident) s r the1 the as e t that ogler of Y atmosphere was blue. Recent re- searches' and investigations, however, says "I{nowdedge" point to the conciu- siori that the real color of the sun Is blue, while that of the ' atmosphere surrounding the earth ie orange.' 0 A gQ d many formalities are neees- eary for the women of Sumatra before they can lay aside their widow's weeds, says "Womanhood," Immediately af- ter the husband's death the diseonso-, late widow, places• •a __fiagstaif. ill -front.- - - of Iver door, and on this a flag is raised. Atftifi rra"aothe Sag remains' untorn by the wind eilftiiiiitte forbids her to mar- ry, but w,11h the appearance of the first relpitAtie can lay aside her. mourn- ing gat!b begin to take notice and to receive' offers of marriage, s.' '..isee little machine which threads one thousand needles a minute is at work in Bt. Gall, Switzerland. The 'purpofle, Of the machine is 10 'thread needles that are placed afterwards inan em- broidery loom for retaking Swiss or Hamburg Ince. The device is almost entirely automatic. It takes the needle , from a hopper, carries it along and threads it, ties the„r knot, cuts the thread, off a uniform length, then car- • ries the needle across. an -open space and sticks it in a rack, The work of • threading these -needles was formerly done by hand. The highest Waterfall in the' world, geography tells us, is the Cerosola cas- cede,. in the Alps, having a Pall of 2,400 feet; that of Arvey, • in Savoy, is 1,100 feet, an&.the falls oe the Yosemite Valley range from 700 to 1,000 feet. But. higher yet is the fall in the San Caya- -tan ,canyon, in the State of Durango, Mexico. It was discovered by son prospectors ten years ago in ,the great Barranca tjlstrlet',. Which is .called the 'L'ierras Desconocldas. While search; ins for the ramous lost mine, Naranjal, a great roar of water was heard. With i;rteat • difficulty the party pushed on n do a du. �, wnt the n 'Sad h 'nightly chasms, until .they bLh'1e113 the., superb fall. that is at least 3,000 feet iii h. The date -palm may solve, t fib- lent of what to do with the grid anti~ alkali lands of Arizona 'and other West- ern States. Experiments have been made in the- past, but renewed- interest being taken •by' the section of .plant introduotion of the Department. of Ag- riculture at Washington. According to the New York "Sun,".Professor D. G. •Fairchild,: agricultural explorer. for the department,' now traveling in Africa, has procured a number of suckers, or -off-shoots, from the 'Delta of the Nile, which will be distributed in !the. south.•, westerfs';-Otates. In the -United States the date is an article "of luxury, but in its native country it is a most import• - 'Yin' autytnatioally, th' lie di-reet, . tie eccentric American painter, was in a lie Injanyous, th' lie 'with tit' hand, th' , London shop one day a customer die with tit' 'eye, tie remedy fake, th'" rushed in, and, mistaking Mr. Whistler bouncer, lh' stiff, th' con, th' bunk,. th' 1 for a clerk, exclaimed: "I say, this. hat poetic lie, th' business lie, th` lie im- doesn't fit.” The artist eyedhim for a aglnative, th brassy lie, th timid lie,, irinate, and then replied, t ie white Ile, tie pathrtotic or red- "Neither does yourcoat, and I'll- bg. white -an' -blue , lie, til' lovin' lie, •th' ' banged If I- like the color of your over-th'-left, th' cross -re -heart, th trousers, h oiittcal economy and mathematics hope -to -die, hist ry, p ' An attorney named 'Else, rather di- "They'll ba a post-+gradyate cooree in minuttve in his stature, and not par - perjury f'r tie mofe studyoua, an' whin ocularly respectable in . his character, th' hon'rary degrees is given out we'11 once met Jekyll ='Bir;' said he, "I know what LL.D.- manes. Tie Pitts hear you have called me a pettifogging burg bebtin' syndicate will wear meds scoundrel. Have you done so, sir''" als Lr'm now on." "Sir," said Jekyll, witha look of con - "Sure they dont need to tarn people tempt, I never said you were a petri - lyin'," said Mr. Hennessy. 'logger ora scoundrel but I said you 'i "Weil, no, faith, that's thrue," said were 1 the kl se. Mr. Dooley. "Here am I" wbth no more iddycation than ye cud write on th' back'iv a postage stamp, am as fluent are r -ready a liar as e'er a.proiisser or ' gradyate iver tur-rned out be th' Insti- choot iv Mendacity, That's what I am. ' Pm a •born liar. As tli' pote that ria- - gan spouts has said: 'I lisped In false- hood, f'r th' falsehood came.' 'I cud lie befure I'cud speak or walk. F'r ivey lie'I got found ,out in an' whaled f'r, I told forty .that nicer was r -run do sp. I've lied steadily through life, an' here I am in me green or age-- though not as old as manny would aid of out •the out-lyln' , wed glasses. Thrysme. Ask'me how m'uoli wather . there is in that bar'l--is ye dare! Ye'xe a liar, too, Hinnissy." "What's that?" shouted Mr: Hennes - sy. "keep cool," said Mr. Dooley. "I'm .not, referrin' to what I heerd ye tell ye'er Wife about th' pay check or that story •iv ye'ers about th' big man ye bate In th' Halsted sthreet car. ' But tie clothes 'on ye'er"back is a lie, or at Taste, an equivocation, or a hand-me- down, are th'. smile ye greet .me w-ith is •. rid more than half on tie, square, and th' well-its-glad-/-am-to-see-ye : rally manes ye're sorry ye cane. • ; "All th' wurruld is busy deeeiiVire its neighbor an' itself. Th' poor are poor because they are poor liars an' th' rich ar-re men that've aocumylated large, , stock iv .non -assessable, e'ntherest- bearin' lies or inherited tht same from their Indulgent an' mendacyous iatb- ^ '.ere. That's what they tell :me. • "An' what is a lie, 'tell me? I cud . answer mesilf',if I always. knew what , th' truth was,:me boy. A good 'Manny, iv th' whoppers I tell ye -is th' raysuit of thryin' to take a short oat :to th' troth an' bringin'. up Net this side iv. perjury. • Some tbingg • that look like lies to' me to -day will seem all r -right • in • th' Prisldinttal • year. ;I lie a good When Bishop Potter was asked, the other day, what he thought of woman suffrage he Made the diplomatic reply:* "My 'dear. madam, I have gotten away beyond that; I am trying to make the Evidence to the Contrary, . Citizen -Madam, why do you persist in punching me with your umbrella? 3adam-I cunt to make you ,look around I so canthank you for giving me your seat. Now, sir, don't you go off and say that women haven't any manners, -Chicago "Record -Herald," • An Ambiguous Compliment. Miss Beekley -I'm so glad I'•m not an heiress, Mr. Soper. I should never know .'whether' my=suitors were at- '_ tracted by myself or my money, . Mr. Soper -Oh, Miss Beekley,' your ' :mirror should leave- you in no doubt beet -terms with the sex that I can ob-on that score! -"Punch." tain." _ This brings to mind the mot of . • William. M. Everts whenasked by a Changed Her Mind. lady if he did not -think. that woriian :• was the hest judge of woman. He re • plied: "Not only the best judge; ma-, ; The house :was ''handy to . the street j• CAGE METAL GATES art su 1uw npanYCM to use wooden ones. Light. and et strong Ynoux ports heavy _Man on the crux while he awing* ar i l out causing thein to . The are circle will last e, lifetime. Will not sag They get romance, with hoswhiehsllow tlwm to ed ether way and are salt acting. The only good metal that is low enough in price for general farm purposes We also make Farre sand Fence. Poultry Netting, Nails and staples. The Page Wire Fence Co,.Limit/d, Walker/Me, iiSli)di8r'+krk,".is rsw �k -ri4 riilidTi� e' oo fOr ui' . �i dam, but the best executioner," oar line" and`ingood repair, there were, "S.:1Paul" is the name above osteal- the proper number: of c s ets . and the + ist's shop:in a London suburb. it ar- • rental was reasonable, but before coal= ' in terms the o tot m t h use-huntin matron rest d t tt n c n l n- gg e he a e tto f o v via e a l � g tleman returning home in the small, .. said to the agent: • hours, and he rang the bell vigorously. It is only fair for me to tell you that , The chemist's head appeared above. we have five boys. . • "What'• `is. it?" he called out. "Want "That won't make.any. -difference, speak t' you ver' pert'c1r," said .the . ma'am," he said, with a smile. "You convivial one, "What it; d' you will find'big families of boys on both want some medicine?" "NMnt speak t' eides.of you."' you -ver! pert'clar," The chemist has- "Ole, then I. don't want the house at tily dressed, came down, and • opening' all!"she exclaimed." "I want to find a the door exclaimed •impatiently,"Well neighborhood where there won't be anj now, what is it?". "I want know—did boys -but.. mine!" - you ever get answer to that terr 'tern'- At last accounts Bite was still hunt ble long epistle you wrote to Thes'- Ing. Ionians?", .'.. -•J. Pierpont Morgan snakes his boast: that he never has- been interviewed, s ne �`<�.'•"�''►ti�9X� and' .declares ; that in the last seven Bull /�La '- Dog • yearsbut one interviewer ever has Been able to approach him: This was. on :•a ,recent trip to • Burope, when 'a r'epre- sentative of the London "Times"'would - not. take "No"; for his answer.. "Tell the.`Times' man my tinsel 1s worth ten. pounds a minute," at last said Morgan. "The 'Times' man says he'll take two minutes at that,". .came back the reply.'' r • .s'' rt " a. The 'interviewer handed Mr. Morgan C7.%-1 p - U t n t n e twenty pounds, talked just two rain- utes by both .their watches, did all the Cures Mini &O or C0UGH talking himself; and rose to go on the iiia few hours, ' instant.'Why did you want to see - .. me?" Morgan asked in curiosity. .'Oh, 'many times from kindness, more often r'm' flaziness, :an' Most. often fr'm- fear. Some iy.th' bold"est. liars Z.iver .met wud've • been thruthfui • men , if they'd . dared to be."' King *0 will outwear two pairs 'or ' common rubbers. • For three years we have proved that with r �y' `` you can Stub King. s !vei�'� Tru yoi><r f o'o t, but you eat,not stub the rubbers Ring's gen Ina opt R(�,.noe are stem d dinoww upon tbq ooze of each rubaer with our copy- righted opy.righted name do not allow yourself tobe de- ceived by imitations. • Inas': LEAThER TOP Ole the best on the market, .6 -inch, t -inch : and .12 -inch tops, -with Rolled Edge and Heels.. They ars (tarried 111460k; and your dealer caa order them for yin. The J. Di, KING 'CO., Wilted have -exclusio'swat s odor .f all.. I tubbera wagered one hundred pounds•' that I• would interview you personally, that'd The. War Office has ordered 1.000 all," was his- reply: Morgan -congratu- tons of Hour . from the Lake'• of the ' latedshim on his enterprise, and dial • Woods Milling'' Company. missed him'within the third minute o! . - his call., When asked, the other day, if • he kept the •twenty pounds, Morgan 5g — TASTY TABLET said: "Yes, and I haven't earned'mon- • h6 111"-'- ThatCold or it inay kill you: 'rake a cold' at this time of • the year, and uinty-nine' times in a ifiindred it will cleveiop into Grippe—acid Grippe stands fora category of ailnteiits that. has baffled the best physicians: Kill that cold 1—take a neJtrer-fail treatment UWANTA Au. rUwan to Capsule • ' when you feel the • first shiver "---when you feel _.. the first flush of fever— when you feel the first hint of an aching head --when you feel the first stab of pain in , your . back -.these are all Grippe symptoms that this potent, powerful but :pleasant medicine will -knock out in one-two three order—make you well. and, keep, you well handy, too— carry them in your pocket. Your druggist should have them—if he hasn't, mail as cents direct to tial TA i►tt'T'G CO,.led. Ottawa, Ont. .; itz Hu h- So these ' The Fiore. Aisle F i; ah Weeny the Wocky Mountains? - • Alkali Ike, (the guide) -Wel], it ud . Ile all• reyjob's worth to work off any . substitutes ettiitations on my pat- rons and customers. . ey en a Meg time that gave sue the: • satisfaction that twenty. ,pounds did. ' Lincoln, even, as a young man, Was always' ready and resourceful .on `the platform. In the new. book, Lincoln in Story, it is related -that in 1336• Lincoln made: a telling • speech .in an election campaign for the State Legislature of .. Illinois.. George Forquer,; an .,old and. respected citizen,'who had changed his party, and almost simultaneously ,had been appointed toa fat office by his new friends, was present.- Just at this time Mr. Forquerhad completed over finest house in- Springfield and over tt:• erected a lightning -rod, the first in that region. •At the conclusion of Lincoln's speech, n'orquer took it upon himself to. reply; commencing thus: 'r'This • young man will have to be taken down, and I •am sorry the task: devolves upon me." He then proceeded to answer Lincoln's argument in an able and fair but pat- ronizing 'manner. At length 'Torquer ended and Lincoln had thefirior to re- ply. • "The gentleman has seen fel," said he, "to allude : to my being .a' young matt, but he forgets that I am older.in years than ire the tricks and trades of politix"7ans. I desire lone life•and I de- sire piece and distinction, but I would rather die now, than, like• the gentle- man; live . to seethe day that ]: -Wold change my politic for' an'cce • worth $3,000 a year and thea feel compelled to erect a lightning -rod to protest a; guilty. conscience 'from an ofree lr'l Crotchets of a Cynic, In tate race for wealth right often • gets left., Ridicule, unless barbed with reason, is ridiculous. To be thoroughly hated one needs net to be. reasonable.: - If many of us could see ourselves as we really are we should be ashamed' to be on speaking terms with ourAlves. Woman's sphere, in epite of all theft'. her :apologists may say, is at the best but a hemisphere. He that is successful . can afford to smile'; he that is not successful cannot afford to do otherwise. - -We do net always *learn from thefillifftlEtirbYlreliel, • ready6to profit by. them. Woman's vise* memory is very de- fective, judging from the frequency with Which she looks into a mirror. 'When & manthtnkti ;one woman Is different from Other ' women It argues that he doee not know either ••the one I or the othera.--•L. Da V. 1atthewman, in " Oniart Set." Betttty's Hedge.. "Benny Bioobu ser, how do we know that the moon is two hundred and forty thousand mi1Os dittantl'frem the earth?" Benny (alarmed dtt the teaohor'a manner) replied: "Y'wy-yott • said so yourself, err," -"Tit -ltd " • IGNORANT OF1 A,Ttl'l4Ta'S LANtS. if not ignorant, stupid --else why treat Oatarrb, Bronchitis clad Asihnia by snuffs, tablets or atomizers, Such remedies Can't ante, for the medication must be carried to fo the disoaeod parts by rho air you breathe. Oatarrhozone Sri enhalod into the lunge, throat and natal passsgoe. Hills the dia. 0110 from its very roots. tiatarrllezono is• rocornntended by doctor and druggists a;a a never failing cure. Tryst, 25e and aoi00, • Hard Luck in the West. ' ° • The cowboy sat down on the ground, fingered a roll of bills and looked sadly at his pard: "Bill:" hg 'said, "It's no' use. I can't go to town with you to -day,"' - •"Why?" asked Fain.• '"I've only gel $25 to 'my name." "rigger it un ag'In, said 13111. ' "No use. I've flggered it up a dozen times, and it always comes out the same.. It'll.take•$20 fer the .drunk, dol- lar an'- a . half fax bed an' breakfast,' three an' a half fer ca'tridges, ore -that ' won't leave a cussed cent to pay the fine."—Indianapolis ."Sun." DOSES" ank food, many regions In Arabia. and , the Sahara being. uninhabitable but FIT1NITUIE BSO AI) O �F O'' .X=&CO. ,13.0 The steady inorease in our tradeis good proof of the foot that our goods are, right and •our prides lower :than those of other dealers in the trade. We mannfaoture furniture on a large scale and :Dau afford to sell 'cheap. If yourte y Y" • from ue, we save for you the profit, .which, in other oases; has to be added : in fact :,:. the retail dealer. This week we have passed into stook some of our new designs.'. Space' will net;,permi' • ns to quote prior, but some and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer Remember—we are determined that our prices shall be the .owest in the trade.• I NDEtT4KING. ` : In thisdepartment: our stook is: oomplete, and we• have undoubtedly the best fetter*'. • outfit in 'the bounty. Our prices are as ow as the lowest. Atright, ewe and A . ve , petite, Aa 4T5 digestion Ana refreshing sleep. Bri:tor: it arouses the Live,' Quickens the cirou!ation, ° Brightens the spirits and Generally, makes {iter worth living A Sfxtsi setter: years tr ti ' irons: ;'ed i't o beyond ts vote. tris tiros. r6: tlf.� '�• .. rovGD purtWtaesc known.q 11fill the leaaing Oregots a BREWS' SARSAPPABI1U g3'IT'.4Q'ifii"i£61x`3iTll`31IIiil% Cameras I CaYneras 1 :Cameras Ku a `'araiw`ta: and be 'Happy - Y , " a young ' b th older n a. 'There is probablya sant and inetr instructive to 0 no ostial MN .l a t Y g. aw lee sant P minds than photography. It is a piss•,=are.baoaaseit helps to while away those long winter evenings, and itis iaatraotive be : ase it teaohes Dare and precision and towhee to look for the artistic in the everyday ea • endings of home. The' general impression is that it is hard t• d = • otos, but such is not the case, Any one with a kodak and instrnation book can take pho• s, We carry a fall line ,--.. In CAMERAS—Film, Plate,Magazine, Box an. • *ding. T'tATES=Stanlev, Eastman Paget-Prize. an N. . P TINC•1• PAPER— belts d Dekk o, Developers, Mounts and Outfits. Call and see. l in a d finishing done we quote the foilow/a" .^+ For those who prefer to h their dace op g n ht 6' ins prtoee. Wo guarantee worts i aosnre ie good: a - 41x31 soli • Browned'-`. ,011 4c 30 6 exposures Developing .,...,x. each 4o dozen l,eo 300 25o . Printing and 'Mounting .......each 7o 6o 40 ' • doze: 75o 650 550•'°: Developing, printing', Mounting, each 100 90 60 1G' -� •dozen • 61. 900 750 600• H. B. CO M B E, Chemist .. Druggist for the date -palm. "MUSCLES IN KNOTS" tlolrtts It stiffened and swollen —qafer-like pains, • suffer. e. Ings.• that no. rnan. can de.scribe—this taste experience ' • of' thousands '-of . Rheu/ma• tisin's victim ' • Do•railway that there isn't a gate, no matter how acute or how long standing, that ,South American Rheumatic Cure will not relieveaimost tits a trice and work a permanent cure. • Its action on' a system so disordered is marveilous. It. works . quickly, quietly, effectually and harm;: tasty: and, leaves no bad after. effects. It'doss sot jure all diseases, -.but it does cure rlieu- £n endued physiolan,: whose • schooling, .'ihas always been along the line of "strong •:hitters"lkinlind b 'a emwhat h tasty doses—Dr. Von !tan's Pineapple ,Tabiett. THAT TOUCHESThe SPOT And be is only one of thousands of.the.medical profession Who are "getting out of the rut' rand taking the. common-sense view of .things; and ' -_lltcLEOD'S 'ant and never falling treatment. Every day sees the - walla ofprejudice c getting tberepreju ice she merits -for cures arasurest. Sixty instead of strong doses are. prescribing forstom• ash troubles and the ills. that are akin, this pleas - Sold hp J. E. Hovey and R. L',-1teekie The new postage stamps bearing the. cad were issue in • King's h d England. • tt � • Liver It Kidney Diseases, • OP' • Weak and Impure Blood, ' • RUQADFOOT, BOX & CSO: J,' w, ,C i fixer p, S. -Night end Sunday calls attended to byoalling .at dr W. Ohidley's, (Furlin Direotor) residence . Smyrna : E1*gs Reversi.ble;._ Female Complaint. Etc. 'All Dluggiets, or write 'direct to , • (1'railo Mur1L ) For Lung Troubles, Severe Coughs, Colds, Of Cod -Liver Oil J. M. MoLEODI :. Go der iclx On F v systems can assimilate pure 011, but asc"mUli ed•iu"The l).n L.",itItlWeasant and di,de hble.• Will build you tip; ill add solid patntdsofflesh ; Will 'bring you. back thealth. o I.Ob'bcittl a! li0o end >l9 e DAVIS LAWIttNCE CO., Limited. Carl Linke, the youngman who at- tempt ed suicide by taking car bolic acid' at 'Hamilton, is now out of danger. • ^;144m1 call s ,Ir tl E4S ,isatt er• 1 0<:• t • 15I0 : a • 110 V:dti Jay A eitice :I F1 "foaM1"cr , t.g; X.• i "pt'tt`.oleS0 • 1? an." la . stirs, A. R. Young,. liar ast,ni, (, v •snoop ninntits :,r. r•: 1 t••r !; t .- Smith .americ,,n I-irhiey Ciro; :,'••! r • ,• '• , • • tt.. ,F•,htea symptom c.f th t : :. • i r•1' 1: irorn Willett 1 s• '1' r + ,••ti r • • . •• • r:d d•+etnri a small fortune, v Ouida in Her Old Age. •Ma ,,est results 7aiis j;t- •,t r.•rrr•'y, r. :r 1. • • t ilda, as°Mlle. De La Rarnee prefers . to call herself, is now an elderly lady, lit;' 1['0'-!•Ir"1TrnahoLe �1[ W itiLd utas trucks and pale blue ribbons ofa by- gone era, She is the autocratic queen of a• large circle of admirers at Flor- ence, where she has an ideal home, and an: extraordinary collection of degs. bifida does net=like Bnglatid or English Me and food, and not infrequently at London dinner -tables has, asked for : Cold roast beef and beer, that 'being the I leVei, she says, on which she places English dookery. ' • "I thought you 'Were gives a job in the pubilo service becausd of the work I you did for the party." ° i "I was, but I quit." '"Why?" "Why! why, hang it I all; they're getting so blamed partied - tar now that they want a fellow to I work for his salaigy,'-'-Chigago "Matt." Miller's Ooinpound iron Pine ;" only 25 +toents for 50 doses, Sold by 11 B (lo bo and It P Rookie, Clinton, . ' Sohn A. MeNab, of ltaeburn, Man,, lost hinlife and was frozen to death, 4 Steen the eough aid Works orr the cold , ,Laxative Bromo.Quinine Tablets iourea cold in one day, ido,(inro, No Pay, f,"rice 25 oenle t.v pearl'" for women s�1 rdi•tiiig ;1. 1 at.! . it relieves i't sn testa, 1}. =8(r .tPoveyyanc1 '=PF1;teekie' A BBaleimore & Ohio train jumped the ti ask at Glencoe, Pa., killing two men and injuring 17. • ` Centra l • Meat Market • Having puroFased the bntobering business of F. H. Powell I am pre • pared to furnish . the people of Olin- . ton with all kinds of Fresh and • Cured Meats; Sausage, bologna y; lard, butter and eggs always kcpt on I. hand. . ' .t. R. ' Fitzsimons tt Son. Telphone 7A., • • • From 16.x32 inches at 40c; to. 6 ft•:6 ins by 10 ft.'at $8 Floor Oil Clothe in . 36, 45 Oil.' 54• and 72 .'n:nh widths. Oil 'Cloth Squares 1 x1% yards and 2 yards square R. Coats S argains in, _ Furniture Just arrived .� et ar v d large consignment of newgeode, on i tin g of R droo m Sete, Side: oa'rds and Ex eusion Tables: These goods were bought right and will be sold cheap. Our stook of Window Shades wad bought before the rise. The ad- vantage' is yours; Now Pioture Moulding, Mattress, Wire Spring,`4jgill;•;-_ res Chaffs, Coaches, and Iron Beds, Price of every artiolerlow as the quality will permit., Your alone back if you want it. • J� .Vii. Ci-i]mz,x.MW.:BLrri'Fi: CUTTEZS is: Orders delivered promptly' to all parts of the town. . • N. B.--Parecne having . hogs for• pus et will confer' a fa* var by tleaving' word at the ehdp.• lkiTARBLEAtioki 1 IUUMNT5. l i riill •IIi111RItu 1111'1111 le die r?: 0 The Cutters we sell are own make We guarantee them because WO know the Stock and Workmanship is first-class.. • We bays a fewrgood Second Iland Cutters for sate Repairing•prpmptly attended ttiiy experienced men, II c IATHa - luro�n i rest,' • • Ciint�aiir E'irStc1ass Cutters and fluggies On Jentlairia 1 "ori terYes and pickled, antes . 'tl et thin coating or PURE REFINED PARAFFINE 10111 keep them absoluteis moietntSU4 MIA proof, Yu re Relined Pbra:SuNnalso tultulIn a dozen other why/ &baittht/ kou/.. Rill directlousin each ptcckage. • 11015 e•'oryvehore, IMPERIAL. oils CO. 01111MMIMI:,„),, ereillews I km handling:the celebrated idoLaughlin make of baggies and other makes of flrtt•olass Ontario firms. Also of my own 'manafaotnre' including top beg. ' glee, mikado* etc. of all tike latest end Modern styles. Repairing of all kind' promptly attended td. Jogs tSL hL' B:urota . Street• C Iiilt+lrh Cutters'131eighei RAU' 3 St. Work,t'• Lr1x11tTOtVe Ifo you want a high grade Cutter or Sleigh t,., Direct importers, Workmanshin We have the finest stook to select from. All the latest styles hi the new. and Material guaranteed.' est colors, Our prices are as low as can be found for Oret•claes nlater'lafi- LEand workmanship. before you buy call and see ns. A . BICC • C�r�o►. Lavis, Isaac Street, Onto Proprietors NExT,To lt'1W l 1tA Ol Pxol A 0