HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-10, Page 14.•
Kindly see that suhscriptiou
is promittly Mewed
Expert Watch Repairer
Jewelet And Optician
West, Wawanosh.
NoTEs.-Thos B Somerville, of S
Helens. last weeksold his 200 acre farrn
in West Waveanosh to Mr Smythe
McLean, for $6 500.
IKindly see that subscriptl
is promptl renewed
Gsderich .., 1 thilmesville
FORMERLY OF Gonentatt •-The fele ORCR011,-N W Trewartha was elect
lowing, taken from the London Free ed presideenof the Le*eue on Monde
Press, refers to a former resident of evening and Miss Godld organist. Ser
the county town .• "David Rougvie, vice on Sundareelll be taken by A. RI
formerly of this city, died during the Allen, of Colborile, in the wornmgand
week at Meanies, Santo Donungo,or a in the evening the pastor will speak on
short illness. Mr .ROugvie formerly "The Great Pamine,"being the eeventh
• lived on Queen's avenue here, and of a series let segue° s on the lOth chit
• il
noved to the Weat Indies many years ter of Luke. The awing Circle of th
ago, where he had since lived, on a W.M.S. met at Mr Stepleyes on We
• sugtr plantation. Hee Barytes(' by nesday. 1
two sons and two daughters, who now
'reside In Goderich."
Unclench Township •
• FARM BOUGHT. -Alex Badour,of the
y Maitland con., is quite an extensive
• owner of farm land, but was not quite
• satisfied with what he had. He had
238 acres, being lots 77 and 78,Meitland
con., hue recently bought the farm of
the tete John Evan% of 80 acres; there
• are good buildings on the place and the
price paid Was about $2000. Mr Bent-
our now owne 818 acres.
, Facet CONE TREE. -If Mr 0..Jervis,of
'the Oth con., had Many trees like the
'one he recently sold he would soon be-
come \ wealthy from his bush. Lsse
Wednesday he sold to the Messrs Bine,
ford for the Stapleton Salt WorkedIve
tinge 12 foot logs all cut • froutta •soi t
elm tree which measured 380 feet.
Three of the loge Were first Clasa and
the other two were not so sound, but
neverebelese he received 035,50
Own To Ooraateree-Jerome Bedour,
eon of Alex Bedour, Maitland con„whe
• has been teaching school at Drysdale
for the past two years left Monday for
Joliette College,. Quebec, to further
pursue hie stales for the prieethood.
Mr atid.our was a most successful
teaeher.and his pupils were so taken
up with him thee his absence will be
felt by bigh,pupila and parents. We
trust he my ever succeed in the, WIT
ing which he has chosen.
• Itern Owe Noans.- Several members
of the family of Mr. Robe Thompson
have been laid up with seYere colds.
but none of them seriously.- Mr and
Mrs J. Et Lowery spent New Years
with Mr 0. Beecorc, Summerhill, A
French Canada/xi timber buyer buyer has
been out here buying equate timber,
and kute'purchased several sticks from ,
Metiers 0. Nesinttt, J. H, Lowery,Thos„
McCartneyand H. Oakes; the timber
was dressed by Matt Mainsand will be
delivered at the Old G. IV. R, station,
(Anton; the price paid is 115 perthotue
and cubic feet.
• No'rets.-mr Jacob •Miller who :has
been living in the 'West for a year or
two returned home recently ; Jake
looks arse rate and contemplates re-
eurning in the !spring to purchase et
farinas 0 t ri�is too small to hold
him; A number of the farasere have
:disposed of their fat cattle realizing
a . fait . price. A sleighload party
consisting of Cole's church their and.
a•few others drove to the hospitable
home of Mr James. Walliteeni Menem,'
night, enjoying themeetees in a merry
nee Ocl, as young people ,generally do,
till the night was far opsnt. Porter
Hill's fruitaeties • drove to Mr Willie
hayfield Line, • one eveiring
Int week and heed it down till break
of day, returfilfie just in time for
breakfast; all report & bevelytineee
John Thomption,jr,arrived honte trotn
_the Prarie Province • on , Ohrietmas
eve ; jeck informs us that in some
parts theIthreshing ea still booming, b tt
*oxen it 'gees 30 or 40 ioeloar epee Wend
Johnnie don't want to thriumaii. The
.niembers • of, the old conned: was all
elected by acclanrafion on Monday e
there Were several new nomines but
ell *Mare* A few teams, on Fri-
day hauled 7 or 8 .cords of wood _ea
Cole's church; the good Willi of ' the
church people Ohl exists. Mr Willis
Bell was elected as trustee 'for S. S.
No 10 as sucessor to Mr Burnett. Miss -
Blake, of Colborne, was visiting at Mr
Rueben Grigg's last Week. MO 3. 11.
()rocker, of Exeter, visited the home
of Mr N. Yea, aiso Mr and Mrs John
Crocker, of Buffalo, accompanied by
their daughter. Mr James Switzer
and wiee,spene New Year's at Myths
with MI i3 Switzetee brother, Mr Geo
Powell: Mr George Lindsay, whohas
been sick With typhoid fever, is now:
able to be 'around again. • ...hos Connolly
goes to Woodstock next Monday to at-
tend a meeting Of the Western Dairy -
'merle; A,esociati6n.• Miss, Om:molly
went to Toronto on Weeder therateume
her studies 'at St Margaret's college.
PILV3ENTA.TION.-70a rizesday, New
eeleile eye, gym...forty nf the members
and 'adherents of Ililises---"Wetene
church entered the hospitable home of
Mr Peter Cole_ by storm, taking the
family by comblete surprise' for the
purpose orpiesenting to Mr and Mrs
Oote a handsome easy chair.' All 'ere
ushered to the.parlor,where an address
was reed by Ale Nelson Yoe, while the
presents -men, prepentedby Moe re Geo
°doper laid Robe -Hanley, after which'
Air Cole gaVe a very fitting reply on
behalf of hinrself and Mrs Cole, thank-
ing therieople most heartily for their
kindness antl esteem shown to them.
RevMr Yelland, pastor, gave a pleas- o
ing addrese, while Bee- W Cole. of ,g
14 linWItlich., brother of P. Cole, ad- a
dressed the gathering in iteititty and 8
appropriate Manner. .Mr and Mrs•Oole
are very highly esteemed resiclents,
have long been identified with this
church, being among its most useful i
and active Members, and the congree
melon felt' that they were deeply in-
debted to them hir many kintine,sses. • o
rhe presents were both, leeautiful • and t
Costly, which speaks well for the 9
drench; they were purchased from (3. t
Stevenson's, Olintoir. After the pre-
eentation the ladies served a most de. a
Homo tea for which they certainly de. 0
serve. credit haying • brought the
dainties with then). -Short addressee
were AgilVeexnWbYershevaldi' .7Gealela.11Ad'.0Neoeigril; t
Cole's orchestra also enhvened the,pre• t
Ceedings; Misses Susie Elliott and Floss
sie Cole gave inetriunelitalin Gladys r
end Ruth Stvitzer, "Warwick (iota arid
others gave recitations and SameSwite
.tee brought the house down..lay his e
song. 'rile evening was a very pleas-
ntinnd enjoyableernesteea,lie,eehereal
drweoeit Mneeesetwnsf oLosysin-• wvir corm. nun
Musims-We, the members and adherents of
Porter's Rill.
Noens.-L. Waggle spent New Years
at t ome. Wm. Dean and F. Stare re-
turned on Friday to their home near
Woodstock, after spending a week at
0. W. Potter's. J. Morgan is visiting
his brother at the store. Mr and Mrs
Wm. Johnston visited their daughter,
Mrs F. Moore, Gerrie, last week. Jno.
Pickard and wife are home on a visi
from the American Soo. Mies L. Ell-
iott, Goderich, spent the holidays with
friends here. Geo. Cox sold a heavy
horse to Ur McMann, Seaforth, for a
good figure on Friday.
Varna. ,
NoTEs.iitiss Lizzie b miter Is the
guest of Miss Mary Dowson, Babylon
line, K A. Wanless has returned, to
Chatham business college. The Misses
Andrews of Zurich,. spent Sunday. at
home. Air Haxby is still on the sick
list. The trnatee board met at the par -
Image on Thursday to trar sect busi-
ness. On Monday, after a very keen
and exciting contest, the old councillois
were all re-elected. Mr and Miss Col-
lins, Ripley, are visiting at the resi-
dence of Obits. Logan. Jae. Armstrong
•Inielthe misfortune to give. bis knee a
bad cut with the axe on Thursday,
which will lay him up for some time.
Yarns branch of the Women?s Auxil-
iary met at Mrs John McNaughton's
on 'Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Pahner
have moved to Mrs Hamilton's house.
Hensel*. . •
NOTE8.-MI Emigh, of Blytb, paid
Hensall a, business trip on Tuesday.
Miss Lout Moir was in London Mon-
day. Geo. Jovnt is in Ailsa Craig this
ween. Miss Hatton, who has been vis-
iting Mrs A. Murdock, returned to her
home in Owen Soiled on Monday. Mrs
D. Urquhart and daughter Bee are vis-
iting in London. Henry Oook has re-
turned home from Lucan. Mrs James
Bonthron is visiting in Berlin. Mrs R.
Bonthron is visitine her sister, Mrs D.
McLeod, Detroit. 1'. Babcock, Toronto,
• visited hie brother here on Saturday.
Miss Minnie Schaffer has keine to Lon-
don to study music. Arnold Macarthur
and Robt. Mciellay have returned to
London. Robt. Buchanan, B. A., has
'returned to Auburn, N. Y. Fred Ar
nold was in Buffalo this week.
Of 100 Ladies 90 at least prefer Rings
to any other kind of Jewelry.
For this reason our Ring Depintment
reoeives more attention at our hand than
almost any other.
Admitting that a Lady has a !good Ring
or two,another one will always be welcome.
There are so marry etyles and such
varied combinations of stones that
one oan always procure something
totally different, •
We have a color line of Rings -every-
thing at its very best--botiese to value and
A. J. Grigg,
..J eweler and Optician
The holiday season
In our store so
ant ()lineament. arond Dengannon, The Blackstone
In oar extra busy spell, we did not for. orchestra of Goderieh furnished part
get to keep up our standard of excellence in of the Miele at the anniveraary) Mrs
staple groceriee, and we are now prepared, McNair hair gone to Minnesota on a.
as we always are, to glye you the piirest visit to her sister, Mee II, M. Doff,
and best grooeries that it is possible to who has been quite ill lately, isirnproir.
obtain in Olinton or elsewhere, s big. Rev J Kennedy, of Auburn, is to
Fresh Lettuce and young Onions every preach the Miselenar anniversary lune
week, moire the Meth° 1st chetah' nett, Sta, killettlatitte '''`Yrreen
The Cash Grocerv. Roman at o icto here
denotes, formerly Of here but bow of riitend erecting a fide church 41111
Solve 01? ENGLAND. - 00 Monday
evening a Sons of England society was
organized here with a good number of
. members. Judging froin the interest
exhibited it will steadily increase and
be one of the largest lodges in Weis dise
evict A pleasant time was Arlene and
the officers elected were i -Vie.; P., Jas
Jewell; V. P., P. A. Walters; .chaplain,
Wm Stevens. sec., R. ],Mew-; treas..
C. F. Oke ; ls:t guide, 0Walters ; zee
gutde, W. F. Hick 3rd guide, A.. 5,
Gledhill; 4th guide, 'Win Fuller.; inside
guard, El. O. Walters; oetside guard,j.
Allin; past president, R.J. Walters.
. . Exeter
DEsTROYEn-BY FIRE --About &o'clock
Sunday fire Was discovered .in the
frame dwelling oa (3. Stanlake, second
concession of Stephen; about two miles
from Exeter. The house was totally de-
stroyed. Mosil'ef the contents were
salved by the trimly asaistanoe of the
neighbors. A partial insurance was
.NOTES. -.A. and O. Bedard enene the
New Years holidays around Drysdale
and St Joseph. J. McOartney geld a
team of horses to O. Wallis at .a.good
figure. Ford,..lere, Packard and J.W.
Yoe are preparinle material yfoe 4011VO
barns. V. O. Elford left on Mdenday to
address Fattener:a Institutes; he will be
&War two months. W. Trewartha,
attended the wedding of a 'cousin in
Harriston last week. Mr and Mrs
Cook, of Harriston, ere visiting at Mrs,
Trewartlea's, J. Land Mrs Courticaof
°Linton, are spending a few days in the
village. E. Washingtene of Olin ton, has
engaged with II,Etford' for a number of
months. Miss F. Blackwell ' gave .a
eirthday party this week, when shewas
presented with a ibeautiful belt agree*
memento of the occasion. Airs W.
Minholland, who is on the sick list is
now better. • .
'CHEESE FAOToRT.-The annual re-
port of the Holmesville Cheese Factory
for the year 1901 shows their total re-
ceipts for the year to have been $8860,.
91; of this emount all. but $116.28 was
received by the,manufacture and sale
. of cheese;054.08 represented the balanee
ACCIDENT.- Miss Collins, London, .on hand at the beginning of ' the year,
who spent New Year's Day with Miss and 'the balance $62.50 was. received
N. Hatter, here, met witb an accident from Verrone sources. The tote' ex•
while on Tuesday night, having penditure was 0.8813.46, leaving a bal.
stepped into an open trap door an once of $53 45 on hand ; of the arnotint
falling into the cellar, sustaining a see. expended the patrons got $6109•82 ; the
erely sPrained ankle and was otherwise milk haillere 0112 01; . the 'maker, Mr
b idly shaken up. She returned home Scott, 0805.24; the Other expenses bele('
the following evening. thosenecessary during the year. The
liebilities of the company. are 0125,
NOTE0.-Mr anadlinAlgire Thos. Yellow, showing. e e -
which is an exceedingly favorable
of Exeteavisited friends here last week. ficient sectretary ; W. B. For inn, the
Mr T McMichael and sister are at pres-. energetic President; Jas Connolly; the
ent friends at Peteolia, Mr Julianne salesman, While the. Bee;e1, of'
Amos, of Michigan, is at present spend- Directors are Messrs Foeirter,Connelly,
ing a couple of weeks here, the guest of • John Jenkins, Geo. Honied and Thole
Mr John Henderson, Miss Alice Dale Churchill. • • .
- spent a few days last Week with fieends • : • • ;
in Egn3ondyille. E. Leyte% of Southern; • • eensta„e;
Manitoba called on his brother here ' •
last week.' . Will Jamieson spent alew T118 198 Maggie. 'AteDenald•15
days this week with friends in VVing• yietting tit her honie Staff& e Bert
Anderson has song to take charge of a
ham, A 'sleigh load of young yeetile
fame Beucefield "spent a very enjoyable selloolin Essex 'county for the .presene
evening at, the home of Mr .deeci Dale .year. :Albert .0oatee is visitIng- hire
on New Year's eye.: Will Smithey), of oreithee GeOeheinNew York at_Peeaents
We are pleased to welcome Mr Dever•
Dakota, is spending his Ohristelas
days with friends here. Tony Weis has end feenilY.-Wha have: Reeved to the
farni of the late Geo: hrowp.- Mn and
engaged With Geo Cherney, Seaforth,
for the winter. Sem Gliddeniscrepare Me , Geo. Stephenson have retuened
iug to mope to his. farne,near lintpne front visiting. the letter's brother in
London. Commencing with Weddese.
Rev Mr Greene Clinton, occupiedthe
(ley night, :Ian. 8; the Faimer'S 00,
pulpit here on Sunday last. •
' and Literary Soaiety will. Meet as usual
• • a .
Auburn • this winter in theehagement of the
'reboot house.' James, Dale was mar.'
for .
3 Tins of Plums, 'Corn, P•eari and Tomatoes ried to Miss Mare Wads NoWYeare
. RIDD,ELL. day b R :gr , ey cur
A FINE PaEsENT.-Mrs Jas Sprung- train for the Soo and other places. Hy,
ton, of Colborne, was lase Week the re. Fiebet, Manitoba, is yreiting here.
cipient of a megnificent set .of silver, CRUROIL -The annual business neeet-
which was supplied at the Glasgow ex- • ing of 'leitiburn• Sueday, school was
hibition by her nephew, Alex. Dun,cen, held Friday evening, When the reperts
diamond merchant. Glasgow, Scotlariil, shoWedthe Fiction' to be in a prosperous
Notes. -A publie meeting wee held ronaition, :The • officers elected are:
on Wednesday evening in the fire ball; seek Nane• MeIetoah; aseli.tant supt,
for the purpose of diseetsieg better , hew; °leek; secretary. Wnu Ought; ase
mettle for fire protection for the village. sistent eecretiiry, E L Pat [Mann treas.
Henry Yu ngblut, Zurich. was operated ' A.ndrew;ereantst, Meggie McDenetd;
on hy Dr. Turnbull, Godericb, his broth- choriSter. Roht Roeersone libee
er Frank, our popular local M. D., and Diu:lean Tudor; teachers-Robt Clerk,
Or. Meth; the.operaticin was , Mr Andrew,. Mrs Andeew, Mr Parish,
successtil,andhe being of sound meet!, Mrs Dexter, Oharlotte Clark. Laura
tution, .vill no doubt soon be around I Andrew. - Lue letenhain took thatopic
again. The 0. 0. Fels still adding to et eaeague Sunday evening. .
its meMbership. Bertram Cumaiitigs ,
returned to his Walton home Monday. • Bayfield • • •
Our new lady teacher, Miss Thompson
has arrived for action in. the junior
Bnuseeseatjhristrriai ,teer . blamed.
on 'very quietly here, the eleighilig Was_
dept. Mrs Young, sr... as improving good and, Ore yuinig people spene
rapidly, and wet soon be able to come day behind gay homes. E. Peck, To -
home. Messrs McDonald and Symiug• roisto,epent Oheistmes with his mether
ton are both in weak bodily condition. here. N. Woods, harristme,' arrived
Congratulations to Mejor Young on 'home Christmas,eve and spent' his.
his electi 3n to the reeveship of Colborne. holiday a here. J. Gernmhardt, Detroit,
(We have been obliged to condense visiting his p nein& Mae Kethleen
this considerably for lack of space. Ed). garrison entertained 4 peaty. of her
VISITORS. -An annual visitor from young friends on Ne et Year's eve and
Manitoba arrived, here last Friday an spent a most, _enjoyable, three, •Ble
evening, in the person Of Jobe Mc.
Shannock; he looks well, and givee LIOYdr Landen, WAS in town last week.
°lea& SfeweaeLonden celled on friends
glowing accounts of the west; we have in town. last week. :bey has recov.
no doubt that these visits will seen ered , from his late Mao's. The O. F.
bear fruit, and thathe. will be aecom• hada( holding their anneal ball next
penied back to his home by a near and beiday evening Mr Wild lost e valu-
dear relative, inane person of Airs Mc- able horse last. week from itifiamme-
Shannock. John Clark, after a num- ion. Tenders are being asked by Jas.
her f years' absenqe in Dakota, re- Donaldson, chairman of building One,
turned twit week on a visit, adorn/man- for the naw Presbyteriati church to be
kid by Mrs (Mark. Miss 0. Bedford erected this spring; the cellar will soon.
was th P guest of Mrs Riddell last week. be ready for the stone 'work. Rev 3,
Wm. Brunbdon was here this week McNeil received as a present the pest
assisting his brother in arranging and week a, lead of oats hem' members of
nettling up the past fear's business. his congregation; Coremunion was
Thos Hewitt, who has spent the past observed in the Presbyterian church it
two years ..in Manitoba, le here ce:1 a last Sunday morning's serviee ; tierarge
visit. Thos. Robinson and family are oongiegation wits present and listened
enjoying a visit at W. T. Ritleelesehe to 4 specially interesth g and impres.
has spent the last nineyears in Dakota. siyesetmon by the pasties Rev •McNeil.
Geo. Whitney, Alatiitoba, tome on a J.G.Yellited, who spent the holidays at
visit, after three years ' absence. Mrs.' home, left last week . for Arkveright
Miller Lawson is visiting her sister,. . where he has skewed a school. Mrs
ides Thole Anderson,. John Hewit" ,Drehmannespent• Xmas and New Teen)
honeOfiekel Mar4tOtla Pft Ti8it• ' her home in Holarood and :her hus-
. • Dungannon..., , band spent New 'ream there; they re.
NOTES.-rA0 ;annual meeting of tee . turnedeuithe Thutedayr ,Miss S. Peek
Bible Societ e is to be heldin •st pealiee is holne on it Visit. Miss Lena Erwin
.49 visiting hi Seaforth. .eliss VVright,
church on Friday eieuteg, the 17th
ing; letev S 0 Edmunde, the agent, hi to '8.eaferth hes commencing her duties
ne teacher:of the, seeped forrn ,in our
be Present and dellyeran reddress. Miss
Annie .Polley, of • Gridetiah, has been nschool. •
•visitingsatellieliendetsoneee-lieneSam.a.• .„-- •
Roach intends building a brick house St Helene
on Main street, On the lot formerly. Someire-School evened on Monday,
owned by D. G. Blade ; Geo Strothers
bas the ceintract at $1500. Mr and Mrs emall attendence ()Veleta'
0 A Tebbutt in charge. Thee was a
ta IrMber of
P. F. Hamlin and family, of Port 'Al- 16' Pi 8 (sing yacciriated 1 nd some
NOTES -Mr and.Mes S. McLean, of 1
> not neing oaereehe effecteyet. .• '
Lucknbee, Were` theists of Mrs R. le.
Miller on Sunday last; we understand
Mr and Mrs McLean intend Spending
the Winter in the sunny south, as Mr
McLean's health is not what it should
be. J.Weatherbeadeof the Northwest,
is here on it visit. Miee M. Clark and :
Rob Miller have 'returned to their
studies at Goderieh Collegiate, Messrs
O. Dotter and A.McDoneldement Sun-
day with friends at Aulleurn and Blyth.
Metiers 0 and T Salkeld, of Godetich,
spent part of the Xmas holidays here
and et Lireklic.W. .
Sunday. Misses Leila and Gordon An- 44tritiriiih The 0 iivrws`t*
Detroit, Mich., spent Xmao and New next filltrinter. It is to be of quarrie
Ogle Cooper *4"t Co tgictittragiii:gazinIb eeicsizzogl nitinifvrthiitir`iira:tiiargrigi
. Years' vlsitin relatives end friterdis i et d' i c 8000, The
erectel on the Old grounds next sum- Father Hanlon who. is very popular
1,4ondeskere• Ttteket smith.
SoNs oa ENeeeteen.--The annual sup- NOTES. -Ree Dr". Duneneere, 'brother.
per of the Sons of England was held on of Ure Win Cernoctien. has Joined the
Friday evening last and was largely ranks of tournelisin and le new edituur
attended. The lodge here is ft strepg . the Carbon County Mini nte Review,
one, hi a prosperous condition. Sim- peblistied in Grand. Enctunriment, Wy-
per sere in Teneperance ornurg; sometimes we hear of it clergy -
after which the rnernbets repaired to man abandoning the Pulpit for the
the Ferrester's hale where a good pro- press, but it -le rare.
gram was rendered. Mr Jae Snell SUGAR BEETS. -Wm Towneencl,who
cupied the chair in hie untied affable had of the experinsental.plets of
manner, Mr R. Warrington, D,D„ of sugar beets the lest season, is enthus-
Glederich, was present and made on little over the results, having second.
addreserelating to theOrderand Rev Air best in this. county according to the
Couplend also gave a good address; the test, but his plot turned, according to
Londesboro Glee Club entertained with active neeaeurement, 5 tons more per
both inetrurnental and vocal selections. aore than he wee credited withanaking
}Slyer year m &avow.
OM when not so pea
Mies IIICOrae, Clinton, Mr Proeter,Kine 28 tens per acre,which, deducting 025
burn, and Me ie &Dace were the solo. per acre for expenses would. leave 087
hito. All enjoyed the evening very profit Per acre, itmedeliver them at
much. A load representing this lodge Bettie. If a factory could be establish -
Went to Benmiller eci help orgauize a ed Clinton, an beets could be ralted
lodge on Monday evening. At this of like per cent 155 per cent and pure.
meeting the following offl rims were in. ly 90,4 percent, old litirOn 'would be -
stalled for the ensuing year :•-• Past come tweeted for sugar beets ae it has
Pres., Goo Thompson; pres., Jae Snell; in the past for its stock, grain and
vice. Jae Shobbrook ; chaplain, Wm. fruit •
Snell; fin, sec., J. T. Lee; rec, sec., Jas. WEDDED. -The residence of Mr Ieaac
Woodman; treas., T. Sampson; lit Townsend, of Port Stanley, late of
guide, john °timings; 211.1 guide. R. G. Tuckeremith, was tbe scene of a pretty
Smith; 3rd guide, T. Leef 4th guide; O. ; home wedding on Christmas day, wheu
Merry': 5th guide, E.Seguesseith guide, his eldest daughter, Mies Minnie, was
Yoh° Gibbinsenside guide, Harry Jack- united in the holy bonds of matrimony
son; trustees,Jas Snell,E Crawford and to Mr G. A. Haney, of the 'Clergue
Geo Thompson g auditors, Jae Shob. Wotk& Sault Ste Marie. • The bride
brook and Geo 'ihornpson. vas attended by her sister Lily, and
Norge.- ?dies Isauday young, of . the groom was supported by his broth -
Blyth, ePeet New Years with her er, Matthew Haney, of Desbarats,Ont.
The happy couple left for the Soo, and
wither. Mrs Dr. Young, of this place.
Mr A. Broaden returned to Toronto on will tette un their residence in the
Saturday to attend the limier term eV pretty home provided by the groom,
ths. college of Pharmacy. Mrs Stephen. near the Seale „Falls, where a grand
son returned to her home near Bt easels reception is being prepared to welcome
on Sunday, after stranding &Couple of • them to their new Wine. Both the
weeks here with her eon John. me- bride and groom are popular young
and Myr J MeOlay,of Clinton, called on peopleof Port Findlay e„nd the Soo and
D. eloodIte on Sunday bet. Arm coenmenee tifenrith thebest wishes of
a 'arm circle of friends.
el. Wood and two children,. of Olin -
ton. visitedeit ele.Brogden's on Thurs. NOTES, -School opened in S. S. No. if
day of last week. Miss Lou Ouimette pf this township on. eau 8 with very
and Miss Douglas returned to the Med - few pupils in attendance; Miss klarrtr74
ical College, Toronto. on Wednesday.. the popular teacher, is again in charge
Master Bruce Melville returned home finthe year. . Misses Bagsbaw, of Ex -
to Toronto on Wednesday. Mr Jeffrey toter, is the guest of Mrs Geo Note
and son, Roy, came home on Tuesday Mums Nott and Begshaw, visited Mrs
Win Townsend, one day last week.
Mii Jam Townsend. se, of _North •Da -
morning -from Clevelandens son Percy
is in the hospital there. . ' and
his .eidept son. John, le • stayingthere kotteand her son. Herace, ere renewing
for company for his brother, ,Usually old acquaintances; the latter having
a. team has been procured to draw the gold his lands and propery in Dakota,
scholars to and from the irchool in the may settle here; they visited . Mrs Wm
Winter; but 'none has been procured .Townsend, 'ele, oteBeidaer last: . Misses
this year Yet. W L Onimette has . en- Maud 4 Lily Pleiwes have retitrned
waged a Mr MoIntoele of Flesherton,ae 'home af r visiting relatives at Wing! -
olerk. R. McLean, • of Godericle . • has • hem.. and Mrs John Pepper elseet -
made eeveral violist°. the village lately ti fewda e visiting relatives near Hen-.
looking' for horses for South A. Lee; he sill last week. A: nutnhea: of young
'purchased .one this ' week fteine Mr ,peoPle of the west end spent a pleasant -
,Oulinette for agood !Our& W. T. time at Robt.Plewes.on 'Tuesday even-:
Brunedon's only daughter is very sick • ing last. .A eleighlead of young people
se present. Mr. Webn shipped another • frcine Brucetield spent a very enjoyable
car et flour this week. • JeMoon and evening at Ilia lumen of .11,IrsT Layton
Dr Whitely eisited.Harlock friends. on - on Frichne hitt Mee Ne.leribsols, Olin -
Sunday. The Methodist and 'Presby• 'ten. epent Sunday the guest of Mies"
terian churches wane • caretakers for ef, flohnes, OhasOrieb,•of Detroit; • is
the present year'. Out- new leacheis, ' visiting, at his 'home. here. 1 Mies • B.
Misses. Wiseman and Ohidley :corn,. Davis, Of Clinton,: is spending a few ,
menced dutieSok day and. we wish days 'with relatives. Mrs W Johns
them &recess': aye. taken,. their _spent Sileday. in Clinton. . . . .. . •
abode with Milli, ei're j.Phillilseeekl a • . : .• ,
line.thcirobredoctne to J. Reithber, Au-•
. , • wingheen . , ' e. .'
burn, for $100: Mies. L Shobbrook, ace
conspanied by her coolie, have gone to e'
r'EuROR'': OPEtTiNG.It , is: eipected
Exeter on a visit to Mende, . . .
. ' . that the new Methodist church willbe
- , - • completed the latter end of thie month;
it, • Millen. ; . • ' , it is,e, beautiful bealdings and a credit.
lips got : a Very acceeteble, Christmas' -
L.Phil. -- to the congregation .and pastor, Bee
Mr RobbEt, , • ; .. .. .
present from her parents, in the shape Duke -4)n Monday, -Dec. 80, an old
of le cheque for 8100, arid she shrived and respected resident passed away, 111
her e.steeni for Mr • Phillips by 'present- the person of John 'Allenby; 'aged 74
ing him with a handsomewatch, • This years: much sympathy is expressed for
was ceetaihly a "turaelyiegift- ' ' the Wife and farniler. •
. 000D. Oerren,-sThos, Dale, of Hut -
lett, one of the eietererieing young Scoirrier Cperoan't.-egins. Thursday
couple of good cattle to Mr S.H.Svaitte ' .their anneal coneeen those taking part
evening, an. • , •,' the S. . .. will give
farmers of the township, delivered a
Clintoiteene,only 27 months old, weithe are Jessie • MacLachlan,- vecelist; 11,
ed..1480 pound% ' whiele is especiehe Bachand% pieniee; Merieteet Lit Dell,
good weight. the cieheie.a hreeeeLeveigh- B. 'EL, elocutionist; Jas. Fax, coniedian;
Mabel McDonald, Highland dancer, D. •
.enc.k:Albis township, is a good feeder, • RECEPTION. -The Temperance and .
tiejt1406.13. to;Alt-•.:1).E._,
Mt john Sunders • • • ---,
. McDonald, piper. " .' • • . '
and knOssitilr3Wettreieleke meneY from Young. Peoelees Societiee gave. a teeep•
of Cattle, which. he: has reso
stook.' He recently b.-ffielee, feye head • tion on New Year's dayto alltheyoung
te. me men of town- • in the afternoon. genres
.Watson at 51c per pound,delivery Were indulged in', and a •dainty lunch
anise end of the month. and they will 'serves.. by,the ladies; the town hell was
net him a fair marigin of .profit, He crowde the evening.. when an ex-
belieeres • that with hogs at -.5c per lb he celient progra was giVeh.
can make his. barley bring_ him about eeerrseee_w. nem .
and careful .feeding, • • . .his arelletroit, spent
P ere. Dr.
-70c a bushel, bue there musthejudicieue New Years with
WEDDING BELLS. -The 't0110Witicrt . parentsinsCPleinlittonN. owMiSYSellarelieitblt
taken. from the Park River, N. Dakota, et, London 'is visitingMrs Ooner,
Gazette News, refers to the daughter
f Wire.. Steven,eon. 9 :- elt eeben Pei- Miss Eva Gracey, Blyth, was eenewing:
illy, son of Ricireletingilly,. who ' lives old acquaintanceethis week. Mrs J.11..
few miles from this. city and and .,Miss. Mcflardy, of . Clinton', ie visiting her
itrith L. Stevens, wend daughter . of brother, Geo. McKenzie, A. veey 'pleas -
Win. Stevens, Londestiore, One,' were ant evening was spent -at the home of
married on Christmas Day ' at the. M. B. Jenkins on Friday; a, farewell' party
E. parsonage in the . presence of their .Wes. given ta Mere Alberta Paulin, of
Bay Cilee Mich,, before return.-
nemedutte relatives and a fetafriende ; ' : " ' . .
Rev. J.A. Strachan performed the eere- . • • .
inony The bridal coulee have runners. '
he most hranty congratuletiens are ' ' ..Weettieldo ' , ..• .
US Mende in this -city and vicinity and • •
ake up theirreek ce in this oity,".. : •
xi.endedhteetil, ,kend-Mis Pengilly. held et sobool house No. 6, John Red -
SCHOOL, -At the annual meetinto
DEATM OP 11.ffts Beteatet.-Tneee died . - -
.. • of Fl, McDowell, wbeee Wee had ex.
neond,jr., was elected 're:stee in .ela e
n Jan 2nd, Careline ,Hoeper, wife of Plied..etffenry Morrell" 'bee been en -
t her home on the Base Line, Hallett, he
aeteacherfor .Noei. but
hthids yea
Win. Bullet', aged 61 •yeats and .9 e startedon Monday, • u . a - only.
ratinths. She 'was born in Corneealit Scare. '
five scholars, owing to the small pox
. . •
England, he tile year 1840,' norning to ' ' •
hietteuritry hi the year 1868, and set- Novas, -As the old counciewent in
Whitby, where she wee united in mate
ling • first in .the ,t0*pship jf. vase by acclamation there was no eleetion
niaggtehienrel8f06SototeWn MyeaBrutillethee.;Afterliv- bee
ti -is yese; this is 'male . the third time it '
been so since the tOwnship was ore
and Olin ton, tb ree years later theeaymeeettt°1- .:griaottnrd.
will supply the pulpits of Aueurn i
'Rey T. et. McNair, Dungan. :
Dun -
days were spent.; While yelott in :preaches Missionary serrnoes i at Dan -
cit cult- next .8anda,y; Rey Me Kennedy -
.d on the baseline; where herremaining
coming to Canada she toined the Bible '
ere- gannet). Westfield Ladles' Aid 'See.-
ccieltyeastaveek. --sent -three :bareels_of.._
learigfiteit WMIrtherdtsetuteehdratirculleledneat aittite
Uhristien church. since the union idle clothing to Toronto Deaconeeirs'Hofne.
J hn Wightman lost one of his best
bert iment Sunday With Mr Xamlin s
Johnston, of Luoknow, apent Sunday
in the vicinity of Dungannon.
has come and gone, Rogers, a former pastor of the Mettle -
and we settled down to oar dist churchelelivered an address at the
usual line Before long we expert S. S. anniversary On New Year's night
to get things errenged that and spent the remainder of the week
we will be to make mire epeeist callitlert some of his friends in and
father, who has rather 'poor health le
Oath for Butter and Eggs. Phone 23, mer.
with hie pariegioners,
the Met o c nroh at Cole sappointmentare
here to spend. the closing hours of the old year
with you., with the hope that the spirit *Inch
prompted us to visit your hospitable Christian
home may be reciprocated by you. In thus
coming together we have utterly ignored the
1.111(1 modern etiquette haringcome vtithoht
rua oar. tr.:Alton° tram • tees.
4rhaiie glen:Mg ti...)%
tered your home as by rm yetwAringreogsi
and good -will to iron and yours. Some of no
hi%) giknown rol: (111; a generation or Ititigh and
ha 11 een e s youra to-
! wards the church of your ehoice and constant
interest in all things pertaining to Christian
work,w6 have learned to esteem you highly for
your yrork's Bake, and wish to assure you that
your atteehment to theRouse of God, fidelity
to Rio word moral courage and firm adherence
itziohdoly which has been Ro conspicuous in year
r st tumuli) has ',toted .o source ofinspiration
to us in dohig battle for Mesh Axi an aeknoww
lodgment ot our imprecation of the valuable
service you. have rendered tI h
midst, we, on behalf of the coegregetion, res.
oat to each of you an easy ehair with the one
that yon may tong live to thulreat and comfort ,
therein. ,And now, dear friends, as W• nriZ
about to enter one new space of time, wit wid
you and Yours a halm7 and prosperous New
Ir:V. tfittg by egitig grace '2 I
in ve t o r
all meet at home In our Father's Monte vrhors
ieparatione will neverorokeopolikteopzit
White Pine
and Tar- 6nres
Conghs, a Colds,
Loss of Voice
R. P. Reekki's
Presoription Drag Store '
lettoceesor to Oyiney Jaokeon.
'annual, Meeting.
--- •
.The annual meeting of the Excelsior '
Mission Tuesday
a yo f e vWe 1_6.111gs ; cshauhr.e h7 t h, wasia. .
the lecture room with attendance of
Q. The reports submitted showed
ehe society to be in & flourishing con-
dition and have abundant reason '
for encouragenemet , and gratitude.
They have a eciemberphin of Sane in- ,
crease of 18 over lest year.; -The 'aver-
age attendance at, the. meetings was
66, the amount • of money sent to
the general. tundwas $66.00. Theoffieerta
.for1902 are: -President, Mrs Oraham; '.
lee vice, Mrs Richard Irwin ; •2nd vise,
Mee • Lough; Std vice, Miss Jessie
Gardiner; secretery, Miss. Amy Hou- ..e
eop,; . treasure% DIfsEi Jean. Carling; ,
organist, Wis. Nellie McKenzie te ..:_eseeesita
look out, coneMitteeMissee'Lizzie'Ohids;:-"weelwer
lea, Pearl Made:male and Maggie
Wiseman; program, ' Amy Howson, 4.
'Wernie O'Neil ' and Marten Coate. '
The dedicatory epepetiiwivert by %
Mrs IV; R. Logien end 4 recitation by, ,
.Meud Oshorne: The Feby. meeting --
will be the birder:ley celebration to.
which each one is expected to bring le --
contribution to correspond , with the:
age of ethe donee, one cent for each,.
years Refreshments Will be served at
this meeting. The Mission' study for
Fehy; will be the New Hebrides to ires ,
taken up by Isabella Gunn, . a new '
feature henceforth will be a. chapter .-
of current -event& and la resume of .
"Missionary Tidings". The band:has '
else decided to drew; 100 dolls, for the .'
Northwest misstonsfield, and do some
eubsta,ntial plain sewing also, ' Miss
' Winnie :O'Neil and Pearl Maclhenald.
were appointed delegates to the Peas '
•byterian Society Meeting in Blyth o
Jan 21st; Misses Annabel MeEwen. •
and Pearl McDonald Were appointed,* 10..
newspaper reporters: • ' ' 411
. , .
' . ' . It r U geliP1 d 4
NOTES. -Rey F. Matheson, of-lailer
Man., preached in the Presbyterian
church on Sabbath list; in the evening ,
he gave an interesting account of mis-
sion work in Manitoba: Mrs Lee, of
Diikota,is visiting at the home of her •
mother,•Mrs A. lees& The Farmer's
.Institute meeting will be held to -day;
meeting in the afternoon and miming.
Mr Wilson has moved on • the farni
purchased from Mr Buckler, Tucker -
smith. -Chas, Red and bride and L.
McConnell_ and bride have „moved in-'
to our village ; thie is the fifth bride
that has come into our village this
Smith: of Godericoho,ni.i...s,
• siting Mrs McCowan, of con
•A GRAND CONCERT -The Mozart Syme
Club of New York, gave -she 'third
ant of the Cinema Star Coulee,
'n The. concert was in ,
nd tieyond publin
eard for it
' he
en• tertain
OP Tuesday e
every way satisfacto ,
expectation, in feet nothm
except words'ot highest praise,
party has a renowned reputation fro
foot that it is the only musical orgeilie
tion whose.' Weinberg( play eales. on snot"
obsoleteinsteurnents its the Viola, rramone.
Da Gamba Alpine Polio Ilorne Cornet,
Saicaphone;./toman Tritoziphitil 'Trumpet,
eta, These solo instruments einible thei
club to give a programme more varied.
then any other compost With three threat
air many members. One of the emote
traotive acootnelishinente. of Miss Marta'
Store was the playing of her own eielia
obligate while She swig, geld was a feature
altogether pnigtia Oriths Descriptive ee
Pantasi, "Iiethe olook More" was cleverly
rendered. ;Ore next concert ot the mimeo
will be theelantotie "Stredieh' ;Adele" •
Quartetteeeataleib 18th.
iA4of , •
has been united with the Rattenbury h rees last week, :Quite a lot of tined- .
St Methodist church, Clinton, where . age has been lost by farniers this year, •
she remained a consietent Member to h ving spoiled because not properly
to tatencl the means of Grace, but on 0
spread and tramped while belt* lle .
P thergitl, who has been seletruely ill
vk e are pleased to state theit Mies Mary
beingtheedi n nie he 11%411 hFsohre wnlatil not ableyears
January 2nd her long suffering, the for several weeks with typhoid fever
cause being oancer,carne to an end and and complications, is slightly recoyer.
she died Janette& She leaves to mettrii ing, though as yet taw from well. %he
mheirgqi8o4sa44.hr.tr,r vdr,„thdattrioo. daThngheterregt families that were quarantined 01 ac.
count of emalipoit will receive their
mains Were interred in Clinton come. liberty nese week and the work. of die-
dt earcert ducted
dn hSre, tilt:rd.? ,Gthr Lireeri actiedbetihneg pall.coinfecting will he carried out.
john Govet, John Shobbrook,
beaters were J. Cornish, John -Hardy, ,
Notne.-MiftrEM. °ArWe hin11,1111", ish--
lady and Jas Steven& field, 4s visiting at /1„,jewelPs. A.kted-
dle, Of Michigan, who Spent Xmas tot
home, has reitilrried. Mr e N. Dollerey,
'Feiner BotrailT.-john Mare, of lob Sbeppardton,who has been Visiting Mr
28, den 2, was the owner of 100 acres of and ?its Gardner for two Weeke, hes
flee farm land, but; has added more to returned home. E, Mitchell., who has
his possessions. He recently bought been laid eyfith /60,107 fee_ three
tahaeratatibggirt,:trauritgLozett, IvAlgtorlthwegnvtiglOtti2:;gia
it line piece of land and was considered . Ituron road; he has given up his black-.
to be bought at it fair prioe, smith *op to his $64 3.6111011N
1111111 11111
East WaWanoklt
Good Features
Require intelligent U*4111114 i0 pre.
dtme the effeot yen desire. We know beer •
to obtain the heat effete and yen may 110.6
pond onus for i photograph *that is
artistic, Lifelike eltd Biondi
YOU Want some for the Midday season;
Henry's Photo — Studios.