HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-03, Page 7E CLINTON NEW ERA. of ING SALE leat "°""p°'"°"'°."°.° alendars for 1902 CLINTON. .;,MAYOR Mauer Seconder nos Jackson W J Paisley J P Tiedai.l J B Hoover W G Smith 5 Davis' Couxormons S G Plummer H W Cook 5 J Andrews John Bell D Cantelon H W Cook - - • Geo Stewart A Cook E Saville The balance of our Fancy Calendars are being offered M belt regular price. Jas A Ford H B Combe •W Beacom There ie still a nice assortment, and they will make a good New Year's Gilt. H B Combe T Jackson, jr A 0 Pattie= • T McKenzie 'J W Shaw W W Farren Diaries for ,1902 Thos Walker H B Combe DXantelon A Mo$enzte. J0 Stevenson Dr J W Shaw J W Irwin A 0 Pattison T Jaokson,•jr o they buy so much as here. Stroll esent reductions. Your own eyes can stances more than HALF of what•.you neglect your own ;personal interests. ogat2e. en towling 137 inches wide, brown dolor only, regular 6o este to go at t 15c. nal in twill and plain,very heavy quality, regular price.wae de to go during 8 deye.sale of Floss at Sic, ss ot Shetland Floes, in pink, blue and white only. tbe• very es, to go during 8 days sale at per bench (acb bunch contains at 6e. and dark prints, heavy quality, and warranted ell feet colors, nilt linings, &o., regular price 100, 8 days sale price s Bargains iton at 20e. 'de ,Milton dress goods. in red only, very heavy quality for •girls dreeeee, regale' BOo value on Bale for 8 days at mespuns at $8c or 48 inch wide Hcmespnne in colors of navy, grey, brown, blue - &o, gcod heavy quality for suite or ekirte, regular price is 60o: 0, eye' sale to go at 1.25 Homespuns at 69c de bcmespune in colors of bine, green, &o, all new goode just the fo; knits or skirts, regnlar prices $1 15 to 81:25 all to clear at 6 avy Tweeds at 60c de Tweeds, very bcavy quality, suitable for suite, skirts or child-- 6 coats, our regular price ie 51.25 to clear during sale daye r1 Cloth for 98c heavy black curl cloth, 64 inches wide, suitable for ladies' goats 9 ee, regular value $1.50, sale prioe 0 Johnston R Fitzsimons H Hill J E Blaokall J Copp J Miller a: W Robb John Foster W J Paisley - 0 Overbury 0 Relyar A.J Holloway A Cook . E Robinson G Trowbill 3 O'Steveneon S Davie W J Paisley. N' SCHOOL TRUSTEES.—St. Andrew's ward, F R Hodgen8 and Thos Beacom, by acclamation; St. Jaynes', W N Ilan- fling, by acclamation; St. Johne, R , Agnew,�by acclamation; St. George's, 0.B Hale, E Saville, 0 Cooper and J 0 Stevenson. C After the ngminations were closed Dr. Shaw was appointed chairman, and called upon .Mayor Jackson, who' said that the Connell could appear be- fore the electors with a clean sheet; a 0 • good deal of money had been spent last.year, some $7000 for granoltthic. walkrt, but he believed we had got good value for every cent expended: There had been some friction between him- self and the Street Committee, but hie C course had proved to be the right one, and he was upheld by the very best - legal opinion. The. alight .increase of taxes was justifiable, and was. due to our efforts to aid and encourage such eindustries as the Beet Root.Sugar and Pork Packing, some ,.slight incidental 1 expense having been incurred in.con- nection herewith. Comparing Clinton. with other towns, he showed that we were in a much better position . as a town; Mitchell had been ;involved in stip lawsuits Seaforth had also euf- d 4,50 Skirt lengths -#-2.49 in lengths of black figured goods, no two elike,'all with hard fin ill not hold duet, regular prides $3.95 to $4.50, 8 days' sale price 2. co fered likewise; Wingham got badly bitten in its° iron foundry bonus, but. Clinton had avoided alltieuch disasters, it had paid all its liabilities ih fuji, and to -day had $8000 of debentures to the good. Ile eulogized the efficiency of the town's officials, night watchman, Constable Wheatley, and 'especially, C Clerk Coats, sta ting that the Provincial Auditor had told him he did not find a set of books anywhere in the Province so well kept. as those of the town of Clinton. In closing, he asked for re- election, believing that he had done his duty and looked after the welfare of the town, Mr Hoover was not present. J. 0. Stevenson,_ who was nominated for both Council and Bcboo). trustee, made a brief but practical address, pointing out that he thought more attention should be given to the streets and to matters that related to health If he 9c ool Frit ze hoioe at in assorted colors, all. with high storm collars; • . _ • - Kersey cloth, some lined with satin, others 0, choice at Oc 8c 49' Diaries for come Use Diaries for Pocket IIsi Diaries. for Office the PurityBooks' Canadian Almanac for 1902 Price 250. Cloth 50o The way to purity is through knowledge The SELF' and SEX SERIES has the unqualified endorsement of .. Dr Joseph Cook Rev 0 M Sheldon' Bishop Vincent Rev F B Meyer . Dr Theo L Onyler Dr Francis E Cleric" . Anthony Comittook Pansy • - Lady H Somerset Eminent Physician and hundreds of othere Books for Men By Sylvanus ilial!, D What a Young. Boy ought to know What a Young Man ought to kr ow What a Young Husband ought to know What a Man of 46 ought to know Books for Women. . • By Mrs Miry Wool -Allen M IF • Whala Young Girl ought to know What a Young Woman ought to know What a Young Wife ought to know $1 per copy, post paid Cooper cCo., - Clinton, Onf . • Agents for U 1' R Telegrapb and Dominion Expreee Money Orders also for Bnfteriok Patterns - STANLET.>—. Reeve, 3. McNaughton TOWN FINANCES—The flnancia re-elected by acclamation ; •for court- statement of the town from Jan. 'let,.. ciilore, L Keys sJames MoDermont, Jae up to the 15th of December 1901, shows: Aikenhead, Thom Frazer,. W. Stinson, the expenditures for the year to. be -- E. A. Johnson, Geo Beaty.• Thomas $19,417.28,.which includes $10302, for Frazer tendered hie resignation at the salaries and allowances $454.40, fire close of the meeting. and as there are and water account ;2„118.70, electric+• sixcouncilors in the field for muni light ; $1103<65, streets and sidewalks oipal honors,: there will be an election .51828.13, interest on debenture debt on Monday' next, ' the first election $6190 82, local improvement account ; that has been in the township for 633QQ, public school ; $1500, collegiate, about 10 years. ( while miscellaneous accounts, make up- SEavoRTH-Mayor, J. H. Broadfoot the remainder. The reciepte are 530,.. councillors, Jas Archibald„,lid G. Mc -3264.53 including g a balance on band Jan Lean, John Weir, lx -M. Best, M.- 1st,. 1001,' of 8;574.49, 1hS nth8t” prra- Broderick,. J.,,Gilleepie,. 13. B, Gunn, cipal receipts being:—Rent of hall, &c,. J. P. Henderson, E. Hi milts' n, F. G. $123 ; scales $353.85 license $577.83 ;:.. Neelin, John Stewart, W. Smith ; Government grant to public,, school,' school . tr uetees,' J. Gillespie, W. $300 ; cemetery, $255.60 ; local im- Sclater, J. McGinnie, J. R. Goven- provement; $5301 20 ; taxes on roll` • Nt lock, A W. Stobie, John Welsh. 1900, 513,688. The assets of they. town,.' STEPHEN.—Reeve, •Sam Sweitzer, are 586,800:44.—Real estate—collegiate stood for the Council he certainiy Henry Willer(; Conncillore Fred $9000, public echool $8000; town would do his best in the interesi% of 1 Wuerth, Jas McKeever, William And &c.. 812.000, library $5000, fire •and.' the town. 3,'00 public Mr Arthur Cook declares that he had. no intention whatever of running for Council; if he ever ran for'anything it would be for Member of Parliament. None of the other nominees were :00 present to ad'drese the 'meeting, and it — wae-regretted that the old members of unlined, regular prizes the Council • were not present to ex - 2 00 plain their position. [Mr Hoover has since ,resigned, as have hquality beaver cloth in colors of fawn, navy, &o., regular prices, $5,5Q.to "also Mesas Plummer, Bell; Stewart, (rwin, 3.00 Walker, Johnston, Blaokall, Robb, Cook.— " The council elect are, therefore, ...Mayor fine Erglisb Keret y cloth, aeeortcd colors, all perfect in fit are fit i 1.t•te - .60 to $7.50, sale price. ex nd coats marked at olearing prices ade of the very finest English Keree'5clotb, with fine velvet, collar,linedwith Satana, regular prices were 88.50, 89,60 511.00 to612,00eaah, all to eo at one price fitting Jackets, 27, 86 and 42 inches lbng,made of fine Frieze and English Kersey•cloth, s season's newest styles, all to go at one third off. • t Millinery14 -t ccs Bargainsrer n- ice ale • • • $1.69 he lot has d is well in every 820.75 28.95 25.30 26.76 34.96 33.76 7ir rhe W. 0. T. U. will have their next etieg at the home of Mre Washington, Iday, Jan. 9. WILLIECHIIRCH.—It was part innerly tereeting for the scholars at. the pool last Sunday afternoon, it being -eyit w of the lessons for the past r ee months; they were dealt with by r Houston and Mies Wilson, aecom- .nied by map illustrations. A num- e. of the parents were present....The �llections of late have been li rel id it is the intention to give the all tildren the paper entitled The King's wn, and also the library will be en- rged by the addition of new books, specially for the smaller classes....At est Sunday morning's service W. P. palding gave a eolo, and in the even - egg Mies Manse Houston rendered a ,in "The Heavenly done" which was pp' eciated by the congregation, ,...It („tended to hold sacrament Ma the Nabb;rth in February....The reigu- .. consecration meeting of the En- eavor was held on Sunday after tbo venin serviee,MIee Wilson presiding, he businese meeting being on Monday fight. • Xray W6�auttotorta10. Photo Stddto ... Page l4 We place on sale at $1.50 . Trimmed Hats that sold at $3.50 to $4 each ¢. 00 Jackson, and Ales T illcgenzie, A Mo. Kegzie, 0 Overbury, H B .Combe, Jae, A Ford and J0 Stevenson. There is en elec- tion for school trustee only in S. George's Ward, Ogle .Cooper resigning; and the:cen- 6.00, idatee being Messrs 0 Hale and E Saville Aurionx:—Auburn police village I �trtisteee elected by'acclamation are r Alfred Askwith, Geo Yungbiut A. O. Jackson. • . Asa]IELD—.Che . old coundiil was elected by acclamations, as' follower-- Reeve, ollows:— Reeve, Morgan Dalton; Councillors, John McIntyre; John l'arkley,: Will- ,iam.Hunter, Thomas Stothere. BnyrlaLn-Reeve, ..` R . Stanbury, council by acclamation ; Richard Bailey, George Erwin, Thomas Elliott, James Thomson; election for trustees 3 to elect, William Brandon, .Thee' Cameron,- John Ferguson, Tudor Mat ks, „John W hiddon. BLYTTL—Re.eva, Sims; Councillors, - McNally, Milne, Sloan, St others, acclamation. School trustees, Slater, Weetlaufer. Mc0ommins, Potter, Bradwin. BRUSSELS -- Jae T. Roes, reeve ; Semi Wilton, Robert Henderson, John Donaldson and N.M. Gerry councillors; D. 0, Roes, 'Jae Turnbull, Rich. Leath- erdale trustees. COLBOitNE— For Reeve, James Tay - 59clor, Major Wm Young; for Coon, oillors, E 0 Attrill, • William Hill Joseph' Hetherington, Richard Jewell' Jacob• Mozier, • Alexander Robertson' .Nathan Johne for,eeveral years reeve' hzs retired. •Ex.TER—Reeve, W, H'J1 "vett, J. Armstrong and A. .Q. Holier; Coun- cillors, J Muir, J Eyans, W H Lovett, . J Armstrong, John Wood,. L Hardy. Jos Davis. "L McTaggart, W Harding and Jos Senior. EAST W.AwANotf--Reeve, John. T. ()little ;..Councillors,•Alfred. B. Carr, • John E. Ellie,' W, m Dobie , and V'V m ' Bee croft ; council ot 1001. by acclam tion. GoDER1QH—M G Cameron, Mayor b acclamation; 11 Jos A McIntosh, N B Smith, Geo Porter, -'W S Murney, W A. McKim, Robert Thompson, W J R Holmes, M Nichol- son, David Cantelon. Geo M Elliott, 0 A Humber, Jno 0 Martin, Jno•Knox. Thos 0 Naftel, J W smith, W; 0 Goode, J Kidd. 16 Councillors were nominated, 5 have withdrawn, all the 1901, 11 Ccuncillore, are in the field. GonguroiI Towrier3IP—The old coon oil were re-elected by acclamation. But S Sturdy was also nominated for the reeve'ehip, and•• Messrs J Weston,. 0 Nesbitt, G Hanley. and W Bell, for council, in addition to the,old members. Mr 0nurchill declared that this would The balance of our OUTING 1114T S that sold at $1.50 to $2,00 each, to go during 8 days' sale at Your money back if you want.It. 't" Additional Local !Yews. MARRIED ON CHRISTMAS.— A quiet wedding and one of interest here, as the young couple are from Clinton, took place on Ohrietmas day. At the manse, In Hanover, Rey J. E. Howell performed the ceremony, when Leslie G. Save was married to Miss Edythe M. Coulter. Both are well known here and their friends wieb theta every hap- pinese. They have gone to Preston, where Mr Sage is employed in the fur- niture factory. Oen/ea—The new year ;vas ushered in by the Curlers haying their first game of the season on Wednesday, The initial game is the one generally plated between rink, chosen by the President and'V1ee,end looked forward to with considerable interest ¶two rinks on each side played, the result being that President 1!I air defeated Vies President Dr Agnew, by 11 shots. Thr eoorea ware: Piiitefbrner Vion Paaernxitr Dr Shaw, skip --t2 W Jaoktton, skip— 7 N !fair, skip --12 Dr Agnew, skip -- 6 24 18 Wnnnen ox Niter Yenta—Among the weddings whish took placetn Nate .'Veers ay wee the napptiale of Charles Wilted, 0 Sties Clare MoGreger, of town. rho rernony .wee 06dt:i to& .CLINTON Artoird Tar Brox--We are exceedingly nor- ry to know that Mr Pl'nsateel is not getting better as gniokly as his friends would like to sea him, George Bluebell is recovering from hie -stege of fever. Friends are glad to see Mr Hearne and Frank Hodgens .out again. Rev Mr Howson's .many friends will be glad to know that . he has recovered eaffioiently to be able to take part of his work nett Sunday. Mr john Patient ie no altogether as well as friends would like tai, see him., We are glad to learn that Miss Mand, daughter of• Oharlee 1�Vilron, Brume, field, formerly of Clintbn, is recovering from her late illness; last week Drs (inns# and Armstrong performed en operation for 'be his sitting for the reeveship, and appsndioitis, and the little enfferer is -now be the a last sitting of this re Sturdy and doing nicely. One citizens are glad to g know (hal H. Walker is reooyerleg frosb the others dropped out. tr hie filmset and if ie expected he will soon GRtc�r.--J an lee' .Turnbull, reeve ; Jae be around again; he has been confined to McDonald, Robert Livingstone, Win the hones for some lime Prager and Adam Turnbull councillors Ax Tait Arxea.•-.Tl esemd there Jr en ex- by acclamation. • HeY-pTnr Reelre,Peter Lamont, Aug. G. Ehnen ; for councillors, Wil- liam Stridkn. William Coneit, %llliam•. B. Battler, Alexander Yhomnob', ouncr ore, erson, Stephen Webb,, William Year- water eppliancee $ , •pu ic. parkr ley, Geoa ge Kellerman... 52000, sinking funds. invested $9820)• TUCKERSMITH—Reeve, Doig and unpaid .taxes 5833, W: Doherty Co. Horton Councillors Black, Aiken- •Loan.525001, cash on hand•' $11647.44;. head, Patterson} :Uhapman, Elgie, the liabilities.amount to $60299 which McNaughton: includes debentures with one excep-- UsBoENE—Reeyel Wm; Delbridge; tion. The expentures from Dec 15th,. Councillors, R Camm, Jos Hawkins. 1900, to Jan 1st, 1901; show an expends•• Jno_ Moir and Jae Ballentyne. Old lure of 57451.96 which includes $6897. council by acclamation.- - - _ 4 for sinkingfu nd and 1 ell irnpro‘ e= - WEST WAwANo8H-Reeve Wm Mc- ment account- while• the : receips Quillen. (acct.); Councillors, Patrick amounted to 55520.90 including $5358 O'Connor. Ohne Taylor, Wm Cameron from , local improvement.._deberi tirt and J A Mallough (by acclamation). — sales. Robt Medd, who has been Reeye for. LAST MINYJTE LOCALS —One' of several years, has"retired. • the oldest, if not the tadest lady in this. WROXETER —Reeve, Alex' Munro, section, is Mrs Churchill, mother of B. by acclamation; Councillors, Jno Day- Churchill ; she : has passed her 92nd idson, Wm Wilson, Oliver Smith, Jas year and is still fairlv'hale and .hearty- Paulin, B H Towneend and W 0 Hazle• ....S. McMath was summoned to Dun - wood; trustees, 5 B McKelvie, Wm Bannon last week by telegram. owing• Wilson and D h[ Rae (accl). • • to the eerious illness of his aged father,.. WINGHAM-For Mayor • Richiird who is in a pretty bad condition' ; he is Vanatone,. Barrister, acclamation; bed -fast, has lost his hearing and ie al - for Councillors, W` F Vanstone,; John .most bhhd ;'while there is no hope for J Elliott,. Robt McIndoo, John E his ultimate recovery, it is thought. Swat ts, Wm Holmes, Thos Bell and - he may last for some time.... After �thei A J Irwin; for public school trustees, + first of the' year a list•of delinquents in Wm Moot e, J A Morton,_. Tb^e Abra,; the regi®tration of births will be pre - ham, Henry Kerr, 0 N Griffis • pared by clerks of all implicit) 1.ties. iia numbers of wediings on the go just now end a few of them • include mulles of ,Olin. ion, One of those happy +Silents was cele- brated on Tuesday morning at the rectory when Rev 0, R. Gonne preformed the oere- menywhen Miss Viotorra Adelaide, daugh- ter of John Wright, of Clinton, was mtsr- ried to dames Jewell, of Benmiller, in the presence of their immediate Mende end relatltee. The.brido in herr wedding doe, it :,, , • nd her od- and prosecutions will follow by the - Registrar -General's Department } Additional Local News • The curlers;` hockeyists and skaters are enjoying themselves these nights ACCrniNT—The oth4r day Mre Nimmens, at the rink, the rink being taken care, Maple Street, had the misfortune to. slip ,ot by Cbas. Carter ; the corlers.use'the down and fracture a couple of'ribe; this 'will, rink on Monday,Tuesday and Wednes-• confine her to the house for some time, but her f;iendshope for her speedy recovery. Tisa \Oinnxusnip.- Thewardenenip of the county will this year fall to the lot of Mr Donald. Patterson,. of East Wawanoab, in aoeordenoe with the nnderetanaiirg that one year the position shell be filled bya Liberal and the next by a Conservative. Mr Pat - day nights and the skaters have the remainder of the week ....The annual supper of the Clinton BowlingClub.will .•. be heldin the Rattettbury House . next Monday evening when the prizes.. for the rink competition will be• given the winning four pla•yers,who> _ • were •Dr. Agnew, skip, Dr Shaw,. tenon ie the senior memOn Wednesdayber of•the County J. Wiseman.and E. E. Hilton...tenonCouncil, and will fill the positionthe evening as •Mr Will'. entire satisfaction of all parties. ,bones! was coining home from • Seaforth, his horse took fright and: 1!'o*xiuwv or E.onou.—Dr..Duncan' Mc- ran affray, throwing himself and lady- Leod,of.Detroit, who . spent bin hol;heod companion , out ; fortunately they in days Egmondville and Bayfield, died at were.not hurt mabe hi'1 hot drive en• .. his residence on Canfield avenue, on Deo. feet in future..,.Charles, son of•John 29. He wait one of the beet•knpwn pb; si- Middleton, Bayfield road, left Saturday oiane,of the city and for a long lime a figure ' for Gluelph Agricultural U, eliege. in loonl health board politics. Dr McLeod • jn ,Heydon, Manitoba wee,born•in Cape Breton in 1848, being a • descendant of three famous Scottish clans, '0T.e s . 1n,,,Manitoba,ehronicle Por Stuart, Oanibron and McLeod. • In 1850 Dec25, bursae excellently printed and his parents moved to Hamilton, Ont. °In illustrated write-up of that progressi9e• his boyhood days be attended the Egmond- town,in which portraits of their former. villa School. and at the age of 15 entered. the Bayfield Pablio School; He ovum Hunoninus are elven. A picture only is given of Mr' J. H. Ruddell, M. P. P. 1� , school for Ste years, and in 1870 entered scn of Mr 0. Ruddell,• of Londesboro, Trinity University, Tdronto, graduating concerning two others it saps:— with iho degrees of B. M., M. A and 0. M. "Rev Mark 0. Rumball, B. A. pas-. In the spring of 1872 he went to fiDetroit, tor„ of. Knox Presbyterian church, wasb where he has niece resided. He ,will be born ApriliOth, 1857, at Clinton, Ont.. • remember by many friends, in the neigh- He was educated at Hohnespllle pub- borhood where his early life Was spent. tic school. the Jones commercial gollege- WEDDING AT ST PAUL'S.—In St, London, Ont., and the. Clinton high Paul's church last Saturday morning school. He then taught school fo Dec 28th, at 11 a. m., was solenmized two years and attended the Oobour the marriage of Dr Egan, of Toronto, Collegiate Institute, and then enter and Melee Jemmia Holmes, of town, Victoria College, Dob_ q.,t�lrg. fro There waea Targe number of friends which hegeatluated in '1t 86. Ile toe . and acquaintances present to witness his theological course in Knox Dolle the, ceremony which was performedby Toronto, where he graduated in 1 the rector,RevO,ii•Gunne. The church He. received at call front • Rhin BIu was nicely arranged, the decorations and was ordained there on October tor the Christmas season having been 1880, • He entered his present charg left, and this wan enhanced by'other January 1,1893" decorations consisting of holly, the Neil .Fox is'without doubt the green foliage producing an excellent experienced printer in Scuu horn• Man - effect. The front pews, being desig- itoba, If any proof' Wes wanted as, tee Hated b holly Otago were reserved the accuracy of that statement it It for gu by and invited friends. The only necessary to inspect the work bride was glyen away by Mr Geo $neil which. is turned out of thin, office. and was attended as bridetmeld by Certainly he bas been connected with her sitter, Mies Harriet, the groom be-' newspaper work in Southern Manitobta frig supported by Geo. Leight, Toronto, lunger then rtay other man, having he.. The bride 'looked beautiful in a Coe* come connected with the Manitoba, Wale of while organdietrimmed with Mountaineer in old Nelson in 1882,. and has since that time been connected i'tl turn with the Manitoba Mountaineer ' for four year., the Manitoba News for at : ei three years, the Morilen Monitor fon..• • 110410C- -Retire, J J Gregg And W lirei.itlirtlt lathe organ, the bell pealing five years. the Morden Herahl f',( 'fife A Irwiti; Councillors, J A Strong. the joyfuines�i, the party left for the years, and is comnleting l.rn fifth year a Henry Schutter, J..m... Spent a 'i ri bride's home where +s reception • was of work.on the Morden (;hronicle. Benson Philips, John K Goetz ; police fine lace and wore a black hat, and trustees of Zurich, John Weseloh, J° her' sister in blue organdie and lace Ir. fttckbeil, Charles Grob, Charles with black fiat else looked beautiful. 12 ti ih After the service Miss Gently ably McKee, John Gowdy', tender ed them and rreherche brcakfeet Mr Fo?; (vas born yr Huron' cemit:y, Iro r.E'rr -'Pito old t`•,ouutil was' t, o pr..t•hied Beforel ay left on the 2.55 4)at, in 1,850, ttnr '•at; educated in the electOal b eeelamat.itnt arts'followe : train fol• tbi•ir ft nre hone in Toronto. common eho'/1- of Clinton, Ont.,. Ile '1 Reeve Atex Leitch; cnunc lll,tre. Robt J. number of ni i Fern', Win MuIt,ttteieon, ; were tri 'n V Warren, en, c h tut•c t velucthle manta completer bride ' who was ,Itobor up to a few years 1"ly et•tlee.ted,young apprenticeship under , M. P,,. for West .r of the Clinton NEW elr9crly Monti 4 �.crr .,. nf,,.rrtt� 1