HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-03, Page 5ties.
titles must
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11/4e us will-
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in stock,
... ,• bOU14.1., b1 V b,N lb.-11143'AL tkarle enjoy ki forced. vacation at about five •
Wft,,,y* Va given in town hall on Christmas -night weeks....W. Greawiek, formerly of
was one of a brilliant nature and large- the firm of GraswIck and Twitchell.'
at.e4.91a 1902. ly attended by the youth and beauty Clinton, but for years a resident of
of town,with quite' a number from out- Sontern Manitoba,had oyer 10,000
,l: . side places, It was the occasion of the' bushels of wheat this season, in adcli-
Subscribers 1/111 greatly pleasantly anticipated assembly, -given tion to other graine....Miss Martha
oblige us by promply renew -
by the Bachelor Maidens, and that it Trewartha, who recently took up ,her
fully realized the fondest wishes of the residence here, lias gone to live with a
ing their Si ubscription. ladies was indicated by the spirit marded sister, near • Harriston, - .3.
Maintained all evening and the early ' Macwhinter, formerly a pushing bust -
LOCAL NDTIOES hour to which the merriment was kept nese man of town, is now employed in
. .
Cheap Frults-51bs Raisins 25p,7 lbs Figs250, T. he committee was not only a large dry goods house in Winnipeg..
thoughtful in • providing every waut, '..Tile 26' li annual meeting of the W-
e gal pail Silver Drip Syrup 81.15, W11,1,1AM J.
O'NEML, Grocery. but was most assiduous in seeing that Killop Insurance CO,• will be he'd
'sorsa° -A quantitY of house110111 furniture the visitors and indeed all thoroughly Seaforth, on Jan. 17th....Whilet en -
to bo disposed of by,n auction jai tie Market enjoyed themselves, Everybody, pro- gaged At work in the foundry Wm.
Square,on Saturday* e. to , trosiN- ON flounced the"At home"a most pleasant,. Fester had the misfortune to have a
Auctioneer. MILKS . RANIJE event. The decorator was brought into heavy planktall on his right handbruise
A. Hooper, town agent for the Dom: and the light from the electric ligh Navy LEA, was t e rearm
inion of Canada Guarantee and Acei. gave the interior fa -toning effect and iful gold watch as a Che
-dent Itismoute Oci.,‘sent to W: J. al,c- seemed to harmenize. with the profuse from his fatber-in-la •
Ii.t yre, Auburn, a cheque for $32.50 as decorations of eyergceeps and flowers. of Moore townsh'
compensation for an injury received to The stage was tastefnIfy set as a draw- moved into
service to make it attractive -the cell- ing it very badly; willlay him off
in and walls were draped and festflon- duty fora week or so.. .E. B. Hilton,
BE PROTECTED. -on Friday last, ed With red, white and blue buntint mechanical superintendent of• the
nt of a beaut-
r• Creighton,
-O. 0. Rance has
ance cottage on On -
his leg, vvhile dividing his sheep; Mr, room where man hind an ideal place, tanbaltree and the house on Gi bbings
Mclutyre caddies a policy in said cclin‘ for a tete-a-tete, the music being fur- streetvacated. has been rented by „W.
pany. nished by the Brown orchestra. of Sea- Ross....On Friday evening last the
W. O. W. OFFICERS. -At the last forth, which was thhurt by BOMO tO -choir of Ontario St. church, of which
meetinof the Woodmen of the World
first half of the 'bct- and M W J
be superior to the Lon on harpers. The both had been' members, surprised Mr
program was condr W. J. Rose by presenting
the following were elected officers :-
ed by the ladies, audit was amusing to them with a handsome silver cantle -
Counsel Commander,11.13 Ker; Advisor ,
Lieutenant, I Ireland; Banker. R. Bee how the men 0 heepvall flowers)who, lebra, the prepentation being made on
ices that
in the majority, • sat out the behalf of the choir by F. S. Jackson and -
re. The' Downs; Eicort, R. Smith; Watchman, were
dances. After the deliPlous lunch was a pleaisanefew hours was spent by the
W. A. Maguire; Sentry, 3. Cook.; Man -
provided it wap vice versa for :the party; Mr Ross Was also this recipient
e. The agers J. E. Ford, J. B. Hoover and J .
Eaglremainder of the „dances. The cot, ofd Morrie recliniturchair from the em-
eson; delegate to head camp, H.B. maidens and their gallants made a very ployeeaof the organ faetory....J. Con -
rices like Kerr; Alternate, P. Ker. pretty scene. and the '"Efachelor Maid- •nolly.representi# the HouselofRefuge
It would the site selected by the government for cess of their assetibly, Much credit Da .on Bladay ni hband aivarded a 'con •
THE POSTOFFICE SITE., -Although ens" may be congratulated on the committee,and .0oate Inspector met
the new post office. was decided upon due th the ladies vitio were instrumente tract for a liew Wind -mill for .the
al in arranging for the assembly parte-- House of Refuge, tin Mr Jacob Miller..
ularly to Miss Hallie Combe, the Pres.There will be a general meeting of all
ident, and Miss Kelly, the secretary, the members Of the Clinton Rifle Asso-
gete some time ago, departmental routine
of Jany. apparentlymoves slowly, for it was
only on Friday last that Mr Jas. Scott,
n 3 lots, barrister, rectiyeda cheUne for the pur- ewho both wereeneegetican making the ciation, irt the Council Chauther: on
chase price. This will yet bave to tra- Itaffair a success; the different cflititnit- Friday, 10th inat. at 3 o'clock, to make
rices: vel conLiderrbly before it can be cash- tees did their part well, those who vvi: ilpel arrangeMentit for wInter shooting,
ed, because it has to.he signed by the A`
,may mention being -Misses A. McCor=' ...he annual meeting of the Hord- ,,
sevei al parties to the Potter estate . vie. L,Brewer, .Liklacilherenn;. Randall, cultural Society, Will' be held at 7.30 on
who are in different parts of the court- E. ROSS, M. Biggart, C. Chidley, J. Wednesday eVeningnext. in the Town
Ery. 1 Wiseman,_Edith Robson, Margaret Clerk's ranee„ „Niw Year's day was
I WERE SUCCESSFUL -The re- Scott andldiietarde...Tne ;:iiirehereW telebrated at the home of Mr &mil Fair
1 sults of the civil service examination Ball in Seaforth onlitstiiticiiriegrot by an, unusual event; the gecasloril was
knbwe awhile ago and the successful being raw from outside
1 tilerelY httendet there ZeTrlisfte.enTidgaetrsVf Mt ticilnlaJeas
'Places ririata,, Fair and. Mr and Mrs W /" Spalding,
lacol i passed
m ha/re lape,teolfwe iontaltr.y Tyvh:Eg numbers
Llrescidweat4 e
ones at the qualifying are now out.- tendanoe. It was pronounced as one and the infant son of Mr and Mrs It 3
From the list we notice that Robin 0. of the fOnetions of the:season, and no McDonald, Seaforth.': "One of the most
doubt it WOO for the party ft om here -who artistic calendars received this season is
.50 to $ Macpherson was successful, having
t ried at Ottawa, and Miss Eva Mac- went are loud in praises of thekindness t'a tt issued by the Canada Life Assiut.;
, florae o our h once Company. and handed us by their I
8 f pberson, of London, (niece of D. F. received ; Brown's orchestra silltPlied
os, extra fine mace erson), and a E Fair, of Varna, the muetc. Amnng those from here agent. air E, E manning; it certainly
Cloth.; sold both passed also having tried at Lon- present were: -Mr and Mrs G. D. Mc- does credit to the company that issued
coca- db, ft, don We extend our camgratulatione. Tagvart, Mr and Mre W. Brydene, Mr it.. - AnOther elaborate one is that got
and Mrs M. D. MeTtiggart. Mr and Mrs ,out by the Confederation Life,and sent
ab I. f 0 LECTURE. -The first lectftife in the 'Erni E. M. McLean, Misses 1.0 8.11, Jinn to policy holders by its local agent,Mr
versay Course to be ,gieciii ander the ' eats- Macpherson, L. Brewer, E:Rohson and Jacob Taylor....The NEW BRA Carrier
pees of the Clinton goliagial Institute will C. tendertheirth tik telh
Chidley and Messrs linbin Macpher- BO a hereby
sonaaten rear,Percy Fa r, E.ArChinald. y . a e e
be delivered in tie TW 'Hall, cadiThurs. -. - .
public tor their kindly remembrances..
day evening, ti 9th Met. The 'lecturer J. Price, N. i.,ne3'. Gardiner, W. A number of the factory boys Wj10
lE. to be the ;nem Canon MeNab, St Albans F.Cantelon anR.W.Bell...lrivitatimt were away at diffverit places em.
Cathedreq,(Tortabto, cm, the subject; "Tears are out for an aesembly by the. 1Nfe nloyed.for a short while are returning
in Saitaierlantad north Italy, illustrated
by 50 line Heti aiews."
The lecturer has Century Club tn lin given .in the town
all this VridaV evening ; Brown's era Ben H.erman from Preston, J.
tht,own ;1 arnmag (hose recently back
bee n extensive traveller and'in dealing orchestra of Seaforth vein .furnish the Clarridge from Preston and J. je*ett
• is subjeoti gives hie personal views .
Diary a Ireaj 01c1
• If propetl3r kept (and it isa great eatisfaction and pleasure
ta scrkeep one) lets you know whereyou were a year ago,
the kind and duration of the season, where you bought
and what you paidifor your clothing or other expenses,
how much your travelling, your smoking, ,or perchance
your drinking cost you. It helps you keep your appoint-•
mente, and reminds you of your obligations. It -makes a,
. book containing your own and your town's history.. For
eutansple, who were in the town council last year?' What
did they do Id benefit. the town? When and Where were
' the fires during the year? Where were you last Oth of
July? When was it our Queen died? When was Mr
• Holmes elected to Parliament, and what vote did he get? •
It might be of interest to you to know aboot any of these
or other happenings. A. DiarY, tells the story. Saves
• your mewory and enables you to defy the forget.habit -
• Our assortment ia a fairly contplete one, in price from 10 •
• to 75c. in pocket style; and 40c to •$1.25 in office size.
e RA 3 1 at 0
The Canadian Almanac is good. • .
It is in its 55th year, answers all kinds of public questiens
' just where your diary' leaves off. Essential in. the office,
useful in the home. Vrice 25o. •
The W. D. CO, ClintO'n
‘Olten.the Cheapest7Always the Best."
music. .There area rasoaber "reverting -Wpm Toronto.. -The. public school
pressiOnaud is highly spoken of in
ee. It le hoped that a fall house
et him.
ers should not forget that the
exempting frozn taxes that
the Perrin Block used by
M tnufactine Co., is to be
xt Monday, and that it
bird vote of the rate•
The amount it:mol-
e t the town, in
at it' will not per -
the taxes a farthing,
of recognition to a
that is deserving of
ase are matters nn
,yers should In ke
web p no it d ffer-
ness will prevail, to
ent of the byln
it nd„ ote for
deserving c
parties being giv,snamong the young 'and collegiate reopen to day (Friday)
folks this holiday time; Miss. MarY rafter the holidays .....'The fire depart -
'Lough entertainOrhn Monday night, merit held its regular monthly meet -
Mrs M. D ,weer, Mr`4 Wiseman, Mrs. ing on Monday night.... Wu Butt. of
P. Cantelon and Miss BUTes on TueetdaY. the 2nd cona-of Tucker Pmith, bad an
. orkplatiion performed here on one of
the house on Huron street, ad oining tvniare ,pleased to learn he has now
that of F Ro halL.... Fr ed Bakes,eon- I
i neat!" recovered its use.. -The'A. O.
in-law of;‘,V.A. ICii'Wn,,„ e ho recently ty. W. holds Re regular meetings in the
left for Ca iff? t 4 eein'ate i it ends to I . : every Ora- and third
vend the winter.,,,teritt it hack tbat he 1.,a'a„9101Iieha,110241
of each month., .;The
enjoys the ell rli. e 'sag y tbuCb, and al. "'""
Hatrevn- Poultry. Shove was held ' in
ready,' find - 'Waal? pi at 0.v.en e It t....' Rev. God -rich this week ; Messrs 1 A.
Mark Rai re balg at Illiai,; . - : an., ro- Xing, A 3. Gt igg, and JI6Meti HOUSOTI
ther of M r4 3 A ;104 W,tf ;1 d-;- is quaran- were the local pi ize winners....This
tine& owing to stain; ineutif.et s Of his , looks a little like a ,jannary'thaWei
family having' scarletefie r ; he will• , , .
' -, ``•
. .
NOTES. -J. W. EMI lies movr into hie eyes by baying eate,raetreneoved;
1110 •••••
4541,ED. -Mr asttr:
Velars% had
guests at Illeee
Day. The as•-'
sthorti*,' aire-e
genera- 4=
es•eenatgedat Vs;
Metiers is:wa-
rd; Of
lee, of _ 01' ,
'n,. of aor'al,
a a lliMt.Jr. i 'raj'. i '\,P
ot,,Plitt, ,i
•A Happy New Year to all our
Customers and Friends.
The OJd Iteliable, •
The Store That Never Disappoints
• Taylor. - ono
eaSh, and One Price. •
Butter and Rom takeilis'Oashe
11110111"41111 AVS(11,Wir
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