HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-03, Page 4I
37A� Iqa�
Our stock to -day embraces hundreds of such lines that
1 beautiful practical and useful as well as a ul and. purchasers
c era
wilt find themselves well repaid by a visit here We are ready
for Holiday Business now Prudent shoppers will make their
selections now while while stocks are at their best and before
the rush that invariably comes with the holidays.
If you are wise you will buy now—better choice--atten-
tionr--satisfaction ;We will deliver when you say The crowds
are growing bigger everyday We have goods that cannot be
beaten for cheapness Call and examine and price before go-
ing elltewhQre Satisfaction will be given
Agent for the Bell Telephone Co. • -
_ •.�•t�_.� TWO A. J'S'
Buy your new hat
Before Exeter, before the style and
size get broken. We make a speciality of
bate and have a larger stook than in any
revioue season of the beet Englieh and
American make, styles and sites.
In English hate we have the cele-
brated Wakefield, Saokville and Leslie
sakes. Our American Hate combine good
tyle and quality in all the new colors from
pearl to black,
A. J. 31ORRISH, Clinton
Pants and
we hey; a line of pants that are going
to be cleared out at 750, and another[ line
at 90o, both of these would be good, buying
at more money.,;
Tall men have had a lot of *rouble in
getting overalls long enough in the leg and
not too Targe in tbewaist, we have jest what
is wanted, 36 inches is the longest, they
cost more to make them that way but they
are going at be came price.
• We have an extra . good black worded
suit made to order at $16. It ie the reg-
ular $18 quality. but by baying a large
quantity we can sell it for 516.
A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton;
Cutters ! Sleighs !
IJo you want a high grade Cutter or Sleigh
We have the finest stock to select from. All the latest styles in the new-
est colore. Our prices are as low as can be found for first-class material
and workmanship. Before you buy call and see us.
Geo. Lavis, .Isaac Street, Clinton.
Holmesville Cheese Factory By -Law No 23, For 1901.
The annual meeting ofthe stock -holders and
atrons of the Holmosrill, neeee-and Butter
as::.'aeterle g Co., wi:l be held in Wilson's
all, Holmesville, on SeSnrday, Jan. 25, 1902,at
lo'olook p, m., far the pi. rpose of winding np
he past year's bnsinees•e..ection ofiofficersfor
he current year and the transaction of any
general business. The baton •eof dividendwill -
• ba•listribnted on that day. It is strongly urged '
that all shareholders be present as matters- f
import.:noe will come np for discussion.
e he drawing of milk en the different routes
(same as before) W.iltf eFORliTER, Prethe s date
W. S. LAWRENCE. Secy. •
Holmesville, Deo 26, 1902.
We have just received a
shipment of our justly cele-
rat- line of StandardShoes
for Boys. These goods need
no introduction as they are al-
t .,ady . well known and are re-
cognized to the the best wear -
pig Boys' Shoes on the mar-
They are made of a choice
quality 'of Milwaukee grain
and without seams.
Insoles and counters guaran-
eea to'be absolutely solid Sole
No Shoddy
No Paper Soles
Patronize the New Shoe Store -
and get new Shoes.
Fred T. Jackson
BY -Law of the Town of Clinton for the pur-
pose of granting a bonus to the Jackson Manu-
facturing Company,to aid them in the carrying
on of their manufeetnring indnstry • for the
Manufacture ofiBoys clothing, in the said flown,
by granting to them an exemption from. muni-
cipal taxation,other than school taxes, upon the
property used by them in connection with such
WHERRIIASthe said Jackson Manufacturing
Company have represented to the Council of
•the said Town of -Clinton, that they -have Start-
ed a factory in the said Town for the purpose of.
manufacturing Boys Clothing, that for the pur-
poses thereof they have purchased property
known as the Perrin Block, -that they have in-
stalled therein a large quantity of machinery,
that they have now one of the most • complete
factories of the kind in thecountry, that their
goods mennfactured here are being sold from
Montreal to Edmonton, that they have employ=.
ed two travelers on the road engaged in the
sale of their goods manufactured by the said
flrm on the said premises, that they h ve new
employed in their Paid factory forty hands and
hope before long to increase the number to
sevontyflve hands, that they expect in the near
future to use the whole of, said bloek for the
purposes of their said basinees,and that in view
of the facts as stated. they are entitled to cone
cessions in the way of exemption from taxation.
AND WHEREAS, it is desirable that the said
industry should be assisted. -
THELIEFORE the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the .Town of Clinton enacts• as
1. In consideration of the establishment of the
said business and the continued operation of
the same in the said Town of Clinton, in the
ppremises hereinbefore and hereinafter men-
tioned during the term hereinafter mentioned,
the following lands and premises, viz. -The
property known es the Perrin Block situated
on the Easterly part of Town Lot number 225
on the Northerly side of Rattenbury Street
in the said Town of Clinton, the buiidinge
erected thereon, the plant, machinery and
stock therein and used in carrying on the
aforesaid business, shall be, fe. Fa period of -
ten years from the First day of ,.bruary,1902
exempt from the payment Of all raumcipai.
taxation in respect to the property herein
designated, (other than as hereinafter provi-
ded,end for school taxes.)
2. That such portion or portions of the midland •
and premises as shall in any year of the said
term from the beginning of such year up to
the final revision of the assessment roll of
such year,be used or occupied for any purpose
or purposes other than for the said industry
and business of the said flrm, shall not- be
,so exempt from taxation, but fibril' be subject
to assessment and rating under the provi-
sions of the law then In force, as if this by-law -
had not been passed.
8. The said Jackson Manufacturing Company
shall, on or before the let dayof May in each
off the said Abatement
teetiinngtfortth such
portion or portions of tjie said Block and
premises e9 are need for, or in connection
with the said business.•
4, That this bye-law shall take offset on And
8. after the Firat day of February, 19;2,
5 That the metes of the ;letters of the. said
-- Townof-elintoneestitled'to-wotsee n•-Ihe..aid. ,
by-law, shall be taken on the same at the
following time and:places, That ie , to bay: at
the dame time as the M:unioipal Electtoneon
the 6th day of January,1902, commencing at
the hoar of Nine o'clock in the forenorn and
oontinning until fire o'cio"c nl, he name day,
by-thefonsieing Deputy Returning Officers:
In St. Andrew'sWardai• the TownHMYI, Wal,
ter Ceats,Depntr Retnrnii*g Officer. • .
in St. James' Ward et the Honee of the lite'
Henry Smith i Thomas D.- Jehnaton, Deputy...
Returning 011104, •
In St. John's Wird at I'red.rtok ittamball'e
Carriage Factory, Th.ma. Cottle, Deputy
Reinri,ing OM..r.
=n St. Georges Ward et JehaLesli.'e Cerriige
p'aotoryr8. J.• Andreww, Deputy 11.iaraine
1. Oa the bath day of Deo.» tli.r,1N1 *waterer
et the said Town of •Ciiate a shell sit.ni at
the acid Connell Chamber at Ike hone of Telt
o'elock in the forenoon, is appelai psre.as to
att.id at the variotdi polilig places sressia '
and at the final tniis*ingnp by the , yzk, on
behalf of the eet.one in rested it and pre- -
meting or opposing kite pawing .f this by 1w
7. The Clerk of tate Ceunetl of the wild' en. of
Hall at lrwetvai attend
oft in TnteedaTa
Sevinth day of Januarjr, real to earn mai the
• *umber of Totes, for end egainstthe by-liw.
DAM the tbth day of 'December, A. D. 1201
iVlr and !fire Green, of Port Huron, are !
vieiting et the home of Mr W, Alexander.
Mica Tucker, Of Wingham, was the guest
Or Mrs whitehead, oyer New Years.
Misr Veen. Patterson, of Toronto, id the
guest of Dr and Mrs. Gann, She has many
friends here who are delighted to see her.
�. Gibson, Liberal,. was elected in
the general,election for York,. N. B.,
by about 70 of a majority, but resigned
on; a protest' being entered. He was •
re-elected on Saturday, by over800,
having the same opponent, This ie .
"the growing time'.
W.F.McLean, of the Toronto World,
ie being severely roasted becauee he is
a self-nomintaed candidate for the
Mayoralty of Toronto, All -the -same
it would not eurpriee us to see him
elected. He has catered to every in-
fluence that will alive bin votes, and
being considerable o! a hustler he may
get there. Hie convictions are as
changeable as the Wind,. Which may be
more of an advantage than otherwise,
in a city like Toronto.
3;R4lf ,`�l �t�xhtBe1ngt%ts
Pigs for Sale. •
Four Sows, to pig in February, and 13 little
Piled weeks old, for sale. JACOB BECK ER.
Jan 3-1" . Clinton.
To Rent.
A large tarnished room, comfortably -heated,
situated on Huron Street, convenient to Main
81. Apply to HIM ERA. Jan 3-2.
Boarders Wanted.
A ample of boarders oan bi accommodated
wltb room and board, Apply at NEW ERA.
• ,Boar for. Service.:
A very fine Yorkshire white boar for Perris*
Terme 51 at time of ser vice with Driyilegs of
returning. if necessary: HENRY J'BREMAN,
Jan 3-4, 2nd con of Mullett.
• Horticultural Society.
The annual meeting of, the Clinton Horticul-
tural Society, will be held in the Clerk's 'office,
Town Hall, on Wednesday, Jen 8th, at 7.30 p.m.
for the eleotion of officers and the transaction
of general baeinae'. A. MoKBNZIH, President.
W. COATS, Secretary. Jan8.
Annual Meeting,
The Annual Meeting of the StanleyBranch
Agricultural Sgoiety will be held in the Town
Hall, Bayfield, on Wednesday. Jan 8th,. 1902, at
1 p. m..Bni.ness:-To .receive Statements,
Auditors'Reports, smite elicit officers for the
year 19Q2' R. SNOWDF'N. President.
R. DR.aIIANN, Secretary.
Jan 8 -tel •
Annual Meeting.
. The twenty sixth annual• meeting of the
McKillopMutualFire Ineurone° Company will
be held in the Town Hall, Sedforth. on Fride ,
the 17th -day of January; 1902, at ono o'clock,
p m.. Bui,ness-Receiving theDireotore and
'Auditors' reports, the annual statement,
electing three directors -the retiringg direct-
ors being. James Connolly, Porter',' Hill, John
Watt, Harlock, George Dale, Seaforth, who
are eligible for re-election, and the discussion
of other bnisness for the welfare of the. com-
pany,J. B. MaLEAN, President; T. E.
HA, Secretary, Jan 3-3 ,.
Annual • Meeting.
TAKE hTOTIOR dict the above ie ab tine copy
of the proposed by-law *moll has been bikini
into considergtion end will be finallypassed by
the Commit of tha Town Of (`lietee (in the event
of the assent of the elector being obtained
thereto). after coin month: Were the first panes.
tion in the NEW ERA the "ate of which test
. tltiblicationwoalfiee - ,p ilteri,mber
The annual meeting of the shareholders of
The Londesboro'Butter and Cheese Manufact-
uring ill beheld in Hill's 'Hell, Londe*=
boro, on Co.,Thursday, the 16th day of January.
1902, at 1 o'olock p. m.. for the'transsotion of
general business and the election of officers
for the ensuing year. A meeting of the pat=
rove will be held at the same place and date
AD 2.30 p. m. It is expected that interesting
addresses will be delivered. and it is .expected
that everypatron, as .well as ' all Who are in-
terested in dairying be present, ..
JOHN WATT; President.
W. L. OUIMETTE, Seoretery.
Jan I -td• •
A Card:.. °
20 the Electors of ruckersmith.
LADIES Aim G otTen ,aur: -Having been
nominated for Reeve•of this my native town-
ehip, I respectfully .solicit ' your vote and in-
fluence at the ensuing municipal election: If
elected I shell do my : utmost to reduce the
taxes, .which for the past year has been
extravagant' and excestive, I believe that all
necessary improvements and expenses can be
provided for and the taxes materially reduced
and I will always strive to do justice to every
part of the township, Yours truly,
• • W. M. DQIG
A good general servant '.Apply to MRs W.
DonaB2T Clinton.
: For Sale ,or to Rent.
The residence property' of D . R. IH.nzie: on
Princese St„ Clinton. Apply to JAS. SCOTT,
Dee. 27-tf.. Barrister, Clinton.
or Sale.
A iargsbarn se oa Cep. 6, Hulletty for
sale;a good ehaace Caseate a chimp " barn;
apply to G. OARBET, Clinton, Oat. Deo 13-9.
Stray Shetp.
Came into eubecribers.premlees, .lot 86, con.
16, Mullett, early in November. an ;aged Ewe.
The owner is hereby notilled to prove property
Dsyeharges and take it. away.
eo, 27--4... GEORGE BEDFORD.
Church Property for Sale.
. Th. profierty at present known as the Rattail-
bney St, Methodist Church, and consisting of a
choice, will situateduarter•acre lot, with
d m addition
large brink building, and large fru o
thereon is offered for sale; pceeePsion
as soon
tie the new church is ready Tor occupation. The
building could easily be converted into two or
fore comfort hlederelling, house , or might
be adapted toe variety of pnr'pbite , •mildY i►
snap to any one desiring: to make a good ;go,
fltabi. investment.
Offers are solicited for the building and its
as furnaces seats ate•
is entire, a ,
• eel• s are also solicited for the building alone,
and for its contente,-•shelving, railing, stovef,,
double window's furnaces, ets.
Inside furnishinge of the churoh, each se
Pews, altar, chancel railings, and pulpit might
6. 'cited in other churches, schools, belle, or
other buildings. The pews are well preserved
coins of them having boon in nee" only a few
ya►re. Thi ra/lings are make vt cherry and
walnut. ,
Any'information desired may lin obtained
from the undermentioned persons. Offers
received, bY the chairman, up toe p. m., on
Jan, 18, 1 W. DOHI3RTY
W. R. LOUGid,
11.13OLMES, Chairman.
LAITort 5tAB 1ITi�
Corrected Weer, Thttrsdel aft.ritsen
Thereday, January 2nd, 1002,
11A11 Wheat.. i...,.. 0 76 a- 0 76
Spring " :.. 0 74 a 0 74
bail .. r. ...,r.,..... 0' 40 a 0 41
Rre ... 6 ........ . 0 40 a 0 45
Barley .... t , ........ ° 0 48 A 0 50
0 65 'a 0 75
' Flour per owt,2 15- s 2 15
IIey .,lwr...r...►..r 8 00 a 9 00
Sheepekiri* .......... 0 25 it 0 60
130. ], Grelen trinrrhidee 5 00 it 6 00
wood eheft.,•..4004r. 2 25 a 2 60
Chickens,pergait .,.r 0 20 A 0 40
I)0oke, pa fo.,...r,.,r., d 40 e 0 60
006110, per 11 .... ♦, 0 05 A 0 1-'6
Torkacr. 006 A 0
�L..., _tae
coming and I oing. Hugh hose returned borne last week after
-d--- an absenoe of ton months, baying been up
W. Newoombe was in Chicago Tact week,
on businese.
Harry Cole, of Toronto, war here for
New Years,
We hada pleasant call from . Rev W
Rigsby of Kincardine.
Weleh, of Michigan, is visiting his
brothers Robt. and Alex.
W. Paemore, Gloderioh, was a caller at
the Witty ,Eat, on Thureday,
Mr and Mrs Jas Smith bave•been spend-
ing the past week in Goderioh.
Mrs (Dr) Holloway, of Wingham, ie the
guest of Mr and Mre Thou Holloway.
Mr Deane, Woodstock, was theuest of
Thos. Trick for a few day this week.
Misses O'Neill and Murray leave next
week to attend the ,Normal, at London.
1)r. 3. Gnnne, Arles Qraig, was the guest
of his uncle, Dr, Gunne, for a few days this
R. Rudd, of Sanilao oouniy, Mick., bro-
ther of the late John Rudd, is visiting re-
letives here.
Mr and Mre Garner, of Harrington,
were visiting Mr and Mre W. C. Searle
for offered der,
Mies Alice Carter returned' on Monday
from Chicago, Ill.,on s,yisit 110 her mother
Mrs R. Carter. '
Mr and Mra. Weir and son, Teddy,: have
been vie:iing relatives in London and vide,
its, during the past weok.
Mrs Evans and children, of Twerton,
were guest; at her father's, Rev H. New-
oombe, for *ha -Christmas holidays,
Mrs P. F. Munro, Tara, who spent
Christmas at the home of her father, W.
MOKown, returned home on Saturday.
Mre B. A. Smillie. And son who are visit-
ing et her mother's, Mrs A. Monteith, was
among relatives in Taokeremith leek! week.
Mieses Ida,: Louise and Lena Holmes
drove up, to Goderioh on Monday and spent
the day as the guest of Nies Nellie Barrie,
J; Morrison, Trinity medical student,
whose home is at Chiselhuret, spent a few
days Shia week as the guest of Andrew Tay-
lor. •
Mr aid Mre H. Joeling and family, of
Detroit, whohave been visiting friends
here for couple of weeks, leaye .to -day„
for their home.
A. D. Robertson, of ‘• Man.;
is visiting at John Lindsay's, Huron road,
and among other relatives. He remains.
for eeverel.month%
Mise Mary Stewart was another, teacher
home from Cartere6n, Northern Ontario,
for the holidays. She will return to her
duties next Monday.
Mrs Romir and Mies Romer,who have
been the guests of Mrs Thou. Trick; for a
few weeks, returned to their home in St,
Louis, Mies., on Monday.
Thos Carter, from Chatham, and J.
Carter, from •Blenheim, are here spending
the holidays :and have been the guests Of.
Mr and.Mre M. Dowzo .'..,u
Mr endMre C. Annie, Port Union, who
were on their wedding 1012r, spent a few
days last week at the home i2,f Mrs Wash-
ington, returning easfkon Saturday.
Geo McRae was one of thoae Bonin for
the Ubristmee holidays returning on the
8rd. He is now in Blenheim end likes
the piece so well that he has taken a sites -
non there for the present
Rev. and • Mre Deihl and children were
here from Ailsa Craig tkia week spending
theholidaye. They were for few days
with the former'; parents at Varna and New
Years Dayas guests of Mr and Mre 'Me-
H. Moon, who has been living in Mani-
toba far a'couple of years, where he was en-
gaged .in milling, has returned • to Ontario
to reside. He could not stand the work he
was at end hes taken a situation with
Jackson Brea., of town.
Mies Lilian Willis,.of London, and Miss
Jennie McLane, of St Thomas are guests
of their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mre J. W.
Irwin, this week; Bert: Nesbitt, of Toronto,
a:iiepbew, wap also here for a short vacs
tion returning home on Thursday.
Among those who were home enjoying
the holiday season were "Mre New-
combe to Parolee, Dr. and Mrs Agnew and
children to Wingham, Dr. Holmes, to Lon-
don. 1'. T. Leckie, to Kincardine, Mr, and
Mrs R. P.Reekie and daughter,toSt. Thomee,
Mr Plummer,. and wife, of Rockwood,
were, visitors to town for a few days last
week. are is a brother of Stewart Plummer,.
and tlf6u,413 only residing a short distance
away,. never beforevisited this section,
which he considers very fine, though seeing
it lit a disadvantage, -
Wes Newcombe the genial salesman and
expert window droner at Newcombe's left
for Chicago. on .Monday,heving accepted a
' splendid situet:on an salesman in the
wholesale dry eoodii house of Marahall,
-Field .t Co. we hope he may attain to e
high .positien'in the "Windy City."
Mrs W 9- Doherty and - family "re-
turned recently from Day 'Mille, Algoma,
and at present' are gnats of G. A. McKee.
Mr Doherty: will return 'shortly remain
ing until he ships all ,the timber which is.
cut from the limit. They will rent .a
house until spring when Mr Doherty will
build a re.,idencee
near the Canadian Sault. He went, away
on the 7th of March returning on die 14th
of December, and 1n this time wag employ.
ed in Olergue'e steel plant, one of the larg-
est on the continent, which is boated at a
place called Towns, some three miler from
the Sault proper, Mr Rose was most for-
tunate in seouring employment a fow days
after reaching, there and neper lost a day,
beving been employed at carpenter work.
'nudging from his ability endbonest appear-
ance, Mr Roes war picked out of 75 carpen-
ters to take charge of a gang of 60 Italians
to construct s oolperate sewer a mile end a
half long, He had the entire charge of
theee men and did the carpenter work
himeelf, this work taking ° three months'
time to complete, after which he was en-
gaged inside at framing, The (lergae
works is an immense affair and covers
many sores of land ; there are over 1500
hands employed: • He found the work
agreeable and the workmen all friendly
with one another. The Canadian Sault,he
thinks, is a rough plane and so is the Amer-
ican side,but still everything is on the hum:
While there he met' many from around
here and our friend, Mr J. 0. Miller, ie do-
ings good grocery business. It is the place to
make money but be would not oare to take
a family up there to live. The contractor
was very reluctant for him to leave and he
may return there any time, at least he
thinks lie may go baok in the spring,
C} entleme
Ladi es' g
Ladies' S
Boys' wa
Ladies' ro
Ladies' 1.1
• We understand it is the intention of Mre' Gentlemen
MoMurray and daughter, Mies Josie, to go
Weyburn; N. W. -T., in the spring to- live
there.' This is thelooatlon where Mr. Mc-
Murray and son Will are, the former 'hav-
ing taken np a taaot of land some few -years
ago. .The plane has grown wonderfully-
eine fgr Weyburn is juvenile. Three
yeareagqo there wte nothing there but vir-
gin prbtrie, where the festive cayote and
merry:equirrel indulged in their pranks.
Today they have a population of about 160
which ie made up'of native born Canadians
from. Ontario with a sprinkling of A.oeri-
cane end Germane, the majority of whom,
both in and around the village, went ''thea.
with good bank accounts mid represent an
extra order• of intelligence. That their
judgment in selecting the country around
Weyburn as s future home ie, becoming
happily demonatated for expectations have
surpassed the most sanguine, . The. place
.now possesses a grain elevator with a oap-
aeity of 25,000 bushels, lumber yard, drngf
hardware, dry goods and general stores and
a newspaper is to be -started' in the near
future. A few years ago the name Wey-
burn was only thought of to,be applied to a
like number of'etorev, today the place now
boasts of a -fine eohool house coating $3000
splendidly equipped, •As for onurehes,itfa
well supplied, the Preebyterians at present
holding service in theeohool house but
will erect a commodious edifice immediately
as subscriptions have been started the
Methodists have a neat chapel soon to be
replaced by a larger one and the Baptists,
Episcopalians and Roman Catholics helve.
signified their intentions to build churohee
for plane have been prepared.. A large
number of fine dwellings are. being built of
granite and more are gene up. Acorreepon
dent to the IndienHea EVidette styles We/.
burn as the banner village of the Northwest Je
R. Maornordie,Heneall, and daughter,•
Mies Mary, who is teacher in one of the
prigcipal school3in London,spent Tuesday
with relatives in town. tlr Maomordie
left on Thursday and in company with Mr
Doyle, Owen Sound, go to Florida bn a
bnsinecs trill, intending to be sway for four
months. '
E, Butt, who went out to the Northwest
about a month ago, with a load . of lumber
and stook, returned !set week. He says
the shipment of grain over the C. P. R. is
very heavy, in fact so great that the night.
he reached Winnipeg trains were stalled
outside the city, becanee every track hi the
yard was full of moving oars of grain,
1)r, F. Scott left on'Monday afternoon on
hie way to the west where he will locate
probably. at Tacoma, Washington territory.
His friends Are indeed sorry io lose him
from Huron county aa s he is bright young
dootor of considerable experience in whom
every confidence ban be entrusted, He
'leaves tie:with'ihn vtleTiea tbai�Tse --wilt be
most successful in the west, where itmay-
be expected will have a large-praotioe in ,
few years.
R. J. Dunmore, (son-in-law of W. J.
Paisley) who,for the past seven years has
been employed ail a Special writer on the St.
ThomssTimes, hse aocepted a more laora-
tive situation In connection with a daily
paper at Loa Angelos, Cal., and leavesfor
that city in A few days. Re in a olever
writer, somewhat after the style of a free•
hand, and has already attracted consider.
able attention by hid letters, which he will.
oonlinne to supply to the St. Thomae paper
though making hie residen.e in the weal.
Fred. Whittingham, of Qu'Appelle, N.
W. T., is here on a yitit and purposes re•
maining for the winter among hie old
friends. Eighteen years ago he left God.
erioh to'w'nship with very little more than
he had on hie back, Today be owns a
well -stocked farm of 640 sores, with good
home and bank barn ; he ;admits that he
ices to work, and .pretty hard at that.
7 hie year he had 800 acres in prop and 300
iu summer fallow, and hie yield with about
7000 bushels of grain. In hie immediate
locality ars eevsra' former Huroniatte,
notably Ttov. Arch. Matheson, formerly of
Clinton, who, with hie wife, Is hale And
bout!, though both are well up in . years ;
they have A full 010tlon of
of stook. Another ie Prank
ther'ot Alf, Clondwin,town, v
0108 years had pretty herd lank
..-.�...._- ► .
Eight day
Eight day
Fancy chin
Nioke alar
Solid gold 1
N 1
" 1
Roll Plate
Solid Silye
Gold platedp
• CI it
Many a
territories. 141r MoMurra) has great hopes
for the Winne of the piano and says it will,
in a short time, develop into a flourishing
town. We learn he is doing well and' does
not regret his removal to the West.' He
has had a -good crop *hie year but expects. to
have good crops and this will mean that his
•bank aoconnt•will correspond—his finances .
will bulge hispocket book,
LTVVER dO' • -On December, 31st, the wife
of .fames Liver . ore, Clinton; of a eon,
SMITH -At ' t Agnea rectory rCarberry,Man.
Dec. 13. wife o' Rey E. B. Smith, (formely. of
Clinton). a Ron -
McMURCHI In Blyth, Dec. 80, wife of Mr J,
McMurchie, a ughter.
THUELL.-I' Morris, on -Dec 19, to Mr and
Mre Wm Thue , a daughter.
WREN -In ckersmith, on Deo 22, thew ife
of Mr D. D: Wr n, of a daughter.
ELWOOD In Hansen, on Dee. 29, to Mr. and • see
MrsM. Elwood, a daughter. it0
FORD -In Ex ter, on Dee 22, to Mr and Mrs,
A. Ford,_a son.
ANDERSON- Exeter, en Deo. 15, the wife
of Dr D.. A., Ande son, of a eon.
be p
W1LTSE-McCi . EOOR- U Ontario.St. " Par mens
enrage, by Rev. Dr Gifford, onJan 1: Vire Chas. I - break
Wiltsie of Tuckers •ith, id Miss -Clara McGre
ger, of Clinton.
McCONNEL-CO WJan 1st, at -
' the home of. the bri le.'e Rbv. Mr Mender -
el -On• son of Heiman, Mr l . Menel to Mies Mabel,
• eldest daughter of rJ..Colwell. .
EGAN-HOLMES On Saturday,: Dec.,228, in
et Paul's Ohurch, . auto by the Rev r. R.
Gunne, M. A., rector, Mi Margaret Jemima
Holmes, of Clinton,. Dr awes J Egan, of Tor-
JE\V ELL-. VRI'' nn, n Decv1 at St Paul's
seenqitor� by Rev e R runno. M • A liifss Victoria
• Adelaide, daughter of John Wright, MMeblei -
street. Clinton; to Jae nes;Je\rell, of Benmiller.
le(11'EATH-Y012.G-On Christmas Ever
lei!' of tin bdide's father, . by Rov
Jns An Anderson, B.A., illiim James Mcureath.
of New Briinswick,'nevt}1.34)m l', to Charlotte
Mary (Maine), eldest r sughter of William
' Young.
- SAGE-COULTER,.At the manse, in Han, "
over, on Dec 25, by 1l v J E Howell, Leslie G
Salle,. to Edythe M. ( o Her, both of Clinton. ••
IiEY-ST LCK.- the residence of .the
bride's mother' in a , by Rev Mr Daridson,
of Varna, Mr John ey, jr., to Miss Lizzie
of Bay ownshi .
Stelek both PCOATE�S-DICKS : -On Dec 18, byRey Mr
Stout, of Kirkton.Mr : rank Coates,of Unborn e,
to Miss Lottie Dicke of Sointsbury.
ROWCLIFFIGW s' KES.-At theTrivltt Me-
in sialchurch.Exet , on Dec 18,.by� the rector,
ReyJ W TenEyek, Ng:Philip Roweliffe to Mise
Florence A Weekes, . to of Ashford England.
SPENCE--BOLSLs'.-On Dec 18, at Knox
church manse Gose ich, by Rev .Ins A Ander-
son, B A,Charles.1.B encu to Mary. Bolsloy,both
of Goderichtownshi
KNox DATE. --° i t' the residence of .the
bride',, mother, on 0 ristmas day, -Rev Rural
Dean Hodgins, of Se . forth, Mr Thos A Knox, to
Miss Harriett M. D e, youngest daughter of
the late Ciristopher ale all of Mullett. i
KEW-COTILLEE t. ', hitechureh,on Christ-
mas day, Miss Rache Cottle, to Mr Thos Kew,
byRer111Brown. • . .
SMITH-BURWA H. -On Deo 24,at his tesid- :•-
enee, Wingham, by v N 8 Burwash, uncle of
the bride, John Smit ,of the township ofBrnoe
county of Bruce, to Ary W Bnrwaq second
of Samuel Burwash, of Underwood,
Bance county.
JAC$SON-COAB - On Christmas der, by
Rev FJ Oaten Mr ersey Jackson, of Blne-
vale° tq Miss 6finnIA cad, bf Tao bridge,_ ...w,._,
- KSNNED1-`"'ell ' ;Y,:=-`711 Winnipeg, ott
Dec 17, bT Rev J HQ g, Mr J Mitchell KennedyT,
of Elm Creek, Man, o Mise deilena Treacy,late
of Wingham.
1,ANDWH•ER-E01 KS. -At the residence of
the bride's parent°,
by' Rev 0 W Bream Landwhor , of River-
sKidHie okeCal,. to Miss Mend, oldest danghter ,of Mr
MOCALI,--FOIBSYTH.-At the manse, Ernie
eels, on Christmas daby.Rev John lege, 13 .A,
Albert H McCall of Morrie, to Mies Hannah
daughter of Hugh Forsyth, of Alaameda,N W T, _
formerly of Morris.
MaMA'ITEIt FORSYTH:-At the residence
of the bride's father, Alameda, N W T. on Dee' _
24, Angus McMaster, to Miss Rebecca only ''driaughter of Simeon Forsyth., formerly of Mor. -
wAN'S18gA- GILLEBPIM.-- In luster. on
Ohrietmas day'hy Rev it Milloxrd Miss Et ie
Gillespie thirddeeghterofJo nGilleepie, Ex'
etor, to Mr Win1k. 01 Detroit.
BRODESIOK-B i- NiR.--At the reeidenee of .
the bride's ppaarents, On Chrietmaa evonfng, by
Rev Webs*, of Dashwood, Mr Wear Broder•
ick, of Hay, tellies Minnie' tldeet daughter of
Mr Alex Ro.nie. •
POEIILER-GEIDC�.»-At the residence of
Mr J hn Iielehard, on Mr Dec 19 \Vtn hl r, to
faire Mary Ann Gedoke both of Howiek.
BLANCSARI)--In Wingham on Dee 19, wm.
Blanchard aged d7 y�Pare and 1i months.
CA1tLIN(1--In ; Si Paul, Minnesnta un 1)ec,
18, Maggie Fester, wife of Mr W. Jr. Carling,
formerly of Exeter.
RCC2EREI--In xtratxttels, On Ileo 21, Gino, 8
"Wien awe.! Hi rare.1%t2,TA�hterE� In Bruarwl�w un he 25 " 1) it
aster, on Christmab day,
est yo
Wool BIG
Men's Wails
° Men's Black
LAdiee' Astrao
The remainder
Hats, ;Feathers, Wings
the next two weeks. 1
W. L
and frit
and pl