HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-03, Page 2:r „.1 . 1• projects be has i improvement o' he paper. too bad that the majority of e•should be punished by the mon- in this way ? for with too touch y outstanding it in impoesible fur ublieher to increase the expendi- on the paper. ear reader, if you are one of these nquents, look at the label on your �. note the date to which ytour o,'tption is paid, and if in arrears, bwu and write us, enclosing the ount. It will be the most welcome ter we can receive. If every nub •iber were to do this, the burden of n to the publisher• would be greatly ieved. Addrene the NEW ERA, Clinton, Ont., ,d use rt gIstAid letter, postal note, , order, or Exptese order, Ott ,DAYO:JAN. 3rd 1902 rade. vernweut will Crisp County Clippings. Crisp U , '�='1 -- mediately after - - To Rent. rg`.-infuse which in 1'hun Kew, of Whitechurcb,furunerly Daniel Alton, of Lanebville, one day - uf Uliutuu,and Mune Ray Cutlie, While church, were married onUhrietwas. receullvhad the to Mot t une to meet Lot e8,MaitlandCOnoeselonGoo eriobTOwn- wiih a had accideut. While engif{ rd ebtp Apply to JAS.IsCO''T, Bartieter • • Mine Fiances McLean, of H. S. No. 5, I Oct. 11- tL Clinton. Ont iu Cellwg a IudKrd iter, 1hr Urr fell engird _ _ __ _ aria, is carrying nearly Uulburur, has been engaged w trach him and brake hie b[u,uldrr•biede in 1 V CANADA' BUSINESS College it, Loyal behuul bete tor the year 191 r2. 1wu laces. 37A A N To Rent. ' 2 t. Thr l)ntariu cities are P Chatham Ont., d, and paying it off is not on ('hristmae Day Mire lieueeea,uuly Mr and Mrs Jailors Tow. of Exeter, -- t Ws ¢RYDONE� y an contracting it, sin daughter of Forsyth. Alai of cuuL, 6, parents of School Inspector Tow, crltl- trust clans brick afore, suitable for any bust- has given you in the three preceding issues of BARRISTER, SOLIUITOR, NOTARX N. W. T., orated the 511th aniversaay of their aegis. Apply to W. C. SEARLE, Clinton. this paper, teetimonlale from three of four Moms, was united to marriage to An- wedding on Wednesday, the 18th inert. •Nov 15-$f. of tor formeroapilt,whoseoombtnedaarniDgS PUBLIC, ETU, • • ugeMeMaster ate $ii iu per annum -au average of t1276o. the trust resulutious that any Mr Tofu has reached hie islet year and We giveyoatheforuth. Did you sea the 011800 -Beaver 810011. John Beattie, Brussels, sold his fast Mrro'1'cm her 70th year and both still i To Let- othernt. Dp-stairs, Photos (Wary; to fort❑ for the new year,is to de- _ __ Detroit, ld4oh.,June �, 1898. CLINTON pacer, 'l uzzler," to Kidd Brus. ,l. s- enjoy excellent health, D. MoLaahlan, Esq . hat hie subset iption shall be paid towel, fur a gaud tlgure. Tho intrad ].ant Monday. (iertie the second I A large two story house, opposite Cummer- Chatham. Ont. v Puttiu him into the ice ractln thispial Rote Also, for Snln:-A large cool ear- My pear Sir :-Yours of the lith fort., to RIDOUT 8L HALE. user and to live u to the deet- petting gdaughter of Cie t E. Sprraiu, 161 h Can., • lor t enk atuve. Apply MRS 111 DLECO BE hand, and because of business you will pardon vvwlrr• G f ey, had I he mibfur tune to hr oak one 'Sept. 21 - tf, my delay in making reply. I am pleased to On Friday,llec. 2Oth,Mtbs Mary Hall- of her Blithe at the ankle, by falling . note the wonderful reply.e of the Canada CONVEYANCERS—, COMMISSIONERS, Real Estate and Insurance Agency • • day,whu taught in S. No. 13,Murrie, •dawn stairs. One of the other Baugh 'I O Rent or For Sale. Business Co1lege,and as my mind goes book to Money to loan. • some le yearn ago, and I was then permitted The Toronto World Saye the Mail for five yearn wan presented with asec- tel bad an expel levee with a broken That deurireblebrickand frame dwelling on to be one of your students, I wish to assure salary and five o'clock lea -table cover arm a year 01 bo ago. I south desirable Wellington Street, Clinton,dwellicoin.you with, grateful heart, that I have never O. $HALE, JOHN RIDOII'Ic and Empire is a hypocrite and a parti- by her pupils and a number of frieLdn. prising LoteSf, 813, 0 and Ol, containing one regret Eel the many pleasant and happy days CHARLES SEAGER The sad sale ligrnce was received Iepentinyourschool, InayDleasant beownsa" zxu; and the only public response is' Mrs B„yle has purchased the farm of thin week that Mrs Argo, nee Miss acre of orchard and garden. Apply to Ialways f• wndyou most courteous and kind to y A. Uuunlry, con. 18, Grey, paying $900 Fauoitl Muntgomrry, formerly of I Oct. 17. W. W. rARRAN all, and happy, because I float learned from Barrister. Solicitor, Notary arid Conveyance• Tell us slrwethiug everybody didn'ttil -- sou the true prinoi ae ot a balsas, career know already, ` therefor•. The fai mccntains scree and Bruesele, bad passed away at her r , and which I was Dolled upon toadopt. Orate -Opposite Colborne Hotel 10 Lit. 1 has no building on it. home, Medicil.e Hat, N. W. T.. a vic Wtehingyonover duo Sas, I am. Bir eederled • • • \ Tuesday evening of last week the tum of that fell destroyer, cuneump- Formerly of Morpeth, Ont. A. A. Wilson. That beautiful store in - the Jackson Block, Mr le neon is now with a largqe paper con- A delegation of gardeners has re- l yuuug wen cunetitutin Mrs A Low ry'e tion Deceased was a sister to Mrs W. B ronSLruet, lately uceupied by C.Witts. Ap-cern in Bouton, Mage. You will see that he M. Gs CAMERON roLec• e M th d' n Mbrba A school N. Vanetone, of Wiughxm. ply to attributer hIB euooeae lnlife to the toot that crrtlly been in Ottawa seeking p' Rode H bleton he took a°oureewith ue. formerly of Oameron; Holt & Cameron If you oann, •t possibly Dome to Chatham, we BARRISTER AND SOLIOITOR„ can give you instruction By Mail, at your home, in Bookkeeping, Shorthand or Penmanship Office -Hamilton et opposite Colborne Eo>�, through our mall course department. During the past year 804 of our Dupiie secured GODERICH, ONT good positions, their combined earnings are close to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ((1500, 000) ,.l rite for catalogue or Mail Course Oir- outer • `*sheet re -opens Thursday, Jan. 2, Enroll yourself with us and rest assured that eucoese will come if you do your part honestly and per- severingly. OL Omos-Elliott Block, Ieaeo Street. MONEY TO LOAN. class rn t o e o rn D THOS. JACKSON, Sr., tion against American fruits and urge- called at her burns and pte.entrd her The death of Mrs am �, Sept. 0-0 tables. Clinton K with a biscuit jai in token of their ap ot Lueknow, occurred on F, iday Wot'n- tables. They must be green if they predation. ing, the lath inst, at the home of Thos , Cottage to Rent. There died in Port Albert on Wed- Little, where the deceaged was stay - think the time is ripe for raising duties _- • • 1 needs7 , Dec, 18th, Mary Oger, wife of mg. having come from Lucknow with A comfortable and roo,aly cottage on Isaac John Swale, She was in her seventy- her adopted daughter, Miss Flossie street, lately occupied igt Mr Geo, Cricn, is There ale five House of Commons third year and was a native of Eng- Hambleton. She was aged sixty-eix offered to rent. The spatter acre vacant lot vacancies in Ontario, 4 in Quebec, 1 in land. Besides her husband, she leaves Years and was taken ill only the even - MRs will be cold on easy times. Apply in before her death. The interment , td)„,,. YRS lit DD, Mary Si behind her two dao hires and two f3 4-t[ Prince Edward Island, 1 in New Bruns- K was made on Monday at Drayton. Farm For Sale. wick and 1 in Manitoba. The elections -' Mrs Ieaac Hamlin, of Dungannon, , in ten cf these constituencies will be At the close of the school for the huh r suffered a stroke of pacalysie:on Tues- r held on January 15th. They are near- dayswyearsaMiies u No 1school, Turkeo hae g snitht ch day msroing an 1 passed away about ly evenly divided politically. was resented with a very handsome 5 o'clock in the afternoon. She leaves • • • ring, accompanied by a very kindly ' eight children: Alfred, of Daisy, Mr Wallece,the Conservative candid- worded addreee by her pupils. Dakota ; John, of Virden, Man ; Isaac, of Swan River ; Mrs D. Bicele and ate in West Yoik,eaye the preferential There is some talk in Exeter of form• Mrs Sam Pentland, of Dunvannon. itts tariff does not amount to anything ing a joint stock company to build a Deceased was seventy-two years of age. skating and curhnv rink on the lot op - anyway. and the consumer gets no pposite the side of the Commercial hotel. The annual financial statement iesued benefit from it. He evidently thinks It is estimated to cost $4,000, and will by the township of Grey for 1901 shows the fellows who squeal about the ad- avecement floors throughout and be the fetal receiptsis to be $11874.05; db, - • with acetylene gas. bursementefor roadeand bridgea.817(Y3. • mission of cheap goods are lying. 46;miscellaneous, $024.17;schools,$4267.- A very pleasant family gathering, C4; eateries, $724 ; printing, 834.70; Co, • • • plue other friends, took place at the rate, 8199210 ; drainage, $13.50; in- tood for W. b'. McLean, M. P., has announced residence ofJohn Carter,Brussels,Tuee- tereat, till 00, a total expenditure of e United himself as a candidate for the Toronto' day evening week. when the gulden $x),97. (;ash on band ie repot ted as ttimee held i wedding of the host and hoetese was $2204 08 and uncollected taxes $`2077.91 Mayoralty. He stipulates that he mil celabrated. The gifts were of a very and tnese two items with road grader ciprocity that retain his membership in the House of useful character,in which was included 8210 and town ball and shed valued :ou • re mutually advantageou9. Commons. His platform is the public $30 in vold. at $670, made a total asset ot $5461 89 tut the apparents frit ofgreed and P A prettywedding took placeout of which the Co. rate of $1947.80 P ownership and operation of all public °f has to be paid and 8888.57 to schools. Wednesday afternoon at the home of elfishness which have so characterized utilities. He promisor if elected to "do Alex, Bennie, who resides a little east On Fridaymorning, December 6th, ,heir actions have discouraged further things for the people with things as of 'Zurich, when his eldest daughter, the spirit ofanold and well known re- s Miss Minnie, was united in marriage to sident of the 3rd line of Morrie, in the Y they are." Edgar Broderick, of thesame township, person of Mr John Bowman, passed eatlnent at their hands. • • • Rey. Morlock, Dashwood, performed away. He was in his 85th year. De - :r Wilfred Laurier never made a The danger of a serious outbreak ofthe ceremony. ceased was born in Belfast, Irelilind, On Wednesday,last week, at the and lived at Caledonia, before locat• statement that met with more general smallpox ie mt>t.h greater this year ing in this township 44 years ago. Mrs approval. Phan he did recently at Que- than it was last season, It Is a win- home ieoRobt, Hicks,Ezeter,his daugh-gBowman pre -deceased her husband by ter, Mise Mard,wa united in marrte a bac, whet, . • :rid that "if the Aaleri- ter disease, and the presence of pie- to Pobt. Landover, Riverside. The cere- over four years. She had attained to 176ears, Her maiden name was Sarah cans wanted reciprocity they would sibly 100 cases in Dover and groups mony way performed by Rev, C. W. Kernaghan. He is survived by four Brown, B. D. sons, John, of Woodstock, James and have to come here and ask for it, ,ewe of cases in several other parts cf the Last Thursday evening a pleasant Wm, ot Morris, on the homestead would send no more delegations to Province, renders the situation critical event took place at the home of Mr and farms, and Joseph, of Grey township. shin Lon." He repeated this at il the calla offur the utmost vigilance al Mrs Andrew Tate, Gerrie, the occasion g the part the Provincial and local tieing the marriage of their eldest Ethel cheese factory received 772,173 'oronto at the Mulock banquet, and authorities, Sneering at measures to KMay,pounds of milk duringthe last season, it was cheered to the echo. Ile forth• defend tLe people against this "harm dao titer, to Robt. Keeler,Sher• P er said that his views as to the bene- lees" disease is not the part of wisdom hrooke, Que. The ceremony ws per- cue of which 70,720 pounds of cheese at this stage. formed by Rev. A. B. Dobson. were manufactured. r The average owick shows a total of resident taxes The printed financial statement for price received was 8.845 cents. Cost of the advantage of Canada and the .. making oer cwt was $1.19. Average IV reciprocal trade were the same f{ ever --he believed:that it would be collected during the year ending Dec. pounds of rnilk to pounds of cheese10.9. States to have freer interchange, bat we had found that we could get alone 15, $17,5-43.36 ; total receipts, $26,49!-I 99 Salee amounted to $6,255.1S In t he balance on hand,$5475.f.0 ; tales to col- ---; it erns of expendittIrP at t. 1 he ft lowing: lees $3784.40 ; total liabilities,010,055.44; I Cheese making, $636 .IS: S,C11-.1al•Y'S sal - without the American market. Retaliation iv not, a good policy and total asbets, $9260 ?0 ; excess of lia.bili• ar y, $95; hauling will:, $:38-1 55; :cheese ehould not be encouraged, but we boxes, $90.09; paid to pti.1 tofu+, 55,027.62. ties over assete, $74)5.14. should certainly let the Ameticans see Robt Bart Willi Chl•I'!-.( maker, Geo Dob• hat we are itoepetident of them, and The Master summoned the spirit of son secretary and John K Baker trees- ey-ck) not esalize that it ie to their George S., eldest son of Geo and Mrs urer and ealestnan. The factory will eflt to have better trade relationt, Rogers, Brussels,to the Homo, of Many have John K Brown as proprietor as he George, or Joe as he wo.s familiarly sex county. but spent the most of his I WORD TO WOMEN called, was horn at Deleware, Middle - life in Brussels. Choosing the calling Any sick woman is invited to consult by of a druggist he took a. position of G. batter with Dr R. V. Pierce, chief con- A. Deadrnan's store. He was 3() years salting physician of the Invalids' Hotel 1 of age. and Surgical Imre, tee. Buffalo, N, Y. Its ran active pradio o, of more than thirty • • IX The home of Mrs H. Stelck, Drys- • years, assisted by a staff of nearly a score dale, wa.s the scene of a very pretty i of associate physicians, Dr Pierce has There is no longer any doubt aso tr; and happy event last Wednesday even- treated and cured owl. half a million the Toronto mayoralty contest. Mr ing, wher over 140 guests assembled to ' women. All diseasee peculiar to women witnese the wedding of her eldest are treated with success. This consulta- Maclean,M.P.Jand editor of the World, daughter, Lizzie, who was united in lion by leiter is abso Istely free. Every is definitely in the field, with but one marriage to John Hey, Zurich. letter i8 tressed as strictly private and condition- he wants to remain a Islet Saturday week death claimed a sacredly corifi.O•ntial. Ailawero are mail - very worthy resident of Brussele, in ed promply dying the best of rnsdical member of Perliament. He proposee, the person of Geo. S., only son of Geo. advioe, All answers are sent in plain if elected, to '•do things." Just what Relgers, aged 30 cears. Mr Rogers had envelopes bearing on them no piloting of he may mean by t,hat announcenent been in failing health for sonoe time any kind. Write e .1 hout fear nr.ci with. is not explained but there is reason and been confined to the house for eev- to suspect that. he meane that he will eral monthe past, consumption being coneider the dut lee of the office to he the cause of death. something else than attending pink teas, wearinst fashionable hods, and squabbling with the School Board. The Maclean has done so much map- ping out of work for others thet it would be intereating to see bins get a chotece to show whet he could do s, the lose will be greaterMansions on Saturday morning Week.. has purchased it from Mr Barr. them than tor 1 '"t\ His Action is RII Right, al of the Conservative papers itoba wheat and Ontario pork will go • a long way toward paying for the im- 0ntinually nagging Icon Mr Kusa e his opinion of the decisirn of Parts into the Dominion. e Priv4ouncil rel'ing to pr ohihi- oi . l'")..•..oubt he will do this at the roper time and without any evasion. ut the matter suegests a couple of hinge that it is just as well not to lose ght ot, and the comparison is per•- ectly fair one. Out of the Rix members ho compose the Ontario Cabinet,tbree f thein, including . Mr Roes, are total bstainers. Therefore, the actions, of these three are in harmony with both be spirit and practice of prohibition. does not matter, for the sake of this cle, ••hat the opinion of Mr Whit - the Privy C'ouncil's decision, mat ter what his act lone are ohibition. His most to assert, ure stainer . at be itotal e a ` oras •lieu of t, either 1n of an of t be said 't.iciaps wh tis in the • efeated- f Wn, •tided ndul- here r as PI n • In 1890 the exports of Canadian bacon were worth $600,000; in 1900 the value was $13,000,000. '!hat's the way to find a home market for coarse grain. The Ontario farmer who has "gone into hogs" intelligently ani. with a deter- n,ination to produce an article that would suit. the British market, is mak- ing money and at the same time keep- ing up the fertility of his land. Man - the orn ion stn er- ng rs, ip. ng ut to he it Py id it en ar ed to e ch Ce et The Globe is amused at the mug• geation that a missionary fund of 8100, (M*) should he collected in Canada to convert the people of the British Is- lands to protection. The real difficulty would begin after the money was raised. The Canadian farmer would willingly accept an increased price for hie wheat and ether products, hut, eonldlthe Canadian manufacturer be depended upon to constant, to a re- duction of the tarif on British goode, Rome of which would displace hia own products? Which of our Canadian orators would undertake the job of leading a Bi itish audience back to pro- tection ? The Klondike, where the gold comes from, is not quite so near the North Pole as some people think, for Faith Fenton Brown writes to the Globe that, turnips, cabbages, carriota, cauliflower*, and parsnipe, of native growth, have been put into warts storage at Dawson this last autumn to help feed the people during the winter, and up the Yukon River satisfactory crops of hay, orate and clover were reaped. Such Lhome grown products are a welcome addition to (he Strwth- roy peas, Pirton strawherriea, Inger- soll Nutter, end Winnipeg flour and rolled nate, which help to make rep the miner's diet. CHARM' MR: iN MI•;f)i('iNE, The west half of lot 24, Bayfield Con God- erich township, containing 100 acres c igood land, is offered for,,aale on easy terms.% Good barn, log house, plenty of water) :and small orohard.s.Partiouiare on application to tf- J. P.'lISDALL,Clinton House and Lot for Sale -- Memel] lot, 68 ft frontage, and comfortable frame house. with woodshed attached on Witham street, near Show Ground. Will be sold cheap. Apply :to W.tBRYDONE, barrister, or T. R. FOSTER,ITara. •, ensu Nov_ 29- What a Formcr Huronian Says. The pupils and friends of W. E. Bry- ane, who has completed his term as Writing fron, 1);e- sden, N, rth De - teacher of S.S. No. 10, Morris, took ad- kota, under date ' f Dec. 18, Mi Otto vantaveof theentertainmenLonThurs- Rueger, f ,n,erts ,,f Auburn, .,tys:- day week, and read an address to Mr Thr ry i'ICA 1- .• very welcome vile day presented him with a very iter het,. it otee. • ; 1 receive it every neat secretary of modern type. Monday, and it's just like getting a letter from Huron county each week. A beautiful wedding took place in We bad a heavy crop in Cavalier Uo. Trowbridge on Wednesday, Dec 25th, this year, wheat going from 20 to 35 when Minnie Victoria, second Baugh- bushels to the acre, barley 35 to 50, oats ter cf Mr andMre J. R. Code. was 40 to 50, and flax from 10 to 20 huabele, united in the, Fronde of holy mate i- new land being the best for flax. mony to Abraham Kersey, youngest Prices also were very good, and ex- sony was of lMr ThThe ceand remors ns, . pensee were high, wages being $2.50 a Blued in the Methodist church, Rev F. J. day. Farmers are in very good cir- Oaten, of Lucknow, cousin of the cu=nstances fur another year. It froze bride, officiating. had on the night of the 2nd of Nov. We had lovely weather all through the A very pretty and interesting event month, and nice smooth roads; ahotit took place in the Methodist church t,wo weeke ago we got the flret snow, Gorrie, on Tuesday week when Mies list not enough for good sleighing It Cassie Dane, one of our moat promin- hos been quite cold this week. it being ent young ladies and youngest dough- about 37 degrees below zero a few ter of Wm Dane, Esq., was united in mornings. About half of the people holy wedlock to R. C. Sperling, sec- here are from Ontario, quite a number and son of Edmund Sperling of the from Huron county. My brother and 4th con., IRev R. J. Garbutt officiat- I each have a quarter section 4 miles ing. from Dresden and 11 miles from i.ang- FARM FOR SALE. Subscriber offers for sale hie"farm of! 156 acres, situated on the Maitland concession, Colborne. About 140 acres cleared, frame house, bank barn, plenty of water and in good state of oaltivation,i of a mile from echooland 2 miles fromullolmesville.- Terme reasonable Deo 14-tf s _ RICHARD BAKER, ClintontP.O For Sale or t Rent. The choice brick house on the corner of Ful- ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate of the late RichardpHeywood, is offered either for sale or to rent. It contains room for ordi- nary family. is practically a new house, with all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre sof land. If the property is not sold or rented, part of it will be re"ted. Apply to err W. COATS Executor Clinton. Recently Mrs John Mallatt, of Ext. -don, which ie the county Beat of Cavel- ter. received an electric shock which fer county. My brother and I farmed 486 scree the past, spurns, off which we might. have proved much more serious. threshed over 12,000 huehele of grain. She wan on a step -ladder, cleaning the Land is advancing in price right along. ceiling in a room in the Commercial selling all the way from 810 to 120 an hotel, when she came in contact with acre. This is a good country for a an exposed electric light wire. She young man to start in, if he is willing was released with difficulty and medi-1 to work. cal aid called. and oer condition is not' now considered danger Dori. I On -- onday evening, Dec Gird,a very } Literary Notes. pleasant surprise was given tt Mr and-- Mrs Thoe ShillipQglaw, when the mem- I We have prat received a copy of the hers of the Sabbath school of school flfty-flfth year of publication of the section No 9, Tuckersmitb,of which Mr Canadiau Almanae,(originally Scobie's) Shillinglaw has heen superintendent one of the most needed and useful fora number of sears, took possession hooka in Canada, containing all the in - of their oeautifnl home, and after the formation relating to the commercial, reading of a very kindly worded ad- statistical, aatronomical,departmental, drpea to Mr Shillinglaw, by MissA.Mc- ecrleaiastidal. educational, financial, Tavieh, a beautiful roll top oak secret,- and klmoat every other tning that re- ary wee presented to him by Mr .1. Mo• bates In this Dominion ; in fact, it, le a Cloy, fr.' and Mr Chas Alexander, ori miscellaneous; directory, or encyclo- hehalf of the Sehbath School. pectin of the continent especially, and of the World in general ; a work that. IT STRIKER TiiF. 111•;Alt[ WOR:SALE. The framecottage on Orange street, occu- pied by the undersigned is offered for sale on reasonable terms. The lot is i of an acre, with hard and soft water, stable, good fruit and vegetable garden The house contains hall, parlor, two bedrooms, clothes closet, dining room, summer kitchen, cellar and woodshed, is centrally located, possession given any time to suit Purchaser. ELIZABETH;3RABAM tf Real Estate lor Sale. Wanted ! Young men and women to prepare for good situations. Apply to Dominion Business College The beet equipped Business and Shorthand College in Canada. Reduced tuition rates, Write as regarding our coarses of study, and proepeote of securing situations for graduates. Catalogue sent free. Address J. 8. PleICAY, "C" Confederation Life Bldg. Toronto, Ont. Dept The parcel of gronnd adjoining St. Paul's Rectory, consisting of lot 218, Rattenbury St., and lot 202A Princess St., is offered for sale, each lot is about 80 by 152 feet. Together they make an exceptionally fine site for a first-class residence. Apply to Wm. Q. Phillips or C.C. Rance, ( hurch Wardens, Clinton., --_ August 10-11. Farm in Tuckersmith FOR SALE.' For Sale South half of Lot 39. 2nd, corm' e- sion of Tuckersmith, This farm contains 50 acres all of which ie cleared and in a good state of cultivation except 3 acres of good burp. It is well fenced and under drained. There is on the premises a good frame barn with stable attached frame house with wood shed also good orchard with lots of small fruit plenty of -bard and soft water There fs�6 acres of wheat sown it is, conve n lenity sitlated for church and school within 5 miles:of Clinton and 7 of Seaforth Sept.20-1 Apply to;IDDO CRICH, Clinton. For Sale: A flue story and a half frame hoose on On- tario street, containing 9 rooms with entire cellar underneath, also hard and soft water, quarter of an acre of land and a good num- her of beautiful shade trees, situated on one of the prettiest and principal streets In Clin- ton being on the corner of Ontario end Dimity streets. Will be sold reasonable, For further particulars apply to 51218.1. McMURRAY. Also for sale -stove, extension table, side board, ands everal,emaller articles. Oat. 11_ tf. Clinton. Ont Water—Water. The Messrs Bevens wish to inform the public that they are prepared to put down artesian wells, in the vicinity of Clinton, at reasonable rates, and as thi,y!have had a long experience both at Petrolea, and five years with the Stand- ard Oil Co. in India, feel sure that they will'sat- isfy all wanting good wells. Any information in regard to thelhuelnees can he had from Nov 29-4 Kra D B. KENNEDY, Clinton. Organ For Rale, a large imitation pipe organ. Apply at J. C. STEVENSON'S, Furniture Dealer, Nov 29-• Clinton. Wanted. Smart little girl, to assist in light house- work on Saturdays and during the holidays, apply at NEW ERA Office. For Sale. A10 acre' park lot for sale cheap, apply to Nov 16-tf, RIDOUT & HALE, Clinton, Ont Bush for Sale. About 15 or 20 sores o- f good bush -blank ash and soft elm. Can be brought cheap for par- ticulars apply to THOS. MURPHY, Nov 10-t Apartments to Let. A sloe large room fr- ont with small room attached, two bedrooms nn stairs four in all suitable for married couple, Apply e0 Ring St Wanted Good girls for general bowie work, between ages of 20 and 86. Re entabte homes and gond wag.,, (from 88 to 10 per week). Refer - ernes given and required. Address Rome Science Rnroan Room, 814-115 Dearborn St. Chicago 111. Nov. 15-tf. Notice to Creditors Young Men Get• ting Ready forsuccess in 1902. HOW? In the resolve to take a course in this busmess college where men of large teaching experience and prac- tical business ability will fully equip young men and women for the active duties of 20th century business. Book–keeping, Stenography Typewriting, Penmanship and Business Practice, Resolve to enter for the new term of 1902 and make suc- cess in business yours. Forest City Busi- ness College, Y.M.C.A. build- ing, London, Ont. W. J. Westervelt, Principal. GARROW do GARROW BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. OIDee-Corner Hamilton M. and the Sgaare.- Goderlch, Ont.: J. T.:GARRow, Q. C. CHAe. OARROw. LL. D Dr.MoCaheys Heave PROUDFOOT & HAYS. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PvBLiO• PROOTOEs IN THE MARI ,sin COURT, &O. Office: North et., nest door toSlgisal OMer Private Funds to lend at lowest retire of interest. W. PROUDFOOT. R.C. RAYS. CURE For Broken - winded HORSES Cures Heaves, Chmnio Cough, and all ObroaicAffeio tions of the Throat and Lungs. The only .aecnet... the world that will cure the above disease, making t animal sound in wind and useful to his owner. Price, 81.b Dr. MoGahey'e Kidney & Cough Powders toren Acute Affections of the throat and lungs, ouches Distemper, etc. For swellingand stocking of the lege, the result of hard driving, Kidney Trouble, etc.. one dose will relieve, and one x will cum. Price, 50c. "HE DR. MCOAHEY MEDICINE 00., Kemotvllle. Ont. For:sale byB B Combe,drnggist, Clinton Medical. DR. GUNN Physician, Surgeon, Aecouoher, Eta Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calla at front door of office or at hospital. Victoria. St. DR. J. W. SHAW PHYSICIAN, BUBOBON Aloonohee eta. aloe and residence On tario 8t., opposite English church, formerly sa- onpied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. CL21V TON Ma rble &Granite �7cwoI s DR. WM. GRAHAM Lloentiate of the Royal! ( chaise of Physician ,London, England, Office and Residenoe- PEQEIIN'6 BLOCK. LIP Stairs. DR. C. W. THOMPS4 N Physician, Surgeon, 1Cto, 11 ;Special attention glyen to diseases of the lit,- Eye, Ear, Throat end Noee.ar .. . -="•da Office and Reetdence- Albert et. 2 Blocks North of Fatten►.• The purchaser of a monument should have oomplete confidence in the reliability of the firm, from which he buys, for the material and workmanship is something very few bnyere are familiar with. 1f you do not know tie, please in- quire about our reliability trom those who know us beet. We are the only praotioal men here ill our line. J. B. Hoover, Proprietor Next to Commercial Hotel MAKE THE FARM PAY 2. Progressive stock breeders, da men, poultrymen, grain, root an fruit growers, beekeepers, agricul- tural students, and home makers find the articles and answers 1r, questions in every issue of tie. 2 DAG. ERNEST HOLMES (DENTIST (Successor to:Dr. T. C.1 Bruce Speck -diet in Crown and Bridge Work L, D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dentall$nr.- neon. of Ontario, Toronto. um D. D. S. -First-class Honor graduate of Den. tal Department of Toronto • University. Special attention aid to preservation of children's teesh. Will visit Bayfield ever' Monday. ea• • '� Offic. over W . Taylor & Son's shoe store,,. DRS. AGN> W & BILL111t DENTISTS,CLINTON. Office adjoining Photo Studio.. Ofllce Hours -9 to 6 every day Saturday until 10 p. m. Bianch of in Manchester, Dungannon, Blyth Bay Rel 1. 'Veterinary. JE.13,LA0KALL VETERINARY SURGEC . HoboraryGradaateof theOntarioVeterinsr College, Treats alldiseasos of domesticated s J mala on the most modern and scientifio•priner ppleat Office -immediately south of the New Era OMee, Reeidenoe - Albert St., Clinton. Cal nit ordsv attendedto promptly DR. J. FREEMAN.. tom_, VETERINARY SUBGEON, Member of the VetetinaryMedical Assoola- tone of London and Edinburgh, and, Grada- te of the Ontario Veterinary College, ( TREAT DISEASES Or ALL ANIMALS+ 'l) ce open night and day, opposite' Pa 's church, Ontario Street. Gtlinton, • �Miscellaneou MARRIAGE LICENSES lssne dereigned at 1•tis�Residen Clinton. JA JAMES CAMPBELL LON ISSUER OF CAMPBELL, No wi .11 W.FARNOOMB,M • P. L. S., Provinoi civil Engineer, Low Stewart's Grocery litter W. OLE Organist and Street Church PIANO, PIPE 0 pared to take the above. For MR CAMPS 2 p.m., at the Friday of neo b. Men dere lowIMP ak FARMER'S fM� ADVOCATE and HOME MAGAZINE se simply unequalled and indispensn'`1r• Netine is hereby given that ell persons 1f you are not alreadya subserib. having claims or demands slimiest the estate of Thomas Fnet, lain of the township of 5„ to the most helpful, best printed m,i n" one roll, rnnapnienf ly' do without ofnllett, bri(Fast. la �leoaased, who diedon or y beautifully illustrated farmer's loos: : Ihnt hiynnv mntprin.l o ',oriel in ahmrt,the2eorN"vember,t'.om,are .squired to : published, we invite scrutiny o, et There is (+greeter in 1)r t'hane's ()int- Not only is the vintim of Ithenmeti• m n aen,l nr ,Inliver 10 Amu i?net P'xomitrix, tin)- ment just al ea character as has made ennatant snffere.r, int he here ill contn,nal in the resist r) 'floe pu^Urrhprs ore loft.,• ;,,r„r+ nut.. 01 nr t,ef,un t1,n sial .tRy of •ra, sample CO))'. A post card tt..' a i)r ( he.' rstenmrd and admirer] the world dread that the diseaeo will reach Om Meoor ('npp,l:Inrk & ('n., rontn,nnd In,,..;, 1; 1?. full pnrtieu.nra .,f Ihniro('aime. r it free. Address t sold h all hnokaellera. And rn=.. e •dtrn th•t after tl o I st mentioned over. Ur('hesn'e Oi, tmen. hes •fond 1he beset, whish meson sn Idol and enrx �' sliest death. Ithrmm�tiam soft only he --------- 1 .1 1n r1, . ,renins,, will prerr, l ie '1i.lri1,0e - =:t ofrims and r mlaing to ,Inv the only 1 tl,n,, e•4 '�1 the w11.1 dpr`Aae, • 1 ,,,,' 'tf the THIS WILLIAM WELD CO., I. int,, r'+• eery, for I'll, a nod 11, hi el( Nkm I sorrel uhf•} ilio nese• arid is r(mnvrrt turn (rnrt'narrl(eln l t,hnrptn,hnringiru,i•.1 nnl,v tr, �. LONDON, CANADA. A (lnvprhnr i;hnw, of InWa, Will nuc 11 , e1 inror,f whish thnyshalt Ili,•n 1.,,n n., it 10 the ninr.,l,rr,l 1rinloo nt o1111i••h'. 1 th, h.nllht• Re",'” of the :C }'.,n run rr•i) ..n if Inst 00 run 4,'nnr Irl 1'hnm', I?idne livor 1'1!Is ''''rel Mr Onpe ns I'Itiletl States Secre- •11,•n.nn•Itl,otni,levteetnrn will net Ie IInLI.• „„a •S ,2, for s,.Ll n , v fn nny eorann of who•y, r.tai n, P.S,-The suhscril,tirn l ,ri r'N Receipt Boole h^,•sour , .,,. I11, lull. rig ,healthy end vhrnruua, Inly r,t the IrPa allr y. nOt.jr•e o1 ,ll •IOt ],a re Ioet, Tocol Cnfl.+ 1`r y Flr, inCilldeY EII•:J Ia. IAM 1.8 S( o'rT, \ baekr,i by Ilan sterile( 1 and an grades ill at throe nehly ruse Twenl r flee gypsum companies lit ohnio•cor for Honey Mart. lard Anq L::= t, �maq rfumbet,, -. Arnrri, e'^ (; tent- ill nmgt.ien, nc rri ing the canoe. One the i• sited Slndes nave �een ronsOlidat .4� Examinees 1 ✓'�• I ' a down, l., cents ox. ed with p capital of $10,000,000, Y Day ; bj:.4 ":thber,10o1. l WW' •' J. Fra E. B Br W Win Be O