HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-01-03, Page 11 *tor+t..+.t.•+r+ ha.lu ,•„6I. 1114. h •I lir. 1 11 • !Slur, I. I Westfield. o I f'1tt,t.." I tires 01). l I,-trnday etre: ',tor the,. holat of the etiteul net a gay, .t ,Pirudl,l cult•, lnuuu,ut 1., 104.4 now het It tieing III 'ht' 1.•1 in or a f, ire -11 1.. (tiro tea' it••t \Wallet \\'thhllu.an. wit, lion taught the sr11•'01 hal,• not two and our 1).411 y>'.u,. The g,l ugh ala t •,Ilbt,levt ul bong', drt11,, 10.41, hen, ell' Frani, Cat 1 altt,t,et1 I he .tlt.f,rn.'e with ,et et al eelrclt"i44. ft ,,n1 l tie 1{1.4.(11 tpholin. 1.1 the chow of the I plow am all ,u1.11 ens to that tat►chrt wd, 1,.4.,1 ht' F. 1.4 1.111t•y, allt•t mulch hr w,,. 1/1, -111,1d with rnn 14.111 •tu, c4.11a1 anti , ,,IT 1)..x and bll.tvtllg refit,, the pie ,rulxtloun being tnadr by 1.IIy Parr and lies 1h t 11.-1)owell ell behalf of the •„ hoot, Mt \V,ght,nxn altar t4. very 11'1:140; i11.11y. 1hanklnl; lhr•,cholxrn 1.11 P. B. CRE W S tm.,I kill, nes, tuwaltl while• herr•. Mt \\'Ihtnl:ul well hr grl•INIy IutHned le Int I1.,g111tol110o41, especially t1 the I.•.tgnr and Sontlxy tirhuol, being a e' 111 It on the' f • la' ter. • u1 tht rens her 11 cru l\ to 't mug, 11,4.111 1') 1,1,4y foi 11•'11 lays, 'ttlrr which he will attend ',Il alf.i tt lite.mesH College to further o alt „• 4,1 to t•w f k f run 11 Nuri.. M anti Mrs T. It .1 inset u d faintly, 1,1 l.uulubo, Ate herr 1e t 1.11 telt( iVet1 fur It t'ouple 11' mouths ; th.•v %vete hot 11 former resident-, and, have many fro•udt. Mr an,1 Mrd \\'r tit atoms, 'tr,ttfold, ate spending their holiday's aV the holm. •( the latter, Mr 4t11.1 11rs 1) 1hutivu•. Minn \t:txwell. of , r not e xl avhu h a h been „ 1n t \'.• 1 Ik1 sn New I leg 111,. :M.I'44thrrgtll for the past emir wt•ek,.left on Fat iirrety Irt4t,hl•r patient h, ulg ,untrwhat iulPruvc•d, tirvrr,tl ru.tplitdrove to 11"1044toent et> \\'rase, day I:1st t , witness 114-' nt:trroage of A. Tunny to 111„ M. tihaw; they returned or 4 he 11'.; tit el .t Asper funk, br ui het - In -Law of the bride, where it. {pleasant evening was spent. Albert se 111cDew ell, of Detroit Medical l'oiieg(e, i, hent'• for his helidayl ; bis Iit,1 feint ruin 1110111'1,, the tient et the year, at Ihr end ,f tvhich ter m 111:1) 1 -I) ht' will tie a full fledged M. D. Mr and 5118 11 11..t rihh 4.4 tended the 4t'.t- ivetine el Zein on :11'.11d.ty evening; la.t. leave Caulp- b1.l1 is spending Christ 111x, with het' 1414• ter, Mrn (l. 1). Ainslie, of ('umber. roc pert Watch Repair t 1 .)ewe lt t a t (/ nd )lfc iau I Ihi•I•1.x. ,tlnx n ( 111 14 I 0,1 01'1 ,01111 1 wn 11,11. WI ngh am. 11 t.r esu 1'1),111, • (t 't It !'ter hlu,K or For. 13 00 1, or it toallt'+r ydle d Uro. I, tiring J&nujry ti, 1 Fo:'mars I•. w 01 111 ,•0 nag itttletlton,'t (; h:.hlf.ii lull 9 11•1111/ haw Dmt'ttt.K %VP:Poole. '1'wu of III ,•e happy events which foal tier so readily about Christ Inas time were c,nsnnl- nt,ate•d Ht the residence of Hev. N. S. Bot wash, uncle he ides in \V ing- htauten'Tueeehty, Dec. 2lth. The tint was hoary \V. liurwiash, mf 1'nderweed, „Bruer county, to Jelin emit h, of 111 lice township; the re:tnd was Mills Elly t Ann Uurwash, of the dame place, to Mr \Wet \Wrnhaut, of \Vascade,\fanitriba. The brides were the seeurtd Band third daughters of Sam. Burwa14h, Untie! wood Notes-- Lal sly M re F. \'rand one re; ei v - ed word of the death of her:Hister,Miss Argue, of Medicine 11 tt, N. W. T ,who had spent -erne time in 11' Ingham with Mrs \ anHtune 1x41 huntnter; Mrs Argue was asufferer from consumption and she pruned away on Sunday week at the age of ::2 yen' n. A ,1mitL wedding took pltce at tit. Andrt•w's mitoses Wulnine•g, 'n Tue,,d.t), Dec, 171 h., the cont rate ing parties hie tig Sc1lenta react., late of \Vinghant, old .1, Ml t• hell Kennedy, of ISIn1 ('i.'''k,Mian.; 1 h •rernnny toes per•for•med by the Rev. .. liog,,. :..::a•.; 1listing has put, haH- the 11 .x :till. Bast Wale anosh u. t• 1•: t 4 KI I L 1, -1 nd .1t tax .1. . 111,1 'hoto r two v • . 1 .w a esteem 1 t highly u .'d rr.ldetllh, r.•Irhr'at's1 Ilu'Ir Hi!ver wedding tut Christ ma • Stay. Their immediate rot (1i ten and a few neigh Is I's were p•'ese•rtt and spent :t Vt•t y p'e•asant lMe. Mr And \in, .\1r1'tinron were the rev:Pte'lds of hurue very flee silverware. Hayfield. :\NNt'.11. Mr:l..roso. - The annual weenie; of the Soiele•y Agricultural Sot•ie'ty will he held til th,• lewtt hall herr, en \\e'tinesday, .Ian ti1h,At 1 p.m, I'Kit-itNA1. -Mr .1tt14 Donaldson, of Bruce Mines, who r'ec'ently took tanto hielsrlf x wife in the persue of Miss Preset., left on Monday, via ('.intoe, for Ihuir hotne. lie iH cendireting a plating frill business there, and is do- ing well, and also inlend8 to erect a saw still and thus cut his own timber. tie.'rttemtmNct. The choir of ('ore's Methodist church and a lbw othots met at the home of Mr .las \Vitllace art Monday evenings, the 271h til', The evening was spent. in conversation. music ane! games. A generous enpper was provided, shortly after which the giests deputed, much pleased by the kindness shown them. Casten \t the nunlinatien last rnTtmrNew Er ('1,1 yrrl1O . ONTARIO. JAN ITAIi,'i' :>, 19U'�. C:olDorne RshftelQ I HOImesYllle LoadesDore. FORKKI3TEKH. - AI the last Norr.14 altaolrl I.rehn Flick emelt( N'ttrs Mt Jaunesou, of KwI&II, tit noel- MA'ri'g18. The auuual emld t., W • 11 !''rat 4, of Ilaiuillon, lits psey tlehuol meet mg rte. 1' 1) 1' Court hof l't ire Mf oil W the 4 lis i a nova weak with ,Vend, atKwan held '1'hureday, a. Sl, l' l) F., the ful11,wiu officers hhwthutnroto "lbroeir Hud hull calf �{A -,eht logs .tr : In 111,1,1 a 51,.'. nal atttar ter the soul{ naw of $121. (hey W81 I trustee 1e hlvutt ee eau telecte t elected fat the ensuing year: U lb.!, 41•'wn their' i Lee; f l' K, Ftrtj Iuhut�t,l� m; V 0 Hee anlelesk• The 1104111 Is t"1""'"1"`" I to the board. The Inspector's report ! n 1 ..,t „ 1 t. 1'. lily, nr ..lotted islet in tl 11 ty 1'11 T ,f I'et,l Mtn./ Hy, nun u brain}� read was found very tlatist»t•t.ury, ! W Bradford; ft >, J e' A$hutt' rhe township hall, nt,•tuht•te 'met..•fit, the Into \\ in Mitt•»y, of An11fL•Id, nut! W. Jenkins took Che contract of eu Be& udou; chaplain, J W Co anti the introit en .'f 1111 last nlreUmgt who wan a ren,dr•nt t.f 11)1111cuunl Yot j p'i rrasurel, M Malas; S W, Ed Hell; J Y plying the wood l` C. Elford was 4.p- \V John S S 11 It n. Cornell; i , 1 1 t It d ,4.p I f I t o (tad a ul , teyeuduu; • , erne Brown; conductor, Ernest W,•I(• Irdt »n. ((,a.nrl , t.,n ,4 11{IW»Il , „ ,4Vrn rrtt )'rain a pointed auditor. The ,rhea: will le- J lis Muses Bruw p,alyd brfotr ttlr c44.crtt'il with a a"ut hreu lu 1lie employ of the Michigan open on Monday, Jail. (Ith, whru [lie ptruul 1 hal ht, 0i'oteI t y hall been dont Central Railway fur about fifteen few teacher, Len, Yee, will take full Segos; Criuetren, It J Scull, 13 Herr'iug- ag ed try water, clut,ro by A ,1111'11 tiring yearn ; rat ly Iaet Hp' log he cent retard t'1)Hr a »nal ton predict. a )run ),road tun, R Fen Is, delegate to High Court, .fug on Itennullt•r loll. Alex. I(,ttrlt a ,ofd and it the 17th of Dece•uthri' year for beth teacher and pupils. \Vat Iwo. non Moved, nrcoudrtl by Majot Ym"t'K, whru taken with a cough and 111 A Nitres - •'Phe nomination 00 Monday 111.tt the rev% r, 11111 Anti Jewell he to 1/atuxytytll of roughing a bleed vetl- P."111 6H'rtttta. Thr rtwlllal• eleetnlu 'nursed off very quietly no opposition c•nnuiittee to a Serb{ ate the matte!. aro beset Hud hr 111, 1 ill »few wnlulen; of utlirrrs luck place ut b'rai'ny; the this year, Mr Weuge•t, who has clerk- ('all'Irtl -\If l'ed I)••d,i And l'1't•d t•1'1t'k he leaven H Wld"W alld two chddCrll r Nl' Pl Well• KH t; mWtl 'In' ed fel a tiles with \V. 1.. O,1Ilnette, Kulchulakt each had al-Hhr ofdauttgett, towouru his hely. Stanley ; \' l' (t., John Huller ; ('hHP'• took his departure. ou Now Years then hos ,rs in oak nig through ,t col yeti 111 Salt fold. After hearing M. Johns( on, tit 4iudrttch, Mate Ihell cone the ruun,il tlortd,.1 to nit t.tlgrtle• the 1/As,..l•-u .k v. 't I'll, Lite Mrs Stttne- maatter. Muvcd by \Inane- fount,, et. ! men departed tin, lite on l'tuiay last, vended by \\'in. 11III, Chet the immure- aged 13.) veers. She wins horn in Corn - p al i1 1 t us. h I ! u tin o he held H 1)n t shegrew u) W w m I ion ( he r eh raw I vial 1):n w \ K• K 1 I l i f l ( It \\ 1) Ihtrnd ; Rec `ire., Ed. (.avis ; hu1, inernirlg. These have been Unite a Sec., S'rwart Mlllrr ; Teras.. ('. \V. number of visitors in the village for \V Thiamin ; Si. W., lieu. Huller ; J \Y.• the huhdayd, and suite a few frunl here Alberts R.:turball : S. 11 , Jan. Miller ; J vlsile•d t/thrr places. \Vin. adlllsun B., N \V. 'Pre+warl tilt ; cullet "Put Y, wishes to rent or boy' a house and itihle \Vtllietue. The court 14 01 a i 1 the village. !''red. Johnston luck a t un mantel,' r o t cendlll stilt le leukin n K ) to Lender' •r to attend (t titL ui 1 thtd week a ( the fur a good year in b t_, ) wetldirtg of his sister. 1nfurm:ttiun has Nails. -Mr Fiintetf,uf Senilac, Mich , t'itule to hand that Percy, secnttdi Hun had been visiting hie sinter, Mrs A. Ilut- of lt. lf. Jeffrey, has undc•rgune1tnupt•- u ur t u' s Pte aur uH our, lot a week ot• two. 'Thud. Aluryh, raU n t 4.i per 1.1111 a annual einem), tilled li'llnt+•dville pulpit tion- meeting of the Butter and ('Verne Mfg. day morning very aceentably. Rev. '1', Co., will be held here on Jan. lilt h., at It. ('our•tier+ spoke to a crowded house 1 p. In. on Sunday evening. Rev. Mr Cole, of - Michigan, also gave a shunt address TuCketssmiLLy that wets highly eppreeialelt. Next Citettt•u Nitres. -Rev J. Greene, of tiunday the poem. ltev. J. hoarse WII1 Cliutue, took Rey T. A. Steadman's occupy his owl! pulpit next. Sunday; u tit 1 i 1 HC 1 1 work ❑ Int i a H ) 1 y' Y his subject in the morning will be' -The 4.„grNH, -1). I''oLheringhaul, can, hot ward Movement for the. New Yeitt" has been laid up the pest week ; hie and in the evening, "The New Year's m my frirnd4 hope! he may stun be out lime)" the evening Hertnun being again. followed by tt ('u4.'e•n,ull nervi(8. It. is said that a young man, elf the ratline, PRESENTATION. - (1)1 'Wednesday took full po*seositn of the horse and evening Dec. 18th., a large crowd of cut ter Sunday night., touch to the time rate -payers and pupils of S. 8. No. ti. row of his two older brothers, who' Grey, presented Miss McTavish with an were thereby obliged to walk ; still we' address and accompanied with a ladies' don't think there was much harts in it companion ; Miss McTavish has resign - as he only wished a lend of the rig. ed her charge after teaching in that : SET i B WORK WW1 EBONY MIRRORS EBON l HMR BRUSHES EBONY CLOTHES BRUN EBONY HAT BRUSHES CLOTH BRUSHES HAT BRUSHES MIRROR't SHAVING MUGS SHAVING MItIkIORS ' - MILITARY BRUSHES in VASE POCKET BOOKS and WALLET CHATELAINES PERFU IN CASES from 1 up PERFUMES IN BOTTLES from 100 up P.Re R.ski e Prescription Drag Store CLINTON Successor to 8yint,y Jrokson. N.B. •- In SMOKERS' an we have Cigars in 10, 25 an boxes, Tobacco Pouches, Pi Cases, Cigar Oases, dao a 41R�F-K aF•11•X�•If �•�t Hensalt. Monday, I lee• :0t h., ah 1 o', -le. k• p• to.. hood and was marl Ind to .lames St one - 140.1 it it !tell be demanded an elect kin lu,tn about 1tin I. '1'hry shut 11)' after. will bt• held at the it-u,tl pelltug 'tiered event emu,. 1e (omelet end Nettled in \ ., alt \ Ve' o 'nl ,Twat .t a where l,• • resided slits ! I township tt they Y r •h l wt. 1 } K Y• It »t t I huge number of Hct' 'mils weer panm•d � ye.u's. They moved to If Osbert. Hud ! and will appear in the yeat'Iy ttlatt•- ! tuck up the farm 1111 which they spend meet. 1'. \\ McDoseul,, Clerk, their !renaming liars. MIH titout'luan :Aeel vHese Iry A very pleasant wits it Mettltdl,t to which chinch she e'vrnt look plat•,. at Mnrriydalr 1.`Hi t , WKS 11111t'll at t,u-tted. She died at the Colborne, on Dec, ''2.S It, when about lie-Mence of hereon -in law, Mr Stark. forty relatives and friends assembled She Ie...yes to norm it her loos, Harry,of 1 .1 91r Iter r Stetfa and '1)'11,1 u ,Q l t h .a the residence , u 5 ! Henry• tY _ 1 Jas Stitt k. t r _.t h ,rani ells Jas. Mori s u celebrate t l t All 111 t I J., ! vt•rsary of their wedding day, Aft et 1),,ekee'i"'tlItH 3t11INN - On I),'c. itliIt the guests had xrrivrd Sir told Mrs Mr, it. Alarm passed away xt it, mei_ Morris were called lulu the nit lingo ,h.nee'It' her Hou, Alex, IB Inn near lilnsguw, Seta land, she cater to Can edit many yeery ago, and Het (led in I fie eastern part of the piery1nce. \Vit h her husband she moved to Mie section over 51 years ago. The decetted, who Was in he: )iu, h year, resoled for name time with her eon Alex. coon, when an add( e,-, oo behalf he 1t•lalites and fr'irnd,, Wttl real by Miss Lydia tuck, and Mr and Mrs Aleuts were prettnted W11 11 ,a hand• stunt. silver tea service as ,1 I('1initnlial of the vie high esteem in which both rtes held. y\1r \Inr•ris replied, on behalf of himself and his wife, in a vtvy are preprints manner, thttnkit.g the friends lot such very httndiuun• pre"enl14, and spoke feelingly 111 Ihr nt.tuy pletthtutt social gitlhertng4 ui' Ihr pant. •\t :•ix ml•lock the guests repelled to the din- ing rerun, which wIH decorated with eyergret-y1and 11 igi; in the middle of the table, which was decorated with h„lly, 41.md A in lgnifice•nt story cake bearing the dines Itiii', 11)n1. All par- teuk bead Lily of the• teeny good things) pntvidetl by the hostess. Thr evenin W1w spent plea'itnt ly in games anti social cnuver•,Hl1mn, when the party dispersed with wishing etch other a happy New Year. St Helens NOTES. -11111118 Mas 1 arid Jelin r their \n tat roof, recently Mrs Thos, visited file eter during t and Mte Hill, To I. The League gave a yery good program' section for the past two yeas{ and hits of R. Lockhart, We are pleased Gonstanee• Monday night, Crew, Phipps acting at'I returuedto ter house here, learn that Miss Gordon has recoverec Nu•rK4 --The ('hriHtnuaH trey and en. chairman ; addr).sse's were given by J, Sl•Iluot.-at the annual meeting of sufficiently to leave the hospital for tht terlainuu•nt held in Ihr church here by W. Meltoberts, (', A. 1`ehbutt and O. tate rittet)ty re of S. S. Ni. 4, Mr Whit- home of her brother, Dr, Gordon, :1,1 the Sunday Salt • ll was; quite 1t strecese; . 1'ii)tu•, , 't4her, ('olbur•ne, and tleld (`rich, who has served one terra a9Lueknow. Mr and MreTbompeonthe 'uCerd4 Hutmuut.•(1 to Durr Sin,Mise J lehbutt, (ruderu'h, visited at. Augustine, spent Xmas withMiae ita School the latter'e ft.foods on Sunday. Mr whieh will he used for Sunday I pal p,4408. The C trashes Order of Fur• Keyes, of hl ichigan who is visiting nesters had 1he,Prviceeof Mr Tor ranee, friends in Stanli•y,wat the guest of W Forrester org•tnizet•, of Listowel, fora Stttnlsv, uu Sunday, MISH Mary week,and as a result of hits work Coit iat• Holmes, (.Tinton, visited fir several 1'd :17 new riteinllertt 111 the court. Miall days at Mrs bred Elford e. Miss Sin ung, Carrie Moore, of \Vinghaln, is visiting Atihurn, visited in the village on Sun - with friends in this vicinity. Mis Y. 1 day. Mises E. Tebbull returned to tied- 't1 its at the home of her parents I,rich on Monday, Mrs and Mise S. . here, spending; the holid•ayt. Mrs 13 I Tehbutt.are iltiting Alr. 1'ebhutt this Snell is visiting at the home of her week. W. Pickard, who has been suf• mother, Mrs 1)Ale. fering from grrip for over a week, is able to he 0111 again. Mrs J. Holloway, Wunnee).-A pretty but quiet event of Winghaln, is visiting her father at took place at the home of Mrs Dale, on H. Elford's, who is very low. Thos. ('hrist.rtis day, when her youngest Ford, of Preston, is spending New daughter, Mies Harriet. was united in Year's Day at J. Ford's. F. C. Elford marriage with Mt' T. Knox, a popular• was to Brantford on Monday. Miss young man of 4 he Harloek neighbor- Toggle Crooke will attend the Collegiate hood. The bride was aft iced in a pretty rat Goderich next term. dress of cream cashmere, in which she looked charming. r 1 Auburn :t ('loft of 1'lum. Corn, 1',-a. andlTom tttecl for. „• J.ttt;1. W'. 4. It 11/01i1,14. :Nerves. -Mr' 11ohineon's Mother d aul•h a of ',Michigan, ran i+ wife and d t r +� ti I, r'PHelit. I'hc gee. (s at the hotel at p X mat; tea -heeling under the auRpicee of the Methodist. church here, was a pronounced success and standing rrom WAS at it premien : the goers were well tewar•dtd ler their presence by ,t R11hvtanlitl pr•,g(rnrm relish -ling of ex• -` cell'ant musty by \\' est field ("heir; pithy MOnuAjt t%vestune I i,'ll will onenowl• rpee•h).s by Itev- l'enhall, lllylh, \\'iI- ated std went nn ('y nevi uitt iotl 1'"r till, N110. ahll Como lee, tt Olin; anti u w Year. t. 1 :un N1/4•11,1 ti•> a clever• r).r'ilatbias, 2 in the dialect of was nomin+tled lu opp„-,• DI til Illy 1 its Ireyt',te,tgned,tnd 11•,111110.1 !( •• 11 \11!d ticml04.. weft' renll•rel 1*> Mi4s iH t'ulltit'lll"t a. h'eat's. The 1'..111111,,- ,..,..11"' '-'4.4",,,41. 11r M(.'s ty and \II•.': 1'er• •:r -••'n : the• prorr''•d. mer'• Over $sl) ;Intl fol fiire: 1•I' the; 111 h,.r'4.V 1st k and ,, ,1 0111• rt'',ld 144 ht' :111 1'tjtiVable the I {,,hew nut>' 1i I', .1. 11 4.k,• ,toll ,.ot 1„ to' f 'I"n•ne "r,•r,ll:g. In which \\'. 1{,undon :u,• Imn11/i•'t111r• for the the •.I:11 111{.11.1. ti 11 111.11 I't ,1.'f flu )• were to .1,1, ;4n1 the sire l lull n.;11 1 o on •tt : Ile ,t.,. •1 ,lu • w.:l let, ' e•, ,1, \1, 41>t' tsnl and r nr•t'. 1'AII, FOR I'll El It I'R1;4 rl\1•48. The `oo, "11,1';%;"`.•"'' \ :u• a'l'oe• "I Ml t(IlJ't ry''llltltt, til. 4..l etlerUt,nnleltt 11 ms1) 1 1{,•i1rllrl (•,11111111IIi;9 11111 il.t. 'Thns,' who x111, suft'••rtit r .p,•nt 'he w'•. k \'t1) :\uhnrn old Iltee [ruin ,nl.:dn„x alt. 'ioing r,irely, .toll held h•'te, 14.1 .•'Por or young (nen nFitlt ac,l'IRinlaure•, ,ILII p1011I's,•. g„Ing to h»('/fit (•:Ion i• 111,1 •plealinlg, tt, ta',1. eii 1e-P"clr„ .t Spencer and \ ung, qtr ttlo,d ,," ('. (her N''`).Y'''''''• , I ' 1 ,.. ..ut 1 nd an I I r l ...) who, i I . 1 t 1, \ h , :t •• •. 1. ..1 .•• ' •'.t 1 111 nil �•dont.). 1 1 1 :I1) ), dari� I ).. 1' his ha. I., ,•1, ,( Inl.•1 hi (t \ tt w11h tit t' t1 11'Vl, 1• f. Nt.iou.lt.4ll el) Li. t ,l.n1) ,. ,,,, !fe1.. t ,,if when Withti., el•tglling, 4rlpeih \'ealhet', ta•Ilh It•pltoiu fe\'e1 \\'e• nregL•4..] ,lu ror4 and trete ah, u t 1114 to v1) n ulil•lun,l 'g;rer.4hir, 'ud »t•'ry np heap ,,1.to. ltl,,r,,velu"nr 0I mi.., Ample th,•t• wore .,•p0,1i,'.I. l"• n,Ig; wahloik• millinilc ter sorlt>' PI'' •t1nl'V'I finch 1)et-lit it, : ,hl• h w h ul ,t mel t' •e\•' t I• f e 1 Ili f'n t tn• Img;hll, 1,u1 ,til„'n '1 r• rll•,u `` a- c.1.4 -tint , •k.ttMg an 1 oven to eel a(Iiu k „f ' volt 'i,l fever 111'. the hope ,!, I . .1 •'nl t o gttt a „•.I N. x' d iv + tit 1111}! Iii u'r u'd. 111.:4 N.'tlle W..111 -"t1 err her •tushed igen ,. useel. ) Neer). tit 'it i Imo lip 'n•t, le I{'1•%i ',tali Pent part if the Iv" toil h 'V:tl- I I,n, V. who uup '-rd n line of rFl nod ' - ,) 1•o.is oil i.o'h 11 heir fun 1' 0...111g them ! ;4411 1I,.i ''''''''''''..i r••.'i.'nl y f,.1 i, ". $3 : t > oh 1 .\I,n'Iler rn•re'enn 1,•1 .1 Nre 1'Ii• u111 1'1.111, f•,I t1), P,o• N"I A,: ((0 l'hnt':dtt .iohnI',•rrm9nn 1,n,,•,11,,•,%.•11e9h\•I,•Iuul ,h,erh hate Y tl `t''•4. r Is•. tl 1,....,,..d 1,,.,.. \i, 1'•'11!'-1, 1', V. tw't• ''1'•1.1 141 Ilu,i-'e I, tt 1 '11' V111• tu•t• (i.,,!1', 11'11, :11111 w, •.'•.nt I y (hi, III ' ''II g:cl ''1 bo tr'1, .tu').d Ill. 1,11ldntt• e/'Mr'1,. 'ti \1•.' i 0, n'i;li I1)• i,'Iireutet,' of Allred :\•kwilh • I itoy in os. I le I ,I 1. III I' k 1 h'll''It 31 t:'" '4.i., ':1',.t I 0, ••It 1 . .1:'11.1 1(,11' -olio l•.e4l lea ll,l AL loan pn•f••r 1:1 I:; 1 � f d:.. Int m.1111I 'n•' 1)1 emelt! I ,r Vs, pntp'•.,,,• "u t','I-Ion 18 010,1 !,)• t1)•• a,thiw 11 ft. nI I„ kr ..••• "d ufl 111,• 111.11 1',- 1,•11, 111•,11 \31 It, til of 111• 1,1.' het, tvtrrtl11 Ile lel 1 our I(. , • II 1.a,t.a. •:I „n01 in 4....g..1 r,l i o'•, The ,•Inns+, d ', ,, •., •o b i :t u Intl,.•( 'f leu \1t. , •„f 41)1 ueu' I'n4bng tt111 I.•• 111).1111 ,'loll \1 r.„•Ilur_ 1'••,1ng ve•lted 11 •tisnll 1l1'In at .r•tr 1.4. i tlet•, ._ • (4' ,,,144• (1,1- ‘‘111 11 In•I11\ :'.4"I" 1. 1.1.1 W.',1,, r 111,'11 t here )'v Ills -•It k11,•,•. 'eft 111-- ar II I; •' i,Iv -,ti,'.,-:,I„-,I. 1' 1- t' t+Ini I,! Ile,( t'..1"Ih.• ', 1'1,•,'. l,11sites;