The Clinton News-Record, 1901-12-26, Page 4FARIlloRSO e'iNb tRglatill4 - • , THE DAIRY COW. I believe the Ayrshire, like any other dairy cow, should show first of all a capacity for giving a large •ne quautity of udlk, writes Mr. /d. A.. 1 Li. :-;e0ve.11. A larger _udder when full, which milks out well, is, therefore, "e the first requisite. In her general niake-up she should show that she for has a strong constitution and ability 11 to tun ha food, above the main- tenance ration, into milk. She at should be molded strong without Le - or ing coarse ; compact without tang Pony shaped, an l muscular without being fat. And with all she should 1. 1 be attractive and pleasing to the ite eye. A cow might be an excellent tni dairy cow, giving large amounts of ter butter and cheese.• and yet bo very as unattractive. Take, for instance, a or- raw-boned, long-legged, coarse head- Ut ed, elei Itant-eyed cow, with a large lur udder, but unsymmetrical, with teats igh on one side, for instance, close to- n- gether, with one teat much larger Ws than the others, with great divisions tle between the tents and u hullow space in the middle of the udder, such 1St eow, in my judgment, does not be- nur long to the show ring. Attractive- A.mong these by-products are vase - so ness or beauty must therefore piny line, inu•alline, axle grease, certain ula its part in the selection by the judge wex products and lubritants of var- vat of prize winning dairy cows. ious kinds. Anotner instance of the boy A cow possessing an attractive uti_izatiou of what was formerly het head, with eyes wide apart, face waste may be cited in'cotton seed seis covered with fine silky hair and and coal dust, buth of widen are veins prominent, eyes full end lively, now sources of revenue. is with horns characterietic of the THOUSANDS ANNUALLY SAVED. NOWT AID MAMA $7114444fe A.T ONE T/IirE THEY' 11.1/PAH OOMPH:MAUD' W.S.STH. Now the Sapply is Net NO,1.1a1 to th.e Great Leme.ncl-•-9nce 'Asa, Now It oat. • That "necessity WWI Mother et invention" is couceded, and that the elimination of waste in productitin by the utilization of byeproducte IB an ollspring of the sume parent la apparent. • Despite the wonderful increase in the power of production in ali branches of industry in years Out re-* ceutly passed, and which still goes on in a way that causes one to ask, Will wonders never cease? the eco- nomic mind has ever been active to discern small leakages which inight be turned to prodt in all bramenes of business. Tne result is that whet was formerly a dead loss in many a business is now a source of revenue of no mean proportion, as well as the mediuin of employraent to thous- ands of men. ' It is said that tho Standard Oil Company makes off tho by-products of crude pet.roletun more than enough every year to pay ior the en- tire production under its control. Destined 1 In IOW , u Ms alines that," *nee/area IRIlyard, (Viet* I ir.41yell neede't be leti beeetly sa,r- ae et.. castle," put 111 rairsollill; "titet be- :$ By it -gat,.., c„... yo.,ve nev„ , , a love." A cia ce........ _ _ ..........rY Iiilli;rird.cl° "u ig"w "V' "k64 Am ., 0.,"*""i4NOW91,446••«4•.-•••,?.:094-,-e**VV"*";,' 1 . "BocaUses yetere nee 4, lady.* wee resat alDeTIP *mg" imp Ovazas ammts. The waiter ofitentatieusly placed the mail bill before bee. - i'No • rerhape not," said Hill - "One and a penny, pleitleh ago, lilatnche Mounter was the aYaload Hillyard, handsome and he had met at the reetaureat. Yard, Ee wee thinking ot the girl *tom Of VOitinro, Vrance, and bean; ete 4„ , Had celleat fatailY, elle had hot e of Siete at all. in Francis Enough to zx the Sympathy Of the Moat Callous. Rather' More than twenty years disUnguiiibed 100kiag• sitting uPlie. he made such a bad inii.bression on ors. manY of *hem Would hate been Fite, glanced up with is; aosuraed her? Ie know site bad, me,d4 p., areat excellent Matches tor her,,, 1$ut, ohe "The waiter we busy whisking l'afica in. love at first, sight. inconveniently loot her -heart to a young French barrister, who had lit - lazy indifference anti resumed eatittg. seakpeeseem on him. In short, he had trait," rattled on Veirleigh, taking tle or nol presPecte. Mlle. Monnier'm about his naplahl preparatory to be- "Here, let Me pnow you her por- nearest relatives, her mother and ter t Ing paid, mere coffee, phetseet laaid n swan photo rt„. hie iota case. brother, tlke latter a sub -prefect with the girl, "VII remain a little lung- I "There, ise't that a sweet lace?" both PI wilbril sh° lived* Were frInIA "Very'. declared laillyard, but the first reselVeCI that she sliodid WOMAN'S SHIRT WATST2, • ' turtling with the order, " realized • 'that all the ,staishine had not throw herself away Pa her law - the Inan diSaPpeared shortly tei- With a touch of bitterness, tor he • 82 to•40 Bust. . She began to Op her cotree very gene out ot his life t • tl e fa h gazed at Yer lover, iseerls Peariton's Weekly. • Arguniente and intreaties. subtler., . back is a recognized favorite, and What he saw was Meer •I "It is just my ill-luek," wee eee' feelle elf thr gf:i fuges and indUcement all tailing, he mete young \Milan, to discard'her +ever, hOWeyer, to persuade the beautiful ,, The Shirt Waist that closes at the -61°wIY, Iler table aontintaloa had ample opportunity of studying her. Whom he had befriended. Prerniees to extend its vogue for • the manor and bretiter adopted able model is suited . te Silk, velVta dark hair clustering in rebealilriouost oh'it'rlitobi51,.t.'s that?" asked r airleigh, ' force to gain their ends and Mlle. • many months to come. This acirnie- -A broad, smooth forehead, with tered, teen, corduroy, flame!, cashmere, al- curls artiend her temples; a P ' after her were told that She had 104 afopnier disappeared, and inquirers batross and all waist materials ; but deep gray eyes, with long lashes: a "Nothing, nothing. I hope you - in the original, is made of Wlate short, straight nose; a dear little will be very happy." her maser). through lave, flannel, with tiny geld buttOn$ as MotkIth, dud a rather Square jaw, "I'm sure we shall. Ta-ta, old 1 TERIIII3LH PRIVATE PHISON. . trimming. winch shelved resoletion and deter-. Men, X Must be on no,w, I'll look As a wetter of fact, to carr' Mit The lining fits snugly and smooth- minatioe. Tee heads, small, well- in again some" their deterinination that she Should IY, and is desirahle for all light- kept and shapely, Were devoid alt "NO wonder she gave the name 01 not wed the man of her choice, her weight wools end silks, but can • beerings. rfll.yom, mother and brother shut her up in 4 • omitted when heavier materials ere "Let inc SCO," he Mused, "the hat 1• 1:11ellethiegx.t'ra'rteucist Iploilsityttairdorbdietrte used, or for any reason it; is ' not cost one and sixpence three fartbe his peeket for one a,na live and a resided, end for vurioue reasonS sub- toP room of the house in whien ahoy, desired. The front of the waist pro- Ings, and is home trimmed, • very ehorte note; which ran: sequently arising, detained her a per is laid in sinall box plaits, that neat, and snits her. •The blouse Was "With Miss Delling's sincere prisoner there for twenty long, are 'stitched deopeet at the center, four and eleven off the peg, and the thanks," agonizing years. Tot the houee, in -the arm -eyes, each a which is. held at any cheap milliner's. for seven to tell young Fairleigh. But no; it tutted in a good street in goitiere. • and grow shorter as they , approach lace round the collar could be bought "Perhaps," he thought, "I ought which she Was intarcerated was eit- • at the end by three small buttons. tinee farthings the dozen.", • would • compromise the young lady. end was PasSsd dallY ain and . — again by policemen wee novel, tor a no breed, a neck long and sieewy, thin, Scores of other thin s might bo The five plaits at Oa, back are• Rafter,' one omelette aux fins Better leave it as • .. moment dreamt, what a tragedy was th- fscc from loose skin underneath, thin . g stitched tor their entire length tufa herbs." Ile SAM suddenly to the man wrong." the at the junction of the head and mentioned to show that hundreds of ' ' being enacted groups. of two at each side el Who. hovered round like a phantom I Then he set down to write an art"- • • within. • tie tapering somewhat to form the thousands of dollars aro now annual- form 'cies and by the time he had posted it Peat to all appeals for mercy, the 0,_ showing no surplus flesh, but Wt1 tiou of waste in production, Out the holes. The sleeves are in bishop minutes later the proprietor strolled went. to the *restaurant where ho had heartless gaolers seemed to hare of shoulders we treated the young woman as one ; rige-shared houlders, lY saved to society, by sthe ellinina_ the center,. where tbe closing is effect-. bat. ed by means of buttons nd button -a 110 vanished like lightning. A few to his typist •It. was 9 o'clock, eo lie the enough at the dist to show a good above witl seine° as an- introduction style, with pointed cuffs that match up to the table, glanced suspectingly Met lilies Dolling, • . would hardly treat a mongrel. dog ; heart action ; a short, strong. to an article, the text. of which is I even light, without which -the merest, hat the novel tree.tm.ent of the collar, ;at the girl, 'coughed. once •or twice, , Needless to say, he ate his .meal in ,nw straight back, spine well de n d, nothing more than sawdust and vegetables can scarcely exist, A'aa the to hold a symmetrical udder ; broad when stra.w was often burned 'in the 'Sawdust has a merket value or ,. aeee ithen said; • . -1.-"fsolation. . 51., 1 madam. • Are , you expecting a -yard wee unable to llnd any trai:e of ntiest for when the terrible iteceet the ribs well sprung ; the body dcep, es- shavings. • • dented her, and the eaten 1 n, I l'o mid ace pecially at the flank, giving strength Mho of muttnre years cannot recall 'for this purpose as the shavings '1 I "We shall be closing . very soon, Three menthe pease(' away.. Hill, ' her coeld, only have been. ,•of :the, across the hips and level ; long from rick or left to rot where it lay after I twentyfive cents a carrel, anethare .4.'"'""'"•• Anse polling, though Ito had visited 15ecPdked oUt, and •tho police -raided the hip to rump ; thighs thin and wicte bein obi., stl f 't r Id treasure • ' ' ' . . g r t, o 1 s go en is rarely any fluctuation in the price, • ' • •• '• . I "Yes " was the •answe' r "I' won't house, they found the woman and - ure wait much longer,". Malley"s library many times. Fair- ,2 „ apart, to admit of carrying the ud- by tue thresher? h.ven the iormerly !It is used extensively 'in packing" f 'or • leigh had gone to tne country pende 1 . 'The . waiter 'appeared again. and ing his coming marriage. .1.1illyarci , her cell in a condition. which defies .I der, tail smoothly set on and long : despised sawdust, which was a con- 'shipment anything that is shipped th decent deserlotion. - • • ., • •- ' a large, capacious udder when filled Stant, source of annoyance 1.o • the 'glass. The biktweries tise.it Still kept his secret. . , , 1 •Her mind' had given Way under the -.Ia` body, showing well behind and cat:- ieg the mill cleared of it, and the cushion has been introduced in manY in' Pack- I added the coffee to the bill. •. • . • heedn't• stand here,"' * with milk, firmly attached to the saw -mill men and an expense in keep- I ling bottled beer, and while the paperStrain of her twenty years' . isn- a "Thank Yoe," said the girl, "yet It was a strange fate that, one day , in; - ri«I well forward, and deep throui h shavings of the planiug mills, known lines, sawdust is still an old fa.vor- The . Waiter withdrew. • Halyard . -led hirn to • visit- his. for a. incumscript which he especially typist's' to °al 'prisonment,- - And from being .4 fine, • from side to side, with teats sym- smiled and began his omelette, which. wished for. But when "Miss . Dell- beautiful woman in grand health'and the prime . of life, as she had been f tn. nisieng aniuseme:e. to .11u.atts "Pardon me, but Lbelieve I am enquir4,,,-• Ing' mine forward in t iw en . - , h the world last 91,'W her, . she had th- to Ina° no further use that that .of ' ite, pexticularly with the brewers, metrically placed and wide apart had been •broughteto birn. • tnswer to his , and of a good size, the udder smooth i tinged into a weak, whtte-raced • eh ...Wye i Formerly. sawdust was much more 1 youngsteis who saw in tho long extensively used .in the packing o 1 right in s4ing that you haVen't get Hillyarel was completely. taken aback. *. ••'skeleton Of a Woman; • with ' long, - ou , the milk fills every portion of it : or the long wavy hair of a fairy, are tion of artificial ice and other " dis- the Money. with•whitth to PeY .ypur. "You have certainly succeeded ad- matted -hair arid hollow. eyes, who P's throughout, with the appearance that white coils the image of silk ribbons ice than et present. • The introduc- fs milk veins prominent and apparently now marketable commodities. I coveries for the. preservation of the bill," put in Hillyard e.t. last, in a Mirably in keeping out of ray way," I Mumblingly iniplared for Mercy as . In- "' filled to their capacity ; legs short. low tone. "The manager, I, fear, is he starnmered. "Allaw me to con- ' she crouched Upon the. vermin -covered . Toleio Ohio being a Largo Pros natural 'product - has ' discrimiaaeed- of the same opinion.'" .. . • • our ..engagement . floor Arid' looked. up at the horrified rittulate you on y oucer of shavings and sawdust by ug i ins t sawdust as a .-preserving , P showing strength, and set well apart: ., . i and covered with soft, close, woolly dienantly• the niouth quivered • ' • ,t to my. friend Pairleigh, • Alias Gun - 00.' skin soft and elastic, rich in color . I tor a momeet her eyes flaShed'in, the great lumber interests there, a • " • . h i agent in this particular, yet t ero s th; 1 or silky hair, is a show cow, and r‘..nui.c. o a t _ . t no in Ca Mil a * * f tl • %Lent Of the business ' di b' th t there will ever be - ea . . . . • •ningliam. - - I "How . dare - you Speak to me like Tae girl was visibly' agitated. . 'such a cow 1 11 iws health and that?" she said, 'What do rou take I , s„ strengt a ' h and dairy- capacity, and interest. Investigati lin snowe tactile ly . . . ,me. tor? ,•, d that • r is this true When it is con- I . e, . • . eetow. did you find out my itame. there may not be entirely without the want of a market • for it. • rex- I consumed' act lady,'" he aniwered. gently. ' , ' I "I 'take yell' for what you are - --a Was Cunningham, and who told you 1 Was'engaged?" •••, • • . • , . a,..,7 withal is beautiful, and wnen she tens of thousands of wagon loads of siderecl that in many saw raills the, v"' elTort, with herd a little up and no- Year and that the supply is far bee fuel along with the 'shavingia. • •' "My iriehd show.ad me .your ,por- •",';s walks around without any apparent ithee lugs are sold in Toledo every .sawdust is now :tieing the This answer flabbergasted' her for 4 •t, it," - • - • • •. au then she becomes attractive and is I I feed store is• . now .considerecl a 'ell • parcel hurriedly. • "Years ago My fa- r''"Ilhere 19 some. mistake, she whis 1 the housebreaker.s entereu •to, conis tices things without being wita or low the deinu.nd. So staple have these two by -Pre- . had moment. • ' She could not meet his , ,, „ timid, and with graceful movements. I sAll LUST GOOD FUE.L. Iducts Of the lumber become ihaterto ,scrutieizen ' • ' g gaze. , 7 1 tradespeople, only a few claye .4...ine fter . • i ''Pray 'alloW me the favor of 'add- • A -- ' 1 . E gland, te.k- • i • 1,, dgoingt. • hard to beat in the show ring. 1 The same is true 01 sawdust. Many stocked union it is prepared to des tear left # inerica oi n ,mence-tieir wor • ; an ,on, o God , ing your bill to mine," he continued, •ni- with him rny twin sister, tectating about '• of .sixty, but .who was actually The first prize Ayr: cow at the of the wood working mills consenie liver on short order .te barrel.of• thew- calmly.. ''Yeu must admit' that you 112106..With my Mother in . America* MY the cellar' under the 'back part to the . • der- these qualities in an eminent degree. boilers. Flues are so constructed promptly as if; the order wa.S,Iro1. a' iyour friend 1$ a Myth." s . ..., father e , an $ r ' My name is Cunningham • 111Y. houSe the men- found .-the dead body at the• thne of his death •IesS than ' . to Pan-American possessed most of their own shavings as fuel for their dust. oi• a . bale • of 'shavings as . ' are in en awkward corner, and .that ent :•ilie showed great dairy capacity, that the shavings are immediately' • - -----,---t-4----- • . I The waiter, sontewihat agitated,. . d ho tly after, Is much the largest udder of any cow in drawn away by a draft from tile ma- • ' . 1 .aiede. been , trying for Months of what they. presumed to- oe.. a loan; • Ise.. •finest skin, unctuous, loore and elms- the furnaces. , soledt. hie rild. and the ring, probably a trifle too ren.. chinery as rapidly us tney are made. SUNLIGHT AN -- i . e "Curciepa," he • .ordered ' sharply, xo in k ' OLT -Imam:IY••• to- find- the whereabauts.of..my.sister. forty. .1 -le. had been. dead about ,two . Idant for the Ayrshire tyre, teats Through this channel by devious . Professor Finsen, •' of Copenhagen,' And, the .gentleincia with the ne;pkin !drew near .again. . , , . . ne w ever now. wnat a struggle daYs, and was most 'shobkingly. abut.-- . aoh jwell placed, body covered with the ways the shavings are carried into •• litta received Muth praise for. the ' disappeared with 'remarkable celerity.• • , I. have had- fer eeistenee, Can yott Mated. Ills White nair hung down police officials who had come to rescue her after twenty years. CONFINED FOR ,14 ;YEARS. An Almost . worse ease .was discov- ered some tithe agii tiering the pull- ing dowe of. a house on the ontskirts of Naples. The honse•had been ' va- cated by, the tenants, reeeeetable ....e..„, help nle. /earn *hauler year triad is below,hie shoulders, --. and hie ..•.thie ence tic, with the finest and silkiest hair Those who deal in shavings get ., , , engaged to my sister?"' • . lbeard. reached below his Wate0. curee Which he has eneiited• ter means "Really," .stammered tne girl, ron of any cow e)li eited. She stood their supplies from the large lumber of sunlight; but now .*r, H. 11. I --don't know .what. you mean. I d 'Believe me,' 1 will. do all I can.".1• luctuiries 'es. tie hie 'identity ' Were "ilh with a straight back and not as yards where. rough ilonher is dressed (-kiss. an Falgligli aciailtist; points ' "I. mean what I say.," .he answered. returned' IIillyard. .. -Give me three .set On. Soot at. once, • and, naturally, . hey some did, with their hind legs very for the market, and from the mills out that this . method of curingcer. ilrnaly.. "I. Will .rePeat it again if clays, ', This is Tuesday. . Will you tan late tenants 'of the Ileuse were the much under them and a hump in the where it is manufactured into the lain diseases was enown and prac-• you...wish: .1 don't 'Janeiro You have , meet me at the edsteurana on Friday •, eegerly :Sought for ; 'but they .. bad. ' . She is wedge-shapcd ; has finished product.. tised in -,England centuries ago. "In the moneyr Witheeee.-• . evng eniat.'7?"- .. , • • itakat theinselves'• •right ..awiev . and, •• they back and prominent milk veins ; is Compactly bhaviugs are used mostly for stable 1893," he says, eProfespor Finsen. She motioned him to desist. ' She.smiled an assent. . , • have hot' been' heard a to this day. • . t Is- but • lt . has an attractive eye, a tenu- bedding. They are bought up by the proposed that patients ,suffering from. • "Hush' husl 1 Y h • ' ht ' . . 1. ou aye no rig They elined together nee Iiiriday7-2- sCareful }:intsiStigations were, ,how- • • leen- tiful head and manners that were livery stable proprietors in large smallpox should be kept in" rooms to say that.• ' Pen't•pleasa don't." ' happy pair. -Fairleigh Was indeed en-, eVer, able -to establish the fact that : v, queenly and always attractive, either quantities, and they would no more fr(M1 which the cheinical rays -of ' Tier earnest entreaty 'll d'hi • compe e In • • andwhen standing• II.' If -c red h k 1 ‘glectin the laying in of light had been excluded by means of to stop. .' '. . gaged to Miss CUSaningliant's twin the man was • none other than ,the son by the scale of points adopted bi." a large stock oi shavings at this sea- red cui tains or glass. 1 this "You -cannot • deny that '1 ant sit ' • • ter and all s 6 was clear- of the late teria.nt (if the house and , a a tee ely t ry, , the Ayrshire Breeders' Aseoci . .ation son oi the year than they would treatment, however,' he was antici- right?" he demanded, in a manner d • a • I the step -son of bis second wife, aryl .. In January of this yeer, in Inv pelf - think of neglecting their stock of paced by John Gadclesaen, who that plainly showed he would hair° al ea • ea.ft why . did youenet :give me that he had 'disappeared rather wrote the famous medical treatise, direct answer. • .. 1 yonr proper name?" asked HillYarel.. leteangely soute fourtken years pre - Her face.went a deep crimson. " I , "Tou.--you see yeti wok! quito.A... vious. What led the Unnatural ' "Yes, YoU are right," she replied stranger to inc. I• thotighe sit.. was , parents to incarcerate their son at length, but with it gteat •effort. 'better we should not Meet again," . i there is nothing to shove, but it was "It was very, very wrong, 'I linow, she answered shyly. tlearnt that the unhappy young man but I was 'so --so • hungry, and I "The' Fates have thought other- lied ,frequent and . bitter cauerrels thought that--" ' wise," he said smiling. "Fete bee with his step -mother, who as a es. xii, , . ficed ment she would rank above any thst • from stood at first above bet' rit 'l 0 0,cAt. , feed. Shavings arosold by the load as a 'Rosa Medicinae,' and who died in t by ring of great Aynliiee cows at the rule, though sollietiincs they are pur- 1861. -1-le -c.ured w son .0f, Icing Ed -- This Pan-American. chased in large ton orders. The •d I b wrapping him in scarlet od's. price per load .15 $1.25 delivered, cloth, and placing him in a bed and tion' • FEEDING 1100 S. "Horsemen generally preier shavings room with scarlet hangings'. MO All farmers understand that hogs to Straw or sawdust as a bedding, ' says of the restila-teest, bona. eura; ' th take up at cura.vi eum in segitenti sine vesti- .. • . at ") cheapiy In summer than during the' tlie-inoisture better than Straw, aro • the treatinexit was (acetate, for the gio yeriolarum, which means i „ tiele grow faster and ca.n be kept more cca st., a, Y , .bs winter seascn Grass and clover cleaner and last longer. s CS : patient recovered .and never showed claim and generany get the cz•edit SHAVINGS SlaatED AWAY. !. any trace or smitlip'ox.: There is -also for the cheap pork thus produced.. Yet tow know that grass and even Asked for an estimate of the evidence that ether . physicians. be - clover, unless at itS best, are far in- amount of shavings handled by him sides Gaddeseen believed in. the vire feeler to some other v'egetaotes that in the course of a year, a prominent Wes of pho totherapy . and- adopted it may be grown and fed. Turnips and dealer said that during the last year when they desired to . cure certain rut abagas are better tnan grass, but he had handled 10,000 loads at forms of Skin 'disease. • • . the best root of all to feed to hogs least. "There are off years in shay - is beets. We always preferred the ings as well as in any other busi- ELECTRIC It/OTCIIS., emphatically. "I came in heri3 in Sea. Mist and London filloom Have i body -was 'of ouch a character as to ing lim ut the len to violent tempered nrci n d ' Meet with a good' 8a.niariCan." .. "That it was possible von would , brought us together again. : :' This i her home with a ro Pop; put time you will have no hesitation in doubt 'that when Weaecell radii dise At all eventg".the_ i, re in Ilillyard, accurately divining ,her adding your bill to mine?" • , thoughts. "A very ' risky game Ai? There wise a pause. • ' .1 so appeared it was because he -had been ( play. Suppose you had not Met Me "Dearest," he whispered; ------------------appeared sequestrated' ter it Vas riaealected --what tben?" ' . sefllY, "Won't -won't you add .ettMr , by neighbors that 'about the same She laughed uneasily., . life to Mine,. for me to keep always; Their eyes met. It was enceig 'a cellae wad rernoVed to give, way for 4-- : I, a flagstone which ,Was ' DIFFERENCE IN FOGS. I STRONGLY CAMENTEp DOWN. '--- • The emaciated . condition of the „ , time a small grill which had admit- "13ut you' see I did meet you." for better or worse, till:- ted a little light and air into the "'Yet yott seem very reluctant to allow me to add your bill to mine." The color flanied her cheeks again. "It must be a loan," she declared, ri- me percentage of sweet, and even' -This year shavings have been The great objection to eleetric mo- sheer. 'desperation. ' Tote .don't lcn.ow • ‘proire that the man had not starved . 11- least. are eaten greedily. The 1,0gs fact that tie lumber business has to Le overcome.' Recently in England enough without rechaigh g • aid. hungry. ' N .- “Stes,• I do,'" -he answered quietly. . the sco, alike diecompose trainee and omnibuses and steamShips alike have The iog ,31. 'Landon .and tem eeg et- I only a/ter but had for a Very teinsiderable time 1 s ears been deprived of • a sugar beet, though all beets conta n ness," said he. Nothing •in Comenon. IS the mange' wurzel, which contain the tolerably plentiful by reason of the tors -that they will not . run for what its is to be poor, and oh, so . • the flight of his perents, e gi•ow and intttn. and they should have to look out for the future and out recharging. It Was done With a I ain so sorry," she ' whispered had to lay to for safety. . ,But while ct. dequate food, Puttiqg • two ,and . of w ill need other iced to make thern bee, good. In years like this we a circuit of 94 Miles was run With- e, s eave it. When the beets are young store away shavings. We haee now battery of 42 lour -plate cells, With a - gently. "I did not know. I had. no •" two together it was easy to tea- m the beets, weeded out, where too three large warehouses full, for we capacity of 18.0, ampere•hciure. The iidea: 1 never•thought-,, , the London fog" gets into your in - Most room and baffles. even the elec- clu‘ne). that the inhuman parents, thick in the ,roWS, should he thrown ,expect a shavings famine to come as carriage was a 'fottr-wh,.e.ed dogeatt, "Pray don't apologize," he inter- Brain% themselves •torced to Vacate into the pigpen. After they grow in the past. 'There aro probably one with two motors of tWo and -a .hall rupted, again assuming ,his lighter ott'ic 'it1.14utni(ptlilaoillif,,h. ticleu'ria;ullscilly(1),"ultleise t .an large enough to cook only the roots thousand tons of sha.vings stored horse-pee:or eath. 'rho secret of .• the vein.. "11 you are really sorry you t densest fog. at sea does not, disturb .° • , , the hentse -and abandon their secret , chance discoverers, it being - be mostly tramped 1 nder foot. 1 hey I "Believe me," she refilled greteful- that7 , • • ' - timpoSYsittle . for them to take then will be eaten, as the beet leaves will will, pass me your. bill." . aWay in Toledo at this time, and battery. which enabled , it, to make' the Sateen or the sateen:tom: Why fa , make an excellent food fed with milk o. ery pound of it will bd sold here. such a "record Wan • that in going lyahanding him- the flimsy bit of pee; , prisoner With them, left Mtn in hi . t and wheat middlings. This ratfen mend for it next year, and can be thus making dynamos for charging r to Jae of . ad fctrthee back thlitsn !lit bseiexteternatcl; n * ,.cell to: hire or die just, •as Vac wille c.d. ' • .•, It will not spoil 11 there is no de- down grade the motors were revetsed „er. , "I am truly grateful.. Fortune ' 'The word "fog" virally. end they will need very lit- kept indefinitely. That, is one of the the accumulators. In this way the ins.e.,, was not• only saved, but - a -;",14 t me or •• century, but tile thing was known in . . l It is 'ell -known law of nature - will make the young pigs grow luxe not been too kind s- there is no waste, and it is always new current actually -generated, rota "Dame fortune is it -tickle jade, and commons. that lack of . light- prevents growth,- tle cern or meal to fit them for the '- - - tdvantames of handling ' shavings- current said .1-Iillyard. the,early yearS of the fourteenth. The . trifling ivesoo for . o butcher. with the prelates and no - Width lit man named Leenanier and and this wiwy • the .-,—.., w torn a eett pal . ed has to be treated accorclin . Woo bles visiting Louden for the paella- TIIE POULTRY YARD. The stored material is ot the baled bottom of the grade than 'it, Wits ;It Y • . Ms wife' shut ap in the cellar of their hei• too much, she often turns and Monts and on other occasions, milted I staple" dering the battery stronger at the . variety. Loose shavings cannot very the top. rends you. Treat her With indifier- to petition tdward I. to conned the children 1 they b d b wretched little hovel in Paris three se 0 Those who keep ducks or oeeita ----- well be stored, as they take up tool • ence and She will veer rotind and burning 'only. of dry wood and char- , 10 !nay add to their pewits by making much storage room in bulk form. I CAN 5= :200 MILE... . eCtal, ae the growing tige of 900,'e°9'• children under Ouch conditions' that , to adopt,- Then,' idea, was te rear the ' d the feathers up into pinows said se11- .rhe baling uf shavings is it compare- I About flOO miles in every direction "She has, at any, rate, beers good corl' fawn upon you." ' Mg them at the stores, thus gutting tiveiy modern idea. ' The machine is the .distance a man tan see when to Inc to-ttight," said the girl, "Ono .sinolte, ta.the great Prejudice and do- the •air with its stink and, those who werei strong enongh to .1 retell prices. used for this purpose is much like standing,' • on a clear daY% on the moment. I shell coitsider this bill a.7- survitte would k,frow up d.warfs and , s 'the farmer is just as much entitled that used in baling hay Or strati,. At triment,of health.. ''In 1800 the king be suitable fof sh oW,,Perpesee. to e,at of the fruit of his own len one large planing mill is one of these at a height of 26,668 -feet., or a lit-!' you the airitStint? Its -it Is not t00 ' , disoitediefice; in h ransom, and •linee were inflicted for . heavy 1 It requires the ..heart of a Mother Peale cif the highest ,mountain -says 'debt of _honor, Where can 1 send .prohibited .the thee 01: coal; , roost as of lis own apple treas. balers. This machine has a eapacity tle over five.miles• abcive the level .of emelt, is it?" , , to duly pity these three poor miteS, s Don't sell all the fowls you raise. of 450 bales of shavings it day, each the sea: Anectbserver mitSt be at a "Tee much. fer you let PaY. now, trent brewers, de•ele an cf. other nett- -- the .case 01 ree°'"e'''' none Of tviipin werkte, more than six, ✓ Eat some of them, menthe old when fir et put entity in a' I he eafy branches of the trees are ,Ileers the furnaces ann. kilns were dee small, tetelly-dark (*Mar 'Where the- ' bale weighing 100 pounds. The height of 6,667 feet ttb.ove eett, level thetigh," he ati;wered laughing. propels the baler. The baled pro- miles. ',The distance' in miles at his rialto and address. She put ft air Wan the dampest ar,id foulest, and 1 all rleht for summer roosting places. to see .objecte at a diStatice Of 100 tie peoduced lihi card, Which bore.'stroyred. ' 334 the restriction was • Lut a storm -proof house will be more evidently ' removed; for in 1308 :sqA0 e---- where they remained linfirlsoned for power that propels the planers also t comfortable irom now on. iced is duct is a trifle mote expensive than which an -object -upon the surface of ettrendly in her puree. • tlprobably equal to abopt $4,000 was pal e, more .than ••eix - years, :whet' one ef cl wasted on half -frozen poultry. the unbaled, but it In always prefer- the earth is visible in equal to the "1 will 801111 you the Aniotint• to- erina0 . • 'd front the excite uer , , them died and, unexpeic.,6dly led the red by those with whom economy of square root of ono and a ball times morrow," elle declared, • for wood and .einti for the coronatiOn pollee to dit•cover the. olora...Ail) 40 el t- There is money in poultry eeping. but it will come ( nly to these who spade is an object. O have qualifications for the business SAWDUST USED FOR PACICING. the height el the oliserVer in feet ifillyard of Edward II. above the sea leVel. a a e ntent?" 1 ati . h -re is no FIHST SILIC EtAT O and capital to work on Sawdust, as a matter of emirs°, sortie rules have ,been published for "Oh, Miss Dolling, care of Malley's d end a certain quality, which f or the comes from the same source as its discovering counterfeit brinit•notes. library, Westminstee 13ridge road," originatok of the !1St business in whiCh experience, brains, usin the shavings.- While it is What the averdge Irian -Wants tu•e it she replied hurriedl3r. '"ellere will be Caused a Scare, tl to s Oen. count for more than the pout P . _ used to a eonsi lovable extent fOr few simple rules for discoVering the. really no came k want of a better term we call genie- . lal bedding it is not as popular genuine article. . ,hastened to add. It appears that the ban of the silk and they exhumed the WO and WW- I /fillyftrd made a careful note of the hat first Was placed fipen Mankind ed the 'muse of the Lecletalers. There 'address.• by one John Hetherington, -a Lon- they -found the two remitining child- * The- tleconnt was settled. As they don hatter, in the Year 1197: It. is ren, Who, though nsarly seven years ' quitted the Altop the manager bowed pleasing to know, that Hetherington old, had never felt the titarnith •of and smiled in ,a manner that bailee was promptly arrested. ' -A. content- sunlight, and *ere no Vaigger than ' O poraneous newspaper aeenunt of the the thinnest Of thin - thil•ee-yeaieold descriptiOn. a asked Hillyard. . "Intty I see•you to .your door'?" I affair is as follows; "John HetheringtOn,. Haberdasher 'eleventh of what the averaae child al !babies.- They weighed lose than tut "No,. I would rather you did not, Of the Strand, .was arraigned before seven weighs, ancl Wore aletiest i12. the rile yott.". [the Lord' Uttyor yesterday on it capable of ar.tie'ulating or; Moving. "Then 1 insist on seeing you into.' charge of breach of the peace and iri- Gin diluted had without do niiit. teen "No, I really-" citing to riot mai Was required to given them to assist the lAehaniers • n. eab." ' "Come, I insist." was in evidence that Mr. Hollering- Were 110 ' weak and be.dly ntnirislied give bonds in the sure -of £500..:"It-in their fiendish obiect. iond they And before she could make further ton, who in well connected, appeared that the shock of being removo$1 from rentOttatranee he had hailed a ban- in the public highWay wearing upon the cellar to the hospital, thaugh eitohtereni4InietArivtolt shheirainirirt and 'handed his ;head what he called a silk hat every predaution Was taken, proved I- (produced), a tall structure hd,ving fatal to both. "I have paid your fare. Where to?" a shiny lustre b.nd calculated to 1 t "I will tell the cabtuam thank frighten timid peOple. . .....i.a.-.....+0..........,.. t "As it Matter of fact the amen' MILITAHY AUTOMOBILES.. 1 id rather coldIY stated that several Wonten fainted at-! The development or the autotho• ovepipe" that thee no tine lied tine' idea that the hettee contained a ny e,hildren. NEVER SAW Tllkl SUN, ..yhep .the child died its brotal fo9. ter parents secretly btetied It -in an open piece of ground ivot far from their house. This the pone° learnt, - try keeping. TO AVOID rInE. Many a barn has been set on fire d through an upset lantern. The best W. to avoid this is to stretch a stow, wire scrota your stable at • right engles to the steles alio be- t hind the animals over the walk. Put e a ring on it. first, however. Fasten a a het -nese snap to the i"ng. Snap h Your lantern handle into the snap e and move the ring along wnet•ever _ you happen to be working. Of eourso make the wire high (weigh to le cmt of the way of eteck anti your liend. No kicking the light over, nor etting the barn on fire this way. -106010.• A CENT A GALLON. he glut of wine in Italy is assum- cerioun proportions There was ormous vintage last year, bet eason's is even larger. 113 In the Heinle cellars amounts 110,000,000 gallons of tne e, and 88,000,000 from for - veers. Pricee have naturnlly proportionetely, and a gallon ale sold retail at a cent. ne- atens have been made to the (.4ains nment to reduce the 11.,:"'„,ttnies on winos and in the ere, q alcohol. The Minis. Wel,of Marine have de.. ukttisre'SOldierg and salt - thins or mans in, fitValter, betel * suspeetier butted' la title Plate ef turkey." "Vat, ea% 1 krieffar, Dees part oh ail dreating, Salm" W vailliNIONIN110010161---- ar a it Sr. se sa "If that in yourFie raised the Unusual sight, while children ran bile as an engine of war io at preSent his hat, "Good night." eereamting• and mr Y°1111g 111°14 Who oecupyillg much attention aniong goodnete. Good night." military authorities in 1.1ttrope. T110 "Thank you, oh, so Medi for your was returning troiri a chandler's shop /fx another moment he had gone. the Vreneh, the Italian% INIViatttel his dborowknenby trItoer ctrioiewsde ir.t0naa' itlilekrtiatheirl'inans and the Xtussione are * •* • *, ' sons the defendant Wits seized by the all at. worlt upon the prOblein. Say- _",rillYard, congratulate me" cried guard and taken to the lord mayor. eral types ot military automobiles' overflowing with good spirit% hurry. that he had the right to appear in a itttly a special fOrnt of arntored nut - experimented with. /11 ilallhiffll, et handsome young fellow, 111 extenuation the defence claimed al* bang ino h g into friend's comfortable headdressOf his own designing." , ) What was done ultimately With ch1t9ine ae been devised for the our. chambers. "I'm engaged." pose of protecting railways in time ."/ do congratulate yonimost heart. Tletherington IS not stated. Not of war. Some of the 'Gemini ma- chines itre intended for scouting, and ily," returned Vinyard, wermly. thdt it nattered flinch; he had done „ "Who is tile unfortunate 1409" he the fearsome deed; he had itivented are ferflished with drawing tables - inquired, emiling. . and introduced; the silk lutt, 0.21(1 ex- owl maps. Others carry Maxim guns "A *1St Cunningham Whetti I Met terth , at nett l -mattered Much. mad can do a little ilehtiiv.ong -..amee.411111111s.e. .0