HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-12-19, Page 5u ptloisali Barn for Sale likAlftrillA151Elt1 Road--o010011--A1. the residence 01 tae brid.'q wants In Clinton, on Deoember 16th, by Rey. Dr. elf. ford, W. J. Ross, to Minnie, only daughter of Mr. Arthur Couch. COOK»•- E1taERT.. -In Brendon 'Man,, on Deoember 41b, by Bev. M'r. Hea- r�r, Fetor Cooke, formerly of A.h, field township, to Emily Herbert - both of Brandon. f'lCRUTON.-COKWORT17--In 1Iensall, on December 4th, by the Rev. George Jewett, Alfred Soruton and Minaia Coxworth, bout of Hamill WHALEY,-WILKINSON-AI the resi,. dance of the bride's mother, Bel - grave, on Deoember 12th, by Rev.A. IL Brown, W. K. Whaley, to Mia. Nellie, daughter of the ,late Thos,. " Wilkinson, all of Beigrave. TiiPLADY-8TEEN--In East Wawa - nosh at the residenoe of Mr. and and ]Sirs, P. Mason, Mr, F. Tiplady to Miss Maggie Steen, on December Iltb, SCOTT-TILLEY -In .Mito hell, at the residence of the bride's parent., by Rev. R. Whiting, Mr. Fraser F. Scott, aonduotor of the Lheigb Valley Railway, Ithaca, N. Y., to ' Mabel, eldest daughter of Mr, J.H. Tilley, Mitchell. HANSON-.-ROBINSON--In Fullerton, ' at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rey. Mr. Ferguson, an • Deoember llth, Mr. Wm. Edward Hanson,.to'BerthaJoanna, daughter of Mr. Wm. Robinson. • ENGLISH- WAITE-At the residenoe of the bride's sister, Mrs. N.Keddy, on Dee. Kith, by Rev. R, Millyard, Mr. Sidney English of Hamilton, to Miss Olive Waite, of St.Thocnas. LAMMIE-TAIT-At the Presbyterian Manse, on Deoember .11, by Rev. W. M. Martin, Mr, Andrew Lammie of Detroit, to . Miss Susie Tait of Exeter. The undersigned offers for sale a barn 313160, good frame In first class condition. G. CARBEaT, con. 6 Hullett, Clinto n1'.O. BIRTHS. STEISS-In Grey, on Deo. 61b, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Steles, a son, WALKER -In East Wawanosh, Deo.'. 8th, Mrs, L Walker, a daughter. MUSGROVE-In Winghana,Deoember 6,11Ers. A. H. Musgrove,a daugh- ter. COLEMAN -In Hay township, on Deo. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Cole man, a son. OOK-In Ashfield township on Deo; 10th, the wife of Mr. Samuel Cook, of a daughter. STORE TO RENT. First-class brick store, suitable for any busi- ness. Apply to W. C. SEARLE, Clinton. Nov. 2Cth. CLINTON MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS DEATUS. RANCE-In Clinton on Deoember 15th,. Mary Rattenbury, reliot of the late ' Thomas Rance, aged 67 year=s. HAMILTON-ln Layfield township on Deoember10th, Mrs. William Hamilton. • WHEELER -In Morris, on Deoember. 5th, Chas. Wheeler, Sr., aged 81 years, ¢ .months and 16 days. WRAY-In.Belgrave, on Deo.' 9th, Ben- jamin Wray, aged 86 years. OWENS-In Belgrave, on Deo. 9th, Elisabeth Correll, wife of James Owen, aged 77 years and 6 month.. ANDERSON -In East Wawanosh, Deo. 8th, Duncan Anderson, aged 64 years. BOWMAN -In Morris, on Dec. 6th, John Bowman, aged 84 "years, 9 months -and 25 day., FILLER-Iu Grunt's Pass, Oregon, George Hiller, formerly of Exeter, aged 32 years, 10 months.. MoMARTIN-In Exeter, on December 8th, Percy, son of Mrs. John Mc- Martin of Paisley, aged 2 years. ARMSTRONG-Ia Usborne, on Deo. 81b, Edith Davis, reliot of the late John Armstrong, aged 91 years. GRAHAM -In Mito ,ell, on Deo. 8th, Mrs. George Graham„ aged' 85 years and 3 months. PATTON-In Morris, Deo. 11th, Chris - tins Patton, aged 51 years. HANNON-In Shipka,on Deo. 5th,Mrs. James Hannon. HOUGHTON -In •Hensall, Deo, 4th, John Houghton, aged 69 years. O'BRIEN-In Kirkton, on Deo. 7th, Dorothy, wife of i Patrick O'Brien aged 62 years,7 months and 22 days. The beat clave of work procurable has been manufactured here for many years past. WE WONT call on you a week after your bereavedient. WE WON'T make the work to suet the price. WE WILL make the price to suit the work. WE WILL give you the choice of the production of the world in design and material. We are the ONLY prac- tical men in Clinton hi our line. Do not be talked into placing your order without first call- ing un us. J. B. HOOVER, PROP Next to Commercial Hotel, • Clinton Iafrket Report, Wheat 0 74 to L 75 . i nee Wheat Turkey Ited Wheat Barley a Oats 6 Peas s Rye s Potatoes per bushel 026 to 0'80 d Butter rand and crock 0 14 to 016 io Futter in tub......,0 14 to 015 E'ggeper dot ...... YG 16 to 016 Hay . .a. ...Y.., 800to1000 ss Wool ,...Y.,,,Y.w, 0 15.to 0 16 Live logs per cwt.. w .. w Y Y 5 75 to 5 75 1')resitec11 orlt per cert..... 7 76 to' 1,16 PAASON-WEBS--At the residence of the bride's patents in Clinton on Dee. 18th, by Ret, Dr. Gifford, Emma M. dau tier of Mr. B. Webb, to Mr. C... Paulson, 1ll5NSAI.4. • OR Wednesday evening of last week an interesting event took plane at the Methodist personae* when Rev.George Jewett united in marriage Alfred Soruton and Minnie Coxwortb, The bride, who is a charming young lady, wore a most becoming gown of blue ladies cloth and carried a baguet of rosee, Mr, and Mrs. Soruton bays token up their residence in our midst. They are an es finable couple and we take plea- sure in extending our best wishes that their future may be bright and prosper. One. BBLGRAVB. Death has been unusuallybusy in this locality during the last few daye,no less than four of the old pioneers having de- parted this life singe last Wednesday. The first was Charles Wheeler Sr., on Thursday 5th: inst., and on'Sabbath, Mrs.Jatnes Owens, Benjamin. Wray and Duncan Anderson Sr.,who died within a fawiiolirs of each other. Mr. Anderson's funeral took place on Tuesday Mr.Wrsy'aon Wednesday :and Mrs. Owens' an Thursday, all being largely, attended. We learn that arbitrators have been. appointed in oonneotion with the prop- osed new school section here. We trust they will exerohie good sense by leavin g things,as they are. Everyone cannot have a school at his -or her door. The recent election was a surprise t d the,people here and already rumors are afloat that Beck was knifed by some of Ids party. We hope it may not be true, but if so the sooner the party is purged the better. Conservatives mustbe united if the enemy is to be overcome, George. Vanoarop has engaged for a term with John Coulter, 3rd line Morris. George is ahustierend can show the boys how to get a move on.' Mr, John Anderson of Dundalk is here attending the funeral of bis broth- er, the late D.Anderson. o 88 to 070 068to068 0 60 to 0 62 046 to 046 0 75 to 0 75 040 to 046 h lry Blood Pare ? . This is • a vital- questioslOQr -without pure blood there can be no assurance of health. There is danger in every dis- ease germ which lodges in the blood current. Ey taking Hood's Sarsaparilla the blood 1. kept pure, and the danger from disease averted. This great medi' eine is your defence if you are well, an d it is the best medicine you can take if you are 111 from any disease which hal it's origin in impure impovisbed blood, It's thousands of cures and it's general use in every community furnish abund- ant recons why you may take Hood's Sarsaparilla with perfeot' confidence that it will do you good. What Each Municipality Pai& 6 Chickens per pair.Y.w,..... 0 60 to 000 o ,Ducks perpalr.....Y..., . y0 e0 to 0 66 (leeseper poandw."..,.... 0 06 to O oe m► berile, ire* atibfr,aud neaYai MAY ' WNHIHP. Fite torte b' p ebuneit naet on lionday. Duo. tad, all mefabers present. The following polling places and deputy re. turning officers here been appointed 4-. Follies subdivIelon No. 1, school house 8.8. o. •2,Wre. Russel D. B. 0. ;! Writ. W 3, school house S. S. No. 14, m. Thompson ; No.8, Town Hail, Zurich, Fred. Hess Sr. ; No, 4, sohool house S. 8. No. 4, D. Surerus ; No. 5, school house S. 13. No 12,. B. Surerus ; No, 6, Snell', office, Iasbwood, Joseph Snell; N. 7, school house S. S. No. 3, Chas. TroyerNO, school house S.S. No. 11, Ronde Durand, Engineer's certificates regarding portions of ditch under Deters awarded, re F. Btelk and 0• Greenslade, have been filed with the council. The Clerk was advised to notify the said par. ties, After passing accounts to the am, 'mato! $710.70 the council adjourned to meet on Monday the 15th day of Decent ber. The different munioipalities in Huron paid the following amounts in county rate during .present year r Ashlield, $2,198.80 " Colborne, $1,479.50;. Godes- 1431?f b Hopi kr 32,547,25? H'ullllet , $2,360.80;'Morrie, ;1,047.80 ; McKillop $2,297.80 ; Stanley, $2,017.20 ; Ste- phen,$2,138.95 ; Tuokeramitb, $2,115.. 55 ; Turnbury, 61,222.50 ; . Usborne, $2,215.55; Waranosh E. $1,424,40 ; Wawanosh W.,11,570,90; Mayfield $88. 45 ; Blyth, 8152.70 ; Bruuels,824f .40; Clinton, $596 ; Exeter, 3870.65 Goder- lob, $962.85 ; fiensall, $165 ;; 8eaforth, 3564.20; Wingham, $390. 20 ; Wren. ter, $88.17. WE QUOTE _ PRICES THAT WILL SELL iT. As we are giving up business our stock must go and in ord. er to hasten the sale we are offering our Boots and Shoes at Bargain prices, Give us a call and be convinced that we are giving reductions on everything. Try a pair of our • Tetrault hockey boots with . combination ankle support, also ladies ftne boots, lined and unlined, suitable for skating. We have a large assortment of men's, boys' and children's moccasins, Other, lines in Meng', Boys' acid Youth's Boots at great re- ductions. Also a full assortment of Rubbers of all kinds, both American and Canadian makes. Also Men's Felt , Lined . Goode, high with . loose socks, as well as buckled and laced. Women's ie felt, plain 'and leather foxed styles, laced, .batten and gaiter, all at reduced prices. Also a large stock of Men's -and $aye' heavy buckled Rub- berg, the" King" Quality -Stub Proof, 1 and 2 buckles ; the Yukon, 4 buckles. We have a large stock of heavy :Socks for men and boys. - Men's Overshoes, both heavy and light, the Manitoba 4 - buckle, as. well as Women's Overshoes, Over Gaiters. and Car- digans. Men's Felt and Hair -lined goods. the Klondike 4.buckle with heavy felt lining, aleo Sterling Bros.' Grain Bluchers, felt lined. Hand -made Boots in1?'rench and veal kips, all first class. , We.have in stock the celebrated " Invictus" Shoe made by Geo. A. Slater . in different stoles and all sizes. , Mite. -We have a good 'assortment of Mite, both vdool and leather, for the cold weather. Also all sizes in . Men's Leather ' Leggings, laced and spring sides. Rugs, Blankets, Galloway Goat and Saskatchewan Robes all 'at Bargain Prices. Harness Oil 'at20c per quart. TRUNKS. We have a. good assortment of all kinds of Trunks. . Also Valises, Telescopes, Etc„ , all of Whig' must be sold. DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. J. TWITCyELL. SPECIAL DISCOUNT f=or Over Fifty Veers Mne.Wtxetow'a Booted /a amour has beee used by Millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed et night and 'broken ,,f ,your roet by a oink child suffering and crying With pain of Cutting Teeth,,end e once and {1et a bottle of 'Mrs. Winslow a Booth• fSng Syrup for Children Teething. It will re - need the poor itte arifferer immediately. DO, In order to clear out the balance of our stock of WOOD 000KINC STOVES COAL. AND WOOD . HEATING STOVS bend it. dlt cures DIarrr wind Cohen it mother*, thorn ISM) n sett no e'u C6 0)2 a Turltisyi p'er pgttirtd. w..... , 0 07 to 0 08 onepsrrrc���h,,,yi to the whole a st m. "a re inetow s e p'lour per Girt , 1 75 to 200 80 SS* i�i 0mete a a i the vreedriteenciani.teN`°"ni .,,w,w ,.w..• yuan. 9 fff 1 physicians Hrltni per tonY.v,.. 00 t 15 00 th+. oldest and boot tensa p r a a iS `00 ' Ill 04 :nurses in the trni States. $sloe twenty- h via CHEAP � n � STORE oen;e an bottl . ld by and i , EL CHEAP Wt V �� shorts hn per we will give a special discount of 10 per cent. for the balance Y of this month. We have a full line in Cutlery Knives and Forks Carvers in. Cases Scissors Pocket Knives .. Graniteware Plated Spoons and Forks '"Skates Clothes Wringers and Carpet Sweepers all suitable and useful Christmas or New Tears presents. HARLAND BROS. CHEAP HARDWARE HOUSE. MS:' PRESENTS. Christmas will soon be here with its mirth and chimes and we have already placed a good supply of Xmas presents on the show table. Parents, do not disappoint the children, but make thein happy with some toyor other gift. Call and see our amusements of all kinds from 5o up. Weare giving 22 lbs Granulated Sugar for'$i . 25 " Yellow a tt s 1 Uggs 17c. Butter 16o, „ �a�r eat the eros � n lermirt'. whoa �i►pplew �' Ilt.a,... � il5 $ ni �, �+�' 0 On. s