HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-12-12, Page 13jIIN'iUINT CLINTON, ONTARIO,TI URSD,�' ', DEC1MRER 26, 1901 CrISHES ITS WCTMEROUS READERS, DER S, EAC I AND ALL, A '`TERM liAPPY • Little, Locals. Near Jessie McLachlan tonight. She's a star in the song world. Miss Ada Jones has resigned her posi- tion in St.Joseph church where she has been organist for the past years. Mr. J. W. Hill's family moved last week to the residence on Huron street lately occupied by Rev.FatherMcMen- amin. The A. 0. U W . lodge has taken up its quarters in the A. 0. F. hall where it meete the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Make glad the publisher's heart by paying your subscription before the New Year comes in. prompt payment will be appreciated. Owing to the illnees of Pastor How- son, the pulpit of the Rattenbury street church was occupied last Sun- day by Rev. J. Greene. Ou the occasion of his wedding the employees of the organ factory pre- sented Mr. W. J. Ross with a hand- some Morris reclining chair. Mr. James Dunford has been adding to his equipment for draying and is now in a position to give an even better than heretofore service to hie numerous customers. Owing to toe illness of Pastor How- son the pulpit of the Rattenbury street church will be occupied next Sunday a. m. by Rev. W. A. Gifford and In the eyeniug by Rev.Dr.Gifford. Mr. James Sheppard, who retired from the grocery n a couple le of years ago, donned the white apron again and assisted T. Beacom & Son through their rush of Christmas trade. School opens on Friday Jan. 3rd. Parents are urged to send pupils the first day. Both terms end on a Mon- day and as one or both of these days school may be closed it is best to begin on Friday. Mr. H. Carter is again manager of the rink where be will no doubt this season, as in the past, give splendid satisfaction. It would be a difficult matter to get a more capable caretaker than C. H. Carter. Mr. Robert Mort ison of Brucefleld P. 0. in renewing his subscription for 1902 wishes us A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thane you, Friend Morrison, many returus of the same to you and yours. Mr. Robert Moore has returned from Stratford and is again at work in the o. f„ having accepted the position of foreman in the finishing room. Mr. Moore is a first class band with the brush, combining good taste with rPeed. In the marriage, birth and death column will be seen a paragraph from St. Agne's rectory, Carberry, Man., which will be read with pleased in- terest by the very many friends here of the happy parents. It's a boy and the young mother "i■ doing splendidly." On Friday evening last the students of O'Sullivan'r, business college present• ed their teacher, Miss Scott, with a very handsome silk parasol just to show that they appreciate her teach- ing ability and like her personally. Miss Scott is this week enjoying a few well earned holidays in Stratford. Mies Mackay who has been a popu• lar and efficient member of the Public school teaching stag for a few years, left on Saturday for her home in Sea - forth. After the holidays she will take a position on the staff of the public school in that town. Miss Mac- kay has a host of friends here all of whom regret her departure. The weather for the few days pre- ceding Christmas was the best there has been for years at the correspond- ing period. Our Ontario readers are aware of this fact, to which we draw attention so that the subscribers of THE NEWS -RECORD on the prairies, on the coast, in the Old Country and in the tropics may know about it. Among the many handsomely dress- ed shop windows there were none more attractive than those of 0. Cooper & Co., which drew the attention of every person, especially of the young folks. As an original dresser of win- dows Mr. Cooper id easily in the front rank and his store throughout is just as tidy and attractive as are the win- dows. i Meeting of the W. C. T. U. The regular monthly meeting of the W. F. M.•S. was held Thursday even- ing Dec 19th President Mrs.Irwin press• ding, the Devotional Topic Giving Thanks was taken by Mrs. Lough, and the missionary Topic Mormons was taken by Miss Wilson. Both papers were exceedingly interesting and thoughtfully prepared. Al- though the night was stormy the attendance was good. It was decided to omit the missionary topic next month as it is the annual business meeting of the society. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. The Babylon people, who have sold square timber, recently have been making good use of the sleighing the past week by drawing the timber to Brecefleld. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Keys and Master Russel of Marlette, Michigan, visited friends on the Babylon last week. Mrs. G. R. Keys left on Saturday for Colborne to spend Xmas and New Years at the home of her father. The Women's Missionary Society of the Goshen English church held its meeting for this month at the home of Mr. Wm. Fee on Thursday last. Mr. David Keys of Brockway, Mich- igan, is at present visiting friends in this vicinity. Miss Lizzie Campbell accompanied b her father were the e guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. John McKinley. for a couple of days last week. Misses Annie Keys and Laura Row- son, the Missionary collectors for the Goshen Methodist church, went their rounds on Wednesday last and met with good success. Mies Rachel Clarke spent a few days recently with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Lamont of the Goshen Line. Miss Susie Rathwell of Ethel arrived here last week where she intends stay- ing for the winter at the home of her grandfater, Mr. Robert Keys. Miss Stinson of Clinton is the guest of her uncle, Mr. Thomas Stinson of the Bauble Line. Mrs. H. Diehl has been very i11 but we are pleased to hear that she is re- covering. Messrs. Geo. and W. H. Stephenson of Marlette, Mich., are spending a few days with their parents on Goshen. Mr. David Keys of Yale, Mich., is visiting friends on the Babylon. • Messrs. Ed. Curvin, Calvin Dowson, Jas. Stephenson, Ralph Stephenson and Jas. Boyce all intend putting stone walls under their barns creat summer. Mr. E. Ourviu's will be a new barn al- together. Mike Kennedy and Wm. Stogdill' have finished their wood contract for John McClinchey and have taken an- other 100 cord job for Robt.McClinchey. Officers of Clinton Court. At Monday night meeting of Olin• ton Camp' W. 0. W. the following were elected as officers for the en• suing term : (loaner! Commander, H. B. Ker. Advisor Lieutenant, J. Ireland Clerk, J. W. Ohidley Banker, R. Downs Escort, R. Smith Watc)rman, W. A. Maguire Sentry, J. Cook Managers, J. E. Ford, J: B. Hoover, J. Eagleson. Delegate to Head Camp, H. B. Ker. Alternate, P. Ker. BLYTH. tiULLF l'T TOWNSHIP: On Friday afternoon of last week the scholars of S. 9, No. 4 presented their retiring teacher, gr. Will. Haw, iltou,with an address,eigued by George MoVittio and Tommy Moon, in which they expressed their sorrow at his leaving together with their thanks for the interest he had manifested in their welfare. They also gave him a gold chain and a pair of cuff buttons of the same precious metal. Mies McLachlan S. S. No. 8 has been engaged by the. trustees of No. 4, A very successful entertainment was held in the school house of section No.2 on the afternoon of Friday last. The schoul-room on the occaeion was filled with visitors wbo were greatly delight- ed with the manner in which the pupils acquitted themselves. At the close of the progress), which consisted of dialoguea,music and recitation's, Miss Lena Pope,a former pupil of the school who ably presided at the organ, was presented with a costly set of coffee spoons accompanied with the follow- ing address ; Mies Lena Pope : Dear Friend,—We, the pupils of S. section No. 2, remember when you were a pupil in our school. You were then diligent in your studies as well as sociable with your school mates. Since your departure we are pleased to know that you have been successful in your musical attainments. When asked to assist us in the musicalP art of our entertainment you very readily consented, We, therefore,ask you to please accept this small token of our appreciation, with the wish that your future career may be a success. Signed on behalf of the pupils At the last meeting of Blyth lodge, No. 145, Ancient Order of United Workmen, elected the following offi- icers for the ensuing year : past master, D. Nicol ; master, N.Cuming; foreman, J.G.Emigh ; overseer, C. Johnson ; treasurer, R. Milne; financier, Dr. Car- der ; recorder, T. J. Huckatep ; guide, A. E. Bradwin ; inside watch, J. M. Hamilton ; outside watch, W. Potter. Our Public schools were closed on Friday for Xmas and New Year's holi- day's. One day last week our towsnman, Mr.John Brown, met with an accident, out on his farm in Bsllett. Whilst do- ing some work in the barn preparing forthreshing and whilst up in the mow he slipped and fell on the bard floor. It was a miracle he escaped with out serious injury though be will be con- fined to his bed for a few days before be recovers from the shock. On Sunday evening a large congre- gation attended the Methodist church to hear the song service. On Monday evening the annual Xmas Tree and entertainment under the auspices of the Fnglish church was held in Industry hall and wasa success There was a large crowd in attendance. The children did well in the different parts. There were some yery nice presents on the Tree for both young and old. Miss Gertie Graham, one of our Public school teachers for the past two years, has resigned her charge and bas taken a similar position in Dashwood. On Tuesday evening a number of the young folks of the English church drove over to Belgrave to take part in the Xmas Tree and entertainment there. On Saturday night quite a number came off the late train to spend their Xmas amongst friends in this burg. We understand Mr, Dan Kelly of Morrie has given up the notion of go- ing to the Hub to live and has leased a house on Morris street from Mr. Cade for a term. Constable White was serving the boys last week with documents to pay there poll tax. The hoye didn't take it very good as they want their surplus change for Xmas. They Excelled Themselves. On Friday evening last the Baptist S. 8. gave its annual Christmas Tree and entertainment in the town hall which held a large and appreciative audience. The feature of the evening was a can- tata entitled "The Drowning of Christ- mas," which was presented by the scholars in such a manner as to reflect much credit upon themselves and the ladies who assisted them in getting it up, Mrs. J. B. Hoover and Miss Maly Robb. In the captata a committee, with Frauk Walker as chairman, in recitation and song extolled the merits of the different holidays in the lyear but crowned Christmas as the first and hest of them all. . Afterwards the Christmas Tree, upon which hung a present for each of all the scholars and teachers, was stripped. It was to the purchase of these Christmas tokens that the receipts, amounting to a goodly sum, were devoted. Our Baptist Mende always get up a good entertainment and must be congrat- ulated upon the success of that of last ,l Friday everting. Clara Biggin, Eva Miller. School closed on Friday and Mr. Shore left for his home in Markdale in Grey county. He goes to Varna next year while Miss T,Sprung takes charge of No. 9. The pupils of the school pre- sented Mr.Shore with a handsome gold He chain as a mark of their esteem. is a successful teacher. WALKERHIIRNE. Dear Editor, Your scribe at Walker- bnrne,like unto Rip Van Wrinkle,has been asleep for sometime but he has awoke from his snooze and sends you a report of the doing in this corner of the world. We are sorry to have to report the illness of Mr. Geo. Youngblut of the Maitland block who has been laid up with blood poisoning but is now on the mend. The Xmas Tree and entertainment held in the Baptist church on the_Base Line on Wednesday eve was a success and many happy children are showing to admiring friends the pretty pre- sentsithey received from the Christmas. Tree. . PORTER'S HILL. AUBURN. Mr. Donald Patterson, county com- missioner, is laid up with the lagrippe at present. Mr. William Macdonald is very poor- ly at present. Mr. Alex. Robinson is also on the sick list as well as Mr. William Sym- ington. Mr. R. T. Erratt is very poorly at present. Mr. John Mole had a stone bee last Saturday and got about a dozen loads drawn in. Miss Zella Macdonald is home from London where she was attending the Collegiate Institute. Mr. Frank Munro has returned home from Toronto University. Miss Annie Ferguson has returned home from Benmiller and Mise U. Sprung from the Nile Mr. C. tskwith is home from Goder• ich. Miss O'Neil junior teacher in our echool and a much esteemed young lady, is holidaying at her home in Clinton. Mr, J. Cook has gone to his home in Lindsey. Mr. R.Leech has a contract of gravel- ing down near Mr. J. Youngblut's. Mr. Tierney's team was trying to get off the gravel and got too close to the ditch when the sleigh upset and the horses ran away hut not much damage was done. Mr. R. King of the Hub is visiting at his grandfather's, Mr. R. Mutch'e, at present. Mr. and airs. Samuel Marshall and family of Manitoba, accompanied by Mrs. Marshall's mother. Mrs. Morton, are the guests of Mr. Marshall's parents present. Gn the 2let a meeting was held to organile a skating club for a purpose of having an open air rink on the river this winter. The following were elect- ed officers President. M. M. Moor Sec. -Treasurer, E. Lawson Vice, H. Knox Committee, Dr. Turnbull, L. Lawlor, Ed. Helwig. Everything will he in good shape for New•Year's Day and all are welcome to come and have good time. Mr. Thos. Morgan of Goderich spent a few days in this vicinity last week. Mrs. McLelland of Treherne, Man., is visiting at the residence of her mother, Mrs. McLelland. d Mrs. Wm. Macdougall of Egmon- ville Sundayed in this vicinity. Mr. Thos. Elliott is visiting in Clin- ton as the guest of hie friend, Dr. Freeman . Mr. Golden Newton is in Goderieh studying dentistry with Dr. Maybe. Mrs. Crosse of McGregor; Man.. is a guest at the home of her father, Mr. Wm. Sterling. Dr. Holmes, dentist, will visit Dun- , gannon professionally every Thurs• day.. WI NOIIAM. Qn Thursday of last week our citizen, Mr. Blanchard, aged 87 years,, entered. into that life which .knows no ending. We are apt to callit the new life but it is not so for as the wheat is hornedand decaye.hefore it spring ftp to newness of life eo wuet we die to that which now is before entering upon that which shall last for evermore. About one ante ith agowood was sell - lag for $2.50 per cord hilt now Were is a good supply of this necessity at the even $2, The demand this year hardly comes up to tbat of last seiason as each winter coal stoves are in greater demand. It was all right.—In our estimation the greatest event of the season took place itr the Baptist church on Theme w day hast, an entertainment hichea conferred great honor upon the teach- ers, singers and children of the Baptist e Sunday school, especially the .a second part of the program which was a wear entitled "Who tihall we r the6 crown." That evening, sir, a we left the little church we thought that it was good to be there although had we been a few minutes later we should not have been there as the churchwas e filled to the door, aisles and ver} other nook. . Will Uncle . Tom ever pass into obscurity ? This. week. he is again.to 4 be in Wingham with the equally immortal Eva, the blood houndsand Simon Lsgree, in fact the whole gang, both niggers and boss. 8 The reported smallpox patients of Whitechurch are all better again. 'If that is smallpox it is not to be so much dreaded as manyother contagions diseases. ' ' Desolate and lonely looking stands the big foundry, remindingue that while we all like beef we want the lhorobred and not any stray bullocks that might wish to graze, upon our streets. Mr. Allenby, Sr., is, we are sprry to state, very sick, , It Was given out from the pulpit a few weeks ago that the new church would be opened the 20th of this month but if it is opened by the 2,Oth of March it will do well as a great dealof work. yet remains to be done. On. Sunday last general collections were taken up in the Sunday school on behalf of the children's' hospital, Tor- onto. The cause being very commend- able, a cheerful reaponse , was made thereto. Mise Vanetone, as reported, has resigned her charge in' our school, much to the regret of her pupils, who esteemed her. very . highly, , but it is rumored that not only is she highly esteemed by her pupils hut also but never mind, sir, we will ' tell you more anon. Webelieve her position at the school, will be taken by a Clinton. young lady. Yousee, sir, Wingham. is to Clinton and many other towns in. that direction the strong magnet which draws all people north. A big time and an enjoyable one was spent in the S. A. barracks on Tuesday night. There are heroes• yes- thousand of them sir, besides Lord Roberts and the trooper lade who have returned from South Africa. How many • of them would dare to nourish a sma11pn patient or care for one who is ther. stricken down with a deadly fever ? Then let us place crowns up on those patient, heroic nurses, whose mission is to heel and restore. WEST TUCKBRSt1ITH. KIPPEN, Wedding Bella,—The read. nee of John larvey, 2nd concession S aniey, was on Xmas Day a gay an,d fleetive scene, Friends of the families and. contracting parties <were there from here and all over to show their esteem and good will for the popular young couple who. were made wan • and wife, Miss Jane Harvey and Robert Beatty ,of Varna. Rev. Mr. Long pfficiated, After the ceremony the assemblage oat down to the most sumptuous of dinners and a more jovial party could not be bad, The presents were.nuwer- ous, costly and grand, Mr, and Mrs. Beatty will reside in. Egrnondville. May a long, happy and prosperous married life be theirs. Edward • Taylor, son of Mr. Geo. Taylor, has returned from Southern Manitoba where be has been for the past ten years and from aRFearance, and accounts, like most of the other Huron Boys, has done well. He has a half section under. cultivation. The review and entertainment in teacher T. H, Brownlee's school section, 14 1Iay, was a decided s uccese,creditable alike to the teacher and scholars who acquitted themselves so well after a thorough questioning and testing from visiting teachers, Miss M. McGregor, Messrs. W. H, Johnston and T. For- syth, in the presence of the trustees, parents and friends,who were atlas one in saying good work was being • done with our children by Mr. Brownlee. A program was given by the pupils. in recitations' and singing with instru- mental accompaniments, excellent t indeed. Then the children and visitors were entertained to truly loyal and patriotic addresses liy ex -teacher Wm, Doig, W. H. Johnston, T. Forsyth, Benj, Phillips and Mr. Mulholland trustee. Mr. Robt. McArthur, trustee, acted. as.chairman. Visible was the respect and courtesy of the pupils one •to another as well es to visitors. At Trebor Grange,. Kippen, the residence of 'Mr. and Mrs, Robert McMordie, Madge, their third daugh- ter, was married to, Mr. Thompson of Londesboro on Miami Day, Friends from the neighborhood and a; distance were present and -a most enjoyable` time was spent. It is understood Mr.. and Mrs. Thompson will reside near, Londesboro, Congratulations and good wishes. Mr. Wm. Doig is actively engaged: canvassing our village. The rate- payers. are:; favorable to.any change that, will lead to a reduction, of taxes and economy. His policy isretrench- ment' and a general overhauling of municipal management. There may not be opposition unless it springs from new Blood as ratepayers are favorably. inclined to have a change from the old routipa of high taxes and excessive school rates. One thing cure, if Mr. Doig is elected reeve of Tuckersmith the people will have a fearless advo- `Fate, - ' .term of Stanley is still agitated over th�;r creek iv + Hob question. The adjustable ..or false ,.sing an bottom in the Logan bridge' is 'an idea . , i to without utility demonstrated beyond a doubt, It ie constructed to ries and fall with the water but for what pur-. pose is not known unless it ' is to. have contrrol of the .water ,above the bridge, when the'bed cf "the creek below the, �;:.idge ie made the lawful depth. The council in a body should see to it for there is 'imminent danger of a serious Washout , to the narrow. strip of road., reading to the bridge should the float- ing`bottom become jammed with, drift wood and back up the water so it must overrun and wash away last summer's work which was an' attempt to im- prove the road with earth, without plank or timber to protect the strip -of road. A good deal has been said about what tin, eye can••see, but the people have sight, too. No more Wiley puns, 'about water, let us know the feelings of . the representatiye men whether they will except the ideas of one man or see for themselves. Mr: Sandy Doig, son of Mr. John Doig, basreturned home from college where he has completed his course or term. He looks well. Messrs. John McOlymont and John Chambers have purchased something very fast in the horse line and have it ender training. A thousand is said to be the price and 2.20 the colt's gait without training. Another Harold S. Mr. John Berry of Hay has been adding to his poultry some fine specimens of the white rocks said to he. fine for table use and great winter layers, Me. Editor,—Before your valuable exponent.of people's rigbts,Tas NEWS- REcoRn,reaches us we will have spent, 1 trust, a happy and merry Xmas and I wish ,to extend to all. readers and yourself the compliments of the sea- son. a VARNA • • BAYP Mre. Drabman is visiting b near Listowel over Obristmas. Mr, George Xing, who has b with typhoid for borne time, le not proving very rapidly, 1 Willie Turner is able to it up after a severe etruggle with inflammation of the lunge, We regret to rep'or i the death of little Johnnie Murray,, who was oper- ated on several days, .ago for periosti- tis. Last week we reported favorable progress but the long strain ended in heart failure and the little fellow afters a gallant struggle, died last Thursday, aged five years and seven months. Johnnie was a bright, winning little fellow and leaves a largo., place in his late home and in hie heart -broken mother's affections• The funeral took place laet Saturday afternoon and was largely attended,, the service being conducted by Rev, Mr. McNeil, The community extende,. its heartfelt sym- pathy to Mrs. Murray, the bereaved mother, in this sad Christmas. visita• - tion. Bayfleld can boast of many excellent features but we doubtif many towns of its size , cantell the story of our harness .maker. Mr. Thos. Cameron, who is busy filling an order for horse collar* for a farmer near Lexington, Michigan. Mr, Cameron and his fath• er, the late Donald Cameron, supplied Mr. Bruce and hisfather before him with harnesswhile residents e rdents of Can- ada and it speaks well for their work- manship that their old by -atone friends still continue to patronize the old stand even while residing in for-. eignlands. The municipal pot has not yet begun to boil over although we hear that the present reeve' is again seeking re- election and we also hear that Mr. James' Thompson and . Mr. James Donaldson, • Sr,, will be candidates. Mr, Thompson is a member . of the present council , and a faithful servant of the public, We trust, whoever is elected• that something more will be done to boom the town than has been done in the past.- There are railway charters galore talked of, but the routes proposed do not touch. Bayfleld and all think something could be done by our council to induce charter hunt- ers to include us, ,especially the one we have always advociyted, to 'Wood-` stock via St. Mary's. We always maintained that thi route is the only profitable one for_, us and we cannot. understand why Bayfield should not be its laketerminus instead' of Goder ieh, We have a abetter harbor and as good or better faringrge so•sounmdley arouiendto ue nts for -the charter. Voodstock to adopt'''. e terminus. ' us and we 'would induce the elliptic+ via St. Marys 1u Bayfleld as the lal School closed on riday last and wilt re -open on . Januar `0th with Miss t Wright as assistant Mr. Gi • W. Dolman. Mise Whidd . three. years having expired, man made the occasion of c Opportune time to ask the pe attend' the closing exercises. A number. turned- out an ren were put\through exer4rsea'6iy the'!pxi,Isriy, Mr, J . W.Whiddon and Leoc}� Miss' W hiddon Was p by the children With it kindly address accompanied .by a 'bea dressing case and writing portfo Mr. John Tippett, oue of the: trustees, being presents was asked to take the chair and short but interesting -ad- dresses were given by Revs. Jennings and McNeil, also by Messrs. J. W. Whiddon and A. McLeod, the children singing patriotic songs. The Methodist church Epworth League'iieid their Xmas entertainment in the town hall on Friday evening last. The attendance, was fair but not so good as the beautiful night 'would warrant, The program was good bet rather long. The several performers acquitted themselves well during the evening and a pleasant feature of the affair was the excellent manner in which the smaller children did their parts. The order was not cohrmend- able and we would like to see the reins tightened on the youngsters who are learning bad habits .in disturbing, such functions. We never can see the propriety in allowing freedom to lapse into lif:enee. -'This latter feature ex. cepted the entertainment cal all that could be desired. (lonrt Bayfield I. 0. F. held their annual meetingon Wednesday evening of last week when the election of offi• core kook , .place. There were no pertif uler changes in the titan' except- ing'•chat Mr. G. W. Holman, owing to .handing the position of p. D. H. 0. Ry retired from the Chief I•tr nis-si's chair. It was decided to hold the annual tall and supper on Friday evening, Jan. 10t1s, when a good time is expected and the price will be as heretofore, gentlemen 1,0c,, ladies free. Mr. and Miss Logan of Varna visited at Mr. Alex. Cameron's one day last week. Mrs. J. Reid visited at the rectory one day last week, Mies X. Park returned frons Goder- ich township last week. - Mr. W. Beatty of Varna called at the rectory last Friday. We are pleased to learn of the recovery of Master T. Stilwell of the Saubie Line. Tommy had been ill for a couple of,weekr. It iswhispered about that a few bsppy event, will take place in the near future, The English church Xmae Tree will be hetd Friday night 'and bids fair tar excel any•previoua recent, Admission, 15e and 10c. Mr. Geo, Hato is ownert of a dandy new cutter of the beet make. Service will be held Xrnae Day its Trinity, church at 10.80 a. M. ; Goebert at 2.80'p. tn., while in Vault the sear past has been, engaged thio` year by tt vie* will ba held on Sunday next aft the trttsbeee for 1002 I the u*uM ltet% The annual Christmas Tree and entertainment of St. John's church was held on the evening of the 19th in the town hall and. was a, decided success. St. John's congregation is noted for its success in anything under- taken.. This Xmas Tree is an annual. affair and is not open to the Beneral public, the idea being a family union and an evening gathering of parents and children to celebrate the joy of Xmaetide.. There is also a bot dinner' consisting of goose, • duck, .etc., all provided with a liberal hand by the ladies. The children and varioue members contribute to the program and Santa Claus pays a visit and prizes are distributed, an event, it is needless to state,thoroughly enjoyed by all. Here is a brief outline of the program : recitations by S. Stinson, Ethel Johns, R. Wilson, Ritchie McNaughton, X. Jacobs, T. Stinson, Edna Beatty, K. Stinson, M. Oolclough, Effie Colclough, H. Reid, solos by Meesre. W. Beatty and W. Logan, an opening piece by the school as well as a closing, read- ings by Mr. 3, Armstrong, a little boys' drill and a little girls' drill, an Xmao address by the Rector, and not feeling satisfied that all, the pleasure be .their, own the children and parents gave an offering of three dollars to be an Xmas present to an orphan in the Shingwauk Iionie, an Indian lad of some eight. years: Especial thanks are due to the ladies of the congregation for the gond things and a Merry Christmas is wish. ed for all. The residence of Mr. Henry Garter was the scene r•f a pleasant event an Uhristrxgae Day when his eldest daugh- ter, Rigs Annie, became the bride of Mr.John Pepper, a sturdy and pros. perous young farmer of the 2nd, con. Rev. Dr. Gifford of Clinton tied the nuptial knot. Miss Mary Pepper,sister of the groom did the duties of brides- maid While Mr. Frank Layton perform- ed similar duties as groomsman. The young couple take up home on the 2nd midst the congratulations of their many friends. Mr,Addiaon3ohns has returned home,' for his Xmas holidays. Mr.J,G.Orieh is Sporting a new cutter recently purchased front Rutnbail. & McMath of Clinton. • BRIJCEPiELD. Rey. E. R, Sewers preached anniver- sary sermons in Walton on Sabbath. Rev, Mr. McNabb preached here, A Christmas Tree and entertainment is to be held in the Methodist church;, on the 24th inst. Admission, 10 cts. Weddings are the order of the day in this vicinity: Mr. B. It. and Mise Helen Higgins attended the wedding of Miss Harriet Frasers of Rayfield last week, Misses Edith Sowers and Florence Ohrysierare spending Xmas at their t'erpectly hence%. Me. Al X. Murdock of Toronto Medi- caI Oolle a is epanding his holidays at Is Wine ere'. • WESTPIELD. Mr, JamesFerguson, after an extend- ed visit to friends at Lucknow, has 're. turned -to Mr. Thos. Radcliffe's having found that there is no pereon like Thomas. Mr. Barry Gosman has started his chopper at Westfield. Mr, and Mrs.fapid Hunter of Grind- stone, Mich., were visiting at the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Redmond, but have returned home. Mr. Redmond presented them each, with a beautiful fur coat before they left, Mr. J. N. Campbelt,who was just re- covering from a k ick by a horee,ie now suffering from a, severe cold. Mr. Walter Whiteman, Who taught in S. S. No, 9, East Wawanosh, for a couple of years, has severed his eon. nection therewith and returned to his home at Leamington. Ile Was made the recipient of the three presents at the close of the eehool tern% Mt., Henry Morrish,,a. onetime prtn eiipal ofthieechool but has been in the life business for three yeare 1