HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-12-12, Page 9raw rg•nrets.n.1•8A111DIET AND MEM
virsunurioiro • cONSIPERED WASTE. .
believe the Ayrshire, like any
other dairy POWs gliould Show drat Of
all a capacity for giving a lexge
the quautity of milk, writes Mr. M. A. invelltiOn." is conceded, and that 'the
a alcovell. A. larger alidtler When full, elimination of waste inpredUCtiO4
LI80 which znillts out well, is, therefore, by tile utilithaiOn of by-products is
the first requisite. In her general an ofisprins of the game parent i8
in make-up she ehould show that she apparent.
has a strong Constituti011 and ability 1 • Despite the WotaderfUl Increase in
Ita to turn law feted, above the rnaills the power of production in all
et tenance ration, into milk, brancbee of industiiy u years but, re-
, at should be inoldecl strong without (2-. gently passed,
or ing coarse ; compact without bog and Which still goes
on la a way that causes one to ask.
N ow the SUpply ia Not Ecintil to
the Great Demande-Once LoSel
New Profit.
That "necessity Is the Mother of
pony shaped, ani muscular without witt- worKters never cease? the eco..
tits being fat. And with all she ',should ramie alma has ever , heel, active
e 1 be attractive and pleasing to the to discern email leakageS which might,
its) eye. A cow might be an excellent -
aid dairy cow, giving large amounts of .
ter butter and cheese.' and yet be very
as unattractive. Take, for instance, a
•or- raw-boned, long-legged, coarse head -
nit ed, elei hant-eyed bow, with a large
our udder, but unsymmetrical, with teats
igh on one side, for instanee, close te-
en- gether, with one teat much larger
d's than the others, with great divisions
.tle between the teats and a hollow space
3i1.- in the middle of tho udder. such '13le
'ill cow, in my judgment, does not be -
our long to the ehow ring. Attractive -
so ness or beauty must therefore Play
uld its part in the selection by theAudge
val of prize winning dairy cows.
or A cow possessing an attractive
eat hend, with eyes wide apart, face
golf COVenqi With fine silky hair and
veins prominent, eyes full end lively,
,his with horns characterietic of ths
no breed, a neck long and sinewy, thie,
ith_ free from loose skin underneath, thni
the at the junction of the head and
He tapering somewhat to form the
ef shoulders ; wedge -shared shoulders,
. showing no surplus flesh, but wall
• , "Wei yoU needn't 'be 143 betietly seat,
11:1344.404 .041•00titlwaygwo the{t," atisivered
,; the
caRtle," Pat in Vett, "just be -
13y aever jo a love."
s: How d0 yoU 'knew at?" asked
,Itatatatiaaaaaaa........, • • • • • • aa • to' IIillyard, •
,,aa av-, 0'04 ,114•1,41 $6,1 •
Recall*, you're lioti lady'le man
the Mai bill b f h
T.:anew:7: peoue:yeti,t;telmeetie,lympola.,cted rmluips now," liala 11111.
Be was thiaking of the girl efitiont
Raymond, Ilillyard, handsome and he had met tit the reistaurant: Had
dininguithed looking, tatting °piaci- niade such a bad impression on
Site, glanced up With an aSsuMed ,be? He knew site had Made a, great
lazy indifference and resumed eating. impressioa Ulna In short, he had
'The waiter well alley whisaing Milan in love &et sight,
about hie nankin Preparatory to be., "iiere, let no show you her por-
, 'trait," rattled on Vairleigh, taking
th rgairild,' "1'11 remain ft little long- I "There, iSn't that a sweet face?"
"Stine, more COffee, please," said a small *tote front hie letter case,
"Very," declared Itillyarch but
turning with the order. realized that all the stinshine had
1th f bitter ess for he
be turned te profit m all Dram:110 $he began to pip her coffee 'very gene out of Ins the, for the face he
82 to 40 Rust,
of business, • The result is that what the shirt waist that closes at the s1owlY. Iler table companion had gazed at Was the face of the girl
was formerly a dead. loss In inatty a back is a recognized fa-voilte, and maple opportunity of studying her. whom he had befriended,
business is /low a source revenue promises to extend its vogue for
' A broad, smooth forehead, With I ter"eIdt. is just
'What he saw was Wm: iy ill -luck," he
of no mean proportion, as well PS many months to come, This admix•-•
the medium taf empleyment to thoes- able model is suited to silk, velve- daric hair clustering in rebellious "What's that?" asked Fairleigh,
ands ef• men. ** ' teen, corduroy, flame!, cashmere, earls around her temples: a pair of Phurply,
it is said that the Standard Oil batross and all waist materials ; but deer) gray eyes, With long lash/Mi. 4 "Nothing', nothing. I hope you
short, straight nose; a dear little will be very happy.'
ContlaitlY mates off the by-products in the original, is made of white
Of crude peirolown mere thou flannel, with tiny gold buttons as and A rather square jaw, '").'in sure we shall, Tastes old
which showed resolution and deter- man, I must be eiT no,w. I'll hook
enough, every year to pay ler the en- trimming.
tire production under its control, The lining i fits snugly and smooth- mination, The hands, small, well- in again soon."
Among these by-products are vase- ly, and Is desirable for all light- kelat and shapely, were (*.avoid of I "No wonder she gave the name el
line, pararline, axle greits% certain weight wools and silks, but can be rings. I'Delling,' "mused Ilillyard bitterly,
wax products and lubricants of var- omitted when heavier materials aro "Let me see," he mused, "the hat lie extracted a postal order froni
bus kinds. Anotner instance of' the Used, or for any reason its is net cost one and sixpence throe tenth- his pocket for one and five and a.
uti_ization of what was formerly desired. The front of the waist pro- ings, and is home trimmed, very short note, which ran:
waste may be cited in cotton seed Per is laid in small box plaits, that .neat; and Suits her, The blouse was "With Miss Delling's sincere.
and coal dust, both ot which are aro stitched deepeet, at the center, four and eleven cal the peg, anti the themes."
and grow shorter as they approach lithe round the collar could be bought t -Perhaps," he thought, "X ought
aow sources of revenue, .
the arm -eyes, each of which is held at any cheap millnier's for seven to toll yeuag Vairleigh. 131,11; no; it
THOUSANDS ANNUALLY SAVE•o• at the end by three small buttons. three fartiaings the dozens".
0 man disappeared, shortly re- touchao
Scores p1 other things might be
mentioned to show that hundreds of
thousands of dollars ate now annual -
The five plaits at thee back are
stitched for their entire iength and
fornt groups of two at each side of
"Waiter,.• one omelette aux fins
herbs," he said suddenly to the man
Who hovered round like a phantom
37 saved to secietYsSby the elimina-
the center, where the closing is effect -bat.
tion of waste 4productionbut the
• . •
ed by means of buttons and buttota He 'vanished like lightning. A few
.4 ,
the enough at the
on holes. The sleeves are in bishOP minutes later the proprietor strelled
Oast to show a good above wi su e as a • 'style, with pointed cuffs that. match up to the table, glanced suspectingly
hat lteart action ; a short, strong', to an. article, the text of which is
the novel treatmdiit of the collar. . at the girl, 'coughed one° or twice
h k , 11 d f d nolltin more than sasydust and '
straig t bac , spine ae e n , g . .
then said; • • .
the to hold a symmetrical udder ; broad when straw was often burned in the 4 Sawdust has a • market value of
peciaily at the flank, giving strength ' Who of mature. years, cannot recall !for this purpose as."the shavings,
ribs well sprung ; the body deep, es- shavingi. . • .
• . .
t "We Shall be closing very soma,' Three. inenths passed' away. Hill, I denied her, mitt -the .attehtleh'
• a •
madam. Are yeti exPeCting Il• .yrdunable t Lit el any trace. of
friend?" • .•
'isolation, .
: . ar was o 1 a her coeld only have been .of the,
-raided the
across the hips and level ; long from' rick or left to rot where it lay after twenty-five cents .a- Darrel, and there . • • Miss Dennis, :though he had Visited. leaked out and the police
staatiest, for when the. terriele secret
hip to rump ; thighs thin and wide being robbed, of its goldeu treasure is rarely stay Linctuatimi in the'price. I "Yes," was the answer.. "I Won't, M 11 ' lib tlin Fair -
wait snitch longer."' • - leigh 11°,0 gene to me country .pend- house, they -found • the 'woman and
ure a cy s . library •many eg.
ty apart, to admit of carrYing the od- by the thresher? Javen the lorinerlYilt• is tmed extensively in pecking. for 1 The waiter appeared 'again and i his 1 i I la Hillyard her 11 in - it• condition. which defies
would compromise the young: lady.
Detter leave it as it may be
I Then he set down to'write an arti-
cle, and by the time he had vested it
to, his typist it 'was 0 o'cl,ock, so he
Went to the restaurant where he had
Met AIMS Dolling.
Needless to say, lie ate his meal in
• 411t0 -11P Ofti, AND
WX.488 CtiLZABB.
• C� e u Frazee Eisoligh to.
Aki'v thz•et Of
aglioe:th.1301Mchoortillotplanainer twentyyearybeeallieo
of Poitiars, France, and being fin ex- a, „
cellent fatally, she had hosta of muite
esacrese'luleinarroSaitclvaelissintorwshSer, !rim
yinocus4VelteunteltiY blasrsrtishteszra liarhoi4thatod lita4
tie or AO prOspects.. Monnier'it
nearest relatives, her mother and her
brother, the latter A sub -prefect With
botit of wham she Med, Were froin
the first resolved that elle shmild
not throw herself away on her law -
Yet' lover, Bays Pearson's Weekly.
Arguments anti intieaties subter-
fuges and inducement all falling,
however, to persuade the beautiful
young woman to discard' her lever,
the manor and brother etiolated
rfoorclioniteor cigiasianyptexi.te'cle,nnsa,ndanidnquIVIirlelie.o.
after her were told that she had lost
her reasen through 10e.
As a n3atter of fact, to atria, out
their determination that she should
not wed the man of her choice, her
mother and brother shut her up in a •
top room of the house in whica they
resided, and for venous reasons eub-
eequently arising, detained her a
prisoner there for twenty long,
agonizing years. Yet the homey in
Which she was intercerated Was sit-
uated in a good street in Poitiers,
And was passed daily again and
again by policemen wito never nil. a
=meat dreaint what a tragedy was
being enacted within. _
Deaf to all appeals fer mercy, the
heartless• gaolers seemed to have
treated the 'young wornan• as. one
I Would hardly treat a mongrel dog ;
even light, without which, the merest, .
ve ott ble cin.scarcely. Was
of der, tail smoothly set on and long : despised sawdust, wince., was a atm- , shipment •
anything that is shipped inge• deco descrintion. •
a large, capacious udder when filled ng cell rig narr
added the coffee to the hill. still ,kept his secret. : I Her mind had given way under the
a want source of annoyance to the 'glass, The beeweries use.it in pack- 1 .
"Thank YouS". said the girl, "Yen . It was a strange fate that
sat needn t. sten
' d here," one day , strain elf her twenty years' im-
with milk, firmly attached to the saw -mill men and au expense 01 keen, ling bottled beer, and while the paper,
m- cal:- ing the mill cleared of It, aud the cushion has laden introdeced in manyhd lecl him to viait his tYPist's to call prieertment, and from being a fine,
. body, showing well behind and
The waiter wit row. Hillyard for a manuscript which he especially
in- shavings of, the plantar; mills, known ,fines, St is still an Old favor -
wish cl for. But whim "Miss 'Dell- the ' f lif h h d been
beautiful woman in grand health and..
ri«I well forward, and deep throw h
item side to side, with teats aym- sawde
to haie no further use that that +of ite, particularly with the brewers. ..smiled and began his omelette, which prime o e, as s e a
th- had been brought•to him. • ing" e came forward in answer to Ills
I "Pardon me, but I believe I am, ensuiry Halyard was cempletely
, when the world last saw her, she had
ou furnishing amusement tu iinageeative I Formerly sawdust was much more
metrically placed and, wide apart
pi- youngsters who saw in the Ion
. g extensively used in the packing of rieht in saying that you haven't•got taa-en 'aback. ' 1 callicaoliegteodni oifntao w'cionwatenar, wwitnritte-rocnegl.
and of a geed size, the udder smooth
throughout, with the appearance that white 'coils the tillage of silk ribbons ice than at present,. The introdnc- - .
the milk fills every portion of it : or the long wavy hair ST, tion of artificial ice and "You have certainly succeeded ad- matted hair and hollow, eyes, who
la filled to their capacity ; legs short. , other cas_ the nsonese with•.which to_ play your
Low tone. , stammer ow nie to con- she crouched upon the 'vermin -covered
k- of a fair are
now Marls.eta.ble commudities. coyeries for the preservation of the put in Hillyard at last, in a Mirably keeping out of iny WaY,"•I mumblingly ihiplored for mercy as
, milk veins prominent and apparently
i of t,he same.'oPpliieninollia,i'l'ager' fear ie gratulate you �n etn"sirl'olulr engagemeht floor and looked up at theArrifled
Toledo Ohio, heing a •iarge Pros natures, product has . discriminated
P showing strength, and set well apart: •
ducer of shavings and sawdust bY against sa..wdust a4 a. preserv ng.
1 For a moment her eyes flashed to n frie d Fairleigh, Miss Cun- pollee officials who had e.ime tO
Alt- skin soft and elastic, rich in color
1 t 1 b • ,'ntereste there 0- ,• ' --ti ' articular , et there his gnan y, i • ; q. • • . . riin;11Yean., .,11.
th•''or silky hair, is a show cow, and reaun.e of the extent of tbe bnsiness no. indication that there will ever e „I.Io.w dare • you speak. to me like '• Tile girl was visibly agitated. Fescue her after twenty yearis
1 and covered with soft, close, woolly
I such a cow :II avs health and there may not bp entirely without the want, of a market for it. Par- 1 o You take I CONFINED FOR 14 YEARS,
'strength and dairy, capacity, and interest. Investig-atiun snowed that ticularly is this true when it is con-
. , that? she said. 'What d
me for?" "How. did you find out nay naine
a An almost worsercase. was cliacev-
withal is beautiful, and v. nen she tens of thousands of wagon loads of sidered that in many saw mills the "1 take you for what you are.,...a, was ,sCunna.ingidir, and who told yo ered aeme time agp during the pull -
„ walks around without any a.pparent lady " he answet•ed gently. ' * ing down of a house on the outskirts
, •• h 1 d l'ttl d _ year and that. the supply is far be- ' fuel along with the shavings
--• „_ This answer flabbergasted her for a t
11 Wti eng,ge
"II? s Iriend showed me Your pot- qf Naples. The house had been va-
his shavings are' sold in Toledo everY sawdust is now being consumed as
tices things without being wild or low the demand. ,
1 s si cated by the tenants, reepee...able
tradeppeople, only a few day e e....ore
the So staple have these two laY-Pr••'- momenta, She coeld not meet his
timid, and with graceful movements. I • snwesT GOOD FUEL. ducts of the lumber becoizie that no scrutialzing gaze. • . Pored hurrkdly. "Years age my fa
"There i ome mistake,',' she 'Mlle:
40 then she becomes attracti•ve and • is f "Pray allow me .the faVor of add- the housebreakers' entereu Au Com -
titer. hard to beat in the show -ring. I The sante is true ,iif SaWdust:. Many !feed store is now considered well ,
stocked unless it is prepared to
. =epee their work ; and on•going to
Goa . The first prize Ayr hire cow at the of the wood wot•king mills -033b1 030 liver de- 'ing your bill to mine," he continued, th • I ft Ai ' for England take
of about sixty, but who was actually.
draayn away by a draft from the ma- , . , .
3' ---i.__.-- The waiter, . somewhat ague:tee,
;roeurin onawkwardy corner, and that
friend IS a in th."
You =1St admit. that you - . , • • k I 'LT
me with my niethei an stmersell- -Y the cellar'inider the oaeu, parc of the
Ina. with him. my twin sister, leavIng
et e ,• liaise, ,
that the shavings are in dust or. a bale of shavings as .
promptly as if the , order was for a : Y
on sh.ort nriler a barrel of saw- ealuil ,
their own shavings ae fuel for their
te 'Pan-American possessed most, of
„. `rigs get cm es •
- of sunlight; but •now Mr, H. M. I -don't know what' you mean."
: . • which he has effected by means • "Really," •stanamel'ed tne girl, "T-
out that this method of 'curing cer- firmly. ' "X Will repeat It again if has 'received - much praise*Sor the disappeared with remarkable celerity.
(Jose, an English :scientist, pesiats “1 mean what I say," he answered
Profesior L'inSen, of Copenhageri,land the gentleman with the napkin
1.1nuE,,Dy. _Ldrew near again.
urficoa," he. ordered sharply,
.. s , mother. My name is g at sthe
father died, and. shortly
te find the whereabouts of my sister.
' "Believe me, I will do all I can, .., 1 .. . .
and I have been trying for months
3 have bad for existence. . Cell yeti dated. #7th white nair hung .th)Wli .
None will ever know what a struggle'
returned .IIillyard. ' “Give me three set on toot at once arid, naturally,
engaged to nijr sister?" . .. Ibeard reached below his wale*. . .
days. This is Tuesday. • Will you the late, tenants of the house were
Inc learn whetner your friend i3 below his Shoulders, and his Allis.
' Cunnin team
after, anY house the m,en totind the dead body
'" II quiries as to his identity • were
slays, and was most shoekingly ema-
forty...-. He had been dead about two
of what they. Presumed to oe a snan
time of his death lose than
boilers .
'lers Iolues are so Conetructed
ent theies qualities in an eminent degree.
I mediatel P - - • . I
• , a
iihe showed great dairy capacity,
Is much the largest udder of any cow In
chinery as rapidly us tney are made. SUNLIGHT AN OLD . , ,ss,se
and the ring, probably a trifle too pen -
Through. this channel by devious
Idant for the Ayrshire tyre, teats
ways the shevings are carried• into
aoh well placed, body covered with . the
Isa. •iinest skin, unctuous, loose and elas- the furne,ces,•
mice tic, with the finest and silkiest hair Those who deal in sham
ron of any cow ez 11 lAted. She stood their supplies frora the large lumber
-ith with a straight back and not as yards where rough lumber is dressed
hey Isom° did; with their hind legs very for the market, and from the m
. the much under them and a hump in the where it is manufactui•ed bite the; ,
Ills' tam diseases was known and prac- yeti wish. • 1 dorSt believe you have
they I back. She is wedge-shaped ; has anished product. • • •
tise in - • n6 an c
d ' LI si d enturied-ago. "In the money with-" '. •
. Meet me. at the restaurant on Friday eagerly 'sought for ; Ituf-they had
. . Itakcn themselves .right awav ,and
' 8 " 1 ' "Professor Finsen She motioned lum to d'esist, . • evening at 7?" . .
S '1 d n aesent • have not been beard of to this day.
t Is-
turn -
prominent milk veins ; is compactly Shavings are used mostly for stable , ' •
built : has an attractive eye, a tone- bedding. They are bought usi by the proposed that patients sufferi .
ng kora "Hush! hush! You have no right . •
WM head and manners that were livery stable proprietors in large smallpox 'should be kept in yearns to say that Don't please don't." . They dined together on Fridars-a, : Careful investigations were, how- .
nappy pair. Fairleigh was indeed en- ever, sable to- estabIish• the fact that
I* ' y • d ' gaged to Miss CusMinghota's twin the man was none either than the son
1; y„aueen y an a ay a , quan I i , r from which the chemical rays of Her earnest entreaty compelled him
iced. wrote the famous medical treatise, direct answer. !stone proper. name?" aSlieri Hillyard. I strangelyvishoatnte fioeudrtatebne yearimsnatupm
, . .
from !stood at first above her In •Ile es eat sii • •
i savings are sold' by the load as a 'I,lasa ,Medicinae," and :who died in ' Der face went a dee o crimson.' I "You -you see you• word quite tt.Irkals•
.Nyn,g parents to inciarcerate their son
t by !ring of grunt Ayrshire cows at the rule, though sometimes they aro pur_ 1361. Re cured a son of King Ed- "YeS, you are right," see replied etranger to me. I thought' .it
This .ran -American• al I b vra in hini in scarlet at length, but with a great effort. better we should not Meet again," It•here• is nothing to shotva but it tvaa •
(learnt that the unhappy young man
' had. frequent and bitter qatirrels
od's "It was very, very Wrong, 'I know, she answered shyly. •
tion FEEDING HOGS. but I, was • so-so hungry; and I -The Fates have thouqtri'vtoothhears-
with his stepsmother, who Yens a
wise," he Said smiling. This; violent tempered women a el '
All farmers understand that hogs to straw or sawdust 'as a bedding,' says of the result: --'Est bona, Cui•a; , thought that-" - . .
Horsemen generally .preter, Shaving's
g ‘W d n b kept more becailset as th'eY claim; they 'take up et euravi eum. in sequentl. sine vest That At was possible you would brought us together again.
her home with a rods4I froth
181 you will have no heSitatioa in
• ' cheaply in summer than during the the moisture better than straw are a` ' •• '' " ivhich means that rneet with a good f 3 a n 1 a r I t 11.11 , " put time
, doubt, that alien WOO; Alan di At all eventg*thrie is stgarc I
I winter, season. Crass and clover cleaner arid last longer. '. r the treatment was efTectiye, for the in Ilillyard, accurately diVining her • bill t i min •?" . .
.‘,„ .., appeared it wits because he 'tad been
bs • ,
I patient recovered and never showed. g . ••A k , erne to Thelea was a pause.
sequestrated, tor it Ives rdeollected i
for t he cheap pork thus produced. • 1 any trace o smallpox. Thet•e is. also Play. Suppose you had not met me "Deal'est," he whispered, e s.
softly, "won't -Won't yqu add your
by neighbors that .about the same I
claim and generally get ti) credit
Yet few know that grass and even S. , o ' ' . 1 the ‘ evidence that other physicians be- -Ivhat then?" ' .
life to mine, for nie to keep always; I -
. time a small grill which had admits'
clover, unless at its best. are far in- anaount of shaVings handled by •Izini sides Geddesden believed in the vtr- She laughed uneasily. •
1 ted a little light and air into the
levier to some other Vegetatlies that in the course of• a year, pr zin t tees of phototherapy and adopted it But you see I did meet you.", for better or worse, till-"
Their eyes met, It wad enough..
may be grown and fed. Turnips and dealer said that during the laSt year when they desired tor cure certain "Yet yOu seem very reluctant to • cellar was rem
a el i en
es. , tly the scale of points adopted by a large stock ef shay' g t. this in a a s eu.- • red curtains or red geass. • in this "You cannot deny that I am sister, and all the ratystery was dear- of the late tenant bf the 'house and
the step -son of his second Wife, 'and
and when' standing or walking. If scored think of negleirting the laying in of light had been excluded by means. of to stop. '
r tile Ayrshire Breeders' Association son of the year than they would treatment, however, he. was antici- right?" he •demanded,, in a manner ed aP, •
v, 7. in January of this year,in my 51,r1r, d b John 11 h
think of neglecting their stock of pate y Cadciesaen, who thatp ant y s OWeel he w011ad littAre at ' "Ittit why did .you, not gi•ve Inc that he had diSappeared .tather
flced men she wo
chased in large ton' orders, The
price per load is $1.25 &littered. 'cloth, and placing Ira In a bed and
1 1 carlet han sings He
allow nie t.o ctild your laill tO
eyed to givelvay for
. • l'a flagstone which Was
rutabagas are better tnan grass, but he 'had.. handled . 10,000 loads at forms ofskin disease.
The color fietzied her cheeks again. DIFFERENCE IN VOGS.. .1 •STRONGLY CEMENTED DOWN.
the best root of all to feed to hogs leastThere are off years in shay- "It must be a loan," she declared, - ....... The emaciated condition of the
• . "
is beets. We always preferred the Jugs as well as in any other basis • ELECTRIC MOTORS,
ensphatically, "I came in here In Sea Mist and London Gloom Have ,'.body was of such a character as to
sugar beet, though all beets conta n nese"mid e. The great objection to electric mo- sheer desperation. You don't 'mow Nothing in Common. I prove that the man had not starved
some percentage of sweet. and men ! "This year shavings have been tors -that they will not run for what it is to be poor, and oh, so
*he fo f
the mange] wurzel, which contain the tolerably plentiful by reason of the enough without recharging -is said lamaraa, a •
'I g o London and the fkig ei. only after the flight of his parents,
least, are eaten greedily. The 1,011's feet that tire lumber business haS to Le Overceme. Recently ih England —,1-57.0;, '
I do," he answered quietly,
1.atit had for a very considerable time
the sea. alike dideompose traffics and
will need other feed to make them been, good. In years like this we la, circuit of 94 miles Was run with- ,'I am so sorry," she whispered omnibuses and stelunships alike have perhaps years, been depritad of
liaci to lay to for sittety. I3ut while adequate food, Plittieg two and
grow and team. and they should have to look out for the future and out recharging. Xt.' was done with a gently. "I did not know. I had no
yI ndeovneft thought-"apogi ze; ,,
he inter- ' itiblossti,"!ornodozons and galesiuetvsen Ythereliesc-- two together it was easy to con -
have it. When the beets are young store away Shavings. We hase now battery of -42 four -plate cells, witlrihae• ,icie,,ar,ra
i three large Warehouses full, for we capacity of 180 arapere-hours. eirela that the inhuman parents,
expect, a shavings famine to conie as carriage was a four-whs.e.ed aogeatt. 'ranted, ,again assuming his ligliter frith! Ag themselves forced to vacate
the beets, weeded out, where too -
thick in the rows, should he thrown • trio liglit (though the candle comes
large enough to cook only the roots thousand tons of shavings stored horse -power each. The secret of the vein. "If you are really sorry you out telumphant, curiously), the IhealoK;i1Se
denSest fog at see, does not disturb t° chance discoverers, it being'
and abandon their secret
into the pigpen. After they grow in the past. There are probably one with two motors of tan and a half
will be eaten, as the beet leaves will for them to take theii
Will, Inc yOur bill,"
be mostly tramped ender foot. 'I hey 1 " elieve me," she replied grateful- the saloon or the stateroom, Why is imPaseivia
away in Toledo at this time, and battery which enabled it to make!.
make an excellent food fed with milk , prisoner with then., left him in his
will -
and wheat middlings. This ration "I am truly geateful, Fortune • The Word "fog" has not been tra‘c-1,ce4.1.1 to 1hTg or die just as Fate pound of it will be sold here. such a record was that in going ly, handing him the flimsy bit of pa- , that?
It will not spoil if there is no de- down grade the filetOrs were reteised per.
will make the young . pigs grow mand for it next year, and can be thus making dynaraos for charging has not been toe kind to me or ed farther back than the sixteenth .s"
rapidly, and they will need very lit- kept indefinitely. That is one of the the accumulatore. In this way the t...4.-
shavings- current WAS 110t: bnly saved, but o.,"'",4Of.„ to me," century, but Cie thing was knoWn MI
it is ci,'.avell-ktiown law of nature
tle cern or meal to fit them for the advantages of 'handling said Billyard. 1,11e early years of the fourteenth. The that •lack Of light preVents growth,
butcher. there is no waste, and it is always new current actually generated, ren- 1, oe and this was( the trifling embed. for
, staple." . • • deriag the battery stronger at the 1"1:1 fortune is a fickle jade, and conitimila, with the prelates and no -
has( it* be treated accordingly.- Sloe
• , bles visiting Lonclun for the parlia- ., .
— which a man maned Lecnanier and
The stored material is of the baled bottom ot the grade than it was at
her too much, she oftcan turns mid Meats and on other occasions, united his wife shut itp• in the cellar of their
Wretched little hovel in Paris three
well he stored, as they take up too
CAN SEE 209 MILS. Mae and she Will veer round arid burning only Of dry wood and char-
nutch siotage room in bilk E
form. fawn upon you." coal, ES the growing Use of sea coal to ctclopt. Theizi idea'Was to rear the
children under stuch Conditions. that
The billing of shavings is a compare.- About 200 miles in every direction "She lute, at any rate, been good eorrupted the air with its stink and
Lively' modern idea. The machine is the distance a inan can see when to ine to -night," said the girl, ")ie smoke, to the great prejudice and de- those who werel strong enough to
Survive ould Vein' up dwarfs and
used for this purpose is much like
a 1 It . w &
standing, on clear day, on the igornent. I shall considr ethis bill a trimerit,of hecath. 'In 1806 tlie king be suitable for oh ow purposes.
that used in baling hay or straw.' At, peak of the highest mountain -say, debt of honor. WheheavYrequires the henrt of a Mother
re ean I send Prohibited the use of Coal;
one large planing mill is oho of these ransom and Mies were• inflicted for
tie over five miles above the level of meth, is it?" disobedience; in the case of recalct, to duty pity these three poor mites,
a a height of 26,668 feet, or a lit- you the amount? It -it is not too
bale weighing 100 PoundS. The height of 6,667 feat above sea level though," he answered laughing, . fleets the furnaces and knits were de- none of whom went more than six
balerS. Thia machine has a capacity
of 450 bales of shavings a day, each the sea. An ObserVer nittSt be at a "Too Intich for yoil to pay now, trent brewers, dyete and etlaer eat-,
to See objecte at a distunce (>1.100 Ile produced his card, which bore stroyed, Months old when fir at Put clayey in a
power that propels the planers also small, totally -dark ciel.lat where the
wa.c.. an object upon the eurface of carefully in her pare°, . , (probably equal to about 84,000 air Was the dampest atod foulest, arid.
miles. , The • distance „in miles at his name and address. She put it But tho resteictioxt was
propels the baler. The baled pro- evidently removed, for in 1308 $250
duet is a trifle more expensive thee 1 t s, where. they' remained iinprisoned for
Om unbaled, but it Is atWays prefer- now) was paid frorn the excilequer more than six years, when one of
of EdWard X/. them (lied and unexpealetdly•lea the
tbe earth is 'visible is equal to the "I will send you the ,aitiount to -
THE POULTRY YAltD. variety. LooSe shavings.cannot vez•y'-the, top.
rends tom Treat her With in:differ- fietition EdWard I. to compel the ehildren wheat • they had been paid
Those who keep ducks or geese
re may add to their profits by making
id the feathers up into pillows and sca-
ld hag them at the stores, thee getting
la retail prices.
s The farmer is just as much entitled
to eat of the fruit of Ms own hen
roost as of hs aim apple ti•ees,
9 Don't sell all the fowls you raise.
✓ Eat sonte of them.
The :easy branches of the trees are
all riaht for summer roosting pieces,
• but a storm -proof house will be more
t comfortable from now on. lewd le
d wasted on half -frozen poultry.
t- There is money in 'poultry !seeping.
but it will come cnly to. those whe•
n have qualifications for the business
o and capital to work on. Thoth 19 ne
business in which experience, brains,
police to discover the otSiere. slip :to
e,hildren. •
for Wood and coal for the coronation
tho house csontsanisnehtea4n3* iritt. °fat'
Canned, a
care, • ter parents secretly bu.tied it in ,en .
When the child died its brittal
s tion. couht for more than the pout. used to a consilerahle (admit for few simple [mice for distovering the really no occasion to reply," she
it appears that the hot of the silk open piece of ground tact far from
- try keeping. Stable bedding, it is not as poptilar genuine 331 3,2080, • hastened to add. tahnedirtilloyuseex.huTnhiel titichetcptdoylicaenaleartarnidt,
red. by theta, With Whom economy of square root of one and a hall Cites mortow, She tlec .
spew ie an object, ,the height ol the observer in feet Ilillyard emiled.
above the sea eta. .. "To what address elm] I write an
act Ito wledgmen t? "
Sawduet, as a matter of course, Some rules haVe been stablishell for "Oh, Miss Delling, care f Malley'S
the seine sOttrce as RS • ou erfeit . • l• • • tini e r " • - t • $t
• .• distoat. tig d ut bank nates. tbiary, Wes mil r B idge road, Originator of he StoVeinpe
end a certain quality, whieh for the, 00100 iraar
couein, the shavings. White It is What the average Wants are a she replied hurriedly, '"I'liere Will be
k want of a better term call germs-
. . , I Hillyttrd made a earefid hot() of the hat first Wag Pineed uPen Mankind ed the house of the LecIattiers, There
TO AVOID ME. Taddress.' by oho John Hetherington, a Lone they found thet1vo remitining child -
he account was settled. As they don hatter, in the year 1797. It is ren, who, though nearly seven yeare,
Many a barn has been Set on firequitted the then the manager bowed pleating to knot/ that Hetherington old, had never kit -the ,aarnith of
through an upset lantern. The best itial fanned 1011. mariner that baffles was promptlyarrested. A content- sunlight, and Were no l'figger than
O stout wire acrots your stable at "day 1 see -'you to your door?" 1110.,°nririleins7010eriosPwasP;er acebunt of the the thinnest of thin titt'eglearasIti
Way to avoid this la to Stretch a description. .
right, angles to tile steam ant* be- aSked Hillyard. I babieS. They weighed less than an
t hind the animals over the walk. Put
it ring on it•first, however.. Fasten
a a harness snap to the ertft. Snap
h your lantern handle ifiLez the erten
e and move the ring ateag WrieeeVer
you happen to be working. Of dowse
make the wire high crough to te
outteti- the way of isteck and Year
read. No kicking the light over, ner
etting the barn on fire this Way.
le glut of Wine in Itnly 19 aastirna
eerious propaetione. There ivies
ormoue vintage Mat year, but
taeon's is even intgers 1113
in the itelhan teller/I ratiounte
60,000,000 gellortS tif tne 100
0, aild 88,000,000 front for-
t/64ra. Prieee balk; natal:01Y
ProPOrtionatelY, fued a genet
sold retell at tea.
Ming haVe been Made to the
GoVernmeht redtiee the
tis Wince And in the
ante Of alcohol, The Minis..
Wat, titdaof Marine hat.° dee
Inturesieldiera and sailu
lave tat10119 Of Win. Me
4 ip .17/
etVelter, here't a wespender button
isela X knot/. AittVill pert
it this plate ef turkey,"
drelleirtg, 880."
"John Hetherington, Haberdasher eleventh of What the averaite child of
"No, I would rather you did net, .of the Strand, .was arraigned before seven weighs, and were ethicist in•
h d M --------a on a capable of articulating or' Meting,
,tininit you."
"Then I insist on Seeing, yoU into
"No, 1 really-" .
"Come, X insist." .
And before she could make further ton, who is well connected, appeared that. the shock of being remov,sd from
remonstrance he bad hailed ft; hall.. In the • public highwaY Wearing upon tho Cellar to the hospitel, 'though
notn. He pet het, inside and handed hie head what he' crazed 0, sue hat every. precaution was taken, proved:
the man two ahillings. ''' (Produced), a tall structure having fatal to both.
"I have paid your fare, Where CO?" a ehiny lustre and calculated to I .....---at.„..-,a,....
"I Will toil the cabman,' thank frighten timid peliple. 1 .
you." ir "As a matter of fact tho cretvn I, MILITARY AUTOM013ILES.
"Certainly," he Said rather coldlY. Mated that several wOmen fainted at i The developnlent of tho autortio.,
"If that lo Sraar Irish." Ile raised the unusual eight, 'While Children ran ee
his hat. "Good night." „aa elle as all engine of war Is alspresent
screaming, and It• Young man, ''''"" occupying much atteation 'among
gOodness. Good hight." Mils knocked. down by the crowd and Naguoi,
was rettulting• front a ehandler's shop
the French, the Ttalione,
"Thank you, oh, so much for your military authorities in Europe. The ,
iri another moment he had gone, !had, his arm broken, Yor theee thee the Germans and the Itutsiens tire
* .11 * * 1 eehn' the defendant wets seised by the all at. work upon the problem. SeV••
"/Illlyard, congratulate' Me," erled guard anti taken to the, lord mayor. oral types of military atitOmobiles
Vali( !gill a bandsmen young felloW. In extenuation the defence claimed are being experimented with. In
overflowleg with good spirits, hurry. that he had the right to appear in a Italy ct special form of arntered Mea'
charge of breach Of the peace and in- Gin diluthd had Without do‘ilit been
citing to riot, and was required to given them to aseist the 1AM/infers
give bonds in the sum of .4500. It in their ilendith object. cased thuy
- id • that Vethering. 'were 30 weak and badly ncturished
ing into his friend'e comfortable headdress Of hie ewer deeiguing." , shine /las boon llovised for the pur.
chambers. "I'M tegaged." 1 Whet was done ultimately with pose of protecting railways In time
PI do eOngratulette you Most heart- Iletherington is not stated. Not of war. Some of the German liYma.
"Who is the unfortunate lady'?" he the feareotne deed; lie had invented are furnischines are intended for scouting, and
hed with drawing tables returned' Vinyard, warmly. oat it mattered much: he had done
iaquit•ed, smiling. tont introduced the silk hat, end at- and maps. Others carry MAXIM •guris
"A Miss, Cunningham whom 1 Mot ter, that nothing mattered much. and can do 0, little lighting,