HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-12-12, Page 1• 22u4 Year • •••• ' • EOORD. It CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DMEMBER 12,1901 Could there be any Christmas present more appreciated by distant friends than Purses Makga good , • Xmas Present • Santa: Clatts$ O Tothink it is so near Xmas mrd also the children. $ Our *y Department is the centre of attraction for all ages and eve - clan/ for the children and parents $ We hate some especially- good ones made out of Morocco Seal, Texas Steer, Alligator andl other . fancy leathers, °hole° ones can • • be had from $1.60 to $8.5o, • ;An Among the cheaper lines whichwe sell at • 5c 10e, 15e, 25c. • The line at 25c is extra good value and is here illustrated. • r• ome Along' and see our assortment and then the children• can write a letter to Santa Claus telling him what they . want for their stockings. • • heChristmas Papers. Toronto Globe, Illustreted Lon- don Newe, Graphic. Pears and others are ready. Limited supply. They, are 50c each with Supplements ,Oasurdian Almanac for 1902 , Poeket Dairies for 1902 , 15e tic) 50c Cooper 61 Co.' •CLINTON 1 Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph, and Dominion Express . 24on4r Orders, ahlo for Butteriek`Patterus. . . • ilieate4r•aioa-arsAiteerevaiesie. • •••eireeeteeeree•etaatieesiaelis;wiege , •••••••••••••••••••••i•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• . A Shake of theliand .1 At Christmas Time. 1 ' Is a token of friendship and good cheer. The season of the year is - at -.hand when we all feel tenderly and kindly toward(' each other. We -greet each other. We greet eer many patrons with the compliments of the season and wish them in health and prosperity many returns. For the holiday trade we offer our customers some exceedingly good lues in F China, abet Bowls, Bread and Butter Plates, Seery Se .. at. . , ' • Sale of Ditraeciend Chamber Sets. ' For the hoe de we have nice fresh raisins, currants and peels. In Larger Raisins we have extra fine Black Baskets and Royal Clusters. Three tociWnX,arger Figs only 10c per pound. See our stock of Limoges China. The pattorns are rare afiddeszgos beautiful. Leave your order for Xmas Holly and Moss Wreathing. • Og e, Cooper & dAsit FOR RUTTER' AND EGGS. • THE CASH .011008trii• .04••••••4••••O•••••••••ii•O•••••••O••••••,••••••••••••• We wish our custoniers the compliments of the season and ask them to read our big ad on the SupPlernent whichaccompanies this Ware Of TEE NieveteRnoonis, • Expert Watch Repairer, • P. B. CREWS, .Thweer_atidOptician• •Biddlecombee Old,Stand. •••••••••4•.. ••••••••••••••••••••••4•••••• To all our cuetomers we extend • Christmas Greetings, wishing them a very merry time. While buying presents for friends we , invite you to call and see the • many articles we have suitable for presents, MORRISFA IIIY HATTER.' a eitiesidee".."^",""e^,esevieset....,:teeeeaeas eetoa!slaed`eseeeeresee,"0...,ess,„,.....^^,ueesese The Coraplimente of the season to our custoniers, BLIT this Christmas be a happy one for 'you and the.coming year bright and prosperous.- Start the year, well by buying your clothing from I" A. J. HOLLOWAY. ••••••••••••••*••••••••••4•••••••••••• ,The Latest Calendar out itt the Photographic Calendar, tygli/Ata "9 isr,VaRe arfai'a rfriA 1 Ch riS tlin 111S Greetings. Row ean you better greet, friend at Ohrietinits than with a photograph? It le as near to personal contset stayou can come. help yon emile in a friend - 1; manner. to your friends Ohrititmas morning , . •46.44.446. Photo Ala 177; A Light docket. ..4ashort time since 111r,J.G.Medd made application for a patent for the Bur. eke hygienic perforated jacketa dev- ice for the sopped 0 persona afflicted veith spinal trouble, These jackets weigh frontal, half poupd to one and it quarter pounds,whereas the old plaster of Paris jackets have a weight of from six to eight pounds. Thoese who have used the hygienic ate "delighted with it. M. Medd himself Wears one and everybody is ourpeised to •see how be has improved in health though he is con- tinually and actively sin his feet.Nirith- out a jacket he would' be obliged to lay up, lie will, no dopbt, be pleased to give information to any suffering from spinal trouble. • A Big Shipment. Mr, te. H, Smith Paid out several thousand dollars for cattle on Monday when he shipped the following from •Clinton alone; • • No. Lbs. 0. Avety, Stanley 10 12,950 F. Nott, . "•• ••1 • . • 1,13e J. Mem " 5,180 W. Grant, " 27 • 35,530 W. .1', Miler, Mullett 4 4,880 R, Anderson, " • 1 . 1,580 I.R. Miller, " • 22 • 25,910 J. Reynolds," 3 . 4,150 S. Appleby, " • • • 4 2 2,400 L. Tyndall, . 2.• 2,100 3: McGregor,' " 1• 1,870 -Southcombe, " 1 1630 W. Crich, Tuckerimith 2 •2,160' U.Pluinsteel. " 1 1,'750 3. SteWart,' Gedericli ' 1 1,690 2,120 • L790 • 1 • 2,190 • 5 ,7,910 1•• 1,440 • 1 1,700 •• 1,800 1 1,830 • 1 1,850 1,060 J. Green, " • • r• 1 J. Rathwell, C. haker, • T. Lindsay, " W. la. Lobb, --Plunitree A...Allsworth ' • .4 -Ansley, • t Good, W. Murphy, •" 1 , Clinton P. S. Promothinsa" Promoted to 4th bnok in Miss , O'Neirs class, -H. Holloway, M;least 13 Peckett; Knox Mair, C.Hall, P.Efill, E Perrin, Aline Armstrong; M. Ker. On trial ---E Seale.. From Mies Wilson's to Mies F.Shep. herd, N. Welsh, A.Martin. Eden Jaok- non May Smith; E.' Peckitt, M me- Caughey,..24, Graham, W. Cook. :On trial -A. Pennabaker, W. Wiseman, M. Dunlop,. L. Kennedy; M. Rance, L. Slornan; 0. Hooper, Geo. Trowhill, Zada tioltae. From Mies Mackay's to Miss Wilson's -L Wilkie, Pearl Dun. ford, E.jolinson, R.East, 24.McIntyre. V. Foster, M. .FosterL Cooper, M.. Osborne, W. McIlyeen. On trialeeM,, Walker, A. -Andrews, j: lisithidge, S. Best; M. Rands, R. Rumball, G. Doh - 'stay, Oh, Hall; R. Sage, W. Heywood. Promoted to 3tri book in Miss Mackay's: rooni.--M. • Yissbec, . 3., Cantelon, R. 'Walkitishaae Doliollewey, D. Stewart • B. Wiltse, R. Carter. J, Stevenson, E. Levis, A. Gunn; D. Courtice, B. Ford . W. johntion, I. Miller. V. Mennel, L' Hill, 0. 110.nce„L, McCool, M. Tipladys •On trial--W.Fad, From Mile Combs's to Mise Aleckay's.--Pearl Stewart,. H. Fil. Wilts& G. Chant, L. Welsh, R, Grigg, B. McCaugheY, A.alice, D. Finch; M.. Mcldatb, 3. 'Wiseman, E. Mitchell, • W. Doherty, E, Boatman L. Stevens, D. Taylor, J. ()rich, H• . Witt& M. Herman. On. trial -J. Rob.- inson. - • The New Term °likens, °WEIDE L. 0. L. LoDoE. • The officers of the local Orange lodge gave such excellent riatisfaction during the 'year which'le now drawing to a (dose that they were reelected, ail toilows I • • . Master, 3. P. Sheppard Deputy; D. Cook • Ithe.-Secietary, P.. Cantelon Fin. -Secretary, W'. G. Smith , Treasurer, D. Cantelon Chaplain, 3. Ford ; Committee, Watord • sorts oP ENGLAND. • On Thursday night of last week Sheffield Ledge S. 0. 4. held its ann- ual election of officers which resulted as follows President, T.' jackiran Past F. Powell Vice; S. Brickenden Secretary, F. W. Watts Treasurer, W. /21, Webb Chaplain, H. Joyner Corernitte& J. 4.. Moore, j, Scruthil, J, Woon,3, McOlacherty Trusteed, 8, Pike, li, Joyner Physician, Dr. Shaw Auditors, J. McOlacherty, Woon oattablorr HOUX OiRCILL At the annual meeting of the Canad• - ian Heine Circle held on Thursday lase •the following were choler* officers for the ensuing year: Peet Leader, It, Irwin Leader, A, 0. Pattieon Vice, Mrs, R. Irwin SeeaTreasurer, t, bed* FineSecretery, H. Wilthie • Chaplain, Misr Biopsy • Witrden, W. T. Rill Marahal, A. Taylor Guard, Robb. Kolmee Sentinel, 3, Wiseman Auditera, 3'. Wiseman, and T. Mut& • Trustees,..T. W, /twin, Robb, Welsh Attolr yOniestertst, The officer* of Court Prosperity A. • 0, P. for the ensuing twelve months • were elected on Mondateveltitig and are tut &norm P. 0. Banger, W, Kemp Chief Ranger, O. B. Hale 8,0. Banger, 8, Hovey Treaeurer, 0. Overbury Secretary, V. W. Watt* Ateistettt, J. MeOlacherty Woodtvard, A. B. Webb 3.r, Woodward, 0. Itotop • Sr. /Wale, M, D. Morris le. Itosillea P. Efate Trustees, IMOCbteherty, 3.1hinford., P, ?Matt Auditor* E. BevoIr W, Women, Dotty Organi** 8. novo ft 0. Dr, Those Who Pay In Advallce, Otir Pay-inatdvance subscribers are now beginning to drop in freely to re- new for another year. Among thoee who, as is their custom, have renewed fora year ahead are: WilliaMi Webb, StHelene ; Dr, Little of Varna ; Alf, Austin, hayfield Dr, •MacOallutn, Londesboro ; 0. Brownlee Tucker, smith David Lansing,- Mullett ; Albert Nott, john Holmee, Thoo, Walker, Stapleton, • William 'Trines, Joshua Cook,Robere Sheppard,Olinton, James Pollock, Drysdale; George Clark, •hayfield ; „I, Dodd, Clinton Rev. H. L. Stevens, Harrisville, Mich ; John Berry,' Kippen r• W.• Haake, Goderich. Meeting 0 Sugar Beet Committee. A useetina of the beet sugar commit- tee was held'rn the town clerk's office on"Tiresday evening when there were • present, the mayor and Messrs. Scott, • Combo and Forrester. Mr.John Rana. ford, who was also present, was asked to act with the committee, It was resolved to recommend that the town councilbe requested to pay the expen- ses, amounting to twenty seven dollars,. •of Messrs. D.• Forrester and W. Weir to Bay -City, Mich., in the inter- ests of the committee which feels that the visit has already borne fruit and that the town may reasonably look forward to the establishment of it sug ar factory here in • the ,not distant future.. The secretary, reported care spondence with ret.pect to the °stab.? lishment of a factory and negotiations with. the canticle Beet Sugar, tjampallY. It wee resolved that the committee en- dorse the arrangement made ,between Mr. Forrester aed, the Company (9 secure five hundred acres for beet growing in this district. C. C. I. At Horne. Sever in the history of the Collegiate jrietitute hart there been in 'At Horne carriad out with slick brilliant ,success ae that which : was held on Thursday evening last. -Many and pleasant were' the social events held in the Old *teem. bly hall, but they were dimmed by this the latest effort of the present pupils. The decorations would have. been a Credit to any committee. Froin • the centre of the room ran red, white and bine 'streamers forming a cart- wheel The great bare windows were artistically draped with buntingoit the top banked in with brancliesof the ever- green plant. The blackboard was com- pletely covered with a large flag and draped W th 129 yards of bunting. One of the most striking features of the decorations were the eqsey cornets, in the form Of tents. In the edges were fur rugs with beautiful house plants Placed at the entrance, while,inaide were placed two chairs which saw good service during the evening, •The hall Was brightly lighted and • phioese lanterns. 'compated the pleasant scene. The first part of the evening was spent in • introductions, promenades and conversation. Thee :came the first half of the program, after whioh.• a sumptuous leech was served.. After • lunch the music again struck up and another promenade followed ; then carne the last hilt of the pregrans which brought the evening to e:clos& The program Was as follows Chairman's eddress,.Mr. Houston • Solo, Mr, N. March ' Solo, Miss M. Coate Reading; 24r. R. Bailey • Solo, (violin), Mies I. Jackson Solo, Miss Lillian Coats 'Reading, Miss Bielliy Instrumental, Misses Parlee and Jackson : Speeches; by Meese& Lough; Beaton, • Treleaven and Miller. • • "The Choppers', Dine Out.: • On Thursday evening last the fourth annual 'upper of Clinton Camp of the Woodrnen of the World. was held at the Hotel Clarendon where about sixty members of the order , and invited gueste gathered about the festive boards to partake of the bountiful sup- ply of the seanonte gocid things which mine host Cantelon had provided., The inner man having been made happy, Cafitain Combo took the chafe, with Mr. H, B. Her in the vice hair, and the toast list WatAairen up. .• " The Craft" wee replied to by Mr. 1. B. Hoover; and Mr. W. 0. Fitzger. aid of London. The former spoke briefly but neatly, as is hie usual man- ner of doing it, while Mr. Fitzgerald, who is Head Clerk of the W. 0. W., • dwelt at aome length upon the benefits which woodcraft confers, He sketeh- ed the origin of the order and its. rapid growth atid made a forecast bf the fu. titre where the prosPeote for the W. 0. lookhright, "The Army and Navy" was coupled with thci nettles of Captaine McTaggart and Shaw • ""4 leetice to their branch 0 the here away the oratorical ha 'ling. , tafieter Sociides • wee Wt. E. in, McLean who spoke of the. bents. fits of fraternal societies. He illus. treated and emphasized his remarks With apt anecdotes. "Our Muncipal Institutions" called up Mr. John heacornothe old war horse of Gederich totetiship, who was thui given a topie,front Which be could talk from experienee. Eis opening sentencei were greeted with the heartiest laugh. toot a merry Meier( and he kept the ball rolling until he eat down. Mr. Beacom le in request as an after dinner apeakete, • . Mr. Janie* Pair responded brieitYto the totitse of "The Ladled", while Mr. Up, 00110011 replied to "Trade ancl Dom. melte," The Emmertotx ettstrttst rendered several selections during the evening, while Mr. Rob, Downs gave one of Ws inimitable funny songs. Mr. Wm, Siottlin alsocontributed to the even. ing's enjoyment by givingt recitatiett In his well known etyle, rt. Woe ahortly after midnight that, the company dispersed after singing the national anthem. • *hole Number 1192 a year's subscription to The News -Record. Try it. Death of ri,r, A. Monteith By the death of Mr. 4.. Monteith, which took place on Monde), last Olipton last an upright and eeteeined, citizen. Many years* ago Me, Monteith conducted a sew and carding mill on a branch 0 the Maitland river on the 13th conceesion of Mullett. Sub; sequently he curried on the same bine iness in the gippen section until he • moved to this town sometime ()relight years ago after" which he took life • easier. He had reached the tine age of seventy live years. Mrs. Monteith surviveher husband,- together with their faMily of several children, • tyvis [DE their daughters • at heath. The funeral will take pities today to Balers cemetery In Stanley, Presentation. ' Abeut thirty of the friends of Mr, A. A, Schierl& assembled at the Marion House on Tuesday evening ad pre. sented him with an address couched in kindly phrases which told of their res- pect and liking for him. The address, whieh was read by Mr, T. Jeckemewas accompanied by a handsome 'gold wateh and chain, the presentation be- ing being made by Mr. Haryek Daeis. Mr. Schrenk, who was taken by our. prise and vieibly affected by the kied words and deed of his friends, returned thanks. During his remark. he said his residence in Clinton had been pleasant and it was with regret that he was about to sever the tie. The company then gathered about the well spread table and regaled themselves with oysters, turkey, ete., etc. Dr. Blacken sat at the head of the table and the feast was a raerry one. It was in the neighborhood of midnight when the gathering broke up after singing Auld Lang Syne, "shall Auld acquaint- ance be forgot." • Mr. and Mrs. Sehrenk left yesterday for Harriston where they enter into possession of the Klondike hotel. Their many friends in Clinton wish t hem success. ' Little Locals.. The invitetions are out •for the wedding of Miss Lillie McKeown to • Mr. Doupe of Woodham. the interest ing event to take place Chistrnas bay. .Two nrore of Clinton's fair 'ladies will be borne away." for better or worse' at a still earlier 'date. -Dr. who has • entered into partner- ship with Dr. Agnew, rented Mr. W. • 0 -Brown's home on Huron :street and With his mother and sister took possession last week. -The ship- wents from.' Clinton station this week • include one carload of cattle by Air .0. kt. Reid and erre carload of hogs .by A.' Grainger. George Swallow is aseisting Mr. W. T. O'Neil with his Ohrititnias trade. The customers of this store will be please4:. to tree him 'at his old place behind the counter again: -The next recital ist thes:Clinton Musical ChM will he held at the reset deoce of Mrs. Macpherson on Wednes- day evening of next week -The arembers • No. • 7 Company, Burns Regiment,' can receiver their 'pay far :the review by . On Captain Shaw -The Clinton Rine Club 'hod received from the Government ten new rifles and 5000 rounds of tinsniuni. tion, ` A imeeting of the members of the Club will be held in the council chamber on Friday night at eight o'elocie to re -organize and elect officers. -Rev. W..0, Howson will preach anniversary sermens in Listotvel next Sunday. -The Baptise Sunday school Will hold a Christmas Tree entertainment in, the town hall on Friday evening 01 nett week when the cantata "The crowning of °heist - Ina*" will be given. This S. S. always gives a pleasing program and that of next week Will doubtless be one of the beet A. H. Goodwin, who has been confined tq him house for nearly two months past by a severe attack of appendicitis, 11, we are glad to say, able to. he about again. --Messy, .1. W. Hill and 0.11.Wailis returned on Monday from their fourth trip to Algoma with horees.--The second entertainment of the Citizens' Star Course will be Mien on Tuesday evening noire when Mr; 3 .N.Mecy will make his secon d. appearance in Clinton. Mr, Macy has long been New York's ftivorite hurnorise and buffo basso. Hie great versatility enables hire to. give a delightful evening of humor, pathoe, song and stay. The plan of hell is open at Cooper's book atom -a - The tax collector wishes the *Mention of ratepayers drawn to the facts that dye per cent, will be added to taxes not paid before the 15th. --.-A. stereopticon entertainment Was given in the S. A. barracks orr Tueeday trighte-s--/ntend, ing buyersivfllflnd a perusalof the ado in the Naws.Ritoonn to be profit,. able as they overflow with seasonable bargains. --*The o.f, is again running overtime. The enelgetie management which so quickly got the big 'industry In 'motion after the deetructive fire, 11 ivorthy ot commendation, -Cowing to the reopening trainees in conned. tion With the Ontario street church, there will be no service in the Batten - bury street #c hotels eithee morning er evening. The Sunday school will be held in the afternoon as usual. Kaye yout renewed Your subscription to Tuts Nitvreasoonn yet P -Rev. 3'. E. I. Millyard; formerly of Clinton, now of Mopeds, was throwe from his buggy on Thankaiglying Day and Wily shaken up end brulsed.-Mr. M. /a White, editor or the Setter Tithe& fell upon the ice the other evening and broke his righb leg between the knee and hip, in addition to sustaining other loittelea. Kis krother, gr. T. White of Windsor, will have charge during hit illheso.-Rev., V. 0, Howson le confined to the house this, ‘week suffer, lag frOM an AMA of broticho.prati• trierila-Mr. hates Hearn has been very ill for the past ten days with in- flammatorytheumatiame - -A. meeting of the bockey dab to reorganize for he season will be heli et the 00Mtnerelal hotel at nine (Nock re* evening. Personal. Dr.Thompson paid a visit to GrantOn last week and while there bought bay driver, et handsome and speedy Toney ILOst 2115 Sago cOlt. OnFriday nighb last one of Par, A. 4. Scbrenk'a span of well -matched Sago cone broke ant of Its stable and when found In the morning Wail lying' dead.on a back street, The 'colt was suffering from an attack of- distemper, and the exposure Proved too Couch for it. It was a valuable animal, •. three Years old, speedy and well mated. Mr. Elo for the tekcaom,uld km got a good price ssop wint Up hi Smoke. • Mr. Sohn Mitchell, a retired fertile 1 hying in Haman, lost flve kindred dol lees in an exasperating sort of a wail the other day. He had received the amount on mortgage and Kiting it to hie wife as the hese custodian,. she plac- ed it in a stove as the•h3ast likely .place to be searched by burglars, The good wotnen,however, overlooked the possi- bility of fire being started in the stove which isjust what happened and in a twinkling the money had disappeared. It didn't even make a good blaze., ICIPIthN. The water problem confronts ou residents. There are only one or tw wells In thie part that are not dry, bu She rain of Monday filled up. the 401 lows and creeks, affording a supply to stock and replenishing some of th dry wells. One fact has been establish ed, that the water we have been us ing is from surface soakage and to springs. Our residents trio be said to be robust and constitutionally strong because an epidemic of fever has not laid hold of us through the use of • this certainly Impute water. James Mc- Gregor and John Cochrane have had an expert, Mr, 'Heavens irons Petrone, boring and drilling and have been sue. ceseturat a deptteet 245 feet, 100 feet r • to the reek and 145 feet through,which . has given them an inexhaustible supply of pure, untainted water. It 'has come to it that an ordinary Well is dangerous to health as well as hiade- 'qoete to supply our wants, Ibis eatie factory to know that, pure tocle water can be had. This is all the . more necessary now that the Provincial Goy- erndwrienkoteas the say as to ,Whet we are to Jar. Robert itIcMordie has gone east on a business trip but expects to re. turn In a week be so. ins friende talk of putting bins in nomination munici- pally:. Whether he will consent or not is to be heard, ,Me. Wm; Cudrnore, the. Bay King, has- gone • down through Lampton county waiere eie presses are at Work. He says . the repotted South African oedee or hay is exaggerated 'and that whet is redeested Quebec will supply, thatthey not. only have the hay bet friends. as well to 'push its sale. . . Mrs. Robert Mellis,. who had been visiting her e00.10.law. Rev A Vie* •kibbOn of Bryanstote for .the pest .morith, has returned heme. feelieg im proved in health end looking well miss MeOlYroont has returned from London where she hal. been visiting 'her sister; Mrs. Gravis, prior to their, (Mr. and Mre. G,) leaving OP a trip to England, whiter, it is. intended,. Will extend over three months', time Be . , • is a G. T. R. engineer and Well known in theee pates. • . Stanley council: on the 'neve. - The bridge 'crossing the creek:, at - the ,Sraith ferta ' • on the Sideroad, Stanley,' is having. .. the false bottom taken out of it On account :of it being higher than the low .water mark. This no 'donht is preparatory. to the deepening of the - meek which interested property holdere .complain- ed ef and Sought the, advice of an ex- pert Iengineer as -to the legality and beet means Of proceeding to hiVe' the overflow remedied and the waste land reclaimedllow much better reason and justiee are than recourse to law withits attendant bitterness Repre- eentative men, we know, are tied down and not able to do sberiimeir What should be done through the fear of :ek- pewits, but In this case there i8. cause for action and no one can Say; this, par titular part ever Was an expense on the township With, the improvements that have been gone. For years an apology for a road has been their por- tion While they Were called on by the collector to whack up tette+ just the same. Tbe property owners no doubt feel gratefulthaetheir elaini has been recognized and 0; start made to COM - plate a needed ;improvement, The ileWS of the death of Mr. Alex - arida Monteith of Clinton has been received by the family and made known to the public, who are Much surprised, it net having been known that the deceased had been ailing: Mr. Monteith was a respected resident of these parts for nearly twerity five years and trail retiring from active life some live years ago when he re- moved to Clinton, Ile was a genial, whole eouled man, and e good, - kind neighbor. • Much. regret is felt at his demise.enj hrisin Smillie and wife of Ann Arbor, Midi,, have returnedto attend the funeral of Mrs. Stnillie's lather,Mr. Monteith of Olintoe, I Petrone citliete Will be surprised' •t� know tbat their reseeded townie min, Mr. heavens, since finishing john Cocherine's wen has gone to the Poor House at Clinton. In order to correct any misapprehension it, should be ad- ded that. he goes to find good water for that inetitution. Mr, Robert Turner of the 'Bauble Lteeat great expense has imported two Yorkshire IN/rites. They arrived Stately and are tare fine epeciraenth of thebacon producing type, BAyPIELD.- °t r. acbAoolli.ttle Berb,ie S:turgeon, got a bad out on his fereheacl on 14onday at • Mrs. audie has gene to London to r epenidseahid,wh tebatirwinoteorumoynt. emregret t; sity, • is on Shesick 1• 41wsse6Oit.hesney was in one day Dean .liodginie of • Seaforth was in to one .day this 'week and wee a guest at therectory., Great preparations._ are going for. ward for the Christmas entertain - went& The -Methodists Will hold theirs on tbeeiletaing 91. the 20th; the Presbyterians on Christmas Night and the Onglish.church on the 27th, We regret to say that Willie Turner . ie lying' very ill with inflammation of She lungs and •ae present not much hopes are entertalned for his recovery. Skating on the pond was indulged in . considerably:last week and some yen.; tering too Inc out on the river ha4 a. mild bath and one or two had. narrow •98 1%7136714 arg aret C.f.airdner•hasretureed from a visit:to Toronto: • • We are informed that, Mr. • Mustard :. of hrudelield has leased • the sawmill here for.. ,term. of three -years... We hope he ,has also teased theelectric light plant and that there may be proepects of lights in the near fliture. The bending coramittee has purchas- ed the corner lot north of Mt...Met:he's . On the square; as th,e.. aite , of the new •ehurch. 'We hope it is not the inten, tion, as 'nuns:reed; to build 'a filonse en - the same lot in the.near futuee. Stich an arrangement would' make the lot trio ceoWded. . • . Messrs. Robert Laneont, ' John Catn. emit and .H. Snider have ' returned: .from the big ditch. in. Hate township ' Where they haVe beenengaged, , Dam Spencer has retailed from up the lakes. - • ' . Win. Sanderson has returned from his •sumeierar work'on' the Bayfteld- .suorvbeitybaeiyat.L4-.. e: have thie week to.. record the -death of one of. our mese , reepeete.d and oldest• residents in the ' person of gelargariat • Fierier Of ' the hayfield Line,'Goderieh township, who died oe Sunday, the 15h of December, • aithe ripe age of 86 years Deceased. '. Was the widow of'the' late Alexander ; Freser,'whe died in 186e in Dumfrieu, • where they bog settled' On coming' to • Canada, A Olive of inverneps, Scot- land, she emigrated to Canada with her huebaricli'in 18E4 and 'Witted at above 'Stated. :iftee the deathof her husband the wide* moved to this part . of the county of Huron with her family , and here by her *thrift and good man. agement contrived to melte it cireatort-' able home and guve her family all the advantages this. &sentry . affords. Deceased: Was in amiable lady, highly respected and iaelieyed in working not • only withher hand% but ,with her head as well and, was &splendid example of hidustrf and thrift, The funeral took place' on.Tuesday and waswell attend- ed; the remains being interred m the hayfield cemetery. The services Were conducted by Rev. Mr. McNeil, pastor of St..Andrew's, church, Of which the deceased' was a censistent member. The pallbearers were Messrs. T. Cam- 'eron, J. Vowlie, J. Verguson,, .1. Whirls don, W. VVhiddon-and 1.. Donaldson. • There remain three children Sohn /eraser'merehant ot this village ; Alex - tinder Of Listowel aece Miss Mary at home -to mourn the lossof a. loving. mother: Roe. and Mrs, jenninge were in Sea - forth last Friday. Me. Gee. King is hairy eompleting •riew well and will doubtless be proper - ed for future dry seasons, Quite a Ste, its this town last Sawa day when teanis with loads 'of sheep arrived foe Mr. j. Johniston, who was the purchaser. Mr. G. Xing; son .of Mr, Wm,i, Xing, who has been ill for three weeks with typhoid fever, is slowly improving, WS are pleased to learn. • •• . The third youngest child of Mr, Chas, Pecker is ill at time of Writing. We hope for a Speedy recovery, . Mi. Higgins, Serible Line, had a - saw Ing machine et.work Cutting hie Wizi- tees supply of wood last Saturday. Mr. Harry, Taylot of Hay townellip and thc; Misses Taylor were guests at the rectory On Sunday and Monde, y last' Mr. Samuel' Taylor of Hay reterned last Week flora it trip to Dakota. • Mrs, 7.13, Newell; formerly' of /lay. field and daughter of Mrs. Robert Sifters, era With a very irevete acct., dent at Detroit it few days ago. She and her little daughter Marie had ale ranged kci visit the fabler's seethe and • the coachman had called for them.' His had assisted theta into the cab and while mounting hie seat in some titisr slipped and fell. This frightened the horse which dashed away. The driver thing to the reins and was dragged Smile distance. At a sharp turn the occupants Were thrown to the pavement, Mrs. Newell and daughter received severe brithres and the coach. Man was alito badly hint. The horse,a valuable one, was also WO* Tuckmisrinti. , Ike -opening Services. - The re-openiug services iii coneec- tion With the :Ontario street church will be held on Sunday next when Rev. James Livingstone of Windsor will' preach loth it m. and p. m On Mon. day . iv'ening a tea -meeting will' be 'held'. After tea it program of . speech 1 and cousin wili be given of such an ex- cellent nature as to please the large crowd expected. The adiniesiort will be twenty five cente. On SunilaY titter - norm there will be an open meeting of the S. S. for which both choir and orchestra are preparing special music. , . . The Wines 0 the Bible. An interesting iirograip was given at Rettenbury street ..League ter Monday evening laet, by the Tensperapce nom- niittee.' Mr. R. H. Chownoccupied tbe chair. The • program consisted of an address by Rey.I.Greene, a solo by tibia Zadie McRae and it recitation by Miss Lela Hoover, all of Which. were Innen enjoyed. ' Mr. Greene took Up the subject of "Tho. wines , Of the Bible" .and deeltwith it in • an interesting • way, explaining clear-, ly why the nee of wineie appreved of.' ' in scene passages and in other passages strongly cendemeed. At the chime .of hie • addrese Mr. Greene favored She audienceWith a lo entitled "How my boy went ' down." The'League meeting is withdrawn for next . week to enable, the members to Attend the .Ontario Atre-opening supper. The Creamery Changes Hands. ' The lidquidator of the ej. E. Crealy Dairy. Company a . has sold the . , company's factory at Clinton toi John 13 McGregor, butter manufactur- er, who will shortly 'move to town to make- this his home. Mr. McGregor is a Practical man and will give his en- tire time and ability to the .creaniery business in order to make it a success. Be has paid wish for the factory and intends, we understand, to conduct his whole business on a cash hasis, having available cash to pay for supplies With- out waiting to realize on butter MUM. teetered. Under the able manage- ment of Mr. McGregor the buttee rnadetat Cedar Springs creamery re- alized over one . cent per pound more then wasobtainedon butter made at the Clinton factory last maitre and With his usual strict attention no doubt wilt be able to produce a high grade better , next season • that will command the highest price. It is sat. isfactory tee know that this industry has passed let° good hands. . Entertainment at St, Paul's. • . The Ladies' Grind of St. Paul's churchheld the second • of its monthly entertainments on Monday ripening When the school rooter of the church was comfortably filled by an audience which appreciated the bright program presented, a feature of which wai the stereoptian views given by Mr. 11. E. Brewer. The pictures of a number of wellknown jocal people were throWn upon the. canvas, including that of the popular rector, Rey. Mr, Gunpe, which the audience greeted by singing "For Mee a Jolly Good Fellow." The program was as follows : Opening hymn, "Onward Christian Soldiers; Illustrated hymn ; Illustreted poem; "Curfew must not ring to -night," reading by Mies Clara MoUnteastle Illuttrated hymn, Ilustrated solo, "Angels ever,bright and fair," tfre. R, Ransford; Illuetrated liven ; Illustra- ted hymn ;Vlews of the Pan.A.mericali Exposition ;The five son ses, illustrated s illeetrated chorus, "Johnny Canuck," by young Candelas; Portraits. " Who wut Grow Beet Sugar. 'Mr. W. S. Douglas of Scranton, Penn., Secretary tif the Canada. Beet Sugar Company, Was in town on Mon- day in the intereete of the Company. which • intends building it factory at, Peden ata cost of $600,000. The man. agement lir that if the venture proves auctette they will erect factoriee in an& parts of the province as /Mow the best reoulte in beet itroiving. The Omnpany would like te get about tire hundred netts of crop in this; distrieb for next and will contract to pay four deflate per ton, delivered at Baden The freight rate& bettV'een Olin. ton and Baden will he fifty cents per testi, *0 that the farmer will net /add per ton for hie crop, Me. D,A, Porres. ter, who Imo consented to act att agent for the Company, 'is ready to make eontracts. The sekl will be furnished by the Oottipany at fifteen eents per pound which will badeducted frem the first shipment of beets to the fstetory. As it darter. Messes, remoter and Weir hot agreed to, devote twenty liVe acre* to the crop towards making up tbequan1ty milted tor, • 1`,Vea. Ilarvey'e elipped Reindeer and Ed.Cudarore's Lady Cateheeare booked for a speed on which will depend a trade,. Both are fast, the horses We mean, ot course. Mr. Henry Shaeffer, our poultry dealer„. is getting information from the fattening department of thy Model Farm, how their Cramming machines are worked for stuffing Rtalltry (not She people.) Ile claimsthat if the 'pi:whines Will do the work he can get the frames to"operate on, that slate the price of grain has gone up so high the tarmere , wives have not the old. time turkey but rather the !rattle* to Heigh for sale. ile Sari he ie hound by theeld of machine work to do *bat Otherwise' could not be dote and that the stuffing process having eome 106 nee the latest devices are necessart-to oluceesst. With hit keen eye to basinese and thts Model Fartil'a Information as tattle cramming proeess We Will w atoll with interest the result, of Ilenree latest enterprise, • The Stenley and Hay school* on the find concestion played it football tnatth on Tuesday whieh resulted in orte goel mob, ldra T. 11. Brownlee, the pi:Molar teacher of No.14, Itay, and it thamplon player himself, acted m refeten, The match took plate on Hay iteirool grounds and much inthuktimm was manIfestel, Hoy hold tbi; eat to for. The old Oranton Whieh hag been it landmark kir ittnieSt a couple of generetiottiwte tieing tote clown and tbe timber need for ethee. betiding*. In the ogooti &ye", Abut Which out eettiore'lltilf emiiinttS-Ali talk, the tavern was the *cone' &to:deny festive gathering* , Tremurer Tnentir *tweets last Mrs. ay At the tovrturhip elorksit aesIfiting that dignitary in making ready the financial report Inc promo). cotton to tbovotopoyeto. Mos, tate, Veil:rap, *too the guisil the Peet Week flit. IL Hunt end ltir* • Rattettbor 4