HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-12-05, Page 4,
�TM�T ����4, +fi��h1 �'�iA 7 • 'A+~�IMR���
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' , ... . ... . . . _' . ..... . . _ . . .... . .. . . . . ., . . . . , . , . .. .-� . . > . . . . -m— .. _ . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . Fr.-n+�*rv.,+.-�mrv+:*ee .. . . ,... . . .
�n..�.:a�+:. '.-n..ns-«,w.+�..--�--'...._.—�wr;�..e-�r..,w.•.::....- -.. -. �....�.---.�.—.z:.n_.,-.,: '.....:;.,....--+.+w.. '.-.e�m.R,.e,�,. . � � .. ����......r��:.+_ ,....... ._ .- —..r,-._.. ... ...�:.m-' .:.'.--..�r-,� -�...r,-.+.T � ._:-.-r,�,�..�.. . .. . - .::�. �.s�.-�wa-.,-x� ; ""'.'�;n„�.,,, �a.w ' 'w.�.....�.w..,-w.;,. ..... .. ... -. . . . . . _ ..
• �otva�s�a�t.o. a��ux�t, . �tar,n��sx�r,�,� ;�.:�.,_-�, "� ��r�►+�����
� �� �i���0� �(�'����i.Q�Il1�� ....�..,.. . ` . . •�r������+���►�r+►+NrR���t�+: �+,s�►�,�;�r�►��►t��r��►��� � � ���� �� . �►
. �t�e rovival aerviee� b�ira� �e�d,>iu Q�7 Fridaq �ua�rnl�n� .�W'�r. �Iwrry Mi�� �,oanuxd or Br�gl�b Npeat th� �LQiS�::a SKI�IIt��r� CORIt�S�QNXI��1T � M�l �+1a�41,�
W�t�ate� wii hted Ug t�e tfr�,9n for tk►c� . halid�Y� w;th l�ar b�roCt�er� in tt�ta ytl� _ .� �Q�����r� ��-� �.�� nw� i"� p"�k� �� MA*11#►�I1�1�1►�MI�A�41�MF �NMk�R#�!
t�� Ik�et4odist cbrar�b axe �tel1 atGerid• ,.
+�, �. �!'�CH�T�La ,�DI'Z'Q� �ND' �RpI'AI�TpI d and, zpuct� aaod �4 4eiuf� c�oqe. Tk�e pur aee� ot e�in� otd �riends �t�d tbc �age��, r � _ .
, ullowin� e�re aKqo��g t�he r�av�r�ad� �,l�;�nw� nfte�� �n ahee�a�e oP tw��►C5' M�ea V`ipaTebbuttvieited. her uhcie, �MN�Nf1�wN��+N*��1i��N#�!NtN!R�rltNlN�1 • � �
C#�'+T�V'T'Q�, A��d. 6'�`I�� �.fE�O�t �G��len�en vu6u are� e�e;�ieGtug P�atc�! �ve e�,r� ia T�a��ae.Eit�r��� sess t� �ea�t �.��. Alt. �tbbu�t af ���lur'� �lar, Nmr� p¢ ('�"j'�
• '�._ � 4� MrQ. �an H.�wkina�. o# I'neb Albefit w �' ��1J. ��
,ouplanc} ;�eva.C�af�Q�d snd GFresne UC naany chaa e�, h�tt ie unx�l)IE� CQ �4V8 �l aec. Nortt► e�w�eet �hu�h h�e tla� dipt.�na• y ' � �,UU� �1����1� � •
�-�--t,�,..�.--��,-���.� CiinCon snd ktabinsat� oi GtAd�Yach. � . wb� �ne operw�ed an �t Gbe resideooe
kten�t�t� �rip to �1nnq afi tb�a in�alpi• Mrs. �,eeot� s�Qnt Thanks�[ving.fn t�iot�,oibwvtn t�he yargapt� numbe� 4� ptMrQ� Th�u��i �[e�w�Ciaa tkor ca�ser. . S �'' �"�"� � ��
1ktr.lVlatt, M�ine b�e� k�adhi� 'vxpect tank�a thw� �ve;i•a hera whez� he lefG. Coderic+b. �tu�at� at the�r �'hanke ivin s�up � ���'����*+`� � :
11�RIi �►N� T1���i�.,'• . � � �r 41�e re4utfip�a .�o her h41�0 w�at �pd ! , �
� .,�.,.,.. x+�nK �� lrnpaera ip �rus��le Por xe� Our �vs wisa•ncres niet far. the�r i�r�. F. q,Eltord waa eisiting trle�idg Ghan t�eq or �ap�*.otber C urc 4etpre. �tron�#. � �I+tve you ar�t! �thauaht. + �
+� T� Priv ci 'c eai io � h �1ay� or �o r�navatin� t�e aalt b]pek ir► �pnthly ttansactinn oi • cqepor�tfo�n in I.or�don durin� thN holidaye, , , fih�re tvq�e, w� �eel ce�tain, are�r Bp0 A reat qt evenc that haa ar�ked • w u� ae� �re►sepG a � ►
b � 479Ht� l d � a kh 4 t� tbwt villa�e wb,�cb h�,e been.leased t� �4 ,� H m h t ui p
Y hasi�eat� on Taee�layQvening. M�. W. �.'roc:ta�� of Detroit vQaA rieit» pe��ple ip atte�ndance, keepl»g th� wsi t�e �ietnr aP xne (�, (1.,. i. �tv�s cels- � anm�rw S�+'ould �xl�ka ? � �A xs 7��'V�� �p �1&��� �S
pxopincea �1Ai'0. pQW64' �,O CO�'QL'C9 � the M�sere. ,Ra�tnaford a# (7��nto� wh� �+�����bQaisG k7� �, intdcade givip,� in friends in tho aictnity Inet wenk, Gero busp ira�ov 6 to. B aqlock. '�be b atN on�Taesdw ev�tain uader t� i = b�,8 �t? 1VQ �PYl1@ ��
� , will operwts� 1G. Matt. �t�s dan� eaqsid- �,n enterk�in�nent on tlne 2"�th inab. ��x. �I� A. Wfiight �as wav�ed ta pr��twta o! �er�ixen¢e t+�ok nae hour, r d Y !� i� • � 'W�18I1 'W0�0 � � l
prohibYtorx 1 w#a� ent�tueed ��aA�ep . ne��?4� and �itia ot thd Ui�irUo�d �ubil��. � 81I�t�l7Ce3�(1.@14��8. �91Z16 .
:�er�+.hle repairin� arpund khe 0lintop �h� n1l�ic,►1 r�e�tiu� he�d bera c+n fl�intou �t bqin� more,c�ntra�l for hia D1ie� Uan�pbelt preeidinq rer� credit• ee 1 rao � bea t ���' 3'�u contempl�ting k�Uyi» � �S�x� .x1C.
�.r�Ge advac�te4, �vho sr* nov► dema�n�d- blo�ek ar�a knawo ust laow GQ 4. +�baut �' . �he as a{b y ��a u i��lly � �
J R Fricir�y ewenina in the intereawa, �i' wark xp th� p�ariek�. �bly at tbe pc��,p. Pewr. Dyniele and d�cor�ted vvlth thecolors o� the Q. u. � Presenb do no� far�QG to .pa « � , .
' t ' Ro tb � whe vvOrk. .Ma or Jnse U.Reek, the CnpRervHt�Ve Mr, A.d. 1�0.c0�rtrleg ha¢ rekur�ed Jx�mea dnderaop wet! t�Ron Ghe plat• I, nt� ionnl #la 9� etc, Thc� t�o �e�m � an ansl eee �rhn,G rea .cttn ilQ � a� IDUx X8&f�@I'S .: . �
�. in,g o� P �am�e�r . s� aG k�e �'u��� h��► Mr, M. Bco.wn'a neov twa et,ar� r�ei• �'d e� e all th�E.cauld be d�eir� �rnrri Ma�nitahn where he haa 4een,lor torrn, the fo►'m r bein tha chaipwun� ' t �� P a � foq �'ot� lp CaWet�pe. We c�t� • , '
; . . Gand► nt . w. ope�ed wit�h K epe�G6 fc�w �r,t3trao�. , .
. pledgee;snc� prqcRed t�rthrrltb tp qx�ct �i�t�ce ie so xapidly appraa�ohXng �qm- �d., Tk�e ha� was likernll a�ked aad s�ver�zl monthe� �n the cnut�,tR ise ar� Price a�na • eu t au pE x11 ricee fcotn s
; � P Tbe Bl�eketon� qu�ntette r�ceive�d � Pp y �' � � �1 Yb� �&1&1Z11�.. . . . . , ��� ,,. �
. � .. Qle�ion thaC th�t fatnilY expec� to mU��s �b� ��yi1r eex we�l represent�d. Qottr�- The Eiible claye ot the 14[athodteM, thn a�pxano aolo Q�r� �eolinfily. �iss u t�e�n ovation x id eae 've ��. A • 8�� tiP� x4� hAsG t�lt fox a�
�nd put intn tbrce � pt�ohib�top,� la�t. �a bext week, It wi�l be up� ai tbt+ • N.chea�p ra[nsr�► is the $'roaVnitl
; , , G�Ilor MeNnlTy occupied the cktni� in a� Sabhath school presentAd Mr, Dnncar� Ausek�rook e�lro eun� �q p�ood Noice. ��ew�l nartette fpllowed �b �Meaq�•a. �. • 3�r Ibs Cuxxant�. .•.`Zc�C
Tk�ey app.ea� to be qqlte in earq�st $nest and coetpst z•eeidences in ihe �anaer entiefadtor to ai1, Mr, �9Gptt wrth w bPautiPul Bib1e priur to M�'. (J. A, Eit�nihr�r Look the b�.ri.. • 0 r �' • No, Z nt i��, Ii'rom now t�ll • .
towns�( ., Mr, Frior Qf Cli�tan a►a � d t e�yhe an M. P. �, hia lewvin the villa a. �le hus beea toue solo nuc� Mr. W.i3rrdgae G6e bnse. �r�dK e J, ,I', i3 own, '.Car�e and � p6ciotpoaa we wvi1� make yru • fi XbS �'1��. .. .. •�+2J�C
in re ard tq. th4 m�►t�ee �nd demqn��i � Wrigh� t►t�, Oo , M t 6. � � Wigtstman. �Iisa Da�aQ recitrd • t . �
_ � Ghe bric, work a�d Mr. C7ro11 oF t e Y 7 R. �Nnt�cy Vynuap aE the PJw • r a prea�nt o! • ' �
t n r .� et L a, con• m. tio u t4e lasteri '� �P°�e a.n behal� of Ghe U9nservative here por t x�ce ee�re aqd h�s �v�q man R,ev. James Ander�oea a��p.an add�erQ. , y" Rnd w�n '
de�de� PP p d� ,�n �# ,�O �a a w p pR�' , c�nQidnte �,nd Mr. Mnrahnll, 01` Thorn• wurm friends. , �ha eUppar Ls�bles �+reee ctlTsSed wlth loudly encored, Mise Du#iva is a opu� • ": Clus�e Raiains an�d �Tav� �Tuts
, , . . . . Mr. �Tok�n Weymuth lefb tb�s week. �ur on hep�lE o! the ppQaeation. Qond :'kirs. T. A. Fo�d o£ .OUnton 4pruk Pilver, cryeta►1 Aq{� 'q�t1E! oi BawQce, ��,r entaetainer. Miae Mc`t'ittia e�ata i °' o t CamerRa. ! �
, tanua,t�ou otthe �runque�r �n �►hicb, ht ypith lais �n Car do.wn counEry � �unda with f iends �ere, �yery pt�tnn we�e t�ken to �irp ali tha K io/ a�.c ua au ,
. � �rdar was abaer�!ed. Y 1' � . al�o Lemon, Qx��1�@ aXl
• hae h�kh�rtp becn. qafqrtile4 �h�►1 Can• 'ovhflre they wal� make aqui�re tifmbar. pn Thursde�y c�uiGa a numh�r o�' aar � �ood thinRa to �he �uesta,ttlrkeq. ham, P��RMingly. Atgong Oth�rs wluo con• � lcom $1 to $1� �
. �4�, M�tt. ,Mwin� t�laV sttt�rGs h�s m�n ut atizene book ia t4e chew rt�ilwwy fRres _. _.,,.� ._.,.. _,Y._ -_�__� . mashed riotntoee, anlnd�, �ovelr ar�W- � 1 es T e� the i et o ra�� 'ovepe Miee • (�l,t�.'QXI. �6fl�8.
ter�$� �nd �tro�aRl� �o, thnG wh� Gomi�R t4e se�rqe work �ane a� Gheaq days, G P . E ,�r nnd M �X+ti Aaheeon. A i 16� dip9ou�pt a� Qe►mors� �
�p ciitYeren� pr�rts oP the countcy, �e• (iqDl',�7,IC�'1 '1'OWNSHIP. eon �ellieqxtriRle,di�erqnC kinde og cake, fln�ttAr�ng K�ldrk�s �ceoa�panied, t�y. a � o�er $1$ •
sereiqp px th,s I,E;iel�turs n+i1T #�[ord ` M�asre•As�ins &,nd Wsymottth, ar8 both turnin(� home on Mendap. • leut�n pie, txrt�,. Cea aad �otCeQ were ! ! 1
ood l�ewers and haye had npuch es• • •• free�l banded roupd. Theare were �[x vsry hand �omQ eaag eb�ir, wa� p�e• « . . � ��2 1bS �cT&x1Ult�tBCi �ll�&x. ..�
' � D�Fss Me�ude Pr4ctar wae viaitin� Anpivereary se�r�ices will he. held irA y s�ntHci to ,i r►aC.i al SGr&n�, the ad- ! �
• . .
bir. Ravf the opportuqity o! Li�� ��le• �����nce iu �etEip out Gimbe�. � + ta►bies with LwentT fSv�e peraonp at w � L'er�on� in ne�Rhbqrinp� towns 25 lbs Coffe� r�U; &r ..,,.. r��. �
. R fcieud� in Ri ley thA past wdAk. Uole s ehurch qn Sand� artd Mpnday drees bein� reu . h Mise Floie4ce • • � .
tici�eto ro s his �tipceriE or Inek o! , M«g M� �'1c'¢dy of BlyEh v�ae Fisit- M�, g, p; g�npet, who has been Jaecautqeri lb and 10. �The e ill be t�hle and theee ai: tnble� rwere eRt iour n,,rahaui., The P�inai wl in feelin •'wb° Arethiaklag oi purchat � ,.
' �� S T� ing her brpth�r at :Londe�boco this �,��, � pP the Hawiltor� �aa� here tw� serv'cea on Sund r�� timee. . The iUacA,i the su ec r�om p � ��nq s camera will rQceive en • 6 lba R;�ee. ....,.....•••• 2�JC
` i in 1re ard^ to thie watter. T� R' �' � wq, D�. QiSor�i P n PP t�rma thanked the donc►re. blajur r S �
�r � week, , ppr near.lp three were decarsted witd pisik; red and Eaetman catlapRuv b�lropp�
,,.. ysure: len,ves here of Ol;nton wi11 preach in tk►e afCe�rquon. Jordon on 4ehn,lf o� the G', Q. I. cop• r • � ' 25c
--� . . Mr, John Weypuuth, ta�ether w�th �yith hie Nti�e and c�ild for Moose'aw, blua.. The alleries iR the �udit�►rlum • � ing.ua a carcl. Qther camera,A � � Ib5 Tap�ocia, ... ..... ...
� A tqn•m@eting aod (J6rietmae Tree will � gratul�,ted Mr. 8trwn�, Durin� 4he.
2#uG Mr Roe h a b me u all ' Tom �iobe�cton a�nd Joe Riley, lefb here, N; �, T. whera he hae been removed �' be held the followin even�rrg . �vere feston�ed with cednr aqc� r�oettes evenin relresh�nent ere s rved hv •��aides chq E�stmaq ca� be • t1Y1� V� etables, .... .' . 3�C
.,. a.�+ eoo _ nua� r � � R a w e M � g
t Monday for Wnterfoo . to take aut tp take chnrqe cF a branch in tbt�t An Ocxqae t�upper wae held rt the �nd ends of psn{c, red: +tt�d blue� A lot bhe atUdente. ,A.bAS�t iive Lundred � R opPl�e e, Filme, �e�'htQ eiu ��
�, rexicent and hsAn t� e, wor�l �o �a� �qqtl�e t�mhe�. ,, place, We aro 9or� to Ipse the hou;e of Mr. W rtt, Qurrie of the 8th �f folinRe ple�nt� wA� e u oa the I;at r p� wder snd other g, p- �
y u P p peaple attended the 7uhilYe. .iee ca�n Ue eent b mail.
abouG prohibitiop. �ei4h�p habq the Nine new membere �o�ned tp9 Fores, yo�tt�� c�uple ae th�y hud made many eon. on xueeday, 2$Gh of Nov„ h� • the .�°rn?� Dr. O'C1arrnl �f �t. Th�m�s. hae a p �' � No t�r4uble. to 5e1�. go0ds as
� tex� la�t Fxid&p ntgbt a�d st�ll more griende whilst l�ere and cperg generr�tl �nembers oF L, O, L, 189 yvhiah roqed ' Miae Wil�ou, �eaahec �f (7r�ditoq tnavedt o Kin�eSrid e to paatise hie �•,O e chea EY o u a Meter • �
C' �� Taronto G}�obe pr �p�r Qf 'Ehe learer pn Taesday ni�ht, An oystar sapper • Y � �ehnol e en . � p u p, p n r VP� �'e�x N'ae T'oe
� well liked. They left,'on Wednesdap. n. gtand suaoesa. The xveather ti►as i e � p x Tb�p�aRiVin� Day wit6 prafesernn. M at 3ac �Kiv�s: the cori•ect expos- �
� or austhrou bout he ro ince whi �ollowed at whtch thepe wt�s a gqo. M�., Ducid (;arte�r has m4ved into rouah aqd the roxde �nisera6le eo M e 8barmdn, Mr. .�'at. Auelep had a, long d►�ive M qre updec all condi�ioos nnd • ' ' $���,p a
. a. R.. ,t � v oa • . Hi hes�F riGe �'or ood x
. xsme spept, Qu� Court ia prp�resatve �b� y�ewnt hquse of Mr, John YoanR, many thought bhere would be no �r� Anc� Mre. 7amee t3teeart of �+�th coa�t on w�dnesd�y,twkin� A load � Rya far itteif iu a a6ort Eime • g p g
s fo(low ite.lead, T e►r stran e eilenc�i. z�nd prosperous� Win hxm, nnd dau hter, Mlse Oxrri� � •R•' `' >
�} q ' � Some portiope �f the mwehinery £ar crowd, biit the dout►ters �vere mura R . g •� up to .Iitn�sbr�d(�e, but Pnt e heart i� �1. y Qa�rin� over xnd. qpder � &�� F+���.
�bouG d u�etio h` Idr, Will; Gz�ny of �he 13Ch epncea• the new !lnur m�ll ht�ve arrived. aad than�surprised to see the ixrRe number Bpent ThankeRivu��' holidA�g with arnrrr�'and he �vouldn't feel cold, • exposure �u na atiwe�, •
� R Q q W 1ch appeals e9 BiQn of Hullgtt got hie thumb cut o�' Pcipci R18tea�rt. • • g •
r etron I to'the heartand rearoa of the w6ile cuttin� atrwo�+,. gettin it cau hb the 1mi(1WCights k►ave commenced that Gur[led nut Lo do. honor to that P Mr. Jabn Bain, manager of the I� � � .
R 7 � g Q�er€�tione. oc�asion, ll�rs. Currie and h0fi A�B1eL- �t Koox church on ThankeRiving pucke' f��hin� et�tion, ie home. . •. � �. �
in a eog wheel while puahing atraw a£f� nate �ot up r� �upper that wpe ��ae�a Day Rev. Jamee Ander�qn preAched a Mre, �uek spenp rbanks�ivin� Day '• H* g �"�� B� • �%� �
y^ �, prohibptiooieta , if� diequietipg to t$t , --^— verq oxplunKtorr recmon trom, the . in l�:seter, . • � �� �[ �'T` O Nell .
Gl�e wheel, . "�' well wort�hy the uame, Yery few i►r� � � �
laLter and ther a�e beginnin� tp Krow , Mra, E. Bell oP Tacicersmit4 ia �iait- AUB�]RN. there wk►o cai� ea.cel them se the 6oun• te$t lleuteronomr s, 3, ebowing the • Ddise Uarrie ,Le Touzel of Hepdall �•, Chemiet t�nd Druggist. •
ing , h0r parents, Mr,. twd 114rs. J�s. — • t�rui tPaat aia show. There wae fowl Qoodn�s� of t?od. �Vhen ti�e Ier�e]iter s�entThuradny laet at her h'�me here. • �.
,: ` ,
uneasy and to �ear anot11er tl�roq gneli in .Hulletb. . � Mias x'. �prung o� Gk�e . Ni1e, accom- abd all the delicxGiea of the se�eoq snd had loek fAiEh in him he took tl�em iqto i4ire. Leec4 of $olmesville �pant .' M����r�l����11�����������• , 8IIB C�ROCJERY.
down" aUch ae thKt ol;her olitiCit�n o! W e are glud Go Y1ea,r llir. �amuel Lee P�,nied by Miea MaKni�ht, _'�undayed although the crowd was large plNnty the wilderoea� wbare tha�� eprnt forty Thanke�ivinq day in 'towti the �ueat , —
� � is ifs�prov►ng frpru his illnese. �,G tl�e fnrmer's home, ° oi: provis�ona �vere a�t 6and. Tbere �var�,� rut he nsver Xorrook� them. of hprsiater Mrea. R. W. Mclfenzie. '
I'r ,, , � m�ny ,pxomieap, �lix Wiifrid Lr�urier, _ � Mr. Joe Uarter wus out to Stapleton 'wae noE, oaly enou 4 but to. epare. Mie��`Uampnign fulfllled tbe dutie� of �3xe, Lee�h pa�s quite a complime»t '�'�►'�►'ti• �� '�'�'�►�'�'� '�''�''�`
g�Ve them. They rHtuember only too • �'� `, last Sunday. ,, . � After eupper. they xl� hied themeel��a oraaniat ia � mopt Mti�tactorg mr�n- ho the Cioderich co�rreap�ndent of T$� '
��. � RUL,G$7"C TOWNSktIR • Mr. William .Ferguaon of Walton aRr�;p to the OranRe hall vrtiere RhaG ner, . NEws-Ii�¢coRb, '•ea�erly lookinR," sl�e .. .
well,hor/ he plec��ed himbalf to con• ,, �4qndayed nhder t6� parentnl rQol, rectiaiaed of Lbe eveninp Praa ple+►aant- Mr. and Nra. Fred. Thompeon }��ve ss�ye, for ite appearance: ."Ta�cNr�we•. �or�di�tion Powd�rs
ferencee, synod� and p,�eemblide anfl Un Thursday lasb another of the Also Mr.:Bert. Curumtngs of Walton ly and proHtat�ly epent, .Mr. qeorRe (��ne.ta Lion's Head to re�ide !oi �the RECORD is a sup@ci0r lOcal pu,per,",ehe
. .,; ionaers qreathed his laet in the per-, �vas �iaiting lrien3e Glie . forepa�rb of I ti. $anl�y presiied und hia �rish wib, wintsT. engs, g • � `
how; a�t�er b� �ot.in�o power, ba refas• . p o . E bo had •reacl�- tBe weel�. • wh�cb ie eome4�rries aauatio hut unucb Rey, 3[r. R�hinson end Mre, I�,abin- Wp are �ery sorr to le�,rn that Mise
son f Mr. Thos aet, w I � . We call s ecial attentxon. to our Con:dition ;
ed to:d li��r'th� oods. ed the aae of seventy one years and Mr: (�eu. Askwith �is able to„ be ,oftenergehial, e�i:tibled 4im to :ill� the e.�n aere teii�rnphed icir, oa Thaqke• Emm�+:Andrews ie very ill aG oneaFthe j�
" � �' sevQn mopths. Mr. Enst was a nstive araund agatn. chwir �n a ulost xcc�ptxble . mwnner, givina tci Ro to Victo�in coUe�[e,London, lioapitalec of Ne�v Xork where ehe had
' De onshi e� En la d hut cn;me t Mr. J. Uool� : wita e�wa , ependina The tpeakers of the eyenin were t6e to be.with t6eir d�u�hter, Yies Robin• begn. Powder as xt is on,e of the most satis�'aetory
!L revg�endgentleman who, q� it so oR v r, � p� Q frbnnks ivin Da • n,lso �riday a►i�t .Angftet�q anQ 1�at,hodieC d,oines frnm ron,trained nure�. hire. A. 9suits of the s�t,it9 �oc��e on. th��m�rket. We aleo carr i;n stoek"�ala.
�, - this �ountry mpre thxci hwlf A � R y� , y ,
` ha tns ie edit o 1 centur a o, A.fter e endin a e�aeon Saturday. Mr, (�. Aakwibh to�k BK�flAId, Reva.'Jennings and Yelland, Ocgnniet (�Ixn Onmpbell i� quite a ie taking a little holiday trip �ind :is in
pp , ar. ! a churcb_week 7� Y R' p �K ' who xre the b etoffriendswndhtlnrtil sufYerer at� re�ent trbul �ciattc�. Lundon at resent. ,.. the ]�eading and reliable �owders. .. .� .•
or twq near �oronCo 'he ocated in • bar({e of his aehool on Friday. . @ Y P P
. qsaper,: buE e'bo has nRvec been knowni Ciinton fqrt ei ht enra tL 0 Rp(I .Mr. Wm. Scrim our one evening co-oper�,te in r�U sehemes thab have tor G}odr..ricb muat ha�e �,lar�eT popula- Miss �hapeir ig a gueat at the Smuit�
� - _ a enad out the firet Ncc k ard R n thie centy�left his tearin standin tied at their ohject the aood of the: c6arRea tion t6an .ev�r. Beaide� North etreet, �ouse. s pR,iJBC�RIPTION DEUG} S'1,'O$F;•
to say or .do ad�tik►in� that . w�uld con P Y re l � tha,t ha e R
nrt oithe county.' Subsequently he �r. J. Medd's store for two or three Y 11ren. rommittrd to them. MethodiRt, ehuroh beina cro�sded op Mre. Hawkinband children.havA re. , p� '' �ie,kle . �,e sori
� fl�ct wib�.h1� e�rt leanitr s hae un, p � • The a oke brieS¢ oa thisacoaaio» but, Zhanicsqiving eveain�, SO yOUDtt bBCII- i;L1Tp!?d fram their holidr�y.Er�p ahd re- !` ,� � �.uace98o7r to Sydney J k �
P 7 B� pwned a k►ln.:on the Base Lxne op wh�t hours, and �tt lr�st thirikin� that' Will, � Y P � �
,` �. ' • ; ie norv thefarm of r. James stevena. ti e cow°n the br'oke. .�ptlp. . M�ete� Uax, a briaht auna elora gnv� .A . ball .at Qddfellvwq, hall eide`bn Victoria:, atreet ia the ,bouae • ;.g,_..:, e � � '+ ecess r for re at�in an �
. dertalcen to k�e1 �lSr. Ro�s h advqCRE• �. �vas a long ua �. �, Y,. � N W alev have :il the,ingredi�nta d � y p p 6 Y
� 7� xt wae in •this .`ard �hxb Mr. Joae h Ioose. an a ar.ted f�r holm,e. •�v�thout lud,' san of Mr: D;r,yid �.(�oz, g eKtly and the opara hoiise eompany ga�e a owned..:and latelv : �cc,upied; by. Mre:.� .; U onditron nec.e' t. •
:. in tfi� ' : ; o : : oC , 9 , , p , d t ... . . , ., . leased`Ghe �tiudience �cith 'hi rec ta. la . . • Alln,n S t�t�lin . �p
g t ha Arepare � pr hibit 7�ay����hend, the rfli�wny cqntractor, ��m: �l�e r�n down the tlili,, �tt, sa P. � i p Y p g . . R. .
: , , , y , • , : • , , . „ : :. • � i � • .
� tiQns. Se d�zl r��n,�i kt�l�l well an h e are : rouCb qblt ed• a,nd . retuPn Mr. Wal h of Cl nto . e ent Thanke�• �
c�uld:t v4^ turn .., Y. d ta , W a ; s ' ..�
. ...:: _
� . ,,
• ,.4 •: ' ' hud Lhe Ur�eke rnx e w ' .. _ , . . . ,. .. � • �
� '.
: ��quor' larr Rnd.submrt it ro the people , � hwh he used iw r�zpid � i�arA that th�Y . . „r� , . .� r . . � : ' • .�:�:�s%"v'�r
- ., , � eon�tructan culverta . �v,h�Ie buiidin .. d n.etraddle bP'ar ost hreKk,ina lC�e. sei �ces a e b�ound t� be m req��ea G at t�hRnira tu Wi11i�m I{e►npton, ��q., of givicrg D�p in town. � R' '� � . .
6. K an xw p � . . . , . . . {�
eiz mdntha o1r a�esr hence� The mot• hie' sect9om of the t,.' H, � B. 'AfBer ecl� 'oke �,nd whi letree and this enC.ertainment� held �n thia n,ei h6or, Laurie� P. O.,tot :hie k�trdaee� �a Aend- Mre. Sparl'tnR und family have re-
thrn 9 �p d Ehe onl hood in futt�ce. Mr. Ar4hur �urrie� ing u3 n epp� of Ttt� N�we-R�coan of .'oined.Mr.All�in 8parling in Toronto.
ive ie' irltth�r traneparent. Tt�i� di ine QPerRting this yard for $�ve: yeare Mr. helped :to stqp them, �n y. y J
� East bought another pro p.erty on Ek�e .vwent a short ways dovpn the �ank. IF tho ;c�'or,thy inagter oi 189, pla�ys, the Octoher 24tb !or rvhich wt asked Mise Nesbitt of near: Ciinton epepE , •
' tivould like 6ett o� sll to �ee Mr. Roee , 3;�ravel Road upon which he speut the • at been n aolid ost Ghe struck violin well and with ,Mies Burnett at *6rnuQb. ther! eolumn�. . . , Thankegiving week th� �uest of Mce, � '
�. .. i6 h�d n 1?. p the or an av , _,
,. . . � . �: ' :
�. remainder of hie life.'' Hie firat pur- the would have goae iaCd the river. R K, e severn,l eelectiona. We tatc� much pieaaure tp not�Ag Chsirlie-lilake. .
, 'retucp�d; to, ,po.A�r for anothelr �our eha o he ad�3e to un il he w e. y • 't e' down to �eRsre, �urrie and Jamea -Sterlin the qnnouncement recoiv�d .by Mre. Rev. Jaffles'Hamilton addreseed bhe . ',�' . ., •
• a d. t p n d one Mr, Alf� Asl�wi h wa . B
ear@. An time wilC do" for rohibi� F1UriCZC8C1 �CC29. Here Mc. Eas6. enti- Exeter receatlY� �' alsa gave ue inetrwnentalA . and song� Charl�s A. 9rmone o!. the wedding of 'McGillinray Misaion Bs�nd Satnrdal i �
� �� p and MaFter M�lton .purrie ��ng er Mr. Fred. A, Hudaaun Lo N/ioe Caro- afCernoon. Sever,al rett choruses ��.. � . . •
. tinaed�ta carry on bciek and` tilQ inuk- Mr:.C1. A. Howeon hae niovod into V Y P Y �� �� i:r�e.
;� Qioq ; we�wilT run oixc chaneos . o! thAt .• ,� Until a, ear a o he oon inu d o.' 's week n,lso Mr. nicely: The cnnciuding number on lipe F. $rie el in New Ynrk on Novem- w�re aun�.and severt�l �ood repitatians � •
- ine y � t e t hia new house tht � the , ro r�ru w��,P a b e ch b Mr, Fier 8th. The ill ha At li'�rne atter iven b tbe.memhere. Mied Wi in�
'„ ettpcwl►rd�, h�, in esecb, ar�ueg. : enjay �;ood health, 9ince IasC eprin{� �ah'n Fer�}ieon, They are Uoth nice P!� , o P� Y T.w ,, �, 7 , K8, , �.. , ,. " � ,
.``. . << ` •'.',.. , he had been -ailin br�t the ilin �e i tothe illa ewnd the James Wallie, cahoae remurkn xre January lst �n the. ci�,y ut Mexicp,, isto he con�ratulated upon enCering •' .
, ..—.., g,,. e h�usee. a cr�d G V fK . . . , .. .
•' - � • • • eilwwys appreciftt.ed. Thpn +�fter am � Mezsco, We w►sh th�w xnallo ed ..►nto the s irst of the wark sn heart=
� . • . :' , . � � ' • � . .. � whic}� culmitt�ted �n hia death �+vae onlp ;ownere. tvho we .hqpe mwp spend wany „ . . , B , Y , , . . p `. For the Fall and W n r r e our � ock ie com �lete: ' Never.' before ' � '
S�r, .Ohrer.21[o�►at bumbug;ed thA � v •. : tnR the nation.i! xntherri the atBRrtn ha meee. �ty, �.�: .� !� ti p
-,', - : . , of . ten days ciuration. . Trs Mr, a•nd happ�' days therein. , K fK . PF� Rere we.iq a hettee osit�on Co ive ou ust wh�t ou want in all kinds
Temperan�� people for ye�iN and. in •�Mra. Eaet, the latter died th�rteen Mr;, Thps: Andarson`la,s.t weelt. �ov- .dispersed. `1'he peoceede �,muunl,ed Lo . Mtsa Hnll oi' Bu!lulo ia the auesE of ',�`he retnains oi' the late��Idr.Andrew p � T i y 8• e
return �e e th m nothi lebi'- ears ��o there was tiorA'a f�,mil oi ' ttae h�use which ', tie lately thirty dnllars. Mrs. Lnftus. Dnnce�. G}reene of Sault �te. :�Iarie, Q�t:,� ot eeaeunable Fo�twet�h. And our cpntinuously increusing sale �s ih ,
a � p ng buU a p, e 9 , Y ed into ` best,.evideqce we can ivp th4G our .
fourteen children, .ten of whom sur- bou h't fr m Miss E. Elkin. We ure sorry to report,the death .of .'liise Viv4�►n h�s retur,ned lrom Kala• arriyed here on Tuesdaq wesl� and g � .
cite:. St`r Wilfrid Laurier follo�red in g A. . Mrs: Joh�n - Sterlin •
viye se fnllows : Wm. and fIency of ..A meetin in^the interpsCs of .Mt�aor. R, which ei�d. eveqt;. mxzoo, Mich, were', eaaorted to the parentai home, ,
his ioo,tete � and, for value received � tnok l�,ce �tthe.horoe of herdau hter 9.'t�e ateamer Lake D[ichi xe arrived Shep� pardton. The tanerHt took lace. SYSYEM OF SMALL PRO�ITS AND UICK RETUI�NS
p Olinton ; Mrn. Ben. Ohu�ohill,(�oder.ich B�ek w�s held in the I: O. Gk. T. hall � P g ,, g p. , Q
several tim.�� pvec; he 'a►lao �raate a, townshi ; Edward Geor e and .A.nn ni ht when tbe hall was Mze. Geo. �Iewitt. of Kinc�rdine C�wn- from Fort William on Tuerd+►� night on Wednesday •to Qolborpe .cerneterp ia 'uet t ie n. b b i: e cau eave ou dollare � .
p . 8. �aturday g ,, 7 wk�n ��ded y, the bayinR pu 1 c W Y .
1 bi ' " �at h�me • Mrs. H. Stanbur xnd Mrs. � k d to. ths dor�r to henr two rahd $��p� on �,und�,y, Novernber .?.�th. •�vith s� car�o a! 10,W4 �bUsheis' ot where the remxina- were Inid to reat lp our shae bi1L Tr ur. d b e ' ' •
p e se�te. �nd now. Mr. Rose is about , . 3' .. P�o e � • � Deceased"was .tin old reaid'enG o' t is he t. '. � ' Rev. Hr: tiarailton of: town o�ciated � y A° �
; . • : ..A.. �ytie, Detro�t e ,ll:Trs.� S. LRqecick, s�eectres #roih hTebsrs; Whitney and. . . . C h w a . . .
Lo mtEempt to a�rin, rock the prohxbi.. town9h�p, hwvin. ltved for £nent ve. Mir� Am� snd hee h�ot��� �inelsr at the'6oupe and rave. Memhere of � a,�:'.'•"
BewaK�c, Mic1i..;.and John of Vir{{ini+�. �atheson: �' Y� 7 � 4
6ionists a�leep' wiEh the aume . �ld .,;p�,ll were liome to attend the laaG sad c owcll o} Weetfield wns years on the 4ttx con. . AfGer the death Wiliie,lett on Wodnea8py,27t6 No�.,to Mornintt �tar Lodge �nd the Goderich FIiLL SjOCK OE YHE.`,CELEB�A��D � ie'I�ANBY RIiBBERS ..
Misa E. M D
• ulla6Y, thoup�h he mR� ran�,me it rites eave the laat.mentioned: A t the the uest o� Miss ��e$noz recently.. of her late hu�hand twent� aiz rears yieit relxtii�ee rt Hraotford, Miso A. F. and A. M. LadKe �were in . '
"Ref rendum;' �. ^ funeral w. ich took lace ' n � i e 1 of W�stfield mef AKo she went to "reaide with her sons A,me ruR spend the n'int�r tbere. tha cortege. The Maeter of ti�e Morn• � for whiCh we re e "n on. Yau ruc� no risk bii .in our
�, , h p o.�andny Mr. �..lY. Un,rop i I Y 7' A. aoi. �nta in �li t Y R 9
and waQ l.argeiy attended, t0e aefi�ice�. with an :necidet�t whiie nt Mr. H. noe�r Berdie. :41rs. 8terlinq waa u lov- W e hAve tcr Lhauk lliuTannje Cent�-• in� t3tar . Lod�e. Mr. James Youna, . rnbbere from ns ar we c!a not handle. Second 6Zuality or Auction, �oods:,
were"ebnductied b Rev. Mr. Ta� I�r at M Brien's sxle lasiFrida when he was �nK �nd kin�l mother Lo 6er famil� of. Ton of the Uo1leRiate In�titute fo� pre• read thn Maeonic buri�,l eervice at the It will a ou t�• �ee our bnr nin aou�pters, which are• being constantly
�' R$SU�,,TS 01= B��-BL�CTION HELD �6. 1�3arys in the , abaence of 7Rector k cl�ed b a harse on�tihe 1eg and �hum ail surviye her, via,; Mr. Jemes e�n�ing us with tbe Uollegiate colora �rave. The pallhearers we�•e d Dr.Olark repleniehed witb th� bert har aine eper.b8ered in C�linton.
` ,. ` C�unna, xhe pallbearera were the fo3• knocked �down. H� is impcoving 'as �terlin�{ ,:14ra. D�.tiiel Kennedy, Mr. on.thp evenin6 0! the Uiamond Jubilee and 11i. (�. N'icholson and four Urothera R .
1N DEC�MBER, 1$98. la�vitlR old and tried friende ot deceaa• well ae cnn be ex ected. ,. �Rmuel �JtPrl�ng, Mr, Willi�,m SterliUK of thi►t tfauri�hio� In�Yitut�: of the M��rnina 9tar 1odRe. �he tuner- � 9ee our Misdes School Boote, eizea 11;' •Z�,• 3; 1 and 2; a
' � ed : T:.BGacom, H. Wnrret�, J. Re - Henr McBrienaealeoqFridt�� was �nd�Mc�. Robeit' Mc:l3xtn ol''�+�uilrick On thu e��pinR dt nomin�tion dar, al wae yery larqe. .Tha casket waa g5E ancl =1.(10 either 1Acedor�Ou�toned, •
QOD�FiIdH TOWN, �Qld, '.C. A_rcher, ,A:. Weic And �. Rey- well attsnded� and c,od prices realized, �ountp, Miehigan ; Mr, J.9terlinq�Bin• t'PedrierdR� lut, a qc��►t . manT covered with beautifnl #ioral emhlgme The r�re eat value.
� �' � ' BEOS C�ARiiOW �olde. . �. y Mr. . fiamilton tvielded b6e •hammer: cardine town ; Mry. Ustro�n of liervie.; �a�ies �iled the ��ll�r� at Victoria hy the citizens of Srtiult .�,be.� Ma,rie. . � �
` The man frie ds a M: q . H. snn's' sale was x., �r.. DA.vid 8tetrl�ng, Mra. G?eo. Hew�tt, o erts houe�, �bowing their unnhate3 The iwte Atndrew t3reene mr�rried ' �
�: �7a.�1,... ,...,:.>... 72�; 62 y f r Dara l�Veir The.late I. D. � p • ;'.
' � No: 2,.,..,. ,... ,...... 58 64 � ra ret to hear o�hi� seri,ous illne s� ab cucceas lastThursdav, • A lar e crowd �re. Emi�erson apd 1Vlr: Q�eo, Starlipg ir.tereet in pol[tic�. I[ajor Beck uet Misa Williwma �f9nqlt'�te.Mnrie,form. ; T$� OLD RELTABLE . , }
Nu.3.. • .:..:..::...: 55 88 ,� C1onsEanee.' Da.ve tau ht Haili3ok attepded. � � - � of Kinca,rdine townahip ; M�s.. John b�,v� felt;q�uitM ��ttrr�, �' erly of gincnrdine, . who with her ' • •
�-' ....., 43 88 . sehool in the paeti and Rainec� ma' 11�r. �#eo; Totn bxa Lhe milt �oing in •Dempaec of' Grader�ch townrf��p aad The bia mill camtvene�d op�ra�tone p�trenta netbied at the . Sault aixteen �
Na, 4.. .. Mr, Alezander Sterlin y
�; . 1�To� 5.:....:..,.,,... 4tl 64. warm frieads: 'We hnpefor hiaspeed� full blast a�win. TheT hoVe goG new ,, , , S 9f Hancock, on Monda7. _ . ears a�{o. She�and Mr. Dnve G}reene, ' '- -
• No. 6:.. .:...:....... 66 65, .� recooerq, � . . ;�. ,rollPcs and everythin� is 1�p-to-date, M�eh�g�,u, Mra,bterling wa� a member Mr:Farre�G of ttte E=prew Up. hae re• Nrother of deceased, accompaaied the �
� Ntr.7.:.....',:.,...,. 32 . '63 . Rev. Mr,Hamilton preached to hia ,Firsti•ciass work witl be done. We af the Preshyteriaa chureh, a de�oted moved hie tamil� thir waek fram. the remaitsa. Both returned to 8ault Ste. ��� ���a �� � � Q' � '
, Soek in•Burns' Cburch on: Thanksgiv'� '. ieh Mr. Tom everp success, xhe �nd true Uhr�sti�n and thropRti her Hbtel tiedfard black to the new brick Marie t6is week. � �"�` . �. �
• T356 422 in�.. TbP collection w�e liherdl. rmerg en. he mt�kes good $our. lclnd and n�hle lifA mtide ti�atay friends huilding on Ta�t street o�odd. u� Mr. ThA elevati�r at the`hig mxll �neusurea .
�' D[a'orit for•t��rrow 86 .•� The trustees o4 S.. �. ,No, 7 hape l�ir.ed �The Methodist eo ie a e• oro to n'ho will re{�ret to hear,of her death. V�tflllie: a 60g110 and has been add�d to at the
� �'� Mr. Duula of Glin on to te�c6 or � v a tea nreet O on �roaq , rii ht sbe had reached the uge of aeaenty �4lisa Muetard n� l�ip �n i� t6h �uest, top, where ite cups have been extend• Cae�. and One i'rio9
CkOD$RibH TOWNgIiIP. � x � h�, e R g P . }3utter and Egge t�ken as Caeh
� , - 1902, M�. etherald going to Auburn i�rbep Rev. Mr. Wilson' ��f Nile and three yeuta. '�he remkinA were interred of Mre. I?'orre�C the, pK�t two weeies. ecl by au additian, 7$xl� feet hi�h. ,
.., -
�O'� 1• • •"" •�+• •' •,� �� school, for which ho �vas engaged sou�e I�v,Mr. Penhale of Blyth wiU deitver » the M�,itland cemetery. . : �ra, Q1�ry�t�1 , ot Londoa c+pent Thie �dditian has been made with n '
�.. ,. No. 2.. .,.......>.,, 70 � time aao. '. , ai�drieases. The Weatfield cho'tc will In fhat .arent cloistr.r'e etillness auc� Thankegi�inq Iya� tb� {�un�i of heir view of extend�ng ita etoragd capacity
rio� $ .. ...:........ 88 �5- '�
.. . Some.of th�'Harlock boye who went Yux�'�h mueiC. They sin�. sw'eetly,. seClusiott, ..mother, Yr�. LeM►ie Eliiott._ f►q 40,IX1U busheis: Beba'een th�f ele- •
`- . w:�.�, `. �"""` -"` to Manitotaa for the. ha�rvest have re= The will s�1so ba recitu�tipns, eUc:, By guatdian eingels leci .;, .: Mr. Burke oi 6he GF:'x.R, stnt! at khe vator ancl the mi11 etnnde tbe paakiq� -- �-- �. ��
•:. . •. •. . 2'32 102 �urned. Amona the� pumber are mak� s splendici: ro raru. safe fram tempti�tion, �aife from eih's st�tion tias removed to the buildip� on hbuse and_etioraae huild�n� everr door ' � � �
MajoriEyfor BeCY 130. • �!{� p � ��NM�M��►N����?�N• �N�i�+NN.�N��N��'�N�NN+�� �
� Archie Wutt, Will. F�rris, Jas. KnoX Mr:�, }Mill.ec' Luwgan ai Clolborne .polluEion, Eaet erreeC now th�+ propertq nf Mr. of which is used for thesa purposea. ,�
+` ASHl!'I�Lb, , aY�d Tine Allea. A1L. reporC haviag a a, hrot �. ,es of Mre. J�hn Knox af this $k1e l�ves, whQm we call dead, 4ledhill. . TGe bine are all made of heavy aKlpa-
. �.No, 1 ..........:.... � 70 49 good time and helped to harveat the villa e;�,died' 1�At Wedhesday niqAt Messre. John nnd lireo.5tec'lina,d,rrd H� J. Morrirb of Hfy th iiker to keep nized ir�» and, tbe packin� a�nebinee T� E GR�' �►�" .�AS H STty � F'■ �
' No. 2.: ... ,..,,.....iO3 64 IarK�et Crop on i•eCord in the prAirie Hi9 iemi�,ins aere' interred t�t Eall'a �mmereon �nnd Surn, Sterling epent .an inauranr,e eye on th� Uld town, are of the. latest type both for flour � -" . �
: , No, 3,. :.,,,.,,,�... 85 58' pCovince. They like the cotmtx� wetl cemeterp �n Saturdap afteraoor�. ' He p�rt of IKeA week as t11e �ueste of �h�ir Dt�. Z M, Tnrnhull sprnt Thwnke- and.feed purpe,�ee.
r', No.4 ........:..:..:. 62 84 and eom� of them intond r�turmn� in lenves a w�fe to mourrr her loae. , eister, Mrs. John Dertrpsey, , RivinK Dny with frieode at Owen We� are qlad to knaw �that little • �
No: 6 ....... ..... ...: 28 93 � thA eprirg. Mre. 3abt�Ett}in� of LoudeaHoro �s Mr. a�nd Mrs. 3arnes Hnrriaon oE the 8ound. , "Tot, as vae used�to oall the nnly ehild �
... �� �qa�� - �� �aor�s
- No:B,. ,.. 23 82 Miss B�lla Farnham is vjeibing at visttin� in "thie ne��'hborhood this lst, eon. Sundaped At h1r. John Demp• MieaDuffue rbturncKl t,ri hec hame at nf Mr. atid �rs. MeCormack, late af � � .
.` 1�To� 7 .: ............. 33 83 '. Mr. Henry Allen's, . ��►�. ae "e. --,. Tbnmeaville tor Thankagt�ina De►y Dungan.non now oP UentrAl Hotel, }�
� ' ,` Miss tSuais Neilune, tvho hzis been f1n Wedneadaq a! lasG �r�ek Lhe �CDIri EL18 .E(IiQE>17/g� North Dakt�ta, Atid wi13 nob retorn until! atter New Iiamilton, �rid �vho tine heen serioueig � rW�WV MMM►MMMNW1Aw
, gg3 ¢g4 • living in SeaEprth tor some time, hue residepce of (�}. F. XounRh(qt of �'ribune we t�,ke. thd ` Yo�lowing Year'd . Daq. . ill in the (Jitiy hoepiti�l;ie�now Consider•
�; � Majoritq for 4�lrrqrr 71. . , returned home the villa e ot Hengall was. tbe which wilY be ot inrerecG to G}oderich Mr. aud Mrr. �nmpbelt br►re t,nken ed dut.�f dnn�er, Tot wae never on # •
A1ac�e number from I,he townebi aceue nf r� o ous event; 9¢hen h(a eid- tdwnship reade.�s, the pttrties to qhom rootfia QG Mra.MeKiaaan's. �[r.Ontrsv- the invaUd laat in thts town, • �TSV12�g Ju9�, xeCL1VflC1` ailOt�lex I&T�e COri9iglt� �,wm
w�eT w'ti'wANOs$: are 'ninin� the U. 0, $. Uourt PridO pf eat dau 6ter liert6a was united, in. allueion is n�ecde beinR w�ll kqd�vn bell �ame from HaniCoba to teke thd Mr. John . MeV'icar, J'r., nephew of inellt Of Dx G�oods which we bau ht a�t a.
; . .. No, ]... ..:..,;,..,:... �1 � 80 , , y � ,:, .,
the�eot x,ondesboro a ver � �
No. 3.... .. . � , 3� �roaper- marriuge with Jame� Bonthron. �'hP reeidentc t" Mc. y'V�u. Muppby and po�il:ion ot toiller pt tl�e biq utill. �re.Qa�tain MaK�,p, is i11 at Ohnth�,noi, �, m the manufacturers it Faces us
����•��••� � ous eourt, by the wuy• ter.emany was perfortned by RPv. Gteo. Miss E. iiot�inson. �if Miltoq, �vere D�rg. 3ohn A[eIntcsah "Lnke View" Mre. Neil Campheli lett 1Hst week o� bargain fro p .
t NO' �� "' ••�' ���•�� � hulleth J9tyitb under a 8ore,l ha�k. The bride, martied aC t hat pluce ls�t Wedneaday. Wert etr�eG, ie malcip reKt im rove• a l��'ofesaionhl viait�to Chathi�m: iTl a, psXt10T1 td (1ff8T io the �.blie b�tter '
> No� 4.. .... ,..... 42 75 . , R 8. P On St. Andrew s De�y th� ��3arn p • . . P
Mr, �ames i�nell ia ip Citica�o this wbo was encorted b� her fnthe.r, look• The brideqroam ,ie w brather ot JtiirB, ment in her illdee�. . �
- DTo.S•:...�.,.......�. 26 , 83 ' fla{� o' 8cotia, wa.ved oVer tbe Ocld. � V&Xi10 tkliiIY @V8T 111
_ �sveQ k a�c�i�na os judqe at the hig Fat QCI 4YCf ifCECACt1V01X1 ��� oai �� t i n� � id 1�air eft far Uulu�� p��4e. The Aldern�an Claote]'on ke�ps iu n verr fellows' huil in•hoMaiC o� Scotia's atron
�? .�d St ck w n w�n pro�resy there. q� white orRandie�, with g , br a p th od tb• ddule critical candition. p .
. Miss Ma ie Browrr, who ht�s been e�rr ►n a bo aet of whita rosee. Misa dn to be t�wa . u�buut �i�r tveeks,�..i4�R., saint. Dre�s Goods I�osier Underwear �nd B1ank�ts
gg y' K Q, Y y Dr. Ure hae pareed ano�her bitthd6y � . � ��
� MajQrity for G}arrpw 8. u,t the bomestead for the past three Smtth of G4oderich k"l�yed the weddin� . utid Mrs.. Af ut•php, Mr : uad Mre, Qep, and is keeping woadertull� Rell r, 'the rin'k Wag open npd very �Aod �
EABT WAWANo�s, montihs, leavea on Fcid�y YOr Vi7alker- Xnatch �nd F'loseie Hrmthrot�, sieter of La�thwptte and W. Lui6hvrx�te +itYsnd� 21ir�. (�aVin G}twea hAs a ver ffne ��Ating in it on ThankA�ivina baq. ., . � •
� ' No, 1....+...,.,..:.. �3 81 ville where she wi11 r�lmuiri £or some• the room, aotefl a$ rin(� bearer and . ed the Murphq-�oh�neop w;�ddin siptio ot i:be �c}�oonYr Or,torio .ths .Mr. Aave Thomaon hne taken tbe Our Boat and Shae depart Ower 6.00 pairs ofBoots,Shoes
Nb.2,,....,.,:,...,,. 78 ?2 ��me� • �.ilpttYouagblut, eiet'�r of the bride, aF a,t Mitton lret WeduesdaV." a hec fe�ther, UapGain Andrewr Gtrdon� r�nk r.b�� winrer„�a►n. � m�n� z� la��ied with and Rubbers,�ust pags�
� 1rTo. S., . .: .,., 41 .' 70 For $ullett newa ree;d T�t� Nm�Vs- maid of honor. T e t�ewly Wedded � uesd to eail ouG of thie port manr 1�r�. M H. Morrie ot the �ediord • �
nc v �
TTQ. 4.., .... .., .�..•.... 31 �9 RECURD. . �ouple �!� takinir up�yheir reeiden�o in ----,-- , yeare ngo. was the recipietft��n ThAniteRiving Day gxE�i Y&�.11e�, ed into stock,
;.�• " Mr, R, J� Blake, �ho ie qov► attend. bhe: baaae lormerl peCu Iec� b W. oE � daint�"" iittle netted doyl�e,the't�+ork �
, �— ---- Y P Y �. Mr. Jamea �4ic�ritoeh i� the luckp �� Rn n e lnd m tt�e �Va ne counfy,
�gg �2 ing the Olinton Mo�el scht�al,• 1�a.s bee�t Eider. A few from Aubur+rr .att0nd�d Si71'1fi�Rhil,t,, posseasor of a cnne which hie n�dlern�►1 .. g" y� � In our' Gr�cery ]�epa�tment w�. have �c►me snaps, S08 .
` Mi�jpriby.fpr CFarrow��4, enaagad to tak�churge of the'�eparnte the wedding, th� bi€ide 6ein{� wel[ --- �rnudfxther, Mn %aviont ce�rried o er M�eht�ant $oua� of Itldustrp, Mre.
• echoal far X902 nt th0 hi hest ealah known and �onnec�ed �ece. 8er Mr. John Hill, who �s nt rededt at- one huodr2d e�►re s o, it ha�p Morrie havin ysed her itifiuenr.e in � our Raisin�. They are th� �est in t�.e rn,axke�, ,�118ti �,�ll8 �
" . � COL84RN�. a y " p r � $ ectib�; tt,e a�a iaa� a bDm� �n tb$t .2 thing fo� your Xm�.s cake. 1
that has heen paid,fcie aome tim6 xnari� fri�nd9 widh hei� much jnq. tending . i�tratford �ueinees pulleae, ferule at the bo:,tow, otkierwiee it i� s�
• , lvo,1.. �. ... ...... 89 64 , {n that section. ��� visited und�r the pwre�tal toof xues• good �n ne�r� �nstitution. z , �
G Na. �., .. . �...., 68 30" Mrs. J.7.'.M.ci�wughey ot Morrie apent. ."�i '— d+�q ar�d Wednesday� i�etUrnip� t�a mhe o�cinl �ticfi of the. Poultry T ' �
_._._.._ _ _ ._ .
; � No. 8 . .. ....... ... ... 98 , ti5 �andap with her faEher, �r, ClarberG lYlr, Uat1. Keliy Mo a t0 Clitlto�t, Igtter day to hie usual work accompan• ' Aaea�iatton of fiuroft. �ra :' I�re�ident, g ,
No. �,,.. �..... �..... d:0 47 of the (�ravel Roa,d. � rN' 7i5 3�TTa`Pl�.
ied t�y 11�ies Mable $fn�{ham, qh� �1. M.. Toiid ; Vice, Wm, Warnoek ; � � � �
--�- �--�- . Mr. Lynch of 1�I4Ifillop viai�ed hie �r. �an.�elly, a�vell k° own and high- intends spendina a te�v dwys �•eitiaR io 2nd Viep, Uharled Kni�#6t : l��cretwry, A rand illu i " �r � � �C ���� � ����� �
' 285 226 sieter .Mr�. P. O. Re notds, thi� � y . R S �001b in �Dliver Pepn�nako� • , �^• i�en toiri ht at t�e own ball b i1Mie• ,
- D�aji�rity for BeCk g9, • . op�ok; . � p�r9G ly respect�d Morti� tawnghip farmer, that cit hefore oiri to her ` , Trtasurer F, � �
w �. , having gold one of h(s f�,rma to His Richmond, Mich, �uhu coulbioed �usi• Biu�hRm ;. Director+, (�olia,S7��mp6e1l, �j�arn Wagner, dramatie render snd en- . Pi'etor3si E�luol�. , �
's �x����t� JIZi�� E. Evnnn of . ci�tllo i� at eon �'amea and �ente the other td ti�es with leasure �.rad leFt e� murk J. �: Huwr�e, J. Hatd , i�. Be)ch�r b. '
'4i p" , q P 7 r tertainer. itlustratina Uhnd, M. Shel- �,���lµ�����N�N1�Ni�1►���NI►��NNI�iN►��Nf
. Na,1 .......... ...... �9 �3 pres�nt the queeEbf lldr�, t1. Flyxtn, 1�xa eon Dan., mtenda tak.3ng.up hie behiudhin� for the ri�ht man. �'dstiewhaite= fi. Uonk, W, McOreath, �on's Rrenteat bnok''�n H[sSte s" wiEh
` • No.2,. ............... 5p ' 4q , xcsidence in Ctlinton. �e tvaein tnaru �re. Gl&ullp b� Tnripp�� �ho .has J. �'autletrha�te, -�•. Roaetteon. V'V�eley the mosL beautifut viewe evev pthtrown J
' N�•, 3 ........: ...... 79 43 , this week lookin� up r►,euitable pince apent � week wtth laer da►tghEer, k1ir�. MrS.ean. d� 113unro,. Joa, Whitely, . A, dn canva�. i5penkin of bhe e»tertain• y � �'
Nb. �............"...: 93 7B Si'. Y-1�L.�N5.. and wad a Kuest at �hQ� i�omtnerciai,. Nvirle �.,bvatt. retu►ned to ber hom� McD. Ai[an, jr, m�nG, the Quelph �er�urq daye :— • � � _,."� �
--�—e -�--�• " °--w- Mr.Fro,nk Mcanu�hep �nE fhat pop• �onda . . Mre, tlhrletdp" h�Nraba . Ie��es at an '« ��e pre�entntion was ��veq }1e.re iaet '�r'y� C� �'''! • �
:. � 2g1 2� Mr, �Vm.�+arrier hn�� ;rented ht� f�rrty ular hostetrq b�ing bi eo�t-i�t•law. ��"• �� �u�t lefE la9t we�k w�th a enrly date for Nnrth �ar wl�ere ehe ni�bt at the Ur,n cegational ahurrh ta .11.l� U! 1.7
, / : .
I�dajority for �eck 72 fot a term of years Yo Mr. W tn. Bray .�:_ --:- �__ et�rioad otlumbei� t�nd �6eep, for Marii= wi1[ spend t�e tvinter witb 6ar brother, �,n apprecititioe,�udieqce, by111isa (J�ak�a oo�x�ocr�oar,
�IILLTt7Cx, of the siicth etlnceAsioq, toba. �bi5 is thihd trip th�9 saminer, 3�ohp Detlor. Wa�ne4� 'su �@CEl1't'e ac�ott► RiflQt� I)
'�he o enin o! the n�w F,'n lish g��FIEi,DTr1�7V' �HIP, �cvhioh npeaks tvtlll for k�u�sineea,e We '.Che remalna ot` the late �'uhn Mc� ' p � �{(�^�
..L'�o.6,:..,...,..,..,.� 3$ 32 p � a r,.� . ..I .be�utifulliwe liaht viewe, M�ny ot • � L
. church i� ta be heid on �eC. 15th w�en , wtsh him alt suceeas. ar �►crived oh Monday a4• ?.8(! p, m, • ' ����/1 lk.�
I�To� 8, ....:........... 32 6�. 1�eV. F'. J. O�ten who ba heen Ixid thA inipoxtnab everrts pr�bent�d Ya the �^� '�+� '(� y�j� . +. �.
R�v� �. �i� Sk��v oP WhoBstock will" � '� . Migs 4Vhitemun oPBP.CRra�ag spetlt a from Uh�tt�Am, Un iire. Nei1 Onmp• ho.ok were raduCed and i�eq thair 1 V � ��I•�
• �1'0:7� .,. �..... ,.... � 28 G'7 preach. fihe eacr�d �neert on 11�om ti�f �vorfc Yor the pAet two `t�n�nth�r i� Tew d�rys at Nlr. Jae. Mill�r's laeG week hell arrlvtn iheca ebe touad thAO the a• � �. _. lA� l.1�� lrL `r ` �,
-- ...--�. F anca mor� tthle to resum0 hisy�tntias. .. 6tt�n�, It proved aeCy antereating � _,�,,;� ,/ 11/c ,
u�y aveniny� wili be �,n wtGraCtion, w�atC� Mrs. Miller. was recenst�n� �tromc young tn�tn�ud been r�maved tp the npd iqstrUetibe. dll thoe�e who attend- ,r. �
. � X� d Mr. 1ieCloal wha lntel ret�rned Mr, , F. T►�c�avitt of Lac{d�ow 'hafi Ehe effeots oP her full: We, are lad Eo dog itul �s� Ohatham and �(ound him
� Ma ar�$ fnr (�arroW 5�. � 9 Ft P, ed werd lnud in praise oP the lact�ire . . . •,
� �' Yrbrr� h�A�nttob�, vidited aG Mr. Ham� been �t�ed tficetrtq doll�,rs #o� »�liir�g` rep�o_�r.� i�at ehe le imprdvinq. very �il. 8h�r �etqAiqed wlth htm and th� ttbiliGy b�. th0 lectt�reC. The ���;eCt1T1 �Q�lC�a �1'8�8TlLS
• sL�ri�. pkreyye last�reel�, tlq U�OI'O11 Stlp(�fLY, . . , � WYn. �ln�lair, wha hu�a J�een %r tha until he di d+�pd KcooaaPaaled hir �,iewe wera �rer U�u Sf . . � �
` N`o, I ............:. Mre: H. E, Uook cs�tb3s lo�al�t i� Atte asb t6ree d�onthe id Mt�uitoba, retC�rn• �'et�dt►ftlg trit� 11ie �rothbr. M�. .Ale�z. �' t ul, Lh6 o►�L1inNe �0��'1121 /
. 48 85 . M�se �d►it� (�uest o� QoderfCh "��del p . . bein�q cleur tttid the cbldp �A�d. �'Qvu� �� & ���C'U�� �»9�. ` g
No,2 .............:.. 50 �47 �Ci�ool has beet] ebgt�rRed tu t�eaeh �vfs'►trvithflrien�i�in0![ntion. �di�'ridizy �nd f� u�uch ple�as(� �i'ltk� Me'�iioar nt Toronto, a►ha retu�hed igan bett�r v �j •• ✓//i�. "
,�..:. .�:,_... Mrt. T.o ah.d ehi�drAn pf T on�o t Y� hµ e 4een exhlbifed in Wl ��OyB IriUTB 8atlg�`8Ct01' Ox ,,, , / �,,
I�'ofidpde schQoZ foc 1902. PP , that caut�try �,ad hi� trip. frow a F�uatnesa trlp ta Petei^6oro to tl�e citq. Miss '�'agn�r t�q�lerr�nde ` p y
�6 • 11,� are at 11drs. ,Lopp.a paren�l hom�, Mr. Mi�s ii}. J�rdou ot Glintorr a ent Sun• t�e with hie brothc� nt CJhnth�r,►�: The SBTVICG&�7�A a�'lC� �t t�1,0 SSxY1�
' Majorit�* �or (�arcow 1�� ' . --'—�—=-�..i. and �ktre. ��banogh'�, on,a vtsi6. day a�t hor �ome nn the 1(fthcon, t�ode� �ate� 3ohn MC'VicAry jr.,wes Well kt�own her ytvork �.q� perfdrnl� itAd�;nira6ly.
. . bLix7roz�. � �'Ete entartA,inruent� which w�r� v- rich township, � uere�, . y Don t8p�a� it 1� l�eaon af �, y�Xe time� tif11� �i'Iri rnore c�mfoxt �d
�V1�iC�#A�iTi'dl�i` eq undar the nuepi�qe of the Lt�citn y ��. g,• W`Kpat� of �outh �akr�te let6 The �tn �► ore ce►tqd m ti' hb aa 8tiq, 4dp�i ��E� a�fd 2� cer�ta. �� , ,,
�o• X, •• , � •... . <.... 35 ` R p R ��18 �bYCT18 LJ]��1 � 11IC8 �18C� 0�
No. 2,.. r. $� _ tsand on 1lxondhq,'Z'u�sday, nad We on Manc�ay fbw P�escott wh�re ahe tvifl claq to la� up fnr t4�e �tv{dtar. . _-----�—�-� �
I YY����Y'Y���'• � � •. .... . �. . � .. . .. . � �. .
•� � We ar� sorr�+ thie� tqeek tio cbrohtcle , nesc�ay� were .qrand ,rucc��s�g, Pro�,
N'a, � ........ ..... . yi�it £riende for a faw H'eeke beYore� Mr, C�}�or�� McMahon q�t� �►pti►i� �a �"urnxtuxe. �tlx sO��C�xOI�. �0� .
. , 84 �7 th� death oP M�, �1.1px�,nde� �'bntT�rid, �ult ie cert�irly tt woY�de�. , tnrt�in� to kis Wedtern 1ioi�e. Cr�►i iA e►re Ve il �h�� kve�k, 1���'b ��'31ffd �xi tD�te ��y'. • i � "
a�o.�........,,....:,, � �� s � t ��ie �ulzda xr�d� t��� �ea�on suarp��ses an,��hin�, we have
No, 5.:..•.... ....., w+hopassed awwg �'tsursday lasG. .t�e• M�rre A, Webstec oP (�r�enw9ch x� r. �t Mc(T�ertney is dninp� annsider- . As th� �hi%�iU�Un GkoVeenmeni: 1u� �ake . �.�..� �.
� g . ,. �2 � decen�ed rvae77 �ear� a� age� �a �cvae Wieit�ng her qrancimabher, Mra� J. tm cattin� add crughiin df ra[� in �� ��tt�nle�y " wt6amed up to le�►vr ��ntive �rdmu uinine �'hb� 0� C��8T8�� � �
o. ......... r..�,. �1 3t �tt�fcken with carrtec an t6e ��se Pram We�atrr uE the i2th �an. ite �ieiai, at teser�t. � � the�wvhar�l s�Toronto +un �wturdA tor leta� All dru�gi�ts rePun� the money .
Nu. 7,.,, �....«�..... 2'8 23 P Y' if It f�ild ta ou�re. �, W. G}rbve'� ei
a whi�h h� suf�erec� �ot yp�rst Mr. P'eet• �.�,�w�N� r, �t �raw�le h e areha►ec� �(�nderi�h theaigt�ef tMlle did r►b� �trotic A`' �b.ier,0� ()ABINi�'i'19 {J1�Y�'�'62^ilkt#� ,%X�iDfN�E STA�Ib�
• 1� •$•�•��,,...,.�_�. �1 3� l�rad t��;� a etnunch rneml6er o�F th� ,.. ��� � �at�ra�sone;�c'�l�ax. 26C. �
•"�` ."'�-��• '�l1 T�: � S�IC.t. '� ivitt� ca1G lram Mr. Tt. ,T. ,Dra er� Iti proporly e�nd thm k�o�t �►sa drir�n bs�k� • 'p�tt�gta �Uei�t�irrp l���t�axria �a�z�� �ee�,�
., �• � ., M�tUnd�s� chureh, '�h� ��+mpat,h� ofi �' R � , ��tiao and a+ill make an up•to�data cVardM a�Niobt. Lh!} dLek, iYith �r4��. , �4CV�Ttl �AO�[d I�.r:Lt �ieb�s • �."zts�t�tlt���
,� the peb !e hera gocn �r�t ta �h� �ore�V• _—"u d ver. EnrCe, �nd �c #�dr7d ciat�l dt iq Nfi w+R� _ �
: �hta3oxity� for c��,rirow �� ed famr� �'�1id re►nai�� 1VI�s�rs. �Iticrtt, �3urke, and �3ndeaq �, . t nd t r, t �����.���s Lx��txt�x �'n���� i�,���mr� Ra.r�:x�
Taf.al �adte Por Gt t �` ay�re. {n�errecT ,�� I�rs. �28 held tt,� rMg��tle,r dnne th� eh p t1 b� "�a �� oxs ���'Q�'�"�i '�%�Ar%� K"r%�• I
. t► raw,.,. �. i�s �lungannon celnetery ori ��tirrday rett�rned c�zr'�ai,urd�y 1ro�s Mt�n{�ob�. nt�iq mettiN�� nt �hic'� aob- the tuo� cart prdr��d A�1 sr Lrt iKr �8ie ,..�.�.�.. �t5o;� ����ms �',�N�C '.����.�� (k►t3C��
`�of,stvactetor,Hee�....,�r. 24ti7, a,PY�rnontr. It;ev,Mr.:t�eNnir eonduct� Mi�sxviaon ePI�fipp�nze vis�tia� at s ier�blm #�u�inega w��i tr�h�act�d. towq6��'C'Vil btR�e ui�+�t�l�c�ent,i� �o i���G.t<1�tseC.ttumo s , �
� «�Ui ra�eAE l�dlbn inketl�aEed in �h 1V�Api CfY. � d t�tR ' Od �o ��e t1�� b��u�x�`ul °�x
� e� �he fun�r�,1 aervlCee a� �hA eht�re% .�rweslde. . tth other ly�tsinega 'ttt�t�b tb� el�b�i�� etlnb�l� ��r tn �'�A�p�et� l��r xcip; 1►,�t`ri�a da tr� ae t1�a �� 'iY��� C> b lX� Q� �+�11
llia�tlrit�+for (�a�'racv 45 nac���rave. • Mw� iC1� ,�klcLellt�bc� hdu� t�etu�ne+d , r,Pl�cere f�r thb �n�uin � t�aa C�, d� to� �t;on�, �h� �►ar�l raarenauri a�r 7rha�aa �ana �r#de� ,� � � +
g �dC �'6 1�i� �Ca �'e, �A. . +�ttetaAot�n, Dea 3 and d. an�,�o�iew r,�n. �t�c1�e� ��r�"x� �'laaxr� ��t�1 �d� �'��rXe�' �x��� t�'e �r� dfferi��. "
in th� e�r�ea1 �tecti��r on t�e i�� o� :�, ha� du rper in Cbk1Yl�CtibY1 tVi��ti ��um �etre►�, f as Pallow� y.t�l�etet� .. r. d�h •'" X,erd ��+Fk��dx'" tv 11 in �pe tu�ure. be _ .. r,. . ,. $ ,
1kt�r�� prec�dit�� ih� diff�,rent �t►ui�iG[» �'he bT�th��ieG e�ur��a � , �t�e Menaa axt. nt .�amnn�oirt� Id , ' ���� t .
, , w�� givvn nrw ET t�5'� n�, Mi�ie�; ��c.•�Se�,� �oe, uaec[ ar epr���#d� �d i�1� up1a�� 1e�keN, •.�...,�----.--�,.�-- -- ..::.� �.�...�— =._..�.,' �� "GV1�� fib��lt�BfC i� ��(?El�tl�'8 ttl B�OW t��t '��7i�b'll � Ol��'
�libi�� �av+e mn��rlt;i�a as £olldwe� . �`h�,nkeg��in� evenfn� whxcb���prav�d � �h� �u�dE t�C hex uaGle, Mr. W�[. ��nn � �, i�s�•�r.e� (3 � , an � � a t t► '�it�t��r aecwNe�►r 3�s• �� � y � �
. �� r� � �p�p � N i � � � 'r�,�1� 1�i''�'� � w��eroa�r:s ev�� ii� au d+� �nt �r��:t �a ���r��►�se, , � •
• d� ��Ck��'tlN+n afC�oderieh,l8;. tawin= � t�t��nd �ucees�. Rev�, Mr. H�rrie ak ' �1ltote, � I .In,�, ;�ar�r ; �r�ae�icex� .�� :�eti1Ca#� i pr�V�rqaq , t�l th8 e�tten� t�t =�p,OQ0. � ��C`:��� � ,
. n'�i nf C�od�ricb, l�; W%isgh�trw, X2{:; ]`.,ucknrw al�a, it�tv It�r. 'VV'Ileoq ad• ' I�t�+bre�, Jtrhn i�ox �nt1 �obt; ,�eacom eetu�er���, Mitl�r i�re t r • WiII f� tn+�de turl��r �►t Qt�dericlt� e�r �►�r ' • �
+�o�'t�r�n+�K �s � tiveet 't�V�.�v�nobhr 4, ,� � �I p a oi 4�eta "'G�']��� �33� i���L� �Q' ��1. .� , �, • . _ �
dree's�cl t�e tin�etin�r '�hes reCeipts ! were n�tt�ah� thoe� �rom t�►id eecEior� attiee� 'GV. �. Mc rien � lat tiaq��1�1�tt, ttx'mnk� har �tet �l�r l�r bvAr�t p�►rtl�• '�" 4`�� , , ,
�'or (�ar�er���Xir�tn�� xI ; BI tlr, 1t; ; u�trc�ut�t�c� �.g71�. • wha ra�srffi p�e�eer� a� t�►e C#arr�w«�- '�,��qeoi�a�1��nd �. 17V�.aktnu 8r�d �. ui�,w. �be Zu vi�r ta�aed es�rer to Port . � ��� �» i���'���:�`t �I�tMilil�tlt'. �
�tu��e�t, � i �,� Waa+a�o��u, z = AM�►µ , r � � ��8�� "�.�.��;�, "�.� �t�C�. �1� ' > ;
� B�c�C �►t►►r�tn�tt�n� in C�ad�riafa An � Ie y�th� Th��aar i3a�rfii�a ��tlx, 'GV. 'C�atl�aubte whpt�� rl�e bt�r 6db� pt�aced , iV'i 'h� �ni1 l�t�pcie►� �11r' N��irw� �;b it�e�doiqCm bf tl�t�
i8+�ld, �Xr . • _ r �C.r��dnn " �`) �rawford la �i�tt�n �n . "PG'�daaa�ta� 1�a�. , �wer�+ti �a �t dr��o0k tp�: �repi►ier. , �.��� ���' ��,,, `�r� �ratr�a�rr �� 'W+ 1Jhid%�r� �ii�pt ��eik, a��a1� �ot���r�►� � �