HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-12-05, Page 122u4 Year.
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Could there be any Christmas presept more appr•eciated by distant friends than a yea. r's subscription to The News -Record.
• •New Books
0----01 Q......0 0 0 0
The Man from Glengarry
By Ralph Connor
Ciloth Binding, Gilt Staroping
Price $1.2d Post paid
Winsome .Wenianbood
By tiargayet B. Songster
Illuminated Edition 8 vol.
Young Barbatians
By Ian Maclaren
Cloth Binding, 10 Illustrations
Frice $1.25
By jetnes Ludlow
Illustrated, 12 me., cloth
Christmas Papers and Annuals...
The Globe Xmas Millrace
Printed on the fineet coated paper
• 52 pages, beautifully illustrated
throughout. •
Five Colored Supplements
The Bugler, Chouniters. Goff,
The First Ride and Coasting.
The best Canadian number eVer
In Pasteboard Tubes 50e
• By Mail '55c
• .
Boys' Own Annitai $1.75
Girl's Own Annual $1.75
'Leasure Hour
•Sunday at Home
British Workman .50
Canadian Almanac .25
with 8 s_npplements
Little Bobs,. Witchery a4 The
Price 60c
Holly Leaves . •
vvIth the supplement
England. ,Ireland and Scotland,
(charge of the union brigade at
Waterloo.) '
Price 50c
Illustrated London News
with supplement '
In the Nick of•Time
Price 50c
with supplement
Duke. and Duchess 'of Cornwall
and York and their family of boys,
beautifully printed on white satin.
Pr ice 50e .
Bubscrnp ions and renewals received $
for all Magazines and P.apers . . .
calend rs and:Xmas Cards
Perhaps the 'nicest assortment of Calendars outside the cities
is to he found with n& Our window dieplay gives you an idea
of the style and assortment. Make your selection early as the
deck is limited,
W. Cooper.
,Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express
Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns
..eaetaatewAstegeatteeirstaageaseeea-ave,te. It etreteeveAseeet;ite.eseeseseeeteraesealte
. .
Like , Like wine improves with age , •
. 1 .
Now the time to make your i
cake and giveit a chance to age a 'little •
before Xmas.. The best fruit in the market s none too good for your
. cake. We have the best Fruit, Peels and Spices that money can buy
and we guarantee the quality.
OUR XMAS CHINA. is beginning to arrive and in IL few dotWe
will be able to shovv the most complete stock of Fancy China in town .
a. ;at outtetpck of.Dinner and Chamber Sets and we think you
. agree with us in say that itis the most up-to-date stock in towu. .
Next week it will be still better. We carry a stock pattern in Limgoes
1 • Chinaware from which you can make up a dinner or tea set and besure
of matching it at any time yeu•vvish to add to your set A $500 Aeci- •
dent Insurance Policy good for seven days given with every cash pur-
chase of $2 and upwards.
Ogle Coopeir & Co.
• •••••471...41044****.••••••!***Ite•••••••••••*••••4
Does your alarm clock fail to wake you P Try our famous "Tattoo"
alarm -wound and set in the same manner as the old ones but when it
goes off in the morning y•ou'll get up. It doesn't stop ringing till you
get up and shut it off. Designed especially for hard sleepers and guar-
anteed to do all We claim for it and its a time -keeper as well.
Expert: 'Watch Itepairer P. B. -CREWS, Jeweller and Optician.
Biddlecombe's Old Stand.
Prevent .;.,1 Cold
By Putting on
Heavier Underwear
We ean suit you. having a large assortment to
choose from. Prices from 60c to .$6 persult
At $4 $1.26
We have two specials .
One io a Wool 'Fleece at $1.00 per suit
The other is a Heavy Wool at $1.25 per suit
They are worth $1.50 per suit hut buying them
direct from the mills accounts for the above
price& Rath and Cape a specialty.
ettealb,slaellaeleeteei .‘w•Ard•Ale,..Alw.,dftasiamebeeleateasetoeseeiao
Thelatest Calendar out is;the Photographic Calender*
gear. atietatetattere
$ Henry's
ROW taft YOU better tteeet
a Mend at Christmas than
With a photograph? it Is
sa near to persona l contleb
M you cati come. Well
bein Yon ening in a friend-
ty number to your friends
Christmas mooing .
Phol o
Receiving Days.
Mrs. Malcolm D McTaggart will
receiye at her home pit the afternoons
of Wednesday and Thursday, Dec.
lith and 12th, and afterwards on the
lot and 2n4 Thutadttys of.eaeh month.
Some Sweering.
Considerable",swearing" Was done
at the polls in town yesterday, the two
nelitieal Parties" indulging about
equally In the pastime and between
acts for the rest of the day jollied eeth
other about it. There were no wound.
ed to be carried off the field and now
that thetight is'neer it will *no doubt
be wittingly agreed thet the day's
incidents shall be forgotten, It is to
be hoped that in future .contests there
may be no occasion for taking this
roans, prescribed by law, for Omer -
tattling Whether money 'had been .
.gittmately spent or not
Dedleatien of Court Maple Leaf.
Court, Maple Leaf his new a member.
ship of 167 with several candidates on
the way. A. boom le eipected this
winter, A iota:ter member, who has
recently been Yleiting city courts,
Writes that for theprompt, expetlitiorte
and busittees.like wat in Which bus.
keret is cerriedon, Court Maple Leaf
surpasses any he has yet vleited. Thie
eneoutaging Mot is largely due to the
splendid set of officers the Court
poesestes, Ur. William Ione% who
heet been financial -secretary .; for the
longpetiott Of eight,een.years, tills that
potation in a meet efficient Manner,
While ae reeording-itecretary it would
be a hard matterto excel 10,1 P,
tlhepparclf whey hien had charge of the
reeordi lot fourteen yee,rs. oe
derade htt. Devitt Dickenson has
beeti the painstaking tteasurer. At
chief ranger Mr. L Dodd hen prethled
neer the Ontlet• W66041110 86 tte 40
Win the peaty* of the brethern, while
in the Vitt their Mr. 3** G. West has
I been ne lest eapible:
The event to .which the members o
Court Maple Leaf, 0, 0. It., laave been
looking forward to for some Male, the
dedication Of their new ball, 'took
place on Thursday.evenieg last About
ninety Foresters- were present includ-
ing High Chid RangerElliott of Inger
eon andBeyleY of Dungannon, a
meinher of the executive committee.
Mr. I. Dodd, who has the honor of be.
ing Chief Ranger of this, the strongest
today in town, presided, with hie
worthy assistant, Mr. 3, G. West in
the vice chair. In the.dedtcatory see -
Vices, which Were of a aolerian and im-
pressive nature, the.fonewing perticit
pated, ; R. 11. Elliott, chief ranger; 3.-
P Sheppard, vice.ohief :. Bayley, :chap.
lain, 3 Smith, Marshall," L. Smith,
organist, W.Jonesilead in the singing,
A.Ttritthell; T.D. MeCuaig; T0 /Phu -
On and IL Holden; oribes. • . -
At the' conclusion of the.' dedieation
there was a program of nuisid and
Speech, opening with an inetrumental
trip by Meagre. L; Sinith; J. Haye and
Graham: Mr,. Elliott, the • High
Chief -Ranger,- followed with an hour's
address on O. O. Forestry- tracingthe.
order froni its birth in Clinton twenty
two .years agewhen it begateits on
ward, useful and • ..upward career :
with .four hundred Members. Today
•there are, forty • thousand names
upon its telt& .showing its Marvellous
growth. kr. Elliott Claimed that
the 0. 0, F. was More eatisiderate
with its sick and : deserving
weathers that is any ether
seciety. The High Chief Ranger's
address was a strong .presentation of
the good points of Canadian Forestry«
A duet by the Giro:17011e brothers of
Goderich• 'township follewed. They
are both members of the choir, of St.
Joseph's church where they have
rendered efficient service, but many
0: 0, Ps bed not head the before
and were much delighted with their
effort. Messrs. Emmeitoin, j. ,McRae,,
•.B. Ker and R. Downs gave. an instru!
tnentat.selectien that won' well Merited
applause. Mr. Bayley gave a short
tiddressin which he eulOgilect Cana.,
than Forestry iegenertil,but Particular
1Y Court Maple Leaf.' A song t‘Our
Canadian Home," • was given by the
.11Iessrsdravelle, who were twice en-
cored., That? are Ftencla;Canadians end,
by request, repeated the song in the li-
quid language ef La Belle France .Mr.
ltobt, Downs lima gaveone of
.those comic songs for which' he is
tocnlly fatnouie. The Emuterton quay
tette follaived and then Me..,Louis
Grevelle sang "They Turned e Off
Because I. Was (Std.". • This eoncluded
the progratti when an adjourninent
was Made to the alaeon House
where a feast of the delicacies
of the season awaited them.
The inner elan having .been made
• happy, Mr WiUiain Sones took the
chair and the after program began.
Ile dispensed With the worn-out toast
list custom, to the relief of many Who
hays • grewn very tired of it. There
were inetrutnentals by the Snaithaayie '
Graham trio and Einnierton quartette,
songs by the Oravelles, R. Downs and
W. jones, the latter by requeet giving
"Every Bullet Ho Its Billet," and an
address by High Chief Ranger
whose th.etne was : "Our Country's
Progress," lite also took Occasion to
compliment 'the chairman upon the
absence of a toast list whiela he consid-
ered a weariness to the flesh. It was
a. late hour when the Company diapers
ed after singing Auld Lang Syne and
the national anthem.
Court Maple Leaf is to be eongrat-
ulated upou the handsome quarters
they now possess. Their hall looked
,well before, but has been transformed
by new carpets, cottfortable tettees,
imposing ehalre for the chief ranger
sod the vice chief, swivel chairs for the
two. secretaries and the treasurer,
chandeliers and wall Curtains, The
'coat of thesetadditiotee amounted about
three hundred dollare, goodly' sum
butby the following contnittee Judi-
ciously epent t A. EL Grigg, S.Smith, T.
D, Sol:noon,
Dee* of Mr. Adair.
On Thursday lest Mr,. Sohn Adair
died at his home in Oshawa in hie
seventy fifth yeart after hut ten clays
Ingo& He Was a farMer and of WO
birth, but had lived nearly his whole
lifetime near the town in which he
*Pea his cleclining years. He Was a
staunch member of the Methodist
church. He is survived by bis wife and
their family of five daughters
and two Sons, all of whom were
present • at • the funeral except
Mr, Charles Adair of Clinton
who, owing to a belated G. T.R. train,
was unable t� reach home until an
hdur after the interment. Mr. Adele
returned her on Tuesday. Mrs.
George Shipley is %daughter of deeeas..
ed and is Emending a • few der at the
old home.
Little Locals.
Rev, Dr. Medd of Bothwell, who de-
livered two very acCeptable sermons in
the Rattenbury street church on Sun'
day Ittet, returned botne Monday.:.
While in town from the previous Wed-
nesday he was the guest of his brother,
Mr. . 3. G. Methlain the Toronto
Globett Christmas tanntber, which is
already on set& appears an article by
Mr...R. H. Coats, son -of Mr: R. Coats of
towneand now a, tneMber of the Globe
editorial. staff. -4 ---Mr. John Cientles of
. Kincardine, who has been for many
years' •:engag0d- in the horse business
and: is well known abotit Clinton, will
in future devote his atteittien to real
estate, the latter offering. 4 more. pro-
fitable field than borees, -Mr. ,Adatn
• Weir has retiree from the': milk )m81-
.0.5130 so that there are. now Only two
dealers vie, Ren,•Clburchill and Leek-
wood 4. A. 'maple of years . ago there
were nolese then five ' "dealers at One
• tinie hustling for trade -n--One . day
• lest Week Mr.Georga Levis wee thrown
out Of his buggy at the embankixtent
approaching the railway • crossing on
Huron street the same spet,,hy • the
way, Where Mr...Jelan •tnet with a
similar aceident Several weeks ago and
from the effeetEi et. which he hes net
yet recevered..----Have •you renewed
your clubscriptiOn yet
McGiIlof dhicago, .hrothetof Mrs. F.
W. Watts, met with an. accident on
Thanksgiving. Day from the effects of
.Which he is •stuffering eevereiy., He
was:puttingup .etorm Windows when.
lie fell•heevil tct the :groandeRtiv...
Mr Rowson NVill °canny his own pul-
pit next Stinday Eit both services. In
the eVening his subject will be "What
we shall see in'. the morning.k-.--Mr.
Sowervilie'sd in the* Brethern
tell on Surlday wtts a presentation Of
gospel.truths clelivered.in convincing
manner. The eery* noe•sterting •un,
til eight o'cleck, quite ti number drop-
ped in frOm the chnrches to hear it.
Mr. Sonaerville, who bad been in this
disteicb for. a fiirtnight, returned to
his home; itt•Brantford 'on Monday.t--:-
The follo*ing metaahers cif the. flouse
of Refuge comMitteti visited' that instil-
tution on Tuesday :„ T. Flayes. and
W, . Xerr, •tagether . with County
Clerk Lane. . Inspector Costs also aa,
eieted in .the cleliberatiotis. The busi.
nitee that aweited thesa.getitlemen did
n.ot amounbto much titi • waaisp.eedily
transacted. • Councillor :Core:lolly did
not attend. no doubt being Otherwise
much more profitably .employed.
There is consideratile ef ted tape farce
about the numermas visits paid to the
H. of R. by Committees and grand
juror&. -----Mr. George Finley, at One
tinae landlord cd the tletel Clarendeti,
died at his home in. collingwoed on
Friday week. A. year previous he lost
his sight.. Mr. Finley was a kindly
man and mu& respected heieta:-"-Our
business men are busy making ready
for the Christmas trade and have large
and attractive stecks that . cannot fail
to please their cuetotners.7---Mt JO
Hattenbury hae received a Walker -
House, Toronto, souvenir treat Mr. T.
M. Bayne, the Manager of that widely
knovvn and poputer .hostelry. Mr.
Bayne was for several years a coveter -
°la traveller and lies a wide acqualte•
tanee on the marl. The Rattenbury
House, scareely los favorably keown
than the Welker, was his headquart-
ers when .he .visited t3litaton.;--The
meetings held, in tile town hall on Fri-
day and Monday eVenings were both
well attended. 111t Hoover pre-
sided at the Vitilithetatey redly and
Mr, James Scott on Manday night
when addresses were delivered by
Messrs. Stratton and Pettypiete.
Quite a nntaber of the fair sex attended
no both occasiene,s'--Mr, J'atob Tay-
lor, While itt Toronto- last week, etitet-
ed into another catatract with thetion-
federation Life Insartuace Company
Whereby he will demtinue to superin-
tend the Clompany's businese in his
former distriet.-;--11,1r. A. S. Grigg has
been enhancing the atttaetiyeness ni
his jewelry store 13y voldinghatulsotne
Chandeliers while new show Oates are
also on the Way. A big pumpkin has
been placed in his vvindovv, for What
purpoee will be seen in his ad on page
five.--Mhe improvements beingmade
in the Ontario street church are rapid.
ly approaching compledou and the
re.opening service& It has been finally
arranged, will take place on Sunday,
Dec. 16th. ---,-The county dolmen met
an Tuesday and adjotuned Until today
in orderthat the members immediately
Interested might take part in the West
Huron eleetion., in this riding there
are five Tory men:here of the council to
One Grit, -The tolloWing are* eoUp,
le of italeS made by Mr. 0. Hearn rte.
ently from his well etocked-wareroom :
A cabinet grand pleno void to Mr.
Mingo Sohnston of Stanley and
another to Mr. 3. W, Gtheon of Goder.
stock Ailment* from Clitt*
ton this week include a carload of hogs
esech by R. ritselmone and A.
Grower and two cars of cettle by S.
fitnith.--olfri life Steps " la the
town:hail toetight.,---tt will pay pot.
dilaters to reed the add in Pit NtWe.
A Successful flan's Experience.
4. well.known businese man has said
that 11 40 Was a. yonng man going into
business and bad Only $00() to start on,
he would speed at least $200 of the
mnount in advertising. "For," be
argues, "who on earth would know
where I was or what I had to sell* if
did not advertise to tell them," The
gentlernan In question has built up a
very large bushiest: through advertio*
Ing and knows whereof he speaks.-
A Night With the PoetEt.
Last week the Rattenbury street
League spent an evening with "Oen-
adieu Poets," The literary depart-
ment, under Miss Evelyn Turner, /ma
Melted the program and conducted the
meeting. Out of seine three hundred
poets of our land fourteen were chosen
as being the principal ones in respect
to the quality of their work. A brief
sketch of the life of each one of these
was given and a selection from the
pen of each was either read, recited or
sung. A patriotic, solo by Master
Clifford Andrews was Inuela enjoyed,
as was also a recitation by little Mae -
ter Ford. .4.11 who were present en-
joyed the program throughout and at
the close a hearty vote of thanks was
tendered Miss Turner and her com-
mittee, Many were surprised that our
country could. boast Of so many and
such excellent Writers of poetry and
their national pride increased accord-
ingly, Next week the temperance
comittee will give the program •
Which will consist of an address by
Rev, Josias Greene arid suitable Mtn-
icEd and literary selections.
Meeting of.Town Cennen,
At Monday night's Meeting of the
town council Dr.Thompson presented
a bill for 'Medicines given the late
George Flintoff during hie last illness,
The Dr. made no charge for his profes-
sional attendance and no doubt
thought that as the coutten• had decid
ed to pay the nurse whet wetted upon
the deceased they Would consider his '
bill from ,the same standpoint. Such
Was not . the councit's decision, how-
ever. • .
. The fire brigade sent in a request for
more rubber coats and smoke arresters.
The late fire at the organ factory
amply denacinstrated that the brigadee: •
equipment was not sufficient to obtain
beet results and as what was asked for
would only wit some thirty dollars, the
fire -fighting 'addles expected,as a mat-
ter of course, (hat what they. asked for
would be granted. but they only got t
Et portion. e
' Tbe question tie -to what salary the
night watchman should receive pro- a
veked a warm discussion. To 'start e
vvith, Mr: Welsh was re-engaged for
the balance of the unexpired term. i
Mr. Welsh is a cempetent official, de- P
ing thoroughly whatever be under- a
takes, He has heretofore been re-
eeiving so • much as fifty eight 0
emits per night, at which Councillors r
Johnson .and Plumnier proposed that o
he be re-engaged during the life of the a
present . council. Messrs. Walker,
Oornbe, Mackenzie and the Mayor e
thought, lmwe'ver, that the laborer c
was more worthy of his hire then that I
and favored an increase. They were 1
in favor of one dollar pee night, lant m
seventy4ive cents was finally decided a
upon. • d
A bylaw was putthrough its several 8
stages appointing the deputies who h
will conduct the municipal election a
and naming the polling booths, as s
follows: St. Andrew's ward, town. n
hall, Walter Coats; St. James' ward, a
EL Smiths honse, T. D. .Tolanson ; St. n
John's ward. F. Rurnbalits 'shop, T. w
Cottle ; St. George's ward, I ' Let:He's in
shop, S. .1.' Andrews. •
The medical health officer, Dr.Shair, Ir
hauled the Public school board and the 0
town council over the Coals in the toe
following manner in bis report : 0
"The pasty -ear has presented some
new features in the health report that fe
have been absent for many years. R
The outbreak of smallpox in the
province has been more extensive than t
ever before but the type has' been of a
mild nature chiefly due to strict 4
hygienic measures. Our own town did t
not escape the scontge,hut it was grati. fa
tying to know that one single Wee was ip
all we had to contend with, wholly h
owing to the strict quarantine and re
prove ntative measeres adopted by the 0
board of health. .About 275 Were n
yaecineted, The proyincial board of
health notified me to enforce compul-
sory Vaccination in the Public schools, t
but owing to the close proximity of the w
holidays the principal, on bettelf of the n
trustees, asked the board to be leelent at
and wait till the holidays began and th
the request would be complied With vv
then. But bst this time the scare had th
subsided and the trustees refused to an
fulfil their promise, This is not the
only time when the board of health
has been hindered in attaining a better' eat
standard. of hygiene in the town, Even. P•
the Connell during the past year has it
not carried out their promise to rem. ev:.
edy the sewer system although a"
brought to their notice repeatedly, m
it ie poor practiee to Walt until an
epidemic has betome firmly establish- "
edand then make the reform. ch
, The water supply of the town itt hl
gradually lessening. Welts that hith,
erto neverfailed went dry this Season.
IThe quality in the majority of those
with water was Werets than eatuti, ow.
ing to the ehallowneet. The water
supply will be a rodeo problem for
the near future,
There were five eases of typheid fev-.
or with one death, eight cases +scarlet -
fever and a few scattered cases of
measles. There were 86 birthe and 80
deaths, the rate being 19.7 and 11.7 per
. Andrew's Preebytetialt etturch,
lannen.contained alargecongregation
en ToeSday, the'occasion.beingthe in,
duction of.the Rev.McLentian. former-
ly of Alma. -Able and: and powerful
•addresses were deliyer-ed by, Reys.Mus-
grove, .Sewers mad Merain to the Rev,
gentleman inducted eed. te the con-
gregation. 'After. this. part of the
cerenniny was dyer, • Which took the
*ii of the afternoon, an adjonriuneet
was make from. the church to tife;
town hall where luncheon was served
by the ladies and a" general introdue-
tion and acquaintance made witb. new
pastor. • In the evening oddresees were
given in the church and every one left
feeling they had spent a pleasant and
profitable day and. that they had aelect.
ed not only a clever but a real hand-
some minister as well.
1.1r..flogh Acheson, stone mason and.
builder, has returned from Carberry,
Manitoba, where he was engaged in
this line during -the summer at good
Wages. He reports havieg left unfin-
ished jobs -sufficient for another sea-
son's work and intends going back as
soon as the weather will admit of re -
sliming work again. Be speaks well
of the country and says' son3e of the
residente formerly of this place. haye
quickly made comfortable homes and
fortunes by extensive fareaing and
ttiMtneedjf°rsoeraPh. WBubti6‘eicraurcehir; .hiliasa.aeliagarbee;*
where he had been. employed at, his
trade,. building, He reports improve. •
ment•going rapidly on, plenty of Irric
for mechanics or farm laborers ell;
good pay. He says that in that
distiltct, notwithstanding the early
snow stems, the crop has been well
saved. the Weather being must faYor..
able, the days having been filled with-.
beautiful; deer sunshine... He • says
he intends be make that country more
than a.,.sunainer resort.
Totten Brod. of • Hanover, have .been
visiting during Thankgieing•holida.ys
with their Mother who is spending the
the winter With Mrs., Cooper.
Mr.Altoti of Belfastagenial,Irsiarnan
whobas been vieiting with his brother-
irelaw, Mr. Rent Stephenson: for. the
past week, /*thread home 'perhaps to
be in time to 4o something' for Mt
Beck to. counterbalance 'the effert,'
Dr. 'Macdonald's sugar coated political
doe to keep the plague living, if
possible. . • . • .
Mt Harry Either M. P. P.-. was iti
our village recently in connection with
he insurance businhes. Not time he
owes but you would think there is a
tire so many. Other around He 1810
hont the only husinees that people are
etislieditts better be give thao receive.
Policy holders have every epnfidence
n the Management and security, this
urery farmers' insurance . company
ffords them. againstloss by fire.
Mr. John Crawford, an old ;pioneer
fifty years standing, passed to his
eward on Saturday lest at the tine
Id age of eighty four years, He was
O Irishmen by birth and a Protestaet.
His father Served in. the British' artily
nd after retiting on a good alldwatice
tune tothis country and settled on the
ondon Road,residing there continuos -
y. The family have all gown upend
arried, eteepting Satins, who man-
ges the faini, and Robert, who -is a
reggiet in Torento. iltre. Crawford
urVivea her late husband, who was
eld in the greatest eespect as a* ftieucl
nd neighbor and the bunny have the
ympathy of • the community as wit,
eased by the callingof friends t� -take
farewell and the large gathering of
eighbors and those from a distance
hotoxedfd4tnheerairtlast respec by attend -
Mr. David, Vt'orkinan wasin London
ying to solve the mystery why
reely and the cream business hel'e
parated from the patroes, but did
ot get Much eatisfaetien. •
Miss II, Ricker bas been spending a
.Wadgaenyst watitithoheekrwboroalth. er who G.T. is
Mise M. MeOlyttiont is at present in
ondOrt visiting her slater, Mrs,Grans,
The grain market is booming. Large
uantities have been. received this past
wo weeks. 'The buyer; Mr. Jobe Mop
t, and assistant have been kept husy.
Meets are eatiefactory and Partnere
ave concluded to. sell since they are
alizing more than early indications
O account of exportettles that ha,ve to
e filled. •
Stanley and Hay. --Quite an interest.
g contest at football. took place be -
wean above schools captained hy Ohm
hiteraan,Stanley, and Sohn Petty of
ay. At theend of an hour's play Hay
ood 1 to 0. Henry Philips umpired
e gatne to the satisfaction of all.
bile Hay was extiltantSta,nley took
e defeat like men and Will win .on
other day,
Mr.Nell MGM SOMetiMe since lost a,
rb Mysteriously, hub the parties ie -
lotted have found out this old gentle.
an is not tobe:fooled with. Mho the
idence .for an indiotebte offence if
apology and reparation is not
There will be no change in Xippen
Meier& Mr. Jas, 1140Tavish will be
lel magistrate and David Cooper
gli eolieteble for the incoming year.
Compare Tot NtWe-Itto0an with
other county pellet*. It contains more
Huron news than any of them
, •,>
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Stephenson of
Goehen Line epetat Thaaloglying even.
ing the guests of Mr.and Mrs. S. Sharp
of the Babylon Lien. 1. 5
MeeirS. Herb. Duncan and Ian
Denson spent Thursday evening at the
home Of Mr.Wm, Rath*efl,
Mr, 'Richard Penhale haft purchesed
a Very One lierkshire hog from a Man
near Gederleb. It Was bred by Mr.
Walters, the Well known breeder, of
Oolbotne to venshin and Is* superior
enintel, It is one of the large breed
and fio doubt will Improve the stock irr
Ibis yicluity.
Mr, James Campbell and daughters,
Tracy and Lela, attended the funeral
of their. cousin at Centralia on Wednea.
day of this week,
Mrs, Y.M, Deihl event Thanksgiving
holidays visiting friends m Wingluort
touevele and Morris. She returned.
home on Monday,
Elarry Armstrang returned home an'
Monday after spending ThankvitOing
with his. sister, Mrs 11..' 41010.ir
1 a
Williani Beacont and fa.mily spent:
Thanksgiving at Mr. A, BeStephen-
sen's on the Inarr line. •
Mr. S. 0 Rathwell and family spent
Thanksgiving under the parental root
in Goderich township.
The revival meetings are still going
on itt the Methodist church and al-
though the attendance is not very
large,yet God's presence is felt in great.
power and several have decided to live
the Christian life,
Mr. John Johnston, Front Road, is
fixing up ins property in Varna and
getting it ready for hie tenant, Mr.
Witham Palmer, who will rnove into it
shortly. .
Miss Addle Rathvvell returned home
on Monday from Grey, township where
she has been. visiting friends for spine
Court Varna C. 0. P. No. 201 will
meet in their hall on Friday, Dec. Eith,
when all member e are requested
to be presented.
• "••••••••••-,-, • •
34r, B. Beavan of Petrone is drilling
an artesian well for Mr. "Jelin Coda-
rane and 40s reached the depth of 130
feet but has not yet succeeded in find
ing water. '
Mr. and Mrs; WM. Love arisited Mrs.
Love's sister in London latit week and
part of this '
Mr. John .0ochrane Jr. has purchas-
ed a stable from Geo. ReiChert and has
had it Moved over on his ferm.
A large nurriber of Hillsgreen con-
gregation attended the induction seta
vices at kippen on TuesdaY.
Mr. Neil ' Maxwell returned from
Olieton Monday.' . •
Mr. and Miss 'Da,yinont visited at
Mr; Janne MeOlymont's.on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs -James Hogan are
visiting their son Peter iti ; Detroit this
Mr. Geo. Camphell spent Thanksgiv-
ing with Mr, R. F. Stelck. . •
A number of the hays attended the
ball at Zurich on Tb.ureday 'evening.
Mr. Garnet, the ditch foreman, has
almost coinpleted the eastern. branch.
Word has been received that Mrs.
Shea; mother of Messre. Wm. and
Peter. Shea,* who formerly ran a saw -
Mill here, died last Week. .
Mr. Alhert Sznith and sister visited
at Mr. Levi Stelck's on Sunday.
Mr: Robert Niehol visited at Mr.
Chas. Tr oyer's on Sunday evening.
On Thanksgiving afternoon the Sun-
day school class of Mrs. Henry Erratt
met her at the borne of her father, Mr.
Edward Robinson, and presented her
with a handsome biscuit jar and cheese.
dish as a wedding gift and as a token
of good will and appreciation of her
faithful services as their teather.
. Mrs.Peter Cole of Gederich township
spent the latter part of last wee on
the Babylon the guest of her father,
Mt John Peck. •
Mrs. Andrew Keys left on Thursday
for Chicago to visit ber sister, Mrs. J.
Thompson of that city.
On Wednesday lot a .number from
this vicinity delivered fowl at Elensall
which was purchased by Mr. Us.
Wanless of Varna.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Govenlock of
Seatorth were the guests of 140 latter's
sister, Mrs. W. L. Xeys, on Saturday
and Sunday. •
Mr, and Mrs. Hoary Erratt and Mr.
and Mrs.R. PdeClinchey spent Thanks.
giving evening at the , home of Mr,
Isaac Erratt of the Babylon Line.
Mr. and Mrs, jas. Eagleson of Olin -
ton visited at the home of the lattertt
sister, Mrs. John Davideon, onThors-
d alley 1:..and Mrs. Andrews visited at
the home of Mr. William Rathwell
on Tuesday,
Messrs. Ed. Royce and D. 1
Stephenson Wive been &Morning a
number of cattle in this neighborhood
the last few days,
Mr, and Mrs. John W. Reid visited
at the home pf the former's sister, Mrs,
W: Rathwell,on Tuesday last,
Mr. Reit. Greer called On Mt. Sohn
Devidson on Tuesday last and spent
few hours ishim,
the November
monthly reliort for S.. No, 14 Stanlesr.
The names are hi order of merit,
Fifth -D. C. Graseick, H. Johnson
11. L. Whiteman. rourth-Mary
Johnson, A.. W. johnson, Jessie *-
Beath. Third -It. J. Kyle, W. W,
Gamma% M. B. Rathwell. Sen. Sec.
ond-Eleenor flood, &atria Alair,
Frank MeHay, Jun. Second -leen
Graiesick,Ilerbert Sones,Arthur Logan,
Seeond Pat t.-Itina McIleath,M.Pishet,
Aggie Gemmel!. Pint Part -Sarah
aeathwell, Hannah Dinsdale, rd4
The best spellers itt the :notably
spelling triatehet were -rift, Charlie
Graeseick Pourth. up« Dinsdale ;
irt, litaYtt, ;.sr,s
Meite,y SettiaJeanSecand,
Grassiek Second Park Ma Jonee.
Miss Annie eYs. Who lute been on
the sick list for the past two weeksit
tmprovMIss rittele Stanbury, teacher of
No. 181Stettley4spetit het Thanksgiving
bonder; with het brother, Me, S.
G. Stenbury of Seater. '
' Mr, Um Keys hes bota the rack elm
in his bush and the Men ate at his
place this week making lb Into were
T4� 'VOICE OF fir:V*E ai4MKliiTY $,.
The result of the • ollipg 111
Hur.on yesterday 1 WAS not alle*Past•
ed I being a Roy election 'all
matter of course; went „withtihsparty.
that was both able and willing tO bay,
There Was nothinfroiggardly about
the Liberal workers' iiithe last week of
the cerapaign -it wea.eeitne,eaeT, go
easy -and theY scattered five and ;ten
,..'dollar bills about as if the.,rPnirlft.ti„
litexiaatistible, They .-
enpposition thet the • tp0.40releit(ah:::,
being -,Close at hand Aire 46444'. be. rip,' •
protest, and being thus cenitieed the 7 .
were more 13Eirefaced.,. "the
stuff" than even they have been) accus-
tomed to, Howe ver, it is by such
means that New Liberalism prospers.
Major Beck Put up a gallant fight,
bet the filicee arrayed against him by
the Rose Governnlent ,were too iluriler-
ous and powerful to be overcome, In
a contest left. to the. two candidates
alone he would have heat Mr. Garrott'
"(Mt of his boot*"
Complete returns are not to hand
this tuerning, Only the majOrities
'whlch ate as follows Garrow---Goder-
ich-181, Colborne 2d, Clinton. 70, Blyth
23, 4c1iileld Weet Wavranosh .9;
East Wawanosh 78,Hullett 80. . Beck--
Vitingliam 72, Godetieh township _04.
;Mrs. Rutile is again in our Midst herr
, ingeeternedfrom London Iasi ineek.
Miss Sadie Lowe, who bus heen visite
leg Mrs. Holman, has returned to 'her
honie in tiensall.
&rise' Mary whiddon ofOheslsy paid
Et -titter visit to her parents •and friends
here the past week. • •
Rev. John MeNeil,the popular pester
of St Andrew's church here was • in. .•
Rippen on Tueeday Where he preach,
ed the sermon in connection with the
•ieduetiozi •ef Rev.Mr.tIcLennen to that
Mr. -John Thompson, who hes spent
the pest ;Often on the survey beat Bay-
field has returned home for the winter.
Miss Flossie Stanbuei ' spent her
Thanksgiving holidays with her broth-
er, Mr. JG. Stanbury at Exeter:. •
The Bayfield . Women's Auxiliary
Missionary Society will meet this Week
on Thursday afternoon.
itirs.jarees. Macdonald has removed
toPicliuretbDanodtvezxelt.h h0t. family to ..join
Miss Lowe and Master Wilmot Ha-
man. attended the. hand concert Jot
Saturday; evenieg at Hensel'.
The plans for the new. Presbyterian.
church hive artibed and were exhibit-
ed at the church by Mr. jams Donald -
Son on Thanksgiving Day, • •The build-
ing *ill be inedern • in structure and
have a seating capacity of about three
hundred and will be fitted in the latest,
most approved style and heated
byfurnace There will be a comniod-
toobasenaent and a modest tower or
beltry. The building Will cost about
$8000, the most • of which has already
been provided felt •Thie charge is now
makinggood prOgrees and is beginning
to feel an upward prosperity which is
no doubt largely :due. the exceptional
ability of their new pastor, Rev. Mr.
McNeil whose popularity 1.8 daily in-
creasing.' as testified by the large coti-
gregetion that assenables every Sala -
1364' e of our Village pe.ople
the Orange supper held in Goderich
township ofi the 28th ultimo and en-
Dr. Woods has completed his new
drive shed which adds to comfort on
these cold days.
Mrs: T. Xing and daughter have re-
turned from a visit- to. friend in Lou-
don. •
Mt. Geo. Xing and family Were in
Clinton last week.
Trinity church Sunday school is busy
with an excelleet program which bids
fair to exceed any past record, so WS
are informed, while the Methodist and
Presbyterian S. Ws Will no doubt also
be good, • The amount of wotic entail-
ed is amply repaid in the happy faces.
•tuid merry voices -of the children.
Whet a dreary wnter it would he
nta °iarfa' hey to Richard
McDool's geese and helped himself to
one of the best The guilty party will
now enjoy the iitle of " sneak thief,'
not an enviable one, we *mkt think,
The Epworth. Leagueof the Metho-
dist church intenda giving an etiter-
taintnent in the town hall on rriday
evening, 20th of Dec., which Will Con-
sist of singing, recitations, dialogue&
etc. A good time is expected.
.A. disciple of Dr, Dewey of Chicago
is conducting meetings in the Orange
halt. Ile gete but few to hear hina as
the people of this place have greater
faith in medical treatment thau In his
or Dowey's prayer's.
Sam. Brwin has returned front Man.,
itoba after several months' absence.
Mr. and Mrs., Matt. Dates, were the
guests of bltbyton, friend* on Sunday, '
Mise Mary Reid, who omelet the lest
three months in! Manitoba, returned
home rriday last, She speaks well
of the country and is pleated with her
Misses Stella and Rdith Itathwell
*lofted at the home of Itratiehard Pen*
hide on Thursday last,
The following young men rettirued
home from Menit0114 on Priday last;
Oho. Stephenson, Thos. Sariderson,
A. Scotchmere anti Albert Townsend.,
Alt seem Well Owed With the prairie