HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-11-21, Page 1� R� / � � � d ,�W -M � ,. .. ir ... ... ._ .... . .... . . ... 0 �.....,. . , � � . �fi �MI, �' w . 9. . . . �T.. . . . � � . . ��-.�-�.-�-.. . , . , . . . . . . _ . . . . . . , , . . ... .. �,,,_..,�, . . . .:.., . ....:..P�-.f6„�_.a.,.,=^�.F:..-�... �.-,..�:,..-.�. -�,--.m^'...,.�..m . .�-.�- ... . ... . . .. . ._. . . :.. . _. . .... _ . .. ._ . . . .. . . . .. .. . . ... . . . . ... _. . .�,:.,M . . _ - ,. . � ��IO�A �Ii1�ibQx' ��$� � C�iNTON, ONTARIO, T�LtRSU,�.�, NQVEMB�R � 2�, 1�Qa 22� d Ye� .r -- _ �..�. � __��....r._._,.. _ _ .�...�.��_ �_ _-------.�.� . �. . t �.�.�..,..�.,..�,.4�.� --_.� . ��.. � T �� . . ' ' n �to "�h� l�"ews-R�coxd u�.�xl J�►n. �s�, �.90�. � We el�ub �vcri�h, c�.�y �]q'`�ek��.es a�.. �ailie� at re �,ced �ra es, �'1, wx�.l pay a su�l�scr�,pta�o _ � � . , _ _ _ __..,...�-.._,.�,___��..�..-.».... �.-- - . ,_ . fiI�LA ,_�.._�,�.�_......,._�_.�_�_�____...a..,_,s.-,.-..�..,,.,.-.,.�.�---�- _ NG�Y TOWNS�MIP. BAY . J � , a�v����������,�„�,,�,�„�,,�,,�,�,r,•r, (ieotge Itumltutl Pesses Away. 850 Turkays Shlpped. W i11 Qo to �ngiand. KIFFEN, . ; 'r�'d lktr, Geo, Rumbwll pasesd into the ,�g,pqong �thar �hi�menke of eqpcl� �t two o'�clock this af�e�rnoqp St, "^ r.� � ��� STA, e • ' �{rawt hecer�ftelr qn �hursda�y 1aat, a(ter ���,de fioro ()lintoq att�Eion on Tuea�lap Pa.ul'e chure{�. will be the sqene oF n We hnve had � vc�riety of �veuther bIr, , , Ft�rn�ombe ot London,the Mr, William Wbiddan has agai� �„,. , � , , • bhe pasG week, snow; . rai� aud s�c�- �pven�4ip eng�neer, was here oq Mon, #�eaumed.work ih hie.shap, �, _ - i �'I, P 1tn�'er►p� for soq�e bi�e ot� the bt�ank, iy�re $54 turkey� which werQ bou�ht wPcidi�a wlien Rev,Q.R.Gtunne,' M. .ci„ ' �4v `+' �� �� e wws,u� n&t4ve 4f Q�oc�er�ch towp�h�p ' t ou h a local de ler h w'.�orpnto will join ip the 4ai , bonda of watri- ehine, �vindiag up w�th abaut eix diiy t� ipspect the ivork done by Mr. A Tex. Murti� of !�ororaGo is visi�- ; k cJ � � bx � , a y . � y incbes pR the beautifal thaD tnade pae�. Q�qt�.7LCto4� WH�tson rind klis ulen on Ghe ing friepd,s �n tQwn� :-. , � , wnd hH�d niany frienda i� tow� aGc� S�� fp� shtpqienC tp the L�'n�l�su n�Rr• mony A,rthur Oouah and Besaig Flor- ,. . ibly gqotl light eteighin� �tpd �anq lurq�.drx�in Ghrou�h �t+�nley r�nd wi�ile Mr. Hepry �amp hae moaed k�is. ;: .__ . aurt�otmding who extend sympathy to ket #or 1�oliGlay coneumption. The ence Bye, The l�ttex hae heep a res�• _--� d _..___-. _- enjoyQd � bua4nese ar+pleaBure aleigh hare epe�qC a few boure the guesG of famtly to Cltntnn. =:e:: :� �1 � the bereaVed wif�e aQd tamily of two .��xd� �yP�.Q �ou�ht. tor delivery with aeqt af (7linton fofi epme fourqea�s . -- -__.:. • r4da; T1�ere is aGil�l snough left to re• �yj,r,e �r, I,, Reya, Mr. John Kin� of qiinton wns in i „�;::•___ '���- ::. �,IJ aons, Be'rt �nd Er�pe�t! T4a tuneral . . j'':;_:_ -•:e;; __ �.... , the feathers an buG �vith em�ty crops, �pl�l�p tI7@ {�t'opn�� wha ie d atep•brqther : ..., . --•-= • a . ��pind ua o# whut ib in etore to mn�ke �n town l�,at Sunday. - -"�"` took lace o'n SsGurdWy a�ftern�on, the A numberfrapp$a'� lUnattandedthe "" - --•:::.- p , ac Aix and w hal# cenpe pel pound, Thfl oE Mr. Jc�hn Dsrry, has beex► f�rming � , -- - ._: • -::•.� � A�d time winter. We a�w�+live i1� hope �,nnivereax�y services and fowl eu per Our towd was, �vsll •rapres�nGed att "° : �, . aervices at hpuse aqd �rave betQ c�n- . P -e:: a To�onxo tnr�p who bought them kept fn the. adjacenb towraships fafi �our4een , •,. of elei hing far OhrtaCrna�e. which • � the Pce.e�yteri+zn fowl au er a,t Ywt'�a :._ . . B k�eld �n �he Presb terian church in �P •..,____._ _ 1(�(� (� r ducted bp Rey. Josiae (�reene, The ��s engle eye onbhe crqpe �nd in sever- yet��s, They are both nr�ti9ee of Eo�- . � � _=--• �_ . P�J��/V��/S� allbearers wer4 ;. P, Ser, A, Seeley,, • me�,na, woro bueiqaQs and �{rer�ter Varna on S3unda und Monda last. 1astMon�lay eyenir��. ' • ��� ..F � P +�1 �naG�na�s the sellers hwd to acce t ap land wnd leave b Ghe �.55. truin fQr the �' y • - ; ;,��.-.-.-..�. ��, .; -�, . , p � pleaeu�e. � � Master: �Vtllte ZVhtddon attended the � � ' _::�,'�c;�a.• •- G}, D�,vie, ',�'. Uottle, J. �kephenson and r�dqced prica. bride's old home in Suiialk. '�ha� may - The an�lual missioaary service wae McA, itobert Mellie ie 4We�y At pres• CJlinton Up�le�{inte InstiCute Qom- �r • , U. Flillier,, Jr, ' remt�in in Mecrie England perman�nt- . hel.d in the Goshen Methpdi�t church ` There 46�nothing iu"which delay.ie so danaeroue as lti eya trouble when. � ' P. S. Boarc� StiU lacreasing Salarles. �� ; - ent yieiting her son•id-l�tw, Rev, A. on Sund�y laet and wa�s conducted by ��ncement concert �t�s4 Fri�lay even- k, � . A Big.Bla�eat the Or�nn Factory. . McKibbon of $rywnstop. , m�. � ' r tha ou can �et aloq�' fc�irly well w�thout any sense except At 1U.40 o'clock ou Saturday ni�hE Thie ie no6 � year �of retrenchmeab Rev, Mr, Gtreene of Glinton. ` '�� f you eona�de. t� y partnershi , , ,. 11�e. Robect MeMordie has retucned . Mr. 'V�''ee. Erwia, who has epepb �the � • � ' • '' ch�nces with � the whiQ�le aG the orgap factory sonnd- with the F�lblia sehool board, thc� p' is business Lri to Shallow L�ke , Mrs.,,Anderaon From near 'Harr�aton paet eurrimer on the eurvey bo�,t Be�y ei�ht. Y'ou w�ll understand how �m�ortant it ie to take no .. .g ed the Hre alarm in which qery shor�l meettn e ot the t�st few weeke be�n Dr, A new oR town hws taken as a from h. p � i�,ranteed x � � p � g ia the gueat of her nephew anti mece, i i ation free of ch�,r�e. Satiefactian gt after �rde he hell upop the town hall �har�,oterized hy advancin}� anlat�ies. partner Dr. �. D. BiUinge of Toronto, �nd Oweq Sound distrxc�„ where hQ ie ffeld„ hae returned �pme. � _. it, . We gxve np ex: r� n � w t Mr. and Mise Eliiotb oP the Babylon �: oined. ,' T6e hri "wde $ncked to the On Monday nightthe tenchera uf the who has had ten y�a�e e$perience and s�id to be interested in the develop• • Mise qr�,ce Oameron epent a few , . � : buying �lasses or yoyr rooney, refunded. 3 ., 8 , - Liue, t�t present. hall e eed�l the en��ne wae eoon out l second apd seyenth .roome were ench •is tharou�hly'� faqiiliar with every de• tnent o� the mineral resources oP Gh�tit � daqs in CIentou visit�ng thq past week. � 4 , p �� Mise Bella Pell of Staf�a vieited fri- �. ���� . • ' as resent, �. nnd a te�;m havin� hee�,proeurecl trom given an advance of twenty-fipe do1- I�,rtment of dentiatr He hae iven Pa�t� • � Mise Mwqde Pollock �e visiting s • ,A pa�r pf Cold Rimmed Gklaeaea makea a n�ce Xm p , p �' � • ende on tl�e j.'arr Line the latter part of � ,; Flliott's liyery,.all possible hs�ate wae !are. The st��ary lisb ae it now �taqds particular nttention to gold Hlling anci A fire that n�ight hnve beea n serious I 1Fyt week. fcieqde near Varn�, a� preeent. °' � made to the scene of the blaze,' But i� aa foliows : the treatmenr, of teeth, He has ulso atiair.-While one of the ladies t�G the ' _ , Mre. Saldwin of London ot�ganized a Mra, (Dr.) Woads has rettirnec� from :; . • the roada were almost asle doe.p witb W. R.. Louqh $ 850 had a large•. expefiienee wibh a new residenee of �r. •Rpber.t. Mellia wae �Tomep'e 11Ziesione�rg Society in the a vieit to her friends iq Durham. �,: ' ' tnud und the beat.the team could do , Miss Q'Neil 400 1oca1 anrtesthetic by wb►ch teeth can tte paeaiqg by a curtain the lamp by eoms .English chnrch on the Goehen laeq Rev. MeNeil will conduct Thanks- '+` was to m�ke hne'te Slowly. ValuabU Miso Wilson 350 extracted wbsolutp.l withovb nin. �teans ce�me ia eontact and ignited, givin� se�v�eea in thp' Pres6yterian � �_ I Y P. week. The following oPflcers wEre r�p- 4 time was thus loet and,to mak� matters Miae Robb 275 Dr.s Agnew and Billinga will opeq spreading inatantr�neouely �r�ad cabch- Pointed : �1ire. J. 9ha"rp, . president ; church her.e at 10,30 a, m, und a�t Betb- Y 71`�e IYeuu�es� �C¢a�ts �aae� J�cl�eis wo��se hen the en ine wae Snall�y. Mies Oomhe - 310 branch o�cers in Auburn,llungannon, inR into the pai6ition. . But by the any in the aCt�rnoon of Tha�ukegivin� ��- � re the '� g until an- Miss ..ur er • 310 Blyth und Baytield, Thei� otiice is open timely aid of persons ca�lled in und the '•�isR ,Edith Ste�henaon, vice•president ; D�� �hen n�,fiapk•offerin wili be tak= . Among the DeGember Butterick Patterns a started u valve �blew 4uk and "' n Mrs: T. Stephenaon, trensurer,�nd Mise g �'Anuch tallred .�f LouiA XVT Cot�t, the new lon� coat other had been procured from H�r- Miss'Tr�ylor 85o every day from 9 dcl�ek until 8 and free use of water the house wae suved , en for Aome Misaiops, t Sarah Fee, secretwrp. iidapted to�all Aorts of wewther, the blouee, semi,flttin� , ��,xid's hardware � etill more pt�tienec+ � — on Saturdny.evenings unti110 o'clock. and not much damaRe done,nUr person- \Ve understan& the Pubipp eohool � . abd s8ru�ppod ef�ecta, ete., etc� The 'V'arna Mebhodiet pdo�le held b had to be esercised. But the vuive $2,845 , al injury. two cottn�e prayer•nieetings,one at t�e bourd hnve en��ged a teacher for the 4 tterns can be relied upon bo produce the en ine revdered The en a ement oP Misa Robbfor the A" A• Sc�renk Will L,eave Clinfon, douncillor Wm. 73oig hr�s again re• �, junior departa�eup of our echool in_ the Bt�tteriek P� came at lust aqd g, g g home of Mr, iienry Lcrabt uf the Pr�rr < satiefitekor results. . Our lafly pra�trons ehould vieit our b eafter. � fourth r�om is a o ular one as she is Mr. A. A. Schrenk, who for the past turned from hiv.sEudy o� luw to attend j q nd ine eet these jackeq splendid seryice t ec p p person pf Mies La,Limor; who ie atpi�es- Pa er. I.'a�ttern Department a p ' fotir etira hae been re re�eut�n FroRt Line on , S�tnrday evening and the � � 6c 20c 25c But all this while the. Sre had not a�ood teacher and a mpet estirnnble Y r P R to Tuokeramit,h .council buainess: He� ent �ttendiu� the Mitchell Model achool pattnrns pt�rticularly. Pa�tternR dre 5c, lOc, 1, , � �, . � Wood in •this district, resi ned: hie other at the hocne of Mr. C4. R, Reqe � to et le aud detail.. The Delineator f�r been. allowed to run its courae uachec young lady.' B hae sbown n fea.xleas dieposition to and conies hi�hly recomarended. ,There t wecording . Y. �. ag ion Shcete Free, hman John � • agency on ThurRday lt�st �nd fwbout the .�et at Che hottom �of doubt£ul nfi�.ire °n Sunday eyenin�. were quite a number of applicatione k, Decemt�ee is 7,5c. F k� . . ed. When Night Wt4tc s. Foster fireG discovered the fire he. �-�ttle Locals. middle oP December will leaye for �orry Oo hear of Mr. Alex. Parsons and �prnved his esecutive ability by the bein� seriouely i1L His m�,ny friende �nd tl�e ealariea ran�ed from �240 to ' rushed for the.bi whist,}e and it was The etudents oP the Model school H�urriston; where ho has rented the ju�Icious haudling of public l�usinesa $350. k+ . � g wish hirc► n speedy rec�yery. � � - a matter of seConda when En• will enterts�in the (�oderich Modelites l�l�ndike hotel 4rorn hia . brotheC, . Mr, in, the public's in'Gerest. He h�s been Messi•s� JoBn Danby nnd Ohas. Park• It ia rumorecl tl�at the buildin� com- �.�.�.�...�, inerely . ? • � � eared u on the on Frid�y evs�nin�. A�ood. program Ales. Schrenk, A. A., or " Tonp," n� solicited byhis ma,ny friende Co allaw mittee h�,s about decided' to build' the � �� . , � gineer Juhn Furd app p • er exchanged horees on Monday luat � � ihn didn'L everi wnit to don hae been prepared and an� enjoya6le he is #'t�miliarly and best known, ia, R himself Lo be put in nomination f4r the new Presbgtarian church on the . Eita •�� . era BQe°�' J� and eucceasful' n edt and biYilt ` y� and botli parties nre well pleused with e receive.new aubscriptions a�n3 renewals for all nawepap , taloone biat with them over hie time ie prophesied. • The tiest of re• popultir S reeveship for 1902.. Tn all probabilit of the old, one. Thia ie ,a eerious mie- � , . ,� . , �. . . �'V � hie pan � � � . ost sooc� freshmante will be provided.-^-Mies u, r� aod businesa hPre forhieeqo lo the trade. t � ..... • ��honld r he .ruahed for hie ,p ,, p f� P Y` should he coneent; he Will: be elected tal�e and we douht if the people �vill, and erioiiicwls at the publisher s piicee . ,. e, Mr. M. $ates sold bis driver to Mr. �• � • and iemained Alice Bowey, da.n�hter of Mr. Wil-. ere: He has ��ade uiany' friends wlio without: oppositi.on to see what neN eapcbion tl#�, buildin� of anew church , had the pumps working Robt. MeLean of Goderich for which :r' ubbin Re�tes, •. � �. �' ot o hear of hi intenGion to leave. ; � � .�: Special. O1 ,�' ,. ,.: .� � � ' he e o da : . liam $owey �,t oue time a resident regrat t � and intet�ested nlooa� can do. ',Re • is a in gucli• an out of the way placex unless � • . , • _,; • , . _ ' ; , , . on duty unt►1. b. P ep 9 ., . r : ho received n handsomd figure a fe�v x. . : . . . . � ... , . , . ,. .. . . � . . , .. , . . . : . ' . ' hflrd Bxtier of the 16th con„ a er of lar e i�tere�t t�ncl tu m:r,n they secure the lotoppo'site to the north , ` � ' "�f' -,..,,� ; �>x. .� , I ..,. _. ' ose belon ►n , to the ,(7�inton� k�ut now..11vmg in, Ohica�o,. Mr, Ric , ratep y , _R . s.a o. ,, . . . . . <.. . . . .,..,;....,� The 1►nes of h g g , ,,. . . . ,. . . , .. . _, , . duy g . : ' . � • i ,. ; „ • � W.:. od rich Eowdshi , hasbeen-appointed ;of ' aaus whcs would hav8"tlie `kime at , , , :� �• to kiuild the sheds upon: A6 present the ��^ � • � �� -. . � ere s ee�il attached to tho,,, wasmarried the othez� d�y to a MlL � f� e P., ,, �, :,, � . Miss Mar Smith of Qoder►ch. town• • < .. � . � .. . . . , ,;. . . . . . faCt.ory w A , Y. , , . � . . , , ,. , , , .• Y ds are n e e ore and would •be �, � ...,,....,. , .., .,,, , .a ..., , _ � . � _. , �, ,, � • , �; ,. ' > . etreame r�. SreaG.—T,he local dealere are ay- tp represenG the Fhoat.d� Wooc� fiim. h�s dFeposai.and wtth�hie naGural,; p'�q-- r,,. ... , ome of Mr. s5e a, ., y A . , .. ,, . bydrants and. aobn; several ., . P ,. , is visitin� at the h Wocse in f�eonr of �, 'new ediBce. ' �.:. • � . ; • sh►p ' be'n - la ed � upon the flamee, ing from 40 bi� �2 - ceuts For oaba.— .. nesa ehould brin� about beneficial Jose h Richnrdson ab preo�nC.. �. . � � were. x K P Y � Forty Fo�ur Year,s Old. . P . � T�N. ae et • were canlined to .th e Tha whole stnck of the Wilkes;Qrove changes in tbe, townahip . und county We ar.e pleased to : atinounce the �r � �. . Coope�r b� Co., c�, �v wb��h, y, , � Mr. and M'rs. John Davideon yieited In �oin� over � some old docuinents formation of �� new dresamaking firm : t • machine aetion room on the pecond 8tock.Farm ie. now comfortably..loctl�• councile �, at the�howe of their aun�, Mre. Ja�. ' - ad ained. ed in its winter uarters: The the o6her day Mr, W. D. �'air cnme asb. �� floor. The $re; bowever� b R. q, , t. A Divix�irr TRousr.rc.-�-He w+�s l+�te • in town over Mr: Whiddon's store. � ominioa Es rese ; . • followin invitation, wh�ch . McOlinchey, on Sunday l ? A ents �or`(7� P. I�. Tele�raph and D p •, � . •' ' at headwa to be checked and colt �'lorence Tesas, dam Rlor= across the ,' �n ettinq up nnd xnn to aatch the ,; R. Miss 1VIc�inrty n�nd Miss Bella Whiddon , too �;re . Y � ` . t. ill be iriteresting1becanseof the mn�ny , Mre M� B�,tes; �ho `t'vas visitiu� t�t . • '' ' ' - � ` � the roof . enre G. omce "the . ueen of C�n- �v. . ;, train. � He suoeeeded in getting. on to a . have Poroied.a, partnerahip and are pre- � Money Ucders, a1sU for.Butter�ek �atterne., . soop the .flaruesbureb through , q • ' • • , "" th t hz1Ve ela sed since it wna. . � � the hotne of her eister, Mrs. �ohn Dick-- �� , ' s the$oor t�ve adian acers has h:idr�. �evere. attack years a P h�nd c�,r, but found .the do�r locked, :. . � :• pared �tv �iye their patrons goi�d . � ,�,v,�,�,.�,:`.�. ��.v��7�+►�7�'�'�'�►''�'!�' and shortlq afterward g p _, son of 5eaforth, Yor �u shoc8 ti�ne, re- ,. ` '�'�''�'�''�'�' _ _-_. � h w�is of di �m i t'. now ^all ri ht issued c•. ,- While p�asipg the station he called .. �-,. work in their line. Aa boGh are eatiiva,- ` ; wvay and the case room , beneat steimper b� �s � , ,,� : turned home a few daya a;�;o. .. ; .._._--ry,- . ___. __ ._..._.-._ ... . tio this, ' ke an interest irr out"I ci�n't get io; tl�e doorig.lo�ked." ^ `linche ble ztind industrious poun� ladies, we �; ���.�-°�^ enveloped by the f�re flend. ,Up a�{ain. Horsemen ta gARP+,. W ELL I3ALL. «. $orryto heae �f Mrs. Jas.MeC. y �N��N���N�N'��N�NHNN�� e lied its finc� breedin Rs ly was ma�de .. put into prt�etice ut �ve 'bespr.ak for them a liberal patconage. . �N�NN�,�NN��NN♦� . time the ress,ure 6ad .been qpp Ghis colt bec�xuse of g P bein laid u with ti sore knee, b , . P . ' i en ine buG now �;nd Mr. F�,rran is uite confldent thaE 8ir,-=Tha ple�sure of your .Uom,pa►iy �Hat you preach '•knock and' it ehall � � Tl�e p�st. week the people have �iG- s,' m� �v ]� froin the�factocy s b g , g ,� � hope.to see her t�Ule to Ue arounda:��in - � to throw a atron i will rove tio be a"bazz0r."-=Mr.D. and L�.dy ia respectfully solic,ited to. be opened." nessed a atorai which for violence hae r.' � �[V"11�.� l�-J��1L,� ttie 6re en�inebegan 6 t p .: � ` . � , , , _ . . weatern '• � a. le eo�v thia t�ttend a . . . ; ' O O Q fr m. the ond• The Shannahan losE: r� vnlu b g p� aoon �; O�� . , -�trenm , o. P. Sinc.e the lar e ex ort �rdcr for o�its - nat heen equt�tled fpr m�ny years and . of at. Helens.ie. v►sit•. . , , , :., . • . . . � ,. : . , : : . A rica hn�sbeen received our , .Che beuch is liter�tlly p�eks�d with s�c4 :' , • • • ' e '- . f tbe n�aiu k�uildm :hein� now in week.-=-Mr. TaCTlCS �SCOtC tS aC9etv1D� FARFWELL BALi AND BIIPPIDR'�' fOC SOUCIT E tpMA,t th hOme of her mather, Mrs. A, , , . • ,: Like w�ne.improvee with a�' . . . . , , � half o , . ... .� . . , . . . other wreck:ige the result of � � o a e� little . o e ener . of tlie lirigade of cnuch cred►b Por tl�e mterest he is � bur in Krain marketis bootningandotherlqcal R. • loKs and � i tbe time �to ma,ke your cake xnd �ive it a chance t q rnins, the;wh 1. gY • to l�e. �iv.en, by Mr, ,'W .. Ratten y, , rohnetop, neHL Briicefield. No.w a ood fo.r dur . � q fcttit in the murkeb t8 none too q. 9 d u on the finiehin� room in dis la in in making known the 'ad arbonenu's. dealere will $nd ia hard to , comnete S�rr to re arb th�t �iss Qhurlotte it. Auiong this is much. tl�at tells the befoYe Smae. .The, be, t wae.turnm p P Y� Y P est Fruit .l'eels and S ices tht�t money can buy � �--, canner,tion wiEh Mr. Oh � Gale af the i1l-fated schooner "Marind>, , cake. VPe haye the h , P the upper story of Ghe eaet end, ; ya�tages' the Ul'inton district posaesses withSippen prices. . Johnston is on the sick list; hut we � h uilit . First Assembly, �t the Ulivto❑ hotel,. and we �u+ir.�ntee t e q . y d tliat the"flre wall r:t e es ahlishme�at o@ .a sa �r beat Quite : an' interesting borse, trad.e • City", avhich went to piecea off Gader- . ` •'s 6e rinnin to arrive a,nd in a few da.ya we .. Ithad t�een lio{�e fo h G � on Wednesday,. the 22nd.of April; 18�7, flope sl�e will soan be r�ll ri�ht t6gain, ,• OUli, XMAS GHINA i i, , R ut it wae soon � � ete Rtock of Fanc C16ina in t�wn. ould check Lhe $ames,b factor iri this lace. Mr. ' Victor ' whete beauty wa�s pa�rted kor speed and• �r. Joseph Foster puechitsed eome ich one niah6last week a,nd the crew - will be-able to shoFe t�e most compl 9 � w Y. P J. F. CHARBONBAII, � inner �nd Ci�amber. Sets and we think yau as.nob bo he Rnd though French has enlar ed his t�per tha a mtiney consideration to•boot.--Wes, of which is .cect�inly drac4ned. Thie T�ke a� look t�t our sfock of D etock in towu, aeen that this w � P DirEctor. Hne atoc(� steers from Mess'rs. (�.Sparks .� ue in•s�y th�titis the most ,up•to-date eworkedforhouesandthrew Wecuslciwin Times to seven cqliunus. � Harve and Bill Andecsoq are satis- scboonor, ladea with, pulpyvpod, had '� s"' �� '1 better. . We: carr a etock pa�ttern in Limaoes tlie brigad , � xt week i�T'l�e sti I Y, � t s of the room _ • Ihincing to commence at S o eloci� p.m, y y and D. Dewer on :YIonda,y last. • Ne � e u a� dianer or tra aet and besure tons of water, �hecontent During Lhe storm, of .�Thuredt�y � , Hed foronce in their li�ea anywwy that Mes�rs..Thowas Stinyon and James heen ab�ndonedand was taken fn�toc�+ ,�:!� • Chinaware frtfm which you caa tS�nk . p TickeGs lOs O y. to adxi•to our set. A$500 Acci- ere destro ed and the roof wrecked. ui ht l�et Dr. Freem�n becnwe snow- s�mebodyis be�,ten. . ' by.the strenm bxrge "Tndi:ti" bound �. m;itchin it a�t. a,ny time gou vVieh . � . . . w 9 . . . . . B , . ' • . . °f � r e sh us Niitchell returnod on TnurBdu�y IasG a s iv�u wlth, eve y, a� p the machine ❑d on the dut �ine Goderiah.t�wn- Ass'n Execytive Meats. I�arry Eilber, M. P. A., our worthq r�ound district �vhere f�r G}oderich laden wi�th' wheat Four � dent Insur�nce P�licy �oodfor seven d y K . �'�+ortun�tely, ,howeyer, bou ,, Poultry frram the Par y • ; • � � u �vards. esce t the • • •: chase ot $2 and p : room below waR eaved, P ship, and' had to len,ve his bu�gy there . . , .. A; .meetin� of the ,executive of the mem6er, has • eithec been away Qn, �:theq epent nearlq a, fortni�ht hunting' �en�weee put aboard,oE her in the hope - • . ws�tea , ,-- d ra.Jahn ... ahootin espedition or..aome admirer . rou ht of .brin�ing ber to port 'hut ehe ,, . �'° ,�-v� dauiage to its conteuts : bp and foot i� ho�ne. Mr.an M,. uron' Youltrp, Associat��n was held , K ,, , the nimble deer. They` each In g JJ � ere uuder wa9 oal. ave rented the `B�tr�;e, � of his has 8ent him t� su 1. of venison vVe��t to pieces and her remains, to- • ` ' � . , � , l�l�o . AbouG300 ot�gan casee w . . ,NIcC h P.� � ��/[� 1��� �� � , in `the ccSuticil chrzrnber on Snturduy p home q,ne.and h�,ve been treaeing their • • ' � � .- �� . inthis room;and ii1 the roomedeabroyed properEy on Ontario etreet where � 9lY deer for himself wnd some for fr'iends to venison stenk. They say. �eth much o� Lhe car�o is; der- � er witb Z OASH F'OR BUTTER AN]) EGG�J. THE QASH (�ROOERY • itternoon, last wHen atnon those �-� ) strewed �,lon the beac� fCom (�o about fivehundred. they fiave - tuken up their • his friends. Now, don'E, be'b�etiw:�rd. � � present �ere e Fre9ident Wulter Txy.- th�,t hunte�nen wet�e almost t�s numer• ich to Grraud 8end. ` It ie a pity that �NeN����N��N�N��N��N��N��N� The 8rst i�npulae•of th'e erop1ryea abode, Their many, friends are tndch in sendipg in your cacd and addreas or: ous as the deer �nd that on. the t.rxin '� NN����N�N��N� , o , •• . o . ,. • i�r, Win�hlm <; Seccet�ry W. (7arber, �� . m� nG overlook ou 'in sendii�q a� such rol.ten hulls se she proved ,to be '. •. � � was to save theirtools, bUb those wh pleased to. see them bacit in _(.linton on. tvhich tf�ey st�Lrtgd for home •there 'Hullett ; Dr. ScoLt and Jos�pU Tyer- � 9. . �_ ��� . , . a,re a�llowed ta ,go.abroad t� deatroy worked tn the Wrecked roomwere un• �,�ain.-`�E yotr are not already a. f Seaforth • O, Campbell of (�od-. roast, butdop t eay n,nything abouG iL '�ere one hundred nnd �Aftq hnnt�trlen '` ' , _ � • ' . � : s0' so that Harr C+ould, mwn o . , , ; � � lit'e and property. The ,eraw were , . able,to do , , Y' NE We•RECORD StIbSCCTbCC� we will ue . v�te us iG miqht be constt�ued into �,�ike themseldes. OwinR to the multi- � e nextda n_ erich;A.J,(�rrig�; J,A.Kina of Cown and bribe. from Rin�ston and a sbarp lo2k oub is . . � jV14 �%(,%E/�/j� - 'G4illiain.Ford and othera wer Y' pleased to h�,ve you as cine. � Ib co �low vf (�oderich towns.hip. The tude oF wen in the caoods. there is a. � �� ���� � �� ' , , . , . C. Sww . Tho munici� nl.slate is bexnR 'prapar- kept for theirl�odiea. 8ome idea of the , '- ' _. ��, . minu� their kita. °' taius more. readin�; matter than any �ntention wae to have held tt�e annual . p Gert�in nr�ount`oE, dan}�er and whila , . ' � • e• fail to �ake ou? Tr our famous "Cattoo . fiCe bri ade worked a.11 n�ght other a er xn the county. Recom•, . •'• • ham but aa •ed for Hay aad in the event of our they were Ehere n man was accident- �ederitp of.the stacm may be� e°w re . DoQs yoar alni w tlo l. Y.. Y The S P P, � ` : Y� the aame ann r a�s the old ones but w1�,en it � ' da � weil. • • .— he- new Janu+�ry Show in �1nR , reeve, Pe.ter Iramoni, taking the prol- h G • from the f�ct that lnrqe saw 1 a , nlarm w�und and se� �. w. , t�l� yoU �.nd were on dury, nesC y, mend it to youc friends. T reaicient� Tr� lor ie `al�oub the only ally s o. toeseci over the north pier like mwrehes. , . qee o� in the mo� mng you 11: geE up. �t doesn t stop ringina � be an doubt abou� e eaf � iII 6e ded- � 9 �tred candidn�ture for M. P. P.,ins,tead t � .e eciwll for hard elee er t�nd �iYAr- Thero c�n no longer y hall of Gourt Mapl L. v enthueiastic cbickeri fancieb in that Misa Ohwhl�tte BrbwnetCe qf G}oder- , �et up nnd shut ib ci:i. Designed Sp Y P� cettE ealu�r The maoRger`� af. the Preabyterian . for i• and ita a Lime-kee er as we1L their enrnin� ttie muniH y icu,ted on Thanksgiving :nigUt when ar�utiop is of Mr. �Iese, nur o)d, t�•.ied and efficieut ;�ch, visited nC her,home on Snndu.y last. . nnteed tu do all we claim 1, P to�n, and the labur of prep. �und'ay school haor;''lecided to hold ' • - p� ' � which they �.Are paid tliree High d7ourt o�icers cvill be councillor, William Oonsitt,wilt be pre, , ed too much ior one man to undertake; no • Mr Jahn,Smith aceompaQied by, liie their anunal Xmas Tree entertriin- irer. �• �• �'d����� rewelleraridOptioiap. . No damaRe vFas done to the detach presenJ. The dedica►6ion .will be f�l- ezhibiEion will . Y�iled upon k�y hie mang frienda t� aauqhters Echel and Mary viaited at � Esperb W�tch Repw Biddlecombe's Old Stand. � ' _ . portion of the:fuctors.the eoRine z�oom, matter how wiliioR, the p the horw� of Mr. J�oseph Richardaon. ment on Xmas�Eve. lowed by �i .'program of speecU wnd wllow then� to ut him in no�nination , � kilne or outdoor etock, so that the,. not be held.in th�t town'but in G}oder• The Albion hotel has dnrin� the ' . , song wnd a lunch wili probably .�lso be and elect hitn to Lhnt poaition, which o � vorable tliia b1K ln- ' ioh, instead. The systeni which haa n 1Vlonday. .� past Week un,dergone extenaive i�c�- we&ther bein� f�z served. The ball is now the prettiest hiq impurtial, attitude and tnct ed juet• Mr. Will. Bentity of Varna visited fz � �� '' ` er+�tion in three • �• been in ya�ue fnr eome time of judging ualif him to Ril, , �'• prnveroents. The bnr hae'been refloor- , — dustry will be in op , of the kind in town, upwarda of four ; ., • ly q y , his eister, Nlrs. Woods of Listowel; re' ed witli new hardwnod and a fold. -•-' N���N�N1�NN��N�N��N�NNN���N♦NNN����NN weak or so. . On Monda mornin a Gp pointe �ill be abtindoned for �udg- Y g hundred dollars hayipg heeu expended Mc. John Esslor oF the (�oahen T�ine centl �. , ina by com arieon, whiCh all except Y• ipg cloor partition with ov�e li�hts - • number of inen were put at wotk clear• for furniture, carpets, etc., under the p hae returned from the North'west look• There, were uite a number 'from �. � ip awa the debcis eo thftt tbe roofing the f:�nciere understwnd 6etter. �he q placed b�tv�een the sumple room� aod ,� R y superyision o£ an ener�etic cum- : . in�hale and hearty. ,Ba field and thie vicinitq on the lnke d be comm�need "ae epeedily +�e mittiee.--�111r. W. J. Etliott, who shc>w w►11 be +xn exclueinelq county 9 inina room. Thie will fntther im.- �ay beach on Sunday viewin� the wreck• • raets have • ; nffuir; so ths�C outside faqciere" will not The air ie Slled'�vith rum�re from t e� . prove the p.opularity o� this we il - _ , poPe�ble. Some of,tbe cont receutly boughG the Bin� proper �,ge of the �Id .harge Maripe City. �' --� -- - � � read been let. • G on the 'Base LinO, udjoining the �P e°�E��ed Co scoop up the prize mon� �►ghlapds of S6anley e►nce tk�e count �no�o (�aqee, . al Y � which broke ❑p off Qadericfi harbor . y e Our best bre,e�lers are nob, how- Petition has been 61ed u ainet the � The factory staff has been eteadily town, has this week purchased. seven 9� ". • fl � . names - ever, enthusixsticallq in fnvOr of malc• deepeninq of the creek rnnning to 1oa8ed cvith .pnlpwood, � '� �/ increasing of �ate and �ome 180 acrea udjoinin� from ,Mrs�Wutt, Price, , The inezorable Messre. VP. �Iierd a�nd A. McG}regor VARNA. � � da 1&st. ,_ , mg it exclusiqelv Huron as they Bannockburn bridae, ��(°(��(�%i�� 6� ��/!� ... � • were on the pn�y .roll on Satur. y #iftv dnllars �er acre. Porrester & � = believe they cau hold • the�r own with Lord of Stone CJaetle claims with many. �re taking oa� timber in Mr. peorRe wtitsots. & Iiilton, .ditcl� contcactore, A number oi Ehe.cpen �vill necessacily Maeon made a ahipment Of CAGbIO ttl have wound ap operatioris for this fxll � tho best �oops in the province. Tt is a othere to be a jud�e . of what is .ri�hb (7a,stle's hash for Dr. Woods' new � � � be out oE w�rk for u time, unless bhey �nronto on Mo�dwy, 113r.. Mason goin{� � �� ���¢��.g �� " ationa eleewhere,but ib �s eg- u erintend the s�le: The conceseion, howoyer, to the county not to himaelf n�lone but t�. the eotn- ��,rn. • but will be. bn liand in the aptin� to ' . T . accep� situ . along 'to e p. �puneil, frolm �vt�otin a Rrant af Sfty ruunity in, the vicinity and .should the A dehorning kree w�ts held db �now- '��- ' Z • eat. � pected the machine room will be in etock was boaght from the following . flnieh up their conbract. - %ff(e�y�gGr° ��p�e1'i�V dollacs i� expocted. council rePuse to act,the le�w, .no doubt; gtin $roa. oti S�turd�q when nbout Rob, Ely{ie and Bart Bett�ord have ' 1( operatloa at an early date, pnrties : Huiletw--Jae. Vanetoue 4 will be invoked, based on espert fifty cattle were d�horned. . VYe.can suit you, havin a lar�e aseortment to '�bere ia an ineurance of n,bouti �f38,000 bead, John Ti la�iy 2, Eph. BKII 1, y �i coaple of �eer wedt throuah this engaged with Mr. John Johnstc7n, � � GOc to 8�rsuit. � p Threa �ntertaitlments. opinion, tU 'C�rr out his and othtr. choose from. Pricee trom $ p yp tbat the chief lose will tall upoa riine William Orawford l, D. Dale 1; Tuck� neiahborLoocl a�vv�ek dr ed ago n.nd �annockbuen, . tb cuC wbod. They � � wb`ies and not bhe W. .. • oderich-- Tbe ��ather on .Thuredaq anening duiierers' contention. that the �va,ste have purchaaed .�� �1�w eaw ;aud tho � �� Insurance (7omp eremith-Thos: 0'Buen 3; Gi 1flBt wng �l� its verp woret behuvio�; land• shail be reclnin4ed .arid thtise Cn,used quiCe � seneatioa nman� the • , ,, �g �f $�. sa�odust wili fly for a� w�ile. ♦ � ' lloherty c�C C1o• The labter wi1�, �� Alberb• Oantelou 4, S. Switzer 1, J. buB notwithstandin� all tht�t, so many spring and� full pest hoies renaoved. sporta, A couple of our miadt ener- �� ` e h ve tw s ecialg �� course, loos� throngh the interruption � C�eorqe P'oster is horne fr�m MitChell W n q p ,. . . aoultes 2; Colk�orne =AlberG Wr�,y 1� people �,ttended lhe Rattenbury 8treer On the c3ther.hetnd the warriora by getic sporisinen; 14lesst�s, 1. Snowdon . �' of trade, especial�y us th�g is their Ulriek ,_,An auction snle r�d. plu�ced �n th� where he was working for a while. � � Y pp er smt � • • ohurCh furewell tea•meetinq th�.t $A6 nacne and traditian will have no move nnd P. Oleave, trneked them from the Mies Minnia Jones oE Mitchell ie 'vi�- ` One is a Woo1 Fleeoe at �, , p The other i a Hean Woo1 a,t �1,25 per suit seasan and they had d big grlet df column� OP 'IiSE NEV�g•REDOTiD pt�j�� ,�,y9 r8f1�1zpa. �Lie �ond 1t�diEs oY the mnde tha8cloes nob em�nate rrith them- 1�I�rth school woods as far as the Map1e �tina her friend, Mies Maud Md�ftt� �t ' , e Y . �rde.re Por �peedy 9hipment; , . . ; we11.---Mr. ,E'assti�ore, w former etud- congregation excelled themaebe� in selvea or fciend� and refase ur�deraom� Gtrove but ft�iled� to locate them fur- � They �re worGh $1.60per sutrbut buprog them � �here are many tbeories ae to tbe Qttto4the0.C.X.,hassecuredtheposihoh prenent. . - ' ' om bhe mill� accounte for the above ',, ,, , preparin� the fowl supper. Address• pretext, perhaps like the Triehman bo tb��, On+� evenittg last week us Jbhn Iiart . dtrect tr or� iu of the flre, Hot Uox, etC,y ete. ' rices, Iiate and E7s s n, epecialty. B of t�acher in the, Belgrave �chonl.--- �� K,�ra t�fterwrirds delivered by ftevs. 6ave a H�hb for the 4utl bf it. It is Auic� ��,$sre, J� Andre�vs etnd J. Jahnston a,us preparin� to uso some medicino on � p p � � has been blamed ae the cause oF itir R�� w a., gaR,son will Cake for �p p P were aroitnd la�sG w�ek birqin� latubs� a hnr�ds eho�lder and w+�s drttwing '� . r ` Even the ni�ht Watchmar� can otlly I(�unne, �tecvart, Dunlop, rtnd MeUon- oneto�C of tl�e ba i es would now ut ��� , , his eubjecte next 8unday : at Yl a. m.� ott�h af Stratford. The Iatter's talk the clane in array,but ib is hoped F�etter Mr, �'�,s. Hocvnrd, wUn aot hia wrist out tt�e cork, sou►�e oE the liquid fiaw in 1�f!ID��p51h� 1D�Yld'tXA�` .� 7 ruppose, «Tlie souPr soliloquy"; p. nn., "The• q,H,e reminiscenb anc� giqen in McDom judgment Wilt pre�lait apd thdt the �� b�d�� bpTC FL f8W NBd�LB U,(ZO� is etill his eye, As the res�LG 'he has had a • � . . � : . � ;,�. li6tle it�oidenb 'will illusteate ju�t . • �' n of osophy, and it� �loctrine of re�n- �u�� ,�tqle, 7,`he choir, quartette� cause of compla(r►t will he remaved. �nable to do anq, t¢ork� vary sore meuiber "since, but we are � ,�� �- -- -. haw serious a matter the destruc.tio ppea s - , carnation," OalnEelon Bros, ahi `uintette t�nd Mrs. J'� B. Hoover, Mre, . The bpiniot�oP the qua�iBec� en�tneer ns _, �1�,�1 tx� see he is ablg b6 be t�round • � the entire fA.etory would heve been to about 8000 pounds oY buiter tbia week� q Mrg, B, J, G}ibbit� e t�nd L� the l�aw in rel�.tidn is tba6 iE can be -' �y • ' thp town. When for a timg;itlboked ae R� T'. Reekie, 8 agtLin. , � �$. �--Six 8ne deer lay at the (�.2, R�sta- �teNar6 Jackson furniehed the musicol , anforced. Wou1d it n�t be bettex tti ��R�A• Misa Allen pP ,Slake f� vi5itin� ab � ' #f tt►e 6re tntght de�our thQ who 0 '-`- � � lo ea wAnt tion on �uesday uwaiting ehipme�rc to parL of the proqram. ' Rep. Mr. How- avert this im�enc�ing danger o f ��r ' Rev. (�cnrge A.ndrews and ftttnily of �e�'� �N. D�videdh'e this wePk, � • � f,a�blishmenb, onA of the gmp 9 yon ��,s chairnlan. to the hilt ancl all etand as o qc� e a te�ilor and eaid t"Dafc'G (�o �entrt�lia. T�vb 'were tieketed to Mr. Wypmin visiied his lirotfiec�, �teq� �. The Pre,sbqterit�n Church. hb1cl a verq up tor eay, .- g I3arry Eiiber, �bixt� Huron's populnr � •� eh�ul4er to, ehauldex in public �uty, �' successfal a�tei�ersary eervic� on SUn• � • � nhe�d with that sait u�t�l we se • . The ehterta[ument given �n the �, V�%, Andrecvs s�t the E�r�onagcs ovec , . . da and Mandwy evening. �t0v. Mn resulGof thi� thing." represenbtitive �n the Locat �,egiela- �Chob1 roo�r nf �t. Paul's ahur�h on respeetin� rights, rsitl� the nnbttn yVe � - �N�NN�N��N��N�NNNN�N��iN��N�N��NN��N� '�jhn,t wilt be the ture.-LOC&1 (1Bt41@C8 COtllpllLl�] oP a . honor triende but f�ar n�e �oe," &e df Sun.dt�y ancl returndcl home an �ues- �' ' it will no8 bA violatin� any confldenc� Mnn�ln.y a$&et dn9, • Lackin of Seitifot�th prPached twa verp A� � OOC11 4ar� feeding , ��'en�n� was u very P1� � old. ' order ti�ue coanter- gcarci6y oi ega ._- bne a�qa well ttttended, It was atne4� Mx. rnhn 'Dennisorr hus disposec� of eYo�lu�'►�r bermnnq aa �undaq ta Inrge • to t�dd thnt the , , urpo+ee ha� begun to arrive, our looal us icea oP t6e Ladiea" C�ui[d �"he loCs1 (7anservative oraanizRtion �✓w����►-�ti �oc the oui�q man g w�d � . . under the u p hie driver to 1It�. Ro�ert MeLe�n o� congre�ntton�. The �oa►1 gapPer �n '►'� / manded Was $� , clealera havin� each rece�v�d � c�rload ,a,bich invarietbly ettivea to excel nnd of Kippen at'e asiir and their atterition ' as �ttl that coul be - . -. • ding s�1it. (�oc�r,tich for Souti� 1�Cricu� John re• Mondcty eveamg w • nd son OR the� '�'08�•-�'��'° earloade of ev�por- Ceived ia �ood ��ure fcr her. desired. Miss Dufius, eloauEtonist, � , ri�nm� boherty, eeca ��d a tes were s6i ped tt�i� week by a , pP � batin to the �o ram were 0 M es areeC oatt �'otr eDec�embe�r �4th ��eC� eat Ms�g ttiw Z,et�rb of �Iensall ha� dnqag. p►eased th� l�tr�{e audid��e witii her / '� ro riekor, fell �rom a ladder while suoceedy ver w�lT. Amon thos ����� �� 1? P . 'T'own & L'r�se to Harn6ura, G}ermany� brt a i�, g � re u�reA thA MountCastle, Miss Bentley, Misa M.. prospeoting nnd vfgilnnce ,� e�rb�n►eea �a �,�t�, Mr�. �',ittle n� bhe Vnrnt� Udtel, �elections, wt�iCc�, thr3 tuu�'t�al .qumb�era , „ , ass��Eing the �Cemen �hti q.. , The balattce t�E etock ab thq evapnrmtt�rti n,�r. '1'hos, �'ackson �ad fvhether a�n� new device is to be xatro• � . ces of a couple c�E c�octnre c�urmg r. �. McNnughto , ea the alectorate �nd Mr. ApCY MC�. JALYI�d AC1Yl9t1`OII� WACC giV'e� bp �he c�o[r.. �igs Ma1ad MoYfat, �er�+i , 199 boxes, has beQn t�ouahG by M MI�sAnnte �rja�eranc�NLr.Brbwn wer� .. , � Pa►z►iiy �nd tha church eboir, duced td ch t �n �{�nAayl on �Innday on buainess4 �--- 'S�"ou can makethie com� tha night, �Iie ia$ur�es were �not � Eurdw ot la;st �veek ad Fra,nk aisa much appreci�t�a� xhe �roc�ed� ` �" '� (� • he eoon r�COVe�- w' �LwCn attd the estabiehmpnt hae di'egr&+e� �esG �i�ron e�aeiin. 'I'hie ie �. ing '�hankeq�Vfng a serioue,hnwmver� and cloeeci for t�ie eea�dn. Mr. CJase 'ha� Cln Z`ueAday tbe tirst non�Arb �n the ' 3 7" iia �Da :for all yenr epurse ov�s �iven in the town ha[I. �ndetc t6e cansic�era�ioa oP respe�ted ���� �� w�s �ym[ng in £rorra t3ruae• ��n�►�t�d tu over $77. ,�t is e� ple�isare _ � , • �p �' ed. ° �eturned td hlg home in Rnse, �Yew sncl hnneeb citizene, and ihey ga� . •.., friends by eendin� eacli e11 clan ed for . .. � flre b fc . , Iaere w�s �. aon�t audier�ce and ine h, the �elc� �vvith n lo�d ��` f'rgtqhG, �c�id� td to wriee ni the p�eaeant ata�i st�Coessful :�,,. .� of them a obd pts�traib 'J.'hou�h t1� . York etat�,�'�t�rd & 14tcN"e�I �b��e a� electord �ho�rlcY naG forgeh� t at t+eredrq l��lc�: bq wut� �►resbyterian � •. .., _ at minne�e a namber nf cit��ene �roaram �aqe spleadid eatiefactiae. �, of youra�l� ' twe 9 . shiPmenG o� turl�eye to qaulE 4te, ohoice o£ tht+ �nse�� is ' the nsan ''`' ' •. ,"�sd oril learn�d of, t1�e , _ . �, Meesrs� ?l, x, Caoper and f�. IC� �iorkg� tvtte �� aan� Ant� a�ro�� �d on c►�i� roaa. b� thcrn . ., . . •. did nat hea� it a P Marie th[� �cv'eak.�l�r.Jame� Tw�tch vrho ha�s twlCe been uneeab- � . xb d�. . �VV�io �re �oen'1 r�aan�gere o� the cottirRer _. , ��h�n�C t�gtia ao nstonishe� a� tha etrt�a�e :i�r, �7. �. �ttEtg ie reneynting tli� . � We can make t�e por• cbn�►L�ratiori n� 3� etl l�ati l,een upon the etek 1C�� fo�c the � $d in WeeG i��rron, Ri�� in • �• ; �0 1e visited the �cene �sra ed�itted to �he rh+►nke af tt�� citi• aonduc� 04 his fait��ul steec�- th�b he hdWT snc� atabTeri �►qce- Ketb�ng poe�es- , �.. ., traits �kor you� A dazen gundreds af p p ,y _ �� pa�tw�eCc.�--1�Crw C��nrge MeC7artney� _ vidin �uch n c1�a� �� eu• .�'o�r mTabt, honeer �Ie�tdrt�tH, anc� . . y' � �; , c3it�er�nr etylee a,nc1 prlce� he naost iuiereeted epe . • z�a� £or pro g a dab ►n t'hc� �aA�ats r�nd lat�lt�c� ite hlt�. �iou anc� witl �4n►i h��+� �v�r thing 1a _ or� �unc�e�yr 'J� tyf �,o1Cn�0V►1To �ti'ttifJ tht'O�N+u bu� af ��d �o�ob �ou� riahte� at Lhe k�alla� an . , , . '��r� ac�ordid� �o b1�e btyle. 10 eR� w�a w�xe ,. terCaitifinen�r �r��i th�us �hattiny� nqb to p Af�et!eeverr�l t�itlin}� �net►,a�'hn hr�d ari� tirstxi��a nhnp�� Mr. �,ttf�l� eeem� ra Y,�tora �vere th� �mp 'Y �OuKA'Y ,�� Newe�r�aba e cor�or yester• tell thg i�ds Gtov'er�rme�� �nd tlaeiw � . .� blue ov�t beiug thravon ��ct�e ext�nt the traehq dh�wn whteh �t qed�ed thetea�tbie. wen� ta th�' resCue, know hot4 a flrdtcl� �0��1 e'hdutd '6e , � 4 � , �ea1[ng �r�tby �e���� o� th� ear, �a�' u�terntid� an�i th+� hors� carne up o1BNce�a�ekCn� harlg�re�on tb�� t� � �'`"" � na� ofC vVer{� iaiE t�hi� Y � �nat�� tha roa�t�1� et thte d�deat� ox th� . _ Tioese �r�ci qob i� Up� �un. ��, ,. . ut cetlid[na hour h,� cc�mA, auiy�ed�e��eci thn ` ' t the Yoem '�+a�t diapellr,c� snmawfaat,. �streeG �t �ts be�� gn,lTop� 'b ear. bu .� . wlih �c t�i�ph�r�e paie r�b 't1�e 11��eon '� �'r�tnk ci�em�c� i�aeceeea�ry tnge�au�dq Mr. �: A�'�ig�tne ie k�gn�ng an �a�� _ uacemmn� d� ��c� ma�►bge __. . . .0 _ . _ - �xs. . the �n�o � . s1��ft� innct wh�ei t�e ri� �nd �ee his hure+� un�ermec�[en1 �ton aaCo �n '1�ov, �i7th nt'1��r����' �mp��• � .� m�r�G�r�►�awr�-crr �+�i►,��m�aM. �+�� �►q be �iou�e ���e buR�Y e�� ected ita �av's� 6 � as �reta�ned frdiri Mr. ''�i�'m. t���te �+aa in'�oront� ti�is trc�ntmer►t� �3��Eh ht>re.e �ad �ref�ht rzrenta ar�ck hore�s g�nd�� '' �l�t�;,'�ee�l � ,��'��` 9.r� �A�Q��� �'�1���'Q� ment �h�E t�a Y �' ere broken. Mr�. 14��c�Lar�ney was Mr.�'ames.i4lcUoal h �` ' �ig indubtry` `ba�itYtin� aq�in ln t1�►p �ri � VArQd Wii� lt�ud bu� npti it�jured, ManiEd�&�r ' �►+�0�� b&� xn rem&iq i�t '�`aria� tiil 11�bi�ci�y. �l�ga mz►�in�� . ,. � M,,;,�,, . : , . _ . �✓rr�.� 1 �re� wee�C�k. ' � ' � � . , . . . µ ,� . f , . � . . 1 � , , . _ .. _. _ . - .. .. . . __ .__ ... _ . _. ",.�,�.,.,.r,,,�,.,��..,_.'�