HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-11-07, Page 7I I � � - ii - i I i- - , " - 9 1 1 1 I I I . -.19 9 . .1 19- - I I I I
, , . ,�. I .— 1 9. 1 . I .1.1 I I � :: 11 III 1111-1111�.!..: . I W
� I - - � I I � . 11
; 1,1''''il!��,,�l!�l��;,Il�l'�:,�!:�ll;''�"I � ; r, ' —--—--- ,
. 100WOMMMU 9 � � -did not imixicill4tely put A stop, to gav 11SU00 4o. 01 ,ToT.1QJUJ otil utcaj . �— -- rl !: I I
. ?I tile little game. I UATASTROPHES. * .-I
: T 8 R 9'. I B 1i 141 4�fj : .
. I.. 0 A . the 004 temperaure, crawled4own WIDESPI, IMAD D .� �
� I n, P Delighted so I was With the pro� "I"or Churches and c1lupels. villages and I , ESERTION1 .
. on 119 . I — 11 �- ��
1) 14MIllarY RUCCess of the undertaking, WHOT towns, arid about t a I ithilt .
Pool 1� 0450 0, I could not- suppross 9, feeling of WIVED OUT. - . . X t1lera, stark ana stiff, xxxvii, wolglell, PAPXIXG XX BRITAIN BECOX. I I'll-
. . W) some pathos When I glanced at the . — .. I and children, t4,),i;aEervo4 from, decay ING BXTxxcT. . �,
C 9 �O numerous ",giAesses" which th4ndored ,by the cold destroyed thelp, I - , .
I RwaAoalmlmsrc-lmojap�� into ray. post-box 11% shoals. One 7,000,000 People I r 44 . opula
94ose Their Lives but none of whonx shalf eve ag I ,The .V .tion, of Several Agri. I , , ... � ,�,
I guesser, Wbo, had obviously formed Ili China, and $1,000,000,00Q be behold by mortal eye. cultural Districts is Do- � -
. "]Dandy pick,- otherw . —
, , Ise Richard a sanguine opinion of tile ,;4F,mpIre of Property Destroyed. . � Creasing. . �, ".., - . I
,Bulger, wits the sx�14-rtest Man I ever Trap, 11 calculated that 6, 4; Mice 0 ,1 , ., 4 . 1. � . - / I kv -
. IcAQW. Not Allorely In his attire, the would 11 On the pIvening of September 27, NO One can read the reports of ,;--, o.� , , .
9 Ind their way into the traps 11
I . OleffntucQ,09 Which had earned for him by the Ist of April; whilst another 1887, it stupid maudarla Ordered tile CAUGHT 114 AN EXPLOSION. this Year's British liarvast, without �,. — - I I I
� Ills, sobriquet of 11I)axidy,1A but in ilia competitor, obviously ii, , pessimist, closing of sovell, huge outfall flood- I I . Wondering if tile agricultural Indus- -
� . try of that � 11 ,
P4119"Pily Of life, which led )'in' to fixed the number ar two. I repeat gates Olt the southern bank at tile -9 ' country Is drifting to- - . 11 .A"- �
take the sllortes�, po4ible route to tbat I experienced d sensation of 110-ang-ho 'ANdr, ill * central China. A Minor Describes How it Ve t g 'file British . -
That , -els to ward total extinction, 9
tile blest Po"Ibla llaul- HO was In- pity $or the innocent Victims, be.-' order caused the lives of 7,. Go Upm in thq'Air. . acreage under wheat tills season was I.,. .-
, Ndeed a veritable Napoleon of,grime, cause each Of them scomed .90 com, 000, 000 of people. Tile imprisoned about 1,$00,000-a full 0 t 1,1.. %
, $,000 1
� . it swollen by Weeks Of rain, A Minor who wits! blown up while acrealrom. Just year, following a de- � I
.ituil there were certain of Ills devices plotely in earnest and so thoroughly w ters, blas Ing it rock tic 7-1;1 1
burst their banks, ead swept over scribes Ills soniii- ('line of nearly 3.56,000� acres in 1900
which compelled the itilmiration ever! imbued , With the genul1wriess of tile , Y.
I � the Country, covering all area half Clan thus :- tind of 101,000 acres In 1899. A . t ,l,
i of his victims. It J.1, the history of affair, But 1XIV,nougai ,L W4N tuU.-A tile size Of �Icotll%rld- More than J - - n �
I one of tbo�s (IQ - syrupathetle, I . 7YOU see, it's so oudde . It's over tour of the agricultural districts of 4�; 7//Iffi�.-,
� .
. vices which X will ext 500 populous towas gild villages ju �Rr . "
st about the time you begin a 44 a ,,I
Old not 41t9W MY " I
I .1 I .t -, ,understand that something is hap- that scoros of faruis are absolutely ...
d tile lilies ,that kinijly emotions to interfere with. the Wore utterly destroyed wi It all theli to England allft Wales rave 1. the f at 7. �
" follow, I - ;I 11� I
)I � more Practical side of the, business, inhabitants, and the stately city of Penlng� You know, I had a cart, abandoned, that hundreds more are — - - : �, .
. � Some fifteen years. ago Dick and I and I accordingly continued to ad- Chubston. Chelx narrowly escaped with ridge In my hand and put it'down, in it selill-derellet condition, It � is Iq I - ) q y .
4 Were in partnership, and in the ve�tlse the roiluse-Crap, competIti ris tile loss of Its suburbs, .The proI,I I'lien 3: , got allraid of it, A I t . I
, ro once Itlicult to select a country where .
I a of our connectioi% we had.con- wondering l4w long the publie,would party lose was estimated at. over everything was light. I don't think t(lills aepiprable state of Affairs is the 110 �', ..
. . trived various successful khemos for allow themselves to be gulled lit this S1,0()0,00(),000, I saw the flash.- Anyway my face most pronounced, it is Universal, I
relieving tile British housoholder of ex,ccodingly simple manner. , e -- " '- -?*
. . Less. terrible ," far as the notual Was not exactly towards the ex- Broadly speaking, two facts llt,Lvo I e . VIX
his superfluous cash. At the period On the morning ot the close of the, logs of life was'Concerried, though. P10,51oll. I I . . � .
. . brought about this widespread (loser- A
. of which I write 'It . . ....... \\\
. I \ I
. wa.tarowever, we werq competition I sat Ili the room which Orhaps, more drairiatic, wit tile - .Uut then GvO"Ytllillg got light, . doll Of fal'1111-the low price Q pro- \\\ , 0
� . s 't I - f
In rather low , and for many I dignified by the name of ollice, and gestruction of Johnntown, Permsyl- lighter than dAy-kind. of blindirig. duce I �-- �\ �
I . and tile high price of labor� -7 .- - � .:��:-- �-
day .ndered a meaxis of increas- counted my gains. They had reacheil vaula, during the early morning of There was an awful crasli., It was P14ven VoNvAers could be found for the . ift 0
. � ,a we po I. I I I o0sawlill -� I % �! . I-V e. I i4,, , I .
� tug the exchequer -the handsome amount of .4750. and, May 31st, 1889. The huge darn of j m :1 was terri- derelict farms of u,xiglarld, the 'farm- I 0, '. r.r ..
I � � . after deducting some 0100 for the I - �,�Vll . t . �
. It AY. I . , .11 I I
One day Dandy Dick strolled lan- I tile South Fork reservoir -a Jake fled and waii ad to got r,w t I ers, would probably sail.to 'secure la- . '. .
guidly Into our den bearing a news- .cost Of il dvertisoments, 1, was in ,lour square miles Ili extent arid sitti- v aa If I had the nightmare. J borers except at wages Which out - . lb�� ..;oo..., I kv
pocket to the tune of A650, Noth- -' as ju6t I . � � %11-1 - --- , I
� illaper. ate high up in the nxouxxtalns-�-gave Somehow though, I know Just' what.; down protits.to the vanishing point, . . . . . - � �, .
I .
1 '113111�" lie said, addressing me Ing remainall now.but to change the way, allowing aeveral million cubic I the inatter was,. A inall can think I-Iodge is . deserting tile sojr,alt the , A COMPLETE SURPRISE -A N14ET ATTACK ON A BOER CONVOY By AIOUNTE D I .
. I I . I
... I � I . quietly, "I've heard tell that every postal orders into cash and then de- I tons, of water to drop into the Val- faster than lie has any'idea of. I rate of from 12,000 to .15,00o 4.nnu- �. . . I . . XF, ANTUY. I I I
,, 1. .
, � ' OP. Besides Johnstown, ,South know that some of the others were ally, The ilist,consile shown that,,, I . ..
. xlewspapor holds soTewhere in Its camp; . leaving the Competitors to Colonel, William's coluran has been some wag.045 which formed p!tn of picturesque night, the time being one .
" . � over their disappointment find lay- .. 0le doliag .good. work of 'late I .
� at which leads. to got r� -rip, :Ijambrla City, Aforrolville, nearer the explosion, andi I said to - i nv, Of Commandants Pot- M.M., arid there being u, bright moon. . .
: I . I I Population ol, several agricultural Trititsvila.l.and Orange 111vel- Colony. gloters and Vormas, The attack The Boars were comi;Ietely,taken by �
fortune. Sometimes It's Ili the body loss as best they could. � , Sheridan, *and many other flourishing Myself, They're blown Into. bits districts is .actually decreasing. in tell days lie captured somd sixty tooj�, pl"CO at - the end of a rapid surprise. The first thing they heard
� . . .
4 of tile paper; sometimes in the ad- - I lied just risen to replace the huge -towns were blotted out of existence thftt's certain, �
L . ,
vertisewouts. Now, I'ye studia4-11ii4 quantity of paper moilay in my cup- Six thousand persons pqrislied b� I .You understand -this wits all in a FOOD PRODUCING, Wagons, and ctbout tile Sarno number . night March of J1 ,
. . I . � , . fteea miles, and was o;,the proximity of Colonel Williains'
journal from one end to the oth&, board whon, there came Aloud 'blow drowning, axid - about ?!Va hundred I s6cond-all. at once, That 11�ngljsh a,gricultuit as a of prisoners. Tlie accompanying it- delivered by a edilipan � of J -he 21st troops wag
-, really, Then. it. Y . their clicars as they
, . ad that Upon tile (loot" 41A two mail' entered. were catrIed, by the raging waters on I was a f g st lustrailon represents tile capture .of Mou .Struck the cox�voy,
and I'm: blest it I've discover I . xaOtly thesame as if 1, had ney is.now almo . . nted Infantry, It was a, vor
. . Y �
i . � I it, thing of the Past appears evident — . . .. I - --- , - -- . .
I., secret yet," I Aly heart gave 4 mighty Jump as I I to a mass - of blazing. debris,, which been lilt with a. stick, I thought it . � I I . �
.1 I picked tip the Paper .Which hail looked at the visitoro,-'for I knew lied been stopped by a, stone rail- I was big stick, bigger . than any from the Taqt that of'the.32,OOQ,000 * .1 , .
I I � I . I a ; . Vince 'amazingly rich in coal, and . . "
;; fullen. from his grasp and scanned it that my house of cards hilid tumbled , Way bridge (it Johnstown, and were. I man could swing, and that it mul .
.� I t I quarters 09 Wheat', consumed. annually while it Is far inland, � it enjoys a ASKING THEM, QUESTIONS - RESOLUTE "M
, ,� I idly. Thetil pointed -to an announce- to, the ground. Ono of ,the. men was - there Cremated. 11 I be worked by Machinery, It lilt me I In the British Isles no less than -24,- . 9 I
. ment. which ran thus:- I . attire - d in ordinary clothing, tile ot�, I Soo DROWNED. IN. DRIN . XrN(j � I on the head ,..and all oveiI, I went- 000,000 qual: . ,ters Come froxxx -abroa�d, certain a(lvanta& In that it is . �. . I . , .
� I . throadeq by.. the Yangtse-li:i4lig, Tile . — . . , I
i. . . I I . I . , " have all area of ,HOW SOME AN 'I Er
Grand Prize Competition, -L,1,UvU;er Was constable, Both of them re- I 4 'for which nearly 44-0,000,000 in HISTORICAL FACTS RECALL
WATER ,galling into the all, a long, long I Hunan deposits I IMALS ANSWER. .
.. d solu- i garded . ' Another 2,10,000,060 in ,sent .,
. and Z500 Prizes for all. Sen Me with lilt expiesslon which I Even in pronale,matter-of-fact Eng -'way, My ear -s roared, arid the, Wind Paid� About 21,700 otatute square miles', EXAMINATION-pATERS.'. , I PYDR. To No MAGUIRE, ,.
. tion of following puzzles together old ine clearer than speech that the i land, similar ' calamities have . not!'blow lit My fitce. I I know when I Out of the country each year for but- about one-half -of which is covered . I . , I � . . I . . -- . I I
with posLal-orde� tot, 5s. to----- game was up. . . . . known, One - Wild struck tile I remember , ter, milk, fruit, vegetables and Other by sedimentary deposits'niore recent' I . .. Class of Ken Whd Would Bf .
ground, for . 11 The Brain Power Shown lit Some .
,: . been wholly un, i g.aying to myself 'Well, join don., farm produce.. Every year each I -.
There followed tfionalue, of the ad-, it "If I am not mistaken," .said the March morning in 1864:11 for instancoo P I . I . than the c9al. formation:. Tile coal . . ''Valuable Ad,juncts. of Re&lar
. I I . 1
4 vertiser and tile puzzle nitined Ili the - plairi-clothos -mail, addressing me lit f6r., . � I dNidual in Grelit Britain., pays, zed. is mined Ili ; ilia Istrgest quantities Cages , ig Simply' . . I I . I
I . . : when 'Ali tile countryside slept, the I - foreign food:.iia . Marvel.. . . . Army. - . .
.1 advertisement. . It wag simplicity It- a loud official tone, "you are William� big reservoir Ili the hills above Brad-,! "I don't.knoNi just wlien. I .,lost foi Germany a, little on both sides of- the'. river . . IOUs. �- I . . .. . . .
. . . ' i had is In lecturing oil guerilla warfare In ? -
I . self.' anli. obviously. the whole affair Baxter, and you are. trading* as.the Aeld in Yorkshire, burst, and In. less, niy right .senses or when they came , . paid, These'factS yul1g_hjng_11jen, a �pollit a to I "HOW, much r10 animals know ?.11 , .
. . was it swindle of A yory glaring ORnapire Mousf,-Trap Co,t " 1. . , back, bitt� when,,they did -come back, are depressing to ,the farmor; . London, recently; Dr, T. Miller Xa- . "
. . .1 than a quarter of All, hqui twelve . '. authorities doclar . a . but 1191,th. of Luly�ng-liien, The . best'jo, it question which has. occurred to guire said the groatpst difficulties: bf I
type. . [ 11- I It seemed - queer . that. I I that Ili- fuel is rais�d flIorn sor�)O compaxa-'everyb9dy, at; one time or arxother-�soxrxe of the gl,otte t go. .
. . . "Well, what.of that?'! 1 made an-9quare mile-, .at country were,mil' was there some . - 1, 8 V
"Ilero is the secret that tends to- swer in a steady `voice,. determined dated, between two and three still. I thought that I had been stead of fighting the- coxfi�etition by . crals hiiii. I
, I . him- . Ing. hi I -d tively now mines a few Miles east of ,Tile cleverness of it household dog or' beeZ caused by guerilla Warfare. 'It . . �.
. wards % fortune, " I said, smiling, -4 'for I to brazen -out the affair as. long as I dred' people. were drowned in ti,eir.:.thrown somewhere else, I could, feel Work s itud on up-t.a ate lines Lui-yang, which is '38 geographical ..Cut often attracts� it, great . .
I " and by modern in chinery - It s too Ile deal, Of 'was a- fact, that the. most part of, the I
the population of the, British Isles, could� ,"do you want to buy a gross bods, and property worth, Millions � fire burning, me. It Was my clothes, I , a e I - xrx 2 distant'from Yung-hIng.' Here udiniration,. atid its owner assures I practical Und fighting-. lifq -
I I .
. .
. being mostl fools, there will flow in of t psV , I . .. .. was wiped * off the face of the earth" they were . smoking and ulinOst 'blitz- ready to abandon the struggli? and it is cha.raoterized by's of the
Pr ra . . olidit�.' But qvel'-y visitor, thattf the. 'ereaturo-Brttish army Iivrw, I ,. . �
it considerable number.of *postal or- The constable grinned,and coughed as a child ,wipes. figures off a.slate ing. I was bruised all over and hinfarin as well. , . Ill ,slielit, Ili situat ons , I I
. . . I . - I ' from end to, arid tlxi �'corxl of ,Lit!- understalids what is being said as' - 'J I romm .
ders to the orgunizel; of,. this cba�xxx to coneem , ugh,.. bu I as you or L" Perhaps it XlOes,.!gult,Lr fighting, tilei-efore, wa, I
. I I a lm* t - the other AtI 'Holnifirth, again, more, -that, 1 could not hear very well.- Air voice I Arr.. A, J. Matthews, secretary -of yang" (the nairic .�by which it 'In well . . , , vcrglllg on guerillil, warfaiv. I
. I . wejo the British Agricultural Organiza-I. kli . - L� -
I opry I sounded A ebody . . I .
. I Ing' puzzle. I'm hanged," I added,.1, man merely frowned. . I twenty -years eitrlier, the Bilbi . . 9 -though som . . oWn in tile ,lower country), Is oC and -perhaps it. doesn't. The point is'of'fighting -wilie'll oil 5,m ii , yw I
I . .
� ,1f I "We -have plenty of ' score talking? . That's all I . Carl tell; you tion society expressed the opinion. great purity. Ag'riiay readily be-im-'How can we. test the amount of' - ght -to be sp(,- '.. �
. . . . i cially studied : .
. after a momqnt,'s deliberation traps waiting reservoir -which supplied three I I by Dritisji officers, its , . .
.. don't start Ono of these compotitiolis for such,gentry as -hat from many points of view this agined, the methods. a - in, its, braill Power ? , it'Was -Ono fit which - they were, a!- ,
; I . I .. you," lie contixx� towns and villages with Witter- I about it.'! . .. . . .1 t f - mining' . . � .. . � I . � I .
. �
. . I Myself. " . . I I. . nail, , ai lie drew from his poci;et a bl;irst with'like terrible results, . I. . � I . . .. . . - .. . .1 11 gradual extin?ltion of thii Englih Hunan axe not favorable- io - .the I ' Tile only . Way to test- an, aninial's; wayp a I ngagbd.- At prosent.in South . . . . I . . . .
, . "And I'll help. f you,'i,,cried my formlilablo' ,. I . irrant; "and it A flood 'of wiater is bad -enough. - . - i. - � fAriner -is a Aerious national danger., cbmplete ' exploitation of it.4' Coal.; knowledge if; to set it Ali' examina- 1 Africa, .
. , I I , looking - wi I . .� . . � I . . '%'or oub thlrxg,�'�'jxe said, ' ! . I - 110WOver, . they were. coping I I I
. churn, 0* he lit his pipe and puffed is how my duty to arrest you,'Wil- A flood of fire ' Is, of course.. far* "there is Still, a, .Car i 19. - con- tion paper,:. -That .is 'Jup�y�hat
Of the R 7T i LL frequently not . more than EL fort-. sumed in the province, and some -number of Vrench scientists are. :do -'standard astheir own , ' .
. huge clottils froln the bowl.. "I reck7 l!am Baxter, ., alias . . Haynes, alias ivorse. During the. early days. 0 -Tr . . , tain proportlor I r . J d! with -guerillM. -armed up,.to the.ulme .
` , WHOSTS-IlHOUGHELTO TAI I t's suliply of food fix tba�001111txY oten .rectolies'the coa4t. Freight to ing now. .. I . . .. . ., I . . regular troops. L
. � on that., witli'�a little luck, wil'ought Davison,'on the ebargbIof al&�iilpting Pennsylvania � oil4ev4r, when 'men � . . I I I . .t.. I nigh- . . . I . .. . . .1 � .. : 1, � I -Te, was ,afraid'�, - I .
. � to secure . d b I " , .1 ,.. . .. . � — . I .. and never moia �. 6ari .'-about six 1. that, ,in future, 0w .� �, 1.
111, goo . au . to.'defraud divers, ,persons by means bored- irpto tb6 eax:jilx. it dozen, vards , , - �- �14 � ? ".. � .. I I - the, coast.'is rer'Aarkably � cheap; cost- �!, They,'have-4 I .
-f -L tj 'I I W. S, 15e ; Ing antire_ 3,�. ji8l, ., � I . . . . . . .", , , . - cly to h1tvar. .to-, ,
I ' 1' . '' . or- - ie iqu 4t lit- FUTURE A'ESIDENCE " OF- T AV' I , � _11tC;r . ar tlTali 1J, tacis Pay. ton� Long,eliampsi near Paris, vaid mado 11;cLt In tirib . -it,. �
- . SAf�r. 'Nji't"�tg��I" :�,, , V lie, t at - , , "t --, * , I
. - - . _ _
inwdL -dr :A11vindl I ing I a66'Risem6h. ??'�� ��""" id to ta - h alm , ::.*.Enil&Ad--7 m ., Vas J 1 1�
a r -I 't .�Tt" . I ". I . . wbeh I . I . L�1`0d:41`14rga circus at'British army i .
. . ng, a . . �
11 I , . , I . its V, Lis 'It, s, adversa- I . � . I
I . . I . ly:. 'dependent on - the inipor,6r of for the whole distanc&; so that;:thp centrQ oif.it.into a cage. They -tllai.. - ,,84v�
pencil from Iny p6i�tet, j.'.dre It's'an absurd. mistake," I replicdLt -variably gashod -uj� to Meet .them, a . , HE11:t I I . .: I mean . . I . I , , ke oi, civilized, ;1 6 .
. . "you've got ho . ,r .,fX;e61Y' , � I . -APPARENT- ' - ' Sbodstbtf.4. 'What thiA would taking 'the original -price of lumPsidit, thus sit round arid ex,dinino the wlib ,,�ould not.. . e'sq deficient In. . I
I , W, up a . �. -rios, wit'#,
� .. ,, caleu , . , ,
I most all uritig'adirdrtincinent, - trying to -laugh, la of certain, well did at "sp6ut" . * I �: . . � . . I . I
I . I . M �11 r
" . � ,, 1. � I I b
. � . lated to charin .tile 'colas from.- the the wrong 'rake thin time , � . 1. . ,se, its Impatient ais- , . .. I .. I . I . should this'cottr�-try become invd.1vod ' ash'Vbr picul,'the -very best candidat'd Ili, -Perfect safety, N,%,hother t�r -'s a I
. � . . I ' enough to plea I . - . . at, 150 c. , . I . I � . . manient a heretofore. There Was— . . , � ,
, I "We'll see about that At th ' " I' c6ver6r.' So.. -that ihilividiagl,proceed- .The 114hostall Are Said .to be,111 .war -with some Europoaii..,power Luim-yang.. axxthr�4te'cari be laid'ibo is ii, crocodile or; wgrizzly bear. .. I
. . pockots of th,e-most 6yxileal.readers. I .� a pp . ipe- . Nemberss 'of the, Fb,mily- of - can well be imagined. . .. � .. I . �xlothlng irregular, a prIciel in irre- I . .
. I laid. great .stress on the fact that station." .' I .. . I. ad to tickle.up its lnt4rior'bY explod- .. I . . down a,t Ralikow -f6r a ta,ln& over A *closed box, � containing �.�soniel- g4lar Warfar , I , 1
. .. � . . . . -us the'n" turned towards hill com- Ing therein a hundir6dweight or'.so of ' ' - ,Sir Robert Walpole.- I . .. � "Then our, ctriny apd.ndvy if,the . . a , in fact, irregular '
. everybody, who sent In a postal,order . , I I three' t4els. It is- scarcely po§sIble strongly scented meat, is - in. w4i I *
- ,
. . I drew it; pr � ize -Of , . s � ome I- d" ' When panion . and told .him� to look after nitio-glycerin6, ADrdin . . . . . . � . . I .. present'state of affairs contl�ueiIas - Placed -fare, if carried oil Under - certain ,.'. ... I
. arily this was . .that -the cost ofArdnait caii be re- the arena.. Then the doors laro-iopeix-� I ....
I , oxi ,: and 1�oughton Hall, -which IsAo'be the it is likely.to .. .. . . ' - , Conditions, Was just as regular 'as -
I.had condiided ' my outline of:the me, but I interposed,* saying'q'ietly; not considered a specially 'dangerous -do-will h&VO to,de� duced... But there is. plar'ity of room 'ad,' arid a lion Is allot�ed.to enter. . . . I
. � . ,,, P residence of the British helix -a parent pend On the .failures of tbivil. life for' I :at thei ' � batistii at once .4mells the, . -, . . t REaULAR -W r�J,IARZ: . � �
I.. . advertisement. I read. it to Dick, who . rook. here. I ani -willing to come proceeding.. But this ,particular Well � , p . , . � I for economy. � mines, . The -king of A . . ` i
. , . I
. seem. to, have been Ili diredt-and of.the Duchess -of -Cornwall, on- their . r0cruits-men - who make as . I . . , ' . .
�%' ., � listened With admiring glance. .. With you, like a Jamb on one concrl-� WOU14 1 . � . . . . foodi and makes. for- the box. 'The, Up , 6 'the ijine. 'of. Napoleon, all . - - I
. I � cy. *.� - " . .. .1 'urope, there .. I .
. "The very thing to kno& ' in 0 Ile t'jon. - Tell me. who has informed "the cOlnMullication, with -.11, vast,gubt4r- joys the peculiar: distilictioll'of bollig poor. , -fighters in real'War as th I 1. 0 � , . . I through the history of 14� .
11 . . a . , haunted; not merely 'but by have done. in tile battle of I . ifo , * . . problem is : Will he break, the -box to , I
�: I shouted, triumphantly. .. . - A ii.lake..of petriolemn. Anyhow, . � by one bad bi 'fl . I I
"Ana- I'm ipq)ice of my connection with this at- ra da I . two gli6stg. Thb Ono. is supposed to I " I KIDNAPPING WIVES*.. I I,: . got lit the meat, or will:.he opbli'ttle 301, � 'eiD Corps Whichi'detach6d ' '
' .
. .... dr." . . 1. . . . . I � - Moreover*, -ilia freeing of so mrLity I 'It" .. - . 1. . ,. . .1 .- . . I . . .. I ; fr:6m the regular fighting org I aniza" I .
�-only surpi,ised.tl ,L . ... . . � . the'r.esultant'explosion upheilved . , ttl . .. . . lid ? , , - .." ?I I ' I �
tht we never. thought fit . .. V be ilid:ghost of Dor�thy.Walpole , — , � . . . . �. .1 tion , lied made it i '' . .
��: . . . � " I donit� ;know as � 'm justified in miniature ocean. of Wag . sis- ,borers by abaiidlonitxg. or, only. par" : ; � If he opens the lid lie.gots. a good- . .
I . (if ihis-littlo g6mb before." - ' I' ,hig , oil, I ' . .�Ii; .... V., t. . ' s hall* business � to . .
.1 . . - ter of Sir Itobert Walpoio, .and'w Ife -'Ing the.farms sonds in- a_-ic , . Still 'Extant' . haras4* ..
., , 'INTei Iechoed,'accentineiieword givi.�.IYOU tlidAnforniation, '.' replied which spread outwdr&�ove� the surGED tially cultivat Co. . p us ants, ill mark, Land lla�' tIA6 onamy.and intoic6pt Ilia I
. ' . .
- 11 . . . , ding' ,of.. Viscount Towxx�hena, ii, 'little to j�e to ' � , �, passed:the fh�at ques-
� � - the. detdctivo, in a stirl tone- "'but "Oun Country in d fiery. flood. , . . � � � W418,; thousands,of stiOng, *:z:' . the Caucasus. ` - - tion in his exam'. 11 lib s *ashes, it lines of communication. There were 1. 11 ..
� . in-all'uninisfaleable xiiatiner, I , �Xy I Y I in brown figure who enjoys iita: credit of .. . . .., .. . . ' L � in I ... I.
t was 1, and I alone, .in aware it was a former we I I * ' . . . . . . I t back Ili disgrace. Two' three classes - of guerillas��the '. free I . .
� . . � .The in I anners oins of the.. i- . I . . corps; as me .
I s Many millut P . . . . ". .. . lons.. which, war .
dear fellow, � as far as 11! ri, rity..villages, want up !-it shidke a pountrynion, who must dis- I likin' sell
. Pal- of. yours, .'knowij, Vbeliq4c, s as, Iiiindrods of . . .9 be Itili weaker 'Workers, - and. so. in- Dperly. 6quip- .
� a a eo-* hating distia-bedthe rest of Kill plixce )the and cust, ntioned, Or,
. ,who lilt upon tfic'plarit." ' I millions. George IV.,' at. Houghton Hall, a�nd crease- pauperism - and * of. -the Citucasus - have not a., tried thus oLAn6d ped, uniformed arid .61ficered ; 'the .. . .�
I � ' ple perished miserably,-' and, . add Ao. the people . the. lid'," but a -ravexiou.� lioness all� . - .
. "But 16 wa's I who* showed you the Richard Bulger." - -. . - * W 'g" of,having scared,hiia .away, cursing - since Ole grily cr'p,,hcd.. the - *Iioio aff lin and 'go.od exialiple.' Of .. .
- I. : The L - . -lie ba . d .1. . - * h . * . . . . . I � a
. paper, "' lie ,protested, feebly.' . �. . - of dollars *drt . -of Property a . . ,strength. of the' dangerous. class6s.11 changed Ao a great 'ext6xit national rising, � a . I I
, . . , . �
I , � . . . .. . I
cur..;..So, d turned tra* ye .. 4 - . . big hosts .ter 'llaving put him 311. a .: .: -6- — . . -y has b . .1 Which wag the rebellion of thd Tyro- - *
I * � I . — — � . ,can .subdued by. - llds,� munched ilia mcav�quitaunconsciolas z , I
I 1. "Which I could 'have pu�chasedlat- t6r- after all,'and hitil. been false to degiro ' � room which they knew to' be haunt- counU ! Ahe good, of t � ... :long. against, Nc4p'Olcon, aticl lastly; � , . - . I
. -1 rejoined all tiono . , which pro- , 10 ,00.0 KI UM D IN. TEN'MINUTE So - ,. ;.XING'S. LOVE -OF PONP.. sia, One',of the :relics oJ L lie disapproval of,her examiners,
' I I I . - . - . . .
. . . any shop for one penny," the tradi ,djiiim . - . .. . � , I ad... 1.111l'o -gliost is understood - -:� . -I . ,., " . I . CaSlaxis who were eagerly watching through the soldiers of fortune, fighting'. fof * � . ..
. . . I I ,otlier , . . old times to which I the 0au . I
I . I . . . . . that there is honor amongst -thieves, Tlie�c h6:vb been many very, .terribib: I . .. . . 6 custom of Itid- I r own hand, , who� were bano#s ' - ' ,
11 qulctly� .to be that 6f%a`men�ber of the Wal- Edward'�Vxisls R6ig-n Will be' in, es�del,ally clingis th . thb.-bars . and, jotting - down. their. thei. I .
l T -Te rose -and crane tQwarids�xne'. Wall, I lied been a fool to'quarrel, volednic* �x-ulDtioiis'tecordLi-d,since'tli6. pole. family who was shot by his I �� Brilliant One; - . . , . wh6th ,they de-- 'learned theories Ili .. ..,: , dild scoundrels. Ili Ills -opinion the , .1 , I
. : . ' .. I
. .."Look here," 11b observed iLngrily: *ltli Dandy Dick and must take ilia da,wn of higtory�'but'xxever .tny so brother on Ike PrtinlAqs, , . . . 1. - . napping the Women . . . �. � . . �XCngligh militia an lunteers would . .
. .
I . .& intensely Arainatic as that which-, - � . . and which, . King.Edw i z �glre to make .their wives..-Itedently . .. ... I .: . , 1 -y " Va . .. � .
a . . Toil re trying'to take on consequences . .... . I I.' had played for s suppose e iard ard VIL's love of PoraP ase 6VlEllis kind r'esultea in it tra- . 1, . BTU NOT1,MOOX5. . , be about the Val bo.0 material for',a ,
. I . -
, . � . a a .
I . . . all'the ii�erlt of. thig. job go- that .-You biL�Ji -stake arid had' lost the ..game, on August 12th'1815,'ilestroyed the 3 . . after dark� . ... . .. I and:the circumstances of royalty, tip- gic end.. A prominent inhabitant of Spor.tsmen free. 'corp.4.. Afte I .
� . island of'Sumblwa ifi.the East In_ room .. . . I . I . . often test retriever r . giving turnefous ' , I I
I , may geC the lidnts.'share out of the After all, it was -an everyday. occur- . . I Althoqgh� +,J1,o Duke of Cornwall is. on . which London tradesmen 'conh� the, little � Caucasian town of Xatu� dogs by Problems * even harder than. examples. of leg i .
. - - � I I gal guerilla warfare in. ..
. I takings." . . .� . �.. � rence- irl'iny professil0ii, arid 'QtIll, dieg. Ill.the very con a of the"coral- like.most sailors,'and like the P' dqntly, count f6r profitable seasons'. So i I tho.courso, I ofvar4ous European wars,... . I I -
� .. . I ; .n ing . . tlo . fill- - bag�iu, named Umiall Ogli OkI,, tried . tbis� They send the d6gr to retrieve, I � .
"That is precisely my iAea." ' ' remained but.t6. make the best of it, d atoll rose the mountain of soon as.the season of official mouram to 1, . lie want oil, to say that throughout . '
. . . . ees of his house,, 4 *bit superstitious; I ,Idllap tile sister of his best two Mrds at once. it � -Y . I
, life up''Iti a moment. An ug- . The`dQtectl�e ver , coolly seated =orow., but it was cultivated. al- . Cannot . call
— l ,_-, flared' L . . a Queen Victoria ter- friend's Wife while his friend wax ab- i both, -yet it IlLi,s to bring both back. the.Atiterican wo,r-In 18?31-fij� there . ' - ' ",
- . ' . .
. Y 0
.. *,� , y . . � y t big consort is toq level-headed to i !lig fbr the late .
�,, � o2c-'crooked Ills mouth, and lie himself at the tafile and - glanced most. to the surtunit,' and. although minates, iCwo morifil,§' from now� has
. ked ince6santly it )lad. been be influeAced by, any, ghost. stories -In I ' .qellt.. from hoxne� . The girl resisted . Stupid d: s pick, up the nearest birdo- "vaS it continuous struggle, partly �
I . o , 09 .
, . . I .rtireo.dy. been Well indicated, . li,,�oer` -o carry,her ofT, aided 'drop'it, regular'. and partly irregv1pr, and* . I .
1, . broi4ht ,down his fist -on the table through'the mitas .of postal .orders ' it SMO the.matter...of Houghton Hall, which. . Ills: attempt t . and then pick .up*the other, " - . I .
. I . with 11 blow .which made the.glasses that lay thereon, These, together quiescent -beyond thEi memoxy of the since the proqlaination.of the King's . . .� � .
* is a magnificefit-pla,ce, andlias tha� by hbr married sister.. The baffledleuding up by only retrieving one of numerous . raids WerQ � made into ,' I.
- . �
) merits ifiat lit- , supreme ady . antbLge of virtually ad-' - � r dog begins � by, I . . .
thereon shiver and shakb. . .� . with som proverbial "Oldest inhabitailt." . accession -at Westminster Abbey. and lover drew';' life sword and Inflicted .'tlieiu.* Tho': clevq Northern territory by mounted bands , � . :
. . a other dcau I . . * . .
I I I I . . I . . � tered the . . office' he t - Suddetxly, without a momenVowarn- Jolllihj�- landr�inghaln. ; in. spite �ofl the fact that - the Courtis I
� "'i'llon the sooner -.*voq alter that . il, led ,in a.fiuge . - It"Was. occu- dangeraus-, wounds- oil `b6th the lt�- killing tile first b.ird. - Then b& drops from the ,South; Tlie next gl!eat wp.1, . . . ,
. I . . I .
I idea, the better for both of u � 9, ldbrxt�- parcel. I and, then gave'the order . to Ing on t1le' day in question,. it * ex- -pled tot, ... �Cjxn. by Hebei- 13ishop,: of -Ili mourning, the., slab dies. At tills moment. his lflelld..'r�-7! it and go6s -�iud kills the second one .11 ri 'tile guerilla - system 'Was . . :4 .
, . still jects Of. I whic
14et us -share.and share. alike," I .. I York who during his . lease an- Edward VU. lia.Vo,witnessed the Qixt- turned, and, enraged, at finding what and ciirrimi it to Ills iiinster. li,inatly pursued to'a great exterit,wasIn the .. I 1.
. March. . . I . .. i3loded, like a gigantic .'. bombshell. Now I .
� ' of 1-1�) , , I I .
� . I . A four�whce 1;000 poisons living on t116 -is- ward sign of,thc aiAenca of a )royal had, oectirrod, killed Isniall on the , lie raturn,9 arid latches the first bird * 1"I'MiCO-OlOrMall war a .
I.Certainly, 3pot," . Xroplied co.Ql).y; . . led cab wits waiting at - ttirtidned -�otli-Kirxd R dward and his . i ind.thore again.:
. " the door, and tile' three s en land only -twenty-flVQ SUrIVIV04 tile 1. -a , - co . mail'% hca0,A d tell doe . s . this . ... I
-ceed, 4hich, ' P�rty� , , . '.. . urt'to wfilch they had been strangm. spot I ' Then lie Cut oil Is` . has earuo� there were proper free corps, bodies I .
. if the thing should .out . . . t a, shooting I og whi I . .
. after all, is only ad it � and w6rq catastrophe. The sound of *the a.>.- soil litany years. The :arrjvals and carried it round to sho- . . I
atical, you driven swiftly away. Of its-6rigin. the loss Aiiiii-the bet- are , f�r I . . W tile the highest possible number o4ornar.4s of men of various numbers,- -with I .'
, problem plopooli . was distinctly ` heard' at ,ter, for if. ever there was a- inclusion I neighbors what a rearful' revenge lie I in' Ills examination. - ; gang . . I . I I "
. ,;hall have one; -fourth of -the proceeds,, Already m' -desperate plan of escape ' I I and deprartures of King Edward� and . . 1, . . , ,Properly uniformed and. officer- .
but not a penny move. , Who finds, was forming'jil my.bralli. , The offi- Sumatra, adistance, of seven . hur'l- or a hQuse ,buil-t with Money impro- Queen Alexandra are now always had I . . Ili ad, attempting to break' the linai� of .
dred, Miles avrey, rmd�at Ternate lit , ,ll,tak�n . . . The big African elephant which . � , . . I I � .-
cars had left me: uaharxdcuffed,� and, .. Perly an& dishoxxestl� ac -the sa*mo di,sotrict. a young liable- i flow instiilled. at the" Zoo in London
keeps. If-ve found this�ldeliaI�axxd I'm ' I . ai qoied; it is marked in the' .Capital - with it con -It communicati oil.. � . 1. .
. . direction more-thap: seven . .1 ' I I
e.tT - TIVORAIr I .
.going.to keep the -larger part',of the' Ill View of this' goodfortuno, I con- another llt'6i, liall, t116 ft'o't th4t. siderable, ainb tint of that spectacular mail dosire.d to Marry' tho-datighter .used to be 'very much -bothered by U.Nt -,I) WiliqAILLAS, . . ... . .
I . hundred miles off. The ashes omitted �11oug . c � onitil Iso dertrAp L,oxxdorie�rs. � .. .
.. � 'for.li arty I . Sir .1 w6.El, neighboring landowner, Ing 'Ware rigorously sup r I . .
. profi ts �" I . . . .. templated making m dash b from-ilie ,crater were carried three - I 146bert :walpole who carries off erciAl . and Ili- havil -bispuits thrown' At* his cage . P coned. ixidivl.� .
* ,
I "IVs- haU%or AStbilig " 'he ctied when .a convenient 'me t,arrived. , in sixell L I .1 .tile � Palm in Engllsh,Axistory its -the Military guards of honor 14 full dress I vited ttle girl with her.pardnig to a I lby� -people who had,�ai poor aim. The citiality I '
. . . P 'non . hundred Miles quantities as - . unifoini equerr . !as in attendance, getintl ball given -10 I . I . . nust be� suppressed in, officers : , -�
.. � , - ... past xna�ter` of offic! br bery' arid at t , the bars �jf they Waro
. bitterly, "no beggarly .quarter tor it arrived 16oner than I'llad ex- . � . # .. his ,cast - . Dur- biscuit, if badly thrown, Ili
I .. . to darken Cho air. . . . , . . . .. � ..: :. al . . -I . splendid carriages drawn by:thc . � . - to .�uppres4 guerillas. -
. 9 me, not if I know*ft.11 I . pected. , A. flee-ongine, h6ppeAllig to .E'ven mor 'dreadful was the terrific stealing. . � . I �0 jilg tile 'evening lie found, an. OPP0r- of tile' Cage atid fell down- onto 60'�Tixo inain. object of a legal guerilla I
a .. . . tullity of decoyjhg.the girl . Into -ground between tlloba�rrfer 'aud the"cliief was to,brealt, the lilies of Cora- 0 1 �
, . � . . , .
-upheaval . which, desolated ., ' . SPli)XT 6,14.1111- - o famous, have. been., cagcwhero neither thQ thrower �
"Then lot it be nothing," I shout- thunder down the'strect' its wo.drove. scismiG, MILLIONS,* , magxxifl�cnt bays for ovIlich the .royal a,
ad hotly, "L'cah'work the spec along, My ,compahl6ns.tbrust their. I stables 1. -are s I � I I . . secitiaed part of tile house,' where no
. i � I � . Java and. thd-neighboving Isles in The amount. of mondy qWhIch -44 constantly in evidence. 1 . I - . . .r munication, alid the kooping of these , .
. alone, and probably work it ali Q heads out of t,he.w.,indow to gaze at the summer of 1883. r11his,'toOo!was spent oix tjio place sha was goized by Ills mon. and lilac- tile elephant could reo.ch it... '. I � . . :intact WiA It ulatter Of great diffl- I I I
. . it., Like a fiash. I slictopen the door, , . was. some�hlxlg The State and Court offi.oials, Who 't,d Ill a carriage, Tile pi. Ile I The wlly,elcphaut�was grieve( t .
better." . . . . I . appallingly . sudden In its ouset. enormous, arid it is . 1 a joined I 0. culty to advancing armicis Tho. Cx- I I
� rePOted that in, .'the, ]ate year's of Queen. Victoria'a hero and In spite of tile. girl's on- see tile biscuit wasted thus, ,so. . 11
... 30 V I darted from tile cab, , and was - n more than $5,000,000 was spent by dign � lie tended tactics of
. , Olt want to dissolve our part, Rumbling nbises were first beard 'I 1. . I to -day, t�nded , lie, � I
� nership?" -he hissoll, giving me it look' t,Wenty yards away before the t , enjoyed, a practical sinecure, trell.ties, started out to drive to Al, [thought out a. plan. by Which lic iva,4 sure, to bring out the individti- , . . .1
. wO different parts of the island during Sir Robert'on, its cohstruction, while have now to be on the ilal vive. Oil place. Where they could be ' married could r,aturn the biscuits to thO -OW11- I tility of. subaltern leaders' arid of the .
which was as flerce as -a' blow, occupanis of. it had time to realize the flight of August 25th, and -by the the contents notably the* - perb, OIL- il occa on of the Xing's last ,visit - ors so that they could have another
. . I . " . I , - $ go to .. $1 I
I ,I , What had occurred. .1 withbut much dolity', The gi"1'4 fa I inien th6piselves. if the guerilla war,I, , .
. . ::Just as you P ease, . . f6ilowing after�oon. no fewer . than Curer gallery, cost as ilivall. moroi but One to London it, telegram av- g t1lat Ills- bost .had shy. Nowadays, when a biscult falls � fare whl�h we had had to -adopt Ili
. Oliding through it network of slum- thirtyteight out of its jorty-six vol- Th tile[-, Oil fludin I . , . I I
, All right."' i 110 jumped up 'from , . . a pictures, howovei, are. no longer rived early in the morning command- pertred w4tjx Ills daugfiter,'gmVO!outsidc thq be
like streets I was soon far beyond I disap . I's tile 0100114rxt Puts ,South Afrialt, -rostored the individual I
I his chair, buttoned Ills coat, arid I . canoes were . in fu I Cruption. , Tito there. They. were sold by George Ing the attendance of two oflicials tr 0 r I
. faced trip steadily. "I'll sling my the possibility of. recapture, and, loss: of life Was appalling. Kraltatoa Viscount Walpole, to Empeeag Crith- . chaso,'and, being on 1101-seback, -over- 4forward big unk gild puffs through . inanhood. f'ou soldiers, the expense .., .
j, m thanking . my lucky stars for this I I within &in hour of the King's arrival. took the carriage. ITO shot the -xxo� � it. Tills acts like a. pair of bellows, Of tile campaign would not have. I
V . hook now but you shall hear 0 me . alone slow ten thousand persons in ailixot M. of Russia, for the ridleii- BOTA WERE OUT OF1 TOWN. 'r been In -vain, and the affect woul'd be �
. me by-an�-by. So long!" .' .. .. refful escape, I sought a, den'in the tell minutes. Anjer, with its seven lously inadequate. ,gain of $25U,000, They. had been accustomed to lengthy bleman'Without . ado and took Ills creating a strong current of a] .
I He flung hlin.4elf fr.om th Raqt-end of London, where daughter home. The noblorlitia, flow- which blows the biscuit an far as tile very great indeed. I -To emphasized
I Itnew"I 'thousand inhabitants,. sank bodily and form the nucleus .of the Drippilat notice'wheriever Queert Victoria made OV 1, i her heart (luring the . barrier, where It Can ba picked lap :tile fact tj I
� I . le rooln, should be'safe from the -mild atten- into the sea ttlid was - collection at the . Hermitage. Palace one of her rare. visits -to her capital a , I, had, win lit a.,very small conipany. � .
. leaving -tile in it rather Unpleasant L .1 I . . I ' . ow roluc-.1 again. Needless to say- the Clever of resoJute.lilon, whether Mounted In- .
iiin * I 'SEEN NO MORE-. . It was this game and had not 'realized tile Possibility drive tile, inall of whom, her I . elephant is always, .rowarded by lantry, infantry, or cavalry, if they
franx� of i d. I did not think It at tions of. the police, - . � at St. Petersburg. , 'arid the girl was it I 0
.9.11 likely that Dick would endeavor , That eve taut to Marry .. f . . . I
. . . ,ning Xpurchased a news- , Prior. to,the year 1800, one of the Viscount Walpole, an invater.ato' of b6ing called to duty at a �MO- . rather. approved, ,but tile Start, Parm; i eventually I �. -
to ruln- my scheme by "peaching" to ,paper in order io �flnd out whether It prettidst and most fertile Valleys lit'gamblor and spendthrift, who 011 0110. merit's notice, With this feeling they tnt* insisted Olt the Wedding taking I . barderrod their muscles akd exercised
co tained any reference to the Inc]-: I -occasion staked on it gam . . 0ETTJNG HIS BISCUIT.. . thelf inhids,� could make themselves �
the authorities at Scotland Yal;d,� xx Switzerland . wds that which lily be- . a of cards felt'that they could �afely be out of pl Op 'Phe brido appoared .
. but all tile sai ' dent of the morning. ,e--itrahgely t,con and lost the central flight of . at once. I A scientist recently conducted all la- most vitluable adjuncts, to the very
ne It'runts quite within I the Rigi and the Aossberg marbld reach, but li:ing"I[filward, in over-. lix"016 Church, pale. but cool and col- , rmy. . �
� .
the range of -possibility Chat, mad- Ono" if no mention ,Whatever Wag mountaitlb, To -day there Is no such. stairs leading to the.entrance ball. looking their I 'fault gave it to be , , y she , teresting, vxperlmcu� with* tt� pair of ,best organized a
. doned by angor arid resentment,'he nutdog'04 the affair, and I attributed valley In existenco, neither will -you Tile winner Claimed his stake and c1caiII . lected. During, tiILI Cerenion 4 otters. They were, placed In a tank .. ,a I .
� I . y understood that It must not drew . it dagger and sta. bbed 'the. i . If It had a I Wood ' h . SAILOIt MAXif', IIAG,I)OLLS. i
. Might , forget Ill -4 self-respect suffl- it to the fact that the police oflicials find Marked on. even tile largest scale .carted away the stairs, which ulti- happen: again. . all barrier alf
x. tile were too humiliated by bridegroom to tile heart., . Afterward , IV "a S
clently to -hold colloquy'witl , , their adv4n- Map any such peak as the Rosabdre. mately found their -way to Russia, Ili keeping with this revival, of re- she committed suicide, I way across it, and In the -, barrier
"Vilenly." I . Cure ia furniih details of I lie same to For during the spring,of � the You,., and were* Purchased by th.c Imperial , gal state arothe alterations and ini- wits a liole, too small for the otters Sailors, when Olt foreign .stations,
. ' tile :Press, Next, morning's journals I family there, . They may now be,provements which have already ,been ' ' . -----+ I . to pass tfirough, but large enough Malting thernSelves by making arti,
. However, to draw back and aban- above mentioned, -tile entire moun- l
I were equally innocent, of the affair, tail, slid bodily. doVon into tile Valley, seen at the Peterhof Palace. � ,
don the scheme slinply because of the carried out or. are now proceeding. ( A GARDEN Olt' MILIC- .i for a, lish to pass. Whon it fi.,;11 wits cles for gale and preientatiort, there- -
slight, element. of risk which it con- and no "Clever -escape of an alleged' burying. in the twinkling, of an eye I' Horace Walpole (lied In 1797, at I at Windsor Castle and Buckinghaln . I rdan of lorankfOrt, i put into the tank the -otters would by pleasing thelt friends and malting
I � I I The Arilk Ga I ; roaker it dash, at It,- ',wheretupon the a few extra pennies that help to
. tallied was it': course - repugnant alike swindler". greeted my eyes as I scan- some . -twenty villages with all their, Houghton, ano the chair in which ho'Palacd.. Ellectric light systards have (,',finally, reserved foil the children ,
- to my litallitatio4is and courage, and ned tile printed ealumno, . ? Inhabitants, flocks arid -herds, and ,was. sitting at theAnomont, of.lils de -,been Installed in both residences. fish tied through the bole. i;� � make the stay ashorn more agreeable.
. .
.. . . A; week passed. Then, one morn- I of that aristocratic city, ISAR itself Tile otters' coll.tailted each other Some will pick lengths,ot old rope
I thereforte resolved to proceed with household effects. A few preliminary x Mine is one of tl%c.ivan3t relics of theiTbe state apartments are being re- one of the most dernocratic of places. I ,
. . tba Grand Prize Competition as log. it, 1ptter bearing a Continental warnings there Iisere, but, not irlany, I Place. The ceiling of the large draw- furnished and re -decorated; elevators Here rich people who ,how to get over the difficulty. At to pieces, dye tho threads arid mako
: post-inark Was put Into my hands, So that Practically . 1. . I wish tO be r61 : Just they lilt oil a plan. One of f -them, Others
. . though nothing lied happened to dis- no one sca;wd. i Ing -room is painted by Ment, jlltxs�. and Other modern conveniences, are lieved for a time of the presence of -
I turb tile even fenor of the relationg:00ening It hurriedly, � arid wandering Nor were any bodies rodover,ol df- 1 trating the . Chase, -arid tile chimiley... I ilk progross of installation. At their children, Solid t110111, 11cCOMPaU- ; therit , climbed over the barrior after will carve curious figures out,, of beat I .
. . who was my , correspondent, I read helps it wasas wall so, for r 1. � BUckingliani Palace also the grounds led by their .. nurses. Ircre, ilso, 1
between Dandy Dick and myself. Ls�uredlyllilece of thC, 8ame apaitmant is it sit'- 4 the fish and tile other pat Its nose arid mutton bones, foreign. nuts Or
One week. later ,'the following ad- the words that follow with axnaze,-,, no monument rai5ed by mortal bands'perb example. of marble sculpture, are being extensively altered, Law" poor. peopla, Who Can xxelther afford ,up against the liole. The poor fish seeds and Various things that. may
illont, and ,disgust. It said:— lec.uld. begin to compare Ili massive The park is full was soon caught, and It Is pleasant coma'within their, reae.'�'. trite rag .
vertisernent was'to -be Pursued in no . . ;. of door and the gar- tomils arid cricket spaces will be to devote their own time to their � . -
I . fewer than forty' papers throughout. Dear Val and Pormor Pfirtner - grandeur with the terrific Cairn piled'dOxis O'tastefully laid out in Ital-ilaid down. . . . � rses for , to Itnow that the, otters honestly doll, made from places of still Cloth
. 1 .,7 ar t I I T116 chief Curb t6 King Eld children nor hire separate nu shared it between thom. and short length's of unpicked rope, � .
tile length and breadth of tile United write tills note to thank you mos up by Nature, from the Contra of fair fashion, one of the gr s . WAIA'S tllc4.,mtttr .bring their littlo ones, ,
I . Kingoolw- . I � I . sincerely for baVing helped me and which Ases to this very day, stern being the. rosery. - , The windows open; giving his subjects -more frequent op- cart" if that froln'the garaeft nurses I Ravens, which .are passionately is a common artidle of Manufacture.
. . I . . my chum to carry out t4ic little and' Immobile, a gigantic granitic on two different axonue of ancient'liortuni ties of publicly demonstratbig. lthe a). .and at- i fond of stealing, havd been examined IT Olt dik,rx �all -these toys and orna-
. COLOSSAL PRIZO COMP.MTXTION. farce Which we enacted last 14'ridAy, monolith -the, summit- peak of the trees, tile one being of bee ,y. Will receive all tile � care as to their bram power, with aston- 2uts-to dealers, who Wait on him
I I , ch, another their appreciation in the cOntilliled tiontion necessary to, safety, health, .
Something for Everyone. Young arid I Of chestnut, another of litne, another anxiety Of thd Police for Ills Safety- and amusertiont. Private, nurses Of iShing rostlItS, Ono of them was wheil Ills ship comes home; but'he of- -
morning. We had quite, intended to nossberg itself. � . � , .
old, married and single-ali . � Chloroform you when You were safe Perhaps no place On Oftrth Is More of oak, and so on. WKen the Kiiig and queen arrived in the rJoh people and public nurseg of, found which would onatch a, Watch ten prefors to dispose of them with -
.1 an compete. . in the call, and to leave you at the s an is the mot . I London from Scotland a strictl.v Jim. the Working people are subject to a 'from a man's vast pocket as quickly out.the aid of- the mIddlernan. In I .
� , c ITS. ."STATELY" 8111ADI I ited number of reporters were . ufficlent to protect the � as an export thief. Such it creature his native place he can sell them to
�, Thore have -been' many gigantic Inearest hospital, but your bold and leoust, of Greenland. Not more thay, I f 111- supervision s would be a. serious annoyance'lf It nequallitances. The price, obtained is ..
colliPatitions advertised in various admirable flight saved us the trouble .a dozen landings have been. affected The stables, Which are in keeping, lowed oil the station platform, which children ,of all classes from cruelty 1 t ()Ic up Its abodo somo;;hcre in the not in accordance with the amount
Journals, and thage are all very viell off resorting to the use of the perni- thereon . during the Past hUildred with the house, Allard accommoda Was strictly barred and guarded and negloct., Tito Wily food furnished 0
1 in'their way, but tho,pregent, com, cious drug. I suppose -by this tilmal years. Tile reason for this is thatItions for about forty horses, end against any member of the general in tile garden in MIN, whose fresh- neighborhood . of the Strand. of work spent in. their p�-oduatfon,
. t4tition is, absolutely unique. It in fybtl,bave 6mbled to the feet tha). It, is fringed throughout practically are, like tile ,house, Magnificently Public� To be admitted one.ha to ness and purity are assured, Inits- . 4 - . but Jack romembera 'that it has af-
. :
do-9tfiled to advertise the merits of, I the 'too" � Who Collared your postal its entire length by an ungapped belt lighted tip by electric light. The be supplied with specliti passes, let. xxx Nothing worries a girl more titan forded him amusement to Make thA .
� uch as it in drunk warm front the .
Olir Patent MousL-Trap. orderli Was no otherthan your huln, of pa&-ica from twenty to fifty miles e ae the family of Lord ters -of credence and proofs of id ti- : � inild-eyed Cows which occupy stalls to discover that tile Man after her articles and he takes that fact intil I I
ble servant, made tip for the beca,- broad, over in motion southward, Cholmolidelcy a, little loss than a tY, which Were carefully oxamine by oil one edge of the field. own heart fi�n't after it at all. ' , consideration. : . 1. . .
And We ate Willing to make an out� I Ddily crusliog to places hundred'yeavo ago by marriage, but the police. All these precaut ons I I � . ... .. � �
. . . lay of Z10,000 In order to bring. ilia rsf011 with wig, whiskers, and other and which spe, entangled Within its has never. I ad were Ulik�eard Of until recently. It . . .!, � * I � . .
InveAtion before the public. The dlagulseA, which evidently Served any craft once . been occupl by the pre.
ibeir purpose well seeing that you grip� I I ,sent -Marquia, 'owing to Ills poverty. Is now known that, tile whole! lint- . , ,
prize,4'will be paid out .of this gain "SEUVED 19 XCE, In its location, its accommodation Scotland to London was pit- . Ali - I
. and vary in anlount from Z1.,000 tolfalled to spot me under thein ...... As VILLAGES PUt front � by mon cach withir, the hear- I
I for tile -, and Ili its stateliness It Is ill every trolled, C ke es o e i
L10. t . . . "Copper," lit! 0an an aal;o- These peculiar conditions, however old � , ttl, n th .Kmdn so
.1 Up to way it suitable abode for the haf�- Ing Of Ills neighbor. . t�� 4g- . . �
. uulas.-P,�qtilylato Clio number ,f,elato of mine, whom I believe you have not Always prevailed. 19y
. Mica caught In the basement of our ' have never mot before, 11is uniform, the winter of 1406 the east coast APPrLrOnt, whose growing family and --+— . � . . 4 . .
I I oMeen by April lot, 188,01). Send in Which issued train 11oundsilitch, was Comparatively open and free increased importance as next 110ir to CHINEOV *00A=tLDS. beep-seatod KidnaY 13186486 Often the Result of ' a Negleaterd'Oold-The", I
quess, together with V. 0, for 5s (to ,proved a great SUCCOSAF and altogoth- from fee. A flourishing colony lied the throne have rendered York Oat- . .
cover offleo expenses), to tile pl,inpiro or I flatter myself that T have done Sprung up, with Many churches, ' & Cage, at, Sandringliam altogether fit- ' — CoMe! Oreat SUffekin I 98 From .. Lumbago atid Saekaohe. �
I jalaco for adequate, It must be box -no lit mind Estimated to CoVor Forty Th�u. . I . .. 14 � . I 1. .. . . - . � I --- — . . I
112x, Saffron Much better out of the Illouno-trap monastry, and a handsome I thixt the Duke since Ills father's me- sand, Square Miles. I .
. MOUS04'rap Company, .. Competition than You have. Accept the bishop, who Was, alike the spirit- .
Iffil, ;�',.C. - � .raw people reali0e what a Vast proPortiorr of serious illnesses arisca from cold settling on sonle delicate
Tile I)OI,Sol% lg(la,q, of the settle. cession to the throne lifts had bis4n;
. siliff tile exact Of my S,VmPathv, and believe nxo,� at it, U&J'and secular head -
I nearest nuMber of ralco cilught, Will sitfa distatiee, your Old Palo Dandy ment. But during the ,Winter of that come Increased to neat, Ralf it million It Is estimated, gays ,,r,ngjllaOr, organ of the body. Tha kidneys and liver, a.,; %vdll as the lungeop are very easily affected by sudden changes of .
Dick. I year an awful thing happened. Mjj- dollars, becoming possessed�of the Ing," that tile known coattiolds of teoaporatute,. and the re I suits aro often suddenly fatal, ' It is a cotnmon experience with fairmers, '
receive tile first,prize, and the other I ,jolly I
.4 on millions
Prizes Will be distributed in order of P, S,-T.t Would have paid .vou bet- , of tons of 10, revenutg of the Dueh.v of Cornwall, C lina, Cover art area of 40,000
. inerit. ter to bavo glitired the profits With which had 'been accumulating tjur- which amount, alone to some 8400,- s(lultra miles, While, tile coal teamsters, rallroad men and laborers to have, a cold settle Olt the kidneys and throw these organs$ as well as �
I N.11.-111119 is genuine, lne,'ils I Auggeated,.wouldn't, 16 Ing countless ages*in the far frozen 000, Ile con Wall a,ftord, therefore, Wealth of Great Britain, to which the whole digestive systeml out of order. There is usually backache, pains in, the sides and limbs, deposits
It Certainly Would.-tondon Tib b ds. and Came CAr- to ha,ve M Country Place lit keeping We Owe out, position an tile work*- ,n the urine, pixid gild scalding with, urination atid irregularity of the bowels,
� As I hadalAielpated, theadvertjso,� - north, broke Oun I ,
. I Coring sonthWard along the cogst Ili with Ills need and with hiq position, Ahop of'tho world, do, not exceed 12,- . I
nitg. 'am- 110itghton 1.1all has long been in the 000 square Miles. 'Pho deposits, fit � I .
Mont Was bt-Illiantly successful. IA wl- . . , . I
I .� If denfly, the closing remark ari to, tile Inuilleation With the, Opel, Son, And mi view of Its proph . 4108 8 'Kidney,Liv L& -'r 11S .
Ali andleaq rival,, Cutting Oil all i irkot, and in I. tile south-east, and lit Shansi alquo . Dr. Ch,&t� '
, . , genuinalleaw of the afthoufleoment'. and * I—. -- WIC11 the world that Jay beyond It. AdftV to Sandringham, and to tile cover an area of nearly 14,0" 1 1
r tile easy nature of Ilia guenging eom- . aftellipts Were made to 1100,011 fact that neighborly intercourse be- squilre wilea, arid Are scattered over I , �
Mill .
W, 1 1 i
I I �L
I 44 T1114, SALMONIS I 'AP, '111111-V - it platenti, front 2,000 to ,1,000 feet So many thousands of cases of serious kidney disease have been cured' by Dr. Chamla Midimy-LIvat
� petition, had not failed to IMprona . bt tile Impilsoned colonists, but Ill VA111- twedit tile two adjoining places In al I � , Pills that they have come to be considered an absolute cord for all kidney derangemetitt They are purely
Norwegian flahery commissioner$ Years rolled on: Their Ver,V flaine, Oo sea level. It io entimated
the readers 'at the forty coulitty .4 most unavoidable, it In difficult to Abov ' .
. journals Wherein it appeared, and b& bave been measuring the sal- failed to incmoriepl Ther location Of coxxxprehalid why the Place Was not Chat tile quantity of Ilia] waftIng to Vegetable in composition. promptand pleasant in action, itfid thorough lind far-reaahifIg in their effocts. They
foro One w0ek had passed no less moll,g leap b,V meang Of. A t%ft tile settlement Was loot, Ilut f,11ar Purchased or lettacd it loiliv thile ago. be Milled is 616,000,000,000 toxin. ate endorsed by doctors, lawyers, ministers and 6thets, and ate beyond dbubt.the most efficadious, treatment
Clum 42150 fix postal orders had ill- dar,lis crecte Ils Tll� ; 0 Iron Of lilgh quality : occurs ixbull- obtainable for diseases of the,kidneys and liver. One pill a dose ; a$ cents a box ; at all dealars at
� .d below wil,terta' Wair, tacts,. are historical ; And Wa, by sollic, jrjulti-millionalro anxious t
I tered Into My "'offieb" In ,4ftffron have found tile (Ish Pan leap, to a 'know that soinewbefe bencath tile establish friendly relations With tile dantly In several strat& of tlle coal admanslon, Bates & Co., Torolito, -
� � Apil.. It waa marvellous the -police height of 044 feet, la* -cap. which, with tho loworing of,rnoflarch, . . I J forMe.tion. Ilullah 10 ¬hot pro*,, A . I
. I .
; . a I I . � . . . I I 1�
. ,
� .
I I I I 1)