HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-11-07, Page 2. . . . . . . . . . . Hogs to feth the top price musi TERRIBLE TRAUDY. MILITIA DID WLLP END OF CZOLGOZS. NA" TS OF THE WORLD be of prime qqallt,74 04d scale not 14 Pubwbod *very T414*f*1 po eld e DAB lwoo, Ltv r, .0" below 160 nor iNbove .00 pounds. Genertill O'Grady - naly Vraioos ftowed Uttle'l7ear When Timo NEWS ITEMS* The kows.inocord Is sometimes responsibla for difil Vollowing Is the range of quotti- Husband and wife Both ound Came to Plat. cuit Ill. Friees of Cattle, Oraln, Cheess, &o U0111sl- Woric 0 40, Power, Printing Hose goglon, that Is, DyspUF4,,A� Dead by 46 Son. Reviews. Ir the Lo�djnX RafteM Cattle. A despatch from Auburn, X. Y., AM)'= STAygT, A, despatch, from Toronto says *- A despatch from Ottawa says s on Tuesday rom A When It Is, h011.00 - Aw-At 7,12r.Uo 'clok What headache, dizzIneser cQuotipation, Dutchers. A marble po4lsher named John Arm` The following xWlitia order. was Is,- morning Leon F. Ozolgosz, murderer efs r Toronto, No t rs found hanging by the sued 91, Monday rl1VX4 oir per yw in What Alto at despolideney cil 75 ce . Ilar of. hist home " here Is quiet. Now white and red, Butchers, 4004 8.25 of President William McKinley, paid tho.Glotie- WaY be clitirved U, not mo PO4 I What fears of IraWnitry evils, coudlige4 65c north And West, find (35i to 66o 3titchers, inferior ... .... 2.70 810 The major-goneral com.manelilia do- the extreme Penalty exacted by, the Defoe street on Wednesday afternoon, until All arrears9ca With the distress after eating, the eournem widdle freights. 014 is quoted At Sheep audl,umlk And It few minutes later his wife,. sireat to convey to all ranks of the law for his crime, He, was shocked Caltudiall militio, his very great; aut- to deatl by 1,700 volts, of olectrict- P44t unless At we option qftho -of the stomach, the bad taste in the mouth, 67,1-c low freights tor millers. No. 2 Choice ewes, per cwt.- 3.00 3'15 une Armstrong, was found lying Th9datqtqWhfohovor su�wrlptlauist paid a 0.00 upon.a bed in an. upstairs room, her '9faction At. dit4ble 10ANAPA. y 9 ud so forth, to make the life at the out- 90o.,.e, 02c middle freights. Manito- Butche sheep, each— 2.0l) I the highly cre ty. 210 went to the chair in exactly 16, Onotod on thaI4,bok ba wheat steady, with salea of�No. I Lambs, per ...... .00 8.20 manner in, which the forces, carried the same mAulter As havQ the In it 4 a 0 1 emlo In terer 4carcely worth Nying I ace smothered with I% pillow and ajor- Typ of I P d tho ock- INQ UATsa.-Trawlent Advertise- hard at 1$2c, grinding in transit, and Bucks, per owt ... .... 2.00 A -w out all the Ceremonial dutles requir- the other murderers In this wood 4sylum at Xingotou. of No. I Northern at 78tj to 79c, Milkers and Calves, 101,110 Sign air 01644A IQ couts per n9tipariellillo for first Dyspepsia resulted from torpid liver in blood stans on her face. Both were ad Of them during the recent tour of state wing no particular Ius6rtion Aud, �_CQW4 -For 1140 r pr Cecil subse- the, case of Mrs. lorxe% 2320 X. 12th 'St., dead. The woman was quite rigid, i Ali (�uan, the Ghinese murderer, g.l.t. r For Toronto and West, go Cows, cach ... ................. 30.00 4:5.00 their Uoyal 111gluxess6s. the Puke and fear, but 16 fact, doing what few of will be hange 9MAII, o4yertisomonto not Philadelphia, PA., who was 4 crest sufferer, Calves, each ... ........... :3.00 3,0.00 but the fitaxi was limp. Uppa the 30rucliess of Cornwall pud York, thelu. have done, talking to,the wit- �d at ValleoliVer oil to e;ceed one InCli.otich as "Lost," "Stre, or statement made in her 77th year ll ml, ycd," Ir Ok ket is very firm, the body of the woman were Pot -mor- At the royal reviews held at Quo jaesses, while he was being strapped - nary 14th. 4'f`401eu," oto. In4or ..94 tem discolorations and a qualitity of bee And ToroArto the general appear- I r A. the chair. The Assessment returns for Meat- tod cof9roOouts and that she was completely cured of It and all demand being good for domeatio use. Choice hogs, per Uwt.. 0.00 ().QO its attendant. aches and palus, as others blood, but there were no RIP ite ,old at 37ic west. and Light per cwt.... 0.00 5 7 1 nuirks of violence, Three young ance of the troops, their ooldler-like "I Itilled the President becauWo ho, real real estate show all locreaso $2,000,000, oottoxx$ will have beent by a faithful use of He hearing, and their Steadiness middle freight, Mid hey Are lleavy pet- wt... 0.00 children are left and three growltruix, 4dyertI&M.O410 Without specific dir 5: 7 5 141der was An onemy of the good people -of be Just 3 . 7r arnis, was, with but very few excep- the good, working people. I am not Ramiltou gas passed it by -Jaw pro, _ riod Until f9rbhl a" charged Accord Per owt.. Ifood's Sarsaparilla at 400 Cast. Sows, 8.25 two of them are inarrIed. h quiet and stead. 16itltgs, Per cwt- 0.00 12.00 The Armstrong family movedfrom tions, excellent, and earned the AP- Sorr for my crime", ibiting the tise of trading, stamps CQP� for chasgo of gdvortisersouta on pages 4 That act$ n all the digestive organs, No, I sold tit. It 14, o high freight, aila owen to Toronto in 1897. rova;l ot his ROY41 Iffightless, And the -These.were his words as the Suards aft6r January l. 41244, I; 40 futile, offloo at% . Saturday . and oures yspepsia, And glye permanent vigor At 7-1.).� middle, freight, it major-goneral haq. reason to believe urried hini int6 the Chair. far - p4 tone to the whole system, PLAGUE AT LIVPRPOOLo - klghi.v xespocted At, first, of late Oftawa,'s Fair receipts this year POA I d$oa on y to ensure chaugo nhnNo. those corps seledted to Topre- From 'for seems the father and mother drltnU tha. . the time Czolgos,7, had left were $8;000 less than last yo4r, and fall. owl 0 I quoted at 5Ac, No. 2 at 5,0c, and Six Deaths Have Occurred Since considerably. He Was considered - 4 sent the Canadian militia at the his Call until the full penalty was tile deficit IS due t the RoyalvIsIt. -Tive following table shows it tOur rates for #Peoi4od porloils and spaco' , good workman, and was employed at Imperial review, at Halifax also aO, paid, . less than our minutes bail AT INSURAMOR -No. 8 extra Lit 47c, and feed at4ft Septeuxbor 3, As regards elapsed, is reported that t1xo. Canadian middle freight. Gloon's marble works until the loth q0itted themselves well, PAcific, will advance the price, 91 Corn-Xai-Ret steady, No, 2 Cana- A despatch, from Liverpool says :- instant, at which time lie quit work the other ceremonial duties, it has III, SLEPT WELL, I Yr. Q Me, No, I go MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE dian yellow sold at 48 to 4fto West; �)r. I -Tope, medical offlic011 of the port, drinking pretty steadily from that, been notified to the piajor-getieral western lauds $1,50 per acre in View 11 Cz9Igosz rettredr 3TondAy night at of the Ile4vy 0oinand thereforl, .1 Cqhnon 070 00 $1000 ;2 THE' ANCE COMPANY old yellow quoted at'55,1 to 50o as confortled with the-Americanand c tell o'clock And slept so goundlytbat Column ... fo 00 2500 1500 0 ou West, and 11.14.yellow tit 04 to A4,*c other Consular until WedneBday, When, from All re r ommanding that'from one end of Not inore than. a third of the M=- regardlxg. bubonic the Dominion to,the other the va�l- g 6o F r m and Isolated Town Property parts, lie. Was sober. wkell Warden Mead went to the cell itoba wheat crop, It Is Said, can be 2000 1000 $00 Ous guqrds of holiori guards Of ()Olumn�.. on track hei-e. plague precautions, and has. arrang, shortly before five Tuesday morning 1000 IQ 00 650 200 only Insured. THE FATHER'S SUICIDPI, handled this fall. �Tha balance may I11104 ............ 6,00 $, (;Q� 2 0 1 25 OFFICERS Ryer--The market - 19 ' quiet, and ed t6 i§upplemetit the Board -of Irrado ticoops lining the streets, wore, in all the gu&rd Inside had, to Shake Czol- The father and mother were last goSZ to LiWak'n 11134. T rfoon 'of stay out all winter witl 4W$FQCJ&I position froul 25 to 00 per Cost extra J, II, MoLean, Prehident. Xippen P. Q. Thos, price.% 9teady.at 49L middle, and 50o o7untinations of outgoing- vesse 1. rd r actually furnished., and the L .110 P iout much, in- T. N. cost. is' so Salutes were Invariably. fired car- ficlal took from r the death Jury. Frazor, Vice -President, I)ruceflald P. O'JV. G. as to meet the desires of the ropre- seen Aiive by the aughter Violet,, cases pu W, X, MITCHELL, Rays Seaforth . O.; Buckwheut-Marl�et steady, at 490 1jentat.tves, of foreign countries. seven years did, who run m from. rectly, The escorts also were alWaYs. his -pocket iVe rof that I - Warrant Anti read it. Then. the can- 10roi�afoot,- nspeotorfLogses,Seafortlxp,o�� � IQC41 play to get something to eat. The his r Cot, GRI Q4A`V BRITAIN, Editor and Pro PrIetor DIRE middle freight, A represeritat 0 OV-. ready when required. This is a mat- derailed roan rolled, over on 'OTORS. rp mother wtis lying upon thabed In ter for great gratification, as it af- W. a., Broadfoot, ScatortIl , job,, arleve Plour-The market is steady, Nine- ernment Board will visit Live apparently anxious to sleep ag%ln. In the It essening lateinpor-o ent to Col- the back room upstairs, but as 8110 Y. to the OPO 01 I the xop, - 0oorge Dale, Sortforth; John Wat t$, ty poll cent paten inal..a introducing reforms, AVInth t,� nom , t on behalf of the U overtim, fords the strongest testimon A ard brought Alice and RANKS Havlock, John gennewics, Drsdhitgap; James. In buyers' ' bags, middle fer with 1) r. I -lope. lip,�l been drinking the little girl did admirable zeal displayed throughout tt. 5;15 however the gu BritisIl Nolicoullorialst Church will Evans. Beech t pal not notice. the forces,, and is also evidence of him a pair, of dark trousers with John McLean, Kippen freights, Locally the left leg slit so as to allow the wood; James Corinlely, Clinton xtild. for Lower a moetilig of 'the Alunici bell particularly. �About enter politics, k� a, O'clock jf�rbqrt, n, lad � of. sixteen t fell AQENTS: Province trade prices of choice Council oil NNIednesday Dr. Clar he, highly efficient manner in wh free application of the electrode, and, Xing Edward will open parliament THE MOLMS 0AM RobtSmithillarlockRobor McMillan, SO strpight rollers, in-wood,.are $3,lo Chairman of the Sanijary Committee, y e r, employed' by -the Larigmult, the Staff dutles, have been forth-JailicsCuintu vi , and a light groyrouting Shirt. , He was, with the Arst State ceremony during Incorpo-',uted by' to. $8,15. Al'anitoba wheat flour of the port, made an� offelal state-: anufacturing CO., Came home out told to -get up and. put these on,. his reign,as the date, January 23rd, Apt of Pqrlft Input, 1855. steqdy. JTullgarlan� patentS, $4, bags 2xielit, ith referclice to the plague,. ,voilt upstain to see III,,; mother, but 'SV fir t Par I esiroustoctrOct i ' rance or trana I found her, as. lie thought, asleep., ACHIEVED BY DLII�SCRIFICE-* which ho.did. Is the S..oxx which" the period of 42,500,vo 04 11 rb, pluesLi illbe I lY.%tte114O4 included 'at ach case Ozolgo5z's breakfast �onsisted ctf coprt mourning terminates. Toronto, and Strong and gave details : as to e R9ST $2,050, 00 to lic 'ion Lto.mox 0 ove-officers updor suspicion' Then lie. went down­111to the Cellar The major -general wishes to ex- a 1. S to their rqspQctIv. ost a. ep.q. I bakers, $3.70, rl C L ot, is fir I pres . a r to the officers of the headquar- coffee, toast, eggs, and bacon,. And wners" Asool. n of of thd COJ HEAD dvr.ioz WON inCar HiX pel%ollg in. all have died since,io.-out Some kindling Wood, and. . a The Coal O TgEAL. lw�m i few foot from the bottom tLe-ata with quite a. good deal of rel Cardiff, Wales, fit a, 64 25 r, 3, whose malady shQw1d, tells and districti staffs and their. sub- 11, r lisequened of tgeL V,X 3fQLSO!? MACJr#NItSoV. track hei . ) in' bv�gq, pteibe . t - or onal bri- ish, While was- partaking.og this unions s fARICS ELMOIll General -A -a -n-4- ger- ,40, in wood. Broken lots symptoms of the plague. There aloisteps lie saw IIIS fatilex- lituiging by dinates, and to the diviai topping work In order to. h bea , his feet touch� thd -witnesses were gathering in the eep. tif) the price of coal. And t ere- r, U 4 the neck from in gade and do0artmentoA staffs, MOIL)i- Notosridimcounted. Collection niado. Drafts 25c per bbl. extra severt: . uspoeted cases in the -hos ollim of Warden Mead, And at 7.00 AnlarletLu NXCha 1. ra, 0 proSe­ OEM g the j1dor, Around, the peck w as ilized for tile various occasions, his o'clock the processio'n passed to the cute the lead,, :9sued x ...... d -Bran I- quoted at to Pital, though the precise vaimbu - lias'hl� fore of wages, has decided t . $ and not been given out, Additional ;m appreciation of.thet death ch4niberl- TIME TABLE. 13.501h. bulk, middle freights, ot cc cut the rope. The body fell -I it good work. I is fully war ti-lat boup,fitaad$old. lutoreqtallow0dondop= ol�ibled clothes line, ITerbert - at very Wal Te a SAVINGE DAN�I&. $Ir1""JO here, Shorts unchanged t will be appointed, and other tile floor and the lad OUR -RENT TURNED ON.' STATES .'irite"ros�a,lio.ii,e(lonsiiii),qofslaudup, . to, the &L heap "Pon, excellent results,'werp, not at- -UNITED Train will arrive at and depart from Clinton $1.6,50 to $1.7 middle. freights, and precautions taken -, The t,i,� Sfat,ona$4011owg: r .. . . ,,Prevent iliastened to ummon a doctoi d without tonsiderablel,piarsonal , When, OZolgosZ WAS broglit In he FARMERS I spreiid of tho(I'dicage, , t 'SL body ly- ao 'Money advanced, to fariners an their own 1 7 here, doet or. found Armstrelng rifices on the part' of t1fe flicers, Was very pal% but m%intained- �ost year, Just ended, tb�e U, ]QUIPFALO AND GODERICII DIVISION. The nature L Of. the official report - J Ito lifeless. cost, 45. PRODUCE. Ing on the floor non-commissloried. oftl men,, fiant. attitude'r When' the Strapping. army thone'ormore ondorbQrs. m9rt- Las- reassured tile plibli6 and allayed qu. notes vItilred. as r Got -11ress a' xo: Potatoei-The receipts are, fair, 11- . , Be successful was completed, and the guards step- The estimates'for the entire. postal 9.9. r -q ecupityi - :, , I L . p. in. Although two of those WOMAN. FOTJND DEAD., but -he. believes that the H. C. 11REWER Manager, Clinton Mixed apprehension. service for he n P. ni, but they are generally of poor qual- . rive died were in Glasgow in L lArge mobilizations will -prove of pad back from the mani Warden 11scal year endi 9 G'oin'g West. Mixed a� xu� ity. Really..choice. carB brin I g 500 who h A neighbor remarked that p. in Augustj nothing is. knQwXi to connect Armstrong had been drinking, and lasting benefit to Canada's military. Mead raised his hand and at 7A2.8o June 80,: 1903, aggregate $135,885 - A sell out of store*at 0-0. MOUGGART .4; 11U, in: oii traek, -aneir them WI th, the VI ague ther III seek-. that' it w ould be Ad vis able to have forces,rL Electrician .Davis turned the switch 1596. 10:27 P in 65 to 70c. Those affected with rot, ing, for the origin of the disease in lier sent to Ali fiospital_ At her re�- -hrow r 1,700 volts. at. electric ty The �hild of 'George IV. Smith died ]Wajor-General O'Geady-1141y- *will that -t LONPO. 11VAO AND 11RUCE DIVISION. aO to 40c per bag. -it is thought 'that a Po- alwaya lo61S back'with pride to liav� Into the living.body,, The rush of at Hamilton, O.i. -after A wook's ill- Liverpool, . quest the doctor WMi" UPStA[rS*t6 See the Of commanding 'the immense curr IIANICER. Goin WoMaLI.r on all roOm Ing had ant throw -th bodyAness, 'in -which the only treaiment' ,,g South Expiess 747 a. Ill. , Dried apples. -Few ciffering; rlic6mar, �vlio handled the clothing of: tering the' mixed 4:15 p. in. the 0"15 nominal. at 6c per 11). * Evitpo rated the Canadian. militia on -this his"tor- so hard again'st the Straps that they ; waS . AL its brought to tl�e .hot, "cotton doctor," who 'Placed gain the �erso mot' 45 seconds bits of Cotton the little orke',§ North R Mixed 6:55 1?4 tn. sell at 10 -to I they r, saw the woman lying upon -ceptibly. For O,JC, - tuary at rrince's, Dock may lIAVQ W11,611 was deep in the pillow. to Occasion, And he is particularly creaked pel V. R. HODGENS: A Hops­wBuBines quiet, with'prices conimunicated the plague to the face� lit A. 0. PATTISO. Town Ticket A:gdnt., steady at to 13e. Yonilinga, . 8e, Was partially dressed. arld. had Pleased to be able to complime he full' current was kept on, 'and.body, Transacted. Vent, her shoes on. The. doctor eJ marieling officers upon.the gener- then slowly the electrician thyew the 0 A General, ]Banking. BushiesE. 0, DIVICSON. ily.whore he lodged, as two of the mialned cOm of the* troops back, - reducing ther current- - Charles E. Y'ungberg,..superinten- District Palsenicov Agent. Toronto. Iforley-The mlirk0t is unchanged was al, very good conduct dent, of eleetri household have died. He,,.hoever, her, and found that She, too, Cal construction for the at Ogl-c, Comb, $1.75 to *$.211'.25 per has ot boon ill. leh he during the period they olt by vott �untfl- it. was cut off all- George A. F Notes Dlecounted. Drafts Issued, dead, being quite' rigid. INI were doing. v uller Company, was shot do Zell... duty tire.1y. Tiren, Just as it reached that Owing to the Precautions that raised Qie head theiro was blood upon and killed at Pittilburg by John Iff. Interest Allo -T Vif the sprotia:thc 'pillow, and the nose anei'llaoxith ew the. Ardelle, Whoxxx� lie had discharged r Beans he market is Ste, ih have been taken agailist (Signed) X AYLMER,� point he thr back again for wed on Deposits,,,..,. offorings moderate, - Unpicl<ed. are, of the plague.liere the Consuis hAvo;were stained with it. The doQtor Col' Adjuiant.-G exterarl. for,O. brief two or. -three seconds. The drunkenness. Ing at $1,60, del liaxl&picked At not reconiiiiended 6hipping . restric- body, . which had collapsed as the.cur� . The'steamor� Lexington, ,as obbi $1.70 to ..T,1.75 then hurried away to notify the Vo- rent Was which tions. The - American Cdxisul, . qftev If *1 And to surnraort a Coroner' He reduded; stiffened up, 'AGENT C.,P- R. Crariberrics-1-karket is steaLdy for Cot against 'the straps. ' When - lt:'Was burned and then Bank Oil the.. night communication, with r Washington, returned to the'scene, of the tiitgedy. Of Jhrxuary 18,, 1840, causirl"Iet s.i.ys fliat American ports re -her BRITISH -REVERSE-.,--i- turned off again Dr,j Maellonaldr Step- Io' ALBERTSTRICET1 Cape Cod, At :$8 per bb ,Canadiall, not ftumediaterly, and after furt -. .ex- -ad. CLINTON., $(j 'to" -and, put his hand ss oVon6 hundl .lives,'bas likely to bai :)dy of Arfii,ftrong 'oth' cha,ir found, 'and th been CLINTON t,,,p Ssen ers fe0mLiver 4xiiining the bi ('�L'$3(30,000 in her hull he hp� felt 'no marliet �is uxi� PoWarred to. dofer any oplillon, o 8 CL te, J 4�;tho rCcovdred, in�Long,Island it r ' .. r pi OfficiirSl, 58 Ken:: illed, 13 ofil. ov6r the ar d I ill be _d AL Travelkrs to any part oftile changed, Nvi'th.sales of ton lots, db-� S W he cause of d6ath-until. after ,tho, cars and 150 Men Wounded. pulsation but Bug vi,61,la ...should con the livered,'at $10.56, and car lots At . ... . I .. .. , r , urient. e turned on I for'% few SolAnd, post-niortaux exanxinalioil� Tlie'.Inan SOOTT above -in r'6ference to Ckets', $9,25 . to' 89.50. FIGHT WITH D .. : * ' * A despatch from London says:-' OilciB.more the, 6d became �LARI�Y was -51- f ' and'tho woman J, fitresi' etc. r' years o age The Rua r exiburg colum seconds 'At a current was tux�n� GENERAL. Stia*-:-TIt6 market is quiet andl �64, She had it.. much.young- n; under Col rigid. 7-16 th Denmark" ill Span 'I, '40'000 031 IiARRISTICIt, SOL10ITOR. Etc. firm, Car lots on tTaelc�, bring'j5.60 -Boer� Lelft'V On the blial G� Benson has -met with a ser- ad off for good...' d 'Money to Loan i to 8d a toll. Orty ead er appearance. ious*ioverse in tl�e abutl�-eas' PIS BRAIN WAS NORM Battlefield. The lionio-of thO Arin8trong fArnify tern par- AL, xxaw� artillery. BY; , We SON Poultry -he finark'ei. is ba tio OfLthe Transvaal in the area, Of. in 'W. JACK on Defoe street is a neat briek-fabed Later the day. the, pliysiqlans r il'he Australia: contributionS to F. the War Office from Cdmaudaut� . opera" quote: -Turkeys, 8 tor 9 . C", goese-- 5 .- -A despatch to structure of. 7six rooms; The living Gencral Botha's' 11 t found the Indian famine fund reach aboui performed -an. au. opsy, and :.AG N let T C P. ft. )c por Lot 00 iished well tiolks. S.250,000, BRYD( to Go *per lb. driticks, 50 to 1( Xitcheuei� says lie has received ms downsairs Are. furi that Ozolgosz's brain was normal' if., W ckens, CL. Beftscirl.and eight other, officerd .. ..... pair; Chir young,.'40 to t).5 C x,eports of important fighting. - on upr to the gtaudai�d of' a thrif�y no.t above the xxormal ' 14 Weight nd Go�ei�i �ent. will. BARRIS :.ol�l, 35'.to 40c: live C tokens, ft, 45 October 24, near Groat Marco Riv6,r,' workittan's lionle, I�Utr there war . a were- , killed, and thirteen,Pfficaris general conditions. worth - $26 , '000,000 to UR. SOTAICITQAl -ad ' a - throughout the place evidences . 'of I unded;, b place prelersi ryoe;'poo� ,and thin, 'a5 to 40c.; when Mlar6y' and'Xomp. attdck Were osifts 58 non -!conk- Notary I�ubllc, &C., r, .. . ... : The' body was placed In a black help tile trade depk6s' - Seeds -The market is steady. Al- British,fojilc6, and were'only;xlepulsed t e room Where. mis*IOIiCd officers and men illed, Stained pine Collin, 'every portion of s ion. ot O n Opp es Od OPPICE-BeAver'3316ok' alter. severe. -fighting, leaving; forty 11Or'-the nine m6n.thff ending Sep- LI P gr, I N C rs. r strong 'was found were all the' anatomy being replaced* under tember' 1900,,Xatal's imports C ik to $6.215, for ordinary, d 156 LINTON ties �of At an carly� hour Satutday mor the Supervision of Dr. Gar' and Z4,000,00Q; IV and $6.75 to $7.25 for prime. Red dead bri :,the - held including Com taken b tlie.police two hot - mr �30, MONT-wLy-41VIAGAZINK.S� clover, $4.25 td.84-50 per bush'. for mandan.t, Onistirheysenl, The British. s ee in Powder, , a I ng th,.r War Office issued - two des- Warden Mead.' Shortly afterwards it were - ilie corres- 001VVEYAN.r1JVd AFA I AR .75 to"84.90 for lost 28 !men- killed Ai1d. had* 55 otion labelled sPonding. period' of, this year"the im, M I �;'- L'B R �ordinary, and $1 I -in ..enipty'-bo tches from General Xitchener; wag taken to ifte prison. cemetery o son r ttle labelled Pa Poits. were 6,500jl0bo. Wounded. The 'Boers carried '"carbolic acid,"and an empty whi�_ elated Pretomo,,, November 1, the first' and an extkaordinary precaution aOVISI lit Th' Best In Nfr'efit � Literature Akb-PR ON§ CIO' ' �Brit#sh W, ris:' Who ' Boers !of w ich tates that -"A, - takep . to' c6 In retaliation for. ffensive.'. lituni- ROD . . . .1 .. aggo ' - key flask.. h S severe at mpletely destroy it. tion' I(LrWS 00yr ALE 12 Com . PLE;rr HOVELS YEAFILY,! Dressed Appear to have paid special ote-. -hogs inichanged ixt $1.'50. tack -was. inade -on i the rearguard 'of Carboy � of....acid, as 6btatued and ra Japan haii notified Conyleyancers, Commissioner. tion to the� guns, as -87 gunna.r.0. alid Aenson's - column ab6ut 20 miles pbure'd upon the body in the -coffn, Australla:'thai if'theso laws ard'on­ bunded. Lord forced site ill be compelled to take A- T MANY Sk0RT-'ST0RIF_s AND to $7.7,1. Hog products 'unchanged, drivers w&e killed, bk'w. north-east -of Bethel, near Brake after' -it had b6en I;wered Into.the we bte: Ttaco- Ion ear, *sell,- PAPIERS ONTIMELY . . 11, I t--. I . I I At' in loon and ease lots. Kitchener mentions A humber' - of -laagte, during'A thick: mist. The grave. in the. folir'lfteeL. jaPatiese mail servic; .$2.50 PER YEA Ft' . 26 CTS. A CO PY Pork minor affairs',- --and Says L this week's, 'BRITAIN AND - RUSS A. Stjaw� was, used a.. stearner.51 $19.5.0 to .520; do, hort'cut,: strength- of the enemy is repored to- eornOrs of theLgrave As the earthwas". Off �consisted, of -71 Boers kill6d NO,CONTINUED ST6RIES b�,en-1,000,� They rushed-Awo �r .-yelit to such gases as The IaSpanish: budget ...'stAtement Y p1qKtIEP COMPLE . E IN ITSEL Smoked meatsf-4ram 181 to l4c- 16 olmded,.. and S.55 L made. prison- iStAitling. Article in a Leading i but it is Pmiti�rl;t-rinl�i Shows ati estimated incrase-in guns, Witt reiailgua:rd, .EVER ers.' -In addition 45 Boer.§. surkexid0r.- uncertain IvIlether they were abI6. tQ' , lt� is the belief of'the physicians expenditure. 6f - $5 000;000, ixes the broakfazt� bacon,- 15c; * rolls, 12c- Loiad.oxx Xonthly. ad., and. the British captured backs, J-4-1, to- 15c, and shoulders, &tCh Lou.. says tholn, IL fear bur casualties bat� the body will be entirely ditin- income. tax on Companies At 12 �per riflesi :175,�950 rounds of.amitunition, A es from, Lone Nation- were,hea,vy. L Bwspu,was wounded." tograted'within 12 hours. During Cent,'and the t k coupia,clArrri, RELATIOXSHIP� 21'6 waggonsi 00 horseq. tImL RX On ShAro. dividends �Lud s,000 The, November number of the., deemed at 8-por cent. Lard---�Warket, is Steay. We quote: head. of cattle. - - at Review will contain -a:gtriklog The Second despatch conimins *.ix're­ that a, And. as long as Aved a now client the, *-ririerces, llk1c; tubs, 12c; Poll, Aug, the. establishment port nia:de b�..Colorxei- . Barteri who necessary,. . guard will"be kept over A lawyor race arti6lo advocat titter. day,. a big inan named. F razler, 12,1c. Compounds, 8..' 'to- 91c� of an alliance betwe6ij 'Edgland and was sent tonsiLbulary line the, unioarked 'grave. on Thursday,tO.Telieve Colonel Ben- The clothing and personal effects of PRINCE WELCOMED HOME., he wanted to sue to reco-�er.62,500, NIVkRIC.Et VAST LI RAPPIC. -for th6. pui�ase Of .QVOR T RAmner burled under the dvil.fic6d. on " note, aild- not repaid. c6unteracting the, alleged serious hosm %oil, . Wlien the disaster Was, first re- the' Prison were 1111wauked, Nov.. "Who, is t1lo'client asked' the: ported, He idached the column early dir6etion. of Warelea'Afead shortly -'aft; Duke 'and DAchess 'of york, met -lower; No. 'I Northern, 79 to:7OJc-- tility- of Germany towards , Great awyer. Germany s Ileavy 'Consumption of Friday morning.: ,vifthout meetin ter'ille,execution; t 96. 21i do, 69:to. 693 December; Britain. Aftor . reciting. reasons, 9 by he King. q tfon. of xfitne," IyJ9 With opposition. he"s a 'rel Spirits.. He. found Colonel k - d6spatcli fro id Says Friday's naval �Jhtcd 1, 551c, In Portsmouth, Eng,L' 'I'Sowneafly re 7021C. RY6-Stchdv, 'No. which Britain has.- to fear Gormal goes oil *to 330iison had died of his wounds, an Ilailley-Steady; 14�. 2,: 646" Aample, A from Berlin 'Says aggression, the article. ly. " . . . . fhat LieuC-Col. bnRSONAL POI Y 4.5 to 51:� . Corn -December, 57jb.. The society'for combating the-luse of say. Gulness, one major, 9pant, in, honor of the'return of the "llu my ilear tpersiGtbd ille hruo Capt4ins A hel three. lieutenants .t uluth'. Nov. 5*._Whcat',closod, spirituous liquors has begun Con- "Russian statesmen have to maka t Inter6pt'Abo' me Duke � and.,Duchess of Cornwall and awyor "you must. be more expl.1cit." 'Cash, No. I litti . d, 7 at Bresi. Baron Von Dlei­ limit been. Wiled and three captains Notes,.. O Ut *..So Ic; No. 20 Nor� ferelIC0 up their mlnds� whother, "fit the Pre-, !Prominent People.. York, was: almost A r6prLdudtioh of she may be my moti§w-iii- day'§, Lieeting and ten lieutenants wouiLided. - 2.Tlie ceremonial attWiding their ' dd� 1, 0 11 - to i the n, gard t said at yes, lf Les, horn, (36; No., I Nortlici 69�e sent condition of Russian industri I aw and Rus othcr* - criSuallics were as. stated Tit ,qvfay �e ?,. Tbe� ou arelikelyto December, 68ge; May, 72c.' Oats__� that lid believed alooliol. would One.t.Russian agriculture Mail ov16� Archbishop . of - Ydrk � has I a' town - And harbor were. completed his seventy- y 87*. to 86;c.. Corn -56'..c. day be universally regaMed. as Itho, i fluatice, it friendlyunderstaliding with fifth year, blkt, AtLocir early, immene Crowds -assem- tlarry her daughter- ?" . . . I Volonei mirter S�iys'that ilia flglit�- .Still 'k of' ble already., nlarrled-�tlie* daiii-gli­ but elx6y, :. of civIlizeLtion,' but at the lingiand,* whichmduld relieve' her i. - carries on all the W61 -d hlon�g tile sea front, and rounds . firla. Sprng � who . at-�-Quieii; No. !L, pre., -Ont it was:. . only possi ble - to �xixiatlah fit: the, Par and Which' with thp rearguard was t very position a:nd still reads daily it, fixed of, - the Nalional 1114 Oleers Iningled with ter.9 111;.,� (ILIttrters, and. was maintainiad portion of Hindu4taii VAxich hill- Anthin, and ..,jalutp.,j from the hall- 191i, the' Winter wheat"No. conimetid. moderation in its use. might. result . fit ber. being, able tc ' I " n, of Course, the defendant 20 red, 77v. V6rrl,7�0fferings IIgI hundred and fifty million dol-: continue'lier trans�-Caucaslan and I'Wil.h. great. 4etvVinintitiou. by both_gtiage he 3ea.in.0 when a. soldier in bor, aud land batteric- the Roy- I I No. 2'yellow,, 6 C; Sieriari'llailwityg to the shores of es. The Iloe�rs �suffercd severely, Ilid is your mother-In4aw, ?" - � Yearly Spent fix Gbilmany In'r at aclit.cto f1 gudss', vou"O better hear tliaI (32c; Nd., 3. (lo; ,'let and Albert started N;. -1 corn_ikl No. .oAts intoxicating liquor%. . It WAJq esti- ih.* Porslail' Otilf, and which last,but 1 but,,:uo reliable estimate of their los- "If I had ri't been brought up It to meet. -the Ophir.: On board. the Whole story," said , the man named 4 , . I 10 .11 has Yet, been received. The Boers I a 'of Ro . Chester, R oal'y acht tile X 6 I, rrazier, %.�11 .... -Strong; No.'2 white, � 421 to .4.30 .; mated that 0e. LvVerage Geran con�, not, least, inight, enable her to car. Y ret,ired.to%th Deal so�ys Dro. Hotel ' ing iii t1i u dress, Ile heaved . m wear 'Sigh, And No. 3 do, 4211te; -No. 2 Alixed, 401c; sunied equivalent to five gla,§.ses of out her ldstoric missiouln the 11al- e. cast, V,,.ug1&nd, . "there are. three other vO- Uniform Of all admiral stood on the Went ol, -then No. -do, 40c. bust- Spirits a: da. Von Dlegardt added kans, is not worth it high price,", Oellej-41 Kichener -adds:--�"I aq-. caion . B I-shoald have liked to have after bridgo at the salutq, while the i *-"Yen ce, u, your t ago . we 11ye- that. one, difficulty fix the Campaign bit these bases a. number of suj-; Sulne. the two guns were recovered followe .Master of a. pack ' of Queen and the Children of' the Duke lved tPit6ther, my oli. Bill and 11. nosiB itt 61 to 622c, for falley. f t.hdrgwil, boundg;':' head gardener in ti Jargo alid.Duchess papadea . the:hurricana, Easier; No. 57.1c. C.��fial reights .Was that the State itf.,�elf waglat'ar-!gestions for an Axtglo�Russiaii under- find that the enemy Ila% wt tlie.way lived the widow JpoH- 'but there are $to further d ter :and her daughter, Alary, W.ell, Steady, ested, in alcohol,. deriving a -revenue standing are submitted. etalls. 1. nursery,. or A bookseller. I think Alic debk. deeply I -egret 0 s Of Colonel Igst Is the bet ofilco of the'threc." -The RoL d. Presented A Striking ,I I married krury because she was Detrolt, Nov. 5—Wbeat � Closed- Of $11,000,000 IP.0111 ilirits, and The article. Concludeq with the fol-133onso.n.tin(i the officars and men III H I., No. I wluite Cash, 74!,c; No. 211 red, $25;000,000 from beer, One-third of lowifig'distilict nionace to Germany -, N-olse is not . usually a, passport to pecta0e owing to the great gather- good­looldng. MY .son -11111 inarried , 721fc; Docember, the Gernitia exports to TogolanWarid "Cloe to the foundations of the ColOyfel Denison' the service los�., ; libishop of ing of warships, dresBed from stem the widow CAS11.and October t gx popularity. But the Are 'lla 781c. . one-g,ovouth..of those to,East' Africa, Empire,. Which has hardly 11,01" I 111ant And 'capable ocullmander Citifterbury by hi htchtorlan voice to. Stern, with,. their.,yard.q nianned- money., New, lip) Call tell 1 .4 , I . . who xx . arlably led',his Column witir St. Loul.,4'. Nov, r), -Wheat CI tsted of alcohol*.- emerged from' Its arti on the affections many. years ago and their sides lined, with their old'lady - Is niv. oqed- Cun ficial4toge,; rna�ked.. success and Judgmetit,'.,` mother-in-law- or my,daughter-hi-' Cash, 71,44c� December, there it powder ningazine, such of LL Ilevonshire farmer, who Wa*1rIVW9- old flitgShip" 5 Is . a 75je. . as is to be found fit no other coun- + overheard to 4.4ay, admiringly, iiear Victory, started.'.the alute.to their But the lawer couldn't -at least, Toledo, Nov. 5 .-Wheat TO KEEP OUT.THE PLAGUE t;.Y,. social democracy. In the the bottom of A church wl;�ru tlie 211dict*ties, and each ship in, . turn' . . i Britain, RICE CONVICTED- then' Bishop of 1�,xeter Was preLach- tooklt up aq,the Victoria and At- not Just thell. The problem had sh­rQc; May, case Of wconflict with Great struck him all In a licap. He looked 77je. Corn -May, 601.0, Oat -9, De- 'Dopaitment of A to 'misery would be caused to large the Bishop,'.'cos' he bert Illoved'downAlle Solent accom- driculture Insi "I du. love wild-eyed and- his brain Was, reeling,' vember, 8W May, 89je. 11ye, .')Protect Canada.. nied,by a flotilla of older Royal claSes Of tIlLi German population, ile Is. Found, Guilty on the Con. hollers proper." pa "Perha I ps', ,6u've settled that 501c, ' Clover"od-Octobee, 85.60; pro(Jueed by the tota collapse � of spiracy Charge.. 1 Dr. - Nausea has a liking for briglit; YLLebts, - A. doi you'll yDecombpr, $5.024., J $j-�,6:1 414011, from ShY: subsidies; industrli�', colors. Tht, IS why Ills ship, the Off Yaralouth rsle Of White commercial depression, financial col- tfrom 'Tor,tonto - I tho March,. -to F. W. llodson, Dominion Live de p to says , Fro, wa. nted green, grey, I � stands Convicted of added. 1111110 'old. lacly hot-- Frod Lee Rim ; Pat Victoria, and Albert and the Ophlr rth - 1,fina, Comnifiss,loner, leaves for the ]Mtrl- defe We food supply roWed the money (till, and square, timothy, , $2.6o. 011 -No lapse, and a Ct lot, and white, picked out with gold, Inet, and exchanged tignalso of great-. tittle provilices, to-inorroW to attend x- the inuilder, of Constable Wil jam. and she can,pay it, bt t lie 94c: South Unia'and Indiana, S9c, might easily makethat'niagazine a. I B The explorer is ft Clever Ltrtlst and 6. Ing.' woll't; so I've gotta ov, 5. -Close wll�at tile Ontario Pr3- plode."' oyd., lover of muSld�of' III$ At about two o'clock'the booming 69�1o; December, (171, to vinclat Fair takes place At Guelph, While the div?etors, of the magazine When the' j�xtry cattle into court on esp6cially-but he does not care for of distant. guns announced- the ap don't thInIc ]'I I tke your , out four hoors: dase", faltered tile Veil. : - IT .to I track, disclaim 09vernment inspiration, it VrIda: 071C lay, 701 70ic; oil December 10 to 13. , 6ftr being law, 4 or), and fifteen inintitos, Clark Nicol So-called "Artistic" furniture. The proach - of L the Royal- vessels, and case-ol , -er-presents too �lauv Coln- xo�' 'I ha -i -d, .714..c:. No. V Northern, The Department of Agriculture iSt is known that , the article Is 'the w, table at Which h6 does all his work the naval procession soort'hove fif 2 North I, talcingr stringent nicans - to Prot,Oet of men Who hwft had close �roltfflons said :- No. ern, 671c. Flou k, of bu- with Cabinet Afirlist : "(1CIltlenion have yoil agreed u' a when at, holne . at.lill; place at LY- 11911t, As the, Victoria, atild Albert, '113y way," saW Fraviell, dIs- -pIrqt patent.q, S:).70 to $8.80; See- Canada pgainst un outbred ers. youl. - ve po saker, six miles from Christiania, Is the Ophle, and two Ironclads steaux- appollitedlY, hs 110 tOOk up 1114 hat ond . patents, to $3X0 ; first bonio Plague. Owing to it', existence edict I ' Iner6ly it huge*kitchen table, Ing in file one After the other passed and prepared .. to 'go, the clear% $2.75 to $2,85; second Clears, in Olasgow,, a stateineriL of the tem- "We aid Foramen, Short ss. Mill Edward 11orry, the actor, tells down . the,lines of be floet;l guns, 02 00 each person oil board "Yow Bay 3,ou, is the prisoner at %it born Q , the bLir guilty or not of a pretty 'Incident which occurred baTids, :and cheeng commiligled in tile double -wadding a Child hos,bw peritturd of tnada, Will dilty ?" 'LlVt , ,toulliships, ar,rivirig Ili Ot CANADA'S PORK, 9 d us.: 1,I)O., you welcome of th to each couple. Can you tell Ino %110 C ARXI.,,TS, be required by quurantitle officers "On the first count we disagree, urilig ono. of his tou 0 Royal itraoilarq.. know what I consider the most DEMONSTRATIONS IIENEWMD, what r0lation.the two children are to Toronto, Nov. 5. -Total receipts - from medical men on board until 2A Export Has Iddreased0ver $11,000,_1lLnd on the Second count we find glowing tribute X ever received ? The each other ?11 'at the Western CgLtt,le IndrIcet to -day I urs after thelf-arrival, Tlxc�spcel- him guiltyl" At, the Victoria and Albert neailed But the Couldn't, and slueo Wom- 52 carloads, including 10 . I 000 In Eleven Years. "Do you think you can agree th- molit came from 0. child. There ; 800 ca- compli rrazier,4 visii�llo hasn't falt weil in tic, 1,500 sliLcp and lianbs, l,000 al.ilistructionq issued last year will Was A crowded house -all intent au- the arbor the troops, ashore pro- his linad. - apply to Glasgow and Llve�pool. � A despatch from Ottawa says be. fired the shot ?" asked Chief Jti.�Z -the humour had, for the III- sonted arms, and tho'garrislon bdt, hogs, with a feW. calves and milch According to figures supplied by the tice Faleonbridge. dience ter fired a, final saluto. The ba�d stant, given place to pathos, You 0 its Cows, everywhere struck up "God Sav 6 Commissioner of Agriculture the ex- , "No, iny Lord ; We have discussed might have licard a. pin drop, -and. I An change on the market Was for port trado In pork, bacon and hains it a considerable time, and It is im� King," and thousands of bluoJackets, "Have you thanked Your. uncli t ar TRAIN WRECKERS. from Canada has grown from S6451,_ possible for us to Agree. felt the t4uslon of the house WAS at let the, 0111PO in the harbor -ket-knifo, Willie breaking point. The intense your nico new pot lie worsi-; cattle* 6 nodially im- : silencei on bpi "Not�yot changed; also Itogs, but -lambs de- 13(30 worth in 1890 to $11,829,000 The recorded Is, "Iva Was broken by a childish vol C-9, yal party. mother but I clare say vordie't 'as repeatedly cheored �lxe Ito lined from 10 to 200 per Cwt. Canadian Scouts XtLkp at Im- r flxilomtrationsi word tonewed for the Year ending une, 1001. find the prisoner guilty, but. ard'un- c M T shall. Vill waidn' to sea if the , portant Chpt Alectings; of an educational charae- able to say the prisonot fired 010 g,rlls-wlio, turnilig to her' Parent blade.s Is good steel.11 Vliero. is really little demand hore asked, fit a broken voice 'Father s the Ophle entered,, her bandpJu,y­ for export et tttlo; prices range from A elfspatell from Pretoria says :-Itor on. the subject of pork raising shot," is it real 9' ing llonle, sweet- home." . The, 4 to 4.1,e per pound, with aft eighth The successes of the past four dayslare to be held fit Quebec this winter Judge Valcoubrdge granted a. re- Lord Dalmony, Lord Rosebery's Duke And Duchess of Cornwall and more paid occagionally for u, fow have atco,unted for 250 Boers, The by Mr, F. W. Ilodson, live stock Berva case, which Ivill be taken! to oldest son, has, like. his father, a York occupied 0, COUSP16uous 1)osition Ir ir selectionq. 1l.'hotld was ii, light, drag- oil the upper dock of the yacht bow- cnpturo of evonteen train wreckers commissioner. the Court. of Appeals. Of hxllxxo�, though lit other ro- ging trade of no consequence. %Iyeet� It tou It convict I of t 0 inog SL- big lit,responso to thd demofistra� by Goal Williallis Column Was L spects he is Singularly unlike his dis- A. A There Was it, woderaLe demand or d chiefly by Major. oss and the Ilous, of '411 cri e, iliac Is, not under tinguished latilep, Ilig, strong, and tiorist of the thousands Of people lin- what -ood butcher cattle Was here 4 1 1. .1 T -"fence f . -ath 011 .0 Itobinotte Inir the harbor. I Itletle, lie 1.4 fond of outdoor Ille "IN AJ Canadian NCOU .11, 10 ar e Own . .. . 0 OHNERA BLACKSMITH, but, the Suppl Was limited, the party over night, and captured hia lawyer, applic successfully for -it Immediatel after the Vioiorla arid 11 I have used Ayer' Hair Vigor ; good to best stuff sold at front 81 to 9 000o000 BUS1111S. and -field Bporta, is a first CIASS rae- Wood work Ironed and fltst�clasg inaterigi and souto of thetil &it the first SurPri-140, P uly Of sentoricee'an permission to ot player, and much intoreited fit Albort and the Ophir were moored a' i on the qu, for a great any years, atid,al. 'Ic about the beat price weeo Chased for niany miles appeal . rating. It WAS Lord, Painiony work guarantocil. Farmimplentoutsand ma 4.,Ic, wlth'14 to Ill her cour who, at tlio:jctt3t the uke and Duchess of oblues rebuilt And repaired, though I arn ptst eighty yearz of Pam to -da. 1111til ijie woro caught. A farge,iWestern 'Wheat Crop is Moving question of At the sug-t wllon Lord Itoseb0y was to Address Cornwall and Vork Joined their Ma- `ASPS0IktTY teir. gestion, of the chief. Justice himself ago, yet 1 have not a graj hair in Por fooder t1wro Is A better dti, dynarnite wa. rast(t This, 'on the former acht. The 10119ING I -4 found fit the, boys at 1,1ton, On the "Fourth of ALBERT STAftT, Ncown, OLINTO X my heitVI maud, and prices tire well main- of the prisoners. Mr. Robinette will arjue, that thor� begged hig father not.to ,if. childron of the Duke and llucheso met Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md. tained, A despatch from Montreal sayq :- Was a, Mistrial. the lat.Ler on the gangway with joy-, Stockers are unchanged, And sell rho returns received by the Canadian ludo to Wellington and "thd 1110iig- -a- -once, And tliey entered tho 11acific Railway show' that nearly fields of lifton," a hackneyed quota- rut ubet 60 Yr;ARS' Ve nlean,211 thilt rich, fairly well at front 3 to 4a per . NEW ELECTRIC LAMP., nine willfoil bushels of wheat have , I. t,,,tOnlftus Butyer saloon of the Yacht, where the lCing, EXPERIENCE i pound, - . — I boon marketed so tat this your, LARGEST CRUISER- flr'ouni intervi1s. nd Queen greeted them affectlonatai&r dtirk coloe your hair USed Farmers may asrWell realize 'Lliat urnalist, Mr. )Y- Cattle are down, and, Are voreign Attacho Inspect tatoat Against 1,500,000 d Iijg the same A Young Danish JO to have. th I Was SuccessfWly' kfurfus 13. chroder, is oil a, If it's gray now, top Zectrie Wonder. period last. year. TT daily average itigg Alfred no matter; for Ayer's going, it) down for. it tilkip; It Is. is 35o,00O bushol-5. tundhod. round the World fit performance of it RUSSIArl C E X SO] NN 0 )to good holding out.for Prices thal, A despatch from London. says despateh 'from London sayt :-1NV"gt`r Oil thO questioll w1lother 'I Htdr V110ori always re. will:not be paid, The i.varkot, to- tr b round It(? American, German, and Am, (In, Tile Itirig Allred, the largest ckulsor )111111, 011ig IM"1111088, Call 90 ot gray v Wa r at Ranbassles, military and naval the world III it year. 13cliroder, Papers Prohibited Prom, Telling ..r"TRAor, MARKS Sto", 11 tl 1 III tile world, Vas "ceeBsiully lau"ll- is It bachelol, of twenty-soven. The Truth About Vamirle. q co It hair* Thai-() is it good market for milch t taches visited 17ughendoll oil �SA,t- KING HAS NOT CANCER. -Ow _1Y ISometimes it Makes the cows or tlia 1)ottor kind, All) to mly �rday to see the lattt, electric won- ed at Dart -111�PUMOSS On MOn(-U Wage" is for $2,175- 11 sueceSsful hu A despatch from St. I" mornblit. 'I'lle Iting Alfred cost Zf.,- oterbu Ojnoijn�l Denial of' Statement Is- will receive $1,250 of that altiount, Says -The distress C6.used lix tht bir grow very heavy 9nd are and ribout; all electric Jamp, which 4108 been triod 0tj;1e)9. �sljd will have it speed t1f while $1,250 go to the funda of the p,lLstoll 141110kifo- "Alln offro ed W other an n Peovinceq of Russia by the 0'rObAbif ? tr 0. CorAnninlon. era gold. dht;tance of b 4 at, t , J, Ion%; sind It mops falling It d at Copenhagen. twenty-three kndts� 0 of t1lo crops is ao severe that Ittorm "trI4 , donfidblit Al. 011� 13AWsh Journalist' InStItution, and dKpAtonti" t and five wil C, T110 - ftle A despatch from,'Copetillagell says - t 0 hair, too, rfour, X6136y ?Pr "Outl reeeild 4 The receipts did not tte publishes 0, $21r) to the Sailom' Widowo Pund the authoritie have forbidden tha P"diout ow O"fattI6 W,aker at. FAtenw-tada t too It Malin a,,. I r 111.0 4 Iwik, All &Waft, - wero,able to work n torpetto.-TI10 Official Gage Voung1lit of Copenhagen and t1le CoperillWit newspapers, to Publish aum SELVO dill. all Boll. liceessfully themselves. All 04bor-'eterilat of tile ptatement, tha� X1119 ilim with & a i - -you, suppose you ean hear the Iloor^b'ox. In addition to his pass-'Cia illformatiom If your d yftl Trogs to -day are ittlehange, ate aerleq Ot experiments was held fit 11dward. Is Bulterlog from dancer, aft(I'dO d( t that spe- I bobv fron, where YO11 are It hio walmg port the traveller cardest a, sheat of d tult ftoadt MoVily )Wnward toll(Iniley, the 11eltl Which IlItileptoldoclareg untrue the repor I and dries I" itli. Jetters of recommendation, from Dan. Costa, �Aftdtt t. a"d to otip 4ol ar Slid we wi John, (Who �Ia re has Onl All * SLUY 9AWMALI, ems, 0 a y0ft & b6ttl6, N6 ftte and &its t= The best pr1ee for 11shigerall Is de had not, been uned for the purpose, in 'efalfats were In tonsultation rolgitrdll, up Ish Cousuls. nowspaper editors, And Among her POVIIIAIIIIIIA4 #Ad Otago, V401T. rtn6nt I d 153rall h4*640410A. of your heafffit 6%p It 'th dulliat Arem 61966. AddeasIt per pound; thick rat wid light hogs rder to Avoid air,V suspicion Ito re- Ing 1AIA durinir 1119 rOdeut Visit t0 I 9 Ilit"44 of publie depArtmout4h ltivu C0161W xtaji Nowl k 4ve 'Motth. 51c perpound. gard to eannoctino *lr*s4 lho" ......... ... L. * nsu [Ice. Agency. Money to.Loiu.. JOHN RIDOUT MEDIOAL R.W.'GUNN R. 0. P. and L. M.C.ol S., EdInbupg'b,. 0 N Ight calls at froutdoor of residencoon Ratteri bury gtrbot, oposito.Presbytoriall chajoh.*! 'IV a OFFICiE-t-OTARIO STRFET. CLINTON. DR. SH AW . ONTARIO STREET, pppoSlto Sit . 911sh church, CLINT.0N. R.. 0. W. THOMPSON D PAYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Speplal attention given to'disdises' of the Eye, I 4ar. Nose ' andThk()db, OPPICID AND Rrsipnuclit-, Albert. Street East north of RATTICNBU Rk -.,STAIGET,.QNTOX. D DENTIST. Will be at syflc4 Oyerr Wedne sday afternoon.. OFFICE-Adjohilng Faster's I?hoto' Gallery. R. Q.. EARNEST HOLMES D Successor to Dr Bruce Clinton, Specialist fit Crown , and Bldgo Work. D.D. S.-Graduato of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.. L, D. S.-Firid- clas% honor graduate of DelltAl Department of Torouto IJ niverity, Special attention paid to preservation of children's tooth. Will be at file River Hotel, Ilaynold, ovory M?)3dav train 10 a. m, to O. in. R, J. FREEMAN D SUaagox A nlem�or of the Voter ary Modl�al AgRocia tions of London ard H�Whibupi,,h and Graduaa; of the Ontario Veterinary Cd logo,. . Office appetite SL Paul's church,ontarld Street Plidno 97 B= ALL SUROEONS'. ,IORNMENT VETERINARY INSPECTORS OPIP1010,18AAC STRICET;R"IDICNON, Amoltr STRZ14T, CLI;JON. AUOTIONEER HOS. BROWN LICENSED AU( ITIONEL, Sales conducted in all parts of the Counties of Huron And Perth, Ordera loft at TIM NEWS RECORD office. Clinton, or addressed to Beli forth F. 0. will receive prompt attention. 8at- Ofaction ultialitodd or no obargo.. Yourpat. onago sof, cited, MISOOLLAN&OUS CEO. -TROWHILL