HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-10-24, Page 2!210 . 7 And cable a LZtFT IN T MUM'
Q! Boer Wanton. "' fRCR�O:LkS�-. Fs DAVIN SUI:CIDES Unable to Rescue
I The export trad was light; the Till MARKETS OF TO, WORLD sino, All of which , vers4 reu .1
6y Na.eumafism stances reflected her ' Britis Were The Now*.Reccrd No other, 411sease makes One feel 00 Old- Wool Qr cattlo, GrAla, cheaso, ft best twday W a $-1.75 per Cwt. Power Printing Homoo It btIffeug the join to, produces ISMOU004s laillie, Loading Marko% Du= cattle w dull; no doubt A despatch from ondon, says.— 031PAT OTVJWI CLINTO, Cm,4 ma good Stuff would III � gone well had Writing fro= 33loenatoutein, 113eutor's
. o every motion painful
it to Sometimes So bad 44 WhOill to Ma- It been here, but the idst price paid rorreipoxident atates that 'during THE VERY LATRST FROM 444L �Ends His Life i nip
ftwm Or 5U,#scairTt9x_#I.00 per year In blo, And It 00104 never W MOM Toronto, , Oct. 22).—Whea0—The 'was 63-00, thouilth moro money may 0exterel.), Ullfot's operations along, the ALLTHE WORLD OVE14 -n a Win eg Hotel'With a
o4volugo;0140may ba charged it not so paid I U. J, McDonald. Tvcut0n. Out IIA4 It market Is quiet at (35c aulized for )'Avg been given for ordered lots. Sp- eastern border northwards, the farIAS No Vapor until 9611 wresiragos ip; now red und white, and 67c asked condary and interior cattle sold for were All deserted, the Doers ba,ving .4,WOL Paid. unless at the a' $on Of the publisher, I litter a severe Attack 01 the 1wr About Our Own Bullet I "O'd pt iddle freights, anything it Would fetch, 90 Into the mountains with their "11, Item ,gattle Turner, Bolivar, Mo., bad It NO for alit red and white, = I Stockers are quotably unchanged, families, who lived in c4vog and Country Orea BrItalut the unitto The data to wJitoh ovary ;ubscriptign is Pala severely she could pot lift allrbing and And buyers tire quoting lo less. is denoted Ott tho label, or down stairs., W. Goose wheat Is nominal at 60a for but certainly not any Stronger, wagon$. RATIM.—TrAnstout 44voraso. could scarcely got u was laid o 20 cast, and 58c middle freights. I F n fa demand At 89410 tw(MV41VO W9131011 and Child- $tatm aud All Parts of the Clobe, A despatch from Winnipeg Says:— ly on his w1iX upstairs When the Wants, 14 cents Por noupartellino for lirst 11, Shepard, Sandy Hook, C01111 -i dSpring wheat is quoted at 06r, 1 east steady unchanged prices. ran were found Juana cave high up ix Condensed atud. A$$Qrtc4 for 904�Y Nicholas Flood Davin, ex -M -P, for shot Was fired. lie did not hear 140-Utm and 3 cents per line for each sub9c- up with. It. WAS cold even In for -No 1. auitoba wheat 1.4 steady We had no good milelii cows here, 11101111tilin, the Boers. having hauled RCA41npr Regina, conlituitted suicide at the anything, but an reACIIII19 thO room
Clarendon at 4:8() o'clock on found tile (1004, 10OU00, and not ba- ismall v means of ropes. They CANADA. -1day after, oun by Shooting him- Ing a to qneli,01168 ton. artisomentg not could notr4ress blAi4PIt. tit 800 cast far No 1, liard and M4a, though COWS of A good grade are then' up b, hotel
.rt teetimon'S"ll Vail L 'I wanted. Prices to,day ranged from were very. AUXIOUS to got out Lot the , one thousand now, sattlers. reache a ,Lpy Answer to exceed on According to antilrily. ble to obt4in i
0 Ingh,such, as %ost," "Straycil," for No. I i , ItIcs,
ate. Inserted once, for 50 (;cuts and given, these sufferers were ermanently i orthern grinding III, traix- d, velf. The Act SoOtIlli to have b00h his repeated kuo lie Climbed In
Xelleved, as others have been, by sit. And 78o for No I hard And 76ic $20 to $45 each. place, but although the troops tried during September. mos e Failing In. Ills through t . he aperture which should 944 subsequent Insertion 16 contm. -L xIortliern local delivery I Then to A Stead demand for A hard they could Upt assist them out Two new cases for No : , of tAnallpQ have LAtempt to purchme a revolver At hAve been occupied by tile SlAylsout,
'Hoods Sa 14a Toronto And west, better class of calves than I$ pming an(% had to leave thein, there. apPean All Ottawa, , Junk
'I idVOrkikomoutv witboni, specific d1roctiOns'Will rsaparit" I ng in, one L Store he went Into be Inserted until torbld and charged Accord Vlour—The market, Is firmer. ome Along at present, Most of the women gathered up by Another and and unlocked door.
Ingly. 3vblcb corrects 'the acidity of the blood t1w iSucceeded in obtaining one. Then he I DF
oil which rheumatism depends And, bUI143 00 per cent. patent sold to -day t I SM411 OtuU was Steadier to -day. columns at other places were at entered Ills room for tile last time. 1,�OUND rrj�1141 AD. 1301M COPY f4rcheinveof advertisements OnPage64 in buyers' bag middle I )!4xPQrt owes are worth $rona, $3 to firA very bitter, and when asked The Manitoba Government In the A, Soon AS ho.got high enough to
and r Satilrday And P the whole system. new redistribution bill, 'will give an I Mr. DaVill C41114 to Witillipeg'Otobor khoL Saw "tile body of the Un-
?Milakholattio O$Heo.oa rZIC0, freights, and $8 was asked for more* $8.14 per cwt. why -they )lad fled from their homes far pages I and 0 a;% Mqnda� 600i's - additional member to Dauphin. 9, ostensibly in colillootion. wltbi lie bed.
FIL0 cure cousupation pi
to Onsure change in barrels. Choice brands are held I Lambs are worth ton cents more, 011 the APPr011ell. 0.1 the British stat 110 fortunate in, I I
Some LgA,, lying
I 1 " was pomplet0y.oll, the
for following issue. 15c to 20c higher, Manitoba flour, as. choice $tuft sold to -day at $8,60 ed that the Doeri. had told them i TII6'latest returns to ilia cen$Rls has appeared very depressed. 0 His right legi
VONTAAcT RATim.—The following table shows INSIVRANOR is steady at $-� for Hungarian pat- Pet' Cwt. most frightful stories of how womenloftice place the population Of the ". bed, but )nia, left hung over, as
)_ Monday fternoon,he Sat lot- a while itilan lie
our rates for Specified periods and alpaca; Bucks are worth from $p ted by the North�lVest TerritQrJes' at ov r ( though he had ft
ADVERTISING RATES. ents And $3.70 for strong bakers' in I a $2.5O And children were Ill-trea 15 lit the billiard roQin of the Claren. back peacclully? And
car lot,%, .�ags included, Toronto. per cwt. to DrjVsh. But they were not long in Ooo, d . on hotel, where he was talkil)g to ley there on his yr. Q Mol 3.40. Igo *HE MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE Millfeed-lis steady, Cars of Shorts I H098 were unchanged _day, but realizing the absurdity of these Tile allied ClOrgue himelf. not disfigured, column. .... $7090 $4000, 82000 $850 INSURANCE COMPANY are quoted at 815 to $15,50 And prospects are for still lower prices. y4rus, After beb)g O, few days Ili liiteresto�speud About A million dol- I The porter was too horrilled by what
Column. 40 00 2500 1500 600 bran tit $13 to �1.3.50 west. want- The best price for "Singers" is 01c British hands the women appeared DOUG HT THE RE VOLVE11, , al&_
J,C 16 oJ &.00. 2 5Q Farm and Isolated Town Property I lars it month Ili wages3, contracts, ' he )lad seen to mak0 A, close Ox
, clumix .......... 26.00 -oba Shorts are quoted At $19 and.per lb;. thick fat'ancl light hogs aro quite happy, and offered to bake About llooll lie Went into J, 11, ination. tit tbal time, but hurrying
Column ........ 1800. 2000 050 200 only Insured., I t etc. tile- desk Ll OFFICERS bran Lit $17 Toronto freights. worth Oc pot- lb. brand for the offleers. �.ich ............ aw a 50 200 125 At the Sturgeon Falls Fair 41ASildowit's end Purchased A revolver down, a told the clerk
1. B. McLean, President. Rippen P. 0. Thos, Darley-111hor6 is some demand fox-, Hogs to fetch tile top pripeo_ imtst squash was exhibited -by Mr. 1101-i And box oI cartrldga,i for Ile what lid had Seca, und together they
WSPOCIal position from 2519 oo per cent; eXtra- ' Frazer, Vice -President, Brucefield P 0 T. E home maltem cul,�spry ex am -
but little or, lie Ili- be of prime quality, and settle not d1tch, which weighed over 000 I took them away with him. AnO went baW; agaill. A
W. J. MITCHML, Hays. Seoi-Treas,, Seafqrth P. U., W G' market is I below 100 nor Above 200 lbs, CANADA'S WINr I shortly after two o'clock turaa up !nation showed that 110th irig Could
ditor and Proprietor Broadfoot, nspectorotLosoes'Soaforthi�O. ' quiry for export. Tile . . - I Pounds, Again with the weapon. One of the be, done. Mr. Davlll . was un= istak-
steady. No I Is quoted At. 52o, No Following is the range of quota;L DIRECTORS: Our Live. Stoci—on, Top at the IVInnipag Fire, NVater and Light chambers was clogged, and lie had ably dead, nd accordinglY tile two 2 At 48o, No. 3 extra, at 4-7 axid No MOW— W. 0. Broialloot. Somforth; John Grieve, 8 at 43c middl cattle, Buffalo Show. Committee propose to submit 4 by- been ,in extractor,`merx turned Away, tlid, looking tile
Inthrop- ' I a freights. I tibia to work the � alit arlook : , Cho enne les, ra r, a ;Jai 0 $l. 5 A despatch fr 44 ill i V I -
SANKS Evans, co allies 011111 I lin, an Buckwh6at-Is steady at 500 mid-'ShIppes, per.ewt ... .... $ 4. 20 5 7 am Ottriw.,�. says law for the inauguration of a� muni- hence -ho had brought it back to ob� door carefully belli I the
c oo ; I . I Pon did freights. Butchers, choice ... ... 8,50 4.00 The Department of Agriculture has Opal gas plant, tain Assstance Ili. firing, Mr.'Lilid, down Stairs " 'to telephone the news John McLean, Ryo-Is steady at dge-bid. and 50c Butchers, ord, to good 3.75 just recolv Attorn G eneral Harwood of New- q 'socur, lie services ed .summaries of the win BY- ay , tliia clerk, noticed at time to the polt-,o and a i
RobtSr0th,HarIook;ROber lorcIvrillan, SO asko(l east, and'480 bid kind l9c as%- Butchers, inferior.- . 2.75 3.00, tile -foundland, now at liallfax,saYS call- he was.acting very nd 'of -a doetor. Dr. MacDonell WAS orth - James CuXilmings, Egniondvillb; J. W nings of Canadian live Stock, at ed middle freights, ing IS X_ 0 THE MOLSONS BANX . f I Shoop nn(I Lambs, Pan-Amorlean, The howl federation with Canada Is not 4 live consequently, after fixing the revol, within :10 minutes 11 tl'G Scene, 110 Yco, HoluicavIlle P. 0, -ow ,, if lie was was too late to do orat howeiver,
Incorpo,%W4 b Partiesdetrous to effect Insurance ortraug Corn -Ts steady, Cand& mixed Is Choice ees'. Pell cwt... 3.00 es- question there. ver, di t .u. Act of 11arilt inent,im& 9.15 ecedingly' creditable to 0 . back, jug At life
sact other business will be Promptly attended quoted a le and 5 5 C io - 'of about to hand it over axid. gave Iiiiii tilain, foinliltl annouis,o th
t 1544, yellow at lit I r Sbeep, each,,... 2.OD -00 pecially when compared with thel Practle.%lly the whole Output' to on application to 41)y at the above offIcers $to. Maria PulT
addrcased to their respective post officaq. west, Now Canada is quoted at 49c Lambs, per cwt ... ....... a-05 3.60, winning'; of the Am' & the money instead. M1% Davill, war, extinct. It. was with the arrival crican. stock. pulp of the IS It ROST R0 0000 to 50c west, Ali advance of 2-, in Bucks; per. cwt ... . ... �.;, 2,00 2.50 Practiebilly till the live stoch Awards 'Paper CompaTV mills for the rICX� however, was not deterred by till of- the doctor, and the almost simul- HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. tile freight on corn from the west, Milker and Calves. d to L, lt� He passed all )lour or two drivIng'of the doctor., and tile almost simill-
wore Ili cash, tile comparative two montlis W!y bo sl4ppe . at WN, ATOLSO 314ACPHURS X, President equal to 1,12c por bushol, goes into Cows, tenients gi . van with regard to I rope. are rance oil the scene ............. 30.00� 45.00 and the town Ili a liufAc, then lie t4neousappe, JA.UXS EL1,10'r aeneral. Mana, ger efTect oil 4fonday. Aniericall No 3 Calves, each ... ............. . 2,00. 1O,OO F1,he is I' MOW,.% Bas. Dotecti-.,e r,eitch, the anadian and Amerlemu cattle 'Are , selecting tIl6 visited tile store of t, ia ation. of Notesiliscounted; Collection made. Drafts yellow is quoted at 034a Ili Car Jots Hogg. therefore ' Indicative of th�.- relativoi site for the now inint, , at Nepean kerie, and here secured another re- policc� tilat tile ilrot exanlill
Sterlitig and, American Exchanges TIME TABLE. I . Choice hogs, per ewt,,., 0.00 6 merits 'of the oxIlibits-the Canadian, point, otta�va. Ala , a , tlie site for tile volver. Safely stowing' tild.weapollt1re body was niude.' boukhtand8old, Intercsi,allowedondepositp. Onts-Are firm at 5je to. 35.1c for hogs, per cwt;_ 0.00 6,60 winnings more than. cover the ex- now National Museum, whieh. . , - Ill Ilia 'Pocket lie 'went; ab6ut. nt from the appear- . . I I , 11 11, is to away It was appam SAVING �c BANh.. Trains will arrive Lit and depart from ClInton No. '_� white on a low frolght to New emented 11caly hogs, per cwt 0.00 (3,00 pones (if exhibiting. A g0neral ,sum- Inuell as usuAl, It wai� dlitt.16 after ance of the body that tile d
Interest allowed oil suniA of 01 and UP4 station as follows cost $500,000 I.
York, at 85c cast and Ole. to Slic Sows, per owt ... ...... must Place,( the 111117zle of 8,25 * 3 7 mary.of the. witillings4s. LIS f6llows : 2:3O that :he dropped Into the mail L. .
BUFFALO AXI) GODRitICIT DIVISION. north Lind west. The Grout Wortliern Railway, rull- I 1111.4 InOlIth, Lind fired Staffs, per ct ... ...... 0;00, 2 . 00 Cattle ... ... ...,98,813.40 $8,111.60 ning -from I%wkesbtiry �to (.�uebcc, I% Queen's hotel. Froni tile jig the revolver In
oney adviinved to farinera an thel r Own a olngRa tExpross 7:38a.m, i0atincal-Ig steady, Cars of bags Sbeep, 11,152,50 -a upwards. There was lid Mort- passed on to another. hotel lid then direct[,
1,300.62 fair way. to 141fil 119 boast that. 'larenclon;- telling tile �,Igu of'(L wound on t1le, fate 01, head,. notes'witli one or more endomers, No 2:55 P. rn. are - quoted d barrels at Swine_ 165,00 377,50 to the gago requirptl as reonrity. Mixed 4;16 p. m. I At $4.20 till [ bur, PALO GRTN usiiiieso actiVit wait t .5 6 n . d Tot it will restore the b 8
Hi 0. BREWER, Manager, Clinton Going N)�p stMIxed 10:15 A m. $l.3 tho track Toronto 411 al of Unite States .... S6,860.02 a man to or -him and take him whiell looked 'a - in ' life, COY Rx�ress 12:65 p. m: $inallor lots -05C more, 1.3liffalo, Oct, 22."P, lour st�a Total of the ancient CitY, , nd Quebec has to the Station oil bis� Way to The ionlY sign 41 dy. of Canada., i.1.11651641.60 - become a. real Cana.dian - Re.gina, finitely inore peaceful. I (* a, "' Peas-Aro steadyat 7:Lc north and: pring wheat. strong; No I northern 4gain ex. tllo,,,,till lifeless L:27p- in Ile, thdn ent straight to Ilia room. of tile tragedy wa west and 72c middle freights. '75c; No 2 do,, 73c. Winter ;wheat, part point.. body - ling her(i On the bo(i, 411d, 0. .-D. MOTAGGART LOZ�DOX. 111PFRON AND BRUCE DIVIPION. Twenty minutes later it buy * mus no offerings. Corn stead No 2 sent up. after him with A letter froin the clothes. saturated Ili blOOd- 147 A. M, Going South Express !yellow, 626; No 3 do, (Slic; N 6RBAT BRITAIN. I .-6lic I .1 Mixed 4:15 P. In. o .'ELECTRIC ENERGY- . I Regina, which had just Tile A 1080 Oxamll t oil of room Going North Express 10;15 a. in. P114OVlSIONS. rn611-e; No 8 do, 61c. Oats, firm; Right Hall. Sir Archl- -ad 'at the door, and Ili re, followed, 4hd t-lia box of C�ftrtrldges At London, lad knoe'l, Mixed 6;55 1). In. Hog products continue Ili good de- NO 2 White, 41c; No 8, (to. 40ic; No Nest Important Discovery Since muawv.of the red the was fotind oil the table, With,: ;no T, F. -A. HODGENS. 2 mixe ply to the'usual, question ante ver itseaf - vklag A 0. PATTISM I mand nd prices tire all al- .d, 1191.c; No do, 381c. Bal-'- Stephensonl Day. o, has iesigned. rooln.and handed th letter In. I A�rr, missing, The revol
t. Town Ticket Agent. 'Rolls. s1lace 10Q a �illg t tight, elditched Ili his hand as though though live and dressd liogs have ley stda-dier; western fat r to funcy, no 'ti a 63(: A. despatch from London Says 1jarondss' Burdett -Coutts, perfiaps Davin Wa,s at tili til si
4, General Danking BustnesF Traniacted. District 114sRenger Agent.; Toronto. been steadily' . declining for -' some 5Tb t - Rye quict; No 1, 5810' Mes vs. A�mstrong and Orling pro orld, �nd the table apparently no(101119 any- lie had allot standing, and fallell. to
tilne, Lards and moked m . eats re Canal freights steady. � . . S - the richest woman in the! w iping the weapol . 1, fesa to,have made %�hat'nitty prove widely knokvii fur her benefaction, is thing. He �ald nothing,. but taking. the, bed still grg,
votes steady Lind *in good -demand. Aer -nod emoad as with,W)lIch .110 de,ed., Discounted. Drafts Ilsued., t� be- the most Importai t discovery IlyIng in London. tlip lot tul und, se r1UROPRAN GRAIN kARICETS to r Ltd it when t4e - So far 4 call -be . ascer"tallic.d. ' -lie: ork-Canada, Short cut,- $202 abdut a ilia e t6pheillsoll. They Wiliall, NNaidort Astol, c4n.got no left no letters of �anV kind but Interest All I owed ori, Deposits; W.. JACKSON heavy mess, $21.50, I London, Oct, 22, -Opening -Wheat. icW that 'ever Since ,t,iy..thdy believe -they have, found title in Rogland, because of an All- boy went out
Slitoked nd Dry.Salted -Meats oa.p4��sago . film n tendency., gaize, the,. il5its The botel'porter, obn Baird) lio,(j frieAds have not Long Clear bacon, tons 11J,0c, cases 0 1. . e secret of freely, trEWS21littil1g, ciont law of'.Figland wlifell Pro.11 . Ila defeat ''at,the last election. lie APENT 0. P. R- 11 Passage ratlier firnidr.' Yegter.�, electric e . r'ergy Nvithout, wlr6i' The d ulten. orders to fetoli.,Alr.- Davin?s. bag- 12c nd . imall lots At bra' day's Country 'markets, �English tlie elevation Of a naturalize.. I I iad' been despondent. gage from his M, and Was.aptual" ohanis, niomberp'of the press , haVe been., Ili:- -he to.. t pebrage. mto �Ffthaiiden to Nvitnosa' a 116 TF to ldc� rolls,.3.2c to 3.2i sbo'ulders, 1. Slir SteiamshlP Com- ALBERT AEET1. series of denionstrafionp, at &P- Thd IVIAte and L,v ocuix lideks, � 156 to 16( green: foreign '911sh 11ral 'With a fai' 'paratus, constructed under OrIlx1g- G THE, SPOT. 'TO bAIRYAPEN" pany again-danies the 9tory that
Traw-flers. to ank part ofthe ineat put of pickle are- 'clu )ill. Ilas, . been pu . rehase . d . �b a. New ',wode shopW,consult "thQ oted, at business, �brrl, . American; and Uohis, relating to the "Mrs McLiubberty,'�. Said the pliiy-� LEG -A L refe O't.o tickets, Armstro g pt -'by pier- above Ili Pent bian firm witfi. fair business rocept-loft, And Ai siclan, *Addressing the'motherbl'the -ansmissl6fi f .Olcc� York sylidicitte � headed Co. C ircular From the Montreal.- lit- fares, Lard -Tierces 11,C, tubs 1.2) c and American somewhat. firmer, fro-quagiletic. ilapuls6s, witho t the Pont Morgan S, etc. u nt, "something must -Cheese Assbeiation.' igenientq are b�elxlg, completed yo thlul p . atie ter and
ails Briglish firip, Nvitti. the con- Arkax b.udo,C SCOTT I:12ic. % . - tile of wires,. together. to Cheer i�p. the little 1, � 06t.. 22m-Close-S'pot trot Of the st LAin Of in*LOI rai'se" his Spirits and AroilSo Tile M6nt�eal. Butter And, Liverpoo eering mocibarxii idon.for tile holding. of an Q W -to
wheat steady;, No I ball` torp6does aAd. other elusively American exhibition in the , crest. Association has issued A, circular to BA .9T=, �OLJt7ITOR. Etc. to CheL Cr,,. suboakine, all" 'fron� May his int W. JACKS fornia, 5s 9d t or, alry en , f "anad4, -ongly Money to Loan- a Os 04d,. lVall 5' gtal Pah�ce, Londo, sti a gines of d6structlon.bY -means .,of- Turning to, the bedside, lie., Asked, the . JD in . a' Dutter-The heavy- of�eringk of I ow. 8d, t ,ed 'winter; )s electrical r4diatlon, from u. dIstance, to, c ear AGENT.Q-'P.. R. .0 5s 84d; No 2,i tober of next y kindly advIsing them to ..turn * their - atten7. tt Block CLE TOX -tdc and medium�gbpds- continue to 7d to 6.9. d; No I npribern -sp 'without wires o*r maWrial cOhne't- lie CoiirqgAtIo at 'Union Of E lad, would, you not like.to be tion. tO' butter -more gefierally, a d gn .- ... '' ring, T ng� depress the Is expect- 5i§ 7d to, 5A; 8-,�d; $ ' I as proposes the est,al�- out th a W ontinue ilia, manufacture Of utures �qalet., tion land and AVal is pie sAlit aftrnoon, $Pill- to Ise ' .1 .,. �jmber, cd: that will' soon comber .5s M.Ai-eir..5g !)Ad, Spp too, Or W -to Oth- chpopo ontirol� HAP�Y CAh� DWELLMAS.. lishmant'01 A� federation bf.Congrega ning your iiiiij - b , r , after Ist . Novo ate SOLICITOIL pn- er'boys cit their. fhar"Y tlid'fallowing, reasons, ofTei, he6wily hild.cause a; sti.11 further corn quiet; new, 4s 10�0 to 4 101 tiolialism. thrDtIghout the World. for d6cline. gaily choose facteries are At 'futures 'quiet; :October. 4s�l iolk�, i�o-' FOUGHTALL DAY. -United Congrega- � The si �s weari- ist. '11hat fodder * che Traveller Lived Five Years in'. der the tftle.oftli6 Ick boy'iilo�ed.bis eye. ese hurts� the y Public, &c., present expeatip.- greater Profit out, long fol� Xoxico, voinber 4s 1,OJd, December 4s 11d. tional Chure ly, as one who ii; ii ot this consumption, hur, diminihiA the nery than -'out - of cheese - and Flqup - 'Boers, thisucces' ful. Attack on OFFICE-110AVor Block" 11s 8d to ISs 60. a a X�Ild LL11 luterest, Ili doinfind for gras goods 'and lower- lot qrd�l,_Ilg * into the' plia arrangements for the reception' -world, has lost Dr, Carl Lunilloltz, tile well-known at9 ir. injunufactur4. 1, Paris, - Oct. , 22-�-Opening-�Wlieat Convoy `A mundh:ne.exIst- irig its price. uk of tile e and Duchess of York On halrivolities. Of
NO -aN r. his is expected to 'cause A, large steady; October 201- 75c. Janary r1i home. 4re already under ence. 2nd.That -the *6utlet for. cheese Is CQNVEYANO rwegl4u.1 ti IcIlL Lind explorer, A despatch fro in Bloeinfonteln. their rotu has been :Uavelling for live years in offering of,creamer . in he near and. April -21f Soo. 1�161111 steady imited and everything geiliends - oh: says '-On SiLtqrday a* steam convoy colasideration, and it is'uyi4erstood .."Wouldn't �o�i .enjoy trundling the- hith6vto lit own regions of d Qeen-Nylll .put you.,, I,Qop or playing. !touch' -with -the, quality to induce a large eon- OHIN RIDOUT r 20 '11' n tle 'kn future, The'best d4ipy p6tind rolis October -26f 6ac; January and -April. left here Jib We 'e 'tile 27f 85c. bewetsdorp, With 1� t it Northwest now quoted at., 11 - and!, y6ur little sell ersi,ked sumption. tons. -of supplies for the Bogliesmith out W� -sect �.tn ma4t. *the Ophir. oolfel lo,ws. ?"! - 0 Qqtober. 8rd, That the consumptlh of 0,11MISSIONEil.t- TClirst-whito man that has lived 'aillong choicest p0ls aiid tubs* at,16�c� h �lris-CJose--Nllheat -firm; -ts� lowest prim *for off-grdes is .12c, 2of column, es-ored b: 120 of the Scots tile physilei sympathetical Y. al Ili 9.5c and 02f. Inc 'a Flr6 Insuratibe, 'Real Estate. the cave-ilwellers Ili tho�o Jaiivary 'April Oudrds, cmnlalld�d. by Major Mae- The invalid's only*reply was to cheese 'is ,not re sing,, but I dimin kloney to Land. Christiania Dr. Lumh . oltz. gave � a 'but anything �ylxlch ]I s 'to sell - frdiii UNITUD SMiTIPSI Flour'fifin ; Octabor 20f 80c, JaxIU_ Gregor., When it rdivehod.Lefum kopi sigh -like' one Who is allri6st gone. Ishing, while the. consumption of fin-,
dra ging, as 'the Cana. and Ap C. boon i's rapid d,Indiau tribe graf - medium I . -it was attacked b3f-"10O'D6drs, who P e- now, dootb( r . . . 1. Oplrlog�lldnolq STREET. CINT Vivid descriptioxi 0 - f his life And .1.2c7to 3,01-C is . 9 ril 28t S.'' A vain. of.9 ld and. silver has ui, exclaimed e9t.,creame Y butter ly grow ON ,ilravels,axnong the .411 a Sinners' of low ]a * of Antwe'tp., Oct 22---:-$ppt wheat held a pos a - ght�-; fouhd near Aloweaclua, 111. the lad 11 not, the inL,. of --thd ANTestern. goods vvj4h to get them, at 12(- eady ;, No -A rod'wintor unchanged. ition: dn a hill. . Th. fl s mother, "that's Sierra, X e, . of.. Virginia o'be afther livening the bye lip lth
adre, and .1 way t That.the bui. tter I I s. EDIOA!l Ing- lasted. all day "Sunday until, The Columbia among - the cV6awellero, -1 Creamery is Ili fair. erna,ria gnd at -&f I 0, . . . . , . r e ll -the -year steady at iffe to 206 for solid'and dusk. The Doers,. decamped during. Was closed - -by tho. ownerg because e . t. all !: Ar -r -r -r, Mickey, me higher di e ai� who. St.iii live in the* Same - Primitive. nhz lolke Ao round than. cheese, for ,the finest R."W. Gu."A. for prints.' the Saving twerit of their tile miners.%truck for more pay. wudden't 'ye D Wa cis tllair;forefa�thcrs many thous-�, dead behind them. The British'casu�, k.r0Scrv6ir,jast, compked at'East be -'runnin' about , t1row,lixI stones qualities. PQ�.p and L R� 6. Ed1nb'nrg'_h. a,nd years ago: Ili order ti), study �Icglt��jhtcd now laid sto'ci< is BRUTAL BURGARY.- ttics were eleven slightly wounded. Jo,-, burACand destroy- through mcitafforty, a windy, ol'. ty�w 5th, - ha f ring plentifully and ilia i-nar- Chse-these people lie sent baick the entire frL . . . . . Liverpool, Oil Ing tile wid4 . Night calls otfront400r ofresidenceon'llatten rT a convoy delivered th', -,upplles at. 50,000. ,Iy Mulvalleyls.:pct eat to ter is 'more profitable tha his e q firm, edy � tit . ad property wor0l 81 camper ice, bury streat,.bpijosite.Pre.-;byterian church. Sitall Of xpeditionj and -lived , ill ilia not onbr Ili the ive pr'
17c fbr.'sdlected tst'6ck',!' and o_r',dinary] Two Women Over Six %Beaten owetsdorp and - returned 'w�,thout t David M. Wolf, thaboat',-kee ar for th railway lines, an' W0,t0)1 alono . among theini. At first the'! tv P. a Li. ut ?11 but in fhat ilia far& stock -and thQ OFVICF�OxTaluo StREE 0 are quoted 'at 3:40 to 16c, and Robbed.. flitther trbublc;-.� trains stillauch the loife out) �nd are better- sustained, 71 tile lijrsiL Xational 'Daill, of Tyrone, 'd. I tribcs� objected to liis� talchig up his oulti7�-The demand for - fresh + P!X,., lid&' '.6bnfesged. to the einbezzle-. The sick boy promptly gat lap an R. SHAW Abode with �therri, but eventually he killed' stock is,strong�and offerings espatch fro-ni Rochester, X demandbd his trousers,in a 'Voice Of 6th; That Ili order �to maintain D gained their confidenco and was --On . , ` NATIVE. RE,r-,UrEES. ment of $I2,000 - - . I .. I . . . -I;-
6,of the boldest and authority. high prices, there must be a coi -glarios reco, OFFICE . . ASI The health nutIlOritics Of 0 alloVed. to reinqW. I-Tc.leart their' are liberal. The markeV is steady, -at deliberate' bui rded Ili the Starke tinuous, supply of finest buttei,.snd '45c to 0e. for choice 6y -plucked OXvAnro STREET, opposite rnklish: churchl *ways their. language ajid theW. songs, i historyof the city Was carried Out 4G.,000 �of, Thbm'Engaged. in. Airi- County, Indiana, . to check an + api- as the flow of iiiilk is lesson! and joined IIIand - stook, O4'-to_5Oe..for Scaled, and �j 6nsumniate skill and'bruttillty ave"brilered the AVIDO�VS 114 SUMATRA. it is the; ng nl"wl their festivities vitil c culture. e t I demle of' di'philieria; h quahtity aalices. One chief aniong the-, ca*e- i 350 to 50C for live Chickens. ', Tur.; At, No. 180 Seib street on Tuesday. :killing of OYCry cat in the inf6cted Suinatra, tile . wind d keys ate quoted at 10 o 12c for, -say. n e6iaes the should be.+ kept tip as much, a. t�� afternoon. - Two elderly *om43n,. Wirs. A despatch from bloomfont,cin 5:� district A, -widow dwellers 6vell-welit, so fur as to after d range length of time,
t. C. W. THOMPSON him his daiight6 fresh'killed, dryplucked Young bir a, 'L. M. French and Mrs. A-A.: Gar;o The native refugees Ili the 0 Should re- sible, itri(Vto divert tile milk from D marriago, au'd prisoner just After liar huS7- 'cheese to 'this article Is the.. only lie to 12c for young go-bblers -and,gc. At Bloo . niiugtdn,- Ill,, a main single, - �,PAYSICXAN AND SURGEON, at,. another, occasion he*wagnearly diiitr,'both About, 60 years old, -were 111vor:,Colony have been. collected Ili she.. plants a flagat&(I way tb keep U0 the supply. to 10c for old gobblers.' Wrolieved of :twenty-four.cminiis north -of Blocip- a , upon which. a claims tha t- Dervind, who was band's. death SP ttentign qtyci) to diseases of the Eye, married to one of the Coi;a. Tribe the,victims, and we tile �xiirder of flag is� Butter- should be shipped fresh. .At -tre 1'."r�allose and rhe-omt. the express wisli of tile girl's personal property'amounting, all iofitein. Over 10,000 of them. -.car F Potatoes-.Deaic'fs ar still unable ilailged 'there� at liar - do r
11 . , IOW.in 1882, was Ina raised. .' While the flag rellliiII9 Un Weekly o amand the best price., I to � obtain. shipments, of car. ]Ott; and told, to ovee $3,060. 'At dkout &.30 ongaged in agriculture. I'lach lie- I . 1. . OFFICE AND -RESIDENCE- fmli, but LitaxII61tz. b6d to.: (1-c- i 'Aaron G oodfal 6 tiquette, -of ca fill oilders, . -which; are . 'nu3n. nocent of tlio crim.c. torn . by , the wind thc Albort Street Ea4 north of TUTTE14BU'Ay Cline both'offors. -in the Rfternooii* three young well Uvii who is willing to work. is given Sumatra forbids hor*to -vy; erous, rk� y n ages from 22 to 25' About twenty_:pIrd per Cent of 010
buf The I" at is sicad' at 50c..1 rang I mal
STRkZT, CLINTO, 'rho Mexican liidiaro� ard mono- Ifour a�cres of land, iliaplements-, and THE gamistq,.. And lead on the whole a. Potatoes out of Store are quoted beardless, and dressed neatly, 4p- seeds, wherewith to raise a -crop and. populittion of thq UIte;d. States. at- tit the first -rant, howevei ON
assii a her. 0ZN'r1S7*R)1 very ha.,py qxistance. They mro t Mrs. rcxxch�'s,houao afid until tend chool, 'the f, . gar fav,the eari can lay aside her*weed, p rather At 76c to'80s, I poured a rations to' ellable him to live intelligent, And tire, the ler-a Gamo--0anvas , back duck, black . presented a. paper hieli alleged,.that the first Crop Is harvested. The land Ist, 1900 being 17,20!1, illost I'6witeiling - 4inile, nd accept The .British Gradually Enclosing duck and mallarda, 1/15e to .51,25 par - early .300;000. tli6 firs�. uin who presents himvelf. ilw turer 6 -aid, A, far. superior. race - to' they were authorized. agents -elected is near --blockhousesi ' A 73 0. all increase of n . , the Beets. brace; red., heads, 50c -to Per I of K 11 . I ... SUCCESSFL :SMLOX11', ITLOLMET. their kinsmell. inAlid VlAted St�teq local gas Company. and that thpY white doctor and a� sta,ft are a;,wgri . =order . . . .1 . . brace; piotails, blubbills' a' I rho jury in tile Wheeler Alikoke lielillot, of Ger.mall origink From Newcastle, N�ttal, a corre-
DENTIST, and South America. Among many I lOc to r3oc 1�1,hed to examine tile gtts motor- io each The natives 4xre vac- t Bonneville, rOwa, Ila$ fixed tile . per brace; butter ball,;, teal and Case a ed by fire- tribes ])a found it higher de- . 11,natdod '%ok hq�lth is excellent pun;shmont tit death. Will be at 136,7fleld overy We fter 'completing'their supposed. du Z islikly to fie widely i's spondent of tile Londoh Times sends afternoon.. dilesd other Small duck, 25c to 80c, per ties ilia men welit, aWay, but later i e�g lw lion on burning promises Ili future. a despateli which`says, tha a large
greG at morAlity t.4an Ili civilized s. verage' only twelve Per lVileciar belieuded: his. on -in -IL , 1 omewhat rcseniblcs� number at Boers are near Fongola-
pail. fil'appoaranceAt countries. Theft. and diseases Are Baled returnodj� "to turn oil the gas," thousand. Vive-thoushrid natives Ili ]�,Iisha Burns, with . an axe -Sept. 701. sea afid Slangapies, while a Cora-
Oriez"Adjoining Fostar'a Photo.. Gallery, both -unknown in Vicni OfTorffigs tire fair, Which.they said they hd.forgotten tile Uorokm. district alone are at- ; 11 a diver's dress. Air is conveyed by% u- be there is a moderate inquiry'and the Thii 4acrotary of, tile American fim-engine. BY its 111calls two Ind" inando of 500 holds a position South-
bot)i unknown anion 0 do, Aftep ten minutes in tile tending,to thirty.farms. sub- ds of satoke at Cast of Flat Retief. g:tbom. The larid'is held in coxnmun.� Their prin- mai-kcL is i4teady. Bars oil the track Iliq? the mail carne'upstairs, and Navy ' in his estimates to be penetrated dense, clou IL G, EARNEST HOLMES here tire quoted al $8.50 to. $9, cemitte(.1, to ongress,, asks for an ap- ill Back Goreo, LIv . Conimandant-Gencral Botha has D Succe8gor to Dr, Bruce.; ClI,tn. ,,Ipal. food consists of Indian Corn Baled ' Straw -The rc�eipts ithout warning fell upoix.the two + propHatioli. of.:,nedrly '.100,000,00o , warehouse flr6.. cessful Specialist In. Crown and Bridge I-Vork. . and beans. The attain to a great helpless women, beating them into. erpo(51, recently, 'Aild . were Suc dissolved his force, which numbered lng� leof dic fire, ) 000 D. S.-Grailuata of Itoyal College of, Dental ag(,.. Both men and wonien of I O0 fair,: there is - a n3odet ately good de� insensibility.. Two of , -tho brutesk . . 409000. of which $20,000,000 , 11� far naVY Ill discover 4nd has left his men o as "Lurgoobs df Ontario. Inaild and -a . - . . - three thus g tile opera- best they can. Ile himself, the Cal I . . Latly $acilita., . L, D S.-Mrst. class lionor Caduate cif D� s and.over title often to be -met then. stood guard over the. Prostrate vards, arid the b6lalicc is far I .. cape A. Space Year �mbred oruls- r ar
n tal on the track. here tire quoted at $5 vibtims, Robbed a Bank, and Stood Off-�ew battleships. two a] tions of tile brigade. through a sa11 ungu ded mentofToronto nlvcrs1ty�Sgdelsl with lit the mountalnoas, pine re- 'to while the third- ranacked at gun� .1 tiltion paid to preservation of �ihl rau'a 'what,(# they liv longer flutil the , hous6, securing .diamonds. Crowd With Rifies. arv, and u numbor of addition with a to* followers has gone north teetb. .0 I I . . L . neax Piet Ratief, The main Interest 1. Bayfield, every i 1.1 tbo:valloys. They tire polythe- watches, sealsMui �4x6ks, etc., valued L A despatch from' Gallon, Ohio, bov�ts.. a , f, the moment, . Sas i the despach, to 0 u., m. At moro taian $3,000. Locking kTL SlIAT-I'S 1-:1TORE I ,
Will be at the River Irof -,Vol-PI1111 Con tW says. et I tile Varmers Mend%v from 10 a. Ili sts, their prilleilJ111L V-4111 0 1 -6., I aroxill(j Ing of religious festivals And dances. FRUIT AND FRODUCF, bruised and 'bleeding women Ili t1w and Citizens' Bank iit 'Tire, a small There the m6u'esj' veSSOIS -are of centi Ili tile oper 'tIO IS 1. FREEMAN' he telephone tli6 dinner Pongolabosee, where the DrItIsh are Synopsis of Toronto fruit. and pro- cellar, the burglars at t town near here, was wrecked carly Fil ee is in the throbs of geberat gold, and every article.6f VXTERWARY SUOEON XAY COME TO CANADA. duce marke,t by tile - I)awson Comlnlq- Wires running into the house, and, on Wednesday morning by six rob-. 'in evvice Is Incrusted. with ' precious gract . ually I enclosing the Boers, A member of the Veterinary Medical Assocla. Sion Co., Vin . itedi After occupying nearly turd hours in bers, Who secured. the cont6tits ],,her troubles, No. wonder the Shah's kitch- I 011.3 tionsofLOndoriardEditiburglialid)draduate What Doer Colilraan&int Vi1joe The strike of bakers ill Italy Is Valued, lit $5,000,000.. Of the Ontario Veterinary college. - 2111 kl)PICA al -0 in good demand and are their work, leisurely departed. escaped. it Is said the vault f, f.L 'v, ry S
on- a so- (11 lint,tory Is 0 THREATS AGAIMST XXNG. 'Told Sit Bindon Blood. eo�ajlng Ili. In all kinds of paekaiges tallied S10,000., The cracksmen. used spre ding and becornlhg e It in, this at� share Officor oppo site SL Paul , a charch.ontarlostroeb i 141 imes corrospondent,'Upple barras, uArar barrels, baskets nitro-glycerinc. The -doors of tile Opus "ffir' his glory witil 111r. Vanderbilt, tile The noidwitu itut-e IS Dublin $udde Receives Docuents Phone 07 'not Is. Co. 9 value of whose, kitchen, furn In again referring to tho (!alit(% inpletely' 0 and The Turkish Cabi And boxes. (food apples, well pack- vbiult were blown co: From Irish League. e are , at' - HAS'FASTED' 40 DAYS. -essing clall-As of $5,000,000 which 'put down at tile Saint figurd- VErEPINARY of Viljoen and Sir Dindon Blood, d sollhig $2.150 to $il.50, pot. the building partially demolished. pi om Dublin a a,-
savw-lt was noticeable Aliat the bbl, the hittoo Price forfino, must -be raised At once. -0. A despatch It ay
LACICALL for table. Sugar. bbls tire Preacher Says Ile Has Growti gv 6'Courior Morris at the o -
w;rd' "Indepondonco" was not nioll- The French budget shows. a� deficit Jud oB .. rice bu' Stronget-Will. Keep Xt Upr, ' of which 20,- B1ACIe_ TETPuRINARY SURGEONS, (;OV. lioned throughout theAntevview.* As Selling lit 0)(sut the Same p t FOUGHT WITH.. BAYONETS.. of 50,000i0O.,frcs, Ing of the Roqscommun. Sessions on due to sugar 'hursday sald'he had eceived. docu- 10 tile futupp. of, t1le despatch from Huntington, - W. he black halulke, C
� cotllltrV (Jp EftXMENT METERINARY INSPECTOR Vil- uot so because not so atti'Ll. ()00,000' francs, are which tj
Paske untieq. t! !� tile United Irish League, marked with. OFFICE, ISAAC joen had no misgivings, A'large tive as N011 packed fruit. Va., says :-The Rev. L. S. Scbtt. it Battle Between Two British .1togi- be sailor lot tile Roval NM'VY* k1ko S ments. purporting to emante from I around :Ills throat nrst worn, a
ST RENID9N61C. AUER� number of the Doern.would elect to Arie, 90111111, IIL-210 to per baql(oL.. Methodist Minister of till$ city, has m . ants,, Three thousand guns And revolvers i I a coffin, find containing diabolical RICO% CLINTONO Varinda, or to AustrAIlli IToronto will be Able to take care Of ii9t partaken of food for fortv days, with. ammunition, 11%ve, been - 1011nd mourning for Nelson And hits ever till tilt- *aPples solit to liar markot, threats Against King LJMNVard. lie thought. They had no objection Ile has been A. severe suftorer 'from despatch froni. Ltindoo.says at it hotbed'of since bedn'retalilod; w1flic tile bright AUOTIONEEtR illit Daws(in, ConinlimA011 rhetunatism for a dozen years. atid A T lociallst agitatioll Ili Prance, to Pritish Ili faet they would and lie long-standing fetid betwocil tile tile broad blue collar prefor. to he it rather than un- Ulillk Ilia(, will am well Meadville. paq'physleian told him Durham and Worcester Regiments of W qqed lit an old, of the Commemorate HOS. BROWN 33ut its auy other niarlwt at home of, tilat 1voodon uftlIS WL ler an other foreign power, ig ship tllftt has t_Mll found fix. the victories of Tj,afalgar, (,*Open- T. f fasting Wa a. "cure all." Infantry' culminated oil lVednesday vasoo lot- tile emigration would.. abroad, during the season. - Pear.4 t r Aid(,,!- Vikh �n And tile Nl,,, 111ho broad blue LICENSED AUCTIO.9E,tt. the I 100 rty days ago when the Rev. Mr. 111911 lixesepvtition in tile mud, of,1hag( lare still meeting good Sale tit $211.75 Scott coaed dating be could ot hot when the Wol-cestors, with fixed tbo harbor of conducted in tilt artk at ilia Cteantion of fie a, disliko to'l-tunnin side by side in Visby, in the Swedish collar itself is older than Nelson, Lind to per bbl And 20 to 40e per rh hat period cro left lit Prujic XL tile altered With tile ,a from hiS Chair, To-dn.v lie car, bay0110f4, Lind ball cartridges, � at- adopted at t Ir.r. and Forth, 0i S we island of Gotland. Was first RICORD. otlice Clinton, or Radressed . to Sea Colonials they had known Ili VvAchos are about done. iiiii up afid down' tt Stairway And is tacked tile quarters.of the Durliams. ' . 1.10ting ill I(ishi. when sailors plagtel,e(l their hair Into forth P.O. will receive prompt atteal loll, Sat, d 11 14 supply I There has boon tria, here one tify Pigtaii - with get -ase 'Ind Pow- x not equal to as as it C1111a, 110 ray$ lie will '4QV61"3 lighting followed, during ifAction unranteador yourpat- _ I C, .4arabia, -Aus w nelT, !.Jos, -80TIng ConcordS, sinall 1.5 oontinue'hig fast forty days -longer. which'inan of the illdn were injured. Onage solf, cited. I . And del,, to 20c; Niagartis 1-10 to 25c, Rogem, A number of the Durliams are Suffer- t1lousaild students attacked MISO&LLANEOUS to 8oc; large basket4 Concords, Ing from dwierous bayonet. wounds, wrecked, tile house, o I I tile (lovernor, :30 to 85p; Niagaras, 35) t 40c; Ro� tile headquarteils' of the'Puti0o and RUSSIA'S M11ATA11Y POWER, tile' offteo of tile Oflicial Gazette. 1]00118, 45 to 50v- fflff� IN RUSSIA. 01, a peace looting the military Gra lots, 3.5 to 170 Per KING'S INSURANCE, power of Russia, consists of 71.(),O()O HORSESHORRAND y dozen; Ntrietl now lald would "It routt - Infantr, 140,000 eavairv, 153,000 een Peasants Were Xilled in Uffe anNERALBLAC SMITIJ;i In at IS to 11) eted B A Syndicate of Trade- n351, LIVED TO BE 1604 urtillery, 4!al,00(1 engine
Wood Work Ironed and first nd My bair was falling out and 10, fo 100; erockn aild tubs, 14 to nien an I d Others., Soo department troops, !.Vho req0vvw
-class Ina terfal a 17c: Iliforlor butter, all 1;.fndq, I22C, A despatch from London Say Ile, number 2,700,000. Work 91larah teed. Ina turniv, gray Very fast. But your' it chttlas rebuilt and repeted, L I . I Hair igor stopped the falling And to 14c; cveamer.� 1-01114, 20 to 211c; Tile Lenierg papers'report bre d A despatch from London says . - And Oad All W6 Teeth Whorl S41IRT, DOOTM AND JOBBING A St)RCIALTY restored the ftatural color." -Mrs. ercaior tub, 20 to r1ot at Titraskova, Rus. Sia's The chronicle that it very large Passed, AwaY.L (�Jl eg (4pring) 40e to 60e per tile Vienna correspondent of InsuralICO . Oil tho'Xing's Ilia has been 11,
E. Z. Benomme, Cobods, N. Y. .4 A despatch to tile 1,ondon Vally T- CL I P S' I I-' el -y lufaut,'s outfit should con-
Th(J I" sPair; old fowls, 0 to 50e Pair; th�- Daily Afall. "lit Sunnarn the ofTc-Led tit Llod's by it spladicate of Mail fl-oni Atheri,j records the. death 11yel others , WI;o will lose Will slifrtS of Iftlell lawn for wear
I Jobe, which wJ11 be next. tile, tender skin, flannol, bunds in
geor.o, 6- to, 71c per lb; ducks, 50 to starving peasants stormed the muni- tradesinerx and q1t Rbuti,. Albania. Of Iiliall, Iludjo, by It gigantic g is of heavily If the toronakion. do6s not Lo bu the oldest t's impossiblefor yoU 7Ac turkeys (sinall Plump cipul buildings and Of tJIOL fort[jeonling Which s,- sttting occur next yeAr. Th6 promium puld who Claimed I did polsation 60 y 9A t4s, ith the Ill, to 12t pet, lb: large turkeys sell Wealthk Perso thu wor'l(l, It Is said that lie was, tito Ile held ill Nt the tiny body and not to 106k old, At to 10c, per IT). LiVO ClIlCkOXIS fire. Troops %voro stimm000d and 14 Is high, being ion guineas POP cont. dInq facilities wor a soft boofeeg for the little feet. The color of seventy years in q( -It Well at, 40 to 50c. pail,, Dressed peasants 'killed. Illia Insurance only covers it V041' and hp ]Ind till, higte-oth. Alo. It, Is to be 700 feet Ili helight, 3110dols given Are All tuhnivable and and Will contain it roof -garden thea� ll ndefluuto In every way,
bOgn eaier, se line, to -day At $SL to riots In W111011 several train date. - h you� hair f Perhaps Ou, I leaves two bull tro, circus I'llig a shirt. Is cut In one piece And Is
8 8 kIle . s, and Ali obseivation dred dosectJolitS. are seventy and 'YO1 rike I Oliestning—To-day'r4 Price, $5 per Anderwe4ka, wbore two Jand owners t I ownrl %0thout. acaniq oil tile shoulders, and YoUr grayhair T .I if OtJ, 1busliet, but thdor heavier rocolptl�. ]lad and also at. I SPELLS DECAYO shows all, the free edges 11111[slied with
111 i Pelee Will decline., Potatoes r1rin tit Peqtrawkit and olr,ohora In,tho satna harvow . TAADN MA12KO use Ayer's Hair Vigor, 'about 55c pot, bag, oil track; 60e for � district." Thb Nation Thbt Is Satisfied, X5 IN A CAVE -M Irelikild rece Ive. on all Averagd, it Thev band Is cut Ili ond, piped, finish. -a I -alit V
third inol parlY, acre, for acre,
4000YAld"'rit to, In less than a monthVolur falley smooth Potatoes, toot, Says Rosobery. than the R,ast of "'niland. ad With ACaTIOPed edges, And Is long.
LA niaagter in gow York allough to allow of lopping due ,end lotla Sending a iMtoli end diecriglion They Seriou
froo W at r an gray hair ALGOMA'S pOPULATJON A despatch from London �sayis 41111 will have g1l 'rho biggest round tolVell in len- wt11 oVell tile othor. Tim boot4o hq
the pid Trausit Tunnel- land Is ai Xiliftaliduagh, 108 fcct and call be ma
oark, rieb lor of youth. I "Toronto,'Oet. the Wetern 1*1 Speech at 111rulinghaill; to -day fron, I
t d nod jaudli On F entl Nj,�jv York 0, ta 0 860111,111 Attat . ltonebovV complahled of tile A despatch hih. Tfiore tire 45 of Alionx In all.
r 'W
OT, sk $14 t ria Cattle, yard to -da we had only 3 pull ltoturns Sho%V Xt to b6 04,000 %1I Were killed and two Injur- of milk cashin(,re, flimOIS or soft#, A iA Wile. All grollds. Complacent apatil of. the people of V Ive I Ic J earloaft of live tock fix, comprising rul3tead of 56,5ft (licat Dvitafil. Ila Said thoy needed ell on 1141,riday morning Wh0ft till ollor" Tile most, it explo.4ioll ever of 11%vtt
9001, sheop aud lainbs. I.,- Irock If% h, 0111 tile known Was At 111'avelfi'08 "I I (154, T* cul till.,; hirt , ard Xtypor drug Ist ft"Ot Ov8ply "tk;- Three thousandL 1)001�10 word killed. and i V11111 of la(T Will be requ* 106�i betwee)i thirty and, A despatch from Ottawn, rjays:- to ber inoculated with tbe nervous, Inoug luass (
land us one doR, expr6ow 1, Do Side and roof *eAly� r and *a wl tb, The full returns of tile population of Ohellgy Of the Americans. of the Itapid Transit Minion to eut'six bonds ()f A? jkte fol caiv 4 ftud witch town, of conAtruftlon oil Tile avel'agre. W01911t, of -M
Y" & battle, Be sure ifid
of yotIt A"til "No 4 to, A "WAS A Inotto I tunnel
an ittion of liny stotbout ef 0"MAL arms, $8 0 a I r P �10 Inal: �et` was dull und unintee. Algoma -havia been received, Tilt* baniiiul," he gilt in British Waters Is eight all(I for tile boutoo yard in J0 C. Al about tile, line Of J -04th CAU: 7 R CO., L6*611, Milo, that spelled decay. he nation that"ILlroadwo"y' 1, 08tit1g; Prices, for tattle were down total iA (34 000 instead Of 50500 In New Y@ a 1,4;w 4Z W, the marl4at at Montreal Was Ott color � tila first Co �Suig bullotill. WAS satisfied W" lost, WIeot, In this city.