HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-10-17, Page 8Wrappers at • These Wrappers are almOst gooa enough to oall aThargain at this price, however we will just say that they are real good. value and letit go at that, They are made in the latest style frora good quality wrapperettes, come in stripes and. scroll patterns, dark colors and at $1.50 are the • best Wrapper value you are likely to find # in town ; Ladies' 'Wrappers made of good wrapperettes, in fain*" stripes, croll patternspn shades'and combinations of blue, black and red,12 inch frill around bottom, waist and 1 1=1 iga, rIalnizciV eTtrea tFill=eldvIrube 1 En ateacb. . ..... 1. 5, Another line came in at the same time, not quite as good but then they will not cost you quite as much money, the priceifor them will be $1.25, Ladies' Wrappers made from good wrapperette, assort- ed • 1:MYtilVtr5Zei:eliltitergiltr;ord and not eller as I .25 4111VilboilbAboileriliollivollb~•,.46.1•4w(ielbolbegbogiAlk...111.Al.. .Fall Underwear It is, safer to put on heavier under- wear now than run the risk of hav- ing to pay a doctor's bill by clinging to the light weights any longer. You will be safe too in buying your underwear here, safe because you can depend upon getting worthy quali- ties only. Many new lines arrived • this week. We mention a few of them : Ladies' Ribbed Vests,, gacid Weight, long sleeves,soft, fin. , 20 ish, ..... 5 • Ladies' Hygeian Ribbed 1,7nder- vests, fleece lined or soft un- ion, shaped open front, long sleeves, a comfortable and • serviceable garment, drawers .25 • to match . Ladies' Ribbed Hygeian 'Vests, wool with a thread of cotton woven on inside which keeps • them from shrinking, shapes, • open front, long sleeves', all n sizes, each . . • U Ladies' Bibbed lOgeiall :Vests, fine quality union and all wool, white or natural color, shaped, long •sleeves, open front, very fine qualities. 1500 dravvers to, ma.tch at.. 715c Ss Ladies' Natural Wool Vests, fine soft wool,. if carefully washed will not shrink, soft . finish, shaped, long sleeves, nn open front, each 1. U Extra heavy quality 'Natural • `Wool Vests, soft finish. give • . excellent Ond satisfactory on wear,..... ..... 411-15 1140 Black Equestrian Tights, all nn • wool, elastic bands, per. pair. 1. • For Children • We did not forget the children when buying Underwear • and any size you want you can be sure of getting here: GirlsUnion 'Vests, amall, med- ium and large sizes,' ribbed, 25 soft finish, long sleeves I2ic Girls' Good quality woollen and cotton Vests, soft finish,good weight, all..sizes, closed or 40 open front..... .. ... .20c to • Infants' White Woollen Vests' • small sizes, all pure wool, • soft finish, closed or open all• rn down front, each 25c to 5U Girls' Black Equestrian Tights all sizes,pure wool, elastic 7 bands....... ... ,50c to I U $ Cashmere Hose . • . •For Children at 25C For Ladies at 35c - Two of the best values we have ever given in Cash-, 0 mere linHeoosfiesrtyroanrge on nibobtledrknees Thaet fi2r5sot counters t withersthis double.'week. per pair suitable for boys' and girls' -wear. The other is . a plain cashmere, fine quality andlall weight, in ladies' sizes only : - The 25c Line Strong Cashmere Hose,iwide rib, soft finish,extra .... .25 . heavy, double knees, n due 84 to $4,. per pair . The 35c Line • . .. . 5U U Ladies' heirey plain Cashmere Bose, fall weight. fine 1 quality, soft finish, •peamless, sp...... . ... . ... .‘ .liced heel. very special valueat per pair, , -.a. . . 0 C .1104111.0•" Speoial Purse. DBSOORQ. The Loodeeiro Methodists on Sun- day. and Mon ay added another to their many successful anuiversailte. at a Special Price 0,,,rneakixedday ‘lytiex Mirn.uPeaul geBeprgatileeels. here weye good congregations pros- eilAss-0194:10044014k•giver46,404111b' ent and excellent music by the choir. I . Pastor Coupland occupied the chair at the tea-weeting held nextevening when addiesses were delivered by the following reverend gentlemen :Paul of Brussele, Penhale of Blyth and Hobbs of Wingham. The Blyth Methodist choir sang sweetly and was much appreciated. The Church was crowd- ed and the handsome sum of $100 realized. Sunday's collections added fifteen dollars more. The Misses Shipley of Clinton, who participated in the prograna,were warmly applaud. ed, They are clever young ladies, Mies Carrie in elocution and Miss Fannie in song. The price is thirty-five cents and the purse is the best we have ever offered you for that price. It is in three styl.es and dark colors, has leather lining, distinct pockets for coin or bilis, a secure silver clasp and strong frame. It is the best we can buy to sell at that price and if you will come and see it we think you will agree that it is the beet in quality and style that you have seen. We will be very pleased to have the opportunity of showing it to you, Agent; Parker'e Dye Werke. The W. D. Fair Cot Often the Oh ...Tests Always the Beet. About o o WHERE THEY ARE People OR WHERE • THEY ARE HMG " We Know Dr. Lowery of Seaforth was in town on Friday. Mr. W. Kemp is a visitor at the Pan- American this week Miss Hattie Davis of Detroit is visit- ing at her home in town, • Miss Maggie Murray returned home from North Dakota last week. Mrs. Watts and her daughter, Mrs. Boles,are in Boffalo this week. Mr. H. Evans of the Model class spent aifew days with his brother in London. Mrs. Henry Parker is spending a week or so with her parents near Zurich, Mrs. J. Ryan and son Mr.George Ryan. of the Nile were at Mr.D.Cook's over Sunday. Mr: John Middleton of Goderich, town- • ship left this week for Alexander, Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole and little boys are guests at the former's home 'at Conestoga,• Mrs. S,Oole of William street returned from a visit to friends in Jackson, Mich, last Week. Master Carl Stoddart of Egmondville visited.over Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Robert Walker. , M.r. and Mrs. R. A. Bell were in Goder- ich on Sunday attending the funeral of the late George Bell.• • ' Among those who will visit the Pan- • Am. this week are T. Mason, A. 0. Pattisonand B. Oantelon. • Mrs. Watson of Seaforth and Mr. J. • Leslie of Goderieh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Leslie. • Mr, and Mrs. John Baker returned on Saturday from a visit of several • weeks in the Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Webster of Londesboro •were guests last week of their • 'daughter, Mrs...E. Saville. • Miss Kate Sheppard, • who spent the most of the summer in Tara, return- • ed to her home in town this week. Mr. James Stevens was Toronto and .at the Pan -Am, last week and spent Sunday with his daughters in Bram.. New Millinery You are almost certain to find something new every time you visit our showroom. The Millinery ciepartraent is kept right to the front and whenever • the new styles, trimming or shapes develop you can depend on them soon finding their way here, Last week Miss Randall visited the Toronto markets and this week's arrivals will reflect what is newest and most fashionable in Millinery for fall and. early winter wear. Come in and see them. Of course you know you will be as welcome to look as to buy. Hodgens Bios., Mrs. Ben, Cole, who• is at Ypsilanti, Mich.,undergoing medical treatment, is improving in health, her many • friends will he pleased to hear. Squire Biggins of Elmhurst Farm leaves for Toronto today to attend a . meeting of the directors of the Do- minion Shorthorn Breeders' Associa- tion. Mrs. Reekie and little daughter were guests of St. • Thomas friends this • past week, returning home on Tues- day. Mrs. Reekie also visited the Pon -Am. Dr. and Mrs. Belden of Seaforth were for a couple of days of the past week guests of the latter's father, Mayor Jackson. On Tuesday intend left for- • Toronto where the Dr. intends prac- tising his profession.• Rev. E. 0. Jennings of. Bayfield was in town yesterday to meet Mrs. George Boyce of St. Paul, Minn.,arid Mise Spicer of •Mitchell, who with several other relatives will spend a few days at the rectory. • Miss Flora Cunninghame was visiting friends in London last week and at- tended the Duke of York celebration. Miss Shipley, Miss A. Howson, Mrs. • McKay and Mesars. Rand and U. Stevenson were sortie of those who also went from Here. Mrs. J. Lester Davis of Wingham has been .spending a few days with her • sister, Mrs, S. Kemp. Mr. Davis accompanied her down Saturday but returned home the following even ing. Mr:De.vis is editor of the Times which has brightened up since he • , took that position, Miss Clara Beacom of Henderson, Vance county, North Carolina, arrjv ed on Tuesday, is a guest at Mr. T. Beacom's and will likely remain for the winter. Miss Beacom though a na- tive of Buffett has been in the sunny south for many years. On her ;way up she spent a week in Buffalo, visit- ing the Pan -Am., attended the Tor- onto Exposition and remained in that city until after its great and loyal reception of royalty in the persons of the Duke and Duches ' Cornwall and York. BRUCEPIELD. Miss G. Marks attended the recep- tion of their honors the Duke and Duchess of York at Toronto last week. —Miss Anna Foote has returned from visiting friends in Bay CitV, Michigan.—Mr. Will Beggs of H1/41,11 - vide, Dundas county, was the guest of Mr. B. R, Higgins over Sabbath, Mr. Beggs presided at the organ in the Y. P. S. 0. E. meeting on Sabbath even- ing and sang a solo which was much appreciated by all present,—Excell- ent sermons were preached at the Communion season in the Presbyter- ian church, Rev. Mr, Stewart of Clinton preached on Friday, Rev. Mr, Sowers on Sabbath and Rev. J., S. /lien- derson of Hensall on Monday. Large nuixibers crowded out to all these need - Ingo and a number of new members were added.—The young men, who went from here to the reception of the Duke and Duchess in Toronto spent a very enjoyable time indeed, These young men will look back on those pleasant days spent in Toronto with. great pride when they get up in years and see the Duke and. Duchess on the, throne of Britain. --An entertain- ment is to be held in the Presbyterian church on Fridayevening of this week under the auspices of the Mission Band, MA3s H. LGrahain of Egrnond- Ville is to address the children. Music will he provided by the children and others present. BLYTH, Early on Saturday morning all the sheds and &large quantity of tile were destroyed by fire at Fraser & Logan's tile and brickyard south of the village, Much sympathy is expressed for the young men whose loss is considerable. —The concert int. Industry hall on• • the second night of Fair netted over $85.—Mr, Elder of the firm of Ander- son & Bider was called away last week to the funeral of his brother,—Mrs. James of the Commercial. hotel • was • called away to Brampton on Friday to attend the funeral of her sister.in-law.• --Some 'of our citizens took in the demonstration in London on Saturday ia honor of the Duke and Duchess op report it was a grand affair,—Miss Bernice Mi oore s visiting friends in Ripley for a few days.—On Tuesday .afternoon Mr. John Brovvn left this station withanother carload of horses. —Don'tforget to go and vote for the bylaw on Friday for the purpose' of loaning 56,000 to Mr, Beasey of Ber- lin to help. start a grist mill in this burg which is greatly needed.—Mr. James Emigh •of Goderich Wasyisit- ing his parents on Sunday. ----Miss Aide Emigh is visiting friends in the circular town for a few days,—On Sunday afternoon about fifty members of the C. O. Foresters marched to the English church and occupied seats in the centre. aisle. After the prayers,. Rev.W.Lowe ot Wingham, a member of the order, preached to them an elo- quent and • suitable discourse which was listened to with rapt attention. The • edifice was well filled. —It is rumoured that one of our young busi- ness men is about to join the large army of benedicts.--Quite a number from here took in the Methodist tea - meeting in Londesboro on Monday evening, VVHST TUCKERMITH The G. T. R. and Mr. John Dale Jr. have arrived at a settlement and Mr. Dale gets 5850 Inc the five horses killed" by the train. Mr. Milward Lloyd and family have_ moved on to the MeDiarmid property • on the Huron Road. What is our lose will be Tuckerstnith's gain. Will, Montgomery, who hes been working for some months for Mr. Gifford ()rich, has gone to the Algoma lumber woods for the winter.' Mr. Sam. Ashton of iiittevale, who has been spending a time with his sister, Mrs. Robert White(is going to hang out his shingle and practise bar. bering in Brucefleld. McConnell and Clamerotee team made things lively for a time a Jew days ago by running away With " the water tank. Mr. Robert White has been appoint. ed caretaker of Turner's church, Mrs, I. Dodd of Clinton is this week visiting Mrs. Wm. Stanburf of the London Etoad. Leadbary. Quite a number from here attended the Blyth Show, Mists Sophia Hudie, who hoe been living in Goderich, has' returned to the home of her parents, Mt'.and MN, W, nudist. Mr. John Scarlet had business trip to Henson last week. The death of Hon. Clarke Wallace was received with regret, Re was a great favorite with the Orange bre- thren around hero. Mr. J. Hamilton bee returned from the Northwest and ay e Ontario is good enough for him. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea 13ulgep, who Vent out to Manitoba to visit their son,have returned home quite renewed toter the trip and apelike in glowing terms about the country. AUBURN. • Our Volunteers, returned horne'from . Toronto last Saturday' and report lielwig is visiting in Goderich at ha v in.g had a goodti in e. —Miss A. ' ..4.....44.••••••t•i. ••••............••••*••••••••••••••••*N••••*NN••*•••*••••••••••••...4.."."4"........" present.—Miss 0. Lawson visited . in• ... L3ac:t1.7.1celila I lat)=/It1;r517-1-11Veitil';341:(31 12;t: Nrnitrittlfftritn#1ffrOM TIMIIMIIIIIMIIIIMI! •S 2 mrtrtrrItnirrntritritrimmtirrIttOritmflmitrIttrtiel .. has the contract.—Mr. Henry Yowng- r-- - • . . voting it. Mr. D. .......scLean of Goderich •. ' • . . , . ' took a trip over to MiChigan to see his briither Henry Mr Robert Ferg- 0-.. days last week. ----Mr. Robert Hoover, ,,-,....- .ETsitleabFlias::::t .. . j . , . ek. .son Br, s 1 . __- 4„.....cLINTON„,,e, • . . . Clothing . ..• . . .t......CJI,INTON....... ..1-,..-. . ao son' ros... . blut of Zurich visited his home a few s-_ 4 4 ..... Oot. 1701 :601 , ...••••114411.104404*****114114114••414.111.414.*******144144411•11.11.1140411.46 111411N••••••40110.44114411.4414 ....•••••••••••••••”.4.• 1 Great Sale Knit Underwear. Metes Wonten's Children's Boys' Girls' I. ' "self crusher in the Fall and Wiffter Underwear Season with the greatest special sale we have ever had, We have been months planning for this event and, now we have the best underwear values that ca n be found :• anywhere, Some of the largest knitting mills in Canada have contributed to this sale, together with lots secured from jobbers who were anxious t9 clear out surplus stocks even at a loss of profit. 0 'A dollar's worth for 75c. That's about the average saving through,out. We have 35c Underwear at 25c and 1 $1.25 Underwear at Sc, etc. You will agree with us that it is very unusual to be able to save 25 per Mit, on good I • underwear, fresh from. the knitting machines at a time when everybody is ready to buy. This sale starts on Saturday morning, Oct, 19th and will continue all month. Some,,of the lots will 1 likely be sold Out in a few days, most of,which can't be duplicated. All we -need say is I I... • 350 Vests at 25c 240 Ladies' heavy union. Vests, made of extra quality yarn, with fleeced hack, nicely trimmed and finished, : open front, regular 25 value 85c, during our sale days to go at ea.ch,..... • , ..... - .... • • so , Ladies' fine ribbed wool Vest, made of a very good quality'. yarn, , nicely trimmed,with wool, lace and silk tape, regular value 85c, "to- / on sale at eiteh. • Come as early as you can, 450 Vests at85o • • • Ladies' fine union Vests, made of good quality yarn, fleeced inside' nicely trimmed with wool, lace and silk tape, regular value 45c, •0 g sale price •U U . , , . • 240 Ladies' Vests and Drawers, natural color, very fine quality,well ^ i made and finished, regular value 70e, on sale at e. •1 I> e . . n 1 wool yarn, assorted s Men's Shirts and Drawers, zes s' Special Values in Children's Heavy Underwear tne,de of all i extra heavy quality, regular value 75c, on sale at each .6. -•' . •5 Men's $1.2 Underwear at 85c •. I •50• • Men's heavy wool Shirts rawers, regular value 65e, on sale at 120 Men's fine wool Shirts Drawers, well made and finished, 85 :and D each., . . , , . 0664.6•66 6.0, regular value is $1,25, to go during sale at each'2 • Best Values litre Always . . We are striving to make this the best Value -giving store in the country and we are fast accomplishing it Con- 1 tent with the smallest margin of profit and buying in five -store lots from first hands it is easy to understand ille. rea- son of our low prices. 'We have assembled a lot of rousing specials certain to receive a ready response from every. .• 1 Wool Hose at 25c 1 - . Wool Blankets at $2.50 and $3.25 , I ; . 640 pairs of Boys' extra, heavy quality of all wool Hose,, in all sizes ' , 25 pairs of Wool Blankets; size 56x74, fine lofty finish, made of from tn 7altbetl°:1ghaY:;erhad%!°rthe'-2'd.........yra,wel1.worth!! ... !! each, or8 2ets money atiVgt:ial.1amppair5. pair..Iai3: :HeavY Flannelettes 2 5 at 75c and 90o comforters at $1.69 t 75 pairs of Flannelette Blankets in white and grey, 10/4 and 11/4, • nn Comforters made of the best quality English print and filled with I no i ;• extra, heavy quitlity,fast colored borders, our special prices 75c, 50U, pure cotton batton, regular valuers $2.25,speoial at 1.•• 0 . I i . .•• • : Yotlit BIONET HAOR• . i . .., .• • I IP 1/0V WANT VT . • , . . . .' . . . . • I i• • A. raerica,n Flann.els at 25c . ._. . . 180 yards of American Flannels in the yery newest designs, I assorted :colors, all perfectly fast, just the thing for the new shirt waists, price • . 5 • CLINTON uson . of Dungannon was over to the village last Monday. —Mrs. 0. Armstrong of Shelbrurne is attending her father, who is sick at present.—Mr. Ed. Armstrong is packing apples.—Miss Gertie Arm- strong is visiting her uncle, Mr, Jas. Armstrong of Brussels, this week.— Mr. S. Searles was visiting bis brother- in-law, Mr. Jas Armstrong of Brussels, the forepart of this week.—The Methodist church anniversary ser- vices held last Sunday were a success. But there was a little dissatisfaction because Rev, Dr. Gifford was not feel. • ing well enough to prearl in the even- ing. The proceeds amounted to $43, The Dr, gave two grand addresses. —Mr. and Mrs. Durnian of Dungan non were the guests of Mr. S. Nichol- son the forepart of the week.—Mr, Richard Wile, a London grocer, was Up to the village lately to take home with him his mother, Mrs, John °utile, • who has been ill in the Village at Mrs. Blairs for a time.—Mrs.ff.hicCallum of Gladetane, who has been the guest of Mrs. Stitt for the past two weeks,re- turiaed on Monday to her home. Al- though eighty six years of age she is fond of travelling unattended and has seen much of the world, --Rey. Mr. Wilson of Newbury, who bas occupied the pulpit of Knox church very accept- ably for the past two Sundaye,also re- turned on Monday. His addresses were forcible and clear, practical and much appreciated number took in Blyth Show, though doubtless had the weather been more favorable many. -more would have gone. Dungannon was also well represented from here, --Mr,Wm.Fluker and family moved to Clinton while Mr. R, Leitch moved into the old Challis homestead 80 58 to be nearer the farm he has rented.— We hear the merry peal of "dedi bells' from oter Maitland's clerk and stormy waters this week. • HULLETT TOWNSHIP. • Mias Minnie Yeo of Goderich town- ship has been spending a few days with Mies A. Tyerman. After living in Cleveland, Ohio, for four years Mr. Hector Lindsay look a holiday and spent a few days with friends about Constance. Messrs, Wm. • Dunlop and Wm. Lindsay are taking in the Pan,Ameri. can this week. Mr. James Ferguson returned froth Manitoba' on Tuesday. The 0, 0. Foresters will hold their annual supper on Friday evening,25th inst., at Conetance. A good program will be gob up for the occaeion. Mr. Wm. Pipe is plowing at present on his farm in Morris, The Court of Revision for the town of Clinton will be held at 8 o'clock p. to. on October 85th. Teacher WantedM. 1045e1gItgeletiteltgletaieertoablV.Tti .404 1902. Applications roodrod up to Nov, 2nd, Litililllailliiiiiiaiiiii1114114114114114411111iiii4 persotIal applicationdprOtOrrod. Oob.1th jOLOt THOMPSON. Soorate'a 4414141411 • E To Order • The season of Fall Overcoats is here and the greatest bargains ever placed before a. shrewd huying public are here. We will make to order' a Grey Cheviot Overcoat, silk faced, cut and trimmed in the latest style for $10. • The goods are the latest and most . fashionable on the Inarket and nowhere can you get such value,. $15 would be • about what you would pay in the regular 0, way, It worth while to investigate. Underclothing • Por early fall wear we offer a special line , of Vnderclothr Mg at 59c per suit bought in case lots direct from the mill. The cheapest line ever- offered.- • Our 50c and 75c line of Underclothing is hard to equal. You will find reliable goods here and we can suit yen, in 2,11 sizes. Bros., 4 • a 4 a