HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-10-17, Page 3ad IVA upon him. clug UQ� to look Oer big will; �tt th"04 0 . urabw of ouch Illful A QU to, any, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, GREAT 811 YAORT RADES. What Happened Then, tho thought that *bcordinloWnto Aboutthe. Ic QW6Q ,u 1, a, q ETERNAL" H� �PPIXESS# Wo Vito dilmstolki Oct. 9�0. NOT T= ones, det@rrod him. To Jones, It wus nom He toolo his seat at 041,1111141HOUse oxt of the ZVVSQZI, 4Gen. Xji.,$82.4j) AtrQ$O thO 0004U the table for breakfast. , Hoo could T roni, X;V� Yqrlc Scarcely bring himself to more than Golden, Text, 1. Sam, it., 30. to Queenstown Uarbor.� taste the various dishes that were is at Heaven l satisfaction la.Hvery Good' before him, Then hodooply, oovsloler-�. GOOD n4olpns. Vationtly continuig In -well doing In March 1B7, the Coronet, P. fine On the morning September 98th, ed the mattel, of takjnl� 0j, leaving ,0StQW04, S,WaU and Veget4blqa�— Thlngs,You', Did on Earth* 1900, Xr. Harding awokevith a his datly,olgar. Why, ()Von , mur. Ut 0, thick slice of beefsteak,. In his prison life, the timo caule when schooner Yachts under tile coulmall. 4 lie should be delivered, Q04's time, Of that veteran ra start out of An oppressed sleep, darer is accorded a few little luxuries We1gb1AQr about two Pounds, And Put pkippej,, aand theroforo the best. The Xim; of t4itt Cartel,, was pitted against the, Which had not Overtaken Iltm until at his ]olat nicall Still, be docidClalit JA 4 St!OWP41X With A� $UMCIOnt si Q1, IN American Schooner D4 untless, Tbo 'A d6patch ftom Washington Say$ AUPPOSO there will ever come such an. towards daybreak, after hours ottos- not to Smoke. Egypt 4reamed, two droara latter qUillititA of sliced Carrots, turnips Dr. Talmaga ream that Was doubled to him In o. .rpm idlotic lapse in the history of that sing in oxt�eWe nervous agitation.. I -Jo Passod the first hours 4)t the II-! anol onion, 0 peppercorns, 2 cloves, as all 014 stager, but had t , von that it Shall forget It tie difforeat form, but none -01 hip, proved her mottle In Many 0, otiff be followifIg texts, job xxiv, 20k soul In Ilea His face was vory Palo, A04 his ternoon, 14 the 0001 sointireaess of his 6 Allspice And A bunch f Savory 't magicians: or wise Men could inter. c0llteSC "He Shall be no niore,romembered," that you invited him to Christ, that haggard, unseoing eyes Sent A roving driiwing-room, putting the query t6JIIQrbS. 134rely -cover tlie Mqat. with Vrot for him tile dream. How like The race in this instance wats from aud *Psalms '.cxit, 0, "The righteous you, by -prayer orospol wordAurn- glance. around the room, that On- himselP. What form was the ap-. stock, or water, ut on the lid and Now York to-Rocha,a point I for two and one the story -in T)an At the Omit be In. everlasting remvilibrance," oil him round from the wrqug way countered objects without seeing pr.oaching oilaillity to take—crime, Stow gently -balf it., 10*27; iv, 7; V. Of Oblivion and its degeats I speak to the right way ? No such insanity them, nd plainly a 110 $01t is p Ise. I r 8, for. the isdom of tills wqpl(l 10 wn harbor. 04 ttested the ek- accident, dibvuso? U 101, to-dity, There $4 an old Monster will, ov0r­om1te I A heavenly citizen. ightmare. It beA rJefile. Slandwiclies.—round the in the things of God, March 12t), the two yachts Sped t S. 14ttIQ feverishly, In Intenso, only the Spirit of God can tell US the way Upon their long; be,%lil Vayage, wawsdown everythig, It it is not halt as well on earth But, even after the revival at can- anxiety he hastened *1p 7 to swallow Olks of hard- a I d eggs Witt a chaer following 14lem. crunches. Individuals, families, cQM7, know that OblIstopher Wreol'plan­ BOOUSI'Oss Of external things, the Pal, dosQ of quinine; Tbis restated it to oz butter, season with cayenne, Ltuu /4 things of God (I. Cor.Ji. 11-14). The the, flow Pauls AS it. will lor,of his, face reniained the same cup graed choose, sal� to ia-ta, chief butler, learning of the Xing's Past the JightshiP 4t Sandy Book Anallities, States, nittions, CoUtiolonts" liall and built St, normal rogularity. 14 and ClAsPPpareii into the broad re it Wa together. Spread difliculty, remembered his Ingratitude themispheres, Itg� diot is be known in all heaven that you and III 4 voice entirely uiillko . Toward i Wur o'clock -lie was made, euttirles, ' of were the instrumentalit of building his own'that he muttered: 'To-d%y I Ito -The Oil buttered white bread and, cut to tits prison friend, and told the 03 Of the Atlantic,. Na soonQr-wero made Up of years, of c experience R livel: Shock. L -a fancy shapes. they 041 tbAll 4 Small army of Amerl- ages., of cycles, of millonniums, of must 01011, bell rang;, � Ile Imagined'it to haraid. int how Joseph had Interpreted A TEMPLE FOlt THE SKY. -os.—Slf that an journalists "Reed across 14 one (it eons, . That monster' Is catle4 by, After " few MQ1nelAt4 Of 41190161100 the irruptioltt assassilis;, Incapable Yorkshire Wm 04L -t u. r dreams in the prison; Joseph, to LaWait _the arri, other We teach it Sabbath 41ass or put a, torpor he arose. III spite at the dis-. +,tan*05)a oa.lt with 4: cups siftea tbeL Young the swiftest liners. Noah Webster and all the I of AV�CLftttem,pt At'. defollo or flight, ur, Hebrew, was hol6stily sent Val of the Yachts 4t Queenitbwn, On diotionv-WS 11ObIl:vlonL,11 ItA is A Christian tract In the band of A tress written his countenance, . he collapsed bpok, into. big chair and 40 and rub into It J cup solid all the g1pry, (vo 'Or' 'g'v'11 landing they bad whioll everything rolls. passer-by, or testify for Christ In a r a 01, -An Mr. Hardlng'o. w Th6 Majot pAterpot butter. Dissolve -J yeast, cake in a 16), t 0 r'p' I Ce"t". the. dream,, assuring to, p9seess. their - AA- PI h � steep dow.iT, thing aitpol, to; h t Souls in Patience for t fil " conflagration in: which bvery-' prayer meeting or Preach a, to Indicate the Immineat noullee,thfit big friend, Mr. pmyth -eiiiii tile larol, a Clod 'had byl those whole waoik, I 0,, little i ater,. and Add it to thing is consumed. It Is, a. dirge and go home'dise-ourageoi. as though dentiso be, had ounced. HIS Per- wits there,. laqvirlag it he would pot flour, With enough, Milk to make its dreams shown him what vols The days went y Until It jortillillt Alm Soft vould bad elapsed sinto the -start from Now which all orchestras, �play and a nothing had been accomplished, When. son wais round and robust, and his r-OmQ Qit-lor q, w0fi. On a6 ac- dough , 40 can be handled. about to do, that the events N . York, but as yet, �bero was 40 sign ovtirything stops. we liad been charactor building with etc' assured, As Ite crossed the room. count. . Tile whole Outside SI Roll into veiry thin 'sheets, and cut surely Coma. -to pass and that Pbar- Period ixt4 which that L P I W . In cakes the size *of a tea, saucer, sqt aoh would do well to prciat by the of either the Coronet or the Dgiimt� it �is the, cemetery of. the uian race, a material no frost or earth- Complete luciAtty came to him AITI-, terrifying to h in a Suggestions. less. der the Influence of his' c6l , I � for it ltbain in awarm place, and lot rise revelation (Versus I . 3t, is the domain of forgetfulness, quake or rolling, of the cen;turles can 4 ablul'of perilous possibilities. I Can we And Stich P, One as At last, late in the* evening at the. oblivion I At times it throws a dam.4& tions, and he set o going over in his I This alaru� suggested to. Mr. Hard-. Until thq are three timas as thick 88. I ,a or bring dovin. 28th, word was A'aglied from A signal GIRL'$ COSTUME,, t1lis, ol, inan in whom the Spirit of shadow over all 6X us, and I would. .There is another and A more eom� Mind, with extreme exactness,, the Ing the advisability. of arming him, As they were. originally. Bahe in iL station on the coast that 6no of the not pronounce -it, tti-day it T. did ikot plate defeat for oblivion, and that circumstances w1ii0i ' had, led to the elf for protection In case of criminal quick oven. As.soou as they a re God is?" Thus spake the ICIng to his yachts W In -slot, Tlio excitement come armed in tho Strength of the 'is in the heart of God himself. You uttoranee Lot his. sombro phrase. assault. ;But f (10110, Wit elicit one, butter, cut Slinple blouses -with. gored Skirts servillits when helteard the words. of or nothing: in the and, make the best of all eostunies for was Intense, for as Yet no and know eternal Gott oil your behalf to at� have seen a aa4lor roll up Ilia Sleeve Party years befoxe, at, a soqiaLgAr- world would he have laid finger on a into guarterswith 4 hot Iculto girls. This pretty Land stylish The man who could Inter- which of the. two vessels serve at a These 'are delicious it might t4ck it, to rout it, to. demolish it. and -show you his. arm tatQoed with thertlig of which hq'fQrmeoI a part, weapon tnat day; so - lid contented young Prot Such dreams and give such ad- -in gom e - for. breakfast, lunch or tea, Model is adaptotl both' to school a old falilily record 4:, do- the figure of ol, fortress where Ile thotopt, of 49trpliog had arlsv4; An lilkliselt With giving orders that all vice must be the mail for the occa� The newspaper Mon. who had ii, tug scandant, studying up 'thq ancestral was. gaxrlsofled; of,, . the face of' s. long ti his outer doors be double -locked aoi,V Potato Fritters.—Two cups riced Wear and tO Occasions of xnere formal $iQn God had been all the while in waiting, h A old gentleman, who for, and potatoes, 4 table ress; the to or whan.made of atur­ uried on board if& a, line farty, spell our name and train, dead general under whom lie fought. had bold the antird company UA spoons thin cream, preparing Joseph for this occasion body ihol Steamed off Outside the bar, oL the folded ink with griai offiirt- find* You havo.seen many 4 ballot. t the spell a usiw, boltod. a s6ul be ad- I to4spoon s4lt; a dash of grated dark -hued *material, the .14ttor and tliis occasion for. Joseph_ He 6tooed I. hda Icained and glith mitted oil any pr.etence to the house. 11Y Pale. nutmeg, 2 whole eggs, Yolks" OIL 2 1 "hen of light weight f abries in Which He bar, whero.they 1IL7 Lin wait for the tilat sonic Pe of a. loved one before astic discourse on this subject, bad . who hours passed, 191, Purposes in 1jimself Shortly -after midnight t rson by our namo was with the face qr shown tt is de winner,'L ,be or after marriage, This custom of offers wit pow His evening uleat was gone thrOugh ')e�, * cup - cream and t -lis owa will, (Epb, 1, 9-11), and hap- d ove IA sight. It Prov� born somewhere , ill the nindtoolith It to Illustrite his a 'others, I tablespoon - chapped lkars- 1 Aed for service however, and is Works out according to the counsel of lea Ing yacht -century, but the Will know no more tatooing I$ almost as ''014 as the L of OlinatiOn, by tovel,elling the exact P 'Rifted, Big Vith I Ike the first, - 1-10 'could not eiii...Ilour, Add the creant to the llota-r Made of Napoleon blue cheviot with ad to be the Coroiiet. collar of P are those Who are III HIS will, , thou . Be about us 'than we 'know about tITO world., , It is, Some. colored liquid.,' data of his dodth 'to anyone wbc� At one point the setvant broke two toesp Salt itzid n wl strappings of the. same, 89, 4Q.' "Only in the. throne Will I She came abreast of tb� ligh color ' of ft. child's eyes born tured into the flesh so indelibly cared to submit himself for th? Coatly Plates. utmeg. got in bo Iblue velvet and chemisetto of blue Oil Roelle's Point at ten. minutes to Contrktry to his usal In lew water, and, chill thoroughly, be greater than tbou.11 From ii, last . night in a village in Pata-, = nothing , can wash it out. It pbriluent. oust n u tices, her inas- Wboa 1,01d, . add the creiarn, parsley, taffeta. L a. tbione, ar�a so suddenly, one, beating her oppoileat''by aonia. Tell me s6illething-'about Your may have been the6 116y years, but ITarding was A youth at tventy ter did not scold. I I -To feared too an nd lastly I tho� Tile blouse is cut with �. Plain prison to, teen hours, for the Dauntless did.flqt great7grandfoi,ther. What did lie d6 1� whon, thei Initit goos'blto his coffin ttir . cc. Trx order to, give Proof 0; much the evil conse(pionces'. of hasty flour. back, drawn down 'snugly at the and' what wotWorful. words from turn up till 6:45 the following eve- as he b Beat the mixture thorougIlly waist, and slightly- I Pharaoh '!Thou. Shalt be L Oyer AY What year w orn ?. What year that - ptcturd wLIII go with 'him on c6urage'to the ladies prpsent, he stop ..allg,er. The 'last bite choked down, loose fronti that ning. The voyage occupied more I too and Ig a spoonliatt ket roop.ovel- the belt. The neck is tin- thall sixteen days., not a, ery strik�' did he d16 ? Allot your groat-grafid- hand or arm.' Now, God says that ped f orward and solicited a - prophe- Yr. T.Tddii�g ked fit the block. drop fron house,. and according unto thSr:wor4 -or fat, and fry ishod with a -over round - collr, shalt rerformance when compared to of smoking hot oil d filotfier ? WiIIL-you describe tile style, Ile has tat000ld Us 111)011:llis hands. by of the seer.. This date, Septd1U­' H,alf-pagit cij�ht. The fact of the tOL a doliente brown, roll my people be ruled," the second Ig I 'gYPt of the hat site wore, and, how did There no other lueanh bar 28, 1900,.bad-beeil categorically lateness of the hour bore not the, Maryland Chichon.—Out chi 4nol'the chefulsette, Or shield, renders -ruler in all D and because God h e Henrietta in rbo� and your great-grandfather get God Says, ' "Bello iiipectfled to hini "a the day, on which Slightest itristorance with it� ckon 14 the Sallie Year, 1887, the great The into serving pieces, and roll each It high at the neck. The sleeves are b"d.soken through him. According laughed preco( pointed to the golden texi, God lionared os� jubilee. yacht . race- took -to die. hil� ' liouts hiid flown by in bishop style with, narrow i . . oi� in each othor's companionship 7 havc. gravwl thee upon. the palms of ho' was Ere hgd with piece in flour, egg and'erumbs. Lay lace, & silged, th - at indicated,. t , Cliffs, oplibcdause Joseph had honored Him- Though Was it March -.weather or June ? my hands I- It was, as niuch as to heartily at the titne the term of tut- 0 11" *des -An A wollbuttered pan and bake Oblivion.t That mduntAin surges say t. 11 cannot open Y hand tp ther �oxlstende accorded to him ' had bedr, iiiii'breirity-of-the few rbmain-' III a . The s-kirt is cut In five gores aAa Is Promotl6n cQmeth neither from, tile I I I hot even. Baste.with butter and CONFINE D TO HOME WATERS. ROLLS OVER help, but I think of you. I cannot been suflIcient4y. reassuring. ing to hAlu. water. When dono, `awrve With the Sn.g about the hips �jllilc it, places -ea.�t'uor froultbe West, nor from. the ' bean race, And in I . i ' Sh following S th� but God is t6o judge' H4 put- t w Spread abr6ad My hands,to bless, iteri years, . the endeavor ortly before ton o'clock, a Vio-1 ance ,Two t 'at the lower portion.. The sOu as none the lo an a Even the pyramids,are dying'. Not a, first to crell,to,;ii, position for hims elf,' lent thundqrt6r�nl-the- a:(tormath of butter, 1:tablospooll ablespoons IdIness at the back is laid in invert- t9th down -one tind'setteth. UP allOth the courso'being right round ngland, day passes but There Is chiseled off v, BU,T I THINIC OF YOU, oach of minced, ad plaits under'.which the placket can (Ps. lxxv, 6-7). Lind Scotland. pijba of that granite. then 6 for�une 'In. his chosen indrean- the extrontis beat of'tho day-a-roso, milon'skild. carrot,, a blade of roace, a, Wherever X:'go'up and down tho.het- tile pursuit, had left him: little loija�lolld' turned..the peaqe of the event be Anialied,, oi the platts call be .41, 43. "And I Pharaoh paid unto 140 fewer than twelver yachts Catek- I I 111K bit. of parsley and It, ba:y loaf, Cook. I between iefl,s,� I take' these two pictures ture.,in wilicit to consider, the predle- fii�o dire con he XI Istitchad,flat as ill is on y a crust fusion. T iglitni g's I, ustrated, and. tile oseph; See I have set thee over all ad for this co'ntest, The start wag us "d the L furnaces, Inside raging, to 'until the:butter . has I ling :. made, invisibly -atL the left . -To conflrinoO mado front cotla'd on.Jund . 14th, you.7ith*U6. They are so inwrought tipit; �and, in, any case, his sixtieth fla:shes Were of o(tva-go vividness, and �he land'd'f Egypt," . I n get out into My being that cannot lose yar seemed -so reinote, SOL buried out the thunatir roared ill'unclarjiied fuyy. Melted, tlien add J teaspoon salt, Scant. 01�1171on I The world� it- and onlv wo boats finished up,with- IghiL, teaspoon paprIk it'by.tranfei-rIng the ring upon Ills heThe prize -a, very sell will" a, * 2 tablespo6na' To out this costume for a girl of 10 -band to oseph's holudi by the ves�- roll into lt� as easily as a them. As long il� My. hands last the of a uhder. ages of Riture exist- Mr..,. X-jardliig * at ijce�* recognized, in; floo. and J. cup Stock or wa�te�. of school -boy -'s India rtibb&r ball rolls lis chosen by Heav6ii for years of akc.4 ards of 27 :6res and'tho gold chatil'and e subs�aiit�til.onc a thousand guill- memory 61 YOU Will last - Not oil the eficol Nevertheless, the date rernidn-! this the ines, Grilled Pow .-Cut the remains a' eas-foll a hill, antl wholi.our world. back of iuy as tilough to an-; d in olibly written OIL.. his brain_ L Ill, I . f e d .cold fowl Int' . Iiiiices, Season with S . wwa, yards 14 Inches in tho.second cliarlot in tbo land, t to tile lot of Sir - Richard goes It Is so, Interlocked by the law, bne't4rrific cl Imost sent him 0 oi� 2g- yhrols 50:inct,cs wide will seemed to Pharaoh L that he -did it, *Sutton's racer, the 03enepta,' which ap� a flounce you to, others; �ut, on the September 28th, 1900. P of gi,avitatloh* with othe toPperthand Salt and squeeze over' 'kp tbo'Lord'SL doing lie 2, ached Dover at 5. a, in, oil, Jund r worlds my hmnd.r,.,:foi, myself' to -1 The'years went by. Harding into -a swoon., Oil, if he were no**to of leriton. Lot be reqpired.. but . it wr a palms f am e that t toy 1 will go too, and so� far look tit and study and love. aamassed wealth. -ir 91 jndb�- �stand for , th porin The second . aclit to rrive, I) Though :ad., pi,oiliol Ev- die tof feart' After all he, roo-quarters of 'an hour. itted Pharaoh to, do it and*thus 27tb. y ft front having pur.maniory perpet'lat- .1 hold the witicis iii,11y fist, io,cy" erthing '. smiled , Upon Never' crftb�o �suf`lering, the; perception. �81qutbhoqnd, did not Put in Wipe thein (try, L dip thent into .ncboniplish, His p1dasure. Nebudid� the )Ie$, a) Most withUt Inezzar.prab4bly thought that be took af P ad by the ibonuMelit - of, Aberde6ol 'oloita,:sball uproot,the Inidription of once had a li�tlt beea 'called' in his that' qul6t,liad stcceded to tuniult-.Ilwd butter, then into bread crambs. baran.co un 11:45 that night.' igrahito in this world. there s no ih�o. shoulder seitins, which re:' too J eholaklm. .' c"aptive, - .and t6 - buinart- -?Odcan rad ininif- of your name aittl your face, and Steady.inarch to fortune ITOL finally gave hin ng has irom time.. i cQuragg to ventur6 to a and grated lemoll. Pool" place. I heiii in ght 'of on!' �§trong6st tele- w and, look� tight. - or li� the -lack of matorial di- vision lid did, but' it was the Lord llioiIal bea& a � feature among. t a Vqrld In the-hol- chite t6 be 6 personito be considered, windo out. The sfornl oh ot, -a clear h� V though I.hold the oc gridiron, atild. boil over I , L, I . cothat will be a sure pediment low L bi to bo' '61iv 13, , WE ilpt who ave Johoiakim. and My, hand, its biklows.' 'shall. led; buti 6gotistical by na- ball' pased; st-ars weri�. twinkling sh6ulders, jnio.'his' h China. and, Australian 'clippers�. The ver married. peacofully out of a cleat- sky, Tho whie"LappArently fi; hopeless may (Dan. I, 1, 2). iost famOUE4. racer of. 'her . day­orl for, any slab at commemoration of -ecord'of my re- tUrei he bad ne 0 *L � not wash out the I I.. Cold Powl iUL C�Lsog`-Cut'Cold tile fact that, atr6i - lived deil:. mei '13elibld, I have graven C161110r,its litid Spared hill'i, Ills fear - sometimes ba.?cdcomed from utter � 41, 45. "Joseph WGUtL out over all Indeed, of the r.ast contury�,ivas the we. r libranbe. �' Towa,rd.9 1884, when th6 striven4or forl'into ' diee of - equal size and ing . a t! n She Was ith tbeeon tile Palms of my hands I-. litillion liad becomb.an. accomplished was riot removed.' - . - piece inscirted at at all'. 01w Is.0truck failure by the IiInd of Egypt-" No one might Thermopylae, of Aber ee good, hrill. lettuo�e into:p' aces, the bhouldel'. Scam. and then being do -aught 'Without In th 4liath. �'- The axlotee of tho,,constal;- oy, ,wit"t bon,oi,.caii there,fact, � Harding decided to realize EloVe� o'clock. Th6rgi -was 'now. Cut son�a jllick�. Slice of bread� .0 a ft'll-199' spitrrIbil ship, wiIt lot dowii the left -i him a m* in',pulled down ..into the correct.pogl- prison - so now in brea� an dream, of his industrious life, ,.and- onl I aximum of sixty mall s4unres, all the land it with , a IJUJI like, a big yacht, and re - be comparable to that of.being ro- a"d scOOP out' the tin. or. nowned'for her. speed, populations of I O,thar' worlds, Stol- . purchased. 'in - DCVOnShlre'a harbour fliAnut tutbulaneo, - began'to mi4dle, k&vifig IV miglif bo-Sald of him. "Whatooev 11ty. Obllv� membered by' the� mightiest and alls and bottom all "When the at Solar, -inorto. ionajc�1361ng ill,the. for. his �decllning. yeas, , which,: by. him tliat shook -)its vevy sopl.: -I ; eaves are ullcOm[Ort- iho�. did there lie was the door at it. " On'licr' maiden �voyage ironi L�kn- lar,, I. most Liffect ilch thl�k, 73utter',these slices, tIlQiJ, ion -I It call Swallow and will swal- able;'Lthroe'-iiiiies Out of four.it will (ClIaPterL'XxXix, 22)� Is -no be- �on to elbourne. in 108k she simply a 7 . Think .of it, tb � hold. an :ev-' virtue of. its - pocket-lijndkei�chief of Wag ever human'. L being In- suth A.. Place in the li'llows the chicken, 'be found that t inside l,n,n may low 'k,flj6le galaXJ& Of Words. as Vera n towards the South 'was, an- �it�tiat around 0 a ]level, who not. be. po *yielded to Pan roul'all. 6ompetitors.. With- erlilsting place in the bearti of o& 1 lofi,befor67- , To I moistenilig with'a little. nlayonnalse 'O*ei the top L of all 0. easily, a:s ci�oeo.clilc takes down .4 garde of.,Ivilla.1� the dial f,4 clock the InArch of the the arm 'whi to d' after leaving The. heart of God I The mosv bdii'u'. titled to�the'.nanio dipssill- an garnish with tt� spooll� too Christ that what : 1.q, 'done in. or he 0 droliped anchor iii the :grog. tiful Palace in the universe.'w tsii tbe Here his Incorrigible old. bachelor- rodands'that wera,'to, t1ell off- the sin� g,�bt L tig Iiti or fkxr back, thpough thein, Ho will. be ti e d oi of e fill, -of the dresgilig and the act of a hard-boilod egg. Placp the of. w 0 ng imself, -tralian yort, rt.recoid�whlch', So Yet*obliy1Qn does. a io " I of. aist r'jolekot should be it; as Ptil'sald concorni li not, remove o -a pala6e load; jerd.ous'of its cai;o­and intblei-4 tilaing hour of his life! Nrolk Aus S. grand ant o(jut$ ruck hal k "I live, yet not* 1, but Christ,. jivath far s is known, has:ncvorbeenb�6at- sw4j.1ci* evovivthing t1git, iihol bei -,el ide . Intrusion, � at f -hour More Passed Line as lie Coav and then yo.0 enter this squares . of bioe4d on, -1 �Iattej, mix. On with the hand placed at the'liar f peace anO. habits. fully, of the boad. It.the Sleeve feels !:am-. She accounted for 006.miies� not be remo4od or Swallowed. he k;taadfast toots in me". (Gal., it, 20)�., qinco our on P laea `of , arebang011e :06nal the lettuca with a, little innyonnaise ,Without me in no' week,,-;%nd -her fastest d 's� old monster,is welcome to his MealL Capious hygicnic ..luorning filPY. forLable With thelarm. in that I�oai- Lord - Jesbt� has said �o ELY and - arrange It lic.atly' about'. the . 11 ' These fl�ures '.This w and - see how -poor, a place I is witlks, a Ilttle'g,rd4inIng,' and a lit- Harding' 'n' to tbe. con- tion,, there is .'eartaijIly. L enough, i'yo ban do (john xv, t5)., run .kras 380 miles.' ol-ld Would long ago have been cobiliared . I Ow came . bread, ..., : I With. the' greater palace �ss ol'a. wild exultation surg- width and the material Wl)y' Should. we think of -doing any -1 would not L discredit - many a, stealur v,4,4 -have alrdady.'found lip -botli' -a ross the top, and:, tile length, tl,i,,k ap I be a si�, how- inimifiti, tie angling -s q pyercrowded if:n6t for thil uch was the wise and cibusil' and generations, that some f. Is allid'ing within him. What if the next c Ship ev6n at the. presbitt: day. eoaof nafibris in the 'heart of a . loving and par- folleftous interMixturd of neee ShoUld'S Spare. him L 41, rfrom Ulf I, C U Wat,if 411. the 10oks had lived that, dooling a ad and int, paitimes.that he had devised. I DRINX WATE13, train the to -the elbow. lf 6vel, $t may' look -'accoptablo In the remarkable dcoall, race took pl&e L O� aelo*r' -Liver Were over written and printed and a which 411' the 94w" it,'Is Just this condition Of't))OL prediction , should the'latter line is too short. or if tho. tj calls ago between two'. and 0.11 ,eyes of,others it -is 110 . ling unless game 3 MUSIC and. all the prayersi, 0, the one Most falsol, * 'Visions ' of future ark,, shaffo.wY, puffy places r S106vo is'put in too far 16 rward,�. the lool,.sh%pa, the Lorton and 'another, pubIlihad ? The lib�raiies would by iho'gormohic considerations of this ba�)py -quleWde that'i. a -are � annoying-beyorld eve V7. coa-t. 0 A' W . mist will Invariably' drag n6 being something like 15,m- �.r4t,helr,immen-;Ity haVo obstructed- in- faorable to, though+; and the rID- 1'swa�i through. - his �- dizzied' b min, Ithe ey r Ills new litile. signiflos, agebriling tb0 call trying �o Introduce, You the Vi What if, r _,thing. to a sensitive wornail. They ac�oss :.the back,Land thioN'VL - th ; t, 00.0 liffles. Doth vere bound for San put, position;" he limirgin, "r6vealel- Of secrets, toiligerico and'. made all'. igaearch. 1pi- tl loredlosurb or -all these Aars Of. agall of to -t 11Y are the blood of make one look haggard, ired - and sco, -and possible. -The fatr,l c-Pidenlic: . of through, that had been predicted to 1)hyi failed' iz0d suSPOnae, a, now era.-wbrco really �hole -garment. and lie receives. as his wife the daugh- Franol bpokg Was U!tneiefful e0domle, MD.: not too goon -elf * upon to hil-Al weary oflffo.- Massage alla* ter of the;prlest of On; bere agal - it A' KEEN AIVALRY. T SLAIN LA tiudo' its about to open treatment wit I-TaNlng, the more, persistently as big' q1I millut6s gona--fifteen twentyl I be' found good*, but CLEANSING BALL. wo� . have a, , two-7fold Suggestion of our le:eisti3d as to which, .should -be 'the - 7UAny of the state and nationa,l* lib- Oh where 16 oblivion now 7 From the Main part Of theL 1110�k of 'boauti, i-aries to'da.are o)il )horgiies,' in :t ... 1hol �had ..no� enforced ecupii,U6n It was now to.the Sbrely-tried motil. great.re�, first to reach that'distantport, Hen. he hark' and ',oveishadowing word fVing beL sce6IUPJIjbed'by. yout- ing Is 'an* excellent ,Lord -.Jesus; for T16.1s -tile wl)Jeh dc4d, books 'are WdithiL6, for ith. wbiLh to Combat it', ap, tnotigh -lie were being bb�n ane'* Thd follo Vanier of Secrets, making known to vy wagers wei-o'laid' on both sibes,, niZe Ithat it� secined When 1 bewan it Wis. Self, says an excliange.., cleans �soma Qllo toL Come and iecog In tlib beginning cortainly +Ilegood�jLflito-thc World, Slight kidn6y ing ball to prepare for use oil grea niystery' Of godliness, almost every -soul on, board from cil�- What1f all the people that become Something which no �man or A�, five minutes to midnight this Alsorder will clothes Land woollen fabrics gelferall;,, boy baVing a, "bit on." and. of the church, . and - of till toabill: tile Lord found gratilleatlon in utt�ring 'witti- Ox4ltn, 0 blil0ness, 4nd'of the 'hingdom, for Th gontloolail.had felt no law,. He even I brink the ufl'v­16 had been born 'Wert, 'still alive ? We woman or child who idos ti6ii " bacl risen t' a higher 6%: and ror that DisaolV6 6. bit I white- soap tile size was reason, drinking. plenty of Iter .. is. ey were towed but ofthe Mersey. hot to tfio.F ather love'th tly6' Son nifd liew- .6no fier the other,, the Orton bAv-. ve been olbqNyed by -our an -1 Oblivion defeated, clams. gainst soothsayers and iheir pitaft. The, 28th of.Sqpteinber WL Of an oigg,: ill -enough itleo a L Would h. Of +,on cer�turles ago, . and "A of swIfidlors-, trying to virtually t 6ld, seer',. goverAt, Mbe in the yolks of 'three 'Obl4viqn deoi.id. Oblivioh sepulelirpol. kind, aA The 'old OnC- of the finest, . remedies known. I.Ems J.'But� I inust not be so hard Lon that pie-$ ban b6eni -after fill, but 06 maker of Sip the Witter, . islowly, and do not a tablespoonfill'of oil of Jeth Him all things.th elf (16- ing,a, few hours' start. , When- the air -at eggs hnd 11 (John.v,-20), tugs �&StL'tbonl oft in the'Irlsh Chan-�­ 'Ople who. ought to ba.ve,sald th I int its pull. -the wool Dver hQue Pea I%"*!a'1t too cold. Three pints a da last ' 3,000 ye or, f6r. .. grave sorry'jests. Mr., Harding's face W&s� Y turpentine. Work'. inFullor's earth 46. "Arid Joseph was 30 years -old next morning. Though, shoi 'did not VvOrd as; ago would. devouring monst 0 ]its verdict, a; drop too. 21111011. A ' good till f;nArl at US,' SaVill go all our Sins wnerr the Lord for.' -eleve is not enoul - form But after the lapse of 11c, yearsi growing - flushed, his eves, Were glow- I tt, - IS to it beconids stify wh to wh6n he stood before Pharaoh, Xing and ay�ay tl ont upon their I von I-Tardibi; hitd.6oliplot6ly'lost tile In- like'] ; an hour * before eac)i meal et..tbem dry� .­Whan of Ou� Lord Christ's' Sake hag' fori them' ive coals..: He- set to -pabinj aY' SIP L a - big tuAnblerful .'.half into,. ball.4 -and I fr�WAT ARE YOU DOINO HE BE?" Just blow' rrebtlon . trump'et' ur; and'�down the room, and to you wish to vomove a Stain, moisten Was 30 years three months' r4co. Those oil board the Lorton flattered - to over a resu spirit of ni6okery that'llad'bustained iolent, ful old - whon .116. began 1110 public minr Tkorp 4blivion ' has and diverted blin, The pt . '1110 Iiiln-% the hands of the- elocii take another big tumbler 0 tliq fabric WiLth a 'little water, - '.rub 2$); so likewise was themselves - that they liatt shown their would. bii�vd beett'no �roonx Ahein when. once Ogress of ,at, idea -Ift his brin - liegan to as- Seemed to move oil, so slowlyl tho'bali well in, let it'dry a oino -of the Past Seri-, snapped' thein. down. Not one of 'hors afrW each meal. fid'brush (Lukelii 4iround. S John tile Baptist. and Ezekiel and 1 rival a pale -of ilacli§ . wlien -they urn 'Not one woman amaoig'a hundred orati6n6LOf mankina were not WO"th them riscs;'1151ow Ndt at. stir Sort 'Itself mord'aild more. Those 40- TWq minutes twol oil tba. powder.. TberQL -are three s thie age whon the priestsifniled. to discOver any sign,of her itmid all flie pardoned.iiiiquitieS of vils of rmigiclans had beell.1nown to He cast aside all. restrdflit.- Ud, drin":S'eho water to keep. her el uses, Of. stains :., the.4e balls oiann6t� this w. ast', allol'then commenced Not one. of system. in U91111.1t began '.their minl�try (Ezek� I, It" Brazilian cc rilierabering;- The first Useful thing Ilifetime .1 hV condition'. a v people. Old wa13 - to dici Plow again� ctlV� afteli allf ollar.-and ]its sbirt. .6ve that Inan, prophecy covre 'L I tore open his c I , uishity" tern. iron. and.. fruit Num. v, 8).. 4oaeph� began to rule show up again on this side of the them moves'In thia.-doep gmve trench- h The happiness. was suffocating ' hIML an an Stains. or ink, p Untor, their L Cradle a miSfortune. and theit' Impelled by the utuan propeusit*L d our rd - be� '0q. I at tile ago of 30, but our o She:. �L have in sight off the a booU, *Thia World was hard- les, Dift to, this powerless resu'rroc,: to further Irritate a,throbbing nor I Ve. Ititor lie had, endured. torpidity of the liver will.bring, the fl�nd, as it becomes aisc6lQi-ed.'ixbsorb I . ". olijing thiS.PauSeift the b ion At one minute to midnight -disfiIjUring biqlnishe's. it with blottin L g paper. Thon' ivash gan-1-Tia-publie humillation, for while each ggle in -table plilile to live In a- t er books on oc- g e'i-to-nedli: siru .1 m ce respon , ds,' botif he took to pbrlhg� ov , in a .ci dativ, nutritious' fo6di OUt WCIiL with tepid water, and cas. Ile'went about doing good, aiinoiht� all exe in n c ro foi ne, and it must be. cut tisia, � and set going, endless I nxet s,e thousands bJ tore the middle of the eighteenth humahi- half div cqn� V.try , Intoxication of delight, -he . I I. deep , bren act. with'tbe 11oly Obost, it was �to; b6. lasted for somd 1.11119S have come- PMrtL Ann and part Qod. Saying, orq Mlihg, a quick banid bath ,I�tlonr, oil mystical topics among startod to' executo a'dancing-Step, Itile soap, If 'oil White d6ods -iomon ifled as ml`16.. Down the Ooagt� they raced with tepid :, Suit water every. day, Juice and common salt, desl)lsed.and rejected and ciuc into t1le, world t1lat tore not - fit to 4�Tlwlr sina and., their iniquities Will his friends. I -To toolca morbid pleaii�,,eelcbration of his:deliveranco when- i . . . often'. renew- I . Still L Wait$ for side by side,'rounded''.the Earn in make." Thank God 111.0 in S16ep Cklough to tborQUghly rCStL You, I evil -door, and Ile and stood up in the Pacifim Sta in � we. ought to be gloxi tAleY 1. remeinbol;,, no , tiCcUMUlatilig proold' of,,the Down.lid fell upon, the floor; sirieic- ad and placed. in the.sun; are most an; qompany, Were put out, ,The. waters of Lether, for, this blessed, oblivion. So you Ircto lanciltablo goilvIL'Joll th an With apoplexy, at the piecise-iyia- a Well-ventllatefT b6droonim-all these IRS kingdom. I at Was a you down into in upon him. Yes, Yes, it.wa� mmt when the clock was-soundin re very, v I ery I beneficial. 47, 49,: ','And Joseph'gathered earn until the wind forsook them­andloit -gotfulness,.Are a see I-di'd not ilIVIt OIV 9 as ilia Sands of the'sea, very muchk theiaL becLlined withih 6 mile or so of the. fountain. of Joi n a throne; not In- orit was each other. - we bavo n collar,but up 4i Un-, fly n6triber of the�sa wretcliod the first Stroke at the midnight that , During the'pose in the hoalthrul draft. The histnr uhtli'llb loft numbering: worl, ma`� -known, to come brought to a close the 6Uth ctf 86IJ- REMEDY, VOlt LOC1CJW­ aid a Ur- -Of tho. a -in ages past IS always io.tho graveyard; to which all I predictions had bcel� : . 'AIISWers, without numb6i�." I This he contep't, tha captalas oxen One aided. and eanriot, bo'depended on; -teriallsm. is destined, but into , gar- 'to OXaCt fillfliment.' tombbr, 190.0,-Lo.ndon 'pilaph tree ingthe seven. plenteous trlendly, visits, and even hu. crows To a.double hundful OfL'.poaph tree years, for at times, � When the 'At last, unreasoning leaves well ' crushed in anAartlian the earth -ought forth'by Alandfuls, .Ijstory I's fiction Illustrated by a den all a�bloom With.overlasting r6- fear, a sheor fraternized first terror, vessels few Straggling, facts. %-,he frown, of my took possession of."hirn -a T BABY,, ALIVE, 'dish, add, I teaspoon of salt. MIX rid -Joseph, dillgently.-liade provl­ breeze sprang up again, the t We, ty build this "Ov6rlastfng text has become the kiss of the' 900- pallic, without reprieve. that chilled w ere driven'asunder once 3kcre. - bu 'Anbillilatiop has become and.fattered him. in every act of his Who baby wa's Ills 'first, and I he.. and apply to tbc� ound, renow- Sion for the time to come'whou. there 6 Ct. as 0 'Oil s necossary, and keep would be great distress. Tile phrase weelCS later, Lorton Was Stand 'ag InY text StICS it, and to) 'It'it. it ing. in towards San Francisco she 08 . 01 coronation. Tile Wringitig hands . of daily life, 41c did not fall ill; sear.�6- wanted to wel L . f into thp supernl existeace':of h it on,a 104 as the wound dis- "as tbo sand Of thaL Son,,*' or, ae.lt h to we do kludyiesses in . this a groat agony have beeom� the elap� ly did his ruddy color fade, or his It's bufnpbr I be exclaimed, charges. Leaves illn be dried for mmdiscovered her opponent for, I great Joy, -The 11,0- hearty ratundity diiiiinish. He kept Where twe the seo,164� 7 'the . dust. , of the the'llarbor tit the game time. The You iliust remember that pirig' hands of p. uras, to ']'he ololnoti vinter use, and scatted and prepared. If ' that world. ' has be �tlillying his b 0 hulited up an. Csid,­ earth, " is a fliffure. : Sign' Ying former Vessel won, though bk a Very and treacherous faculty 4UJein with which We began - uttl giellic =OR as fresh ones, iiro equally.good, An.- which cannot be, counted. See I. this infirm tell the end of so fortifying al s narro matgIn. It was'cdrtainly re- TvIich we now call mainory. Is III the conla tile grand March- with Oil' I Ills Organs fwhionod patr that li'ad come d6ft, other remedy, where poach loaves Kings ill, 8; IV, '120 -PO; 11 Chron, 1, a tear at acidness that its to enable them to resist any afTee- from ;� forliler - Judg markablo that a, rac6 of, 15j000 miles future state to be coiupletd and per- we close, TIT o'Gon. xxii, 17, The t)sby, w the fleecy cannot be obtained, is to put wool 9,. then Sao als ree morithsi has Struck the tion capable 'of bringing about li' or $oathers ' oil hot 'Coals and fiald lasting somewhat over th feet "Everlasting remembrance V rolled down Our clAck 0 vil, 12" I. Saul, X111, 5,., PS, lxxvill, t grip Of lip, on which sits the laghtoir of Predieted event. I -To gave fplds.,of some 0, Was su$- hould have.eaded on the same day Nothing will lip the stou 11% the wound over the,. smako Iloth of 27, How great is our-Ood that H6 P that celestial faculty. Did you help eternal triumph. Fate in - its 'malignity.being. quite p9nded from tho If'r and almost . pay her rent ? Did YOU daptible of,striking at him through . I'll tr�,r it . at eight Pounds,, lie those roilf6dies have been Used) and can multiply things and people after a. widow -his his favorite sim, X-10 even slon­ aid, '�Iidi%� the boam 0 that have U6.doubt Saved life When phy- SAME HOIUA- find for that man released . train pris this fashion? AT I n t, WEL i' the famine came. An equally. exciting CO tes a suited physicians, who, olle and all, 1*11gul.q. folclans failed, The leaves are good n'.dua time p1l a place to got honest Work ? Did for ani"als as well, A mail had a -quit - r c t Y Than all iigypt'cric(i to Illaraoh, that which took.lildco a 6 on I you pick.up a, child fallen on the pronounced him without 9, flaw. It won't, do. $ho Weighs horse whose. log as lacerated, all )soph;: wllttt between four homeward bound vos- tick Of bond The'last few mantlis,b h mucli niaro than that, and lie said, "Go unto J( purbstano nd by , v, Several treatment failed, and lie was. about lie saith to you, do," - This reminds sets, three British and. ne German, put it-, his hand Stoi) tile hurt on his tible clato brought this mental tor. ITO Slid the WIlight OLIOXIII, to kill it, whon the loaves Were ap- us of the saying of I Jacob's wlvoq. over ii still,16tiger course. The race, ocititchod kilea 7 Did you assure, a turo, to' its keenest-; -Mr, .'l-Tarding 410tches. fuVt,h13I* plied and it was saved, "Now, then, whatsoever aod hath in this Instance, was from Aotoria­w amped by te strin" fonred.that he was going flia.d. But -1 By GOOL-00 I ilo' said, She welglis , tiusiftess mail SW instinctively carrying Wfth It a men, More 'thitil ton poundet I E said unto theo,Ao " (G on, xxxi, 16)', ton dogroosmorth of San-Vraneisco- gengy of the money Market, t1lat love HINTS ON Mary to, the to E 11gland, a distance . of 18,000 rtimes vollid tatter a While be better ? ace of death, he contrived to'kedp up iwol�o­tfilrteenfourtoou J� Is It. p 4 ME 1� V 11111001111 Ntifil also of the saini, of Cana, 'miles,. - The British vessels Were .0.11 Did you lead -IL Magdalen of - the some Semblance of'n, calm, lthough�sjble � 1. . I , I When a walst does not fit porteotly, servo,lits at the marriage in to, a midnight mission, It Was long sinee he had had restful I He set the, baby stnd soales down the favorite trick. of a poor dress- '-'Whatsoover lie saith unto you. do, four -masted bdrques, clippers every P On. thd shoul� maker is to pull It ti It" (John it, 5)� Our great aAd Can and of them while the German Was s, Lord Said tO bar d- allici belonging to the tilin (;loop and big digestion was becoming find rooted himself for tt. filament, of the Most - 14 ly question, cocerning the -things full-rigge ther do I condemn thec. Go U;1d S14 1mp4ir6d-. . Had it,not been for. bisr Biggest btiby I cVor�saW I lie pant- (ter. ThId. Is ital ags of.the Noritt-German Lloyd, and,litanned by 116 More 710 Did yam tell a Will% superb constitution, fortified by youts pd rosu�nlng the weighing prodess. mistaloq, for'at once the whala-walsf* which are eternal, the thi: -four fellows in training for the I a of regular living, lie Woxild have sunk n4velt � wtot ba,11-sixtee, This Is thrown out of place and often -1gdom, should be; ,What bath the eighty olear discouraged $it his WftyW ru- Ord illy 'has the company01 1100t. Under the strain he was enduring.' ilifni Won't weigh bel, I See f Six- eannot'bo ro$torod to Itt original spokon?" for ITO a All four left Astoria Within week gess And hopeless 1111d Plotting Pull beat littero are bread of life and all must collie to pide that to,- him Was ndat bY a an*tho`znorning' of September 00h is tho last poteb, and site jerks form, those a life. Not oril of each 6thelO, - Wagers beimg freely r '1* whiall he m1glit wash, and 28th, 1900, lie awoke, to awatt It no like a folathvj­ Go and got a who when they tr on it, lining pill Preacher- "Wit an you're tempted to 1-jim who would Iia`1 Y laid upoil, the,result. -Ono,of the first live II 5f oternal, blessedness ll� death. There Wasn't tllo,.Ioas� -here- llig pilli, of softies, fit 901110 � 1101gh- It well to the wai.4t line below the drink, think of Your wife at horne." all L,Igypt had to Como to JOSOPII, 0, coronet I bor4g,' �3h@ raut yq vlgk over twenty corsot, and it there Is it fault, . such but all c6untrloq.(�V7), and, we shall to got away was the British ship Inight wear ? What/aro epitaphs in Ism in his attitude 'of oxpeetancy; , s ng-walsted, 6bViate IIdnPock�-1'1­do-nnd thaVs what sco In the next lesson, -all Israel, too, Muskoka, a rader Which alroki,dy held In I I 1. . . graveyards; what are 011109fumA the only glimmor of courag0ousnogs rives. me to drink,;" the record tot, rL Voyage from. Cardit go to which thei poor Man could . ontorpoi Millip, Illy shouted, rushing itito. it by liulline tno material down ndtinj Song, of; Israel found that presence of those %vho breath Is I SUItPU1,14XXG PROPOSAL, alSt" that Cuts the their brother. to Hpng-Xong in PightV-0b days, ,ad of UP, A W their benefactor at their nostrils, what ard unread bio- himself had its orighl fit �tbe fear �ha� thfl next roorili, she's the biggest baby late UNLtOICY LAXINS, Crowding on I sall, %he soon shook graphics in tile alcoves of a cit� "Daddy I,mot such a lovely littleloo initllit dip of fright. in this cout�try I 1110ighs over six. wearer at the back � of the iieck is Israel Shall yet see that thoir deliv- off her rivals, never sightlOg thdvi tPon and of the ino.te uneomfortablo -Ali African millionairo recently ill-� crer is tile jime one whoin they crto- again throughout the long vwj.age, !ibrary, gogiparod with t1le boy at, the party last night. , Will I .. I things 'that call be Worn. bur the '%'I - p. - What d!4-yO4 W0191t her on 2 JYI- Vitod to, Ills , otch shooting s, Party 6ifled and to Him Shall fill flesh came tideed, for Months togetheot, not a �ou buy him Yor mol?" qulf�ea the young moth8e. fault cannot, be Obviated by cutting of friends whose famillarity.with the All who now receivo,11111% Shalt I 'Buy - liffill UhY, how.tho-what It was 104 at O I n their e*porl- olitary sailing ship of any kind ap- you have ni4do in the illuminod men%- ploolt. Ilia totlot the scales in the, Ritelien. out the nock: at the batlt and put- gun was not excessive. learn. or inoy learn I Ohl tied' -flu took a fiW turns about 11 g % C � an those are lJotily ting the Collar furthor dOW11, 'd-14 I He met Ills gueatii after they had elloo the true meaning of Manassch, peared upon the horizoil..- Off thO, pries of t1loso to 'Who 0sr thea The a is been, out tot, an hour or two and ask- and Illphraim, for (;ad will Allake ItNer Plate, when Mty days -out, she , In you did such "Why havenot X heatol' you Tills attiolio �proburco 1XIM ritig g4morally attollipted. Tho trouble Wildnesses .? -voigot thein .7 over and over again that you bought i0valliefit, for"Its own ounces-, replied, quietly. Qd them What Sport they had. thein, fol-gol, their toll, and Will Illake ran Into a belt 09 balm, and for, near- rannot forget them. Notwithstand- Qiarla�tofs husband for �ttko; th lie 11, �V& before, cv.. pie, tho baby, John, "Oh, wo have shot twenty brape," then, fruitful where they have been ly 0, fortnight it was ftiorel it dasa Ing All their Inight, and s'iilendr, porloince o I seen Of oarly, -opl, afillet6a (verses r3l, 62)- The field, of Idle drifting, Thisf dela!It,wnt the aide tllipgd t1lo'glorifled America's revised version of the 4110 IPIMT XEDSAON. Was the I 'hopes of ilia eVow down, conSfiderably; there are s I To antic rom n Vo ad 0, 0-Olapardt- "Twon,ty brace Is not much," he which is the world, fit whiCh W0'al'O Or boaAll caunot do,, and tilig 6 Bible, after being told back 'for folir- son III 'is UII to t116 av&lfaAing 'Of Ha. W;tg a Tiloo �roufig man, but, oil, "considering I was' assured ,low tile rctLpors, belongs to our Boaz but, when on April JUlt, she roadbed said, of them. Tbev caullbt lorget all teen years, htiLs just been 1)19rcod 'on it. f6joil'on t a ornIn of Iltri, R0, slow -so glow f ,be -wao an oven Queenstowa, and the first oil�,ger lnr� that this'wasi the best shooting in and in the filorning of out marriage qufries revealed the fact, tbatmone Of parthl . k1ndiegg done. The kind' -'sale. strikitig featu a h tion. Why it. it that lick an holat 0�col'. Young Woulan, but "he likool Scotialld.11 to *Elini,tho wholo field ill be ours, yu do to others will 8�.O.lid storati6n of the word "Jehovah" man, who ad alt I 11 life c6nlOrmod pot'tho* afoj�omcllti(med wag the answer, f10 ant We Will tholl, It not before, lor- the other competitors had 'Yet,* been AS lonk in the appreciation, of OthOrS wheravoi, or ord'! appears, to the, principles 0 buman'lliorality, , !TO h4d 0alled to didn't exactly iltoot anything ; but 11 and Sea the true mean, reprethree ringing cheers broke- audk aff tile use of for they Were just. dislip. V or. the rta the gates of u0n,voil, will 'at an "gravc," should be forced O,Itve through such the�ttjc, 00 did"' tfultibas, (11,0111, Vill,, 18. ut troll, those at% board. ttlonlolitq WS tilosqi Jento W A ijorrl- poiaritxg -doWn thq gaj,der,-patll, when the a �ol ' next few days both capEafft ond erow� ge� of fr Ha In t his friends agaiti Ail flour l"g t were kept In anxlowr su�opoo, the the "flouso of Inany mansions" Will it, or a 1.14 il . XXVII, (3). Being redeemed, to h st&tnd, kls long as t a tbronp at.. (goa bly unjus�f (i informed her that little Nonlet or two Intor and asked thell), TIOW 60 willing afid obedient. will stand. There is it curioua combination I 110XIeeended Into big eLrdeq to the pet ot tile boUtchplia, wao, Calling they litul got 011. Vessels Which started subsequently on will be trc being accorded time allowafitt, of A tI d feat of obtivf in West 4fockbridge, Mass, it ProiLtho the. Mr. Thp day haO 4u- to ll�r Own the Steps, oh i We have allot .roo�thlng fur� DRulAn ? .to the character Of those Lq primallity' ft 111"PIO, which Measure lounced Itself aq warm, This Was . OUs do4 t1lor", lie was told, courso, Ilut as the lettled. to itrrlv(y Ull"011 -.1 � vIt TIM. .10 . pubil it who)(1 we 1,e&cuo, uplift, or 94VII. I foot ftoyll the grou'lld, 3.2 riot 9 Uiffoi-tunato. Heat jg'uot fa:�pra,pI6 -site *19d, dto Ul toluctalit1r. wit tvffow is that 10 Didn't Larking ITo �V,iotq young Pnd banliful. She before their days'af graeo had S ar. f3upposo li� a Vitteon feet to Sau;yulnd temperament, often be- is f116 little. plartIlitig saying, Rooiattf- .8 loot anything 7" Was-alloin [-not tbirty, ired, ilia Muskoka, was declared the illones in C no Or Roblimon, ho began ollMdont- right fliflusonco �op tit transforill train tile ground t1lord ftt'p, 0 fug the determining oa so of' (Lpo-w aid I "No ; but one of Our Party SlIOtL 1kfISS Winner, 111110 actual Unto She took to illau'itito it good Man, it tV6 birch 11*3 growing, and hfghoi pIPXV. Ito resolvpol to 911"Ut fiffhdolf Wl� Rayo, 'OY,411'yo forgotten -to ki.40 ly, I am -or -a little suportitfous, acomplish the voyagewols 101 days, Ing a, bad Larkins," Was the response, dolorous nian Into Ix happy Inano 0, Up are currant and raspbeiry buqheri, up, after tv, llgh� mfdOay� 'Megt, lot it rAe. alld I dreamed last night that I-ei, go hours; her quickorA run ill arty par fralt ca5h YOM, coal' pli4niber, for tho' Wholo WOMAXIS + -timposed to you� Is that it Sign of singdo day being 83:1 mijes. man Into a MtDe- 11ow ttrartgo I' romarked the young The earliest Snow f the Season in I I Ittidy. Wity should alto wwit file to The n(lia-gored Skirt ban 49rtftill In- Lilnglaild Waq on, OeCOI�011 101, In I't's, a sign, erof that WOr�, dono nogn. gllo said �Wjtl bo IminortallZod. WZY 80114tor Daniel, of virgill It, llva4 ' Ttfa wakeful night had maile him UISS you, Reginald I But, there, Ilerelit advantages podullar to Itself, im, 111kom November, U42, 45 Waq 11000fl, lallifuld, 411d, 064clUdiflif-, ftOr pAr- fieVer luffid," 9110, Went of%,' suddenly It give�g a more slender effect than pover be so lauch ' 0110 '11110 in it In it podos� style at t a to tfiat you've got a deal nloro ollqc Willie, your Shirt iq, *ippihg. Some IV 11 to the ap, 11'ebruary, 1864, there was no allow Ulan when you're boys tompted e2na to go wiawspaper regarding It il- 110, Illor- and l4el for noaflY' thirt.1f 'Yettrft talthIg f bla roffea, that to go about stopping forward,und Isteglong hop any otiler style, It ud& Ital tongue Illay ovor Whisper it. into Pont Iloarly all 1119 1116110V 14" 0;0119 1111104 WoUld be Injurious, ho b6took red 11pit, to 'Aegflutld's raddoe fapoi parelit beight, It providea alliple nnnand I Vall aWay from, thent so hard thRt soul 8 vo, In 111410011 to his study" There 114 We must liumor, -the little sweet at flare lit the feet, thitt I got Into 4n Uwful, peraoril- human ear, but wherever off dabf,s incul,rod bv a relatf, 0110,11 go, your w6rk oil It will go, alo, pallie of 1870. Y11he sallator w ir the portoo- wo can, to6dingfy econollildal. Of 1111 VdqSQIq tootntl launched it, Ningilrot, thouglt not tile 1114.110.4t tion, t,,q I: strovo to apply hhuself to *110 tilt this Akirt fol Lhiglitud, oftl 4 Were sailing Ves. W&0111411, h0l(18 thil r 60 4 for I O. wherever that soul rises youl' not bound, by laW to 4ASUM6 It[ of tile 14orning 1)apce. Impossible. � a woluillt. of 0 V i4 V work oil it will �. ard rhianefal burden, but did so of Ilia Tild 'llnek , dan6if befolo Illst Mist- In, Itu4niaoilly It in 10,000 people Medium give a yard < soln, and at promitt only 20 otit of Thlrt4wo million tnila of Water so long ag that 14out wilt la:qt own free will, aud he also pays the dimmed cycle d ; 14 VilgIdud the rate Is hichea Wide, 7 yards Z 423 U0044 eonstructfo�i are salling,roll over tile 0-11IT in VIC courso. of 4 Vermall haii 21 with u work on it will last. Do 3�OU intoreat on the d0bta, All sorts a 82.k r lugubrious Ideas, CPOW& of so whox wido %Vill be roquirod, abipa, enald hour. over 200 atudonta eatib,