HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-09-26, Page 8penflg Display
Row To Bo Well pressed
•qt..Q g,Waw a► )*zavi ~gearq•or®K1b•
• A A
hursday, Friday, Saturday and all next
week we make our Fall Opening Display
of Millinery,,T
Furs'and acke�s. That
..... t
the correct styles and leading novelties for
the present season 'gill be on exhibition goes
without saying for this store always shows
them. This is a • progressive store and this
season you will find better facilitiesthan
ever for easy and comfortable, shopping, a
greater variety, more exclusive novelties and
nt that includes - practically
an assortment
everything that is stylish or desirable . in
Millinery,' lliner ' Furs, and Jackets: However,
whole columns of newspaper talk will not
givepoll ou• as good an idea of the beauty and
completeness of our Fall Stockas would ten
or fifteen, minutes spent. at the store. The
goods are here displayed and ready for your
tion. We invite.you to come just
ever and• as often as you wish. • Come
when will find
on. s styles. You .
study the seas y
and y
you all the
d to show them
us ready: bea
there will not
information we can. but
u so desire it.
int..' of buying unless you h
That's what we think Standard
Patterns will be to you. It is
claimed for them that they are
'The. Best in the World" •
We will not force this
strong statement on you.
but we learn from what we
hear about them that they
have many advantages in de-
sign and ars often cheaper
• than many others. All seams
are allowed for. They are up-
to-date in style and perfect in
fit. We carry a full stock.
The Standard Designer is a
Woman's Journal whose hand-
some, practical and original de-
signs appeal to all ladies who
desire to dress well, If you are
not already a patron we will be
pleased to have you as 'a regu..
lar subscriber or occasional
avi iL.ETI' 'EQWNStI1P.
Mr, and Mrs, Benson Tyernaan of
W1ng'bam spent Saturday with their
parents here.- Mr.Joun Cartwright's
silo was blown down by the wind a few
days ago but he has it rebuilt again.
Janice Fairservice has been
sick for a few days -The annual
harvest home dinner will be held in
the Constance MethodiAt church on the
evening of soul of September. Come
and have a good time. --Mr, John
Medd's new house is -nearing com-
pletion. May he belongspared toenjoy
1t, ---Miss Marl+ I.1unter of Detroit is
stayingisforg some parents.
Stewart delivered to. Ed. Blackwell of
Glencoe in Clinton on Wednesday a
tine heavy draught mare forwhich he
received a big figure, She was a hand-
some animal and :kir. Stewart was not
anxious to part with her, but the
buyers so bothered him that he let her
go. ---Mr, James Pipe of the 8th con.
has rented. a farm in McKillop, near
Brussels, of which he takespoesession
in a few months, Mr. John Allan
i ohis rhfor- yrlainglivednSeafotseea
Agents .Parker's Dye Works, SUl'll'lBRH1Ll.,
Thei D Fair Co
Opening . Dis ..lay `.
OP g p
Prids Saturday and all next week
•• y�
a ,
Fall About
Jackets show a radical change from
oras styles les
This Seas y
1 •,
Often the Cheapest, Always the Best.
About o :o
We Know
those in favor the • ast few years. The tendency .of the best
s: all towards `lon�.ger garments with
trade in the larger places;i
backs. There are three lengths that promise to be
- tin
semi fit g
fashion's .
all of .which are.sealed with,.the stamp of
popular, Never did. we
approval. , These• are 27, 3
so :
spend ixiuchor c•ef
• give so Careful attention to the selec-
P time
ofthe Stock as we did in ordering our stock'for
the present season.`' Every possible' source of information • was
• sought out and . studied anandwe are ` confident that the gar-
ments we show to -day are correct in every: detail. You can
buy mantles Here feeling assured that you are getting gar-
ments that are absolutely right as far as style' is concerned.
As for. values; we are willing to let you be.. the judge. To-
da y the stock is at its best, the assortment and choice `will.
never be quite as- goodas it is at the -present and. early is un-
doubtedly the best time to buy Jackets. Just these few hints
to give you an i tea of the styles and prices ;
Mr. James: Fulton of Mich. is com-
bining business with pleasure. He is
making his abode at Mr, N•IBingham's
but the business part leads off in
another direction. Hear dem bells,.
don't you hear dem bells ? Wedding
bells,you know. ---Master Garner Me -
Brien has gone to Clinton to learn the
Mrs. Tedford is this week the guest of
Lucknow friends.
Miss Lillie McCartney of Holmesville
Sundayed in town. '
The Misses Mains spent Sunday at
their home hear' Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart visited
the Pan-American this week.,
Miss Broder of Prescott is the guest of
her sister,Mrs.. G D. McTaggart, , .
.Miss K. Gunne returns . to St.'Hilda's
College,Toronto, on Monday next.
Miss Tena Kinsman of Detroit is the
guest of her mother, ,Mrs. •McGregor:
Mrs. A. 0, Pattison returned on Mon-
day from visiting Buffalo and the
Pan -Am.
Miss Lucy Stepens, who was visiting
her sisters in Brampton, has return-
, ed home.
Mrs..Suffel of St. Paul's rectory left all enjoyed themselves,
this morning for a visit to St. Thom -
_._-., ,._. ,�
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F It1.
Sept. geth,1901
from theWest a few days since and re-
orte a very favorable trip. -Mr.
Chas. Bezzo and wife visited at Mr. C.
Beacom's on "Saturday. --•Miss Lizzie
Whitely of Londesboro visited at Mr;
N. Bingham's a few days last week,---'
Last Thursday night a number of in-
vited guests assembled at the home of
Mr. Charles Williams of the Maitland
concession for a paring bee,
the paring wasover all enjoyed them- a
selves in games and other amusements
for a considerable time, after which all
returned to their homes feeling thank-
ful to the host and hostess for the
pleasant evening. Their's is a hospit-
able home. --A. number of farmers in
this vicinity employed their time
fills g their silos last week. ---Miss. R.
'Waldron, from. East Wawanosh, is
spending a few days at Mr. C.Lovett's.•
-Mrs, Geo. Hill and her sister, Mrs..
Gilmore,are visiting friends near
els.---Mi's.. Brownlee and .Mrs. Bea-
com gave a picnic to their Sunday
school classes last Wednesday.. when
as and Port. nrweil. •
Mr. George .: TbQmpsofl of Toronto
Varsity visited his brother, Dr.
Thompson, last week.
Mrs. R. J. U1efl and Miss Eva drove
to Brussels on Thursday and return-
ed home on Saturday.
Mr; and Mrs. A.. A,. Schrenk, are
spending a few days• at • the Schrenk
homestead near Milverton.
Miss W. Thompson; teacher in Hay
homestead on.
the 16th con., Goderich, this week.
Mrs. landscomb-and Miss Sybil, who
have been guests of Mr. and Mrs.,
e on Pratt,returnedto Winnipeg
Mon -
Ladies' Jacket, 'black beaver,
coat collar, double breasted,6
ivory buttons,. pocket flaps,
.fined throughout with
carized sateen semi -fitting
special value each
r cl
t h
black frieze,
turned down velvet collar, 6
pearlbuttons, twilledsilk
lining,27 inches long, each..
back, 27Enches tong, extra500 Ladies' s Jacket, dark Oxford
'atone silk stttchinRaround
edge, flare
sleeve, lined
cerized lining,, 36 inches. long,
Ladies' Jacket,extra good qual-
ity' black niggerbead, semi -
fitting back, 27 inches long,
high turn -over storm collar,
buttoned up close at throat,
lined throughout with good.
black mercerized lining. a @ oOq
good storm coat, 'each...,....
Ladies' Jacket, good quality
beaver, coat collar, new flare
sleeve, 6 pearl buttons, lined
throughout with good quality
mercerized lining, 27 inches,
semi -fitting back, a nobby
garment at a medium price, 7.00
each.....-...,«.. ..... - U
Ladies' Jacket,. good quality .
beaver, velVet collar. ; open
front, pearl buttons, six rows •
of silk stitching around bot- 75
tom, lined. throughout, each,. 8U.I
throughout witgod er
each .:. .... .., . ....,.......
Very fine quality Kersey Jack-
ets, raw edge, coat collar,
fancy revere, .pearl buttons,
lined throughout, black or
fawn, very handsome gar- I I
went, each. ....... ...
Ladies' jacket,, good quality
heaver, silk lining, coat col-
lar, pearl buttons,flare sleeve,
trimmed with rows of silk
stitching,. 36' inches long,each
Ladies' Jacket, handsome gar-
ment, good quality.kersey,
silk lining, pearl buttons,new
sleeves, trimmed with appli-
que and rows of silk stitching,
exclusive styles, not' more �iAA
than one Or two gar. $1 t7 to $20
fnente of a pattern,. W
Messrs.''Idagget and Woodman, who
'have been carrying on -the butchering
business for • . sometime in this town,
have given up business. Mr. Woodman';
and.' .family . return to, their former.
home in Londesboro, while Mr.lHagget
and wife intend spending the winter m
Mr Jame
s Cummings
soldhis beauti-
ful black team to ; buyer from London,
We understand he got a good figure
for them, ".They were shipped P
ed to Lon-
on .Monday. has., returned
Mr. Thos. l3radnoek' .h ,
Miss' LilyMiller: goes `'to. Bayfield from his trip to Aianitoba,
this wek where she • will be . one of; , : The great topic of , conversation
the -judges. at : the Fair in ladies' around . this section these days .is, otir
work. Fair, which
excel all '
Mr. John E. Murray of Granton was former ones.
the guest of his brother-in-law, Dr: ,
,Mr. John Ni
n of Auburn was
i town on Monday. a fewdays O the.Past
week, On Sunday harvest thanksgiving
Mr. Parr Plumsteel . returned from , services were held in the English
Napinka,'Man.,on Friday last, hued church. ; Large congregations were
ing .been Balled home by his fathers pent at both services Rev Fairlie of
Mrs: D. Cook Jr. and babe, who have ' Quillen, and preached two excellent
been guests. for the past month at .discourses which were listened to with
her home at the Nile, returned on marked attention. The church was
Monday, beautifully decorated for the" occasion.
M►s.'Jas.'Appleby, Master Willie and.'with grain, flowers, etc. The choir
Mrs. 3. Slornan returned on Satur- - rendered special music for the occa-
day from a fortnight's visit to friends sion. The collections at both .seryices'
at Midland. amounted to over $148.'
Mr, Frank Dennis of Toronto, former-- Mr. Reg.' Bell of the Hub spent Sun
• ly .of, Exeter, has accepted a situa- day in town. Reg. must have some
tion as salesman in Mayor Jackson'sspecial attraction here as he is often
establishment. seen in town of late.
Mrs. McMurray and Miss Josie return, - Miss 'Annie Walker left here on
ed Monday after spending several Thursday to visit relatives in Chicago.
weeks with Mr.McMurray atlndian 'Mr. 3: G. Emigh is confined to the
Head, N. W. T. house these days by sickness. His
Mr. and Mrs. William Hale, who many friends wish .'for his speedy re-
have been, visiting here for the past covery.
fortnight, return to, their home in Mr. T. W. Scott, our village. clerk,
Chicago on Friday, was in Berlin and on Friday
has been in the interests of the town in regard
Mrs..Esdt of Hanover, who � .�- -r r+1 r ntr��rnn�r��r�ir��r�rr�rr . r�rr�rrnr
urvilla e. a. r
1 oro 1rftr
Mr t ms f 1�
n M a; ris k r�rrtir ,.�.
n tow to g � m�rtr
i � �1 ��
herhome , r ��
gg �t atg. mrrt rtr
a duM J b Miller's returned'to A public meeting of the ratepayers .��r,�r1t���r�rr�rr�rrm�
Mr. and •Mrs•. Harry Parker drove to purpose of taking into
orrie assisted the .rector, Rev. Mc -
Thursday Sept, 26th
Friday Sept. 27th .
,Saturday Sept.28t1
first crisp days of fall finds this store ready, .THURSDAY, FRIDA I and
`nvite you to co a get a first view of the new Fall Goods.
_ �'.me and
We have scored a distinct improvement im p rovement over every previous season's efforts, We
have spared neither time nor money in our efforts to secure the best and newest goods
for our customers. Betterment is the keynote of all -better goods this year than'last
is what we have aimed at -'and
never before have we been able to give such excel 1
lent goods for so little mone y:
2 Our Best • Millinery Exhibit
The finestdisplay. di .la of Ladies', Misses' and Children's New Fall Millinery we have
ever made will be ready for :you' commencing Thursday. We have prepared lavishly
• ' s' of Trimmed Hats are more • beautiful than
for this season's business. Our showing
ever. The best and latest English, French and .American styles will be found in. our
;display la • and, the best of all, every hat in our show room will be modestly priced.
Stock of.
.Silks and Dressds
;The most splendid stock of Silks and. Dress Goods
t. o
we have ever displayed is now here.It is impossible to
i `
' soy beautiful'new .kinds and
describethem there are roan
• changed effects this season: that' no pen could do it.
. '
� • . We must ask you to come here to lookat thatof
i which we 'ourselves are :proud. Months have• been 'spent
in search for: the best and; newest but , now the whole col-
lection is ready for your critical judgment. One of the chief -attractions this season. will be the, lowness of our
Our 50 to
ed to
Special attention is call,
French Broadcloths, in'all the leading :. 'colors,
to `$1.40: -
also black, at $• $1.15
s wide,
the w
36si ,
' ie tai r
Hear t
• French �' col ,
Fine 1-W Fe
1, All
-Wool ' 25c
.per and
the newest shades, at y
best quality Houses uns, in the most wanted
The y - - . 75c. $1 and '$1..15 .
at '
er -
• s etc:
e e ,
P•oplius.'t�ranite Cloths, Coating S T g , p
and . 40c 50o and 60e.
• le { effects, _ over ts; .etc.,
Hair elle
Camel's s Hr , it
lengths of C m
Suit leng $6.50
ome ver special' values• . Peau .
In Silkswe.have a y
s in
silk for waists, stl f
very serviceable
ne a
de v Y
shades of fawn, navy, sky, pink,'crearn,mauve, .
also black, warranted riot to cut, price per yard c
27inches ,
a anese Silks, DyedJ
in every wanted shade, at per' yard. ,30c SOc tt 60c
Taffeta Silks in the best qualities only, all shades,
at per yard 85e. Black Silks and Satins`et•'
•,:.50c 60c 65c 85c'$1 $1,25 $'.1.80. $1.*!S
Stylish :Mantles.
' Ladies' and'Children's .
T THE STYLES -It is a serious business the buying. of a win- • o
ter coat. Ninety-five of every hundred . must count.the cost, , must feel
sure of•the'reliability of the garment'in wear and must be sure that the. p
style is good and will stay good. • Not many can afford to 'threw a wrong' •.. `
coat- aside -nobody has a moral right to be wasteful. ' We fully guarah- -
tee the styles of, coats we have. • Our orders were placed with- the makers • Z.
at the, last moment in aider to get the. Correct Lengths apd Styles. Our
assortment is thelargest we have ever shown and we believe it to` be the
as g
finest;c'al.lectian in: town.- Nothing short of a visit would convey any idea
oZ what may be found here. The prices are very' much. lower than will• be o
found in most stores - - .
$:50 to
Women s Cloaks from $ . .$ O
• ' ]hil ren's0oats from $2.50 to $8 ,
-- Values
j�u�'�--t7nmatched Val
this `h t g line
•onr have emphasized
saw hy
sea o e
than ever. If. you -will take the trouble"to .compare our prices and our
values you'll find you can buy to best advantage here. Our range of styles
f the
.taken in the selection
v r taste.. he same' care was
seete a T.
should n
same pains to give you',
lower priced furs as in the' more elegant'ones-the,,
big money's. worth, ij�estqualities, newest styles., It would be, an injus-
tice this department when you can see; examine
tice ta. arse E not�tii. vis h P y
9 a i ei to purchase
ob to
{ There's 1
i The c
nnxiverfy, i,
Biack Astrachan Coat; wi iththe best linings, prices'
30 ud $39 5. 2' a
I8 2 � $
Electric Seal Jackets, elegant linings, price..:.'. $'37-50'
a.newest tst styles, prices •
' a all.the a es
rn iny ,
Ga se
i .
. $4.95 $5.50 $6.50' $6.7f5 $7 $8.50 $15
Grey Leal) Ruffs at $3.95, well worth $5
Sable Ruffs at $6;50
•••• NN ••NNN•NN N•• ON.
an rs.' aro
Hanover on Monday.
was. held in In ustry hall for life
e Ms
las h
Zurich on Friday
proposition from a person in St: Marys
a grist
to establish g
air. avi • called
the meeting o order, be readan y
us whatthegentleman
proposeddoing. e
several.. others
their views onthe matter itwasYoung, seconded secon e y
sl t • that the council submit
to a ersto e voted
a ' the timerequired.
s egoes,
B Bros left this station on.
Mondaywithseveralheavy horses or
New Ontario,
t bl h st mill here
he chair.
..� .
i m
Bro sab1 sh st
Clotb:�.xl �
n ttd
home for a week or so. blurs was int g
d 'VV�
t g
Big/ -
TwoSilk S eccials
Our two big specials in silks are unquestionably the
nothing to equal them. in
best values in town. - There is
the trade. Belying in quantities and importing direct
. enables us to give values like these
Our 50c Silk
BeaVy' English Siltc,21 inch-
es wide, soft, will not cut,
gives excellent wear, suit-
able :for trimmings or
waists, in every fashion-
able shade and black, per
yard. .............:.
Our $1 Silk
Very heavy Peau de Sole
Silk, rich lustrous finish,
guaranteed not to cut, will
give excellent wear, for
waists or dresses, would be +
cheap at $1.25, our special
.5 Q { price, per yard,. ... I.0 0
oo•••�v�+► ••o•NN•No•••••�:► ••••
Handsome Wrapperettes
Handsomer Wrapperettes than these we have never had in our store:
They are American goods. Come in a big range of patterns and are
suitable for waists, dressing sacks and wrappers, some are so close in
imitation to French Flannels at a short distance it is hard to tell them
apart, Many different patterns to select from but1 ryry
only a small quantity of any single one,the prices it1 i'2 IOU 5 . I U & rAU
Cotton `Blankets
Just the thing for cool September nights would be a pair of one Cotton
Blankets. We have them in. small and large sizes and are b t 1 Q'
the best Canadian and English makes,whlte or grey,per pair .o oUU
Parker and bubo will visit at
R C R Gonne is in London this
week in attendance at the Septem- explained to -
her meetingof the. Executive come d " After the rest of the -,.
mince of the Synod ofHuron. os r -He
h 9 d H n
board d and had given
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Knight of Palmer-
. tC
stop will take up' their residence moved by N H. d d h �'
in Clinton next week. Mr. Knight Robert a er,
will travel for the Dominion Publish- a bylaw to the ratepayers p y b t d
ing Company of Hamilton. oa t t' Carried
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Rattenbury, Miss unanimously. Up, h -.�
-Dorothy and Master Isaac spent
Brown }•.
Sunday afternoon pleasantly at the f
McNaughton homestead,near Varna, O t ..�
encs o ee a McNaughton, �_
Ilogous gyros,,
New Colored Shirts
for Fall
Fancy Suits
there fd f R
Mr, Wesley Quinn called on Clinton
friends. last Thursday. on his way
home from attending the wedding of
his cousin, Mr. Geo, . Henderson of
Bast Wawanosh, to Miss Annie Pope
of Plattsville,
Mr. Ben. Cole left on Thursday for a
'visit to Mrs. Cole,who is with rel-
atives at Ypsianti, Mich. Mrs.
Cole is still under the doctor's care
but it will gladden friends to hear
that her health has somewhat im-
Mr. Charles Adair, who has for soine
time been engaged
in MOD.
store at Goderich, has accepted a
situation with William Taylor Ss Son
and will begin his new duties on
Tuesday next.
Miss Maude McNaughton is at the
McNaughtonhomestead in Stanley
during the absence of Mr. and Mrs.
John McNaughton, who are on a ten
days' visit to Cleveland and the Pan-
Am. Miss Logan is spending a few
days with Miss McNaughton. •
Mr. John Ransford returned home a
few days ago after having attended
the Provincial Anglican Synod in
session at Montreal. While in the
city he attended a reception given
the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall
and had a hand shake with their
royal highnesses.
Mrs. Allan Sperling has been a guest
at the parental home, Mr. R. Walsh's
of the London Road, for a few weeks
and will remain until after an inter-
esting social event takes place, which
rumor says will be at an early date.
Mrs. Snarling has been a resident of
Goderich for some years but is mov-
ing to Toronto where Mr, Sperling
is foreman in it large manufacturing
Rev. Dr.- lfedd of Bothwell, who
preached in the Methodist churches
of town on Sunday and delivered
able and instructive discourses on
both occasions, is with his wife an d
daughter visiting his brother in
town,a t the "old homestead in Mullett
and among otherfriends in the
< district, Next Sunday he will
occupy the Methodist pulpit in Kin-
Rev. bather McMenamin left on Tues-
day afternoon for Montreal and will
be in the city 6n time to meet his
tarents upon their arrival from a
hree months' tour of England,
Ireland and Scotland. Father Mc-
Menamin will take a well-earned
vacation of a fortnights duration
and daring his absence his work at
Blyth will be looked' after by Rey,
Father Hanlon of St. Augustine
while Bev. Father West will attend
to the spiritual needs of the members
of St. Joseph's church. When Fath-
er McMenamin returns he will take
CLINTON,, u ;his abode* in the new preshyiiery�
of .t, Rite" the erection of whieh
1 largely dile to hilt energy.
On Wednesday afternoon nt the resi-
dence of the bride's parents, Mr. ' and
Mrs. McCulla,:was-the scenet of ivery
pretty wedding when their daughter
Anniemarriage to G.
was united in g
Wilson of Minnesota. The ceremony
Wits performed by the Rev. 1?. Mus-
grove in the presence of a hundred
guests. The bride looked very hand-
some, She was attired in a gown of
white and carried a briquet of white
roses.The haPPY couple e wil! leave eon
theirfuture home in Minn-
for o
where the groom carries on a
business as lumber merchant. '
Miss S. Dristell called on Clinton
friends Saturday. •
Mr. and Mrs, Jones were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs,Murray of Egrnondville
on Sunday,
Rev. Mr. Howard preached in St.
George's church on Sunday, Mr. Abey
taking 'Mr. Howard's place at Ilderton.
Mr. Belfer Sr, is the guest of his son
John in the village.
Ashfield Township..
The prayer meeting of this week
will be held at Mr. J. Webster's.-
The Sunday school convention, which
was held in Zion church last Tuesday,
Was a grand success. In the absence
of Rev. F. 3, Oaten, Rev. Mr. florid of
Lucknow supplied. his place. -•.The
Rev Mr.Oaten left last Monday for To.
ronto where he will remain at least
seven weeks, Mr. Oaten has not been
feeling well of late. Me is troubled
with appendicitis and is going to have
an operation performed. -----Tho Rev,
Mr. Brown will preach next Snrnlay in
Bone at 10.30.. Zion 2.30Hackett,s 6.30.
--Mr. Thomas Webster, who has
been under the weather this last
week, is all right again.
FULTON.-••THOMPSON---on• Wedges.
day, Sept. 25th, at the residence of
the bridal's father, 16th con. of
Goderich township, by Bev. 0,' ll.
Gunne, M.'A, rector of St. Paul's
church, Clinton, Ida Florence,
daughter of Mr. ltobertThompson,
to James ' Alexander Fulton of
Valley Centre, Sanllaa county,
Mrs. Rictia.rdy.Smith
,w„�„ •e►r�i,o�iv'rw
MGM MOO r * . 0,110011c
There is always something new
in Children's Suits and when you
want to see all 'the latest ideas you
are sure to find them here. Doing
the largest clothing trade in this.
section we are enabled to show you
a big assortment that other people
cannot afford to crry, This season
there are some very pretty designs in
children's 3 place suits and the
prices run from $2.50 to $3.50.
Bring the youngsters here and
we will more than satisfy you. We
are famous because we handle re.
liable goods. -
The Average
School. Boy
No matter what a boy does, he
does it with a struggle. £hat's why
we keep on talking about strength
and qualitywhenever we talk about
the "LION"brand, This brand is
becoming famous all over the country
because of its good merits, When
you buy it once you buy it again.
Nothing is too good for the aver-
verage school boy and we pay a great
deal of attention to their wants.
This ' house is noted for the
it carries and you are hard
selection if `ed there.
to please you cannot be sill
Everybody is beginning to
realize that there is nothing like a
Colored. Shirt for everyday wear,
The past season has been the `lar-
gest ever known for Colored Shirts
ar.d the coming fall season will be
still larger.
With us you see the finest se-
lection in the west, We can show
you latest goods from
manufactured by the celebrated
firm of Cutter & Crossette, We
can show you all the novelties in
the W G & it snake. For 81 we
give you the best Colored Shirt
ever shown for the money. Come and see our selection.
Men's Tweed Suits
at 0
When you see our $7.50 Men's
Tweed Suit you see the best .value on
the market, quality and make. consider-
ed, There's a style and lit about this
' y buyers and We
line that surprises good y ,
p sale of this famous line
are having a big sa e
of suits, The patterns are all up-to-date,
the cut and make is right and the price
is right. Many people pay 10 for suits
no better simply because they do not
investigate that $5 suit which we are
talking so much about is worthy the at-
tention of all close buyers,
Jackson Bros., ,
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