HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-09-26, Page 7Admirable TrAik * REaNx D'UKE OF CORNWALL T OF CAV4 XAZI�A. XONT9. DUchess of A BRIT180 PA116ESS +
AND YORIK, ,0 Cornwall SO= Pxop= NAVE ova LAND
Twu BIX I -_
Royal Highness, AND A About tweAlty-Ilve. `4B10114 Or XXSr0A ZITAui R,?�F0JRXS J�Xxxc, IN. ork and Y b TRODV091) INTO XZ;:b.TA,
INTURE 011ffl. diat of bard work, intavit.v of charv. BY the Recession of Edward VIT to [Suntraor XAk, qOM
the Thond, of hi fli, ACter and firluxiess at will, reaulte(I at Sh . 0 411celitOl's, A Ila August, 1891 iv.or.lQtJxcLra gl Warra gull!40t4re of Rige$ And It few ill() 090 of 2(i tilt) Slillimit of Ills 4 f And cleoper inteve W'Mollths it WIPUM4 to 11tiOu—VIlling ftall$ W
naturally atam- I - At Chris.tmas Time.
his car- of what -1 ith
u1sa. OjgI& Princess MAY could not 6ut be Ill. than, Would 1)0 C411W at good-sized Certaill Lor(,Ury
aurviving son, tile suddenl cut bort by ad to Ills Majesty's secalici and Only: Viet tttack 'of Me lipirod witit the charIlieteristictl of 6teamsbIPL, Name goo tells -tre pal 'on hn$ now spent 1141f 1
Of York, , whicl, big A
I A tlaularjy unjack., who, by tile elevation of is gA ta Of CornWAH And 'at-groil liter of porimps llido blalself,
tile'* battle grant Livallia, where, wit hurry I'AtOVest About some York, lit it gre iddaug inother. Of tllesQ � Upon th'ill aCCd$HfOn to good fortune And Via Approach Of tilessu periods t'mO In India, Ile ba
tit once heiJ.'d it a.
Apparent of tile X1119 (loorge 11 thQ ']lost notable wore to10411'rIed, tile girl. Oj his choic forward �to b fully of thOso reAbus. $ty And Indu Aware of all the
StrYI Tile Duchosm of'Who hit(, patleutl IV! tit great Al Shad' fourteen Cild. Tock W y waited fox- 111111 r at Ill)- proboa. to country, e tills
Me It to her Hill tile=, 1'0111111'Plllont� of the
J�j aughtero, She was all 41 I t People,
!;Ucceeding to the title of iJuke of; fail slater, Of Rusia. 1", alit this Before tile since As boy An mixed Ivitil superstitiouR tile bottolu a number of 1? clif ran, but, of tbea there were slugul; 8 eryIndustrious. All bor they Partf ol 911-1 Sweethearts mat, dro. AWO, 04o Its ills, Ile lilt$
It h ove-let- the secontil sit(" W 't�oca' 4 of I)ec(,.Izl- defects exposed many of tile
Wall EL title. AS Often Jullipenod itile DUko 0 few In wit's ('are by lierself ' A ciahis first gollig, to setl� 'bet toled tile apprOL I Of tile
'Y "Ott' letterRI both
ullmorobut a rely weeks littec%. Ilia br 10 r0ceived 11-ola )let. I goner Ad with ral, UNQ t4Q UdVellt Cf that month tile existing procedure of
attack flif, f,Hnc(: recov- IIA WAS finally Closed "" th I of
of band, iate - hils- 4(lvera.i. at Ills 00,10 Irl a complacency Ilia PWA!.JVAN
Ia cluke SUCCUM either did, not inarry (It all, till Own hand ble al's gava hilyk Clio Inestimable generally the barbinger of mis.
It tat there Ila$ be W. ad At slildr 'llea, 0, Allot charlti, Overnulant, Says a letter from tillar with Frecktoge- with er firly-;fortullo of some Indiilt
ductIts, but the Cornwall titl it Ingbatil to a lit last Written I I And SIR' WWII;% I flege of carrying Ili$ young brl With char4ateristle Iy of A dukedola, which eI , qu'ta IAIO tit Ili(,, their Marriages- piece Of leodlework e kad Home Be" With noluere) e 19 one AdY It* being tatcof Ilessugea y I 0. Wild. lfull, "I I hurried on because it was goal% up to lilt unconsidereol !sIttUttion' through no fall
Illight, conce! that cille lrserlbeoj� after lie lost hIS power of NV(l all do to that fatal month 110 bad lost big got in train remedies
vably Carry wi tallen and tile at Pjaced in that tile line Was lit di�nger of fa, 'Tiew happy J10 Wits !' HOAT, 'lle It of \ Ilia a evil$.. New rail�
tiler land Ila th it nei- now tile, ]fro, er left. And sPecch, were ecoffixt ov r I and all-embra of irriga-
1140ro, but a of I'I'lliec 0001-ge took h a op, way sChemes
little Puller iphat §bO is Prilea, far�re t iit onl contracted C , ding it oand twice lie bad been laid up. vast projects
eecftIaokIllg 110 114 sWaining down'the a0111'evolit a IS, III"!
.with Its solid and Y hild 011ea 40 it RIzO, Of it Malignant type. hing rofortas
lailles lie 'tile
of 1118 pavitt but he IT s eyes 411 N�mbcrless UMCS. total lie -hall boon frontier. changes I On
which has fallela. to tilt. boll. to 'tile father, 8 0 1 to tile light of lit I Procedure, all n 01110141
'(300 0 III'A illotOP-Cur. that both "Ile tbo wonders that She was now sullicienClIv 'Indisposed to be unable to thO attention Of these are engaging come of 4, to ill, f in Wrote to VeC-QuIlItiend the gillily 1 Ili UL
t the first Iunions. The edrkDuchesn of yc)rlc,s grand if) ladle, It explainel:
Throne Its part Q lidIerearOf tile Ali, V ko of wit-, tile' usual festNWOS of the Sea- r oy
illy 0 liti-Itin Act, Prince A(I()]Pl)u., Du Vaiinbrildge, daughtex, alwaAs Iltlot a -P, Alld liar
I, tilein only tonloblia Club of tho, act) of forit-
1110 as, Its so Who Illarriecl to ting al "'at time which i 'Of Our most a�lo Vide- Ascent - The 1144, to with ilia wife be, had made famillar to 1'10" mind by'son Vair, his friends pointed out I the Government "'Monclatigns of
seatial to ill() keeping up Of ce , lits'patil I and made ilia fOl' thO f, but
Ilia djg� blinself for I)a lying ready to his
urnigi110 ad take tile 41go, of forty -t up Ili till Oda mutual I it, anti that aft-l-OPOnt0d Sell stories tilirin bias all coming Ill Do- tile 11OAV front,
llity; And in tile clise of oil&" last reacbed the Nu eachil I tat Ili$ troll nregarding
Prince of Wales this 1with lie was Created Duke 3170( 41113it of tile colle,,, Wo. Ile Ilia result I) Camber IV ad Antolini, )AI high, lit 1�,, houra, ill gpito "Cht'll had thrOO the Prince nients f these me. ilia feiv bilglit diLys between vt)vtlgcs Merely III coincidence. A al, Province Will , go eclineddoxiecl Could not be Ina . 1101110 by all early It '
to ova'- zloo.000, rttitle, which creAted by Of stolles and Inva streants, Was Astonishing, Cbarlty, ill- at It had. been Able to devQl�p to intAlUed tary 14it to the Secre-
0,000 Allowed for Owknown to Its As the Puke of doeg. took Almost tile forut of a ship Ava bound , to So conNistentl of State, tile What, subjeet hav-
ZI k JIA� alWays'lleeii Lord IJI-oolel who Callibridge (tjI6 Into ,I'll I Y, 110 ArgUod, and de- Ing been exh of Ilia collsor tile sellar"te "ho COlIflned to 11 buslueSS-4t least it ip-ill Sixty thousand A. alit -ilea
I ever Mediterranean Parts, ll'Orts to eradicate tile. during discussed here
year alono 11-011, tilt, Duch Africa, CIS ID to Of the arm) ; 111,1xic tile. a ths,
rried iulco in this respect, In
wall -As It han I dsWne V of ROYAL FAMILY. ihas. -0. to Lord Jj_ gusta. vk,llo ia daty—with the Dox 'AtO autumn, uAd cause, at December Was all Curzon Ila$ issued at,,, Lord earn- I `11P an t Aluty tl,UIY- It had Ilotgen, 110 IS And rrjxx� Was trained. to fall lim, 110 Still per� di rtailin 'Vent orderk
begun Ills - life -Work early, of ATOCI, t 'no And I be sdChat it tile Save for 1101 11; not; yet ni lenburg-.Strelitz marriecl tho to() Princess Ara, Oat Ideal season for A all tit)' for I 'lot have devolved upon Is SOCand soil; And lit to Guards, but lie ,vent liauloCiler's imagined, returns,
could been confor"Od On now Ill tile Life Cass Arary Adelaide, wb� th'at could Possibly be fitc, Ills belief, With gQod justi_ On of official till -to tile front short] Duke of (la(117 ation we careful ocollollulat thall Icases Lit least they had And becamO tile mot -h- 1� Such work I(�Ooiaa, Naplea, t mit to our- tie,, :of clerical And ibe reclue, I)essessov, Ialle- break of tile V after tile Out� or of the pro as all tills Is not donelverillco, 11, dollglitft Selves, work to a min,mu ti tour With not Another These orders I M.
whoul eto 1,110 Tllrone—jl�-o'.Of and, waa the Avail and yo of Clorn;� 'a() Whole-,heartedly and JoindIV With.; forebod- Apply to till depart� VVI, I One Weary. nionien an had. gloomy . Jeul'y Vill'. allit 01ILL cortim, No, cis Well As of' throo. t Wherein to 'WJSIl Ings when 1be meats &like, military
anything af the wild .,111,111ra slSiolied M44 then salts, lit wilining recognition ; and w ell for '119 else Ouninler holiday$ were MO a considerable degree
still less Of tile Prodigal scin W b via! s011)OtJ'A E yen It flying t hand, j MIS and Civil. Al.
d0iLth O( their 01der 11',IiestIll artile servII19 ill South Africa. lit as annoull 'Tile MAR�l Chat the th ect"ll T)OCeMbel-, 1891 ;boeit to OI(J ROMO from Naples, hact fortune, great at, glatill
generally ovel hag been attained, but theroa� last botar" Of tile title had been tile pr he Rev, ITUgh" Price, 1-Jughes -Tell, to the I I bo'ni
isol(lier soll of Oeorge Ill., W -no, was cached, his ell I 'brono, for tile two O�Icera, 'took hint either befor is A P.O_
Q set Out for, )Its holidays at with—tho pas -
first serricill in a tiny 'Was thtt Only youlig rri)lces about to pUbJJO tyoung Skip- al, while 9 Vol 0 struattoll. of tile Dabu, thol of circle and Clio ljoet. 'ill," Ol clerk
-4 01* days, and thence borL oinething wits betrothed to, ills pretty llcice,981117 cares should troll 10 year lie got his purse, contain, I This gentleman hag
many %; b
tues—the farlilY OU"S. Ilaving thus SUCCadd3ord f . 11 111 f e more -to do WIth' tile gover of our national Vil Can "it coider-In-ch ter seaside.cottago in 11,L),lep to a ilia Court im tilt, title Quedn's young knew Alber't V to It that he Was Actually Q11JOYig them.
wits formed "I tile two best schools our Prince : rejol possible' -tent force to
Oill AS t) Ing In their happy
coil- Jetor, Dulte at !)a Saw to the navy and al III his -lnesages� brotber's position as hall, to Ill 1 -9 Tile 111%. ull'ble lik the elatIOIL Cousin HAY, public sftjl$faetj and boill willing. te ble him' 1119 - tile bull, of Ills money, taken liment of
But, tit-ough thus seen e ur t, 11,
-Illy all succoedixig� to ilia 'tile Ila Apparent rec"Ills With aixxuselilo�ilt, I-lughes AOWAItxis her. of a Younger sister the oil With. that 110 should get stilnoliy, Ill order froria him W11110 Wititing ilia turn- n to tile Throne, li-'d 'd VIL rightlY111fter LL do w Dukof york tuated W.1411 Punc-, its Much delight, tho, ticket oat people haV4 'Val corous interval,. als by froul, And b i
thought 110 was 0 stpp_ all 0 till She y nlall�% it was not I Out of those balcyou days as possible and a part a a at lea Of Ills one alm and ob,�. that the entire Over his. foot er went, je feis to were as clooffif I of With A barvo%y heavily. Multiply report$
hoes in re- tile al I Istat no Of that she ifrty-three years old tile dcWghter of ilia bolo,ved Princess 1 4 turns, objeetion Statements power SPkeC of Ills Leti-othod, Vic- ned hot. pLttionce by or and re ilia highest can PAYh1g the former Ped into hi brothap's lot- suilor; while. a' ti lie remin cl�a a"' as liar de- toria, Mary of Took, taking frequout 1"I'llico fate, Tbe;j- a young Mary, uelles as- cOuld be Wished, devoted to their a Q With baggage, just, aftei, he, queries d riet h
I it that' whOso formal Pinellas ,Of nuff . I younger than very had and Statistics of aIt few years - -9 of Teck wag bright cOnlulander and his beautiful
Ceased Majesty lad Made it the pro- engagement to P A charming anooda 110"SOlf, kind alyrost, as , I I groat, ""'a Que011 Al, 110 )lad 4 It, Than, at Vent And descriptioll to very sort rlhcO "B'ddy". bad hands IWAY.4 Wife cc Came Orde; COATE, 01-114' T11 the utmost at ills -a to. fess'an of Illy late. lamented brother, only been. anno to is told of the Qui 01110, AS ;felt altd showli, great kindness to Ile, 114' TRA IN. Power. The
so I also chose it for tile Ott,, tirecd a fow Weeks ba� Prince EdAv4rd coals husband, Appeared Proceed to Galatz And load wheat nother time Ile Was. 1IaVjrg, more Olerical'work to Y Ows the scene. I -To Was Prince Friti,ret 01;1)1.ov&,. to the tot, home. Grout was ill cation of be Olt.' This Inatr Ou a glee of tile clerical 14 -
in that big t A bo done,
edu.w fore fie di Of York wh ell sit all 14 family, gAve liar hear.tY bathe ilear to Where Some boylt-Wera Asia in game things
Ill MY lolilhl 'ar" la ot 1,cck t It tile greater the
After rallgoluent 11118 its Analogue in 110 OIIIY 9011 of the tile And propara- girl -Wife. She would SOO, Constanti� amusing tile a p Tils,'In this Inselves by t a0 so Widely divergent from t at Wedding were Jiume, 11OPle And tile Danube, stones into ILrowipg work there IS, tile Drittania, tile Royal calider ill, of People of more of Alexanc-r Of Wurtemborg, The Chi]-ldl4tely bogun. would two years' training on the Of tile Czar Ale ill 11 Duke tious for the the water, when either certainty of Providing Ofilefal billets brothers . 10171y degree,. - !-To (11,011 a! it I those happy (hardly be long arough to recount all transferred to tile Steam *lie had Sintilarly taken ov, was asked. oil Ila Union, the eldest* son �pja by. Accident 01, design, he Was, struck for tile Babu's burgry, relatives. Bacchante, Commanded by tie er.the mcitrfmorial exigagament on . a occasion W!Iat lie bel ..the father of ill ns, were clouded over almost Wonders'ot this most �Vondorful by one above 0 of Would like to do by way birthday il-eat 11, a ,,,Of a special of Onjv two al- thre of wed a a 0. And had par- (now Admiral) Lord Charles Captain Ili,, older broliber, tile Czarevitch.cle- rdixt Were dalled. that'after the beil e Weeks ding trips, And they sailed nd three days Out of ilia MILITAIty
Scott, �Casecf, to Princess Daginar elf Dan- Plied: he re- is one of. the -cithal, influenza brblZo W tI hearts and as "middies" "Go fdr'a i1de in I 'Overbrimming with jci� 11111=tuol lfl.ple illoil boa:rd- thl lease" titles of . the I out with ill t1light's holiday PCII)APS tbO most I
6 $and- tIR the -Ing, his, Ill tile many matters now, a -9 ves- Mark,.SiStOr Of tll� Princess of lVales. with all the all omnibus Rings of. NVurtemberg,' great virulence at mportant of ill
al they matte a llialiorable Voyage other People, blue Sky abo house doctol Ong 'T'ITO Voting Prince, 1, ancis of. "Ing"am—Pillice "Roldyll VO them seeir.iied -a aging th6 Sort-.
round the world, visiting altiong was Solid that r�riuce.-Georgc, 11 'A � Teck ill 6 Was taken *611ing over with jUillight,,.7 i4t]"Od fox head. Jous attel
Ad Mr. IVIIIIam Mather, M,p. for tile Want to England . illy On anuary 9, and V1116 cut has left A, Mark th Government is. .long been an adjuirels fit 1866 to visit ary 14 lie Oil i110 is th Ition. of* the
at- places, Hailrax, Of Princes$ 1110�eud�le I)Iviq Passed away 1 allu- WIND AND WEATHI-ill. 0 carry about With, him to. a question of Military reform And.' it had stood aside in favor of neashire tbo -Prince of NVales whom he. had . Something more than a favored "ce'y re-arnu%mcnit. . The r N -S-, tile May, lit .1-61, of Lot opened tile Labor 'net- Ott tile Cciutino�t. He laps- them, notbing occurred to of his days, e-artnament of tralia, Fiji, Japan'. China, hibition at WJim- ad b6f6ii-e it.was made' jo On another occasion lie W tile Cavalry and Iritantry of the dies, 8011th America, tbo'Cape Aus- Ills older brittlier, and had now Sim Englandi who the ed�
pore, Ceylon, L ga- Ply reverted to Ills old love, ,LIlis shadow over their h4ppilless AS "'ving Of India, bot army �Ill tile Crystal -Falace re -L SAt 4, dinner "at TIONVII that, Until near the barb i1gypt, Clio. oly Centl, is the 11 St, JaAxie.s` Pal- tile DUloO of York had offered - lim- a quiet Stroll through � 11 British And native,- is
Land Was tile, first tilljo silted; jit,1106 irst olliployer who bar Ing Cape -Malail, al. that� .,now
ever, performed ' that duty. not, there MI to Ills cousin, slid tjlaj� Which was' generally quite do.. or,, roceediiii rted' troop; r 'apace. The BrAish Princes kOPt a careful dial Duke of y Year, Ade'lLaide ; on after fore ills dawn, when more at this time and place, wh Are , receiving Lee-Enflld and Greece; a Voyage of which tile' who had Also boon a 11.1 . "cc on ilia 71,11 Of '11farch
.. ork, -ago.),, 'Oct the Princess Mary fatal 'hour Of the morxxing,� just be- which Was Afterwards 'Y-retord,_ that an hall- to tile 1,111 -ore le WAS. one pf the first to adopt Apt -if 7th, while walking- with:hcir I* -TaY was to be the bridd collisions Pened to 'I an he hap- WbalIdus; their 10 m two mellf who Wei --publisliQll as *611 hit, English had chos- 'the elgbt-hour day In his works, and n of the Heir. to the Throne -other time violently W 'O. thorough overhaul and reoai�', the "cruise of H.AI.S� Bacchant bridal. Elo tile British' Ilp , Kew Kew The same: I occul thart At any I they I a 'Llfl LOO-1fatfords, .After
-a all. tile nipie".in gay call were run into by 'a Wuncloring Greek
With additions by al . with truth that he has WherO Slid Od -With: her I roasons thAt had made the oilgillel,, Or 'soma nefarious Pur- handed.ovel, 4 PPUlic NvOi Nay Marriage with tile H� al4lor ctmil pe� b it. aig -the Other way, -And I t, to the . native array. Air.. Daltol and the higi-ri at, of never regretted t,he step w Intither, he Proposed �tcl the PrInc ,n with Prac icAll t pbpotittr were clit. dowu It cia vessel there, Iwas read by tile public wit.), ago, though the bloicid of the4 took, flich he es now Added at,he the deep- rrhx�ass May was.Ilot exactly Mather is also Able "I'd 'Was accepted, a, to� by. Puttlie Sympath k-IIIN to 'the � Wet r's so was mistaken for Y la -12010 of tlie field, est interest. not the wedding'y4th tile loss it edge. . a no one bea Jntrodtxc�tion into tile Itclyal fa can, took place oil.. JU-1 tat ahe ]lad Sustained To their peaceful Army has been'thus re-arxxx�d fresh to -SAY, WhAt* le�v, employe, h sleep al* quiet t n6ing to �the boat, and next Year it- and by
And n May be.Possible to Pro- Ililly, that he'bas never.hAd any Y 12t after some' . AS geriej�� I night's silver.. two Men and dead trouble thci marriage W ly lIp 4pilreclatio t by the With a tradoij Uni6n, Splendors sucbecided tile over - 'The rericival term AN well. As're_ wholm, severely Mailled, WitIf the re -Armament of the lxxx� , U A Perial service troops .0 141ser's- barber -As, an I Ing flood, - tile hiss and roar of es� tiIne go "artillery, a'good deal do-
gible laid co . ncorrj� calling. steam, . tj nother m'dox .,portentous gards the mer. Some time ago h to � suffo and at .-.its Pehds on'the resq�jts of tit -a am- 4PPrOach he,resigns 11141s .0 conferen- Prace.of death4 in that w , held t lei' life all periallci pas . that be,will be in' England: India, must.
kept Ilia royal. master Waiting a elf. to, fate,. Ces and -committee
all, minu a er- h e
. WAiser, Ili %, Oil I, the lately the d but one, he so lot Off mercifully. The. hog 0 attach- eye,, 'Pre Ii lit Of generous Irony; happiest of men, the ad to tile 10 a t Perforce, sented . ually allope the type of "Pper gun for al' - Instinctively Clingi rry, .. that was removing Al. -With. a cbstly gold fr ng -to a I , horse, field An I's furniture . d heav Artillery which 011e Year took fright 1.9 cled tied On by thb War, ofil chronometer, leaving it to the bar- 'of wroalcage, he � had been -;a I . bar to. gues the Lal, reason fo ' the Washed ashorcrunder -Cape Mal4a A,t. wh,ull, going ull, at,. a railway bridge thoiltibs. nthe ce all- r the ebbing Of tile scality' till over which a train Was passing Meantime stepa:are� gift The servant's inability to ar- at being taken rive d#, And tilt' time, and made a all to improve existing ill) to time conifilued, however,. iStrong *Physique reasserting 'it- olden plunge equipment as Muchas Possible. The 4 until at last th forward, thereby.- displacing three. A 0 Kaiser del . nanded t enabled.litin ' to reaOh the pla- Chairs thatd b' aid 4uns ill be fitted *!ill
Impatiently: 'llave ou still got th' call- Here he was., rather coil een plated in the re- Watch I gave you seaward, by some ng precarious position. ,,yea found gazl' As the -checking. brake Which has proired your e4i gQat-hords, who, fell, the If, ChiLITS1, SO SUCCOSSfal in South. Africa. )@r.� answer', "here li Me �tlfa royal uajety;" was the In. 8 7eh Of their njmble�gedtted.. of g Of.� one struck, -14le glass. forts are bpiilg made alsol, to. supply ."Well oa, 'a, )lad wantlersol down,tfie 00" 01 A� ar rer , : . , . . I I I . drobe, breaking 'it to tile Army with:a ret Ily I I w batteries of A61d' seem to go ve y,well' Pre I
P adds, IOlill'oak Pl!dO'Of- tile mountain... They At anothe'�.jjxna Ills 110WItzers. I-Iltbertb 14dia,has had 64cloavored to.�Porsaade him to..;Ood her6 is Axi6t6r:PI And the next me While to' depend on - theL old eleph went the Silipeffed halldress6l; tileni,back to the World but Use-huntIng,' Contracted diPlithoila, teriest ant: bit- ad had -to e rmoved to thor Armed I I , Vafii� Re has- -with Muzze- ending a Ilickel-plated timekeeper v b WQ41d live, gratefully weapons of -obsolete desjgn,'f 8 1 Ajudd., a.t Cap Ing some 09 their Poor ac- rAtal.,.As ilomb of his v*fe,g�,.ox�,. his he) t' provisions Own Po*er"t I or
1-19 L Majesty I has never been a f relations were able to cat' tield Tliese -elephant I but no 10 thAt watching Place he, his assistaxibe.by.., ., to batteries Are now being abolished as, fendant in A poll would not 90., Ajud thOge'I,__k,..._ ",In ceePing'llOuse'. for such. Cis the 'owner of a Antg, understand! ged to_- bo'borsed; rg, something, 'anct already breech -loading guns and his' woe, Sympathized With hill, �o a,'SluetkY bhimiley' oENGAGE but tile. king' has paid. w flue Ce-Ceurt-110V eye he was obil III fututd they, will
for HOUSEXEr deeply that J?ER, howitzers 01 & more Modern type
'without paymant� or and. Ilhad .1 1 tile have been Provided tolo'them resrasfnj� fter, an und Addition ..]to
hope of aliv rou at 'a( TMOY helped' -to N 40 Oxford'�he Prince .0 build )its hUt., him f. a Oval 111111 -self. Once Tha.'Collst defences, 00 -not being Ia .. gireat, huntsman . and few me- I and kept him stlPp'lied. tool Ill * while dairying up lost- sight' of though Such is,, it . , ;., *. -C ;. :" - , with Such Poor Al Jar f 1, the
could beat him across country. on e, Orsels of food and, Casp'. An -anclAbo va drink Ot it shivered r1ous for. his - One occasion.. Ills Royal Highness neects. as suffided isuxlted to at Is- .. a or of the buslile�s (i (A. private ordnance - factories ill EnV was e to not there' up t case I" llind game other riders galloped A -rying land that it IS,dIffiduIt-&t pr a . I wifix his, a Ied dur- to insuro its to into ing- ti on I CAI hope for the'early supply of ement farnlyard. by way.of EC.,Sbo,rt cut, ,r:e f Safety I' ill Lit ])IS gq ome' of upon that a should, a' u depth wherein. all big r ova, ence of ce-rti�
he1armar, a strdy yeoman, Ole&- ITionah at a be
1 is a veritable tile guns which It 1§� desirabl ab lie, def ad tlle.gates*and told the'huntsmen "llounted �for t
they he Tl are is *a ollart Parts, miust $5 apiece for tres Pes )lad Suddenly been nother -man again, hIll PQSR,':Oile of the gentic, quenched, he lived until (tuite recent Stands:JII Awe Of the summer holiday QUESTION Indulgorily, at tile ru nen Smiled for90ting',.by thL� timot. 116 tells Or SUPPL worlot forget " a Indian' Aid, And 'said, about -the first Oil with a shudder, `-The Policy al tit Govern -t lit, illy good in a. living mollumoli accident that befell molit is to make India as, independent Lull this is,tho t a m.'man. .;uld Patient,' was.standing at il Of England.as poaWbla fa,the matter Ood r- 'It Ir Palling, wbea I New- pf Supply. Great Prince of Mrateti, The of , al Zle
was In no Wise abashed 'g)
, - liumbi, P" and' retbit-� -�t�j;as(`i language he lotIholland biush.ei.1 itst' him, puxp, bF, C Prince or 116' Prince,, I'll 11' lea rild, he was tie fu tills diracti been QRXIVALL AND YORIC, Ave neVor jumped and ma bit Of late and.. MY Money." �And he -got it. as a Saint "to the Wate" after ti; big- even greater .will. "Rbb6 t wbc�xl Ono day I that ha been thrown
On Lord a had tey came up In. shortly, be visible, Already It plant from, the voyago 'all a Ctirldus, eXpe- lifeless body gA,jIOA rcIrw all Whether the dog ]lad startle fol a nia ill V. I ard upon �d him tile filling of shellsi-with high ex- a le8, having. had 4i collf (I thereby caused ploglvds has.been eroot . ell, and is now 10 two brother tho little llngluzdd Will- blut to lose.' his somewhat it want La Other a from Ilia reverie tin
round the world tl J "Cc, 4240119 on-; When fighting as . subalta,,n 41=1 - In, tile suppression - : : � DU C HA SS div 'c" whiell Ila in. Switzerland S f tile, Indian Mu- OPINTIVALL AND �ro RIC. I dill 1) Usanne tthe Person. of., George UlIV, Roberts 'and 0 a follw, oftlects )Secure,, 1 osition to start Work. A cordite for six months to'Pol-'rect themselve.,., eZasharocat 'to f'OtnA-,. *&e WhOthell -it had upset I im ftetory ill t Hills, capable -L Royal luarriage owere out riding, they felt'ecinfirulool it Y 111ing.a inst, lifill. he Cannot of suppl�ing'a cis of the n. Was I ga. he -Nilgirl'
Say I but at Was for 'Colebration on When Roborts!s grayholind - started ViCtoiia w Queen proved. o 11 the nge Ili French, and then their path, oa t
tile 111'st time diverged, to thell., great more p6pular, And Its 4coltinintar6'. b July 7th,' :1893, 'Will nl�j7ays,r, TiQueen V'e''It 01 ilia 11thei,,.liaPIfniCo,,,.�of of"thiii Pre- than ai-nity, Iscirrow—for tba,� had Over been a tie- one of tile alit, Its all antelope,. And' Alic next molujillt. ilil us present t t , Ile �Vpcldlllg �Ilstllldt!011 it, lie" P da inPe Alalea. Is making considerable hound -Illid horses wox-eL Ice* ower by OfpItAt6d* "lrto,th6 WAtOl', 'umd being voted Pail—Princo coin! splendid �alld Ili hot pul,� It %V Ch U attend- but a progress: ng Inerable Doic ass Of Cornwall all polor sAVimlrer , would mare facture.:A go This factory will -a tents set S to, Ih cl York tOok'place in, maxxu,�
ashore, so to 'speak to -acquire tile Pageants of tile. 'Victoria,,, 4111t.. its if out of tile 'at, likil a Ingi Ill . �4 State At' th� which 'I ad deal of ill Was the lirst child - of th tile Chapel Royal Y have boon Or had -a require llfe-buo� not b .d. for cordite afid Sol .w.ill 'be graces and accoull; U can promptly-tbrown ry sPerisabio to a Prince standing'11i d -it neah!eady, r. band Ve largely Ili lisfillients, . ,tilde- The D" ko I'll . distance, LL couple, and w Young, Jamesl,-orl July 6 ILMIGRA i- laor,could rliL, Of "30POY trOoPera,rilling as born, at Kensington 1. A I � , : rl � - . to him, thus enabl" diipZ�erkt of England,' U be trusted retunied io Ills wards lCut - Lee eOP even In rect a cecssiori to the Tbj-olle, 'I to- AeInintite before partil a Ill "4f".JaMOS' �P11L Ing hint to it vilicl., 01d.loi,6 Clieelcing and turnig uriddlisgilt called York'Nouse till olle Of. ill(, nunlero ranother I were p� �vided LIS Are - Lfoi- 00 Us.Plea- move, In the 'Same direction bas quita, Wore I and it their pox Or' bally vas It town residence, -and Vork. (,Iottag6 sure beats Ul-Ound picked him* Up. Intiossible of Attal 0 was to go. bapk 'fiting steeds, r—ar, South deck of a ship; and on'the to. all older. one St lll�hls officers rut!rAC6 the -Y9nllg b4l)tIZqd Ill tho long string of We recently been made by the nallit's, Part<, wits cilla, . '. I . g . r time, Govern-' P013ce George llell''Stops, quite lit 'A ried. left, horyAfter -lie had. lent of India. A Plan has, been convindpol of. tile ut'ter hopele,qsIless the QU('en boing Ilia Alleged brother drawa,uli,,anol has beell definitely ap- ST1CRING TO TI11; �14EA I"011 THE 81,",A: a ace, and bacame ure honor acid, ad to th& of Ca- P 1016 was Present I Voting West Africa shortly, and 1 'Y ar of W4105, Of thL THM C6
1pf -now Outstripping their foes. by proxy, it, Out. of tho spollsors TwOuty Doers, wo live in Ainatep, 6alled to, $do. PlantAlig bapk they, Ill, ilia prince i XTkY HOArri, dan l, wilt leave' 10 outjl�
93, I I cy , 94.w. tile troo a Asked by tile larldiad to,.corne. Ili-! al to a scene of jut S ly "to till(' was courteous- Proved,, whereby in tha:`Ile future
bad bnadLUA-11Y OPell wit, to 1!Ido thein down n Person, a otb couple. This bet and Walt Ills return, the requirclZi6ats of 'ill
tain In tile 13L tDecem. 0 army Ili usefillileas. As a, midshipman the bidding one alloCIlor.what they Aljr�ved fl'uitful, the -Du l7and 200, Caj a Volorlst, India, lit. the matter ofrilles and*car- anaI's-, served With din OYMI -Navy, bui it wai won, - k, �Wlll leave [ 1. I
,tinctioll. oil .not till 1898 that.110-Was give of SS HAY - Duchess being already ape Town for Or'! catne ill, 'but a.fter bines, -will be met by locial nlanijfac,�. )a, lie told tilt-. tile Noffft Airlerican and Wast. Indian coluilliss! II �Ilisi It be A, last ood-bye, tile Parents. of Tile tile saille, destina nd- all- .Tile interval had they Were about to pal,t company Vema I d liar mother' four children. The Pof d,*people'llave; beerl.influenced to Instead of importati-on jr
nb al. loak over tile shoujd6r. 5 Only girl iiaitimptive laidY that lie would require to and, as at prosent. .am. Ing'Of till Prince 1�1ojwtxrd of , Coll Sedulously devoted to W hall a fill three brothers did not take tile pjacc emigrato byille favorable -reports itinity of visiting the I)Oolillion, then - tile learn- lie had a trail, to Catch, and had rifle factor The new 11-1-4 110V Wr011icillial clutles revOUIed tile. faet . that York, ws b Ceivoct feuir. Y will be. situated on till) under the of tho One daukilittr, An& tile terider Orn at Whita Cape Colonists and LNIXIVY tlive 'to got It, Ivilell our banks a -norship. of silutter hall iibxie-10 have la, gavel ly VAllishpol, Lodge, returned aI the 4iocighlyk.samo fifteen.. .They Ara, Witt out 6,�" mythical brother had not been It will bo'cap- -ri.tgo, Clio Marculs of Lorne I-stato tour !it Irciancl' -as al Mirage I It it - lie found that, his,
by MAI cluded a Sent between tile Duchess of, Teck wh6ro tile Du Transvitalers'Who emigrated there mile *grom Calcutta,
in iWAS of,il;c Closest mhrtender (�ure and still_ On JIL9 nilleteenth birtilcif (Juno 3, Company with ilia wita,, when I part, Oil - .1 coil Able
ay fondest througlic.11t i113- Tli P 1884) '110 pased as sub4JcUtL-1lnL rendered 11' real -service to ill,a c prsisfied. 111wanty tent -to take Ills departux-a of turning Out some 1,Wenty-five obt�aijjjll,r a aahfay and her al -no, but thousand (301"Plete arms every year, alifiv. I bad, Ill (
gTeck's death Ill tile *following yea * five Of ilia forty Who went. thoo., Atiso takell It P(a )f gold leoyd� b -1AT florl?A%. 3FI�AVOR have bought land and al and.t a cheapness of coal d, I abor T1 grato ber Ilftug&er, r links, tell dollars aluan Of 111�,Orlliall juteffleaticiii. null Car brothers QA(l thp of. that Ilia VC . . till it Y. ., Ilut tile' time and. 111,111�058 .Of Ival wilt) Ilatt thO 'Ile I An ell oly'saitsfact, cUItfVdting it,, AM had been will aship, al)(] In little thIll"i-A. Veal had li.oly, Admit of a very considerable �hereafter, havlag spout the I ' collie when fie hiclolon-at, the bottom of out, iriand,s saving WOO riterval thought fie llllgllt.safi;� Pr a, good (10 L's t I I beling filtell rill that. -'the
study Lit tile Naval e.vcllallg of, Rarrison Think$ . 11 ave seen Of* ill box, and ,I'm st, A large central gun-. last, though b O German cersellauill pipe . I carriage factory to part of the new title,' Ilia n 2. , I I ureaucracy, Which hilol been pal' Anothel, tiud, when Ile we it :down n It. Ilia nted I Volt d. t6 2 Chain -ill such dark colors to tile 'Xc6llent, a� fu ctions -as, for a for rendering
El Duke of Teck has (tied invo, al of Itile aIT�ey Was ery,fit, Tre TAQ (lut.
POI-ts'NOUth—a ship wiliell it; ot nitho8e or 4111101 Pf 49'age, Ithe Dul;0 of" lie ]lad engaged Pendent oil Lei& less a threp tile I)LlkO all vf.,t been the kindness of the hard, Was Coolly told . by 8 11anallady that g1lo, overnor And his Ofllciah% *Caunot be thO 91tuatd'at Jubbulpore; 'in the Can- ad let the room ti -Al Provin Aray's events, �vei�r good. who was with the latest y ell Is. lit JE ke of stato hattor priet, Prof- T19ti'llson, buti- Ill US tilt' creased c6usequan It, good India should be In a,%position to pilotage, aja it Is known 11 vrog, the lrot of (110 eefrq � visit to 1111t iIt fol! %'Lilt b eleetrid power, Vv ritually 130do'. gun- Inoliths, partly Lit tile I a;1ol w I I- nytit
manship, navigation, to] for up. Ifpn. I)r 'd ficinicir- Goorgo (no;� j . it), their Illstory wit's tile'' �Sonia have started. shadly 4 &"lying 1101, plaut,_and will be
.Ni fie 111 4 fair W4, only'"Vo "a 1111portart
"Y. afte" irfie assulned Coillinaild of �tllt- t6i'le I , , ti -lo fag- (I. praised enough. . Al I null tile. clinlato 'to "ano�thor Cos. It Will be doluipped
glitielie rm411mboij�. of"611ta , (if
shil) but an Island— fie obtt�lned Ills till.,[ lit th6, of I fiti"Voired I soil, lie
till ..active oil. 1,11' , TIlle difficulty the Ill ilPrince of valval Oldest public -functions )),it tile contrary England, - This will be eClass" in five of his subjots— ,'CA-l'I'llis fine WA, a 4 V tO 1310 91carpol pit red .rcrefl it Corn"Vitil rodnand, beginning with only A�:It," fluid It Y
that ilia severe examf al's were 110 '(1111111161 I)Oi't'4. And Various iprlillogist. tl� tile Ontario Agrjcuj� full al . - galp a fallilly at tile 1,11110, by the ucces co DOW given them ; OW hundred, they have )lad a grant ideal of bunting About, And W1101 Make bet, own field 9111194 as 9110 al'
ri ty , sion of fl increase In lambs, willell thrive v ry Ife had agreed to pay
ppocto a of pcl.s(ln'q aolPl�t 111-4 flil'41' 00409134 St4ting that'lle, hao not then 1141ig Tie had Cuts . W par- I .0 about double rpady makes her wn projeettlea and r till% Throne will I ellder thele the 914111. lit, wihed, that he managed Ammunition, oil, wile erthe ro- fill hilect appearances even -The Plan conceived by' t t 0, Afte d`JV0ifrCl IV" viited by the Que fpuiid ter wlifoll, of 001)g ))all- to ill(, as it tills Ills cOrIOCT was as rapid fifill Oil its very Stuart of bad la, illore ld be by ilint. of honeNt As Ilia 1)udiless"of YO ITspollsibloi tol, tile lie Gar- 0 .Seoul, i"P.1111 flavor, 1.10 Is experimenting flItcrOsting in future, And �man adminiStration WAIJ TRANSPOnTS. Oxpeetcd to pass ills life ilia Journe ST it, and nit I troilo Of tile Cainer- A JITABLE jtooAr, of rank, which is not it ad hot- bushand's society Wilb, it it popsible, if III to Australia,, �40utjl At, 001314 to penetrate Iu 'Ilia Very firs d to of � younger they Can:11 0011ada, has proven that 14S far.%nortli as .xUIL L a, Ile %V aI Ing thCrO he &oppcid a fivo, dollar palgg of 1891-8 revealed a Marked t1ound lit tile son, 11,111CO89 May Alled fulfil Valuable high not a 14ttlerlont At Oarntx, I bill from It's packets either thing to conjecture with In tile 11kt- dt'rillff a P414: of Ilia time Oil the It As tile mimp fts thol COMPArativetlis roally MorO PlOft-lut rieg. AU(I to the country Nor liave less showy details beelt Navy In matters of proluation, f Crescont, sj) S!, ilia Rival, Do a t bath- lost Sight of, 'The frontier Cgm-
tt and to toll CollipAnioll oil the .01)1111. toll, Ilia so- pl,of. O"Y gay and roremonfal du When oldildlency in tratispoyt for war Pur- "[)Pointed tO thn'Thunder6r, oil 0 14 Again his About lively too ; but perhaps tile gentle, iesow to be'eari-led out. 1pirst...taicing air,
the Aled I terra neat-, -Station, 110 was Cenci round tile %Vol risen, lyho. -Id, In And MOrO molancholy 01' Putting oil ills Clothes, pages and shoived, beyond a doubt; transfe I older Lieutenant Domillik Ivill rCourse, when lie Missed it I . 0 Alaxitildra, fiFLg_gllfp CtIlle dalty deplxrtnlent, blig Illatrtlo - lively h Ad4m4 W 10 how great Cent- '1lv0FtJ9at1OI1 Dean. of was more attra,etivo t I a, uina
to thorred to the Dreliduoukilt, And mplicing ��'Ith Australia nSpirit at ill t it 1pedition thioug tlT i'k'd"' d,- ant back'id, where he had loat it of bp� I t would be the delay in sailor -uncle, tile IWO I 1VT to Itblish himself at Garxia. TIOVIng off our artily should War II b, of 11PNIANG in VIREW ltoyALTY 'it whoever, recovered it five dollar
13liflor he remailiod for T'ht tija IT tempt spoiro no effort In t1lo , at�- IdallY As arom the calls and epon. not be 4 military expedition, but bill break out in Afghanistan or beyond, oto SOIVO a quosticift that tot, sibilitics of a R It
deeply Paine p)OIlths, )lea Puzzled choose Will consist 61 a Caravan of carriers tird, pelying whol'a It box Nan No matter how Speedy the mobiliza- .Years, during W1116h time he visitilol'illibiled with tile idell, of Illipor costly AS Is till OYal Ilat-901COOPOrrand Ap d 'I � : . I tile Sultan at 9tAmbaul, Ilia iW411a 1,11 11,11-t makern and farmers alike. it lFl. ill. 3 aducatio)i . , of sell, The Questioll al 'Dra.o& t* be, *orx anct'Workmen, A large- Military ex- noth , d Wit proper might -be, the troops y bo infol,roll. (tinelig Other tended that 11.0 should ciallif thO Duke And Duellos of Took, whose at t,h(i 1"Aretions, peolitioxi cannot be sent owing to tile The po Or In ri'droads t11O SPI -1119- would be clulte unable to Advance uh-
Ila' uncle tile King Of Greece olt Ath- thlu'u, , front tile filet that lie at hag said that -q the ens. and thg )a at-citiOn W114 sma 1, tit nooquato transport had been pro- -to lChedive 1r(,.wnk lit and Ilia milk call.% In which ill, thL lack Of Inell- TbO Colonial AdmInh>,4SPrIng it yoting, M n,
con�oVrcd tile , II In 'View question of dress to tration will, for, the pl.aout, fa y If IItIY vId signin Ive 13 a a tie, 9 ed It would be POrtettly foaal-
Cairo--having experience of man and additional ii . aineS Of George A Caftt1Y ried back to ilia farms, and also pog- up ixitogether to 9 0 WOrn at tile. varlott Itoyal fund- only.1 turns iti thoughts Of love," but this r London aPart-; tl(51)s, It 16 Jn1.0I,eStIllg a gain 4 footing there. Tile settlement I Particular Young man We to Paul, Into Peshawar or Quetta thalstableg. It lifts boon notic- Metxtq,in 1<prai to learn that is all 0.1cop- tpus of tit
things wherever lie %vent. After all- Patrick Pavid—thoso of tile Patron ed that the 119ton Palace, And to't]16 ques will Ostablish I`Clatlbbs�Wlth the lilt- tion to Ousards of troops at all
Other course of gonnerv, tl,(Lihfllg at aints of our foul* nationalitl flaor ill ItTegUlar CIOSO White Lodge and spend some, bate, in UOII provoked. more de- tlio Portsmouth, to es—On In ItR appearance, And omot! Itives and oxectl0tom them to German arms Wfthina low days aftel, the big- mas Is time as Now VC111-Ilid than anywheroll-1116. The Intention Is not to all- misjortuner because that is tile Ing -be was next appointed to tile orth. now stands Ill dirtiet succes, V At.0r, time. Abroad. Tbeconoty"eally as Possiblo also dilring tile Duke Of Yopki's 1101 to mobolIze. llogular transport WhiCh hevolunteared, their Of'Ost soul Prince I'dWard. wile not present tor do .1 -In ilia Spring Ills thoughts turl, �to
uInberiand, Ilng-Dhip of the hannthe Throne a .4101, to The Complaint came first respoeting P(Irl a greater part of - thall. to Atist,ralla. visit I Vance as far Ila Lake Chad, which 1.9 above all Others, ibmt As corpo stro being - established, whicli not Chills Ill Ills , 14, Soddo seeks to Court will be maintained,during pence and
. 0 n boy� ad of absenre was Pal4sed. Ill that Ptaxotior og Xq�% 11, the I Sittlatod 400 kiloillotros from Ilanue, him then,
Squadron, allel durin the naval Illan- fall "Of if..Corporatos tile Uliitocl Xin?,-' txi tile Innorkip factory, home of art -11 ro'nee, And, �Jiqro 911apaci�rIstio V' Zoalaird, inallot aland'eciuld only be reached with it it will be Capable Of Adequate
oetivres of 1889 110 phiend ht coln, d0ra. Tho Dulw Of IS The "off" flavor has since been de� Princes,,; nlo (let WAS In tile spring th4t Ills bi- kpan,
no Won which is ))Oil w Ill- tocted lit a score7 or more other gne- Inal My Sion In Unto of wor. Officors. ard mnncl of a tOroclo I)Oa.C_WIIfch,, b.V g(wed ill a dell in her tear' t 'Voralloci UPOU thOlgVeat militar force, Owing to the: Cycle iliPPiall 'Ott Wet stree X1 art d1strld
lud I ta
Iild in tOrIOL+ At Irregular Intervals, an(j, ug . 11 rsubjoet *bJell As WO1311 putting ou'dIsturbandet; In tile Coast t busily registering transport Animal
the a, also tOOk'PI,rt Ill the grclil�l Clio al( 1111dor ance and throw hint heavily to 0 aco�d. Tha Itclygi vigAtors, jitt said, lot the Cal�eroolls, the Who) tit throughout UIO CMI distriot. * The
I of his Apaet front it purell, pal *rj,' 11, V. , pling 11
review at Spithead In lionei �`Or U1111Y of tile whe cl It alyeatoof tile L Pride -at t116 a lin garri. ground, p4ptiall orlp
ttv�tll,' ill Would receive a most Cordial Wei- 1wn must remain r Same a, couple of 'm for lantig shortly to be brought under cousin Ical tills mision, With, 1 It-' iIt 'J�a�bdee6omeqd Pie autuovitio 9 -9 V911" A10 at I; -Os, Uuk he adolvd,_ there 100 weolcs. It Avila At that it; I )IOCOSSO,I`,V'�46 It �110 sub,fadt who III' hOPQ -fox' tile credit of time to dome, Particular Sea.14on, too, that alit by the gro4t h6lUM Can -
and its 11, ibq oatise; and th'A �lllis '01, 11 col- lie hall Ili V ... 1. � 'b� but owil .,Probably be Allotted
As We rill hollo, lit"'W - V10 I Itti alud Ufl1zi Palaces *114t they will vit a ttt ])act t I'lled out On GE will soaltliful P6�0-llea, 4midst tile tre(L. any there wJjj be 110 toad, scheme I As a regult Or hit; solid Merits littva. the of 8,, pellp'JIlehill eAn enthusiastic maintain rnof g tilt. Invested all Ills savings 111 It "O"Corn In thO first placo to.tonants willing Prince George was aill, appol to?oir �lecrxxc, Already, I bL- fraud, n'ted to coniniand Hove tile, ques (MAY I 890) therokifter C'AlStitollo"I ()f it" f(jr.4trioan follOW10d,go at l'ov, It WAS In tile Spring al$q that I teariallort, anhuaL,4 available for Gov-
WhOSO lllucHs Prevented hint troll, Ill,. A IC4xD �X*Jli- 4angtiagOa I Itud she, r0tlrnod't� titan b -As been rafaed le
the gunboat 111hrul, to 1. �,rvjco of, lan'o' rith bar parouka (titor 19, that N had lills$O(I Ono of the eat ellalloos ornillont Put' 0,108 on mobilization.
$ S, irliv present tit tile 11 be pot-intiltp P
tile North Amerfee, fillal scene ill 010 1IAugs.;Ubkiqs, Is thoi �Omello9t sefictit of 3(36(N fin ab� tat, their pregolloa. unjos ,d to on. 1-0, Of Ills lifetime, 110 had been Oyele( This momentous problem, oil WhfOh
It And West Judin 1110411011tots life. draill If, of Ilia grAnd. Inall X I gutllolto Inoiliths a attired in 1% Conniland willeb 110L held motherlii roign, as �vajj as the oij itill(o h9lt In to evell.1119 drtgs. Oil tile lvost,coast tile R Situation in tilt) off tile army So large]-, depends, f9at last being attacked
ell Olafirm'
Or thirteen montha, And It wag dul,.AwT ill tile draula of lCing oq ally it tq Int"Pretftt1011 Of "evening dregs btit had <1OCIIIIOd fo ol�c Pt. I "' by 'it, because Ile Was, 0 a proper spirit, And there J.q Overy g thia'Parlool thdt 111" t0lif ddJ)IItOd WAH VIT. aCOURT CJR(,,J,p1 r"Al)y of our )JOUSOWIV09 Would be In I Y tho-QUOIll In l'opre, nangs-1 doult w4nt tq a Inpro Acoomplislie(I I Certan younA Ova with it re"011 to hope that Old, dOIAVS fth`� q011t Tror Afa_ Would. not peralit thoul lady at tile and j6kLSa,
SIEL116--:Youll, qf.�qlo clatured to OntOr the RoYal Presonacy Look. dill not Wall�-to go away thd, leave afl.va Ag re- F;Stv at the dilielling of tile Tridu,- ato, '41114 10 oteurrod. duA
.rIAJVxjllbf�loll lit 70, I I . I Ing back At, tl the -field open to her otll�,r a(IllifrerlF, uadequate'or uh. jbayupg Judy than Rite aGUld lJossibly ilt,veam, through ill
Jamalca, Oil but for that f& )erfeneo 10 good old dotvg, I can Later a I
Vbi It occasit) I 110 qp*q1jlV .4--Ojl no; Ilut, his lace tga rneSpeak 0"POnally and say tfiat t on. in, however, After, they hAol able trn mpopt, Ill I)Ot be 1*0.
t.4 Pat become engaged, there was It (JuArrof tod fit futvre, I availing and it dalleo JAL III194it- 1MI)TV ba ;9uppoising RIV9 you YOUr gUpp01I Pf 000, 4111d wftb Present tit twO or C I h, bet, Illy e,ud nSoPallation jt as an ITTS� Ultr-,AT WOUX. t of throo otlloj* Haiti functions In the, and to Inake, ulat,tors ,v#.ft nare A to E.Ilklart t gravating, theoung f�IIOAV
ad111140TIVIT. pap, sho va a 000stant 001 lo� nIIvilldsor uniforill tand tji4vt your Sol', WAS to go as 11 Adc,ptec, t)lO lioliyttl fol of tile Adinjioll it, clut OP1101tTITNITY, flat, 11 �90 of tile �lxbugl to baii� an11upgolt boot,,, than parISjIOn0r.*j,Wj1y doetor, I 1111(le
A �ftl' P�.olriptod,to tile li,-Ott do t if, 1, foll Of ber Illotbol, tit ult. Our Sons In InedJoAt InInSfanar. You speak of. yQp11I 11,1011(l Tomkilir Y to V
to aclorio, Atherjitgn iOlt the bull-dag, and ot Q1 Its -Oca '111ra Ood(tl to tile agellcY All.orti art r As It great may), sald .4pykos, Ott do OPPor Unity 'of �qqli 04 flip, of To 0 . Ile I 11111 degree of M.D,11 hin appollltlile)lt _ his, . pl,ad;Cear 0 w1hat has 110 ever done tot, hurlariftVI
mor"Ier (of' Clio at6nd hl4bo ve11olt be utv. a-4cl her. grapol, all the pplvat AS # dbr6ad find
f Alike, .1� .40011 of com- fig,
lipirg tlipil'anIV flonored wit), bap a A
Allot it s, tiot tjI4t %Vol
Is,, S" i4o aPralegil luilto Ivor face ON At the well M-11111nilier coat. 110 inventaid A, new drink, or titult �vl It Nallfy 'and hot, grttee. Slift, stittIdilig, but owing C
PrIt'v-sovelyi,11 Vent, and ilia foui� fludill, ell the Under- having (tied wry UddOIIjV
110; of )i's 114val ly'"- W410 qlie woltian thought iplaces, Mid the, 1wite uto the ull- SpOlkesi, after a momentla thought, 11910 tifilk" 'Pilo next thing that tooik Coliftlabli of afflra there wetIvel's Who upheld tj(1�0 v4ftiSh 6(ttjdd jill good a roeOpof I)Ohind bill, 41 V t 0 All audaelous CountellAlee tia. 'TiVai5 Dadd and no More young I)rJ 16, 110t deemed Advisable for hint to "all tt)ld hillil 'to 401110 In ahol 9))Orof 110 91ty and happy of tile 'VIIA"'Atraylee, PaLV
'Of Ills Calitlill)PO)"417 mates. ThiiI ot tile table. 11 beauty -at)(1 lice gpACO 14-1111P famiflar to MSS bL, -q the Australian A,a At prnOcat-Tpin, DI.
That Id me to a door I V pincif3lo. 1loylaw 'a )lot clulto�'Of tile d0coroul is Ile (joint Constantl together Ali tile rilld oftletal sort, but it has.111 it bet,, tile in and Soda were, onado , , V R, lot Of loin. ou Play golf, %vatso UUU14V Arid, &OO4 songe, 110's a hard oll"Inkor of goft IvIlat? Are .1tillell I I've got, little childro'll croz,
big 1110 I
............ . .