HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-09-26, Page 5To Root .or • ' • For ,Salelds • ROOMS. TO RENT. Rooms to rent in the Elliott blo"k, Suitable for 0111008, droSSumitors, ete, Apply to 4...0- MAIM. Clinton, .111.1y 31st, FARM. FOR SALE. Tho undersigned offers for salolot 42, con. 13, Township of Hullett, consisting of 150 acres, 110 acres Moored and in a good state of cultiva- tion, 10 acres SLUMP land and balance good hardwood bush, never culled. Tho lot it: well watered and fenced and is it Milo from church, 2 miles from Auburn and 0 miles from Clinton. .A. Public school is located on tho corner of tho lot. Time is a good two story brick house, 2 bank balms and outbuildilik's and a good bearing orchard. For further Particu- lars apply to EPII, BALL, Auburn P. 0, Sept, HOUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALE!, The undersigned offers his mango on Albert street to rent or for sale. The cottage is now occupied by Mr. Reekio, druggist, and is in a good state of repair, Apply to .J4. STEVENS, • ; At; 41„,' •• Glasses that Fit. Ws succeed beware, our glees, give per. .. ' re. fact eight. 0 ,,i The train* SOW come .-01 tooting through the rcetehir. each bYilf to the centre ethe whole becoming / \ t' most, ,, to Gm weever. :' i ikrA',4trOt(raging-c90 cry It* 41. J. lGRIC,C. Scientific jeweller and Optician ‘.:Le CLINTON, ONT, APPLES WANTED •••••••• HOUSE FOR SALE IF3routiiit.FaHnigahned.st piril.cteesr Tho undersigned offers for sale a sovon-room- will be paid. See agents ed cottage on Grange street together with ono- • fifth aore of land, New cistern and well. Will be sold on reasonable terms. CANTELON. MRS, CARLING. Clinton, April 12th. HOUSE FOR SALE. Tho subscriber offers for sale a very desirable property on Isaac street consisting of four lots upon which there is a comfortable frame house with kitchen and woodshed attachod. There is a good stable and a first-class Well of water on premises. The orchard, consisting of grapes and apples, is a good ono. The property will besold at a reasonable flguro for cash or fr cash and balance on timo. Apply to the owner on he premises MRS. JOHN JUNOR Clinton May Oth IMINNIAIIIMMISMIMIIMPIM11111111, COV7ft4// ..1e/ JP` STRATFORD, ONT. • • Seventy-five per cent. of • the neW students from outside of Stratford, who were enrolled . at the opening of our Fall Term, came vfrom nearer other business colleges than ours and. students were enrolled from places in which other business colleges are located. They wanted the best business and shorthand train- ing and came here for it, 'Our graduates got employment immediately on leaving college. Nino of our students have recently takenposl- tionss as teachers in business' colleges. Write for our catalogue.. Enter now if possible. • W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal. • AGENTS WANTED. For tho life of the late President McKinley. Price only $1.50. A magnificent portrait of President McKinley, 18x22 inches, will be given as a, premium with each Copy sold, or, if pre- ferred, a choice of nine other premium pictures including the Duke and Duchess of York. Prospectus free ; send 10c to pay cost of mail- ing. Credit given, liberal terms, freight paid. Sell onr Xmas books.'they aro the best. A pre- mium with every ono. Address WORLD PUBLISHING CO., Guelph, unt. //", ANIMMIM•IMMOMNS••••••:111111••••.4 • W.GLEN. CAMPBELL Mr. W. Glen Campbell, Musical Director' of North street church, Goderieb, will resume his classes in Clinton on Monday. Sept, 2nd. All persons wishing to study with llir. Campbell will do well to write him at Goderich or call at Clarendon Hotel and seo him about •time or Piano, Pipo Organ and Theory. Pupils fepared for Toronto. Conservatory Exams. PLUM Largest stock of Plums in the county, probably. 3000 baskets of dhoicest varieties, sold direct to you from the tree at right prices. Also a lot of best Pears, Peaehes, later varieties, about 100baskets, and over one. tonaf No.1 Honey for sale. 0. HOARE'S PROPRIETOR IN Central Fruit Farm. Clinton. SHOE TALK The weather is getting colder and shoes for fall will demand your atten- tion. Our stock is co'rn– plete in all lines. If you want good satisfaction in footwear try us. We also have in stook men's leather rnits for fall • and winter use. We lead in stylish shoes._ S. O. RATHWELL, -simemommat `MARIEZAHAFIAMTE 4OHOMENTS. •›RAITENBURY STA WORKS, nitoot importers. Workman- ship and Material guittenteed. SEALE 8‘ BICE 1,110111tISTOUS, IN THE MATTER OF THE S. 11. CREA.LY DAIRY CO.,- Limited. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the R&vls- ed Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 222, that all creditors and others having Maims against the said The .7, 10. Creel), Dairy Company, Lirnit- od, aro roquired on or before- the second day of October A. D.. 1001, to send by post, prepaid, or doliverod to Edward Towo,'• Bank of Com - Interco Building, cor. .Dundas and Richmond streets, •London, Mt., the Liquidator of the said' company, their christian and sir -names, addresses and descriptions, the 'full particulars of their Maims, a statement of their accounts duly verified by affidavits and the nature uf the securities, if any, hold by them. • And further, take notice that after such- last mentioned date the said liquidator will proceed to distribute the assets. of the said company among the parties entitled' thereto, having re- f4tryt T'jiiet:ot,rillitiiTtsh°.'Zlirii.'41allir trig. not ho liable for the salcl assets or any part thereof to any porson or persons of- whose • claims notice.shall not have boon •recolyed by him at the time of such distribution. Dated at London this -sixth day of September A. D., BM. • EDWARD TOWE, Liquidator. by Meredith,Judd. Dromgole & Elliott, his solicitors, . • . "" . IN THE MIATTER OF " TEE E. OREALY DAIRY CO., Liinited. • 'in Liquidation. -- • • there will be Sold by nubile auction on Tues. day tho 8th day of Ootober, 1001, at 2.30 p. m., at the Town .of Clinton, the fol/owing: ono. creamery factory built of wood. ono and a half story high, size say 40x60 ft. and addition, situ- ate on lot 338/9, 310f1 bounded on the East by Samos street,' on the South by Gordon street and on tho West bY Matilda street, about 250 yards frem the 14, T. R. station, Clinton, in the County of Huron, said building was built this year. Also on the SUM day and place all and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate and lying and being in the Village of Brumfield, in the County of Huron, and being composed of lots NOS. 35 and 30 as laid down on Mustard's snap or plan, of •part of farm, lot Nio, 10, in tho 1st concession of the Township of Stanley, together with tho brick creamery building thereon, 78'X 30 and addition: •Also the following at the same place and time : three boilers and three engines, shafting, pulleys and belting and connections, one Alpha soperator, one Springer soperator, ono Empire seperator, one largo churn, one butter worker, five large cream vats, one B. tester, one twin creatu vat, rotary pump, Milk pump, cream coolers, tanks, scales, largo num- ber of milk cans, butter boxes, wagon, cutter, fairness, bottles, salt, oil. Oleo chairs, stands, desks, and many other articles and plant. The above must be sold. Torms, cash I ' EDWARD TOVVE, Liquidator 2t London, Ont O'SULLIVAN - BUSINESS OOLLECE McKA't ELOOK, CLINTON, ONT. 77/4- and .most advanced methods tharoughlST taught in Boo -keep.- • t\ ing, . Perim nship, Shorthand,Typewrit- ing etc. 4 a-ezzr4,' INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION UredIrrs free. - Visitors Welcome • IriSt Of Pail rairS. Goderich • 'Oct. 1.2 Oct, 1-2 Oct, 1-2 Oet. 1%2 Oct. 24 Oot. 2,3 Oct. 4 Oct. 3 . Oct. 8.9 Oct, 8-9 Oct, 10-11 Ofst. 12 Belgrave Listowel St. Marys. Kincardine Lucknow Bayfield Brussels Blyth Stratford Dungannon Gorrie TIIIO CLINTON #ZWEI3CORI) A GOOD INVESTMENT 14 per cent. clear after taxes and inSUrattOe is i?aid. A brick store in the thriving village of,Sleth, leased to geed tenants. For a eines sate renY aitee. Must lie8ow ot onee, Apple Box 308, Goderieb 0., Ont, Sept. 241111,41 rormisumwmilmmismi TEACHER WANTED. Male or female teacher wanted for 8. No.3, StauloY township. (Intim) to Commence on Ian, 3rd, 1002, Appl cations Will be received until October 10th. State salary. Personal applica- UPON preferred. WILLIAM RAT)1WELL, P. 0, Drawer 210 Sept, 10th. 31 Sec. -Treasurer Sayfield P. O.., A. line of Shoes for inei. and women, that are beauti- fully modelled, and possess a style of grace and beauty that makes them distinctive. They fit to perfection, retain their shape and give absolute ease to the foot. Styles for e'v'ery pos- sible use or occasion, beauti- fully finished, a, feast for the eye and a delight for the foot, as • well as a saving for the purse. The•sizes number both ways—length and breadth—so that your exact shape ,can be obtained with i'lertainty,. and exactness. Those who value comfort, love beauty or appre- ciate economy are invited to inspect these shoes. Sold by FRED. T. JACKSON. CLINTON • • MARBLE • AND ' GRANITE WORKS The best class of work procurable ' has been manufactured here for many years past. , WE WON'T eau on you a week after •• your bereavement, WE wow make the work to suit • the price. WE WILL make the price to suit WE WILL the work. • give vou the choice of the • prodaction of the world io design and material. • We are the ONLY.piac- tical men in Clinton in our line. Do not, be talked into placing your , order without first call • - ing on us. • • J. B. HOOVER, PROP Next to Commercial Hotel. • /rVagetwoo This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Broino.Qtanine Tablets the remedy that mires a cold in one day 'Clinton Market Report, Wheat .. , 0 63 to 0 '14 Cenee Wheat . . 0 40 to 0 02 Turkey Red Wheat ..... 0 68 to 068 Barley 0 38 to 0 42 Oats. - . .......... 0 30 tq. 0 34 Peas 0 58, to 0 65 Rye • 040 to C 45 Potatoes per bushel 0 35, to 0 40 Butter rolls and crock 0 12 to 0 14 Butter in tub , 0 12 to () 11 Eggs per doz . . 11 to 012 Hay..., .. . 8 00 to 9 00 Wool 0 15 to 0.10 Live Hogs per cwb........ 6 50 to 7 00 Singers ....... . ..... 7 00 te 7 00 DressetiPork per cwt 8 00 to 8 00 Ohickeni3 per pair,. 0 20 to 0 40 Flour per cwt.. ,1 76 to 2 00 Bran per ton.... . . .... 14 00 to 14 00 Shorts per ton 16 00 to 10 00 Wool per lb 12 14 Dried Apples' per lb...... 0 05 to 0 05 Peaches 8 qt. baskets.... 05t) 40 0 60 eh1ies12 qt, baskets, ... 0 05 to' 1. 00 Pears 12 qt, baskets,- .. 0 25 to 0 25 Grapes 8 qt. baskets-. .,. 0 25 to 0 25 .• Yo••■•,4aSsimmo••• /1% / 1 1:04.30:1(0.1)0310.9159)13)4104194p11 The Hind of Rartge "Buck's frappae Thought" Happy - Thought Ranges have been Made or modern cooks and the careful housewife who requite e to use econ011lY and get the best reeults. nappy Thottglit Ratigee are not experlinente. Theyhave been tested in 150,000 Canadian homes and have been unitated bY Wore stove inanufacturere than any Other Range. Buy altappy Thetight, you'll get Quality that Means a $ ay f you. do. Manufactured by The Wnrt. Duck Stove Co., Limited. Breattforti 'trete the Mantifattatere for aft Xlitattrated Catelegue. • , • CaeteCtogiet,epectcletifogooeiget,44,46 • e. • 1$0413 *It 41 / \ 1, \ / I / HARLAND BROS., OLINTON ' MARRIAGES. STBINBAWIT— REICHERT—At HOU, green, on wedneaday, Sept. 25th„ by raster Schultz of Zurich, Mary J., eldeat daughter Of Air, Henry Reichert, to Mr. Henry Stab:11)4RO of Hay. PRINGLE—SECORD—At the residence of the bride's parents, Ciodertoh, on Sept. 18th, bs' Rev. Dr. Daniels, Mr, Thomas Pringle to Miss Cora Luella Pearl, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Pennington. BROWN-WATSON-In Goderieb on September 23rd,by Rev. Dr. Daniels, J. P. Brown, late of Stratford, to Anne Watson, third daughter of Mr. W. Green. SINCLAIR- MENZIES-At the resi- dence of the bride's lather,Brussels, on September 18tb, Peter J. Sin- clair of North Easthope to Miss Jean, daughter of jaws Menzies of Brussels. SHINE-CA.RDIFF--At the residence. of the bride's mother,Grey, on Sept 18th, by Rev, J. G, Abey, Robert J. Shine, V. S., of Monkton, to Mies Ernrayline F. Cardiff, daughter of Mrs. T. Cardiff of Grey. SCOTT-THORNTON-At the residence of Mr. and Kra, A. J. Watt, North. land avenue'Buffalo, on Sept, llth, by Rev. M.11, Chapman, Donald Mackenzie Scott ,of Brussels to May Naomi Thornton of Woodstock, HILL-MoKAY-In Seaforth, on the 18th of Sept. by Rev. Mr, Larkin, Miss Ella M.., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -1. McKay, Seaforth, to Wesley 'W. Hill, of Mitchell. HILLEBRECEIT - BENNEWIES - In Logan, on the 18th of Sept., by the Rev, Mr. Wigand,Mr. George Fred. Hillebrecbt, of Logan, to Mies Louisa Bennewies, of MolKillop. HUBERT-•STE WART -1n Hibbert, onithe 17th of Sept, at the residenoe or Mr. John Morgan, by the Rev. A.. McAuley, Mr. George Hubert, of St. Thomas, to Min Euphema, daughter of Mr. Duncan Stewart, formerly of Mitchell. WILSON-MoCULLA--At the residence of the bride's parents, McKillop, on Sept. 18, by Rev. P. Musgrove, George R. Wilson of Minnesota to Mies Annie P., daughter of Francis MoCulla. AMOS-SINCliAIR- At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vanstone, Brantford, on Sept. 10, by the Rev. W. A. J. Martin, Dr. T. A. Athos, of Exeter, • to Miss Minnie Sinclair. HUSTON-RUSK-At the residence of the bride's mother, Goderieb, on Sept. 18, by the Rev. Robinson, Ur. Wesley C. Huston, of Exeter, to Miss Bertha Rusk. COREY-JAMIESON-At - the resi- dence of Mrs.W. Adams,of Hannah, Dakota, sister of the bride, on Sept. 4th, Dr. Corey, of Hannah, Dakota, to Miss Jessie Jamieson, fourth • daughter of Mr. James Jamieson, formerly of Brueefield. TAYLORL-BRE WS rE R -At the manse, Egniondville by Rev. N.Shaw,B.A.,' on Sept: 18th, Mr. John Taylor, of • Tuckersinith, to Miss Ellen A. Brewster, of MoKillop. - IflRTIIS ARGENT -In Clinton, on Sept. 20th, the wife of William Argent, of a daughter. • JOHNSTON--In Stanley, oh Sept. 13th, •the wife of Mr. Ross Johnston of a son. • • KEYES-At Nashville, Tennessee, on: • Sept 14th,the wife of Mr.J.J.Keyes of a son. BOWMAN In Morris, on Sept. 16 the wife of Wm. Bowman of a son. POCOCK-In Bluevale, on Sept. 16th, . the wife of Mr. Geo. Pocock, a daughter. DEATHS. JAMIESON-In Hullett, on Sept. 24th, Hester Jamieson, relict of the late Andrew Jamieson, aged 83 years and 4 months. BROWN -In Belgrave, on Sept. • 12th, Allan, Gordon Livingstone, infant soh of *Rev. Mr. and Mrs . A..11%Brown, aged 7 months and 6 days. BRYDGES-In Moriis, on Sept. 15th, Archibald William, only child of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brydges, aged 1 year, 1 month) 2'days. KOEHLER-At the Goshen Line near Zurich, on the 17th of Sept., Mrs. Henry. Sr. at the age of 83 HICKS-in Exeter, on Sept '13, Eliza- beth Mason, relict of the late Rich- ard Hieks,aged 87 years, 10 months and 2 days, F1SHER-In Lucknow, on Sept. 14th, James Fisher, aged 76 oars. LOVE -1n Alma, on the 12th of Sept., Mary Jane lierbert, wife:of Wm. A. Love, aged 30 years, 8 months and 14 days. - SWAN -In Bruoefielcl, on Sept. 17th, Andrew Swan, aged 77 years, 3 months and 20 days. RADDATZ-IwOrenbrook,on Sept 12th, Pauline, eldest daughter of Ferdin- and and Hannah Itaddatz, aged 29 years and 1 month. MeLEAN-In' Arthur, on Sept. 16th, Mrs. McLean, sister of Mrs. W.O. Stuart, formerly of Wingham, aged 60 years. • Canadian Play Grounds. The passenger department of the Grand Trunk Railway System is in re- ceipt of a letter from a lady at Chicago, who, with her husband, spent a few weeks in the Muskoka Lakes district, of the Highlands of Ontario, from whioh the following abstract is taken ; • "I wish to express the pleasure and profit we derived 'from our trip to Muskoka Lakes region during the post season. We were a little late get- tirrg off, but we were fully repaid for the delay by catching the heights of Ontario in all their blaze of October's glory, It la a wonderful region that the Grand Trunk opens up and one that will be appreciated more and more, The only pity is that people do not know or realize more fully what undreamed of wealtha of beauty and bottles of tonic and glad refreshment are to be found in the marvellous Muskoka Dietriet." • Though the Grand Trunk Railway is expending thousands of dollars in lustrated and descriptive pamphlets, putting forth the attraction ands beau- ties of the popular 'resorts in the High- lands of Ontario, as health and recrea- tion grounds during the summer months, there are, of Course, many who do not realize that'there is such a magnificent playgrounds within easy reach. The districts which this region embodies are without doubt the most beautiful on the North American continent, To care a cold In one day Take Laxative Brom Quinine Tab lets, All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25e. E. W. Groves signature is on each box. 11 For Over Fifty Years Mas.VironstOWYS SOontiNti SlettlIP haa beim used by millions of mothers for their children while teething, If disturbed at night an L brokon of your rest by a Rink Mild suitotiti and crying with nein of Cutting Teeth send a 0000 and riot a bottlo of "Mts. WiteloW's sooth- ing Syrup ' for children Teething. it will re - E lieve the poor itte entrerer immediately, DO. perelamon 11,iaothdr1, therellnomlstnico about it. It aural Diarrlices, regulates the Stoma& and bowels, (lures wind Colig,softetis the Giunkrediteeeinilasitinattomenogivestoim and energy 10 the whole system. -aim. Winslow' Soothing Syrup" for Children teething is Plea. mato the taste and Is the preeeription et one of the oldest and hest female phyeitiane and nurses in the United States. ?Mee twenty -live Mite 00 bottlo. Sold by all druggists thi;fiegh out the world." Be euro and asit for airs. WiNanaW Sonoma kirrtue, CC11111110 Clearing Sale Boots and Shoes .41•11•••••••• . • I have decided to retire from the Boot and Shoe business in which I have been engaged for so many years in Clinton and, in order to clear out the stock' quick, have CUT THE PRICES ALMOST IN TWO - The stock is all good and we invite inspection by intending :buyers who will find that to buy from us will pay them, We quote here a partial list of priees which will show the big reductions we are making: A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS , Lot 1 Wonien's fine kid Button Boots 2 " 8 I I 4 5 6 7 8. Oxfords • Button Boots 44 44 • • 11 $2.75 now $1,75 $2.50 now $1,75 $3.50 new $2.00 $1.50 now $1.00 • $1.00 now $1.00 $1,25 now $ .90 $325 now $1,50 $3,00 now $1.75 9 " •"$2.50 now $L25 10 . i• •C ,• $3.25 now $2.25 11 " Chocolate Oxfords $1.40 now $1.00 12 Misses fine kicl Button Boots $1.50 now $ .90 13 Women's Pebble Oxfords $ ,90.now $ .50 14 Women's White Canvas Oxfords $1.00 now $ .75 15 Woe tee fine Button Boots . $3.25 now $1.75 16 Misses Chocolate Button Boots $L45 now $1.00 17 Children's Lace Boots 50e to 00c now 25c &35c Other lines in Men's, Boys' and Youths' at great reduetions. Also a full assortment of Rubbers of . all kinds both Canadian and American makes. Also Men's Felt -lined goods, high with loose socks, as well as buckle and laced. • W omen's in felt, plain and leather foxed styles, lace, button and gaitei ALL AT REDUCED PRICES • ;HARNESS. Single Harness Reont $7 to $12 a set . • • • Double Harness at and below costes well as leather Halters, 'Rugs, Blankets, Galloway Goat and Saskatchewan Robes, • • WW1 .ouvELLINq HOUSE AND STORE FOR -SALE.. OR. TO, RENT. :JAS.... -4( • . • . • TWITCHELL. 1' ALL KINDS OF APPLES WANTED AT THE BAYFIELD EVAPORATOR JOHN WHIDDON. , , . . • . • • • 4,0101/%0VVVVVVVVVIOYVVVIrVVVVVV vVVVVVVVVVVV4AAAAA/VVVVVV LOOK HERE TO THE PUBLIC: • LONDESBORO, AUG, 1901 • The Londesboro Mills have been thoroughly over- hauled and changed to the latest system known, the reels having been replaced by the Wolf Gyator Sieve system$ with which all the new mills are being equipped. The change will enable me to make a superior grade of flour and thus give still greater satisfaction. to my many customers. And 1 hope by the good quality of my flour and prompt service to increase' the number of those who have • favored me with their patronage in the past. Come to the Londesboro mills with your gristing, . R. G. WEB13 VVVVVVVVVV4A/VvVVvV/VvVVV1 V OVVV4AAAOUVVVVWVVOMAAAA .1111111111111111.1114 BARGAIN SALE We are now preparing our stores for the John- son Bros, stock of Sea - forth to come in next month. ft com.priseS Hardware, Stoves, Tin- ware, Graniteware, etc. This' will be one of the greatest chances to pur- chase the cheapest Hardware yet offered, ' Watch and wait. Bar- gains in any line: Thorold cement only. 81.10 per barre Portland $2.85 if while it lute, HARLAND BROS. CHEAP HARDWARE HOUSE TB O. B. Kpenla BONKRUPT BRE STILL CONTINUES We have fully assorted the stock with new Staple • Dry Goods, making stock again complete, amount- ing to between $7,000 and $8,000. The whole stock will be sold out as quickly as pos- sible as we close up the business as soon as all the stook is disposed of, Come and see us. We have goods at less than wholesale to offer you. We bought the stock at 68c on the: dollar. Nearly all new staple goods. No one else can offer anything like the bargains we have. Many offer great inducements as goods cut in two,, slaughtered, etc, It is very easy to give bargains on paper by marking goods at about double the actual price and then marking them. down, It looks as, if the seller was making an enormous profit before marking or else was selling much. below- what they cost, which DO one can afford to do and continue in bushiess; We are well supplied in the following lines. DRY GOODS Dress Goods Flannels Shirtings Linings Blankets Prints • Flannelettes Sheetings a &B. Cottons • Grain Bags . Small wares of all kinds. CLOTHING Tweeds Linings Furnishings 'Underwear Men's,Boys' & Youths' Suits, Overcoats Ladies' Winter Jackets. • '. BOOTS & SHOES Men's long and short boots Men's rubber boots, socks , Men's felt boots. Men's overshoes and rubbers Fall lines in ladies' and children's. Don't forget that we have bargains to offer that you can't get elsewhere, quality considered. PLUNISTEEL & BEIINGS MAIENNON ;VVINTER: JACKETS Our new Fall and winter Jackets have arrived and they are beauties We have them in the latest up-to-date styles. We invite our lady friends to call and. see the very newest creations in Jackets, whether they are pre: pared to buy or not. We have them at all prices from $2.50 to $1. . .. Ladies' double breasted Cheviot Jackets, velvet collar and stitched lapel, bone buttons, mercerized lining, at $5. ' Ladies' stylish Beaver Jackets, in black and fawn, velvet collar; soutache trimming on lapel, fly front, mercerized lining, very special at $5.75. Ladies Beaver jaekets, mercerized lining, rows of stitching for trimming, pearl buttons, in colors or black pearl and castor, very' stylish, $7,50. Ladies' Kersey Jackets, in fawn, pearl and black, fly front, inlaid velvet collar, and rows of stitching on skirk•extra value at $10. Ladies' fine Kersey Jackets, in castor pearl and black, velvet pip- ing on collar and lapel, rows of stitching around skirt, cuffs and pockets, self colored satin lining, pearl buttons, at $12.50. [ Ladies' high class tailor-made Jersey Jackets, made with yoke, velvet collar and pockets, fly front, in black and calors, silk • serge lining, natural pearl buttons, a very stylish garment, at $15. • . Ladies who appreciate genuine tailor -Made garments canna fail to become interested in our various lines. IVIcKINNON & CO, BLYTH aisfiarme ••••••••••••••••••••••••0••••••00000.11•••••••••••••••• o o • • o • Sr H. GIDLEY . -, BLYTH Ilk . • e • • POPULAR CLOTHING .STORE • • • ar • 6 • * • • ' • 6 • • • te- . • • le ' 0 0 . • e • • • • : Yon May think it's early to order the fall suit, but it's. better to have it under i • way. The advantage is • • • • e 0 • • • : MORE TIME FOR CAREFUL WORK 'BETTER CHANCE FOR SATISFACTION 6 , • • .. • • I The first piok 008th 110 more and you • are sure to be satisfied. Our FallTweeds • are nearly all in and we now have one of 11 • • : FIRST CHOICE OF MATERIAL • the largest stooks in. the comity. • • • . • . • S. H. GIDLEY " BLYTH i • •444110604144044641M04441111141144111111110114 110001606011.1114,4 i