HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-09-26, Page 122041(eur
The News -Record thrives upon comparison,
Whole Number 142
Try it for two months and you will find it the most newsy local in Huron,
earaavealergailaa°160011..Weaaall AlealliWebellereleageallaeleaegisalarele,fte
. The first of the Fall Goods are here. They represent the .
s best achievements of the Manufacturers. They are ready'
for you now a,ncl we urge you to come early .and get choice,
Pfil7Cy Chlill
There is no department of our
store in which we are more inter-
ested ourselves then the Fancy
China and since the changes have
been 'made in the store we are more
enthusiastic than ever over the
bright, clean, fresh, up-to-date
stock and the ideal place to show it,
Customers are not slow to see that
in this depertnaent as well as many
other e we are able to give better
value and a better selection than
you will find elsewhere.
Souvenir Mimi, is a special just
now. Get a cup end saucer or jug
with pictures of the Duke of York
or Duchess of York and keep it as a
Souvenir of their visit to Canada.
Price 25c,
Another case of imported Jan.
anese ware including fern pots,cups
and saucers, trays, butters, marma-
lade, syrups, salts and peppers,mus-
tards, match holders, teeth pick
holders, nut bowls, chocolate pots,
etc., etc.
New Dollies
A whole cargo of
new Dolls came in
from Germany on
Monday and a few
of them are now on
•exhibit in our large
show case. They
are withoat doubt
the finest we have
ever shown and we
shall be very pleased
to show them toyou.
Special Kid Body ,
Dolls, bisque head,
long body, opening
or closing eyes, with
shoes and stockings, each 25c
Larger Sizes Kid Body, beautiful A
hair and face 50c, 750, $1 to $2.50 r
Very Large Dolls, as big as baby •
herself, for each $1 to $1,50
Dolls Beds et 25e and 50c each
Dolls Dishes 25c to $2.50 a sett
Dolls Furniture at 25e & 50c a sett
Dolls Houses $1.50 & $2.50 each
Cushion Covers in all the new
shades and styles. You must see
the assortment to appreciate them.
Very choice ones at 50c each 0
' S While the Schools . re Open
• we will keep a full selection of the Authorized Text Books used in the
various .fornas and can alwaye promise the latest and most helpful edition.
We were school children ourselves once and we know, what is needed.
: Our Scribblers and Pencils are very special value.
; . We COOPer & CO., GUNTON. :
, .
Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express
Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns.
•asseetaearee:a•aeseessaasieeeireetefte-eaaie, es araeetaagbeee..aavesaesaaftefeeteeebeees-eivee,
0 As2-8,1z4B1t.41test.408•.°C.03.4-e•it..s,05,5,eia,e4ta;•easaei-eaae-giaasateereetergee4ace
0 0
The PicklinSPfigari IS At .11alid ;
., .
o c-
. :. .
and we vvent to emphasize
These Facts toncerning our Vinegar ' .and
• Pickling Spices. 0
They are to be depended on because of their high quality. We are 0
A • firm believers in the old es..y.ing '0It doesn't pay to • trifle with the con- 9,
• fidence that a customer has in us and our goods." That is why we Carry r
431 the best of everything in our irne o
0,:le Cooper &
• eS..a.e-eaa-e-ezareaeteee4e-ie-‘aeaet..eemei.ees'elaa..e-et.e, esaesetma.ssateere,eaeeasPeeeCieae-ai
• .••
A watch you have no faith in is not a safe one to carry,
We guarantee our watches and tell you the facts about
them. A watch bought from us is a safe watch. •
. We sell them at a fair prin.
gxport Watch RepaP CREWSirer. . ° Zeweaer and Optician.
Biddlecombe's Old Stand, .
I•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
• New Ties
• . • „
:It takes an earnest effort to
-: catch onto the latest styles in •
* ties,
• • A look through our stock will •
• show that we haye caught on.
$2.50 PANTS FOR $1.50
• • , *
• --s.. ',..a....Y) The very latest styles that
4 •---41_ • good taste and makers' skill can
••' . produce await your choosing.
* NOW Fall Hats
• .
1 . just arriving .
Morrish My .H.
NV, hilein Tcrrfiv
a otoregrestd
• l
: bought alao
• awl' Tweed Pants, the
selling price of which wns
$2,50 per pair,but which 1
• t_ _ , ern selling at *1.50. They
' are the real thing.
•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1
41111.A1011VilirlIbWilb,11011.WIAA11~0111010011 ,
There are many
styles of mount-
ing and finishing.
We want yeti to take
that which suits you
best, The quality is
equally good, You choose
the style and we furnish
Von the best photographs
you could get any place.
November anstaseThankaglYin Day,
The Government has fixed upon Noy-
enaber 21s5 as Thanksgiving Day. It is
a big mistake to have this holiday at
40 unseasonable a period of the year
even though it does conform with the
Thanksgiving. Day of our Cousins Jon.
fallen. It is understood that we are
indebted for the late date to the trans-
portation companies which brought in.
fluence to bear upon the Government.
Clinton Collegiate Institute Snorts.
The annual Field Day of sports of the
Collegiate Institute to be held on
Friday in . the Recreation park,
promises to be the most successful ha
the history of the ioStitution. Though
quite long it is hoped that the program
will prove to be very interesting, em.
bracing as it does races and jumps for
boys large and small, a few races for
She girls and a football match between
Seaforth and (Minton schools. As in
fornaer years the citizens have shown
their warm.interest in the school by
giving many prizes. This year the
Sports committee are greatly indebted
to the 'following : JamesScott, Dr:
Shaw, 3 .E.Hevey,D.F.Maepherson,W;
J. Mitchell, Harland Bros, H. E.
Brewer, J. B. Rutnball, J. W.. Irwin,
A. J, Holloway, A. S. Morrish, Jack-
son Bros., H. B. Combe, J: Taylor, Dr.
Graham, R, P, Reekie, Davis & Row-
land, D. L. . Macpherson, R. Holmes
M. P,, Hodgens R. J. Cluff, W,
Brydone, Dr. Agnew, A. J. Grigg, J.
Houston, J. W. Treleaven, M. D. Me -
Taggart, Broadfoot & Box, W. D.
Fair, MeyorJaekson, W. W. Ferran,
Plernsteel & Gibbings, R. Coats, W.
T. O'Neil, P. B. CeeWsal. C. Stevenson,
Ogle Cooper, Dr. Thompson, 3.. Ss N.
-Ptak, N. B. Reidy,' A: T. Cooper, 'Dr.
Gunn, Dr, Scott, Mips Parlee,,3,.
Little Locals. ,
The W. C. T. 7.7,Wilf-inelta! KS annual
.ineetiog- in the 'council' 'chamber at 4
.o'clock on :Friday afternoon, All ladies
interested in the work .are requested to
be present as the meeting will he an
.impaartant one. The question of vvhe-
Sher or not to continue the bacal organ-
ization will be discussed and if
decided in • the affirmative Offic-
ers will heelected for the year —The
Bell Telephone Company is running a
second metallic line from Goderich to
Stratford. District Manager Rich-
mond and ,AssiStant Manager of Con-.
•struction S. 3', T. Brown, bothof Lond-
on, were in town on Monday and droVe.
but to the point on the line Where their
men were at work.—Theee will he in,
open session of the Ontario street S. S.
next StaradaY when there Will be a quar-
terly.reiiew. Mr. Hooper, Dr. Gifford
and. IVIr. .T. It. Sha0 will take a, month%
lessons in the order named, while it is
expectedthe orchestra will be present
in full force and excel itself. --A wed-
ding *intake place in tbe Salvation
Affray 'barracks on :Octoberlatla. The:
contracting parties Will be Mr, Robert
Sheppard and Miss Annie Livermore,.
both of whom are consistent 'and en-
thusiastic Salvationists. --Mr. Reuben
Graham has purchased a rubber -tired
buggy from Agent Schrenk and, 'With
ba,ndsonie pair Of grays, has now.
one of the. finest driving outtitia in
tresn.'—The peeing mare Lucy, .until
recently owned by Mr: Isaac Ratten-
bitry, easily *on first rinan'ey in the
speeding Contests at the Lucan 'and
Exeter Fitirs.-One of o.ur local cler-
gymen made the statement in his ser
mon on Sunday night thatthere were,
by actual cepa, no less than seventy
five drunksan town on Labor Day." He
added, that young men from the sur-
rounding towns were in the majority.
The number seems large but the rever-
end gentleman vionId hardly make the
assertion without good authority.—
If, dear reader, you are not. alreadyra
NEws-Ramonia .subscriber, we will be
pleased to have you become one. Try
it and you'll be convinced, that it is the
leading local paper: --The monthly
Sacred Heart devotions will be held in
St: Joseph's churth on Friday of next
week. Rev. Father NorthgraVes of
Seaforth will conduct; the services and
deliver rot address.—Mr. and Mrs. 4.
WiSernatx have moved to the residence
lately occupied by Mrs, Peter Cook on
Albert 'street. —ME' NEwS.RROORD's
advertising patronage is growing. In-
tending purchasers will find that to
peruse its ads willhe profitable.—Mr:
joe Itattenbury hits made sales of An-
dalesian fowl to Toronto and Goderich
parties hut has still a number of fine
blials in his coops. -----Mr. P. 13, Crews
has moyed this week into his new dom.
kite over his store which he tuts had
altered and yery much improved, mak-
ing it a comfortable place of residence,
Mr. Reekie has taken possession of the
house vacated by Mr. Crews.—J, W.
Hill and O. Wallis, who left on Satur-
day week with a number of horses for
Thessalon, were nearly a week late in
arriving at their destination, the boat
having to remain at Kincardine for
several days owing to rough weather,
--Mr. Alf, Miller has sold his house
on Huron street. to Mr. Thos.. Murphy
for $525 and purposes buying anbther
in Little England, -----Mrs, Matadi.
Sroith has resumed ime: dal& in,
inusic.---aThe annual harvest thanks.
ing services in connection with St,
Paul's ehurch will be held on Sunday
next when the Bev. J. C. Farthing,
Rector of Woodstock, is expected to
preach both morning and evening.
The ehoir will render special music and
the church Will, its usual, be beautifully
deeorated: The order of services will
beas foliovert : 8 a.. in. -..Celebration of
She holy; communion ; II a. m, -Morn.
Ing prayer and holy cortiratiniOn ; 8 p.
m.-Ohildren's service ; 7 p.
ing S. R. Shaw, who
has been quite ill, ie convalescing.
The I' point" contest for the Itumbali
trophy began ott the bowling green
yesterday. Twenty four members
competed and Iviten play ceased the
three highest Were Captain Cetribe, 3.
Wisetnati and W. Trelel.veri.
Who Will Doubt it?
A Western paper had the following:
" A lawyer in a court room may Mil
a man a liar, scoundrel, villain or a
thief;and no one will make complaint
when the court adjourns. If a news-
paper man prints such reflections on a
man's charactor, there is a libel suit or
a dead editor. This is owing to the
fact that the people believe what an
editor says. •What a lawyer says cuts
no figure."
L., H. .5r. B. Promotions,
The employees of the L., 11, & B.,
eeene to be getting a good share of the
promotions going. 3 olan Henry, forrn.
erly of Clinton, has been appointed
Road Master' of the division extending
from London to Sarnia, James Hunt,
late of Brucelield, is now foreman in
the G. T. It, yards at Toronto, Dave
Grigg, once switch foreman and -well
known here, has been made Road Mast-
er on the North Bay division.
Willis Church W. F. M. S. Meeting.
A meeting of the Women's Foreign
Missionary Society of Willis chinch
was held on Thursday last when a
paper on " Living the Best" was given
by Mrs. Coats, while the topic, John
Elliott, Apostle to Indians," was taken
by.Mrs. Gunn. Both papers were well
prepared and very interesting. The
election of 'officers for the year result-
ed as follows:
President, Mrs, R. Irwin
Vice, Miss Wilson •
2nd Vice, Mrs: Duncanson
Treasurer, Mrs. (Dr.) Graham
Secretary, Mrs. H. Boss
A thanksgiving meeting • of the
Society will be held on October 15th,
when Dr. Marion Oliver'will Speak of
•her wor an the foreign field; ' .
About the Collegiate. ,
A meeting of the Clinton Collegiate
Footbalhclub was held on Monday:
The collectors of the various forms
gave their reports'whicii were most
satisfactory and the funcle are in good
condition.. Mr. John Todd was ap-
pointed curator on account of the res-
ignation of the one formerly appoint-
ed. It was decided to ask , the Sea -
forth 0. 1. team to play on Friday at
•the Commencement sports. There will
be a large number of , competitors and
the games will be well worth seeing.
—Mr., Victor Jermin has returned to
Clinton to begin another year's hard
work. Victor will write on the Junior
Matriculation. —Mr. Mack Aikenbead
of BrUcefield has, started to the 0oI.
legiate He is specially Welcomed by
the football boys as be is an old player
and is eager to have a trial for the
renowned Hough Cup.---Arnong
those who will go to Toronto with the
Clinton Company on the occasion of
the Duke of Cornwall's visit are: J.
Whicldon, H. Porter, Roy Holger, J.
Laird, R. King, Ed. Wilford, George
Stewart, J. Brown, 0, Sa,wers and
Walter Baird.
Last Anniversary..
On Sunday next the League of the
Rattenbury street church will bold
their anniversary, This will be the
last•servicc of the kind which the old
church will see. The League heve
secured Rev. G. Karn Bradshaw of
Hamilton fo.preach their anniversary
sermons. . Mr. Bradshaw 'was for
three years pastOr of a church in the
B. O. Conference and is easily recog-
nized as one of the most promising
young men in the Methodist mitistry.
He will preach bah morning and even -
frig and will also address the Sunday
school and Junior League. Special
music is being provided by the church
and school ehoirs. Rev, Mr. Medd
gave an address to the League en
Monday evening which was greatly
enjoyed by a large audience of Leag-
uers. The reverend Dr. seems quite at
home in young people's . work and
recognizes the important place the
young people fill in the church. Mr.
Rvans of thiModel class rendered with
pleasing effect "The Holy City." Rev,
Mr. Dunlop will address this League
next. Monday night,
A Plea for the W4 C. T. U.
EDITOR Theays•REoonta-From tny
knowledge of theWork of the Women's
Christian Temperance Union and be-
cause of the pressing need for Godly
and hearty co-operation in the Tem-
perance cause,, I was =eh pleased to
bear the arincaincement Sunday even,
ing indicating a fresh start, in Clinton.
Who can adequately describe the evils
of the liquor traffic, and who suffer
more than tbe women? I know of no
more practical way of dealing with the
question than that which is content -
plated by the W. 0. T. TY. and, inas-
much as it is inter.denominational,
there should be in a town like this a
large body of consecrated women to
engage in the work. True, we have all
hotne and, many of us, local church
duties which seem to press, yet there
ought to be vitality enough to sustain
a good society. I trust there will be et
hearty response to the call of the
executive and on Friday men and
women -yea all -who et all can de so,
rally to the meeting and show, by our
presence et least, our interest in the
matter, -5. GnIgnerP.
Remember the anniversary and tea.
meeting on Sunday and Monday. On
Sunday Rev. Howson will preach at 10
A. 51, Rev. W. Gifford at 2,30 P. Al•
end Rev. Dr. Gifford at 7, P. M. On
Nfon44, evening there will be an old
fashioned tea-meeting.When the tables,
will fairly groan under the Weight of
the good things provided, by the ladies.
After the tea. an excellent proverb
will be given, with Musie by the choir
ands number of sheet. addresses,
Mr, and Mrs. 11, Acheson of Goderich
visited friends in and around the
village Oti
Holmes left on Wednesday for the
Northwest, with it carload of fruit and
other things.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Clark of Manitoba
are the guests of his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. John Clark at present. ----Mise
Welsh of Goderich is the guest of her
sister, Mrs. ft.T. EMU, fLt presentee-,
M. Hooper of the Hub has been can.
vassing the village in the interests of
the Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.
also accident company.----Orte day
last week Miss Johnston of the Nile
was the guest of her sister, Mrs. 0.
Beadle.—Mrs, John Nicholsen is
visiting at her home near Dashwood
at present.—Mr, Jas. BoWett has
rented Mr. Thos. Brown's farm for a
term of years.—Mr. Thos. 13rown
bought the little farm belonging to
his brother William near Blyth last
week.---Mr.John Wilford is to preach
in the Methodist church next Sunday
merning,—Mr.Baker of Brussels was
the guest of MraLkloare tbe forepart of I
the last week. --Miss McAllister was
visiting in this vicinity recently, --
Messrs. Phalen and Clummings have
sold their farms to Mr. Bamford of
Westfield for the aunt of $5,500. Mr.
Bamford Is to take possession next
sprieg—Mr. John Mole has sold his
pony to Air, Alex. Robinson. -,-Mrs.
Whitney is on the sick list.—Mrs.
John A.rna'stromaccompanied by Miss
Armstrong of Parry Sound, is visiting
her sister-in-law, Mrs; 5. Searls, at
.present,—Mr and Mrs. Geo. Vung-
blunt yisited relatives at Zurich last
week. --Mr. John Deer Jr, took a
trip down to Hamburg for four days
last week. --Miss D,Symington drove
to Seaforth last Saturday.—Mbis
Dreaney of Dungannon is them:reit of
her neice, Mrs. S.Nicholson, at present,
—Mr. Wm. Scott of pear Blyth was
the goest of his neice, Mr. Wrn,Synat
mington, one day last week.—Miss
Reynolds returned to her home this
week near Da,shwoed after spending
it few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. J.
Nicholsom-The -apple evaporator is
in full hlastagain.. Apples are, cernitag in,
very fast this •Week,on account of the
high winds blowing them off the trees.
J. Young is doing a rushing
business in turning out heading at
preSeet.—Mr. and Mrs. Bradford of
Londesboro 'passed through here one
day this. week.—Miss F. Armstrong
.Sundayed in the villages -Mr.
Emerson of Goderich was in the
village la8t Monday trying to . make
some sales.—.Mr. William Mason
has rented a fat* neer Collingwood.
He intends moving in tbe spring. --
Doyle Drop, have reeted Mr. J. Thomp-
son's farm for it term of years:.—Mrs.
Thomas Nicholeoia is yisitink at
Dungannon at present -77W. Geo.
Askwith is on the silt list at present,
German Lutheran Church
.sianets a new bell purchased at a cost of.
$90 by the ladies of the church and it
peals ..forth quite clearly: Special
services were held onSebbath in the
that church With the result that it was
packed twice.—Mr. Will. Stoddart of
Goderich conducted divine bervice in
Knox church last Sabbath.—Mr.
Dennis, ene of our roillers, has moved
into the house lately vacated by Mr. J.
L. Eidt.----Miss Myrtle Stalker, who
has been quite ill, is recovering—
Quito a number of 'villagers took le the
school entertainment at No. 9, Haat,
on Friday bet and rime took part.
Proceeds $25.----,Miss;Oaroline Lawlor
is 'home from the Soo and with her
sister going to Detroit in the near
fratute.-a.-Mr, Hetherington of Nile
visited at his daughter's,. Mrs, Jas.
Carter's on Friday last.—Mr. R. M.
Cummings Sundayed at horne.--Mrs.
Mulloy is visiting at Thos.Straughan's.
—Nliss Sheppard of Milverton is the
guest of Mrs.H,,Govier.-7---Mr.Patter-
son of Galt is staying at his son's Mr.
Wiliiaw Patterson of the village.
Miss Ida Thompson of Goderich
Trawnship Becomes Mrs'. J. A.
Fulton of Valley Centre, Mich.
A pretty but quiet wedding took
place at the residence of Mr. Robert
Thompson of,the 16t1i'ton, of .Goder-
ich township yesterday, when his
daughtee Miss Ida became the bride of
Mr, 3. A. Fulton of Valley Centre,
The ceremony was performed at high
noon by Rev, 0. R, Gunne, NI. A., rec-
tor of St. Peas church. Clinton, and
was wittessed by only the immediate
The bride, who was given away by
her father, was charmingly attired in
a gown of white diriaity, with white
lace and baby ribbon, and earried a
shower baguet of white asters and
Miss Mabel Bingham, aneles of the
groom, who was bridesmaid, wore a
pretty gown of blue muslin, with
white lade and ribbon, and carried a
boquet of cream asters, Mr. Harry
Thompson, brother of the bride, was
The ceremony over and congratula-
tions and good wishes bestowed upon
She happy couple, the assembled corn.
patty sat down to the wedding dinner
consisting Of all.the good things of the
Afterwards Mr, and Mrs. Fulton
were ttecompanied to the G. T. fl.
depot, Clinton, front which they de-
parted for Detroit litid other points
where they will enjoy their honey,
moon. They will take tip their resi.
dence in Valley Centre ;Meth, of
which Mr. Fulton is tt, welI knotvn and
prosperous citizen. , •
Mrs, tottlton is a rfopular and highly,
esteetted • young lady and the warm
and sincere best wishes of a host of
friends are extended to bee fora happy
XV, David Cook left, stitondaY for Cal.
endon East where he Will pack apples
for some time forlhe Apple Xing.
Miss Blanche McEvr' en of Seaforth
spent Sunday ather home in town,
To Noir. for 10
Mr. Editor, -Our chief magistrate
has not beard from the Duke a,nd
Duchess whether they can find time to
visit Kippen, if not it will be owing to
previous engagements made that they
cannot. )3ut a determination is ex-
pressed to witness the reception at
London and show our devotion and
loyalty to the memory of OUP late be.
loved Queen, our King and his files-
trISTIestvallret,4*1VIcMordie has left oo a
business and pleasure trip to Toronto
and the Pan and will. likely remain to
see the loyal and royal reception.
Several eepress themselves as going to
take advantage of the $2.40 trip the
G. T. R, offers to Buffalo and return,
good for four days from the 275h of.
Septereber. The electrical display and
in fact the whole Exposition is 80 high-
ly spoken of by returned visitors that
manyare induced to,visit it.
We have heard somewhat of the
personal experience of the practical,
horny -handed harvest excursionists
who have just returned from the
Northwest in the persons of our two
respected neighbors, Alex. McMutrie
of Hay and George Alair of Stanley.
They tell of the worth and vast
extent of the wheat growing, espec-
ially in the parts they visited, Car-
berry and Regina. The virgin soil's
adaptability after the. prairie sod has
• been turned up is utilized by the study
and wide-awake settlers to make re -
turps of wheat of a 35 tn 40 bushel yleitl.•
This has been a favorable season and
will put them in it good financial. posi-
tion with ample security in a farm or
section under cultivation to 'get whet
they may require for further improve-
ments. Both these men are praetical
and know whereof they speak and
predict a great future for our North-
west, thus verifyingthepredictions of
Canada's statesman of beloved memory
who secured that country as. a heri-
tage for Canadians and. other civilized
people, before the value ef-ir, .Doukho•
bor was known for political purpose's.
A. Harvey of our village and Thos.
Forsyth of Tuckersmith have kept up
our reputation in the horse line by
carrying off first prizes for .blood and
draught mares and foals at the Zurich
and Exeter Fairs and are now after the
xerriainder of the Shows to give some.
one•a chance to beat there. In former
years this duty was left to: George
Taylor of Thornhedge Farm and our
friendFrank Colernattof the Parr Line
to do up competitors at the old Previn-
dal and subsequently at the London.
and Toronto Exhibitions and they. al-
ways proved equal to the task.
The appointment of Mr. G. W. ETol-
man of Bayfield to be D. D. H. C. R.
of the Independent ,Order of Foresters
is spoken ,of as a worthy one. The
District Deputy High Chief.' Ranger.
must of necessity be a mari of honor
and ability, well posted in the constitu-
tien of this berievolent and fraternal
order. His fellow craftsmen have
honored themselves, Mr. Holman and
the order by the selection. .
Mr. Tern,our Publie school inspector,
paid Stanley and Hay 2nd con. schools
a visit on. Monday. Hay school was in
luck, the boys consider. As the first
visit was made there the teacher, Mr.
Brownlee, accompanied the inspector,
In tonsequence there was a half hob. -
day arid the pupils are of the opinion
that inspector and teacher are both
jolly•good fellows. •
Mr. Wm. Cudnaore, the Hay King. of
Kippen, who has been over in Glasgow
and Liverpool since June and is still
there in Connection with his hay busi-
ness," has been heard of through a
report in a Glasgow paper of a
Board of Trade dinner in that city. It
went. on to say that " Mr., Cudrnore,
bay exporter, in reply to the toast
Our Canedian guest. and Canada,'
spoke strongly and feelingly of his
adopted Canadian home and particular-
ly the county of Huron and the strong
sentiment and feeling of the people for
a closer union of the empire in trade
relations and for defensive purposes.
Ile made a, gnod impeession and. helped
confirm British opinion of our Caned.
fan brothers across the sea where the
heir apparent is now being so loyally
reeeived." '
.Rev. McKinnon preathed last Sab-
bath in $t, Andrew's church, Kippen,
and also ab Ilillsgreen, by solicita-
tion, and it is understood the Rev. Mr.
Budge of Wyoming has been requested
to favor a pleased congregation once
more. What it tribute to our late Rev.
Mr. Acheson when such scholarly and
long for supretnacy to fill, the vacancy
eloquent divines have been tussling so
caused. by his resignation,
Evangelists Crossley and Hunter
have announced it series of evangelistic
meetings in Bewail. The inaugural
took place in the Presbyterian church
last Sunday morning with the evening
service in the Methodist church. Both
edifices were crowded and many were
not able to gain admittance, The
forcible manner and plain way Mr.
Crossley has Of speaking, exhibiting
personel interest and his trained,
melodious Yoke in fervent appeal
makes it pleasant or uncomfortable
according to your condition. Many
trete this part are attending,
Mr. Sas, Woodman has moved to
the village again, and intends to statt
up in business fee' the Maxwell Co. In
this vichilty.—Mr. L. Whitely has
returned from Manitoba.—Mrs,Crisp
is visiting friends in Seaforth at pree-
ent.--Alr. E. Drown has sold a fine
horse to Messrs. Dell and Johnson of
Clinton, -'--Mr. SIM Hill hes moved
from IVIr. Brigham's house to Mrs, A,
I Miss Jennie Smith leaves today for
Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Foster are visit-
ing friends at the Grand Bend this
Mr. and Mrs. John M acdonald of St.
Joseph Island visited friends in Varna
on Wednesday of last week. ,
Mrs, James Armstrong visited her
daughter, Mrs. R. McCool, at Drumbo
last week and reterned home on Sat-
urday evening,
Mr. Albert Robertson returned home
from Manitoba on Wednesday of last
week. He was well pleased with tile
country and thinks 15 19 a good place
for a young man to go. Mr. James
Armstrong also returned on Saturday
evening from the VV'est and. reports
things booming.
Cutting corn and filling silos is the
order of the day round Varna at
present. •
Mr, and Mrs. William Purdy visited
at MaAllen's,Town Line, on Saturday.
Sunday will be Rally Day in the
ethodist 5, Ws on Varna Circuit.
nion meetings will be heid in Varna
church at 10.30 A. M,v,and 3 P.M.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be administered in the Presbyteri-
an church on Sunday morning next.
Mies Lizzie Hamner of Toronto is
visiting at Mr. A. B. Stephenson's this
• Miss Martha Tuffs of Kirkton, who
bah been visiting at Mr. J. 4, Ram
well's, returned to her home on Tues -
Reeve MeNtrughton and Mrs. Mc-
Naughton•left a few days ago on a visit
to Cleveland and the Pan-American.
They are expected home this week.
•' Mr. W. E. Reid, on of Treasurer
Reid, has accepted a position as book-
keeper with Muir & Co. of Winnipeg,
Man. May success and promotion be
Me. R. Pearson of' Ethel called en
friends in this vicinity reCently.—,
Miss Lizzie Brownette, who for some-
time past ras been visiting relatives at
the Soo, has returned to her home.—
Mr. and Mrs Andrew Stinson of Ripley
visited friends in this vicinity last
Meggie Richardson
visited friends in Goderich township
last weeke—Miss Martha Taylor re-
turned to Port Huron after spending a
few weeks with her sister in Bayfield.
—Miss Martha Keys visited at the
home of Mr. William Clarke on .Sun-
day las--alessrs. John 0. Reid and,
W. Tail% spent part of' last week in
Stephen purchasing. cattle,, --Miss
Mary E. Turner of Michigan is at pre-
sent visiting in these parts.—Miss
Lillie Martin of Toronto is visiting at
her home in Bayfield.—Misses Sarah
E. and Rai Reid attended Zurich Fair.
last Thursday.—Mr. A. Stinson and
Mrs. Stinson of -Ripley visited at Mr.
El. 'Peck's last week.—Messrs. Wm.
Taylor and J. O. Reid, who have been
around Parkhill buying cattle, return-
ed home on Saturday last. —Mr.
Herbert Sherritt and Miss 11: Pollock
of Stephen visited friends in this vicin-
ity on Saturday and. Sunday last.—
Mrs.M.Bates and Miss A.Turner spent
Tuesday .evening with Mr, and Mrs.
John Davidson.—Messrs. A. Rose
and C. Weaver of Zurich pot in a ce-
ment floor in Mr. W. Rathwell's horse
stable last week—Mr. and, Mrs.
Vi/ne. Rathwell, Miss E, Rathvvell and
Master Charlie Bothwell spent Tues.
day evening with Mrs. E. Itathwell of
Bayfield,—We are sorry to bear of
'Mr. H. Snider getting his hand hurt
but we hope to see him able to go to
work soon again.—Mr. Wm. Stanley
of Hohnesville was a guest of G. R.
Keys on Monday.—Miss Mary Turn-
er of Yale, Michigan, formerly of the
Parr Lhaels at present visiting friends
in this vicinity.—On Monday Messrs.
John Sharp -and A.Borett were in Sea -
forth on business. —A number from
Babylon attetaded the Zurich Fair last
week and report it a success,—Mr.
and Mrs, Sohn McKinley returned
from their trip to Michigan on Thurs-
day last.—There will be rto service
held in the Goshen Methodist church
on Sunday Ott account of the Rally
• Day services held in Varna.—Mrs.
Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rob-
inson and family attended the services
held on Sunday last in Bengali by
Evangelists Crossley and. Hunter.**
Mrs. .1. McKinley Sr., who has been
spending a few days With friends in
this vicinity, returned to her hotne in
Egtnondville on Friday last —A
number of friends visited Mr. and Mrs.
3, T. Keys on Sunday last in the per-
sons of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Dewar of the
Bauble Line, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickson
of Bayfield and Messrs IL Cole and,
Taylor of Goderich township.—One
day recently Mr, and Mrs: M. Bates
Mad Master Sam called at the homes of
Messrs. Wm, and A.iadrew
Alta and Mrs. Tom Elliott visited her
father, Mr, Robert Keytr, on Sunday
A very pleasant eyerfing was spent
at the home of Mr. William ()Unison
on Wednesday last, on the 45h con-
cession, when his daughter Carrie was
united in the holy bonds of Matri-
mony to Mr. Samuel Mitchell of the
2nd concession, it prosperous young
farmer. The happy couple will make
their home on the Isb concession. We
wish them joy and happiness.—Miss
Helyar was the guest of ,Mies Nina
Gardner on Sabbath. --.Miss Edith
Millian of Goderich Sundayed at her
uncle and aunt's, Mr. and Mrs. An.
drew Richard Young
has sold his farm to his son Sohn of
Walkerton for the sum of $1500. Mr.
Young is giving up farming on account
Of old. age...----Mr,and Mrs. Orr of Kira
cardine Sundayed at; their aunt's, Mrs.
Sas. Powler's. —Mr. and. Mrs. George
Currie returned home on Saturday
after a Couple of weeks vitt to the
Soo.—Miss Thsy Minim of Goderich
Sundayed under the parental Waft
Miss Myette McLeod, bag gone to
Toledo, Ohicato visit her aunt.
Miss Grace OaMeron, after a pleas-
ant visit at home with her parents, has
returned to Detroit. • a
Mr. Joseph Brown is,working at the
'big mill in Goderiollitt'present.
Mr, Robert SnoWacia of the Sauble
Line,Stanley, President of the .A.gricul.
Surat Society, was in town Monday
completing arrangements for: the big
Fair CITI The 3r4 and 4,th.of Oct,
Miss Ida Rouatt ls visiting friends in
Seaforth at present.
Miss Wilson of Settforth bus return-
ed to her hones aftera pleasant visit
here with friends,
Mr, HenryPassmore and Mrs. Pass.
more of ,near Exeter ,were in the
village last Sunday
Mr. H. Drehman is making peeper,
ations to. move his tailor shop up in
front of his residence on Main street.
Mrs. Stevens of Exeter,after a•aaleas.
ant visit with Mrs. Holman and with
friends in Goderich townehip,bas gone ,
to Drysdale.
Mr. Jamey Sterling and sister, Mrs, ,4
Burton, spent Sunday in town. '
Miss Lilly Martio of T. Eaton (.lo,,
Toronto, is spending her holidays visit-
ing friends here and in the neighbor- '
hood. ' , . •
. Master Wilmot Holman and James
Cameron were home over Sunday.
They are drilling in Clinton now 'for
the parade in Toronto in honor of the
Duke and. Duchess of' ,Cornwall and
Miss Marguerite Gunn, daughter of
Dr. Gunn of Durham, spent the past.,
week visiting her friendaMiss Retta
Stanbury. .
Mr. John Tippett has added a new
coat of paint to his shop and residence,
which enhances, its appeare,nce very
For the past 'week Or so a, gang of
• . .
men have beenemployed putting in
poets and Stiinging wires for further
telephone connection. Double wires
are being put on and .we understand -
direct connection is now secured with
Stratford.. This indicates that the busi-
riess here is paying.
Mack Vincent of Exeter has bills out
for a concert in the town hall on Fair
night,Oet. 4th,' Mack promises a good
time and he generally keeps his word.
Miss Retta Stanbury and others are
assisting 'him. • - ••
Willie Turner is lying very ill at
present with inflammatory rheorna,-
tism. a • ' „
Some of our people took in Seaforth
Fair this week and some went to the
Bazaar at St. Joseph. •
Mr. and Mrs. Murray of 1Goderich
visited the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Brown,oh Sunday.
Messrs. S. Brown and E. Reid were
borne for Sunday;
Mr. and Mrs. W.j. Wilson of Greene
way.were guests of Mr. T. Stinson last
The Bayfield, Goshen and Varna
English churches will hold their anti.
ual thanksgiving services on Sunday
next at the usual Maur's.
. Mr. Wm. Love captured first prize
for his two year old colt at Zurich Fair.
—Miss Mustard of 13rucefield visited
friends in this vicinity Sunday.—Rev:
S. McLennan conducted services in the
Presbyterian church orr Sabbath.—
Quite a number from here are attend-
ing the evangelistic meetiogs of Cross-
ley and Hunter in Hensall.—Mr, A. '
Love took first for his mare and colt at
Zurich. Mr. Geo, Golouchie also took
a number of fitsts for fowl. —Mr. and
Mrs. James Parsons Sundayed at Bay-
field—The boys who tide their bicy-
cles Sunday evenings had better be aa,
little more careful what they run into.
—Mr. and Mrs, John Smith and Miss •
NeIIie Gorbie of Seaforth visited at
Joseph Hudson's on Sunday,—Mrs.
Geo, Forrest of British Columbia, is
visiting friends in, this vicinity—Mr.
Wm. Clonsitt attended the Pan -Am.
the forepart of last week.—Mr, Ed.
Troyer purchased a valuable horse
from Mr, MeGregor of Brucefield, not
from Mr. Peck of Bayfield as stated
last week.--,MEAltor. Forrest has tak-
en up a section of land at MoosejaW. 1
N. W. T.—Quite a number from
here took in Seaforth Fair Wednesday.
—On Thursday everting a large num-
ber of invited guests assembled at the
home of Mr: James Green. The early
part of the evening passed off in games
arid other amusements and the latter
part of the night, or morning rather,
was spent in tripping the light fantas-
tic. All present had a most enjoyable
time and wish for many more such
occasions.—Messrs, Archie and.
Frank Hudson of Uncle Sam's domains
are visiting at Me. Joseph Hudson's.
•;---Miss N. Paul and Miss 11.Plattee of
Toronto are the guests of Mrs. Satires
Jarrott this week. --Mrs. Levi Stelek—
has retorned honie from Zurich, -
Res. R. Budge of near Sarnia Will take
chttrge of the services in the Presbyter-
ian church next Sunday ---One of
those interesting events which glad-
dens the hearts of thepeople took place
at the residence of Mr. Henry Reichert.
on Wednesday of 'Ole week when his
eldest daughter, Miss Mary 3., was un.
ited in the holy bonds of matrimony to
Mr. Henry'Steinbaugh of the Igh con. •
of Hay. The cerenainay was perform- .
ed by Pastor' Sehultz. Miss Lizale
Beithert and Me. Harry Steinl5augii
performed the duties of bridesmaid
and groonasenati. Mr. and Mrs. Stien.
baugh Tett Thursday for Detroit and
other points for their wedding trip.
After returning they settle down on
the 145h eon. Your correspondent
joina with their many frienclito
wishing them a safe and happy journ.
ey through life.
Mrs. H. Crewe IN spending a felt
days With her mother ift Goderich.