HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-09-19, Page 7P.7\, 1
0 a W a a furnished with, every appliance that it now Costs to bring thent Into they had gone, bilelc tile frItil'ar ox a. ingenuity could suggest �or Culinary HOPE' FOR BALD -HEADS, good condition. THINGS LEFT TO NAMES ditiou. would allnolit c(.rtainly have Anglers Abroad at " WOOED WITHOUT VORDS ,ikill daniiind lit ilia preparation of .0 as well catered butchered by tile Olave-raldhip; tilt) most elaborate repast. YOU MUST BRZAT= VZAT 10" its breeldera of plieustlaw. The DAWIN
Theo 0 11 1 0 0. The corridor extends the entire breedJug of may be a most Or LOTS FOR* CTRB,4T chief Nz'go, who had Started ligtei. MLVNT KUTUOD L S SLOW AND DE34F, them Only 0, WC& aft(W th,ty left
0 longth, of the second car, tile "York" lucrative calling, but it most cer- VOUTURES. tile VAtillbost. PXNQ THE qUgSTION.11
cauadian Pcif tc, The c"ittral section of this car for P, tainly is not ii clean or attractive a length of about thirty feet is taken A For all this the gentlo breed- Tossed a Shilling or A Coal =34 MILKMAN I
nd a J?hysiojau Says you Will one. +�
ONJ :90W It Is Done Ili the Different
up by two priTrlpal bedrooms, with Not be Troubled With era do not complain, possibly be- Mue.—Ited Bean Saved Train for the bathrooms and servants' roompi Baldness. cause no capital is required to otart 10 His Life, Countries of the World.
belonging, to them. in the trade. Takes His Cow to, thot Cuetomvr� A curJoua cuotoin of dumb woolpir The. Royal Party, TMI 13RID110OUS A Detroit phsjoiarl, Dr, Delos L. All, that the breeder at gentleal re- Mr. Arthur Burn, one of thei big. Tricks in His Traci%
WHEELS, are finished In pearl grey cramol, Parker, declares be halt discovered a quires is o. good si4pply of defunct gest 4,041 Magnates tit tile north ()I prevails In Hungary, especially am�
ecleutille cure for baldness. 1719 free domestic Animals anti an old lo - E09 - Owes fits Immense f A i he t which you tile Noillads, or g1pales. . Cakes and the walls divided Into panels receipt to a ft at , land 0 0 ilia may buy luilk lit Brazil," aktys used As love letters. A coill Is
w . if s siniply-1113reatlic pit to store tholn in till they are Ill to tile Split f a Twent. tho baked into the which, at tile
1111 -ed , ith, silk to match the dra. The
COS Is right." Improper breathing, hastlys a tate of putrespnee. little years go Ills uncle died, aud. mart who has just roLurned.
perles. One corner of. each room is tbO cause of all the sorrows of The most Profitable of tilt tile C�an left tbQ AlIlly4le trou. wine to Arm lailk Isn't first rate, und 111411; first Opportunity, is Iturg to tile fa� With tile exception of tile 10001110- SM411 atilt tassels, and drped Simply Occupied by it wardrobe, another by Iobject. The retention of this tIVO, tit() royal t1rata to be u8vd by back from tile (L convenient drossing table with tillertal insect breading trades I,,; thur Burn and his cousint john eream are scarce, but there I origin- is large mirrors so Arranged that side Ld upon an u, Virtual Ilaccqp, their Royal 1-TighlieSses tile 3)uko And Though physicians generally rldl- that of the grower.", Hinclibrook% jointly. But tile joint Allt In Ono Way of Selling A. forcible return a
D1101less Of Cornwall and York bas EIGHT LARGE WINDOWS. Cute his the it well as front views of themselves cry, the results of his ex- Those gentr breed worms for- Ownerhip was unlucky. Tile two "Somottracs, milk Is delivered from that the "attolltl3ralp inti. bee om.fortablo sofa and. roomy a As -this. Is the most quarr house to house in glass bottles, ca.r-� ,A Completed, aud-noNv lies hil.tbo A 0 may be obtained by persons sitting pQrlmouts have just been published In nightingales. Cited over the method of worl.:- undesired.
1`1111, a leading itiodical journal. Ing the mine. It c tild rled in wire, basket9, something of- yards Of tIlle 0".441an' Pacific 11441- c1laim Provide, against tile fatigue of before them. Who doors leading into filell.lorable bird in France And Aus- Cued to, pay, V Dumb declarations of A pugnaolone
pays the Montreal Witnesia. a railway j Oic, bathrooms have large mirrors to . In an Interview Dr. Parl.ter said:— tria the OwlIers, mostly rich ladles, was closed. ter the fashion of the milkman here, Charlie "'I"i ournev, while a conve- I tot', are still Common nThe"WhOlO train Was Inalli serve ill$ choval gldpses. ilbods T E Al THEORY, Pay fabulous Prices Nr -the favorito One day the cousins happOned to but there tile dIlTurence begins. 'lio LifaCtured, Went dealt the trars- I E R 1-$4vago tribes and peoploo. In Id Ili gold to pact, till bre At tile works of tile 'Calloidiall i;aCi- I.action of any hoccs&ar�r bus-Inesa, And Are of brass, finish(. .no a person athes, a food of their pets -eat at% the sands at Wil the Arablan,olosert, round abjtby and cart used in Brazil is a throo-wboX "I,
tie Railway Ili Molitrea - good-sized Centro t�ble In* Match the hardware fittings of the Small part of ilia air he has just lnw ilia discussion OVOr the working of ad pushcart, u.IwaV9 PdIIlt0d Aoille nal, the lover . I. Tile royal, a genloUS4 the mine wa they dark, dull color. The bottles are tries to seize the girl train proper, , from the* locomotive 1. arranged to told up an e citrs. The lighting cliqmo for these baled remains in his lungs. This air a roneweol. But whilst Silo Is TiRsturilig her fat back will consist of tile followilli aWa been carefully though TEE PLAQUE IN INDIA, could come to ito agreement. typically Braziliam, they are long flocks 11 y When not In may be roas has it becoming diseased, is absorbed - by P
cars —A general baggage ctir, a re- bro out. Besides the usual coiling lights the "Tell you what", Said Bu I'll sinall-necked, dark green, Second- 0 Pelts hill, with llludp,�
light - in - when required. The blood from the Air cells of the rr. )land wine bottles, which have act- sticks, stones, and will be held in
therb Is a, special fixture over each li]ulgs, I and, t k'rls Pfloplo Ta4in it YOU, illy share in tile raltio.il repute it she succeeds Ift
frlgQr4tOr and pantry car, the furniture Is at Ciret st g Kindly to 0 so :
S . a 1, Ian walnut tlp� a uatte Dr, Far a verri. I Don't want it," replied the other. vautages of their owl% for the mar- 11%uth Africa', general sleeper and lialstered lit � blue velvet to dressing table, designed to throw Owl, words, "exerts a selective, Mont Measures. = iod"i 4il g Iiiin, Once driven into. her
F,.4rlor car, , for Stall and guests ; the the draperies. light upon the Person sitting before Poisonous action oil the growth of "Well, I'll buy your itterpst.01 chant. 'rile Customer cannot see the fatlier's tent, the lover's object to.
Tnolia," general sleeper and Parlor his, . behind benritsphere. it. There Is also Tile In4lan Plague figures are ag-4111 BUT HINCHBROOKE, REVUSE D, watel* which lie knows Is In the attained, rothal.14 . pro- Ti"Iectric Jig A light Placed of the hair," causing, in fact, pi mill;, and the color silit lilies claimed. and the bet
car, for staff and at C' t 9 over the head of each bed, fit A can- baldness, mounting up, owing- to the cooler 'Otin't please ou In any Way, it P
lit by the -ejoined, laughing, general dining weather broug Cuts," Burn i tile task of washing, Which Is' quite Tguests. ; the I 0 glass set tit the ormanental venlent position for reading, Tto Dr, Parker -claims, he fills red monsoon, long-delayed se ftimo smitten olle go
car work of ill() coiling, furnish amP`IQ wall panels.,' draperies and I'll tit 0 this - prol 0.9 e;o,r Staff and guests;the uand soft illumination after nigbtf r tur reinarkable t arid A, Mortality of bQtwoon "Lack here I I'll spin you Which, a point to the natie,
hoary by experl- ,fi()o And � better, Inasmuch as lie marches all- coverings in tile Duko.44.. bedroom are menting on living animals, Baldness 2,000 4 Weak baW been Of us Owns It." This sporting ofter "But thct othei, way of delivering openly,
general sleeper and parlor car and; This scheme of lighting is carried reached already. At the slime time WS Cousin could not resist. Burn milk is Simon-pure Bra7,iii I and Without, any beating
QAIcQ for ActiVo staff ; the '40011- t out through. both cars.. of red silk armure ;.in tile Ducilesw he says, is duo to man's mode of ro- tile figure tin, and is about the bush, to hIs, loved on's, $,issued by tile 1.�,gyptlftll pulled out a, shilling and L Up. it Went a sort of case of the mountain com-
acla," parlor car and sleeper for porr A short corridor, of light blue moire, The orriament- Spiration.' It Is ilia air that is 111- abode, soize hot- by her loll'
g, strong,
finished in ma- at mouldings, ventilator screens, lowe to remain fit the upper portion 9..'Wittary Board . up -to Auguat..:L2 Into tile air, Ing to Mallorliet. 'rile milk merchant hair, or her flir garments, and drags.
Serial -suite of ilia Duke and DuellosIq liogany, leads forw.ard. from the . Show that Only ten cases exist in ill c leads, his cow...around to Ilia ou t m- re- ote,, are touched with color Tho: of the lungs that does the mischief. that countr ried Hinclibrooke. But IS 0 her to ]its lair of ice, or tent of
of Cornwall and York , the "Cat'll- caption to the'dining car. Halt way furniture iR of Satinwood. ' . I . WIIOrL this air IS held Ili ilia lungs, attacked Y and that of :L11 persons it was tails, and ttib Millvale mine era b it halter.. TJ9d to ilia cows wall," private parlor, reception and 111) thig Corridor it door . opens into h em, and 12o during tile four previous Passed into 13urnl possession, A tail is Lt smaller halter and at the
dining car of Highness- boudoir, which, with Its aectimpaily_ A'- there is present in an absorbing 41011ths no lower than. Afty-five re- SO"ML of coal found shortly after- other and of that rope is it sinti, I War(],, are not, wasted by the Jap- toilet, furnishe's a Convenient ill it, is a, cavity. of marl.'s-bocly orgall,1C. matter covered, anose liorcloo. . Giving her it. soft�,
as ; the "York," Private sleeping cat, Ing municating directly wi
of their Royal Hightlesses and their withdr4wIng commodious -blithroom.. Those batil, in.tbe presence of warnith and mais- Wards made the property. onorinous-� muzzle '. alter, which. is fastened I 'Yorlt rQom for. ladies. Tj I -low is this difference to 1�e ac� JY And forinati the basis of around 'tbo head Of eyed, languishing look, expressive of yersonal. atttladants, The walls and, ceiling of this room 10 rooms are exactly alike. The walls, ture—a Condition nost favorable to counted for Ill Jwo Orlofttal'p a grgeat fortune, a, calf, Tile all his beart-love far.her, lie throws. Eire up. to a. p6int higher opula- Brazilijill milkIllarx bCJIeVeS, that. -the it 'bunch of pale plurawflower buds
than a man's the. development. of - decomposition,' tions,'. both ruled on sinill bAbl head, -are entirely covered N%,Jth tuft- and this pot ar bureau- few but his Intlivates, COW i�lll not give mill; if unctecOm- into her litter, as she enters it * to sollopi matter.As taken cr4tIC 111104 under the same chief know that Captain :Preclerld Taylor, pointed by hor calf, act upholstery in rubber cloth, soft up by tile blood, and ultimately caus� be carried
to a, fri0fid's wadding.
to the touch and perfectly watLno as thd falling Of the hair. Power? The comparatively limited Wbose, collection -of mvago weapons "Tile merchant, thus loading , his . . . . . . . . . . proof, area, to 'be proteotc�d ill 141�gypt, tile is. the firiest in the �91lc tosse the blossoins, lightly out Wolild,. owes big merchandise and source Of supply,, a rejected; she fastens. n to Mollarnitiedanism - Ills Walks barefooted over the uneven them in, her girdlotbo suitor is ac- DFri E RENT WITH WOMEN. gpiteral adhealo liberty, and ill (Ill Probability ilia suitor 1
the absence 0 But it it s all a matter of breath- f caste and clinidtic, dif- IIfO, to Pul-O chalice.. I -To Was onov of "tone Pavements from customer to -ceritil,ble. to her. Again, a Japarese illg,� why, then, .!a not women bald -forences account for much, but A Car- the cien, of the %vital-, '.sho customer. In Ills �and ho,carries an youth irk. love will creep, in the small.
1A ODDITIES Of O hco men, bob Ill . respondent of ill' i ordlitary--gized rinking glas, and
auso they, like men, a London Times'pro- Was wracked on *the Coast of'Mada- a hours, to'his uliet's home,- and fas-
breathe? , The answer to this is'that babl poinits to tile most potent'gasear, and was among the twelve tilt one -pint measuritig 'cup; those tell to the door lintel a spray of ilici 0 they do not,brontthe Il4a man, but. in Callao When it Speaks. of the absence WhO got, safely ashore; I14 was loll he ingeniously ratia, a a it MEMORABLE sPEEc=s IN 9 , 116 , gat at tile samo llow.er. It at, dawn it is taken� tliolr owfi peculiar faminine manner, of panic on the part of the Populace before the days of the'rroneb occlipa- other and this 19 Ills gong to notlf,�
THE -BRITISH. COMMONS.. Dr. Parker says that women, beenuso and.quotes tile words of the Director- tion, and tile uIllueky-men fell into Ilia customers of hIs lipp* Ili, or sprinkled, lie knows that the lof tho.garpients they wear, have Ceileral of tile Sanitary Department, the bands of reach. A maid is his; If t. i's left to dle: or
the Oblef of'Xojanga, Customer reached, tile niel-chatat gets fall. -th Lt who made then, EL11 slaves about dow liew breathing confined to ilia "has bon assisted botlx'by na- it * Oil * Ono kneo and Proceeds . to art r ill A rKi I d By ong-Wind- p. I a lie Aungs. Their ribs tire tives and Rul,ope-Ans to d6ectior ilia IS )PALACE exec I -TE IS REJECTED.. y L�r he tile ectom. �. pi�
SP= tt a First ANb ,-movable than.men's, Lind. till waits., More. a :. Some Mont]'$ later word 'a el I . Ili 8pain tile young mail looks, am- 1comblued With their dress, causo.� when the pestilence. front arre j"The strangor sees no chance for o5rous, but never speaks, untif after
.3,11 1890�7, '. tile king—Radamit—tilat halt THE SP OIAL TRAIN—BUILT SPPW1AIA,Y FOR.TIIE ROYAL VISIT "hO House is empty arid so -tire thein to use the. costal type of which; now threatens to. become - epi- of the mail, were to diliting the� nllll� in'this system by his acceptance by his lady4ove. The 011' lachs I pray you, thordfore, 01' - ething piuch more than.js*possi� dolitle over the greatei� part of India. it tile be sent' up to, which the coiisuiner Sao.,, with. hia girl. neither ipeaks nor looks, but .BY THE, Q.- P. It. r 'It .1 capital.. Tho wliSr olta the debate for a lit, s oods produced, '. But pho sees, Later In'tho'cool. of the
no -hour ble in men. beg, i ill I3omba,'tlicroWa8 no pan- chief picked out five' at 'the Weaker finished in. pearl grey encinlel, Tile Nyas the'UPPLIMI . wrufig fr a �_ When mail breathe they use the ic�- the announc;inent of ilia pl4gac the nAives—and they p.11 agroo oil eveningri the gentleman raps tit .tier Is fitted with a c6mmodious observa!- . I I I men invitediately, . but could. uot tion platform, ingeniously Sheltered walls tire divided into panels framed sallpring member of. tile, House f deeper breathing, and.tho air Is tak- was met With stolid fattillsin. it inake up his mincl as to I this ppint-Inslat 'that the milk mer. fatlipr's door. and Craves it'g-clurd of
I With (Idlicately Commons more than -two centries'en, farther down.into the lungs and '*as: only when, the local' aut4iorities ilia sixth. chant. has �urder his coat a rubber water, It is�- of courso, given hiiii. from dust -and Smoke,. modellcd hii1f The ehoice lay between Taylor, then Thel Whole train ago. by. a'welirlsolne $lie- the diaphragm performs most of tile �were direct bottle filled wjtji water and with Is finished qxter- Ill tile stylO.of Louis Qidiize, ancii ad frons Englund to initi- a,boy, of eighteen, and in n a. Then comes the crisis. in polished mallogany, and filled with paintings 'soft,. yet rich ceSSioll of long aiid'prosy speeches. work In th act. of'respiratin, . Whilo ate- more rigorou measures than , a nit al.no,d nall Bli Joliffe. Taylor knew that, his., one rubber tube attaeliment:Wllicli. - oil, If Ito is'..Aot offered it Climb, within
y 1; Speaker Long -�. 4. Illartyr it)- ill Women the. movements of: tho' chest they themselves . thought desirable ables'llim to I presents it very Piilautiful appear- In colbl". aft&r the nuinner of Wat-( chance of eventual res liject the water ilitq the poi,61i., or.a. Seat fit the garden, ance. The train is. lighted through- tali. Ornamental friuries All � tile caJJ4 n �ll was; refused pat-ticul arly. the 'upper are more that tile People Wei cuo. lav Ili Ills -e t.bd measurd along w1ith tile. milk, lie bows and walks awliy��a reject to adjourix the.debate- tit "ill wit" being near the coast-, tilld shiv I wi 0 re- -offilliont than-' those of the dia- fear, not of theplaguc! but. of the Idea of being sent up country., out by electricity,, qnd telephones, 1119, fill6d withlattice work, provide� ercd at Anotbor 'way the �rtjstjc milk mer- mail; ilia other,hand, the cov- and call bells 'ventilation for the room. Those, as Suit that a little. later he fainted phragm, , and it s because - of , this PLAG UR, 'M11,lAS king h1% custonler oted. civility is a tended ermit of corainuilica- Chant has for 611 to him, lie tio a ornalnetit around -ilia 'aild 1nocle. of breathin. that women At l4st�tll() two were brought before it from oneend of the ca�.to i-116 well -as ill xuIli IdS chair,' tire heoa frolli 13, is by Producing as much foani ci renlabiR, a qngaged iiidi�-. other. - Thai, . Interior. decollation Wall As licir-onsciousAo -his real, svc�ossful in expelling tile'.air from ombay nd Spread the di- tile clilef, A narrow -mouthed, earth- tv , sease throughout tile Western Presi- unware jug stood before ]ill ssible 11 aild �jt po ,his is (]one �by holding vidual. t1ii-oughout, litcludinIg tile cars ill- The Of liht bluel'inolre. of .0 he -a I dciiCyj,, '13�t fol,'tllaso --ill t�tbiR Po'llt(lined whel Shortly expll!od, Li. tl�e lungsi.;t Thai a less diseased all tile gl4ss-as far as -pr if -ornr Tbo, Yao Aficlo, one -of the niatLy., , s its fullig, 0 11 . ac cable, fx tended for the u * e of: the - staff and Silk, ng; of the C0111- ictial 9 t be abiiorb6cl b y iwo boansone black., one red. Wb6m the source of supply duringtho pro.. 11cirmese-artar peoples,, woo their uplit6lste'red It.is some kind of Consolaion 4INease would guests,'.is chaste, and most, effeativ6. divan across onLI I to tte blood and oxert. its� poisonous in- itself. out. 0 'ce.9 of filling ilia measure. h�e� a6s6luicly without- words, but the 'itioditi-ft Agi, -imns'fluence- on ilia - hall,. .. �'Tllls ls-�wliy' over diew.-th black w. $.to go to tile,
THE -ARRANGEMENTS ond.pf tile rooin, which;..as long end )a slatol who yi; "Ili ilia best'llotels . and r tau to tbo sound of Oil ilia first almost as.wido as a bed, invites * to 1: speech, all littur, long oil young adult 'wonieti.karely sufTer from I The sevei'e regginie has been abe,11- capital.'. as r_ a by.littl', until tit(, oov�_ - CAP'Laill,Taylor ofteli..St a. oi . a eastern coast of Brazil dity of -winter - they. liavo tt'gre
of. the two royal cars proper,' , the P s of parochial Interest" - baldness. dohwl, Vs that lie "'It l'ill at
re .0 e, -The door 'tit 'tile other' end tlu�t lie did not'S'erve Ills country in cta a , . are most cif-tbe-room, opens I to the Ik' 0.11 girls 'ather and listen 'to tile lilusic "Cornwall" an (I " Y , I I erpularit of, India, bas now decreod- 'Wiwls veverscr tliatil I lit i�i I ifa- I did not. once Rea crellin. used -a,-. of. feast, at, which all ilia marriageable
Ouraptuous. urcat artistle care - has toilet, is fitte(I Olt- tlie� boudoir days, when a single speclell sometlillos that the of till piigde Ild Opened Ills hand, aud found fored, and mi -as a. beverage w W. -
.'side I pr6vo this tb6ory, lj�, Parker moLis -1 be oill- red belln. very selilail-t seen., and I did not 'once mado by the bachalors,' wboi .sit iii'l- been dislila�ed in the provision of a. I'llireo niade'a serious halo !'it a. WOO.: of a; ures 911oulp - to eschew c He tind his Plends r, extending, al -e took the respired 4*- fr6m pulsio a see it. mentioned. Oil a bill Of der and'arotmol thti-"Ilosire.tree,'� ifloroughly. - harmonious color ahence. to ilia floor,�and answerli although it, to strive to convitice people Were resell �d a few. inanths late� by it is true that mail, Catching It Ili a rubber , fiask�., of guilbbat* Blilk�such-a:s it cach playin . �his* favorite i stru- tprt' Carpet With. which some or,theso. 'spoeche.q The other . un -
The heaVy Wil, ng all thV':utilit of parti6flainleth4cl g t01L:purposes - of a cheval glass A one. would This flask he placed.in water,'� With and to i�duca tbein j -o Wore hoiVer ga it cents a'quart, and,"a better, illont,. As tho'hiaiden lie loves Pass- .the floors are cover6ol'Is-of the.saine . I . .
coul le of. chairs. allij a table, give- much. lia , have -Pia- privilege of, ilia tilt- - $it the flask lie combined - 4. Out. not by force, ]ill liceideixtal burnin- �V6`IlLat t1iis'pi;,iC.e'Would ibilai A116 youth plays tile, louder hue througliput�A uiet gi-e-grebil. -ting through even now. t o(:thejr g. of tit(! Will C llilN ed Ili gold, tile: latter sit per ainou. rore feelingly. Tlj�- qPOCIally ma(e . Whe . . . . . I : 'of of the original -9il
of 'medlum tone.. I carrying �n lit i787,_Sho P..6, lit. of distilled Water so free -will. doinand materially." aud- thd I i If the -1 a. e4ding ight,%coinjilete the spoke fok ..as to liave present �moisture similar The�- , entire. ilcuu. e'r o -tppa igpoves:him and,pa n, he flows, Signal, cord is of the, sant6 Color.. The three1lours Olt proposal that.. b f ,�Ow� ssai�, 6 it
nishings of thisrooln, ito that. , of the ' litunitriAtulg. , He deaths froln tile winter of 04 the �,qtial divis,"O'll'at Ills 33ATTL S IN TEE at iihe will. have, none- Of him if hardware fittings are all :of one do Hastings should.'be inipcJac lied, , Ills AI .TI the flask. lit all Incubator, March- 31, wit.9.48O.-U00, td. whicl property,betwo;en IIa stepg up to film 4fid lay' a flow-' sign, and finished� by the "Mercury] -11,' � WOODWORK last sontelica - was inoro rly lls-� 11 Ur .. . , .1 . : :
was at a temperature of. muqt be added tit: a, most. Illoclerato Stapleton 4111d Gooffrey Or upon. Ills instrument, lie jumps up,. of toned to. than the first a 9 L
gold,' pi-ocess, 'it soft-, grey gold Or- fii'tfie prf.vate - -olliting'room is llil lie Sat tirely free degrees, 'tile liormat tempera- cominitation I, -)O,()00 s.t.lic total - f Wt`rO at tile thre under-gratl aThe...Bvitish'Army to Have 'a. rly� tilkwi libr by tho. blind, �dkiug 'care Lt 4, t t from glitti or. African COroftittildel, the rich,,- iudd down timid a. scene ok such enthus- ture 6fJ1 ifiall's, b9dy. The tilt Ili untrticed and iiarepofted, deaths, aloa Oxford., of 1,11ein, ilact, e*or Ing hip not to. drop the flower, and they' ness; The window shades, of silk tone of which' forms tit Ideal. call- Jasm. that it was, unaiihnously agreed trast to . tile hicubutOr'was tul�Ier precll§ely tile 11ba last officiftl", in their Wander oil into ilia moonlit woods, tapestry, combine - tha,hues of -cat- . . the silver�,and glass.of the to adjouril untit. tile. Wuse reswnc�d Wall fit now :and horrid forinif'pro- able Wlion, a. Dyak of Borneo would woo ull- thea(i in I servi and ceiling 116 "Calmer and: more Judicial ino'od. man's' bodv. wtaken new has- been learod'durin& ',,.;H pot and hardNtare in a sni0l'.aild. cp;'. The coves condli-ion$ as"I't Would be -Iii. Lt. repart "fittle i ha� : is hehatthey. It- d to iv d-
i r-thd,past I JhQ maidon Of Ills; heart; A U11,31' VAKAT. t 1 The. old (Ittys arinies met obtrusive p Ltte' "Th carried otit lit a, , liklitel tone of 'S.1wridan's last'speecti lit. this out aftor on. claya'lictd.elapsed; aud yeal. Ing tile , eausati Oil of till) rously helps her Ili ilia hardest por-� room, the larj�est room of the.sulte, tile 'Saine Color. As in ilia I., , e�eption, 'toric debate occupied no less than irectjo,18 . of t.he �ubstalioa Allittle plagge", o i�, regarding' the way in. IItions, of her.iineiis- . dall it apenp directly ill observation, roont, a cornice circles the I, glish County al-, iy to oom. Im- four.days ; -and his oratory ag So,- most. as ejubar Wool to Nalaller numbers nd In-'. into aninials, , A dog Was first tried will silo Smiles upon him,: never. so Sweet-
c4ptivatAxig that not a at and after, fourteen injections, oil . e ..ch. it skead._" al pleltsing. and now �116 n9le main- I !'What Shall do With it. T." ask- ly, he. does. not Iminediately.resPond,
vach day: wbald lares, or warfaro.of the fIltuto promises to be but waits lint arina.,HQase erowde4l to- suffoca- The Tlines'.correspondent previously ad "lluct it oil I ii tile next dark night.
�pot appeoired; clitoted is unwilling to conclude.that -the Ilrst words or divide it 111 It Olaf o(meellallical skill with ajui iou-who heard - when thirt.Awo lit e6tions had been. the disease has become epidemic ill �,ll lie teal to her house and light -
tile speech' . missed,. a, word of tile. ther lillilttion fit number of man. lo, Divide -it sit 1 (I ll a At *sea the qubirlarine threato herI thiiik" ly wakeng ]ter as Rile Iles.asleep - beL "finest oratorical effort of the Celli- inade tile barg Spats extended over lndia,-and will'be as"prevalefit. i other, who . Ila I d- tin - Idea .Its to par- tury.' ilia back., Wolesand breast Of the dog,, aj�; malariti a), Cholera � ITO bilses Ilia ide her sleeping pi�reiits. Thd
of going out blittiehip -b Another abu�rli and will!", fifLY-twu h0edLions Wel'o hopos upon� an . (I suit- and ettling. I 11 . a olete nd the entsi if thoy appiove, make'no Sign, tally long Speech, made tlie body wa L111110i entirely 1 The two youngsters. got out tile Pur- t-liry science, And,iliore still upon tile I but atort—or Pretend to?', If tilt, It,
.4 a dclstroVe
d, . I, -of iirnlips� g, 1 A a ccept which Was by common consent far., btlld.' During . the experjuients the, Changed attitude of the peoplej who lall of tile great Section. of lan Aeiiial destructioli has bee sho too b Oil a Brit- rjef`.wr.LS Lord Palinet' t took. it I anil divided tile farill War. office scheme for past, -�er the...betel and and dog enjoed perfect health,. and atu no longi4r-. iniplitterpret the. ii at v . frolli ..her lo
'LOQUI A, lien was . t I v . I 1 es. -111' two.poftiolls Its P0.14- sw6etiliecits lie' luls brolight: I" WP VINDICA!kION and gambolled s before. of I t; Go. er irnent plague polic, and ible, frolli -tile litte--ilving of his,clalins . on the Greek-Gover . 11- also treated 'and she hild two a are'tiv) longer. ranged I agailist it..,Tlie, - Than:cume the question of Majoi That cctls� their, betrothal and 'lie who hould hve Monts down to i - 11-advii-Pbwell's ment for'))on Pacifica. This historic day during tlic eative period. After. Plague Coninligsion report that "in choice-.. They set- tests and the dynanilte dropping of, depart . s, � as lie cam.0; neithqr. speal- . ...... -i, re tile people b.ave. opec6h; with Ito lamous declaratioi I the injectioll,4, we stopped botli the ji'arts .of the.countk tleO tile matter- by: dealing' a, I, ap if) �,3cli War "nff, -Civis.Rolliallus Ruin, lastedrexactly a ool of Balloonlu a dog.and.the bet' became less bald� begulr to recognize. the advantae. of which Stayner wall, He Office has therefore: 'ordered the can I NOIL Ifive.hours, and as even Mr. Roebuck, Tile hair in. one case. and the feathers takini- cortln.measures chose ilia northern half, because -lie tile Other I I struction of Ili airship on the Btirton "The langutigo. of flowers 9, Lord Palmerstoh's adversary itt; the An Cattle back entirely, but iscase,.and to appreciate the Inc- aid, It .-spoined to'.1lave a Stream systein, and Sonic' ill teresting - expert- every wa, :a.dumb but*,exprogsIv
through it, and, lie was long Of. jig Unfe,. said, "It would be it ipossible tile process.wils a . rather law one. tives of ilia Government fit taking Will, be made with It.'' morq,wortlli -the attentlano ing.' tongue, 1,fellt._(�01., ri,en,pleL, and Captain �of favors, than it enerally reepives. for five hours to pass more-. quickly- DOCTORIS.CUR, Steps tot- its extirpation," '"C"' tills Zie strtipm, - as. I le'tound Who at- delightfully'. growiri, and the People ..Pttlar 'an�mals were, experimented feelini� has Visited . )its p p 110 Heath 'have denioustrated upon ilia A young lady 'once. had sent ter tRobert.'Peel,, in 111.4 mem- all and tile, e liavoi bewl hiduced.'to achnit the.direct lat o 6rt.* three vears Lqrg . how carthworls call be what niay be called a "flower lat-e Stills proved to the sit- . r Valley arable speech oil 27fli Januar 1840. " Of. the'sun into their ill-ventilat- or, was, ilearly a, Iialr�_diy II'tcb, deSti-.06d from. a balloon with. otyxia- ter.,, Tit a, large, oblong, but shal- y isfaction or Dr. Parker that'when re- rl"y" whilo:11n found that his coligill had
-a -of I rs, Ch - edand badly. Jightbil. teneincrits, . a , - 'cL 'nitte, but tile oltingovs: of. a suddenly 1OW box was a. series of difforent, brought the I peal tile Corn. Laws sJ:iirvd aft, is hicipt In the lunt, mSPIOndid aitesialt well Olt Ills land,: lighted balloon re So great that t he blosoms . arranged on a flat bad Of Lefoi�e.the House -of Coinnion.s, , lie berLd. lit* the pr�seace of warulth and vast stride Will 11�;Ve ],)call ilwol.9 . to- and wag f Spoke for nearly four hour to ward, "tile �dellvoiry of till,' toiling lnum- ast making fortune, limitation fli.Abe charges carried is a daulp fit, such flighlon'and So-_ � ft ntaisture long'enough for dee One day,, In ISM, two 'y House which Ills eloquence and'tion -of its organic matter to take P4 Of uinddos6n, from this conipar- 'Oung fel- serious drawback. Bill the school,of qtioiijeo,that, beginning front the left, powerful argument elichuhied. tQ the place, Ballooning Is nothing it 'lot Progro's- hand, and reading the meaning, a9 tlier6 is developed a Substance atively,nev.� but persistent dostroOr JOW-4 84t near te top of tha� Brecon last moment. Hills, TbL were brothel -4, riftmed dinary letter, it 1d, Lind. theV ill love it N hoped by tile declaration of 10*0 and marria 0 Mr. Gladstone itianytimm eclipsed which, wilon takfin. ill) by ill(-: blood, SNO, allot tile DPW aeronaut Will solve you would react -alt dV
Dii were botit.
exerts 4.potsonou action on , tile. MINIM FIRE. MUST BTJ N- With tile cla.ughter Of aftirmarin ilia 9
this record ;, and it, Will e remearl- growth of the hall.: If' this is, .40 authorities, Ili acrIal navlgati.on and was the interpretation. bered that Ur..Biggar on One Oc- when, redpired air is chambered in . tile Has Burned.for Twenty Years and neighboi They' lied not thO eifectb�o fighting, who flowers lay In, order follow!ng- caqion claimed tile car of ilia House least idea Which cif thent The cat Peachblos- presence of warmth, anti moisture out- timand of ilia air Will be the Acacia, -Red. Carnation$ for. over five he' cost .45 Lives. but'LlicV. were both pretty sure that new conquc�t fai- Britt 9 0 urs. side of. tile ILI gs, When. thC, $time sub- am Winter Rosc,,��Fourlca;Vod Io- n tile only Possible end of tbeft- rivalry tile possible abolition of land armies ver,'
A story is told of a member Ill the Stance be developed when respired air, One of tho:gre.atest fires.111, Ills- WO Browallfri itimisortilo .and last- days of last Century who, after IfT4 be a Quarrel, and.tltis they has not got beyond the dreams of ilia ly. Stephanotis. is chambered with the Same tory, a subterranean cOnflagra- were naturally peaking for three hours, suddenly roundings inside the lungs. It is car- tion which has already lleer. raging aeeoudut Inventor. Rightly read, tile , Inessake, Was - collapsed In his . seat to the until.,;- tainly'difficult to think of any reason for over twenty Years, Is causing re- ANXIOUS TO AVOID,. Tit(,- neiv. terror'will be 200 feet IfAlasl for illy poor heart, it has P., guished. relief- Of tile few members why it should not, lie says. 1. .
newed: 'Interest' In tile coal inining Sthey tolked inatters over, at Jailor, With a Propulsion eqill to secret love for You, I am your CrIp" W110 had Survived Ills, . oratory so So the latest and simplest. cure for districts of Nova' Scotia, .Iran, tile tile safne time Idly - hicking -loose 72-horso poWer. Air. 1-1. L. RaWson. tive, relieve my anxiety, my. with o�l V 11 If d I P I, long. To their horror, however, lie haldne!?s 14 siniply "Breathe right discouraging rePorts all efforts! Stones, whicil rolled down the stecip And Mr. W. Q; Wallcei- are engaged me; be mine, and if you can beat- a4clost'iminediately -stood up again, ;and breathe vigorously, as It , it were to Circumvent flames have prov- slope below thorn.. At; fast u happy upon the inecliantain of ill -, airship, Want, beat- . with y love, and . ac- and, aftDr apologizing.to the SpopIc- worth the doing.. Don't breathe in rL ed fruitless aild that hope is now laca struck ITaery, tile &der of the Whose driving fans will rescilible'the It ill is Intereuption. to, his sp Cecil ,az ast, W I a,
or for 11 coipany Inc to the E _v manner, letting your abdomen practically abandoned. two, ITO suggested that they each wings of some huge ba.t. If the rna- go.- Caused bV a pain in hi..4 ide, he do'niost of tile work, Inflate your .. The scene of the disater 1.9 near get a Stolle, and �strlrt- them level to clihic pang out the wrack of cities Vortuntttoly ilia young lady In inict * "And now, tI will proceed lungs fully, so that the air fills the the mining town of Now Glasgow fit roll down tile hill.' Whicbever- tra. will be till easy. attainnient. Tile questlon,. though, Willing favorably with my opening relnarkg�ll v JIM further sit Squadron. or tile, alt, will. haV6 tO �-a prudent mind, upper part of them aind sea to it that the poilinsula'province, d6wli by tile 13 . ould give its - owner TIIO respond, lied
BEDROOM OF DUCHT-18S Ov CORNWALL ANIA YORX 02'; TIIE Poll, While Some 01-ILtOl'S llnVO Claim- ever particle of nit, is expelled from sea, and tile fire originated In !Sf3o. first, chance.' With the Jadv. If she enough space to onjo.the addet Ifaving, also it prudent mother, a ROYAL TItAIN. ad t10 attention or tile TTousel for the lungs every Unto you breathe and It is burning In & rich scam of coal, Irefti.qed him at the end oi it inontli, hearts of navigating lieutenants. Per- spray of "Lady's Slippee, wag, by hours at, even days, there have been that none 14 16ft behind to become thirty feet thick, and In it milic, tbat tho.ottler hould have Lt try� haps the crovi will carry parachutes ther an
a Ilia
a, alter, the.younger, agreed, and as a part of their equipment. arrangement betwooll platform at tile extreme rear of ilia modiately c�bove -the wInclows, and I others of. tit t equal natural olo-; diseased and Coptarninate, ilia blood," has a Allaft' 1,000 feet deep. they set oil to find Stan Uv. The daughter, forwarded to the happy ,quence who have boort content with Ij,xpel tile.air front your lungs for- problem at extinguishing the flanies train. The Woodwork IS of (31recia- amplo ventilation is secured by Seconds, 1 mail. .,clb),v and thoroughly. and, according Is no roarer. aolution. than it wits came back lit & few 2ninuteg Oaell This was equivalent to fig. actual -lit ? ,volity-ono years ago. IV wIth a boulder weighing liboit Stan walnut, and - Is undecorated, mealis of till orlla�Oelltftl perfOPatOd Whon ii CeArillic youlig'member who to Dr. Ilarker.'yolu *111 novel, know t, ator has REMARKABLE RESOL . VJMS, meaning In flower language, "Win saiva tot, a few ornamental Would- frieze In this cat Tile ceiling Is is now a rotan, of -weight and olo- t1to sorroWs-of baldness. him Inc, and wear nic.' op. been lot In, but the fire 'IS above dcl.re&Weight. The hit( as qtcep -'Plolill, Save to" tile rich gold fr4laes QucIICO. stood up. some years ago to the sea, level, and the expensive wol-lo, tile Oew down.with ever -0 Some Very Strange Viows a)% the Ings and a' oniall amount of, orlul I I I ment on the capitals of the grouped of the electric fixtures, Orililmelltal'n)ake his maiden speech, �C, gaz Ionic pilasters supporting ilia shn- carttiuches, fit bas-rallef tIfpIdy . at belplesSly aroundhim for it moment, of flooding Ila!; had no effect. Increasing bounds, bringing dowii 3MV6 of Matrimony, BILITIS33: POST OFFICE. pie Cornice which runs , ontirely'one end the heraldic bearings of ill& made an eflort to articulate. and -i WOaN AND ANT FACTORIES. After,many futile attempts to ex- tons Of IOOSO Stolle, In tell seconds If a record could be kept of the around tile room Just abovo the ItIng, at tile other tile combined then tinguisli the nee, the engineers tit- the young men realiVol that, they in , ny V , WS uttered oil tile eve of The rnormous Busigess Which Is
ignominiously reunied his) had Started an avalanche. But it marriage -by mail and women there is uindows, Prom this cornice springs'&I'llIS Of ilia Dukc -"lot DuchOss Of iecit, rected their eflorts towards devising the cove, -.viliell rises Ili a."graceful Cornwall and York, while the arlas WITROUT UTTERING A WORD. Money in Breeding the Insects as Plans for efrouniventing, It, and W49 too late for ul;aful repentance, ,fit,(, doubt h m r remark- curve to Lt mall moulded beam, I of the Dominion and tile private Food For Pheasants, reaching ilia coat till. Intact. To IOY Watched tile enormous mass at able resolves would be brought to Taken froi attly point of view, the upon which lit turn rests tile train badge :of the Dulto face cach other The honorable member who siv, that end all the approaches Pasn right over the slioulder light, * Witness, for instance, ilia vow report of the British Postmaster- vault of.the calling, allilast wholly'on sides of tho roctilm The ceoded him, With very que.4tiondlol 15port. in till Parts Of tile world fur- to the fire and till the neighboring, Of the hill, and start.on Its journey registered by a Prussian bride -groom General is startling reading. During covered by a, delicate tracery �t L lianghig.,4 Life of. green velvet, tile taste, congratulated him oil -finving nishes employment fo s mbers workings were walled up, and new towards a farm bNow. to the offect that It his bride perfsh- tile year 1900, the number of letters, modelled ornament lit very low re- portl�raq atilt wall be -ng! 11111cle ilia most powerful speeclil, on Of PeOPIC, not tile 10ast remunerative workings Were drivoij lower dowu.'I When the. reached, the their ad within the first live years after post cards; book packets, newspapers with cartouchos decorated with ill, aide of insedt broader. -y plan n6 far olovised has Worst fears were realized. The build, their union he woul I destroy lit.,; owp and parcels delivered amounted to
If,', Interspersed painted and Cal- .4 tile question in debate, being tha, Of Ilut ev�i ifngs were shapeless rulas. *1 I I 1-0011, ["Fibleo silence was the most cloqua ly tile life. This terrible oatli was faith�- tile enormous tOtft 0 3,723 EJ17,000. filled with lattice Work perforated to applique ill gold and g nt heasant shooting collullorCaS 11) proved a. failure. The all-concluering happiciii, fortun But what seems more Startling is tile expresion of the views of his an insect breedee 11) to be fire has, broken through, And every 11 01 everyone was Out fully observed, lot-, ilia I
-ty." . 'found lit. ilia neighborhood of all new Work has been reluctantly aban- I. �ho.#'Iiayfleld at tile tillic, So It() lady, happening to succumb litter tho number of letters, post cards, ete., secure proper ventilation for ill(,, Tho ful-Ilituro Illatellen the other. Pitt . infortunato
room. With the exception of ' tile woodwork lit ill(.- rooln, und is up -1 This large Preserves. Pheasants Are so cloned. esWere lost' . Ilut' instead of that were uiiclelivered; they totalled to, ilia entire hol9tered fit Velvet of Lt .rich Wallin, . taunt so stung tile maiden" I birth of her Second child, ilia ilug-
upper part of the room, bove tile brown. Two comfortable in(enber that when next lie allught passionately fond of ants, and pdc� On. ()Ito, OcLuslou tllo explosion that thinking of marPlage, the brothers band blew out Ill brallu,; directly tile 214,1722,769; 45,600 packets wore cornice, is finished. In quiet antique title provided for tile head and toot ilia Speaker's eye" he made ri, speech � as are so good, that, tin Industrious perpetrated thh4 destructive and ob- title Still nt Work Paying oll! tho dobt slid nows reached Ills car. posted unaddressod, of mch eloquence and 9tinging sal, purveyor of these hisectq reckons lie stinato fire caused tile death of tot- their foolish The- total value of property found gold of the Same tone as that of tile table,. and the ollick, Chairs, S Less trugle Was, tile Vow made by fit undelivepod lettors, �whlch had to .41, 'It that 110 int down Amid it tor- haS had a. bad soason It lie does not t -five; miners. They were awaiting Lt young Polish iiieelialile residing fit
on, the hardware. The mouldings WhIJO solliewillit I quialler, tire caro;-. rout (it applause. clear lit the three moutful lie is at, the urrIVaI of it car With tools and otnament, on'tlie woodwork are fully vrovorl.ioned with a. view to' One of' tile biggest things ever left %Vftrsaw, though the outh Ill nuestion, be opened in tilt,, Ileturnod Letter Of- also touched With gold, And with: to'comfort, A (!tit idel abr u Ili-] flip elac- When Lord Oulldford made his Work nearly S500. and a boy had been sent Out witli it. to pure el aliCe Was the fato of ollo was certainly tonellod With Inuell to,_ lice, Wa There Is one maiden timell In tile House or Were tit trade I ts, to be Int o- I urr-up When tile exploslo hundred tit re
In 11 r ad lifty-heven souls. IV. ITO Swore that oil each arilliver- 'Veals L small amount of blue, The areliftec- t,1110 fiXtUITY RUPIA10S light tot' tile (fill- Itent fit the report which are Ing titble, which Is vapabw of exton- 1110119 his experience was %a Painful duced Ill this country tile breeding occurred, Ali that could be learned IVII01t tile Warren - and Finlen V x. �arg of the wedding day lie would 801110thfag Of tile great tragdoly in ture and ornament of the room that lie decided never to repati.f It. Would have to be carried on lit per- Iva from ilia boy'. story. ITO had padItion was inaking Its won(terful drIuk hinilielf Into it state of com-� outli Africa, more than. 862,000 ill the style of 1,01118 XV, etil- 1141011. tO"NCLIL eight A IllultagOd , a 4
tains are of dark blue lier-'ridor leatiq forward pil4t thO pantry, to speak two a)! three fectly isolated buildings, OW1119 to iteen them itting on the floor When jotirney front tile 'Upper Zanalleal to plate Intoxication, and it may be ad- postal packets addressed to South fectly plain, except far tilt edging of kitchen and Store roorns, Which are lie fterwards contes."ol. the ferocity of tile artiflCiftl VIII'l0ty, Ito loft them. There death overtook tile Congo. they %are caught by it, ded that lie kept Ills wot,ol to tile 1pt� Africa being returned to this country halla inist b6gan to rlie before'So Ingrained 1% ill(,, love of. Warfare them, ,To reach or at(] theill ill tiny flood oft the Itiver, and last tot-. Unfortunatel, however, he did as undelivered,' lily eyeo. I then lost illy recollec- that the ant. manufacturer of wav was beyond huniati pow4lbilltv, almost Val:Ythl le they not reserve tit() dissipation named foi- There are 8.49,983 depositors who tion, and could AM nothing but the Franco have to encilso their bo es $O their ubas have,. mill or oil All 01V_
(11 g1ptl with tile loot most Of tile anniver4ry alono, and fix conse-
Speaker's wig, which welled atilt fit buff loatber to protect themselv(,na crujilbilug coal set rage, Z16 Is lot each. There wera
till which Jim !Iqur� 1�ai'runientn, and am- quence of his, d1.99
oluto habits .4
swelled and qW011ed until It, covered from the attackl; of t beIr ed for it generation, all([ will bura, munition, 41.4 well as; several Carriers, wift. Claimed and obtained cc eepara- telegram, for which was the Who!& ITOUSe. I then sank back ungrateful pupils. Apart front their at) dOubt, for generations to Portic, were swept, awav by the raging tax,- tion. received Roughly estf-
Ott la eat, and never attempted to tWarlike Instinefi.4, anto, It wa ill,(, tit,(, unsolved problems about rout. The question Wits whother to I A resident (If jvfirllpa� nutted the weight of letters and post Speak 0gal"", able, to believe all that 19 safol of t1la an(( u.qpfvfOrA tfurt go ba.�k to ilia liarot. w V lley,
o it whol'o trade aud of other articleq exchanged Oil Out' historic 41CIISIOU even tile LIF41 tractable enough. A well- proterthil" Walls we'ro licit, mullftelently lielp was obtainah1q, tit, push oil 0 vow Ott the of 1114 111111,11ago to ii by tile United lCingdom with the Do- Of 01latham experienced the rild "lit, it 14 call lay eggs thick, nat no llew liglAill ever, be Mtnllt(,,v Pool. Mr, lVarren thouglil. cluvilling an 111,1111cisco girl, 110 intnion,olf Canada and Nowfoundiand Iniserles: of all oratorical Collapse,. at will, tile avernge production be- thro*n Oki ilia trilgody.whiell tile latter. ; All'. V1111011 Considered declared that as eaell alliliversary of Wag 83,500 MS.-, book,
Ne opuled hi speeelt with the Word,4 Ing tell thlieH groator lit captivity denly out off und Consumed a sturdy they should had lie tile Canto round he paeltefs, patterns. newspapers, I,- "S'ugar, Ur. Speaker," Which not, than In a wild tate, detachil tent of the army of Industry. 11 laillu nit loll, hn to fight off ,lily Would distribute a thousand Matters 068,000 lbs. were received unnaturall the Tfollhe grooted with Vottoldering that ever pheasant Itostile nativeq Whorl they might to tho doseeving pool, of the pity, from Calmda, and Newfoundland and,
= a roar of surprised laughter. The sent to lit till.% country Costs, ftleet. Ilud r. Warren wit , a rigi(il oCountry despatched letters and stufosalan glared Around fiercely and it gultiett. It hi surprising that gflnlc.L� that 0.4 they WPr(.- rettrOr to Stahley And tile licivert-strIckell W01911ingffi 70,000 IbS. And indignantl, and ropeated lit a'loud- knopers; dot. not bpeed anta. All that Pool, and therd wits more guitto fit tile place IV
or toill?, ?Jr. Speaker." IA I to I ee a. number In Tfitf Now Vpdand Government lic1l; front they allould push oil, A yottiig Kpittucky Ilg � , NVOI9111119 75,000 lbil.
At girl Of Volonfal parrel figures for ottilada,
Again ilia 11ouser Was convulood ; 6 roort all Iron stove, decided that swinitiltur ,last they ecgrep(l toL lenve tho lle�lllty, �,vflo had f*oelll forced Into $)5,887,
.and When it third thile tho holl, which Inunt be kept red h(A. The ItIg shlyll ha taught, fit All Its 0lool.q. Irlatter 'to challee, Neither bad a Inarriage ith it) To hatillo this fultnerse blialnesp ru.
it liged speculator
ineinfiev 0tripked, deflanfly, "Sugar, little creatures must be- allowed to Soclet's method about bini, s() fll(� tWo whon, site VOwed 4111404 it stitfY of Persons, -of y elit
Mr. Speaker," the Tfouse Was qdved Inake their rests how and whorn they have been adopted, 2,000 halid-book% r(PtIA, Oil(! short, and one lOng, Inade that ,,(let' she Would lievol. which number 40,000 al -e women. Iby uch rt prolongod paroxvgm of please, as, they tolerate Ila und ellartl:i have 1)cell -ient hy orditr n nativn hold thout, ag-peed that look "Poll heface ill a, InIrror, qee- W tIlaughter that Mr. Pitt remt�led Ills Cam lit the coligtructioll of their M tile Govervillicut for the use of ilia ove Who draw the Or tile ilu� tillit It, wits 11pr racial rhplkl!; Loudon's hsseat with disgust. hoi'004, It i title 0.99n tile pheapantil The balld-book, fit 0 a fire
I 111, t ft -11 to Wfilell brought about t110 111011 111141 TO t, aill A young bird regal- Ivillell. the course of ,W inare so fond of, union, und 100 ["Or six Vol,
There haVe beeti 201 Italian Popes. Qd' 1111 thme will fatten lit alt Inered-. fully set forth tot, the use all NtarVed itild Ill tatters, illey OJ,SOI,VOd th(� VOW, ull I il if a death (;f There aro 144 head Of rattle to
3DIXXI40 CAU V Olt THE 8=11 01-1 T11H DlUV.L' AND DUCIMISS 0111 only 1 1,,Illgli�-311, I Dutch, I Svvinq, Ifibl short splice of tillie. anti itt a schools and individualo, has e0go been Into ttio Rettlexpent at her hwtban& cancelled tie eXtrdor- OVpr.� 1,000 fterp.'� ill tile, United
Portuguese. 4cost of lens, than tWo-thirda of What translated W41 8%,Adi'.* %xvid Itallall"18tallICY thOV 1040it that If oath, tia,millat 1.05, in Liollancl,