HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-09-19, Page 4e
The Clinton Nowaecord,
ClaINTON; 19T}I, 1901
New Advertisements.
ganadii!fi Loyalty -W. Cooper 84 Co........ 1
Groceries -0e°. V. 11at1we11 . ... 4
Hello I Hello 1-Wro. Taylor & $oo 4
Teacher Wanted -Wm. Ttathweli 4
Wanted.-01inton P. 0. Hex 40 4
AVentS Wanted -World,
Pub. Ca 4
,. Axellen Sale -D. Obaunithau........ ........ 0
Genuine °leaving Sale -Jost Twitch°11 4
Fall. Dross Goode--MoKinnon &Co.... 0
Fall Millinery-Hodkena Bros-. , ... 8
Huey Fall OaroPalgo-Newoolube's 8
Melee a7Vi0 gleits-Jaeason Dais e
The patrons of the cheese factory at
Ilohnesville, after discussing the
matter of whether or not to
add to the plant of their factory and
make butter during the winter inentha
have decided that it would be more
profitable to manufacture only cbeese
but more of it. If the supply of milk
could be increased so that the expense
of hauling could be reduced there
would he move money in the industry
for the patron%
Miss Florence Connolly, daughter
of County Councillor; Connolly, left on
Saturday for Toronto to enter St.
largaret's College, oue of the leading
ladies schools in that city, Miss Flora
ence is O bright and winsense young
lady•and will be much missed in the
home circle and among bee numerous
friends during her ebsence.
To have a well dug quickly and at
the same time heye a good job mode of
it, there is nopair tit we knoar of
that can give better satisfaction
than Harry Sweet and Charley
Williams the younger. They
just recently dug a well for Mr. Robert
Thompson of the Huron Road which is
ninety six feet deep and contains thir-
teen feet of water. Mr. Thompson
is well pleased with the job and he is
the party most concerned.
Miss Hattie Middleton and Master
Fred. lett on Tuesday for Carberry,
Man.'where they will be the guests of
Rev. E. B. and Mrs. Smith.
Mr. W. G. Whitely has rented his
farm on the 7th concessien to Mr. Jos.
E. Whitely, •
, Mr. George•Lavis of Clinton is erect-
ing a windmill for Mr. Sohn Sturdy.
M. William Elliott has lust finished
building pig and ben houses for Messrs.
Geo. O. and John Sturdy,.
Mr. John S. Holmes of the Huron
Road has bought the William• Gould
farm on the 7th concession. It is. a
fine place and well worth the $5000
which; it is said, was the parches°
price. .. -
• CountyOouncillor Connolly left on
Wednesday to visit the Pan-American.
He will transact psome,,dairy ,business
on the way down ana does not expect
to return laonae until Saturday.
Remember the anniversary services
in the Methodist church on Sept. 205b
and, 30th. On Monday evening the
following ministers will be present :
Revs. Howson and Gifford of (Minton.
Shaw of Bennailler, 3, W. Andrewe of
Varna and Wright of floinsesvil le, Suit,
ttb!e music will be furnished. Don't Mh36
the greatest treat of the season.
On Sunday afternoon Rev. liodgens
of Seaforth peeached anniversary ser-
vices in SO. john's church. The church
was crowded and the setviee was ex-
cellent. Rev.Wright supplied for Rev.
In the Methodist church Mr. Brock.
ensheer preached in the morning and
Rev. J. Russet, preached a most inter-
esting and instructive serition on
" Plants and Corner Stones" in the
la in,
On Monday afternoon at the annual
meeting of the W. M. 5, the
following officers were elected for this
President, Miss D, A.. Holmes
ist Vice, Mrs, Mord ;
2n4 Vice, Mrs, W. 13. Forster;
Oar, Secretary, Mrs, Stanley ;
Rec, Secretary, Mrs. Hussar;
Treasurer, Mrs. G, Tebbutt.
Mrs, Leech was appointed delegate to
the 13ranch meeting at Sarnia op Oct.
1st 2nd and 3rd.
Next Sunday evening Rev. J. Musser
will preach from the topic, "The eins
of the town.
Our popular merchant, Mr, John L.
Courtice,has sold his store and stock to
his brother, A, T. Courtice, who will bees were initiated
take possession the first of November. The funeral of the late Dr. G. 0.
J. LCourtice intends living in Clinton. Shannon took place to St. George's
He will be much missed by the nom- church on Tuesday week. The altar,
munity, . I choir aloft, pulpit and reading desk
Mr, and Mrs.Brockensheer, of °red'. I Were all cleaned. While the bell was
ton spent Sunday at Rev. 3," Hussar's- tolline the funeral cortege arrived,
TUB Otalltoil :NEws.itsconly
4140 y•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••114.44“
Mr. Tilt of the British Exchange is Miss E. Weston Bell showed us a
refurnishing his dining roona,new pap- al lovely piece of crystallized stone
er and furniture all through. Re hasbroken with a bainmev from a. large
aleo purchased a, fine kitchen range. piece of rock in thearn%
Ozk mountai
It bus two compartments, one for The rock is white like inai•ble but when
wood and one for coal, aline host • broken and left to the atmosphere it
will be ready for the Orangemen's visit Is almost transparent, She is a great
In 1902. , • traveller, having visited the Weet
Aliss Duffer, has retarned to manage India, Islands and gathered lillies at
the millinery business of Mr. McKim. Bermuda, Miss Bell will return In
aud is ea the Frontenae, October to the training school at New
A very greet number of our citizens York wiser° she spent last year. .
left on Friday a. in. to visit the great Mr. Johnston of Chatham,being now
Pan-A,naerican Exposition, Mr, and associated With the electric power
Mrs, Oliver Whitely were Of the numcornpany,has removeci to town and has
ber. rented the residence of alre.Mathews.
ReY.alr ,Buehl has rented Mr, jams Mrs. Burris ,who spent some montba
Olerke,s residence for two raonths. at her home Isere; residence of Mr. and
Miss .A.nnie Macdonald is einployed Mrs. L. Card, returned to her home at
at Porter's establishment as stenogra- Muskegau.
pher. She is a clever young lady, .Birtb-On 13th Sept.to Captain John
Miss Edith Brown, who has been ill and Mrs. Macdonald, a eon.
for Seine time, is,we are ham to state, Miss Burr, after visiting relatives on
very much improved in health. the Bayfleld Road, has returned to her
Mrs. ;lames Reid' is so strong and duties as teacher at a college for Mae
well since the cataract vvas removed colored at Knoxville, Tenneseee,
from one of her eyes, that she is very The Myles unloaded last week at
anxious to have the Dr, operate upon Mooers' elevator in a little less than
the other. seyeri hours. The cargo of 41,000 bush.
Tho A., F. and A.. M. Lodge he re- els of new gvain was for Richardson
moved their lodge room to the room &. Sons, Kingston.
newly fitted up for them above the old • The Goderich Turf ,Association has
postoffice. About 40 members were • leased the race track at the agricultur-
present at, the ripening and new mem- al grounds and no one is allowed to
treepass Japon it.
The Salvation Army will begin tbeir
fall and winter series of indoor meet-
ings next Saturday night, Miss Sitzer,
o :Meer in command, has returned from
her long visit to her aunt at Frede-
ricksburg, whom she left much im-
provod. Miss Sitzer is assisted by her
sister in the work here.
• suririeRtin.L.
On tho1 evening of Tuesday,. Sept.'
10th.a1arge company of infantry under
the cornMand of Rev. Wright, attack-
ed the Bingham stronghold and
4,:uptured it by surprise, About 8;30
' p. in. the company assembled 'at St.
Peter's church and. when called to
order by.our leader, we all marched to
• the home of Mr. Bingham and took
possession of the house for the evening.
When all was in order, Mrs. Bingham
and. Miss Mabel 'were brought forward
and the•following address read to theta.
by Rev.Wright anci the articles present
by Mrs. J. W. • Hill. • Mrs, Geo. Hill,
Mrs, R. Miller arid Mrs. G. Tyner.
Dear Mrs Bingbarn,e-Having known
for some time of your intended remov-
al from amongst us we are brought
face to face with the fact that a place
will become vacant whieh will be very
difficult to fill. *That you may know
tnat we are deeply affected by your in
and keenly interested in your
welfare, we are here met together
this evening to spend a social hour
with ',ourself and family • ere you
go, and with yonr permission desire to
address a few words to you, expressive
of the admiration we have for you and
also of the esteem in which you are
held by us. You have been a much
valued resident of this locality during
a considerable part of your life and
from the first have taken a keen inter -
.est in church and Sunday school work
and during late years you have also
been a very active member of the
Women's Auxiliary. In • the per-
fotrnance of the duties pertaining to
these several departments, you have
been diligent,perservering and. patient.
And now before you take your depart-
ure we wish to show. you in a tangible
way that we have appreciated your
valuable services and to this end please
accept this tea set . for yourself and.
fruit set for Miss Mabel as a slight
token of our appreciation. Our best
wishes accompany you and yours to
your new home wherever it rai y be.
• And our eiwnest,prayer is that God's:
choicest blessing may rest on yeur esti-
mable partner and fatuity during this
transitery life and if it may not be
that all meet on earth again let us
hope and pray that vie may all Meet
around the eternal throne.
Signed on behalf of tthe numbere
and adherents of St. Peter's church, ----
Rev. Mark Turnbull meeting the pall-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Snell of Rullett
visited at Mr. W, Stanley's on Tues-
Mrs. W. Leonard and children are
visiting friends at Drurnbo, Bright and
other places. •
Mr. John McCartney is visiting his
brother at Bruce Mines.
• Mr. Ames of British Columbia is at
present visiting his wife and family.
' LETTER op coNnoLEtwIr
At the last regular meeting a Cour.
Selwood No. 87, 0. 0, F„
it was resolved by a unanimous vote
to send the.following letter of condol-
ence to the widow of their late broth.
er, John Treweethe
• Dear Madam, -.Ib is with the most
profound feelings of sorrow we beg
leave to tender •you our sincere eYln.
pathy in your great and • sodden
bereavement. Yen have lost a kind
and affectionate husband, we a worthy
and esteemed brother. Court Selwood
feels this loss,particularly as it is is the
first break in the circle by death since
the Court was organized, nineteen
years ago. Let us all turn to Him who
alone can give that comfort and peace
the world cannot 'give, remembering
• His promise, "Whosoever belhsveth on
Me shall not perish but have everlast-
ing life." We remain dear madam,
Yours most sincerely,
Signed on behalf W. Stanley, C. Bs
of Court Selwood. 3 W. Millar, F, S.
. Ashfield Township.
• Birth -In West Wrtwanosh on the
13th con., on September 8th, the wife
of Mr. James Forster, of a son. •
Birth -In .West Wawanosb, on 14th
con. on September 14th, the wife of
Mr, 'Fred. Macdonald, of a son:
Mr. R. E. Brown, who has taught in
8.5. 5. No. 5 for 15 years, tag sent in
his resignation to the trustees. He
hstends to go West in the spring. •
Cutting corn and filling silos is the
order of the day. •
• Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Treble of N. W.
T. spent a few days with the former's
sister, Mrs. Samuel Allin.
• Miss O. Helyar Sundayed under the
parental roof at Clinton. '
alias Edith Vanstone of Goderich is
at present visiting her sister, Mrs. 8.
Stevens. . •
• Mr. Will. McClure spent Sabbath
evening at Mr. Andrew Millianai.
Mr, Jas, Wallis, Goderieh township,
will preach at Zien next Sabbath.
Mr. Ed. Masquill and sister and Miss
Hattie Goldthorpe of Saltford Sunday -
ed at Zion.
bearers and Mourners at the door, pre-
ceding the casket to the altars reciting
that part of the filneral service. The
casket was coveredwith crosses of
roses and otber emblems suggested by
the loving friends of the decease&
The anthem "1 heard a voice from
Heaven " was rendered by the choir.
The rector also read lithe 90th
psalm after Which. " Rock of
Ages" was sung. •While the eortege
filed outOrganistOutf played. 1' Blessed
are the departed." ••
Monday afternoon, Sept. liths was a
banner (ley for the members of the W.
0. T.D.., the officers for another year
tieing elected. Mrs.Anne Watson was
reselected ter president, Mrs. George
Acheson vice president,Mrs. Robertson
recording -secretary, Mrs. Colin Camp-
bell corresponding -secretary, Mrs.
Hick treasurer. Mrs. Davidson kindly
decorated the' tables with lovely Sept-
ember flowers and asparagus fern and a
'beautiful rose and rosbud was pinna
•on • the president's dress. Professor
Morgan was then introduced and gave
a short address at the close of which
the president pinned a white ribbon
upon his lapel. and Mrs. Brydges pre-
sented him with 4 loyely boquet of
white and purple asters. Mrs. Morgan
accompanied ber husband. ". Call me
Harry," he said to your correspondent,
"you knew me when a boy." , The
meeting adjourned untill Friday when
the executive took up the work of ap-
pointing the delegates for flowers, etc.
for another year.
• Messrs.. Robert Brown • of Hick's
pharmacy, and Carfrey Dunlop ef
Dunham's, are atthe School of Pharm-
acy, Toronto. - •
'Alex. McD.' Allan has retired from
the hardware husineas and has sold out
his interests to his son George Allan,
and D. McIvoriate of Rougyie's -hard-.
were establishment.
• Mrs. Blake, Britannia Road, has
returned from her visit to the Niagara
Falls and the Pan-Arnerican. Mr.
and ,Mrs. William Blake accompanied
Mrs, Edward and little grand -daugh-
ter Lillian have returned from Toronto.
• Mr. and IVIrs. Teweley had a sale of
their household effects on Thursday
last, preparatory to • leaving for Sault
Ste. Marie. • .
The steamer Bayfield lay in port
last week for some days, her engine or
some of her usachinery needing re-
pairs. • • • .
The new residence for Mrs. Adirrn
son looks very handsome with its
beautiful enclosed (partielly) veran-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper visited
at the Brownlee homestead on Satur-
day, last. • •
Miss Jennie Brownlee has gone to
Seaforth to learn dressmaking.
Mr. George Brownlee, Sr. ie rapidly.
recovering from the attitek of what
threatened to be typhoid and which he
contracted while on a visit to Sault
Ste. Marie softie three weeks ago,
• Mrs. R. Miller
Mrs. J. W. Hill
Mrs. Geo. 'Hill
Mrs. G. Tyner
Although taken completely by sur-
prise, Mrs. Biniahana replied for her-
self and Miss Mabel in words whieh
touched. the hearts of all present. As
she Stated she could net find worde to
express her gratitude to her many
friends for their kind gifts. She will
never forget them, nor will she be for-
gotten by them. The presents con-
sisted of a beautiful china tea set and
fruit set which will be not only
ornamental but • useful. After the
presentation all enjoyed themselves in
social chat and playing games and
other amusements. After partaking
of a sumptuous supper prepared by the
ladies, about midnight all departed
to their several homes having spent a
very enjoyable evening and leaving
their best wishes behind them. Mrs.
Bingham and family 'eayc for their
home in Richmond, Mich., in a month
Misses L. and M. Stewart and Mr.
Stewart Hill left last Friday for a visit
to the Pan-American. The ladies
have been visiting here for sOme time
and are now on their way home
Mrs. MeVittie of North Bay is visit -
at Mr. Joseph VVatkins', her father,on
tbe Base Line.
Mr, N. Bingham and Wifie visited. at
Walton and Gorrie from Wednesday
uritil Sunday.
Mr. Charles Tyner and sister visited
their aunt, Mrs. Scarlett,of Leadbury,
on Sunday.
Mr.Bert Meliveen, late of Wingham,
has been home for a short time and
left Monday to attend Trinity Medical
College, Toronto.
Mr. E. Butts returned from ihe Soo
where he Bold a shipment of fruit,
Mr, S. Nicholson and wife visited at
Mr. S. Lowery's on Saturday.
Rev. Rural Dean }lodging of Seas
forth preached to a. large congregation
,in St, Peter's cherch Sunday evening.
Helreached from the 12t1i chapter ef
Luke, on the words "Thou tool,this
night Shalt thy soul be required of thee"
He aise- administered the giterament.
Mr. P. remising is now sufferingfroM
severe attack of rheum:diem of the
Mr. Robert Watkina and wife of
Clinton vieitta friends on the Base
I Lille Sunday.
• The farmers in this vicinity are busy
cutting their Corn this week,
Mr. Thos Joynt has been ot the sick
list for the past few days.
Mrs. W. J. Todd has returned from
a visit to friends in Guelph ancl Toron-
to and Mr. W. J. took in the London
Fair last week.
•' ALMA.
-Miss Warrener of Witalsor, who
came to the St. Lawrence with the
Voventry party, left on Tuesday for
her home.
Miss Hattie Belcher vett:rued on
Monday from the Toronto Fair, Miss
Barrie returned with her.
sten, at the residence of 11/r. Geo,
Detrolaare the guests of tars. John.
Mrs. Ora S °Wagon and little son of
We•have to thank Chief Allan P.
McLean.. for a wee bit 0' Scotch ban
nock short bread an' candy, all mania
raptured in the land o' the heather an'
a buneb, e' the latter. The Chief is
leal an' true,
Mr. Parker of Petrone', who was en-
gaged by the Lake Huron and Diani-
tobit Milliug 00., as well driller, bas
gime to till a like position* in India at
a salary of MO per month. Ile had
taken tbe house lately occupied on
• Althur St: by Mrs. Oantain Tretheway
but having been in lartia, before and
only receiving $150 a truontla, he left
for Canada. Now he has taken his
family back with him.
The pallbearers were Sheriff Rey-
nolds, Phillip Holt K. 0., Dr, Holmes,
Postmaster Galt, Major Jordan and
,and crying vsith pain of Cutting_ Tooth send at
M. G. ()amerces. The Dr. had quite •
once and eet a bottle of "1‘,/1. winsiow's Booth.
large prectice for years and was always Syrup' for Children leethine. It ivill re.
cheerful. On account of his being lie-velhe'poex itto sufferer inimacu
Gaol Surgeon for twenty eight years pte.edneoetiernolatbinittertrhhecersereegreutisaitteosmthisel'aIsiOinsaololt.
The grand jury which was in
a•nd bowele, o_ures wiud Colic, softens the
session at the tinae, called at his late (au
•residence and also respectfully men -
Soothing syrup" for Ammo teething isspleas-
tinned his death in their presentment, I
, slat to tne taste and is the proscription of ono
the flag to be placed at half mast dur- t 0 the oldest and best female physiCians and
. teadbatt.,
The brickwork on W. Mcblearin's
bowie is coMpleted and the cement
maniere are busy ticarlettae house.
It will take them a few weeks to get
through with it as. it is a • large house
and will be allsbuilt of •cemen
Miss Maude Tyner of 'Sunitnerhill is
visiting at her aunta,Mrs. ficarlettaa
Mr. arid Mrs, P. IL Marray of See -
forth are calling on Leadbary friends.
Before another week one of Lead-
bury's fairest daughters will • have
changed her name. We will give the
particulars next week.
Miss Dristell and Miss Ross took in
the London Fair last week.
To cure a cold OW day
Take Laxative Bream Quinine Tab
lets, All druggists refund. tlae money
if it fails to cure. 25e. E. W. Groves
signature is on each box.
• For Over Fifty Years
Mrts.Wnna,ow's SOOTHING SYRUP has beea
used by millions of mothers for their children
while teething. If disturbed at night pmd
broken of your rest by a siek ()Mid suffering
ing the funeral, Besides his widow,
who was the eldest daughter of the
late James Watson, one of our pioneer
rnerchants,be leaves three sisters, Miss
Shannon of Brantford, Mrs. Bowbeer
of Oakville and Mrs, Shuttleworth of
Denver, Colorado, The funeral was
• very large. The interment took place
We regret to learn that since Mrs, in Maitland cemetery.
(Dr,) Coventry's return to her home at The Gospel Temperance service held.
Windsor, from her visit to our town, at Knox church was wen patronized.
she hue not been so well. We trust It was announced in the thurches
Mrs.:Coventry will when the weather that Professor Morgan of Toronto, the
,settles feel stronger than at present.. • blind Temperance evangelist, was in
Druggist Goode's cactus is exceed. town on a visit to his old home and
ingla fertile in blossom tbis new eels- friends and the W. C. T. U. ladies
tury. Twin blossoms are seen almost thought ft.'s, fitting time to invite bini
every month. They are beautifully to pave them one evening which he did
shaded from deep rose to white. Mr. in his ' happiest vein, His selections
Goode is quite proud of there. were both, pathetic and •hurnorous.
. Stewart, florist, has•a great curiosity His voice is truly beautiful, sinking at
ha the cactus family an his windoW, tirnes•to almost a whisper. Mrs. M or-
It'is called the Old Man cedes, and gan eceompanied hiro at the piano in a
any one seeing the Op of it covered highly creditable manner. Mr. Will.
with grey hair would be almost awed. Stoddart, our charming baritone, gave
It grows exactly in the same way, as a very euitable selection- for the even -
with human hair, having a centre all ing Miss Tena McMillan, a fair little
the same and quite thick and 1ong:11 . S. A. maiden, gave a solo which was
• Mrs. Chilton and. Miss Chilton One nicely rendered. •.
'returned to the Consulate. ' • . ,,,as s . Mr. R, Young has a pretty. tall fol.
Miss Leona Thompson has returned iage plant,the bap of which his a
t� her borne at heeds, North Dakota., 'Centre of crimson, or deep rose color,
• Miss Lottie Logan, accompanied by elneost as large as one's hand.
her little cousin,has returned to her. Mr. Charlie Wells has the Dunimore
home at Buffalo. ,* rose in bloom. It blooms spring and
, Mrs. George and the Misses Leslie fall and is full of perfume, anca is as
and Helen were at .London • taking in largeas e good sized cup, not •Iike. the
the Fair as the guest§ of Mrs. Cluneks, cabage rose but like the moss rose,ohly
sister of Mr, George Saults. . . very large. We have t� thank Mrs.
•. Miss Hattie .Saults of the Basalts Wells for one. The roses ,grow' right
House is the guest of hsr aunt, Mrs. at the top of the branch. 'And •the
Oluness of London. •century dahlias foe the.Fairs will truly
The executive of theW.0. T.U. met be an attraction. „ We received a, love-
at.the residence Of Mrs. George Ache- ly baguet of them also.
son , vice-president on Friday after- The Ohristiah Endeavorers of Knox
noon. The nomination of.superinten- church held a • reception for • the
dents Was ab follows: Evangelistic 'Collegiate students one evening last
1Mesdanaes Brydges. and Davidson, week. , It was a pleasant and success.
.Work ansonglinnaerman, Ms. George
' McKenzie; Press, Mrs. Yates; Toilers,
Mrs. (Captain) Dan. Sutherland;
Scientific Temperance, Mrs'. Walteesa
Parlor meetings, • Mesdames George
Elliott and Shannon ; Sunda,y School,
Mrs, Duff; Geo], Mrs. • Holland arid
Switzer.; Franchise, Mrs. McGillicuddy;
Purity, Mrs. &math; Railroad, Mr.
Stoddart; Narcotics, Mrs. Lewitt.
Captain Tom Tretheway returned
from his trip to Toronto and Ottawa
an Saturday. •:•,
On Wednesday evening at. Victoria
St. church: Mr. themes Burrows
gave a readiug to a vers, large number
of auditors,entitled "A Little Pilgrim"
beingtne story ole little girl's conver-
sation with a street car conductor by,
which he was converted. Needless to
say,Mr Burrows':reading was much
appreciated. •
Mr. Fred, Thernaecin has gone to
.0wen Sound on a business trip. '
Mr, and Mrs. James Robinson and
daughter Dell have been visiting Mrs.•
Robinson's sister,. Mrs. Hezelwood of
•Port Hope. • ••
'Mr:Archibald Murray has purchased
from Mr. Michael Cray this house on
Victoria St. • ••. _
Miss E. Weston Bell, corner • Wilson
and Elizabeth streets, is a grandnice of that great British statesman,.
the late Hon. John Bright. • •
\ Miss Grace Lawson of Dunlop, sister
of Mr, Ds Lawson Of town, has left' te.
attend 'the'Presbyterian • College at
Ottawa. ' • •
Miss Wells; Mise Martha Wells and
Miss Wright 'saves returned from a •• .
visiato the Expositions of which tiles'
can give very graphic descriptions.
Men, horses and ropes were all en.
gaged in hauling, a boiler made at
Heine& •establishmeria Toronto' and
left ay the cars at the harbor. Itif for
the big mill. It is the second one that
eerne and a third is on the way, ,
At high nsass at St. Peter's at 9 a.
m. on Tuesday the, nuptials of silica
Elizabeth Hurley of Goderich, late of
Detroit, second daughter of Mrs
Patrick Hurley, SteDevid's street, and
`Mr, Thomas McGuire of Detroit, were
solemnized by Rev. Father West. The
choir attended. The bride, who was
given away by her uncle, Mr. *Patrick
MacCarthy, looked lovely in a suit of
-ladies' brovvn cloth, tailor made
coat and skirt trimmed with cream
silk applique, • the coat having the
applique laid upon the lapels. The
waist was of handseling ivory white
brocaded silk with yoke covered with
fatey silk net and ripple to foroi a
decollete waist trimmed with white
satin baby ribbon fastening in front
with a rosette cif vine. The helmets a
brown velvet toque with very long
brown breast for trimming. The bride
carried a, handsome white prayer book
and pearl rosary. The bridesmaid,
Miss Maggie Hurley, youngest sister of
U10 bride, looked wonderfully sweet
with suit coat and Skirt, ladies' brown
cloth, the skirt trimmed With rich
brown satin in large bandykes at
about 18 inches from bottom of skirt
and the coet with lapels of same. The
waist was ot cerulean blue silk, , the
yoke being of 'white taffeta silk, tucked
and trimmed vvith white applique.
The half sleeves of blue silk were
bandyked and trimmed with white
appliques. The undersieevee were of
tucked white taffeta silk like the yoke
end bandyked at the wrist, ;trimmed
also with applique. The lovely pieture
hat of brown velvet was triramea with
two brown breasts, spotted, with blue
cerulean blue silk and two velvet bows
with two handsome knob pins, and
carried a boquet of white asters. The
groomsman was Mr. James Hurley,
now of Sarnia and brother of the bride,
The happy bride and groom, accom-
panied by the bridal party and guests,
left the sacred, edifice to the glorious
strains of the wedding *notch, played
by the organist of St, Peter's, Miss
Josie Shannon, and all" drove to the
residence of the bride's uncle, Mr,
Patrick McCarthy, s where a grand
dinner was serVed amid much merry
speech making, the bride's hurdle being
Very popular, The table looked lovely
with flowers, silver and chrystal. The
nests from a distance vvere : Miss
Victor, third eon of Mr. Alex. Mao! Nlhie name, Detroit ; Mr, .Tames
of town, which took placesie Winne
(111VItirtlePiiMi rUsitirldheMingS.tht hi:idle': 1 et II:sat
dPee et asWetitcsi re:ili Vs e•da b ecrlee vent, '1‘ andr'da Yea. The
sistae,) Mr. and Mrs.. Thonuut Elliott
esteemed young InAll . and 1Vlr. Fred. Mara, Sarnia. The
-The Begs at that`, S. Consulate and other members of the bride's family
at other Places in town have been at were in attendance, Mr. and Mrs. John
half =1St because of the death of Prot- Hooey, miss xelis,, moor of Mrs.
dent McKinleV. Ilurley, and Patrick Hurley, all of
Dr. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor and Mester town. The presents were lovely and.
Harold returned from the Northwest expensive, The bridal pair left on the
In time in attend the funeral of the afternoon train Inc Detroit, the bride'e
late Dr. Sharman. futnre home. We extend our con-
Mre, Enos A. Kirkby of Detroit 6,reaGtujiarte.rons to Mr. and Mrs, Thos. •
and little eon Raymond are guests of Bo•
Mrs, LOVAS Elliott. Mrs, Kirkby Miss McDougall left on 'Wednesday
spent the fleet week of - her entrifilff for her hoine at Detroit, lIctlaa Mc.
visititighee e.eusitt, Mr, Frank Elliott, Dougall wes registered at isakenleari
41.44f4Mily, al& Avo, •
1VIr. 3. W. Smith is makingsanitary
changes in his residence.• '
A very pretty, and quiet wedding
took place on Wednesday evening, at
St. oaeorge's church, Rev. Mark Turn-
bull officiating. Threbride,Miss Jennie
Ross, daughter of Mr. D. Ross of Soult
Ste. Memel an late of Clinton, looked
•charmingan a very pretty gown of
wbite organdie, the skirt ot which had
little frills trimmed with valenciennes
lace and insertion of same between
them, The waist and sleeves also had
rowe of insertion to match. A white
ribbon which she wore around her
neck was knotted on the left side of
her. corsage. • Her bat was a black
felt, with beautiful black plumes. rind
A touch of rose color under the brim.
To her hand she carried a• beautiful
boquet of white carnations. Her
•bridesmaid:Miss Ethel McLean, looked
very -nice in black skirt, and white
organdie waist with black hat to
match the bride's and carrying a, be-
quet of pink alters. The- groom, Mr.
T. Kneeshavv' was assisted by Mr. Jos.
1Vhillough oftown The bride was
give% away by her -brotheraMaster
• Ross. Quite a recherche supper was
served the bridal party and their guests
at the home of the groom and after
spending a very pleasant eyenieg the
bride and groom repaired to their new
residence Hamilton street. Thepresents
received by the bride were very hand-
some and expensive.
It was not generally known that
Mrs. aloon-Parker, the clever Eng-
lish dramatic reader, who plaited our
town a couple of suissmers ago, had
died suddenly some monthis ago.
Mrs. (Dr.) Will. Hamilton and little
daughter left on Saturdity for their
home at Detroit after a, most delight.
ful visit at Lakeview, Elgin Atte. Dr.
Hamilton of Detroit is professor of
chemistry and Mo. Hamilton is one of
the Colonial Dames
Misses Annie and Ralph, cousins
of Miss Ralph, returned last week to
London after a most enjoyable visit •of
four weeks with Miss Ralph.
Mr. Harry Bates is now on a visit to
his oil home, residence of Meaind Mrs.
John Bates. Harry was delighted to
see his old friends after his long stay at
Ware, Massachussets.
Mr. Jas, Andrews accompanied his
sister, Mrs, R, Poetlesvhaite, on her
visit to their sister, Mrs. J. Thompson,
of Port Elgin.
Mr. and • Tewsley left also for
Sault Ste. Marie.
Mrs. 'Milo of Detroit is a guest at
Lakeview. She is the sister-in-law of
Mrs. Carlyle.
Mrs. Harris 51 Ripley,was the guest
on Sunday of Mrs. Macdonald.
Mr. Switzer will leave this week
to take his, last year at the
Detroit College of Medicine. We wish
hina good fortune:
Messrs 1Cel1y and McPhee will return
also, They have been visiting relatives
itt Bylth.
Mrs. Brian of St. Louis will spend
• the winter here in Mr, Robt.t Craigie's
Mr. Tilt of the British Exthange
shipped a carload of stockers to Blair
last week.
The sad newg of the death of Albert
• Mr. John Dale, Jr.,aost five valuable
horses on Friday night. They were
pasturing in a Held alongside the rail-
way track when they got through the
tence on to the track and had gone up
about a half mile and had turned and
were coming back when they were
overtaken by the 10.39 train and in-
stantly killed. They were valuable
horses and the loss will be a heayy
one. '
• Mr. S. Glidden is at work putting io
wheat on the farm he rented from Mr.
D. Shitnnahan.
Messrs, W. jatnieson and T. Mc-
Diarmid -returned home from the Pan -
Ana. on Monday and report a good
time, •
Miss Nancy McMichael left for a -
fortnight's visit with friends in Exeter.
She intended taking in the London
Fair, •
Mrs, George Dale, Sr., is very poorly
at present rind under the doctor's care.
Harold Fowler, who has been very
poorly for -the past two weeks, is slowly
Mr. A. Hugill is putting up a large
pig pen which 'when completed will
have all the latest improvements. Me.
Hugill intende to go into dairying and
raising hogs as he thinks these are the
money -making branches,
The Tuckersmith feneeviewers were
called out on Saturday to view the
fence- which Mr. Dale's horses got
through onto the track. It was con-
demned. One of the horses that was
killed on the track was one of Mr.
Dale's prize team which was valued at
over $500. Valuators were chosen by
Mr. Thele and the G. T. R. so that the
amount of conmeneation is likely to be
amieably arranged.
The farmers in this vicinity are busy
this week putting in their wheat, they
having left it late to ward off the fly.
Messrs, G. Dale and T, Sproat halve
had a gang of men on filling their silos
the peat *week. The corn harvest is
now about at an end around here.
Mr, S. Carter, who purchased the
farm from H. Fowler, bad a ploughing
bee one day last week.
• LitillLETT TOW46111P6
the Ladies' Ald of the Methodist
reh at Oonstanee met hut week
A. by-law to grant. the nerliti,Preston
HatillIt011 Electrie Itallway $20,000
for the eonapletion of their road was
defeated at Berifil br friajerity of
ma decided to have their harvost
tome on. the 20th, and 80th of this
month, Ther b is &debt ot about $220
on,the church and an effort ie boles
Made to Wipe It Onto
ful affeir.
Mr. and Jos. Edward and littIe riot
Harold -of Chicago are gnats of Mrs.
• Edwards, South street. •"
• Mrs. R. E. Smith, •after a pretty
severe attack of fever, is able to be
• about again.
• M. George Acheson, having return-
ed•froin Californa is baying his store,.
which was damaged by fire. i.efitted. •
Mr. Isaac Bean has just returned
from it two weeks' visit at Toronto
junction where his brother, Mr. Amos
Bean resides. The latter has been
• nightwateisman • al, the . Cleyeland
bicycle works at the Junction for the
past seven years but was stricken with
paralysis and Mr. Isaac Bean of town
• went *thiwn to see him. He is ranch
better. ••.
Mrs. Vauters of Oberlin, Kansas, U.
S., was visiting .friends in town; Mrs.
• Venters is a daughter. of Mr, Marks
of Bayfield and has .been visiting the
parental home Inc several weeks.
MrsafricVicar of Sarnia is the guest
of her son; W, W. MaeVicar, wail
'clerk..- _ •
Rev, James and Mrs. Hamilton naye
returned after an exceedingly pleasant
visit with relatives in Perth county.
:Miss Adele Nairn and little sisters
left this week to join their parents,
Mr. and Mrs.Oharles Nairnait the Ilan -
American, Mr. and Mrs. Nairn having
first taken a trip to the Thousand Is-
• lands and Quebec. •
The Misses Gundry are taking 4 long
• holiday. trip in the Northwest,
nurses in the United States. Drice twenty-five
cows mi bottle. " Sold by all druggists through
nut the world." Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
Wanted, for two elderly peoPle,isa
unineumbered, • respeetrible, s middle-
aged person, comfortable home, treat-
ed as one of the 'family, Address,
Box 59, Clinton P. 0.
Seta.. Itlih t,f
Mrs. James Oliver was in London
last week for a few days.
• Mr. • Angus Mathersori and Mrs.
James Young, Gore Bay, Manitoulin,
are visiting their yentas at present
here. ..W. Gauley of the Sot) is borne -for
the present.
The harvest home service of Christ
church will be held on Suirday next
both morning and eVening
Male or female teacher Wanted for S, 5. No. 3,
Stanley township. duties to commence on Jan,
3rd, 1902. Applications will be reoel veil until.
October 10th. State salary, . Personal applica-
tion preferred. * • ,
P. 0. Drawer 210 • Sec. -treasurer,
Sept. 16th St • Hayfield P. 0.•
- An experienced teacher
wanted for S. S. No. 5, Stan-
ley township; dilties t� com-
mence on Jan. S, 1902. State
'salary and experience. 'Per-
sonal application,preferred.
Varna P. O.
'Prove Gnelph Herald of Sept, 16.
The World Publishing Conipany of
Guelph, Ont., have arranged to issue
in Canada the best of all of the
forth -coming books on the life of the
late President McKinley. It will be a
magnificent work profusely illustrated,
written by Murat Halstead, the cele
brated war correspondent, the men
that was selected by the Governmeht
of the late President McKinley to write
the official report on the Philippine
Islands. Murat Halstead has been a
life-long friend of President McKinley,
and it will be a labor of loite Inc him to
ADM this book, which has long been in
preparation, It will be complete -his
boyhood, manhood, war services, poli-
tical and social life, assassination, full
account of the assassin and the anar-
chist's conspiracy connected therewith,
medical treatment, death, burial and
state funeral. The book is so* cheap
and so excellent that eyery family
should have a copy. •
We understand that a magnificent
portrait of President McKinley, 18 x 22
inches in size, on cardboard, will be
giVen with each copy of the book.
The work will be sold by subscription,
and agents will find an nnouncetnent
of interest to them in another
4Liction Sa10 RegiSters
Saturday. Sept, 21st at 1 is. na.
lot 13, con. 3, M. R. S., Tuckersmith,
farm stock and itrmlemeets.-William
Aberhardt Proprietor ; Thos, Brown,
Monday, Sept, 23rd, at 1 p, m„ on
lot 20, eon. 4, McKillop extensive sale
of farm stock and implements. -Geo.
Atfurdie, Proprietor Thos. Brown,
Thursday, Sept. 20t1i, at 1 p. in. on
lot 22, con. 3, Mullett, farm StOCK and
implements. -Daniel Shannahen, Eire.
prietor ; Thos. Brown, Auction-
Saturday, Sept, 28th, at 1 p. M., On
lot 11, Tuekersmith, One mile south of
Egnaondville, clearing sole of farm
stock and itrinlements.-W. Bubolz,
proprietor ; Thos. Drown, auctioneer,
Tuesday, Oct. let, at, 1 n. na., on lot
42, London Road survey. l'nekerannith,
tarn) stock and implernente.-.Sydriey
Johns, Proprietor, Thos. Drown,
Monday, Oct. 7th, ab 1 p. m. on lob
324 con, 7, Mullett, teem etoek and lee-
Dinghtitti ; Thoth
tOlaoria 4.uationear
Sept. igtla 1903.
114410.16,14fr 101 el* 41.00• .11101,1101fril e
just, arrived a fresh supply of.
Fowler's ExtrAct
of Wild Strawberry
, oueee.. to Sydney sracko011.
N. B. -Try Antiseptic Foot Powder for sore and tired feet,
"fts•laAa'ite.1W,0•114 -111
• . The best clam of .work
• procurable has been
.• manufactured here for
• many years past. •
WE WON'T call on you a week after
• • . your bereavement.
WE WOIPT make the work to suit
the price. '
WE WILL make the price .to suit
the work.
WE WILL give you the choice of the
production of the world
• in design and material.
We are the ONLY prac-
tical men in Clinton in
• our line. Do not, be
• talked into placing your
order withoublirst call-
ing on us. .
Next te Commercial Hotel.
• At this preserving and pickling
tan° you will want lots of
• Groceries. •You need good
Vinegar and Spices and good
Pickles. Don't forget I have
• good velue in these lines and
also is good and well assorted
• stock. of Groceries, Good Red
Salmon at 10 cents per can and
also splendid value in other
• lines,
We have also a good stock of
Sealers in all sizes which we
sell right,
Hello I. Hello !
Have You Heard the News
TAYLOR & SO N have bought a big stock of Boots &
Shoes at Sarnia for 62-c on the dollar and are having
-. them shipped to Clinton for the benefit of their cus-
• tomers here.
•• Yes, the above is true.
We have secured a splendid stock. • ALL NEW
GOODS as the firm were only in business less than one
year, consequently it is a nice clean lot of goods and
you may expect soxne 'Genuine Bargains. .
Goods well bought are half sold.
We will have several lines ready for Saturday's trade
and next week our Big Sale will be in full swing,
• Bargains, Bargains for everybody.
• Watch for our ann,ouneement next week.
Cash and One Price •
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.
Combe's it
Baking Powder
is made of pure Cream of
Tartar and is guarantee
to be absolutely pure.
Price 25e per lb.
In order to reduce our
large stock of 10e Cigars
we aro* offering for one
nostana in boxes mu at $3.00
gaaaberva 41 60 at $2.75
• 50 at
Chataid and. Druggist
Having bought out the whole Stock of
bicycles from A. T.. Cooper, (14wheels,)
2 liAR'rFORDS • 1 E. ..sv. D: •
8 WOLVERINES • . • • .- • 2 E.Z.
CLEVELANDS, one with Coaster brake. '
All of these we intend to run off it a low margin to mike room for
alew ones. Anyone insneed of a bicycle would save money by buying
one �f these. •All.kinds-of repairs. kept for bicycles, wheels cleaned and
repaired„ New • tires -$0.00 :to 810.00, Au work guaramteed.
In connection With !Same we are prepared te de all kinds of work,
• 'horse shoeing and general repairing. All the prow points and repairs
• kept by Mr. Tedford we still keep in stock. Points and repairs for the
Tedford Plow, gang repa4s, • Fleury No. 1312, 10, 21• -
Miller and Tedford Plow • . • Sylvester No. '1
a Tedford No. 8 Hill's Patent, •Old No ' Wilk/men No. 7 and 21 and 2 furrow plow.• ' •
Tedford's • old Stand •RattenburY Street
o••••••0•••••••••••••••• ,••ors•e•••••••••••••••••••••••
SALE 1, ,
OF CLC "..;.711111 'G. GOES ON. •
e This week w ! will commence to slaughter •
• o
o •
OVERCOATS0 3 T8 and VESTS and Pf1141TS I
• •
* We have a tremendous stock •
• to sellyet at prices never. o
• •
• •
• • equalled in this , county.
: This will bo- p real Bargain Sale It .will be un- :
• necessary to pot e prices in this advertisement as every-• 7.
: thing will be marked with red tickets to show the cut we 41
iin tendto make. A11 we ask is for you to come and inspect :
• to satisfy yout self that this sale will be one of th.e •7,
a a
: Grdatest and Cheapest Sale i
. • e
• That ever has taken place in this c.ounty. We would :
• urge our friends from the country to come in 0
. •
on Saturday bringing in their boys. • , .
. .
• .
• , •
* * * *
House cleaning
new in the line of Oer stock is- complete in Eatery
aning time is at hand,
Iourniture. r quality our goods are
the best and, for price the
and you will, no doubt, require line, Fo
. cheapest.
some special snaps to offer.
Do not fail to See Wein,
if 0
m r
Fur 'tu e Dealers and undertakers
J. W. ChigneYe manager
Night and Sunday oils answered at resideece of our •
Funeral Director, 3 W 0hidley, King'strect, opposite foundry.
The NewstRecord and Family Herald and Weekly Star
will be sent to any address for the balance of 1001 for
35 cents. This will include to each subscriber copies of
the ph.oto pictures of the Duke aud Duchess of °owe
Tbgfa:Ypapel8and two pictures for the price
of 1)t
is the best subscription offer
made ye.