HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-09-19, Page 2#
11 ... -1--.1-11.1.1-
- 1-- - - , - --- -----------7 � �. ------ 1-1--1111 . ------ ................ . . � - - .... - I 11 11 11 I - 11 . .1 - 1. .1
. r,00 It, .0 Animals Wei UK froin 600 to 1100 gull OURIOUS DINNERS C, -, -
T"R "WrON NOWS-R1000 'N I Ll 0 a MARKETS OF 'THE WORLD Ito da s�ldgalltl from $1.1.65 to 42.85
-W I liulls--Thos out 90 — , M a .
$0 publisbcd every Thurstloy s6t ANIng s Evil " ,wt.
The News-Rocord 11 That to scrofula. ;O NATION IN MOUR "Wel V �o I US I � h OR
,4 . E I
prices of 04#10, MOD$% OVA114 ft 1.050 pounds wera"411011119,41 At 10 A F 'T BEER. .
I. . while e ood animals FOR ROAN bow*-* , '
I I Power Printing House � No disease ls� older. - - in the LoOlng xarxot& xt -
AUDUAT STREET, CLINTON. I so disease to really responsible for a . I front 1AU�4xt% 1,300 pounds, tr:U961;11`t9t X041s Which M
larger mortality. I I � , lia;e cost A 'Largo THE VERY LATE$T PRO
Cous=ptloa Is commonly Its outgrowth. President McKinley PoacefulIly Toronto, Sept. 17.-Wbeat-Tho 10- from $3.00 to $I. - Sum, of XQuey - 11 The
T9RXs or Sum,calvaox-41.0 Par Year In � . Cal grain trade is quiet. Millers Are 31ilch Cows-Godd milebaris were Butterm.an." ALL THE WORLD OUR,
94vanco , wanting. Prices were about $45 to ,jince the Russian Count Orlo
, qI.W may be ch. finding it difficult to secure supplies, I I , IX I I
No ,irgcd if not so VaJ4 I There is no excuse for neglectilig , it, It . . Passes Away., $47. . 1,
. papproiscoutinued until aii arroarilgos makes Its Presence known by so many no farmers are holding o is
., it for higher feasted his friend on ateal,,,s cut,
unlo4s at tit* option otthepubUshor. signs, such as glandular turag.rp, cutA, aeons . . nd storostin, , r OwX I
. Un- , front the $Iasi% of " mastodon, which , 9. lteMo About Ou .
. Prices. Prices '41.0 principally' le ,,, ,,kid beelt found by Bow I
. �Irl'.1,111,1tI., to wbiolk every subsorlptl9a $0 VAId eruptions, InIl - eyelid*, p.ors, ears Ok.. ; A leared up. ortowe Country, Orost Britain, the 11,10104
Auted , , rl . changed. Sales,of old white and red ,I cx a F'Squimaux .
. Is denotQd an the label. . bringing $3.85 to $13 v bucks'. hunters embedded in thtl too near the 'StAtes#,and All Parts Of the 0100%
, ON. catarrh, Wasting itud general debility. � Buffalo, .,Sept. 14. -(Saturday)- There is no requirement that tile to tuillQra, al 68 to 68jo low frelglits $2.50 to $1.1.75 and culls $2 to $8.
*DvianTraillo ItAwse.-Trtiuslept advertiso, ObIldren of J. W. McGinn, Woodstock, , while exporters quote 07c middle mouth (it the Una River, there has.
5 Oath shall be administered by a Jus- wh nbs - lit, , -Asilerl0d for 040Y
Presideat McKinley died lit .�!I. Lai -Were steady, everything be ,,, 110 Ill -ccentric banquet Condensed 494 �
-outs, IP Cents par nQuParlolit"O for first Ont., had scrofula oores so bad they could I tice of the United states States, 84- freight. New Ito lit demand at ore a
Insertion and$ cents pox, line for each SubsQ, Ing sold at'from $3.74 to $4=. per served t Reading, I
not attend. school for three months, When. o'clock this morning. premo Court, Although that proced- 05C to Millers. No. I spring nomin- Cwt and %92.r)o to 0,26 ecoll. Ilan .that partaken Of In I
. quentIncortloo. Small advertisements net clear to al tit OSJ(: middle freight, 'Lind No. 21, I Liverpool recently by a Couple of CANA
to exceed one Itich,Buch as 0Lost'Str%ycd," dIfferent'Wads of medicines had been used Bofore six o'clock It was. ure is adopted when Circumstances I Hogs-Tbere was no change, Select$ well-known antiquarles, � DA. .
".9tolon,"ot6. Inserted ouoofor�ocoota And to no purpose whateyer, these � pufferove were. those at ,tho President's bedsido that Permit. . . goose at 02o middle freight. Mani- of loo to goo p6linds, uuwatoreLl and Pra . will not be AbIt
cured, ac� , ording to Mr. MoGina's voluntary - ,-I toba. wheat, old, is held At 82c for unfed, ctieally, the dinner was 4t vage-1 The Duke of York
. I , . lie was dying, and preparat oils were Without unseemly haste. tile mem- o(V cars, are still quoted (it tarlan. one, coas�stlng, as It did, of to visit London. L I I
,each subsequent insortion 15 cents 19118 will testimonial. by , bers of the 0abinet will ttm&r their No. I hard, and 70o for No. 2 grind- $7.,25 to .$7 for lights arid, fats. . n Is slight'I'l
Advortlgomento without speolflo direct do for the Ins. Sad offices of fare, resignations and tile new President Ing In tralloit, Prompt shipment, No. Apples, broad, butter and wino. I Ottawa's 'POPulAtIO
be Inserted until forbid 44 chargOd Accord "- C"lves-",,iold At from 62 to $10 "Nothing S41
.n od's Sarsaparilla ;'" ' then be free to Initiate .
170 well. Oxygen had been Administered will 1 new hard, September, quoted at 80 very remarkable about over .60,000, according to tile ASSO
Inoly. I with little elYqct In Ills own policy and choose his own to SIC. Toronto and west, Uo lower. each. this V' you, oxclabul NO; but then, Went. .
. COPYfOrobangoof a4vortisemoutH OaPas;084 which has effected the irnost wonderful. . Steadily, but - I Oats -The market was quiet W. -day We quote:- you sue, tile Apples were at least I,-- 'VliQ American Bank Note COMPan-V
. and 4 must be lathe Office on Saturday and radical, and permanent careo of scrofula, keeping back the approach of death. Cabinet. Export cattle, choice ... �4.75 000 800'yeare old, having boon taken of Ottawa will.orect 4 two-storey ad-
, in old and young, -r— �- . There Is little possibility tit unchanged prices. Now. No. 2 t. 4.25 4,65
; for pages I and a on Monday to ensure change - . . The President came, out of one period to7night white sold locally. to Miller$ lit 340. . do medium, par OW front a hermetically -sealed lar uU. 01tion to their building. 7
� that Mr. Roosevelt will got here. do cows, per CW.t ...... 8.50 ,�-00
1. for following issue. . of unconsciousness only to relapse Ili- Mill Ansley . Wilcox, who entertained Veas-Trade quiet, and prices un- 50 4.75 earthed at Pompeii. The bread, WAS I Tlie Crown owns Peadrnall's 10,
. CONTRACT RATZS,-TbO following table SUOWO .( ed, No, .2 Is quoted at 70o Butchers, cattle ptckld. 4 made land, near Victoria, 13. C., according
� , INSURANOR to another. nut in this period, wheit the Vice-lPresident what, he was here do choice ......... ."...... 4:00 c5o FROM WHEAT LOOTED . to the decision of Judge Itfartin.
. . k � el"17 do fair"l ...... ...� ......... 8.50 4.00 ra
our rates for Specified Periods and 8PA00 - . . high and at 71c middle freight,
ADVERTISM0 RATES- his Mind was partially clear, occur-.; last, urges that the best Informa- Barloy-The market 1.9 Ste � Ady. No. front a recently -opened Egyptian I Tho Dominion Iron & Stool 00 -
I . I rr. 0 No, 8 Mo. 199 1 )foirildly tion Ile had was that Mr. Roosevelt , 3 extral do commorx ....... ......... U-00 8.50
1 Qoluum ......... 07000 , $40 00 00 00 $860 red a series of events of pr( �. , would be here to -morrow morning, 2 quoted fit 46 to. 47c; No. I d � tomb, the hieroglyphics thereon. PAUY As reported to havc, purchased
MCKILLOP MUTUAL HOC I Ing character down stairs. With and that not until late In tile at 45c, and No. 8 at, 4!4 to 44c, al 'o cows ......... ............ 8.00 8.75 showing it to have be - oil growix in that. Nictaux Iron. mines, near Anna-
., * Columill ......... 4000. 2500 1500 000 THE INSURANGE COMPANY touc 1 . . . esiddlit, be middle freights, � do bulls ...... ......... .... 8.00 8150 the reign of that 1)haroAh "who. polls, *for $200,000,
1 J Column ......... 4, 25 00 - 1500 �8 00 260 Farm and Isolated Town P tear -stained faces, members of tile morhing would the Vice -Pr Corn-Itlarket quiet with sales Of Bulls, oxp., heavy, Cwt 8.50 4-00 knew net Joseph," And who after-! Qanada-'s Imports .during the year
I i Column ...... l. , 18 �00 10 OQ - 6.50 2 QQ. . . roPerty Ca,binet were grouped Ili anxious Able to reach A railroad station (10 light, per Cwt ...... .0,50 3.00
50 2-00. 2 06 ,only Insured, much before 4; O'clock to No. 2 Canadian yellow At 540 West, t -keep .... $.85 4.25 wards perished, together with his ending June 30 reached , $190,415,-
I Inch.. I ... � ... 1. 000 3 , I waiting, They knew tile end was . -morrow a ,low Feeders, shor armies, in the Red Sea. The butter, 025, art increase of $703,012 over
Xrppeolal position from 25 to M per cent extra, OFFICERS I morning, and that would rincr llail n4 ulixed at 5340, U. S. ye � do medium, ... ............. 8.50 3.75 were $196,-
� .1 near, and that the hour when they here about 4: O'Clook. , nominal at 61c, on track bore. discovered on a. stone shelf in an an- previous year, ExPorts ..
� JTl B. McLean Pret4ident Kippen P. O. -, Thog. . � I V , Witil do light .... .......... l. . 8.00 a.00 clent And long -disused well, dated 487,682. 1 I
� wl J. MITCHELL, Frazer, Vice-Westdont, bruceflold P, 0. - T. R, Illust see litta for the last time, Mr. Wilcox Said in explanation of Ryo"-Tho market is &Lead- 50C Stockers, 400 to 6001b. 2.75 . 8loo QUe
Hay Scol-Treas., Seaforth P, 0 - W. Q. � . � � " Good .01, Tile Deputy Minister of Trade and
Aditortind Proprietor Broallafoot, nspe4torofLossos,Sea1r0AhP,o., This was "out six o'clock. One Mr. Roosevelt's being so far out of Sales at 49c, middle freights, and �, do off -colors & bulls. 2,00 2.75. from the days of ,
I � . I � . east. - Bess ," while the wine was 61a Commerce has returned to Ott%wt�
. -- . DIRECTORS: , , -�- touch. The Vice -President was at I Miloh cows, each ... ...... 80,00 50.00 A boy, 4 . - I
— . W. 0. Broadfoot Seaforth- John Grieve, by bno they ascanded the stairway Buckwheat -Market dull with prices when Columbus was . ild frow, Sydney, 0. B., where the out
. , all times very optitnistle, and when ,put of steel, Ile says will soon reach
I I - RANKS Winthrop -Geo ,ebale Seaforth; John Watt, Secretary Root, Secretary Hitchcock lie went away was. absolutel . purely noirallial, . Sheep, export, ewes ...... 8,85 8.50 came from a Vault In Corinth. . I . . . .
.w post- .
. . Harlock;John ennewfea.pradhagart;Jameg y -The market Is quiet, Nine- do bucks, per c*t .... 2.50 2.75 - the palm Is 1,000 tons a (Jay. �
. . � . . � , Evans Begollwood, - James Connie � ly, QlInton -General Xnox. Seer- tive that the President would roe Flo.ur � do culls, each ... .......... 2.00 8,00 Among costly dinners � .
=-- , and Attorriby ov- said to be held by tha,t gIven. by I 1,
. . John MoLoan, Xlp�on . � ty per Conti patents quoted for ex- The StAlidard Electric Company of
. I I I AGENTS,- I n here, but he, er, And that tile Convalescence would n bbls, � kit $2,90 middle freight. Lambs, each .... I .... ..... �, 8.75 4.25 0
. I . Sir Williara Curtis, at the Albion .Montreal has served A Protest Oil th
. be rapid� 110 , expect� Port I ............ )5
. 0 1 1 1 . arloc, , 0 or 0 on, 0 Itold back, wishing to Sao the . , certainly never . Choice straight rollers inblils, local- do par cwt... 8.75 . 4.2 some years back. The ',bill, av-� citY,against tho granting of a coil- ..
. . . a; J. W ad to -day s occurrences, I ly and f6r Lower Provinces, $8.15 to Calves, per head ... ...... 2.00 10-00 . the Royal Vel
. . 11 I fort nies nilu a, . oil il Arle Company �
I . Incorpo ;%ted by' eo, 61 esvillo . . .. President I last agony. TI -ex. I . Hogs, Choice, owt .... .... 7.25 0 . .()O eraged $180 a; head; but tile diner tract to .
Act of PwrllL meat, 1855, arties edrous O O inmrance oi tranii �8-"#5, Hungarian patents, $4.05 - committee revelled In Wanton ex- and An Alderman renews his.charges . . -
. I . I s at t ell siness Ill . to tl 'attended was only toy of the It is almost c nto Ana Hogs, corn -fed ... ... ,;..;. 7.00 40100 . I 1. .
* I 0, cOrs Cabinet oince .. tit the.thr artain that all -autop- bags included, at Toroi , , . . 7 penses, even despatching .u. spoelal of bribery. . � . I I
. CAmTAL �- $2,500.000 0 lication to n f t e a o eshold of . Hogf;, light, pet! owt, ... 6,76 00 , . . . .
*1110$w . $2,050,000 rose ot eirrese I a osto C a, . L ' Sy on the President's body will be strong bakers', $3.80. Hogs, fat, per owt.,-. 6,75 7.'00 messenger to Westphalia to select a . . . I . �
. - the exact cause of Oatmeal-M4rket is )ower: car lots GREAT BRITAIN I
. . I the death cliamber . They then with bold to determine I . ham upon the spot, and another ,6 .
. HEAD OFFICE . - MONTREAL. , mi i , -- — I 3 W . . . . the banks of the Volga for, cL p, . . .
I I . I drew, the tears streaming down their deathl This, is the wish of all ,tho, at $3.75 tit bags, an(! $3.85 in ood, . . !— - I -t of I - Commandei-iii,-Ohlef Earl Roberts,
. W9 , MOLSON MACPHERSON; President . . surgeons and physicians who are Ili J3rokQn lots, Toronto, 80o per bbl. . I ' � freshly-mado ca.viaro, . ' f
. . "I ASKED FOR .HIS WIFE. I . attendanco, The peculiar Action of extra. . I . . LOSING ALL HIS VANITY. Ili 1897 the Visconito do Viel-Cas- has gazetted about 5,000 men or - .
JAiAS ELLIOT ' ' General Manager . "' faces, . I ,
. I
. � . -
U . . . . tel undertook for a wager to expand I I
Notes discounted. Collection made. Drafts . %EMEWN � . , the President's heart was inolle or Millfeed--The market Is quiet* with — riter toriou.9 Conduct in the South. At .
. Issued. Sterling and American Explain . After tbQy left the Sick koom the less of a. puzzle to th0m. all, and Dr. offerhigs small. Cars of brall fell s uport A dinner for him- ricart warl, , . . .
I )DouOht and sold. Interest allowed on depo'yN! ' TIME TABLE. ,- MeBurney expressod the opinion that shipincrit quoted at $13 west' Lind CzolgosZ Pays No Attention to His POO frane . ting -field .
physicians rallied blin to conscious . . . I . .self Alone at- the Cafo do Paris, se-, After inecting, On. the him
SAVINGS BANh6. , � . . � . Appearance. I I .
Interest allowed on 4umR ol $1 and up, Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton liess;. 4nd the President, asked. allnost "in the interest. of.science, as well as shorts At $15 -w as t, Ton I - Y, looting only the ordinary vianda, oil August Still the'Earl. of Clonmel
I I . Station as follows:- . . I * in the interest of.tho -Government 15rall sell -here at $14,50, and.slior6 . A despatch from, Buffalo, N. s *.ylucs, etc., as set out in the bill of has married Miss Rachel Boilridge, a
. I FARMERS. -1 . . . hilmodiately that llis_wlfo be brought I .. � . says, -Nobody butside of official air- I . . parltonline actress. . �
I Money advanced to farinerson their own BUFFALO'AND QODERIOH DIVISION. and of t4p world, it would be doslr- At $16,50,: � � . . I farei and paying .
I . .n No mort- Going East EX to him; Tile doctors fell bAck ..into: able that the exact cause of. death I — cles sees ()zofgos2;, but it is'sold that 11ARE) ORDINARY PRICES. American lawyers have given 2682
otes. with one or more eudorser& RY00, . 7:38 a. in. . . J to � the lund for the purpose of a vie-
gaKe required as security. . I . .. , , I 'O p . . ' I he has grown to be even A more re- He won his bet, the -actual amount I .
' D
. - 2 -, in., the -shadows of the room As Mrs. Me-. be determined� Though the Prosl-. DAIRY MARKETS. .
� . . H,b.BREWER, Mailager,clinton 41 " Mixed . . 4:16 P. rn. . . .. . . dent's lioixrt 'gave trouble from the - � I . pulshve object than when lie was first, of, his bill being 548 francs 50 can- � morial to Lord Russel of Icilloweni I
� . . Goin WestMixed 10:15,a. in, lCillicy came -through . the 'doorway
. — 1. . 11 Ex�yess - 32:55 p, in. The strong face of the .Living !"It" beginning, its erratic action was at Butter -The I, ' ccelpts� are'large with looked up With his face battered and times., The - time was mid -winter, " the ldto Chlk Justice of. England.
1. I ,. ,. , . . 7:05 it. in first.thought to be due to the shock an over -supply of inferior, qualities, his clotlies torn"and bloody, He has a�nd the items. included . 121rancs for[ The Goldsmiths' Company, � Lon- *
� p, i;� lighted up with a faint Sallie as Demand Is good for choice Stuck. We not been permitted, to shave and Ills
I 0. D. MCTAGGART ,. . " " - " -- ' - 1 "' 7 I their h%tuds were clasped, - She $at of the wound, but when the wound . EL plate of young i5eas,'20 francs for I don, has just coinpleted a set of
. I . LONDON. IIUROif.AXD BRUCE DIVISION. 'Ila -, De- had -begun to y 'the quotw-Selected dairy tubs, 10 to face is covered with . �
. l . I . I � � - . I progress favorabl , . I ,. a growth of dish of strawberries, and'24-franes Sketclies of the coronets to be worn.
I . , . 376, chole 0 Ift; So- scraggy boArd Chat is not all brua�- I .. . . RdWard Lind Queen Alexan- . � �
.. � � 1. . Going South Express � 1 7:47 a. in. beside him and held� hip Ix. - . xicty V I-110. rolls,'18 t I I . . . by Kin . . .
. . . . .1 '. Mixea� 4:15 p. In.. spite her plgvsical weakness, she bore heart gave more trouble and an rient. . ' . r a pintiappic, * I g
1. . . . BANKER . . .. � I 1 10:15 a, in. up br4;7cly underthe bide" . . . . rcoble, cond grades, iii:i,olls, tu6� and palls, I . . . Death-4inners, as they'were called, , ,,�'L, tj Members of the Iloyal. fam-. . .
d North R r . . ' ' than ever. Its action became I . - . . .
I I . . I . . I Golp,g ,, . 13 to 14c; bakers', 12i to 1.3iC, The polico..are not worrying about - I tly ' X ' ,
. . . . IMP ess -155 p. in. -of and 111nallygave out altogether. Tile I Were I , and the peer., at the , Ino'p cor- ,
I . q I . . xed '.... . 0 . Tile President in ]its last period Crearilery sollds-steady at 20to,201; their prisoner's personal� appearailcel ,a, gruesome fad of London - so- I I ., . I. . . I
I . . .. � . 1. A. 0. P,XTTISON, F. R. HODGENS, , ' which: ended . about'-. theory of at least one of tile physt- elety early in the-eightles, There. is onation; . .1 I . . .
� � "I to 22c. 7 . . . . . I
I . '. 1f,e,nt. Town Ticket Agent. consciousness, . alileiy prints 1. The duties be. has to do .'tire - sigiple. still living A Certain lady of .. high ,- . 1. . I i— . . . ,
. . I .1. I , cila.11tc,d -, the, words of eimis I% that tho'original shock of ore I . ,
.. I . DILIKSON. 7:40 o'clock, . I � had. Eggs -Market is Unclitinged. We They. consist of Sleeping on his . .
- G king Businow Tran4acted. District Pasgonger Agouk.Toronto. .. tile, bedutAful hymn, "Nearer )1ly God the first - bullet over - the heart . I rank *he, .not so very' .Ibng ago. . I I .
. . , , .
11 � � � I ' : . quoto-.-New laid; 12 to 13c;', ordin- plank, eating his inealA, and now and u ' UNITED STATES.. .
. . . . . . - . - 1. . W-Thec," and his-�last audibl�-coll- much to do with the'trouble. ary fresh-candr6d, 11��,* to;12c;,se- than appearing fo� further cross -ex. , sed annually to give one of,these '' A coal ve . in bas.bdeh, f I o � und under . .
. Notes . Discounted. Drafts Issued. ----.- — i . . � -. - ' I - — . . . . . sornbre -memory of her.
I I - ds , a . . I " . ition. sleepipg Lind tile eat- dead husband. The room,wag ,drop- the 'town of Benton Harbor, Mich.
. .1 . .. .1 . . I . . solous . Nvoi. 8 takenj down by Dil. , I I I. . conds, 7 to So, atilint: .The , banquets lit .
. . . l 1, .. . . . I . . I - Mann: at the bedsid,,. worc�' 060d-� PRESIDENT MoICINLE Y'S 'LlFrL I .
. . 1. . . . . . . . . . . Cheose-Market is dull, with. cables ing tire optional,.but tile Appearance '.Tfite, wheat� crop' throughout ' tha , . I
. .
I .Interest Allowed on Deposits, . . W.'. JACKSOR I , . I bye; till good-bye.. It is God's way� In steadily climbing upward, from still lower jo-day. We quote I ;-4vil . IQ. , for crogs-oxamination Is imperative. ad lit 'black and*.irkauve, -tile. ladi.es I tilis y or Is ft points above I
. I . I . � . . -a dros -w I . L. .
. . I . . , Wei . ses to' InaLch, tile the. i;oilntry. e I � I-
. . .
. .� . * I . - j. veAfrd1;`s.Waro aUhred. Ili black silk the average. ' . .
I . ad - - * I I
. . , . . . 1:fis will be done." Then his Ird countrv. lawver to President of the �)�, to Ofe,'seconds, .go. Probably he an o�s` Itl I 'It. is the on- . I
' .
. . . .
I . . . . I . ' ' $0011 after- Unite��. Sta6s., 'Williant. McKinle * I . . . ly.6auge )is has.', . His guards an- knee. - breeches I black edAts, ,and, There is .a, big.drop. in'the o at I �
; .1 .AdENT'C. P. R,, . began - I to wander, and � - I . . fli a I I
. . I . �
— . . � . I lost conscious- � . ' W . . I . I .
I I , .. I I � wards lie. coawletekV � ' ercume poverty, acquired a know-. . . HOGS AND Piibvf�sTONS. .* S*er none of hill. questions, and,he mauve silk Stockings.' The menti.was Porn. crop estimate takinglif the enr. �
. � .. . s prolongqd.for ov . . I
ALBERT STREET I " CLI' NTON. , . . 1. CLINTON .. , ness. His life wa ledge of, the sufferings of 801-r0iVing Dressed hogq� are unchanged ,lit has quit asking.'them, So;'htr�asls modelled After. the inemoriarrimeards tire abillitry. 4 * I .1
. I I . — , . hours by the administration, O' O'9Y- humanity, and'has left 6 dleaiW record . khoWn he thinks the President Is -.- I
I . 1. � . . . ,rt bf-th6 gen, and- '.the President finally . ex- belli -his firs'Velection $0.25 to 69�50� -Ilog ' products ,In � . in fashion, and even the viands, were . Caterpillars are doing. thoiAslands of
. Travellers to any pn � udhim� .13efore 'good d6m,atv-1. )%*a quotel-'Dacq�i, . . I . S., .
,� I I I 1. I . . -v to be allowe�d to die.' to . . . � . Ili! ,had I , . . I 0 glead �, - . AIT'-eltlier'black,, mauve, 0.1 , white. ,dollars of clainage to t�ee apd,sbri;,ib-,. ,, , ., 1, . ,
. . . L i'Q AL. . I trloqld consulb 'tile Press , ,n, twice long cleal, - 719 i -yt6wh, N. J" I :, . 1. ,.
. I . . I , world ad a (lesli I the Presidency,. I bee . "tOft lots,. 11'Ac, �CaSa- lots',' I S. Wea)'illg tilt,- S(Ilue,'ClOtlleS bC. i bOry ilbi)ut'Tarl I . .
" I I . .. . niblistratibil Of d ,fifteen, . mass, $21.50- do' �sh I 'Ali,-- alpA4.156ticit.1 dinner was giv&i I . � . .
- - . -a t( 8:30 the ad Governor ot Ohio,. bad serve 6rt had oil when lie shot -the Picsid6lit". - Ill . . . . First . I
I � . .. �, : 17". , 1. . k . I .1 I . I.". � � above, iri�refovenC i ticket$, AbouC . 12o. P6rk, 1 . � A . 0 y the other -day at oils of ilia A bequest .of.$;iO,OQO to the
. , .
.� - . � TT! � �., 11.1 " . . fares, ritc. :� " � ' , , oxygen censed - and tile i)ul8e grew in Congress, - during which cut $222., . I � . . I . Ile Was not �P'rovided with a.change Prosbyterlaxi church of Newark, N.J., * . .
.. I I. . He was sinking . � .. best-known li,111glish boto4q,- R very-
. . . I J. SCO .. I . . . � I.. . .. � ...... f- . . . I I faint, very faint. nell"Llas came to hfii!, as the author "of- !4luok.d. meat ' - item on.the inenu: b6gail with the is .contained. in tile .will, of tile, late - ' '
. � � I I I I . . I . .. . , . child. IXY a 0 . I s-Hanis, .14. -to -141c; of Iftien, � and the p9lice did hot tjii'nk , . . .. . . I
. ,
. BARRISTER, SOLICIITOT-t. Etc. - - - . � 11 � gradually lilw� a the Tai-IfY Act -of 1889, knoWo LIS tile breakfast baoon, .15. to 10c, rolls, - 12 it was tbeir. duty. to Secure any for letter C., An�oa c1q4t.- T-foitace Goble. , .. I � . . .
. .1 it, be ArCIC1111 , . ig t . hem Were �' .
. . �, . � . I . I .�.. ' o.'clock the pui-e could no longo ey� Bill, hiid been. prosecuting to. 124c; backs, � 18c; and 'shoulders . hiiii. -lie wears neither coat nor . I I , '. I ; 'fii New Vork XiSs Ara:flui.strauss'..
. . '... . Money to Loan., . . . .. .. A CKS 0 N , : . I Aid'they:grew atiorn6� df -'an. iinpQrt � Apt county In .11. to Ilip. 1. .. � t... . I I . I . r
. . I W..'." J A ""I " � .felt Ill his extremoties', , . soup, . :, .
. , I . . . . ,. A, . . 1. . ve.A. His faded shirt. is -sailed and 'fOxENS, V%RbS, wboAs -18 yea�.S.of age aild -three feet, .
� . . I cold, ..." 1. � . � I . I I I . Ohio,' and had served in the . I (:IT CHOPS". CUST Ban- I
OFFIOE-101116tt Block . .-'� . . - CLINTON . : � APENT 0. P. R. I I I - . War' Of . tard-DeMand dood'and.prices firm. spotted with blood; .tile blood which Claret_ clitimpagne, .and coffeo. . and a half tall, Was. Married to Chas. : . -
. . . . I - I . � . . . I . I.. . � I I I G vOlt TH.V, U, 9:1), , I the Rebellion as"an Officer 'aftei',. ll"v- Guarau . tee . d pure,'jii 50,1b tubs, 13-tc; ,;vaB di-Lovil - from his' Rose vtna. face, by quets at Which .1 . I el' od'on Brady, Wh6- Stan s six,.feet four in- -1 ,
. �% . . . ' . ---.. . � '' WAIT19 I I . . I I the guests re in , d . .. . . ,a I .
'W :BRYD09L . . .. . . I � . - . . . . . I . . ing,tharcheLi'in :Ilia ranks 'witlithe pails,, 12c:1 BAd.tiercies 3,lic. , � the. blo -I . I � , .-7 . . ,. ,. . .
. . . �ie . ws � which Were -ained upon - IS; � � .
. . . I . I . . . . . . � � . . : . -'�., . : . Below ' stairs , tho, grief-Stl .koll . I � . I their fingers, as did�the f4shionables ChL . . . . . W- I � .. 1
6 I. I . I . � . . . . ly for t116:eXid. private-soldlers, himself it Private. , .. . . . . - . . � . him iminediatbly-after he. ,.%[lot . th6 coudies, :,and fed themselves . wKill Twelvt--year-ohl. Mike VNelinski, at . I -
. %T . AT �. I . I — . I . I � a :
. .
1. I.. BARRISTER, SO,L10.ItO1t. . ' ' LEAK G - ROF RS - KILLED.: 9�40telt`,ing 41tecl sad Tile M- . . . 'St. Lou I - , ,
: . I. :� . . 1. I � � I Al � . 1 11 I , - . � CKAhleys are of'Scotch-1iish . President.:, .Tile btitton-holes in. the '-, constituted :'an- lialibil Playmai ,
11 . � ��v d . I � ugustan Rome is, SaV6d it SI . .. .,
. . 1. . ening those'who JUL 1108 eLime -t*6 this count ` , , -of A � .
. . I . Notary 11 3 46 . . � I I 1. . — - . , I do4edlit, . and ry . 111HESTREET UARKET. collar of hIS*sh1rt -a i-jpped, apart; '6the ' knocking. a, .live ' - , ,
I . . . ablli, I. .. I ,. 1. I � .1 lUened . 11 ,ore I . . � till . r society- fad that.was exce6di wiro ,� .
. . . I . . I . . fast a.,j st(,,el and,:i4eatil Abdut';.On6' hundr6d' illid-.ilft�y' years . The receipts of grain on'the street . I ng- front 0eath by .
OFFJOE--�Bea*er Block, T . CLINTON (;apt. Arband6rfr and poiniii%ndant could c�irry . them, contin0d to -ar- , . .. IL .. 'His -hair Is long; heavy, and -tan- ly po�uiar tot- -a while; Of course, out'of. his way, but received himpelf
. . . . . I . . L - ago., William ArcXiflley,'father .of maiket 6-4' bowed a heavy .fal- glad, I I
. . I It. falls over his, face: arLd cars, th Manus for'. these queer dinners. It charge which killed* him instantly. , ��
� . Van Der Merwe Slain, . . - They drov6 up. Ili carriages At P'e 61T, ab' Y Z L . . e jVadL as to, p6rinit
. . . . . . .. .. �. . . � rive.* ..1. ' the r sident, 4as an iron nianufac- ]Ing - out 1,400 busheis eOXn.iAg and is -n ill) at the fiad to be so contr * John R. Leffler was drummed out
. . 0 I ONVEYANOiNG - I , , . . �'A.gallopj , ol",Weile whisked up, ill to ver. . H6 'livdd. to see his s. n Go*-� in.L.as a ainst 4,200*.yesterday.. , beginning to ,tui . . . . . . . 1�1
. . ,.A des,i)ntch'-from Cape Town SkVS 0 ,9 . Pi'i� back of ',the nack.. Czolgosz' made of tile guests. feeding-,themselires, with of -the soldiers', home at' Danville, �
. " . - . . . ... I — Qol. Cr,L1366 �mgagcd the 1�oers ' -tit' 4),utomobiles, alf- intblit PPOI1 getting craor.of Ohio. .Tile Iate-,-.WtIIiaul Me- ces genei-ally-Tycre steady. I One )"In- one request tot- it comb. it was de-
. . . . . . l hore before death* Came. Oil(- of. the t1lo minitattih. : of, discoinf9ilt and 111. , After his buttons L had been, cut � : -. . Q
-TOHN RIDOUT . '. - - - 'I- . Dilelfoutein 01; Wedilanday , * Coul- I t '" was fifty-eight yeqrs.old. He dred L bushels of new red wh�mt -sold Died him,* and - since then - liLq ha,� not . I .11 . - I . � , . . off-; , because he. inade remarks deroga- I. I I �,
, . . '. I I . I .. . I , . . L. L L 1'.iSt tOL'al'J'iV6 was At orney-Generill t L � . grease; L . L . . I . � . ,
� . . . I . I . � 1-iiii0yo � to No' �300 bushol9of, goose � . Lth6' tory
. %ON-'V'EXAN .ETC., I inalidwit Van: (let- Merwo and ,inothCr' ''. , I was b ill at Niles, Trumbull. Counity, 'at 61 displayed-thp slightestInterest in -his TI ., .: c6centric diner to �- President MeXinley' And . ;. ,'���
I . .11 I I
. CE4, COMMISSIONER, . 1. . 11OX, who- reac i6d, the. hoase at 9.30 ' . . . I 10 t L L I
., . I L L
� '
. . 1 . . � I. . burgh& -word. killed; Several M1et;e11C'.' , Ohio.,.,. In. 1860- fie 'entered the Allc�. sold 'at 08 io'�.Wjc. Barley was unrm personal ap�earaucd. -L . ,. . mus .. . . ested a] htion. - ovi�r, ilia. attempt '
. . - :. .. ) - . I.. p..Ill. lie wtv, �eriaitted to go L.. !Up . World has ever seen Was,h, certain manif . I
. Fire. insurance, Real �.tatc, Wounded and.1 7 were captured, The e0)oOk fol� Ige, Meadville,. 'Pennsyl- changed 460 bushels selliht at 47,to ..' As lie appen Is. n . L . ' . � .
. � L . . . I . ... Money to,Lend. , . , . I Drit I I w6ro, fbit .,killed stairs � the'last time upon gilaily CollL I I r low, there -are, not, regular customer of a fo, us Paris- on his. life. , - '. . I. . L . ..
. .
. � � . . . I I . ,. . . ish CLI%lIX0 ties I L r . friend'. Thosel.in -tile 'vailla.. but ,his' health was�, broken. by 53je. - New oil, ' ts,rilled .higher, L 700 very.many Inca who would.be pleas- Ali order hits been Issued. by the- ,
. URON STREET, I � CLINTON aud.-three - Wounded.� , , - - , - � the face.of his overstildy., � and -.he becae a c1di-1, In bushels selling at- 37i to 39c. . IRLY ed to meet CzoIg9s,z in & lonely by�� i&n' restaurklit, known, to the -wa iters . . as of New YorkLCity, ,L..
I . . . . I L 'dl
. ..� !- I CL Calls S.to,*r)E -dr al -
. . OFFIdii-la - . lommandalit 'Van dej� vei-we.' was house'*at ' thi.4 time. were Secretary ,tive, 20 loads sellin.d at way. at night. . There is a good deal. - as 'the buttefman:" I40 Iate next to police authoriti' . ,
. C . the, -postoffice.' At Polai�d, to which WAS Lfairly Ila I I
I., I . . . Hitcheock Wilsoll.-wid Root., ,'$oil" - . . irom $10' t $12. One load of, straO sold � . nothing,but his soitp-tureen, .filled direatinji 11 vaiwii
. ' driven out .' o9..Steyt1ervill% C.RPO" cc .. tile -faiiiily had moved 0 of the anitual in. his makie-up.. The with. a consomme .specially. prepared Anarchist.,; aud the list to� be lot,-. : .
. .1
.. .
: . AIED ', . 141i I � . a haA the philonologic I . . .
. . . , I. I 10AL.:' - , ators -Pairbanks - - lra�nna, arid, Bur- P nos. - When cawe' ,ilia call io arms, at $10. .-. , ' . I . I
. . . ---- . - Colony; About .1,210 miles from -Port, . L ay, Col. T.Tcrriol�, Ali- . , -police 'Say b for him,' was alway's pi.it before hiln. warded to licadquarters, Where the ' �
. . . GUN14 � '. . I . Eliza,beth,.. two weeks age. - . .1 rows. -Judge D. . he eillisted as A private In the Twoti�, Followind-is ... the rgngg.�,of quotrt- characteristics, common to criminaLILS . Detective Dcp�ktrn4nt will conduct a. I :,
. . � .. I The Dordrecht Voluitteers surprised , no n . . . It. S- 1. . . .. .1 .. � I I Ito . .. ;... -
'DR -W - , � Dr 6id:Mrs. Mary I taken ' ay. ,Next chme'a . I
. ' ' ' "' .� r*MeXI'lcy, tile President's broth, tyAlilrd 0 to Volunteeilb. , Among tion . . I I of a,Jow'and degraded Class, 11 took a.fe,W spoonfuls I and had it general* surveillance. � . . �
R: 0. P. and L. R. 0. S.,Bdinburgh. ,. a, party of Boers ,near' a farmhodso-'ell, andr."I's Wife ,, the officers Of -this famous rekiment Wheat, white. ....$066 $0.76' aw . r� " . . . I I I . . . . . . I I I
. . r. I -- �
. I . . — . , i Barber,-. Miss Afilry 1�jllfttnml hills. were General W. .S. Ilosecrans., and Wheat, re :' ' .,l., . ' -It Is again reported that ma WHOLE FILLET Or, BEE . . . . . . . . . . 0, . . k
. . , Lind ordered them to Surrender. Tile . � I . . .. . d,. l, l .... ..... I .64 -68 is breaking down, but this. probably . .. . - . - . . . I
- I . I GENJ."RAL.r, . 1. - I I
kiigbi; calls at front door ofresidence on Ratten . sill ; -..tile physicians. utherford B. tr' - , tasted. . - . :
r ad Lind the British Op �folflnley's ,xvu 1, .yes, who afterward Wheat ne;�, red & wh., � ..66' - ,68i I,,; an: exaggeration, His gluttonous which he'baxely .The next
I oury street, Opposite. P esbytorlan church. Boers reftis an � .. ,r * . . . . . .. I I I 11 . I
� . . . I dit' Dr A103dilney, wild.. . .became, Preside t. �F Li, spiling, old .... ... -.70 - .00.. appetite may have fallen off a little, course..consisted of a fine tat capon, . .. .
I . . . . . I . ad fire, woun ig-Geri. Saitits and including . . 8 6i.CJ9C,k" J01111- a n or his. sel-vices Whei: . . 'The -Ameer of .Afghanistan has re-,. I � .
. OFFIC111im-ONVARIO STREET,_ !!�T"!. ' AD ti 'I, ' B.opr, -Lind, kiffing C rived - After I , In, tb winter' camp of- FA�r4teville,, Wheat,, goose..� ... ....... .671 .68 as Is said- to be. the case. 'That is or four quails.;. - but, wbielleVer it .*66vereO his - . health. , - . I ,N . ,. . . .
. . I 9 �c. apt. . ; � ' I . .
. . . , , (1, Harry C I I I .
, . I . 1. ': . ... ArDP-ii 0 P r1l - 1 , .- . -;cdtchel you. -4� �()O -but one I
11 . R, a - - - I . , . , , �Gen, - Sinutl succeeded Blilbilro, John N. ', ry a g AlcKinidy, in'180, was made Oats; old ...... ............... .11 � . only natural. it is. not -surp�ising. was, he .consumed of .it Sunday newspapers,are.1to bc.sup.4 , ,
.. - . Halillinj all Qf.this ciiy ; Swclleta , .Linn I lit recognition .87 I . . . . . �
11 ii��. . I . � . . in inaking,his escape. . .1 . � ., I ni."ary-sergewit. . Oats; n �...,. ....... 1. - - of a duit- mouth . .tNvo.lettuce- pressed la'Belgium. . . . �
I D ,� I , . . . ew... - . . I -139 eitlfer that tile se6lusioll I ful, together with . I
. . E , * C 16rtelyou -,:o? others; " 4 JIls,dessert
. . OFFIC . � , . . . The 'llivergdale - district of lape C -,. and .�L'Ijumbei of Ills bravery ht the nattle� of Antic- llarley. . - - I - .48 ..5i -i goon and the ab�oiut6 isolation front leaves .and one radish.. . . Russian merchant's are'ab6ut to I .
I . .. . . t1lev, 0. 1). Wilson,-& Methodist Mbi- . I ...... 1. .?" ......... i - I
I TMO. 8 ,n entirely ,.6oared of I - * talli ie.was given commission' as Peas.....-. ;,.i ...... ��.... .... .68. . ;70. - idr'echo.of wh�t consi.gtod of fout, grapes --never a visit Fersia. to get trade there. I
ON TRftV, OPPOSft0 Evglf�h!charoli, Golou,�r bas bee. .. Wq I a I .. . . � the world giid from al . .
. . . . . 1. . '. I istor,�*Of 'J'011auranda, N.Y,, who,w secolid lieutenant. Iii 1863 he was hye ..... I ...... .52 - �.53, is being said And done about him.is single one 'more -And a tiny cup 'of 3The Mussu I Xgush, I
I �. I � - . . . . .; .1. � ': the invaders. I President',%, - : i�astor .,for tllree� , . I arid i� 1865'brov . ...., ... :1 . ....... - highly conientrat' - -P ]mAn quarter o �
. I .� I . CLINTON.: . � . Two alleged. lider spies have . beeii tl10- - I . 1.1ida.,captain, , eted I -Tay, bid, pet, ton ... ..... 18-00 1 13-50 a condition that has a cooling eff6et, black and ell COE ,rateerouni, Was'attackeLl and burn-, �
I . .. . . . !... � I Ili � , . years Lit Canton, called at the r�si- . I � . ,
. I . � a , ested At Mossel, li,ay; . . . major by Prosideitt Lincoln for'gal� llay,.Ilow, per ton,;. ...10.00 .11.00 even upql� conceit as great as Ills; a best claret 'And .by 600" Armenians. . - '
. . ' . . I SON . �;, . I .1 ,-- ,� . I . � , delice '.to, encinire whother, his � ser- antry, '' . . - .1 m . I I Straw, - per ton ... ....... t 9 -UO . . - fee. A � bottle . of th( . I- ad a Measures against
DR-o"W"P14 P . . , . , , , lw�-- I.. vWe.,s were ndad6d, but did .i�ot tziltUr II. ' 10,490 ' TlflRkIng tit(, President i%, -,dead lie anotbei of champagne,were invar . Severe Suppressive
.. 1.1 ` , * . After the. war he studied 'I�w in Dressed,hogs ... ... �.:;. Ill 25 9160. probably expects.to, be executed, and I
. � . PHYSICIAN AND S RGEOX.. 11, . - '' . . I I , a i tile repast ; .but 'O drunkenness are being enforced
l3peelal attention given to diseases c ' KE IN TORONTO.'' -lw h-usb An6the'r Meth6diSt I - Canion,'-011io, and at�thd,Aj .17 .22 ,bly served witi . .
I E. . ""I � Id kill libilself'If lie 1 Wetted Ills' lips with 6 dro I throughout Russia�. . - ' . .
.. 4 . . .bv, I-0- . . 4any 'Butter, Ili lb rools... .�.
Bar, Nose and Throat.. I ist6t, who,had a, cli , . Law .School,, and. was admitt d to buiter, Creamery ... ... 1. It y elp go.
)f the Eye � TH DU .. ...... �i I
.. I . � - . . I.. I . . . . , . ' alrell r( II&tt . . a .22 .25, 1 is 1`11111-V Ile wou Very'good care is from. each , and let th lie I government � 'has 'de- - , . � :
l -Eft-o intillied ',it t�ie,'Mbburn " 3sidence -tot, , alr. 4.. .40 .65' . � . The Russian .
OkIPIOE 'ANI? RIC In . . . .. tile bar. lit ;L967. � got ill. -h-no. does notiget the day, � an cided to .build five battle ships, each. , - .�
. - Rev'lsed .List of Events for ,His belief that Mo. 'Ila settled Ili Can- 4,11iickens,- pev p taken that - �, .. took. two,Ok. those:meals a Ll� ..
, I . a ENON �, , o boursin. Ilia ' gull 1 (3 1 .. . � .. .
.1 Altle# Street East north bf-RA1Vr,NBUR7' � : I . t6ptainmint. .. - , . . tw .1 1. t6ni where.Ibe made his, home, He Ducks, per paii, ... .... . - 0. 18r�. chaii6e,: and that none Of -his Ailar tile, 'price.,. of each...mcal WAS 120. of .00,000 -Aohi, in� Russian.ship.., ".
� . STREET, CLINTON. . .. 1. vices might be desired, - . . . soon. attracted .attention as a la,W- Turkeys, per th ... ...... ".. .10 -1,3 chist � confederates by any device 90'ts fratics. . nut this was 'not. all, Every ,,,�d,. . � 1. . . 11 ,
- �: . . . I
I . * , A� 4espailb il�,OIA Toro At. 9.87 S'Oerftary Cortelyou; Who . I - � I . 1. .. . , �
I - . � ... . yell .of exceptional ability, arid in 1;,ggs, new laid.... -1 ... I ATJ . .14 to,hirn the moans of a happy end. tillic, the butterman got up from',his News has boon brought by a Ateam- . �
. . .1 .1 � fdjlowing pro'grhmmu bas -been en: much -of:-the th-110 with Ills , - A4 1 . . . � .
. ... I DENr/SrRY . .. . The " I lot, tile Duke of York bad be I � 1869' was, elected ,prosecuting, attoll- Eggs, belo', ,per. doz.'..:: ' :1.2 Whether the Uoldmaii woman will extraordinary meal lie gave 4.0. frailas er t6 Vancouver of tile disappearance , , .� .
. -- I � .� decided upoll dying 'chief, sent out., information . , 200 2,50 be brought here is in ttc.r-that is to theh ad- !V . in � set fit .
I , I . . ills reception :-Arrive tha't noy of Stark County,, though that Apples, barrel ... .... ... it a a N% �itcr, 20 franes to ,his of , oui,t,in 500 f . height. id- .
- . t, I . ' . ..
. and. Cornwa +he President was dying,- bu county ,Was Demodratic. - - '. . Potatoes, bush ... ......... .60 . - .75 under .discussion, as is the possibility table -Waiter,. 10 francs to the ladiv- ter art, earthquake in Northern Japan.
� 0 .50
. D"' AGNEW . D1014TIST. .� in - To�ento-!� O'clock on the after- tit ] P�csldO-t- "rige"ed on, his Pulse Froin this 'time forwaid- politics 13bef, forequai � ters ... ..... . 4 . 5.50 of conv'ctitlg hot- of, being An accent- cashier, and 5 fratics to, �tlio poll . ter,
. I . . . . noon of. October 10th ; procession to and fainter. At 20, ,25 Tile Japanese Chamber of Com..% - ,
I . I I . . � 'At GoVertunient, krowing fainter gad Mr. 31cl<inicy's spacial at- Tomatoes, bdsket� .. .... . olice inIthe crime if she'werd brought Thus each meat CA " to 2060 francs, met -cc At Tokio has asked ibe Gov-� . , I
. ity Hall , dinner .� d enga . 1110 I
. Will be at flayfleld overr Wednesday Q, 11,158, whan Dr, .�aneway arrive , tention Lind Interest. , In 1876 he Beer, hindquarters ... ... 8.uO 0-00 the mysteribus a
. � - ,q, ft� Massov Hall1n: the ' I ,to trial harer. As to the 4isposition or $10, One . day rnment to,'romove all restrictions in : 1. .:. .1
afternoon. - , I House ;. opet -� . the President Was just barely alive. � I � ' I . . .
I I 1. . , , xlli.!, . I . I .was elected to Congress, where- . he Beet,.-Medlum, carcase. .6.50 ,: 7.25 of her case as well as in every other at a doubled his tips All re .
. � — evening , military review At U I . I million r . 'gard to the ownership of land and . .
I OirilcE-AdJoIning Foster's Photo . Gallery. bition grourids' at I:L o'clook next * I NO . NPIET) FOR. BULLETINS. remained till, 1900, having been, .Ile- Beef, choicel .. .............. 7.00 .11.75 matter Connected with Czolgosz and round; the next clay be went a,Way., julning operations.by Joreigners -fit .
. . I .. . I Ing it -a. 'was' I -to - elected .seven times, It.was As Chair- taillb, yearling... ...,.;.,. 6, 56 ' 7-00 lit,; (lead, the local authorities i.are and wag novel' sccll agaill.'. � Japa I ill I . I I . I I . I
. CLINTON, ONT, . .. s .. .
. . morning, the Royal Party Icairl Thai no'Aeed for -oil lal bill* 7.50- 850 I Iding Ili every way �to the w has . . . . I 11 I �
I . I I at one o' . clock I :- conferring of degree' lotins after -this. 'Those wild .Cal � no iiiiin of the Ways And Means. 09m-' Lamb, spring... ... . . r ylO I � I —+.-- � . 1 4 - .
. . 00 that, he gave the Mutton ... ......... . I I I � I
I I D R. G. EARNEST 9OM4ES I the Duke at Torj�lllto Uijiversity from the house -at intervals. told the mitt the nation . -.4 ...... 5150 6 "10 of the ,. Federal autliorlden. HIS P.IGXD I)ISCIPLINZ# . . . . I - I
I . Successor to Dr, Brudo. Clinton. ?n bill.tbat bore his name, ..." veal, choice ... ............. 7,-50 9,00 . I a___:__ . . . I — - . . I
- . 1:. Spedalld Iii Crown and Bridge;%V'ork . -in the afternoon ; dinner tit i Partla- sarit Story, that the Pi-osiddrit,was in 1891, and again in 1893, Mr.- I . � . . I . 1. 11 11 . I l I I . . . . I . I . I
I - reception At 0 , I The Pitit . ettliousness of Xing Ed- .1 . � . t
, D.D.S.�Griiduato of Royal College of.Dental wont Buildings, 7 P.M. , . dying,* and the end nlight'coute lit .MeXinley was elected Governor 'of Detro .-Wheat, clQsed� A 130MI3,FOR THE DUKE. I . I
.. : . Sir eone of Ontario. I . . . a, parlia . =cUt Buildingff at 8.30 ; lea,vo Any time. I419 tremendous . -vitality �. it, Sept, 17 .., . . . I I I . I . . .Ward V 1. - , . I 1, I
1. )r gmduath of Dent . . I white, cash., 71d; No. 2 red; " I . . .1 . .. 11 . I � . I . � 11 I
L. D. Z-Fikst- class hon( . Ohio. ITO had become one of the re,,4 No. I 11 I I . I . - I I
, Department of Tor6n to Univorsitjr. -Special Toronto,0-30 next morning. Was .the only ronlaill . I King Edward VIT., although one , I'l , I b
� . . I . frig factor in the Letter Thought to be -a Fake tent .. .05510.11 1 ,�ii I .
I . �. - of cognized IcAdcr§ .6f the Republican cash and Septembero 71c; Octob . eri . . .. . of t � , . I .
attortlon paid to proserVAtiorl of childron's . . I . -—.0 . rosuil,, and this gave bope only � party, AS political 'speaker, And 71jo, December, 780. � . lie best -humored of Xnen, is known , I 4,1,,�W It :, I
. ! Wdth. I I . I. I I . . . . to Montreal City Clerk. Il. , I I
Will be atthe River Hotel, BAyfield, ovary I 0 ,VY , brief postponement -of the end. Dr. leader in Congress and in various St. Louis, ,,,,apt. 1,'(,-WhcAt ,,closed ,. � . to be. a mArtinet, ia all matters. of I . -11 � J -1
AUSTRALIAS NA . . in, precedence, . ,4e . I
My ., , , i .
Monday from 10 a. in- to 6 v. mb . . . . . .. liter thought lie . might last. until, political I conve 69c; December, 711je A despatch from Montreal says :- for And social tts.uge,
.1 . I � I 1. . . I . . . ntions, he made, him- -SepteMber, �911�11 I �... .1p
- . . . . . . .
I . DR�J- FREEMAN ,. . .� � I I . � I ' — , I I. .2, a.111. . . self known And admired throughout . Buffalo, Sept, V-�SPrlllg Wheat" A-romarkable letter was . received by ,,Since his Accession many Instances . --- .
I . .. . . MOM NOW Being Dratted W the I ])I-, Manit Said At 11 otclock that tile country. The. cond.dence of the Little doing; No, 1 northern old, the -City Clark on Wednesday. The of'his rigid discipline have ,been �, 1 4 1 4
. . . . VETEnrNAnysurnozoit . I., coldent.waS -Still.alivlf, � and 7�6cli do, now, 74c. Winter W vhicli was written Ili, Italian, Made known, . L .. �1- -----
. � . , . � I ,commonwealth. . It. Plar lit Ills principles and purposes I heat -I �s , ..
. . 1woulPi7ppobably fiva art'hour. Thus peo I While lie was.crossifig from Os- 11 .
1 methbor of the Veterinary Medical Associa, - A despatW.from London.says',--A S, � was go firmly established that no go. 201 red# 174.?je; No. I WhitO, '1540l.covered .twelve pages of ordinary mainland during the . 1. � : � .
tiono of London ard Edinbur,l,h arid Gradvate despatch to the Daily - 116il ' from InfUlitas . lengthened to hour and )'a �was Corli-Weak and lower; No. P, yellow, I notepaper. The writer, wlio signed borne to the . .1 ,
9f,tho Ontario Veterinary Co logo. . irildrilght. calli-3 . With the President great surprise was felt when I on 60.1c; No. 8 do, 60 to�60 a; No. 2.1timsoll. Giovanni Calibloni, Claimed Week of the funeral of the queen, lie ,I(' � I:;,
� I . Office opposite St. Paul's church,Ontarlo street Sydney, New South WmIcs, says that Stilt battling llgainst death I noMinated for the Presidency, I I flag was lowered I ]
� . I . I Louis in corit,. 60e; No. 3 do, 5910. Oats- that he was a, public bonefp,ctor, and observed that the . � , .
I 11 tile firSt ballot, at, St. I I . I
. I Phone 07 Sir John . Forrest, Milli8ter 0 I)(- The clitive lower part of the house that iol� ,Easy, No. 2 white, 38 to 381c; No,. the Italian n4t,
. 1806, The eleptbral vote . did not want I no 1to oil the Mast of the vessel.
n fonce of. tile .Conurt - , . . ,1V �
— onwealth of Aus was �nglow with light, and tile , to 371c, No. 00 mixedy'be ,smirched with any more assas- by is this ?!, lie said Sharlily to I �,-:.:
. � rfirRINARY . naval wed Stood 271 for M6XInloy and a white,, 37� 140, deal .
! . 'ends and,,rela,l lo , . I ' -� .
� . tralia, IsArafting a Vederal inany attendants, fri .� . . -36,1 -Little sinations, tired that he bad the Captain, who stammered, "Your R;w I ��_;_-_-
I . — �a �- I � polley, alming. at the OvOntllal for- ily,s could be saen within, moving 176 for Bpyap, I , 6; . No. 3 do, OG.' Darloy . , . I . � �.." ., I � , .
. -DLACHALL & BALL. . . . .1 Major MelUnley was inar- doing, Itye-Xo. 1), 55c on track. Information t,o the affect that Majest�-the Queon IS, dead." 14 1 1 . I
. . " I . �. litation of a, purely Austiiliau navy, � about, aiul� occaslunally -ComiAg in, In 187 - it, of Canton, Canal frelghts-8teady, . !twolr Anarchists' from Paterson, . flyes, but I am here.- This boat . - .. I 11 I
VETtRINARY SURGEONS, GOV. Which 110, r, "' -MISS Ida'Saxto , On, I
. I . . egards 45 speedily ncCL "'groups to the'Tront doorway for a ried to .Toledo, Sept. :L7.*heat-w-C4sh and X.J., had just arrIvod In. Tvfontrcal, s the y place in England to -day . I
. . . .. EINY IR �ary. ITO: thinks that tile existing broath of n1r, In the'upper front Two daughters , ware born to them, er, -71jo; December, - 78J01 wit tlie itvowod Inteot. of InurderIng where the flag should not be lower- "Nora, now wild ye lolke t' hov a .
, I I . df pay 'for - Lnd but both died Ill early ellildbood. h
,� . � 0101VICE, ISAAO STREET' , RR81DENdg, ALBERT system , IWg Great Britain chambers the lights .were low, LI During his official Care&, tile Plfesi- Zelpyl'cl-illlzc� . Corn�Cash and SOP- I the Prince. The plot Was to throw a ad .to . . . 1. I I home",,of yar own?"
. .
I . STREET, 0 CLINTON. I naval defence is unsati9faetory. . nraund�ou tho, north f4do, IvIlora .the dont, Ilad ,received the dogroo, of doc teiribor, 56je; Docciubor, 671c. Oats- bOM6 At him Wholl, lit the procession. The keeper of the ,Tower with oth- ,'Sure, Pat, Old loika It, OVID, I
�----:+-- ' . chamber ,of death. Is lopatcgl, there 'Septoill1w, 861c; Deceinber, 86je. I Which IS to start fronj Vigor Squaro. or dignitaries waited upon the Xing tired of bossin' other people's fam- 1,
I . . I
. . . . - Wel-6 fitful, lights, Sometimes becom- ter, of'lp,yvg (rpm p. ;lumber of univer- --� - Olovorsecd�Cash and . - aftor his accession, to offor him:, ac- iliest'! . .
I . I
y 0 j I .
V Ill ffi TL'
, I
- I
- I
. � . 4�' re w. I . .. —
. AuciTiONEEIR I Tile a,yerago reigri of English men . I Ityp )2ic ,Being A loyal Italian, lie had do . . �
arch b sitico, y to custont, tho'keys of that I
� � I ars, pf. llumsf Ing right it , i October, .55J5; Pacember, 85.17J. 'cided the fgxct,4 of the dastardly con- Cording . + I * . I I :
. tts been 23 ye I —i .1 .. .. , . . � . I
. . S It . . ',140cral.ary Iloot and Secretary Wil- . � � LIVE STOCIC MAI1XF,`T`$ � -tress. The ItIng received them,
THOS.BROWN . � , only 16, . . Sell atinlu'fivoin thp house tiboui mid- I Ite;nplated Attempt should.'bo mado to). IV IN POU'ST, WOUIC IT OUT. � �01
. ACTS DISALLOWED- Toronto, f4opt,.'. .17.�Il own to tho Mtiyor and tile police. but continued Steadily to regard the . L
I . aceirits, tit tile Un 1 official, and with a look of. annoy-, 'University professor *
. . LICENSED AUCTIONEER. I The best Ironstoito In the world is Ilight, and pagod up, e I .2 I., � I I Although tile letter was generally AJ.'airibridge
laaada. Tt, violdn 60, per I "colletory Boot 'regarded as a fitko, . got, up )to - dreams in 11-ures,
I SAldo Conducted In all arts of the Countlw. of found Ill (, , Sidewalk. A.q� that S , fov 6Pance. . has published
. Huron and Perth, OrRera left at Tng NEWS ccnt�. of Iron,, n,verage Vfigllsh Iron- aid Was -'Tho MIT hn-4'11A 001II0 P1*1811 C41tiWola 'Weas gonerally'light.' There were'620 -t a rA . � I
urbs NO 1vostern Cattle Market to-0ay wore W
RECORD office, Clinton, otaddressed to Sam s � I . I . Lppgg1r.Law Ili all--�974 cattle, 1,304 sh . nything — .What CILn tbe following at� ,
. - . stone contains 41 Per callL, Of iron, yet.,, I I . I - Cop, 1100 pll�'PORO dt CrOatilIg 4 80119atiOn, It] I 111.4 there a rocity : I I
. . . . '11t, a, o Plus 2 equals VE .
. I . . . � . . hogs And 55 calve.4. Trade was good WAS so to tile police tot, Investiga- do, your Majesty ,?" hesitated the -L till,
forth'P,, 0. will receive prompt attention. $at- . . I .
I . I �
. sfactio n earant4ed or Ito charges. Your pat. w4wjmrm� . _Lwi NO 3,'Fl�,=T,s SPARli"O. A de%patch from Ottawa Says : - 'tion, at, keeper. keq () plu'i 8 equals Ill
!� except lit exporters, In which demand Chief Co.1,petiter laughed . , 12 thr � I .
. 4,l 11 . __ _"_ � -A I 9 It Al 'r, V,4 ll I . . . r 11 I � 3. .A .# er. . , I �
. 43 80 - , I . I I I
- -- - —
. Woodwork Ironed Z-49r.t-alass material and
worItguarantotd. Farmimplementil avid in&
chineg rebuilt and repalrod. .
-�-- —�"vll-wi�t
. I 50 YEARS'
. . " "' N ""o
ill tXPER11 I ONCE .
I 11 5
1 A . _ I
I I TkAbt MANXG 11
jk"76 T6611drin , 400pyluake &d.
9 k% iketoth dnd 4146scrigtidn rolky
QU161HY itSdOTt4in Mr 011.111161% fZ%6 * Otbtr All
invention Prob4ibly?lt
.11table, Conimuntoo-
I t1A � owifidea on Uen
Ttl A 0
. ten ,
I tr Unit crrilft t
. t It a t a Ito, in
, I .
I . I trita
.101y litti
gg,44 wgkly� vtot"t dr.
,. . 0
culittlo? anitloolu 9616 Tat MA. $3 a
Nroi4 Ut in 1. 4% all tkorid"lem I
,fQ0;4l9,,'dw&1,N8WYtA , I
at" 06 F St. W"hininoll 0
Despito 010 fitat, Oat vit(IlitY don-
tinned to ebb ILA itildright apPrOP411-
'11,16 Allu Uy 0 111COP41g 0 10 ft .
Ot fill f0der4ai-CoUncil Iva$ pFL.4SPd
Was good, but (Iltalitv was not ill) to tho tatier, Pup oveiv precum. on WIL,
thp mnrk� atid they i6ve froin i6o, to be taken during th� Royal visit to
Nio 1101110 On( FU - - 11
on your overcoat," Waa.tba reply,
123 tittles V plus 41. equals III
1034 times, 9 -plus 55 equals 11111 k. �l
ed, jio effortH Were sintred to kcpp
disallowing two of tile Aots of l,ho
25c a hundred off Good butchers' prevent, Suspicious characters ap-
A year or two ago it portrait of
i --),1315 tltno4 9 plus 0 equtll% 111 Ill .
- I . j
the spark of, life j�.
*11 iy,
DI-it1sh Columbia Legislature of last
* *� Ivii1ch the Japanese
are I)rottohlpg the Royal Party.
cattle were the 'Sicadlest, ond th .
--- i —
one of the secretaries .of the - Xing,
w1lu was then prince of Wa1eq. Was
1� 4r)o tittles 9 plus 7 equals . I
- 3 . .
1111ill I
Janeway, of New. (If ft r-
. rived At tile Buffalo depot itt, 11 .40
, Iva 111VIC, I
1111luotit fift.'4 Po ,yiKol-ously. pro-
were not, many offering. Ilogs were I
steady, with Ito change fit prices. BRITISHSUCCESSES,
Submitted to Ills inspe ction by tile
IL 507 . tim s" 9 plus 8. equalg I
134V a I
o'clock, and drove tit a breakneck
tested. One of tbese measures ip
filicep ' were all cleared up, though — �.
artist. The Prince glanced at it,
11111111. .
pace ouse. IT(., was.
to the Milburn 11
cililp. 11, entitled "Ali Act to Regu-
dragging, slightly. 1-1,xport I '1100P Salleopep's ComInando Being Driven
and turning to tile secretary Said:
I o_8 q equals. ,
45678 times V plus
04hown to tile rresldoiI04 rooln tit
01140� and hagan An examillation of
late 11111111gl'atioll Into British Col-
umbia." It N PraeticallY It copy Of
Were Cosler. I 111thor arid Thithar. . I
Plxport Cattle -Really choico an[- . I
"Noor orders are not placed prop-
erly oil your breast lit this plettire.
� I
I tinio 8 lylim 'L orlitals 1)
tile allonat 111pillInate forill,
What is known as tile Natal Iminill
inals were %tatiting, and ilia- best of- A despatth from. Pretoria says , -'Th�
prekence Should be exactly the
1_,) timeq 8 plu., 2 equals 08 .
sceretal'y of tbo Noy Long arrIv-
gration Act, an�d imposes educat'011-
revings sold at $4.87-.1- to $5. Ordt- ,,4cbeoperls oominando of 250 men,!
reverse, of that Which you have giv-
11-7.11 thues S plus 0, equals 087 . ,
ed the UflbtlIlu 11611PP, 91, I-"-P(I
t1l qualifications upon intinigrants
nary loads, averaging 1,300 poundg,'UI`0st1Y rebels, is being driven llitll-.
1.12,111 times 8 plus 4 eqUalA 9876 -
O'clock. This W6N I)IN (11?8� Visit, to
99110ally. Chap. .14, whi ell Is Also
%r nud thither by five columim under I
sold at $1,50 to 84,75, . . !t
.48, .veil,, ItighnaSq
"But the likene, it - ?"
,),34!, tfui�g �A plus r lquals 4810 , .
I- , Z "
tile elty, And he had 06 Pxl,J,r?Ila,
'41loWed, Is all Act relating to
Butchers, Cattle-Trado wag good. Beatsoil. They Lire now lioar, Wor-
gasped the rtrtia�, The 11'rince look-
: I ,�),,3450 times 8 'plus 6 eq LIZ . I
'411l'isfactioll of seeing tile President
jjl� ��lploy,1161,f works earried oil
lit this line, everything being Cleared, Caster- 11cP9rtq Jlidict,ttv satisfac-
ed at tlie portrait ittwlf, and gallo
9870A . .
allvil, pvbn though he was not Coll-
under frEill ell!seg, gralited private
g, were light. �rbe �ory prog,
tit), as tile 0901,11) ,s pegs du%.ing tile week,
all appreciative eviticisift of
1-0114,567 thries 8 plus 7 equvl,j
sclou" of his vitsitol"s Pr6sencel
Vlee-llresldbtfl� 1lt)pppVplt bgd been
Acts of IllcorPOP1111011l
4'ho 002i0xibus IWOVISIOU Of thO
quallt.v was not (�Lllly choice, how- Ali anonywous Door 00111mullication I
" IiRa Ocon reCelved threatening repris-,
, and tile best TOtff Sold at 64 to
About the name thne he'Was Pros-
pIll, Lit th(v Production of it tragedy
087651.3, .
1-113415078 titil s . Plu, equillo
a 8 g 8
notifled early Ili 010 ()A)r 0 tile crit-
statuto III litipitloo dp6111-6 f�oiil. em-
. , I
�VZ.,.'Iltl TV tL I lir allimals sold kiiii It confiscation proclainutloil Is'lli
, "I . I
Which oiio of ilia actors took 6ii
9 8 7, 45 4 3 12 I
feal state of affalro, and voli r-alue
06�10111, vitil Well poinpany Lilly
around 13170 to S.11,85 and the �onlll 04TOO out.
Part of a. itamian nobletuan of high
12,11456789 time% a plus 0 (Aluals
. �
troll% film that 110 wits on Ills Way,
p&sdp IVI)p �"13111111 fall to read I
. � . I
� . ),
1110110'r stock tit $Ill to $3.50 per, ewt, 0,plieral lVotlitioli bas had. till ell-
rank, Tito Vrince Split tot, him tit
()87654321 1 .
. in A Appelal train. ,
lauguage, & V,ul,opo 0,119 Apt,tf . Ilfs:
Nws ,patue Ili slowly and quality gageniont with tv :Doer force At 11lie.
the closo, of tit(% porfollinatice.
—0--- I
CONR�f,JTIJTJONAr, ruour"miltrill
pr( wisioll. would shut out fully 9
Japallose ano ell
5y eLtell, selling at from $3.25 io, 11000111'Onteln, ettSt of %certist. lit
i-' was b
but-gbol,a kill-
,,Very gL)otl; very good Indeed I
. . I
. A WOTSIDEWUL 1?V';AT11r, �
. t that
I'llora wao no 1pligpl, A opub
"a elpt, oi pip
lll�r.ol I (jaliada. froln Sc,0111-1119 Pill-
s"mi't'.), which 11 of tho were
l.1eed(ws-I)elnqn(T wits better, but ad find 20 Captured. Tho DrItish pur-
he stild, with it Cordial Smile,
those are German decorations Yolt
Tile most famouo Pearl discovt It'l .
lit tile opprotlabhIg 1IPAll%'() f tI)a Pros-
. 1.1
Ident it eonipleto Change. i)i PIP, I 'X-
plo"111'ent, wifl� pollipatil(is poss qjilg
. .
111corporatioUl* I
thefe arp still Ila offerfligs. prioeq supId the J�oers north and Ili the
killod captured 2j.
tire wearing. (10 to tile 1jusislan
Tahe iny Card and tell
Ili Australia of late years In V� 'I. I
" � I " . I
knoWn As tile Southern Cron.,
* tjpv-
t!?o v4lplal
al )ck s(L%ers, p(ais seven and
.0 ulle'llanged , good Atc ,a
I of 111110 T". -4 * - A
ectitive A dathilptn4100 of ,
crument, woul(I 011600, 4111 -ml Mr,
� m -o I
,40Ntr,,,�VJ1&111 ANTICIVA1.401M.
, ound.
welghing front -1,100 to 1,200 1) 4 pf theill.
being Worth 11-0111 04 to $4.25 per- Skirmishes jimvo taken plaea on tbe
0ount, Blank to flow Volt tile prop.
ev Russian orders for the part, you
Consists of a Cluater
' '
I Ili ill� Sfiftl)O Of 1.1 eVUCIAX, a114 i� - �
I - �
Itoorevolt would take otall of pffice
wa.% Avhollyl a ina,tter of CoUjoatuIVY,
-A wm to going, to try to er6 go
'tile an a bl-
id beavier ones $3,50, to !Pietersbul,g ttitilway , line, In which
cWt. at '
$3,115, Light r3tock 1.3 worth $8 to spven Iloors �Vor6 killed,
repregent. If it Is. Worth doing oilt,
kill It In. Worth doing right In the,freaIL
Most i:101-fect Ill I lroport)oll % 1
ef nature Wall picked up .
, .
1)!resi dent Arthur took the oath itt
&.111. after tile deatit of Ourfield,
Niagallp VIVNI 90110
1" �
,&ycle With groo�od W110618, ,
28.501 , —t)—�
0 ,
! Stockers -Were steady at last 21-114 gallons of frealt. wo.ter WeIgh, a
Jeast Particular."
A good Motto eithor for kirig ,or
on the Luelpetle 1,41m,
.49 . .
I low Water niber nainod Clark ; it
by a beachco
; ,a
I 'tind lit that Casa Justlee Bra dy, of
-Is Ile ,? JVolid ar it hold
100410 Q)j )its iltial'so �11
,W s and receipts Nvollolight. toA,
price �
I %vas last sold foll $50,(,00. .
Kew York, Adminiatered thq 44h,
, . .
I . . .
. I � . I I �
- I �
. . 1 . .
A. .