HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-09-12, Page 3a sensitive child,, raora fussing 494- all over piv, disagrecaple enough for x1ous par- the wait tramping, but resulting In T A-44 1U
lows on the part of all an HE S N AY S HOOL, LUU UF TH FlUT out, and the prophecy is presently satisfactory lead for tile cows. About th 6 In a fair way to fialfilment. When I have had a surplus of QUIT A XVxVJR OF Tar
THE WALL" Of DAMAS southern ensilage com I have set a, SEPw
sittegon load of the bundles In a OUS e STA00-4 ON WABLIil LINEN. AARN ck. if X food groin. silo until room Puiloaqp4erv, inventors, stotals,
This is the season for guarding was obtained for the remainder, to Text of the Lesson, Gen. xxxi., men,. Aotore Qsid Authora Are
Lvsons to be Learned From St, ff against Permanent injury to the OF, h 004en, Text, Luke. taine and the E,AHLY PLOWING W felt I added nearly one barrel of tu.0 Eldest sons. Heart frout fruit a water to the load. All of our ex- like. Rem oration with fodder partly dried, oval of tile discol be SQWA Variance. The law Is -by no means alone in
-markable� THI-14 OP 1111$R- 1: or weakening. the damage before Put- to A, crop this fall or next s 1-2. "Ahd Jacob went On his Wfty, favoring, the first-bgra of famil
Esca Whether Stubble land is to
Pe. pring we goes. to show that when well wet The Average housekeeper . knows ting the articles in the Wash will be believe it should be plowed as early and well trampocl it makes fair aand tile Angels of Goa Inet him.", and negleetialK later
A little salt Silage. SO to tile m ity who as-, d the
vl.,Wy little about jig as possible. We have observed that elde. at the 14 il I Son the Lord AU comors, for a careful examination of
.11, aside roin found satisfactory. memo this
fall to lit our last 10
St lit 4k despatch front Washington says. or front the western Prairie or from stnall applied, oil the instant. supplelerited e.
rjy_pjQwad - land grow$ better allgiiis appeared to him its be, WAS the biographies of our incist eminent DrPreached from H uglish or Irish or Scottish home * the caught from, out Sun- by the pouring on. Of boiling watell build silos, it frot kills the corn leaving home and now. utter twenty inert Will prove that quite a propoit-
the following ext; 11. inland lakes and streams-tIle w1lQat that, Jalid, plowed just tiefore
X1, 08, "Through i A CORD OV IXFLU1l1NQt4 111sh, perch, black aild rock bass and will remove wine stains. TO CITACQ sowineptchongli, its a matter of fact before you are re;X.dy to fill, do not years Zellapter xxxi, $8, 4Z), as he derating nuillber of them owe their a, willdow.in a bilq- that bas kept you right When you. plelmol that ra the usual results gvftss Stains, clumpoll the spot and much. (j, upon the kind of, sog. be Scared but 1311 And wet down. 'Is about to return home with wives fame largely to the fact that they ket was Xlet down by the Wall." Would have gone astray anti which, of a fishing xcursion on part of apply creant of tartar, rubbing it Let us take oat stubble first. Ac- lnna children and Serants and.mlitch mado their entry into the world, lit Sermons on Paul in jall, Faul on P Ioflective in 31as 11111, V the shipw at tell you bad mado a Crooked truck, I ',the moll folks.11 , ut her in the 'veil in, Javolic, water Cording to our way of thinking it MICKET4 FROM ONTARIO, Cattle, the angels of God, meet hixa- advance of. their brothers E, d sisters,
k util 141 reek, recalled you? The rope may be a(31 fish market and she Is confused and removing frult nd berry- stains. Its - Should be plowed Immediately after In what wondrous grace the Lord guys London ololt-I Paul before the Sanhedrin. P4.1 be, Id not be left to the (As- fore Flong. as 0 years oil 500 Arilles long uncertain. Her experience has been use shou th off thq6 ground And deals With this man I - And Ile Is To ch all extent does. this Ap- ,u a oats. tire oil
are plentiful, but in my or 0,000 nifles long, but bands that W. Ith lish 4(froin water to parl- and oration of art ilio.xperfenced laun-Isown to cowpeas, rape, Kafir corn, Our Mining Exhibit at thO Pan- Jesus Christ the same Yesterday pQar to be the case that, it a dozen -
text We have Paul fit a basket. dress, however, since, if it& too great early sorghum or other forage .0 I went out of mortal sight, long ao site learns she doesn't know how to rop American Exposition, and to -day and forever (Hob X14it names of digtinguishod inell are t4k.,
Damascus is a city of white and still hold the rope, You want a protect herself from the. dealer, will- strength it will eat into 4el5- which will afford excellent feed for 8) and has just he same grace for an at random, it Would be quite safe
ver, troy the fabric. The interest taken b - illsou In the you "lid f or� Ind. In chapters xxix to to assert that four of thelli (or o5-
glistorting Architecture, sometimes v swift horse, and yott need to.ing enough to take 4.4vantage of Javelle water'may be made as fol-� farm stock until frost comes. If the �yL p
-s and I of nickel -copper ore xxxi, inclusive, between the last Jos- sibly five) are first sons; of the � re� called "the eye of the East,is ome-!rowill hint With harpest Spin lot, inexperience. out stubblo land is desired for wheat Ontario exhibit
lows : Crbonste of potassium, four it will make no difference W this one, we ave an A,C�' mainder three are second sorts,'while
times called "a, pearl surrounded by to lotAlio reins lie louse upon the- To tell a fresh fish says a author- ith the at the Pari-Americart Exposition, soll,and
em . eralds," at one tirlic clistin neck unit to give a shou ounces ; chlorate of little, six ounces; crops mentioned, except that you and his subsequeat researches $it the count of Jacoll's 20 yi.pars with La- the younger ons, ranging from �Ncl.
0111811- t to the rao�er Ity on the ubject, sea that the flegli
ed for swords of the best material, if Water one gallon. live, Jed to file-, ban, his faithful service, his mar -
You tire going to ride out of reach is tirm-too firm to admit Of Pres- would got very' It any, feeding Sudbury, district, It three downwards; must be content
called Damascus blades, ;lnd uphol, of your mother's pravers, Why, a Ship sure leaving a dint ; that the eyes value. from them, Their value under qUarit ' Inquiries concerning tile rjage, his Incroase and the Lord's with dividing tl sltery of, richest fabric called crossing the Atlantic fit six days. tire full, the scales bright, the Aus U S-EFUL 111XTS. . r xxxi, le striall remnant of uall, circurnsta,noes would lio fit the mount of ore obtainable in Ontario special care of. him (chapto celebrity arricing them, the name of Saul. can't still away. from that, A sall- fle 01 pieces of manilla, paper, that% addition of humus. to. the soil. If find the advantages to be gained by 24, 29); also fit verses 4 A horseman got stiff, and the gi s not In t, dark Iron 4 to Occasionally a 'very late coiner 4P. -
been or finds them ().it the I kout as he liver -colored, And t1lat there is no' paint them, And you will find you the seed were expensive it would not, using a captain percentage fit the r,,5 the Incident of the covenant b0- U ividing toward this city, had oo q ires ftme, but the odds are All
thrown from the saddle. The horse takes his place atid.fincis thein on marked odor. When it answers. to have something quite a.,, good as be profitable to, Adopt this. method, Inanufctature of bailor P1.4t6s, PiStO*, tween Labri and Jacob at Galedd against him. hus, Benjamin rank. had dropped under a flash from the the mast as he climbs the ratlines those tests it Is fresh, and In the oilcloth to tack behind your sink. though we prefer to have onie kind rods, tool steel, etc. Mr, Speller, or blizpall, lin, the greaV . naturalphil4) vk�, thich at tho.sarne time was to disentangle a ropo in the tempest right season 4or outing. I Do riot keep ironed clothes oil bars of growth oil the land after it' is', the suporinterident', oil being inter- .aopJ2cr'
and ',,Viewed on. the subject gi 8m8, Jacob sent messengers to and politician,: had no fewer tfian, so bright, it blinded the rider for and finds them .9,winging on the hanl� I As R general thing large fish should fit the kitchen any longer than is plowed until ready to read, ves the fol, Esau, his brother, - and on their . rc-� fourteen brothers gad sister*, In front dic4t- lowing report concerning the nickel- turn, Iparnin '
many days, and, I think, so per- i inock when lie turns in. Wh be boiled ; medium-sized ones a a llecessary for thoroughly drying. any one of the forage crops. fix g that Esau Was Com- of him; Sir Iftehard Arkwright, the'
inaneittly injured his'eyesight that:be frank And acknowledge it? , lie: a They gather unpleasant odors. ed would make Considerable growth copper ores of Ontario and their frig to meet hir41 with 400 men, or broiled and.Small ones fill 110 famous inventor,. was the thirteenth
this defect of. vision became- the most of its would long ago have been best size for broiling is three u ds Try turning .A. pan over your flat- from the middle of .July to the us0s:- becomes filled with fear and dis" child of his parents; and Sir Joshua thorn in the, flesh -he afterW -ds dashed to pieces had not &raclous. for baking fr' while they are on -the stove, first or middle of.Soptainber, when To Ono acquainted with the iln- tress 'And attempts to pr6vfdq f or tom five to eigh d irons Reynolds was number seven in his,
for planking from six to ten Aon speaks of. Ile held - started for Do- and loving hands. stettd�ly and Jov it s, it is Ark excellent way to save fuel, wheat -sowing time is at hand. We portant, bearing of nickel in modern the sqfLtv of t least a port
Of mascus , to butche 'its but ingly and mightily held the rope. as You ma keep them hot with one- have known oats to be. sown -on 6uch life the exhibit' bf ores and the var- his cornpio,ily, Notwithstanding all -the majority of the 1, 01tristia, Do not boil whitefish. t,!l Be ut by far
after that hard fall from his ..' horso But there must come a time when Whitefish Is . one of the best of our halt the fire, land with go6d results. The success lous products from the Sudbury dis- God's gracious cajo of him a woAd's- distinctions are shared be-� -eachod I we Shull find out who theke DaIiias- lake of tho*forage crops, however, sown trict of the Provinco of Ontdrio 18 many years, lie does not seem to And so sonso, th4 he was a ellanged n*ki and Ill fish, and the best CO 'a time of ` the year soon- After full of interest. I mportant h tween first oond Christ in Damascus till the city was keeries were Who lowered Paul in the TO DESTROY ANTS. at th All the ave learned to trust Him wit,out basket, and groat them and All those take 'Superior or the so otive,,pom - wheat. And oats are cut will,,depend mines of the cop�er�nickel belt In- fear, lion's sh(Lre shaken, to its foundation, Brook trout -is delicious sitting, I. :Grease plates with lard, and set upon the arnoulit,of eluding th , ose of the Canadlan'Cop- 9-12. III humility he looks to.dsid GOING TO TFIE FIRST-13ORN,
who havo. rendered to God and the,
The'mayor. gives authority for his World . unrecognizeid,4nd unreedr . cled but always high priced, Next in them where the !Ilsects . abound, - MOISTURE IN HE SOIL, per. Co., Ludwig Mound.Co,, Great and pleads IR promises to him, ac- Fame in the world of letters has arrest, and the popular cry� is: "Kill services. hat, Is goinje to be. one of flavor is raliked black bass, a fish They prefer lard to any�thingl and Lakes Copper Coll and the Lake knowledglug all His great goo4nesq gone In quite undue proportions to him 1. !<ill him The -city is sur- thd sportsman enjoys taking on ac- will forsake even sugar for It, Place But sow a forage Superior Power Co.,''Are represented It We may take, :the .'glad excitementfi 'of heaven, the , whether you with gratitude. This is co, right at- the eldest born. rounded by high wall and the gates count of Its game light for life � and it few sticks around the plate Goothe, Shakespeare, and ,hunting up and picking out of those for crop or not plow'the oat stubble its by massive blocks of their character- titude toward God. Tito assurancos Dante,
the who did grant good on earth and liberty. This i1sit -is always found th Occasion- early as possible and keep working istic ores, the whole collection aggra- of God,. when lie left his ho' and Milton as the four greatest names irk are watched.by. the'police last I a ants to, climb up by. me tpo, 'in can wai6r.. aliy turn the pinte oottorn up over it until time to sow wheilt, always -gattn 1.7 tons -in wQlght, one picce whext. he was about to return should thQ histor, of the %vorlci's literature, Clif.cian prisoner eset , Many of got no credit for- it. Rare- thd . C1 9 tile house's tire built on the wall-, and Church has been going on'19 can- The seascir� for fish, - especially, the the, fire, and the Ants will fall in aiming to hold all -the moisture you amounting to. 10,000 lbs. Besides have delivel.-ed. him. froin. all four we find that all, four, with the ex- with the l,: melting )ard. Reset the have 1p, produc ng mines o6licerning Equals treatment of him caption of Shakespeare, the greatest, their balconics, projected clear over tul,ics, andyet the w�rld has not lake fish, ' is spring and summer. Cited up fit the'soll. U'o would these well . known I and hovered Above the gardens out- recognized the services .6f the people Generally speaking, it frozen fish .s a, plate, . and in a short Wine thi1l. treat whoat stubble the 5CLuio way if 'samples front many promising loca- But many, believers are not any more it� is true, *6f them all, were cldes� cle. It* was customary to lower In that'DamascuO balcony. 0,haries, spoiled 11sh. . A frozen fIh should, al- Plague, shoulct. have disappeared. We desired ' to f6llow, wheat with tions now utidar-develop="t are. trustful nOw, for With Such asqur� oo=' baskets out of these j)41conies, and G. F Inne said - to A, dying 91rigtian, Ways,be thawed in ice -water. Fish wheat. :If we wantQd.to plant the shown, -thus.eomploting the cow - ances as John x, �7�20 6;' This'privilege of the.. first-born is pull, up fruits and flowers from the- "Give y —+� — 7 , pro my love- to S;Paul When should IJ9 An water after. they land to corn wo would Plow ther oat lionsivc� character und economic, im- II Tim, I, 3.2, etc., there are thosQ claimed for Shelle, and 'Byron, nd gardens. To this day'visitors, at the you meet hiiii.1, When ou. and I are I clearted, Inert an old plate in NEW FOOD FOR CATTLE. or wheat stubble- . qs early as pos- poptance of the exhibit, wilo, flavo their fears lest they may Heine; orlid -in modern times, to monastery or. mount 'are lifted in we Will trill lay. the lish 'on it. Do gible and sow a forage crop. In the . A full. series of samples from. the not reach home, 'but' be lost sorrle� Ineatiori � names without regard 7 to act him, as 1. shall 'ask it. Pali f gh disking And har-! Works of the Canadian -Copper Co., where by. the'way. relative merit, by Ruskin, Axax Mul-
and him to introduce the to those who not.put 11sh In a refrigerator but- Molasses ls Said To Be :R�neflcial spring a thorou n IN 'BASKETS. ter and milk will taste of It, pit thei land in fair Sudbury and,tlie,Orford Copper CQ,, 13-28.. He -prepared a great present lcr,� Leckyj. rofessor ob , Sir w -
LET DOWN got Jilin out of Vor Them. rowing would b LQ prowled . aro I illid � friiIIII TAUnsils used. in cooking ish an tilth foe oatii wid, it would be- in 1\Tqw York, illustrate the. process 0 for Esau that ho might therewith Is Morris, Opederlelc Ha risen, Sir* Detect ' ives THI-,',, DAMASCUS PERIL.. h tainted," th agriculturalists in 1,�Auropeo* good; shape to plow for corn. treatitiont And show the Various *Tnat- appease droves of goats,� ohn Lubbock., Sir Gecligo, Trevel- house to house looking for Paul) apt tb get '!Is orefore Mally The scheme outlined subserVcs SOv- les, nickol oxides, nickel shot., nickel sheep,,'camols, o6 but his friends hgcl�.hini, . nowlit ohe . Come, let'us go right up and acT a: bbiler, baking pan, etc., should be. hiCve long. been convinced that 1120- ws and ..asses -m-580 yan, Mr. Firiero and others f Al. . too urposbs ': It, affords an abund� wille bars, nickel ribbon, ate. The lin alli With instructions to those in numerous to mention., place, now in another. Ile Is -no cost those oil tnd, direlo: of - heavenly reserved f9r fish exclusively. lasse'3 W oil admirable -':food for oral p uring s enclosed on - the.- front cliarge'of the iircloves as to what . they. file - co ance,of forage_ d the autu J turned hrones. Surel- tilej. nittist have horses and ocattlq, and 'their n- xhibit Conf4cius and Molls, Talley iction I is now stroliger. than' ceps the gkoun sidcs.:by'a -railing of cast - nickel, shall say to Esaw vilion they mbet rauci:and 'Rossini, CliArlemagho, u-,
coward, -as fifty cuts bl'ills life I As for the sea fish sold in -our d s h dn: work killed'in battle.o. million nien.,'Sure- ever, and fall an�d'k L clemor-trate, but he feels III$ large markets, they arollsont through ad., And' In the 'winter the Scatter- probab xicato 'piece of hint. It looks as if Ito felt that he ther, an Raphael, Were all"oldost .1 ly 'they must have been burled.With licked in ice aud are in go . oilowing to ceitain experimentS. which ly the most 1-111 d is not clone yet.'and so lie evades, as od. . I which ing Plants, to keep - the, Stiolvi ng ever ItttdinFted in -t AS! assination. lIs' illat : preacher ll the. enilleArals Soundilfg. A. dip9c dition .,,when received. Fres1l cod have ,'can recently t -led, and' tend, he Puke must clo4ome*hat to help God i1i sons also are Such 6riii
ad'thit' Ky. a dIrtillontly sue6aggit,14 from b!owIng.off dri s"exposing. metal. and All the towers of all the' ities_ can It ')ved -this m4tter.Ho evidentil. believed tatesmery of tQ-d as 'Mr, A. J n be - had -almost ' any time ; QT0 PX sin sea Ali anal lock 1�.jug
here ?" the too �Ilob Shout 'at. builtriog the naked surface.: Moreover, b is given. 1�algour, Mr. Chamberlain,* Mr. Mod,�. one house, door, that fanatic ,tolling the national gttlefl Who' art mackerel is excellent, but. is Unfortunately, !it �sorlle a �,sis of each the woi%ld's motto usecl *by many.. be- rge .on -'the label, the ores may thus.ba lievers "God, helps hoop Who help s-11ose6er ' Aond , G 0 4, thou., Inighty one oi heaven? "I sbn'in spring at farnie'rs'haye practically beQn .' de- upprosScis Weed growth to a , In y� id early Summer, And hero?." the police Shout at E -datugh 'X . '. . is barred from � using me asses In this extent, adds, humus to -.the sq,il, and divided into three -, grqu and Mr. John Morley.. the liyecl.by cholqe the uninarried - should - be broiled ..Halibut IPS as. themselves," but the toadbing of sometimes, oil house cloor, mhowhig to the fild that tbi�ro jj� it In niucli better _conditi6h, to. high In Copper and. row in is that od helps those Among great ' soldierp'wo �hgve passes,through a ter In. bought� i, steaks, whict-arL boiled y a ind inateria. is nickel, oil Mill Ora whe hem T ord Wolso r Streot Incognito work, , xanipie, Cart s6metillies take care of NY .00, IS S I.Irgeon, a. . I I r" odaiulrl6t help t and Lo'd witch 'nor fit their old 4 d t on all. �s: cellar bats,
or broiled 'so, t solves, Wild we clo- d of clinched a top age, and '.I e4 i : ha�, a' rather strong flavor, but now, hi- Fra cps corn, potatoes or Any other crop� from tile I Cae Co" C, I licis Jeas -etes hinis witiot conir rice 1 At least, st n4clian s must one to art and of ourseiver, among lawyer. ...Sir ra )is sect elf on.tbe hous . , I - -, and due perhaps to. the_ fact. that jo� is Itave been Aakeir: to remove ' tills ., Earl3i Plowing., inli.itates., against ininc,No. -0 which runs wo-canAcnow H' - power (Ps. nd Sir Edward.' Clitrko -fit the' Plait t all theli quol;jilous�eSs pqr before is the acave I agar - S I 0 our the copper,..8 par Church the lat At last the infuriated populace got j�da'ilnlstered to all their wants' for 'fj I -' -f wteps obstacloo and, fuetherniore, the worli: of'insects�,- too, and land cent. cent. nickel, - (2) Jxxii, 12 ; c' if, 27, 28, Isa, xJ, 29, a l3ishop of Loncl6n, V
oil sure 'trac - it of, hill], They, have 20 years." Let us, pasa:on. round Salmon, is' ill market.all'the 'Frene'll. 06verainent has ptilloticly no-. t1lus'plowad:iN soldoin; infested With Thoe ind all ills miracles). year high in nickel and low fit COP� Tid con the stage Irving. p itive evidence hat 110 is �in the tilt, circle of . thrones. - Who ..cirt. 'It is boiled. r baked, -do thO "a- Pat- -'such its the "Gertrucle" orq of 24. "And Jacob wfkS* left : alone, Or, P AMO US SVP0XD SONS 0 0 tWed agricultrallst%. that it will Sc-�speciea of ins6cts whiclit
the mighty oil . a- 6f heaven? all lr� Its power t( theiii in popu.-, quire undisturbed -quarters for, thafr* erlov, Power Co'... Carry-' and there wrestled a man itli..hlm. tho iisi .18 �is'thiguished, if house of one..of Abc. Christlai S, :tl,6u Finuari haddle is sinoked'hadclock. id CS Over.. Ow NO balcony Of whose 4101ile reach ws. for �) years, a. Christian, lftV`& and, requires only- to be spread with' la".171119' the n d best develppment And, wor).,, 5 pei- cent. nickel and but ajuntil the' breaking of (fak. Tile. -suffered all the wliile, Occa- butter and, warmad".,thrpugh I The lnost�notable ex AUL PLOWING tt,aca - of - oper. 'This ore is now! margin says until. the of. a lie lid and In the ively short, jor.wo find uch giants the. � wall. is 1 . I . I Y ornIng. It IS, not -10 �aacl'� . ....
th ; a molasses- #tve'bedh*'nfado by M,, D.L- sulphur, di6xidQ for,the cif th.6.past as'Michaal AngC '111PAtIly oven, , It may ))a served wi tused to.supply .-in Jzol) art�tiorj nd blaS sionallv Writing 'L� nOtO Of SV is .1" Tile' voelf the Pope, Garibaldi, .1 'ps * aaWe�'- white auce. Also, 'and baked'pota� cronibeeclue, a. Chemist, and 11d, Mall. does: not gv6 w��s el.itin'co to the sulphite pulpmill. of this' com-' wi-e§tllllg with'a. man 1cothoven, tay'and howling of, th.e,pursuc forAhlos illat. lie nilght. 1�ttscaj; Wallace and ShLridali:.,John necliez; it yeterinar. : sittgoon, at. grow, 'Provided. the land Is .slibsc-: over , hini, b t� th front floor, 'They tgenei,a). Confident of nll.'those'. who toes hould aici"Onipany It. y pan3t at Sault Ste. blarle, Ont, plievaill a Wasley And. Montaigne. - Of famous at the alid -let 4 -as They ..assert ' that chopp W tiuclitly hadlcd,.properly_� ']'his, is a F.cirro'iiiekel. is m4de from. the. 'roast- wee . stlies with . Jacob that -he may retc�fi out Ilia, -had -'trouble; aiid oliep In. a - while .1 There is m. --good* d;al min Cleaning teSmea'cif our own thr)a we have s hang his' ]lead onthe City gate. was stron . g enough to , niake � a,'g fish pi I .o . perly. : They should be, - Care— 11AY or gruss mixed ,%tith molasses �s VLry. Important con0iderLdjq.n,. Inas- ad .,residucis In 'an electi-ic frnace. conquer Jacob, And Jacob eviclanfl:; larcauft And— Ali-. AS Where � is he?" � The emergency was ment * for -.�follnity I'll the "fully: 4caled_l Cure fail asthina. ' -and much as tho.growth of weeds ' not, I(3) Average ores such as, the block'stoutly resists . him until. morning. Sir William I that Pool if iialifish-and put all vulth, as i�ell as,Lord Suli$bur�, to Providimthilly back pass ',oil to an6that th cough several. rmtors. fulithermore, that food of.this kind only means the use of large -quan, front the Victoria mines carrying 4.5'God Is everseeking: to break u�) herr terrible. rieltlier 'loads Lhd stomac of Cent �eiltiori only three in the he It nor im- tities Of moisture, but the Use per cent.' copper and 11.5 Pei, down, to humble to. brin usto A good siout basket Use, throne. . NYllo art. thou, 'mighty ohe pedes - . M - 11 nickel, . Alany of,thos 9. The list of second Sons contains- a. i�aul's friends I-kVterl a.rope -to the of heavpn?. �'J was the rriothe�'who, .lOspiration.' They also -think plant Sood-which sliould retna' I p- ores oil being an.crid of ourselves., thAt-'Ite tSPaul :Steps. I 'it likely, ge9ticn ' r is iiiined are divid d by' Inspection ixitd I bless us Indeed basket. iito it, The raised. a wholo*fLififfly:,of. childron.foc Folit T�lp %COOK that during,. di the the Soil to the crops which it a und' show_as Hl�- ..reat soldial
s 4.11. eminent judge fit -at is lifted -to -the edge, Of' thO C o d nd the.V are butAii the World Sugar in. the. food, proditeeg aledilol desired to produca. EL high Copper. and high. llicke.l.. gade, trength and magnify Himself in uv. 'it, Richard it,n,.,me- Grape bfurmalade.-This: is, made and licy say , that -If ani- gives the farmer -a peas I tlll� and �Thp-i Toward morning -the, itia-i %till better known ag,S balcolly oil tlle�wa-lj, And then while -Isti I 1, , f,,Iarly. plowing all ''61 ve ctor in. ble, Deer- a ' Ch't advanced position witIro rofcreuco� to Sudbury r' i6n fit- Which these nickel who wrestled .with Jacob -touchaj
he. . rope . W'l both Christian March lits, of tile grape pul' iih thi� JUiCC,'-Maj'S heil'Ith' ''is bo Pefol g Webster! a e r Paul holds, t it I chanics, Christian,wives, and. P und,to be, bqne- ag s lower aWZLYi ewitril- fbr all, in toil.,." vhitt.has beer, sed toi, jolly. fited thoroby. i�egular bohni. Tree; ' n artist: In .bIr Phil §' his friend care- had Jull -r !miss$ farm work. and. affords bearing oi-es occur is included within � inhe hollow of Jacob's thigh- and' hand y When -fruit 'is not abundant' niar- i Two other MM; Dickson. I'll" OPPOI-LunitY to 011gagO fit other all efiiptical area rncilsuring�� .70 put it out of jol t go that -J'Acob ,Say; all(l, mail . of letters iii. Grani fully and eautiously,� s16wIv but Let 'us pass' oil 'in the circle -of Id. and farther school malade.may be�prcpar6cl at thesanle and Mixiveaux, have also made ex- lines which may promls(i� well !it his liffles by. 50 milc-9, Owing to. the ln-'ecould lio longer resist,,. after which Allen And Sir Edwin Arno surely, farther, down throttles. "I had a abbath 'Nor am the third' son n class, and they time , with jellies. Pick the. dra�pes. p�piftlol o the effect of particular community and under his ased demand for nickel the JaCob In his helplessness, sLxN,- clown until, the baske't Strikes were. always. on: 'my in�ragap.ci lleixltll' individual Ch -6:6111 ere, Dpillg new�l. 1)lean.9 to be despised fix point of -5 then add molasses on thL' ' eneral Stances. it. pro-, 'of prospecting tind devel, 9 1,*Will. not let. lice go except. earth and tile apostle stops out.and heart, ' arod'thei, all efttereO the Xing� from the . tems. and rinse 9 is till Softe weight and milk of, artful proper elatively very Small, uality, although tli6ir number
afoot, -und alo a starts. oil 'that fa- d- alittle water and coo� als, � ana 1 vides a Certain de'gido - of .1reedom ti(�s is. being vigofoil$13i Pro- thou blass TIA4 is the secret oi.n of -C3od, nd I am waitink, for which it is well for the former. to r, the story 61 tileir arrival." But . who art thou, Drain off the juice and fUlY the -ass 'they havb-arrived at the followng secated at present. of prevailing with,.0,04, our helpless- .US -xiiissionarV toll aThey include the greatest soldier Ot which has astonished earth and 11011- the mighty one of he4ven on this through .'the sieve, to remova: ELI, conclusions With the. develo�riient of the 'now ness, - Clinging to His pow6r.* Con. I Whom the list, for Sider those who - came to . )3im Who,:, 'nodern times, the Duke f Avelilrov von. Appropriate ..entry Paul's other , throne? '.'In tithe of bit:ter skins and seeds, Adil'to the �.pillp Ordinary' 'I food:'Xilixe corri ha.4 been sQ badly 1idison stortigo battery a new tow the greatest author -of "r, . y time, I 'by. the cl,Q'uth , that Stock- it
illar I IlThrOugh.la, wili- house ill Da- an,equal� weight,6f 'sugar and' boil w4b, nlelas�es (juiglely, Increase's th,a' nurenickel has -been found wf It linilta-. Us WLt-s 'on dr:th inr us and �ei famous y of * trave s : persecution 11 owned a t 'imagine, The gro i :41iakespeare; And the most doWit by Ina slowly with thu:juice half or three- Weight of jAgs and bilve,bec,t urnod into the field and -tion.8 hard t at 'how In.,.eyery caso.lfis power .. Wall) dow In a baSket was I lot sells, a nouse oil the Wall. , ;A 0 ir quarters of an hour. If the fruit is secondi that: iiiiiinals which are fed have eateii off the tops and' blades, inv o'nal' made: inanifLat oil behalf -of utior fletion-writer.6f the wall." 'man who preached Cill-Ist .Was ant. and may be dfgk� elitor hit, lately -made 16 Pei's Walter Scott. he I as t century, la slander hounded from i3trodt to. sti-cet and.l. extra juiev',, or too much., water has fit this wity Live inore.and richer Of s, the 1. -the Sudbury distriet, and has helplessueso ;. the blind, the ape -observe first on wh been Added in cooking the, only milk thaii they,.did before third'; ad twice, harrowed two or three visit to . and,so.,
The rope- hid him from. the. assassliv, aria started cL thorough -Search for nickel the- woman with the isspe, those oltalre Was a third suit; were 0, . Fox, the -la.111014S states'. terture greitt results hing. halt the juice need be added. . Stir. that,molass.es is hu-�wzccllent food times and sQwn to rye. 6r� to- be us6d i the' constraetfon of thw0int -of 'death and those who Steil ihat'cord faston- wh6n I -found, them breaking' into my cissL ,king n and orator, L6rd Lytton) ..and maker who, twis very,often to prevent burning . and 'fop 11 �s,. na tb4t owering b4sket. neVer hoilse. and I could no Junior -keep Since they.quickly I ac- . If. the grounO. is'iri woi con"_ his battery. in -this connection On- had. died. ; . .1 . - . While . Lord ed to depand.upon hiln� safely l'bLdvised,him, to -be careftil to not cook, too loillt-� 1. liking f6l, It, a I * diiiPil start the plows and a Sir Robert Walpole nd pparent y keop aric, sh;�Ild- be.j:ongratulated,. Also 27t 29. "Thy nailre'shall be, a llc� Tialsbury. has proed that
*ciula - I a third 1,riew how much o experience that a do not lose Strength, them goin.g until -you have plowed .11, h* -ob, but as LL r3XE, T OR 'HIS 1; I F1 @ hrv�e found *� ly no ally ,of their is, i:6 �b& U ing large quantities of high. no more Jae con. cal*fill with- distinction the THE 'STRFNGTH OF arid- to somp, more desirable tjla� on ticaable change being a 'every acre sed. this grade graphite. another essential ele- prince hast thou 'POW61, with God dish Is obtalnecl�by. using less sugar, slight tericloilay to sioutness 'I- And, fall. for wheat'or ro or next spring cell. In and 'with- itteii and ha,st �provvdlcd " highest Place fit the 1AW, and the 'and the, and it' basket W�.s let, dc�wu' mailt it). the -11
F.IOW if it had beon'brclk6ri To the 'pulp' ancl'juido, of i,gallOil fourth; that molasses-ean effectively f0v Corti or oats -Wo believe- it late Sir Walter Besant that. lie, can ad� b on dushed. ol4t 9 over the wall �wlth the maltieat0d 1900 there was produced froul.Sud-. Wo cannoi.g9t our hew' Of Sao;,' , a .4 use..21 Would be .actvisab'lo. to Plow up all- will laurels in the field of letters. apostle'q MO. 11 stemmed grape, cups .I�Vgdr- be usdd � with food of , un'inforlor -Y ores'31.61 metric.tons of nickel, uhtil we confess that. we. are. alid ; uld ha,ve bepoTna. of tbe� mail in it, t -id I will, orle, who helped Follow thq above and the quality since the 'alumals- will thei oat stubbld !it wlileli the Clver has bill d's have * to what , WO eeli Starters and naught bral� Church 7 All the 14119111fl-7 hold tile pOP6, And -1 said:, 'Js abotit 40 per Cant, of the worl Christian jc In paillphyna, that, And.he 'inswered: "That result will be delicious. readily oat it, whereas they.. would not made satisfactor.v.growth- If- it sinner. Jacob must , ackn6wledgu+ production. MARRIED B-4 NEWSPAPER. East india equal not cs�ra 'for it ill'i gObd now it isn't likely' to u§c 'of nickel in the. bim.4elf as' J cob .or Suppl nt r, cent WOI tS natural coil to, 0 Glatis, Macedonia I% all," And. %,Oille I was. lost fit :At preseni the. a Cappadocia, sugar !und- good :dItiofi: over amount to in"ll. lishiad, -amaZenlent, I hcard,a, Strong Voice antitles of manufAtture, cif nicket teel absorbs (chapter .96, margin) befora W apples,, pare 4nd core,thb -t Vileaq, a ckel prd- 'he sfrang story. of Miss croyaea ould neVel-111M been aecOmP Soup: ap, M. I 41bei French Pro- the largest portion of the of call receive his new name oil 0 All his writingsAllAt inake up go ln� that Sounded AS though it might, Ples� und , Chop title. Make a clear fessar; (if Agriculture,. says that the in - the. Uriited,3sraei'(margftx, a prince of 'God)l We ng.in London. 'once have'llocit hoarse1rout many duced-I Last year iispelisable A enchanting.0, Putt 0 syrt!p., Of thit Sugar, add. the apple U MtADOW-.j INJURED tates 10,639,857 tells of St14pirit through I-losea, says, d nd expog4res, �nd'trluinphalit as though s French Covert .4 acting. - vo�y live oil 'rind, of wisely fit encouraging farmers . to tile Now. Testairl0lit -would never, It nd, ; the 3pice And grat 13Y oduce(l for till Ptlrilio-Hes; in at -11111 his strength lie had powerwith.. In October last Misil Helen`6 Creydt been, written. The story Of Tesur- it might have belcinged to-olle of sufficient ridtaber of Ichions to give it 1110jusses, it t j1L p' pi g at Cologne, inserted so u oints out hat ..t ev(lpy Ilse to which this niater- God -1 yea, he had power over' tho who wars livin rection Would have bCOn §0 the martyt-S, And . it sajd; "Not it, it dpd -. lemon taste, dnd Just what to do, with those lands 1110" nkfurter. tl'On cate,should be taken not to give JAI ie alit in the Fra That many 'Illighty, not many noble tire inger rdot, about J lb to 5 Me is a brObleni. Where the ground is pilt &L, higliel- efficiency nd n, angel. and prevailed ; he wept alle, -,it advertisom o told -It. aninial er- degree of Safety would be ob- 2nade stippliciLtioli unto I-Ijill ;, lid Zoltung, to the effect that 0110 was but God, hath chosen the too much of it, as, owing lifillant Called', f l�uol t� though . �,his'ls according to to its heating qualitlej it may pro- suitable for. growing Corti, oa ns, ,Jipin.d triul ts li&ets, great I by the use of 3 to 5 Per cent. found Him in Bothell and there Ilt,, n orphan possessing SOIAO Illea,
a'Ill I - weak things -Of the W,orld. �to coll- 6 . opple looks duce , deict�rious effect if given too ete., undoubtedly the best plan Is to tailled carbon Steals It aP- spolce with us, evon the Lord . G"od nd desired to correspond, with I an n the Mocift, tas Uoil till tll
w flag� found the thing.,; which are I'light, �ejlclw This will keel) often or too abotindantl. Ile Say$ plow and devoio, to sonla cultivated nickel. In low orraneaTt Jil,uroelyclon, tinde CI-ar and. nickel 'of, hosts ; the Lord Is hismemorlap, honorable gentleman with 0, View to base tlil� f the World and pears that per cent ci�f gellatfoll, -At . his be- and A s, 0 1 Indollultel by putting , in, ordinary tlat:those animls which tire re� crop- foil two' or three. ears. To ises art -(Hos. xii, 3-5); Then follows. - tl-,o matrimony. not - A do.qpised ba.th G-ocl added, lip to -r) per cent, cat .in- )leading Would lave things which * A Jars, 414-41ght 'Ones not 110ccssary quired. to clo' much. work or which reand hay for next year mq(-.bf about e),000 , Ibs elas:- exliortiLtioll to turn to God and. Franz on Berger, affas Dr. E urage of 10,000 inar- chosen, . yea, njid tbingts1wbich are . .,preparing Gitigbr Conservcs..-V :U.P,,pJt-yn�ASth'y * this fall 'on fall grains lhcr( Itindied the cio, rilt ngs which asil are constantly in motion should re- 'and -4,000 lbs, tensile Wait on �Jlod continually. This I:, maAucl Egon . Borges, who is all ling to )1XIII, k - them and next year put on. six to - tell tic' limit tyrdoms. But tilat l-ope holding that not to fit itid pare the roots, and coo calve, it Inuch smaller allowance of . , Ile . afloat of nickel in- the scer-ot Of Orevai Austrian by birth And an American iencled. on it I 01T,'that no flesh should glorV in his I N% potinds of. good red. clover seed per strength, T Ing prayer, . per, to tills. In a - letter biloket, -how I.nuch dol: fit enougli- wat-�,Ir.tb' Cover them; molasses,than those animali 'hich .1sistent, Clinging to ( 0 ; . 14 Pgaln great� results presence. " Aud I looked, to �sea from until tlle� are just tender. 'Do. acre, harrowing it:in with a smooth- Creases as the carboi, increases, d. alone, plead. citizon, replied ildress in Cock-� a.-aill I not lead 4 lazi and sedentary life, caeb'on and' nIckeI.,Irf9 only our need and Ills gro%- Written from an a
slender clivellingtalices" Whence the Vdice Cattle, and 101 ' It allow t1l;1n, to becottIc go ooft that Ing. harrow.. This.will furnish pas- �Comparing licLVe OO.. spur street, London.* He.. 'described
Steels of the sarup tensile strerigth'inerey, We Will a ways , ille N,er,v one vilin had aid, they. will brMl. fit -pieces. Drain, 4 ture during the latter part ;of the 11arvard steel shows,nn increase of 10 ca.4foii to guy, "Thotigh our fit' himself v.ts a professor of
r go at -no pworth,, 119- )fit a basket niake a syrup of thu,"water � they NO PLACE LIXE TAL SLUMS. season,' provided the weather is Lit 1P, r y of 60,00.0 pmrsonal to 20 PC,. cent in tile elastic Iiinit, 'quities testify agahiSt ts, do Thb-; Universi with a. salar wits I lot down b ilia Were boiled in gild aigar, uslrig, to francs, night, and the
land, is oil fire �jlpougji the halfway Nothing unllportant in ieevery . pound . of I 11) ugar and all favorable for a good catch. of the hlid all increase of 20 to 00 per cent. I it for Thy. name's sakc�,' (Jer. xtv, father rushed I c tights. �laecd on I jut grass and clover seed. Whe're - pas- in elongation; The benefit derived'7). When we take the lio,oaico of uttc:- Correspondence ensued, ,and, , on ,even Three it December 23 the lady came t a
for 'the rescue ill �.is childrem Drop. the V60tS,Zoudoli. '11.ro:er Town Ext tulle must be usdcl this fall and Ass in ickel, contents, helplessness and itilworthiness and, o, Children 01-0 out and. safe oil- the the right'kile of the -figure. one makes into the boiling , Syrup, and keep, carly next spring there -is possibl 8, PC,. calit. Is bdst,Ako Jacob, cry, rw land and was met at So6thampton S. In tile Coll- fi� lictughts on.�Ila thiorn bol Or half an. I1OUp- I nothing better than winter rye, Sow ground, but one remain. it thousand, and 81 , ling I ?out- citerrient to Rural Peace, up to about or 'Working capa, go Va. Shall � sea f fit not let thea :)y,llerger, who brought her -to Lon- lg, Tilat One Awakes, of the figul-e one inillion, into f:2111111 jArSj and be stiro.ihei shown lit the great $ ulflIlments of John punting bultdir . trid tho, right side I i fill (1 Oil the I 'The - children of London's slums this now as soon as th6 ground call Cltv of the metal under strain or it Xiv 18, 14, and. similar promisev. doil, und after, telling her that she
glid findfilig. his bed, oil (IM t and our i4iffignew . plenty of Yyrup to covcor thoill" Whon think there Is no plhce like home, be be prepared and when four or five 9 (,,.line 0 to ali big. expectations, and ppogibling, comes to the right side- MaY be R119111011(t1tiOtl fl- cold, coAt tilid $041, TlloY will keep it ever so squalid filches high turn oil the live stock, pc;7cr'tco withstand fatigl1, In thisjIll Is the first'atentfoll of the greal building, and poverty- I ptird iron with.. 8 per nare, of Israel, it name thai; alway4 that he would.marry her, placed it 'O liniftable.. Ali the Ages of time and to,. 0 s. 0 respect nearly
two peasants Mclk at- ut� Ail oub.cs I'lloy 41.0 strickonk Says a. recent London taking care not to 9vazo too 3,S times the elastic is Used to designato Ager and asked her to r bodits,*0110 Peasant "etcrilti ariected bN* the basket lot adcjc�a to cakes, foudding,; Ice% ate. The ryo. tartq carly fit the spring cant, nickel haft . lacob.or , Ill.. ifig on her him to it registry office. ladder Of tile! Many'postetity. It is never sed as 4; accompany
the slioulder of the oth- (town ivoill a Damacus balconm.* A tablespoon of tile 01'Llit 011-00 41 and Will turnigh paturage usivallv trength of the Iran POr.Sc- then went to a Private house,
standilig On "They miss tile flaming rwpl,tha rilysterious breaks fit the propeller naa ' fior the church, not even ii,, roand down the hulpan ladder the title fitivoi, to V.6 pl;d0hig sauce. Thil lamps$, the winkle barrows, the al-ead of Clover or timotfily mead- where they. went through -it form of
ve been Gal, vI, 16, where.it, evidently itteallf, boy descends�Joll W6151OV, It you is O.'utcoil PLs it 'At Nvlth a bakey-pokay man, � And al.'Ahe . other OWS. Ily pasturing just anough to Slitifts, Car axI ' es, otc�. )In marriago'in the presence of threo 17oul.it know how illuell dopeincled. oil 61t of Cake or, w0cor. A good 0011- - p event.heading ail immense amotnit causdd by the breaking down Of the the believers in lsrktol. who orr
lie jnil� TI-1311TEFIX AT TAIMPIL things that havo been their life- r rider rafild alternating spoken of fit addition to other .'be, man ; but there was no trace of the that, lAddew of PeaSailts ask t faction fQr tlip jl�ttlu folko 19 litiLdo 1011,9 c-oinp all foils," suld Father of gpeen feed call be secured, "'still' it igh the aCtual amount,.Jhvers. There Is no authorlt :irtarrlago in the records of Somerset (Iowa a fitI�l §Y111111 'Albati'l,f, 11olborn, Ha cannot. be secured the first strains, lions of Methodists oil both sides of t table wl�crll b.v 'paring tile 41111" stlintoll, of St, t1lou Clow *the elas- -ilia term "spiritual Isracl:' thOugh louse. their mission stations thore was Jklst thilltooll. 711 asked the above, tbell elf) It out, lily pil tilis of lead was actually b the sell. ASU he 111c, suit to dity, Ra- whon Asked boW the children of 'the year from seed sown on fall grains, a iron. fit (1110stiofi� The* It may proiierly be used. in r'eferenec bliss Croydt, belloving that she ail ' he world. Ask, t Ir 1111all in,tho shabby and place fit Shouts take their sultimer outings in The only wily to got a ha Zrop the tic limit of th igth and to true believers in Israel, but had been legally married, handed to lady as- "Once," replied the With thO d CP t first ( r him Solve bank note.% and� shares to Itundreds Of t . lie by ralild liolling the Ccoantry� tlasoll is to now timothy 6 gain obtained it% elastic tile) I in- should never be Applied to golitilp
111. their.f0t 1 nIt alre
ijider, who wVite spot fit his moustache, It I� thick, aw . U4 clover or both on . field especially ductilfty� has made nickel $too the value of - Z150, and. 110 also in- Vomited to JO! - the JJ.V1 you never observed thni, t)owl or JAI% 141'ach Orly polik, q little I "Thoh, too, they a(vaid, of the for boiler plates, shafting, We must not vorifound the to pawn some of her q'ishod but (0 propared for this purpose. 'I'lie seed- Valuable ducod her
svol,14 POO PC at lost fit the way axles, rail- wit Israel, nor tha kingdola wit]:
An phQ14I9P!*§! luck followed I(,, (11 you ?" Over tile gingel" ull�il all lialA been frog should ' be done in early' i�rjllg. engine forgingsi rail �flg stalr-� pf Peas 01 av bad g V III tile Continued Se way tires, -it r lowellery. Ile then Persuaded hei to Bud luck fell absorbed. Wholt tile f,'Ill VP IV (11'. -just as soon as tile groundcan rmor plates, either,. though both Will be write And ask her brother for 250 prominent fix tho,kingdonO PItAc,lrIC4L INMIX most of the thirtoen." IAIOVC It fit boxes"placing a p1pop Of structural boom,% and shares;, rivets friolut of thbila"Ilds of street arabs worked. it, ma be neeassary to de on account of her interest under liar
inigniricanclOs. In life. :'Any of them die between each it of clover until 1 rods, bicycle tubing, tool 11110 biessed him there. ather's will, and When the cheque
The"A AM '10 0, Never heard Will keep. No ' ' is an. gx lay the seeding all pistol vlinders, and small 4o Jacob. Called the name of the Tlig IrlinuteRt t 'Not that I know of. r years, itild Illov have all soks, of reasons ( t it steel, hydrAulic c: ;pocial us- place Penfel (margin, the face, 'a., came took it away and cashed it,
hing is a PaI1 flinger of frelt is Past, ee lit ., inade -UP Of of. tiny of them dying." the "ed 1.04 covered to a depth of arIns, and for,many more Oil April I Nile received it draft for fpggpitudc. Trffilltv Is 11 tll() (lic to tile court- ame low carbon for lie said, I have soon God �t thing.4 Not enough victuals to go to to I'l Inches, It the qoasoll is At as, Steels of the I gii All 09, Nut' nuil Apiile* Stilad.t"Thig is tr.vt kill([ Home ot them are pertactly O f 40 per fae6 to face, and my life is tire.. 4 5 43, and plactl it in her desk
flailltv for e. luncheon, 0110" I a,,Vomblo, a fairly good 01,013 call colitonts, show An Increase 0
g small, things. hothle- aroulul ?11 clualled the man with the very. , itugxplivil.blil. 011o litJo boy IN-rotr- all f itllsile trength With fill served. This and xxiv, 11 This draft 11orger it; alleged to have regatioll of ir�fr n a star -in the allub cill Qer��dJri cups of "doly I to 1110 after his ontilig Inlit be cut the Wh�ra clo'cr oelit III the stolen, as he caslwd it the following
oil ear and 11'em 1310119cp 11. 11-0111ched "Who's ttilking about victuals ? torrit,too. Doll together lot- is needed nloiieso�v J(lto.122 . v,ar addition of 3 per cent. .nickel. xxx111, 2o, ill the Ilght of .101111 I, dav at the Dutch Bank. paottern. sk. One J)PO)i in A, t utes, I 4ulptatp, gaid be ilido't, like the country be- 1$. tauch Chat every llionfre.4tation,
sallor'.q- Mouth tile evankplizati011 Of There Cause NVIIIIO thollo a wasp had Stung 40e- 0110y' are Illi-ced Say a MS.' 4011 He then disappeared, but was-trae- of God 1,; flilroligh Ills .1-1 I It-,
multitude, One b6a� 09' Papyrus �r thought Von said ,�ou at dotvii 4, teaspoon salt, a 811CO of oflipllt I of elovei, anci , six lb -4 of thilotily cid to New York, aild at IloW street, ov 4
blltll' for to a tabili there Were thirteen buy Icat and it )I�do of Tnapp. Tholl ter toolt a, any at This ay seen, a littl eciv, , to ITTS ilitivIT-11. 1,1don its well its here and In all t1,10 London, wh6lo the above facts wero
the Nile fralght0d Witil a It V other appeara Ices of (;oil We , inut oil a.
tO's, P ablo Cool tile litil,R The t core and Chop into sit, whom we I�notv na '548 chaquo.
slix AlT10g4fm With ule In to 401110 10cillitl6q, but It, is Much bct� An amusing tory, Which may per-, "ecounted, was . rtmanded
g pfi4kct let, dOW11 troill two Weelt!j In 0o countr, and could to" to flat, 01; a. )IL-avy haps'lle entirely true, Is -told Of a rd Jeus arlr"re of stealing the L What Yoti! (10, (16 was In a jjwyelos office, It was a jo,llga or :1 small soup MIX t tile Hon of God, or TO flow oil the wall. glyll no, rvapOn fat, 111,4 It to got (uly a part Or it Cat011, short-sighted but onal-gotic member file Lord of hosts, the Lord ruake It ,,,acting of creditorq Iiipvor t.aiLered tha*lnodest whill of of the Husslan 1,001-0t, Police- well. It you inalil a pOPL . There welwo with tile nuts and cover at
fol? Vpu know not twelvc, of them, I WAS the othqr with it cooked drosshig,' mado as f6l- this favorite ITe was -,validlig through a little- God Of Ti;rael, ollovall Of tbo Old Clergyman 1(mlldl)-I'Ve been
strong alid lows * Beat the OI of the slum childr6n R, 10110H OLD CO 11N. Testament, Who by His Ilreelottl
Ilow Inuch ma depend oil YoUll Ivork- miLbl�lsjiooli ppld �,Ily it wus. frequelliptl street ill t. Petersburg �Wantirlg t( seil,vou. Mr. Xurd, witli
rijansilip. If ou jasiligiii it boat, lftt Ifolloro �vas a long pause and then to them pu� I like out in Van$ bestl I usually lot fla? (,at, fora, itild the oll,, blood -,h0d foi- us has provided Vctq�ality of milk with
night, wholl lie Spied, filgi l I tip oil oternal redrIllptioll ilrod a joint ilit, ��.gard to I far yo" ItnoW.11pt I mail with Oie baggy 1volts,.rs fit- Water, :3 tablosp9bas, lilleg�r, t teik-!i the went on. bindoa behollt t (ilt-, wiltes 61.1'. it I till) a. pliteard, ship with IThnselt for till who N�fifch you Are, serving me'? �, i tells
fj�l be WatOpPr spooll Sol 11poil L dry Anusturd 'Olt fi alld thor. I DIIINNS'll tratton, 011e, Citl1not to' he said.to himself, Scant- sir, clergy- iWhp 8#11 it, It Mon puP P. h11117red, Stil' VOnT*T Well thov cat. gi.c. ult ul- 'Alia, I him. It Would sevill tbat, n,
trulik*bf our boy Its ' fn What wav did file meeting and a (high of rad,l. W(k.VS tliO &0refn glaZe. [fig Illisellief Oil tile, instant, And co, Va rolan (very illilkli.v)-1 only walitch to
131DIP Ift thp, stantl over hot wateir until cob.carried with film front that thilO
hAgoes from 1101nor let it be remem- prove utilucky, it 1 lnav tw). ?" I I'llut thimg,fil Ilke, the hubbub or di,outh, nin but it at)- alert for action. That'n one of Say, Mr, Xurcif, that. I use the Inilk Titan remove from tllcl 11pa the evidencle of that itfghL's ronfliet. ,
nof *am level, Or dietary purposeg exclusively, and
for,ft, Illay 4ot it brass thick. of tho eity bost, aud a1v really glad,, thing proventq iCt it, 1.1pell those luemidlary otice.4 about his forget 1:oerptl III your y - I d tile and add 2 tablo-4poona but -too cream- COW &it(] that wo us the blittoll out of Inc,' it 1SW VO to get back t(X it, tboll. I)VOW11 s 0 .pot a oil Ills ed extremely soft. (,'hill thoroughly tillg clip ov,!l,v Illajesty the tsar I t u t have been ,(.be not for christolting, 'Is Iga(ut
havp it illislon )t (,oil, lli In big Irian with the wIllic, r.11d ii, and lAright oyoif orr tale other gives advgntagO fit pioxek- down at once W dren of thobedience, ali(I b 111s, st1V cup will
parrie , Inix in .2_� ivil It, pi Tile Inoustacho, heaving r, deep sigh, pm Ill. wish I could think of t,,oIna now
�o the ig 11 �lav t
beach, thoy rauj�ll. Tholl �-Oxj $1VOWAIdyinc, ha%fl heen Ito must, it,
Pitcafra am AVjtjl sortic dlfflcultS*� being Of cl,ouln, filis dallefous dressili succeedud In climbing id unusual bitithday present to mir- life Ig An'J.qiand bo- salads V,� licr Illp 411111sipq litollier, they toll', keep a little better, With build, he i luarit to know tht n us that IF),
also be used foil other it blower stout istodging tile with *tlliq year," said
0 till
ppst, nd you %�olild see hoW tholl-crainp- ruttor very uice tillsilago r(isultod th po t d (I
�Wech two those- who object to oil. *do and ill oil), (lo,411-thera dwolleth 110 doodo r ling . Against hit; hijuldets, eter- 131C. IXTOX. stulAtoct little mind f1rollt rillil'; olle, wjt%out alycolle, Ito here It to tile g,ound thing (Hoill, vil, 18) and glory MISS 40 Muir, Wrinkling liar lair ill swiftly 11100pirig at it by tile light of the in brow fit deep, perplexity. *111ow do to ponto tonciling his brow. f4 a lucky chap. have bepit okiltid 011tr by a, 011illpso In silo Nave to dreet the ll(, read tWo RUS41all wol,(IF;, tilt? I -Ord 1001W, 110 Ilinn but
At Vou think she'd like it, soll�1114aw ?,r
cleeldental, that IMISSIXG OV141 of the grpon �vpnddlilfqitf they lioW tloWlng torrCnts aound tile walls of 11IMP I to, ust think, a 4,39 trod oil 1.16 So flitiftilly littlo otlput, over pit" tile 1.1,111TI011 (lifulvalcut for which Jesus Omy and Coveting aboVo all :hoarsely %villsperad "ung Spoons- vi-aell luorol.v Juippolled so, are parts The coachinanli rough and ready things Ilfs� blossing, whieft Inukotil
a great, JAM), Pnfj ropif tba;t, foot," by uAlpil hat 1,,y say ,Ioul R, Ills, I U80 a earn tind fill, it flWark� Jx, 8 ; I)rov. X falling readily Into the only
'0111 the 'I'll 'Wha:t 1q there lucky rule is not a bad one to judg� line of thought, that steemod to sug- itbo..:t that. 9" hinks there 19 00 good tho quting dooit thellt that bC.st to beo a little ahead so corn Paint." ftlargill),
I'sts tho jut, It Ills horse eatq lie t 4ore -it itself. '11, Is the pablp that itillings-I'Whp, Puppose Instead of not much Wrolig. It our Young Will Wilt soniewhat fit bundle be go
Wit (cloring tbA 0110 of tile halldli 91 I havo filled silos 10th CAtTIO �Oldv, to JO 11) a lqg, It had 'bpoll a borse Or an licipeful takes food Well no great 11 VA101 LABOU1,11118 IN Out .OI ,v0pV Iff the i�orlll of the Qoll�uries. tant ? Then h-'; foot would have I alarin need be felt carn Out has lain fit bundle two _ . C-10PI In iWooks mid 114vj satisfactory rMiAltS, "Apples, r0W OpPles, are 'now said Pounds W paper j), 111011 alld wolue", been smashed all. to pieces, Wouldn't the stoltiath is, a. quick-actink indoX There Is ft, nplocial colans of farnt ITIMIlufteture(l'ill tlle world, only SIX May -Mr. J-Xugga�,d callpd po you blit With rain and wuri� weather to'be good, literary diet." g B() :powids in inado Into books, Ifine how ou have fought your way It to tile gonciral condition. Even With ot I'd pre. laborers tit Wedon Who tire I the world, but I t1lin'ii there have la4t evening, didnt ]to ;10uld four 111old. Some years ago a Yes ; and for some po licep thein friany. nerea of land for their own healthy and i4rong children there , do me eribe gre011 aPPICS-tO I
boon betlPful 111fluellpea that YOU have Is danger It' they are asked to Far-yos, and lie, mL Vary neighbor ran ahort of ensilage eorn , line , In rollsideration of so inall Only 011e Inan fit - 1-103 IV, over 0 iftever fully aeknoWledged. Has there AustriaA 1atia of Cavalry tO In- lautell about llo,.y t1my fee), or Ilear tired, and 114ulod Rold eovil tha, had been from day&' labor during the yeir for feet Ill height.
May -1 appose, ho tried to Ufr fit shook for several Woos to finish D
pat been solliv inillieflee ig yolir ogrlff gantry Is lilgher thaiI that of 411Y too much about tho WhOleSO1110110 engine nd Vrance all 13wiler (if Ole fallill. They are a ort i0p proreut 1161i'O that tito 19'or pos.,41blo ill effects of thlil or that it �An- other 1-hiropean army. he has you, iII111g, Profit the tank for Ftty-Yes, and c iry time ho klgsad Nye ran lit , to earrier, running 4 Ila. lltvil of 15 shots a of, fixtilre to all 0 to, ;X114 their like 1,1111gland ticog nAwkIVIV tOnq
ficit uec? Doe,4 tile, 3 110t, I )aph Ybu per ant of czvalr, while Euirland diet. Some of the foretold 01YOOM Ad I had to Slap III= strolft in vlovator sending a sprinkle DA114to. ourit fire to a only. exists in 110 otijer countl"V, lot. hops, but g WO 014Y Irma Amonir the New Blisland W-11, jigg owy 10 per nt. vill very itkooly soon ba obscrVdd bY