HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-09-12, Page 27#
Tradoas fair- and the inarkot to"- T V SR Ti; M OF THE WORLD ureless. 0 t FIGHTING HESSIAN FLY,
LINTON RAW$41001111- Pheumatimt kxport attlo were quotably un- Tt;o it; publialfail OVQrY Thursday at d 01A., PRESIDE, T XcK Juruy changed Lit froin o$5 POA' cwt. I R TheNows-Rocord Isom 1111takel oat fell 00 prices of Cattle, Chem, erald, &a. F.UST. WHO" RAVAG740 HAVS Butcher cattle'Is worth from $3.7a Jointe.. producef *=40ASo 111the Leading! MorXets. to per cwt. fox- 0,004 to Choice, GUVATLY INCUEA090- THE VERY LATEST FROM
Power Printing HOWO -It 01114i's toe I s 8014 Up to $1,50; ()LINTON. Pail malKeR every motion painful. y to dip. nd�301ectlou It 10 Nometlit40 so bad as. WhQIl IllediuIll and Common stuff was dull.
gTS!rAENT. Toronto, September ALL THE WORLD OVERV
d ne ket is without feature.
Ole, and It shoul , ver he ne,*W. Dedated at irst That He Was Not he local mar Stocl,ors, bulls anti feeders tire Prof. Lockheadls quot unichanged. _UOw rarraera Can it 91 UQUO 1
per year In X, & lifeDoopid, Trenton, Cot salwi of olit white and red to millers 'abl
el.00 may be olla,rged it not so paid K�p and lainbs tire Unchanged tilt Adviaw 1QrdIscQntJuaad until all arrgArOgOe After & severo AttAck of the OTIP, Urg* Hurt Much* at 67J to UP low fralghts, while ex- the prices quoted below. Avoid Loss. Itgresting Atom* About Our OWN Nepal U le ruiddle h Country; Grout arltal", the V0110
pro paid, .gttle Turner, IBQIIYAr. MD., had it so porters quote t, 00 - New There we% a demand to,dtty ;or , One of the most destructive of t 0
blicriptigisiv Pa oula not lift Anything And white for export, 05c; o. I Spring Ives. insect -posts with which tile farmer 9 ates, and All, PArts of thQ 0101014,
T110date to Which every -m lid severely she c 3ats good veal ca I t, F
J0 denoted cill tbQ l3bQ4 could scarcely act up or down OROS; W, 4 with Xr. CortelYou OIL Alidland 08je, MUnitoba, who - change in milch cows. lia to contend is tile Hessian 11F,: Coudouse4 and Ass0ri0d 10V 940Y )instant advertise- dy 110OX, Cort., Was I*id Buffalo, ept. G. -President XeXin- I quiet; No. :1 hard sold at 8�1*o to 83Q ^4 0 ApylEATImNo A*TEP.-TrA al line . for Ar5t H. Shepard, $AD ittly, and Icy WAS shot twice b tin Ossassill 414 10go'l!'y2l�burn oil hie way to tile and No. Ll at 80 � to 81 e, grinding In is no change in hogs, tile I'Myeiges of which have consider R Ing.
*Iputp, 10 Canto par noulArl up with it, WAS cold even 14 The best price for "singers" is 7..Lo ably Increased during the last two elad
st go
And 8 cents Par line for each subsil- lie stood In the Temple of Alusio at llok�pitill. transit Vor. Toronto and we per Ili, thick sat and light hogs aro or three seasons. A -useful bulletin CANADA.
spAvortl4emeate not could not 4ress himself. )Juntarlir tile Pwi-tWlerlctin 1�,xposltlou tit 4: III am sorr," lie said, "to llixvO� lower. worth 62c per 11). dealing with the Hessian fly and re- bQ..N9viX Scotle, Legislature Jigs
I It According to. testImoniala V( ock this. afternoon. Tito shots tile cause of trouble to the Outs-1rhe Inarket, wits quiet tO
40st". ,,strayed Hogs to. fetch, tile top Price must
'110tv. Inserted Once for 00. coots and given, these sufferers were. permanently O'cl day at prices. New No. 9 counnending preventive , meaSuvOs been issolved. General election Oct -
r 7 were fired by ],red Nieman, allu houghts have found expres- white and ixed sold for export at be of prlie'quality, and scale not be- whereby tile Aly Initri- ollevoil, as others have beea, b , evil can be groi Ober 2. I Czolgosz, of Detroit, who suld Three t low 100 nor above _2Q0 lbs. mizod has just been issued by Prof. Tito Prowler will accompany th I 0 the President, first', that 83C middle freight. Old quoted lo- loollowIng is tile range of quota- LQcUllead Of tile Ontario Agrioultur- no directions will d0s Sarsaparilla af`t-elilward that. he was till Anarchist, sion With WrortisloniOnts without spool Al 00 ulof be kept from his C�ally at to 3(ic, RoynI party on the trip across the
and had only done his duty. Tito the new.,, sho Tile matter is be Inserted uptil and Charged accord which Correct$ the acidity Of the blood rices firm. al College, Guelph. 0ontluent. builds attenipte,l assassination took Place WlfO ; $000od, that, the inssassin 116H-Trol,do quiet and 1) Cattle. so vital to tile agricultural prosperi- and third, No. 2 sold tit 68c north and wO.4t,
Vollyforobangoof ativertisomonta OuPagesil Ili of 3,000 people, who shoil](1, not be Shippers, per ewt ......... $4.60 $5.00 ty that a ultilimar Stratford has carried a $20,90Q dQ- of tile Province, and6anstboluthe oftloo on Saturday and had crowded into the Temple of regret that the tragedy might burt and tit toe on. lidl,, d. Po" light .... . ........... 4.25 4.00 of this timely publicati011 will be of benture by-law to pay Oil the'lloat-
-%A Is Arm, with, for pages I and 8 on Monday to ensure change Music, and While 10,000 others the Vxpositi011- inal Apa it Lill- Ing debt. for following issue. It dent bad Butchers, choice ... ...... 4,25 6 dyUntage as the inforniat
that the sai(Is of No. !3 at 47c, No. 3 extra at' a
stood outside the Temple waiting for T e news bodies, As to tile best illealls of deal- London postoillee returns for Aug -
ed across tit(. Vxposl- 4.6c "lid NO, 8 at 45C, 'all luidoll(3 : Butchers, ord. to gobd I cannot be too Ust Show a rL p9NT4AOT, RATp8,__!Xhe following table shows A chunce, to (Inter and shake hands been. .shot pass IButchers, inferior ... .... 2.75 ,25 lug with tile pest, Pvonue oI niNSURANCZ tion, grounds.with almost incredible frelglits. Our rats for specified periods soll Space'. with tile Vrosident. ,41leep nd Lambs. widely circulated. Of late years tile crease over August, I9UO. Choice owes, per cwt ... 3.40 3160 amount of dainage do"O' b tile fly Building f10-st AnyERrISING RATES. The first bullet struck the sternum speed, and crowd around the Coru-The juarket is �tea(IY tO-(147,
ected to Templo grevy, until it' counted fifty with n.ties. of No. 2 Canadian ellow I Yr. 0 Mo, 8 No. imo ylin the President's 4fl This big crowd litt 5,1c, and Of illixe(i, at 53c west. Butcliers, sheep, h0 0 bas been enoruious, tho iotool 105S nionth reached an increase
I Column ......... Ro I* 04000 $20,00 0 50 MCKILLOP MUTUAL tile right, raveled beneath tile thousand op........... 2�50 sustained by tile Province (1110' THE INSURANCE. FIRE PA Lambs, each... ng of $116,0 O',over Allaust, II)OU, I I I alubulUnCe respectfully � A,.Illeric 11 is I nanai. at 59 to 000, oil above COM 0 followed t1l.Q a W per cwt ............. 3.00 190.1 being estimated tit k 2500 1600 000 sjoin to e. point directly below tile Id itrack hraused
I Column ......... 40 00 I Column ......... 2500 1600 800 2 60 Farm And Isolated Town Property 1.1glit nipple, Tile second bullet pell- o tile bj)spitai, and then. divide Alilkors and Calves. ",500,000. About two-thirds Of Xont. the threshov c,
I ly Insured. itself into two parts, one anxious Ive-rho raarkot' is firmer with estruction of 30 toll" of hay
I Column ......... 180.0 , on Cows. each ... ..... ......... 30.00 4500 the entire Wheat Crop Ill tile 11110�ited tile Ll A loy's farin nQ r WJ'AAii-
Q 00, 050 200 trated the abdomen. Only a uPOr- 'A 14liq Condition f tile sities lit rile middle freight$. -eglon colu- Q
Calves, each ......... 2-00 10 0O aretv was ruined. Tile i ("Po' "'c' I inch .............. 600 $60 -2 00 1 20 OFFICERS iietal wotind, was Caused by the first to lea' to Catch up every rumor Bucl�wlleat--Mavet dull, With Pri- W al position from 25 to 00 per cent extra, J.. Motean. Probidant, KIPPOI, P. 0- Th0s; brillet, kind within live. InillutL-s after dent aild Hogs. PrIs" tile counties outh of tile eg
$peel Frazek, Vice-ProsIdent, pruvelleld P, C. T� E. 1� I., O.; NV. 0. the, physician reached'the Pres'llOnt, t4lat cl,Lme froilt tile, hospital, tile ce4 purely nQuAnal. Choice bogs, pp. dwt_ ).14. 7. 05 Grand Trulik Uallwev front Toronto tood that the Vu%e of W, J. MITORELL, 1jays Secy.Treas., Scaforth P., Pager to firld tile assassin and Flour -The market is quiet. Nine, lid yarl� will enjoy two forth P.O. it had bqoni, removed The second other hogs, per to 8 the viitation being most' arpla, cil.
4ditor and Proprietor Bioaafoof, Inspector of Losses, So Light ic�lc I
DIRECTORS: bullet was not found �11 Operation tc, Punish Will. (lertoill it 114, that if ity por cent, Patents sold tor export tUeavy boggs, per cwt... 6.50 6 715 .destructive in tile counties bordering, shooting' Ill Alaill-toba, Broadfoot. Soaforth , Jolla G rieve, d oil to President at. tit(. osricials, bad riot usediremarl4alble Ili bills, itt 82-90 middle freights. y from the Coast; int xop , Goal 0 Dale, Seaforth; John Watt, was ... 3.50 400 on Lalke, Emle and, In tile 111hoomeS 10 journe
perforine 10. SOWS, -per cwt arlock -, John JYennewieq� Brad liaon ; Jame, tile RIX- diligence in tLilihig'Xienitut out of Choice straight rollers, in bbl.g., 1, tile Tiitier oncy Hot ital On Stagq, per cwt�, . ......... 0-00 2,00 Valley, to be in SANks lely, Clinton 9 at o oleloci��. by tile Way of. tile crowd, lie would have,�c&ljy and for Lower Provinces, all Beachwood; Jamds Cann position grouncis -13 Imams. tlie erection fit City 11all Manitoba.* Patents, 'AND Ohn"k, Leart, Kippen Dr. John Par- been mobb,,(i and beaten to death.' to s, ,130. in ITS APPEURANCE, hildrn's monument
Dr. Matthew 1). Ottema., "of the c VICTORIOUS The bull otil, . describes very millute- ill memory of the soldiers who fell Ili Dr, Hernial). Mynter, The bill, CANADIANS. AGENTS: TRL)VT) TO LYNCIT HnI.- Wigs, and stron- -ers' $8.75. Robt Smith, Rtirlock; Rober, Mi )atlueal-l%larket I,,; truchanged; CELT MOLSONS BANK forth -jnmo$L'ummiliga,.Egmoiidvsllo;,J. W President's sion, ell was opened...but I\TieUluit ha,1 been �arrled Into a ly the appearance and characteristics South Africa. THE Yea IyolmeavOle P. 0. 4 lots at 198.90 Ill bags, and Illeah, Team at the buillet'was ot found, Drainage side room at tile north-west corner Defeated, the All -Amer of the Insect in tile: life of which , The total at tile Royal.
Wood, Broken lots, Toronto, 300 seagIrt, N. J, Incorpo,ated by' Rrtiesdesirous to effect insurance or traw n was there are four distinct stages-naine-, Milittory College, Xingston, nuxnbers. Act at Parlif motito IBM. sact other business NAII be promptly attended tube$ Were inserted, the 1111cisiO of tile Temple. There be -was Sas the 9% all ilicreas of go over last year, (I at 7A.5 o'clock the as found upon Inin per bbl. extra. tch f $2,500,OOD agglicati6n to ally of the above officers sowed up, all ad, but tiothing w, I ATIllfeed-he market is quiet, with I A desp. row Now V ork ly, the egg, tile larva, or e addresse. totheirrospective postOfficeS, . V except a letter ;relating to lodgill. pupa. and dult, fly. Tile lite Of tile iwa tbe largest number ln.tlio BEST $2,050,000 resident wvs removed to tile 1101ne supply limited, as well aS'thO de-ITho, Canaollau and American riflemen I4ars ill bran for shipment - had Lt long sesion oil Thursday Q�n latter Is limited to a few days, tile tor of obn Q. Millburn, president of the Tbev NI'aglied tile blood from li:s favo . f the codlow READ OFFICE MONTREAL. tion, at Delaware Avenue and and hy Iniand. ,111(1 jbiA tate rifle range,, tA SQ491l't, and asked Will'WhO, Ile Was nsect dying as soon as its egg Are .50 to $14 we! ill -tile contest for the nteri- deposited upon 4N, 11 to It is stated that Messrs. -AtacUen- WN. MOLSON MACPHERSON. President JOHN T. EMMERTON 3,',,x,T,,),s '.S tr eat. Tito doct6rs' stated af, lie bad tried to kill the president. quotea at. $I 8 troll lots selN.J., the - young a t JAMES ELLIOT General Manager ille Operation ha h ere He inade, -xfb answer at first, but shorts tit W 7 Nvast; its Lot $10.5i) call Centennial 1)aInlLt Trophy cr- blades, The fly is about heIr tile Zld.-alld Mann, Who have t�ld Contract THE LEADING. BARBER tQr o wound for building :!00 mile.,., oil' r'"ilway in, Notes discounted, Collection made. Drafts hopeful, and tl.,4t while th finally gave the riame of Olemail. here . At $15.5(1 and sho b I ematic of the World's challipion- si7e of an ordi;iary mosquito, tile fe- issued sterling and American Exchan as Nova Scotia, will t Lim tfieIr, rails Also Agent for lanaditins won, by it niale being larger Steel botiollian sold. LaterostalloWedOudeposlits. leall.Ml by the second shot was SOr- IT(,, is of incilivart. height, S-11looth iship; and the than,tho mate. It -om tit(,- Dominion lron..aud
d STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE CQUPANX i I D PROV fi !OUR, it.was not necesmixily. fatill, shavell, brown -haired, and was dress- HOPS AN of _*,S tile Ilual score is Liar% ill color with long logs and SVXNGS�3SANI-_. IfeadOffice for Canada, Montreal. in wag. oil Ili tho.ordinary clothes Of Lt s are qu Interest Allowed on sums at $I and up, stI6,00000 The mail who (lid tile Shoot ine- Dressed -Tog let to -da Lot 1,52.2; AnieriCa, ;I,- Wings. The legs'aro, oue-liftietif Tito Montreal authoritie . have Insurance in forcet 13,600,000 Selved Immediately bV the detectives. cll�tnic. ITc . offered no explanation Sit to $0.40, Hog products in good 494 utmost- gowl-fellowsbip of Lill inch ill length, spindle-shaf)(3d luvestr �bandoned cutrance-by-tic4ot to the FARMERS aentsln Canada, lst�ncc, and at first Tito inaggot
Moneyadvancell to farmerson their Own Hstab hedI825. Theolilrelableandfavortle I -To offered no raS of the deed except that lie was ail demand,. and firin, with, SUP- prevailed . during the Watch. which d, reddish- . Ili color. notes ndorrers. No. mQrt, I fused --to give ally infOrl"Lit'On Anarchist, aild had 'done hi duty. I &cell, long, Clear,! was - very close lip. to tile last stage. an tly after it is ,latched,. receptign to the Duke*and Duchess of with one or more a OPrICE Smiths bol, ck, opposite Post Wilme rb ev Ile �Lljd his detail of 111xpo NVe quote -.--D I- . I embers of tile Ulliter. or larva, shor �o tho.stem of tlle Corawall, in. the City lihil, and any- gage required as security, about hinIS019. Lat sition, gnard% was toll and ease lots, Ilic; pork, niess, rilwo of , tile m itself garbed Way PAY nettle -was Fred Nieman, thdt lie wU'4 sent for, and a company of soldiers, 1'20 to growing wheat, and sucks the juices ollo�who is stiititbly H, C. BREWER? Manager, Clinton. y $20.50; do, short cut, $21.50: I Rifte AssoCiatj011. Of 130ifast, Ireland, lliai' fixed in his respect:6 to the future ruler. A T1102ods of tile plant. hey ru n ar01(i, And I'lid Conte to 13111 Was summoned, South l,;mOked meats-Halis, 14 to W. T, Braithwaite and I f r about three weeks, dur- Ottawa -olty council has -given the. falo from Detroit a wee.k 090. 140 oe the rempi.*.� a 4pace had been. con, 15 to 16c; rolls, 'Robertson, acted its cuachos for t) 0 tj Ste ir 0 D. McTAGGART wit liv#ig at No, 1,0205 Broadway,� breakfast bili 0 roped Ory, The crowd tore out t.110 12c;. backs,. 15 to. 15,?Ic, and Shoulders Dominion and I th Ing which tin" tile michief is dom, police power during the visit of the'
s I o Americans had Goneral B. IT SP011- :Who,, they develop TIMF_ TABLE. gave is occupatiolu'as black stancinon holding'the ropes, into 7hat is',Duke of yol,k to barricade -certain I'll ra, attend- known, -as. the -11a stage streets and to order ll vehicles off.
was orn in Do and carried the ropes fl I Smith,. and said, he, to the itg Lard-Denmnd good- an,4 prices cer,.wlLh some of his 0 cc 14 0 s, Lot their discr Trains will arrive at and depart froui Clinton troit ola standing. near by*. on -the s50-11. tubs Ing to.*.theni in it, sinilar capacity, from- theii appearance, AVhIle Ili thi� I tiler etion,' in the station vis follows P Guaranteed pilre, Ili 11' condition 'they are lignollesS. .. ri , 110 interests of tilq�public safety. planade, and tilerces, Ile. The conditio s ofrthe contest call- I1UVFALO.&ND QODERICH DIVISION- him," cried. a hundred ed.for tile use of.the national Livia of gall brotiol.relliin in tile 11ax seed" GoingRastEx y Old I pyess 7:38 it. In. for BRITAIN. 2:55 v6i�es', arid a start as made IJAIrty MA111<:ETS. tile, '. country represented b stage all winter olld�durllg the Par y p, M. teallis, so that it NNa .4 Of the A General BInking BuslnesF Transacted. Mixed Wbp, in, one of the entrances of the Temple market is Steady: Any 8 PraCtidally A spring. frberd: are tw6 brood e- Going West Mixed a. in- back , tb� duel between itlici Americall. Kraig and I,,, fly Tho eggs for The'llew harbor imp�ov. Soldiers and. police betit ady 12:55 p. in. 'uLords . tond People Were Iling,strictly !lite mects with .rL Lee -Enfield . weapons. deposited in. merits at Dover will cost. Notes Dlacouoted� Drafts Ipsued.. the spring bro 7:05 a, in. crowd, sale forlocal trade; Other graolps ca.ijl,1.dians' jlIrW orthoscoPic May and the larvae reach 'the ft.ax 000. II10.27 p. In. rangling, sliduting and. fighting, quott:-StrictlY I si,..Iltg I while the A'jixericans hud-the aboutthe loth'or l5th King hdwa�rd has appointed il com� In this confusion, Nieman, still'i aceumul'ating. seed stage by- Interest Allowed QA DOpOSItQ4 LONDON. HURON AND 13RUCEMIVISION, wee- Iresh dairies, l7e; s000lilds, 14: . to 1 5e Service- - sl'gllts� Licbt-� Leizar , of ring about the inission'to investigate'llrof: Koch's 7!t7 a. m. bleedin.-, his - clothes torn and'sm Of Tialle, the fly appea Going South Express' er '.4 Miked 4-15 1p. ly able to walk, wits led out by baz s? 12� to l3bc- NVaShingrtoix, tile I�lghest end of August, and depositfi-19 tile tuberculos:ls'.theory, 10:15 A. In. VallalY,. chief Of' steady.* We. ofuote,� best Andividual score ortly , altei-warcig But, the -odin for Lord Salisbury ip Gain Capt. Jalllds'11, eggs sh A �duk 1,Torth Express 'Q:55, P. M. kictly new laid. (nearby gathe 'it upon local 'spoken of -Ili connection, with the.cor- Mixed detectives, it r6d), was shot ely depelidel tile Exposition Corn 1 candfe(U Ili tlle Inateb, "I date is larg A, 0. PATTISON, F. R. HODGEN511 -land' . ; 18 to UP; - orolinary,:' fnsh .9, 800, 00.0 and 1,000. climatic conditions and va�t0- AL13ERT STRIZAT, LINTON. rown Ticket Agent; n ant Rubjiisoo�,and a. squad of tl,ree stage oliation. honors �k t -ek; 111 - seconds, 7 to SIC. Was Liuott eight in an Ordinary season Rellvice en. Nionian to' Vle Ile ards. of year to yedr.* A' idserVarit in London, 'charged .9 n or:,Age t Totdeto. Chtaesew-71vfarket'Js -dull, N hots at:each of eggs� Ili. the last I Ina, District ras 0 g� into -I irriage and.. three ds q) fiffeen ki th fly, her L r. %1,A 16 thrown I e wtth� theft her nlifit.ressil� corn�; Iii With hiin� Uapt, 0�6�c' distances. week in August and the Carl POr y alowing Iumpo de 1A , t Initted sui tectives The ca�biie team match 'was won tie t6inber-but W ugu$ ld. seat Sep Vallaly jumped oil the driver's of tile i).eriod of coal. SCOTT PRODUdE, - . h h -x the. st Troop ol h,9 a dry " season and ia.9hed. the horses 9ELI t e men. fro Yerk6s, Who repfasents W.- JACKSON lop. arkbt is unchanged 'Xiotional Gua0d -of. New Jersey, ThU may be deferred. for Vwo weeirs.' Tl'te Charles T. BARRISTER, SOLI11ITOR, Etc. Potatoes�The tit -tnd er itri niailean syndicate, has" secur6d e lot% inatch. was , shot ov6r the 200 h in about'four da�.§'aft The Crowd burst into a roar - -of receipts. LarLO eggs hate Money to Loan... I I Assasain r Lynch- with mdolerati 500 yard ranges and resulted in a they Live .,deposited and the-larae control of ilie',projeoited Brompton-. AG E NT 0. P R Pice Rit Iroad, � which:' of good ttock ae quoted at'Go to 6, the leaf Tube di hang elled. 11'eu prices, tie between tfie Ess x nien. and the begin at.olice.to move dowu m theV Y - leents - bush.,. and 3 . . . . adron, A J him Complete tontrol of' Lon- OFFicE-El1iqtt Block . CLINTON hor . ses'-'and clutched; pei L,ennsy . . . give. sprang. tit the. Ivanla squ .'"kell': 'living into the stem, 75 to 800, erey -don's rapid.rtransit. �syste;ln,_ CUNTON I tfie Cal narket contin- Li t6tal of 205. But as the at the hirling wheels ( . . . Dried Apples -The. I : DIES pl�IOPOSED. r1he �-.aj.)polltnient- of Sir Evelyn BRyboNF, TrRvellers. to aih� PR h nn huddled back in Aille ues. ull' with no offortil . gs, . auLd lutd, tfie bctt.er aggregate riage.: Niem Pit 't' O' 'h Ween � two srOver * tile Jower, T-111gG the -IY in- NVood to. command.'the. second army sLi After BARRISTI�R, SOLI 0 2t concealed. b6t de ceb are purelv field has been ser!!O(lr 'orps hiurlts t uration ..of a QITOR. n6minal. LL.- world: should con �icj6t, to t 6 is pi,iieticallk no otyect-� lie - inatig, r1i C rope with Perinsylv� iffant) .1. I, rakil gejeolid tber above in reference t t4etive.s. e 1.00 tile. ITbps-TIi6iO is a quiet trade New Y,r;ka Xotary PUIJUCI $&a., Place S , id it is often -ad�4sable eine. The 'post. of,.ad�- PRESIDE 'McKINLU, Y. they'steirted quadron I of ive - i -emed, al 'new army. sch fares, etc. XT the crowd, and ies -steady S, 1A W IXC- t with 2�4, and. Troop OFFICE cc . k, CLINT d hgIft, pr t is -st - eLtol t 9 to to, plow the drop uilder whfCh he'vaieates, and -Beaver BI ON forward all Ili one 91'ali Live all lid fourth.. N�Itb SO.: crbP
oldiers to , .' d 0),C. 6wbs; $1.50 to $1.75, perdok,' of area, to SOIPe other - But if tile which'. will be ' robbed. of its impor- T . lie 'reception to jlle� President this tako a inurderer's. life. ith. :In tile schUtzer, the 200 L�ttack � is collipratively slight, the tance by the � progress. of decentrali- OONVEYANOINQ� lleans--The nihrl<et is,stetody NO afternuon: was one to. which the gon- Soldiers Cie few'oft,ri' 'g. 'Ordluavy $-80 out, of It poasible' crop inay be sitvqLl b; W.. i A.0 KSA 0 N smr& ranges; IV. Hudson .1111% .'tile j1pplying 801110 zatioti,:ln y be filled, by,deneial Xel- I -soda;, enny. OUNRIDOUT T 0-- P. -R- er"t public hit4d been, invited.: Prtisi- tile beit-ol of tile, hovses'! alvd. P�rsued 0,lo to op- coro o �SU611 US nitrate of IAGEN. -xpo� by tbe infuriated th 0115 target, and -itlity J . d6fit J Olin G. Millburn, of the L tile ail the will. strength6l, tit(, V -6duced the President is tied With leir CONVEYANCER,'.COMMISSIONIER, ET sition; had h1ti. Tla*- s% . y Lq, popZ resialt In tl' whirled acrosii the. ITs ITay, inarket - tehdY, tTNITEb STATES, the Temple, full gallop" acroSsl ILI. 13orrier, fit of tile Plant -the great crowd in delivered -at lord, 001111., 'el, Al putting forth shoots. 117bese I'atter .1 . i of ton.-TOt Fire Insurance Real EstAte, owomen and- children came. "J'Auniphal Caasewa -and vili-i. tile fly 'Lend. VEGETABLE. KITCHENS- - and men, I"?, the IIOl:. . . *. Joi-sey City, each haviiig-1.3. be frected... by Elizabeth Hunt, of Brooklyn M6ney t; 81(4 and.car lots at,$8.,5o,tO. undrd -'Will not. r on, highl f for. a personal greethig. arket Cal to possible 6t l:50 oil the s good coverage crop N. Y:,, has just attained he e LondonS Ished througfi StraA17-7-Jrlie im pecil that Oprion-HuRoN STREET, Established'for Children 0 Among those in I I lie Was. Nieman, ka,it. gall,,ping down Delaware it ton. American tLirget. The chal ay beLrealized. 'The most,.offer-ti4e dred 'tiond 111 rst. lQt§,* oil tracic, 85 to �$5�50 1400, 900. nild 1,000 slump.. ipped ill it w0 - 16go match at I for till pre�entton of in- Stratton,. wlil�se wealllit 1� 4' whose left Iiand'wi& wri jtvcl�ue Until police bi,�Ltdqua'rtoi i is It little alsike COM me L AV * S. s--:-Thcre. 0, yards; between tpams of- eight 'Men fection a d MED10AL m, London says handkerchief. w Folded -in it fiandkei reached. Nis quotdd� ut! 86-75 Jilster Rifle, Associa- loull. tb be. late estiniated.at 625,000;QOO, mirched A despatch froi been establiShed to chief Was a. 82 -calibre I)erringer, A . Thoustinds, 'left tile V,xposiLloli for Lite it' seetling time is Pustpolo- ill the Labor t)ay'Va`rade- at Colorado Four. huge kitchens, Per bilsli_and No. 21 at $6 to each,. little girl was led up by her father, -a' d -learning that the '�!,5(j.7r - easier at $5 . tion, , Of i3elfast, and the -depositing seasolf s -in fiuPPIy,v49CtarjaP* food to. tile child ground.,;, n clover is ect until'tho egg pi . gs. -sociation, Nvill ii bo. safe, Tho DR' w- GuNN sident shook handg.with Rille passed the crop'W1
R. 0. P. L. R. C. S., Edlnburgh� reli of the slunis� weret ceremoniously and the.*Pre sassill had be?n taken to police head- o $5.75 per buqh.' New.Jersey -..At-Urahite, Oklabonia, a gusher, of As -she passed 'along to tit(, be the big attractiol* 6 a struck tit a depth of seveml. titled liar. qua.rtors, followed there, will,111g�* t6lli 6-Ulorrow reason Why tit o0cried . on Tli 'y Of tile fd oil has been, Night calls at front doo&of residence on Rattbil ight the President looked alter her Created ry street, opposite r h spealdrif, ILL llii function- r CIO violoat jilstice, It tile. President follovi"K is Lt SLI111111111 .-6m -lecsian. fly in, 1809 300 feet. ..The discovery has bu e8byt4rianchun. People "r UARXET. Orinadian-Anicrietta Altch -the 1. dt, Was that owiu� 'ach of t goo was so gre. Iiiien hese kitabilnis will �iako'aoo sm lingly and - waved his'liand, I . n a. had T' F, great dxcitL oFrIcE-ONTARIO STRE and , Will . dis-, Pleasant 4diou.* At,,. evening came on, the.,''nuffibers '�Iv "Inallel. to- Canadituis-Lic"t. Ross to the hot dry summers, of: tbOSO, -committed suicide ET, CLINTON. gallons of �oup daily, Itece:,lPts of gra w o also 0. "St Next in line came the assassin. As blocked 4OU- bush of Capt. R. - . Ilavidoon, 202 Pte. years tho flies did,zot appeui s - Henry 13rpns n tribute quantity 'of grew so that the Illuititudes Iday, .Nldieat�Stead�r. 188, � .. ks jilt Laice City: oil account of R. s1rAw tile President . turned, to. the right vicinit Of PO- -Lond W fiit�, selling at 71 PtCl- sual,, and consequ6ntly at bread hod Cake. all the streets In.thiP j�e alicu Fleming ihil,vid, ; Lt S U vrty.� Then it was learned he D W. i soil: J.q4 ; Capt. U1 tile Ist nd POV OFFICE For one Penny p, 011d gets- it can of agin, bringing tho.right hand about lice. beadquart6ps, An thbusiand ok-a lt64. to ()'He, 100 bush'of pring Capt. ,own betwee I' or- !a attitude. w1th Ing one . another the President at 71L, and 0c, bush of g ()se Ltt Stuart, 106 ber WaS sUbJect to, in- was heir to seven . -.1nillf'ous a X soup and n; generous al owkilcb .. of Ili tit(! characterlst c rtson, 389 total, 2 ,t of Septem sONTARIO STREET, pposit:4 Buglish church, While receiving, iv. -oad ' nd cake,, tho' whole being which lie extends it till al e ?" Al etTorts of�thil t 680, 600 bu6h 189 ; Lieut, Rob faction. The"bulletin wifrng -Ived r4t; bi 0 t t The eam6r I-Toiner -has arl W(Ve Valn selling at 1�) to 53Q. (a -Also 3,5)22. that, Ili ovdillary seasons it I Ile CLINTON. reckoned' sufficient to- appease tIII3 Nioniall thrust out both ]its lied,to disperse tile Crowd, 'Young, 177 ; the 1�rlbyloif' Is- t,.v6nty4our brusheolaside Lbe.Preshlent'% extend- and futile. 111in, roar f, conve�sa- ic., for Alue ricafis-Mj or Palo to so�v, .vileat bpfore September Still. Francisco from healthiest appetite for �Ijrlu, 600 -selling at.4' 122, .Licut. TPisearl, counties or lauds -with ,102,672 sealskinsi a -largo it that the. - ex-. brought the l�evolvell of p6ciple ' pene-, for* new. Lieut. '. ill tile Lal R. 0. W. THOMPSON liotirs, is oxpect.ed Od hand, and tion' Ili this 3naw, OIL[, all0. at Lieut. -Co.011- lickt; .D to hidden. irr the handkerchief tip against -In tile Tllalnii�-,. N AND SURGEON. ample of tile ebildren w.111 tend trated evoil to , the. cell where Nie- sold at 52c far ol,c VallOV4 Ili, the number of f6xskins, and a, quantity PRYSICIA tik?s it, tile lVesterxi Ven- t. whifleboiie. will tht; parentR to vegetarian diet, the President's st6niat,h.. At the ma,ii Jay, Now and then the . crowd Dull, two leads Selling ut-,910 , to. tin; 1 5 ; Capt. row of COUIY 0 sted, I Sg ; special attention given to diseasoi; f the ye, Capt. WhItte- ill.thoso bordering. Olt Ear. Nose andThrohb, And.thils mitivate tile CarnelitV'LlId SaDIC Instant lie pulled tbo-trigger. would 6ver -to 0116 of the. $11 . Lt toll.. No traw. Dreed �4prj lig insula and too high fbr re, 18*�,, total, 3,494. oltapji5 Wheat should .,not, be OVFLON AND RESIjE1;CE- intemperallco.of the. slums. The first- bullet ontered IJCI' blill6tin boards, and ulb tile purposd of the Ussiamalll who to a loth" while! In . the Ll Hung Chang's health is rapidly Albert Street East north of RATTEwnuRY wildly when the taiellient Was is, the raligo f qu(itit- soNiriy before. th STREET, OrINTON. had fircol'again. as soon as his Anger flashed ou� hat hape Was ehtertqhl-'.,ti,1l, _N SPIES. country further noeth tile 5th of. failing. could Irlove the trigger, 'to.. �13 $0,00 WOME lipst date ,at rne is totally blind at Vileat, Will Septei�bei is tile Par J'ul6 e DENTISTRY WILL BE, GREAT-. DISPLAY. . Oil receiving the first shot Presi-, rod ..... o.00 v�llich sowing.1s safe. But the char� lifted himself on, his irivit be also Amiens, France. Claimed Thpiy Wants itaier of, th()-� dent MeXinleY d Husbands to season. I Wheat, new, deaught wine crop will- be.unus- Build- t white ...... ..... ...... . . 0.68 ue taken into account, arld it I . 'AGNEW IlluMinatio of Parliamen . pos with. somethkig of a gasp. 0.64 has prevailed sowing should be db- unily large this year, DR movement caused file second shot to SHOT DOWN POLICErdEN. Wheat. PrIng.; . ... ........ 0,71 O.PU torla, says':' - lovornment is to be DENTIST. n . ga at OttaWAs entel, just below the nUvel. 1Vlth the Wheat, goes(",.. .. ........... ox,7� 0.(58 A dcs'p,atch front Pro la,yed solnewilat beonct these.dates, Parliamentary says scco�d shot the President doubled Waiting 'irlal b a Colu� Oat-;, old ...... .... 0.41 ()1001 Of.into it large number .of Boor wo- as tile.. fly Will be late Ili maki ng � its Introduced into. Iceland. Will be at Bayfleld every Wednesday A, despatch from Ottawa Ilk men WOr y sLuthori- afternoon. The electric al. illumInations 0 Islightly forward,: and .-then sa O.A7� 0-3SI inen have linporturied tile appearance.. EL 5 0 Ul n . tile Detective Geary- calight the Mandant.. Oats, �Ilcw .... 1 1 1" t a r Parliament Buildings. Promise tO;bacic, ... ....... ....... ... 0.53 tie.,; for- permission to go to their oFrior,-Adjoininz Wos-toes Photo Gallery. I,; tir 's, �nd Prbside�;t - A degpatOl f'rom Pretori %aYs .0.60, husbands In the fidid' to attempt to' CO NDITION Oil' SOIL IM, Ye k bils abandoned its attenipt
O NTOX, ONT, transcend those of tile upport h im. At the trial of tile Boer, Otto, ...... ...... .. ...... Il1,()RTANT. . I � 11 . to reach the North Pole. ra �C.. . ; .... .. ... . 111. to. bu-. Dfiss Isi. lbella Thobu rn, founder of can. Wathimclay night the firstAc, to 0.(Io. them to sui
t tile perinission. hot; been Ali 04ital1v that be. ha*dj1N important matter IT 1 4y, old Per toll ... ...... 13.00 13,r)o Inallv ca
ew light,;, a per- TO FLOO nesday, it was proved the Lai Bagh School, and of the
it. G. 19ARNFST HOLMES, was made of th( being lit Up. n Ingtant. . surre�dered'to the 13Atiqh Llild Was'.11ay, new, Per ton ....... 10-00 11-00 gral;tcol but It. appears that tile re-, looked to is tile preparation Of tile, � itickilow Wolnen's'Coliege, is dead, at D success(tv to Dr. Bruce. Clinton. tion of Victoria Tower It had- all happened in, a ere find ... ... .... 9.00 jo.()o quests �ro freilil iL spociallab in Crowo And Bridge Work ' A prominent ollicer of the Public, tile 1,101.40 of. tit' 4 ently proficeed inct seed, If
. e_. living in. Pretoria, lit, left 11 soil and tile quality f .-Graduate oflloyilil College of Ditntal it stated that.lic.be- Almost before Commando at Q,churve- Straw, per tot ly as excuses by the woluen, Who the laind is put I'll,thoroughly good LUCIIOW. D.D.8 Wovhq Departmell ejoined % Dressed hogs ... ... ....... 9.00 040 esirous of their. bus to' form a,:. r sng,eons of Ontario. lot tile slightm- I CQ ud shot Routioad, Niarricin Was sell, r bi.- collipalli oils 0.17 :11 condition bO Lt tte of Dental lievcd that thCre Wit$ alall(l, Ajilited StAtes Where he told Ili 111, I are d L. D. class honor yallu., hve no Intention I bud Department at Toronto niversity. ectlVP named 0.26 baolsi and who hvl' shot Lt Lie ;Illootll and jvell.plilverized sced
Special est exaggeration wlien it Was rewho stood al- that Ile, A I ...... wniwith plent Lind good .4 al tentiob peild to preservation al r I I.p_ Mooditi. 0.50 0175 of trying to.go, Lt la that tile, World had never had 111re-ideiit. ickens; Jim' Pitir ... .... teeth. Irectl ported that th, 1)oerf; have e their arins. electrical diSpla-- to e(JUal.Lthat Which Ducks, ver pull .... ... 0:60: O.S. [seed, tile plants is lovell it tile fielder Willbe attho RiverHotel. Baydeld, every the 116171.1i to thP 110ol', Vigorous growth. 0 )%ere during 1.1 n LI. . -y captured 1.1 Two prisoners were reoil Wed- Monday froar 10 L6 m*. to 6 0. in. it was proposed tb giv i (111A, L18 It($ fell, a lipglto waltm, named shot fotir police rurkey", pet, lb ... ..... 0.1 '..cilrge of having rc� Lt sturdy, well- isit. It has been 1119- s6inc time Ugo when tile Police were 11mv laic) ... ... u,-Itj 0,37- nesday oil, tile aro'badly tile Royal v Inpad upolu him. 801-� , vitality
.14ofiji'lTarper )( The 0.1,-, o,J4 joined their commandoes after sub- crol , v
R. J. FRELATAX gested to tile Minister of Agriculture of the'lltilted '.14tates Ar tipg with Capt. Valentine. penoolgh to will 14 tl lerv, AC 1) Doers for it commandant South bar... ... ...... I -'.00 2.5u illitting to tile British, One Of e c tile that till arch of u,911CUItUral Products, hs, to Collie and try A118 P bad been emploed its ft StOk- j11011L In good con- r. A member of the Veterinary Medical AA9001a' be erected Ut tile corner of Bank tl "it (10tallet' "t tile eOf tile I'all'iyaV potittoe, liew, bushel ... 0.60 0.7p accused jtiv una Surviv oil theill, and NielliMn W as S1111110 Was mitarrailWi1lV, nts oil c(, nod This � conlinand alit tions of London ard Edintitirgh and.0171lodAM1.0 lVellington Streets, and'it ls.thoUght' r Lt squad of 1-1,xposition Poll basket ... ...... 0.15 Or Oil J IL dition, Whereas. WUakly 'pla Ili it readilv succurzib. at the Ontario Veterinary college. shot 'frolli Lt blocIdlouse as lie Was I4.50 5. The number of prisoners capturea 1 Trap I( .. that Air. Fiher way act oil the.sug- tivil pool' so 11 . f. Office opposite St. Paul'ff chur�h,Ontar �4cpvico deLeet;IVOS, the rtdlwuy� The Boers ........ 8.00 11,00 and suvrendero Inado duving tile J that is, strips of Wheat plant- g,c ffect OF tile fly during �qtjoll, Gallagher grabbed NiellICLIV4 Fight Crossing' V the prisoners. Phone 97 . ..... V tile 'handkereblef Beef, me(IJUILI, curcasq ... 5 1.) 7 .25 If -,d early to 4ttra" uw,, 1. rnation re-, teason and than -evolver. Till-- artil- licef. .,boice ... ... .. I ........ 7.00 7,75 Nitric I procl, si�.12ett jilt, I Ive been found efTectivO
w �,.bo - garding tIl Ila, airr-6RIARY to tr6atillOnt that wilt lit,
BY A ROCKo the- revolver lit Lamb, yearling ... ... ..... portion of
APE RACE LIGHT. J,,Illllj, ;pring .... ... ........ 7.rO 8.50 tl�c Boers In the field after ttile Illai LACKALL BALL N lagl1pr1s, hktfid, rushed at him, ndC r ias not been vc1'Y-.aP- i The burnin r"'Use is chef Tintbago-"Your 111glinesai ...... ..... ;.� n. -O. o..50 itcroll. Which one ill ou licove served firsto DUChbSneY' hjuidla4 him rather roughly. Jlrean- ...... !&(,froy the fly B VETERN, ARYS&RGEONS. GOV- AS519tant Superintendent 1;U So as to tit(, Hiaster or his servant?" 11-0101111 and tile n0gro held lite 55 Veet LoWer Than Wal SUP' hi... . .. ........ 7.1 and �lso of' the 0, P, In Itf4 l.UX iFeUd StUge, Icing ( t-voring to shield Will Sept. �,olawumpky"Lot the so
ERRM.PWT VETERINARY INSPECTORS ende, poged, I : w DOXI.,, 'By POSTM1,14N. burillug'Of infested stubble, but tile I always Was a tile. Uttark!4. of file infuriated qrd, �Joze; No rhrn0 practicable as vant Come first. 0V1oIC2,.JsAAO'STRnEr; urstow CE, ALUEET A despatch troll' Vancouver Says . No. I It. Northern, otter i.,, not alway
SiilnrWf CLINTON. elit Duchesney tbr'blo%ts Of thc A despatch from Ottawa SYs MIC, NO it tit -it In tile Tyllited I I;(,e(lcd to grasg and inan of domestic testes." tant SupetijItkInd, 'ryI111111, Oct., 6,Qife; appears st ellective end , do- jl� al;ti I I L yort. t.0 tile Minister of I It is frequently of tile wits accidentally kill- olubs. T4 I 4 ret .147e. Corti- Xingdoill I tilcl-0 41`0 6(),0U0 Tho ino
AUOTIONEER. oil to -day by a falling, on him * Up and Ail% Ander. &, V, c (-if U, ,Lcar' cloFc atives ure late sow- LicE9SEc4 VOlt BOOICSELLERS.
Gary and and, ill tile Vo .,; V11111cf I'liginer, of tile depa "outhool, IItool iliorough preparatiott of Lit poln, a f(INV IIIIIe14 Past Of, re.,41ticilt, just r0tltl*ll� un:1,600,00( pmt- i SofindS like. the "good old iWolered. P c(l froin Cape! lluffi,lo, N.Y. 1 I frillos. BROWN tr_ DuclIPAIlCy Was CO Il fill, wilt, h cards, parcels, ell-cullors and here. 11 kbv 80cretury (40orgi, 13. CU f SItys f6und, by actual no (let UIV tile %oil tilne', of the neweipaper tax
-0, halt a dozen Nxiloilition li.114, Rupe, ligfit'is after0spol. as.littlo, doing. No,. I Xorthern, oid and os also I, ex- Was a"'Iste a ing, that OIG ', gives X yearly ;lV6Vag(! to caall po,,t- other drawbacks to popular educa- 71, -olnething of Lill c: No jot, to 1,ead that a licelfso is ro-
tilt-, , tbo� 111-6ident above high- 70c; do., b .1
Sales Conducted lit all parts of Lho Couritte-q -At discovered was velv white, but b(aing 55 f9el; of 60,000 letters. etc., or 2100 t Huron and Perth, Ordera left at TILE NEws plorcy, He recelltiV alittir. TIN face a sNo' I White. 75tje town kseller's shop,,
eat, 1011eld, 11.0. ank back water Inark th 11 it per da� Of cout'SO, WESTERN- LAIND SALESj quired to open a. boo RucoRD office Clinton, or addressed to Sew Yoho vNICY 11 Inklilil. 110 ontcr_v, and s s is actually the case In Aus-
No yet tilt
forth P.O. Will receive promptattention. Sat- One, liand his abdonieti,, tj;llis. reduccU its horizon. tWo n wo;,Ild bae a far in. Tho authorities tire evidentl9t, sfadtfo arant6od or iiocharges. Yi!Iurpoit- all(I Illay. Ivi.ve bectil. one callse lot.! :1 do.,- 50,'c 010 caell por'tl)l ural tr
tiof, his brealit. I deliverY, tilt* I
onage WWI No. .4 do,, No. Ll Corti, MM (:;I krbl V;tllie�S IlMt& risen 1tnd Number Of L,frald that if tile people read they of the lenses I have eyes Wc.pe open, find Ito wtv C nd
(I Lint pf No. 3 do" will insist oil taking it, larger share MISCAELLAIVECIUS clearIv a0lillelOUS of till khat lit). Ili fact, In ope . 05 hi 'their own government, o all ob- so Icomplaint, 2 whIL(I, :'No. 'So'bappelled tht oil 0110 pal -
114? loolied up Into To all -V C u. trict, it front Winnipeg Says:- ruggcqt8; - lu p0211ilkIll had no land Colo- thrown in tile %vily of
'I do., v-
transpi I 6c I ticular do tl frolit. the 1�
Mother' ident- MI. tack" alid gu!�ped, ilb,611t tile fol Q lift I, # , plit's Oivl( blast of ton o. 4 (11), 10v of- public ellilghtellinent train the peru-
OWHILL * 11 blasts of 11vtI, tit ;57 to 02C. Ig
11burn's 'IL I lie 111,081A nUp tit(" No. letter to dolivell at Litt ITR for Atlgtls,t it 91 -cat I"- sul of boolis and POLP01-4, Thel'O 16
CEO. i .'Cortelyou, seconi.14 into PW Idy. r)"000 lctter�, it dayls tile I risen nnot, With,120,000 in- frelglit,�S Lei lit valueg have
HORSESTIOXII, AND rk.011t, Over 111111. c1pl, Anderson proPones and Lt better grade, finds Lt suburb of Vic
habitants, and a inall of good char- ;)id,
Iflefit, bf, to �j al(l tile 1111'eq 1)atrott, �� . NERALBLACIUMITH, 44 My mother was troubled W t her, oll't lot lick, "Ut to scP NvIi.other btAter _+__ ead PrOPVVtY n0W in Ile or recently applied for' it license k ,U)i bi, got, filoTil One whiLe, 711c. eL,I;Il o 11 red', t
Woodwork Ironed and first-class material and consumption for MSAV Y62rg- reNults p is sold tit 86, to 814 Itere, , the
work guaranteed. Fa,rm implemebta and mt% given up to die. Tb 71 I C, Load I'Vilt. Oct" t andto opoli last she was i e of whistle L-01 thall fro
ri AM thineti rebuilt and repaired. Alovetl by- a pat-OXV14M 110 writhed Oi "'? 73", Dee, fl. 1,1,e - I reasioll for authorities refused it, allering,that, erry Potter 4 ---d- t 914. 1111. lrll(. this
to the left, and then his ees. fell oil �� I , , I �: ��' 11 -I- - qui, chos- 'U111CIOnt dculfolld in
she tried Ayer'9 Cb "pt. there Nvar, not and Sip atburb, and that tilt' public in-
Jou"ING i_9i; bodily cured." ould-bo Is till, of 0,
D. P. JOIIYI AVOCN N. Y. tile prostrat(� rot of tile w tile I,
A gnat STaAl NORTH, CLINTON I assassin. Nieman lay oil tTu1, floor UP THE GUESTS- IIline, Lind tie tilt, COU11- stq would riot be'served thereby. HELD the price-oi Iand terc
setand, helplefm aLh thts, ypt, Lht)ro 19. Ila. suhshop in the
bloodv so Y RS' 'blowli of tile guards, No. I to Robborg h1*6 A, 010a It' : clo"�- disitriet, Vi011isil, I.'; One Of U10 Most
No matter how h9rd The J)resident sright, hand n -up In Britl5h I"asiL of the land tie- illiterate cldt% ill It lifts a
to, 170e - No. 64 to yorur cough or how long red 'With his own blood, und Volunibla. Dec. 71, bitt very few books. 1 8,2117,- few liewsp lion der of his ellwood, II.C., N to ttert,.,; (it ligntlist , lio Austrian
yott have had it, Mer s -it on I 4 Ore )o acrea at 9103,480-78 last 1published there, ttnd III hurt be R!, rcar. author of all reptiv, 1.4 to Ila found. -Let no mi Inpit held up 87c, 4 NorthAVetlt I'alld �10111- e Pectoral Is the Ift tile chaill, While Okul, Whose nalne- is; well-known all r and saWi; bck ;It. at� Toledo, O., 7,11110 nert
best t ing you can take, the guards Carrico oil and 72te: over tiler worldt Is a, IlUiigLxl-iaii. 140 3 out of big tho 9110, 611 0. wo, against 58,000 acres t'S toor risky W Wait slight t4poilf; it tv 9 Q $400 in cash, Vorti-NO D'56,;, It I I "Iyon't 'you earl'y c41X BASS PRII UOD PrUt DAY.
An'tunbulaitele front tilc 1!'Xl it tilianlopol oats--ca"ll 16%, rtye-Nof I F,,,Ia o0o lat ocal Mp- hospital was illitnediatelY thITO gold wott Ilovi, IOct" VoU are bit- 1 yott have consu dialliolld riog, all(I C .1* of 111'her-
Un V?u I Ontario Doper
dent, MAII C, 1140 be of aid In ense
Antalto tiendhig a sketch itVid doger flo At arid the Preqf P0*0liq Were S5,05 ; llh,c-, 85.67,y. TO HVIMAIN.
apint-mn tion. If 'you site coughing, qa1k Upon tho other 1, , alwpyn fea hils entered into -M nNo W014 fPUr certafilly,
atulthorIved to state", I,.
iehtodayl et A bottle: or tionsIltrict)1e.onfident el. I alidilook KUM ('Ortel-Vou and A-tr� boltIPS Of Alld CATTI-1 AfAUX1,714. keep by Die it SUM oe,,,p IVIOW to Instituting more stringent
til anibul- ,Sent free. Oldest R 4)"ar.10 eetivin burn i�,tjadle f 0 Pretovilt p,%tentiq tAken' Wool Chen7 Vectoral a once, wh,Zey wid tit it -that Lord l(it- ITAMIatiOl'S regaiding the (Itttthillg
fir 6 I the unce, and lit nine lhillut09 11ftPV tit(' VictillIq ling Ituille, but %V to Venture out Ill ()f"1)IUck bans, AnglAtant, Colnmis� tUrallc'ol DALUS' I'(+ r pill
ittioNtl for ati olliliftty Val of who until thev Ivero out of range, fuld eelpts at the weal Ifuse tp illnutis woodell hoUges, oil Vltell�r Is liot g ioner IlLiatedo contenda that thd Nerkao . I'll, tile Tile coull- W0170 68 Carloads Of UVO qtOek, in. re t of tlo IleVVV loq 1 111111311 lItSSN?n0LT 111111 Thtott filoast 266 tbo arri ftdo Op seq by IWO should be reduced feOln 12 to .4 tooehiliM. liftilie, Ing roin 0.11 See- r, and wil U (,I I I 0, W., Jut Ns, t for W ou I Will replace Gen. catch
A barlddoffitly illastmOd WeAlf. t114186 r, littig. har4 cold$, 6te., $1. *k6At 4tatkatwo4t been ululliolled f well covored by 001cero of tile elticling 1,100 cattle; 1,800 stleep and act" L3,ttelton, cullitlon Of Ant Want th, r mt.. 101, d tionq of the city, and by OPeci I t1V IF; ,O Calves and 1-10 during tile ItUt, - Minalle 11ildyard, W1110 is going to leavo." ill order to protect th Ar,. folir, glonths, T16#6doaleffll J. 0. 'ATZIM Co., * I$ XPAS, law, but 110 clue was found to the lclubs, 400 1109.4, raise tile pt 01alums 0 Go gaigmadway, New traill frotin Niagara Falls arl1bg robbery. I 11111411 tow, au T Vto-sidoAt coutluliod IZOU*040us