The Blyth Standard, 1930-02-27, Page 4PAGE 4—THE BLYTE STANDARD—February 27, 19°0
9EA 131 EPitANTS.
Rare Giant Beals (raptured In Orates
on Guadalupe.
Saved from the extinction which
threatens their dwindling herd, four
elephant seals, the only once of their
kind in captivity, were carried to the
San Diego, Cal., Zooloiikal Gardeu
recently from the Mexican Island of
Guadalupe, 250 miles to the south.
These are the northern elephant
seals, known as "sea elephants."
About 300 of them on Guadalupe Is-
land are all that remain of the thou-
sands that
hou-sandsthat once flourished along the.
Pacific coast from San Fre-miser) to
the equator.
The United States Coast Guard, the
San Diego Zoological Society, and the
San Diego Natural history Museum
combined in this expedition to save
for posterity a breeding stock of the
huge mammals, writes II. H. Dunt In
Popular Science Monthly. Two hulls,
one weighing 6,000 pounds and the
other 3,000, with two cows of about
1,200 pounds each, were caught by
the expedition. A larger bull wascap-
tured, but wan lost In the surf when
the bottom cane out of the cage In
which it was being transported to the
ship, The weight of "the one that
got away" was estimated at more
than 7;000 pounds.
The coast Guard tug Koka, 0110 of
Ivo boats which took the expedition
to Guadalupe Island, carried Ove
large crates, built of heavy timber
and covered with strong steel netting.
These were knocker) down so that
they could be aasernbled quickly
around the seals and floated ashore.
It was found, however, that when a
crate was assembled around an ani-
mal, it was difficult to place the bot-
tom under the heavy beast. There-
after, the crates were set up and the
lunge mammals decoyed or driven in-
to them. Then metal tanks were
attached to the sides and the crates
were floated, elephant seals and all,
out to the Coast Guard tug, each be-
ing guided by a longboat propelled
by coast guardsmen. At shipaide the
tanks were removed and the crates
were lifted by crane to the after
Aboard ship eoa water was pumped
on the animals In eoutinuo115 streams
until the tug arrived In San Diego.
There they were swung on to trucks
which whisked therm from the water
front to a large pool In the zoo.
On Guadalupe Island the elephant
seals were found to be extremely hel-
llgeregt. The approach of a mat 1(58
the signal for Immediate opening of
mouths, snarling and snoppin The
animals, however, are so heavy and
Plow of movement on hand that they
were easily avoided. When it came
to getting one of them into the
crates, the quickest method was to
slap the animal on the trunk with
the hand or hat, when it would fol-
low its tormentor slowly but persist-
ently to the cage.
Much 'Palk of the "Moral Italian
Fashion" In Dross,
There 1s at present much talk of
the "moral Italian fashion" In dr'ss,
and the newsiapers give illustrations
III the models. Whether or not, In
addition to seeing these fashions in
the newspapers, we shall see them
also in the streets is another ques-
tion; but the movement, which was
initiated at Bolonga, has the backing
of nary women of the aristocracy as
well as the church and the Govern-
The crusade against short skirts,
sleeveless frocks, and transparent
stockings has been conducted during
the last few months with great fervor
by va•foue assoeiatlons. More than
one bishop has sent circnlara to his
parish priests Instructing them to 1150
their influence In favor of more re-
spectable and dignified fashions.
The models of the new "moral
fashion" which it Is sought to main
popular among women are many.
There is, for example, a "concilia-
tion gown," with cape, stole, and a
long train, It Is marked by great
eimpllcity and severity. Then there
are two "Mussolini cloaks" — a
"walking -cloak," opening at the
front, and a "state cloak," with a
long hood and a high, raised collar,
Which resembles very closely the
cloak a la Savonarola,
From Bad to Worse.
A rich old Chinese Mandarin had
two wives. Said the first to him one
day: "I wish you had not so many
grey hairs. People jeer at me, and
call me an old man's darling," "In
that case, my dear," he said, "I will
pull them all out." And he did so..
Shortly afterwards his second wife
came to him complaining that now
he had only black hat's on his head,
she looked, by contrast, a horrihlc
old woman. "Don't worry, my dear.
I will pull them out," he said sooth-
ingly. But when he had pulled out
all the grey and all the black hairs
the Mandarin was completely bald.
And neither of hI, wives would have
any more to do with him.
Mohair Is obtained from Angora
goats. It le .estimated that about
3,000,000 Angora goats are clipped
annually in the United States and the
industry Is growing rapidly. Nearly
90 per cent, of the Angora goats In
America are In Texas, Arizona, New
Mexico, Oregon, California and Mis-
Much Money.
A Chicago bank in its advertising
mentions that although cheques,
drafts, notes and currency make up
the bulk of a bank's daily business,
the specie paid out by this particular
bank in a good day's work welghe
more than 14 toes.
Wheat Crop Decrease.
The United States Department of
Agriculture reports that the 1929
wheat crop of 81 countries totals
2;894,397,000 bushels, which is a do -
crease of 11.4 per cent. of the pre-
vious year's total, which was 3,265,-
T6,000 bushels.
Unique Musical Comedy—a Canadian Festival Feature
One of the most unusual entertainment companies before the public today Is the Petrie Quin -
tette and Constance Neville -Johns, which will be one of the big musical attractions of the coming
Canadian Chautauqua Festival here.
'She Pclries are phenomenally popular, and riglittully so, as everyone will agree who sees their
clean, up-to-the-minute programs. Vocal quartets, saxophone quartets, brass alar string ensembles,
are used by these lively entertainers whose programs range from classical selections to the gayest of
popular melodies. The Petrtes are pleasant people, genial, attractive, full of "pep" and spirit, and
they wit their audiences the moment they step upon the platform,'
Miss Constance Neville -Johns is a charming coloratura soprano who comes from far -away Aus-
tralia. She is a graduate of the Melbourne Unlverslty and has appeared in concert, opera and as
soloist with symphony orchestras throughout Australia, New Zealand, Italy and the United States.
Memorial Hall, Blyth, afternoon and evening, February 26.
"Give and Take" Coming Here at Canadian Festival
"Give and Take," great. Broadway comedy which has been sensationally popular because of
its hilarious fun and shrewd delineation of character, will be one of the outstanding dramatic
features of She coming Canadian Chautauqua Festival here. This notable play, which has kept
audiences from coast to coast in galea of laughter, has a universal apl'ea1. Whether you are a
business man, a wife and mother, or one of the younger set, you will find an evening of solid enjoy-
ment when you see "Give and Take."
An epic of modern business absurdities is "Give and Take, with the moat amusing situations
possible constantly presenting themselves, and a delightful love story unfolding as well. It will be
presented here by the widely known Martin Erwin Players.
Memorial Hall, Blyth, on the evening of Friday, February 28,
The Cilizeos' Band will give a sacred
concert in Memorial Hall, ,on Sunday,
March 2. Everybody welome.
Remember the pancake social to be held
by the Ladies' Guild of Trinity Church in
Memorial Hall from 5 to 8 p, m. on Tues-
day, March 4th.
There was onlya few in attendance at
the weed and fertilizer meeting held in
Memorial Hall. on Monday afternoon.
under the direction of the County Coun.
cil through the county agricultural de•
partment; Much information in connec-
tion with the destruction of weeds and
the various kinds of fertilizer and the use
to which these are hest adapted was giv
en, The meeting was under the direction
of Agricultural Representative McCague,
The Women's Institute meeting on
Thursday, March 0th, in Memorial Hall,
will be under the direction of the Historic-
al Research Department, "Starting a
History of Our Own Community." will be
the subject of a paper given by Mrs. R.
Wightman, "Pioneering in Morris" will
be dealt with by Mrs. Latimer. Music
by Mrs. B. Herrington. Roll call will be
answered by each member displaying
some antique owned by theirgrandmother
Those present are requested to be prepar-
ed to discuss the topic dealt with. Visit-
ors cordially invited to attend.
The Presbytery of Huron Presdyterian
Church in Canada met in Clinton on
Tuesday. Rev Charles E. Dougan was
elected moderator. The reports of the
Standing Committees showed substantial
progress: The next General Assembly
meets in Knox Church, Hamilton in June
and Rev, Dr, S. Bands Nelson, minister
of the Assembly Church, was nominated
for moderator. The commissioners from
the Presbytery to the Assetnbly will be
Rev. James McElroy, of Hensall, and Mr
Henry Strong, of Exeter, The Rev I 13
Koine, of Seaforth, was appointed Pres.
byterers representative to the Synsci's
Committee on Bills and Overtures. A
helpful conference on Church Life and
Work was I:eld, led by Rev. Mr. Dougen
and resulted in a keen interest in the
spiritual needs of the church being awak-
ened and a very hopeful outlook for the
h Up) .4,144-iL2c!.-i' .4.4 Wtf,Q -fry ,hti
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Agzand'r 4ksh a,u fy-cd.s4tU
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Standard Book & Stationery Store,
The Natural, Herbal
Goodness Of
Gallagher's Clear; Up
Stops Indigestion, Tones
entire system.
There are no mineral drugs in Gal-
lagher's Tonic and System Builder.
It is entirely herbs. Natural, Amazing-
ly healing. By purifying the blood and
gently stimulating bowels, kidneys and
liver, this reliable old remedy elears
up skin troubles. Perfect for Lndigestion;
rundown conditions, nervousness, coughs
or colds. Sets you on your feet and keeps
you there. Sold, as other Gallagher
Herbal Household Remedies are, by 35
Chaise 50 acre farm for sale—west ¢ let
27, Po a 12, Hullett, one and one half mils
ea from Londesbaro, one # mite from schro
good 8 room house, barn, hen house and
garage. Geo. 11. Marr, 12. R. 1, Auburn
Phone 20.7 Blyth,
15 THE 11:e'I'A'r1s 00' i03001.1 DEXTER,
91.l19 SKI).
All persons having claims against the
estate of the said deceased or against Hat
tie Dexter, the daughter of the said de-
ceased, are required to send them to the
undermentioned Solicitor for the Execu-
tors of the said Emma Dexter, on or be.
fore the 28th day of February, IOW, alter
which date the estate of the said Emnra
Dexter will be finally wound up, and the
Executors will proceed to distribute the
estate among those entitled thereto, hav-
ing regard only to those claims of which
notice has been given.
Dated at Goderich this 71h ,day of Feb-
ruary. 1940.
Loftus E, Dancey,
Solicitor for Executors,
Registered Yorkshire hoar. also a num-
ber of sucking pigs, Apply Alf. Ha,_gitt
lot 13 con. 9, Morris,
LEITII—In loving memory of Gec.rf;e
Leith who passed away two years ago,
February 29, 1028,
Wife. sons anddatchhut
A Mother's ark is
Never Dire--
but it can be lightened con-
siderably by the installation
of an -Empire Duro Water
Supply System in the home.
A kitchen sink, laundry tubs,
both with Emco faucets—and
best of all a modern bathroom
completely, furnished with Fixtures
and Fittings of guaranteed Emco
construction. Such a bathroom
is a joy and will give lasting
An Empire Duro Water Sys-
tem will serve all these improve-
ments with a constant pressure
water supply. Models for deep
or shallow well operation, suitable
for farm, suburbaa or country
homes with a capacity of 250
gallons or mere per hour.
See your local dealer and he
will be glad to scow you the
system most suited to your
For sale by
Blyth, Ont.
DiVw Pressure
Water Systems
and Bathroom Fittiniis
jIiGNN iIIIIIIiNIIN NNIIUp ,.II IIil11 fIpp5'pp l nnu11n 'n
is an advanced method
of operating the detector
tube by which greater
current can be applied
to it, and stronger speech
and music'handled with•
but choking or distortion,
1'(t is•,
Feature of the
view 1930
That's why music and speech sweep gloriously
through this radio and come frons its Improved
Super•Dynamic Speaker, undimmcd and undistorted
.. complete, sadsfying, true!
See, hear and learn for yourself what the new
"Humless" Majestic Models will do. Before you
decide on aoy other radio, let us give you a demon•
stratlon of the Majestic.
Demonstration --Convenient Terms
Custom SawingDone
For Information
Walton Hotel
An attractive Offer For Our
The;Standard costs $2.00 per year. The
Family Herald & Weekly Star costa $1 00
year. Any hone may have these two
publications every week in the year at a
special bargain rate of $2.75.
The Standard will supply i'cu with all
the local news of your community The
Family herald & Weekly Star will supply
you with the best weekly newspaper, the
best agricultural paper and the best Fam-
ily magazine on the continent, .Subscribe
or renew now to The Standard.