HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-09-05, Page 4� , , I - --r-- .I---- -,
. I I
. . ' WE ORD . I . Sept. MI 1901
I TEE CLINTON I ft_�Fl ..--- . �� — . _ _.-
- � ------- -- _�,�;��_ I-,..- 1-11, _� .
_00-_ I.. 111-P.....- ____7_ - I ...
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-I- . IffladburY. I .
7;�_ I "uLLATT TOWNS"IP. --.-- 0 Just arri,vui ,a fresh impply of .
I . ,al A —, �SLOISE At SKIMINGS � CXQDfJR1C1 011olet. Griflin will be able to Spend . �
this wook finish I'llcall is visiting ,I CORUESPONDENT
� The, Mato Nows-Recordo . Matt. Militia ostile Mi - Hudgins Of I . _ tire first ChrWituw cif tbe?.40tli. ceptury I .
, __ Idall Bros. bsra Which is at tile, boate of ber Ptil'Onts, Mr. and —.-- .i ____ __ -
-.------- _,_� , r . . in trio new ret,ldencoi. Ito wiw wit -o to .
_ fi-atoing of 7 � no (if tile largeut lit the Mrs, H. Hamilton. . 11 .
Wj, MITCHELLj UITOR AND PRUPD11TOR' 5OX83 feet 413 0. 1 **",. 4+0 - * .
toovuship. -XI, Ala "a will start on i Mtkbel Stewart hits returned to � **.#*+*+*, . $", #+#+##+##*#"+###+**# a 94,the park laid otit-fil", ou tit(- trees
IIII141 � � I lravi� [)(-oil growing 1011ii, bv woltvd. Powler's Extract �
________� .
e T]I, 1901, Wednesday rebuilding the sixtY-foOt bee home it, QUIXt011- Prof e,98or and M I% got gim of'roron. Mrs. Blackstone and three sons Mrs. Ann Morris, who tillent Borne . I I .
0 -, WT. . West $Pan of th( to are guests at t Charlie, Harold and another all Ipft on weeks bore the guest of 1wr dat)ghter,* I . 0
, 034INT"'OR,�' ) bridge on tbe$th con. Mr, Fre.d. 8006044-tt) Wits Cill"09 On he residence of $ta-
i i _T5 )Lnowa. Its Watson's. The road Wilk bO Sumolerbill friends Saturday and Sun- and Mrs. Stratton, Thursday it. in. for the Toronto -
-_ . tion blaster �. and Mrs. Magnus Swauson, hits returned to ,
I =7=7777;T_ ��. closed for if, week, day� to ,and J91,84 001% biwe I Mr. John Storey of the orwkn factory � Pan-4oterican. Expositions. the residence of her daughter, Mrs. of WII& Strawberry - � .,�'.
Among those of our farmers who Stall took a humt to Ills kerville.
Qlayton Will ,r . J , old home. at 'rho Oddfellows. bate purcbaseA a Russel, Will
. S. returned to Stratfc I ix�vrri)eri-y �ast week where lie first now plang for their ball.
-X,ew. Advertis6M-ellts- are building $1103 tills sualmer tire � at t1le,p,granalrather's, I An -apple of the russet varlety was . . .
, . '. Marilling, 0. Lear, .1. Lamb- poonths' visit Vtbe light its a farmer's son, He : Miss Warrener of Detroit is prolong- , your cOrrosPolident, tills week I
� . _X, 13. Ileary..., ....... I ... I COle, C . Mr. Joseph Salkeld's, 00doricit town- 94% - . I pRElS01t1PT1O1J 3)UTIG STOU15.
01111414% Toa.;ues lynt W. Sheppard. enjoyed the holidays in TurobertlY lug livit, stay tit the St. Tia.wrence, 91hil'tic"ll W46 ""'Own ()no yevir ago In .010 � � , � �
. I . 11
I FurvituteandEx7foirsalo-11 ROYnolds .... 1 Several at our farmers have, taken ship.., p4ppose. very to rich. , * Miss Beth Sarith, -accompanied her orchard of Mr. William Collinsoll rtear . R. P. Reekie - oraoxeQu.
1�lick,s Sf,%,o"Hnr�4nd Bros .................. 6 advantage of tile r0wat excursions to Several frolb, al,ound hore Mrsi Cordingly gave us a very flue aunt, Miss Smith, oil her return to 13gillsbridge. The apple, and several --- i � 9 Successfurto Oydrloy
Xen and T�avls NVAnt0a-HiltOn 8;weitsion " 5 go West to see the country- or visit t1lUltiginthe Torinitolfair this week. pink asterthisweek, which we really Sbortsville, N. Y, They will both � others were kept by �Nlra,Wja. Lakiliam.
I . .
Apples Wanted-Jobtl Whiddon .............. 6 relatives. Among the notuber Me There Was 110 BerylcO in St. Gourge'a ;lit r"urpassed alL the asters we Spon(l Same time in Buffalo, the guests in it refrigerator in her collar front tile N. B.-Jilry Antiseptic Foot Powder for sure Ana tired, feet. .
; � salo_)�,Ph Ball ............ ........ a phul Who church on Sunday. 11ey, Air. AbeY is tboul . I .
I I L' ( jr, Toronto this week. � I have seen tills season. Her garden of Mrs. Zeke Solith. time it. wits taken trom tire tree until I .
I Farm for 0harles Ruddell and Amos 81 morith's. .4
� Press Goods-Novi-c6robe's.... ..... 1. � ... ...... 8 looked forward to it good is if, poetu of blossom. The ,rose of , Al w .1�
, , S-11tidgims Bros . ........ 8 ., . . � , . re, Judge Tome only spent a , eek given to me. The aplile is perfect. ,%-,,%-,*V%�-4"W,%Wl%,V*1%119*elwlftelwol%wl%-Imwlwl"WIWI%V,WlqI
: Tr4wiloes Sample . recreation, They will be there in . . Tr..! ________,___. I Sharon is in all hi, beauty, one of the among her Godericil. friends, She Mrs, A, Watson returned from her
. staple time to Sao tile winding, up Of I I I I I ; crimson roses. St. looked reniarkablv well. . I I yl8itto'Voronto this week,, . _______.___ _______'__ ___"______�'_' _ - .
I . I I I ,. P10 T ALBURT. 1 Shrubs Is I ,__ - �.--,----,—.------,-----,-�.----
� I g operations and the R D 11, v 1 d P a , SS ,11. v,�,,�,,' two other fine gardens, Mr� Pritchard left last week to at. Monday next is tire anni
. . , ;4 0 , ,, _�_�__ the harvestin a pretty well finished those of Mesdames Symons and ten I. McGill college. � tile W. 0, T. U. and it full attendance ;W�_. I - _Y__M� 1. � I . 11 I I
_ / threshing will b I . I I f .
. OIN i I w � hen , they ttlen hotneward again. I MI,.andMri,GeO,*HaWk1ns spent a Stratton, I . Mr. Hall of Orangeville is the guest I,; reiluested for Monday.p. tit. as,illaily I I .
, e�y ays in R x , a . I
: wNsT Hurt jog also f d star last week visiting Mr. Ed. Tilt left (in Mo . day. to ptir- of Mr, Ed. Swartz of Huron hotel. - , I w find important subjects will be
I l$UABBIT4y TAEA.TED. Edward and Thomas Mann i g Sale '
I . _. , T to Visit tbeiv 'lliti'll, ,verlyof Detroit left on Sat- tie I I Midsummer Clearin I
I . went West on Tuesda I frionds � . John geboatillals and 8119 his raining Studies at 041 Miss Be I subinitttol, - I I
. � bAothers William an Qhtfirles. Who Mr. and Mrs .1 Milver- Quebec, . I urday evening for her duties as school Mrs. Magee, wife of Ali-, J. B. Magee
: West Huron is being shabbily treat- , were am. Ong the founders of the Lon" filially were visiting friends it, Mr. H. Martin of. Hamilton spent teacher'ab DetrOlt. . . 0 . 'chunLs Bank, Leamington, . M
� , in southern Mani, � of this . C the Nei . - V
I ettiment. For desboro set0ement too last Week and the ftmeparl Sunday with his parents where his The latest depign in weddi g cake is with her babe, were the guo'sts last . . at - W., � me ,,Xa. lor & SOA�_s I
n � .-
ed by the. Ross, Gov toba over twontY, years ago and, have week. . -elta have been halt. one formed like It sextagon and laid on -Mrs. Magee's grandparents, 1. . . �
. , . .wife.and little Gt week of I I
. V ears the riding has been with- become Pillars in their community- ,I. Ben, HawlOns left:for Duluth On daying for soine weeks, Harry is a suppor,t which might be edged with MI,, and Mrs, W., Ureen, . Mrs. Magee .
� '
� I ,bree y , the Legislature A blind man with lartern, and Sit � turday a � nd expect � a to be allooill; till . prosperous. . . . � I roses, if the bride he aesthetic. I . I bas quit - e- regained her strength and I In order to clear out the balance of our Sulin tiler Footwear( and to
� I out a1repre6entative !a , ortel,tained No. 7 1 S. Sj in Christmas. . I Alra. and Miss Hinton hate returned Mr,, gre-all.d. Mips MeVittle were in looks the picture of bealth. , � inake room for fall goods weare� offering Same very speciai inauce- I .
. . a lorig-continued vacancy does graphophoue last Thursday eve - aid Mrs. �W. 0, Murray of 1� after a six weeks visit atLondon, Tor, tow . Alesdames,I) ments for, the next teti days. . Sad. carefully tile following list of prices I
. . Mr. 0 o on Friday last. Mr. blevittie.1 A
I but th I the school house I 11 118111 Ociderich Sundayed in the village, I Is C Cautelon and Magnus I . .
. t jug, Some of the views were I onto ,%rid other cities. con tem plates b6ildlo g on Eulgin Ave, far the Pail-Aniericall , and profit by thern ,
. not, apparently, give the Goveram - A hill, Whitney, while play- Miss MWIttie has passed a creditable ' k. � '
,,an I. �*bjle the grapbophon0discourse vary Air ' Fred. Irwin of S?rult $W, Marie, I Mast,er e,rt -ory of t h1i a �,'ee'l . . .75c .
15 ,
Huron is pract ,weil. Many (If the other Hullett se 0018 Mich., was visiting In the ,village and in 't )as 'all with tile Maple c1uh re- exaniiiiation at the conserval, I it Wagon was the next I Men:s Plow Sh6es, well worth $4 for $9
- , A()
I any concern. West . orhood hvst week. . . ,,,,, calved a ball on the point of his, fingdr, trousi . . . noveltvinatio,norothe automobire from tile Man s Box ()< Gaiters and laced, worth $2,50,oDly $12 -
I are being Similarly Visited, nelghb, . [a, . I . - . 1 .25
� f order of the bliss Ali Woodman, Toledo, was I Me,nls,oatf 1�id Laced Boots, worth $3, going
i . psily disfranchised, . Threshing,!$ the obie , , , which Incapacitated him treat wark ,Mlss Elles Tve left for London. on I sit �
. , y in the registry - yield ill. this vicinity in oil friends here last ,Week for a . . . , � to a �Own. Men's Tau Laced Boots. 20,I'discount off regultir prices �
. v4eane ' , Offlees day and tile I I . . I thisseason, His fingqr was dislocated, Monday to visit reliktives. a ,IsR,,d Mi-, Williath Stewart!s I I
. The - ge. .� . . , ter twenty,folli, years I At B h trdt and little Isobel of I W., afalgar att-eet, on I a, vici, kid, worth $2,25, now $1.40 .
$ailing to be up to the avera hgort tittle tit being struck right upon the end of it., S, 'a �,a, .r ' Friday I . Woknen's Tan Oxford, lat, $1,00. to $1-75.oply $1.10
too, still continues, the Government ,& number made use �Pf L4bor Day absence, . . I Mrs. wm.Rhynas and little daughter, therlirnatrard'tHomse, Gait, wre the iva,vd' w("o,orra,Varded with a lovely large � , , Women's Tan Oxfords, regu
* Mr. A. Elliott, and fallilly T. R.. Hawkins and wife, Goderich, . *to visit the, I ' ' rare dahlias, gladlolas A0d " 'Women's and Aliases Oxfolds, I war . th $1; . 135 to $1.00 990 t
I afraid to inalWan appointment. excursion$. Jean left on Monday a. tit. guests of Mr. and Uns. Saul ts of the I boo
d,,,� .
y li�
� being � t - went to.9incardlue, while others visit� Sundayeil in thevillage ' Toronto ExpnEition. where 61he will be $salts House. I I I I I i e%,', � The Lactus bloom wits Our goingat � . I
. t of governmen Olin Pellow is botne i rom Sault Ste. ' � I � Yontbs'Tan Laced Boots at 20,r discount . � I
. 4 backboneless sor . .� ed Toroi-AO at, the wonderful Pan, to J a sick ,list at .theguestofbirs. Tanner after which .-InspfictorandbIrg. Tom and faintly 1. chief desire to see.and we found oue Boys' and I . 15 ..
it must be admitted- ' come home electrified, we SOPPOSO, Marie, Mich., 60 tb she will proceed to Buffalo to visit, the �.'baiie returned from .a yery pl6asant, ploom ,,t ,, atiother catalog. The I Women's Dongolm Kid Laced and Buttou Boots tit $245 .
I . . I I ( ., . . � .
. I .
this IS, Ball of the 18th concession present. . � I . . 'lit 'Orsig
. I Mr. Eph. . Pan-American. I I trio to'Exeter. . I 't d of five large cactus but I The abol � silty, Tile Bell, The ' .
The*hiu6 has been throw,, mit; that has decided to retire from terming and Frank. Willis bad all addition to his ' 'ndsay Elwood, Mrs, Elm Mr. 'John Salkeld 'of TheMapleso a relucludes all our best roakes, The King Qti to $3 to $3.60,
1 I It is a ,Bari Ister I.A , in e,d ly Stewart being absent v mn lines.. The regulAr prices run fto .
I a- given to ?4r. offel-s big 150 acre litit for Side. faraily ia8t we&, another dauglirter wood'and three children left oil Wed- Bity field Road, hag gone up to Pic-loford, , rt�d ile!N�fr�'Opa at the statt, of tile Soverign . rid Amerle, I
. the Position may b good vace and well* located,. a Public , Al a township, . nesda;yfor their home at M0080min$ Mi�bigauj'to spend two or three w6eks 1'B n� Olt pprnmerce, it -is troly cmd�t- I . .all going tit one price $2.95. Don't � miss this opportu. � nity to get , . I - I
. I
efficlentf,� * . I . . I I '
-been . iss Ms;� B CsilbaosvtIl - Assa�', after an exceedingly p1leasant, the guest of his Son-in-law. . iii b UP-TO-DATE GOODS 'AT LESS THANVOLESALE PRICES - � .
O'Connell Who has ' . . selloo, being on acorner of tile lot w I'S .callin ()Nrlie4ndo week ' .b f in to bmve so lovely and large .
w.hile Auburn is only two mile.,, dis, - The harvest home, service . will be Mesdames EINVood and Slack Dr. Hurter basi had it, new chimney' �,' , gaAlie I Mr. Goode is ii lover of . . . I �
. - I , I ' Air. L 1. �
i nt and ClInEon nine miles, The lot a and Mrs. Ell built to replace the old one thr6wn . rare cae i as welt its Stewart itild'
performing the duties of the . office. the vie t, with �1 See our Bargain RackR for the best values in Boks' ai
. 01. is, of cot . irse, a G held in Christ chuich here on . _ maternal rel tivc,s of Mr. . . rid Girls' School' .
� object ofthe raw, I has been in possession of the family 22,d of this. month. . n by lightning. I . lit his win. 0,
� The. . rs and Miss wood, - Clow he is quite proud of the one Boots ever ollcred ill Clinton. Our Low Prices ate loud talker§. . N
� we don,t suppose Since the days of the early settlei Lizzle Faster, 'Sheppardton, Misses. Aunle and Martha Wells 4re Airs. Barker his the largest hydr4n* dow which bloorned last week The tronbLq to show 9,30(18, ' . I . .. . . .
. I . . . 1. .
i quite aPP4rent but . Mr. Ball would nalt part with I.t, but spent a few days with ber sister, Mrs. spending most on. , oyable holidays, gpa we ever saw, being about 8 ft. in bloom is pink. � I . I I I . . . I �
I I iking Ii,tich on it, . oying good . 111, circumference, and bits had about 50 Mine hostess Mrs. Tilt at the -British . . �
Mr. O'Connell is bar . Mrs. Ball is not now Sill T. H. Hawking, last Week. ' , having visited the Toronto Fall, and I TheOUIReliable. TlieStore That Never Disappoints. I I
� . �. . . .
. .
. . .
wbether"01 ' r an O'Is to health. ' . . I . . . Lt the pail-Arnevican, blossoms, strong &nAlle,b1thy. Shealso Exchangebascome tothefront W1611 . � . -M , - & C-40-19 "
� ac 0 ----7--- 1 1 yriatl x sthilil White . M A 1Nr .
. , � � ax�es , . GOD,I�RIQIA. - und Mabel Rutson, have also visited the 'r. The plant . as in town, , _Ia 0 . 11 . I I . I
Howeyer, . Mr. John Reynolds, son of Mr. J llry,sllwdays, and the Misses Frances b 8 foliage witl the only , that has ever bloomed
scandalous delitY. Reynolds, , who has- been sick with .bales a very fine known. Tile sbrub hits .N. ,. L .m � P1. -
. I get the plum., let the . I . . I . I . flit as ,;ve y"c_a ( Wo � . q I .. . . . I
I for some time, is now —_ . . . ". . . I erlume, especially when. touched by aslyet � spike right from. the I . .. .. . � . .
cant$ should urge. typhoid fever ' Pan-Ainericant, I thrown . tal I . . � . . . .
I van the appli -Miss Mr, George Barry spent -Labor Day P an . -ad with b6ols and . .
� � cease. Ii . improving, we, are please -1 to be able We have been inforived t b alt the I I ., . contra which is covdi ,_ . . I .
� - Stanley everyone is wi . � . . .
: on the weak- xneed. Government, for to say. . . . I . . I I . Mi,. - J oseph Barry of LoI17 . tgering. upon tbe.longf,b ,- . I . � . . .
. . . Macark hits accepted a position in Lon- with his son, To Rent -A treat houpe on . . Cash and One Rrieb .
I- I Dent will be short Mr. and Mrs Williath Kelly left -this don. I . . I don, Little hiiiater Barry accomparl- btreet opposite Oddfellows' ball with of time which may Oapse before the. . I I � .� . Butter and Eggs talien as Cash. I . . . . I
. t a death -bed appoint' .. i where: Mrs 'Rogan � orge Barry. � y; 'Rent blossoms come and Whitt the color m4' � .. . .. . . . .. I . . . I I J . . I � t �
. - . .week (or the s ate of Loulsania of -the FrontOnac slid ied his grandfather, Mr'. Ge cistern and good Water. sup�l
. . I . � el3gaged, 1h. thiii lumbe . r ' .1 1.1 reasonable. -A ' be. Mr. Goode says it will. be White . . I _ . , ,
liVed itself. . Mr. Kelly is' . hrile iiiiaren took a trip. to Sit his and Rev. Mark Torah' 11, accotupani�d pply at No. 12.Stanley . I
, � . - I —_
I . . . . It sIck ,� , ,. . .. -act one.door South - . .
. . '. busine6s. * b .,g.a nSt,week., . bylArs.Turnbull and Ma:Ster Charlie, sti: and we 6;ty red but time. will tell, I I
� � .
. I ____1 . . � . . I -gil ,lit is. Robert Beattie spent We tire sorry to learn that Miss 'spent a delightful week. at Kincardine Lient. Charlie, 05isholin returned. � ' A farewell .hop was given ilt Odd- . � . . I I . . I . I . I . .
11 ' ' I i *� i I . . I . � I I .
S .,,;n - ening I . . 1 I
w �
� . th friends at-Seitforth. uests of Mrs.- !Pemba ran, The last, week from Little 041 -rent- - .1 f 11 I h 11 on Thursda,y ev . .1 I . I -%,,fti, 4%V,4b-,
. -AUBURN. . . Miss Etts, R. . D: Thompson of the ,Andrews was ill of typhoid fever 4t, ill r g om Littlfi , , . � 4a.1W1q&14M- lqzllft�l .
. 5 Thoinits, which pr;vents bar from re tordelivered. a most eloquorit ser- Mr. Tom B'ates returned A �.!,2l'o'r Oba,plie, ShannonVleav_ �.1-ft"%.$Rt�.U..4w,%.-%�Ift�l-%W,Rb�lft'-,%"%"%�,4%VlwII . b, . -
I _� . . I W-ifeandwill , fj � . I I
. . - .. . n, week With t'. , to.New York as she in6ended-' - mon-to his old parishooers at:Kincar'- 'Current last week with his ing on, ,,ionday for Dawson Olty.. . . . : 11 . � � -
I I Presentation. -On Frldiw eyoning Bayfield Line is Spending, , , going C to Brantford. for the winter. . . I , I .1 . I . .
bar frlend,�Miss Kate -Webster- 18. Hard aud little son of Detroit diae on Sunday ev�ening. �Wbet!i' the go ba k The Misses Arinie find Mabel Oalwell - . 044XV, . 1. . � ..
ch , Sti'ndmy at Mi di -s, Hurd's parents, rector .and Mrs. Turnbull leained:,of 'Miss011esterot.8arillit, is the guest rues of Porb Huron . . I
L fast the Bible'class of Knot'chur - Mr. David B;,ccigas�llnt Ire the guest'; Of I � I I I -eictoiring a new � awson, a'nd Miss Mande Ba , .0. - I I . '. . I . . . . �.
. - . ly Beaconi's, Of " rijoson Reid, rge'i clivrell t of her cousin, V,rS. ( Oaptaln)L, -a guests of Mrs. ,J Buchanan,;Jr. . . I
� wenein. a load to the home ,of. Mr. R ills brotbef-'s, Mr. and,Mrs. Jar tie St. Goo - at .. . I I .
L Young cf Colborne and presented their, the 134yfield Line. - ' - . *Mrs. Caton; of Owen Sound is --t rector allot the RevAnark being chosen I Mr. and Mrs J. Allman have return. . . . - _=___. _�=.!�__ _____ . 0 1� . $ . .
' I
"a e� ' . -t ' . Alic7tion . sale Itegister, . . � � I . . I
11 - - I ed I In 'In - . . . I . .
I ng poun r - . .. . .1 I . . I .11 . 1. . I .1
. Witt . I , ., ild " �J $ 1 .. I
oldAime teacher, Mrs. -Ri Henderson, ,Mr. Torn X ox .spent Sunday at, ., trifill the vacancy, MrSi Vurnbull a ot �ended visit to the, Saul
. . . , . St t-ofbir.andMis-St.-Vang., . ' 'i I
. i a friLmed photo of rho class, con, , Holmesville. . . r Helen Uh and oil reaching. the ,i : I
. . 's este� left this ,week 'he &6ve down , . ,11,in,ciun t
� 1160 the then pastor and his, Rev. Mr. Stewart of .Clinton preach- � T, - . . . . I - I . . � .
. taining i I for bar home at Sarnia, I . road where the grand view of lake and - The Misses Le___ - rene Sutfierx . I . I .
'address expressive eda very able sermon. -of Burns' church roved, in Saturday,' Sept. 7th, at -2 -P. at., at .
I I,s photo. .An Mrs. William.Treble is visiting lie" river openscat in all its sublinjiby Mrs. land look wonderfully, i - J . I .�� :, �.-
.,Wif( - a '' ' . . . 1. � . ' IT"Pit. to the the store" Istely occupied by Mi - / . . ��� \ .. '7 ", ... 11 ..- , ..
at tivair appreciatidn of Mrs'. Hende.r 'Im§t $and 6y. - loartyrelatives'and-:friendo at Boisse7 Nvaboll was, so struck with it that health after their long eman's office', Main ,, .� I . 1. 1. I . I . . .
ja8mith'titClin � . . she ejedulated with fervor Of We will Georgian Bay and Detroit ,'while - on Laird, opposite Cut . . � 11 " , . - .. . . �. . . .1 . .
son's services and MissLyd , 1. � -. ,yalu, Man.,-jir I � � 1. . sitle,: W; 4 - ,-�;��.11��'...��l.*.,,,",�,;,�.,,,.I;.:.r.. .- I .11 I - . .
. 'whi Wetheral while tile. lng it r . . . .. "I . I .1 I . I 1. ,st to visit, her. owe the coming �of the Rev., Mar . I . I I : .- . I . 1. . . . . I .
. , . __ .. be ag . . � , . . I I_ . - . . . ..
Ruby . . I , Mr.. Janies lk � lit . . Wadi, U the . .. , - . Or ; Thos.'Brown auctioneer I .. , . �. . , 0. V � LE S , , I - - , b L � S ,
the high esteern, IR � a Vicinity, Ohl their father's schooner. - -� - . . _ I t . .. . . . .
ch she isf.regarded by -the, elmsS, was 't M - Rolit. Fdrrie'-' ,,�on was Visit MISS Wyatt at tile knitting fact,ori �Sfaylr aria the congregation' P'QSSI . street, - Seafortb, extensive _ , .
1. read by Mr. A. E staff left on Sunda, �' The Goderich organ factory Strdf * household effects �:-Tri- Piper, pf�uprlet- I . ... i :'B I Y E. - - $ ' '
;n4de bv Miss rattof Sault Ste; sm-,ag them froth t bad a, Atiliday but, work begar� � ainon � 11 . ., .0 , . .. . I
presentation, . was I -kinitly. entertain- � � .. . I i uncle, . b will 1W mucO 'sconery the. toad to� hirtitlarill bridge -�' ` . . . . ,. � , , :, . I I . . l �� . 10 . I . I . . ". .. I I .
. Young, Mi Young LONDESBOP,O., :. . M0,06 a M's6'W'yat' - � Tuesday. . .; . I . . I 11.11 . . ... , � — ___. - . .- . .1 . I .� ,$ I I . J . I
ests of the evening . . . , wits, all aeti-Ve metriber. aff6rds,;:_it is-supretnely. grand. .' Mr.'and 'Mrs. E dward, T! e. have. . . . . I... -_1 - - — . I . . . . I
� * 4 e as she . . I , ' . . . I
. , miss . . . . .., . I
I led his numerous go . — � '.. Mi . . I : - -, I -
, was Spent till the , . I �, . . jinplars of, Temperance Mr. and Mrs, Lashafb left today, to *]a tit Winghaal r. Tighe Kiinsas After th6 Dro�101t; I : ' ' . I
. goneto.resm . I I . � I .. . . I
. . Royal Te I . . . I I � , .
.. and a pleasatIttime - . -There was a . ater- . . attend the Fair at Lot 11 . . . �� ALE OR , RENT I . .
. . . - pleasant social . S. te,acher in adon. They w:i . foundry . . . . . __.._.___---__4__ I . . . . . . �
. . clock struck all it could-' ,7 , - - And a very popular 8 .. . . has a, pbsitio . o1a, the br I iasg , ��: . If I the FOR -S . . . .
I , I � lAst Wilily . . 'and blus. Ed_ tbere�* �: . � . . I . . ,. . Kanpaa!after the Droughbl, is I ... .. . . . . ,
I A very s6ccessful'sale'- of � hotisehold ink -at Mr. 1). Flbbdy' . s . Victoria street chitreb, tie the guests of Air , , .. . y* Prof.* Frank -W, . . I �, .. I . I . I . . $ .� . �;.�
nishings was held. at the* xhanse heie nikht, - - . . I 1. . 'Mr. � and Mrs, i, Sharman . and . two Beek.' . . , I - ., . , , .1.11 I We were at the harbor- on Wednes- title of an article b . . I . . .'. . I . . ..
I . children.ate th`6 , 'Mr. F, Ist of y benthe'. age �lay -at anchor I % . . 1. I . *Having bought out the, whole stock 'of , ' '
furr - last,. the Or ..ices e Mr. Alvin Bra den; who bas been: � Shar-, G. SimpSon, late Osait, Blackmar in, the 8ePtelaber Reyiew of . � . 'heels,) ,� .
on TuesdiY evening . I I las retur'ned to Tot- vuests of, Mr. organ, As.. w . Blaelcmar .d& - - - , . * -04 . - . .��
. I . , rmn's father, Mr..Robeeb ShataliLn- North.zii;treet chui-ch, who,is leaving an'a one,,)f pull town have dressed l"ke Reviews.' Nofflasor . . I 1.� � , . , bleydle�slrot . : T. 06oper,,,(11 w I .
. . . � . . .: :.,.. I
I I I I . 11 . � � . . I
Pat b of'the home for a time, Jn - . .$ .. . . I -�.:$-. . . �
or, � ontolo t�akd &. finishing L scribeff thsI, 'Staid's . ad . �.. I I . I . . � .� 1 1W. & 3 . ,. I
d being fairly "I 1. . � �
. gob�l for rat -oil course I in Mexico, .-and agricultural it �
cles passing under the 131mm .1 Mr. J. Sharmair has lived on.. for Minneapolis; Alinti.j - was Adatn.of old remained; at 'the dock . . . . -, . . I .
� artl � the College of Pharmacy. . . �Adrado- and now' tendered a ii)osb succ4sful benefit con. lack !rig as if ,be . wore dritsed LIS, obe 1 1 . . I 9, U.AAITFORDS * � ' * .. 11, . . . �.). I . ; , 1.11 I � I . 1,
'who have been , , led through- C, I . other resources, and.. shows that' such. , .. .1 I 1 2 '11. Z. - ..... . .�.
. . I . . . .. .
The Misses Rowed, R is reported- that Mr. Jaihes.woo& trall, ,, - San Jose, 'Osliforniii. . He , by big ImilsiCal, should have -been, A policeman S 1� � I a ' W-OLVERIN,WS ' - � 1. �, ' ". . � .
� ..
. . acc L -:1 in the . lideslibio re,id cert in ilie.Forest City le aliepisode as the,rocent unpr000dented. .. i e. DS, One with coaster bre,X6- ' - I #_ , . . I
renewing, old . LumintKtices . .I . le I 'hAnd whan.bosts ' � I . . .,. : -!� OLE, VELAN . . S : :
man bf.Blyth will came to La . ad.eAch'when I friends an.a4ell be, deserved it. - - .: tile, d to be on; Coal - . .
e, have .rettirfied. to their home ill I and Wake this uArteis for the left. G � -it inerolad, .',.,. ' it) th . . I 1. heated term cannot Permanently affect I . . 2 CRESENT . � , ,
. . . I
villa . . � hisheadq . .. I . I I I Court -Maidand No..8CO7 A.1*0. .F. rough ,the d4y.. - monwealth. , - 1. 11 � 2 GENDRONS 1. . . . I . , .
I . . . .
. .1 I , . .. I .. sale ot-Als,xW611 faith roachinery. . .. REATAER BELLS . I I . Tile ,Y,t e . ' ` theprosperitYOfths)(30.110- '. . . . * I
Lon'l .. � I . . . . . . a.� I .11 . . . ' . r . . .
on. . � �etii in the Orftqge - ball'on first,iind or will be th64elic' of the . . n oil at a. low margin to. .make room for �
- Nile Was.,a as taken pos- Oh! waes met .butit duric B10 guid % in( . I . . . . ' by buying . I . .
� � . . Monday 6 'on 9 . ..., . .- __==_n___ . All of these we intend, to riv . . . �
di. W. McIlwain of the Mr., John 0. Adatos h To.sce the bonny I r each month,. At season EaturdaY. . ... 1. �� : I . � a, bicycle would;save 7money t
� not long ii,ince. Session Uthe Lasharn-Bellfarin ,which ',. - --spray. third last wb& for . I '. 0 . -bed and -. .. - -1 .
guest in the'villag, . I o,hosither frao the 311�hlaiicls,:. . I last ineeting night r in August 15 new - Mr -T6bn Platt left , � . � . -new ones.' AnyopeAn need ol i 's kept for bicycles wheels blea; . I
Sv�, anil,'aanghter .he bought and is putti, . I I - - . ' ' 11 Fairs..'. A . ,� ope, O,! ,t pair � . .
ng in 'wbeat.. Abotm thel,rich o TaY . . members wer6 - inithiWil ard -it like SarnW and -Vicinity but has returned. .. . Lisi '.fit FA I I i All kinds of re All 'work guaranteed. . ' � . . I �.
�. I 1. I � . . . I . I .. . . --- 1. , . La s ,tese. $6,oa to , $10.00. , , . . � . 1 . I I .1. . �
Mrs. Watsoil, I G . . p NeW_ tires .1
were guests of Mrs. J,. Stitt last Thurs- Mr, Mattis is a Wood -worker and a. , It tells me ol the daurin heart;il . ' tied Arst".meeting in .Sefl� horne.,: - - . . .. . . I. .. . . I . . . .
. . . . 01 Scotia's bolinto lads, . number'joi .. I .. . . I , , .�. Sept. 10-12 . . .1 . I I . 1. I . I. . . . I I
. .
. I .. . I . . . kamilt . � I I ., .
- . . oodone. Ale'learned'his trade with .. . . . . .. . . . . Wellail"tilts exquisite. pleaiinrre.of. .on � : . : .
day. I , with An.lassies, too, wi! winsome olen ' - . tenriber 1 . . � . - .. Sept l6r1l. . . BLACKSMITH AND * MACHINE SHOP ' . . 1. . . .
I I . len: I Miss Play 0. Buchanan is -to be con,. seeing hl'ri. Tye's night blooTnilag cet- Chealby .. , ., - - � . I . , , , . -1 . . I . . . 1, . .. � .
The Methodist people had a very %. John Biunsdon and has be Wha waur the bormia PIMP. �. , . L I ,.. . Sept., I&I7 � � :,. � � . . . . I ... . �
ingling the church :him ever since, - He boughtAhis farm, I . . . first eug in bloom 'on -W dnesday before 22teter, , I . . i 'a kindst of. worki - 1,
Successful .bee sh . � Whose hearts; lineath then- beat sae true gratulated upon hiiVing obtained I �. . . � a we are prepared t do all . . " .
' . I III . � ews, filled 'with Guelph. _- - - - . Sept., 17-19. . - n-connee ion with gain I repairing. .. All - the piow. points aria repairs .. 11 I
- last week..- -.. - � for-one6firig.1i6ya. ' . . Na0eart &po,Nv'rdanbliV, . class stitoding in 7iench, German and midnii1it. The room - , - . i. . I* '' Aug and .gouern, .
sheds one day Ams was y isi ting friends. . wi, a, wba war , .'. ronto University 'its pecular aroma.. The outside P U . . . Sept.. 18-19 horse shoE I. Points'and repsirs for the . . . . .
Mr. - William' Miss Elva Ad . . For Heaven is IL - . . I . - . , � .. I .
16 is rqmore4 that I . . .. . . I For nor God an'right. En'glish in the To . . etalA Walkerto . . Sep. t 19-20 kept -by Air.. Tedford we ritfll kee . �*Irr stock I � . . .1 I . . I �
Fluker intends Moving his household in Detroit,last week. . � e . :ould I like Scotia's bard,'. - 1.1onorMatri'61atl6r). - : were Of's petialiar crims.96 -ti.0ge ivhile , Port Elgi.n. - . . . . 11 . . . - .. . Fleury, 'No: 13 12, 10, . 21, , . . � . I ...
e' f. -. . Ali I me, C . lone, ' . no Of the great- centre was pure w Atwood ! � I 'Sept. 24-25, T.edfor I . . . ,
to the Hub , vi here "thre of his daugh- '. Mrs: Lux Rill is visiting. under tb' . Burns the immorta We saw Mr.'Sam. Grierson; a hite.'and . d plow, gang repairs,
. . . . . . 6 bad%to go fe'ither, which - the .. , . . ,� Sylveste.k.'No. 7 . .�4r..'� . .1.
.�� . I . parental roo , .. esiaents,-who SApt. 24-25 W I . .
ters at prosentlive. I 1- W.1der imang the gorse an heather . . our, old time r llght� as. a SeafoMi . . Milier.and Tedford Flo. . Id No. 13. ,�
ig is visiting' up at Mrs. WA]ker-lefG Wednesday morn- ly. ark wad be weel done, . -fortune Art -Uncle .. . 05 Tedford No S.. I - I . � . . . Hill's Paten . t!'O . . . . . . ..
miss Addle Relw.' * ' i - .w .� . and try * hid � Sam!s petals resemble. - The -outside'petals . Sept. 24-2 I . . . . I I
. I ' . I Pallnerston .�. ..., , . . . I
P�. is , ' � I I . ins.'nd'nowhe is one Of ft- . Tee8water . . . , � 94 1. -ko . �, - I . . . . .. . . I
I'd.link.the roso an heather a . - -25 � . 7;a,n&2l and 2 furrow plow
.* . . ing forDako.ta to join. her son . wh . doma a d'CRY t ouch circumference of �1 ifiches and Sept.� � I' %Vilkin�ou. . I . .. . . . .
St. Helens at present aiiily � Practising medicine there. .. . - � To'Brin's shaturoe.k.,dear *. 'Officialo.of Sagillaw'.where he chose ,to 10 inches diameter from tip to tip, It I ;' . . 1 Sept. 24�25 . , _ . � I . . I �. . .% . . - . .. "
An' ask Righ Hesven's blegs rig , Ripley I . � . . . . . .
. .Mrs. William-K411ough and to . . 'i ' -t beautiful sighulhe stem on which . � . , . � � '.. I . ' I . . ' - -
are visiting at Mr. J61in.-Homes this Mr. 0. I. Smith. of Toronto is the . For pionty o� guld cbeer, - - locates He looks well and .bright wid was � Sept. 24-25 I . .
I I I . , ,
: . . 11 . . . � I . . .guest of Mr, ,Charles Oulmette at pres- . three - Paisley, . . . . . . -T R I : � . , - .. ),
- , I � I Says be :lived. forty years and, it grew turned upWard like &hook and � Sept. 20)%2-7 1 . . . REELEY'.''& . URNER. . ,.
I week. . i . . . . . , ". I . .. . ' I . �. . � 1 , ' '
I . � . . I .. The libather bells mean solitude, 66uocil ever tile flowpr f6s, Milvertoji ' . ... .. . .
Miss Bertha Tyndall of ObathArn is ,,ent. [iises Holmbs of Guelph ar ' � The Shamrock faith divine, ., our town and na, I m6*Out of. the end of it. It Harrri6ton � . ' :' . . r StiPt. 26-27 T6d6rd1s old. Stand I , � . � I I ,:.., . _ ... RattenbUry.Street , $ I..
6, Mr. John R r. The Al . 'R ' . , Art luvo thecharm that Vagiand'o rose I ys:in him it Position. .He St hf'at midnight when - , . . I . .. . .. . . I . I . . 1. I .
oil . I .. 1�lw t .to give WAS a lavely . -27 . � I . i
. the guest of her one], . I . wad in W boartsenshrille- . I � � - ," , i , t wa' still , tchell . 1. . I Sept. 26 .. . . . ... I .. . .. . ,q&-.W,40,,%�,%,Alm�,,,41h�-ft.�14 .. �
Mr, and Mrs, Baker of Wingbata visitink at.Mr.Stiell's; * . .. . al 8 , . grs Tye was $ , .1 -w-ft'-w . �
t must -be progressing as'two as obeers for the heather leavesi,for horrie art Thursday. . given the Mi
. Art' Boo thill .. I The McCrumish Opera Co. left on several years ago. and, it develop- Winghatil' . Sept.,29.2T ,q,,%�'qb'.4%�lwa���.%,-%W-%Wlu.ft,.,Mwlw . . .
Sundayed at Mr. John G raviston's. - Rulletl . � I . I . r, � . . . - � I
were-. held.'ifi , . ,Aboon the Loch o'Tay, They, Spent the S'ip . . - . , � . Oct. 1-2 1 . . �
is the mestings of the council �ok ad .a quickly, . . Goderich I I 1111111 —1 . . .
% Mr. R dgar Rowed of Clinton wt 0 week.' *, . . , An _ i.y lower its waters sail :. . :* Saturday, going east. I 1. - . .. -Eph� Tweedie, "Harry Cluff B . . . � . � I ; I. . - . . . 00 * . .
guest of his urtclid, Mr. S., Caldwell, last on �' - . one, 111 luve for aye. holiday season'h.ere. ': - . . , Messrs. . ,elgrave . '. ' I I
,. . I I of Toronto; -�wbo . . . , . . .f. t . . I Oct. 1-2. I , .
u day. . Miss Ethel �'Srnitl . . _E�LoisE,A. SiUmINGs. ' ' 3r of the organ ac cry .090000004)0 I . . .
8 isitinmiss. Mabel Couplatid, . . .. . . I . .. . Miss Maggie'llurieY, Who soent the and a numb( * Listowel� * . .- . 1. � 1. Oct. I-,2 1i ' ' .' . I . . I I .1 I �.. . . , � . 0 � -
e Misses Rowed. have. returned to.. .has been vi, I �' ,� . I nped'during their we0k's holi- ' 4 ..
- r home in returned to her ome on Monday. . . ." . . =�� - I past year. at Sarnia.visiting her sister, Qtitff car St. Marys. . ... . . I .. Oct. 2-3 0 - , * N - . I
le London after yisiting � .1 �. . I uirhead, is visiting ather home days in August at', The Rocks." - They Kincardine*. . � . 41"nu I - . 0
I The -y 06. . I . . .. . Mim, M . I . . vely time; . . . . 1. . � - I I . .. . I
I , , Londesboro Creamer . . . 1. I . . . . Oct. 2,3 � . 9.
t a r uncle, Mr . S.. Caldwell, for &,few . � . ashiv.: - � . here.. . .,. , ,�: ., .. .. � reported a, IP . . . . Lidknow � . . : :1 , .. � : I � . _1� . .0 I
. I
I . . . - Stotts and his dall ,ar, 1, 1 -4. 1 !. . , � :., .
.. � . . I : . 11 . . shipper[300'boxei; of. butter orf SaPui� . Ashfield Tow . .1 I Mr. Ed. Ba;yfield -', .. . Oct. S I'll I I . . .
d . i . ay 'Of'T . .,. S 0 N S U - -, ..
a a � . __ Mr. James Mack. oronto:'wAs . I . . I K . � h I .S.,
.. . of Detroit aad Mr. Arr : � : , kc n -
. I . . 11 � .
-has been I Miss Stotts � . . � -4 . . . . . . " . .
. . . . . .
R M. 'Gmy at Beigrave' day for'export n )wnsbip council of Ashfield met verseeing the Brussels . . 11 Oct. 3 0 . , I I . . .� .. I . _ . ,
. .. .. Miss Mabel ffohnstdn of Lando' is The to in town on Saturday 01 . , I . .. :, . : � .. . . . . . �
mi y. I .1 . .. . . . � Oct,.8-9: &, . � .. I . I AV .
visiting in this Vici it te. WS all pres- stocktaking at the org�n factory. . Stotts and little daughter , f 8 roit . . I , . I . . . .. . . I 1111 .
on Augusblltb With thembil . . I Blyth 1. I
� . Mr, and Mvs.. 1. Murdoch of, St. the guest of Miss Lou Ouinfet ' . . . . I I also, art- g9ests of their r Atives, t 6 � I . . .
iting ent. They following accounts were : .Stra rd _ 1. . . . -19 a ..� 01., :"`MNG GOES.ON. �
R. Miss' Lizzie Whitely is: vis I Me. James, Vivian, wh . i a r . Oct. 8 I 0 - . OF . . . , .a I .
Helena visited lost Sunday at Mr. , e and others, gravel. 0 sPeor SoMe Me6grs Munroe .and , it I. Ifo . . . . . .- 1. I . . I .1 �
1. . .. 'friends in Blyth. . � .. . . . , paid ; James,Ros weeks at his hbme'her.e, bas'loft to Harry'�itotts did not return ii 6 ' Dungannor., - . � . . . Oot..10-11, * I . . .. I . . . - . . . . ! 0 . - I .
T. Erratt's. . a ,account to ,the amount of $101-021; e . ;! .. . I � , years absence froln .the Oorrie ': . . ... . � .Oct, 12. -. ` . C, aug.liter. . 11 .
� . .0
I .
Mrs. Thos.. King wits visiting under Mrs. A. Woodman hits returned fter Thos, gulillie, Plal) k,$13,77, M.'Dineen, , regain his duties. . after a twenty ' . . . I . . .. . : - : This we'ek '. w - %vill pommen 6, to 81 �. . . .
. . � I . I . . .. .0
the parental roof at Mr. $crimekoui�s Visiting friends in Goderich. - - $5, Jos. ,- Mr. Will. Green, ,Sail ,of Mr. W, old town, The father of'Messrs. Stbttgi � —, 0 1 . . . �' "I . . I. . . -1 . . ., . . . . .
. �r has returned repairing culvert -D. Li, . --- � . .. .. . . 0. .
� I Mr. Robert Wenge il� is out at 0asseltdii"Dak'Otti, � was one of our bla time saddlers :aria . � . � I . 0 . . . I
this week.. Mirain, inspecting, $5; W� J. Hall, Gree I . 11 . I . . 0 1 11 . 1. I . .. . I I ' 0
llyth bits the contract ,froin his holidays and reporvts that the John Mcllitei managing.jrAebinery on�166the of. the IiVor 1. . . .. . TURE AND I PRATS
Mr. Gerry of 13 � I repairing road, $4.50, . ymeri. FURNI I ,,,1' 'TS.: ana VESTS AM
. rl�g in a furnace for � Mr - 0. A. pa.p.American is fine. tell- 8, P. 6 and 7; $13-; Dati- bigranch harvest flelds.' fHa .'will re. Mr. Tisdale and some friends from' 0 GVERGDJRT89� .1GJ -) ._. . .. �. 1. .. . . � . : . .. -
I .
111,P,"itto . . . . . Master Roy Jeffrey.accornparlied, big cleaning di . cleaning ditch and turn to his home at Detr'oltkilkhen the Bayfield'rade up in his automobile to . 14AY FOR SALE. : - I I 1, . . .1 .1 . � I . 0 .
I Askwith and Morro will. aunt, Mrs. Henderson, to Cleveland iel Fiul&ysob,. I . . . L, 9, I . . . . . . . 0
Messrs. a aying -there etton B.,$2; 0. Stewart, harvest, is over. . spend few hours at the residence of , - . _ � . � . a ' ' . Q .L ' ' ' '
. I u .. Stock . . :L J
� lie intends . t . I repairing culvi . . . . .. . .. 0 . . A I I .
takein apples.at the evaporator from )ast week. L . B. Buckln�hara, gravdl- . Mrs. Crabb, her Iiister, Mrs. Rarri- Mr W. Proudfoot. - 0 :. . - We havlo tremendo s. 11
� . . for Some time. , . I I lank, $38 26 - Ic is all Miss'' Emaiii Clegg of..A.shovi . lld,. Owing to leaving Clinton the iinder a', I . . . 11 ybt' "tt prices .never; .. � I I . : �
this out. ' - ' I - . . ' L L ' I I ... I Fing. con.'Ii,- 08-60 ; Jos. Bowlel,1 cleittle son, and Alias .Beatr a Harr on accom- signed offers for sale 1 glass cupboard, 9 , I to* se, . I . . I 0 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. Carter .were the guests- . I I too, arrived. from Wyoming on Sunday, state of ' North Carolina, 9 . � L . . . .0 I
f , Mrs. J, . Taman, last , _.�!�___Wt_ . . . . . Ing ditch con. 16, $2, Frank Johns - . . i to panted bar L brother. Mr. John Clegg 1 table, 2 stoves, 2 bedsteads, a numbor ' ... . . , equalled in this ' county. , �,. a .
of the r daughter I I .. � . gritiVelling s. P, J) and 10, repidring cut Mr. and Mrs. Stableker have go . tie of kitchen chairs, scythe,, shovel, and 0 ,. I . . I . . I I 0
. . I . ,,$108.04 -, A. e.vi, . ,.. of Detroit on a visit to, old, friends -
week. . LS I COILBORNE TOWNSHIP- , ver6 and gravelling con. 10 r it the Pan Americau. . otherarticles. Also s quantity Of haYo 0 . L , :Sale., U will ,be nn. 6. .. .
. I Mr. and Mrs. Reynold of near Dash. . ..., . - 1, — .1 . Stewart, inspecting, $3,, A. MeBurney, in town.. Miss Clegg went.to visit 0 . I
L . L � re" Mi McMahon - blitis Clegg left' . . . .
is olVortL_ iss . or) . OL' -ery- 0
wood were.the liestA of the former's I con. 12,.. 0; A. Misadongle LeTouzel has been Must be .sold as I 'am moving to 0 This will -bo .r teal Bargain . I
Threshing is about wound up for th' repairing cl engaged As teacher at Hensall. while London" L . . aot e prices in 'this advertisenient .as eV .
. Lite], Wednesday, 97th Aug.,fov Wiridsor, L . I I ' 0 Lecessary to q, 1, I 0 .
L 11; g con, I .. ] R. RE YNOEDS . I .. . . a. I
I L Sister, Mrs.J. N1.1cholson, last Saturday. season .and sowing fall wheat is, 'the Me —, repairin audgrave in .ber sister, Miss. LeTo takes the ye fi;r Detroit - 9 I , * o show thecut We� 0
Mrs. ClarkL'Of Colborne is the guest . . L 12,.$1,1 'Jobn Sullivan, for statute where she would cbang qliAtoin, SeIIt.*3M. .� thino, will be, ra 9 like d I With red tickets t . . 0 � 11
. . Dashwood�Pqblie school. . - and spend some time with her. brother .. .. .. . 1: 111.5 . .1 ' . .
of her sister, Mrs,, Go,00 Young, .a.v order of thd.day, , 1, B. Graham. repair- I . 0 -pturning to __77 -_ i - (,. 'is for YOU to (301116 andinsp.ect : I
. . Weare glad to say that Mr. John litbor tearris, $3 ; ___*— ,_ - - — !i ak All we asit .
. childien's are $M5; J, Macdonald, We, were very L sorry to learn on Mr. John Oleig, bef re I, --..-.,. a u tend to .In . . . . . . � . I
present. getting strbund ng culvert, . . .. . . I . f the ' 0
Was: the ! tig, $1.50 - D� McLeod, inspect- a to L J'atiafy yo4C-�gelf that �this sile will.be one 0 . . I
Mrs, Proctor of Detroit have beet down. with the * Thursday, afternoon last of the death Asheville. I . ' a
L L . 11, ker and two children arriv- TO C . I L . . I '. . '. L a
0 'Ispe6ti . L - - - : . . � . . . . . . I . : I
, �9111iyys_ Iver. of one a ,Huron's well known pioneer Mrs. Bar 'WANTED . . .
1. se"let t�, ing, $2.50 ; D. GrAffin, plank and cover, 'Whitely, at the* ed from On of L .. I 0 _--:_ . - , - . . . I I L :, .,
pest of Mrs. J. Sturdy last week.. . _ . a 0
Mr. Win, Plunkett lost A fl,n a,Wir L ke purchased it kenzie,- farmers, Mr. James lifor a on Wednesda and I LACHER . . :
tie horse Mr. Samuel Westial , D. . Mae seph *Whitely, T, . I I . . L— ., . I . . I I 1
0 in culvert, $2.40 , I
last week which got tanglea i ir- home of, big brother, Jo, are the guests of Mrs. Joseph Wi. isms . . I I L
. .
. . .. . � oseley's. I . . : est - Sa e . . .
. fine horse from Mr. Alex,. Kirkpatrick ' R. Johnston, rep& The old gf�intlemitn was at.Mr. M L an Cheap I 0
. � I a g cting $2 60 ; - h strtet. . ' I I
. ,John Kil atric , i.� .. .
fence and was -dead when found ;it a good flg.ure, . in spberidge con. 0,$17 reach, Mrs, H rr. a Gr e at P s t..' I I I
U ' quit(- advauced-in yearg, having orace, J. Horton'n ivi?d on An etp6rien,C0d teacher a . I .1� .I . ; I . I . I 0
Mr. Alf.Askwith and big men are Out eturned , g , , $11, L 0 L in this county- " -
packln'g apples again. Miss Bessle Mogforid has, r repairing culvert con, 8 and -,be good old age ottil Sty at leastO Wednesday fr6ni, Sault Ste.LMarie. We *Ould La , '
I home to Toronto after a couple Of rchic, Johnston,ditch on D.L., $10,75. 0,11 -orneor, I I wafited for. S. S. No. .5, Stan- : That ever h68 taken .Plac
A M. Mae, yet bib reth arm life near� , Mrs.,Hortoo enjoyed the visit very . . L country to come nr . ��
Mr: J. 1). Melville of Londesboro is, weeks visit to friends in this localitY. BrI.Johnston, grAding, $30; !rom P be least much. I . , . i I I �
, tting on the finishing touches s around ajain $0. Mackertzleo ly thirty years ago, did riot in t I I ley toWiiship, duties to . cona :. - ut friends from the. . 0 . I
jug Miss Manly Millian I , R'L � . . urge o 0 .
laidL, Up With it el"glIt touch donald, planko it. At each harvest Mr, Get). Jobriston,late of Texas took ' .0 i
On Alf. Aakwith's house. J. D. is I lesson bib love for 1. . i their boys, I
Vr1.1 after being repairing o,olvert S. R.' 0 and $, $8 ;, D- mehce on Jan,.. 3, 1002. State a ringing In I
, . thflt,WAN garnered in the old gentle- ge, on the Osalfrage last wee� for a . . oil Sg,turdayb i i . . .
a h u Stier. . - Ed. John- . . :1 � . . L . I
Mrs.JohdWagnar isivisiting r0her of typhoid -fever'. M Johnston, inspecting, $4, man.woula drive oat and take as in rich 91117sl4l . salary axid experip,lice, - Per-' ! . ' -L I . . � . . . .. : - I
. at. .. 11 I � �
wls at mr, Frederick Johnston and mother gravelling con. 4i $22,49 ; P ird work- Misq Florence, Grahame returned air . 0 . �
-ln-Is*`S,:' Mr, 1, Wagne P of Lodkalsh Sundityed at her sisteV's, ;i;;1'n, grayelling Xt XintiXil, $33.40, interest in it its if he were it bi Sa It sonal ap-plicaiion preferred. : ,� . I I . 111 I .
father . I . I Mlta i ng son of toil. - At ways cheerful and Wednesday of JaS6 Lweek from' u I 1- .
present. . -k has Mrs. James Fowler's. On illation of $hinter and McIntyre I 0 , 4 To - JACKSON4111' . a
Mr, Thonig of rieRr WOOdStOc We are sorry to sity that Mr. SAntuel active about town, via one would dreAm Ste Marie where. she was the guest of . I .J(OBF - -� . . � .. , . 0 . . ..
3ill . the rafes were fixed as follows : tad passed o'er his b . 'ItT L 11 I STEPI%EXS6xJ : I . . .1 I . . . �. 0 . .
arrived tor take charge of the grist a - Treble's' driving horse is laid up at -10 mills, township rate , that so many years b bough er'sunt,Mrs.(Jud e.)Johnstoni . 'sit. . .. - . 9660
. I L . . . V torn oil a Wire County rate 1 4 . grills and a head. But this ba,rvebt time, sit Miss 8riegel paid'Kew York a vi S66.4reasurer). , . .1 I.
I- I � . present I - or neices feared . . . ..
. I . I . I
I 1 . I which got badl 21, special school rate Ij S 0 . . I I I .. I I ,
- . � rate sufficieritto meet the requirements none of his -nephews he is it& her her in thervs residence at , . . . I . . I L I -
fence, % . I . . L a 1). .0.. I —_ I
..----7 1 his illness would prove fatal# the older �resent. I varli, .
I . . of each School Section in the. township.. . . 10011111111111 __ , � . . . I., .�
I . .
surIMERHiLL. - , . t===�=—_ J. Barkley, seconded by members of his family feared his days , We hame, to thank UP, D. Fergudon . I . ... L �. . . . I . I I I
I . L � - h Tdy. I ��� I ' FURNITURE. '' I � I .
. . Moved by resolved, That a were numbered., He seemed to logo till for 16 botmic, ,bunch o'heatbor which . q
. St. Helens. . Thus, Stotberg, and ted by interest in life and. wanted to be At hebroughtfrom Loe - Mo E .
S- L 4 fra;�hise be iind is hereby ran farmer.' Miss Gallow. who spent a monWa ! .
Of the pioneers of the Base Litie be unicipality of Ashflelof to Messrs. rest, He WAS sveI`7PI`OsPf?rO"s . I . VING FIN . � w -
b tween Clinton antlAtiburnwe only Rev, T. M. Whaley returned home the in licuddy and Goldthorpe in trust Mr. jailles Whitley was the eldest Son vacation with bar brotheroDr. Gallow, . . - I L C S L =-- I . . I .
. know of two who now survive, viz. ,4on Friday evening, his vacation being McGil lie formed for a term of Mt. and Mrs. Andrew Whitelly,who and his wife returned last week to ill 1 . * .* * * I . . . I
Joseph Watkins and Robert .8 for rdlaid, in borne in Toronto. . L House clearing time is � at . 1. . our stock is complete lit ever,V I .
both of whom have borne the burden A number in this tie i in 9, Of fifty Yet" . w 18M to settle in Huron. The Messrs, Mr. George Johnston ard family 0-r P ICN . I hand, I For quality our goods Are
Miller, over. I I for a, company to the building and left County Fermanagh, I Is
Inity tire taki ty in and ,ft L line,
They are highly . operating of an electric raill i )thers from the .same for their, ranch 'in Texas this Week and you will, no doubt, require
" I
and beat of the day. in the Toronto Fair this'yeal West Wa- upon certain, of! the hi,�,hways of tho Sturdy, and f: �er a most delightful visit in the old — LL - - I . the best and for price the . .
it they may long en- The township council. of � k Agbfie d to be here. county In Iveland settled ill Huron tit af� ______tt=========11111 Something now in the line of
respected and thr . I � . . I . cheapest., .1
joy the fruits Of their Industry is the prohibit- r,aid towlishit) 01 . tile same time,the Government having town. They were the guests of Cap. . . I Furniture, . .
wish of us all. To Mr. Charles Lovett wanosh has passed it by-law In by ittid between the . I
istinction of being the' Ing all live stock train runrif ng loose on after . agreed vipc he sald Messrs ,1000 to t&ln and Mrs. D. MacKay. I � , . . . . .
. . Sort out panriplets urging pt - , .
belongs the oll ' i1pality and t settle in the Western part of Canada, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cassels of Strat. ., NOW is the time f ' or Pic- . . I In BEDROOM SUITS we have . .. I
" ' �hways, the law to take,offect, on willeGlIfilituddy and Goldthorpe and it Is and Andrew -American Oyide a I lome Special Soaps to offer",
first white child born north of the ' III - . � I . .4. I hers JnseTh., rd returned from their Pan nicks and to Pr � �: 5
branch of the Maitland which oleanders I'S'e'pt, 2nd, further agreed that the said railway "'Idibro' John on the old fo I ,. I I I I I Do not Wl to see them. - �.
... ,us Macdonald has sold ,his ,Orn all taxation by rest in town an sit by boat. , I
An Vi tasty lunch is one of. tile . . . . .1
throu% Surnmerbill. Mr, Lovett ,.� shall lie exempt ft homestead on the Rotion Uoad4 *The ittle Bernard Ronalas Walters has rincipalfestores.,o , . I . .
� bet to to r .
its . Rugh Rutherford who has 'PAIRY for the first JA p 0 FU
years well and looks at least rented It to,Mr, Thos. Todd to)? a term the said mukliel said teral. casket had some handsome flarAl quite recovered frorn his recent illness, . . rniture nealePs and undertakers
. twenty one years of, the I � XA Co. . � � .
ten years yourgov than he really is, of years. I I . jehise Is granted onty on tri btites, among them it pillow of roses, Last week the S. A, Band. music Col. in CANNED ME ALTS WO hRv6 SOme'L WADOOL 80. . . L . I
. . .
� . . I . . . . ''I Mr, J. P. Murdoch Is having are. The said fItAl lillies and other flowers With 11 Uncle" I luite a crowd on the square t ' . L P .
. � auction sale for the next 30 days, After condition that Said company is forined in purple letters, the gift of bia much e0ted ( O. thing that cannot ftill to P104se You'. . .Jr. W. Chidtey., Namor - I
I . . according to statute And, operittlong esteemed heices andrephows in town. listen to their selections. � L . . . . . . .
' . which he Intends ing out of business eommonced within one year from MissLain , who has been spending We, have I . I Night . . � . .
. U09111op Towashlip. V00 e se date L , . . , I A Verr handsome Aleat With lovely ( . Veal Last -ty calls answered at residence Of Out? : I
In St. Helena, to , ,f shil Sund.
a6ff , -lbute of Alias her vtj,cat an with her aunt6, Miss r
. I Mr. Murdoch as he makes a Hrat-cl Next council m El � will he beld, on asters aid upon it, the ti Seegmiller and Mrs, Cameron, f6ft on Lunch Tongue Lunch Bneon . , oneral Director, J, W. Ohitlley, King street, Opp . osite foundry,. �
3hee Ing I . . . .. , , . -1
. Mrs. Campbell of Olevelard, Ohio, citizen, September 25t .-W. STOTHE11a, Amelia McLean of Sprites: Grove, and Monday Cottage Lost
. a crown of beautiful white asters and to attend the Collegiate ai I ! ,
. Boned, Turkey L 7�_ 1
i8vialtitry atthe home of her sister, I , =t=__ L Clerk. other lovely August flowers, the trib. Stratford, . 0 cos� I , . I L. Ono . i
Mrs. McIntosh,' . � rite from Dr. and Mrs, Whitely'. Rev- The photograph of the Golden Wed- All at popular Pt i �
Quite P. number of one people tire -YS TUB =_-tri!tt�ntn�r� L , Mr. Robinson of Victoria -street church- , bridal partq, and guests 489embl- L . TWO BIG FAMILY PAPE.R8L .. , ,
qOW ALW.& 'ekles . I I
. At the Exhibition In Toronto this LIT IS I Dr, Daniels de(lvogn the lawn at the Salkeld mansion, Our 122te; per large bobtld P1 , . . . 0% , .1
week �- . nuLy GOOD WHO SOAR. VATIt AND BAZAAR. made &Very fineprayer. . . I I mi I I .
. T read a art of the 00th psalm endipst Bayfield Road,is a ot edit to the artist, eannot, be beaten, � .. I I I I
, __ � I . .
. St. J680 With �, fi6U c&rI'leal n L . .
� This is the WeeU for Sowing fall aZaArL fit . 'ph, Car. � b them awaYas with FO 5 _ E IT., , L.
wheat sad, Most Of the farmers are I Fair and 11 berefit Of St. Alias Rarry WAS aecompanied upon. Good 11od Canned 841thd ; itt' 100 . . I .
-1 burgr at the joh. The Kincarditie Review says 9 tin's blK block, for the . ti, flood-,, tfioy are ftsit Sl'eOP,"' on Which, her visit to Toronto Dixposition by per Can. . I I . I . . I . L
.1 t erly. of 11 Some Liberal. lie f "French Settlement." be bored his metftfihOtleallY floe Ad- Veit - L ortmorib of The Nows-Record and Family Herald al�d Weekly Star
r. William JohVsph, form wspapers do not Peter's (3huech little Miss Hattie Belcher, the clo
I McKillop but now of Seaforth, who take kindly to the criticism$ of Ron, Refreshments will be set,ved by the dress. He showed the beauty of the little elocutionist on Xingston street, - We have an enticing ass ill L ' . i
wits severelf hurt by, the failling of a John Dryden by the Forest kree Press laillo8and and music provided by'Well- Ineaning g�ypn der4fil Itmone.our fore- . f bis its at 15c, per lb, NV be igoilt to ally address. fbir the balanco of 1001 'f6v
I oenif The month ofAugustwhichgoneral. arcy oil I
Seaffold Wit le pl&SterInK & Silo, is. to. AnaL the Olintop Now h1ra, The Owen known atil skilled muhlClAns, Good f4thel's Of 114 A 81 , so be thought 16 .r� IL 8 0
C en 'A feared, tholerai morbus being t\youthiuk of plenickin6 call and 35 conts" This will include to each siibt,criber co ie f
. eoverink6 Sound, Advertiser, for instance, says Prizes will be disposed of eftell evening-, would be better or us It we had no ly I ers,lly so prevelant, and theL dog. " . .
A voting contest will be the feature, feap of death only to fool that, death ava bolho 19fled to it,was this year see its, . tho photo Pictures of the Duke land Duchess o? Corn. I
It is learned thabur"lleattle of nallott that, 11LO f wits ,* a sleep" from which we Would 9 , itss* , I
bag bought the Outhill property on people whose botiolls of the pro. the three it;m1ranta for r.ub INVol, aGost, without one death In fancy Nvall and York, . I
r town, A 6111 stock Of staple and
priletips are built, on it more ener. being: Mr. ired, Realf Liberal ., Mr. Awaken refreshed with tha ligbt and
the loth line. pqtveo. ThorpAllbearera Wotet Mr. James NVIrltely'adeath beingtho" groceries 41WI%yakept on hand. . �
MISS Xdso, MeSpadarin Went to Vialb busplomAreso, ngthAtMrletty- OlIvel, 1318'sonno-tte. conaervittiye I Mr. onlyone. savis the orfbrturiate occur, . i
� _.", . I :i
— to, t I
I I 1U, O" $
, I
- !,
, .
- I
Thiff ce, M. P. V, N. Cantity, Independent. This conteab 'rJeyg0S(r)g',h'George and John A011080", NhIch led to the death 09 4 TNVO �ig fitmilY 1)aPOVA and two Pictures for t110 prj,v,
.relatives In, Toronto last week, , lis Well harned. well , L t SlibSer,l)t on k"01
otnob yet fully leecovef- V[h%Waj#a1Aor@M&rklng that Mr. will be- liveiv on Account Of the eorolpf RobArtMeLeit"'S. Harrlson,w. ()AInp. rence I J 6 ff(%
young lady bp I ,tntelog,. Itev, DrO known young, lady, I I of one paper,done. This is the bes i 'T
46d froth the effootil bf tt 11answay geci. Holmes, M. P., WAS oat 80 A111IOUS I election, . The four 1)19 boothq "I I bell slid Arthur 0 . a With OAtling Im I . .
dpnt,. soar.to Lofty Heights when he Certainly be no little attraction, Tick. Daniels officiateol at.the, grave, the , Oil Tuos;day Idle Imes Catling Oi GE011 in, UNWILL . illade yet, � , .
� - frionas Of, It -to ; The funerAl � place on Saturaw after. riap, liter of Air.. JI
The iman.v ev,. Mr. kuttroeuvred And manipplAtnol to etA Are nol;v being Rold byladles. . takir L ,I at I I I . . .
Mnsgri&Ve �;111 beL patood to hear thitt, atcure partiamentaty pand1daturot public lis kindly Invitod to patroull 110011 to AWifailid cemetery where his Olin Or, Was United In MA'PrIA90 . L 4 0 0 ow, - . � . I
. Z %rents and many of his othtit tOlAtivefi Clinton *to Mr. Alex. McLean, w4riner I Photo (h , "011LA"s "O gToo 1BUSS091 P. 14 1 .
. bo- is havlog ver.y poor heim, at pa wilen hi, 6hoOk In hia abowt thIS Fait'411'4 1)i%aa*0-_Sept- 241 26 A L . . . of Goderieb, I , I ,. � I I I
pregents , . I . 1, 401; he f4li hi ro-noiniflatfoo," . ,go. . fife! I . I I . , , � . I
V. % . I
. . � .
9 `6 N I
. ".. . � I L I .
, - r . I
'_' ", -1111 ...11.11.--.--- ..'...... _A&d&%_&_. 1''..�-1-111-11-1�--l'-�.�-,�.",. ___ 1-11 . .... . 1_____.-_--. A'i'�L""A L'L ... .. _._____1----___y _ ___1ft_ : , , _,__ 1- I . I - ftd1111kb--F .... .. .. ... - '"" "'