HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-09-05, Page 24 A flow, ulliop, eowe are aRESSI&I FLY., TM IfflRDWREINGID Tax OLINTON RMS-CROORD Humala, VrAnce and Uer KARKETS OF TRI WORLD At from V011to 460 each. b 'Pullillsk*4 evorr Thuraday 40 Dyspepsia Export owes aro steady and un- allairsi. I quoutions ChAng US IN I a ul ad at front. $3.40 ZQ 43.00 Per PEST WUOSZ RAVAQZS :ETAVZ OISSIZX PAYS PEVAIY IOU Th*Nowii-P�ocord ftom, toroliln',Iwords ImoanIng kA ook, Ari,juternational exhibition �ol 6. ftleas of cwt. GRZAny INCREASED- HXS AZVOLTIXG CUINZ. Power Printing HOUSO W. ca me rotbor 10 sIpVYW lt"Whi' Or 9101A0 MArAIIA110 SOCIAVity, aud Ash- lutlite LeadJur Markets, Lamba6 are worth from 4 to W the most CoMalcill 04450 of the disease to * THE VERY LATEST FROM 74, tuder the putroilago of blu Maj- per lb, or $2.60 to. $3.00 each. TXoW Vi since of tho looliew Dilw�k CLINTON. 04 tone in Calves Are Vrokitted at from $2 to rrox. covoXII proilleposlag want of ylgor IN Loopolo, has just boon op- commonak- 0 Crime and Tradkod TorQutu, September $10 each. Choice veols are in tiong—uow Farmers can criminal. Twam or SUUXoR;;Xo.-;-41.QQ per year in that own. rgbl% ALLTR WORLD OVER- =`Rat" Ostend. The market Is quiet, there boing, no steady demand. Avoid Tosa. advan", #1.50 X"y be chargedit not so paid lie di"Ase makos lito woro.10" The ritlas in IndI4 are irregularll export demand. New white Wheat Hoge are steady and unchanged. A despatch from Ottawa iayv.--Tb# XQ Vapor 41"'Ontl rtAhlly 40 U04 ovo to cat,r One of the most destructive of tile Government has been iiotifiwl that lined until all W44mg0a Its, sufferers cc bqY plioutdi Ito distributed, and, while purticularly nominal at 05 to Wife, middle The best pr16 for is 7ic Insect posts with,which the 0113rien,. the murderer, wu executeLl. 1414, 10111-4 at tile option ofthepubltiller. they wroetimea., wonder It it restlag Items About Out OW0 deficient lit the, vice districts, ex ' freight and old N 2 white a - thick, tat "ad light. h9ga are has, to contend Is tile 1104sian IlYs at Dawson City On Augut Tho dato to w1kich every Julborlptloo to pod. gae to, Country tile U04�4 , lid red per IN Mlle, out.f was greatly Oreat l3riltal", cessive rains have caused lose in. 'the 'winter sell to millers at 07 tqu57J , worth ofe per 1b. the ray4ges of,which have consider- Tile irtfort.t4tion. came through tile Ot! uot! 14 404444 On tholabot, W. A. Nugent. Bel Statea, stoO All ftrts, of tho Globet nortliern and central provinces. uot! troubled with it Wr Years, Una r0ter low freights. No. I spring is uOte o op Price Must ably incioused duripg tile last two Alounted Police to Coinptrol!or P. UATU.--Tigailout iiilvertlse- W PA 119 CooftimiluO AosortC4 for 1311$y The Paris, Lyons, and XediterrAn- at 6$e oil Uldlaild. :Kanjtob beat be 91 prInto qu"llty, and scale not or three Seasons. A useful bulletin White at Ottawa. O'Brian st�do n4h per rioni*rlelltos tot- first aM, Eau C141", Wla" ho Walepop- Compituy bag received unchanged, No. I hard sold t $do. below 3.60 nor above .00 lbs. ' a 4falcted with it that he was nervous, ean Railway dealing with the lJoulan Ily Lind rel, confession befOre, 11.2 (Ito illsertioliandSoeutsperunotor 04911 subAe- legs, and actually atek most of the 4IM0, ton. of the fifty large Ainericarl loco, No. �5 At 82c and No. 8 at -770A Following is tile range of quotall 411olitimortion. Sinall aisesnot � of; from Riefflchleo profe$* CANADA. 4 .6 commending proveattvv measures On morning, ISo9, threq Obtained no roll irlotives. it recently ordered, and they grinding In transit. , For Toronto tions:— whoroby the evil call be greatly mini- mon jelt it r Slv to exce0a One Inch,such as 411,opt," OjtrAyed olon4ily prescribed, Another case of Smallpox lias been h,AVO given oatisfuctlon, 110 lowar� od-houso oil 'Lite Juserted A;4 They were completely citrod, as 9theT4 and West � cattle. mized has just been issued by Prof. way trail, known via tho.1%flato 110410 Mob subuquent Inoertion 15 0 discovered Ili Ottawa, Tile well-linown Itivenor, SezePaill, Oats—Tho demand less active, with Shippers, par cwt ........ S4.6V $5., Locheed of the Ontario Agricultur- house, The next road-houe Was At have been, by London's Proposed. address to theI lk, of Vielitut. has developeO A- but- Purchases of new No. 'I) for expert Do., light ................. 4.25 6.50 ill College, Guelph. The matter Is Hutchli:11, anti there they shoi;ld have Uvortiftme;lN without 4pectilo directions will r -r — -Is iap ri 30 be Inyorted 00"( so ital 10 tile agricultural prosperill Lirrivet] tilat night, but they no a atil forbid , . Sars a EAU Duke bas been approved at Ottawa. let -proof breastplate, and has alo, at t'l11c, uilddle freight. and locally Butchers, choice ............ 0- .2 0 - ' , v r , and ctiarged accollii ant Val- Ottawa, Is still Ili doubt where to recentl constructed art apparatus 4� t S3' to '811-0- 014 No. 2 IS noi.ninal Butchers, ord. to good 8.50, ,00 ty of the Province, that A, turned lip. Two thent Clvqsou� Q1r own statein, of according to th Butchers, Interior ... .... 2,75 3.25 COpytorchapgoof advertisements oupagesA ad . TiMis great medicine build its proposed contagious dis- for preventina collision between at 350 locally. of this timely publication wIII be of aild Ilelfe� had come thus far, '-'00 unt4rily Ili e ease, hospital. trains on land 4ild ships . at sefi. Poas—Trado quiet, Lind prices Advantage as the InfQviliatioll it, 0111- Iniles front Dawson, h and the whole Sheep and Lambs. A114,60mobbeloille office on et Hoodle. tcirdaj And strexisthelis the. 19tQllAA( Intending to. ­ digestive system, no Sure to 9 steady. No. 0. now toil September Choice owes, per owt... 3.40 8-00 b;.)di I with their families -1 The new injoIng school at Kings- It Is Said tbat Awerl"m grain - as a to the b9E;t%lneans of deal- spoild the wliter for following issue, toil will cost $90,000. and the art$, has almost disappeared froul tile Shipment scild at, 67 to 67ic, north Butch,= sheep, each ... 240 8.00 Ing with be too In tile 8tate. Tbo third. ci Warl, d West, each ...... .......... 2.50 3.50 PO4TRAOT UATxa.-�The following ieble Wide ciroula a. Of late years the named. Olpoon. belonged to HutchlIcA 1bullditig $70,000. English market, and Russian, Ar- AWith Do., per 4:100 456 1% .1 I - has Baricy—Tbe market is firm 900 4111QUIit p amage clone by INSURANOgr Conductor Ferry, of the 2150 the fly where he Was employed Ili golinectIOA. Our ratos for specified pr1odaAn& space gentitio and Carladl4ii. grain has been enormous, the total loss witil. the telegraph lines. ADVERTISINO RATES. taken ILs place, Tlits is Owi sales of No - 2 at 44o north and )3ueks, per owt ... ....... No had west, And of feed at, 4,12c west. Milkers and Calves. bad two toes taken oil while' coup ng to 'CKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE Ing cars,"t.Virdon. to- Cows, cach._ ..... ......... 80.00 4r. sustained by the Province dring been sent out to repair thO line, and I Yr. QMO. 3 xo� the decreased Aincricart crop Aug cor- , . 00 Corll�Tho market is. weaker being estillatited Let above ll�Lving done r.0, was returning to )its ?$To QQ $100,0' M 00. $8 THE M INSURANCE COMPANY The eight hour (lay law Is being en- espQrLding bigher prices. day, With, sales of No. 2 Canadian Calves, eacli ......... ....... 2.00. .10NO, $0..,500,000. polquill. � ....... 40 OQ g5. 0 1500 0 bout twQthirds of post. Ile had inude an crid.,igement lColuilm ........ q -26 09 1500 $00 260 Farrit and isolated Town Property forced III the erection of Croverximent A number of cases of vitriol throw- edof Mied At $80 Hoge, i Column ........ 1800 1000 050 200 only Ingured. bluildings tit Nelson, 13,0, Ing have Occurred lately, In the sub- Choice Ito oo, 7.25, the entire wheat crop in tile 1xifested to be present at a ChrisTiluk)l dinner gs.,. Per owt... 0 6.715 Area was ruined. The region corn- at 1-IiAtchiku, for which Vorporaj Inch ....... ..... 6 OD �S. 60 200 1 OFFICERS Winnipeg dogtors located a: pin Irrill upbs' of Melbourne. Several young Ityg,—Tbe market is unchanged.. Light hogs, Pei cWt priso the counties South of tile Ryllit 0 'I tile Mounted Police, haa. Kippon, P. 0, ; Thos, bedded ji� D ladles, have bad their dresses . des- with sales at 4:9c. iniddle freight, Heavy hogs, per cwt..;l 0.50 6.75, cent extra. 13, McLean. President ill tile muscles oi Oran y front Toronto provided a rare treat to tile Yukoltt, d Trulik Rallwa, cial Position from 20 to so per Vice-Pr6sident, hracefleK P, 0 - T. I,, b * troyed by acid, and one girl had ti, and At 500 east� sows, per ewt ............ ,50 4.00 to Sarnia, the visitatiou. being must nanaelyli a.turkey, ThOre was colk,l W, .T. MITCHELL, Hays Seor-Treas., Seatorth P. O.- W G. Deering's log. He doesn't know ow sponge saturated With vitriol sclueez" Buckwheat—Miorlet, dull $ 0100 �2.00 BrQfcot,lospectop Of Losses, SeafoVtb P, 0, Jt got, there, with prices tagg per owt ... .... destructive in the counties bordering siderable - Surprise when. lie failed to Rdit or and Proprietor ad Against. her face by. stil.'aukriawn DIRECTORS- 4 resolution was passed at tile inan I who walked quickly away. purely nominal. oil Laice. 111rie arid. tit tile "I'lialUes be ou'liand, and wlioll 110 was still W. 0. - Broadfoot.' Scatort� - John Grim, Canadian. Medical Association at F lour—Tho niarket In dall, Ninety Valley. absent on, December St- hill friend, Inthrop * oor Dalo,.Soatortb; John Watt, The Bishop, of Carpentaria Ilao, par cent, quoted In barrels at $2.85 arlook John ennewies.Bradbaia4-,XaJncs Winnipeg urging oil the profsssion ITS APPEDAIJANCE1 AND ITABITS. the corporal fearing that lie had t" FiAcciam- tarted oil an adventurous� journey, west, arid at $2,90 middle freight for rince SA #VK$ eechwood; James Counts Y, Clinton and public the vilgenci of r ecived soine hurt lit the performi v its. in of hi dirty, Started- cloil tile linem Jo , Ippen the overland trip from Port Day '(31illice s trod Tho'bullotin describes very witilite can, X . tion. win export, Ight rollers It Will Coihe Off In the EXhlbltlOrl ly tile appearance nd characteristics -to his aid, it IL4 AGENTS to Adelaide. The whole of tile Noll- bills. locally and Tor Lower Prov,l '-the life Of Whicil ill hopes of. coming u, Be Alt pit furnishing supplicot to thern territory of South AJA�Aralla, Jnces, $.8.15 to 6a..2o. Manitoba' RobtSmitti.Harlock;Rober McMilla rtlp Groitilds, the hiect lit LSO W the Post Office Department must pay there are four distinet.stages—rial THF.MO ' NS PANK' rth -James Cummings, Egnion4ville; 4. lie- oaaVoo, ftolnicaville P. 0. the ourrent late of wages to their comprising an. akell, of about 567,000. paterits, $4 In bage, and strong baklr VIVWI ly CORPORAL'S SHAIIP T114YE14. Ineorpoigtedby' Parties desirous to effect Inuturance or tranH square. -miles, Is Included In the bish- erst, $8.75, on Ii ,)the egg' tile hArva, or maggot, tile, Act otorlis melit, 1855. sact Oth d c the union hours u a adillit by The life '01 the Corporal -1-tyan had. dot down tho, t e ove officers employees all kdopt op,V diocese, as well as tile northern Oatmeitl—Nfarketls unchanged, Car it will'Covite, Off in the XCxhibiti latter, is livalted t� it few days, tile trail it good many . miles when his $2,600,00 to On lica, 10 to of labor.. in ad res to heirros octive posto cc$. y of the Speker, the Ports of Queensland. lots at $3.90 -in bags, and $4 Grounds, insect dying As soon AS. its -eggs are 13hai-p eyes 'observed the traces f a RicaT V10501000 By the courtes wood, Broken lots, Toront-, .30c depoite I cl. upon the young OR MONTREAL. press. rooln$ of the House of 00=- bbl, extra. A de,spatch from Ottawa says , whoat* trail running LAw4y front the main, READ, OVFI MillfeeclanowmTho Mal? with The Minister of Militla, the major- blades, The fly is about half the traveled poiAd, apparently Into thO WK.' MOLSON, MAQ1?HXHSO�, President JOHN T. EMMERTON -inons will be open to journalists dur- ENGirmaws aua... - afirm, commandin . g, the De- it uport it, and General Manager Ing the stay. of the Duk Dran general arid size of an ordinary Allosquito, the f- bush. Spow had falle E kort, Minister bad la (to JAjgw E4r4OT a of York in ii long congultet- THE LEADING BARB R lig car lots offering for exr -ca Amale beinglarger than tile initial it the inexperlQJi6ed eye would I vO Notes discounted. Collection, made. Drafts tile Pital. in -ton lots at mills 1100 puty On ipriday regarding arrange- and tected nothing to. distinguish it from Express Collides With rreight, se"5 tion. is, dark Ili color with long legs Issued. Sterling an4r American EX0 ali es AlsoAgentfor At $16.50, meats for the various revi bburtlitandsold. Intereotallowedon 0 gaits' STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY The next Imperial officer appointed ear blontrbal. %15.50, and shorts blacb� wings. The qegs are onallfiftloth' tho general expansion of the snow- to c0lilinand the Canadian. Arillitim AVGSHead Office for Canada, Montreal. in - cotialline with the diity the di� hold at Toronto, Halifax and Qua of -all Inch in length, spijidle-sliaped covered wilderness, : )3ut the con- Insuranoe in force, $110,000,000. . LAY A despatch from Montreal sayw— b 'to, tile illobilization , of and reddish in color. T110 ggot stable espied, two. feLint parallel dd4 Interest allowea on Same of. at and, up,,. mporial forces at Hal- .11 0 G S AND PROVISIONS.' c6, AS Ina Investmentoin Canada, 1310000 rection of the- I The .,Grand Trunk's .International troops tit Toronto. it- has been dem- or larval 'shortly after -it is hatchad, pressions all tile white surface, Lind FARMERS. ifax and Esquimalt. Limited Express, which left.the Bon- tinebanged at $9,25 d Money Advanced. to farmers all their own Ustab bed 1826., The old reliable and favortio Drassed,1-109s' aided that the Exhibition 9J]'01113, Pttachos - Rielf -to lto stem -of - the lie wondered Whitt could have incluc- I - - - stAion at 9 O'clOck,' On to $9,50, Hog into with one or more endorsers. No mort - an: ofYonce to call ix Inali' 0, aventuri) prodcts firm. Ve he Wood departure OFFICE Smillis bolok� pppqslto v9st Om. 6 1 are to be used, and )Tot t Ing wheat, and Sucks the jUiCag ad anyone to make such a oil — scab, and let, -cc I quote!—Baccill, ug ton ine, Soniq 7,000 troops gro In from.the gage required as Be rity, thiq be a, warning, to PrIday morning for Toronto,, Cal clear, and Will be of.the plaut, jhey ponala fixed inailltraveled road. Ila de- BnEWrt, Manager, Clinton Strikers," was. what Judgo Choquet -into collision with - to pork, mess, housed in the 'I�ixhibltion *Buildings, the Stan a freight train case lots., 11;, t. cut, 62 .1 for about three weelm, duril termined o follow. nd It is due said ill Montreal *WhOr% lie lined El- between 1)obite Claire and St. .0.50; do., phox 1. $20'to $0 and about 8,000 more under ca- (),tile Anisch1of is done, to this determination on his part Annals,- ly 5W ' . . .. ; I . . Ih t1m will ki 14 zear Gladu ' for assaulting, a lion with s�orioias'but 1ortunat vftS, The review. will also be hold Ing whic Whitt is that a black-li,earted coundrel was G. 01.., MCTAIGGART )to fatal results. The nerve. at the. - Sliloked i-aectS—IIELms, 14A0 141c; oil 'the Exhibttl OIL' ground s, as they wbon they.. develop into ' hun.riv known. as the ,flx . seeall Mage brought to .'the gallows. Six TIME, TABLE. u" 0111st' n 'near, Jitines Murphy, and the breiticfast..,bilcoli, 15 to l6c; "'Otis, afro the. most cori-�anicnt place for IV road he 4udge Slcottg, at Montreal,, filed 0 91 rd from their lippearbince. hile in �hjs dred yards. 0olit the inain, BANKER, - Con Geoffrion arid Joseph G. strankth, of the - cars alone , saved. 12c; ba*k-s,, 15 to l5ise, and should- Such ft )arge -pradc, as wall e.g. pos- condition they are llftpi110ss� The fourid - hidden in the dexise scrub it, Trains will arrive At and.dopart.fron Poulin, two newsvelacIcirs, $50 and many Passengers' . lives. It was 'a bils, 3-1. to. 11*0. fall, brood pei;ain In the a. Station asollows:_ se§sIng'tho best spectacular advan- ,flax seccu, tent, ..No one w 9 about it but it costs for galling obscene litqraturej rear -end collision, otherwise even , Lard—The market . is firm. Gu,ar,ll 'tages, The 5,,000 ltrOOPS which . aro gall, Ivilitcr and during the drlY looked as if the. Owner might be 13UPIFALO AND QODERICH DIVISION. . 'e nobtlized. at Quebe6 WK likely inoluent.- Ithad oviderttlY Going East Express 7.88 a. m. and throw in a. severe lecturo ' with these cireumstaxices would not; hae anteed pure, Ill. 50, -IV. tubs,. 1-1i to be spring. T110t.0 are two.bpdod,4 of the ai�v prevented mpre.serlous,cousequences. pails, 11,,1c;,ancI tierces. Ilel. ]!is unoor canvas while they are every Your: �rlllc eggs toil been lo�cupied by two persons, for A Ban n d 2..55 O. inthe sekiteiica-.� :" , � I . .� I . . I . ki g. Busfueso Transacte. - oho Plallis. of. Abrabam.1 Hessian fly. are -I Mixed 4:16 p. inThe �'Limlted". was going at hbout tbore, ricar t the sprin depoi, ted Ili there W. Lis a double bunk. Lind. it dup- Going WestMixed 10:15 a� In. . Mr. J,' A.. Ruddick, Assistant 'Do- tifty 'miles -an 'hour ii�harx tbeo freight Col� D,O.C. at Quebec,'will I *tLy g bMod tile flax licato Supply of tabla.utensilq of the xpress and the hirvao reach. E hiry Cgrilinisgioner, . sta�es train was first se' ahead of it, but DAIRY MARKETS. f the divisions therp th Yukon The coil5tablci wali- 'Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued. 12:55 p. ill ITAnion art command oil bolut the loth or 15 that. owing to tile drouth, there Will 0 0 seed.1 tage.b a hope that the -Ing ab 16:27 the. driver determined to stick to his 6 will com- out tile vd.ovor night, fit the inbe a shortage 'butter. in'the Marl- of J11:1e, the fly eppeal of cl talke thp_ . lisequ . encea, is :quiet, Witli no I It is not yet� 'decided. wh Would soda collk 'Interest. owe& on Deposits. LONDON. HURON AN15 RAUCEDIVISION. time Provinces, especially in Printe' Post all co ianges In prices.' We qiiQte selected mand tba.btberl depositing the OW1arS , tIlArn J�, b GoITg §outfiipross 7:47 a.. in. �Nthich looked like certain death, The end a . uguS an 'eluded 'that the placo' had 'been, aban,!­: dalry tub§, c; elle, r Its, egg : sliortl com� Miked 4:15 p. in. Edward Island, freight depended ice� I -lb. o S afterwards. But the -eportea to his live. 6i big! human second . rades,, i: rlls tubs; clate, ; lipoll. local, (Ibliod. He A Going Worth Express 10,15 a- 'A' Anthrax ),as broken Out. among the 'upon Ill 86, V, dependent .. md6, and Constable Pennycuidk and vari6s fg6rit I to courage and ski'll '61imatit; condition,, alid W tcomt Mixed 6:55 P. farni of Sir QOOPer :palls i to .5c;. creamery, Sol A )MAZING 6f, "the Show on the off Stearn , and �apply both �tlie to. poi,te;' � �Grearpery. .t III an 150tactive Ungil - Ire, also 0. ]�ATTISOIt, F. A.RODGENS ids, fir O year. as t Mouiitdd� P AtmEAT STRHPT� CLINTON. S ' Current, IT. W. T the emergolley steata ear , blice, wer6�� detailed. to, gent, ToWn Ticket Igont Kays 'At Witt: brakds 4 anct 'but Prlilts; 21- to 22p. , S 'P epari;Ig ts, her egg$ ill 'a WQLS , for the ilie fly deposi M. 0, DIUK$ON,. and"tlip'sheep are dying at the Al brake the wbAlk of . few Illuminati.cin X 6arl t. is .1nchanglid. -look intb the' matter. . The nianner, Distrl Passenger Agent. Toronto. of. *flfty� a:. day, Fourteeii thousand Eggs—Marke elit AugcAst:.ai1d-,-tbe' 'if: August moment$,' but.the col ision' was un ­w Y . por in whicli tliesl,:n-Aey, ivriink' her' secret ..Lr. 4A L doses of anthrax vacc , Ina have been ity'gidable,. and he met th ote stilictly now laid (nearby gath- a inevitable qu of er, from the bosom of tile. desert forins, erod), at 1:30*1 ordi4lary fresh caiidled, espatch'frora Ottawa SOWS :7,- has .3en it dry Iin th#_- wired for, A� d 'tije.:peri6d Ieilllz�-:Inarvellous' chaptei like:a, hero.. The engin is =Alds 7' to 8c'. r two weeks.. The' 11J.to .1,2c. se According to Mr.' A�. G9beil, Del5tity ny be deferred to spont weeks, SCOTT While the Duke of Cornwall and' the 'van of the freii1ittrain,'knocking has b t after rec6rds.of crime. They, eggs h atell -in a Ou . four in tb�e ticighborhood of the tant, an(X- W. AACKSOK tell to ill Oheese—Xaalkat is dull. We quota Minister of Public Works, NV116 in kork, watches the lacrosse Ina ItAo splinterst -The car �acl. Was jo2,;a;. geconds. 9* to jus BARRISTER, SOLWITO11. Etc, . 1, t itloaded Witli 'gritnite, and this ofTere -be given. In O.ttaW&. for his benefit d finest, to 'returned' " fronl� ­QuebeC, the depovi - ted, and arvae .10 the 1'41V t6 . trail-whiqll had. 91c., Ophir - - 'with . the - royal party oil beith. At OYXeO tO.I:nO'VO clowl'� tl'a leed u Uonay t lie will *It in . chair occupied. bSr is considerable r lioard* will easily ke lihit o Loan. AGENT- C:., P- R- esistance, and.caued-a. rilia t Port by into the served, as a koy to, the whole , back stem, - CLWTON father, tile King,. when he,visited Ot- good deal. of : claillage to - the, dtigine Sptember 16, -unless, delayed by bad , OPOS mystery. Th`6y: litefally sifted thd 6'to layr th6Aorliei-sioh Y. IIMF b �Jlcll. ad froin. � many, CLINTON t -w .a Of, the and combination' car. 'As' if: by. THE STRE ny M A R K ET RE DIE� S pR ED. soin afher &r.. Go�eil says that t%h b;S we Lgy -tile story� m *Scriol'SlY in� they read Jigs. a ecl'�Vith� Receipts. of grain on the -s It a V BRYDONX Parliainani Buildi a Iniracto tile eligiiieer 'age p street o'bee mad! . foj� bon -ml After a field has bee 'Travellers. to Any Part of the ',pulpwood and lit � a, scratch. 4 The impact w rangement MY Canada's exports of 0 as to -day were falr*�aud. prices firm as cle fires to blaze On the lofty. eniftiew.-eq fe9ted there I,; practically no'effect� The�r, found the thricq liatches of BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. World should consult -, the - d I , Ili 1901 to grem Lihoad Were clriv�i or l� oo, the ive peni&ly, aiid; it is often; arivisable b)obd where �the -victims bad given woo PLA P that te ears goose, -2- aroftncl.Qua�bec,on tILL-night 6f 9ow. tile 'vies not- without a, strulW-%, 5, of *hi�h $966,920 were an about a. -ad arld fifty 'feet bush. selling Lit 68 to efte, and 800 . Royal I-Tighnesses. b Plow jilo crop 'under Ltrid, P their 11 I�Otory Public, &c., above in reference to tic . k6ts; $3,385,2C liuhdi . arrival of heir u . - tile pttl;t of ().lesoh at, least.L fares, etc. irciiii'where they' were struck. Tile, r. The� gle 6n sent to Great . Britain and $2,804,. bush of, hite and red' a bonfires., will, be. composed of'area. t6 Some Other crop. But if the W at 73c 16 ,ill,,attack is... coulperatively slight,* the The 'the discarded shells of CrisTox Miltod, States. I 0 passengers 't EL Alluking up, - and -new. Bar- log$ their center Cal y found 216' to, tile .I go old� and at 68 to 72c, for )IaNiillk 1IJ ,�)plyirig soil- by which the,deed.had reclio of $616,477'over -Igfiteried,� but � happily krop . nldy be saved by Al , ie tile cartridges total. is an inc ere baly ft ley higher, 7.00 bush selling at- ' 48 bustible materials, and, W'ill- be forty of social -Veen. 'd iAd -a bonfirek S 11 -ad. a export of :I 4t.-on'o of.,thew: wa,g injui -They t -554;c. Oats fi-rin, 1,200 -bush �of A 'will be'lertilizer, lich. tt nitrate one. , They fou CONVEYANCING K ON' ti, 900 or.fifty feet high. Arengtb011. tile vit"liiY I�koar tile toilti, in which their cloth� c AC t `as the'nibtter, 36� tt� 37e- at d at this w I Thu. investigAtiorLS- carried on at -got out to -see, Wha W new selling at. Ad 100 h ell Will I .sent up from u bee, an JOHN RIDOUT AGENT'V- K. R ,ning til s )Iallts, pe�;ult.�iu their Ing ba -Lib -cell prevent iden- Canso, .N.S. by the'Doirlinibn Gov- arid upon le.ai h f old ht 4lic'. Rye sold signal- the boiAren, Will': burst into I ol thp .1 i n halt, aiid.s4 ]EILLy ILL .,%Vill be, viewed'putting opth, shoot� These larfrorit"ibe asliesm wera do Ichailgod, f tificatioll, 3311 � ­ I t CONTEYANCER, COMMISSIdNER� ETC. .errlmentL this'suninier -into the food, -sud oeiijg the:evidences, :520 ioll'one load. flame, The speetaclo affect,41 b the fly, otit � buttons, buck esi a .pj llabitiA_ and braeding placicis of the :of.,the driver's heroism, thdk w(*t �)b loads Selling at.�9., to $1 by tile royal part3� frorn tlie bastion -will not be go. . 'Crop *ereldentified. A . fter the jo )fit good aV6ra lwvlicilcc�ho Fire Insurance, Real Estate. Atlantic*e0ast...fishes, are oxpected'tQ. -wild, with y ovel� their. escape, and Straw Sold at $9 to $10 of the Citadel. The woirk of Pre- !so tl Tile. most elYeotive es bad t dere I 0 obled, the inur rs had'evi-4 Moneytal,end;� OPPICERS, AND MEN. SHOT he engineer's bravery. farge'pro- paring the decorations. in t�aww' may have valuab a . effect up.. it the fishing t for six loads. be realizec. ',Of ticles 0Fr1cJE—HURoXS=,EtT,. CLINTON industry� ollowilig is the quOtO--1ar now Well tinder way a -lid tha-au� AnaaFurQ for tile prey6aildil dently gathered. thelarg& All portion of the passengers: were niena=o . nge.,Of. a t burn and UITO&U. bars of the Canadian Press Assoctli�- thoritie-'are giving, consideration to %ectioll lias bee,,. found to -be late that . would no nds Intperitilve 6r4erS tiolls War Office So trip NVitoat, wjiit&.;. .. ...... $0,72i $0.73 ting. the soving. It. .' PustPon- them into'. tile, S�irrodncling scrubq­,­,,. tIon returning home front heii the arrangements seeding tillik I' M&P�OAL GRI�',AT :"* It' -0.72 - iii'Tor 0 -6c]. until tile gg-clopositing sear.011.19 Blt the Patient offledrs found =any to Lord Kitchener. t6 -the Maritime Provinces.'. white, ncw..�..- 0,7.0 _ ngs ont' and King dWard's rate horses Will public . buildi, be Safe. - The of therit—Clays6it's Yale.kaysi. which at,, red nw0.08. 0.72 r placcs� Mr. Curry, the �archi- passL,cl tile crop will IL W. GUNN A. despatch -from London says. Suggested that some t1AAIKib10 reCO47 Whe wily the. da ed t6 fi, the.drawers o, nition.of the �nglneer.'s ded of' dar-, Wileatl' goose, new Publie Works Depart- reason t 25, Lo d Kit- run nogt..year In His lgaj6sty's name 0,68 othe nlagc� stistaill were found Under. date of- Angus, r -s. teet for tile jill j,tOO. and wilich they belongedi, an electric belt R -A P., and L. R. C.S., Ralibil' h the War Qffice and coli rg. choner telegraphed. Ing should be showti, arid in. a;.few Oats,. old .... ...... ... ..... OAl-y, 0.00 ineat �at Toronto, has *been here Coll-: frolli the to W Edwin Austin Abbey,. An minutes A put $50. Was su 0.m, 0.87 00 ws-s great, *6§11intowilig which Oleson wds know, -ear, al- Night calls at frovZor oiregidenceint Rattan 'from Pretoria its foliows:� 'Se of Oats liew ...... quiting wil,W Chief Architect Ewart'19 of" those so ]Its files dhd 0 a, iecii brought meric I all, has been chosen oW garding tho ;tile hot -dry bury street, oprosite ;vsbyterian church, "Sworn eviden, c' h I 11 - pilint scrlt)ed anclpreselltL to him Peas ... ...... ...... . ..... 0.66 0 oo i It is thouglit to oronation scene next year flies 'did' not appeal, as to my notice by General I�lliott'that' the c Ilya ...... ...... ...... ......... 0.52: 0.00 th eal Postotrieci Ili Tor-.yeavp thi- INO.R13;1INA1 Xj4e� E, NOID, OrV1UE�-QN!rA_Ul6 STRENT,'CLTNTON. ..tasex, with, te + at-] ey .... 0.48 earl us. usual, and consequently it Was evident that theiliall who on June 6 IAeut. Blair, of the . New The cruiser speed" of 0,55i olito wit), receive the,inost atten Y -tillery; and.Frivates 23, tHE STRI hat- it wheat sown between 'the Ist.and tlittt tent *ere the. 'South Wa 9,800 tons, 'Arici costing Hay, old, -por ton ....... 13.00 13-50 g Suject to It. SHAW leg At. kJAPts*, tion,. and the probability ii -t In_ ]Jad occupied D. Harvey and Blunt were'sliot at. Greg 83,6()0,000 hag been launched at 'Hay, new, por ton o'.00 it,00 will be,illiaminat6d i5y ele.etribity. ill 2st of inbpi, wa inurclerers, 'Lind it was equally evi- farmers d6rt that it had, beeii'orectcd there. Pan after surixender#ig. :1'have for- lReiribroke, Trackinian and' 0; P. R. COZ10. 'Straw, liev toil: 9.00, :LO,r)O tho.�same 'manner an the. Parliament fectioti. Thl.bulietin warns warded copies of the- stuteinenti to --iivingsione, 4� 'cousin of Dr. hogs ... ... .. 9.50, buildings here : that is to siiy, .. the tha�.in ordinary sections it is'l , not as the hCutdquarteri of murder, for ONTARIO STREET, opposite English church, Kate I 'y to sow wboAt.,bef6re epieuiber 17 ws had actually -cut down �gvn and Botha." LivIngstoric, the explorer, who is liv- clesPatch� front Mohtiehl! SAYS, b. rolls_,:. O.: main entrewce and all the windi safe counties -or its occupants. Wednes- Butter, cradmery.,.- 0#26 i�i tile front'of the structilr& Will be l6th in* tile Luke 27 cotton 'trees s- m,.-4 to. be.,enmbled Ing Olt the. Is one of.the Conferences' between c6nim. ttees re -1 this the Waj ffice, on Is of Mull, I daY sent the folloNiring reply:—"We f trairt- Cbiekerls,�.Peor 0.50- 0,80 %ttujIg with electric . lights. : ThO in tb6 Thames I vailej. :in tlie' next great distance aliYone R 0. W: THOMPSOX of the imperial ITebrides Is- presenting several orders o Western gn­ to see at a , ulid t: re- g S Ducks, 0.6ri. 0.9,0 likelihood at o is tlut the Venetin counties -ill tile ladVilIg. along. tile awersta:nd that you have. , no . lallides,t hZO. just completed .her 106th second viced per d . raw of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.. .- 1% .. , luen,. and M Turkeys, Per lb ..... 012 o.18, natfqts� 'and . ban -s di, Insula and -ill tihoso ])ordering' on, 1prom, this ecrie ' Clay had seen the 6eived Sisfactory, assurances Ila— nei splayed hero J. year. 0.16 �,Io wheat s -.of our.wounded h n eral manager of new laid ... ..... - QA4 Ill afterwArcIg be Sent on.to be Lalw Ontal ould not. be .As a report of ai P,R *0.14 &'Luni- so bef6PO* Special attention - yen to diseases of the Eye,, spbctllig the inurdei Iii: London -t ere have resulted.14 all amicable Eggq W , 11 tllr�o =on approaching: on. -that 5hroat, : , ggs �en 0.1'2' the 10tit,'while ILL t a 0bristmas'nJorillng, knil.had salliecl tit V16ktontoin. , In view of that'de- an end to h�P617 dO used Ill Toronto, The',Ottllw Wit de, at.ch of. great anialg6lination of thc.'ste6l: and arrarigainent which puts -north 10 5th' of lie dn's - Clopunittee lmvld�started COULAtfy further a O*Flot AND RESIDENCE— Lind - of your sp Potatoes, new 0,15 forth Aid * inurd6red -them), The cot East . north Of RATTENBURY .. coal trades embracing the' con -s tile trackman ke. --brisket ...... 0,15 0.20 . .... hanty whIch. to be September is" the earliest date bodies were strippeid arid thrown in-, :Albert str August 25, ve r of �opinion that matoes;� ork on h, STREET, CvINTON. trolling firAns in New South As to, a report sent but by the- To But the tliar� to it part of the river where it was - ou hould ilotify by, proclamatioll with a view to. econoiny In, the use of :P. rt. authorities on Friday morning Beef, f6requarters ..... I 4,50 6.50 ordcto-cl.i.n. Rockliffe Park Witil the which sowing einber of� any commando by. Beei hincfiluartop6_� ... 8.00 0.00 object, of displayinglor the. edifica- acter of the scagon Must be also 'open, diappeal'ing under the ic6l :tQ thal; in . S coal. Afri Lenuoxj. representing'the 'truckr� drought 4vilicir such outrage wits committed Beef, inediulix, carease. 0.50 7,25 tion of the.royal. visitors a picture taken ilito account, and it. be discovered, ghaotlY. and grim 'At Liverpool. it is stated that . the men, says the 'strike 'As licit off. Beef, 61iolce.l, ; .. ....... 7.0.0 7;75 S tsowing should be do- many nionths after,;ilard.j. When Ml wilo are captured will -be tried,. arid. I , oflumberin :operations in the wood As prevailed Dominion Members of the conciliation commit- ad solikewbart, d,to havabeen present on Canard,, Lamb, yearling ... .... 6.50 .7100 beyond these clates, spring -floods began their levelations, R,AGNEW if prove Leyland , and 4 [Ther cabin wJ11 be congtrucied entirell I MY D lilies, following the ex" too say.it i's clulic, true that'a basis will be late In: ring its such. occasioly Will be hold to be Steamship jib,' nA.-OO -00 I ly of, hewn logs� no nalls or ir6n its tile fly mak Ba'the offt ra - had, not aited foll DENTIST. an reached, but Lar t aguilty inctiliple of, the Red Star line are of- of settlement has. be go Muttom. ....... 5.50 (5.50 lwork being used. Ili it will be a: appearance. this evidene6,to take a �ion. in thq e y whether they actually a(. choice ... ... ... Jugo open r and bunks* Tor it Will be at na' field every Wddnesday i6itie� the dbilid' ' 0 are 1rom.9ew' there are certain detailo to red VORI 7150 8,25 .1 11 e-placei CONDITION 'OF THE SOIL, Ibl- abancloile4 tent was . Lin Or r not, and tit - a failing to carry' Pdoseng -a the strike,is decla inary% afternoon. sell- York to I,oildon. for through befox �ttle men., About 25 trees have been PORTANT. Yukon stove, but an alteration had leader of the commando Will be d to deittli and cother n1mribers. off The "Trackinen's� Union is recog'l Buffalo, selected whichwill be felled, by' the m& to be oil it that, ingled it out Ovoicir,-Adjoining, -Foster's Plio s is the Sept, 3.—Flou - nade to Gal,lary" tance n6d bui '4luestioll of wage. ro- r� frin, An equally Inilportant tter I orta leS4 senamo 'UNITED STATS'. L .. . I -:tie axonlen:aucl cleared of theill.branelleg -eppration of the, from all others. . That Stove L. had br, ONT. punished. with. clauth _110 d' '' L f same as submitted to. the trackman cl denard�. Whewt--SprIng,,1it otll,, looked to Is the pi tonce, , a t agree o Julio, '00 � T� . Rbads are to be efeared and of -the seed. It been soon lit the po�sQssicllr Of two ccording 0 The "Stinging -caterpillar" has by kr, Mc:Nicoll Ill g. In 0 Northern old, .771C.: they were soil -ad the L quality . uamed O'Brian arid Ura:ves, L O'C1061, I , No 2 -oughly . -President NVJI&OXIL.Of Wintr, easier , mail R. G. EARNEST HOLMES complicit." _. o g operations carried oil as, Successor to Dr. Bruce. Clinton. made its Lippectranee in Philadelphia.. tdo n ibb land is put in thol D prackiten's, Brotherhood admit- before lumbering becilAile.modernied. co�dition �,o it O'Brian had -been Ili Dowsoll prisoo Two young Solis -of 14'. L, Gilmore, the red,, 74Ac- 'No I white, 760. CorA--� to joriwa. rioll, Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. . hat the Strike had been Lower ln'd dull; NOL 2.yellow, The royal Party aro to be takeu un smooth And - d seed bed Lind -had, been it great deal tit) and Di:%�Graduate of Royal Collego'cif, Dental 'S RETIREMENT- I Mlgelia, N.Y., were probably fa- ted t 61c, well -pulverize Surgeons of Ontario, ISALISBURY 'bX Wasps. board cribs at' Thompson's -Buy dodd dowiJ the,river about that time, HO L. D., Sellftst- class honor graduate of Dental. but. refused to give details. It. Is No 3 do. 601c No 2 corn above. -Obaudlere. These cribs - will with plenty of inaiiuke and Tagigh its a SusileC:4 Dopartmoot bf Toronto University. S naeo At L 3 � '!do, Oats—Quiqt and Seed, the plantS will Itave a thrifty wiLs arrested tit secial Will pProbabl,f Tak. Afte". ' Owen. Bradley,, a, farmor Hot- understood that the terinq Of settle- No shoot. tho slides, Thay-will then be , veT4 if jjlo. flelds allcythe police gradually wove it net attertion J�ald to preservation of chil ra­n'a, W a mri e recognition of, the ull- fairly steady; So 2 L White'. 38;1,C; No rous gro I wth. 'IrCUMSta about hlzu teeth, coronat on of the King. liaild�. lulstool� his if toll. a towed from the f00t of the slides to T190 F toil, re-elIgagenient of ali tra4kirien 8 do, 38.Jc, No 2 irlixed, 87c, No. Th6 royal are badly illf"tcd it WCILI_ :of eVICidllee Willbb Attho RivarRotol.'llayfloid. every erpatch from London SLAYS burglar and shot her to -death. � —Nothing *,doing. a point below Rocklift, crop will hLtV0, I �ItalitY that lacked nothing to- inalw it abso, Monday from 10.o. m- to 0 v. in, A d who have not committed ac 8 do 86fc, Barley and pro- IlUrtll-ed ely complete. Articles� belonging The Pall Alull (lazetto, under the .tftgeL Wag *acoutly hpld corripany's proper- Ryo , We on tfack. visitors are to laild, there I 'I euoUghi,to resist the attacks Of 010 lut elv,wora found on P "ar enesagainst tire —Dull; No 2 ad to tile icones'"cifthO OPellillti(), S Survive - thein in 900d con- to the inurdered in R, . FPEEMAN headliig, 1,11fie PTlino ]m- lildith, Cal.ill�e express.box. taken y, but tile. question of Wages Milwabkoo, Wio., cc illg Itesiginwon," says Lord and three persdiis 'were rob rofel,rod to above. him, arid almost every Stop of his VICTrUINARY SULICIPM4 Pelldl b6a. the saille as grantod by Nil.. Who4t)­Ilo, I Gortherri, 70.� t;o 71c; ditidn, .whereas weakl�t Plants Oft EL . . ' 8'11% lenient probably Will was de- No, 2 do, 00 to 70o, September,' miub. TrapL JOUrtlayingS before reaching and after of the 'Veterinary Medical Ai;socift. It , bury,q petit of Xilfg At Ashley, Ind., one person was Mexicoll betbro the Strike pool, soil readily Sue( o. of the crime was OfLolidonardEdlijbtitgbtLndGradUati3lOL'Cllr after tile c6rullitttion killed,'arlother fatally hurt; wid A, clared, Julio - 12. 69jo., December, 71.,L,'.to 71.1,1c.. Rye crops, that is, trips of wheat ploAt- lonvilig the seen 25, 189o, Of the Oritarlo Veterinary College. building . was + Icy— ect eat . eforo December I -ward, though some, PLI"Solis plaeo wrecked by the explo- Lower No I, 1% to - 85c, Built .IV to attracL the 11,V during traced. B 'less, begging Iiis way4 Office opposite St. Paul's church,Ontarlo s6eO it Ill tile witunin or car)y wiliter. -HILL AND,CURGUE. asoll �Iid then he wall Penn Phone Sion of a.'socla fountalli. $togdy No 2, 620; -saniple, 45'tQ ttbo e9j,depositillIV SO t Supportilig t1to editorially., tile former po SA,V ',HF -I found olYactivO At or that date he Was Ili possession .97 John Andrews, Strangler ED 1k CHARGES. Ole.' Corjj�Sopteqibor, 54c.; Deconiv plowed fil, have beef I of a roll of bills and it Pouch of Itug- b6r, 6540. to Allain portion of VgTgPINARY MCIS squarewith gur own of It6d, Lodge, Montana, wits Julatak- in p�oteOtillg ()Ila of thenA being so romarl" Olt ror LL and shot and killed by NurAe G$rl iq,R4IIW4K Wreek Gave Duluth, Sept; 3.—Whoat—X6, I They Will MAki� EL 131d 1? Trans )p, 'rho burii,11)9 Of refuse Is 90ts, tile or( kilowtodge to extent that the 7*1c; No. I Not -thorn, Paetflo; Trade.. -ecommended So as to, destroy the 11Y rLble its to be well known Ili Dawpui, A B�1,40=L,4 BALL st party Should prepare for it 11 ohri' Itoiners, witit W.11ora lie wav bArd, cash, tile and aUo known to have been Ili pos- hunting, A clospateh from N o 20 do, 06�,.a, Septbmber.L 4 despatch frota Vancouver, B.C. 'in its flux seed stage, and also 11, of Clayson. Graves, the oth- 0 nfoqted Stubble, VETERINARYSURGRONS. Gov. new Newark says 19 otober, 139je; December, 09.;o s_J. J. Hill is SR14 tcJ be de'-biurning Of I but : the seoqic 1), stems to have utterly vaji- Getwal 'Booth, founder and head -Tile, wreck of tile 73;o. Qoril-53c.. Oats_35J intoL , VallecitiVer latter j" b or Ina ., not always practica to as , EIMMENT VETRINARY INSPECTORS 'alvatidn .4in oil tile Sodus Bgty division Use," terinined to get tly See 14 suspected that O�. Armyj will visit gor tl a �dccl to ished, but it -of tile Pankow to 84iol . 7 it is frequon and LBERT LXN COUP "FEAREDo- Iti November for a, six ivan4-L, (Northern ilwith the Great Xorthern 0 an earl its- B0611 -sUbSc(I'lelltlY murdered the PA Toloop, CL 0 1 STREET# CLINTON. months' inspection tour of the Un night, has resulted I'd ditt , It I,,; reported in, gopflonthor- clove % The most effective W� �urtner of his crime. I tral) oil FI-Ida� . in the death of September, 7114'e;' December, 71310 argue, of the Sault Sto, !Airai;le Preventatives are late O 'eldoill ited States, -pp to Sa,turday have tile tirelessness And 1, M ay Corn--rCasll, 513o ;, Sep- gh preparation f S XOD Itusslan Troops -Mobililed persons, �, 78te, the Ilill-Uorgau fntercsts�'Jrig and UIOrOu resourcefulneew I AUCTIONEER Boo, The Cascada, division of tho Great P-4 tombpr and December, 56ig, May, have parehaSed 'the right of wav the solL bt British justice -on, 4 '1111 Cb Cris in Colisequence. Ill Wasliln9l; to be 16 death of Milus Anna, Kano was tts._ 116c; Sopteniber, Iroln Westminster to Vancouver an4 been move reinarkably digp)ayed, Will, Purge b 4'' 011o wftlIoSg Who -had left tile Yukon r mos.naoWN' 0810: 0 4 despatelL from 1111ellareAt says equipped vith electric motors for tho 411OAt wAt cl� —53je, tile charter of a railway, Which local miles, al,lo pat,batir , . 46e. Ilya LICENSED AUCTIONUHIL a Instead of stearri girl OMPloyed by, Eflivill, Stan- Optober, people Secured Olt the bluff that ill taken bacit 5,006 The Advarul ays '100,000 operation of tvaiii. clifyo, of hLind waS; sentivoll ey GAILE WRECXS BUILDINGS' though the narratiou of Ift .40ory Pides conducted In all arts of tile Counties of troop0lia.ve been mobilized in' locomotives, Hoduo, on v0dity In charge of Mrs. 05-80; D�wonibar, $r).HOL. 1vorp gollig to build to Dawson. Huron and Perth. Or=w left at THE, N that, Rourriallia, f044114 (I ()Ile of the greatest, gag wells aVor Petrolt; Sept. oceupi.ed but five minuteo, Another RWI, littlix daughterp, who This right 'of Way Was bought PlecP was detaiiied a year and UnCono office Clinton, or addressed to 80. When the Whead; by 'place in thP. names Of Other Poll- H&V68 WrOUght by Storm at Kill- Oss forth P. 0. will receive prompt attention. -Sat- 31alkall COUP. discovered in the gas bolt wao $tAX01c halflat the oxpense of the Crown In w_ IWON 0011110N t4 'alto secured rfactionguarftiitoodor�iiochargo8. Yourp&t- a mile cast of arker City, Indiana, arid thp terinhial. hPaoli, August, and Soptember, 112, order to secure her evidence, allege t0lioited. Llight, by the 1"arm Land Monda skirts arounil 010. ell1loplen to prptact peoetriber,' 74JO. by purchdS111K. tile entire Hastings Ont., Oil Company, which was bor u;St. Louis, Slipt, 8,—.Clo ad—Whoat prOp0rtV,-tll(; olify water front- A dospateii from Ximardine, oil in the liew oil terri Tile flo1g; September OTS BRAVE4 ITIg L for. tholli, lylillol .9110 reco f wind which CHIEF L Sao Op- - . 0 W J Lga of Lilly consequence in Valleou- Sa_J)ur1ng it gule 0 Hasick well IS estimated .. btfilry.Au. 3,- forgo of the 004aplug stoam, in r ivpr and ,owned by tile Canailtari -a about inidnight on secluolico: A0 A ropult, ono, of tho rembor, prokalled. lici Mint capons, Sept. a.—Closo :I-- Parlile . Itallway Compall.v. ThullsdaV Iligilt, Church, Chiof.of the Utlincey TrIbo witty Be GEO,� TROWHILL 000,000 cuble feet, a, day. children 68JO;, Soptem�er, 67* Ing on the concession, Kincardino' Tried 10r MtirdeP. _ G, PreStoli, secretary of the other, though 40VOrelY hopnod, Was IvIleat flast.1090 111111 was runill . n 110USPSHOVIt AND, �Tloston' Chanillor of commerce, 07,11'e; 081..p; O trar-11. before Vancouver OJIJOpg6dL from the In COUT go Of 01TOtiOrl, thd fOu Lintio'I from 1.6ndon,'Ont., I first used A saval train death. liat'd, r7ritr" 110 I 204thOrn, woods or befor� - the big Claiiadiali having been laid with Arasonic lion- A despatch MrIs stirsaparillit GENERAL BLACKSMIlr1r, nuineturing Coll- chief of the itl, the fall of IS S. Since illen I states that tho Ina do, 651c. rbour—Firs-1 raclile IttLilwav Woodwork Ironed anafirst,class material aM htis taken Wevery spring its a tiles of Massachusetts oro lit favor of I $8.9 . was thought of. t or Some two Months: AgO, had the' SaYS :—JOI]II I See- IlLAS _OotL Jrto tit(,- hands of the bank, western W1111 blown dow.n. A mile Afuncey tribe, JioS lit the county jail chilies rebuilt and repairtd. blood -purifying tifid nerVe- reetproolty'botwol). the Vilited $t � 130ER GUM' FOR ;afonts, $4.65 to $8,7tj f1ps j�hjclj is glad to roll tl rosidpnee, Of L Mr. awaiting ti a result of Will. Dox- wotkituaranteed. Farm implementsand ma, QA19ADA Vat0nt$, "I t pod site. torge furthel. cast the strengtheninz medicine." eq and Catiada, and that. 0 )qurdooli AIefvpv, tho brickwork hav� Stat0l�'A` ADJUV5011,. I)OXStftt4--r is a JOBBING A 81,111101ALTY. being made to have tibia ligh clears, $Z80 to second clears raots of land have algo beell J:Jought, S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kling. a Vallcoliv�r, oppoqltil just bp%cll 6olnpletpcii, was young brute of the Munceyl,,and 16 Intillaslon r04 0 Will 14 t Be Overlooked'Whan TIM $12.20. 'Ilr* built,' $14 to up it Wall bwng few weel; ago. lie eloped With .Onvollo for the urp .4 6 �tllb A,' auAT STREET, Nownt, st & Distrioution com, 4? badly Wilacked, ths) eap training tVancouVell fulOPer. blown Ill. Tlle, storin only Insted toll chlef'o daughter. The two lived to. If you feet run down, A dompatrit from, OttftlYal sAYsi— Tile Great Northeitit will not wait Winds of this 1101111*0 gother , iYl Prinl0vul qIIIII)IJOItY. (10� its, 14 Thil of wilitia. re,- Toronto, Sept, a.—Ai the western 101, the big bridge across the Fraser, a few bablut0cf. Exor. N C P. I -olu, , the Tuiperfla It forry froll, tile ter- tire rarely ex'perleneed fit this neigh- SpIto objeotions, until . a I are.easily tired) If your. cable h pattle yards to -day, the receipts were but will tull fon of tho chief visited Doxat,atarfs nervag 4re weAk aad your The aeouchment of thO Q110011 Of War Ofilco stlltilIg thait, wholl, it dis- 70 carloads of live stock, including MIJIUA Lit '06uth WbStIllfrister across, borhood. wigwasti, and removed uoille, of tho folland Is expected fit Jantiory, tribution of tile 9114S 0aptUPAd ulblood. is thin4o then, begift King of Portugal has IlIvIt0d 0, Ipg the Do 1,000 cattle, 1,000 llogq, 1,654 the IfIrtiser river, it .r W41' 10 being rilade, file Stockholders plafth sheep ayid,lambs, 50 galves and it ' LONLI 1)oX, Stater elaint.,J1 Soan)L f Jill;, 1, St to t$lke theL of L tumbqr higlish players to VISIt 0MIMS of ooladp, fQI, thoso 11aalnell doten wileh. cows, sa qupstloil, of less MUNICIPAL ThLEPHONE-S- lifolidav tile youne, -,.quaw returned to good old stand. him at Portuga:1 in October to play toei Of t1lar stpugglo ill Willpll )war Vitro was 0, good business done Ili plopths beforer tile tile elliet's tolit. competition With Ard falUlly Medlaine, tollrds- son" PlAyea Buell 4 1101bl" Po will 09port pattlo 4t from $4.60 owill active On. Tueday evelling lyoxstat�ep tall. TkAbr. MARKS *$ 1 I I King Leopold, will be tit with tot be overlocilcod. for good to 'oholco, apil ' 05.15 A! tilp Pitelfle 11allway OiA alaggow OLP6116 an undergrouild SYA- ad thervand demanded spopeAyer prola famey lots, 11g4t 9111ppors sold -from their 6141% '9VOund Thera wits trouble, and the chief oil. Sarsaparilla, the Czar at tile rrteh flaval roviow, t(fts Covoring 16,400 Milos. AttymAstudinoL A Attob mei -do6oV I e Xing Alfonso of Spain VVill not bO 0 12'r- pLS H" 641!15 to $4,Kd per Cwt, A dd,q)atclI front (41ftngow syo :— forced hi,.4 objections with a r6vol. ft" W fr 11rrdnt 61I 11 OrabriblYfatonis le. Cole butthot, underground telOP1011 4vtokI I 7 proent. ;S was also yor. One bullet 14truck tile youlig. $ H4tgdbo0)90lftT1'N"4%'Z i litter, st perfect blood I ',rho trials of tile tiew Itallan oubo good. and more good to choice cat:- 1,10NAST104 nystein of 10,500 miles was opened briWe on the fnee'and jarroil loose 4 lent rtee,, J Ideft AgoveT for sommFoWt k tuade for1large, pol,tion of 1119 sLill. Itollry pAtAnts bUdder- Atli inarine War Vosbtl IM1111no, Carried Out Had Boo 4 GUIlts, by the Trok tie Would holvo sold. The best Tile value of real oit4ti) Of mOlIfte 'oil Thundiday. Provision Is wool *aftao Withou by the Itinistor of Uarina, have betil grades totalled frow 4 to 4JO Pei' tt), in loranee, lll,,luding the '20,000 Subscribers. Tho 01"VIC0 15 t\vall ftfr09t0d, alld 110 thal'90 Will bo A I kyou L t . d . od I *hit bd ibldk$ Of Aybe 1101"110etory, 4011 Una lit C4P0 Colony. With, ten bontli per aft paid f6r Miley tie ordors 010". tile ssulliptiotilsts, Ill d to be as perfect aq possible, 'Jaid pending tho result -of Dox-Ita,ttrig r1l t11g, Mile,, eXelteMent prfV&i1S,.&t etoalCl. itever faOilit.9' for Wound. The youtig man is serlously-! b Ulterior cattle old down to JOSUR10 And L balkase"iSly oltistrated *ftltl3P. V20" eft, Ml ". y W6111( 01 ow IS "*I A despatch frow CaPo Town saylo' I stuff. at, pgo,1000,000 steriftig, tho ubI vvviubbsk I the discovery of gold In 111wo more rebelA, who Were found W Pet 1b, roturned Ave A"It U*611, Usm. holm over Uhl Lapland, where are also the CoUn- gull A & a 0 Dr '616(iij Ctlov'Jairr's to, woo CO dill trljs Jslioud lr*,A d"0011U. be" fnt-r montM $1 So d by gat V*Wfid Oood slto lip charged with milrdiw, if AY xel0itldd A I .0umUl4Xtftrl oneap, ad 0 itiout colmlitinift-,injured. Sliould he die the chief Will ekors ara in better Mu0t' bAlt of Whicit'l%ai boon Ile ty by tr$L rftson Court, hato, In the la"t ton or twonty yoxArs'. Nor ghot At OrMAIt 110ibAt. at from 210 to $14 plo 1b.