HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-29, Page 711 :PIT$ OF INVORKATION. IT RUIN BRITAIX Iresci, who ws Intensely sur- Of 151)[1400, tile nine of diamonds, EN11111 PlITSING BURGLARS cleverly circulated ruirio . that a big even o No R al I gold 11nd had in a utilly LIGHT -HOUSE, KEEPE ''so MIST ante, 11 beat% lum priaed tit the rencoutre, nd Inquir- and tho hearta. From ad it I lived. in those parts. Ilardly a "nitip" hand when 410,- thirty aille dlatunt. This wits part Xtoms of Int and parcel of tile plot, for the gully All Over the World. SOXE OF THE T=TWUS Or A ONO", I. informed, 111111 ; and or 000 was at stake, Yet It was Illy AX,&ZllqG SCREXIM FOR UO' had been well prepared by the rob- SERVICE TXIAT ITAS V4W NX. r! ORTNTGUTI$ FOG. the present my home Wo uld be In rail, anti. from, my lips came tile Ono 33ING BANICS. bar.,; belare TICXWG I-INATURES, Vach Londoner on all, average re- Puria—I was leaving for that Place word, "Nal, , W they circulated the rulaor calves two ersa week. by tile night boat. It I failed to got "llap" the game which took about 800 men off their There tire seventy-fivo doctors to What WouI4 UAppon I( ZA&Und trange coincidence be rould be euded and he would still They Go to Great Trouble linij hands. I Tile police Were to be tackled Isolated For Nany Weeks in Con. every 100,000 persons in London. Were Visited By .4 Zondoll. By some a CISOX sum as th E,xpPuse to Get, At the Gold. carefully; thostation was to be raW- 0 Fog, happened to be doing -prCC hi�vo Secured a han 0 . ad by four of tile robbers while only SeclUPAce f Fearful Storms, At all season$ of tile year a. rm Same thing, so we arrange� result of his evening's Work. He was ov hungry, dosperttto-lool When mQu of enterprise, possessors supposing -and there is nothing I two policemen were oil the spot and During, the storms that rage ia� Is the coldest liour of the twelity- Ing man, one I felt I should riot care ind travel together so, long as Qul' I led 61V with the aceof spades, to of capital, make up their mind$ to the Other$ were tn be taken in hand torkiii outrageously wild n the supposi- same I-pute. #:)nee N ttently round our coast'in wIA- four., tjork—ti-,at tile whole of England were to meet in tile part *I had just come business lay III the v),3joll he played the king. My Trick. rob a bank: it I. pretty safe to ox-� as they returnd to tile station. Im- ter tile landsman's mind turns Ili Icangaroos can jump 11 feet In trom,--the drear, lonely road of In Parls—with hicl i he was plea- I followed witil the eight -of spades, to be visited by a dense, black. Lork. �jy familiar—I abandoned,= pect adeparture from the obsolete medlately before the station at; sympathy toward those who In ship height against a oleor's best record of ygelf On which he played the king of clubs YS of Bill but few people rallied tile to egraph wire was to be Or lifeboat are fightirk for of I), feat 6 inches. lClondike. But ill a well-POPUlAtOd 84111 lead was the w" , g the ,waves Loll fog, Ono of London'S own spe- krS, t e drove to a. Car, v trick. My next would reckon for bank robbers, how- tapped so. that, should Cloglgardle dear life, say,, tliQ London Daily 11ifty thousand t Ot i I frunt; street; in Now Yorl; no im 4) Ills guidance ; Will varieties, when it is lmposF;IbIQ hotel, a , for a. day r two "Ve seven of Spades, and lie hesitated, over vast their enterprise an.0. meo.110? have any suspielons that son ons.of oysters are to, Sao, in grecbly Indeed. I does lie troubled ma, And I looked him full tRill Mall. Du gtio e4ton in London during tile season. you, -And supposing that this black, kid down. the Ace of diamonds, t . t' how ultal . are than a to of Ill the face as I passed by fraternized very a then a buy it Plot of land, build a house, Wrong was lit the wind, one of ilia one thought to tile mail who inimure d cl. Al- 110 WAS ovWently an ingrained My ti�ugit aturated Ili Vinc­ ness ward, to last for -x fortnight or Ono fact struck me. as furnish it luxurlously,'und live 111, It robbers could satisfy that town by themselves to tile, jighth A jump of sugar a though almost JA I,ags, and bearing ibler, lot, he would have 141110Y Then before I had decided which similly for the PUrPO4O of getting at r3plying on behalf of the then im- stud our coast Ouse$ that gar is efficacious Ili most Cases of so, how would such tin OVeAt (Iffeet every sign of lkb3qct poverty,, - the 141ruated various gambling delta If I card to play, the nine of diamonds tile gold in tile strong room of the prisoned police. By this,time a eab- "I Would rAtheraparld my life I, a hiccough- �us O, asks Person's breast -pin stuck Ili his sbabby Ct*a- would only 114VO biul, "Pr4rig 0111. Of My hand ell to the bank next door. ill just outside tile Camp 'Was to jt"V 'first of all gim4ahze. To a penal settlement thall, be a light, Tile world has some million acres , Lot us 4bt and y�llow, and had but in that I was very firm, table, And I saw Kornor's face It the manager of a woll-knOW11, boon fired to draw away, Boxte of house kec�cr/l deal whole inaclillier of vat was brJ ared 4 in"n to under tobacco, which produce 850,- begin with, tIIO the appearance of being genuine gold Ida too wall to risk losing liar at twitch violently—ii he had only hold bank Ili Mexico had inted that the those persons -wbo had not beqr mis- the writer, after 4. visit to tile social life would be brought to a 'this Stage of ftff4irs. the iico of that s6it one minute Bish- 000 tons a year. - . On we had ush, And then the Qp Lighthouse, oil tile Corish coast. andstill. II4 shape It was Square, And in the been together owner of tile newly orected residence led by the gold r owild longer the L10,000 would have becti Holland has 10,100 windmills, each at -ade would be para - center was a, raised heart I the djoining his own had designs oil tile bank was to be "hold-up," the gold "A convict does sea a little of the of whir 11 I said, about a week, my Inquiries at his. While lie looked slowly at Iii -9 'j, drains on an average 31.0 The coasting ti a would cease, the a pretty Pin,' bank's store he would bave been seized, and carried away to a ndigl world e lives in, but it liglithou 0 slowly ; "and -1 guess it,ff. real Grond. Hotel W0rO successful. two remaining cards, reluctant to jug- 1. , a acres of lysed, tile tlah6rlo Villiers and her dtiugliter wore part with either, yet compelled to. howled down as an imaginative boring place, where those of t1te banol keeper sees nothing but " dreary ex- Uarried couples in Norway -are coll1pries would be unable to supply gins, But none tile, less he would riot already employed Would have Parise of it,-" 11 the coal to the railway companies, .stuff. I don't mind giving'7011 five ame thei-O oil the to)- make it choice, the shadowy hand ot surprised dolltirs for -lt on hance." expected to leave havo been right. baggage horses waiting, that in privileged to travel on railways at i that he lowing day, Ili Consequence of which Came forth. with swift decision, any of them should los.e their a, fare anti a half. while, as if this were not sufficient I could have bet my lift learts, and Four enterprising rogues made tip When the police heard all this they mental balance." cause, the railways themselves After I gaily hNrad Bresel that Oil 110 snatched the ace of b y would one day, raid, promptly 'rho visitor 'to, thoillishop Light-. In Prussia alone in tell years end- - two would be So hopelessly Would jump at the offal, Which M� their 01111 a t hall made partly out of good natWe inorrow I should bid him Adieu, I threw it on A he b swooped down oil the . day at on in the table. n was returning with friends to 4ng- We. both breathed heavily is We the bank strong room, with no bung- would- a raiders' cabin; the. men haa ill Ing 1890, 407 school children com- disorganized as to Cease r Ouse did not overcolor the picture. 9 inspleed by the utter .desolation. n ling and only the least possible risk. ulurdered their betrayer- arid docanip- It wag. only the other day tbat Ono knitted suicide. Q but to land, He Professed Ili$ Vegrcto Os- looked in each other's face - than trains. ,his whole -air and attitud, , had a ",clogram .,lowly, I laid dowkv.tho a now Pairs read of the Longhips. Liklithouso, Fifteen years have passed since Par� Ili the golds the farmers would be with a pecially as lie had. ove� . of To th"t.crid they -sought to tent A ed, leaving behind thirty my. surprise he only . repliedO. a a dis- 1101180 attached to tile ban Were of hand -cuffs and large numbers Of also off the Coast of Cornwall liny- Ilainent was last opened by the knork- unable to find their stock, and in- le from whom 110 hearts, And witil a suarl, Ilk . k, but queer kind of laugh from. his rich line succossfi;L , As all alterilatife they rude.gags, together with the written Ing been Completely iqolated" inerable.d"ttle wbul(I olle in tile had , great expectations,, whtc4 ne- appointed 'wild beast lie Sprang to tin for arch Ili person.. nil "Not if you made it five hundred, boug,lit, tho plotpf land oil the other Plan for the whole scheme, from many weeks ill coilse�queuce of fearful fields. No cattle, corn, or-otber no- -ve kept it all these years, cessitatedlils le;k, I ving kk�o for a, short feet and rushed, from the rooms, d Y Which the police Ie4 n a n An 'France a -woman may appear in mister� I W to 4,be time. while with trembling hands I picko,l sA a Of the bank, and. upon it tile , I, t th t a tun el at ri 'file keepers had been re- masculine attire if she pay a license cossaries could. reach our ports, and and it shall Stay with. me no built themselves a nice, compact lit- between the cabin and the Station duced to snioldiig coffee, hops . . even were they tq do so.. they,would end—which isa't far off."- "But I will cut Illy visit Short— tip the stakes—ixt own hard-woi arid fee of 810 a year, 'tporie the real Interview. ''untIl illy tle residence, arid furnished it, pa�­ had been comineficed and only abau� tea leaves, though, fortunately, they 'IThie'liundred and sixty -tholla'aiid be useless. I looked at him' ))lankly, 4nd he f ba , hat u pos —and placed them in Ing their way Ili the most honest- doned because of the Impossibility 0 d not wanted fur food.. people enter London every day. from : so would the telegr4p to-luorrow," he 9did ; "for we must Wallet, Of w stared moodily at the groulid, There dine ari. q,end 'our last evening to- "Quits," breathed a, voice in illy possible. There they, lived .coiliploting it by tile time it would, . The keepers of the -famous Eddy— the suburbs, be ? Parliament might meet, yet. was solnothing in the business which tended by two servants, for four be wanted, arid a tunnel to the bank gather, silica we may part tax- ever." ear but oil turninq atone Lighthouse not infrequently they would be powerless to do filly- . quickly round I Lit Tile average distance that on -en- I didn't understand—it niut be a I agreed to this ra;� no obe there, months, when their brilliant Schemes had'also been begun and abarldorked find themselves Ili a imilar predlca� - thing. The warit of coal wouldsoon gine-olfiver travels Ili the.courpe of a pretty strong reason,whiell illade a Were Utterl: spoiled by an inquisitive, for o, like reason. None of the men inent. In a gale the waves that but- . I., . . mean the disappearance of gas and hoose to die from. starvation ho.returricol shortly after six O'clock ilight dog. Were ever caught. Year is 20,000 miles. and Man a to bring lue all invitation froilTi his I have never since that fet'theniselves agallist, this wonder- electric light from the troolts rather than sell gold pin, PalletO, -to. -i6ill touched a card or indulg6d Ili the ThQ dog belonged to the manager A dealer in artificial limbs- estimat- .9. uncle, Le, Conite do of. t4o'bank, anti invariably acieuni- ful nionument to the engineering skill as that 300,000 Huglishin.64 have lost house Army and nav —of what going to the graVO With me, him at dinner hat, � evening iat IIIS mildest form of gembia. at the country are of Such, stupeti- A logs aie would they be-? Taxes could not mister, he said doggedly . ad his muster whellovel' it Wag' one,or bet ; "anil a hotel. I Saw the Villierbi at tfiel� hotel Pt'Lul. dous magnitudo that they rise to a be enforced. good thing, too ; it's never brought As Bresci expialnud rather 'knefull oil the following day. Ida. received necessary to visit' the bank -collars, UKKERA TELLS BEGRETS' height of , 1-100 feet- and sweep right The Prench Legion df,I-Ionor isthe Par the first few days the humor- me anything but bad luck—but .1 that lie was afraid In any case- lie F, , 0 eventful ight while Ili the over the lantern. To those cooped biggest order of merit, it.riumbers. dus side of the 'wh me joyfully with open arkria fafth- Oil th ola affair might Said I'd never part with t, and I cellar the ONE MAN SAV= r is 5.00,000 meiribers, appeal to.many people and.belp to must accept, and urged,ino to sacri- ful arid ttuo as she 'had promisod ; dog evinedol much uneasi ROX: A up inside.the soun(�j of the waves won't -; so, thanking you 'all the fica myself - for a. few hours, I finally nd Mrs. lllier�, who alone. of he liess, running about -the place, and ERIS J�ATF,. lilcd that of .' �. . : 'MURDER 31 'is a curious fact that li� negro keep the nation's spirits up. But 64me,.we don't trik,da.this deal." renbarkinit,t Without ally apparent cause, k- collsorited ';a ate mpany him, as I fi-imily ilaij ajway� been :MY taking particular interest in a'dark ..A BATTERY OF GUNS has never known to tame an after five or six days. of Tbick do r Rontgen Itay Put hn End. to' at p ,Well, ;.t Shall bring you luck this had no other friends neari and Paris y1tilded it glad corsent. jar. Upon examin- lose quarters,- "At'such' times elephant or aiiy wild aninkaO. - ness', and with starvation and worse time if it never did betore iaid, I, , jjd(.rnegs to a stranger when ^ On my wedding morning g, 5e� a ahead,' the' bravest would lose heart. corner of the eel the manager found Thieving of Buenos,Ayres. ith. &'�- The fastest flowing river in'th Ig this corner the house gliakes"Itke a, tree w o taking the 60dols I had finally of- Illorke. packet- earn(, for me bearing' a fo- 111 - . Smugglers. of it," Wits t In the meantime, the fog-ript hav- fered for it.fror ray pocliet-book broken corrient upon the floor man im the'top he gra.7 world is thq Sutlej, in India,. Its The CountOs hotel vas a magnIfl- reign ' post -mark. Inside was the same pent descent; is 12,000 feet iii. 180 oted Ireland and the rest of. arid handing it *to him. -I! respect contly-aPpo,,ilited. one, sonic tdistallele with' ii'brief and became as suspicious as the dog'. phic description of one who, a miles, .. Ing at% msterious . breast -pin, Probably no human invention -has ninny years of his life there. Japanese florists have succeeded in Europe, the enemies. of Britain Would a mail Who can keep his'word. T Adsistance was obtained and a thor- aided The course of justice to hero Bresel had Ili- intimation that the. owner had died a The new 'I Oddystone. is the roomiest cultiviltingla rose which looks red in step in. from illy o,'wn, arid, w you are ; orhaps it's the turn in formed mQ, helooked old and feeUte ight of June of that ough6arch of the cellar made, when, greater extent than a -sna -all t: i tide." P on the last n be it was discovered that the , gentry . at and most comfortable. ofall oue rock the sunlight arid white It-, the Shade. THE FRENCH. VLE FI We bad at. exceptionally good,dinnor y"r, arid de'sirpol. the pin, to for- Camara, It has be a -instrumental Ili lighthouses, A sectional view of - It -d hair.growin . g "It's.to( ld Wine being the best warded,to -Dd -St. Leger n t door had fok� sbme'wecks been would be,seht to XrelanO perhaps late for that ; maybe both viands ai Ck —his I on ex corldQmning Criminals, arid has also' allows The,longesi r6c6rdti r ined with another Power. At- and-l'in. going the. same n at , work on the foundations 'of the tile. various compartments, oil a. female bead.was 8 feet .1,110 comb she's dead �df their kind. Had I.not liaturally friend I time of sore need..- been the means before now of, savihg commencing at 'I the longest beard ever worn b ur,colon way I �ut—bkkt the money ill ll,bn a terriperate man I fancy the The I . iand.W�iting was a.wom n bank, and had cut a, narrow passage I - kill'ocent lives. the bottom Wit- y A nail, tacks would be made on o a -situat help -mb along tot I Vards seeIng latter would� have been'too Inue it tbat of, h!6.broken-liearted th, ugh five feet -of strong masonry, wo.�ertakik; then the entrance, the. tea. The terrors of the' ton at her h for. was wg A case Ili point is that of Alfred . was 12. feet. - . niake any, attempt at* 1, tile. object of getting. Into the two .611 �ocept;icles, the. storeroom, sponge'ever found came home would Once again, if she's alive and nic—as it was, I felt Strangely fight mother ? I. think so ; though 1,110 Grayson, 'tin driglishman w1fo 'V�oks the crane,. the Thi) largest intervention Impossible. kaeflar. living apartment, 'the —thank'you.1' headed ar4d unusually reckless byr was dbad before I received all. an- ban living- a few years ago at Rio do low light, from the 'Mediterranean. - it was Aloi-e terrible, than 'anything would A montl I . later I was . riding the time the mciLl was . cont:luded. swat to mir acknowledgment Of tllo . At the time the. discovery was made the, bedroom and the gar- about three Met across and tell lost. b� the dog'the me Janeiro. He was .. accused , of the Veroom, In the order iiamed, For- be the.uncertainty of the fog's dura- talrough a pine w6bd settlement on The coffee afterwards, iliste.ad. of, gift., n must have been, Mutoler of a Brazilian nailied tiiiiires, m,rly, only tw Ili cii-cumfereiiee. tion.. would succeed'day,__ and in the passage aitinglor the mail- 6 keeporia. were am- a across a, The coldest part: -of the whole afrair a. Clerk n.the sballe office with hikn�j Day my wa IlOM4.w.11dn I -tam telkdying me,.. only, seemed. to, In- dger to Jeave­the cellar -.to cut their loye4 in. the lighthouse, but a grim Aubeean steamer of the fIrst Oiiss-, still the Choking, blinding_ horrible. oing at � full 'speed, -cannot be maAtjC!:pf,0arknes9 would al group of angry, excited mail drag- tensity lily .dond�tion, wa:s that the data of my last gamble -of sell. The.tw were known10 have incident resulted -in their-'rila* low no . . - I ill ireiv inches mber be- gc ging a poor wretch With them bound th vie -Wandere11 Into the bil- at. the'Pliris , bot�l wad..-t�e _Mt way tilrou in� 'days ProviousAu the lit to 'a Standstill in less thAl signs qtliftlug, an the Wall. But. hear _tile Carolina_ quarrelled some . ­ I Ing- Increased. .One-. of the two mail broug d a game or night df June of that year, and -Lha �,Illet ., ills died with.. cords,'aiid 'being hurried � to- -and waWie_ Sunday 4� of tile, �pokrajvgja - to' trade. ti6ri in tile, cellar they wisely de.camp- k90 11orce ran. the sells that :three inimites. hwards tilik.ricarest, extempore gi a theret bour of my unknown friend's death .death. , ApPareilt]3� Could ikot get4 however, hqk the..'relilaining, keeper 'A Turk' alitivs displays, We. "and France or Bkftain's otter duerniq twoi then 'into a - room wlier 'I' furnished. house ask"ad'.1, drawin lesi PA.t as' identical With the time..,,,,, ad, leaving a nice Y bad made � p if d*ff ,liowup the success obtained W�ft hulliber of-sinall tab ntenanted. So far, we believe, no lell, rene. fl?" the b6d of his late' o=,' for his lhbtber. k� aid fq u ado to tile reverence Ile'invar- , a e w him -himself at -the �t the pro Fur a montil the takapeg at r in ;""pretty selqOus I guOgs, by- which. ptiopre Wer�- playing cards, which I's, seat ie ai turned 'u they, want Out -sitilhig th drLY oil a shor :sbj.�are of Ireland, a p to, claim a. 111� labl. stands pregence Until by the the looks f things'?.. arid � tho_'next minUto who should cardtable nditaer me.to vict6ry.:in, mall, Yacht which draysqn -s t 'had Enland'hei gelf. o ous w6ather Continued, and for ti, asked, to sit down. strike li,� blow "Seriouq for this sIttink, I allow," 'corne tip to lus'blut Korlier and,Tay-; 'my. last. -gainble, party. -hired'. No less enterprising,,'but far more month tlio-:'survi�jng',keap�r lived A Scientific pers6n'asertS that bag- And,how.cbuld we resist such till ',It- replied J am Blinker., indignantly. lor, and. -in- EL very short time tll�Y In the evening Graysoft brought. alone 7- Our whole country ,vkiuL,l bu his. successful; were tile thieves Who sOlhe the doi�d body of Linaresb. . ome_.Hi' with the bo'cly as - hlg� only pip -playing ill the vicinity of a. cow. . tack "Last, ol!X3,� 61. June e inuidered Joe- had- persuaded Bread to iave', irs ago r6bbed one of the Ohlilese companion. 114 WAqafraid to cast shoot causes the cowg 'to' yield'knore, bard and ravaged our �supplxes yet Smitlits widow, �and 'made off with revenje there and 1 then, . and, Vory., FOOTED� tOUTUNES, branches of 'the. Bank -of'Western lnv; story was,thatthe latter bad',fallen ..It into the wdvesi, f6r� lie might be inilk, would .have failed us. ; our Army okly; lie consenteil, FOUR from the mast arid frhetured. . 'his :�would be disorganized ; our nay.y ue- , we of more than $250,-s accused of murder�. dta� of 4 Ina#er 'It IS stated 'that there are 90,000 X Pei houses d ble: to strike "Sure -o -of priVatdly:whis bred to me skull. But, medical evidence wag f,your man, I rackon�" Bret. Fabulous Winning s -of . some Noted 000, which must have.paid -them well ee ls-ok rock. light o riot, sure. '.Tlkre6 witnesses to -.stay "ol'sce fair play. ille wound d a biLtmaids I' - U niland hose'.hours "Dead Y n' last long. ' The. Incessant. pounding And while the fog Itkated, think of and for 'thoir trQUbjc;'csPeCia* as�thoi l, can't Juit when or how;I sat doWn k Racehors 'S.� arid a 'Mail is. pas- thei head had been. made With a, 9tick- average fourteen didly for -a wage of sore . to Mon. Judge Lyncl a natives of Ahe , ves against 'the,: buildings,- We'll the inciderits. that, Would be enacted took. 'in the garAe I in 4aet loneliness, . the. -incidents that, Written down, here Wait a y,IOn' Part never, knew or oar. An bar Nvas * missi g. - ' $2,50. per ' ek There is 'something strangely fas- sln�-' rich on $250 a yew n frour the ofresh 'lift- or how We play- some- 110 ..Yacht's 'ding *. The and �.ekereise_ r6duce The Belgian pigeo which wall' t-110 in cold blood, Seem alnuSing As 'they drugged the wretch on a T-M . . cinating, even to tile, Unmerconary part of' the.worid� It says t By thv-- man to -.o,' no. the great race from, Burgos,. lik. Spain, to' vlAch, if Ave we few. paces the sun suddenly struck e�d,: nol Stakes -man, in an Animal which can earn thing.for the clo7erness.,and atience Climbing story,; too, soundd improb state �bf. nervousness thoit Is some- enough, but v ee the lit , . 'if � 11 *work�d . timei' pitiful to behold. 'Th I. . -ussels, 'did � the- 700 miles. in fouk- .-actors in them but'lit- on Something bri at his nee;,, I had been.'in my proper. senses for,,its owner twice the'.annual -sal� of _ the hetheii� Chilled' that'thesc E�ble, for tile rigging Vtis A III would have should''bave. 6iispected a. "plant" 'Taking the recent oSr , re-. ary of a Lord Charicellor - In -a Sir,-- rogue, quire a, fortnight's, leave every - six zle humor. and with suddowinterdst I *bent for- I 3'were succ6ssful with thei,r 6x.� froxii the dock, . i t6en bours. pin: and a thil instant 'that Korner. and Tay in which skilled quarrel into. consideration, and Gray- e6ks, I but Therd'ar three varieties of the. d cig' A iiian living in a. -row of suburban'. ward,anid recognized tile gle. year and its -own weight irf gold trao5rdinary scheme, this. liberal Allowance secon -do-viell. I had lippeared or- the scene, but I.was ust Within -a brief riial Career lit eiccusably havc_fail- *on's'well-kriown Violent temper, the does little t6 improve their physical that never bairk�:-tlie Australitill, din- villas-ratuins-h6me. 1-Te.enters the,' d later Uie noer 119 arid 'ineebanics mig fifficiontly muddled toAall int'o'.tho. ease Was black, 'In. deed, against -the -state. A medical Ili", -whose-ohity go, tile Egyptian shdpherd�dog, and, wrong house; and Is at.oncia treate assisted ILL New Yoi Sic 6vtm. after It has deserted the arena ad. "There is some' mistake OF I- Said trap, Yet sfficiiently imber -to Sit tip Engligbrn�n, Tile coroner's ury had .,as. e'rely handied.' imphs can. bo'solil Tor tells' The men (it is- not known OklictlY periodical Walts t . one the "lion -.headed" d.bg of Tibet. a, burglar, arid- go,% 'man mur- at' the table, Play my own hand Of. its tril already fourid him it is to Pay : . 0 o find' that. ' Ills earnestly. "Yo. say this of thpands'bf pounds. as .confesses' that e'' home; t, teru fasbion-and.to take out.an.v how many'were in the business)' took of these.lighthok.is , . Nearly all the ititchens of th bet- 1-1q, reaches dered Joe Sinith't -widow. on. ' the :of GUILTY OF MURDER,. 'there is no remedy for the ills'poicia- fer clags of re§iddndes in . Sv 'has b,en burgled, and vell-filled ­W0110t Crammed - with That there' is - no exaggerlation. in Possession of' it. liduse almost OPPO- olney, owl, house aa rkalst4ken for- last- Jay of June—now, prepar, v site th6 bank I eager On -a' -Marseilles liar t6..the.l,ecPers ex burglar wa ad to -swear that oil that diite this ba:nk-notos to the amount f Z18,_ . Iis stab . �krkqnt ,startling.as, if ap arid hiddeli frdnl cur- when a pass ce0t. retirement. Australia,. are ori the top h floor, and that the I . . dot liar', far and- pears, is as . a Rio T.Hl' , 'UTTER ISOLATION the clothes are dried on t. 0 roof.,. him. A wcman goes out to In -raro's 000. siakes bedame heav ally proved by a reference IOU '.6yes, they set to work to reach steamer; which had arrived in! husband oil, the first'day!'of the tot,,. man was lounging outside Pei innings of a'few the bank vaults. t th dug.,61.it R gambling' saloon just near the hin- heaier"my wo;114-.thinner '.. and to the 'Values and w P irs ey on the Sunday afternoon,. came- for- The bones of.a,.hUma being will t V61oW the foundation ward with' a -new piece of evidence. oi.the silent aentinelp of oiAr. coast She loses' her way, and never.- sees. thinno . r of our leading'racchorses, ca:ch of a. shaft 12 fee bear three ti2neg 'as great A pressure age quarter, and�" aying which bag pk�.Oed itself literally to of their house.. Then they excavated . This was. a snap -shot photograph is well illustrated. -by the'. case of the Oak, and nearly as much as her home -again. �'every "Siikes alive-7an alibi aforementioned, There Why, the was !'nap" , we were pl Bishop Lighthouse tire a dozen big fires darned ahap, swore.he was in New theni and, realizing-olimly the issues be a fortune on four feet. small properly -supported tunnel talcon, as the. veapel-enteyed the liar- which stands rigilt,out Ili the At- wroughi iron, witlibui being crushed. day in London. . When there Ili a and if you back him UP, Dick involved, I felt a, sudden sick des7i The most fortunate and skilful pr6-4 r�6,leet long, which Carried theirkull- bar., Pat away uiiddr the Cia . At a recent trial at Portsmouth not. York, sio,nal-man in England miast con- 'to beneath the �barkk tiny'vessel, was sailing, and against lantic.- . Not onceJa a year is it twerity-four hours' fog—.Which is perateno"; dome over me—the first fe der the. roadway ctClin enough for the superintendent the gunners managed to fira one Pro- unusual in the wintcr�#Ia- difficulty 'St. Leger�whyj I allow . -8 fact the-whiteLsail:was a dark mark, fectile of S50'tb,. every tWority-four so-. experienced by' tile firciack' in there'S' gleam,of returning. soberness,, which Sider his year!s earnIngs paltry promises. An upwArd shaft, of sometifing. in it."' the rest u . i when 'contrasted 'with' Alic. nearly brought their heads A.few inches be- 'which a Powerful magnifier , proved to .land lils,stores at'tlid lighthouse, the party were quick to steps. . They. have to be haiLled. up COIlds from 06,12 -Inch fifty.,ton gun,. Ing tile outbreaks and getting to the, ppdediP� we Put back to the near! -essed liqueurs, and &28,000 won by Diamond Jubilee, in 16 roulth the floor of, bo,.a-falllng 'man. By an almost iW the vaults, th the Case. Idetedt, and pi hacked. their way on re $up- Cat inrl,urld rt -opened i.e-; stakes alone, n. seven. races - last ,Vhich they a nXiraculous coincidence the camera by means of a, Windlass from above Ali avdeage British seaulan, scone.'af action. is very. g cigars freely upon me, which X . Diamond Jubilee hasliad A visitor bd'd�'cnough to visit . tile' posing, during such 'a fortnight's fog hand Year; and 41is proved bey?nd the pessibility of a night When tile bank's Store was jar- had been snapped just as Linares tbQir lives every day by drown place. 'is - "adinAted" Ili a' sitidliar steamer cted fiercely,'u,nd pressed my t tiait they, had hold' of tile Je and clear away many..p fell turned tho Ing, a -and as Wd Speak Of it-WaS,-fO !01 Olut- sdoub to my head to -try redecessord who )love. eclipsed ga., than sual and they'liad quit, The photograph arid - 300 Britisll ly 'With 4111 the wrong mail, Vhwtevpr sins Ike had even this brilliant record. completed ' their 'prop arat" on Way. He'Places one foot Ili 11 U00'10 sailing, vessels 'arQ 116it yearly at sea. impossiblb to CoPe the daz,,,J feeling from.my bri I a for Scale in Grayson*s favor. at the end of*.a rope, which is firet:. committed. ho'couldn't. be in Now ,it's Ll good liaul," said Korner's Donovan. won 'over' Z55,000 in flight, . Barely -had thieves such a Almost 6qually curious is the way Ili "throic "days tells of Moscow has the largest hospital n I - York and. in the pin6-wood settle-, $250,000 In gold alone thrown.down to Ills boat, and, grip ands of houses wou ol be Ili flalol4s voice, In very : low- tone .;­ "if stakes during,his racing Cartier ; and baul, Nearly . in which a. photograph aided justled flrnkly�. Above Ills head, -UNT11Y. Aient on the same eveningl.'s9eing inost exactly ithe same amount,. is, jell into their hands, and, . =ore won- in the - Cooper murder co.se, Cooper ping. the, rop6 Europe, with 7,000 beds. There are ALL -CO you'd onl�r found. out how nuch he l raWn u nirkcty�six Physicians arid 000 wirses, OVER they. wore a illousand.infles ap�okxt to Isinglass, - the famous derlul,. they actually got away''with was Assistant to : young"blacksmith Ve is. d P to the "gee off," , as Eo-jous. pumaping. stations has, Credited the plinth. around.the lighthouse 1.q. and abolit*18,000 pati6nts'aro cared At the vi so he waS released, and the, .. -boy8l a LarkarkSh*6 tile Iiiiju ; of: thep coal 'supply, would was quite sober -then. The shook winner. of the 1890'Derby. it withoutleaving a trace behind.. I named ATeXenna, in re, called. . Thence he. climbs up a per- for annuall' anxious to atone for their blunder, hold don� it, I -think. Someone had Eclipse as boughtj � ds a vaarling, Some idea, of the amount of labor village: .Both hien.were known to Y_ ateslilt* - in the jull-aaces dying out, a nwater . coulu' be pumped hurriedly mil:de trid. offer- .Would be 1 - 4,- for seventy-fivo guineas, . ana'carned of th pendictilat, jadder. to the door Qf%�o the Siamese have such 811parsti- a coj!ectjo�il mentioned their share these rogues want through may be be fond a aine girl� One. day llou�e, tialls 'dislike of odd number's ", that and ad it for his acetiptan.ce, 000 each, with - an xtra sum for over, F,25,QOO in stakes as a return gathered from the fact that the tun- 00 r'was found dead on the fibor a to have in througlx �hO mailis. 006 13pperstition adds a. teiror to - the they studiously striv "I'd ]love given you the Ili ill �oy. It meant that' I tot, the investment.. Salamanderas, wt entirely by* of the smithy.. e, had becn poisoned I Id paint the full horrors.. Bresei, the dec nel was lined.for suppc life of. the man Iii this liglittiousei thdir houses all'oven - number of win- No Pon cou matel" he said, to in'o In a low tOnG, was beggared I That my five years' bought for severk�45 notes, and lvfr- bamboo sticIts, and all the earth dis-� with carbolle acid. . MeXermaj.. was Ito b encountered in the streets - of for thc first structure '*as *washed, dosi, doors,. rooms, cupboArdsi' and 0 �-as he trudged c. few paces by. M hard'work had melted away Ili, a: Studd is said.to.have put :2.30,000 plated had to be Carried away in suspected,, but' there was no., proof our groat'cities while the period of side, "if %It hadn't -haVe been 'd he won the p9,ket_fulls to Avoid -creating' guspi,- whatever.of his luiving bought or. Away bodily, and the keepers bd1layo so.on. darkne when as was. at its zenith. Every few hours, and Ill& Was farther IfOlh 'into his. pocket hi h fear Of � In Italy Sundays are usually pre�- t everyo- -bolie'atiol, while Coop- that the rock aimtod..'A passed my word 'to her I'd come ine than ever, Graiid National.' It was estimated that. nearly wned any cat man's hand would be agains back anti bring it . with' rile,' J[Ou 0 GladiatetirOs winnings affsaid to Clan' 0. different kind keeps ilke men of tarred for marriages wbork, one elao'§. Peaceable and law-abld- Then some rid- roused me, arid sit- three months must have been occu- or. was known to liae Purchakfed; as Muckle Flugga, Lighthouse ­the most- als bave'never been married tefore. ing citizens in ordinary eircumstan- see, her idea was that, if 11cept,thit ting up again the' cards were , doalt have been just uiTder . P,26,000, and pied in . building.th� tunnel owing to A'toothache rernedy the pliia.l. found 't of Scotland' . P during the. time we were parted, I out arid' the play want on. With this, Stockwell's descandant's made Z61,_ the many difficulties lathe schemers' :beside big adad body. , "Death from northern poin �Qxl tII8 Widows, however, respect all old cus- ould be transformed into raVen- shouldn't have been very hard up, Last year- St. nry Cos W Casts -of prey, urged paby the differelim-,-whereas before we had 000 in a single year. way, till ,of which difficulties, by the Inisadventure".-was'the vevollet,', t4r-hooks of a terrible suspense. tent by mar itig, ell S, turd' -'s Ing b asboon four players now IWO Slikkon's progeny captured stakes of bye, were so . cleverly and quietly Shortly afterwards . Mel(anna was On ocasions the, liu'go black it's cards have rulned me, stands A man has just been hanged at knowledge . that their wives and rock an which the lighthouse DantzIg for tile murder of 0, woman born in -my blood, and many a time, —the new comcl*';va% jilitA between Jile value of Z54,000, and 11*6 other over6orno:that -even the -wide-awake arjeste& It appears that an"Bag- has bben hakon by'lin. earthquake I.. Thinking' Children *%Vero stat�Ving at 1101110, she's gone on her knees to -me to Korner anci Brepei, exwItly facing famous sires tire credited with. over bank officials had not the remotest lish.totlriist provided with'a kodak War is , terrible thing, and de ­ beg to give lain , up. I Couldn't: each. ' In the previous sea- idea that anyth . Ing unusual Was oo� had passed th I rough the village on There is: goillething coniical, though he was exempt from punialiment.by sti-tictivo � enough in-. all. consclance 43.2,000 chaiactoristic of the stlit-nocked though, and Who chose -tills Pin to A stranget feeling Collie. over on,Orme's sons and daughters %Von curIng In the houso.opposfte. t4d very morning of tile thurder. lapso of time, he confessed to his bit if a. dense fog Were to. abut out make me remember liar words, but Scot, in a story which cornes.from a crime arid waa:at, once arrested. tile light of the sun for even a week, me—I wag like one in a trance Or " Z46,708 Ili tw6rty-nftic wins; and Perhaps the most amazing. S*cherne Attracted by* tile quiLintridss 'of tile neighboringL lighthouse, which is in up to the' she'll . forget all the - trouble I've dream, and mechanically - went Sensation's descendants. netted over . several Snap-] Thn.A;orman army has a Swimming the world- Would wake f I for robbing. a. bank Was that devised old forge, lie had taken r L -ought liar when I walk- In and ,4he through m part. What% it was. my ;e2oiaoo. So . that, when a, barge a Ximbar- shots Of It,. The photographer Charge* of two, families, 'lley live on '01 for troops,. where everyone fact thab. 11 cloud of vapor' is a more sees the pill." It. for five, ' At own ri ink powers have gone,, the, by a party who bioke Into ot; a a ay . in all out-of-thb­ a, desert island. Prom year end to scho important factor in tile world's ad- turn to deal I dea ac ley bank some'few years ago, This went on t t d they, 'never sea a visitor ex- lnust -learn to Swint. , The best owl "Wife or'swe6theart which there was a, laugh, ds Soil"-'- money -making tale is continued� in- bank was unusually well protoicted way.part of tile Highlands, and did. y0ar' aIners are able to cross a stream of vaneDrdent: Or retrogression. than cept the. man who brings - their stores. -Mother," he said,* curtly "One one told rile Only four were playing, definitely by his descendaata. from,robberg; in fact it Was claimed not hear of Cooper's death for some Eighteen inontlis ago tile ,leads of several huldret].j Yards ' Width; even evell ',tile dogs of war"k let loose.. 1 10 of. the carning that the building would withstand a days. 'I'llon lic'fillastened. to develop n Carrying the! of the best a fellow evef, had. W611s When I would have contradicted this AS an illustrat n whe clothing,- rifle, And when tha fog did ' lift, What a tile two families qu,arrolled', and ever as ad daylight you've done me tivo- good turns, sttempnt my lips seemed sudden!V powers"of a single Stable, Mr. 11, long siege. Besides therall;siya ract- hi.4 plates. 'Plain ill Ono of. the plc-*� peak.l.' and.amniullition. tdi-rible; sectle the.bl a Mato ; it's mine next 'round— cale& I w as Tj()rtel,,s horses silica they have ccased to S -1 could not speak. in. 1899 won in sonry above. ground, the.vaults had tures wore three bottles on At the shore lighthouse of Usjijll-� South Wales raises more coal than would.shfitic 'Upon 1, Shako I awakei ober, but felt like a puppet stakes ihe: ellcrrindus Sum Of -Cr)G,- been specially built to tender impos- TWO Ward betr'bottles, 'tile thifil was' The streets of London filled Vwith� I shook his hand, feeling again, in the hands. of its Owner, 546,- With an avCrAgO Of Z1,346 for Able tiny attack that-inight be made unmistakably one of' those fluted Isli'the keeper's family has to travel ally other part of 'a the bodies of on and woman who I 4.0 miles to "kirk."' It is no reflec- nearly -"9,000,000 - tons that vagdo iregrot for a, wacited Ittat play went, on—the tide had each rade wall.; ahol tile horses upon them, The exterior wall of the blue glass botiles In Which me bad -mitured out and died of star, W "itraliked by Mr. Higgins 'Won, L at tile on their piety to-dd.that they ycLv;.. Tweilty-SeV011 ., millions cc of, horses lying f wit vault, which,wa also tile foundation roucioxs Alm -SOLD. from and 26,000,- vatioll and then, Standing still, I Watchod. turned. a winning— innin' I tioi him out of light. ely. A cold' perspiration time, tile gratifying 111110unt Of of tile bank promies, as built, of are -not regular attendants. Shops and larg it also �rad a label oil it, � and A -lighthouse keeper receives ft, 000 il�Onl York arid, LindollishIM about tile roadways, cut on XorncrFs brow , 110 seemed - 942,798 In seventy-tWo races. It solid blocks of pecullarly bard stone bag fiouses rifled by roughs no traffic in I though th4 wording oil this could maximum wage of Z75 d Veal', out A, boat Currying F;jX I301 -SOUS' ifigures of Five yow�s it took me to make illy Sorely perplexc-ol, and game hiner should be remembered. that these 4 feet sqkkaro�, each wal %ho streets, only the gaunt ghing two not be read, Yet Oil the stl*L)Ilgtll Of of which be has to'sUPPly 111-14 Own been toviied on the MOSCIIO by It ult- pile.. One bright beacon was beford knowledge told me I was one honest Sums include only actual Prize Mon(-* torks. Within this Wall wag another, once L tile de w tbor-; rations. These Consist of, such Ull- lay klte�13J fbet long. Headway, wag mWOialk and children, their faces y thiff avid police Ina with the horror they have we all thow yearS, a gil-l's man Pitted agaillSt three UnsoruPul- I and, - take no account of tile enor, fe6 Inches thick, anollwithin that ough Search of Mercenlia's* promises, appetizing edibles * as tinkled L bo'd itialle against it somewhtvt rapid our- with swent, gre a., es and low-toried ous card-sharpors of tile Worst Inous amounts won In Wagers. A toot thick wall of dovetailed inti- dl14perGg lit my cars ltvpe. _ ; They found' the remalus of the -battle arid hard biscuits, usually washed. ant, and tile traction could Ilft,v0 voice, %I That It 0hopsescapable of winning sollry, which formed the, actual.v4ult In question In till old well, and prov down with -weak tea tk�jid condensed call increased by adding iiiore lateg, tL Impossiblo "Yes, indeed, Riehard, 1. will . be Ti.,Lt still, slialit, Unscon fifth tens -of tholisand 0 pounds I'll a;Your in a ulu Ili which all the bank's ad that it had contained carbolie ilk, No intoxicating liquors are of course it had been true�tru� to your memory, even It, player stretched out a spectre hand, must be worth all 1111111011SO sum treasures were sforad, - his in __4 .11el'o to do..ifiore'than indidatc the acid. Cssed allowed, horrrs that a, fog might be Capable I never sea your face again." 'at Intervals—touched some card, inust be evident, but even to those 11ho mon-Who. dared to pit their guilt. Her people had forbidden ally cor- Shuffled some pack,. guided my play, most famillar with the value of a kill and patience against such ob- The. ftiore recent developments 61 --o. LOXDOXIS VIRE BRIGADE. Of-, tbat suiely respondencu between us, and no one opened my eyes, and the buiik�kkotes racellor." it was a little Startling Studies as these must have been fully scientific photography must make The.question is one - - that Diane had calls for an intelligent consideration. ol e know our little romance, so It tank(S back thick and fast, as We Sat to licat Mon", E, awake to tile onormous'difficultios of the crinlinal feel ess secure than N SAILORS. d o one of those How The Great UtrOPOIis is Pro- fell out that no line or Word PaSSCd with white, sat faces, playing for p.�11 A;,11,r)00'for Flying Pox, th their Scheme L 'or, they novel- could he used to. between us during all those years 1 terrific Stakes, fourth- Derby winner 01 I i" late succeeded; and the wonder is Who mako a living;by van�robbing. Among Danes, Norwegians, and tooted.Against Fire. Tills? Twenty thousand pounds was the ex- I was fighting. jot, Ida, for love, 1)uke of Westminster, Finns, women tire employed as Safl� DO YOU SUFFER 1111t'M that, knowing the strength Of 'tile got all unpleasant'shock Ono daY in ors, an thev prove themselves to The protection of London from fire I knows that there IS a a a, 5 He L '!I Everybod tent of lily fortune. for the lost five Veal's Of Ily life, Will It is said that 'Aft-1cDOnOugh, tile batle, defenses, they over had tile -51 r I la, t had safely got off tile smaller Is a subject Which must ilecelisal Y I was no garabl6r, either b,g habit I was tile tce%m­ Inallidy . whining ilkerri'llack. Than a (iftlifol11jah millionaire, refused all Courage to.attack' such a fortress, tub of butter, which he had be export mariners. - be of interest, not Only to called write or Inclination, but on'the liner com- voice -which sounded like nilike, ',,)lit of X45, . 000 for ormonde. but especially hampored as they'were by with a ailing 1lips, where there is a we It ts though they inny not be.aware that sLolen from the'tall Of 0, Wagon as Ing home the play was rather high. -which, a.; I wasn't collseloug of tile IligheSt price this hitoric Ilorso , mail oil board,, whether she be the Ing Milli011s Whiell (IWOII with' I 1 the in - tile necessity of absolute secrecy, it wits crossing a bridge In Ruches- ardess, growing Confines, but to the. Whole it WaS,exdcoolinkly rare unti an, but Melton , Wife of the skipper or the Stow Time hung heavy on one's. hand. peaking, must havo been sol"00lic evor fetched was 31,2M. Besides WOrIC1119 0, Way through tot-, Now York, The deadly witne-49 4 troductiOU 'of the stool P 110 IS expected to take liar turn tit country tit large- and,'lika niost other men, I took a Isels, rigidly Insisted oil tllt:4 wl, Wag it (tile time valued Lit 945,000; tbese. p,,roat wall the thieves had to against hill% was tt photograph taken not tile report which, ling been What everYbody does not know is hand at "nap" or, poker most even- c old to tile Italian GOV- the ordinary Work of the sai101 Brigade Co . in- that members of other professions promise to q1V0 MO MY but be Was r oxcavitte a tunnel 20 feet long and by telephotography from tile top of even excluding the duties of the man issued by the Fire Ing$ (Souri of them'Played all day), and the crotVd of onlookul's 1111111111117- ornment for 10,00Ui gulnetia. 4pand a great part of their Units a ramp In Startled 4 neighboring high building� at tha. wheal or of the nlgiit watch. Inittoo of tho Lon oil C'OUlIt,V COUII' and trades also suffer from a and I Was considerably. Oil ad approval, Of horses for Which slinks In four' crailiped lit a, drain froin which, at Ifindu Criminal Succeed b3r long he nuniber of tile liandg.or other member$. FILM' tottin oil On 110ft0hing Tell tbouallull pounds were In illy q -Denmark employs several Women as ell, It that t mps. lit their armso CICLV� 9 have been paid tile !name I th6 point oppogite the bank they practice in forming a little bag Ift StEtic Officials at sea, arid particu- fire0which qacurrool last YeaII Avila lSts get CV11 Liverpool to find myself a laser 1,Y wallet, fivfy thousand more just Wono a 0 winner of the started cutting their tunnel. But, so ust an tell lonot player,,; suffer Ill tho,tongue, "t. 0W their throats Into which they call arly In tile pilot gar 0 of j 4P b f t �l ad Z,00,000 Ill N vice. They 9 at, all average c 11000 I waiting payment, When a r y, , , le tire Seized by Cramp b clevorlv and -accurately were all their guide Jewels When they steal them. but of these only were violill plavers "Give you your revenge any U1110 which again sounded like initial but 14 T x Was sold to far out to Soil, to meet the coming a day, 'latel plans laid and exceuted, that after ad s susor less thall ill tile jdf� hand and sornotinles in you like," laughed Xorner, the nan Which couldn't have been, said the Austrian Govornment, for oiil3r wooks' , hard work, cutting Last eptember (l. native was arrest, ships ; they clamber up nimbly out describ light. tile right, while flute -players have Who had won all along the line ; "Doublo or quits—any game you Z2,000 1048. through 20 feet of heavy soil and IS ad for 'steallug a djainond worth 10,J of their boats ; they Show thei" Ofll- five fires In ovary fortl 63, cral 11 tile larynx. Tolegraphists "not onlv you, St. Leger, but any like—and money oil the table—doublo t.fter Ills t, Leger victory COrn- feet of solid masonry, they issued ett ()O() rupeas froln. % jeweler's Window dial diploma; and they steer tile The brigade Includes 0, staff Of ') nP I other of 'these gentleman who feel or quits." or for Z15,000 III Calcutta, But as the evidence ne�gcokokcr Sarely into the harbor� -It Including offiders arid mail, of whom often Suffer lit the hands, and they mon found a, purchas I the exact plate ilidy tied fixed Upon wag only circumstantial, and Posses- is tj16.SUnlO With Joinjand, Export. 14() are alkiployed on watch duvia.- call It "losing the grip," tailors that fortune has been bard upon ,,Done," whispered Xornbr, with Ba t, was paid for t. Ili theic calculations—tho back of the lon Unproved, lie Would been - the day, anti close (311 three thilas have it In hands' and legs, and them, Collie I that's a fair offer." White lips. 1,1 tak7(, you—double or lifter Inaking 0, dpad heat In to cut through Which was B, tri- . - olice(l captains assert that tile Wd continu- "Thanks I I've had enough," I quits—'nap`—you and I—agaillat liberated had It net occurred to tile Ake excellent ,ailorti, and are their number, or 87.5 at night. sinitlis and others *lie are the T)erby. fila, Duke -of WestralliStel' go to them after Whitt they had al- mail in 'Ills witil their bright ally using haralklorg are afflictecl police to have an ray photo let, in dexterity c1ctric, fire alal replied ' dryly, but two other follows each other—and the first 'nap� takes paid 14,000 guineas for I)Oucokst0r; ready accomplihed, They Succeeded I of Ili$ tbr, ylllat equal to most Sean and with "harnmer cramp." We Car un- Aamed qlavior and Breset eagerly uc- it—or ends the game." rgaills sold Meddler for 500 ill li'iinge hands upon mora than grapli takol. Pat. red pots Afllxcd to lankly Post" anti Tatt(l I ly hidden and Power of 0114111MCO- Places lit the streets riumber derstand this last instance 'When ropted the offer, and tried to P011- Taylor and Dresel roseT from the guineas move, $175,000 worth of money. and dia- llowed the little gain sale ouade me to do likewise. ill tile little Bap. "rile thlof was Soil- 583, and during tilo,yer cach on an wo. remember tile tonl�tftikt tapping table and stood up behind out, re- It I., interesting to Compare with itiond, and got off Without leaving for by of such workman an forger.4 of knives '11vis a lgaille of chancon-bound to spectiva ,ohair, white Xornor' shut- ums the 4,000 guinea paid tile Slightest clue as to their identity tencod to two yo4rs" finpilsonillent, A CITY OF PADL001tS. avocago was Used live scissors, who sometimes strike thes but lie still refuses to 'give tip, the making of then, 2,506 calls Were mid love[ up-moner or they lirg- fled and cut the eard. It was a by'(;eOl'gd IV. for The Colonel, IL or dc-stination. dlalrlokid� Irkutsk, Siberfirf i4 & city Of PlId' giveil, itlas niany as 28y000 blows Ili 0, dity. td me, privatcl ; "why sit down dual to the, death, and we playod In sum that was thought fabulous, and one of tile most elaborato.taid. dar� ', The Roxitgon rayA photography hag jacks. There are. Inure padlodw till )Vila silly people who, 121agille Drivers have cramp In the hands, or.- vinder queb a beavy loss 2" lenco. indeed, ridiculous at the' time, Only Ing plots evot! conceived by bank -rob- 44so been Ili. adding tl,o sIIUttck,g.nnd doors of aft Irkutsk- is it good practical Joke to Use these pecially thoao Who have to break In "That'q the.gatublers inotto," I Graduall " Vary graduall--the eleven, ears ItP.0 it yeariltig was born was one arranged by it bond of 820,()00 to tile Mqtonm revenue Of, shop thal, Can be touild Ili Lilt alarms tot- giving f-1,180 notice tit Itard-niouthad horses, y's sale at nine dissolute Australian milkers. The Buounq Ayres .11 city of _00,00(). Thai,& tire topliod, Uut, I was surprised 6a shadowy figure at the table becaind bought at 110 WIthIn tile ltlqt year. llq its re have ot yet Collie to Sthe two fellors Canto out loorq-4 fbIt more visible, and the features seem- ourt for 15,000 guineas, It object Wag to Beige tile bank in, a Val�%blo sowel a n ty itilly as, three padlocks oil 801,10 foll Of their wLtya, tot* during tile a m to Inct; than 801110- h is Very Significant Of the snll mlikingcamp not far from an(t every 4ead Certain Vou'ct won largely," Ile= was being pal7wat known to be shop doors, year no lower thall .10:3. such alarins A good ostrich yields $2,000 Worth q caught MY enormously �Ilcra,aged values of race- Coolgardle, tit & tinte. when tile sates, cordInK Into tile country in lot ro. j4hutter boarn front one to five, Thd of feathers. But It ccnx�d thev hadn't, by their filing, bright and glowin, to Were given itatoinontq, and I 'earnently advised eye ; It was a gold brE"t-pin, In horneq, woul(I Contain a, very large aniount It, 1p, lioWoVerp illegal to open let- padIticks Weigh from Ond to fifteell Whon K is rollsiddred that this Puring the last :200 years Angland ,hoW to Cut it for good, Wal ported tile center of WhIch Was the ace of mmon thing for the Of gold awaiting conveyance and an - flVO rkleus the harneqglng, of borsas and It is no Unco tero ok, stampod packages, Ao the pounds, Tile POPU11,1O Sf9d is ling spent over 91,2200,0001000 in it Liverpool Decks. I tushad up to limrts, horses of a "ItI916 Owner to will oscort. The camp consisted of solao lro�.�broakora worked unchecked, At pounds and '2i filches thick, ji.%ing thent to the engine, tile turn- war, which still means a P the shadowy r aymeht of London, and not being , er-burdon- Again and agdfii .10,000 or g50,000 lit Stakes during 400 minors and twenty polite; It was Just, 14, JUl1t3 1.00�0, several regiStbred Iliff olit of the mon, who Intl aVa over &20,000,000 0, year In Interest )(1. With jUggaga, -called. 11 h a single 9019011- in tolegraphie, colkinumicittion Avitil letters �%nd packages were examill0d biwit, oil ditty for* Very many hours, oil debt, But the naval wars of tile at 1,,,,ato &n(In hovered oval Xornorla cardA, Squaro oil tile Villiors (1dals people) and tile knowledge Was borile Ili Coolgardlo. The odds wore, eolisd- under' "X" J,ays Ili the preqenco of &TTRACTION TO (old the possible 1`011%OVIT19 t110111 future. will be far more OxP611SIVO lilt lily to Inv hotel. Upon me that tile spectra was Aght- quently, beavIly against the scheme the. Argontino Ift order to attract snarrIageable Wo frm thor ioOf their activity tit than tile land warq of the past. It Great had taken place Ing the W110119—SOrtifIg Out the to- A, IlArr.,n BICYCLUD. being but so carefully was, SuReotea P004ageq coll- ition ta Queensland it 19 officially in- ii,t1kno when tiley might really be Is estimated that It naval aetioll lic, wero, I ;;�Ori d'Inoovered ; her father cretotd- eard, Seeing fair play—and ed every detall planned and ev,dry con. roquired and their pre."ned pteVent, it li:nd brothoir dead (it, Was Clio Irot tile game want 01). A, papel, blcydO JIM )low flivild �clpatod that It probabl 820,00cl Nvorth of joweiry, and tilklated thitt in tho north division tween thirty modern battleships time I had heard of Sudden brilliance caught tile gold. Paper flbro, almilar t6 th'190110V anti were, of oourso, till coullsektod. of tile (jolony tbere are sixty-four outbreak doing thousands of would cost onlething like Z1,000e tile lattop'l; ox- Then a sod Ill the mattil, would have succeeded had not one of I d it, & a &AV, Istence), and Ida With her lnotlwr my eyo—It W08 tha bteagt-pill, nd that smm males. to livery thirty-five follialoq pounds' Worth 0 :1111119e, it IS 110t 00 'an hour arid th t 11 Val Was written turd of railWay eftliaga Wheals, in, tile thlovea betrayed the Witold plot was in Parson' tht� heart file lig, and Is its to tile police. ilk tho central, fifty-nille inaloa to too rauch to ay that, ally mollo botooll, England, 1"'I'Anoo and Itusla I Instantly made Up lily mind tball plioreseent 16vtors tile 0116 Wolid, employed for tUbI %1q ally in A, Wtol`Y M The (lay before thly robbery was to AuptV011W9 eollullorep, is $150 per fewtv felflidds. Out of a populatiou and wantoll I)ieeO Of stuDiditY would oost, a sum Of M0116 -Y Colk"Ll tO atr(314 per dent. of. tile miners Inhabitant 4 year; that of India of �&q than halt it M11112, ta.-Iliot bo perpotrat(,d by -,illy per- the market, VAlu4 Of OVWY if I Would go thera', Wholl 4.4 T loft, "NAIJ." b Meellanically T picked UP My Waid 'Oftt'Offiplated for tile pro- a made 80 t1la house. Avho Bhould'b� Walking said to b6 C $2.00 n-3,440 marrIages, Cftlll�lg himself Mall' iolt- Were rawn away from the town by Past mol, but Illy 01-devant adquallit- —it Consisted of the 400, 41ght, soven diwtAoll Of blOY410 Of this sort' Mai