The Blyth Standard, 1930-02-27, Page 30 Great Northern Canada's Radio May Extend to May Be Operated Devil's Lake By Government Will Give Outlet to Hudson Steps to be Taken Soon to In- ' Bay; Trawler Bought to troduce Legislation for Locate Fish Re- Regulating Broad - sources casting e The (treat Northern Railroad Is (011. TO111111 -- Coucrete steps towahl shicring an extension at ito 11110 from inaugurating a government - owned Devil's Lake, N.D., to Brandon, Man., radio monopoly is Canada are expect- -which Wilt bring the railroad 10 Dud- ell to be taken in the near futrue with sort Bay, according lo a statement re- the introduction in the Canadian Par - 001111y mule by .3. W, Breakey in the Bement or legislation for the purpose of regulating brontleastiug in the 1)0. 11111(1011. Introduction of idle legislation re. sults from a lengthy investigation of broadcasting by a royal commission, which same to the conclusion that 0)10101! 011 of broadcasting stations by private interests, as followed in the United Slates, has not been success- ful in Canada, where both population distribution and economic conditions are different. There are a (101(014100' 111)111 number of stations in the 1)01111111 on, but the reports indicated that they cannot support therneelves by 11(1 00!' - Using programs, as in ,the United States, in the majority et instances, and fear was expressed that the heavy expense Incident to the opera- tion of the stations would eventually 0001111 in the closing down of many of them, leaving the Canadian audience with little radio eatertainment other than that received from the -United States. The commission, recommended that broadcasting he placed on a basis of Public service, that a provincial direc- tor should be appointed for each pro- vince, to have full control of pro. grams broadcast 111 his teritory, and that he be aided hy 11 proviatial advis- ory council ou radio and broadcasting, Establishment of a chain of seven high-powered slations running across Canada vas recommended for initial service, to be 1110 nucleus of the more ambitious system eventually to he created. These stations would have a power of as high as 50,000 watts with supplementarystations of lower power erected in areas not effectively cov- ered by the main stations, Existing stations would 110 110011 1111 111 the pro- posed, chain and auxiliary stations were hilt, 'The cost of the chain and its auxili- aries was estimated at $3,250,000, and the operating expense was placed at $2,500,000 a year. Existing broadcast- ing stations, all of which would be put out of operation or converted into auxiliary stations under the plan, wonhi -be taken over by the govern- ment and their (tamers compensated, The costs of establishing t,and main- tainieg the government service would he covered by license fees, rental of stations for indirect advertising and a subsidy from the government, It is proposed to Increase 11(01180 fees for receiving sets from $1 to $3 a year, which would provide 011 esti- mated revenue of $300,000. Manitoba Legislature. Mr, Brealtey is the head of the Liberal party in the Manitoba Emote, It is known that the Croat Northern has 11000 elosely watchin5 develop. melds in western C000(110 for seine time, as there is considerable likeli- hood of itild-Western freight shi)1. meets moving through to Hudson 110y, The extent to which American grain shipments might find a Profitable exit through Fort Churchill has already re- ceived much study from the railroad interests coneerned. As final condi. tiouing will bo 11111(10 011 the 11000011 Bay Railroad this spring, it is expect- ed that regular service wit be avail- able to 1110 port by August. 111 ViOW of ihis, four elevators with 10 etepartity of 2,000,000 bushels each are being planned, for Churchill har- bor. Work on the first of these will commence early 111 the spring. At the same time the dredging of tho harbor will be resumed, Tho dock already built there has an approach of twenty- five feet of water. 1) 10 intended that this shall be deepened to thirty -1100 feet. Work on extending the docks will also be pushed. It is expected that approximately 1,000,000 yards of gravel will be required for the filling- in operation in the water -front area. Big gravel deposite in the neighbor- hood, however, will facilitate this work, Tile Sturgis ent-off will be in opera- tion this summer, briuging the net- work of railways in the central region (tf Saskatchewan into more direct con- tact with 0110 ' Iludeon Bay Railway. This will greatly facilitate grain ship- ments from this territory. Although the Hudson Bay Railroad Is already being used for large ship- ments ot fish from the inland lakes, some explorative work is going ou to ascertain what the bay itself may be eXpected to supply in the way 01 1101!. ceortling to II. S. Johnson, Western 'manager of Booth Fisheries, the (10101!' 1)11113' will put a trawler in the bay this year. 1110 believed that a number of independent fishery companies will al- so be in the -i 1t1 the year. One trawler,imwet4, Mr?,delinsou 1/5% de- clared, will bo of no commercial use except to (detertnin something of the fish resources of the bay. 111311110001 Bay is the lucrative fish- ing area that it is expected to be the movement of fish will be consider. able item in the freight 1111111 01 1110 railroad. An excellent market awaits the catch 1n the cities of the mid - :Western stales. Fakir -Gambler at Fairs Denounced More Attractions of Educa- tional Value Are Urged Toronto. --More attractions of an educational Value should be used in county fairs and exhibitions instead of the customary sideshows and horse races, so1010250 farmers attending the annual convention of the Ontario As- sociation of Fairs and Exhibitions were told. Sports, community organizations, championship contests for farm boys and girls end free admission of school children were among suggestions of- fered by W. L. Graham, Britannia Bay, to replace the sideshows and mid- ways at provincial fairs. J. L. Wilson, Toronto, secretary, said the "hard-earned money of farm boys and girls should be protected against the fakir and the gambler, who are allowed the use of the fair grounds by defiance of the law." "It is said without these wheels of fortune, dice games, pools and so- called nmuserner.ts a fair cannot be financed," said Mr, Wilson. "If that is so, then it is better if the Fair went out of Lusiness or else have the Legis- lature wipe out the law." Duncan Marshall, former Minister of Agriculture for Alberta, said a well- known oil company is prepared to epend $50,000 toward an educational campaign to aid Ontario fanners in the eradication of weeds, a problem which he termed "one of the greatest new confronting Canadian Agricul- ture." "You must follow modern ecientific rules or you are not going to getany- where," he continued. Urging farmers to keep livestock on their- farms, Mr. Marshall said "in the next few years Ontario -will have the 1)001 high class market for livestock in Canada." 'While digging the foundation of a new house, workmen recently, un- earthed skeleton with every bone broken, There WU no sign of the referee's whistle, however.—The Hu- morist (London). "Mounties" Train for London Show Resins, sam;.—While bitterly cold winter weather grips the Prairies, 25 members of the "Royal Canadian ,Mounted Police,' are training. in Re- glua for the International Horse Show which will be held in. London next summer. This will be the theft time 111 two de- etules that the "Mounted Police" have taken part ilk any such overseas tune - Major Bann, Vaitcouver, is in charge of the detachment. Youthful 'members of 110 force, be- tween 23 0101 25 years of age, have been chosen for 50110091 smartttese and riding ability, All are expert riders. They are 11010 in the course of loeg weeks of training in Regina, Sometimes the weather sinks 30 tle- grees or 10010 below zero, At any time they ride in the teeth of bitterly gales. Their horses, salt.% four, were bred in the East, 01111 are all young, being Trent five to six years old. The training, at present, confined to daily morning drives on long reins, followed later by driving tinder riders, will gradually become more Intensive and varied so that when the detachment makes its appearance at the show from june 18 to 28, inclusive, it will present a program of horsemanship, including Roman riding, musical rides, vaulting and tivills, It will be the first tinie since 1311, that Royal Canadian Mounted Police have taken part in an evereeas function, 011 that last occasion more than 80 riders were a part of the ceremonies attendant upon the coronation of Klug George V., 81111 Major Donn was rifling- nuteter in charge of their trainiug. All Hail the New Senator! CANADA'S WOMANHOOD HONORED The photograph here shows Pars. Norman I'. Wilson of Ottawa, whose appointment to a seat In the Canadian Senate lute just been announced by Premier Mackenzie King. Mrs. Wilson, who Is the mother of eight children, is not only the first woman to be appointed to the Canadian Senate, but she is the lira woman to enter the Upper Bouse on the North American contin- ent and the British Empire. —Photograph by John Powis, Ottawa. Elks Damaging B.C. Orchards Penticton, 13,C, — British Columbia fruit farmers aro complaining regard- ing damage being ....one to young fruit trees by about 90 elks, Twenty-five of these nnimals were released at Adra five 3'0313 age and their 11111111ms have increased to Me They have divided into herds, one of GO, and the other 30 animali. Came wardens have recommended Lida the elks he corralled and shipped to some point away from the orchard ist There seems to 110 SD 11111(11 differ- dricts ease of opinion about the Nobel Peace Prize this year that it may not The price of silver has fallen to the be awarded at rt,11. Wily not let the, lowest point in history. This would two leading candidates fight for it?—, 110 a good time to have your clouds', New York Evening Post. ( relined, The New, Yorker, Canada to Expend yenned on the 64,000 horsepower de- velopment on the Niagara River, and on the 54,000 horsepower development on the Nipigon River; on the installa- On Power don of a tenth unit 01 51,000 11orse- $329,000,000 The quickening of production In practically MI lines of industry is con- sidered by economists to be largely due to au increaeed supply of power and a widening of its uses. Special significance therofore attaches to the fact that with undertakings brought into operation last year and with those which are either under active con- struction or are being studied for ear- ly development, a steadily increasing flow of low-cost hydro -electric power is fissured for Canadian industrial en- termleee for some yeare. The total madly of new watgr- power installations brought Into opera- tion during 1929 amounts to 378,400 horsepower, bringing the total Instal- latioa for Canada to 5,727,600 horse- power. There are several important undertakings under construction which will add more than 1,600,000 horse- power to this total during the next three yoars. The total amount of capital thvolved in the development, transmission end distribution 00 1110 new power develop- ed in 1529 amounted to more than $75,000,000 while tiot lees than 5320,- 000,000 will bo required to complete the undertakings planned for the next three years. During 1929 Quebec took the lead In works completed and the BIM( is true of the works at present under con- struction, but important programs are also under way in practically all the other provinces. In Ontario theh 1-13" 111meelectric Power Commission tom Meted a 2200 horsepower development on the South Muskoka River; one of 1800 horeepower on the South River, and one of 5000 horsepower on the English River. 'Work was also ittl- Power in the Queenston station on the Niagara River, and on the dupli- cation of the 220 -000 -volt transmission line bringing Gatineau River power to Toronto. The commission also took horsepower 'mder 0031410(1 0(0101 vari- ous companies. In Northern Ontario the Interna- tional Nickel Company of Canada com- pleted Its 28,200 horsepower develop- ment on the Spanish River and the Algoma Power Company brought into operation a new plant on the Michipi- coten River with an initial installa- tion of 11,000 horsepower, Rum -Runner is Eluding Police Believed Silver Plane Carries Liquor from Winnipeg to North Dakota Winnipeg. — Reports have reached hero from Pembina, North Dakota, that another aerial rum -runner has en- gaged in the traffic in liquor between Manitoba and the -United States, The silver plane *which was report- ed to have made tute of Winnipeg fly- ing fields in October twit has, reporte may, been eeen again, but this time It has not ventured to the city. The Pembina story 10 to the effect that the plane landed Cleve on Tues- day about three nillee outside the town. It came from Canada, Before town officials could get to It the ma- chine took to the air and flew south- erly. At the same thne an automobile was Been to leave the planes side and con- tinue 011 the road In the direction of St. Paul. Examination of Ole field whore the plane landed showed that boxes about the size of whiskey cases had rested on the snow probably while being transferred from the plane in which, officers are inclined to think, liquor was brought from Canada, to the automobile, which, if their theory is correct took the cargo further to- ward Its destination. Enquiries made in Winnipeg as to whether the plane had been sten here brought no information of value. No person could be found who saw. From the Manitoba Liquor Commission It was learned that no large purchases of liquor were made on that day, but there were many traneactions, all to permit -holders, where single cases were Involved. Most of the purchases have been checked azul still have their liquor so it is doubtful if the plane's liquor cargo, if that was Its nature, was se- cured here. "MY (War, I want. to NINO,: to you seriously." "I probably deserve it, papa. I IctlOW I hat'e been neglecting the children lately." "It isn't That, but aren't you neglect- ing your game of bridge?" Statesmen in London ought to be cautious, no doubt, but the diseourage- meut 01 801110 suggests they are 1101010' 13111011 to burn their bridges In front of them. Toronto to be Host -1- asM1 ket to Huge Convention PROGRAM COVER READY FOR JUNE MEETING Ancient Trowel Found in London Used by Roman Workman Nearly 1,900 Years Ago London—The great City of Lon - (Holum, which the Romans built so strongly beside the Thames nearly nineteen hundred years ago, has gone, leaving scarcely a vestige of itself be- hind. The mighty wall, three miles long and eight feet thick, with which they surrounded It hail faded away; so that it seemed very strange one day last week to pick up one of the very trowels used by the Roman buildere. It is of good thick iron. The neck curves back somewhat over the blade, and rusted on to It 10 the ferrule which prevented the handle from split- ting when the three -inch -long tang was driven into it, Altogether 1) 10 remarkably like the tool used for the same purpose to -day, The triangular blade is rather broader in proportion to its length. That is all the difference, Yet there can be no doubt that It is of Roman date. 'Workmen, malting, an excavation on Fish Street -hill, near London Bridge, had dug through a layer of soil containing innumerable fragments of Roman pottery of the second century A.D., and below this they came upon the footings of a Ro- man wall—just an ordinary, hiss wall about two feet thick. And among the rubble beside 1) 11)03' found thls brick- layer's trowel, Along with it were mere 010se0 of the Romans' favorite bright red crock- erY, but of rather an earlier date than that which was in the layer 'above. For some of the scraps haa the names of their makers stamped mum them, and they wcire those of pot ters who are known to have been selling their wares 111 the period A.D. 0 to A.D. 100, Clemenceau's Book Dramatic, Violent Late "Tiger of France" At. tacks Foch, Pershing,Poin- - care and Lloyd George; Germs of New War Developing Pa -- ris,The first information Wait, 011 here on the contents of the late Georgee CielMeeeates book, '''31(1,Grandeur and Disillusionment of a Victory," which will be published mhortly hy 114,1'Vigor's" family. In this work, white). was written during the last summer of his life, the former Premier relates 111 dotal1 the entry of American troops into the World War, the last episodes of the struggle, the signing of the Armistice and the 110510110110118 1111' 1110 Versail- les treaty, The book is said to be dramatic 1111(1 violent, With the ferocity which 117111 habitual with him, the "Tiger of France" attaeks Marshal 110011,Gen- eral Pershing, Rene Viviani, Raymond Poineare and David Lloyd George, and gives vivid 1111(1 (10111111 111108 1(011 1(1:1 1 1101'1 l'11411 Or President W.1100/1, Balfour, Colonel Ilouee, Beroe Sonnino and hp, 11000 Paderewski, In Chapter IV., whirl le 0000113 01011 the best 01 )1(0 whole volinne, ho tells of the critical situatioe of the Allied armies at. the moment when the American troops began to arrive in France. Clemenceau hindered Gen. Pershing to send his troops to the front as soon as possible to fill up the gaps in. the Vreneli and 1(1111011 armies left by the last Cm eent attackB s,But Pershing, who considered that the American soldiers were not yet ready to go into battle, asked the French Pretnier to give him time to train and organize them. The slow 0(1010111al the front of the American troops, says 0101110001011, cost many French lives, and the Allies were near 1001115 the war in the Amiens:Ypres 001100.Bad Strategist The "Tiger" declares in his book that the late Marshal Foch was a bad strategist, although ho concedes that the eventual victory was in it latete part due to 37010110 energy Ile recalls that only his personal intervention saved "the poor marshal" from losing his command. President Wilson ie called by Ole- menceau, in the eleventh chapter of the book, a visionary whose high idealism clashed with European 0(11(1' 10010 and was reduced to nothing by the American statesman'e hick of political experience Clemenceau reveals that during the last mantles of the war and during the Armistic period 110 1000 in constant dieagreenteut with Poincare, then President of France, whom he accuses of having ruffled the victory. lie 1(01'- 140301,10Yd George with much humor and declares that atter the Armistice the Welsh Prime Minister became France'e enemy. 'file last chapters of "Grandeur and Disillusionment"are tinged with Mb terness. Clemenceau admits at .the end that he was deceived in hie hopes that au era of peace would be the re - suit 02 )110 World War. He dies, he says, with,the fear that "to the accom- paniment of the Geneva 5111101," the germs of new violence anti new war are 1)0105 developed in the world, American Uneasiness Ottawa,—The uneasiness which has arisen in American business circles following the Empire Free Trade ea 111- paign is indicated by the fact that business men are flooding. Canada with questionnaires on the subject. Fol. lowing are typical examplee, What attitude do Canadian menu- facturers' jobbers take in regard to such a moventent? What is the attitude of Centollans generally towards British -made goods? Other things being equal would they prefer to buy British goods rather than American gods? Why have not more British goods been sold in Canada up to the present time? How much weight does the senti- mental factor carry? Apart from speed of delivery and the existing influence of advertlsing what factors favor 'United States mercha nd ise ? What speeific constructive elitis- t:11113 can you make of existing British methods of trying to get business in Canada? The problem of British v. American goods on the Canadian market is lo fact being investieMed frem every possible angle. Yoe Illa y depend upon It that he is a good man whose intimate friends aro all good, and whose 0110110100 are characters decidedly had.---leavater, A Mums is a little -used building teat usually statute en the same 101 with the garage, --Florida Times - Union. Canadians Need Applied Research Dr. L. V. Redman Forecasts Men Living in Comfort at North Pole St, Catharines, Out .---"Men will be able to live itt perfect comfort and health anywhere iu Canada up to the N00111 Pole IC research work now tin- der way is sueressful, and there is every reason to believe it will be," Dr. L. V. Redman, tt graduate of Tertian -University, and now director of re- search for the Bakelite industries of America, told an audience in St, Cettli. 111111011 recently, lie stressed the fact, that what Canada needed most was applied research. "Canada neede fresh fruits towar,1 the end of the winter and in the early spring. Itecent discoveries in the freezing of fish can be applied to fruit and the fruit trill be delivered here and can be kept from one to Mx months with the same freshness that it had wheu 11 0(00 originally picked,". Mr. Beaman said. "Canada has problems In 11(5(10111' tie. There is no reason to think that 10.0 cannot produce plants hardy enough to produce as much up at the. 75t11 parallel as is now grown at that, 4015." he Old Man ---"Se you're the Prmli. gat son and are tt.htth-r: tootle. eh'!" 1111 1111000 YOU( father will hill the fat - Lett calf," The Young Stan --"1 hope not—for 1 111 1 115 rre been the calf,"