HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-29, Page 5Aug. 29th, iooi, THE CLINTON VENCTS-R4CORD To tient or For Salo Ads HOUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALE. The Undersigned. offers to rent or for Sale the two storl brick residence on Albert street at Present ocettpied by Mts. P. Coelt. Possession can be given at once. J. A. COOX, M. I/. • Clinton, Aug. 14th. FARM TO RENT. The underdinied offers for rental lots No. 28 and 29, On. 2, Goderich township, consisting of HO acres,. tai cleared tind in working condition. The sell is a good elayloain. The lots are well drained and reneed. Good artesian well. Good orchard. lirick house, largo frame barn and outbuildings. The lots aro situated 4 miles from, Bai'lleld and -7t miles from Gotha:10 Will he rented for a term of years to a suitable tenant, Apply to JOHN WALLIS, Goderich P. 0. .A.ugust 10th. . • • ROOMS TO RENT. HoOnis to rent in the Elliott bleak, Suitable for offices, dresemakers, ete. Apply to 3,0. ELLIOTT, Clinton. July FARM FORSALE... 'rho uUdersigned offers for sale his farm, lob 21. hayfield Road north, eonsisting of 100 acres; 80 acres Under cultivation, the balance hard and softwood bush. Good frame house, barn and. • outbuildings. Ono• acre of hearing orchard. APPLES VVANTED Both Fall and Winter Fruit, Highest prices will be paid. See agents D. OANTELON. AGENTS WANTED. Reliable lady agents wanted to take orders for our custom made walking skirts and underskirts. Write quick. • DOMINION GARMENT CO,, Guelph, Ont, CHEESE FACTORY NOTICE.. The Direotors of the Holt:awing Cheese and Butter Co. give notice that a Public Meeting of Stockholders, Pat- rons and all °there interested in Dairy- ing will be held in Wilson's hell, Hohnesville, on • MONDAY, SEPT. 2, 1901 at 6 o'clock p. Ln. for the purpose of taking into consideration and thorough- ly discussing the question as to whether it would be more advantageous to en- gage in the manufacture of butter and cheese during the whole or part of the season of 1902. As this is a matter of vital importance a full representation of all interested in the matter of Dairying is particularly requested. TAT, B. FORSTER, President. There are three Wells 'on the premises.The lot W. S. LAWBENOB, Secretary, is situated only a half mile east of' the village ..... . of Varna. Possession can be given at any time. nountssville " . , For further particulars apply to Aug. 22,1901. . . . • HENRY MAKINS,' • July 22nd. VarnaP. 0. ....0111.1101141111", 40/0/101/0/01NOMM/14 • ' HOUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALE. The undesired offers his cottage on Albert street tO rent. r for sale. The cottage is now • occupied. by Mr. Bookie, druggist, and is in a good atat° o roreir. Amily to ; JAS. STEVENS. • HOUSE FOR SAE The underslined Offers for sitio 11 81:e/en-room• ed cottage on trange'Street together with one- fifth Rare cif 1E01. NOW cistern and well. Will bo sold on ressicable terms. Clinton, Apra .th.• MRS. CARLING. • F k • . GALE FARM FOR SALE ... Tho 'Gale Farianie•of 'the best 100-aef4qa"rnis t in Goderich Wry %hip; Huron county,' 'Tot 17 and part 18 on th •itli con., fit miles from Goile- irieh, 7 from Clint 'Aid farm contains good. • buildings and. fencit. is well watered and un- derdrained..• Large:orchard and garden. Farm will .be sold on re -nimble terms• 'Will sell• . . , either 801or 100 acre Apply to• . . . WM. GOULD, Juno 14 . , on th0nannises or Goderieh P.O. . t ..--•-..,-.., HOUSE OR SALE. The subscriber offerf or sale a very desirable property on Ism° strei consisting' of four lots upon which there is a unfortable frame house • with kitehonand woothed• attached: There • is a good stable and a rst.elass wed of water ' on premises,. The °mind, consisting of grapes and. apples, Ise. good oil. The property will besold at'a reasonable Aire for cash or t cash and balance on Unle. ' Aply. to the owner on he premises ,, . . • • • 111,S. JOHN JIJNOR Clinton Mavt'eth. ; • • . • • W. GLEN.. OMPBELL Mr. W. Glen Campbell, Asical Director of Northstreet church, Goderli; Will resume his cleans in Clinton on 'Moedasent,. iind. All. persons wishing to study :w1 Mr. Campbell -will do well to write him at Media'. or .call -- at Clarendon Hotel and see Int about time for Plano. Pipe Organ andrheory. Pupils . prepared for Torontd Conservbry Exams. • FALLTERMOPINS • SEPTEMBR ZRO • oftd.(2.4, STRA.TFORD, ONT, Never before in the history of 0 college have.our graduates been so rernaticatsuccess- ful in securing excellentbitustionsintidiately on leaving college as during the prod year. A business education such as an beitained in our school is the substantial foun(1fan of a successful life. ABLY we send you a catalogue • W. J. ELLIOTT, radon]. P LU M3 **c.•o.**. Laygest stock of Plums • in the county, probably 3000 baskets of Choicest' yarieties, sold direct to. you from the tree at right prices. Also a lot • of best Pears,' Peaches, later • varieties, • about 100 baskets, and over one ton Of No.1 Honey for sale. CANADIAN .• PACIFIC HARVEST • Return EXCURSIONS Ftoares will be run on SEPT. 3 • returning until • Nov. 3 and , SEPT. 17 r?turning until Nov. 17, 1901, Winnipeg..,. • DoloIl6ino Antler. , • Padova') Binscarth.. Moosomin Iforniota.. Swan ItiVer,• Regina, Moosejaw.: • $3 0 • Yorkton • -J. , Prince. Albert) $35 Calgary, r • Mataiood..; *) ,Edukontou., Bed Dear,- From all points. in Canada, Onaping,. Stain Ste. Marie, Windsor and. Jbast. • For pamphlet giving further partictilars apply to the nearest Canadian Pacific .Agent or A. HIVI. NOTA N, Asst, den. Pass. .Ag. 1 Xing street East, Toronto. • . . manammermisair mama:aim • - O'SULLIVAN - BUSINESS 4OLLECE MOKAy Beoext; Creeroef, Ory.. • and most, advanced methods thoroughly taught in Book-keep- ing, Penmanship, Shortha4nd,TypeWrit- • ing etc. • • . • INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION Circulres free. - - VisitorsiiVelcoine. SCHOOL SHOES • .School opens Aug. lOth and the boys and girls will want 11 OW shoes. We have Still a large amount of the Jamieson ,stock to dispose of. Bring the 'children to us and get shoes t less than wholesale prices. \Tote a few bargains : Girls' Glove Grain Shoes ••Regular $1.23 now $1,00 GirlsCalf Ball Regular $1,50 now. $L10 Boys' Grille Ball •Regular $IM noW $1.25 Youths' Grain 13.111 •• Regolar $1.35 neer $1.10 • Butter & Eggs and Farm Produce taken RATHWELL, 'IP-A.3E11V' A.. 0. HOARE'S PROPRIETOR Huron Central Fruit Farm. Clinton. /YVVIerso This stemiture is on every box of the genuine • Laxative Brame...Quinine Tablets the remedy that mires a cold in One day• RATTENBORY • ST. WORKS, ' Direct importera. Workinen. thip and Meterial guaranteed. Si A la;latTox!, E Cube's .•. Bking Powder inane of pure Cream of !..tar and is guaranteed be absolutely pum J'e 25e per lb. OF INT4T TO SMOls I/Xrder to reduce our 10,14stock of 10e Cigars offering for one we Soatone Hosobory Salisbury* 'tea of 60 at $8.00 1, 50 at $2,75 li 50 at $0.00 • COMSE0 lotto and Druggist , WRIT WA.W.AhT0811. (hn met according to adjourn - mut on August 5th. Members all present, Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Treasurer's state- ment showed a balance on hand of 4153.10, filed. Engineer Marshall reported on Dungannon drain ; report accepted, Win. Cameron gave notice that he would introduce o, by-law at next meeting to prohibit all animals from running at large in the township. The following cheques was issued : Thomas Alexender, shovelling gravel, $2 ; W.Fennigan, lumber, $8.28 ; W. Dennis, gravel, $1,40 ; A, Johnstone, work, $36 ; W. 13ray culvert, 75e. ; Thomas McDonald, gravel, $1.20 Ja,mes Alton, gravel, $4,90 ; W. H. Wilson gravel, and lumber, $48.95 ; A. Johnstone, five culverts, $17.75 ; W, Mc:Nally, repairs to grader,. $2 ; Ed. McRoberts, shovelling gravel, $2.- 50 ; Mrs, Miller, paints for hall, 832.08 ; Municipal World, supplies, $5,32 ; IL Alton, work on west boundary. 38 ; M. Yeung, covering bridge, $3.50 ; S, Medd, gravel acct„ $5.50 ; M. Champ. ion, gravel, $3,73 ; S. Young, spikes, 28e. ; I1.McQuillan, gravel, $3.20 ; J. Flynn, repairing bridge, 50e. ;Ed Fow- ler, gravel, $1.20 ; Wm. Cameron, roadvvity, $1 ; .7. Iv ilson, repairing hall and fence, $4.50 ; Srn i th,bridge, $15 ; Thos. Durnin, plank, $4.36. ' Council adjourned. to meet on Mon day, Sept. 2ud, at 10 a. in. 1J4ST WAW.A.NOSH The township council met on August 15tb. The county treasurer stated that $1424.40 was the amonnt to bevels - ed by Bast Wa,wa,nosh for county pur- poses. Resolved that a further sum of 113218, in addition to the county rate, in all $4642.40 be raised this year for county, township and special, school purposes,and that a rate of 32 mills per dollar be struck to raise this amount. Ordered,that debentures be duly pas- sed and signed for payment of the foll- owing accounts, etc; Jas. Marshall, services rendered as engineer, per David A. Dunbar and others a,ward, $24.00 Estate of the late tees. E. Reid, rent of road allowance S. Pt, lot 34. .Con.9.to June 21st 1.902,$2 : "Municipal World St. Thomas . Collector's roll 1000, find postage oh same, Theo. Hall " .Advance " office part of printing contract for 1901,$15.00 ; John L. Geddes, bolts for bridge atBelgra,ve, $1.50 ;Fountain Naylor, repairing bridge on Creek lots 34, con, 8 and• 9, also fencing off old road alloivance $7 ; David A. Dunbar, repairing culvert sideline 3t3 and 37, con. 8 and other expenses at bridge on creek sideline, 30 and 40 con. 8, 3.1.25 Duncan McCal- lum, furnishing material and rebuild- ing bridge at leelgrave, lots 42, cons,8 and 9.$26; Thos. Black services inspect- ing •graveling on eastern boundary 1001, $7.88 ; Sawyer -Massey On:, Ham - Mom payment in full of read grader, 2. 25 Peter Walker; for repairing bridge on riverelnd puttining two cul- verts on.1.0 and 11, $18 ; John Norman, cleaning stones off two hills lots 30 and 31, •con 11, 3200, ; McKinnon Bros. gravelling on eastern boundry sopth of Belgrave, $131.14 ;11. Gutteridge, ce• ment concrete tile, $50; James Gaunt, 1Vhitechurch, lumber for repairing bridge on river, cons. 10 and 11, $9.17 ; John Ansley, Wingharn, Inspecting the bridges on the river, cons. 8 and 9 and 10 and 11, $3 ; Mr. Wm, G. Paton, balance salary for working road grader 1901, $43.88 • . • 'THOUSAND AAA • GOING EVERY DAY. --- • • - '1'o Wonderful Washingtotethe ever- green State, land of opportunities, of fine soil, splendid crops and indepen- dent homes. Now is your time to go to the Pacific Coast over the GREAT NORTHERN RAIL WAY. Wonder- ful Washington, the ever -green State is the place for you. Climate almost perfect. Gt•ass is green and roses bloom at Christmas. Fine crops that never fait. Plenty of good land. You C» own your farm an •d home and be independent. Good markets Good prices. Good schools and churches. For illusteated description and full inforenation about rates over Great Northern Ry. writes or call on Chas. IV. Graves District Passenger, Agent, 6 Ring St-. (Room 12,) Toronto, Ont. • • ..o 'carp u cold Inonoday . Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25C. E. W. Groves signature ie on each box ' • For Over Fifty Years mrts.wierstow's SeenD: :I0 SYRUP has boca used. by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- ing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will re- lieve the poor itto sufferer immediately. De' pond upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhcea, regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reducesInflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- sant to the taste and. is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five een:s an bottle. Sold by all druggists through ,tnt the world." he mire and ask for qdrih WU3eL0W SOOYFUNG SYRUP, Clinton Market Report Wheat- ,, 0 63 to 0 Cense 'Wheat 0 10 to 0 62 Barley .087 to 0 40 Oats," 081 to 0 32 Peas... . ... .. 0 60 to 0 60 ........ . .0 40 to 0 45 Potatoes per bushel- .. , 0 50 to 0 50 13utter rolls and crock , „ 0 13 to 0 14 Butter in tub...... , .014 to.0 15 Eggs per ..... 9i to 011 .......... 8 00 to 9 00 0 15 tO 0 16 Live.Hogs per avvt, . 50o 0 75 Singeee 6 75 to 7 00 DressedPork per cwt..... 8 00 to 8 50 Floer per owe 1 75to 2 00 Bran per ton. .. . .. 14 00 to 14 00 Shorts per ton 15 00 to 10 00 Wool per lb .. . . . . 13 14 Dried A-pples Poi' lb 04 to 0 4i Three Operations Failed to Cure Itching Piles. News Of a illarvellous Care Plies Aeroes the Continent*Pather and Sou Unite in Praising Dr. Clunie'lli , Olutfnent. Some cures effected by Dr. Chase's Oletment seem like miracles. Here is a case where doctors labored in vain and operations failed to cure. Mr, Donald McLeod, Terbotvale, S. writes "1 • received the sample box of Dr. Cheerers. Ointment, and it has clone Me a oonsiderable amount of good. t am now enclosing payment for a large box of Dr, C'hase's Ointment, which you, will Pletuie send to mY address. X have had itehing Pileti for four years and did not know et any meal - eine that w, ould relieve me until last fall, when le received a, letter from MY bon in Winnipeg, who said that three dotterel treated him and operated for piles, but failed to cure him. He now thanks God and Mr. Ohinees Ohne ment for it perfect cure, ne, had PlIee In the worst form, arid euffered terribly. Ito is now working hard ,'very day,, and doee not teel any SYMIstorras or piles returning. Ten are at liberty to use this letter for the benefit of There i little. USe trylng to '.ure piles unless You is Chtutee Obit. matt. It is tertale to afford quick relief and ultimately thoroueh dare. - 00qtsi a b_sit. At all dealers. or Edtuarr. '0** Bata!, 'Co,, Toronto,' , ALMA. Mr. Tommy Niece left on Tuesday last for 1Vfa,nitoba, and expects to be gone a couple of months. Mr. McGee of Bgrnondville spent a couple of days last week the gueet of Mrs, George Dale. Mr. N. Carter spent Sunday with friends in Goderich township. Miss Jennie McDiarmid of Philae, delphia, is spending her vacation at her home here. Mr. Stewart of Strathroy spene few days last week with friends here. Alias Ida, Lindsay of Goderich town- ship returned home on Sunday after spending a couple of veeeks with friends here. Quite 11 uumber from this vicinity pieniaeri at Goderich on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gliddon spent Sun. clay with friends at Winthrop. ' Mrs. Wm. Dale was in Port Albert last week visiting her sister, Mrs. McGee, * BUTTER FAT TESTS. The butter fat tests at the Pim-Am- erican Model Dairy still continue to show much the same results, The fight is hat between the Jerseys and Guern- seys for first place with the Ayrshires a close Med, The'Guernsey herd came first for the week ending August 201h. , Death of the Oldest Resident of Iluron.Distriet. Seaforth,Auguat,24 , -The oldest resi- dent of Huron district, in the person of Jean Gallaiigher Laird, relict of the late Samuel Laird, has passed away at the advanced aged of 10Iyears, nine months and twenty-three days. The •deceased wee a native of Ireland. - . IWestern Fair London. • All the prospects point to the West- , ern Fair at London this year being the I roost successful ever held, it being the intention of the Directors to make the initial ehow of the century something to be remembered. All the departments are filling fast and in many cases it is evident the only complaint will be laok of space. • The Directors are full of re- • sources, however, and it may be taken for granted that everything on the grounds will be given a good show.. This year the speoial attractions are of more than ordinary intercest, being, made up of a brilliant collection of gym- nasts, acrobats, aerialists, high wire petrformances, ground andlofty tumb- ling, all forming the moat expensive ensemble ever got together for such a purpose, while in addition there is a full troupe of educated performing elephants, "The greatest animal act in the world," the sagacious beasts do wonderful things, displaying an intelli- gence almost human. They d lace doing the cakewalk to perfection, end- plays a variety of instruments including the mouth organ, cymbale, hand organ and the basis drum, The biggest of the four plays ninepins with the skill of a professional, and his partner marks on a slate the number of pins bowled over, while a third one seta pp the pins for another bowl, they also do a number of very difficult balancing gymastio tricks, but the most sensational feat of all is the riding or a tricyle by the baby elephant. • . Four evening of grand fireworks dis- play, including "Pall of China". and "Relief- or Pekin," a most brilliant spectacular representation of recent events. • $O to S3.00 For Apples. G. W. Hunt of the Ottawa Fruit FR- changesays that apple orchards in Princes Edward and Northumberland counties have already been sold on the basis of $2.50 per barrel, this including the fall fruit, winter fruit .and Tallman Sweets. " Still,', says Mr. Hunt, a I atn of the opinion that $2.50 will be about the outside price for good apples this season. Although the high price will probably diminish consumption, still I believe apples will bring $2.25 te $3.00 per barrel. My own, opinion, based on various reports received, is that the crop will not give over 25 to 30 per cent. Good fancy apples are going to bring a longer price this season than they have for years. What I meet' by fancy is apples that will be fit to bold over till next spring," A. Newspaper Subscription Case. A. newspaper dowa east recently brought suit against one William Duval to obtain the money due it on a sub- scription covering fifteen years and three months. The court awarded the nem - paper $22,85, the total amount claimed, and allowed costs of some thirty dollars besides. It was shown in tb.e evidence that Duval ordered the paper in 882, and continued to take it from the post - office until December 1897, when he ordered it discontinued and failed to make a settlement. During the period of delinquency a statement of his account was sent him semi-annually. Ile was also personally seen several times by a respresentative of the paper to whom he said he did not intend to pay, allele ing as a reason that he had nearer order., ed the paper. "Upon the witness stand Duval showed a receipt for four months' subscription, declaring he ordered the paper for that length of tinie only. He did not deny, however, that he con- tinued to take it from the postoffirse. The court held that as long as Duval took the paper from the postoffice he received a property value and was therefore made liable for the payment for that property. • LOSS Ili% Seats. OttaWa.August Z. -No doubt remains that by the operation of clause 51 of the British North American Act, Ont- ario will lose five seatwhen the strati. tory redistribution after the census takes place. The oonseneus of legal opinion is strongly in for of the inter- pretation that sub.seotion 4 of aeotion 57 necessitates that there shrtuld not be a shrinkage of inin-e than one -twentieth in the ratio of Ontario* population to the population of the whole Domiiiitm. Ontario's shrinkage in population this °ensue tie 'compared with last census is .389,1Whioli is morelthan one -twentieth, and the seats vvill have to go. No plea that the census is incomplete or- vicious can affect this result. The oenstis ba been taken as provided, and the re- distribution will have to be governed by clause 57 of the B.-. A. Act. AT TUE ORANGE OF LIFE This trying period in woman's life Initially comes between the ages of forty and fifty years and is marked by irrite- headaohe, dizziness, irregular monthlies, fitful appetite, forebodings of evil, palpitation of the heart and constipation, Dr. Chatte'e Nerve Food is ragman a WOMetl'S medicine because it helps her safely through this trying period. It enriches the blood,strongth. ens the neryes, regulates the funotiene of the feminine organs and tones and invigorates the whole body. DIGESTION WITHOUT A STOlvIACIX. The fad that people live and digest fond after the stomach has been remove, ed proves that the Important part Of digeetiOn takes place in the intestines. Hence it 001)2611 that Dr.Chasets Kidney - Liver Plitt aro so wonderfully successful in outing ohronic indigestion and dys- pepsia. They act direotly on the kidneys liver and intestines, making them healthy active, and vigorous, and so intuit ported digedion and promore- moval o p0100kOnS Wade nutter. itlift111S. ' MOORE-Th Clinton, on Sunday, Aug. 25th, the wife of Nr.William Moore, of a daughter. GRIM- In Brussels, on ,August the wife of Wm. Orioh, ore daugh- tor, IWALLISTER-In Ethel, on August 19, the wife of Alex. McAllister of a son. SNIDER-InErusaels, on August 21s1, the wife of Thomson Snider of a daughter. JOHNSTON-In Lucknow, on August 19th, the wife of Oliver Jobustmoi a daughter, NICHOL-1n Wingham,on August 201h, the wife of Mr. A, Nichol, a son. WALKER -In Wingham,onAugust 21st, the wife of Jae, Walker, a daughter. FALC0NER-1n Cuirass, on August 21st, the wife of Geo. Falconer a son, BOWDEN-In Stephen, Con., 3, on • August 19, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. • Bowden, a daughter, HAWKINS-In Hay, on August 1$111, to Mr, and Mrs, John Hawkins, a • eon, HUNKINS-In Usborne, on August 21, • to Mr i• and Mrs. Theo, Hunkin'a, a daughter. DENNISON -In MoKillop, cm August • 13, to 1Vir. and Mrs. Joshua Denni- son, a daughter. SHIPLEY -In Hullett, on August 240, the wife of George Shipley, of a son, • ' What's that citizen who &Lind Wild flowers,rowing in the midst of a city street kicking about? He didn't expect to find hothouse exotics growing there, did he ? • The Boers will never be conquered tai as long as Paul Kruger's founn-pen fens to dry up. Count Tysz Kieuwick will ride from Warsaw to Paris on a droroedary. If he does his mount will have to get a hump on. • A Kingston man has been buried in a coffin ot his own making. Many a man digs his ovvn grave. CLINTON .MARBLE GRANITE WORKS The best class of work ' p,rocurable has been . • ma,nufactured here for many years past, , WE WON'T call on you a, week after your bereevernent. WWE EWW0INLiiir make the work to suit the price. • • make the price to suit the work. WEWILL give you the choice of the , production of the world in design and material. We are the ONLY Prac- ticalmen in Clinton in • our• line. Do. not be talked into piecing your • order without first call- • • • mg on us. J B. HOOVER, PROP Next to Commercial Hotel. WV/ Know"our exes are right The' tle4rees of eight' froin vI.Ion 80 the flgrr:a o bisnones.. rWewill test eyes fre4 recommend Isms enly when Ali. A. j. GRIGG • Scientific jeweler and Optician CLINTON, ONT. MARRIAGES. WALKER-IVISON-At the resider -ice of the bride's parents, Kippen, on August 27th, by Revs. Long, Barnby • and Walker, Eunice, daughter of Mr. William Ivison, to George Weis ker of Berlin, PHAIR-PEDLE1R-In Sarnia, on Aug- ust 14, by the Rev. D. N. M, Cea. meth Mr. Norman Phair, formerl• y of Exeter, to Miss Lily Pedler. COLBERT--1VfoLEOD -AtEgroondville, on August 21st, by Rev. Neil Shavv, • B. A., Mr, Arthur N. Colbert to • Miss Flora A. .MoLeorl, of Egmont'. ville. • MoLEAN-FISHER-013 eugust'20; at the residence of the bride's parents, Wingham, by Rev. Dr. Cameron of Ottawa, assisted by Rev. J. J. • Patterson, B. A., Mr. John McLean • to Hattie P. Fisher both of Wing. hatn. GIBBINGS-In Clinton, on August 27t1f, Mrs. William Gibhings, aged 52 PAYNE-In `gingham, on August 17611, , Geo. Payne, aged 65 'years'. - RIITTAN-In Morris, on August 20. Matilda Palmer,wife of George Ratan, aged 79 years, 4 menthe' • and 14 days. • • • LEDIET--In 'gingham, on Augus t 21, George, son of Robt:Lediet, aged 4 HACKETT-In Ashfield, Con.13, Aug- ust 22nd, Martha, beloved wife' of Andrew Hackett, aged 37 years and 10 months. • - - • • WHY HE DID IT, A Rochester man committed suicide because he had to do the housework while his wife was sick, and the aver age man wheeling a baby carriage looks as if he would like te commit the same criine. voiweaeokAaAntv 4reeiywYwykowookAA LOOK HERE I LONDESBORO, AUG., 1901. To THE PUBLIC.: - , The Londesboro Mills have been thoroughly ,over- thauled and changed to the latest system. known, the reels having been replaced by the Wolf Gyator Sieve system, with which all the new mills are being equipped: The change will enable me to make a superior grade of flour and thus give still greater satisfaction to my many customers. And 1 hope by the good quality of my flour and prompt service to increase the number of th.ose who have favored me with .their patronage rn the. past. • Come to the Lonclesboro mills with your gristing. R. G. VVEBB. wvvvvvrivvvAAAA'An AAAWAAAAAAWAM TWO BIG FAMILY PAPERS FOR 35 CENTS The News -Record and Family Herald and Weekly Star will be sent to any address for the balance of 1901 for 35 cents. This will include to each subscriber copies of the photo pictures of the Duke and Duchess of Corn- wall and York. Two big family papers and two pictures for the price of one paper alone. This is the best subscription ofrer made yet. SUBsCRIBE NOW •BARGAIN SALE We are now preparing our stores' for the John- son Bros. stock of Sea- • forth to come in next month, It comprises • Hardware, Stoves, Tin- ware, Graniteware, etc. This will be one of the • greatest chances to pur- chase the cheapest Hardware yet offered, Watch and wait. Bar - 11 gains in any line. Thorokt Commit only 0.10 Dor barrel Portland $2.65 ti while it lasts, HARLAND BROS. oHem) HARDWARE 0 HOUS 0•1010,11111"rolkellellfrlbAlellw.^•beq•egee•*100110‘,1", Tfle O. B. 1091g 13fINKRUPT SALE STILL CONTINUES We have fully assorted the stock with new Staple Dry Goods, making stock again complete, amount- • ing to between $7,000 and $8,000. The whole stock will bo sold out as 'quickly' as pos- sible as we close up the business as soon as all the stock is disposed of. Come and see us. We have goods at less than wholesale to offer you. We bought the stock at 58e on the dollar, Nearly all new staple goods. No • one else can offer anything like the bargains we have. Many offer great inducements as goods cut in two, slaughtered, etc. It is very easy togive bargains on paper by marking goods at about double the actual price and then marking them down. It looks as if the seller was making an enormous profit before marking or else was selling mach below what 'they .cost, which no one can afford to do and continue. in busi-o.ess. We are well supplied itt the following lines, DRY GOODS Dress Goods Prints . Flannels . Flannelettes Shirtings . Sheetin.gs Linings GAB, Cottons Blankets . Grain. Bags . Small wares of all kinds,. OLOTI-IING Tweeds . , Linings Furnishings :Underwear Men's, Boys' & Youths' .Suits Overcoats Ladies' Winter Jackets, BOOTS & SHOES Men's long andshort boots Men's rubber boots, .socks Men's felt boots , Men's overshoes afid rubbers Fall lines in ladies' and children's. Don't forget that we have bargains :to offer that you can't get elsewhere, quality. considered. -FLUMPTE4.:. rorfriw,0,4Anowkernoyvyvvvyvyvv7inovynkAAA•vvvoomov 1 .MaKINNON - & CO. .11.„.4X71310.1E-1 Dur reat O1earin Sale 18 Nann It's En Before many days the usual offerings which have made it the most suc- cessful sale of the kind we have ever held and the talk of the town will be entively closed out. This ad is published to again call attention to the sale so that not one customer will miss a share of the bargains we are offering, Very :soon we expect our New Fall Goods, in feet some of our New Dress Goods are here now, when our store will be piled high with new and desirable goods. It will pay von ta watch our ads so you will be posted in regard to oue new stock. WequoteA few prices below to give you an idea of the values offered : • FactoryCotton, yard wide, heavy weight, worth 8c, for Sc New Prints, Tight and dark colors, regular Sc, for 5c .. Prints, light arid dark colors, no dressing, regular price 123e and 14c, for lOci . White Honeycomb Quilts, full size, worth $1,25, for $1 Best Standard Shirting, guaranteed indigo blue, regular price 14c, for 120 • Dress Goods, in plain cashmere and small checks, 40 inches wide, regular price 25e, reduced to 15c . Flannelette, in fancy stripes and checks, worth 7c, for 50 Ladies' Shirt Waists. in fine percale in fumy stripes and checks, detached collars, wort 11. 60c, for 42c Ladies' Vests, in all sizes, at 5c, 8c' 10c, 1.5c, 250 and 50c Printed Musl iris, fast colors, worth100, for Sc Printed Dimities, worth reic and 15c, reduced to 8c • McKINNON & CO. BLYTH WAMMAAMOW•WANNAMAY•itie•WVAAAWAMAA•AWAN Inomom 460000000000000000.8900000,0•60000000,00000000.000,0004 • e • • • • 8, FL\GIDLEY BLYTH • • • POPU4AR CLOTHING STORE • • • • • to • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• You are proud of that boy of yours. Every boy should he the pride • of his parents, He should be dressea so that he may feel the equal of any • •• of the boys he le associated with. • • • Let us fit him out this summer. W witi make him one of the hest II • dressed boys in this county. The elegance and taste represented in out' • • juvenile clothing must be seen to he appreciated. , • • - The vest suits ages 4 to 8, made from tick effects in Ila008Onfie • • Worstede and twrredr, are very cute. • so • • • Per larger boys we show some very nobby snits in grey and brown * • tweeds and blue itergere. We ean sell you a suit as low as$1.50 or as high : : as $0 or stop at any point between where the price pleases. • • o a 8 8 MEWS SUITS . . • • . • • We ate also Offering big bargains in Men's Sit e this Month. Care e : and see the $0 suits We are selling at $4 and the $0 suits tit $0, • li • • , sr 4 if)lt : S H GIDLEY di BLYTH • 1 ' 11164011.110044110 4160.1111.1114116.11,1141611000440* • • .