HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-22, Page 4^
e Clinton Nmilecoril,_
INTON, AUG. 22ND, 1901.•
oW Advertisements.
intrgaine-W. Cooper It co 1
Kr and elm le-Irenrv'e'Photo Studio 1
I • leieldieg Feas0n-0. Corer ft Co 1
lee Sale --W. latteor 84 eon A
rinary Sergoon-Cr. Fromm 5
ain 6ele-Mer1and Bros 5
ripe Sale-elticletanoe 84 Co 5
Ine-0, Irmo ......e.......15
est learaitins-Netvocento 8.... 8
eNeekties--Jacason nros e
Better 8tore-riedgens Tiros 8
sunriERbiLL. •
Our school opened OP AlOnatty with
Ithands ready for work during the
ming term.
The earpenter work of the school• is
bout to begin its Mr. Prior lias Almost
ortmleted the brickwor Ir.
Piss Winnie Thompson and Messrs.
Tebbutt and W. Males lave re.
timed to their reepectiyil dutiea this
The much needed rain came at last
In tents on Tuesday and. maw,
hearts were gladdened,
Dr. Lowery visited his home for a
fete days last week.
Aleeers, 8, Lowery and D. Barr were
ji Seeforth last week.
Mr. j. Colborne aud wife spent Sun
thy in Westfield at the latter's parents.
Mr, Wm. Routledge, wife and family
Miss Cloth), Young of ()linter% spent
several days the past week the guest
of Mies E. Waldron of the London
Mv. Frank Grant raised, his barn on
Friday week Ittet, It is 40x30 feet and
when finished. Mr. Grant will have one
of the most up.to-date narns and fate la
ling On the London Iload.• Mr, Matt.
Mains has the frione coutract and is
hostling it along in his usual Ora class
Messrs. A. Townsend and T. G. °rich
and families Sundayed in Goderich
A number of the young people of the
Londen Road picnicked in Bayfield on
Saturday week,
With the exception of a few fields of
It? peas harvest was wound up for
this year on Saturday week. The oats
are short in the straw hut the yield
promises to be up to the average.
Miss Alary Bennett is visiting ber
•cousin, Miss Sarah Bennett of the
London Road. -
Messrs. Thomas, Townsend, Duncan
Aston, E, Cricb, and S. Murcit were
among the 'harvest excursionists to the
West teat week,
Among those who have left the Bar.
lock section for Manitoba were : W.
Ninety, R. Sundercock,,W. Ferris, J.
Knox, and Miss Minnie Knox,A. Watt
and C. Allan.
• Mr, William Kelly of the state of
Louisania has returned home, We
have beard that Mrs. Kelly will Accom-
pany him south when he rethrusthith
eV -
The futieral of Mrs. A1bet Trewin.
took place on Feiday last to Burns'
spent Sanday at Mt. John Johnstotes cemetery where the interment took
Messrs. Robert Johnston and Geo.
Eargnhar left last Tuesday for IViani-
t.9ba, expecting to share in the harvest.-
ing of that province. • •
• .A. number from her picnicked at
Byfield on Clinton's civic holiday and
enjoyed the belney breezes of Lake
Boron, • •
• Rey. Mr. Wright called on some of
the people of Sunamethill last Week.
Mr. W. D. Butt, Tot ooto, has been
spending his helidayi with his cousins
on the BaseLine.
Alv.• Epb. Butt returned home last
week frem his eighteenth trip to Mani-
. tribe. Re did not.go farther wept than
Winnipeg this:thee, finding a, ready•
sale fotrall hir .,,,ock in that city..
is TIONT .adreparing another car.
loact,tor 'shipment abbot the first of
--Stfikember. He says there will be big
crops inthe West and that the supply
of harvesters will he entitle. In two
days he saw ten trainloads of excur,
sionists arrive. Mr. ,Butt expects to
leave for the poo district. shortly.
place. Rev, Jas. Hamilton of Lon es-
•horo conducted the servitea at hoose
and grave. Husband nnd smallfain Uy,
one an infant eftwe weeks old, survive
to moern their irreparable loss. •
• The crops in this section ni Hellett
will be a good Average. Someof the
oats have yielded sixty bushels to the
acre.Mr. David Beacom. has twenty-
eight acres au d fully expects 1100 bush-
els and his wheatlooks as well as any
time during the ten years be has been
among es, Mr.131antlierrington has had
his wheat threshed and realizedthirty
bristle's to the acre, while Mr, 'William
Itossluid a tinecrop,of hay, upon parts.
of his fields there was fully three tons
• to the acre. On•the whole our•faineers
• have reason to be well satisfied.
- --
St. Helens.,
Mr. J. O. Martin is visiting friends in
this vicinity.
The schools in this vicinity opened
on Monday. Me. Tebbett resumed
his dutiee at St. Helens and Miss M.
Clark ot the villege teaches on the Oth
Mr. Robinson 'Woods is Wearing a
very pleasent smile, a little boy having
come to their house last Wednesday
mewl' els Township.
The dry weather dried up the 'pas-
tures badly but the recent reins have
made them green ;igen), '
Among others who went from here
on the last harvest excnrsion to Mani-
toba were Calvin Millen, Stephen God -
kin, A. Coats, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Pollard, and Mr. and Mrs. John Berry,
Mr. Berry goes to Manitoba often and
would as soon go np there as eat bis
breakfast. ••
Mr. and, Mrs. Gardner and the
Misses Simpsonhave been away and
taken in the PatnAmerican.
Mr. Samuel Hackwell, who has been
teaching in Alichigau, is borne for his
holidays. •
Mr John Govenloek„ who had his
barn consumed by fire some lame ago.
is re -building.
Mr. Joseph Kennedy is putting a
new roof . on his blitekstnith• shop.
Joe is a positing and. competent me -
&attic, •
• Mr. Thos. Woods cif St. Helens has
• been yisiting his brother and friends
in this township and also an attraction
in Goderich. We have been given to
understand that as one result of •these
visits, Me. Woods will shortly change
his condition. Me was born and
•brought up in this township but is
now a big and prosperous stock farmer
in West Wawanosh. His place in-
cludes fifty acres. of grass land.
Mr. Thos. Harrison is not complain-
• ing about a short crop,not of oats,any• a
way, as he estimates he will have a
yield of at least fifty bushels per acre
on his lake shore farm.
Mr. William Harrison of the lake
show cut fourteen acres of oats in
nine hours one daylast week and the
• stooking was done in the same titne by
two men whose ages artiouoted to one
hundred and thirty years. The
sheaves lay from eight to ten feet
apart sto that it will. be conceded. that
a good day's work was done. '
Squire • Middleton has had two
cement silos built, being the first in
• the township to make use of cemeut,
for this purpose. The silos are thirty
five feet high, foutteen feet across
and will hold one hundred tons of ensi-
lage. Mr. George Holland is also hav-
ing a cement silo built,
Mr. Oliver Grigg had an experience
• with a young man • whom he, brought
Out from Goderich to assist him in the
harvest. The y.in. wits light fingered
• and during Mr. Griggs absence stole
some change and a pocket knife and
struck off for town, But Mr, Grigg
discovering what he had done follow-
ed and overtook•• the young man at
Routlege's and recovering the
knife and change let him go, well satis-
fied, probably, to get rid of him so
The garden party to. be held on the
grounds of Mr: Willis Bell of the Bay-
field Line on Friday evening prcnnises
• to be a great success. The managers
are sparing no efforts in providing a
good program, etc, and its quite safe
to assure a yery pleasant and profit-
able evening. The Hensall brass band
will assist in furnishing music. Re-
freshments Nsill be provided.
Miss Mabel Dempsey has returned
home from n, visit at her sister's, Mrs.
Thos. Webster �t near Dungannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Webster also accompan-
• ied her home.
• Mr. John Webster of Ashfield and
Mr. George Carter of Illinois spent
Sunday with the former's brother, Mr.
Thos. Webster of the 91h con.
• Mr. and Mrs. Thos; Hayter of Step-
hen township were guests Sunday and
Monday at their daughter's, Mrs.
James Mose.
Mr. William Crooks .returned borne
last week from attending the feneral
of an old friend with whom he has
been intimate for the past thirty five
years,in the person of Mr. Thos. Miller
of Wellesley who passed away in his
fifty seventh year. This is the third
funeral in this family which. Mr.
Crooks has attended in as matry years.
Mr. Miller was an Anglican and, an
Orangeman and the service of the or-
der was read over his grave by P. G.
Ws Thos. Magwood, ex -M. re and T.
Oruickshanks. The funeral was a very
large one, there being over one hund-
red vehicles in the cot tege. Mr.Crooks
was one of the pallbearers.
The Apple King .Calls Attention to
' Clauses lathe Fruit Marks Act,
(intended for lest %see.) •
Mrs. J. Johnston went to the barn
one day day last week and tripped on
She end of a buggy shaft which ceased
her to fall and cut her face on the floor,
Mr. W. Habkirk and family visited
his mother on b'unday. Sbe intends
going to 13russels to live.
Miss Ada Hel wig of Aaburn yisited
friends her on'Sunday. ••
Mrs. Dreaney of Vransforcl fell Wet
•week and broke her leg. She intended
going to Manitoba on Tuesday to visit,
her daughter.
Quite a number of our young men
feft for Manitoba on Tuesday.
Mr. Fred. Gibbs and a couple of 'lady
friends of liondesboro Sundayed at Mr,
J. Mountain's.
The majority of farmers have finish-
ed harvesting.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry,littedware dealer,
of Blyth called on J. Ha,bkirk one day
last week, - •
• Messrs. Donald McNeyins and WM.
Cameron were out canvassing one day
last week and succeeded in getting
over thirty new members for the
World's Fair at Dungannon which is
certainly going to ben. suecess,
• Me: B.. Whyard, who htts been en-
gaged in the drug business in Toronto,
is home for his holidays. He intends
attending college the term beginning
*September lst.
• Miss • Welsh of Stratford is visiting
at Mr. T. G. Allen's at present.
Mr. 13rown Durnin has returned to
his echool at Lion's Head where he has
been teaching since Christmas.
Mr. Donald. '1VIcNevins our livery
Man, bought a fine black' horse from
W. Mason of Blyth one day last week,
Mr, T. Little is.repeiring his bouse.
Mr. J.Nicholson of .A.uburn visited at
Mr. T. Clark's last Sunday.
• •• 0 . • •• • ••11 ...So . *00* ••• • 0 •• • *AN* •••• 0..4 • +II* • 11. 11 0 II,. •
Z , *
The Misses Mary and Margory We are sorry to lose Mr. itml. Mrs.
Walker of Maysville are the guests of Henry Aloriesh from our midst but
MISR'S Elsie and Eden Tye.
Mr. Al orrish has accepted his old posi.
Air. William Anderson of New York tion es teacher of, the Westfield Public
is the guest this week of his brother-incahoot.
law, .Mr. D. Ferguson, at the resi. Miss Vera Whitely was the guest
last week of Mrs. (Dr.) Whitely.
donee -of Mr. and Mrs, Re. Young.
Me. D. Ferguson was interviewed. by Mrs, J. 13. Kelly of Calgavy and her
ybur correepondent on Monday a. to. nother, Mrs, Scott of Petrone, are
after his trip front the Glasgow Bahl- guests at the Colborne Rouse this
bition. We asked. hint if he could month, The Misses Stapleton of
foto) any idea of the comparison be- Petrolia are also guests at the Col-
tween the Pan-American 14.1xposit4on borne. • .
.and the Glasgow one. Be said be eiss Mr. Lindsay Williams left on Satur-
ited the Pan- Ameriean too early to day for Grand Bend where be has
form any idea of its excellence but the accepted the position of teacher of the
Glasgow Exposition is suberbly beanti- Public school,
fut. What • delighted him more than Miss Andrews left last week to visi-
anything else was the Model Farm in it her sister at St. Thomas. Later she
the Canadian deParttnent, where be will meet Mrs. Charlie Mettle, wee is
spent the most .et his time. But the spending the season here with Mr. and
dairy was wotth to visit. There Mrs. Ideate, at Paris and both will go
were the maids milking and churning on to New York. We understand
and banding every one a drink of Miss Andrews intends returning to
lovely. buttermilk. Then there were Goderich in six weeks.
the mcnbators with newly arrived 'Miss Margery Amey'win) spent her
clucks. The Model Farm covered be- vacation here with her parents, • has
ween three and four acres in extent returned to her school at Glen Morris.
Mrs. and Mrs, George Gordon of
'Woodstock paid their annual holiday
visit to our town. They were guests
of Mrs, Sautes Stroegb.
Mr. Frederick James has.convalesced
SO quiekly tbat he is going to finish his
Canadian trip at an early date. Re
will visit relatives at Toronto and set,.
eral other Canadian cities.
. Dr. Armstrong of Alitchell spent a
day in town theguest of his father-in-
law, Mr. Kerpighan, • His daughter,
Miss Armstrong, as also the- guest of
bet grandparents and, itunt, Mr.
alder Beck of Saltford.
Miss Aitkin of Toronto, who has
been visiting bee uncle, Major Beck,
reterned last week to her home.
• Mr. Albert Johnston returned on
Thursday from Hamilton and left
again on Monday for Renfrew.
Miss Edna Copp of Clinton *as the
guest last, week of the Misses Black-
stone. • .
The Misses Macdonald, daughters of
Captain •M, Macdonald,. and several
other lady and gentlemen friends
spent a delightful evening at Bayfield
on Wednesday. The great attraction
fin all • was. the Highland .dancing.
Sornael the party -sang Gaelie sons
and some gave warwhoop selections'.
• Mrs, Charlie Crabb and children
Arrived from Seaforth on Thursday to
spend. some Mine with Mrs. Cralib. •
Mies Essie Smith, quite a youn-g
echool girl, IS to• be congratulated upon
the' fine views and stretches of the
, most in terestiug bits • of lake scenery
Olken ity her, ,
' Mrs. Wildinart of.Bay City hes • been
the guest fora few weeks of her moth-
er,• Mrs. Johnston, • Bayfield Road.
She..will visit her een in Toledobefore
Janes, who
. S11.m3in
:nursing her son, Mr. Fred,. Seines; who
, was ill, has returned to her•horne,•., •
• A eilateinionlatseavevill,.strike• our
lovely tows in September whichprom-
'fees to be the banner, Month, •
•IMr. • A • 'P.. McLean and his Son
:Wile have sailed for New York. • . .
• The Alessis„Modgette are remodelling:
then. store Which ave presume in -a short
Mine will have all the attractions of h
firet.classcity stotire •
•Mes. Mcivor..will have to enlarge
Tne Rookery, put witigs to ie. in fact.
Mrs. Storms, one of the guests, invited
nee to took otit from the north door
hurl' see whatl thought ofthe view, 15
was simply beautiful.. The grand lake
lying at its feet, as we might say, and
t'at thestretch of Attrill's Point. • •
Mise Flo Macintosh has takena trip
to Detroit whersehe will spend ..a, few,
Weeks the guest of friends. .• • •
' Mrs: .r. IL E. Jones; Miss Grace and
'Master Robbie Are the guests of Mrs.
Jenes' parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. LeToitzel.
Mater Mal Smith saved a little boy
from drowning cm- Friday. last.. He
had come up with theexcursion lets and
was the guest of Mrs. Murphy. Not
kn.owing hovv to,swirn lie got out into
• ten foot water: and but for Elal's
a record .of drowning would have
Marred- the otherwise • joyous after-
noon's 'amusement... • •
" On Saturday evening last "Colonel
Vareoe was makieg•out the papers for
the yet•erans' land grant for field and
Actual serVice 1e6. • The next. of" kin
to those deceased were also on hand.
About twenty four persons had their
papers certified to in the furY room of
the court house. Messrs, • A. Straiton;
J. J. Wii4ht.,•S. Farse, ,John Mitchell,
S. Andrews, J. McNIS,th and Captains
Montgomery • and. McGregor were
among the nullifier. •
A number Ieft on Weciriesciae for
Sarnia and Detroit, ameng them being
Mrs. C. Crabb and hr sister, Mee. J.
Wednesday,0. Harnison. 7th August, to Mr.
and Mrs, W. Routledge, a daughter. '.
Dr. and Mrs. T. F. McLean have had
a• veep pleasant visit bere• the guests of
the -Dr's ender. Mrs. M. 0. Carneren,
and the Misses King, sisters of Mrs.
MeLean. •
Dr. Minter's garden is too new to
yield much but he has a yery. One
• healthy squash • vine, Rev. Mark
Turnbull and he will be able to divide
the honors itmcmg them this season es,
Mr. Warnock is out of it this' year:
Mr. James•Thornpson„ Jr., returned
from Brussele.on Saturday •and sang
the lovely baritone solo.. at Knox
church on Sunday evening. •
-Mrs. Garrow ie•suffering -front, some
weakness of the spine and 'was wheel.
ed out rine day last week in her sedan
A new foundation is being placed
under the Union hotel, Fear Bros.
Mr.V.Cluannserejr,,Spent some days
last week lit Brussels. . '
and was quite coinplete. But outside
the Exposition nothing delighted Mr.
Ferguson more than a sail on Lock
Tay with the mamma) wnich clings
about it. The trip throughout was
an enjoyable one and rejuvenated Mr,
Miss Pacticenthe of 'Staysville is the
guest of her sister, Mrs, Tye.
• Miss Daron of Detroit is the guest of
her mother.
The 5, S. picnic of Knox church was
a most enjoyable treat, being held in
the lovely grove on the Maitland at
"Belleview" on Thursday last,' Gaines
were held and prizes of money given.
-.A. number of guests at the Fronten-
tre have returned to their hotnes at
Detroit. Those • registered lait week
were Miss Anne Alaher,Miss Seninier,
Miss Margaret T. O'Dotioghee, Miss
Daughton and Miss Winnifred Daugh-
ton, • Detroit.; Miss Johnston, Miss
()opus anct Miss Flossie, Copes Strut
Misses Jean AlcHarcly of Carlow and
Mary'of Toronto were the guests one
day last Week of . then. cousin, Aliss
'Attie Browr.. •
Mr. and Mrs., Oliver • O
Mf Galt, and
family were guests the past two weeks
ef Ale. and Mrs, Alex, Saunders.
'Mr. Litnce•Watson left On Wednes-
day for'his home in fiti.-away Texas.
While here be was -the guestof. his
Mrs. Charlie Shaw auct Mrs.
• • . • . •
Eorron NEws-RECORD • • .
• As the apple. season is again at beed
and there are now in our county a
umber of apple dealers from a ellstance, 'wine from the. states,•• I would
call attention tothe following clauses
in the•Aet passed at the last. session of
the Dominion Parlianeene for the info?...
mation of •those who may ,nnt have
seen the Aet in queetion • • -;
The results of the senior and junior
leaving and matriculation examina-
tions are given below.'•
ttoder matriculation may be found
only the names of such persons as.
have passed in all the subjects for
which they Were candidates. Honors
at matriculation Will be awarded on
the submission to the department of
evidence of full matricutatieri stand-
• The certificates of successful candi,
clates id the marks of the unsuc-
cessful candidates will be forwarded to
She head masters and inspectors con-
cerned. In no case will the candidates
receive their marks direct from the
Education Department.
In order to avoid unnecessary trouble
and expense, unsuccessful candidates
are recomtnended to obtain the advice
of the principal, after receiving their
• marks, before making an appeal.
Honors are signified hy a star.
Senior leaving -Part 1.-J,Anderson,
M. M. Porter, Mary I. Clark, 11. 11,1,
Downing, Q. M. Robertson, J. A, Gar-
diner M.3. Govenlock, H. T. Hartney,
A. A:May, A. L. MacLean, E. 3, Mc-
• J. Anderson and M. M. Porter were
students of the Clinton Collegiate
Iestitute, ,
Senior leavine- Part IL -Alice M.
McEwen, M. M. Porter, M. Dunlop, W.
L. Edward, 0.M. Elliott, E. S. Rhynas
G. W. A. Watson, A. laMacLettn,E.
Alice NI. Atentvan and M. M. Porter
• attended the Clinton Collegiate.
Honor mitt riculatione-E. J.Archibald,
literature, composition. Latin and
• Greek ; R. McPherson, Greek ; L A.
Gardiner, French, physics and chants -
1 -Every person who, by himself or
through the agency of ;Mother person,
packs fruit in a closed package, intend.
ed for sale,. shall cause thepackageto
be marked in. a plain and. indelible
.manner before it' is taken • from the
prernises•where it is packed; -(a) with
the initials of the Christian names and
She. fall surname, and •address of the
packer, .(11). with the name of the Tar-.
iety or varieties and (c) with a.desig.
nation Of the grade of the fruits •• ..•
-No person shall sell,offer,expose or
have in his possession for sale any fruit
Peeked in it closed package atid intend-
ed fel, sale 'Artless suth package is mark-
ed as required by the next precedieg
• section. •
• • 6 -No person shall Sell, or offer, ex-
pose or. have in his possession for sale
any fruit packed in :it closed package,
Upon which package is marked any
designation which•represents such fruit
as of finest, hest or extra, good quality
• unless such fruit consist of well -grown
specirnens of onevariety, sou,nd, of
reercrlyamiform size, o1 good color for
the variety, of normal shape and not.
less than ninety per cent. free from
kith, worm • holes, bruises and. other
defects and,properly packed..
• 1 -No person shall sell, Or offer, ex-
pose or have in his possession for sale,
any fruit; packed in any package in
Which the faCed dr shown surfitee gives
a false representat•ion of the contents of
such package and it shrill he ccinsidered
.a false representation when mere than
fifteen per cent• of suchfruit is sub-
itantially smaller in size than, ' or in-
ferior in grade to,or different in variety
from, the faced or shown surface ef
such package. .
15e -Any pecuniary penalty imposed
under this Act shall, wben recovered,
be payable one half to the informant
or complainant and the othee half to
His Majesty.
• ne ces,
John Elwood, • • • •
Mr. and Mrs. Dorst, who spent,seme
months in town at Mrs. McKinnon's,
have left for their old home at Beisse-
Vain, Man.
Mrs, W. Cantelon has gond to De;
troit.and will takes. three weeks' lioli;•
daY trip. and. ' visit' relatives at •Alt.
(Amiens and Grand.Rapids as well::: •
Miss Flossie Cuprell.of Ashfield WaS
She 'fattest beet week of Ver.:tent,. Mrs:
McCreath. Hee sister,. Miss Bessie, is
the guest of her aunt this week. • •
- Miss Geetrude Graham leaves. next
week' for her School at Blyth, where
she is -much esteemed:. -• •
• W. 11. Thompson, B. A.,- Guelph, is
• the riewlyappointed teacher to fill• the
vitcaficy in the Collegiate staff caused
by the :resignation aef.• Mr. 'Grant
Cooper. .• • •
• -Manager Doty is on •,a,..business visit
to the Sault. • • • • -• • •
8.•Rougvie and his.eisters, theMisses
Rougyie„ With their guests, the . Mises
Harwood; Miss Cameron and Kenneth
Ctuneron • of London, have returned
Irina their camp at Point,Olark beach:
The journey was made' in •Robt..
Clarke's fishing- boat to and froin • the.
camp.. Truly the party most be con-
gratalatedupon their courage in going
o far nye sail boat. ;
Another fishing „party returned on
Saturday night frotn the Bruer) Pepin-
sula. The • gentlemen were •Warden
ROM W. L. Horton, W..L. Eliott and
Barristers 0. C. Ross of Toronto, Thos.•
Davies of Detroit ,and R. .0. Plays of
town. •
The Star flour mill is having a' new
addition two stories in height built to
it. , The foundation is'23x28 mulls be-
ing.tinilt by Mr. Jatnee MacVicar.
Miss Stobie of Seafortn visited • Mrs.-
Ilamlin on Ericlay last. • • ••
Mrs. .(Dr.) Hamlin of Detroit is at,
D. Sproat and Walter Scott returned
on Saturday from a ten weeks' visit
to the Old Country and report a very
enjoyable trip. .
Rise Mr. nestle will (D. V.) -preaeh
a seron to i
young men n Knox
chnrch next Sabbath at 11 it. re.
Mr. Watson and Robt. Owens have
their houses nearly completed whieh
present a very handsome appearance.
The school question is very quiet at
present and might as well be left in
ttheyatee as our population hardly
warrants a costly sehool house here.
• Mrs. (Rev.) Brown continues very
low. Prayers for her reeovery were
offered hy the congregation last week.
Major Deck passed through the vil-
• lage last week on voters' list business.
Joe has unscrupulous foes to contend
With hut he will yet, get justice as
eome of Grits are men of fair play and
Mrs. Ulises Owens is stilt eorifined to
080. Taylor lost it aluable horse
last week,
Every farmer in selling his apples
should thoroughly understand what
grade of fruit he is to give to the put'
chaser or there will be serious trouble
when the packer goes into the orchard
to select the apples. The prices now
offered by the dealers would certainly
entitle them to the best. grade unless
there was an understanding between
the dealer and the farmer to have it
otherwise. The Act, is very sttingent
and will have to he observed by every
dealer, Yours truly '
Clinton, Aug. 13th.
E. 3. Archibald and E. McPherson
are Clinton Boys.
Matriculation -Part I.-0. Peters
son W. Which:Ion P. C. Hoopet,
0. It. 'Farrow, "Cl, VV.
Graham, J.Morris, G. Robinson,
0. IC. Saunders, A. H. Taylor, Wilfred
Williams, J. H. Martin, B. E. R.
Case, 15, H. Johnson, H. McMillan, 3-
C. Peterson and W. Whiddon at-
tended•the 0. 0. 1.
Matriculation -Part 1L -J. 0. Mas-
son, S. E. Morris, M. 3. 0, Naftel,
R, AI, Aitcheson, 18.0.13roadfoote BE.
It, Case, 15, L. Elliott, F. Gray, 11. Mc-
Milla.n, L. 0. McDonald, A. 13. Smillie.
Junior Leaving -Pert IL- W. S.
Baird, It, X. 131ake1 G. Campbell, W, N.
Courtice, M. A. Ellis, J. Jeffrey, 11
S. Jenkins, AL Kee, K. McClourt, Edith
ID T. McEvven, A. McLeod, 11. 0. Ale.
Alordie, 0. Rodgers, B. Shepherd, S.
W. Todd, 3. A. Wiseman. W. H. Bell,
L. L„Bentley, W. A. Cowan. IL Dal-
ton, E. S, Eiterett„ F. W. Edward, S.
B. Elliott, E. E. Farrow, r. 13. Gra-
ham, E. E. Guest, S, It. Miller, E. A.
Merrill, Glenn McDonald, T. 8, Me -
Paiute, L. L. MiteMath, Charles L. E.
Newtote May Logan Newton, 3. Maud
Spence, 3'. M. Stirling, M. Troy, 0, M.
Turner, L. E. Yeo M. Bieliy, L
IlIatehford,11. Brovenell.11.13ticluttran,
13. 0erter,11, LEberhert. W. Gillespie,
G. 3. Iletnilton M. 1.. Hartry, A. Hil-
len, M. Keys, T. Lamb, 8. Lemont; ri,
S. Lawrenee, E.A. Murdie, E.W. Mut,-
ray, 13, McDonald, G. G. Pybue, T, 3.
Itcran, Ie, Sander*, It. A. Scott, 0,
Sills. E. E., Smillie, it. A. Smith, B.
A. Thompson, W. Pert Van Egnsond,
A. Waugh, 0. 8. White,
W. 8,13aird, IL.T. Blake, 0. Camp-
bell, W, ()aortic°, M. A. Ellis, 3, 3.
Jeffrey, 1.1 3, jefiltites, M. Kee, K.
MeCourt, Edith E. G. Manwan,
McLeod, H. McMordie, 0. Itogere,
11. Sheppard, 3. W, Todd. and at` A.
At high noon on Wednesday of lest
week an interesting event took plaee
at the home of Mr. Richard Leishinan
when hie daughter Sarah wee joined in
the holy (sonde of wedlock to Mr.
joseph W. Maine of Witocke, Asses,
formerly of Loreleeberce The brides-
maid was Nike; Ellen Leishman atid the
grombetnan Mrs, Albert Mains. The
offielating clergyman was Rev. Mr.
McQuillan of Blyth. After the knot
had bean tied, in the peeserice of about
sixty invited guests, the company par-
took of the wedding luncheon and in
the afternoon drove ter Beigrrtve wheve
theY left, amid showers of rice, for
their neW home 10 Jima.
judge Carpenter, wife end family
left on the Pittsburg to visit the north-
ern ports. On their return they will
make a abort visit here Wore return-
ing to their home in Detroit.
Market,Cierk Ferguson returned last
week from his visit to the land of
bonnie Scotland.
Miss Matheson of Stratford left en
Saturday evening to visit. relatives at
the Sault. While here she was the
guest of Mrs, D. Cantelon.
Miss Beatrice Harrison le spending
her holidays at Wyoming with Miss
Mr. Frank Turner, president of the
Emmett Lengue,was presented with a
hendsonse address on Monday evening,
22th August, by the members of North
St, League on his leaving town for
The Misses Gundry left per Tries,
day's excursion • to visit Mrs. Dale of
the N. W. T. •
Miss Daisy McQrieen, ,efter .spending
her holidays itt the residence of her
mother, 1VIrs. 'McQueen, left on Satur-
day for her school v,t Lioo's Head,
Mrs, A. Watson has retnrned, from
a month's visit, at Kincardine, the
guest of her mice BIrs. Dr. (Bruce)...
Mrs. (Captain) McDairmid and her
sister Mrs. Gilles, have .retur ned from
a visit to their relatives and friends, at
Kincardine and Ripley.
Barrister Elwood arrived from- Re-
gina and has rejoined his wife and
family 'here, who are the guests of his
mother and of Mrs. Slack;
mother of the lady. . •
Aster Wedding, -The handsome I I
residence of Mr, James Robinson was 11
the scene of much gaiety. on Wednes- I I
day. a.ot . of last week and the fete was I
much enhanced by .the beauty of the
grounds with Mice lovely bower of
trubigh noon on that eventful day the I
trumpet flower covering the piazze,
marriage of Miss Entine. Bohn es,youti g -
est daughter of ex -Conductor Holines,
G. T. R.., of Leamington andsister ot
Mrs. Sautes Robinson' to Ale. Will E. •
Hezzlewood rif Port Hope, the wor-
dage. rites being performed . byRev.
Dr.,Daniel. The bride looked fair in it
handsome costume of 'fatvo colored
viela, clotb, exquisitely trimmed. 'with
superb applique. Trecolored rosettes,
French ' style, in rose,. blue and faivrt
ribbons were festened one at the haak
et the .nerik, and at the left sideof
the bodice adding quite it novel charm
to the In ide's' dress, There were white
asters in herhair and shower briquet of
white ' asters. The bridesmaid, Miss
Eva Ausehrooklooked very stylish. in a
custeme ot. green and white :organdie
prettily trimmed with valenciennes
lace and tichu of White organdie. In
her' hair were white asters and shower
bequet of white -asters like the
• beide's, The. little ring bearer, Miss
Adele 'Robinson, neice of the bride,
looked lovely in ,a ustutne of white
And pink organdie trimmed with: nice.
She narried: the' weddingring :1 it
pretty' little silver baideet litiecl With
flowers. Mr. George Hezzlewood of
..0shewa, brother of tbe grooto,acted es
grboinernote,' and wore' •:an -aster bon-
tioniere like. the groom. The dejeuner
was sumptuous and the table which
was ' decerated with pink and •white
•asters fairly sparkled with rare china,
sillier, and crystal. OnlYthe intimate
friends of the family were present, the
the bridal party wishing a quiet wedd-
ing. Mr, and, and Mrs, Hezzlewood
left to 'spendtheir honeymoon 'at the
Pan,Arnerican , At • the etatiee the•
guests were laden . with flowers Which
they threwover the bride and groom
• as they stepped info the car.. The
travelling dress or the bride was of,
IteaVy navy blue broadcloth, with cor-
sage of -all • over white embroidery:
and .hat of black and •white., mohair
.fancifully trimmed With poppies. • The
groom pi esentedthe. bridesmaid with
awreath.pin diarnonds.and °liveries.
Miss. Gertrude Bell • of ,Parkdale was
onSof the .guests front a distance.' .
We carry it large assortutent
of Trusses, including the
New Yotie Elastic Lloid Rubber Spiral Spring
Sieves Spring English Elastui
R. Successor to Sydney Jackson.
P. Reekie,
N. 13, -Antiseptic Foot Powder cures sore feet.
eeele-eesseeseeeseeseeieeteeisesee. seyeembeereesee-seeeseeeseesbeeteibsiless
EnrrOit NUsve-Rsconn,-Thet our
riends at borne may know somewhat
f our whereabouts and, how we fare
send.you it few notes.
After leaving Clinton we spent; 80010
en days iriOwen Sound, visiting
rlends at Sheldon Place Mrs.Greene'8
ilti 'home and On the eight inst.started
for our present, destination. Had a most
exhilaratiog snii to Collingwood • and
thence via Barrie and Orillim to Attlee -
by junction by rail. Fern Cottage is
situated on it beautifal point on the
north shore of Lake Couchiching,
about two miles from the junction,
where through a narrowpitss you en.
ter from Luke Couchicilang into Lake
Sinaeoe, Here as we sit on the vpr-
andah, We have a distinct • vies' of
0rilliti,211 miles almost directly south
across the lake. As the town is built
on it slope facing us, especially when
the electric lights are on the sight is
en ellen ting.
The scenery around is very romentic.
Mrs. Cassels received a rnessage from
her husband on Thursday last to re-
turn. to Stratford and join him in a vis-
it to the Pan- American. Mrs. Cassels
left her two tittle girls in careof her
mother, Mrs. Humber.
Ale, and Mrs. Edward Tighe have
returned from their honeYrnoon trip.
Alt., Malcolm Macdonald has return-
ed from his midsummer holiday, well
eatned, too,we know.
Mrs. VVatsori of Wingliam, who is a
sister of Mrs. David Bell, received a
telegram of the illness of her brother,
Air. W. Jackson of Winnipeg, and has
left for that, city.
Mrs. H. L. Ilarrison and baby
Lawrence of Southampton were last
week the guests of Mrs. (Captain)
Miss Gertie Hopkins of Southampton
was the guest last week of Mrs.
(Captain) Inkster.
Mrs. Faulkuer of Bayfield visited'
her sister, Mrs. Charlie Symonds, a
couple of days last week.
• Misses Faulkner and Carrie
Shannon • wheeled to Bayfield last
Quite a number . of the citizens Of
Windsor have visited our town this
season, them being Mrs, (Dr.)
Coventry, Miss Coventry, Mr. R.
Coventry, preen; at, the St. Lawrence;
Heolth Inspector Donald Grieve and
Atria. Grieve, who registered at the
Orsig House, They are all charmed
with our town and well they may be.
Mr. and Mrs. Beery Holmes of
Acton station Attended the weddirtg of
Mr. and Mrs. Will. Hezzlewood.
Miss Hill of (Minton is the guest of
the Misses Stratton,
Edgar Sty/61101d of Cleveland is the
guest of his grandparents. .
Mrs. (Dr.) Aikenhead and son of
Maryland were the guests this week of
Ale. and Mrs. J. Ancenheacl, Baytield
Miss ' Benest argl Mr. Stringer re-
turned to ' their respective homes
at Wyoming and Port Huron after a
pleasant visit with Mrs. S, O. Harrison.
Miss Varcrie, daughter of Colonel
Varcoe, spent last week the guest of
or Wit a. (Captain, Tre the way.)
Messrs. Porter and .1. Platt. were the
1. C. 0. F. delegates to the meet"
ing of the Grand. lodge in Guelph last
Inspector Tona is having his rest-
The islands stodding the lakes and dence newly painted and it looks
surrounding shores, dotted as they are . charmingly fresh in its green coat,
with cottages and tents, make it most its. ()line of Seaforth was the guest
delightful picture. of Mrs. Murphy litst•week,
Fern Cottage is Owned by Mr, Sohn Will, Parsons, Will. Passmore and
McBain, a former resident of Orestes', Milvin Ilolvell have been visiting the
Miss Flo McIntosh is improving
rapidly since she took it trip to Millet%
to recruit., Her sister, Anse Tessie Me-
intosh of the Scrauton training
school, accompanied her.
with whom we were quite intitnate as
en earnest worker in the chnrch when
stationed on that circuit. Our fatnily
at present consists of Mr. encl. Mrs.
MeBitin and four daughters, it soe and
danghtee besidee who spend Sunday' at
home, Mrs. Grabens and Maim),
daughter from near Totonto, lltr,
Mrs. Archdeacon of Indianapolis IT. 8.,
Miss Allen and boy -nephew of Chesley,
and ourselves. Others from Wood
stoat and Ws Louis IL 8. were here
earlier in the season. The bituation is
one of the best, the hotne life most
congental, the table everything that
can be desired and terms vel y moder-
ate. We go back and forth to the
eta tinn either by.row boat or buggy.
We are within two milee of llama
Indian A/18810Th which is served by one
of our ministers; of Toronto Confer-
ence, Several of us attended morning
service on Suuday and some of us
again in the afternoon participated
with them in their quatterly eervice,
On W`ednesday the Board of Trade
favored the tourists with their host*
• by giving them it free eeetneion
Around the lakes on the 0.0131181" Long -
foe. The day was beautifully fine and
the trip fully enjoyed by a Iarge core -
Midsummer Clearing Sale
at Wm, Taylor & Son's
• in order to clear out the balance of our Summer Footwear and to
make room for fall goods we are offering some Very Special Induce-
ments for the next ten days. _Read, carefully the following list of prices
and profit by them
Men's Plow Shoes, well worth $1, for 150
Men's Box Calf Gaiters and laced, worth $2.51),only ' $2
Mao's Calf Kid Laced Boots, worth $3, going $2.25
Men's Tan Laced Boots, 20of discount off regular • prices
Women's Tan Oxfords, yid kid, worth $2.25, now $L49
Women's Tan Oxfords, reginar $1.00 to $1,75,on1y $1.10
Women's and Misses Oxfords, worth $1,35 to $1.30 -
!going at . . 53c
Boys' and Youths' Tan Laced Boots at 20or discount
Wornen's Dongola Kid Laced and Button- Boots at $2.25
The above includes all our best makes, The King -Quality, The Bell, The
Soverign and Americen lines, The regular prices run from $8 to 3.CO,
all going at one price $2.25. Don't miss this opportunity to get
See our Bargain•Racke for the best value e in Boys' and -Girls' School
Boots ever offeredin Clinton. Our Low .Prices are loud talkers. No
. trouble to show goods.
The Old .Relia ble. The Store That Never Disappoints.
Cash and One Price
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.
^,0*".a.• 0,q0r^0. Altvilt•TO.A0o-^rs.^.1C,,,k..Zn-.S64.1ard
J. Ben. Hawkins left Monday for
Rochester in the interests of the firm
• he represents. . . '
Miss L. Cunningham speot it few
days at the Grand Bend last week.
P. F. Hamlin Sundayed in Dungan-
non with his parents. -
Threshing Is now in full swing in
this neighborhood.
• •Will. B. Hawkins attended the High
Collet of °uteri° L 0. Foresters
which was in session at the city of
Hainilton last week as the representa,-
:tive of court Wavvanosh 1227, Dungan-,
At Victoria, street chureh on Sunday
evening last a greet eoncourse of
people from all the churches attended
to hear the sermon of Mr. Will,
Stoddart, Yoe his text he chose
Judges 21-3, "One Whet acking in Is -
reel" and preached a powerful sermon.
The arithein sung by the choir 'WM
Weil rendered "Praise Thou the Lord."
Me. Belcher sang at the offertory very
pleasingly,'Ninety and Nine.
Mies JP8:410Straiton, after a pleasant
visit at home with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Straiton left on Seturday to
spend. Sunday with her sister,. Mrs.
Chesney, Egmondville, after winch she
will join a pleasure party to the Aa.
irondack Mountains and Rainbow
Lake N. Y. We wish her a pleasant
Miss Hattie Harrison left on Monday
for the millinery openings at Toronto.
The new aseistant 11. M. Customs.
Gillett end Grant will take up
• Mr. Alex. Chrystal of London spent
last week retnodeling the salt pan at
the harbor mill,
The Scorch concert and lawn party
held on Friday evening in the lovely
grounds of The Maples was well pat-
ronized. The ladies who danced the
Scotch reel were Misses Bella Howrie,
Irene SaultssLulu Tweedy and Helen
Itothwell, The seine lassies danced
the Highland Fling. The Scotch
deuce Mille Callum brought, out Misses
Edna Leonard, Lena Clarke and Bella
Howrie. in Shaun Trews, sires
Bella Howrie, Irene Sault% Luta
Tweedy and Helen Bothwell divided
the honors. The piper, "Oor rtin
Robbie Cridgie" delighted all Assem-
bled with his playing. Itir. McCann-
ish Who with his company is spend-
ing' the season here recruiting for the
fall and winter season, sang beautifully
the lovely songs dear to the Scottish
heart, Annie Laurie' in the first part
of the program and .10 the second
Jessie's Dreatn" which reeeived very
warm applause to which Mr. IlleOrtun-
ish graciously respottded with
promise thee," Miss Eloreriee Glover
kindly played all the evening's acorn-
paniments whiter included the selec-
tines of Mrs. Allass of. Detroit. lier
selection was "Bonnie Prince Charlie"
which deserved the encore given her.
In response Allan gave "Angus
Macdonald." She has greet vim and
smug in it very pleasing soprano voice.
Mrs. Allan is ft pupil of Harold Jarvis
of Detroit, Dr. Thomas O'llegan,
gueet at St, Poter'st peesbytery, sang
" The Oettiskeen Lawn" and being en-
chored recited one of his latest poems,
"The Selig My Mother Sang," Dr.
Oqingari is well suited for it public
speaker, his voice is strong, accent
good and he is quite at ease, Me.
Fiavelle was the humorist of the even.
in and was warmly applauded. Mr,
hibby was equal to the occeolon Ana
sang "The Hielman's Toast" which
delighted the gathering. For an en.
001'0 he gave the lovely Cartadfan
military song "A Greeting to the
King." Refreshments cousisting of
ice erOlttnr coffee, tett and eake were
served by a bevy of Scotch lassies atid
She etitertainmeut came to it close with
all singing Anla Lang Syne.
Mr. and Mts. john Macdougall of
patiy. resilience on Newgate 85. in the house , Chicago aro the guests of Mr. Mac.
.August nth, 3.(ilttilENS lately purchased by Mra. Nott, aougaure older, Mee, W Itioley,
• Mrs. Bannister and the Misses
Bannister of Detroit visited relatives
around here last week. They return-
ed on Saturday, Miss Laura Bennis:,
ter returned then also,
. Miss Grade Dyke of Goderich is yis;
Ring at Mr. Sohn Torrance'.
Miss Maggie McPhail is on the sick
Hit. • •
• Mho Pettigrew has returned to her
home in Pittsbarg, Pa.
• Mies Isadore Elliott yisited in Eg-
monclville last week. '
Miss Florenee Macdonald Inte return-
ed from Detroit.
- Having bought out the whole stock ' of
bicycles from A. T. Cooper, (14 wheels,)
2 :El ARTFORDS • ' 1 E. & D.
2 CLEVELANDS, one with coaster brake.
All of these eve intend to run off ata low margin to make room fer
. new ones. Anyone in need of it bicycle would save money, by buying
one of these. All kinds of repairs kept for $ bicycles,'wheels cleaned an
repared, New ' tires $6.00 to $10.00. -AIL .work ' guaranteed.
$In connection with same we are prepared to do all kinds Of work,
horse shoeing and general repairing. All the Mow.points and repairs
kept by Mr. Tedford we still keep in stock. Points and repairs for the
Fleury No. 1.3 12, 10, 21
Friday, Aug. 89th, at 2 p. m. at the
Commercial • hotel, Seaforth, choice
farm °MO acres, lot 30 con. 10, Mc.
killop. Sale without reserve. -John
Cutlet!, Executor; Thos. Brown Auc-
Saturday, Ang. 31st, a52 p. tn. at the
Commercial hotel, Seaforth, extensive
sale of laud the estate of the late Chris
topher Dale.-Johu H. Dale, Executor;
Thos. Brown Auctioneer.
Monday, Sept. 2nd, at 1 p. m., on lot
10, con. 7, Trickersnr.h, extensive sale
of farm stock and implements without
reserve.-Jaines Hudson, Proprie.ter;
Thos. Brown, Atictioneer.
' Tedford Plow, gang repairs,
Miller an.d Tedford.Plow Sylvester No. 7
Tedford No. 8 . Hill's Patent, Old No.13 #
• Virilkinscin No. 7 and 21 and 2 furrow plow.
. •
Tedford'e old Stand
• . .
Rattenbury Street
p•••0•••••O•ireaeoae• ae•no•••••••o•••••••••••••••••
i0 d AUv)U
e •
o •
o This week w' will cemraence to slaughter •
• •
a o
• We have a tremendous stock
to sell yet at prices never • •
• equalled in this county. •
• This will be r real Bargain Sale It -will be nn- to
« necessary to quot e prices in this advertisement as every. el
:thino. will be ma rked with red tickets to show the cut we
i :
• ntend to make. All we ant is for you to come and inspect :
• 0
• to satisfy youl self that this sale will be one of the :
a •
Greatest au.d Cheapest Sale!
44 That ever has taken place -in this county. We would :
o urge out friends from the country to come in :
• • on Saturday bringing in their boys. . :
Now is the time for pie,
nicks and to proyide a
tasty lunch ispne of the
prineipal feateres .
In OANN141D wo tui,ve seine.
thing that cannot Jail to please yoU,
We have
• Lunelt Tongue Veal Loaf •
Cottage Loaf Lunch Bacon
Boned Turkey
all at popular prices.
Our 121e per large bottle Pickles
cannot be beaten,
Good Ilea Canned Salmon rit 10c
per oath
We have an enticing assortment of
fancy biscuits at Igc per lb.
If you think of picnicking dall and
See us.
A full stock of staple and fancy
groceries always kept on hand.
GEO. E. itinfiLL
6 • •
6 6
• . a
* * * *
Our stock is eoinplete in every
line, For quality our goods are
the best and for price the
'House -cleating time is at hand,
and you will, nO doubt, require
something new in the line of
some special snaps to offer.
Do not fail to see them.
BROADFOOL BOX & Co., Furniture pealersiand Undertakers
J. W. Chidleyt Manager •
Night and Sunday calls; answered et residence of our
Funeral Director, 3. W. Chidley, Xing street, opposite foundry.
Western Fair, London
SEPTEMBER' sth to 14th, 1901
Entries close september 4th
.A. home exposition of genuine merit -New exhibits; Ma leading •
ettractiorie-Lockharts'e perforining Elephants -The Three Orates and
"Tomo Tom" the baby elephant anti many other epeei al ties; of it high mike -grand
fireworks display.including representations "Fall of China" and "Taking
of Pekin." Special trains oyes, all linea eah evening after fireWotks
For prise lists, programs, etc., apply to
t CA.W AlAllashore, J, A, NliAlig,
Presidento Secretary