The Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-15, Page 9ortiaa ' $2425 d $3 .PA -Parasols Seiiingat $1.15 Brand new goods at that. There is 110 exageration; in the . above Statement, It is just the .plain facts of the casebriefly told, Here is the reason we can do it. The other day we got a chance to buy some handsome fancy parasols for less than half their, regular value, .&ll are this season's goods. They *ere made by the leading manufacturer of the Dominion and are the last one's, two's and three's of the lines he sold for $2.25, $2.60 and $s retailing. g It was the greatest parasol bargain, that ever care our way, one' of the kind that comes but once in a great while. We pass it on to you and place the. entire lot on sale at the remarkably • low price of each.,,,,,;.. , $1.15 Fancy silk parasols in shades of royal and navy. blue heiliotrope, purple, cardinal and gray ronnds with oriental .and scroll designs in white and back; plain or wiof thighllyepolshedewoodtto match the topaand have • handsome horn and. Dresden mountings, the frame is verylight and strong , there is not a parasol in the lot that would sell for less than $2:25 in the regular way and many are $S lines, the whole lot goes on sale at cyour choice for ..,' 'I U The quantity is limited. Those• who coxn.e first' will find plenty to select from but of course when the last one is sold we have no more at any such price, a New Sailor fiats 25c each. Perhaps it is a little ale late in hats: but it is a- `elate in the about. These are new hats just in considerably -under Value : Ladie L 6 sailor hats, rough strath bands, new goods; natty shape, the season, each. • the season to advertise sailor season" price we have to tell this week and at. 25 cents are with white orr black special for the rest of New French Flannel' 2 French Flannels promise to be more popular thanever this season. Our collection is by far the :handsomest we have ever shown and there is greater, variety than ever before. • The new fall patterns •axe here and the best things -will soon be. picked up by early buyers. Come and see them while the assortment is complete Handsome designs in French Plannels,polka dots,Paisley patterns and plain and fancy stripes on pale blue, navy. blue, fawn, red,gray and black grounds, very fine . quality;per yard 0 Dress Goods for ` Fall `We•like advertising newoods particularly ... � aa ,13. arty so when we have such an attractive line as these handsome. fall suitings to tell about. ' Theycome to us ire y , direct ct from one,of the largest makers .in Canada and are. a .little bit ' out' of the ordinary, different from what you will find in most stores.: ' .If you ,would care to select your fall costume now we willZ ladl y la . it aside until you are ready to call'for it. We 'can o only g hoe you a hint here' of their richness and goodness. • . To appreci- ate them .fully you'll have to see them in the store. _ You are welcome to come and look at any time.: . New fall suiting�s in Cheviots,rough twills, canvas effects . and good: quality h0naespuns, will make stylish fall and winter costumes, ail the: fesbionahle fall shadings re. ppresented, grays; browns, blues and t black, full i yards wide, per yard:. , 1. ala l .1 5 . '1.25' t , Ctly . • • . i Summer Stocks + are fully assorted. here and will be right up to the Strk end of the season. There are a dozen and one little things that are wanted nearly every day and you can come here and bewsure of getting them. The Alterations We commence snaking the alterations this week and are going tohave a.great deal better store when they are completed. Come in any day and see what we are doing. A New Corset at Half a Dollar We have a new corset at this popular price. It is the best half dollar corset we have ever sold; In fact we have n t y been able to find a corset factor in the co 0 as good for this price. Ask tounary mal�in�; one a pair of corsets see it the next time you want Corsets made of strong jean :filled with highly to Watch spring steel, steels covered with sateen, the popular short shape; nicely trimmed with lakand baby ribbon, perfect fitting and ruk comfortable, per pttir.. WV Jiodgens gyros, -.C;t4NTON• \9h �., .. talksto you ,.. mini accordingly, vY.. want our adds to sound honest, to keep :honest goods, sell at limiest prices and push honestly for trade, French Organdie is the proper thing in Note Paper for those who want the latest for serial writ- ing,envelo es of course to match, It is in Empress shape, that is a little wider than o ,isesvote in color it is a dainty blue, is agreeable to write on and gives a tone to your correspcndeneethat snakes the receiver know your taste is in keeping with etiquete. You like to receive this sentiment yourself, Did it• ever occur to you how careless yon unconsciously . are sometimes in extending it to your worthy friends, The price of this " just .I right" novelty is no more than the respectable old time style. • Agents Parker's Dye Works. The Tt D. Fair Co. Often the Che.rpeet, Always the ''Best. masa About 0 0 People INHERE THEY ARE OR WHERE THEY ARE WING We Know Sesaiazal Mr. R: P. Reekie was in SC Thomas yesterday. Mr. E.McFaul of Seaforth was in town onMonday. . 1!Jrs, Sam, Cole is visiting friends in Jackson, Mich. Mr.- Albert Seeleyvisited the Pan- American this week. Mr.Frank Yeo of Mt,Forest is a private guest at the Clarendon. Mrs. Ed. Cantelon was visiting friends in Londesboro this week Miss Annie Sterling of Detroit. is • the guest of her father in town. Mrs. Frank Baer is spending a couple of weeks with Colborne friends. Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell. of Detroitis the guest of her mother, Mrs, Fair. Mrs. 11, F. Rorke is spending a few days with friends in Londesboro: Mr. Jas. Rorke of Seaforth has taken a situation with Mr, George Robs ten, Misses Rum ball and Foster cif. ondon. area h eof nes s. t ' g friends s i n Clinton. Miss Jean Darling hes been visiting at Mrs.. Stewart's of Mensal! for some Miss Ethel McEwen . of.: Ailsa Craiig is the guest of her aunt, Mrs.: H. l:"' Andrews. Miss Gordon. -went : to. her home at Sheppardton. on Monday for a. week's rest. Mrs. John Morrish has been the ghost the past three 'days of Mrs. Joh Halliday of`Goderich. '• Mr. and Mrs.. John Nicholson': and family of Auburn visited at •Mr. R, Reynolds' on Tuesday; Miss Lela Hoover returned home Monday after having a pleasant visit with friends in Lucan. • ' re: E. Spading left Wednesday for Port Huron.where She will spend a month among friends. iss Nona•Miller returned from Toron- to on' Friday, and will spend her vacation at her home in town. iss Oliye Bates of Goderich 'spent Sunday in. town the guest of her cousin, Miss Maude Cantelon, r H. E. 13rewer,local manager of the Molsons°Bank, is enjoyingbis holi- days with his family at Bayfield, iss Mcqueen, who bas been • the guest of Mrs. W, IL Newcombe;. re- turned home te•Petrolialast week. rs. Carling and three of .herfamily returned on Monday .from. a; three weeks' visit with friends in Grey township. iss Mary Irwin came up from Toren - to on Tuesday night to be .present at the marriage of her sister which took place yesterday, • r. David Sowers, late of the o. f. stair, has accepted a position in Brantford and moved his family to that .city on Tuesday,. ss Maude Cook, who has been visit• ng. for the past mouth in Toronto' ed. Streetsyille, returned to her ()mein town Monday, ss Irene Ferris of: Raarlock, who pent a couple of weeks in town the nest of het, cousin, Miss MayiSmith, returned home Saturday, ster Hugh Grigg is holidaying in Detroit, Mr. A. J. Grigg and Mrs. W. Grigg accompanied him to Gode- ich where he lett by hoot.. Al x. Stewart, leaves sof week for t. Joseph's Island where she will k charge of a. Public school, T. Postlewaite, whose wife bas en yisitingl her mother, Mrs, 3, Catling, wheeled down from Gode. eh on Saturday: to spend Sunday re. D, Cantelon was in Toronto last eek attendingthe apple•packers' onvention. Of the about two bund - d packers present nearly two-thirds ere Yankees, Mabel Danford has returned home ter a five .weeks' visit with her andpareuts - in Grey township. Mr Frank Woods and his sister companied her to •Clinton, return - g home again on'Sunday. nd 'Mrs. Thos. Ginn of Detroit ent a couple of days last week vis. ng at his ester's; Mrs. Tienry outledge's, They were returning In Ripley where they had been tending the funeral of Mrs. Ginn's her, Mr. McLarty. Mr. (Ginn is a son contractor in Detroit. bowing were booked by 11'. R. dgens for the harvesters' eitcureion Tuesday : W. Cantelon, S. L. tt, W. Ball. H. Roberton, Jas. guson, W. Jenkins, 'Geo.. Mair, E. ott, 3. A. Marshall, Miss McFar- MIss Fannie Jervis, Miss Nettie Robs. Aylward, It A,,, minister of Paul's Presbyterian chur'eh khill, was a caller at St. Paul's ry, Clinton,. on Tuesday last, reverend gentleman, who has holidaying in Quebec, was on way to join Mrs. Aylward and roily, who have been summer - n Bapiield, W R. Loutih was in Milton on nesday and Thursday last yang ftp a shipment of pressed been the ae h al keen church.There hfor rick that the maker became in, ulcer and would reply to neither lephone or telegraph message t required ;all Mr, LOugh'a di. acy to get one carload last week, a promise o£ more this Week. C valuable time to the ;uilders. L. Fisher returned to town last M •M M M M •M M M Mi i a h Mi s g Ma r 'IIs 5 ta Mr, be ri he Mr. w e re rw Miss of Y ac in Mr.sp a iti Ro fait The fin I:io on Sco Fee Bill lane Jet' Rev. St. Par rect been his the fa Mri Wed burr brick has the dope • and i in wplith The u toss 0 Mr. 0, Wednesday after a month's trirr through California and Reitielt tlolumbia-10which hecombined bust - hese and pleatsure. Ile expresses himself of sunshine but thinks. that ii not equal to Ontario. When In British Columbia he spent most of his timeirk theLardeau•t)anean min. Ing distriet in whicha has consider• able interest.. 11 -Ie brghtborne with hitn some samples or one which he knocked out of the min a5 h hate. . ing her pa;.,.., Robb. Miss Logan and Plaster IkeRatte.. have returned from visiting London friends Mrs. Jas Catling spent a few days with her son Albert in Goderich township, Ur. George Twitch ell left on Saturday to enjoy his two weeks' holidays. at Pine River, Mr. and Mrs. W. Harland and 111r, 0, C. Rance went down to Detroit by boat yesterday. Mrs. a. Kerr of Wingbarn has been visiting friends in Clinton and vicin- ity Or a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Routledge spent a rouple of days of last week visiting friends in Winglraani. Mr,Randscombe and Mrs.flaudcombe, Jr., returned Tuesday night from visiting theFan-Arm, Airs. L, Kennedy is visiting friends at Woodstock while Mr. Kennedy is rusticating at Cloderieh. Mr. George Joynt and Miss B. Mur- dock of Hensaii were guests of ,bliss Lottie Cantelon on Sunday, Mrs. R. A. Bell and baby Jean spent part of last week in Goclerich, return- ing with s4e, .Bell on Sunday. A I t 1 Mrs. Cyril Archibald and her daughter, • Miss Archibald, of Northfield, Minn., are guests of Mrs. W. W: Ferran, • Mise Lottie Iger , returned home an Friday evening l'roni Detroit and Dr, IPaflistaer and Miss for a aPallisterof of Bay Bay- field, together with their west, Miss • MBy sondayaof Goderich, were in town on n.: Mr. Taylor and family, Mr. G, . F. Brickendon and family and Miss A. Brickendon enjoyed the civic holiday. in Goderich, Mr. Flenry Chums, who travels for a large •wholesale drygouds heuse,New York; came up to spend Sunday with his anus, Mrs. J. Rattenbury, Mrs, F. Simpson. of Toronto is the guest of her brother, Mr.J.P.Tisdall at his summer cottage at Bayfield. Miss Radcliffe is also a guest there, Mr. R. Graham accompanied Mr. W, Oudmore of Seaforth on Monday to Goderich where the latter delivered a roadster. to McGaw for which he received $300. Master Gordon Cunninghame was • among the millibar i e r whoci t ink the train from bore, •"Westward". bound, to try. a few months of life in the Prairie province. Dr, J_ A, Dook • returned home last week from Chicago where he' had been taking post rad preparator to graduate .course, y settling down again to practise his pt ofession. . Mr. and Mrs. J..1, Maguire, late of the Hotel Clarendon have been visiting the former's brother at Ripley whore' Mrs. IVJeguire will remain until her good man secures a good stand at ' which to enter business again. The following party picnicked in Ealy. • field don Saturday last : Mr, and Mrs. R.'Walker and family, Mr. 'and ' Mrs. Geo. Flintolf and family, Misses Mary Stoddart. Jessie Gordon, Edna Shaw and Mary Saxton, Will: Pear- son, Will.. Stoddart and Masters Carl Stoddart and Harold Gordon. Mr.W,Jackson's booking to teNorth-' west on Tuesday included • T. Mac- donald, J. R. Sheppard, W Lindsay; J. Thompson, Goderich "township ; -• J. Miller, W. Johnstone, J. Sparrow, A. McEwan, W. Scott, Stapley;.G,. Farquhar, E. Mcirittie, W. 'Moon . aA Hufiett; B. MoLaaughlan, McKillop. ''. Mr. B. J U•ilibings returned borne on. Saturday last from his three months' trip through: the British Isles and: e • the continent.. He yisited numerous points of interest so that his know- ledge of men and their manners, or want of them, people and places has• been greatly increased. B. : J, is are * entertaining talker and' his descrip. :. tion of his experiences is both novel' 4. and interesting. . 1tiss Solway of• Toronto, who has been • the guest of Mrs, Walter Manning for the past week, sang at both services. in the Ontario' church last Q Sunday. Miss Seaway, who is a .. member of one of the leading choirs I hi thateity,possesses a rich contralto voice and her "Abide.Wjth Me" and the "Ninety : anti Nine" greatly' delighted the ..large congregations who heard her. r 2 6 BLY TH, . Mr., Goo. McBiroy of Woodstock, an oidBiythite; is visiting under the parental On Friday the Presbyterian church choir drove over to Bayfield and spent an enjoyable time, • On Friday evening Mrs, Fr' W. Scott gave at party at her residence to quite a number of her lady friends. On Friday evening our junior foot- ball team drove to Auburn to play the team of that hamlet but when the game was finished it stood Blyth 0, Anburn 1, Mani Livingstone returned on Sat- urdayfrorn Sudbury and North Bay. Principal Shrew of the Public school has moved this week into the house formerly occupied by W. R. Fete - more on Dinsley street. Rev. W. Lowe of Winghanr> is 1,0. officiate in' Trinity church r nr Sunday morning next. Athe bvillaget rand# our surrounding country men from left this station on Tuesdamorning for ltlsinitoba to help take off the great wheat crop of.that country, has ded inur hR. is hisresgnat on' too the oun- cil on Tuesday. • evening last, They were very reluctant to 'accept, but as he thought be bad served long enough for the small amount of wages for the number of duties to be performed, • they did; He has held the chiefsbip for three years•. to the credit of himself and the village, Mr. Riley has a gang of men moving the barn of Mr. W. Mason of the Central hotel to the rear of the of to make room for the erection of a brick one in its place. . . Mrs. Emigh of Goderich is visiting fr`Mear. W and Kelly for tb state f touisania is visiting friends in town for a few days. thRegular., t', waslheldothe Tuesday- even- ing,. ss Maud Proctor Sundayed with friends in.Eluilett, wholesale millinery establishments maid London. Mr. John Serritt is paying his daughter in London a short visit, Miss Ida Rath is visiting her friend Mrs. Jaynes Macdonald of 'Walton, , Mr, Bert Brerntier was called to Thamasvilie by the death of his moth- er who passed away before he was able to reach her Bedside. Major Heck drove out from Goderich expressly to attend the reception to Sergeant McQuaarrie, Than Major never forgets his comrades in arms, as it. were; Bewlif8 J4letch,. The bowling thatch, Clinton vs, Mitchell, played en the local green on. Tuesday resulted in favor of the visit. ors by seven points, The rinks war tnadeup as follows cr.tfrTON, IttreXtUt t. J. froward Col. Doherty It, 13. Combo • T, 0, lioi'd d. Bair 1 Downey W. I. Spaulding(sk)15•Cr.Woods(sit)l8 J', TaylorIlnrd 3, 13. Little ter 1)e, Smith (ek) 18 b3,A.Itodge(ek)2.2 Takia altogether, Mr. l ieherma &aye r D. A,,, Ferree Ire hada delightful trip; Wi Jackson • • Aug • 15t1, i 901. tts44�*****4444!4• s • s#444IMF •+.144+40114444*44*#11444 414#••s•s•+•s••ss41+#is*1411.11 "A Somewhat Different t Store " rn The Key and ou'll Get $45 The next thirty days is usually the quietest season hof the year in the pry Goods business—there are many good reasons for it beings o, its a 'general holiday and visiting time with scores of people uid probably the busiest season of the year with our friends in the country, ' Now what we're coming at is this : In order to turn these quiet days into Keenly Active business days we have arranged with thea agents nts of the Waterline Furniture Co. to offer an elegant Parlor Suite to anyone who can turn the key in the lock attached. to part of the furniture, • Here is our plan :: • With this Parlor Suite in sealed Y envelopes, at the' factory. With each • will be given, with two dollars two .keys and so `. the thousand that will unlock the furniture—it Co who sealed the envelopes. We don't kROW comes one thousand key's' put purchase of ane dollar one key on. There is only .one key it is known only by ;the Furniture the right ke y Now, on Saturday morning,. A.ug,:17th, we commence to . purchases and hand out'th.e.keys. with your p on Septa 17th .we ask all parties holding ke sato to oily' store and see ifg y wine you. have the right key—if pu Q .have, h� .you v this � .. y e, .,bea;l_ttifttl Par- lor Suite is yours. As -an extra induce ment for 3 0 days .we've had thousandsf and dollars worth of New Fall Goods placed into stock and have markeci. ' them atarice that at ai p l 1 insure prompt selling, our su The balance of mme>_:._stock must g g o at. any ny pi ice-i2o reset ve. , We don't..carry goods froth on • e season -to Our loss is,your: gain. Corne ': With :The Crowd TOUR MONET nava Ir NOT! AVANT IT t��...•.••sssss44s4}sssssK CLINTON �.�.���•••sM•sssss44s•s7ss40*is••NfN141N4Ns4Nss. 2trcrtrrtrttrrtnrr�trrtrrrrrrrrtc r r r r it trr r . ;1 nrrrtrnrirr trttrrrr � � rrr�rntrftrrrrttr ttrrrrtrrttnrrttrrrrrrr � -▪ - : . ' rtr�trrrrrtr�tr�tnrrrtrrtrrrrrtr-.�.� s • . ✓ . l w.a a:= iesaak 1111., Ewa allwa 04.4 OP* 6.6 a ellaaV Wart r 'oilo!NVV1 Thoughtless M/VWb1/VVVWt .nay Thoughtless people look at the price. The cautious ones They reason rightly, that the cheapest ' look at the.uquality. p is the costliest... Pettex to buy once at a fair price than twice at prices that can't possibly hold an Mothers of boys 1 quality ought to be your guide and if stick value, "LION" brand you will be right, All woolhones ,you stick to the cost money but they' wear. The best that can be honest ening, honest lining,s novae too strong for the assaults of roxnpp into toys' Clerking y costs less here than l and play. That ' this reliability elsewhere is the truth. If somebody else sells toys Clothing lower than we do it is because they ignore quality,risk satisfaction trust to luck, The "LION" brand is demonstrating the fact every day that no other line equals it. We are sole agents in this place. People ac son Bros, Clititort. WIlIJUJINU1gIffJ1111i4i111{l{i1liUlllflltllillfll{I(UUJIflUAIJIt11l i9n JUI{4i1(lUAiJildilkil{I{flf{4U11UI4IIt1if11U1111t1U11111i .•� raga aaama -�o -as' .-4111 ...110 raaalla 4 a