HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-15, Page 7I
toff zuy bracas aild bouild tl WRIU Loept.r. I vilen, uFkW If*ll him which Ile would prefer' like JAOI -AN WTU A 7, to hays 4 spike driven. through 1110 VZ,.&CFS 1`IWX=RZ TS:t TUR 00UNTRV BUC
Adv 1 BAy miserable head, or to save his 1110, by CAN'T TOTJ07A TSX*w,l at Itho * lewdlus us Rafoly out 91 t# MIOQr. tuseusiblal. Ole 4l It Was, Looked Upon 49 'the 33ar- -timo Ca chose the latter and I Unbound DOZOAS Of 001111tri011 Wh*v"* sroneat Land on the Face OX
Golden left on tile his logo, And taking 4 lipike I hld gX Zve Law-Bro%ksra the Globe, Swill willia, they it at his forehead. the Point Just Are Sol of their piercing the skill, from which tvickl- 0 It Is In Taiii to look for Anything
Isublime In the story of the colonlza-
tb4 Injuries ad (x drop or two of blood. The London Is probably tho sobst biding -places for crlukloall$ 7hO& tion- of Australia. It had no I'll -
I holve boon, often, Askod bow It ="tsr with foax. Sir Rich- 0M. 0 Oput tha Sir Richard Neville Prosently V regained conscious- coward shook . p At his the police geelc, despito tbs fact th*t, grim F4thera, no Plains of Abraham,
arm was hanging lim irce is t now end his eyes inimodicil rOstOd Ard's etropIcIttau Police 1% there was, at starting, neither loot ppsifessed but one sirni during the lay side, but -a it
upon me. Ile Caine to where I t - and successful � JA he took another spike ready the X 1111411; twenty years of is lite, but and told the attendants to put Me to, strike at the sliglltest suspicion most ol t to find nor revenue to be drawn frol In the circumstances under which be we led the vil- world. Tile f1cot to th its uAtivQ, 1nexplaited conditicit. it
in "tho room with the spiked Coil- Of 9, struggle. Tus a. biding criminal in London. l (with was reckoned the barrouiest al"I 1110st lost the othvr were of *4 Painful a jug," And lie Added, Ills high- laill forth, After traversing uumeg- W g 'illibng 'of people at all nature that I hovo never, during Ilia last its too In, Ill inhospitable country under heaven Rown baronet with was oils passages and.balls We At
Motinte, felt Jusified In Making Am ng 0, 4 tic remendolim task; VIVA It lay � for a couple of centurles pulled along to the lead of the Pass- saw the, glorious sunshine stre I U tion Ii a) Is t , IM!? 0�9� he so calsis known but unclaimed. The hoisting
them putille. a$- and i t a ' 0 Ago outside the toolu, followed by under A door At the nd of a Ile de of the task is dou- 01 the ensign At Botany Bay Thoso Who were intimately, %4- down a age. The master ,)lit tile key Into 140 MAgnitu . in,
qualated with. Sir Richard must have Sir Richard; we then went ct that tile I'descrip .1769 by Captain Cook was more a
'flight of steps, Along another PAS tho, lock and opened the, door, and bled by thO In tlaud Yard an noticed the thaealth, Appearance of WChard fainted. tions" supplied to Sea' ruatter of racial acquisitivenosS tb
big f- o, which 0 orbiallY age, until We came to a door look- at this moment Sir my shoulders. I by foreign police are PrOv a4ythlug lse ; Australia lay in- was attributable t oor of Throwing illut over the fact that be was -an excessive Ing very Much like the d 'tied a side i;tepo into meagre and unrallable when they Are wnantQd till 1788, when it Was, ]put,., consumer of opium --ho never did huge safe., The door was ape lid struggled up . the Oil not absolutely id.lotio, iutorequisition. aaacoilvict sta,� A was thrown ill And Sir Weliard the yard.
things by, hollves-and when, be toolt I put Sir Richard in a c%b And Despite, however, the Advantages pushed in After me. I'tIOTTenoeforward, says Xr. I!. to' oplunt, lie did ilot belie his repu- If the door o . utside was like the gave the , address, ,Hotel Ile Nou, London offors fugitives from justice, Ob
tation for thoroughness. door of a safe, the room was Still veautes," And a+, last, we reached it. when 4 British Criminal coulmitS vaino, It was more the splendid We were In Paris In U74- had vliereby he obtains the more like the gate itself. - It WAS He had now lost consciousness, but big crime, N stinacy of the squatter than Any far,, gone there to spend th unds, he generally gives seeing spirit, ofenterpr4se that prom"
a season; And about oft.. square tile sides -and floor in less than halt all hour the beat 'necessary I . Mropire- a Wide h A of the -Australia, the finest pastoral land
,it, Was towards the and of our stay seeming to be Made of metal, and doctor In Paris Was Attending im, t 0 " xis ad
I perceived that. Sir Richt-d lied bcirth, and endeavor to got some- been partaking too freely of the the only"light that entered the cOM and in another week his arm was oil. wheke broad under 14 vague sort of Ili the world. The father of the r For six months he had to keOP to I qmat bread of iloolimastees that was kufir,.;� was - It pa truant e I.. ti 1; is safer
,area small aperture frightful narcotic. I knew that re- ths' forced iw to rise lit the now coliptr� about $in, in width running the Ilia bed, and that six man ICaptain MacArthur, who, dimly fore- not tAt desire -for oPi- utry in wit oil lie cona�� ulOnstrancal was useless, so, did Idngth of one side of the floor; but abstinence bro a 1 a me. seeing great things, came fionict Ill attempt it, but I worried cansider-� saved him from tm"1'1a.t dtld I 0 01 r I Ably find wondered what the end what atinic me as.belog most extra- um, and I believe 'I'lli,jinues he shall 18Q8, quite Ili the mo!lol-,l Manner, ordin ling. It was 4 An early grave. The. I 'Golden Bowl" I his , ,11,?,a of wilither s the oaf I is one which he must Ile would be. ary was covered WAS burt'down about A your later, to float a pastoral cQuIPMAY. One morning be did not Make his brick us, b t China attracted find considerable. difliculty In answer ly being Was cordially backed in Ilia enter- Appearance at the breakfast-tilble, with Iron Spikes about a foot apart and the curious ma its uses Ing, and the difficulty is year prise, by Sir Joseph BanIcs, who one from another with their -points much Attention, but what 0 1 1 g at more to
and though I was rather surprised and I incr ased by the concludin k ; lie tried
At this, I did n . ot. malce inquiries downwards. I looked and looked were few knew. Sir Richard we did and extradition treaties, and hasailed with Cool more raise it. modest 420,000, arid failed. At lunch I again� What were they for? At did, but for obvious reasons those countries but when he did not appear it p lie. -London Tit- the awakening ol A-ftor infinite. badgering of the stupid ascertain it. I- last I gave it up mud asked Sir ot maket ub Ave such frank
with which we already'll asked a Walter to d to feel in My Pocket for my Bits. Sense. of powers that, wore, lie wi, int, and was then RichaVo: treaties to a More proper were stilk Ili his roc clasp -knife and to Cut the cords —0 -'Itheir obligations. Owing t thern.p. small concessibil'of land, arid much concerned to learn'thil,t..-Iiis Which bound me. After several of- returned, alone. 110 was, buirianl istence of scores. of extraditiou bed had not been slept in. F^WMW.%W Wone, that is ; but in -a -few filia- r a liberate..me, JOE VLOAM treaties, almost every country is hold his weak- Woollqd Marino owes and rams that Kn ness had taken upon him I began to arid I then questioned him as to nominally as unsafe to fugitive cri- lie imported about that time -an, ,since, he had "want6d" what had happened rik ininals (excepting thOSO reclie date' afear that lie h4d by some means got a "Golden Bowl." I found if It Sa There Would lie XO.AMlll, thorities, differ as to. the P into one. of the opium dons which been in th erica to Live In. for political Crimes) as,Grewi Brit ind was . a � complete at. actually, xe le at that time aboulicled.in Paris." lily that his in ain, but nominally Is 11 aces not in any blank ; lie could remember nothing Everyone who has seat% ice has no- for which difference the emigrating 71) Z NY FORTUNES. knowledge of such Pl SEED.OF MA 1, that liad happened on tile previous ticad that it floats. But why, since. evil -door has every reason to be way allaying my fears for I 11 It( day, He could remember my coming ice is only water'itself frozen? Sint- tliankfuL Re was faced ou'landfug wit.), tile esiDecially wealthy TI -XE. Nulv QVEEN VICTORIA 9TATUD -IN OTTAWA.. -heard of mail, into the big room arid the atrug- ply becuse when water freezes it ex- historic clunderheadedness of Bligh,
men, who had left thern,in -far dif- Moro, than half the . treaties the vond that. he remembered pands, ever so. slightly; that is to that the Minister a; than Governor -of Now South Wales. tances from When they gle, but be, British Government holds. with for- ally un-' is underst6od ferent circums 3ecupics just� If The new statue, of Har late Alixjo4tY will so remain till it -is form
had entered -indeed, some never nothing. A magnificent - diammid, say., a pound at, ice--( dig4 countries for the extradition a I by the Call- veiled. : But enough wag seen �of it Public Works. proposes taking tllc. Who -said, When he heard of the Mae- ring, .. v I alued At $750, and Ills gold little.more space thall'it, poland of criminals Who . fl the country are Queen Victoria, execute, , . pret- while lit process oforectioll to . CE111 advice of I Mr. Nebort himself oll'tills arthur cocession, "You'VO got Came out at all. and wate ems a very Sint- y adian sculptor, Hobert, Capli A S01110 000 acres of the finest land In the Well, he did not appear the, next watch arid Chain, besides. gold r. This also SO Practically ty little. kno'll io. tlle.west' bf tile forth very general Admiration, Tila point.. It is not as massive as rid notes to the value of $1j250 ple little !act, arid yet the existence Do, arid the allego.rical; thin% Is desirable to borrpspond with ountryi but you shan't keep it' morning, And I at once -,Vdllt UP A. DEAD LEI TTERS. main biLilding, oil Parliament �- 11111, 1 British lion, ti essiori of the had been taken from him. of eiviliza'tion depends upom it, .. . . -0 which orua lit the baseEve -tile statuary. It Seems to be under- lCeep. it however, Macarthur did, Ottawa, which iu.�turn po.niniands a figm me ilia unveiling will take put the police ill OSS I looked round for some' 44dans ore wuuld d StOCKI that and in his fight to. hold it there was facts. Rich- At,flrst sight there does riot Seem Were it not for tills fact tb tile both'6f them worked out With 900 All particulars of, Sir refuge for jugi- magnificent view. of ha�udierii, Lca ddrii�g the visit to the capital a foreshUdowihg of the future supre- ard's dress, habits, etc., were rioted, Of escape- This seenied Irupi%'Iblo. etween. It. piece at 'be Only one vrL rival- for five effect, and the only criticism heard is PIv much. conn�dtlon b actual OttaN Ing Wfiils.t I Was examining otir prison gL s there are falls and. 'L110 which does of Ills Royal Highnds� tho, Duke of tnacy.of-tho squatter. and the authoritted not forgett ice floRtin down a river, or an Ice- tive law-broakers, wherea ik up that streftin., iivregard.to tile pedestal, Val, It Col,nwa ds -or six mile .11 nd;York., Turned from. outlaw,to crown leg-, in the �h man, promised Sir Richard fell into a: deep sleep, I
that he was it rl bar.- drifting about the North At- dozens. The Berlin Islan an. is' draiied 1 arid. not meet with.universill.appro tied, the.,squatter's primal character- and, knowing I could receive. little tile lol'st. of figure of the Qua kidid civilizations Pacific Ocean, and off . I to do their utmost. sat down to th lantic; 1111ol'the spli. 'yet Japan, constitute the solo remain- isties always,clung to him ; he' al" help train. him, I Wit of the past, arid present, and BRITISIR SEAXEN' in atte . rs ollor by inyself, ''Whother it there is a yory'close one. Ing nominal refuge,fo.i, the Criminal WONDERFUL RECORDS. ways heaAcd the Slow pageantry Of -was the'furnes of opium or'.the blow classes, and'this refuge is not favor- L9 n in KITORENER11 PUN 6hemo, settlement , it was lie, invariatilV1 During the next two days I bet Sapposing ice did not float what bu t classes rid B13 on Foot to Ralse a NOW ce )[ had received on m -head, I do not k' Convicts Who Have Bden Given, who met arid. turnedthe rough edge nothing of Sir''Richaro:17 the -pol would happen.? it 'Would sin to the ed by any t th lowep awng'selitences,. Style . of Sailor. - of unmitigated supplied. had discovered:. nothing, 'although know, :but,, presently I founti'myself bottoma of the rivers And tho oceans most orimilial of the world's Lo nature ; lie i following the example of Sir Rich- met-, even in. the Dreakersl 11QW HE PROPOSES.To END Tho,quqstion- of the extensive Oil'- or inpired.the darifig and andurance every -thing ' that was-possiblo� had and the - holit' of . suin One ''of the 'convicts who rpqentl,' foreigners on board oil for in the oporlilid dial ard, fen who have pommitted crimes ploment of that Were call I caucalled �all our so tropics would.Tiot- be Sfficient -to �THE WAR, IN SOUTH Oaf,. 'Out of th been done. th, life -Tong irnprison- made a daring escape from Dartmoor 0 the I do - not know how Julnf 1. Slept, Winter would, come 'a a for which dea n- British, ino�cantlle vessels has, to" up of',th6 new contin arrangements and joined' in Sir but when I irielt jt.i 011, iierhaps, � torture, AFRICAj Prison, W-1101'6* hc;.Wds ;, attracted. can- needs, 'whether for 6X_ awoke the fi rst thing '�)[ d n would a' thousaudJ qg nient, Siberia, several ' years Past squatter's search myself. Assuming that and ow 9 ishin dergoing a tielitelled,'' of Ave --Years, Aton. I tion, I I opium denil�ha;d wits �consclious ot'w" the throbbing millions more tons. For instance ould.be due pull alit, have flow.u: siderablq: I and Some degree paroslo. outward to fresh. -Pastures, Richard was in at the t.iveiq .of �Northera Sibed a z - Boribi Islands' from till Parts iry distinction -acently been brought ractintenance 'of his Ock- boasts tile extraordini St
is wn.:accord. or of machinery, aa ooked, up- Ill. to the e, a50,0 of . . . ; ..,
wards the spikes seemed to be much becakse world,,;and 1, -W 11 'Zmpioly 00 Specially SO- at, for, tile
hr . hav at u being but tweuty�-sevcn yeilys. of of pressure ha% i
bad lie been trapped;? frozen at the boftotill, 'loctect Horsernen'this Suitimer. age and'' havifig, Managed to to bear oil thetloverm alit with thO run, or. fc?.r on the. third day after' his aisaP- t1101.11 'When Iiiad fallen asleep. of all that is most bru- securing ail I q lie tli6y.%Wer6 Iebzon � s lid; and a- l0iis t ten, 0 'In THE' LINK OF ;TRANSFOR ages swntonce.q aggre atiug 119. of' Of course,'I aigued with, _u*iys6lf;.such ntiture;'but. the' gentl Details of.. ord Kitchenev's. - Plan .9 Iis ullclerstood, pearance, I IounA myself lit one. never thaw now except on tile sur7- tal in human. t, bland fraud thirty-ninc years, t is not between him and�hiS coastward ma he tile Goverilmoll orhoods'of 'Paris, a thing was Joullorsible, it' Was My I acd. Manly er.1minali for -the onsuilig suTunior cllro�lpaign, All o -Von more extraordinary recoroll ulattel. kets and bases of' suiiplY�'Out . Of the lowest ileighb _wJio decamps wIth ., . .1 T, I oi� to action ill the howev"
en� Bowl,'-'�. arid . of 'fancy, and yet the spikes raifrom the City, which. provides tot- the'roiturn Of no Convict, t.Jl,t1.i r stralian outside the "Gold . of to" b nearer. & low winters ould�filj out- ri�vers undreds, of thousands of dollars, a that i1L. 1 hiLd an'opportUllitY 01- these g ow till the purely. Au a P a a quite a foot fewer than, 70,600 inen:'froin South ' llas.thrjcdr�"been condornnoid. tol a types of workers.on the soil. the� most notorious or Paris deng. 'T P a "a with ice, ild, asyeat. After year went certain safety -witll ail who. "it ults''of What t1i rouso Sli.Richard to 1-1 [a 16 shop, 1: Went --to a and prefers.a, less early Ill tile autumn, hav palial . . .9 went into It. dirty -looking littl . on, the ice. ccLps of, the - North ifott, and would prob- . elitl,, ` is now in -Ibugo or F or -the greatqr part the fo.undin to -him, element, of. call .ttl ' M . opposite the eritrarice,-on the.-prQ Point out this plier�omcnon South Poles,would gradublIly.sp*read e forced beeu j6ublislied. j:ent. Willau (juite ix, youth, in of Dulljoy described, in' tl a I ind forming of squattages- was ac�' of jequi�ing Some maliblies--,-in whexi like ot, flash, Of lightning, ably rather be.-dritested. thap t . . It is . ad, shall consist foil, . Allis - mail Lords tile other, day s very in- tenca the dowA towards the equator, -till all to patrollise thd: Bohin. Islands Whose, I -propos 11.11t,of, ten ible, by in the teeth of rudging. e,'I.f; possible,' gains a*Wful.�fUth,ilash s My mind. of . thirty' z..militia battalions, tile 116 tere,sting experiment" adoptdol t d I led more got mdn�bf reality to aCCII-fi-r. the -soven'.seas were a mas9of_lCCl1 par irlurdered Whichl' W Coll information. ' ' l) - prb, ti gJ ory. It is. true thill tall room' wa*s slowly. �jcularly. as there is now every t. ': * - itl den The'.floor of tile to, might, of *.. course, vered. by 71164c 61 the Guards, the. whole of executed. But tile the' 11il ping A -.n The -tropici:U all ofkjg4 being ca te . Atring �)L largel: par lot" of garlic. *as rising toward tfie, spiked ceiling.!. hope of this'i r tile troops lent by,. India, abut n into considern- View Of sad nlore particu,.Xly in,the early times, leg and smelling vile cover this ith a few fOet o, nea r iiritish: hills. be tit put At, tile rat treaty Ili the of a scherne placards bed the counter, O�Ot W14611:11, judged it an extraditkon loils, , several' bat nlLitqd of British. scaniell 10 tain had
Just as the summer tion' Ills YOuth, cOm onviet 6 seated behind to - bd moving. l- reckoni&d, - it would Ovary . summer, I uture. and field tille'ry, a large ills, im- In Of thi down a franc and told hirn. to keep I sun does with the Siberiaii, ehorse ul� . I 1-obliterated�-the �bushraugers', in- taka About live. he rs and a. hall be- , Where, then, do 'criminals fly ? tho-p6iially.10, diie'of teii.Ye" IIONV' 1110, traffic dould be impbs� b of tile ,law 5s� a day you" [a was libidrated after xre posted up in tile the change; this, its I had iinticipat .a- What is - the Itaven'of rest for llum a' prisoni only eight yearsi t districts throughout tile tabled oI1 times a reign of terror. and fore we should be impaled, upon the itiand ca allapther--dariaxt- Ila-liad undergot y Min"ently trub thaVill .ible, ramereb,' the greatest . , I I . . lit, preferably in tllo.qc and it is also 0 of toirms. nurderous I try, police�huntict Orlillihill'? within nngda I the, Aust ad, put hith into a .9cl hunlor, spikes.� Present y.. my itiontal, corps. it twelvemoiltil he was.., a we werql� soon on the best. civiliser. of, the World, .Would cease - to Woo many', . and' Jiibez Balfour murder, tills, tilne for that are remote train the ritilway, thO *t les 0 rMian land ex -
the conversation mind bedan'to weave a strange plan. are Lord'Xitchener has b6on� hard at Oxi
Graduillly I worked Tfic. ceiling Was composed of bricks, J,ex t wla.wdndorful disretion wh6li Work of late-plann ' ing. to bi its again tried for QM tile aiin being to , get lads of 'tile plorers, from ey to - Burlio ' and
'in general, -and asl -ing, tI i fellow wh . round to opium doing III hc� it -upon t stabbing, Wills; there - is. as fine a ;of My pocked -I X.nwilild. thle'iemperature of -t he Argentine :as his I a record of
in.partioular. and:could I by mean . i result ..abo�t, It ;is understood that 11 as jealous. yeoill, li, tyPe, -%vilo. are free from the pluck as tile aimals:Q1 the race �.can the, oi;ip!osite 6e.: -1 co�tillollt would have gone down Place Of rW.hordby lie. P W conti It -tctioils' - of $ad knife remove. tho* nictiltar,' thus' loos n to b rid � di9tri
Y�s," Sa lie has evuilved.., ot. pla tic was condemned 0 O.Ox initiation �04
and ghing It brioik-wthen; Willett - and- was enormously ac,- The Argentine is still, a,happy aliv - . rtaill faets which tend-. town life, And. riot likely to I;C- athe Austral,yowdies .id he, In French,*' becase of the ast sefected are hat -a in, lar imagination loveg
almost everyone t go.a a dozen df. a, duniulations of ioie:.. on! every side; ' Ating-grotind- for. British crilnitials� will havb �(5Q,,000 sjjcc�.,, ecuted, btit cc -it they exclialige the and'horbes Popki. 'some- removed, to, romb8 horsonlen" both�frorn the colonfesl at lie had been giroatlY come depressed learning them ithas a were brought , notolly of pulling. tividly easy The noft ol,Jabez Balfour's-'Capture Wag. Lit': the country for tit(- to dwell, andlecii
they remai'4 for some days h toniparat zone, the an oind from hwl�e. centers; which. Ilia :jqrjitt0tdd byth s6rog and
times, arid," he said,. - my� score would be, comPary of; 'a exceptionally of coat confidentially "soi�aetilne§ for- but how could I reach the...celling birthplace .11 the great -good stroke of luck Will diildd into, tbreo� corps to oper- to jight)'and the ponaltY.WaS r6du the ocean. - '.1t '-.is. beeki � ed iibiirally . with
.1 to elvi beto�y.` But the than who'b6rc . the Was Sir Richt-Lrd strongenough ilizatio'ns*of. the world, would for. IMIW and justl6cs There are scores Boer ed- to 11ftedil years' incarceration. Ile that such boys would a ever." ate against. . the three loading thoug�ht, also, IN brunt of the, war that made ann-:. anyorte I go in on bear my weight upon -his shoulders ? as uninhabitabW as N&rth.Greenland. upon.scores of British criminals safe- commltndocs.�'hafig on to them arid 'Was et free: f ter only' twelve, years, be, of better Physique, more like. "Did you see leg mail might inanage ly retired -t1i'Argentine RoPubl'Ws gl 6-�Sa:xon pron , I awoke him. Inside the ttop Ilnever lbave �hcrh.- 'when he:wnI; thjrty�-six. Beforc ho'botfi to take kindly te sea,lifel*.,and Tuesday?'� I asked, 'rag, out a degraded exisiened, country. Doubtless they. know their. horsemen will be :supplied wag thirty-eig to-ble.knore tractable than the drdiu- u the situation, to him, to d These -lit Ile load murdered. Ilia tt'er 10 "qua yo I. explained Thir flgliting A "Any strang9r, suppose also my, plan. Ills sleep had Ilona but the scenbs of the triumNis ofAs- time of, arrest.' Ma. come, but Old with special transport, a . lid An. addl- it, lit - of ealbusly, and I al -y bay; Lads of - tile street w a Chiefly in endur- replied - lie. -Let 'rule see ully rea ized SyraE'Mt, Rome, 13�itaiki and Am- ate that theY. weetheatt lit an almost Ii contingency is so rem . I order6d- to be exc� WancC.. They had to face a gentl , ernan wh� him good, and no�v be 'I bu tion to their provislPro POD-VOYS.W111 once niOl-0 Ili' was arab or ref orkilatory school type Dpled by an aborigArima yes. 'kharb 'Wers We must re-, crica, Would be riled under glaciers can hardly at all, inasmuch 11S. nipty land, pei er fellow ;'-lie was the peril We were in. " I a be enabled ..to live it, lip country ctited. But'on�o i�ore also he was weint in with vaiieth d .suow-fields�anol all becau e.ice tile sentence'r not be taken that was the m6st cowardly- nao.ve suffielent. bricks and spikes' to an. tyonity. A13OUT Vili they pasa. throligh. Ill whatever. di- successful in getting they toul(i not'lle subjected on.board al race a tall, well-dressed Man,' and the had cease& to, expand When it froze a ow under sentoilcO I Jilereautile ships, tul same degrwr lit the world, and never really clieclotr fellow who took. ldm� . in, I Should. ciling, o Cot -bad of -floating. There are many reasons wily At- roction tile onciny. may fice - they; duced; and lie 1 n . - t of his 'march of the settlement. e is so. favor, - be . followcol up by , British, a the tain us both," I Said, "',%rid . want and. so $&ilk, inat -itin ad by criminals will f imprisonuliOnt for' rag s. would be possible Ili ad tile -think wag connected with the.place' get of.disciplifte It stand still and lot 3h work t f' tunes. In'the-fIrst mounted I troops. life. :Tlierc was not a mali-hunting e a 0 1 wl. It ill-gotten or '110 royal navy' ' untry it -grow. gate with akdy of �uced' by the L n the whole ca =ff yours shoulders."11O.to6k Me I the bri1sk trade carrIc& on be- All the routes Ili the rear of 0100 An Italian w s � Scilte . The. shipowners are giving a beast I his own." He -then desCribied Ills wall it his shoulders arid I Commenced. FREAKS OF THE-VAITGTZE. ace i der- Support toL f native pasture, on which stock tween the Argentine' and Europe troops Will be followed by specially judges q� his. ci*ij countj7, to u I cart he scheme, and as he could remember the appearance 0 ,king'on For from Pwxrm SHARPS1100T. time h to raise . up throve splendidly - and needed no the Contra brick.. gives great facilities for getting go a reina, a it pe the effect will be nan, housing WOl as charged . W h sixty- "a year round: Thus the of -the Man, which ta lied.. 'exactly a will [Igo; all in1roved type of British seat the ten minutes I fiacked away at tite Something About 'the Great the latter to., tile forru.,. Then, for' and Infantry regiments, Wit a Uourt as it stood was ready, for got-. with Sir' Richard's. niortar, and,thch I took Sir Xllddy River df China. onstituto' io larde Ile PrOPOr- form ." it wore, n strong,l-carguard three distinct offences, and th arid that, there will soon no lon-er land c. business of tile IfIquat- signers c nsideration, his,bad'ru- I took my departure, determined' Argefi� to be� ilia sute reason for preferring �1,oj, iletaimt ita geL -a�dl.s 'place and he worked.Lfrom my t�ll ,tlh(, pcipula,U611 of . the b;e ' ca;.valry, holding strategi- taking into ca d The yangize) tile -great Muddy _I . acter of his tot. .Was to bring . his Rocks- an a theInside of the don. J,wait after, a h. -hour's kna� lot t ahim UIL foreigner. they obeyed the, or so; until it .. was sif6tilders, and alf icy attract no att On points, And alway.4 prov4ding A fresh cord and the Serious chia ed for all hour -and Work wb removed -thb' Arai brick. river of China, is one o% the greatest Also, the police.orgauls- upply of. remounts. for o; L Igo as - m- 'erlines, ', imposed —a— watch .'them while quite dark, and then I quietly -JOW 'j,plossed.the qualitV.of &'Bir- of rivers,. and its * valley. is the most hatever, loll ural.laws of increase.. Opposition loll in, tit is so wretchcd� quilted. tteine Penalty for. each offence, Wh TO LENGTHEN LIFE' to their indrease caind to e Republic SL SPAN 1%at
rapidly climbed: to the top of tile �-Mao].6 clasp -knife. should densely populated arid cilosely - cul- at the times, and go inade 11 L tile, qpdciaf South )n being added up Was found to, to- olyself down In- - the rftjnghal� A African -corps wall arid let x it was an hour a tivated rivbr-basin - on. �Ltfio global ly behin tless than :J:89,�ears' ililprison- -s the Best extent cither from nlan'.or.bruto ; It'." few miniLites think nrl al half ber that the I .alith.orities have Will bo employed, arid S�veriil of the, tal moderation in All Thin, crosses the whole empire. iii,its ave renclor�d mout with hard lixbor� L AS the Pon was in facing the noilk6d elements first'laYOt It mj!e, Course L to ' the More, than enough, to. do to look af, colonial officers who. it I I Aid. in.. the shadow of the..wall, ' and then fore WO neat;er the three thousand are to. olities wore not ordered Lto" run.con- Way to Were, Ivvo fect t'r their own ntillorildtors' valuable oarvicos. in theLpaSt t hamade my the. nearest 'Win- and'Were Oda. , Thel Yaiigtzd. has It different a 'Ile gut- tight aid L L take uJi Commands, currontl. man is pretty pOrtain Alooloration in all things and o. - In SQTJATTDR'S PORTl spikes, Which wore as L ' tvory prdviao:6, n Brazil also forms a fair -refuge for be asked to to die in prison, 111110ss Some extrOMO ficiency of Work, tLIIQSO,. according to TI dow. fling, When I bad removed. name in almost c many criminals, f6la it is a fact, not So afoluouis will, the operations be 9 no blind, b . lit the In �tlie cc layer ours a -flood, of diluted mud through t t clekilency is. shown him, a prominent Berlin Physician, Profic was called (or. A bush fire coming thick -he police, that. One -Of that - the hew Ydomanry to' be ein� fte O� There, will . I the first brick of - the second 1). curtain L were drawn'.. togat ter, Land. Now,' half Its,valley, tingeing the ocean for unknoWn to I Of mail of There recently dicd� Ili a workhouse -e tile great Ili d S and dry might of tile spikes. L-grawem in Brazil ployed lwill consist solely sor Gerhardt, ill 08 L - whell grass was thick try as I might I could ee nothing, out Come two, momant, whenL I felt more than a hundr6d iailes�offshoro. a IiQr por� lnfirxna�tl all old woman Whb,'ill tile to thie Itttuillmant of old nge. turn plenty to famine in �a night, L . just at this Went but to. tile republic to escape tried- cxp�riencc ih thip car After looking thoroughly in all, di was not abigoliltebr I'll- 'In "China. ; the Long -Lived Brit- Ourse, of a** long lit% - hold been. can- . Profoessor� L Vlaharolt lately gave an ot-as"happered many seOL 1.*AS not tll�lt, success started. ectilecilplanting tion of thollwrt alid who arc thor-' drunkenness no fewer han interesting public lecture Olt he dur- oven if it did ri estead as to cribeg Many ... d by ouglily-'sciasoned to the. rections sight phre, " Mrs which tic obtained work, ga; a tionew-sw4flow the'Llioni 9t'C
possible, a most deplorable over Scidniore dos victed of rid been fined near- a�tioll of tile life of human bein lit to the next win- tures of this most In- 75 times. ShO 11 rd osperous settler interesting fet I tal I The hitimes, and, had spent more watched, I We above forced ittlelf upon me, very cibbig his employer m* Liverpool Tile nurabor 6f.fresh cavalry ft,11d low, which was immediately bricks we Were removing ald terdsting. sticani. . olu E ngland IY 150 t The more universal application of and'his family of one day to desti-
But -that Wits SO long Yeomanry to be §cut fir to Show$ on Which I liall possi;- Whorl if Melt ill Tibet arid, merchant; need never -fear tile has,not been definitely, Settled than rlito years of ]ter life in Prison, hygicnic nlOO,sures in recent times tuto, fugitives tile next. And in a an iron grating, Crush Us to death, 4 cloath, if ai�o that .110 eNver than fort occasions's had ii, great continent that was practically with- to stand to look. In at, - the bloi t worsd' than the other, Than I tile monsoon. pours its aun,60 flood to him. o''of ith he lecturer,
crime being brought lionle 1rhere'is,no que9ti n - abaniloning 011 I'd I a has, said A
Here the curtains had not z wag arrested and ar ad influence in decreasilig.the death rate. out, Waterways, 'and Whose river
window. a aperture from which, on..the water -$lied, tho.Yangt 0 rises r, more favored. by any Portion of. tile line ofleornmuni enfiess within it few hours of Many factors are, howaver, still at earefully. The . room thought of tit Brazil is, howeve, drunk channels were durrib, and dry for the been drawn *.a I :the light came. Springing from my or one hundred feet at Chung- I Spanish and Italian cillminals that' entions. being liberated fvoir, prison, to whioll reducing tile length of life Of eight was a Jargeone, reminding mesome platform I seized a. brick a khig!' seventy or. eighty foot at ly British, many 0, the latter touch" , In. addition to strong Military greater part ot ilia year, it as W hat of a Turkish divan; it contillio- rid throw fifty feet at, - ,,,a had been, cominittedfor tl,,,t,VorY all il"POrlant 0 �urill that rought should se.UI'90 W argo, but Ichang, and forty or tile PUPPOSO. 0 .4 and Stra -a d6zen couches, Ott it down. It Was just, too I ca flood there tot guardis posted at junction, oil of OfTencq, Ing the inheritance bf uch distsolso. the.f1beks like a pestilence, It was a led upwards of using. another brick as it hanamor I .11ankgLit, sweeping ill a. fler splitting their trails," and going tegie points; a complete cord —a— each of which redined,it, man; They smashed.. . it arid throw the broken from June- to October .and then fail- oil, perhaps, infantry sentinels- will e placed Is Gborculosis. though tile worst Of- commonplace in the history of squat -
of to be asleep, look- on to the Argentine N CLUAR A HORSE. iects on the duration of human lite . the iestilis 61 mostly appaare. than . IjV;jnI,;, pieces down - the Aperture, trusting Ing as rapidly as. a i�ot a day. some Other South American rupub- along till the railway lfnes�'. after.the CA produded,by certain Colltaglous ting for. it man to ace ; V. cars of Ills to 'Providence that nobody was. be- Strange nhappen along this lie less; g,.VStZm employed oil E'riglish, rail- Whou of lt the best ing more like corpses , for they are all, ruore or . . brought to bity, the ktLnga- al -O or '116 war" men. loo)tod for Sit- Richard and lolds" when �n foggy days-, or When royal - oils 0, hile. he o would give the kIAVM- "river of fragrant tea -f safe refuges.. ways a roo jumps like a. flash for the 11111it ew .4. Gerhardt gave t saw a- man with his back t;�Ward low wit all tho landmarks and,boundarics are riot. he onl thing tralig Are handTsignallod to their aris chest and tries tit U11sh At in it as Ills opinion that tile danger of lite wither before Ills OYCS W . the happened, howavar, But safoty'is great. EW looked on helpless. And, as me whom Itook.t6 be hfm�� Nothing fresh (Is !.tore the submerged ; sonic of them match at- Probably, Alor6cco'l destination. with his fore foot. To prevent thig'itiliLriting,eftl1cer is riot so, inevitable I pposite of droughts, and with frenzied hall considered, * It r SO, 11hi-,brOa4t, a 111V believes,
I should think I hold been thara for or protection it wealls me 0 there were the floods, that with tball from the Ceiling, I now need- anything from, tile wheic a mail car) buv A. certain number of men will - be each illit. tile public 11%11.1 chuses, Ile about five Ininutes, though it seemed bricks for. the .a. chdriply, would bo mofe popular allotted to odl Itill(l, So that. It will two Or -three inch thicit.,matting. f-'1J)ol,lldllg ()I 90nein terrible suddenuesS would Swear. ad nothing to stand upon, Comic Opel It with ill club at- ,;t11tC(I that f,wep lose their much - longer, when I decided to go ore than eOne year a pols0ougor steamer found 10 Was be possible for the closest collimuni- Armed Wit ggling mail's Pas, MY coillfig as not M with fugitives; tile mail wl 11 . to the nextvindow, but to itself aground . in a rice field- far away with money Ile ling stolen re- cation to be, easily ilia tacilynent tit the othel n
from the 'floor, and X had to Stoop r end, they ride, health throughooverworlt than from awtjy. I ' laij 11 stru f_,tllc good, things of Sessio S,fn it night.. The lessel' Or-
tonishment aAd ..alarm I found to work, All the tittle I Was work- front the river bank, and tile water quir;s a refuge where lie can _cont- Inducements will be offo�ed for the upoll swift horses ilito a, lierd, With � te enjos 111clit wers of tile vies -of 00 squatterla 'life warl could not move,. 'What had happefied I Richard was breaking tile fast subsiding, The riCa-farmer rag- fortably enjoy his rocill1s,, and, 'Per- re-entistinbrot of old and triod ineii tile, agility arid equipoise of circus lit(,. of Ill] tile follo a it -w I Comfort-Itilling, shcel� WaA this: whilst I lied been gazing ixig Sle Lciact upon, thoirl,learned profes,01114, the Ov 119clic I 1) pro- bricks and forcing them below. I ad, talked of trespass and ground liaps, inalle, it fortune out of them, of yeomanry Corps llaw fit' N,ngland, they sta04 - destroying insects fit singular 71i%il. and the, ternt I, here II.S.Od Ili contra:dis' ; flies And Illog(luitices were it into the window someone had bound it is for V and special arrangentents,101' thOit' horseS and USO t 110111an, fusion
my feet to the Iron gritting; directly lied got about lifteen of,tho SPlkeS rant, forbadc any injury to Ills pro- Stich reasonS that man,,, kangaroo Is able to thictiolt to the ftent ; life in the bush, ti, �119, And finally British fugitives run grave risUff. of transport to tile' front are already Clubs, tile tile greatest prospect rprpotual tOry
I tried to remove tile cords which out when I no ced that We Wore 1`181 party by trench-cliggi to buy tile captuve by goinglOvOr to tile Vnited in hand. jujilly clear ovLlil Et J1OrSO. As . cle . 111, EL ulan Was Making a hand- loosely oVe my Ing much iore. rapidly, and urged forc�d tile alliti-olvilOrs I lid of I�nf; life, provllig* thO advantagO where' had been slipped �r lat then, fortun. . rage -place foil 11110 VCS- 4ttes, and very illany rench. crim- It Is hoped that by the nioasuraA glinic I.,; balrgOtt it IS kinned, I to -hand figfit, of it with Xaturo at boots they were pulled taut, and .1 111111 to hasten; arid ju tit field an a Stu xt year,S flood should. inals fly to Canada,- Inentioned above the best part of tile qldn I,; stretched on the ground of darly, polsons, her rawast, and roughest, was full Of I . ately, I made the discovery that 6 Sol until the tie _6� d woring popu �o pl-ovelit shrink,- - and tobacco are
was a prisoner es were joined reloase it. Thou the kiver rose in It the cfvfl;�all laticift of atill. pegged down t therefore to be Coll- hbavy cares and wearylsig trifles,,
, my )land to my pock- next four -or five sPik, NE WATER FOR STREETS, tile new colonies voill be back in age, The flesit furnishes ineat lot' arid their use is a shorten life, It is. in tile . population of this.
Ot'th0o'Lt'tifyny'ktnife, but I had scarce- together like a harrow, and bricks sudden arid unparalleled aftcr-1100d, LI from and sp together with nd floated awa:y, tile impounded' their homes by the and of October. ilia Camp. Each Man place Ills PN- dertined, as calculatcd t naked, rich, Inhospitable Waste with
ikes came awItS vato Inapic upoll Ills booty'. and but statistics 1111VO Shown t1ul't M Ma- Shoop and clittlo.tht the first ro- ly moved before I was seized -Lad to kneel down 1� . . �O clods not, It it
behl ere bound to my a etaSh. Now I I felt hild Its Use Xight.Re 3?rocluetive of 'It they have 100 apidec they ra, derate use of tobacc Live
rid, my arms W aJuly three IOU gOP- Meanwhile a, war -junk, �wh who Australian history lies, logs tied together, the to the work� Sanitary Comfort. A BICYCLE OR A COW1 turn back to elvili-lation. Thbre are serious ell'ectg. Ailluence, With PIC11- Malice 'of
aides, my arated (-.ailing, from floor. been ' seat 'for to quell the riotous n ,ran 11�tV vaplc�tlps of kangaroos, tv of worl" Is cut excellent thing, but 8ince tile beginning the land, had ropes binding my feet to, tile grating aground in another Dr, A. 1-1dolowes, writing to a An Irish fariner went into a two . I ifill- age, cur- laill as it blank page in tile, IllStO*
were cut, the grating rOmOveidi and At last I collsidereo that tile hold people, ran Ile Seeking the bcI medical joill-11 . s (ing thent tit(,, blue, Ped will ab. combined with C or the world Within tile span of a Was Was largo �011011gll for out, purpose; country field Wit oil, suggests that tile MO )g0lol., . 1101) to huy ot Scythe. At- 111cit, ql-(�v, and foreSter-tho latter tail life. it holds a rich and on it was square, or rath- iegecl Sill,); oLlntrY use of little wo7i,ter, prOpared fresh, tell centur in less than thirty sedonds I ,(.,.Vfllg Jilin tiltI, shopulan asked 1) of about 4J foot end tile inad C best leather, as single sdde the opi n%r Mu broad. By the time folk, cheaed of their whiter pro.V for Wtering the streets 1.11 hot Walk.- if I:o would bu'a, bicycle, flivilishill tile It" The tale of the 'ather cellar, in What is thut? tho Itishman, liveS t beftutill
ro trot lead an- ther, Would Prove to , It practice 1110111y it, wooded sections. TITM ii;Voil,1,I) NOT thriving llati011 ally epitomized
'I The am, or r 1: 10 'a �d .1.4ii, Richard had set upon tile tit be part.,; tire renclicid ill, up sudden riae Is ctui�d myself was I had h and profits, 't s-nchlile to rid, 10 . The world Is by no nd destiny wdre given
which I I A I should rid of ,,lost of the bricks. . X t�ok With, pitchforks, drove productive of Sanitar comfol - a. about tile Whell ti app, of tho. skills byl .'a -its needs .
imagine 0. sort, of lumber-foom; it dfl my coat and IlLid it, doWii on tile. ghte of war of tile contmander Of advantagen -Ciablied !or tile practficie town On. I. . ill(,, hunter disp .. - tit c Yet, has Still till am - form land utterance, in the career of
was half -full of rubbish, and stand off thal,brolves ail ilk (it tire said to be those, first of aggrell And shlit-0, WIlat might ther -Ice of luictioll to) tile, highost biddet, Of 430,000,000 Iteres to ill Papilla, Australlan-borit, great man, -a I had,intended, for tile battle4blPs. looted the ju tskills being ]low It, Constant denland' iian of about PcOPI1 - Its tile first
one of floor in tile pla,c 4 13 O Squatter Statesman, Wdutw6rth, Ing round me were three men nchman Sir Richard, and laid him down upon every portable object, and ,ra6do gitting together, 'looge particles Of it bell Kangaroo Ilullter,,4 make large h lately been Offering th them as evil 0, looking Fre - iti tucking 11111 ' legs up well Within willter fuel. of its timbers. niantiec and thus to provent tIlClu. dollars In fits. One Inan Is known to have� to settlers, as ever .1 Saw, and 'Whom I after the 4� fectlifirkit, and then laid 1113r- from being diffused by till.- wind ; I'd rath& see forty-five creared 54,500 free of Ilving y land -was tile Mail who -ran __O . . . 1 who nitty ow Ilaid ordluar
wards found pun self down beside Jilin. oil, tile agony second, of exercising it certain look in It S for, twenty yearso at it reutdol Of six A PAVADISrl y - 1119110r, Wll)�T WAY BE-" I cLt,�d Ili ari`44 'IV to I(),- In tile place. Ire. shrugged JiIA tiseptio action ; third, of preserving But What a tool you would InglL shoulders and asked ilia Ili vronch of those tortuous infilutesl nla be higher nd highet-We got ad Paving, and fourthf, of render- riding round tile tO1V" 0114 COW( ' r To pebplo who suffer from erves' think T could, examine simply haddock WO r6filled, ilifi.1rishnitin, .1 -TV 141JIVI,' locte, Willie "qcrubland " , 'o r
If I did not and preselitiv one of Vinnan haddY is Ing wood JdA.4 Slippery. The Idea, hurle, now, IV X YOU c( should L 6 liaradise, for
was. trying Its smoked And and receives its fool, Its I'd look try-. " nlid 11(,ld fall thirty years erliii
the "Golden Bowill better train tile more Slowly, should be worth colisidering by th'a riot half Such ii haebeell Surprised ()()(y ocreq tero is no. otilet. citv so quiet," re. inside.' I gave ' him to understand the roltitaffillig M) from Pludon, in Scotland, If Von. much less ill. Iloes ill It
point in one of the brlclw Which WO name local authorities entrusted with the Ing to milk a bicyclIc., marks l, fravallor. "Withlit tile city are to fish Is found.and Cured to to feel qh1voir pass through YOU In tit It rOutal C )Ugl�t to be goo(J. nows of Neville. reiniv, (, that I wanted Sir Richar h ctq, and tin energetic —a— railway cilginel are"not Per- had omitted to dispose of� " WO W w1orc t", C the woll-111 weather and you doll't ggplinq for it bare ]IV- lill'its whiqtles. There
S Itichard NOV,- "' ... - ., -,wj(l Still had perfection. 'haps I Wall within .0 out is A, stow highly flavored surveyor might plake trial of Dr, Ili- far aly Illlt,,V
lie did riot knoW � . ()i Initted to blow their
DIL-haw foot of $Paco above us, but A rag E'd do w a XMIGITlIOUS, undenitild it, Your fl.
Ing lit tile Ca should 110-7 PDX hhlt a 9, plan oil un experimental fol-Ined you with tt Cheerful , 9 In slaud bawling Of and & would liko to go through the build It Marc than half with wine. we re aid, is Ila,v do you likO your new neigh- over, rourue, imacondits who';(, waggon l4earing is loose
Ing and find him?. ul-ely there was now t . t there is the Icing of all SUS biush-4, that, It is souleone walkinK inan portiolM Of tit(! colonv are Man .4 Subject to it Eric. Tile' I WAS it foot, yes, a foot, tWofeet, and Ili, 1, lrq 'Vicillin. far tile disillfcottall bars? (twill "oil have tried to rLlid rattling 1!
My logs Were loosed, and We tile plain Irish stew, of mutton taid cd llftr tit 'r ove trying, but a. tllpy al,o, tit Western - 4
10.9, of minutes "Wagov Collocted In one of thlod jolrqt rate. The first thing they VO at, tile present courts have a, larg(� dicretion as to
that, a Coupl( Ito too of go, ('tile be.iter b corl-ectiliC
IriIii, potgtoos, thattaft never Awitralift, which, to its lines. lor noire-niakitig. 1108b. of all, conducted. up a Staircase oil to . the tanks, u; SOW1190 S "'!-,ad witil did wit,* to borrow our lawn, I ower: ileOro Olt gril.ve will fill, WITIc were level WItlX the grOund *ugalrl it . thli(I hX poll ny ininda, are tile regulations
ground flor. f was taken. at Once I then at up and talked UlattOPS Much StOwOd- a havitot fresh anilk of little in the proportion Ilavo they. returned it? The ftict W, it IS that In population, arid tho revenue of to lua.
left tile over with ir .1111chard. We had been Another form Of thiS, IS illg I ayhig. 33olore a
to the room whero I hold Se t a ritte concorning piano fill
took to beSIr Richard, only in tills Several kinds of train , 1 to) -4 per cellt, The I'lix- Not yet; and, I hope they'll keep it, isibla for that ShIvOr fil tile Illa- -.cry man 1111"UtcS Of Ditittoll, ised, and both ture settles for 48 11001rS, thOn thO be careful About usinq I'Cql,)Ol which N aso)f certain holIr 11, tile day, and, after a
. ority of cases. i,4 till fill- Im. icalculat
talking, for about' 11 hour at night, tile piano
lily suriise was Car- when it Icev Ivor jig Off, it early In tile luarliftig or at, ill the ecltLai
I found that 1 ill the lock. of vegetables UrO I I �ctrjcity In
Sip Richard, but,, 0 cut Into olear effluent water Is drAlned T at.l iUNISO alit() ItT4 treasurer. 11;ut 014; way
rodt--it wag Indeed , d to the, moat aud. vegetablesi. ar hour when it Would lutract, my unt of.elc
tile H% 111he sediment is u8cd (" and it. iq ill that Inust lie how altetledi Aly blood boiled tit stily poillino. 411, '[ticintr very small pieces. i earth and Itf; it and - It way I �nd - be- back of the door, 90170,1 it 100S6 stow of game, and a Manure. Its Value fit thiq latter di- tention undul being will be ille 1101110' Of )till- llurstlng my bouds, The door wits A uallul, Is A � is alleged to, be groult, Th cangt ... tly
ipikil and waited. I rection tile Positive arid negative P01011 InOCt 11olls of our f(I'llow-countryllien aft.01, It in opoinilig ueW` saving.q
"'Volti d and our old friend theichoWdef is Ono to ,,, - u,ware Of What J had '4110 Of any It I Ind effluent Was aid to be clearer thil' 10tJ0,11T. hultivl beftig, that 1111111aki 0 u S ia, ;Jl� . mail Willy run tbo plftcO pu, i A pot-ple Is CL stow I D I S, C 0 t;1. ; !A�G—1 T 1, I ncil,r U Ago, in tile W03t, Of tit banki; at, tlio rate of six hundred a
done 0, � tile 11111stev wall Inside, L dough balls, and brais- ther water In adjoining motflitin Mar. bein,p in likely to Ile 4fected. "We Colonial Continent. has pamed away, was measuring Ills length 11 Said I, Spi-IfIgIng at 1 al Itleat" wit )f Stowing done In a Streams Wo May rentark that liluo I Wulson-Why don't you got 9 pply of the fluid, its it .--.a--- door. You ging 11111110 tile, [jig IS 0, form It Ile In a, Ilaq 10;ig been 'used' for purifying riod? Two Can live chealler than one llf%ve a good sul Ili our bodies. Volt rho coaltution of tho 'United �)w between tile is often Called Sttitoq preecded the ling ill Hawaii, It Wits a ir,wrific. fill , Ilfs. thraill alid brin I Covered pill% In the oven, whi Flom six to. twelve gll you Itnow? a Oliver lit 016 IT91011 Of oyeg Jilin, a blow that ground. I Is tried brown )fille 0 13 w about, four. 10 or It pain lit your knee. It Ill coffole for to it decilan Stist rendoired�
I had dvalt MoSt utifortull- 1101CIIS" tile Meat' SaWand" are employed Per 9alIO11 Of NVIIE; it- lit 110 id I ulag At thiq molliclit -R or after Stewing, by Cirollill, (Worgoo D. aear. of e door, div elther before tion toy tills me- you ilk killyert11t of oill, and T Prefer Would haw'delled all ox, 11t ident occurred. Th ,lay is 0, stow jDt moill sewage. The obJec not therefore mitch to See ate tic in hold, Started to A hOpPing Jor Ited to per-, thod is tile rapid putrOfactioll of tile Move on out of Xloiloll?ht. A wholesi,tle Jail delivetl that lie id not rise ulMill. Directly rOtIV Ile let 90 Ill outside, and rice, and inoty be COO1 it too Inuelt Illne 1,; added, tills, You dd1l't Use UAS )tore park 1111OLtonly and,111 cal. of irourdercknq, Nirglaro, larcenisto and
t back with tile key Ile South, Willie Indeed -,oitvagO hill Tranift (with as, fit wai,111 ; bot, $otl don't notLee it liotli? I had done It I repented, toll I Wits Swint aq tile organic for a lodging -P he 110. Wp compromise. h4 throo,tened under
V in JIM power, Allot tile noise - there in nothilig C(tu e(luft that that SO uch. In, vo�lnter. If you IMWN(I tile of Cis ir Itlehilrd Sprung forward to) 9tOtt fectf011 In t I It gyt)qv while it I, 0 1101101VIYU fa.groatly
011tird, Ila atumbled and IOU With bin of A little, bit, of every- niattellq Ill SuSp011sioll Ord Wand Ill. are You Award ver rotthor I'VO(1110110Y, it, 1116111101 what ol
of tho,v hotivy fall I ItyloW Would lia- It, the dooll, -ItSIXv- i and cook- I feeted, purifleatioll Is detective,, land, you are & publie and that I 8111 colinproilli.40 oil caffec. dicturbed OV01 the, PrOnPOCt.,
Modiately brilir, other 1'011116alf)" to right rin outside , Ills, lavored With Ile bs O luallura of 110 W11110, all,,% of your employers*? that"you avo run down. tile S pot� T Was not f,()p ILI- lid the situation, bilt lost blin. ed or & day and I% iillght, as tit O tit W 0s, t, lustalitly four r five moll � arm.