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CNTON, TG. T614. " 1901,
New Advertisements.
Midsummer Demeter -W. CooperCo 1
Trusses—R. P. Weide a
Sawa shees—S. V. Penmen 5
eseuelvan Ilusinece College 5
Farm to Rent—Jelin Welles 6
'You'll getelti—Noweambeei 8
. Parasols -Redeem Bros., . 8
Thoughtless eseoelo--Jacksonnroo 8
Footbs,11,—On Friday evening last,
although the weather WaS ime1in04 to
ebowery, the Myth football team
* facee the local Wolverines on the cote
nee groweds. The game iaaseed off
pleasently and, though the visitors
worked well, the hone teem succeeded
in scoring a goal before time was call-
ed, this beingthe only one made.
Having done justice to a sumptuous
supper at mine host Robinson's, the
Blyth boys returned, home after dark.
Mrs. R. Repderson has returned
from visiting her brother-in-law in
Dakota, and that lady's health seems
to have been much benefitted by the
Miss Annie Marsh has gone to the
Mrs, Jas. Carter returned front visit-
ing her parents at the Nile.
Sall another eontihgent of Martitoba
vvorkers left •the vicinity on last Tues. 1 • GODERICH TOWNSHIP.'
day's excursion.
IVfr. S. Brown and wife of the U. 6., 1 Mr, Sohn Wallis of the Beyfleld
who have been visiting their many Road has decided to rent hie farm of
relatives and friends inthis vicinity, one hundred and sixty acres. He has
returned Teesday to their home. lived.upon this place for just about
Miss Dollie Carter returned to her •half a century or since commg to this
home in Clinton yesterday after visit- county. . What a host of changes there
ing at her brother James' for some haye been since this vener-
time. able pioneer came into the Queen's
Dentist Irwin or Winghrtna had a Bush. He has prospered from a wordly
very busy day last Monday at his. standpoint And his consistent Re has
calling in the village. won the respect and admiration of his
Mrs. Ross and daughter movedtheir many friends. On retiring frona the
household effects to their new home in old homestead, Mr, Wallis will take
Clinton this week. ' up his residence in Goderich in a house
Tlae Misses Welsh of Guelpb are visit- which he is having built this summer.
ing Miss Adelaide •Helsvig. • Mr.Wm, jenkinsleft,Tuesday for Man-
y. Henry Youngblue and Miss Robe on a prospecting trin. He will
Foster of Zurich, accompanied by Miss.
Ford of Clinton,Sundayecl itt Auburn.
Mr. R. Mackenzie, wife and family
of Dungannon Sundayed with his
sister, Mrs. W. Plunkett. .
Mr. and Mrs. W, D. Wilson, who
have been spending a short time at
their new farm near trueefield, have
returned home. •
Mr. George Snell,formerly of Londes,
• hero, has taken Mr, Jos. Lawson's
place with 1\1r. Ferguson.
• Mr. R. M. Cummings of Walton
spent Sunday at his home in this
village. ,
Mrs. IVIclelillan and Mies Melefilleteof
• Lucknow have been visiting at Mr. A.
Robinson's. • -
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Maeshall return-
ed home to Fort Erie last week after
visiting with his brother, Mr, S. Mar-
shall, of the village.
Mr. J. Govier was the guest of his
sister, Mrs. William Pattersoie, on Sun-
Mr. Oliver Baer and his mother of
Wingham hose been yisiting friends in
this locality.
Mrs. Jos. Lawson is visiting friends
in Clinton. , • '
Miss Flossie Beadle is the guest of
friends in Clinton.
Mies Clara Lawscin is visiting Goder-
ich friends.
Miss Ella Tyndall was the guest of
Clinton friends. freen Saturday until
Mr. Jones of Prosperity in West
Wawa,nush wheeled to our village the
forepart of the week And, his wheel
breaking down, he had to foot it home.
Mr. C. Helwig is haying his tailor
shop renovated. • •
Mr. Ed. Helwig and Miss A. Helwig,
accompanied by their guests,the Misses
Welsh, visited. Dungannon the other
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson of Goderich 'Porter's Bill.
were guests of the fermer's sister, Mrs,
John Knox, on Tuesday.
Among those who lett this eection on
Tuesday for Manitoba were ; R.Rober-
ton and wife,Miss Effie Rnox and John
Mr. Albert McDowell of Westfield
• was a guest at the parsonage the fore-
part of the week. •
Rev. Mr. Lowe of Wingbam will
preach in the English church next
Sunday night. ' • .
Mrs. Thos. Nicholson, who has been
in rather poor health for some time, is
now a little better. •
Mr. John Nicholson has had his resi-
dence nicely painted by Mr. J..D. Mel-
ville of Londesboro who tnade a good
job of it.
Mr. t preaeni
visiting My hrotheteineavv. Mr. Nettie?
Bingham. 1
Mr. Bert Mellveen o wingnenk
spent Sunday with his father, Mr.
Frank McIlveen, of the Base Line.
Mr, Murray and wife of Brooklyn,
New York, are guests at his brother-in-
law's, Mr, Thos. Lindsay's.
iktitiSeS Lillie Lindsay and Tessio
Jenkins of the lOth concession visited
at Tilos. Lindsay's on Friday last.
11,11ss Pearl 'Wright of Clinton is
spending it few days witla friends on
the Base Line.
The Misses Maxwell of near Belgrave
spent last week the gusts of Mrs.
Mr. Prior is rushing the brick work
on the new school and expects to finish
it this week.
Miss Mitchell of near Centralia ie
spendipg it few days at Mrs. josh,
Mr. Prank Lewis of London has been
spending the past week at Mr, W.
Mr, Harry Beacom of Colborne
spent Sunday at his uncle's, Mr. 0.
Miss Ida Miller of the 2nd concession
of Flullett spent Sunday at her uncle's,
Mr. S. Lowery's.
Mr. Thos. Mason ancl wife of the
Base Line spent Sunday at Mr, Isaac
Mts, C. Beacom spent Sunday in
Clinton with her sister, Mrs.13ezzo,
Mr. Richard. Waites left Tuesday for
the West.
hardly remain in the West, even
though it does datph his fancy, bat he J. Helen and S, Cook.
has not yet seen it and wants to.
• A garden party will be held on the
grounds of Alr. Willis Bell of the Bay-
field Line on Friday. evening of next
week, the 23rd inst., under the
• auspices of the Middleton church.
Every effort is being naade to provide
a suitable program and a pleasant and
profitable evening is assured.
• Mrs. Weir of Goderich is spending
her holidays as •the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. P. W.Currie.
Mr. and Mrs. R,Ranley and Mr. and
,Mt.e. R. II. Elliott, and M iSs Fowlers of
• Seaforth and Miss Hanley of Oregbn
decree up to the coeney town on Sat-
urday and spent a very pleasant day
amongst friends •there. Miss Fowler
returned to Seaforth on • Sunday. and
Miss Hazily will remain for some time
amongst friends here.
Miss Annie Sterling of Detroit,form-
erly 61' Goderich township; came to
Goderioh on Saturday on the steamer
Pittsburg. She took -the round trip on
the berth and went,down to Clinton by
train on Saturday where several of her
old friends from the country were to
meet her.
-.Mr. John Pickard, who has been
•working near the Soo, has been spend-
ing a few weeks around Porter's Hill.
Mrs.flenryTebbutt of Redlands,Oal.,'
who has been spending the last seven
or eight months visiting her parents
and friends of the Rpron Road, intends
starting for her home on the 26th,
111r. Geo.11111 and wife of Summerhill
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, R.
McCartney of the 9th con. e
• Miss F.Jereds ofthel4th lefts* Tues-
day for 1VIanitoba, to yisit her • uncle,
Mr. Fred. Whittingham.
11,1ULLErf TOWN$1111P
es Jennie and Maggie Murray of.
orth are visiting their grand-
mother. Mrs. Neilans.
Mts. Kelly is visiting her mother-in-
law in Myth.
Miss Cora Parsons has reterned to
her home in Indiana after spending
it month with her parents.
MissJessie Reid of Mitchell is visiting
Mr..A.rehie Reid.
Mr. ind Mrs. Roland Jenkins of
Goderich township visited at, Council-
lor Ferris' on Sunday week.
Mies Rose Herrington of London,
who spent a month visiting here, re-
turned on Monday of lest week.
Miss Thornietion of Clinton is visiting
at Mr. Jas. ',ewer's...
Thresbing is the order ot the clay.
Messrs. John and Relit. Reid left for
14.1araltoba on Tuesday.
Miss Wright of ,Seaforth is visiting
Mrs. Reid.
Mi'. William Murphy and Mr. Ross
Sundercock are going to Dakota on
Tuesday' next.
Mrs. Jas. Reid, son and daughter
passed this way to visit friends in Grey.
Wallis and Ferris sold twenty-eight
±....0 00 0 0. 00.0 *00 • 0.0.• .00. • 00. 0 011. • • .000 • 1101, 001
Miss Alive Richards lir the. guest of M. Will. Stapleton left last week
friends at Belgrave. for Londesboro where he intends open -
August Wedding Bells,—.A. very ing Out basiness as a merchant tailor.
pretty wedding took. place at. 8 o'clock Mr, Stapleton has lived in Goderich for
at St. Peters, on Thursday last,the con- (10Me years and the citizene of Londes-
tracting parties being Miss Beatriee bore will find. him most obliging and
Carney, fotirth daughter of the late up-to-date in hie business. We wish
Mr. T. Carney of Colborne and Mr. him good fortune in Isonclesboro,
Edward Tighe: second son of Mr. W. Mrs. Young bas in her window one
Tighe,13eitannutRoad. The bride looked of the largest Gloscene, hlossonae we
lovely in her going away dress of ever saw. She presented us with some
silver grey ladies ' cloth with handsome lovely primrose dahlias and double sun
pale blue silk vvaist anti. black silk flowers.
velvet picture hat with large black Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Fort
mitrich 'plumes and carried a hand- William. were the guests last week of
somely hotted. prayer book with gold their datigIster,Mrs. George MacSween.
clasps. The bridesmaid, Mists Katie Deacon -Lake of Chicago's Doweyites
Dean, lookedquite handsome in a suit, was interviewing our citizen, Mr,
of silver grey ladies' cloth with pink George MacSween, one day recently.
silk waist and hat to match jeer snit, Dr. AfcGorrnan accompanied his
also carrying it prayer book like the mother of St. Marys on her visit here
bride's. The groomsnaan was Mr, but only remained a few days.
John Phelan. After the naarriage Mrs. Rogers and family, accompare,
cerenaony was performed by the, office Jed by Miss Maggie McIvor, have re -
steers toWatson Etnigh last we , I lilting priest, Rev, Father West the, turned to their borne at Detroit.
Miss Bella Neilans spout part of lest bridal party drove' to the residence of " Captain John Macdonald called at
week in Seaforth, the bridegroom where a lovely break- our port last week with his two little
Mr. and Mrs. Connell of Goderich fast was done full justice to by that daughters and took his son with hint
bridal party and them guests. The for a trip, his health being delicate.
township spent Sunday with friends
here. ees young fadies of the knitting factory Re also took bis two youngest (laughs
Mrs, and Wes Thomson of ;Seaforth presented the bride with it very hand- tees with him. They will be the guests
spent a couple of days with Mr. and some silver sugar bowl and with of the Messrs. Blend°, Ohadthbairan.moth,
Mrs. Tyerman last week, accompanying sugar spoon and silver Mr. George Johnston an
Messrs.. Geo. Hazelwood arse teaspoons. The bride and groom left er, Mrs. Hugh Johnston, who had been
Sundercock are going to Manitoha, on on early p. ni. train for Buffalo, where the geests of Judge Johuston at the
Tuesday: they will visit the Pan-American. Soo for some 'time, arrived upon the
Mr. Charles Lowrie is building a We wish the bridal pair happiness ae OsLitt,rage,
brick mansion this summer. It, is to they are well known to our citizens,
melee arrived in town last week. Mr.
Edward O'ConnOr Smile Ste,
be one of the largest in this vicinity. and, are much esteemed.
Mr, Thomas Archer, has returned The funeral of • the late Miss iVlary 'O'Coienor left two years age to try his
lowing places: Kincardine, Paisley,
home after yisiting friends in the fol- McaCarthey, who. disritspeaved from her fweerettkintenayttstihteaSt thtuisitoaldndboreratteirninedAlsahse.
home on Sunday, • 4th August, and
Ripley, Telekemee, Dungannon, Hest whose body was found in the !else last field, He looked extremely well. •
Wawanosh and Walton, Sunclay, took place on Monday morn- Mrs. A, Watson has returned from
M. and Mrs, James Snell returned, ing from the residence of her mother, spending raonthei holiclays ae
from their Noethwest trip on Monday. Mrs. Ellen MacOarthey. to St. Peter's cardiac), the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.
church, thence to the R. 0, cemetery, Gentles,
They had astileasant time. Mr. Snell
• .
says the crops are great and the labor- The funeral was very large. The polls Mr, A. Megaw's little son fortunet-
ere great in nuraber also. bearer% were Messrs. Charlie and Fred. ely escaped what Might have proved a
Shannon, Joe Ideate, John MacDonald, very serious disaster on civic holiday,
Sohn Tighe and John Phelan. When Mr. Megaw went into the 'postoffice,
found on. the beach her face and hands leaving his little sop bolding the reins,
were much swolen all.pointing to her Very soon the horse swerved round
having been a long tune in the lake. and the horse and carriage both turn.
Miss MacCarthey had very fair hair, ed overibut the boy was not hurt.
•good • complexion, smiling face and Miss Wehster of London is the. guest
bappe, way -9, was quite accomplished of her brothel. at Mrs. Strangles. •
much aetached to her mother arid The spire of Vittoria. street church
brothers. She had •attaibecI ,24 years hies been partially re -painted and the
of age. She attended faithfully all the painter has exercised much taste in the
eeligious-ceretisonies of her church, St. colors he chose to re -paint it.
Petetes, and belonged for years to the Mrs. and Miss. Chilton left to: visit
Sodality of the B. V.M. She waste% the Pan-Atnericen.
6 ft, 1 inch,e.ncl of good carriage and no . The Misses Watson of Stratford
• one would ever dream of her eomitig to were the guests. ot tbeir sister -le -law,
so untimelyan end. len 'onlY deugh- Mrs. 'Watson, • •
tete, too. . It is sad to contemplate the Mrs. W. Smith and children left last
sorroiving •helirt of her mother. *But weekfor their new lame at Vancouv-
her nervesliad been weakened by an er.
at tack of la grippe which left her. with Mrs. S: Goldtherpe bas been suffer.
great peer" irtr'her laead tet , ing lately from an attack. of rheuma-
Captain Oraigie,he eiseAlucas, Whose
family left with hint' to Spend the
summer at Trobeemorairelits reeelyed to
make his home there -for e couple cif.
years. e .
Master George carrell has .gene, to
join the etaie of the Whigham brass
works. We wish hins good fortune.
Mr. R. Graigie purehased the Pretty
little residence on Lightlenuse St. the
property•of,Mie. W. Green of Detinit.
It is now rented to -Mrs. Morrison and.
Mrs. Dow, datightere of Mrs. Rewley.
• Rev. Mr. McKinnon of Speingbitnk,
near Strethroy, while in town was the
guest of Mrs. Charlie Syrnonds.
We saw Mre George Swartz 'of Clin-
ton enjoying a chat, with someone In,
front Cif the kneel Huron the other day
Mr. Ed. ;Swartz having gone to the
Pan-Ainerican Exposition. .
The Misses Laura and Ethel Adheson
have returned from theix. visit to the
Ean.Aawnclerbielarsb." Ja.mos Blair returned
to their homeltt-.Toron to after it,
• with their relatives, Rev. M.' NfeHay
a.uTdhfearlinssY6S; Jennie' WhitelY, Trudgen
and Andrews eel returned on Saturday
lag 'quite delighted with their visit to
the PanLAmerican.•
• Miss BSsie Smith is ,becotning
known to Our American visitors as a
very successful young artist. • • .
. :A telegram froth Windsor on.the 7th
• Aug: announced the, death.of Captain
Colwell �f Port Heise, father of Captain
Walter j•Colyvele of the sante claponi
He wasstruck by something connect -
.ed with the . Kat:edits' wheri he fell
overboard fropi the plug plank. He
was a fearless sailor, and had beef' on
the lake 40 or 50' years, ' His• son,
Captain W. J. Colwell. accompanied
the remains to•Pdre Hope, where both
gentlemen resided fee years,
• Miss Lizzie Smith of Shortsville is
the gtieet of her heather* Mr. NV.
.Smith,East St. Miss Bessie Smith will
accompany her to. the Pen-Aineriten
anherreturn.ncac ,j
• Roston left on•
Sunday to visit friends at this Canadian
and American Saults. •-
Mr. and Mrs. Dywer of Detroit, who
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Ferris returned. 0. their home on Sat-
urday. . • •
The Misses Ilaberlack returned on
Saturday to their horne at 'Buffalo,
after taking in all our drives during
their stay. They came to visit the
grave of their- :sister, the late sMes,
Albeit' Clark, and brought lovely
flowers with them from Buffalo with
tvhih to decOrate it. They Were the
guests of bit. james Clark.
Miss Mete Elliott and her 'mother
etre. leaving for Detroit where they
will take up their residence, Mrs.
Elliott is in a fair way to recovery -
after a long siege of illness and she
fohdly hopes the change may benefit
her- We trust so to. .
• . Mr. IL E. Smith has been laid under
the weather' the past two weeks,
-Mr. James McIntosh of the harbor
saseinill purchased the stock of it. E.
Snsith after the fire. Thegoods were
taken to the stores in MeLean's block
lately used as a restaurant by Mr.
Miss'late Watson accompribied her
her brother Charlie on bit return to N.
Y. State, Both *ill visit their sister,
Mrs. John Straiten, of Eragetsville
station, then .proceed to pay a visit to
the PansAmerican.
Revs Mark' Turnbull and his son
Charlie Went out fishing in it pleasure
boat 'one day last week. blaster
• • __ _ Charlie threw out his line and the tec-'
The 12th at Enniskillen, tor had to drew in the prize, a bass
weighing 3 lbs 13 oz.
In the rectory garden their florishes
thorn -apple tree under whieh Col,
Stanley sat 50 years ago.
Mie Ed, Gardner of the Great East-
ern Lycurn Co, has so far made a, con-
tract with. the promoters of the
Ashfield• Township.
, Miss K. Miller of' Toronto is the,
guest of her cousin, Miss Emma Cook.
Among those from here who left for
the West last Tuesday were: Messrs,
B. Andrew, VV, Gardner, B. Webster,
Mr. H. 0. (Jook has gone to Illipme
to visit his sisters, Mrs. O. Carter and
Mrs. Miller.
Mr. William Cadaoz of the state of
Minnegota„ near St. Paul, spent a day
in town last week shaking hands with
old friends and enquiringathout others
who were absent. It is twenty-six
years since he left here but the time
has passed so rapidly that he said it -
seemed only like a dream, Of course
he went over to see Mr. Adams who
taught the school which he attended in
his barefooted clays, "Bill, " as he
was called then, was not just as good a
little boy as he might baye been,so Mr.
Adams ga,ve him a sound birching one
day. While yet tingling from
the birch he did what many a,noth.er
boy has done, vowed that when be got
big enough he would '9ick the teach-
er." The mcitlent was quite fresla in
Mr. Cadaoz' mind when here last week
and he had a hearty laugh over it.
His visit was brief as he had to catch
the boat at Owen Sound for home but
he promised to come back next winter
and stay for a week. Ilehsd,aceona-
panied by his son, been visiting the
-lies Sobel Lashitin expects to pay, his
annual visit to Manitoba in a few clays.
Mr. John Brunedort has sold about
.thirty' binders this season at which his
firm was an well pleased that it sent
him congratulations. Mr. trunsdon
has been long in the business", carries a
big stock and is well and worthily
The deep and sincere sympathy of
the whole community goes out to Mr,
jeffrey and sons who are so sadly' ber-
eaved. May they fled some consoles
thin in the face that the All Seeing
Eye ordereth all things well.
Quite it number front here have gone
to help gather in the haeyest in the
Northwest. Among the number were:
Thies- Lee, George Martin, Mark
Thenipson, two of the lilttley boys W.
Griffiths, A. Johnstone, E. MeV:We,
W. Moon, (4. Reslewood. R.Roberton,
R. Waite, A. Webster,
G. Bruce, 0.
Ruddell, R. Ottlelwell, W. Nott, if.
Langman, W. Wallace,
Mr. Isaac Lawrence and daughter
were among those from this district
Who Visited the Pan-American.
The two story residence, which Mr.
William Grainger of the 12th comes -
Sion of Hullett is having built, is
rapidly approach in g coin pletion. It will
be a pow diens and comfortable home
is west
knotvn fanner and his
Writable fain, . Mt:Grainger's fame
s the breeder of thorobred stock is
klespread and this season he has sold
number of fine ordinals to ambitious
reedets in Quebec and the Northwest,
robs the Grainger Stock Fertn Means
Meth ing ex tea good. •
Mr. Frank 13rown of the IOth eonces-
on of Bullett is another of the pros -
emus farmers who are this season
tieing new houses built, It is of brick
oa two story. Mr, 13rovvn has been
this township foi• fortyllive years
na has how passed the scriptural
bred seore and ten years but is yet
earty and Vigerotte. Ile is a staunch
ethodist, was ono of the founders of
e fitst church of that denomination
Lonaeshoro, and may he Seen -With
nday at hisnecustonied plate in the
6 edifice in which the Methodists
Vt' Vidrehip in this village,
Mr. George Newton and his two
daughters of eiVinghanisancl Miss New.
ton of Chicago are guests at the home
of Mr. 0. Newton,
Rev. Mr. McMillan ' of Toronto
preached in Bethany on Sundae:,
Miss Porter of Wingham is • the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Alex. Cox.
• •MesOrs. S. Macdougall and T. A.
Macdonald will go to Manitoba, en
Tuesday of this week,
• Misses Newcombe and H. Courtice
of Clinton spent Sunday at Mr. J. L.
Mr. and Mrs. E, 3. Bell and Mr.
Snell of Londesboro spent Sunday at
Mr. W. Stanley's.
Mr. Fred, Mullholland of Chicago,
spent a fevv days with his parents.
• Mr. 0. L. Fisher returned frone hie
trip to San Fraecisco and British Col-
Mr. J. R. Holmes and Miss Estelle
Holmes are attending the Pan-Aneeri-
can ab Buffalo.
We understand that Mr. S. Walter
has purchased Mr. Thos. Jenkins'
farm adjoining hie own. Thi e farm
was formerly known as the Marquis
Nexe Sunday Mr. Shaw of Clinton
will take the services in the Metho-
dist church.
Colborne Township.
The steam threshing machines are
heard lamming" once more.
Miss Ressie Mugford of Toronto is
visiting under the parental roof at
Mr. and Mrs. Solar, also Mr. and Mrs,
Henry Morrish, were the guests of Mr.
and Mee. Richerd llowden on Sabbath.
• ear. W. B. Thompson, our popular
cheese maker, has purchased a fine
driving horse. Ile will make it hot
for some of the boys now,
Mr. and Mrs. Duftin and daughter of
Stratford were the guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Samuel Allin On Sabbath,
Mr. Nicholas Morrish of the Soo is
visitieg at his mother's at present.
Mrs. Henderson has returned home
after it re* months' visit to friends in
We are sorry to say that Mr. •Roder-
iek Young lost two fine cella and it fine
steer the past week.
Mr. William ;tones will take it trip
to the Soo this week for the good of
his health as he has been very poorly
Misses Nellie and Hattie Donogh of
Goderiela Sundayed in the village with
Mr. and Mrs. riot% Bell and daugh-
ter, aleo Abe Frank and Miss Ethie
Tout, Huron toWnship, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. H. IL Hawkins,
Harry Quaid, fleeter Hawkins and
William 131 own let last Tuesday for
Will, and .Allen Richardson and
Isaac Hawkins of Sprucedale, Muskoka,
came home Friday for it while,
Miss; Lizzie Rieherdson spent• a few
days in Dungannon, With her sister,
Mrs, H. Stewart,
Mrs. Crawford of Toronto, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs, DeLong,
left Friday for home,
Mrs. Ames and son of Pittsburg
were 10 the village last, week visiting
the former's sister, Mrs. Deter*,
Mrs, W. McOrewth of Goderich was
ill the village visiting her sister last
Mrs. Murray of Goderleh Sundayed
in the village.
"Mr. Mullard of Grand Bend spent a
few days in the borg last Week,
George CalWell of Dungannon WAS
Mrs. J. Robinson yisited ber daugh-
ter, ,Mrs. Geo. Naylor, jr„ am Sunday
last. • ' •
Miss Davidson has •been sewing et.
Mr. Robinson's for a few clays,past.
Mrs. Chambers intends leaving M.
George Beadle's shortly for Brantford.
•Airs, J. Craig is improving atter her
late illness.
Miss E. Rentoul of Whitechurch
visited her sister, Mrs. Geo. Garton, on
Sunday last, •
Miss L. Robinson visited her brother,
Mr. J. Robinson, near Wiligham eo
• Sunday last.
A large number of our young men
left on Tuesday for the harvest fields of
the Northwest.. ••
• W. Helps, whobecame mentally de-
ranged a couple of weeks ago, had to be
removed to Cioclerich on Saturday for
salts keeping. • •
Prof. Coulees of Chicago sang a solo
in the Methodist Church last Sabbath
very•acceptably.. • •
Miss E, A. Rowland of. the Moody
• Institute, Chicago, returned •on bion-'
day after a fortnight's visit With her'
13Mrtidsgjesc'hrintis(jediithe iesiargest barn
in Morris la,st Frida.y: It is 00x00 feet
with a nine foot wall under the whole
of it. R. Gallagher built the stone-
work and John Sheffield did the fro m-
Robert ' Owen's new • hoose is going
ahead andes ready for the plasterers.
' •
• The township council of Hay met on -
August 5eh, A communication from
the Sutherland -Innes (Jo., regarding
road in 7th eon., was laid before the
council. The council will attend to the
matter at once,. The following rates
ware struck for the current year :
County rate 1 1-10 mills, township rate
1 5-10 mills, general school rate 1-3-10
mills, special school rates 8.5. No. 2
$100, S. S. No. 10 $270, S. S, No. 14
.$250, 15. S. S. No. 13 $127.50, 'S. S. No,
8 $200, S. S. No. 6 $00, 8.8, No. 7 $650,
11. S. S. No. 0 $169.60, U. 5.8. No. 16
$325, S. S. No. 8 $150, S. S. No. 4 $150,
8.5. No, 12 $204, IL S. S. No. 1 $08.80,
U. S.S.No. 15 887.03, S. S. No. 11 $110,
U. Sep. S. S. No. 1 $208.00. Zurich
• police village rate 1 mill. The follow-
ing accounts were ordered to be paid:
Henhuefer, cutting thistles, 0. R.
$2,25 • Win. Grans, cutting thistles, 0.
R. $2110 ; Tp. treasurer, registering by-
laws and notices, E. and W. branches
south, $3; E. beisnch north $3; W.
branch north $3; &wide dram• south
$3; Zurich drain north $3 • M.
Willett, rep. col, S. B. $1.50 ; The
Herald, printing, $86 ; The Herald,
printing by-law j. D. north, $0; Tp,
clerk, postage, etc., $22.66 ; Tp. clerk,
expenses re Zurich drain north, $10.50;
Tp, clerk, expenses West branch north,
118.85; Tp, clerk, expenses E. and W.
brittiches south, $10,30 ; Tp. clerk,
expenses E. branch north vox° ; Noah
Surarus, hauling lumber, $2; John
Hovvald, grading con. 16, $11 S. Mil-
ler, rep. cul, con. 14, 25d ; J. A. VVil-
limns & Co., flour for indigent, 822;
Wm. Becker, bridge Zurich drain $13.-
50 ; Mrs. E. Weitzel, relief, *10; Cas-
par Itoehrig, col. C. It., $2; Mrs.
Nicholson, refund license fees, $3.75;
Wto, Becker, making fence at bridge,
50c • J. Blether, pert payment on E.
and W. branch south IL L. D., $50;
F. W. Varncornb expenses E. B. north,
$6. Council will meet again on Mon-
day the 2nd September at 1 o'clock
P. 111,
Mr, W. 0, Elliott of Goderich town-
ship has giyen xis it copy of the Fen
managh (Ireland) Times of July lEith
which contains accounts of Orange
demonstrations in that county,partieu-
larly of a big rally at Enniskillen In
marine hospital fand for five eon
which over 20,000 people took part Ana, certs to be given here during the
as the Times says, 'the utmost loyalty
and enthuelasin was manifested." Mr, winter season.
Miss Alice Gentles returned to her
Elliott read the report of' the day's
proceedings wlth much pleasure for it
recalled the days gone when he march-
ed with the fifes and drums in the
streets of Enniskillen on anniversaries
of the Boyne, As there are many
Armagh men in Huron, Mr. t lliott
thought it referenee to the demonstra-
tion would be of interest to them.
Comps, Are Expensive.
Editors who receive complimentary
tickets to fall fait', expositiens and
other pieces are often looked upon as
deadheads hub the managers of the
Woodford, Illinois, county fair, who
have some experience in such matters,
had the following printed on the dom.
plimentary tickets used x "This has
probably been paid for ten times by
the paper to whieh it is issued. It will
be honored in the hands of man,
women or child, white, black, red or
yellow, who faVore the Association by
presenting it. It is good for entranee
and grand stand and ltiestrer if driving,
will be entitled to pass team free. The
Assoeistion reeognIzes the fact that
its splendid burieess is due to ths notie-
es so freer given by the press and
white we cannot render an equivalent
In cash 'WO Petern out grateful
tuevtuago on 8uuiday I an S.
homeat Kincardine aftera few weeks
visit with her grandparents, Mr, and.
Mrs. W. Green.
The rector of St, George's, Rev,
Mark Turnbull, left for Seaforth on
Saturday afternoon and peeached ger-
-mons both morning and evening at 1 We subMitted Mr, Coventry's stig-
St. Thomas church on Sunday last to gestion to build it summer hotel on the
a very large congregations. island at the north pier to ltir. James
Clarke and he saysit is' quite feasible,
that no water will ever flood it now
and that there would not be the slight.
est necessity for piers to be built under
it, The reetor of $t. George's suggest-
ed a, portable building like many
churches made of irou and taken
clown when occasion required.
Mrs. (Rev,) Edge of Owen Sound was
the guest last week of Miss Robertson,
Ensign Crawford of the S. A. hero
left on Tuesday to visit her aunt, Mrs,
RobertPlant of Frederieksburg,
ginia, Who Is very ill. Ensign Craws
ford has been in the eonapany of Cap-
tain Sitzer of the $ 4 for the past
six years.
Inverness camp will hold on Friday
evening it lawn party on tliO ground
of the Maples, residence of Mrs, M. Ot
Cameron. "Should atikl aequaintatie
CO he forgotP9 COMO 000, coma all,
Miss Campaigne acts most effleientl
•Cerpenter, son and
't.ii.101TMetheriMes....iAsfs.iejsgened,slazel, Leslie. and Helen
Smelts . are all 'guests at the 6aults
daughter returned front • Menesetung
Pasjekr.laasntdwemekre... td. swarta loft last
vveek to visit the Pan-Americen.
The Misses Hattie and Mary. Fraser
of Detroit are the guests of then. uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McFar-
14.illner.s. Sciults, wife•of Manager, George
•'Sitults of the Winnipeg Free Press,and
MaeLaren Mad their Visit-
ors,' the Misses Watson, all attended
the Bitylield.picnic. The Misses Collin-
son were also present,
Mrs. McGorman of St. Marys has
been the gueet.the past raenth of Mrs,'
Mesner and Miss Rayn.
. Mrs,- Robert W. Johnston reeeived
telegram one .day last week of the:
deeeh Chicagci of her brother, J. W.
Cooke, son of the late Mr.. Adam
Oooke•of Goderich township.,
'Mrs. F.11. Webber and daughter,
Miss Webbee, canse down on Wednes-•
day from Southampton to• visit Mr.
Peter Plant of Saltford, father of Mrs.
• NVmebi or r iss9tah,' a bit's.
irs . returnedBe• afr memn vis-
• The : water power used in ICoox
chereh in connection with the organ
gave Out Sunday much to the mortifie •
catiois of the organist and choir.
Little Elarry Craig has a mew amuse-
ment. For some years be bas gone all
• around town with his tricycle and this
season he has an express cart attached
in which little boys or little girls are
seated and the way they all fly along
the sidewalks is astonishing.
Miss Brock Mitchell has returned
from the Toronto Business College': '
Alr..Tom Swartz left on the civic
holiday to to attend the races at Fort
Erie and to visit the Pan-American.
. Miss Clara Bissett will receive her
medal in September at the Cornwall
hospital. It is her•intentioe to, go , to
ClWevehlirifiev. Mr.Mcltinnen of S;oring-
hank was in town he was the guest of.
MTrehOphagraliredSeynmpoanrdtsy. .hela on
grounds of bit'. Todd last week was a
pleasant affair. Among the ladies who
assisted: in making it so were Misses
Barker, Walton, Videan, Blackstone,
Bothwell, Rhynas, Ball and LeTouzel.
Allie McLean, son of A. McD.
left last week for a ranch near Cal-
Dr. and Mrs. McLean .of Florida are
visiting in our town. The climate of
that state has rejuvenated the Dr.,
fhmtorb.010 jro:inekysi ht let isat eyargotofh an he did when he
the Bank of Com-
merce, rernie, B, 0., is visiting at his
dhewere very Wsorry to learn on
Saturday that Miss Lee Storms, one of
our American visitors, was struck on
the eye with a golf stick and Dr. Tay-
lor had to stitch the wound. The golf
grounds COM' Picton. ,street from the
Collegiate Institute to the lake,
The shooting box at Lewis' park is
quite 'an attractive affair. It has a
•biassele rack et the back and two wide
seats in front. The door.and windows
are painted yellow and, the box red.
Mr. Ed. Lewis has done his part to
make our visitors enjoy their summer's
thisi st sneoats foonr, g e
to mention the
(trinket bulb sent by Mrs, Tarbott from
Galveston,. Texas, hy express to Rev.
Mark Turnbull, The bulb weighed
121bs and cost $8 express charges.
The plant was submerged by the Texas
flood last year for Six daye but it never
harmed it in the leest. This species
was brought to Galveston 200 years
ago by the Jesuit Fathers from Spain.
The rectory bulb is something like the
canna, but the leaf is yellowish with
crimson edge. It has not blossomed
yet although vigorous.
Miss Ethel Lawson of Stratford is
the guest of the Misses Oraigle.
Miss Donogh has returned from
Detroit with a lot of noyelties.
Miss Lottie Logan of Buffalo is the
guest of her grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs. Alex, Hirkbride,
Itev. Clarence Buell, at one time
chaplain to the American Embassy at
Dresden,preached a most eloquent ser.
mon at St. Genrgees on the' 1st Sunday'
in August. Rev. Clarence 13iiell is
accompanied by his daughter, !lats.
Dwiglit, They have taken Dr. Nichol -
son's nottage,
Mt; Fish of Jacksonville, Florida,
who carries on it large business in
Birmingham, Alabama, is on his first
tour through Canada preparatory to
visiting the Pan-American Exposition.
He rgistered at the British Exchange
and came here to visit the family of
of Mr. Joe ri8116r.
Mr. Lance Watson, it merchant here
about thirty years ago, is the finest of
his nelee, Mrs. Shaw. Ile has -been in
.London, England, negotiating his sales
oe Texas wool, Mr. George 4ohnstoit
18 engaged in the same enterprise,
Both Aentleinen reside in Texas bee
only Air. Watson haS yet gone to Lon-
About three hundred Sunday school
scholars attended Knox church on
Senday p, ea. last. Quite it number
of their, parents and friends, also at.
tended. to hear 00 address to the child.
ren by Dr. Marion Oliver, missionary
front Canada to India, who addressed
them in an easy manner, %dee intellig-
ible to even the smallest, wiehlug to en-
list their services in the MUSD of religs
ion einong the children ot India and
the picture she drew showed all pres-
ent tbe vast advantages they have
over the children of India. She asked
hew comes it that we have so many
Sunday schools and churches over the
length and breadth of this land.. In
Isidore the streets of the city are filleri
with shrines and leinples six feet
square and ugly images. The fate:line
depleted the families. Miss Oliver had
About, 2000 orphans but 1000 of those
died from the effects of hunger unsats
isfied. -
Rev, Rural Dean Hodgins of Sea.
forth preached in St. (korge's church
on Sunday. He was assisted in the
service by the Rev, Clarence Buell:
The Rev. Mr. DeBarr- and another
clergyman were among the congrege.
Um The Rural Dean's discourse was
convincing and attentively listened to
by.a, large congregatien,
Miss Leona Thompson, daughter of
Mr, Tarries Thompson, arrived front
Leeds,North Dakota, on Saturday
and will spend the summer witla her
grandparents, Mr, and. Mrs, Alex.
Kirkbride. bliss Thompson visited
the Pan-American before coming here
and was while in 13.u1fa,10 the guest of
her aunt, Mrs, Willie Logan,
The Misses Alexandrine, and Irene
Sutherland are with their father, Cap-
tain James'Sutherland, cruising about
the Georgian Bay,
The steara barge Jessie Spalding
arrived in port on Sunday a, m. frotn
:Chicago witb 71,500 bushels of wheat
for Mooer's elevotor.
One evening last week some of the
congregation of "Victoria street church
came prepared to remain for the • evens
'Mg at Mr. Belcher's residence. They
presented hint in the name of the con-
gregation with a purse of gold. -A11
spent it most enjoyable evening. Mr.
Belcher is the baritone soloist end
leader of Victoria street choir, -
Miss Jessie Straitble front the hospit-
al for trained nurses. at Rochester i8.
honhe for a holiday. 'Miss Straiten
looks wonderfully web.
IN LONI)011.
Areas end collision occurred oti the
street railway in London on Monday of
last week. •A car, with tveo trailers,all
heavily loaded, iVait going up grade
when the eignal to stop was givep by
one of the passengers. -The ears were
brought to a standstillby, the motors
man, and before the power was ap-
plied again ene of the large new cars
pitched nto the rear trailer.
Several persons were injured, rumen
the mineber, John Aikenhead, of 128
Horton street who had his right leg
badly jammed between the knee and
ankle. No hones were broken. Mr.
Aikenhead, who is 28 years' old, is in.
delicate health. He suffered from the
shock shortly after the accident.. •
• The accident was due to. the' pulling
of the bell -rope on the first car, pre-
sumably by some young man who de-
sired to be ' fresh,".for when the • car
was stopped nobody alighted. The
big car, also heavily loaded, was fol-
lowing at a safe disMnee, a,ncl, when it
began to close on the trailer, and a
cell Merl seemed probable, Motorman
Temple ebdeavored to apply the
brakes. Around him in the vestible,
• however, were standing several pas-
sengers, and when these saw the clan-
ger they made a bolt for the steps,
throwing Temple ,to one side and
making it impossible for him to do any-
thing in the way of stopping the car.
The sad outcome in Mr. Aikenhead's
case was altogether unexpected. The
doctors, after examining hien, said he
would be around again,in A week. He
has been in delicaM health • for some
time, but the results of the accident
were not believedto be serious. Ris
shins were bruised, but otherwise no
apparent injury was done, •
• The unfortunate young man was
sitting With his banes clasped, around
one knee when tbe collision occurred,
and ibis believed that the knee was
doubled up .against his body so as to
cause the fatal svinptoras which de-
veloped on Tuesday. • Tuesday night
Aikenhead lapsed into unconsciousness
and has nob rallied. A clot of blood
near the heart is the trouble, and. the
medical men Friday morning said
he could not survive beyond the day
.but he was alive yesterday though in
tin unconscious•condition.
Mr. Aikenhead is it son of • Mr,
James Aikenhead, et Stanley town-
ship. Re has-been bookkeeper for
Mayor Rumball for six or seven years
and formerly was with the Hobbs
Company. He is a nephew of the
Mayor. His brother is with Kennedy
& Co., druggists. Be resided With his
uncle, Mr. Albert Aikenhead. He is
28 years of age,
Thursday, Aug. 22nd, at 1 0. m. at
1. IL Jameison's residence, Brucefield,
house and lot, household effects and
shoemakers tools.—J. H. Jameison,
Proprietor; Thomas Brown,. Auc-
• tioneer.
Friday,Aug. 30th, ab 2 p, rn. at the
Commercial hotel, Seaforth, choice
farrn of 100 acres, lot 30 eon. 10, Me-
killop. Sale without reserve,—John
Cuthill, Executor; Thos, Brown Auc-
Saturday, Aug. 31st, at 2,p. m. at the
Commercial hotel, Seaforth, extensive
sale of land the estate of the late Chris
topher Ditle.—John H. Dale, Executor;
Thos, Brown Auctioneer.
Monday, Sept. 2nd: at 1 p. m. on lot
10, con. 7, Tuckersmith, extensive sale
of farm stock and implements without
reserve,--Sames Hudson, Proprieter;
Thee. Brown, Auctioneer.
Now is the time for pie -
nicks and to proyide
tasty lunch is one of the
'principal features. . .
In CANNED MEATS we have some-
thing that cannot fail to please you.
We have
Lunch Tongue 'Veal Loaf
Cottage Loaf Lunch Bacon
Boned Turkey
all at popular prices. .
Out, 120 per large bottle Pickles
eannot be beaten.
Good Red Canned Salmon at 106
per ean,
We have art enticing assortment of
fancy biseults itt 15c per lb.
If you think of picnicking call and
see na,
A full stook of staple and fancy
groeeries always kept on hand.
as organist at Knox church (Writs the phone junLis ord, slimy
nbsence of Henri Jordani
Aug 16th, 1903.
RI-PiReelue s
• .nocessor to Sy . ney ap
N. B.—Antiseptic Foot Powder cures see° feet
i„, ,
We carry large s:sediment
of Tirsce7 incluclikg the
goo, -
New York Elastic Rubber Spiral Spring
Ste.vets Spring • English Dialatpe
Special Shpe Bargains
Raving secured, the agency of the celebrated 3. D, King 8o Co's shoes
for Clinton and district and expect a big shipment of them in it couple
of weeks, we have deckled to make it, clearance of both men's and
women's fine shoes and you may expeet to get some
Genuine Bargains
as they go.
See our North Window for MEN'S FINE SHOES
We have several lines of Ladies' Oxfords, also lame and buttoned
boots that we are willing to let you have without any profit as we want
the room for King Quality goods.
See our South Window for these Bargains for
A line of Men's Harvest Boots not heavy but good wearers, They
are well worth one dollar bub we are sellipg them for 75 cents,
W. TAYLOR 4z. pm
Cash and One Price
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.
• ellselaellieseatelleeeleellseellieleseeeesibselleselleertselbelbesseaele. "Wiese* 'delete • illelle.
Having benght out the *hole stock of
bicycles from•A.. T. Cooper, wheels,) •
2 RARTFORDS . . ez' D.
8 WOLVERIN-ES. • • , 2 E. Z;
. 2 CLEVELANDS. one with coaster brake.
• All of these. we intend to run off at a low margin to make room for
new ones, Anyone in need �(a bicycle would save money by buying
one of these. All kinds of repairkept for bicycles, wheels cleaned and -
$' repaired. 'New tires . $3.00 to $10.00. All work guaranteed.
In connection with same we are prepared to do all kinds of work, •
Ihorse shoeing and general repairing. All the plow points and repairs
kept by Mr. Tedford we still keep in stock. Points and repairs for the -
Tedford Plow, gang repairs, Fleury No. 13 12, 10, 21 1
Miller and Tedford Plow • Sylvester No. 7 •
• . Tedford No. 8 Hill's Patent, Old No. 13 0
Wilkinson No. 7 and 21 and 2 furrow plow.
Tedford's old Stand :. ' Rattenbury Street
•••••••••••••••••••• tif000•00000000000000000•000000
' • .
. •
This week iv t will commence to slaughter
• This will be r led Bargain Sale It will be un-
• • micesSary tO quof e prices in this advertisement as every-
: thing will be worked with 1redtikets to show the cut we
: intend to make. All we ask is for you to come and, inspect
to satisfy yow self,that this sale will be one of the '
We have a tremendous. stock
to sell yet at prices never
equo11e,c1 in this county.
:Greatest and . Cheapest 'Sale
. .
. •
• That ever has taken place in this 'county. We would :
• * urge our friends from the country to come in :
• on Saturday bringing in their boys. •
• •
. i
o .
o •
,......6.........• 1
House cleaning time is at hand, •
and you will, no doubt, require
something new in the line of
Our stock is complete in every
tine, For quality onr goods aro
the best and for price the
some special snaps to, offer.
Do not fail to see them,
BROADFOOT) BOX & Co., Furniture Dealers and Undertakers
J. W. Cladlleye.monttner
Night and Sunday calls answered at residerice of our
Funeral Director, 3. W. Chidloy, Xing street, •opposite foundry,
1........arta•*10........w.."......***suom •
Western, Fair, London
SEPTEMBER, Stlit to 14th, 1901
Zintrios oloso sontombor 4t1i
A hem exposition of genuine merit—New exhibits and leading
itttractions---Lockhartsee performing Elephants—The Three Graces and
om Tom" the baby elephant and many other specialties of ithigh order—grand
„fireworks display,inchuling representations "Fall of China" and "Taking
of Pekin," Special trains over all lines each evening after firetrOtke
For prize lists, program% etc., apply to
Lt.. Col, W. M. Oartsliore, • 3. A. Nellis,
President. &Wall