HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-15, Page 2ITIIR CLINTON NEWS,NECOR0 • • every Thuiaday at. • TheNews•Hicord Power Printing House I ALBERT KUHN% CLINTON. Tawas or Sonseturneef-41.00 Per Tohr advanee ; 8.50 rnay be Charged, it not so paid •e NaPaPerdlecoPtintled until all arreeregee are paid, unieee at the optteit et thepublisher. The date to wbieh every subscription le paid Se denoted on the jahci, APVEReleiNg Rease.-Triendent aavertiee• inmate, 10 conte. per nenpartelliee for first insertion and 3•was per line tor eaoh subse• . eteentineortion, Small advertisenieuts not tcfaxceee one incheinch as "I.oet," "Strayed," "Stolen," eto., inserted once or 00 cents and eath aubsequentinseetion 15 cents, *AtIvertisoments without.epeciflo directions will be inserted until forbid end charged accord ingly, COPY for change of advertisements on pages 4 arin Omelet lie inthe office on Saturdey and tqrPagoal and 8 on Mendarto ensare °hang() for following issue. CoNrnaor BATEise-Iite following table shows our rates for specified periods and tiptoe: ADVERTISING PATE% 1 Yr. 6 el a 3 -Mo. I Me 1 Celeran .07e 00 440 OQ eee Re 08 50 *Co1umn 40 00 25 00 10 00 600 COluran 25 00 1500 800 250 Column • 1800'10Q 0 50 200 600 3,50 200. '125 den'Opeolal•position from26 Weeper cent extra. .W. J. MITOMELL, Editor and Proprietor BANKS. THEMOLSONS BANK . • . ' Incorporatecl by' . • Act of Parliement,1865. • Osman • .. $2,500.000 enifer $2,050,000 ''' o4 RE41) OFFICE • MONTREAL, War. MoLSON MaosnaRson. President hints ELLIor • ' General Manager Notes discounted. Cenci:don made. Drafts issued. sterling and American Exchanges bought and sold. Interestallowed on depOsits.. SAVINGS BANIL. • . , Interest allowed claim= of st and up, . , FARMERS. • ' Money advanced to kfarmers-en their owu notes with one or more endorsers. No mort gage required as security. . IL C. BREWER, •Manager, Clinton •C. D. MeTAGGART BANKER,. • A Cleaeral (Banking Bnsinest Tralisaeted. 5, • Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. r • Iriteresb Allowed on Deposits, LEGAL J. SCOTT BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Eta Money aletan. • pi, OrricaieeElliett Block - ClaNTOX [To: .Liver Is Sonsetlin spansible tor Mt/let* di. potion, that le,11YSPRIIITA. . When it la, I What headache, d1n1litelle,c011StiliatiON 11 What Site Of deSPOildteleYt • What fears of imeidnarY eats, conduce With, the dbitress after eeting, the soiernees of the stomach, the bad taste in the meeth, and SO forth, to Make the Efe Of the aut. ferer ecarcely worth living! Dyspepsia resulted from torpid liver In the case of Mrs, Jones, 2320 N. 120x Ste Philadelphia, Pa„ whe was a great Sufferer, rfer statement made in her 77th year le thet the was eompletely cured of it and all its attendant aches and pang, as ether* have been, by a faithful use of 'Flood's Sarsaparilla That acts on all the digestive oreane, cures dyspepsia, and give permenent vigor and tone to the Witthe syetem. eee-• .j IIVSURAIVOE THE McKILLOP MUTUNAL FIRE INSURACE COMPANY Farm and Isolated Town Property oat)/ Insured.. OFFICERS J. B. McLean, President, Kipper: P. 0, ; Thos. Frazer Vice.President, Brueetield 0.3.T. E. Hays. Secv-Treas., Seaforth P 0.• w Brea:Rook Inspector of Losses, Seafor,th r."0. DIRECTORS: W. G. Broadtoot. Seaforth •, Tohn Grieve Winthrop ; George Dale, Seaforth; John Watt; Harloolc ; John Bennewies, Dradnagan ; James Evans. Beechwood; Tames Conley, Clinton John. MoLean, Kippen • AGENTS: Robb Smith, Harloolc; Rober McMillan. Se forth,. ,Tames Cummings, Egniondville ; W Yee, Holmesville P. 0. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans sect other business will bo promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post offices, JOHN T. EMMERTON. • THE LEADING BARBER Also Agent for STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY • Head Office for Canada. Montreal. Insurance in force, • - 3116,000.000 Investments in Canada, . 13,500,000 Ifstab bed 1825, The old reliable and fevortie Ovrice Smiths bolok. opposite Post Office TIME TABLE •T' . • Trains will arrive atand depart from Clinton Station as follows • DIMPALO AND C40DERI0H DivISION. 110KETS OFTHE WORLElift"eh "'Ws' WS, owee, per .... 00.00 48.00 4.49 .44 8.40 3.50 do buCkeper •cwt2.00 OM 'do culls, each, 2.00 8.00 Letu'ihs, each- 2.00 8.00 do per cwt.. 4.25 4.50 Calves, per head... 3..00 6.00 'Hogs, choice, per cwt. '7.20 0.00 Hogs, corn -fed, per cwt... - 7.00 0.00 Hop, light, per Cwt6.70 0.00 Hogs, fat, per cwt... a 6.75 0.00 Sow% per cwt.- ,4.00 ,4.00 • Friegit of Catfle;Chease. in tho Leading tItIrl.ot$0 1P.9.0.• Toronto, Aug. 3.8.--Wheat--The lo- cal market is very dull, with nothing doing in Ontario patios. •Cables ra- ther disappointing. No. 2 red and white winter nominal at 130e middle freight for export. New wheat um- inal at 02 to 08o41nidd1e freight. No. 1 spring on Midland •quoted at 67 to 08e. Manitoba, wheat Dna. No. sit, and No. 2 hard at, 80c,, grinding STANDARD OIL. 1. hard sold at 82e, grinding in trail - in transit, For 'fronto and we0 2c lower. market is quiet. Bran Dividends. quoted at 312 west, and shortsat A despatch from New York says :- 314.00 to $1.5 west. 1 The directors of the Standard 011 • Cori -The market • is now m, Company, at their meeting on Tues - with sales of Canadian No. 2 At o2c) day, declared a dividend of 8 poi' west. cent., 58 a shetre on the. common 1.1.ye-7'he market is quiet, and stock ef the company. Thisdividend fprxeeiczehs Jo/311nel at 46 to 4.60 middle te PaYnbio on sePte•mber 10 next* The capitalization of the trust is Buclewheot-Market dull, with about 5100,0004000. • The deClara- prices purely nominal, tion of the dividend means, the dis- Peas - Trade quiet, with prie,es tribution of about 58,000,000 among, nominally unchanged. • the Standard Cil's stockholders. Barley -Trade dull. Now feed bar- This dividend is tho third declared ley quoted at 890, August shipment, by the company during the calendar Oats -The market is quiet, with of- year. The • dividend for the first ferings restricted, White are quoted quarter this year, paid in March, at 35c locally, and at 340 for ex- 1901, was 20 per cent., $20,000,000. port. New sold at 31c middle freight The dividend for the second quarter Plour-The market is firm, with Paid in June, 1901, was 12 per August shipment. • moderate amend from exporters. Ninety per cent. sold at 52.55 in buyers bags, middle freight. Straight rollers, in bbls., for Lower Provinces, $3.10 to $3.20. Manito- ba patents $4, and strong bakers' 3807a0tMeal-Market is unchanged. Car lots at 53.75 in bags and $3.85 in wood. Broken lots, Toronto, 25e per bbl extra. - • TEE DAIRY MARKET. Butter -The market, is steady. Fin- est grades, in both dairy rens and tubs ineet with ready sale. We quote:-Selectedeclairy' tubs, 16* to 17c; choice, 1-1b. rolls, 17 to 18c ; second grades, in 'rolls, tubs, and pails, • 15, to 16c; bakers', 14c; creamery 'prints firm, 20 to 210; sol- ids, 19* to 20c, • Eggs -,Market unchanged. We quote: -New laid; 12n; ordin7atryo8 , 101 to 11*e; chipand seconds, cent.,.i512,000,000. The dividend for s Cheese -The market is firm at 10 paiecLthisirds qptierareteenr,t,as has just been to lOic. • So the total dividend thus far this r 58,000,000. Rookefeller Clears $20,000,000 in jg 1 itiVt r:t ZS: 011,11(IA • \ 4*. . JOI-IN 1). ROCICEFELLER,. •••••••,..p.m 7:31X a. m. . year is 40 per cent. on the $100,- . •^' P' In' • DRESSED HOGS AND Pilo. Mixed 4:16 p. in. 000,000 capitalization, or 340,00p,- Goileg tKestElexiixed .a. ite • .. • VISIONS. . • . 000, .. .1 P.rs 12:55n. m. , 7:05 a; in; ••• But because the poor trust declar- • „Dressed hogs, are firm at 59.50 to ed a But, dividend of only 8 39.75, Hog Produets in good 'de- Der cent. its stock fell 4 points, to mend. We quote:-I3a.cort; long clear, 7* (38. Last fall the price touched ton and case lots, 11 to 11*c; pork, aaj mess, $19.00; do,, short cut, "21. • ;• BLAME THE MOSQUITOES. Smoked meats -Matas, 14 to. 15e breakfast bacon, 15 to 100; rolls, Men M Wall Street were telling 12c; backs, 15* to 16e, and slioul- each •other that the great trust de - dere, 11*c. , , , •elared only an 8 per cent. dividend Going East Express • ti 41 0,55 t•. 0 • 10:27 p. m. • LONDoN, Lumon Arlo nano Gay Sleet Express• 7:47 a. In. Mixed 4:15 p. m. Going North Express • 10:15 a..m. " " • Mixed • 6:55 p. ni. • A. O. PA.TTISON, F. 11. HODGENS. ,gent. • Town Ticicet Agent. '• Ni. O. DICKSON, • District Passenger Agent, Toronto, • • W. JACKSON . AGENT C. P. R. CLINT011 • BRYDONE . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR: Notary ,Publicifita. - Orricar-Beaver Block, • • ' • Cra,Xirciti OONVEYANOING JOHN RIDOUT • . CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETC.' Fite Insurance, Real Estate, •• lidc•ney to Lend. • „.. • .OFFICE-llonoN STP.EXT,• . CLINTON MEDICAL. DR. W. GUNN • , R. 0; P. and L. R.41.13., Edinburgh. Night calls at frontdoor of repidenee on Batten bury street, opposite Presbyterian caurch. 01nrion-ONTARIO STREET, CLINTON'. DR:. SHAW • Osseog . • Omura flrarIET, opposite .English, church,' • ODINTON. •• W. THOMPSON • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. •• Special attention given to diseases of the Eye,' Ear, -Nose and Throat. • Onus AND RESIDENCE • - Albert Street East north of Remnant= • STREET, CLINTON. DENTISTRY R. AGNEW • 4:f DENTIST. fee;,i,,;••• 'Will be at Hayfield every W• edneaday afternoon. • Oppeez-Adjoining Foster's Photo . Gallery. °LINTON. •ONT. DR. G. EARNEST HOLMES Successor to Dr, Bruce, Ciinton. Specialist In Crown and Bridge Work. D.D. S. -Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. L. D. 8, -First- clams honor graduate of Dental Department of Toronto -University. Special attention paid to preservation of chedron's • teeth. Will be at the River Hotel, Hayfield, every Moeda, from V a, in: to 6p. m. DR, J. FREEMAN Sticcessor to Dr. Fowler. VeTERMART SIIRGEON. A member of the Veterinary Medical Assbela Bona Of London and Edinburgh and Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Offico opposite the Commercial Hotel. Clintoe• • Travellers toany part °Utile world . should consult the above in reference to tickets, . 'fares, etc. .• W. JACKSON*. : AGENT, C.' P. R. *DROWNED' IN COLLISION.. Big Liner Oceanic Sinks Another • Steamer. •, despatch from Queenstown says: ' 'White Star Line steximer Oceanie, (Capt. Cameron) -Which sail- ed from Liverpool en Thursday for New York via, Queeastewn, arrived here this .merning Unit reported hav- ing been in collision Thursday night, fij:the Irish channel, with the Steam- er Kincoraar of Waterford, Ireland. The Kincora sa4... • Seven persons were drowned. . The only damage stistained by the Oceanic. consisted in a few dents to her 'port 'plates.. She proeeeded at The collision occurred this Ode of Lard -'Pails, 11Ic; tubs, , 'llic; 'bemuse the mosquitoes are so tiercee, 11c. . • ' l'had. The . countrymen cannot • •• • • • barn lamps when the light attracts millions of mosquitoes. .. It was :suspected in Wall Street to.• •that, .• besides, the Standard . Oil •Receipts • of grain Were small day., The.. only wheat was load of Trust WaS giving alteer • ee few hun- poor goose, which 'sold at. 65c. One •drecl dollars'. worth of • oil in the. at - load of oats 'brought 89ic.• liay is tempt 1.0 destroy mosquitoes. Hence firmer, .there being sales of 10 loads the comparatively low dividend. at• 513 to $13.50 for 010, and :at; But the 'days must grow .longer 59.50 .to $11. for new.; Straw nom- and cold must kill the, mosquitoee inal at $10, .••• more surely than does crude petro - Following is the range of .quota- leant. Wall • Street firmly believes •',that Standard '• Oil win declareWheitt ' a tions White • $ 0.69 .5 '0:69* dividend for the final quarter of last. Whexte, red.., - • 0.69 0.69e year •that will be no less than • the 'Wheat, 'goose . 0,66 0,67 1dividend for the final, quarser of last Wheat, spring (Y.69 . 0,00. • year. .. And , then it •was• 10 per Oate,..•• 0.39' 039.-* .cent.• • .. ...., • 0.66 ' '0,00. 1 T,he trtist eatablishecl a new high . .0.43 0.00 reel:a:El. last year iii piping . profits •to '14y, old: Per •fin .... . 13.00 .oei.Cent, in all .abeut 848,000,000. ,,.,„ 0.55 0.00 stockh.olders, when Witold out 48 Hay, new, per ton;:„ 9,50 11.00 ' 40 PER CENT '1111JS 'FAR. -Straw, porton. 9.0p. 1.13,(x) • • Dressed hogs... .•.. • 9.50 • 9,75. This year, so.far, it has paid • 40 Butter, in lb, rolls0.16 • 0.20 per cent. • • . Butter, creamery 0.20 0,25 If this December's. dividend IS equal. Chickens,. per 0.50 0.75 to last December'S, 10 per dent., Ducks, per pair 0.70 1.00 this year's profits will beat. the fore Turkey, per lb_ . . . 0;10 . 0.12e xner high record. They will be .50 Eggs, new leid ... „„: • ..0.10 0,17 per . cent: • . • Egge, held, •per doe,. ,0,1a 0.14 1 But; Well Street, when not joking lecrtatoep, new bush: 1.00 1.25, ' about Mosquitoes, firmly belieVes TorriattieS,.'basiket 0.75 • 0.00 • that :the Standard Oil will aot Beef, forequarters „„ 4,50 • 5,50 :10 per.•but 20 'pet: centnext Beef, hindquartere ''„. ' .8,00 0,20 'Deeember, , making Its diticiend for •Beef, medium, enrcaee 5.00 6,50 1901 60, per cent:, •$60,000,000; Beef, choice 7.,00 • 7,74 35,000,000 it month ; say $1.50,000. Lamb, yeerling , quelear, abut 1;30 in the 'MOM- . spring ., •• • 9.00 10.00 1' And .Johri D. Rockefeller is credit - The fog was Very dense. The Mutton• 5,00 8.50 ed with owning easily one-third of Kineer• avas struck amidships. All Veal; choicee, 7.sco 8..50 Ithe Sndierd Oil stock. • the 'passengers of the Oceanic were.in Minneepolle, A.ug. I Up to 1895. the -company used to .bed at the tline, and there wee sonic commotien, until capt. Caineren as- sured them that, .there • was not the least .cause for' , •, • Headway was kept. on the Oceanie after she struck the /Uncoil,. in order to`" give ,the crew.' of the latter .a. chance to clamber on board the 00 - Casio. Theeboa.ts were lowered to rescue every man possible, •The Kincora, sank very rapidly.' The Oc- eatiic remained in •the vicinity of the ' THE.. STREET MARKET. SepteMbera fiSf to 687.0 ; December, pay. 1e, per cent. per annti 70* to 70ee ; on tracie No. 1. hard, 11.805 tho divi4end jumped to 31 per 71e; No. 1 Northeen, 69ee ; cent. In 1897 it web 88 per •eent., 2 Northern, 6131c. Flour -First pat-, in 189880 per cent., and in 1809 33 onto, 88,85 to 53.05 ; second pat- per- cent. • • eats, 88,60 to, • 8015 iirst Clears,' In the fare and three-quarter years $2.90 to 38 :• ;wood. • oioars, .82.20. :beginning January 1, 189(3, there - Bran -In bulk, $13.50 to $14, ' fore, theo Company has distributed • Buffalo, Aug. 13.---rlour-Steady, $215,000,000 to ita stockholders. on Spring wheat--(luiet -; No. 1 North- a capitalizatibn of *about 4100,000, - ern, old, 700 ; do new, 76*.o. Win- 000. This infinitely surpasses • the ter'Wheat---eDull hut firm I Ng. 2 red, records of on other corporations. collision until daylight, but nothing ea*0 ; No• 1 White, 715P. Corn- • was thea. visible beyond some float- steady .1 No. .yollow, ; 8 • •. The. collision occurred in a fog. The de, new 30 e ; o. L mg;ixed, nonna e 1 ' 1% suicipp oti .soNs G , 0, ,bow of the Oceanic was dainaged. Mal, 37*0 ; old, 39c. Barley --Nee , %The Kineorrt Was a. eoasting toffee', axing doing. • Itye-No. 2, 50e. I New York Man's SorrOw,Drove Him of 453 tons, trading between Water. 1 -tul'ee ' Aug. 13. -Wheat closed • • ford and Litnerick. She had it crew Insarte. of 14 men. The Oceanic brought the seven survivors to this port. . RUSSIAN CROP FAILURE. ' No. 2, 56e, 041"--E3epte h ' s`74 thrcivall. the Iloilo late on Thursday', In er, ..) g, Continued Drought Has Extentled go, 3,. Nortl -tern, cash, 7010; trieptem;- of each other, four years ago, affeet-' wife earlier in the day, he told her to A despatch from tet: Petersburg 704; 'December, 71*c; No. 2 N'ortlt- mg Wee cage. ...,,yjlehile.; • leiorthern, 72 to /2.3e ; fl Northeril, 7Pfg- Septernber, 11fe, ; Nu, w0De liarley.-.Steady rellA estate rtgent, • ShOt himself • A despStcli from. New York says: - August Schwab, 65 .yeare . age,. a 1, 56* to o • Dtiluth, Aug. 13, -Wheat -No. a and died ontho grave of his jet° hard, cash, 713ec ; Septeinter. 7ifee• smis, whose death, within a feW daye Area of' Datnage. , ed the man's land. Leaving his ber '70etel • August, 70110; October ern orgo; iln: 3 spring, 341o. eines light the candles in their room, •tended the area of crop damage,. --85s• (•,!Ol'Ilehl.;•Ar • a , the death of the eldest 'bon. The Which.. includes the Baltic provinces', Toledo, Aug, 3.4.., --,,Aum, and Ail- %vifp complied, and was waiting in OUR CHEESE 1111 KW8 NEN EXH1B POULT RYLEXPORTS A Great rtititre for the Canadian 11 -THE CANADIAN PRODUCT AT THE PANAMENICANA (Special by Martha Craig.) u, W. W. Hall, Agsistaat Superiutenclenta of the Dairy PiVision at the) Pan American, has kiadly subinitted the 111•111oWing report: Theonarleings of Canadian cheese aro as follows: EXPORT CHEESE, J. Re Burge, 131u0Va1e, Ont., Canada J. I. Berge, Inuevale, Ont., Canada Steuart M. Payne, Warsaw, Ont E. C. Kennedy, Welland Thomas M. Donald, Morrisburg F. E. Kline, Loki:acid F. E. 'Kline, Lakefield James T. Morrison, Woodetock George A. Boyes, Panora W. 13. Stacey, Fulerton Mary Morrison, NoWreeee R. R. Cranisten, Lawrence Station B. 8. IVIcConnel, Springhill John Coanolly, Malcolm J. 8, Ford, Paisley J. S. Pard, Paisley A, E. Ililson, Lakelet Joseph Cramer, Glenvale W. F. GerroW, Napanee J. W. Clairidge, Glenhuron 3. W. Ciairidge, Glenhuron ItcoorbneilySinnilt,hos, .M) otrittniones..r.orm,..- 3. D. Bird, Biedgedon • , , ..... .. .,....,. ..... ....... 00 W. H. Vout, Jasper • Dairy Depertment, 0, A, C., GrielPile.- .... ••••.- .... .... •••%.0,,... 30:70 Frank A. 1Vhyhe, Mitchelville Frank A. Whyhe, Mitchelville., 96.00 W. R. Keiser, Lansdowne '1 • 97.25 W. It. Keiser, Lansdown •9976.0000 3. A, McIntyre, Paimenton 90.50 Alex. McGregot, Russell • 96.50 John Francis, Courtland,...,90,25 James Craighead, liavolock Frank Trovis 98.50 ", " • Warren Feeley, Cannomore . . . ....... ....„ .... 99999974:80.,...080750000050 ..,',':::' . .',%,,‘ E. G-. Mot:Shall, Guisbore• W. A. Bothwell, Thickson • ... N. S. McLaughlin, Mulford.„..... • 3. S. Johnson, 13anner. W. M. Wilson, Rockspring„„.. I. M. Smith, Monglake • • 1. M. Stnith, Songhai° John ID, Stauton, Colcwold 9978..0000 S. P.' Brown, • Berna,m• 97.20 " " Andrew (Balmy, Rockwood,,,,.,,,,,, • M. Morrison, Harrison 999 836 .. 507 005 :, .: :, Thonuts Grieves, Wyandotte 96.50 " " G. n. Goodhand, Milverton • Id. N. Hart, Milverton •96.00 " " Precl. Crothier, Excott• 98.25 " " ..;... • J. H. Davidson, Hammond 7, , , .• • Fred. Crothier, Exoott„... ..,.. 50 Hobert Johnston, Bright• ,, 41 • HOME TRADE.• 9986'758 B. Dunwoodie, Lyons.. , .. ,.. • Guelph Agricultural College, •. 93,75 '" " It will be noted that the average scoring of Canadian cheese 14• very high and uniform. The committee who judged them, A. 0, 'Bryce, Mont- real; S. II. Richardson. Now York, and H. C.Mhyte, Wisconsin-, oom1311.- b t- 97.20 Per Cent. 94.00 " " 96.00 " " 97.50 " " 97.25 " 97,00 " " • 0.75 i° 04 90.50 97.50 97.00 9'7.00 96.50 96.20 98.20 • 97,25 • 96.50 97.00 98,25 ... , ... 90.50 98.00 97.00 98.50 97.75 97.75 - says:-Tlie continued drought has ex- , . VETERINARY ere 1" 1 • - • claiming it was the :anniversary of BLACKALL 86 BALL VETERINARY SURGEONS. GOV- ERNMENT VETEEt/NA.RX INSPEOT0R9 Orrnm, teem:: Sulam: ; ERSIDENON. ..a.ZDERV STRIcar, °Myron. . AUCTIONEER THOS. BROWN LICIENSED AUCTIONEER,. Sales conducted in all parte of the Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders loft at tun Nitwit REcORD *Mee, Clinton. en:addressed to Sea forth P. 0. wili receiVe prompt attention. Sat- sfactio n guaranteed' or no charges. Your ,pttt- onage soncited. 11418061.1...ANEOUS GEO. TROINHILL HORSESHOER AND GENERAL, BLACKSMITH, Woodwork ironed anent:declass material and, work gliaranteed, rain implements and ma chines rebuilt and repaired. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. ttlEttl: STREET, Nontn, Cramer 50 YEARS, EXPEIVENCH' `Meet IVIAteitte Ineenetets gliyonosetiding shish and description may doovronwts &41. I oniony ascertain our °maim tree whether an il'k•(. inventien 14 erehablt.ffintentable. Cottnnonies, t long aridly coneeenitee xiatemook t'lltrerit0 e8nrfre, omen Coney ter seeming patents, . Patotart talciStt tnreurili mann & co. reeehl t wets sonar, vouttout esithzo, tto OS A, lAttagomelir Medi:Med weekly. 1,preost ow • v0521100 tt tett! tictontifkr lentos], Teress.'ils a: tiptisenths, 31. 601:1 BY au ,a10wstittler,4 u0,36toitabay, Hew Tory, no**0,15 F St..Watilinstee. b. C, t 7.1.1e SepteiRlieja;, 7etiele; den Ix it she received In the 'west Siberian and Volga pro- gos e I he r vinees ah alMost total drop failure comber, 74*c. Corn -Cash, Aulp ; Deeemeee eee, pf• flOing of her husband's is expected, • 1,September, e,703 ; con - hi Le g le (afta-.-Casit, 85,ec; September, 35c ; cf • •t 1.1 1491:i 94 , DeceMbep pine Itye-576. Clover- . LUCE:Y. SHORTAGE.•Cash a;iti 0104r $0.211. 011- 3te8, any wife reads every blessed recipe she finds in the papers. Heavens; and does she try theta all? No, she doesn't. In fact she never tried a solitary one of 'eni, How does that happen? 1,V1iy, she`e always out of soine‘J thing. ';' air at bad4 very severe sickness that teck, off all my hair. 1 pur- chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor and it brought all my hair back egain." Marseilles, III. • • • One thing is certain Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is bocatise it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grew, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al- ways restores color to gray hair, s st.00 Wile Ail cirsittsts.`1, If year droggist cannot sappy lett, Send US Olio donee and WM. opposes 708S bottle. He auto and etre the suss of your nearest etnressoNice. Address, J. 0, AY= 00., Lowell, Mass. Unehanged, ORp.NIZING REVIEWS. SrroOl.c. •mABEATS. • ' • s n Toronto, Aug. 1.8.-12110 teecirts filln:stor of DIilitia HaTake the Mere heavy at 1430 WeStern. Cat* Mattes in Hand. • market t.0 -day, hop the qualitylf A despaph from Ottawa' pays: - the ettiele Wee rather poor and hes 'flip Minister of Militia has rettirned r .P.45° wt.° (414'w' Tht-414 W" gn°4 ed thp Capital and taken up the aejeland foeliefele hatiler work of ergetnizipg: the mil Racy supply Was short and the ofieringe 'events to bdaronglie pIT eohneetion did not long, Team last with 1440 vIhit of the Duke and Duch- et4S qf pornyttif 0.10 Yerk. It le ex- pected the pregraninie ler 'the re- views Will be coititileeed befare ` the and of next week. Tee intention is to haVe the arrange1npl1t4 eoee IS t?oesiblee 18 order thal, the officer!: {..toininutaliag the different !Tres within. a.r'e to participate maer bp 'made at:Finely! Led vith the details pnle fo prepare far the re- Vie:Yin• •0111111.1 Of 44 ft Of 44 14 d 4/ .14. 44 11 44 If 4' do 14 41 14 If .4 II 44 If 14 ft Of Of Of It 44 Ad 41 44 If Of 44 ft 14 14 44 41 ft 44 4, 41 11 44 • 44 .44 to It 41 98.00 • abundaneet of lialf-fin e le. ca a particularly in, the - exeort branch, , and the.y were- very slow of sale. Prices were 004 ,s,terttly throeghout the net. illapot.ters hnd butche.s' were the only •Piussos whiph•anow04 f any nativity, And In these there ti were many head lett otiel,:. fielail I Stuff Was offered liberate?, hut. trade fates dull. Ilogs Were lingilant41:1: Ti total reit • Was 79 lOadd, Wedding 1 1,851 cattle, 1,010 sheep end jambe, 07 olives tiled 002 hogs. 1 IligPort tifltilo, choice, . per ClVtorr I:, irs $ 4.60 8 0.01 do Ineditlin, Per Al; 4.25 4,00 do- ceave, por owt,,,,,, 0.76 ff...P. ,Ilutchere cattle, pick, . ad Iotee, ...eel 4,40 +.74 do choice". '..,... 4.00 4,40 • do fair- ...",3.50. 4.00 de common... ..,. 3.00 3.50 do Ootvs,•.011• ,jII,I, 11.11.W.P 13.00 3.15 do hulis,„ . )..m.. 0.00 0.00 Bulls, export, heaVY$ .,,,,, .A. A ‘..„. per tut", ,,, ,... IFIldtt 14.4R 7:•41,4, 86 light, per cwt...., • 0.50, 0,75 reedere, short-lteep,.. . 4,10 1 4,15 do medium. "qv . "or 53.60 • 4.2,5 do light- ... ... ,., - 0.25 4.50 Stockers, 400 to 0'00 3.00 3.25 do off -colors... ... !,,.,1 845 8.00 • I31113 °Nig PI,44'114.! Extreme Cars Taken In Inqpeetion et' Sfeatnerg, 4osptttOt IF02 Vigt,01.47 1341., SayS, aecotint e/ the prevalence el IA ,IbrOlie Ph3gile Tr,cipft• Iteng, Dr. Watt, seperiptencient 'Willi:ems. 'teed quarantine aation, hue ree teived instructione from Ottawa to up every precaution in ceasing Orient, steamers to preveat the fa- trodnetioa of the disgese' here. The Que.pn Adeleide, arldved nlifixt, Wee very piorsitighly. fa; fuletatiidi 4/14! th,O SAMO 1/P1 h9 the COS ffivitl3 thp klopress or yluorfn, fine Wodnestlay, and the. jdzuni duo Thursday. • mented the Conadlaue en their exceptional success and said thatno e ter cheese aie rnacie in Ameeica. • • •THE Si. S. LESSON, LESSON , Fanner. A despatch, frOM Teronto •overlie- lltr. F. W. Hodson, Demi:don Live Stocis Commissioner, returned on Saturday from Great Britain, where he hes been engaged SinCe May study- 1ng the conditions of the English 'market in regard to the export of Canadian. live stock and animal pro - duets. In the course of his investi- gation he visited every stock centre in Great Britain. After careful study Mr. Madsen is convinced that there is opportunity for great enlargeirient of the British market for Canadian products. The Englislx people look very fairer - ably on the development of whet they. call the colonies, but what would better be called Imperial Can- ada and the otttlying portions of the Empire. The British consumers are ready to buy largely, and Canadian products are among the best that enter their market. THE EXPORT OF BACON. Pre-eminent =dug Caoadian ex- ports to Great Britain is bacon. Canadian bacon is the most import- ant prodUct which reaches Great Britain from any country, and it is rapidly gaining favor. Canadian bacon and cheese are in- deed staples, and Canadian poultry Is attracting very favorable cont- inent. As soon as proper shipping fecilities are provided this product will rival becon. The best grade of chickens which have been fattened at the Dominiem feed stotions in recent years are better than any I saw on the English market. Except in the case of beef and mutton, Dritish meats are not superior to those pro- duced in Canada. There is no rea- son why our cattle end sheep shall not in time hold a place equal to our bacon, but in order to bring this about greeter care must, be devoted to feeding and breeding. The British consumers do not want an excessive- ly fat animal, but one fed so as to be full of lean meat, witlx it moder- • ate supply of fat, eous man in the city, and we' would not have known that he was right- ous. but for II Pet. ii, 7,•8. It would seem that his wife and .two, daugh- ters were delivered for his sake and that he was delivered for Abraham's AUGUST 18. sake (chapter xix, 12, 29). That the ,.righteous la3r their intercession can _ • ' bring blessing to OtherS is evident Text of tne Lesson, Gen. xvna, 1. from the'record of the centurion, the Woman of Tyre and Sidou, the four 'friends, (Math, viii, 10 ; ix, 2 ; xv. 28). • That there may be such a state of affairs taat evea, the prayers of the righteous- cannotavail we learn from `Jar. x.v., 1 ; Ezek, xiv, 14, 20, where we see that such mon as Moses Samuel, Noon, Daniel or Job could. not: bring • deliverance, • Abraham did not plea,d on the ground of any goodness in himself, for he spoke of himself as but dust and 'ashes (verse 2'7), but only* on the ground of the great need and. the righteousness of God, We may learn a good .lesson In pleading from Jeretniah, who said, "0 Lord, • though. our • ini- quities testify against us, do Thou it for Thy name's sake" arm xiv, 7). In Jesus' name is our great strength. • 33. And the Lord went. His way as soon as Me had left communing with Abraham, and Abrahainereturn- ed unto his place." Rote :near heaven is brought to earth in these interviews of God With Abraham and others 1 atid it is the privilege of every believer to walk ,with God constant communication (Gen. 've 24 ; vie 9 ; Mic, :yi, 8), It is to be, feared that the tnajority of the right- eous' are like Lot in Sodom, so mixed up. with the ungodly that they bear no testiinoner ' for God, while but few are like Abraham at Hebron, living above the world* in fellowship with G•od, for this, is a narrow way, and few there are that find it. Let every child oe ,God re - 'member that lie has redeemed us to be a people for, Hie own posses- sion, set apart for Himself, not con- formed.to this world(Titus ii, 14, R. V. ; Ps, iv, 3 ; Rona xii, 1, 2), • 33. Golden Text, James V, 16. 16-19. "And the Lord said, Shall. 1 hide from Abraham that thing Which I do ?" We must' suppose that :the lessen coil:mai:teedid • the best they' •knew how, in Selecting 'the •portion. which they have assigned to us foe study, but hew they . could be ledto omit such a portion as :chapter xvii is something of a niYA- terer. Wo trust that all teachers will think it worth While to look • at the portions passed over. Last week's 'lesson showed us Abram made sure, es aye supposed, by the' Lord's Mes- sage, that all Would be as Gad had said, ;yet in chapter xvi we read that he turned !rem :God to listen to ,an earthly suggestion, which brought much trouble tato his household and led to aa interval ef 13 'years in his life; • of which we know nothing. Compare xvi,. 16, and xvii, 1 ; Jer. 5. In chapter xvii the Lord ap- pears to him under et new name, the Almighty God •101-Shaddai), the Mighty God who :50 all sufficieht, ebnfirining and 'stating more felly the ,covenant and giving him the • token' which signified 'death to 'the flesh (Co). ii, 171) ; giviag hine also a new •name by putting the principal letter of His own name Jehovah (l'hvh) in the midst. of hie old name Abram. We cannot know the all sufficiency of, ooa tin we are willing to have done With self: and walk before Elim. Sarare name is also changed, and Abraham is assured that the time. has comeand within a yet::: Sarah shall bear to him the _promised son. The visit of , the.Lord and the two other heavenly ones to Abraham in• the heat of the day,' their acceptance of Abraham's hespitalitey and •the Willhig (Ps. ex. 3) to be all that message to Abraham confirmed to He desires us to be, living no :long- Sarah led •us to the beginning of to-, ,clayes lesson,' Let the Lord's acmes - •tion .to Sarah in Verse 14, . first clause; along „With .Ter. xxxii, 17, and John xiv, .13-144 lead tte to ex- pect, greet things from •Clocle • 20-21. The Lord is a 'righteous Judge and speaks of Himself hero as carefully inquiring into matters. He shall not . judge alter the sight of Ills oyes, neither reprove after the , hearing of His. 'ears, but with right- eousness shall Ile judge (Isa. xi, 'a,' 4). Everything on earth cries Jo' Him, and Ile hears and wilt in due time see 't�. it. 'Note carefully Gen. iv, 10 ; Ex, iii, 7 ; Mob. 11,11; Jas v, 4 ; also creation's groans • in• Itom. 'ill, 22, God hears it. all. 22, "Abraham stood • yet before the Lord," The other teta visitors went toWard Sodom, and their .visit to. Lot and his rescue by them aro reeorded in the next chapter refer- ence to which we find from. the Lord Itimself in Luke xvii, 28-32. Merit-, ham Standing before God makes us think of Elijah and Elisha and also of Gabriel (I Kings xvii, 1 ; It Kings iii, 14' ; Luke 1, 19). To ap- propriate and live in the power 00 Ps. xvi, 8, iS is very proper gad helpful thing • to do, remembering. that the Lord eeeth not as men spell', for man loeketh on'theoat ward appearance, Mit the. Lent look eth upol, the heart (I Sam, aid, 7). Iie says, "Lo, '1 jam 'with you al- wt2IY8'.1 3-20. "Shall not the judge of all the earth do right 1" In the resteof our lesson we see Abraham as the interceseor, ae We afterwiihde. see Moses, Samuel, Daniel, and others, all typical of IIim who ever liveth to make lutolesaion for ue (Ilona y(n, 81 ; Ileb, vii, 25). We read that Abraham, dreW near, and it is our to • draw llear with a true heart; in frill assurance pf eaith, and to come holaly urito the throne of grace, that we may obtain merey and .lind grade to heip in time of need (fleb. v, 22 fet 1), We lane' comae not, wily for ourselves, but. ter othere. We tarty forget ourselves and live ehiefly 'Ter opera, and the -more we renounce self and nye fej.: others the 'more re shall 'he like 101122 W114 peter pleased Himeeli tair seught tXf oWn vfli nor His °We, glory (Rene xV, ; John Ari, .38 ; • tin. Dy His 'precious blood I50 lia$ made Ife ntierh Who gime were far en and hasiveti ' (its, tier 3.15132504,,c4y0,02a) well! htisnuicei.: piess§d essurance$ for our paean:- ngement Johp 14 ; 'eata ; 'Mark' 2.1 Jahn v, 3.4,. 27-32. Veering that there may of. be 150 righteCitie in Sodom, Abrabant •contihupd :to plead Otte the Lord will spate the eitY for the sake of 45, 40, 110.' ao, 10, cm the Lerd geld tlin.t HO' Would epare the city if ten righteous people were found in i. Won r. how might•havo boon I '4fic times .4braham pleada. Som he hb.d still kept on, but it. vioull Cr unto this .world or unto ourselves, but unto HIM alone. • . • • • POLICE .TO CARRY GUNS. Garrotting and Highway Assaults ' Common in London. A' despatch from London says 1-- Ajsaults on" policemen have become so numerous in certain, districts in London that the authorities have been petitioned to permit the police to carry revolvers, . • • Londoli policemen carry only clttbs, in deference to the wishes of the people, who memo years ago agitat- ed against the revolver ait being too dangerous to entrust them with. The result is that in attacking burglars or• highwaymen they have only their clubs to protect themselves against assaults with knife, revolver, and knuckle-duster. London is becoming Worse than Chicago. At nights there Is a reign of terror on all roads leialing to and from the suburbs. Garrotting haS become it gomnion form of crime;• • WOMEN FARMERS. Lady Warwick instautes Agrieul • tarsi, College. A despatch frqin London says :- Always anxious to better the con- ditioxt of young womeit, aud cape,. eially to save them from the drtid• pry 9f poorly paid demestie Service, the heautifel Countess of Warwick has ihaugurated breath Of the Agricultural College at Reeding air Avow'', and hopes hy its "mans to again Widen the sphere of usaulneeg or her protegee, Ledy Warwlek 10 is elevOr • papillose atonfan, and al. though sparlpg neither paha: nor ex- pense 15' inatiguratieg her varioug schemes for the advancement of the wometi ps the peorer eless, she in - Opts upon putting these schemes on n. t4i-suPporting AusTRALI.Aos Amy, Tho. ifeNY NftV2/ WI Cc:At $0,000,000 "sk despatelt from Melbourne, Victor. le, says:I-The House of ilepresenia- lives on Ileidey passed the second reading of the Australian defence bill, Edmund Hanoi). the Peemier, made xv epoch, during the, coUrse 54 which he said the: standtpg erntAtilte. temPlated W0S, 011iNT Mialeient force to guard tho depots; end to seeVo 125 militarylriareetore toy the Itivies to be Called 'out fa ease the, first line of defence, the navy, Was broken. The Obtuse providing for coiling out men front 18 to 00 years of age wall WM-. ply Inserted to demonstrate to the world What, Australia Would do in time of maergeney, who 004 Of the navy would- bet Paul) 01,,00.0,000 OAP APP4V Lckt," wixs. 0.10 for TWA- nualiy. • UNFAIR TO CANADA, Mr, Modson •thinks that the Brit- ish embargo on Canadian cattle is Unjustifiable, •Tho British •Govern-. nient is not using the Canadian peo- ple . fairly in this respect.. . This 'embargo, mi'. Hodson, explain-. .ed, • • means a loss of ten dollars b. head on every head of cattle shipped from Canada to any country. There is ho reason for the, discrim- ination either.. We have never had 'a case of pleueb-pneamoeia 45 Canadt. It is absurdto put .a.n embargo on a clean Country like Canoga, • NORWAY'S FORESTS . • ' Iseieree THE VERY LATEST PROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. MOI•Pett••••••• iteresting items About Our Own Country, Grant Britain, the United States, and MI Parts of the Glebe. Condensed and Assorted for EASY Reading, A Coal depositCsAhNtevDe CANADA, Sound in Shefford County, Quo. An ex; ert considers improvements to the amountof 375,000 are requir- rejavetro. prevent floods on the Indeau An Ottawa Alderman is opposed to spending any more than 32,500 on the reception to tho Duke and Duch- ess of "York. The fund raised for educating and supporting Louis Riel'at children has disappeared, said there are ugly ruin- ers afloat in Montreal. The 'Regina Board of Trade has opened an employment bureau, where farmers requiring harvest hands may enter their names, and every (Inert will be made to meet their demands, Mr. W. L. Grant, classical master at Upper Canada College, son of Principal Grant, Queen's Universitet, has aecepted a fellowship in classics at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, The shipment of grain from Quebec by the Great Northern Railway has been so successful as to induce the Leyland 'Steamship Line to . put on four stearners this month instead of two. , - • • Three Trees Cut Annually for Every ' • One That is Planted. , . , • A despatch from Drammen,: Nor- WoYesays:-The forest wealth of Nor- way -is being rapidly ,climiaisliedby tho .savage assaults of lumbermen and pulp manufacturers. •An expert •thminissionappointed, by,. the • Gov- ernment, made -an alarming • report showing that three trees . were • cut down annually for..eyery. 'one that grew, and ta'this Climate it takes huedeed . years' for a pine: tree.' to grow big . enough to furnish. it log twenty-five feet long and ten inches jn diameter, which :50. the minimum available for the saw mills, • .It was shown by, the lastcensus that the standing timber in the king- dom ' had ' been • reelocea to :68,179 ,square Miles, or 21 'per cella of the entire area, Whereas in 1855 55 per cent, .of the country was 'covered With forests, The lumbermen are do= ing an immense amount of damage, but' the pulp manufaettirers . are do - nig snore, because they destroy the. Small trees It is estimated that within the,next half • centttry the timber reSources of • Norway will be practleallbr exhausted ttt the present rate. of'destruction. There aro periodical • agitations to, • Stop it, but the laws that ,have been passed' have been unpopular, and the regulations .Prove to be intreasoaable and impracticable. - .• •• : • . • AN. ULTIMATUM. : Britain Gives Seers Until Sept. 15 to StIrrender. • A despatch from London says: -A. Parliamentary paper has been iseued •eontaiaing a proclamation issued by Lord Kitchener. August 7th, in sic- cordance With instructiens frOin the Imperial •Government, the •Govera- meats of Cape ColonyAnd Natal con- curring., The proclamation says:- • "All commandants, field cornets, and. leaders of armed bands being burghers of the late •Republics and still engaged in resisting His Majes, - ty's forces, whether in the Orange Colony, the Transvaal, �r • other por- tions of His Majesty's South Afri- can dominions, and all members of the Governments' ef the eate Orange Free State and Transvaal, shall, un- less they surrender before September 15th, be permanently banished from South Africa. • The cost of the main- tenance of the families of all burgh- ers in the field who have nott. • Our., rendered by September 15th shall be recoverable from such burghers, and shall be a eharge upon their property removable and immovable, in the twee colonies." • - RETIRED IN CONFUSION. The Boers Dissolved Into • Small Commandoes. A despatch from Cape Town says: Gen. .Hunter Weeton's• . column has had an engagement with the Boers Under Cominanclant Theron, at Zuur- fantail, , Cape Colony. The. Boers re- tired in great confusion into the Graaf Reinet distriet. Their losses are not known: . .An engagement has taken place be- tween the' British end Doers north- west of Dordrecht. The British eaS.- ttalties were one ldiIed and one Wounded. . It is reported that the I3oere lost heavily, The Britishauthorities have re- ceived satisfaetory reports from the Jamestown anellarkly East dis- tricts of Cape Colony. Commandant rouchee's eon:mend° hati been 'se- verely handled by the Pritish cc:l- ame:a The eommande has dissolved into email parties, 4 - ENTERPRISE AT THE SOO. CentPROtl'OPFloPuremlin,Platit New A. despatch' from. Otta.wo, says: - The oconteout for the second water • power canal at the Soo is likely to of this city, The canal will be the be aWarded to Ur. George Goodwin, sumo lehgth as the present poWer channel1 but wIll be larger, 26 feet deep and. 150 feet wide, • The excava- tion will include 500,000 cubic yards 'of.rock, and 40,000 (sable yards of oteirth.• The headgates and power 110tMe not incladed in the specifi- cation, The ClergUe. Syndicate intend oper- ating at the Soo one ot the largest flour mink on thin eontinent, st inill with a eapacity of nearly 4,000 bar- reln per day. The output of this null It le intended to ablp direct to Eng- land by the new ocean-going steam- ers to. be Constructed With a VieW 515 the utU50ttUon Of the St. Latvrence Canals. • BRITAIN,.s grain crop, thc;ug'h' Groat h te 13a,vg rieiltrEeniAiieri; of good quality, will bo in yiefd be- loMajor Kara. Davis, a. hero of Maio - king, has declined it decoration, ask- ing that he be permitted' to serve his Majesty without any reward. The dangerous • condition of $t. Paul's cathedral is shown ln the fact that 40 masone are kept constantly employed the year round in the work of renovation and repairs. • There is a movement in London to raise funds for the establishment of a chair of temperance in London Un- iversity, as an off -set to brewing pro- fessorship at Birmingham UniverSitY. A quaiut celebration took place at Ives, Cornwall, Eng., Sunday, when the memory of John Knill, formerly collector of customs • and attorney, who died in Louden ..in 1811, was commemorated by dancing' and sing- ing. around his.mausoleum. • A despatch from Tipperary, Ire- land, says the harvest women are parading through the .tewn headed by it bell -man, in a riot against the , • , • use of harvesting machinery, and mending fixed wages. Requisitions have been sent out for extra. police. .• UNITED STATES. • ' • • Naples, N. Y., has a grasshopper. plague. . . . Hatchet Carrie Nation has started on a lecturing tour, - • Chicago is to have. an all-night de-• Partment store. Capital $500,00'0.• ' A .dying actress •at Omaha conies- ' sad that the child 'With her is a long. • Sought daughter of it rich merchant 05.ABuratizpiii;lilicnadti. . 6n fromSariFrancieco to allow. Chinamen employed on 'ships to unload them has been refus- ed at Washington. 1 • • • ••• • Sanitary officials on Staten Island • near New York have begun the treat-. • ment of neighboring ponds to de- stroy the breeding places of mesqui- . • An • infant, died of starvation 411,/ Judge Horton's court room at Chi- cago. while legal 'steps ,were -under ' Wart° provide for its care. Negleat- • ed by. parents.' •' Republican politicians, in studying the fielcl of candidatesfor the Presi- • ° deney 115 1904, consider Hanna 50 the lead: at preseat, although Roosevelt • . • and rairbanks have Many warm suP- • • orters in Congress. • A farm head near Rochester fell on • a scythe, the point cutting the jug- ular vein A. passing wheelmo.n open- ed his tire kit and with glue and tire paper dressed the wound till the in- jured man reached Rocheater. . • New London, Conn. will become an export station, with a $500,000 grain elevator, with a capacity of ' one and a half Million bushels, or 500 cars a day, and it, is expected that the Grand Trunk Railway. will • • co-operate in the enterprise. The young king of Spain May go.' into the navy. ' • . . The powers will prohibit importa- tion of • arms and ammunitiofl by. China for two years. •• . ,The Newfoundland .Government .will instal the wireless telegraphy System on the coast: of Labrador. . An American syndicate is seeking, to buee'forty giase fadtories in Bel- • gitim, • in oderato. destroy .'eompeti, tion. • •• • . • A financial, and industrial crisis in Gerarrest. Germany' ,,spreaditig. • A -•Cologne • bank is insolvent .and a., director un - de . • •• The mariufaetare of war Material is said to be very activeein China, . and the attitude of the Chinese ie sullen and defiant, • A big gold:stake has been me.de on. the Rand at a depth to prove that • thesgejd industry is established for at least seventy. years. Italy proposes to convert Vealce into a first-class unseal harbor, and that in carrying out, this plan she will dredge tho canals and fortify the islands. A recent order issued by the retina cipality of Budapest regulates that no barmaids 'under forty years shall be employed. in saloons, and hun• dreds Of young. women have been threeen out of work as a result. • . 1Vh1le the Russian battleship 1.11m-• peror .Alexander -III. was being latenehed during a gale, a flagstaLf in tho' dockyard was blown down, kite ling an officer and a, cadet, and in- juring the . commander of the battle-' ship and three cadets. Turks, incensed at the reastance of eight. BUlgarians who had raided Turkish territory a.nd killed an offi- cer and who had taken refuge in a peasant's house, fired the building, burning to death the Dulgarintis and the peasant, and his family. A. bill will be introduce* into "tho Australin n par] lainent lo prohibit tile the entrance of any immigrant who cannot write fifty words in English, who. suffered (rem a MU tagioUS ease, who is an inibecile. is 'likely to become11 burden, and who has been u. coevict within three yearn. dodo 13RITISI-1 IMPORTS INCRE1. SE EX/30AS Show a, Fantle Ofr isa.roa. With July, 1000. 11. th•spitteh front London ea.ty6:--• The trade returns for July show that there wits rth han eane 121 intet)rtri With Ic,t 3110110 of ea12,704,055, chiefly oi food and drink. There way a de- crease in the exports compared with the corresponding month of 11100 of I L164,780. • • •