HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-15, Page 1IRE CLINTON 22114 Year Another Trial Offer The News -Record will be sent to any address until October ist for • CLINTON,. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, .4kU6UST 15, 1991 Whole Millibar 1177 '10,.0.4•-•lia•Wb,sa"se-•40. 0 ,ga•eaawse..eefraii.wevie, • Saggirday, Aug. 17th First Midsummer11) • arvin M Cooper's Aookstoro ran most of the 313 biisiness days of the year we are look- ing for profit on the goods we sell but on Bargain Days profit and lose are out of the question. • This is our First Midsummer Bargain Day and we.want it to be a record for the future. • Space will not permit us to quote prices but vve ask your presence some time on Saturday. Whether you went to buy or not. •You can at lettat see the changes we have made in the interior a our store and also see our dainty . China Department. " Wall Paper at per single roll • 15c Books for . 25e Books •, Window Shades $25.00 Bicycles 15e Writing Tablets for • • Silks at per spool • Stamped Linens at reduced prices 25e and 35e Belts at • ' • - Buckles at • Many special lines in hinaware • 2c a,nd 3e • • 50 2 for 25e 25e $5.00 5c • 50 50 9c If you cannot come :Saturday, come Majoaday, Tuesday or Wednesday. • • ' $ Agents for 0.• P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express 1 Money Orders, s'iso for Butterick Patterns. W. Cooper, o., CLINTON. S. A. Meetings. A welcome meeting. will be held in the S. A. barracks on Thursday night to welcome Captain and Mrs.McDowell who are taking charge of corps here, They are natives of Newfoundiand. •On Tuesday next a special service will be conducted by Staff Captain Rawl- ings of London and on the following by three bird, night anaagic lantern service will be Miss Graham, soloist, Toronto, who held in the barracks, . is the guest of Mrs. R, P, Reekie, will The Apple Cropsing in the Ontario street church at Mr. R. Elliott shipped a carload of next Sonday's services, , early apples to Toronto on Tuesday. In order to get this amount, owing to the scarcity, Mr. Elliott says he had to buy in Colborne, Hallett and CI oderich townships, He says the price will be at least two dollarsper barrel so that • for what the farmer has he will be well •paid •and tieed not concern himself brother of our , greatly about early selling, esteemed citizen, Mr R, Oluff. It is expected that Mrs. Scruton Dead. Rector Cluff will assist again at St. • The second of our citizens to lease his Paul's en Sunday next. mother within a week is Mr. John • The Clinton hospital acknowledges Scruton who received a telegram from with thanks some beautiful boquets of Vienna,Elgin county,last night stating • flowers sent by Mr. • Alexander thathis only surviving•parent had join- Mackenzie.' It alsa wishes to acknow- ed the great majority. Her husband ledge its sincere thanks to Mrs. Janaes predeceased her several years. Mr, *Hearn for a handsome and very com- Scrutan was not aware that she was fortable reclining chair received some dangerously ill, so the news came time ago. as a great shock to him. He left thie Making Ready for Apple Jelly. morning to attend the funeral. Mrs. • Mr. S. J. Andrews is busy improving Little Locals. The carpenters are busily engaged improving the interior of the Palace. Oantelon Bros, made their first ship - meet of early apples and plums on Tuesday. The Clirttten Gun Club defeated God- ericla on the local grounds yesterday "I•AIWII400.10.411..41~tiogab, 111.-1110.40,•••,4•A~gie•b?":411..qb,46,4ft, vaimstmaressmataiisms...sms ..mmimemmumunexccz 01b,e44b458•14,0.41b-e•olbee.tb-046.0-46.6.0.o.04e-e•fa.alit " .. o, What can wehave for Is the cry of every housekeeper. •chahge.?: WE SUGGEST A FEW APPETIZERS SUCH AS Strawberry Pie 'Plant• •Pine Apple Chunks • Stuffed Pickles Chili Sauce or A Can of Spinach. ' Save your Eggs and Use Burriett's (Jaffee Clearer to settle your Coffee.. Leaye your order for 'Lettuceand Young Onions early in the week. 0 • • Mr: Onslow °rich has been appoint- ed • cemetery • caretaker vice Mr. R. Reynolds resigned. • Chief Welsh will ring the early bell and perform other duties of night watchman. The rector of St. Paul's church was assisted on Sunday last by the Rev, W. T, Claff, rector of Strathroy, e Seruton had, been a resident of Vienna • for a great many years. VOW Concert The Ladies' Aid Society of Ratten. • bury street intend giving a parlor concert , at the home of Mr. A. Arm- strong on Friday evening of this week, commencing at 8, o'clock. A splendid program is being prepared which will consist of recitations and musical .sel- ections, both vocal and hastrinnental, by home and visiting talent. A silver • collection will be taken at the door. Ice bream and gale, etc., will be served to those desiring it. A pleasant even- • ing is in store for those who attendand • all are invited. • - () le Cool)e.r Co.* 4) • o ; CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. • THE CASH GROCERY 040:4194t.0.11iNA541b,(15.‘i>lviadnost..&005&c,em,e•gms•qtt.,0,,gt..em.00,..b.6.0-s•ct (1) . ' • WATCHES . 0•11k4K.,040,0•( A watch you have no faith in is not safe one to carry• . We guarantee our watches and tell you the facts &bent thein. A watch bought from us is a safe watch. We sell them at a fair price. Expert 'Watch Repairer. • P. C • Jeweller and optician. Biddlecombe's Old Stand, 1•1•11N•11•..11.11M111•• ••••••••••••••••••••&••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••* * Wisdom Cometh 7? With Experience Better come here for SHIRTS Where experience has taught all buyers that every shirt we sell is a mouey-saving , proposition, Yo6have the opportunity \ here of selecting from a stock of SHIRTS the pattern and style of which ----:,--:----- Come abd look over this stock, Its magnificence will astonish you, just received from a shirt factory a case of Drill Shifts at a bargain and we are sellieg the 75c line for 50c. HATS A SPEOI &LTV'. • are exclusive. Morrish My I -hitter. Mees Ready /Hades • • We have them from five dollars per • suit up to eleven. Our five dollar ' line is the best value we have ever bad in stock. It is made from a dark grey, broken check, Halifax tweed, one of those tough wearing things • that always give good satisfaction. The other lines are equally good value. Ab J. HOLLOWAY. Union Meeting V. P. S. •. On Monday evening next there will be held in the Presbyterian church a union •meeting of 'all the Young Peoples' Societies of the town. Mr. A. T. Cooper Will give the. report of the Cincinnati 0. E. • convention. He' attended all the sessions of this con- vention and was One of the speakers Those who have ' heard A. T. on •con- vention• work need not be told that he will give a most interesting and zeal -inspiring report. The meet- ing will commence at 8 e'clock. A col- lection will taken up in aid of the Heron County 0. E. 'Union. All are cordially invited to attend. • the plant of his ;till where, during the season, he manufactures first-class cider, apple butter and jelly. He is Of a mechanical and inventive turn of mind so has more labor-saving appli- ances in his mill than may be seen in any other mill a the class in the •county. He is' thas enabled.not only to do better work but as well to de more of it The demand for his jelly has increased largely and in addition to the local trade be will this season make a carload shipment to Manitoba. Died In Aylmer. — .On Wednesday last Mr. J. B. Hoover received a telegram from -Ayliner ap- prising • him of the death of •his mother., The - deceased lady had suffered intensely from .malignant . , cancer since November lest and her death was not utexpected. Her hush - and predeceased her eleven years. Ali the family were' present at the funeral except one. son who lives in •Dakota., Mr. Hoover,who went to Aylmer to at tend the funeral returned to Olkiton on, Friday night ' ICIPPEN. Regrettable Occurrence. --Henry Shaeffer, our hotel proprietor for forty years, had been saving up to meet ari obligation (as he says) but unfortunat ly •on Wednesday evening some per Sons called in for a few moments and the proprietor accompanied them to the door. He had made change from his wallet at the time they were in and put it hastily in his inside vest pocket, While at the door he was attracted to hie butcher shop and stables across the road and for some time busily engaged hustling around, Finally he sat down to rest and dis- covered his pocket book with about $P1O was not in his pocket where he is positive he put it. The mystery ie what has become of it. Search has been made in every part but still no trace., • Mr. and Mrs. ' Shaeffer are kindly and obliging to their neighbors end the general public and their loss is very much regretted, Mies S. Oudmore is spending a time with her parents during the between seasons from her dressmaking business in Seaforth. She is a welcome visitor in these parts ainongst old and new friends. • Miss A.. Consitt returned from the Pa -American and speaks with praise of the gigantic exposition and that no expense evidently hae been spared, td make it most excellent. • .• Again, hurrah for Manitoba; The old reliable G. T. agent at the station seems with ncids against hinaovith outside solici4tion from C. P. R. and other•agents,Co hold his own territory, and perhaps draw from ' others. The fallowing left here on Tuesday: Arthur Screenan,Wm.TalbotGeorge Geoffrey, • George Workman and brothel, Parr Line, JOB, I3u1t, Thos, Workman, Mrs. Jas. Cothrane .James Brown, Nelson Beaver, Albert Mains and Mr. Heron°. A Bachelor's Farewell. Ib has been the Custom for a few years among a number of young men itt • town, with whom the bond of friendship ' has been and continues strong,to give a supper upon the eve of the marriage of one of their number. Among those who have been given e, send-off are "Doc" Shaw, "Pat" Spalding and "Jimmie" MoMurchie, • The organization admits of no initia- • tions,consequently isbecoming smaller, the only two elegibles now remaining being Captain MeTaggart and. Mr- W. D. Fair. Of these, well let time tell the tale. • It was this company which gathered in the bachelor parlors of Mr, W. 1). Fair on Friday night last. Dr, Shaw was chairman with Captain Mc- Taggart in tile vice chair. During the course of the evening, an address, ea- cotnpanied by a decanter, rt. beautiful piece of cht glass, was presented to Mr, Norman Fair, who was about to be- come a beriedict. For the same reason a cream and sugar-, accompanied by a letter conveying the regards and good wishes of the company, was sent to Mr. A. Porter. The whole affair was de: cidedly infornattl bat an the more en- joyable on that account. Song, speech and story filled the hours but it was • early when, with one foot on the table and. the other on the chair, Auld Lan g Syne was heartily sung. ' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 OP " Nuilmi nib ,,,..,!,ipigo 1,-,-!li .., ! ' „•Ira,‘, sevaLi . i I, 1• Likeness Henry's There's always a • striking resem- blance between the photograph and the origund • when we do the work. We our husinessto know • about posing,te. touching, mom - ting and finish. hut, The work is well done in eyery step up to the laat, I 0 <21.0alle.iiKlie Pholt) 0.1644000 ellso Studio eiwaso101hest~i~1,40011-10-14000‘0000~~eie. harried in Winnipeg. Mr. W. Bertram Davis of Cart- wright, Man., third son of Mr. S. Davis of town, was married in Winnipeg on • August 7th.to Miss Pcnnerey of Weed - Stock, this province. • Mr. Davis is a Clinton Old Boy and his many friends here would like to have the opPortim- tenitY of personally congratulating hiti upon the happy event they will do 80 10 spirit, however. Ile is carry- ing on a drug business in CartvVright, a growing village in Southern Manitoba, the • political • complexion of which would just' about suit his father, sixty Tories to some six Grits. An August Wedding. • On Thursday of last week the resi- dence of Mr, Arthur Twitchell was the scene of a pretty home wedding when his third daughter, Miss Lizzie, was united in marriage to Mr. Alex, Lewis of Winghana. The ceremony was performed at high noon by Bev. Dr, Gifford in tlae presence of only the immediate friends of the contracting parties. The groorosmaii was Mr. George Marshall, while the bride was assisted by her sister, Miss Alice, with her mice, little Miss Iva Twitchell of Hensel). as flower girl. The fah, bride was charmingly attired in French suisse muslin end carried a hernia of White roses, while the bridesmaid was gowned in white dimity and carried a boquet of pink roses, Miss Iva Twit - shell was dressed in white with wreath of roses and carried a basket of floWers, The ceremony was performed under it floral bell and as the party took their places the wedding march was played Mi80 Mabel Twitchell. After a dainty luneheori had been partaken of, Mr. aria Mrs. Levvis left by the after- noon train for the east and will spend the honeydoon visiting in Hamilton, Iltiffalo and other places. On their return' they will take up housekeeping Itt Wingham. The bride's trayelling suit was of gray cloth. The good Wiahes of the bride's very many friends here are extended to them, An evi. dente of the esteem in which the bride is held was tile large number of wed- ding presents and, 15 IS worthy of • mention, there were no two alike. The grooni's gift Was it. gold watch, and ehain. Ardent( those who witnessed • the interesting eeent were: the par., eats of the groom, Mr. and Mrs, S. • Lewis of Ilitgarsville, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldrick of Hagarsyllie, Mies. Edith Jardine of Pine Itiver, Miss MeCreatlx of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs, Robert ) Twitchell of Heiman, 10 cents. weeks for 10 •cents, VARNAj Mr. and Mrs. Forgie vtarthi, the new host and hostess of our village hostelry, ave become popular among our pee,- . They keep a good house at which it is a pleasure for the hungry on Weary or both to stop. Now that the harvest is Pretty well over Mr, Lanty Beatty may take things easier for a time. He has had a brisk season and made many sales ea farm implements. Mr. Beatty has a fine territory in which to canvas and he makes the most of it. Mr. 3. T. Cairns of Kirkton visited around Varna on Thursday and Friday of last week. We are pleased to learn that J. T. is getting along well in Kirkton, as he ought tia. • Me. 13; A. Higgins has disposed of his famous trotting stallion Sid Tolstoi for a fancyfigure to Mr. Charlie Don- aldson who has taken it to Thessalon where he has purchased a half interest in a livery stable. • Mrs. L. Beatty returned on Saturday from her father's on the 16th of (*oder- Rey. Jas. Abray lYlonkton perform- ed a similar clety at night. At the iiculigtaowwnesehki.p where she had been spend - evening service Miss Case of Detroit rendered a beautiful solo in fine style. Miss Minnie Campbell of the 16th of Grey township is visiting at S. Rath- Mr. and Mrs. Holman have enter - well's of Goderich township this week. tained a large number of guests this The Methodist church choir picnicked summer and have done well in uphold - at Bayfield on Thursday when a very ing the hospitality of out village. enjoyable time was spent. • Robt. I3eatty, our Old and esteemed teacher, has been around visiting friends. He .looks well and always !recelves tb general welcome. He did good work vvhile with our school. Mts. 'Breen and fanaily of Parkhill have returned hente after a 'month's visit with her parents, Mr: and Mrs. John Hagan of the Parr Line • Our school teachers are all begirming • te turn up themselves instead of the boys Two •or three have put in their almost 'utirecognizahle appearance,. after having camped but, • and • express thernselyee as though they would like to rest for the balance of the holidays at least. • Thos. Dinsdale and sons are busily engaged threshing in this part and report returns much better than was • expected. • The 91d gentleman is flying, around as ninthly as ever, attending to the engine, cracking jakes and keening all hands actively engaged. - , Stock Shipments. The live stock shipments this week consisted of three carloads of . cattle sent off by Mr. 0. E. Reid. They in- cluded twenty head bought from Mr. John Dale of Hallett which tipped the beam at 30,210 pounds. Of the lot -one steer weighed 1700 pounds and another pair 3340. Twenty• head bought from Mr, D. • McEwen of *Stanley weighed 28,295 pounds, four head fed by Isaac Jones of Goderiett township weighed 4775 and two from F. McEwen �f the same township had a weight 2250. On the sarae day Wallis and Cantelon shipped 100 hogs and R.Fitzsimons one carload. Pat. Murray May Never Come Back. Pat. Murray, horse trader, etc., who has lived about town for a year, left last week and May 'neyer come back. Jimmie Grimes accompanied Pat He was, enticed, he says, by th'e promise of ten dollars a month but in taking the boy Pat. rendered himself liable for kidtiapping and • Jimmie's mother promptly laid a charge against him. Mayor jacksori issued a warrant which was placed in Chief Welsh's hands for execution. • The Chief followed the trail to Exeter where it was taken up by Detective Westacott who located the pair at Ltlean, To make a long story short, the boy came home on Thursday a. m's train but Pat, is roam- ing' over his old hunting grounds tothe south. If he remainm' s away froOlin - ton the charge will not be pushed but if he returna Chief Welsh will have him in custody in short order. BAYFTLD. Captain .Frank Keegan and 'Tack Alameda the tug Eagle are home, the Eagle haying been laid up, and are now busy seaming on a gang of nets for the fall fishing. Mr. G. W. Holman is in Hamilton this week attending the High Court of Ontarie I. 0, F. Mr. Holman is one of the veterans of the order and has been twelve times a delegate. Mr. • Marks' cottages are in great demand, The present tenants • are: Mr. E;•.Nl. IVIcLean and family of Clin- ton, Mrs. Frank Glass and family of Londen, liar. Dorsey and company of Seaforth, Mesdames Downs • and Chowen and families of Olieton, Mrs. Combs and family of Clinton, Mis, Mrs. Georiagc7VP:1401); accompanied Lbyucyh,eirs• adtauthgehtpearrse, aMtailsuseostnalcs,timryr, and Alterno.yTe23.4Muaat:wksi,l'l idter eananabesxetnecueciel the long continued hot weather caused „Trcea.nviltatew, ter. Whose hanae is at where her liusband is engaged in the stook business, says immense claraage to the crops .in that etato, especially to the great staple, oernot otrl cern, eBst tAol es setababasi the rhgc e,ob, glue kaeq eunsas wnivititihs: sestnehrsocti entr mf.aairlds., 1 en and J. A. Jeffries,, A. A. Garrett, and C. L. Grumshaw. London ; G. F.' Tull, , II.• 0, Hersey, T. 8, Fessant, j. Oar bald and family of Winglaarn. The , Jordon and family, _London ; Miss , E, uptown cottage has been. occupied by G. Henry,,Stratford ; Miss E. 3, Canna - Mrs. GovenInck, Miss Govettloek and bell, Guelph ; 0. ,11. Clark; Toronto, Miss Rudolph of Seaforth. • ' •• D. R. Harrison, Ridgetown. • Rev. Mr. Richardeon occupied tlae Misses Jennie Erwin and Kate Parke pulpit of St. Andrew's church on Sab- were visiting the Douglas and Keys bath morning yery acceptably, while fammiislisesEaltiaBlackaemoenroMnonadayth.e 7;llage gave a dance to her friends in joWett's pavilion on Monday • Miss Case of Detroit gave a party at the Queens oq Monday night. ' Made • , for dancing was furnished by piano and violin. Mr. Harry Darrow was the violinist. •. ,• . • Mr. A. E. Erwin Was in Clinton on Monday. ' • • -• •• • Harry and ' John Falconer, Alex. Brown, Ed. Reid and William Sander- son of theerew of the Bayfield, which lay yy nn t hgen vdieirjaicghe, harbor, •spent Sun- • Holman, nephews, and Mrs. John Misses Lottie and Queenie Martin • . Owens a sister from London. These went last week'llto Toronto where they represented different families and were much pleased vvith the beautiful nen- ery and Ood roads of balmy, breezy Bayfleld and did not forget to take a plunge in old Lake Huron. . Miss Grace Cameron returned home from Detroit On Friday and will re- main for several weeks • • -Mr. James Burns is combining the apple tree business .with a real estate • agency, representing a London .firm. By the way, Mr: Burns has become somewhat of nn authority on roses and claims by " cutting back" to -he able to talk) two crops each seasoni in June and August, George and Ed. King left for Mani- toba on uLeosndatyo.f St. M. ary's,who with his wife, ,arid fareilY are saimmering here, Celled upon Mrs Marks on Mon- day, ;who had. not seen him ha • twenty• seven years. • He was ' once ,upon a time a clerk in the Palace at Clinton but now owns a big establishment of his own. • • • Thiti has been a good, season -for the fishermen who almostinvaritably make profitable hauls, but whereas there. were two boats out last season there is now only one. • Mr. Murdoch Ross con fines himself to running excursions for the many yisitore to One `village and as his bolts a staunch craft and, Mur- doch a most capable man at the tad - der or with the sails, he is very well patronized. • The fishermen now at work are John Toms John Fergusrin • and 0. Dressler, who have three set of nets and take day about. They are a • trio of old reliables and never happier than when out upon the rolling weves• . There were two services in the Eng- •lish cjaarch on Sunday, Rev, Mr. 'Parke cond.ucting at the usual hour while Rev. ' Mr. Kerrie of Mitchell preached in the evening. Oar village is. a popular holiday place with clergy - area of the Church of England of whom there is generally two or more in our midst during the hot spell, .Rev. Mi. Jennings will be holne this week sand 'take the work next Sunday. Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Mason of the Bluncey Reserve were guests of Mrs. (Rev.) Yelland on Tuesday while on their way to Gederich where they may locate after Mr. IVIason superannu- ates at the next Confereace. Mrs, (Dr.) Gunn and family, who have been spending a, couple of weeks here, returned to Clinton on Saturday, Messrs, 0. H. 13roadfoot and R. Cresswelinf Seaforth , were guests ab the River hotel fora few days of the past week. Mr. Broadfoot expects to leave about the middle of September • for New Mexico, there to remain for the winter. He has 'a friend down there engaged in the cattle trade. Miss Daisy Middleton of Goderich township and Mr. Arthur Keith.' of - Mitchell are among the guests of Mrs. T. j. Mark& Mr. James Marks, who came home some time ago from Seattle, Wash., purposes leaving again shortly, this tinae for Colorado. Though but twenty two years of age he has travell- ed over seyeral of the Western States and has seen a good. deal of life in that far -away country. • Tlais past week they were vieited by a Re v.• Mr. Davidson returned home on number of relatives froin Chicago who TuesdaY from. the Soo where he had came aver on the London 'Old 13oys' been enjoying his anonth's holidays. excursion:from that City. These were Mists Callon Of Detroit is the gue§t of James Holman, a brother, and Mrs. her sister, Mrs F. Martha. • Holman ; Geo. M. Holmen, a nephevV, Mr. W, Cook of Egniondville was hi and his wife, A. F. Holman,: Lewis the village on Monday making seine necesSary repairs on his property here. Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Foster spett a few days at the Grend ' Bend last week enjeying the liealtlafal breezes, They returned on Monday; accorapa,n- ied by Mrs. Mullard of that place who intends visiting Mende in this vicinity for some time Mrs. G. Turnbull andthildien visited at. her father's. on Wednesday of last Week. . She Also -called en other Varna, friends.' • '" • • The following from Varna or vicinity -left for Manitoba onTuesday :5 Spar row; 0. Weelrea•and daughter Lottie and James. Armstrong. R. .1VIcCool• joined the latter at Drutribo. • Notwithstanding the dry weather, Mr. Thonaas KeYes had some Hungari- an grass that grew in his garden which measured 5 feet 5 inches long while . some of the heads measured Eii• inches. We hardly think' such growthas this can be found in eyery garden.: . • 'Mrs. Treat and her daughter of •Chi - cage are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mts. ,J miles Johns. She will reinain f�r •a month when her husband Will join her. • • Miss A. j. Reyes is spending her 40l...• iclays with friends on the 13abylen. IVIiss Nellie Davidson returned to her borne in London on Saturday atter a month's visit it the manse.: She was accompanied to her home by Master Willie Davidson. • ' . . I • Fred. Purdy returned borne on Set- 'urday frena Ingersoll Where he has for several weeks been working for .the Ncixon flrm.1 . • . Mrs: Mate and, .daughter of ,St. Clait are pests at Mr. Thomas Ward's this week. •" • • Mr, Thos. Jarroti of Courtwright was a guest et, the parsonage cia Tues- day. • Rev, J. W. Andrews.' and wife end Master Russell drove to Wyonaing on • Wednesday on a visit to IVIr. Andrews' brother who is stationed at that place. Rev. W. G. Richardson, Preabiterian uneiaterat 'Wyoming, is visiting at the homestead on the Baylield. Road, so to their mutual satisfaction an ex. • change of work was arranged for next Sunday. The Methodist • and Presby- terian denoMinatione have so much in common that by. and by they will unite. Mr. Andrew Reid is making things hunt le the threshing line jest now with his two machines. The one that is Acting the biggest work is manned. by the two )3illies, Osmond and Wiley, who, at Mr. John Dennison's the other day, threshed 1,000 bushelof oats and 500 bushels of peas. The started to work after dinner and finished before five o'clock. We don't much wonder they made the work fly for being both spry young, bachelors they want to quake a; favorable impression on the fair Sex. We really expect that after these folk's work ie done they will be bachelors no longer. The question is often asked, is it right for a Methodist to trade horses? A. Methodist preacher once 'said it is unless you let the other fellow beat you; but, say boys, don't trade too near Sunday morning for you might find at daylight that you have got a cripple, Mr. Thomas Ward Mid his guests drove to Bayfleld on Monday afternoon to enjoy Huron's breezee for a time. Miss Maggie Moffat is visitieg at Ur. J. T. Cairns' at Kirkton this week, . Mr. IL E. Fair is spending this week with his parents in Lucan before renewing his duties on August 10th. STANLEY TOWNSHIP." 1),6..3, T. Cairns of Kirkton was a guest at the home ofMr. W.L. Keys on Friday last. , Mr. Wilbur Leech of Toronto yisited friendin this community recently. One day last week Miss Grant Of • Harriston and Mise .Wayu of ATton, who were wheeling to Bayfield, called on Mrs, Wm. Keys Sr. • The Misses Bates of Seaforth visited • their friends on the Babylon last week. Miss Flossie Cole, accompanied by h er cousin, was the guests of the formers aunt, Mrs. J. T. Keys, on Thursday last, The Misses Andrews of Varna,accona- panted by their friends,spent Thursday evening as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys. Miss Maggie McKinley of Him-tend- ville is visiting friends00the Goshen this -week. Mrs. Dickson, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Bates and Sam., spent Sunday evening with Me. and Mr13. W. L. Keys. • Messrs, Nelson Keys, Isaac Erre% Tom Dowson and Sem. Johnston have sold their horses. to Mr. bleMann and delivered tlaera itt Seaforth on Satur- day !est • Mrs. G. R,. Keys and her cousin, Miss Smith, spent Friday with friends in • Tuckersinith. Miss A. J. Keys of Varna is visiting friendp on the Babylon this week. Messrs, S.T,and Nelson Keys deliver- ed the cattle purchased by Mr, 3. Reid on Monday last. • Mr. .A.ndy Foote called at Mr. W. L. Keys' last Friday. Mr. W. L. Keys joined the number to see Manitoba on Tuesday of this week. Mr. J. D. Peck, who has been home for the tong holidays,returns this week to Orillia, to be nearly to take up his school duties on Monday. He has been helping in the harvest and looks as brown as a berry and as hard al nails. Mrs. William Webb of Keewatin is visiting her brother, Mr. Conrad Zaire of the Goshen,and her father who lives near the Grand Bend, Mr. McGregor, Mrs.' Stewart and Miss Stewart of New York are guests ab Mr. Richard Peck's, Messrs. Ed. Sohnstone and Chas Stephenson Ieft for Manitoba Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs, Robb. Reid. and (laugh- ter of Itidgetown are visiting at the former's brother's, Mr. J. W. Reid, at present, Rev. Geo. Richardson and sistere from Wyoming are visiting under the • parental roof at present. Mr. Ben. RAM:well and Oster Addie and Miss Campbell of Grey were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. Itathwell on • Sunday last. Mr, Robt. Reid, B. A.,of Itidgetorri, who has been visiting friends around here, left for Toronto on Mondrtv to aeatialittaneee for a fele daye. Fair4rWin At high noon yesterdaY Miss Linnie C. Irwin, third daughter of Mr. It. ' Irwin became the wife of Mr. Norman Pair of the firm of 5. & N. Fair, mill- ers. Theinteresting ceremony, tvhich was performed lay Rev. Sas, Hamilton of Londeatioro in the presence of only immediate friends of the contracting parties, took place at the residente of Mr. Irwin which had been beautifully decorated for the occasion with roses• , sweet peas- and blue and white bunt- • ing. The bride's wedding dress was 01'White silk and her travelling suit of' brown cloth with hat to match, while the bridesmaid, her sistet, Miss Mary Irwin, wore yelloie silk =Win. Cap- tale MeTaggarb was groomsman, Folibviing the ceremony was the Wedding luncheon after which Mr. and. Mrs. Flair drove to the G. T. It. station and left by the2.55 train for the east. There was it great throng of friends of the young people at the Station and for • a time there Was it rice revel, Mr, and Mrs. Pair will take it trip • down the St. Lawrence and • he absent about ten days. On their re- tatn they will take up housekeeping on Mitrystreet in the read:alp former- ly occupied by Dr. Donee. ntil MAW:- Rgeonn joins heartily in, the coograt- Wagons and good wishes. will remain until after the exhibition. . Mr. Stervart Gordon of Midlaud Mich., ` where he .carries on n gents' furnishing and- ready-mades business; was in the village last week shaking hands with old-time friends lie is it Bayfield • Old Boy and firet left here •twenty years ago. His brother, who in the early days clerked in one of. out, stores has since risen to distinction in the practice of law; being now a judge in Detroit , Mrs. Williana Haines of tear Tees water, Who has beet) visiting her &nigh - ter, Mrs. Drehmann, for the past two months returned home this, week with , her husband who drove down on Sat - Mr. Nichol Robson of Clinton was in the village on business on Monday. • 'Misses ' Anderson • arid Isbisett of • • whe; were robming at Mr. Stinson'e for'. a fortnight went home on Tuesday. • Mrs. Brandon and Miss _Brander: of 13elgrave are guests at Mr. W. 3.. • Brandon's. • ' ' • Mr, 'James Donaldson of Bruce Mines has been spending a few ,clays in and about the village It was freely reported around the village on Monday Shat lie would :not return to Brfice Mines alone but James energetically denied the s'oft impeachment. The Methodist S. S. will picnic in. Bayfiekl on • Wednesday; The fifty scholars, eight teachers and 4, ritnnber of the parents Who are going will fill several carryalls. Mr. E. W. Erwin is the efficient suPerititendent of the 5: S. Among these who: registered. at the River hotel this past week were:: Mrs Walter Thompson, Misies 0., and V. Thompson end:Mies Archer of Mitch- ell ; Misses Grant and Winger, 'Ethel; R. McLean of Stratford; Mrs. Hummei and tivo eons of Detroit ; Mrs. S. 13roadfoot and Miss Broadfoot, Sea - forth; Mrs. Thos. Davis, Mitchell; Mrs. Boles, Miss Boles, Mrs Patterson and the two Miss Pattersons of Inger - soli ; Mrs. Dr. Murray, London; Miss • Minnie Jones, Stratford, •We have now two barber shops, Mr. Thomas Cameron having bought • the Outfit of •Mr. Keinp while Mr. Stinson has fitted up a shop in the rear • of his grocery. His chair le new.one,,, he having used it hut a short time in Seaforth a few years ago. A garden party will be held on the rectory grounds on Tuesday evening • of next week, the 205h inst. Admis- sion, including supper. 20c children • 15c. • The battalion band will be in at- tendance. Preparations are being made to make this the garden party of the season and an enjoYable• time is assured. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mrs. Thos. Sanderson was the guest of Miss Georgina johnstone on Wed.. nesday last. • , • Mrs. Et Peek aha her sister, Mr. G. Porgie of Wingham, visitea friends near Exeter bast week. Messrs. John and W. Rathwelt and sister Mabel of Brucelleld visited at She home of Mr. W. Itathwell en Sun- day last. . Miss Mary Clark of Chicago is vis in g her sister, Mrs. Wm. Keys, present. renew old , Mr. II. Snider was 'the recipient of Alisses Charlotte and Minerva Bates a. doz. beautiful silver spoons with his 1 of Seaforth are visiting their brother, initials engraved thereon it few days Mr • Gdorgo Bates of Milbrook Farm, ago. Of cones° they were front it Miss 3, Simpson, also of Seaforth, is s particular friend as Herbert is qUite it guest at the Sairie hospitable home, favorite among the ladles, nrni wli I'M CITY. • :nendeue nd to a number of their f Charlie Tisdall and Duncan Stephen owe ria in the pavilion last riday nog e. o Brdsleep. Chais now staying at F e so- The Whits City is growing. A num- her "of Seaforth camps have just come, The Winghant boys have given up their bachelor quarters. No doubt good food and a soft bed will seem. more suitable. Charlie Bell is an etcellent cook. Griff, says he has no time "Peaceful Valley" eamp. Andrew Forrester is also one of the number, Gus. Mo.cLaughlin has retureed to town. Say, Gus., how does the work 4' Mr. Wiseman, visited hiVarnily here last thSeurew Sunday. . many picnicks ber, last week. St, Paul's ehurch pictic as a great success anti as Goderieh has . half holiday every Wednesday after- noon, it.large numbet from the cont.. ty town spent their afternoons here. Why does Will. Oantelon look so • sadP Cheer up Will., the news may not be true, ° The Misses Feather and Gardner have returned to Clinton after spend. Ing hiatne ceiti,ayable four .we,eks in the w • xttoMrtsot,wes.tneA.ondrows spent a few days with, was Mood poisoned and had to return heneon but unfortunately she MISA Dancy of Goderielt and Mg Etlisies n Itorehts.of Clinton are gueste Miss or The• bitactoin.idgweather did ri not preVe thli IIILLSGREEN. • Illessrs,Thos. Jarrett and It. F.Stelek returned from the Pan-American and report it good tin3e, On Friday of last; week Mr. Isaac Hudson gave a number of his ftiendfi it pienic to Bayfield. The day was spent in boating and other amusements and in the evening they enjoyed them- selves at a dance in the pavilion. All report a pleasant day. Mrs. James Cochrane left Tuesday morning for Dakota where she wilt visit her sons and other friends. • On Thursday of last week, Mr, Chas. Troyer treated a number of his friends and neighbors to a. picnic at the Grand • Bend, A most enjoyable time VMS spent, The Rev, G. Long and wife and 14b... John Sherrit M. P., Joined the pieniekers during the day and had a • plettaatit tittle also. Mr. Alfred Reichert has purchased it new wheel. Among those wholef 5for Westward ho were: Mosta. Alex Forrest, Chas. Currie, NOrttlian Workman, tain,Work. Irian and John Turnert •